Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Pac-Man Fever

Dean wakes up in this office, wearing a military uniform and a medical lab coat. He's confused to where he is, looking around.

"What the hell?"

And then goes over to stop the music playing on the record player. But only thing is, the music just gets louder in the room. Then he sees a table barricaded against the door. he slides it out of the way, and takes the leg off before exiting the room, finding along the hallway, dead medical staff.

"What the hell is this?"

One has a newspaper and he grabs it, reading it and it reads 'Truman Denies Military Experiments'.


He continues along the hallway, and finds an elevator and it won't open. Just then there's growling and this figure approaches him.

24 Hours Earlier

Dean had been out on a beer run, I stayed behind and watched the security cameras he hacked into to watch over Kevin's mother's place, the library, the gas station and the shipyard. It isn't long before Dean comes back with food and beer, setting each on the table.

"Anything interesting?" He asks, removing his jacket.

"Nope. It's been quiet."

He drapes his jacket over the chair next to me and then sits as he looks at the computer screen. He grabs one of the beers and opens it, then offers me one.

"Not now, but thank you for offering." I kiss his cheek. "Oh look, Sam's awake." I point out.

Dean looks over too and we see Sam tired as hell, his hair a mess, and he wasn't looking too good.

"I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers-"

"Oh shut up."

I laugh to myself.

"Uh..what time did I lay down?"

"You took a rest around noon...yesterday." Dean replies, grabbing a beer and tossing it to him.

It misses and crashes to the floor in a smash.

"I'll go clean it up." I roll my eyes amusedly, as I get up and head to the kitchen to get things to clean it up with.

"I'm sorry."

"That's why we don't have nice things Sam. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. know what, I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin."

"Hey hey hey hey hey, easy. Easy sleeping beauty. Look man, I've hacked into every security camera around Garth's house, boat, Kevin's hometown, where Mrs. Tran lived."


"Nothing." I state, cleaning the glass and the beer off the floor.

"So far." Dean adds.

"Dean, we have to find him."

"I know, I know. But look, Garth is out looking for him, we got a hunter APB out on Kevin, we will do what we can from here. While you get better."

"I'm fine. Dean, I can still go out there, I can still hunt."

"Really?" Dean says, before walking off and motioning Sam to follow.

"I'm coming too." I state, getting up from cleaning and follow.

We walk into the target practice room and Dean loads the gun.

"This is stupid." Sam states and Dean shoots the gun, hitting the target no problem before loading it again.

"Alright. You hit that target, we'll talk about you getting back out there."

"No problem." Sam states, grabbing the gun, holding it with one hand and he's a little shaky. He then holds it with both hands and ends up missing the target.

"Look man, the second trial hit you a lot harder than the first one. I don't know if it was just more intense or what."

"Felt the same. Till the next day."

"So, we're gonna sit tight. Keep an eye out until you...get better."

I follow Dean out and we head back out into the main area of the lair. Sam follows and goes over to the computer, seeing that an email has come through. He exits the camera feed and goes to the email.

"It's from Charlie."

"Charlie?" I ask, Dean and I walking over.

"In the neighborhood, found you guys a case."

"Found us a case?"

"In the neighborhood? How the hell does she know where we are?"

"Uh...well she doesn't. Not exactly at least. It says she tracked out cells to a 20 mile radius, then the signal went out. Huh. This place must be in some kind of like...Bermuda Triangle."

"So you're saying we can make and receive phone calls from here and nobody can track us?"


"Man I love this place."

"Well let's call her and tell her where we are so we can meet her halfway and bring her back." I say, going to me and Dean's room to get my coat.

Sam does just that, telling Charlie where to meet us, before he gets ready for the day and Dean pulls on his coat. We go to the meeting point and stand outside the car and wait, watching as she pulls up.

"Charlie!" I exclaim.

"Your highness!" Dean adds.

"What's up bitches?" She says amusedly and hugs us all.

"You okay Sam?"

"Yeah, no I'm good. Yeah. What're you doing in Kansas?"

"Uh...comic convention. In Topeka."

"In the middle of the week?"

"Girl's gotta get her collectibles. So, you gonna invite me into your dungeon or do I gotta answer you questions free first?"

"Follow us, let us introduce to you the Men of Letters." Sam states and we get back into the cars, heading back to the lair and going inside. We all get situated and we catch Charlie up on what's been going on.

"Holy awesome. Too bad they got wiped out. Though that is what they get for the sexist name."

"Well anyway, that's our skinny. How about you?"

"Um...made a deal with the Yester-Year weirdos. We're gonna team up to stomp the Shadow Orcs. You guys are still coming to he mid-year jubilee right?"

"Wouldn't miss it." Dean replies.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I nod.

"So, what about this case you brought us?"

"Oh, when I was in Topeka, I saw this pop up over the wire. Tom Blake, a checkout clerk in Selena who went missing on his way home from work. He was found dead yesterday, his insides...liquefied. Locals have no idea what happened. They tried to bury the report so people wouldn't freak, but I flagged it. I have eliminated the following things that go bump in the night-"

"Wait a second, when did you become such an expert?"

"Well after you guys left, I dug into all things monstrous. I'm a wee bit obsessive. If wee bit means completely. I also found a series of books by Carver Edlund. Did those books really happen? Wow, that is some meta-madness. Thanks for saving the world and stuff. Sorry you have zero luck with the ladies."

"We have to find every single copy of those books and burn them." Sam states.

"They're online now, so good luck with that."

"Awesome. Well you two crazy kids deal with that. Brooke and I will go to see if there's anything to this casey horse."

"Um, I'm coming with you. Brooke can stay here with Charlie." Sam tries to argue, getting up from his chair, almost falling.

"Whoa, are you sure you're okay?"


"No. You're taking a knee as long as you're off your game."

"I'll go with you two." Charlie offers.

"No disrespect okay, but there is a big difference between reading about hunting and actually hunting."

"I'm coming with." Charlie states.

"Well if you're coming with, there's one thing you need to learn how to do. Follow me."


"Target practice." I state. "You go with him, I have to get into my FBI uniform." I add, heading to the bedroom to change.

Charlie follows Dean and he loads the gun for her.

"Are you serious?"

"Okay, now if you can hit that target, then we can talk about you actually-" Dean trails off and Charlie shoots the gun, getting what would be two head shots.


"Alright, if you're gonna do a ride-along, then you got to lose the novelty t-shirts."

"Son of a pant suit."

Dean leaves first and head comes into the room just as I finish to get ready himself.

"I really hate to say this, but we're taking Charlie shopping." Dean mumbles.

"Aww poor you. Gotta sit through her trying on so many clothes."

"I'm not a 'shopping' guy."

"No kidding." I laugh. "Let's go." I add as Dean finishes getting ready.

The three of us leave and head to a local clothing store. Charlie gets her picture taken a few dozen times for the fake ids she's gonna need. Then she grabs a bunch of clothes and heads into the dressing room as Dean and I sit outside and wait, and he works on her ids. The first she comes out in is a black and white dress. I nod in approval, but Dean shakes his head 'no'. She heads back in and changes then comes out in a colorful pant suit. Dean looks amused for a minute then shakes his head 'no' again. The next few he says no to and when she comes out in a red pant suit thing, he grabs her phone and shuts her music off.


She finally comes out in a suit that's a Dean's eyes and he gives her the thumbs up.

"Trials? That's never good."

"Yeah and our prophet's in the wind."

"What about Castiel? He seems helpful and dreamy."

"He's MIA with a tablet of his own doing god knows what. I mean, to be honest, this whole thing is...I mean Sam's a tough son of a bitch but...guess I'm saying these trials are messing with him in ways that even he can't heal."

"If it's any consolation, your history, there is pretty much nothing the Winchesters can't do if they work together."


"Must be nice having a brother, having to always watch your back."

"Yeah. No brothers or sisters?"

"Actually I have two. Their names are xBox and PS3."

"In that case we so need to hang out sometime and play. I'm a video gamer myself." I remark.

"No way, then we so totally have to play sometime."

"Oh for sure."

"Getting no reception in here, can I use your phone?" Dean asks Charlie.


"Hey it's me, are you okay?"

"Yes Dean, I'm still fine. Look I-"

"-well let the healing continue. Check in with you later."

Both hang up and Sam tries target practice this time and gets the target.

"Close enough."

"So where are we heading first?" Charlie asks.

"The coroners. Gonna see if we can get a peek at that body."

"I don't know..." Charlie trails off.

"You'll be fine. Just try to treat it as LARPing okay?"

"Yeah." She nods.

"Good. Now let's go." I state and we leave the store, getting back into the car and heading to the Coroner's.

When we get there, we walk in and find the office. Dean knocks on the open door.

"Come in."

We walk in and Charlie takes out her fake id badge and holds it upside down nervously. I nudge her and she looks, quickly putting it away.

"Hi, special agent Hicks. These are my partners special agents Ripley and Marks. We're here about the body with the creamy filling." Dean speaks first.

"Ah, right. I didn't think you guys would have any interest in that."

"FBI ma'am. We never leave a stone unturned. Mind if we take a peek?"

"Course not. I just need your signed chain of custody request and it's all yours."

"Sorry, the what?"

"Chain of custody request? From your supervisor to mine?"

"Of course. Agent..." I give Dean a look.

"Right. Look, you can call my supervisor, he can give you the override or whatever." Dean says, taking out a business card and goes to hand it to her.

"Yeah I'm sorry. Unless he can get me the form, I can't give you access to the body."

"But...FBI." Charlie speaks up.

"I understand dear. But paperwork is paperwork."

"Of course. Jennifer, is Jennifer right? We have been on the road all day. This is strictly routine, dot the 'I' cross the 't' sort of thing. If you could do us a solid..."

"Come back with the signed form, and I'd be happy to do you a solid. Until then..."

"We understand, we'll be back with that form." I state. "Agents, shall we go get that form signed now?"

"Yes we shall." Dean says as he gets up and then we leave the building.

"That never happened in the books." Charlie remarks.

"It never happens to us period." I add.

"Wanna tell me what happened in there Boo Radley?"

"I'm sorry, I froze, I couldn't control alt delete my way out. Real life role playing is hard."

"It's okay. We'll come back later when she's not here."

"Oh perfect. Breaking and entering."

"No different than hacking."

"Beg to differ. One I've been doing since I was a teenager, the other I've done once with you two idiots walking me through it and had my arm broken in the process."

"What did you hack when you were a teenager?"


"Yeah, whatever you say war games. Why don't we go grab some grub while we wait."

Come nightfall, there are two kids playing handheld video games walking along a train track.

"Awesome I got three stars."

"So? I'm three levels ahead of you man."

"Dude stop."

"I can't, I'm just too good."

"Dude!" He points and there's a body laying there.

One of the kids picks up a stick and goes to poke the body.

"Whoa, no dude. That's a bad idea."

"Your face is a bad idea." He retorts and pokes the body.

"See? Nothing to worry about."

He pokes it some more, and does it to the point where it bursts.


We obviously heard about the body found and made our way to the location to get the details. After getting out of the car, we head over to the caution tape and up to one of the police officers.

"Hey there. I am special agent Ripley, these are my partners."

"Save it. Your other agent's over there."

We head over and we find out it's Sam.

"What took you guys so long?" Sam asks.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean retorts.

"Working the case. Same as you. Jake Hill, librarian. Coroner swooped in, scooped up what was left of him."

"Yeah. We met her. Bit of a stickler. Well there's not a body, nothing else to see here, so why don't you head on home?"

"Still got to talk to the witnesses."

"Well we can handle that. Charlie, why don't you go talk to the witnesses."

"But I don't want to miss the bro-ment."


She nods and heads over to the kids playing the handheld games.

"Look man, I know you're frustrated but you're also sick."

"I'm not leaving Dean."

"Hey boys. Special agent Ripley, FBI and...stuff. What game are you guys playing?"

"Super Eater."

"Underworld Adventures or Dimension Travellers?"

"Underworld Adventures."

"Nice. So about that childhood trauma you experienced earlier..."

"I know you want to help, I do alright. But-"

" cannot take care of the three of us. I need to be out here, play through the pain right?"

"Oh come on, don't quote me to me."

"So the boys said they noticed something on the body's arm before it covered them in years of future therapy." Charlie says as she comes over.

"Said it looked like a blue hand print."

"Sounds like something you should read about. In a book. At home."

"I'm not leaving until we find out whatever's doing this."

"Whatever." Dean says, walking back to the car.

"Dean..." I sigh, walking off after him.

"You two fight like an old married couple." Charlie remarks.


"Does this mean we don't have to break into the Coroner's office anymore?"

"That's a great idea."

"Are they leaving? They're leaving."

"That's alright. I stole your car, I think I know where they're going, come on."

"Cool. Wait, you stole my car?"

They head to her car which he stole and then get in, heading to the Coroner's. Dean and I had the same idea, and when we had reached it and walked in, we find Sam and Charlie already there.

"How did you? But we....nevermind."

"What took you so long?"

"I stopped for gas. Shut up. Body's in here."

Then we see car headlights outside the door at the end of the hall.

"What the hell?"

"Charlie!" Dean says in a whisper as she goes running towards the door.

"It's the Coroner. I got this." She states, and heads down the hall while we head inside the morgue.

"Hello? Hey there. Front door was open."

"Oh...uh...what are you doing here?"

"I uh..came get a blank copy of that form you asked for."

"The FBI doesn't have chain of custody forms?"

"The field office had a power outage...after catching fire. Figured I could just borrow a copy or two."

"Of course. Give me a sec."

In the meantime, Dean, Sam and myself were looking for the body, but we couldn't seem to find it.

"What the hell?"


"It's empty."

Sam gives a look of shock and checks the paperwork.

"Uh...they burned the bodies."


"Yeah they think it's some kind of outbreak scenario. Even got the CDC to sign off on it."

"These folks run a tight ship."

"Okay, here you go." Jennifer says, handing Charlie the form.

"Great, perfect. Thank you."

"Well if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do in the morgue."

"Uh...can I ask you a personal question? I am new to the whole power suit thing and yours is killer. Where do you get them?"

"Does this mean we have to take silkwood showers now or is this still a case?"

"Yeah, something about that mark the kids saw rings a bell. Probably have to check the lore. Maybe dad's journal."

"Hurry up."

"All you need are three jackets, 3 pairs of pants and you're all set."

"So simple, so smart. You should have a blog."

"Okay, I'll get right on that."

" what about shoes? I can never find the right kind to go with-"

"-okay. I am sorry, but I'm not a stylist."

"Uh...well, thanks for the forms and the fashion advice. You're the best, don't go changing. Kay, bye."

Hours later, we end up back at the lair to check the lore for possible monsters that could cause a blue hand print.

"Leviathan." Sam states.

"Mmmm, they consume their prey."

"Well maybe the vics were Leviathan."

"No black goo on either scene according to the reports."

"Dragons, they uh..."

"No signs of burns on the vics."

"I hate that thing. I want one." Sam refers the the iPad.

"Wait a sec."

"You got something?" I ask.


"Djinn's vics don't get liquefied."

"No no no. Not regular Djinn. According to this, there is a bastard off-shoot. Uh, their eyes light up blue, pass as humans, all that regular jazz. Cept these leave their victims with jelly-like insides. And supposedly when they poison their victims, they leave behind a blue hand print."

"I hate that thing. And I want one."

"So, do these things die like regular Djinn?"

"Silver blade dipped in lambs blood, yeah. Now we just gotta find the asshat."

"Alright, well breakthrough means snack time to me. And I wanted to stretch my legs. I will pick us up some grub, and unlike you Sam I won't forget the pie." Charlie says, collecting her things and leaving.

"She seem a little off to you?"

"You noticed that too?" I question.

"Since the second she got here." Sam adds.

In Charlie's hotel room where she had gone, she pulls out all these ids and logs into a computer and does all this technical stuff. She hears a creak and stops, but when she sees nothing, she continues. She hears another creak, and turns, seeing nothing. But she goes over to the door and unlocks it, seeing no one outside when she looks out the door. Seeing nothing, she closes and locks the door and when she turns around, she's face to face with Jennifer the coroner....and she has blue eyes....a Djinn. Next thing she knows, she's knocked out. She's been gone for hours, and we start to get worried.

"She's not back yet. I'm worried guys. Sam, why don't you try calling her."

He nods and does so.

"Charlie, it's Sam. Again, call us, okay?" He leaves as a message and gets into a coughing fit.

Dean comes in mid-coughing fit and rolls his eyes.

"You hear from Charlie?"

" And there was no comic convention in Topeka. I don't know why she would lie to us."

"One way to find out."

"What are you doing?"

"When I called you from her phone, I turned on her GPS."

It takes him a bit, but he finds where she is and we head right out to see why she lied to us.

"You sure this is it?"

"This is where she is, yeah."

I knock first, there's no answer. Sam knocks next.

"Charlie! Hey Charlie you in there?"

We go in and find the place trashed and we take out our guns just in case.

"What the hell?" Sam questions when we find her ids and such.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Whatever it is, it belongs to Charlie. Or some variation of her."

"Who the hell is she, Jason Bourne? Alright, so we got no forced entry. It was either somebody that she knew or-"


"Found her phone. Here's all our missed calls." I state.

"Got anything on her laptop?"

"Yeah, she's making donations through her aliases to Shawnee General here in Topeka."

"Like a charity?"

"A patient. Gertrude Middleton."

"We need answers. Brooke and I will take Gertrude, you keep Djinn digging."

From there we head to the hospital and ask to see her, a nurse accompanying us.

"Gertrude's been in a persistent vegetative state for 16 years. About a year ago her condition got worse. This ventilator's the only thing keeping her alive."

"How did this happen?"

"She and her husband were hit by a drunk driver. He didn't make it. They were on their way to pick up their daughter from a sleep over."

"Their daughter?"

"She was twelve. She got into trouble after her parents' accident. Nobody's heard from her since. Folks have been donating to cover Gertrude's care over the years. It's a sweet gesture but the truth is, she's gone."

"She ever get any visitors?"

"Couple nurses said they thought they saw someone in here reading to her, but nobody's officially signed in to visit her. She's all alone. If you excuse me, I have to make my rounds."

"Thank you."

"You know what I'm thinking? Charlie. This is her mother." I frown.

Dean nods and walks over to the side of the bed.

"You've got one hell of a daughter Mrs. Middleton. I promise you we will find her."

Charlie in the meantime is tied up to a chair, in a dirty and wet warehouse.

"You're not going anywhere. Do you know what I smell on you?"

"Deodorant, a little pee maybe?"


"Djinn's smell fear?"

"Well well well, if you know about Djinn, then you and your little friends are hunters not FBI."

"I'm more hunter in training. Totally not worth killing."

"Oh but you are worth killing sweetheart. Yeah, you see, my kind...we prefere more bitter taste of blood than the run of the mill Djinn. We prefer the taste of fear. And when I got a whiff of you at that morgue, ohhh the delicious fear inside of you, I followed your scent. I knew you'd make a meal fit for two."

"For two?"

And just then she grabs Charlie's arm and moves her jacket sleeve up, exposing her arm. Her arm glows blue and a tattoo tribal design appears as she grabs Charlie's arm. Dean and I come back to the lair and tell Sam what happened.

"Well come to find out, Gertrude is Charlie's mother."

"And she's in a permanent vegetative state."

"So no chance of recovery huh?"

"No. Gertrude seemed like a cool mom too. Strong, taken from her family way too soon. Remind you of anybody? Did you find anything?"

"I think so. Uh, John Doe from 9 years ago. The original coroner wanted the body sent to the CDC, but the coroner's new assistant accidentally ordered the body to be burned."

"New assistant?"

"Jennifer O'Brian."

"So she's been hiding kills for a long time now. I knew there was something off about her."

"My manly man friends and my best friend in the world are gonna come get you, you creepy power suit lady."

"Oh let them come. They reeked fo fear as well." She states and grab's Charlie's arm, causing her to scream and she sleeps.

"And take a look at this. CDC, never heard from her this time either. She faked the reports, burned the bodies to cover her tracks."

"Why did she get sloppy again after 9 years? Leaving the bodies where they could be found?"

"Let's go ask her. According to this, she owns two pieces of property in town. One two-bedroom house about 10 minutes from here. And an abandoned shipping warehouse."

"Of course she does."

"Shipping warehouse it is."

When we get there, we make sure we're ready. We split up. Me with Dean and Sam on his own. That's when we find Charlie.

"Oh my god, Charlie."

"Charlie? Charlie? Hey. Hey. Charlie."

"Dean look at her arm." I say, noticing the blue handprint.

Sam in the meantime comes across Jennifer and they fight. Sam was almost touched by her, but Dean and I show up and I stab her.

"Next time don't mess with my friends bitch. You okay Sam?"

"Where's Charlie?"

"Come on." I motion to where we came from and I help him up.

"Wait. Antidote. Get her blood." Dean states and Sam does so, then we head to where Charlier is.

"The Djinn got her, see?" I point to her arm.

Sam acts fast and injects her with the Djinn's blood that acts as an antidote.

"Nothing's happening. Why isn't it working?"

"I don't know. A different Djinn, maybe she needs a different antidote."

"Charlie? She's burning up man, we're not letting her turn to jello."

"Okay okay uh...okay Djinn poison puts your brain into a feedback loop while your blood boils right?"


"Um...if the antidote didn't break the loop, maybe we can find a way to break from the inside. I mean, Djinn take you to your happy place, your happy place is like a dream-"

"-African Dream Root." They say at the same time.

"I'll go get some from the car, you two stay here and watch her." Dean says as he goes off. When he returns, he mixes the solution.

"What about me? I can help if you need it."

"No, you stay here with Sam and make sure Charlie wakes up when I'm done."

"But Dean-"

"No Brooke. You stay here. I'll be fine. Alright, let's do this." Dean says, drinking the whole thing.

"Okay, I'm gonna need to go to sleep fast, so uh..punch me. Look man, I know you don't want to-" He gets punched, but it didn't work.

"Well you're a little off your game there, 'cause that was pretty-" And then he gets knocked out and wakes up in that room, and encounters the vampire soldiers.

He tries to open the elevator doors, but they open on their own and Charlie appears. She motions for him to move and he does and she kills both vampires.

"Come with me if you want to live. I've always wanted to say that. What are you doing in my dream?"

"You were attacked by a Djinn. The coroner Jennifer remember? Djinn usually send you to your happy place. No judgement, but you got a real strange sense of happy kiddo."

"Wait, no no no no. Jennifer said that her kind feeds off fear. This isn't my happy place. This is a reoccurring nightmare of mine."

"What is this?"

"It's a video game."

"Wait a sec. Are you telling me this whole thing is a video game?"

"It was called the Red Scare. First person shooter against super soldier vampires. I copied it off a game company's server before it was finished, reprogrammed it to reflect my flamingly liberal politics and then I released it for free. Then they tracked me down and had me arrested. I was twelve."

"And you've been on the run ever since."

"So how do we get out of here?"

"I don't know. we gave you the Djinn antidote, it didn't take. And I killed the Djinn."

"Both of them?"

Sam and I had heard a noise so we went to investigate. We saw nothing, just Jennifer on the ground dead and then we heard footsteps behind us, so we turned to see a teenage boy.

"You killed my mom." He states, his eyes glowing blue.

"Yeah I did and she's killing my friend. If you ask me, she deserves it."

"Gotta get back and help Brooke and Sammy. Tell me about this game. Maybe if we can win..." Dean trails off before he stops to kill a couple vampire soldiers and Charlie does the same.

"Look, I don't know how long I've been out, but I've been through this level a thousand times already."


"Everytime I beat the level and save the patients, I get reset back to the beginning, only with less weapons and the vampires are faster. It's an infinite loop. Like Pac-Man without level 56."

"Level what?"


"Wait, what patients? Charlie? I know who this is."

"What are you talking about?"

"When you went missing, me, Sam and Brooke found your little crash pad. Saw the payments that you make for her. So we went and visited your mom, looking for you."

"She's why I'm in Kansas. I sneak into the hospital whenever I can and I just....I read to her. She used to read me to sleep at night when I was a kid. She's read me The Hobbit. She's the reason I love the stuff I love."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"She's not gone."

The curtains get closed and Dean sees another patient and it's Sam.


"Is this my nightmare or yours?"

Just then more vampires storm the barricaded door. Sam and I in the meantime have been getting tossed around by the teenage kid who was the other Djinn's son.

"So, it wasn't your mom who messed up. It was you."

"Shut up." She punches Sam so he falls to the ground. "I just came of age, I had to feed. I screwed up. Mom knew how to cover her tracks. She always told me not to play with my food." He states, only to get stabbed by Sam.

"Yeah, you should've listened to your mom."

"This is it, the boss battle. Come on, we got to save the patients."

"Wait wait. You said that we were stuck in a loop right? But out there in the real world, you're dying. And I might be too. We gotta find a way to break this loop."

"Okay, how?"

"I think the only way to stop this is to not play."

"What? No no. We got to save them. Nut up Winchester. See? You can't stop either."

"Listen to me, this poison, it's designed to put your mind into an endless cycle while your insides turn to mush okay? And it's fuel is fear. Now call me crazy, but I think the only way to break the cycle is to let go of the fear and stop playing the game."

"You don't know that."

"I know that it's your fear creating all this. But you're not afraid of those super soldier vamps out there, you're not afraid of this game, and you're not afraid of what it did to you. Hey, look at me. You're afraid of losing her. Charlie, she's already gone."

"No. You don't understand. You don't understand. I was at a sleepover and I got scared. So....I called my parents to come and get me. They should never have been driving that night."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I just wanna tell her that I'm sorry. And that I love her, and just have her hear it again. I just need her to hear that one more time. But she can't...she can't."

"I know. Believe me I know. But you gotta let her go. Game over kiddo."

She goes to shoot the vampires but puts the gun down and they disappear. Dean clears the barricade and opens the doors and they really are gone. Charlie goes over and her mom is gone as well.


Just then, Dean wakes up.

"Dean?" I ask as he's waking up.

"Hey, hey. Come here. You okay? What happened? What happened?"

"I'm okay."

We look over to see Charlie awake as well.

"Charlie? I'm sorry, I had to."

She just goes to him and hugs him, upset. I frown. After she calms down a bit, we head back to the lair so she can get in to her car. We go into the lair to get her things and go outside afterwards.

"So, thanks for saving our bacon."

"Anytime your highness."

"You know you're gonna be okay right? Those books portray you as tough customer. If anyone can get through the trials Sam, it's you."

"Thanks. You know, you really should come back and dig through our archives. You are definitely a woman of letters."

"I like the sound of that." She grins and hugs him.

He walks away afterwards and heads back inside.

"We can both be women of letters." I laugh, before I hug her. But I remain by Dean's side.

"Well thanks for stopping by Charlie. Always wanted to get Tron'ed. What's next for you?"

"Gonna go by the hospital. Gotta let go right? What about you? You gonna let it go?"


"That's my boys. I love you."

"I know."

"Awww." I grin as they hug.

"Bye Charlie." I wave, before we both head back inside.

"Okay look, you were right. I should've laid low, I know I should've hung back. But I was glad I was able-" He gets cut off when Dean hugs him.

I can't help but grin as I go around and sit at the table.

"What do you say we find out prophet?"

Charlie in the meantime has gone to the hospital and checked in to see her mom.

"Take all the time you need with your mom okay?"

She walks over and sits in the chair next to the bed, a tear escaping from her eye. She reaches into her bag and brings out The Hobbit.

"One last time okay? In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell. Nor yet a dry, bare sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat. It was a hobbit hole and that means comfort."