Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Clip Show

Lost Creek, Colorado

A couple is staying in a cabin in the woods, for a vacation or something. He's looking out the window, kind of looking around for something that could be out there. His girlfriend comes up behind him, wrapping her arms around him, scaring him a little bit.

"I can't believe you finally came up here with me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I love this place. It's like...I can breathe, you know? Tommy, you okay?"

That's when he flashes back to his past where he was attacked by what was called a Wendigo.

"Yeah, hey I'm good." He grins, kissing her and he hears this growling. "Did you hear that?"


"The growl?"

"No. Maybe it's a bear." She says, going over to the window, and he hears the growling again.

"Get back!" He exclaims, pulling her away from the window.

"Baby, what is wrong?"

"It's not a bear, it's a Wendigo." He says, flashing back to when Sam and Dean saved him, his sister and his brother. "Hide in the bedroom. Right now. Hide."

"Tommy, I don't hear anything. What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna light his ugly ass on fire. Get back."

He hears the growling again, but drops to the floor. He clutches his head as he bleeds from the ears, then his eyes bleed, and his head explodes as he drops to the floor, dead.

Present Time

Dean, Sam and myself were at the bunker, trying to figure out this healing a demon thing that Metatron said was the last trial. Dean walks in from the library with folders of information.

"Please tell us that's everything."

"Yeah. Hah, no. Not even close. You see the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years. I mean we got Borden, Lizzie all the way to...whatever." Dean says, handing Sam the files.

Sam drops them on the table and covers his face with his hands.

"How're you feeling?"

"Honestly, whole body hurts. I feel nauseous and like I’m starving at the same time. And everything smells like rotting meat."


"I've had that hangover. Jaeger, man."

I snicker.

"Maybe you should take a break, get some air."

"The only thing that's gonna make me feel better is finishing this."

"Alright. Well I'll go get you some grub, keep your strength up." Dean states, heading for the kitchen.

"Good morning." Cas states, but Dean ignores him.

"Morning." I reply.

"I like this bunker. It's orderly."

"Give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping pong table."

"I've heard of that. It's a game right?"


"You okay?" Sam asks as Cas grimaces.

"My wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped. But I am getting better. And you're getting worse."

"Well two trials down, one to go."

"And the final test, you know what it is?"

"I have to cure a demon."

"Of what?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out."

"Soups on." Dean says, coming back into the room with a tray. He puts it down and there's a beer, peanut butter cups and jerky. "I think this is uh..." He trails off, taking a sip of the beer. "'s still good."

"Half drunk beer, um...jerky, and three peanut butter cups?"

"Doesn't sound like good food to me."

"Yeah we're running a little low...I'll make a run."

"Dean, I can go with you." Cas states, getting up from his chair, as Dean pulls on his jacket.

"Dean. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything."

"Everything? Like ignoring us?"


"Like bolting off with the Angel tablet, then losing it? Cause you can trust me? You couldn't trust me."


"Yeah. Nah, that's not gonna cut it. Not this time. So you can take your little apology and you can cram it up your ass."

"Dean...I thought I was doing the right thing."

"Yeah you always do."

Sam then clears his throat to clear the tension. "Hey we have a room 7B?"


"Yeah, I'm reading these files and they talk about a room 7B."

"Worth checking out?" I ask.

"Might as well." Sam nods and he gets up, Dean and I decide to follow him.

"Oh and Cas? Don't worry about Dean. Since you left us high and offense...he just hasn't been able to trust you anymore. He's been on the edge lately."

"I understand." He nods, and I head after Dean and Sam.

We find the room and open the door.

"Dude, go easy on Cas. He's one of the good guys."

"Yeah Dean, chill."

"Look, if anybody else, I mean anybody, pulled that kind of crap, I would stab them in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass?"

"Because it's Cas."

"What're we supposed to be looking for down here?" Dean asks, changing the subject.

"Um...anything on case 1138. It was a class five inferno event, St. Louis, March 8, 1977."

"Class five inferno event?"

"Yeah. See the Letters' had this whole rating system. The exorcist would've been a class two."

"Alright, so what makes this puppet show so special?"

"It was weird."

"Weird how?"

"No clue. One of the files just had a note written in the margin about room 7B and the room weird with three exclamation points."

"Good times."


That's when Dean notices something strange under one of the shelves.


"What is it?" I ask.

"There's some kind of marking under here."

"Got it." Sam states as he finds a box labeled 1138, and he opens it, finding a package.

"Sam...I think we got something over here." I get his attention.

Dean pulls the shelf out, but it's like a door. It pulls out and pulled apart, and we find a Devil's trap behind everything.

"Is that a Devil's trap?"

"Takes up half the room."

We walk further into it and find chains and shackles everywhere.

"What is this?"

"These chains, spell work etched into them."

"So we have a dungeon."

"Finally. What do you got there?" Dean motions to the package.

"Oh.." Sam says, holding the flashlight in his mouth to open the package, and he pulls out an old film reel.

"Movie night?" Sam asks.

"Sounds good to me. If it's the only way we can find out what's on this reel. I'll go get the old movie projector ready." I nod, leaving the room to do so.

Sam and Dean put the shelf back and soon follow. Once the projector was all set, we put the film reel on and played the movie, Cas had made popcorn too.

"Simon, we're filming."

"Uh, hello world."

"So this new ritual we're gonna see, some kind of exorcism. How does it work?"

"Simon! Come!"

"I don't know, it's my first time."

We end up seeing the camera holder in a mirror when they pass by and we can't believe who we see.


" that Abadon?" Sam questions.

"She's not killy enough, but it's got to be the chick she possessed."

"Hurry we must do it now."

"Dead, they're all dead. Everyone you ever loved."

"Hey, those chains look exactly like the ones in our dungeon." Sam says over the movie.

"Your what?" Cas questions.

"Demon on a" Dean remarks.

"Only you Dean, only you." I shake my head amusedly.

We watch as the pastor throws a holy water on the demon and she screams in agony. And then he and the other pastor start talking in Latin. The first one cuts his hand and puts it over the demon's mouth, therefore exorcising it.

"What just happened?"

"Where's the demon?"

"Stop filming."

"What happened?"

"Would you just stop?"

And with that, the film was at the end.

"Well that was weird with three exclamation points."

"No kidding."

"That...wasn't a normal exorcism. They changed the words."

"I believe Lustrus is Latin for wash, cleanse."

"Yeah, because that was the most freaky thing, the vocabulary. What about the bloody high five or the...the chest burster. Anything else on the film? Like director's commentary? Sequel maybe?"

"Yeah, listen to this. The older priest Max Thompson bit the dust in 58', but the younger one is still alive. And still in St. Louis."

"Think it's worth the drive?"

"Dean, everything in those folders, the possessions, the deals, all of it. We've seen that before. But that...that was all new. Yeah it's worth a drive."

"Alright, let's roll. Not you." Dean says as Cas gets up.

"Sam is more damaged than I am."

"Yeah, well you know even banged up, Sammy comes through."

"Dean, I just want to help."

"We don't need your help. Just stay here....and get better."

"I'm sorry Cas." I mouth as I follow Dean and Sam out.

St. Louis, Missouri

Dean, Sam and myself found the church where the younger priest was working at.

"Brother Thompson had some...unorthodox ideas, which is why the Men of Letters were interested."

"Unorthodox how?"

"He believed demons could be saved."

"What exactly do you mean saved?"

"A demon is a human soul twisted and corrupted by it's time in Hell. Brother Thompson believed that you could wash that taint away and restore their humanity."

"So what, they just stay in whatever schmuck their possessing and get a ticket upstairs?"

"I wish I knew."

"Okay but this....this ritual....can...cure a demon?"

"I suppose if it worked, but that night something went terribly wrong. The demon escaped into the world and that poor old was horrible. I know Father Thompson kept trying, there were...other possessions, experiments, but I couldn't face that. Not again. And then a few months later, he was dead."

"How'd that happen?"

"Something tore him apart."

"Did he keep any uh..." Sam trails off as he starts to cough. "...did he keep records or..." He trails off again and gets into a coughing fit, looking into his hand to see blood. " have a bathroom maybe?"

The father points to where a bathroom is and Sam goes there.

"Is...he alright?"

Dean and I look at each other before looking at the father.

"No padre, he's...pretty far from alright. That's why we're here."

"I don't understand."

"Well short story is uh...Sammy there is gonna take whatever shredded your friend and every other black-eyed bitch out there and he's gonna get rid of them for good."

"He is? In his condition?"

"Father over the past couple months I've seen him do crap that I didn't even think was possible. I mean sure he's miserable and he's hurting, but you know what? There's not a doubt in my mind that he's gonna cross that finish line. Not one. So will you help us?"

"I'll get Father Thompson's things for you."

"Thank you."

Meanwhile, Cas decided to go shopping for food for the bunker. He grabs jerky, a porn magazine, toilet paper, and beer, and ends up leaving the fridge door open.

"Dude." The cashier states.

Cas then goes over to the eggs, grabs a carton and opens them, cracking one and the contents leaking out onto the floor.

"Ugh, dude."

Cas goes over and looks at the cans of stuff and ends up knocking over an entire shelf of chips.


"I have money." He states and goes to the register to pay. "Where is the pie?"

"Think we're out."

"You don't understand, I need pie."

"Put the virgin down Castiel."

Cas turns to find Metatron.

"We need to talk."

"You're Metatron?" Cas asks as both of them hurry out of the store.


"THE Metatron?"

"Yes. In public, it's Marv."


"And you're Castiel. Kevin Tran told me about you."

"He did?"

"Yeah, according to him you and I have a lot in common. We're both free thinkers, both on Heaven's most wanted list. I thought we could socialize, maybe grab a bite."

"I'm sorry, we can what?"

"Look I've been on sabbatical, i'm trying to play catch up but I have to talk to somebody about what's going on back home."

"And by home you mean..Heaven."

"Right. I've been looking around, crawling through a few divine nooks and crannies, but from what I can see, without the archangels it's a mess up there. Open warfare."

"I thought Naomi was running things now."

"Is that what she told you? I mean Naomi's a player don't get me wrong, just one of many. There are factions upon factions, all fighting, betraying each other. It's just a matter of time before they start ripping each other apart, it's all broken."

"I know, I'm the one that broke it. It was a time where I thought I could lead our people but, I was mistaken. I spilled so much blood. And I've tried to...atone for my sins and did penance and I betrayed my friends to protect our secrets, but I've just failed and now-"

"Look I know. But now the angels, Heaven, needs someone to come to the rescue. They need us."


"Yeah, just picture it. We ride to the rescue, save the day. Make a great story. Look, the angels are like a big dysfunctional family. We need to lock them all in a room till we work these problems out. All the factions, you, me..."

"What, like a big family meeting?"

"Exactly. Which is why we have to shut down Heaven."


"Do you like crepes?"


"Eugenie's in Ohi, makes the greatest Caramel Apple crepes." Metatron states before disappearing.


In the meantime, the three of us are going through Father Thompson's stuff that was given to us by the other Father. But when we got back to the bunker, Cas wasn't there. Sam had offered to go look for him.

"I can't find Cas. You think he blew town?"

"Sounds like him. So turns out that uh...Father Thompson recorded all of his demon cure tests. This one here, this is the last one. Two days before he died." Dean hands the reel to Sam.

He goes and finds a machine that only plays audio things and he sets the reel up and plays it. We all sit around to listen.

"The date is August 3, 1958. This is trial 19, hour 1. My subject is Peter Kent. Mr. Kent was the father of two young sons, and three weeks ago he was possessed by a demon. I'm going to ask you a question now. When you crawled into Mr. Kent, and ate his children, how did it feel?"


And then we hear the demon scream.

"The first dose has been administered."


"Do we know what padre was dosing number one dad up with?" Dean asks Sam since he had the log book.

"Uh yeah, his own purified blood."

"Purified blood?"

"Purified how?"

"Before he started, Father Thompson went to confession."

"This is trial 19, hour 2. When you ate his children, how did it feel?"

The demon answers again and gets injected with another dose, because we hear the screaming.

"The second dose has been administered. Hour 4. When you ate his children-"

"Kiss my ass!"

"-how did it feel?"


And he screams again, another dose being injected.

"The sixth dose has been administered."




He gets injected again.

"-did it...feel?"


"Hour 8, the subject is prepped."

And then we hear the father speaking in Latin, and then screaming.

"When you ate his children, how did it feel?"

"There was screaming, and I laughed. Why did I laugh? I'm sorry, i'm so sorry. God I was a monster."

"But now you are a man again. You have been saved."

Sam stops the reel.

"Did he just...cure a demon?"

"Maybe. Can we take this voodoo on a test drive?"

"Um...I mean I have the exorcism right here. All we need is the blood, consecrated ground and the demon. So what, we summon a demon to trap it-"

"-or we use one we've already tagged. Do we still have dad's old field surgeon's kit?"

"It's in the trunk, why?"

"Yeah I think it's time we put Humpty Dumpty back together again."

Metatron and Cas however have gone to the restaurant and Metatron was already at the table, reading the newspaper, when Cas appears in the chair across from him.

"Why did you leave?"

"I can't have this conversation on an empty stomach."

"Here you go." The waitress came out and placed a plate down in front of him.

"Thank you."

"Can I get you anything?" She asks Cas.

"Coffee please."

"Sure. Cool coat."

"No it's actually...quite warm."

"Cute and funny. Okay."

"Should've picked a better looking vessel." Metatron mutters.

"What did you mean when you said shut down Heaven?"

"Oh you know, the trials. God's little pull in case of emergency. If the Leviathans get out of control, you put them in Purgatory. Demons get a little too...demonic, toss them into hell. Angels get upity, slam the pearly gates."

"You say you know the trials to close Heaven?"

"I wrote them down. It's not something you forget. Look I think a little alone time would be good for the angels. At the very least it would stop the fighting up there from spilling out down here. Which will happen. It always does."

"You're gonna complete these tests?"

"No, I can't. I am a pencil pusher. Always have been. I'm not strong enough. But are a warrior. I've got the plan, you got the muscle. WE can do this. Heaven needs your help Castiel."

"I am the one who caused these problems, I should be the one to fix them."

"You understand that this is um...not gonna be easy."

"I understand."

"No you don't. See our waitress? She's the first trial. Got to cut her heart out."

"What? No, she's...she's just a girl."

"No she isn't. She a nephilim, an abomination."

"The offspring of an angel and human, I thought that wasn't allowed."

"It's not. There's only one on earth. And you are looking at it.

"But she didn't choose to be a nephilim. So she's innocent."

"Yes she is. I told you it wasn't going to be easy. But if you want to do this Castiel, if you really want to do this, you got to ask yourself what's more important. Her life or your family."

In the meantime, Dean, Sam and myself have gone to this abandoned building, getting ready for everything. The only demon I could think of putting back together was Abadon, when Dean cut her head off and that bullet was stuck in her head. And that's exactly what Dean was going for. Putting her head back on her body and trying the curing on her.

"I don't know about this..." I trail off.

"You really think this is gonna work?" Sam asks.

"We got needles, we got thread. Seen Young Frankenstein about a thousand times, yeah we're golden."

Sam opens the box where Abadon's head was encased in.

"This is gonna be disgusting."

"Uh huh."

We got a chair and put Abadon's body in it, and ended up cutting off her hands too. But Dean positioned her head back on her body and Sam got the needle and thread and started to sew her head back onto her body. I just can't help but make a face at the situation. Once Sam was done, we step back and watch as she comes back to life.

"Morning sunshines."

"It worked. You owe me a beer."

"I owe you three so so much. I can't wait to tear out those pretty green eyes." She says the last part to Dean.

"Over my dead body bitch." I growl.

"Oh that can be arranged sweetie."

"Good luck with that."

"We figured Kitty didn't need her claws."

We all smirk as she realizes her hands are gone.

"Then I'll stump you to death and it'll be swell." She says, trying to get out of the chair but can't.

"Yeah that's not gonna happen either. The bullet remember?"

"So you sit there like a good little bitch, we're gonna consecrate the ground, and you're gonna get to fessing up."

"Oh I know this tune."

"I doubt that."

"Father Max Thompson. Born October 12, 1910. Died August 5, 1958. Who do you think ripped him apart? Word got back to home office that Maxie was messing with things. So we made an example. It wasn't my most artful kill, but it was effective. And bonus, before he died, he told me all about Josie. I found her and I rode her into the Men of Letters. What I did to them, that was art."

"So you know what Max was doing."

"Fella screamed the basics. But it'll never work."

"You keep telling yourself that."

Just then Sam's phone rings and he answers.

"Hello boy."


"Crowley? The salesman?"

"Try the King of Hell."

"This is a joke right?"

"Afraid not." I give her a look.

Sam then motions for us to go outside so he can talk to him.

"Stay." Dean states as we head out.

"Hold on." Sam tels Crowley as we get outside.

"How'd you get this number?" He asks as he puts Crowley on speaker.

"Ah, first things first, what are you wearing?"

"Oh okay, hanging up now. Hang it up."

"Fine. This isn't a social call. I was wondering, you three been reading the papers? Say Denver Times from yesterday? No? Well you should. Side splitting."

Little do we know inside, Abadon spots where her hands are and someone controls it to open the box.

"What the hell. I'm texting you an address. Check it out, then we'll talk."

"Wait what? Crowley."

Abadon's hand gets closer and then jumps onto her shoulder and up to her mouth, removing the bullet and gets free.

"Here it is uh...his name is Tommy Collins. Why do I know that name?"

"Well Tommy Collins, we saved him from the Wendigo like forever ago."

"Okay and what, you think that Crowley blew his head off? What are we dealing with here? Some sort of demon-wendigo team up?"

"No clue."

"Yeah, well we'll put one out for Tommy later." Dean states and we head back inside, only to see Abadon gone.

"Uh guys..."

"No. No no no no! She's gone. She's...son of a bitch!"

"Dean! Dean." Sam calls and he holds out the bullet that used to be stuck in her head.

"The bullet." I state, and that's when Sam's phone goes off.

"It's a text message from Crowley. An address in Prosperity, Indiana."

"Prosperity, Indiana...didn't we work a case there? Yeah yeah, the one with the witches and the baked goods. So what, he's going after somebody there now?"

"I don't know, we got to check it out."

"Well you know it's a trap."

"Of course it's a trap. But a trap means demons and we could use one right now."

Prosperity, Indiana

It's nightfall and downpouring and we end up pulling up to an apartment complex. We head inside and to a certain apartment. Apartment 306. It's dark, no lights work and it's awfully smokey.

"I hear something like sizzling. What is that?"

"I don't know..." Dean trails off as he turns to see the oven open and a body hanging out of it, burned alive.

"Oh my god." I cover my mouth with my arm.


"Is that Jenny?"

"You were a great gal Jenny Klein."

And then Sam's phone goes off again and he answers.

"Hey..." Sam gets our attention. "...what the hell are you doing Crowley?"

"Oh Moosey, isn't it obvious? I'm killing everyone you've ever saved. Damsels in distress, the innocent whippersnappers, the would-be vampire chap, all of them."

"How do you even know..."

"I have my sources. A cracking research team."

"When you hit a town, you tend to leave a mess. Now, you're probably wondering why my men aren't in there giving you the rush, so let me tell you this. I'm gonna gut one person every 12 hours until you bring me the demon tablet and stop this whole...trials nonsense."

"We don't have the tablet. Kevin took it and-"

"I took Kevin. Then someone took him back. Word from the cloud is that it wasn't Heaven. So either the cutest prophet is with you three or you better find him too bloody sweet, because time she is a wasting. About now you're thinking of ways to stop me. You won't be able to, but you'll try, because that's what you do. try. So, time for an object lesson. Indianapolis, the Ivy Motel, room 116. You have 57 minutes." Crowley states, hanging up.

We hurry out of Jennys apartment in order to get to Indianapolis and the motel there. In the meantime, Cas and Metatron were watching the waitress as she left, because she needed to die in order to close the gates of Heaven.

"What's it gonna be Castiel?"

A while later, we get to the motel and Sam heads up and knocks on the door while Dean and I get the supplies ready for a demon attack. A girl answers the door and Sam's jaw almost drops as he's in shock of who answered the door.


"Sam? What's going on?"

She allows Sam in and he explains the whole deal to her. In the meantime, the waitress was on her way down the path near the park and Metatron and Cas were following her, trying to figure out how Cas can kill her.

"I know what you are." She states as they walk up and she turns around to face them. "I can see your halos."

"And we know what you are...abomination."

"Please I'm not...I try to be nice, I just want to live my life."

"We know. I am sorry."

"You will be." She says darkly before punching him and sending him flying into a nearby wall. She stands over him and her eyes turn a shining white. She grabs him and throws him again. "Having fun?"

Metatron grabs her and punches her, only for her to throw him as well. She helps him up and holds him by the throat against the wall. "You want an abomination? I'll show you an abomination."

Her eyes turn the shining white and that's when Cas stabs her in the throat, the light going from her eyes after he pulls the knife out and she dies. Meanwhile, Sarah is trying to figure out the whole situation that's going on.

"So a demon...named gonna kill me in 16 minutes."

"No. No he's not."

That's when we knock on the door, Sam comes over and opens it to see us and we walk in.

"Sarah, long time. What you doing in Indy?"

"I....was....scouting an estate sale for my dad."


"Hi, I'm Brooke. Dean's girlfriend." I introduce myself. "It's nice to meet you."

"Girlfriend. Never knew you were the girlfriend type Dean."

"Yeah...things change." She shrugs.

"Look, we're gonna put Devil's Traps everywhere. The windows, the door, we've got holy water, an exorcism ready to play on a loop, and anything that comes through that meat. Look, I know this is...insane, but insane is kinda what we do. We'll keep you safe." Sam explains.


"Okay? That's it?"

"You've done it before."

We then get to work on spraying symbols to ward off demons, we got the Devil's Traps all around. We've done everything we could possibly do. Sarah sits in the chair playing with some rings.

"Well that's new." Sam states, sitting on the bed that was next to the chair, noticing the rings.

"Yeah. His name is Ian, he works search and rescue. Guess I have a type. Our daughter Beth, she'll be one in a month."

"That's uh..great. I mean it. I'm really um...I'm really happy for you."

They both go silent and Dean stops what he's doing and gives them a look.

"What's up with him and Sarah?" I ask him quietly.

"They had a thing years ago. He had a little crush on her. Kissed her before we had to leave. We helped her with this evil girl who would come out of a painting and kill anyone who bought it."


"Thanks Sam. What about you?"

"Me? Pretty much the same I guess."

"No you're not. You're not the same. Look, it's been years and...I can't even imagine the things you've been through. But I don't know, you just seem...more focused. Confident. you know what you want. You grew up Sam. I do miss the old haircut though."

Just then the phone rings and we all turn our attention to it as Dean answers and we know it's Crowley.


"Five, four, twa, svi, uno."

And just then Sarah gasps for air and drops to the floor, clutching her throat.

"Sarah! Hey. Hey hey hey hey hey. Can you hear me? Sarah!"

"She's dying, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaims.

"Son of a witch actually. My mommy taught me a few tricks."

"It's a spell! Find the hex bag."

We then go frantic with looking for a hex bag.

"I thought ascending in a few of my bruises really letting them go to town. But then well, Trial one was kill a hound and Trial two was rescue a soul from the pit. So from here on I'm gonna keep everything Hell related. Demons, etc, away from you three. Safe side on your hands. But, I just thought it seemed fitting. From what I understand, Sammy took that bird's breath away. What's the line? Saving people, hunting things, the family business. Well, I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcohol-ism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused. The one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you. You great big bloody heroes!"

"Hey hey hey, you're gonna be okay. Sarah?" Sam goes to her because we can't find the hex bag.

"And I'm going to rip it apart, piece by piece, because I can. Because you can't stop me. And because when they're all gone, what will you have left?"

"No. No no no no. No. No please, no." Sam says as Sarah lays motionless, and he backs away in shock and awe and he's upset.

"You want to keep those people alive, I want complete and utter surrender-"

"-the tablet, the trials, you'll give them up. Or we'll keep doing this dance. Your choice my darlings." Crowley ends before hanging up.

We're all at a loss for words, as we look down at Sarah's lifeless body.

"Sam..." I trail off frowning, going over to him, sitting down on the floor next to him and I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

Dean however gets pissed and whips the phone across the room and it breaks. We all look to see that the hex bag was the phone.

"It was in the phone."

We didn't end up staying there long, we figured with the noise that was made, someone would've called the cops and we wanted to get out of there before they even got there. So we left Indianapolis and headed back to the bunker, which was a long drive of course. The whole drive was quiet, because Sam was clearly upset.

"You okay?" Dean asks as we walk in.

"What do you think?"

"Look I know that it's bad right now okay? But we stick to the plan, we shut down Hell."

"How exactly?"

"We get a demon-"

"-you heard Crowley. He's not gonna let one near us. And without a demon, all we can do is sit back and watch people we know, people we saved...die. Like Sarah."

"So what're you saying?"

"I'm saying...maybe this isn't one we can win. Maybe we should just take the deal."

"We'll figure this out. We will. And we'll get it done. We'll kick it in the ass like we always do. Are you with me?"