Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active



So far Dean, Sam and myself have had rotten luck with Crowley. Let's catch you all up to date. After Dean comes back from Purgatory, we set out on the hunts again. The first one, we had to locate Kevin again and then 2nd one, we tried to capture the tablet....word of god....that has a spell that closes the gates of hell forever. However we came up short and Crowley stole the tablet, leaving us empty handed. So now it's our job to get it back....or at least try.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

It's a late night and there's a jogger running along the path of the river, just the normal nightly jog. He's paying attention to the jogging and his music, when all of a sudden an older man who doesn't look that athletic, speeds past him and runs ahead. The more athletic man gets winded for a second and then continues down the path. He stops when he sees the older man and walks up to him, out of breath.

"Congratulations, you're fast." The younger man holds out his hand to shake.

The older man grabs it in a tight grip.

"I do a lot of cardio."

He then plunges his other hand through the younger man's chest and pulls out his heart, instantly killing him and he falls to the ground, dead.

Present Day

Dean, Sam and I for are at a Farmer's Market. Sam's idea. Sam grabs an apple and eats, as well as myself and I pay for mine.

"Wow, guy goes to Purgatory for a year, all hell breaks loose. Check this out. Jogger in Minneapolis gets his heart ripped out." Dean reads from his phone as we continue on our way.

"I'm guessing literally?" Sam questions.

"Sounds graphic." I shudder.

"Only way that interests me. And then there's another article from six months ago, same thing happens, also in Minneapolis. What does that tell us?"

"It's there in Minneapolis." Sam states as he pays for his apple and other vegetables he's put into a bag.

"Too hard to gag. Same city, six months apart. It's got to be a ritual man. Or at least some sort of heart sucking, possessed satanic crack whore bat."


"It's a case. Look I say we hang out the shingle again and ride."

"We're on a case Dean. Kevin and the demon tablet need to be found, so heart guy takes a number."

"Uh we just spent a week chasing our asses, trying to lock Kevin down okay? Look at us, wer-" Dean stops, looking around.

"-where the hell are we?"

"Farmer's Market. Organic."

"Healthy food Dean."

Dean gives us a weird look.

"What? I had a year off. I took the time to enjoy the good things."

"While avoiding doing what we actually do."

"Wow. Dean does that make you feel that much better every time you say it?"

"Alright man look, I get it. You took a year off to do yoga, whatever. I'm back okay. We're back, which means that we walk and we kill monsters at the same time. We'll find Kevin. But in the meantime do we ignore stuff like this or are innocent people supposed to die so you can shop for produce?"

"I vote we do some questioning then." I state.

"That's my girl." Dean flashes the signature smile of his.


"Alright, let's go." He sighs.

We leave the Farmer's Market and head back to our hotel room. From there we got changed into our FBI attire. I got to use the bathroom of course to get ready. Dean was getting impatient.

"Hey babe?" He calls.

"Yeah?" I call back.

"Are you done?"

"Dean Winchester, you're the most impatient man on earth." I state, before finally coming out of the bathroom.

"But that's one of the many things I love about you." I finish, before going over to my things and grabbing whatever else I needed. Fake FBI badge, everything. I put the finishing touches on my attire with glasses.

"Are the glasses new?" Dean asks, kind of in awe.

"In fact they are. I got them just for the disguise. Make me look smarter."

"And so much hotter. Depending on today goes, we may have to get a seperate hotel room just for the night. If you catch my drift."

"Hmm...where's Sam?" I ask.

"In the car already."

"I see. Well why don't you give me a preview of your plans then. Sam can wait a few minutes or so." I smirk, removing the glasses and tucking them away for now and I lean against the wall.

Almost in a blink of an eye, there he was in front of me, hands on either side, trapping me.

"It's like you read my mind." He smirks.

Next thing I know, he's pressed against me so I can't escape at all and his lips are just mere inches from mine. Then his lips crash against mine, and I can't help but to snake my arms around his neck and match the intensity of the kiss with his. My fingers of one hand run through his hair before my hand rests on his shoulder. But just as quickly as he had started it, he ended it.

"More later. We do have the case afterall."

"Right." I say, catching my breath. "Aggressive." I grin.

"You know me." He chuckles.

He moves from the wall, allowing me to move as well. We both fix our clothes and hair before heading out of the room and to the car. We all decided to go in Dean's car this time.

"Take long enough?" Sam asks.

"Sorry Sammy. Had to attend to." Dean looks in the rearview mirror and winks.

I can't help but smile a little. Dean starts the car and we head off. When we get to the police station, we walk in, show our badges and go get information about the recent killing.

"Here's the side about this thing. This guy wasn't chopped or cut in two. No incision. But his heart was ripped out of him like a peach pit."

"Was he robbed?" Sam asks.

"Phone, watch, money, all still on him."

"What about enemies?" Dean asks.

"He was in town for a conference, no local connections."

"You guys had another one of these six months ago?"

"Yeah, and we hit a brick wall."

"How so?" I ask.

"We had nothing to go on. But maybe we got lucky here." He states, going over to the TV.

"Park surveillance. Camera picked up something."

He plays the footage and we watch what footage. The man, jogging, being passed by a not so athletic man.

"Huh. The chubby guy the last person to see him alive?" Dean asks.

"Other than the killer. Name's Paul Hayes. We pulled him in for questioning."

"So what makes you think he's clean?"

"So far no reason not to. He said he saw the victim, he ran out ahead, that was it."

"What, you mean he didn't fall to his knees and confess to gutting the guy?"

"No, I mean we did a thorough check of the guy, not so much as much as a parking ticket came up. Hey look at him. I mean, sure he can run a little bit but Thor he ain't. You think he's gonna grab Freddy Fitness here and throw him down and rip out his heart? I don't think so. Forgive me if I didn't take him out back and shoot him."

"Okay any idea where we can find this guy?" Sam asks.

"Like a home address or work address? Anything." I add.

"I can give you his home address."

"Thank you sir."

He goes into the files and pulls out the right one, giving us the address.

"Thanks again." I take the address he wrote down for us and leave the room.

We go out to the car and get into it, heading to the address that we were given. When we get there, we knock.

"Hi, Mr. Hayes. Agent Mendler. Me and my partners would like to ask you a few questions about the man you jogged past a few nights ago. May be come in?"

"Um...sure of course." He nods, stepping aside to let us in.

"Agent, you coming?" I ask Dean.

"I'll be there in a minute." He states, following us inside and into the bathroom.

We follow Hayes into the kitchen. He goes over to finish making the drink in the blender he had apparently started before we showed up.

"Sorry I...kind of..try to stick to a nutrition workout schedule. Do you want a hit?"

"We're good, but thank you."

"So Paul, you passed a runner who was later killed. Did you speak with him at all?"

"Yeah, I went over this with the cops. I didn't know him. I've never spoken to him. I ran past him, I never saw him again. The end."

Sam and I make notes and that's when Dean walks out of the bathroom.

"Oh, it's disgusting. Tastes like crap but, keeps you young."

"The eggs, too much fiber." Dean states, making a joke of it.

"No such thing."

"Thank you. See?" Sam turns, giving Dean a look and I snicker.

"Now Paul, we couldn't help but notice that the jogger you outraced was a good deal younger than you."

"Yeah and less..."

"...full figured? Should've seen me before. Yeah. Hugging a desk all day and watching TV all night, eating fried everything. It was killing me. I had a health scare about a year ago."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Changed my life. Started taking care of myself."

"Now your body's a temple huh?"

"Where I worship every day."

"Well we'd like to thank you for your time Mr. Hayes. I think we've gotten all the information we needed. It was nice meeting you." I get up and shake his hand. "Let's go agents." I tell Sam and Dean, leaving.

"Okay where to now?"

"I say we hit up the restaurant, go over this case."

"You just want pie don't you?"

"That'd be nice."

I roll my eyes amusedly and get into the car. They follow shortly after and we're off the the little Grill place in town.

"Alright so...what's the word?" Sam asks, after getting back from the bathroom. "What'd you find poking around at Paul's?"

"Just the usual. Condoms, hair gel. No hex bags, nothing satanic, nothing spooky." Dean states as he searches things on the laptop.

"So it didn't seem like the guy would be most likely to disembowel?"

"No they never do. Wait a minute. Here's another one."

"What? Murder?"

"And a do it yourself heart bypass. Two days after this one."

"What part of Minneapolis?"

"The Iowa part. Ames."


"Well Paul was here being questioned. There's no way that could've been him."

"Well this guy was a cop. This is exactly what happened six months ago. Minneapolis, then Ames. Guess you missed that one. I'm just saying."

"More questioning?" I ask.

"Yup." Dean states.

"Let's just finish our coffee and you can finish your pie and then we can go alright?"

Ames, Iowa

"Arthur Swenson. Real top shelf officer. 20 years on the force. He'd order pizza which the vick delivered."

"And then?"

"Well the vick didn't make his next drop off. His body was found on the walk from Swenson."

"And he wasn't wearing a heart?"

"No, heartless."

"And uh...what about Swenson?"

"Crumpled on the front stoop. Covered in blood, crying like a baby. Ironically he had been in court all week."

"Court? For what?" I ask.

"Testifying. Excuse me." He states, picking up the phone.

"So it couldn't have been him in Minneapolis." Sam says to me and Dean quietly.

"I hate when this happens." Dean remarks.

"So do I." I add.

"So this Arthur guy. What does he have to say?" Dean asks.

"'s not real helpful."

"Pardon? How?"

"Come with me. I'll let you see him."

Dean, Sam and myself exchange looks, following the police officer.

"Here he is. Can't guarantee he'll speak much to you."

"Thank you anyway. Maybe we can get him to speak to us."

"Good luck with that." He states as he leaves.

Sam sits down at the table across from Arthur, while Dean and I stand and observe. He then starts speaking some kind of language, something we don't recognize, the same phrase over and over again. Sam gets intrigued and starts to record it.

"So you getting a statement?" Dean asks after a while.

"Dean. Does it look like it? He's speaking some kind of language, the same thing over and over again."

"Actually I am...kind of. But probably not."

"Too bad I dropped out of lunatic 101."

"Whatever it is, sounds like he's repeating it."

"Well look at his eyes. Hey Arthur. Did you do this alone?"

"Arthur, did some invisible voice tell you that you had to kill?" Sam asks.

Arthur slams his hands onto the table and chants louder and I jump slightly.

"Seems like that made him mad." I state.

"Hey Art? Can I call you Art? Listen, I'm gonna sprinkle your arm with holy water, and it's gonna steam and burn if you're possessed by a demon. Man's a mushroom." Dean states, pouring some holy water on him, but there's no reaction.

"Well not a demon."

"Arthur, you want to tell us why you did this?"

He only answers with the same phrase over and over again.

"Okay." Dean states walking away from the table.

"I think that's all we're gonna get out of him guys. Maybe he's just a lost cause."

"Maybe. But I've got all the recording of the weird chanting. So we can go."

"We're done for the day?"

"Done for the day."

"Thank god. I'm looking forward to some relax time."

We leave and tell the police officer that we're done. We thank him and head out to the car and back to the hotel for the rest of the day. Since we were kind of far, it was a bit of a trip. But when we did get back, we started to get more comfortable for the night. Sam has the recorder going, listening to the chanting Swenson was doing.

"So what do you think?"

"Personally I prefer the Keith Richards version."

"Can you actually understand any of the words?"

"I can't." I shake my head.

"If they are words. Sounds like babble to me. But wait a second." Dean says, sitting next to me on the bed, reaching for his phone in his pocket.


"I bought a translation app."

"You bought an app."

"Yeah. Here, play." He starts the app.

I sit there next to him, wrap my arms around his left one and rest my head on his shoulder. Sam plays the recording and the app translates it.

"And babble wins. Language unknown."

"Not surprising."

Just then, Sam's phone rings.

"Agent Sanbora. What?"

That causes both me and Dean to look up in confusion, but interest.

"No, no, we'll be right over."

"What was that about?"

"Apparently Arthur tried to carve his eye out."


"Yeah. I think we should go over there and find out what happened."

"Man. There goes our night Dean."

"It's alright. The longer we wait, the more it'll be worth it."

"Do I wanna know?"

"No Sammy, you don't."

He nods. Dean and I get up and get our clothes back together. Dean gets his tie and suit jacket back on and I grab mine and put it back on. Then it's back to see what caused Swenson to try and carve his eye out.

"So what're we looking at here? Some kind of psychotic break?"

"It's definitely something. It was very thorough. Severed the optic nerve. He was determined to remove the eye."

"And he used a what to cut with?"

"He doesn't look strong enough, but he broke off part of the bed frame and used it as a knife."

"Wow. Should put warning labels on those beds."

"Like I said, determined."

"I noticed that he had two different colored eyes."

"Yes. Apparently he was in an accident. Much of one eye was shattered. His vision was saved with a transplant."

"When was this?"

"A year ago. Almost to the date. And interestingly, it's the transplanted eye he chose to cut out."

"Huh. That's odd."

"Really. You know, let me ask you something doc. Is it possible to trace the donor of the transplanted organ?"


"But possible."

"I would say it is." I nod.

By the time we got back to the hotel room, Sam was passed out.

"So, still up for our night or no?"

"I suppose we can have it in long as we're quiet."



"There's the car. We did it once before in the car, remember?"

"True. Won't disturb Sam from the car."


" it is." He smirks and we head back out to where we parked the car.

Since there really wasn't anyone around, we could get away with this. But just to be sure, we got into the car and parked in a more secluded area.

"Just in case people see us...especially in the morning."

"Good idea. Shall we?"

"We shall."

We climb into the backseat where it's semi more comfortable. I was laying on the backseat with him hovering above me.

"I believe this is where it happened for the first time for us."

"It was. And we're doing it again. How it's comfortable for us, I'll never know." I laugh.

"I think the passion and pleasure make us forget that it's the backseat of my baby." He chuckles.

"I think so too." I grin before pulling him down, crashing my lips against his.

I then wrap an arm around his back and hold him close. His hands rest on my sides before moving to my hips. Thankfully I was not wearing jeans and these pants would be easier to get off. Even though, I know Dean loves the challenge. By this time I had shedded my jacket, and so did Dean and we threw them into the front seat, never breaking the kiss. I then reach for his tie, getting that undone first and throwing that to the front, before working on the buttons of his shirt. I get all the buttons undone and he shrugs it off of his shoulders. He breaks the kiss only to get the shirt off completely and he tosses that to the front now. I bite my lip as I run my fingers over his exposed skin. I continue to do so as he works on my shirt now. He gets each button undone himself. I bite my lip as I watch him. Once he gets all the buttons undone, he sits up in order to help me get the shirt off. Once it's off, I lay back onto the seat and he starts to kiss along all the exposed skin there was now. He makes it look like he's going back for my lips, but instead he goes for my neck and I arch up into him. He takes his time getting to the sensitive spot on my neck. See that's what I love about him. He can be a hard ass sometimes, but when it comes to us, he's sweet, caring, and passionate. Just then he hits the spot on my neck and I can't help the noise that comes from me. This just makes him smirk and work on the spot more. When he feels I've had enough, he moves back to my lips in a hard and intense kiss. I dig my nails into his back from the feeling. Next thing I know, we're both working on each other's pants and it doesn't take too long after that for the rest of our clothes to come off.

It was early morning when I woke up first. I was cuddled up to Dean, his arms around me and our shirts and jackets over us, because well we don't have any clothes on. I look up to find him still sleeping and I can't help but smile. I decide not to wake him, letting him wake up on his own accord. I thought too soon when I saw him start to stir.

"Morning." I smile.

"...morning. What time is it?"


"Last night...amazing as always. Felt just like the first time. Considering it was a year since we've ever done it."

"I think it was way better than before actually."

"You would." I laugh, leaning up and kissing him.

"I say we go back into the room, without waking Sam, get changed for the day and go get some coffee and stuff."

"I think that's a good idea. Just need to get our other clothes back on first."

"Right. Scattered all throughout the front seat."


We move and grab everything we tossed into the front seat, getting dressed the best we could in the car. Dean then started the car and parked it where he did last night before he moved it. We got out and sneaked into the room and got clothes to change into. After we were all dressed, we headed out once more, getting coffee and such for the morning. When we walk in, Sam was up and on the laptop.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey. Arthur Swenson had an eye transplant a year ago right?"


"Well, I remember that Paul Hayes was talking about a health scare he had a year ago that changed his life. So I pulled up his medical records from Minneapolis..."

Dean stops and gives him a look.

"You want me on board, I'm on board. Anyways. You wanna guess who else other than Arthur Swenson had a transplant in the last year?"

"Paul Hayes."

"I gave it away didn't I?"

"You did Sammy." I snicker.

"Okay, so we got two suspects, and two identical murders, and two different cities that both had organ transplants a year ago."

"Yeah. Also.."

"Love when there's an also."

"...I've got thinking about all that stuff Arthur Swenson was talking about. Maybe your translation app called it language unknown because it's a dead language."

"Come again?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Dead language. Like ancient Greek."

"So I emailed an audio file of Arthur's mumbling to Dr. Morrison."


"Dr. Morrison. The anthropology professor who helped us out with the Amazons?"

"Yes. Okay, okay. Well let's get our asses on the road."

"Added to...?"

"Well if we're in a repeat of a cycle from six months ago, then after the murders in Minneapolis and in Ames, then the next heart attack was in Boulder, Colorado."

We pack up all our things, Sam shuts the laptop down and puts that away. Once we have everything packed, we check out and go to our cars and head off on the road. It takes us basically all day since we are travelling across the country.

Sam and Dean

"Alright case is coming together. Things are coming together man. You, me and Brooke. It's all good."

Sam stays quiet, looking ahead as Dean drives.



"What're you thinking about? A can of tomatoes?"

"Um I'm not thinking about anything."

"Well I don't know about you, but this last year's giving me a new perspective."

"I hear you, believe me."

"I know where I'm at my best. That is right here, with Brooke, and driving down crazy street next to you."

"Makes sense."

"Yes it does."

"Or..maybe you don't need me. Maybe you're at your best, hacking and slicing your way through all the world's crap with Brooke."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Seeing as I have so many other brothers I can talk to about this stuff."

"Look, I'm not saying I'm bailing on you. I'm just saying make room for the possibility we want different things. I mean, I want my time to count for something."

"So what we do doesn't count?"

Then Dean's phone rings.

"Yeah. Hey Dr. Kashi. Okay. Thank you. Uh, could you run one more name for me? Yeah. Hayes, Paul? Uh huh. And the donor? Seriously? How many others? Did anyone from Boulder, Colorado receive any of those organs? Okay, thank you." Dean hangs up.

"Well this is gonna singe your ax-ons. She says that both Paul Hayes' kidney and Arthur Swenson's new eye came ready for this? Brick Holmes."

"You don't mean THE Brick Holmes."

"I do."

"The all-pro quarterback?"

"Indeed. Yeah, the guy played at the top of his game for like a million years didn't he?"

"Yeah, he got in a car crash last year..."


"...nosedived off a bridge or something? Must've signed the donor card. The doc say how may organs he donated?"

"Including our two suspects? Eight."



"Okay, um...and one of them's in Boulder and I right?"

"You'd be wrong. That's the bad news. Good news is, Brick lived just outside of Boulder."

"Well Brick's dead."

"He's all we got, so we are going to Boulder. Let me fill Brooke in on what's going on."

He picks his phone back up and calls me.

"What's up?"

"We're going to Boulder."


"New lead. Just got a call from Dr. Kashi. News is Brick Holmes was the organ donor to Arthur and Hayes. Thing is, Brick is dead. Including those two suspects, he's done a total of eight organ donations."

"Wow. So a dead guy being responsible for these organs being donated."

"Apparently. So we're off to Boulder, Colorado. You gonna be alright to drive that long?"

"I'll be fine. All the coffee today helped."

"Alright. Just keep following us and we'll get there alright."

"Right. So who are we interview this time?"

"Don't know yet. We'll figure that out when we get there."

Boulder, Colorado

We found out Brick had a family member who's still alive...his mother Eleanor. So we found the house and decided to interview her about the organ donations and everything that Brick did.

"Thank you for letting us ask some questions Mrs. Holmes."

"I just want to say how sorry we are for your loss Mrs. Holmes."

"Thank you."

"You know, Brick Holmes was my idol back in high school. Amazing career. 18 pro seasons, 7 division championships, 4 superbowls, never slowed down a day." Sam states.

"Brick lived for competition. And athletic perfection. I don't think it occurred to his fans that he was human like the rest of us."

"Do you know your son was an organ donor?"

"Does that make this a matter for the FBI?"

"Please Mrs. Holmes, we're just trying to find out some information."

"Like we explained earlier, we're mostly here to dot some I's on a different matter."

"There was a public awareness thing a couple years ago. A lot of star athletes signed on. I'm sure Brick didn't think twice about it, since he never thought he was going to die."

"A lot of jocks are like that I guess. You know, I can't help but wonder what happened that night on that bridge. It was light traffic, no alcohol involved, no skid marks. Big time athlete, reflexes like a cat. How is it that he just drive off of the side of a bridge?"

"When things happen that aren't supposed to happen, they're called accidents I believe."

"Excuse my partner Mrs. Holmes."

"So everybody knows about Brick's football career obviously, but no one knows much about his personal life. Was he ever married?"

"Just to the game. He gave it everything he had. It's a difficult life."

"Did you notice any changes in Brick before he died?"

"Like maybe he went a little crazy or started seeing things, acting differently?" I elaborate.

"No no, I don't think so."

"So no new interests? Fly fishing, stamp collecting, the occult?"

"The occult?"

"As for instance."

"No. Everything was just as it had been. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid my time is up. The University is naming a new athletic building after Brick, I can't be late."

"Of course."

"Just one more question." I try to ask.

"There's always one more question in life, isn't there? That's what I find."

We follow her to the front door and we thank her for her time and walk back out to the car.

"Well that was successful."

"And she didn't want to say much did she?"

"Son of a bitch."

"What is it?" I ask.

"There is is, it happened."

"Come on, don't tell me someone else had their heart ripped out here in Boulder."

"Alright, then I won't tell you."

"It so did happen." I state, getting into my car while Dean and Sam get into theirs. I then follow them off of the property, going to find out who got their heart ripped out this time. Once checked into another hotel, we change out of the suits and do some research. I search with Dean on the laptops while Sam's on the phone.

"Alright Dr. Morrison, that does it. The FBI thanks you. Yes, I am totally looking into adding you as a technical advisor. Yeah, it comes with a medical plan. Alright, goodbye."

"Come through?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, he did. Alright, so here's what crazy Arthur Swenson was babbling over and over." Sam says, sitting down at the table with us.

"Um...first it is a dead language. Ancient Mayan."

"Doesn't get much deader than that."

"So, what Arthur was saying was, the divine god Kacow is born."

"Kacow?" Dean and I give Sam a weird look as we ask.

"Kacow. Yeah, the Mayan god of maze. Corn...the crop. See Kacow was the most power god because maze was the most important thing to the Mayans. Well that and torturing and killing everyone in sight."

"So this is what we're looking for? A thousand year old culture's god of corn?"

"Seems pretty sketchy to me."

"Uh...I guess."

"Well whatever it is, we better cap it quick or somebody in Phoenix is next up to get their heart yanked."

"Someone in Phoenix got a piece of Brick?"

"Yeah, I got a name. Just emailed the cops. Just heard back from em'. They haven't seen the guy in days. Uh...oh I got another email here too. This one is for you. From the University. Answering questions about admissions."

"College? Are you going back to college Sam?"

"Just something I'm looking into. An option."

"You're seriously talking about hanging it up."

"I'm not talking about anything Dean, I'm just looking at options. So what, do we just go to Phoenix and chase our tails until this guy shows his face?"

"No. Brick Holmes is the way into this. Eleanor Holmes was doing her damndest to not tell us a thing. Nice job in changing the subject though."

"Don't worry about him Sam. He's just a little peeved you wanna stop hunting and live a normal life."

"Yeah." He nods.

Later that night, we created a break in. Well not really. We snuck into Eleanor's home to see what she was hiding.

"Alright, naming ceremony's over at ten. We got to get in and out."

"Right. Let's check the bedroom."

We head up the stairs and find it.

"Closets." Dean states as he and I go to one closet and Sam goes to another.

"Brick's closet." He adds. "Looks like this stuff hasn't been touched in a year."

"Man, what this stuff would go for on eBay."

"Dean, don't even think about it."

"What? I wasn't going to take anything."

"Yeah right."

"Hey Sammy? Totally crush you to know that your boy Brick wasn't the natural blonde."

"Dean this is really weird."

"What is it Sam?" I ask.

"I don't know, is this Eleanor's closet?"

"Why would his mother's closet be in here? You sure?"

"Check this out."

Dean and I walk out of Brick's closet to see Sam holding what Eleanor wore today when we met with her.

"This was what she was wearing today when we talked to her."

"Maybe she moved into Brick's room after he died."


"Or..." Dean states, looking over at the bed.

"Dean...incest really?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh...thanks Dean. Now that image permanently etched into my retinas."

"Brooke? Check this out." Dean grabs my attention.

I walk over and we remove the clothes, moving them to the side to reveal a door.

"What's this?"

"Only one way to find out. Sam! Found something! There's a door in here."

"A door? What kind of door?"

"Secret passageway or room maybe?" I think about it as Sam comes over and Dean opens the door.

What we see is all the football stuff from Brick's career and other things.

"Wow. I knew he had something like this in his house." Sam says in awe.

"There's a lot of hardware. Okay, the football trophies I get, but there's a lot of stuff here. I mean, baseball, boxing. Racecar driving?"

"Maybe a man of many talents that nobody knew about?"

"He was a fan. Any kind of athlete, he respected them. I mean, look at all the old stuff he's got. Cricket mallet, golf clubs, kendo sword..."

Dean looks around some more and comes across a box inside a shelf and opens it.

"Looks like letters."

"Sam, look at this."

"Letters." Sam states, grabbing some to skim through. "They're all the same. Dearest Betsy. Blah blah blah. Who's Betsy?"

"I don't know, girlfriend? Eleanor didn't mention a Betsy."

"This one looks old. Uh...Dearest Betsy, third day of training camp. Roadwork improving. Working on my left jab. They say Sugar Ray's gonna be tough."

"Sugar Ray? As in Robinson? Didn't he box in like the 40's? Is it signed the same?"

"Yeah, love me."

"Here. Dearest Betsy, on the road again, so hard to be away from you honey. We'll give the Red Sox hell and get back to you."

"Dearest Betsy..."

"Dearest Betsy, La Mans will be a bitch this year with all the rain."

"Phillies are tough, but we're looking to be tougher."

"And Dodgers will wish they never left Brooklyn."

"Looking for my best gal Friday night at the Garden."

They go back and forth reading lines from all of the letters.

"Sam, this one looks recent." I hand him one I found.

"Dearest Betsy, so tired of it all."

Just so it looks like we touched nothing, we put everything back where we found it except for the letters and left before ten and not get caught. From there we went back to the hotel. Dean and I looked through some paperwork and Sam was on the laptop.

"Hey I pulled up the names of those trophies, check it out. Alright Brick Holmes, football player. Charlie Cons, racecar driver. Davey Samuelson, baseball player. Kelly Duran, boxer. Four different guys right?"


"Check this out. Same dark eyes, same cheek bones, nose, mouth."

"So there four guys could be the same guy?" I ask.

"Wow. For a 95 year old, Brick Holmes could take a hit."

"Something is not right here."

"Let me look into that. Hmm, so if all those athletes were the same guy, how'd he pull it off? Appear, then go away and come back with a new look?"

"Kacow, the maze god was Mayan right?"


"The Maya were all about war and torture and conquest and sports. Says their athletes were treated like Kings, the Mayan jocks made sacrifices to Kacow by....ready for this? Killing a victim, pulling out it's heart and eating it."


"They believe the rituals gave them super charged power over their opponents."

"Yeah, but they didn't stay young forever. So what, Brick maybe made some kind of deal with this Kacow?"

"We've seen it before. People making deals with demons, gods. Maybe he stayed young and strong, so long as the sacrifices kept coming. Remember all tha antique sports equipment he had? This guy could go back to the Mayan days."

"Wow, so one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game was over 900 years old."


"Well that explains Brick, but what about the mooks carrying his spare parts?"

"Maybe the spell went along for the ride and infected the people who got his organs."

"Makes sense."

"Remember how Paul Hayes said he had a health scare that changed his life? I mean, maybe the spell can compel him to keep carrying out the ritual."

"It's like getting bit by a werewolf. I mean once you get infected, you've got to do what you gotta do. Especially if you like the results."

"Right. Except old Arthur, the dedicated cop couldn't handle it and went nuts. Brick Holmes, a heart eater. Who knew?"

"Yeah, sorry buddy. The mighty, they fall hard you know?"

"At least he wasn't sleeping with his mother."

"Well that's a good thing at least. Incest...ugh."

"Yeah, good Sam. Find the silver lining."

"No, seriously. Look."

"Fighter Kelly Duran is congratulated on the second round knockout by wife Betsy. Dearest Betsy."

"Eleanor isn't who she says she is. She's Betsy, his wife."


"I say first thing in the morning, we go question her again."

"Right, because it's too late at night to go now."


"Alright. I'm gonna go get changed for bed then." I kiss Dean briefly before getting up from my chair and going over to my bag of clothes, picking some out and heading into the bathroom to change.

"Dean. Where were you two the other night?"

"What Sammy?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night and your bed was made."

"Do you really wanna know Sammy?" He gives him a look.

"No not really. Not anymore."

"Thought so."

I come out shortly after, dressed for bed. I climb into the bed Dean and I are sharing and decide to go to sleep first. I passed out before the other two. I didn't even know when Dean came to bed, but when he did, I instinctively cuddle into him.

Next Morning

"Hello Eleanor."

"Or would you rather us call you Betsy?"

"Please. Let us in, so we can talk about this." I say soothingly.

She nods and lets us in and we sit where we did the last time.

"Look Eleanor, innocent people are dying and they're going to continue to die until we stop it."

"Did you know about the murders over the past year?"

"No, I didn't, I swear. I thought when...when Brick died it would be over."

"Help us."

"Please." I add.

"Betsy, this is not what you want Brick's legacy to be."

"His Mayan name was Inyo. He was a proud, young, athlete. Nearly a thousand years ago. He lived for sport and never wanted his days in the sun to end. So he arranged a bargain with the god Kacow through a high priest."

"Stay young forever."

"As long as the sacrifices continued. Twice a year, once for the planting, once for harvest."

"When did you find out about this?"

"Not until I began to age and Brick...Kelly as he was when I met him, did not. But by that time, Brick himself had changed. Inside. He wasn't just the warrior who's only reason for living was combat. We were deeply, deeply in love. So in love, I'm ashamed to say that when I found out that how my husband stayed young and strong, I chose to ignore it."

"You and Brick had to go underground from time to time to hide your secret right?"

"Every ten years or so he would re-amerge with a new look, a new name. And me, I was the wife and I was the woman in hiding. And then I got into my 40s, I became...Brick's mother. Eleanor. I am so tired. You can't imagine the burden of it all. I think even Brick was through. He could see the end of my days where at hand, and he had lived centuries all alone. But I don't think he could bare the thought of life without me. That's why he drove off that bridge. You must think I'm a monster."

"Mrs. Holmes, we don't think that at all."

"No, no. Just that you married one. Well see here's the deal. Now there are eight killers out there that we have to deal with, not just one."

"I don't think so."

"What? Why not?"

"Brick used to say, a heart was key. That was the focus of the sacrifice."

"Are you saying if we stop Brick's beating heart, then we could stop the whole thing?"

She nods.

"Do you know where person is who has the heart?" Sam asks.

"Do you know?" He repeats.

She gives us the name of a woman named Randa and where she works....a strip club called The Bunny Hole. We thank her for opening up to us and giving us the information we needed. We then proceed to head off to the said strip club.

"You know, you don't have to go in with us if you don't want to."

"As much as I'm not a fan of strip clubs. We're in this together. We're working on this case together. I think I can handle it."

He nods and after some driving we pull up in front of the building, Dean shuts off the car.

"Really? Our king daddy monster's a stripper?"

"Seems that way."

"We're pretty sure this is gonna work right?"

"Well, as long as Eleanor knows what she's talking about." Dean grabs his gear bag from me and takes out this special knife, handing it to Sam.

"You think Brick thought he burned to nothing when he crashed that car?"

"Yeah, but he didn't, which brings us here."

We all get out and cross the street, walking around back to the entrance. Dean picks the lock and we walk in.

"You smell that?"

"You're gross."

"Ew." I shake my head as I follow Sam.

We then go up another flight of stairs to the stage area, looking around. Just then the lights go on.

"Uh oh."

Appearing from behind the curtain is a tall, short and black haired woman with one feather chain earring.

"Eleanor sent you right? Figured she'd probably break and give me up. This won't end well for her of course. Not that it's gonna end well for you."

Sam takes the knife out of his jacket pocket, getting ready to kill her.

"Now you don't think we're gonna let you do that now do you?"


Just then we get ambushed. But Paul Hayes and the police officer they said went crazy attack us. They take care of me, throwing me across the room before they grab Dean and hold him to the ground while Randa stepped over him.

"You guys are stronger than you look."

"Comes with the package. Plus I work out a lot." Paul replies.

"You can't imagine who I was before. This shy, awkward little thing from Georgia with a heart condition. Then I had the surgery." She states, putting her heeled foot on his chest.

"I became freaking Xena Warrior Princess." She adds before straddling his waist.

"I couldn't dissect a frog in high school. But sacrificing to Kacow...better than sex." She continues and rips open his jacket.

"So if I go real slow, and take my time, and enjoy this, I can actually show you your own beating heart before you die."

Just then she presses her fingers into his chest, not yet plunging through to get to his heart.

"....Brooke...." He manages to get out.

"Dean!" I quickly get up and rush towards them. Sam gets up at the same time with a beer bottle in his hands. He hits it over Paul's head and he lets Dean go. I in the meantime tackle Randa to the ground and fight her. I take my own knife out of my jacket pocket and stab her in the stomach. She cries out in pain and I back away just as she gets up. With a blast of light, the police officer and Paul fall to the ground, dead. One last scream and Randy is dead as well and whatever was inside her.

"...Dean." I breathe out and crawl over to him.

"Brooke. You okay?"

"I'm okay. You?"

"I will be."

I nod, and lay on him, my face nuzzled into his neck. He sighs as he breathes in perfume.

"I didn't know what to do. I was just frozen in fear of her possibly ripping your heart out. Hearing you call for me, for my help, I had to save you. I couldn't let that whore rip your heart out. I've been away from you for far too long, I just got you back. I can't stand to lose you again."

Sam lets us have our moment, before interrupting us.

"Hate to interrupt, but I do think we should go tell Mrs. Holmes everything's over with."

"He's right." I nod, pulling away from him. I then get to my feet and help him up.

After waiting a bit, we head back out to the car and head back to Mrs. Holmes. She of course lets us in and we have coffee while we talk about everything being over.

"Well we should get going, but we want to let you know that it really is over now."

"It had to be. One way or the other. I have thought you might fail and Randa would come after me. Either way I'd finally be at peace."

"You take care of yourself Eleanor."

"You take care of this young lady you're with too. The hand holding gave it away. Plus, I'm getting a vibe that you two are together."

"We are. We have been for a while."

"Never let her out of your sights. One day maybe you'll have the love that Brick and I did."

I smile. "It was nice meeting you Eleanor."

Then we leave and head out on the road, heading back to the hotel for the night. It started raining and it got dark soon, and I had fallen asleep in the backseat.

"Wow, back in business. Got the win. Admit it, feels good huh? You know, I was thinking about what Randa said about you know what it feels like to be a warrior. I get it man, I do."

"I know. I know you do. I don't. Not anymore. Hell, maybe I never did."

"Come on Sam, don't ruin my buzz would ya?"

"Dean listen, when this is over, when we close up shop with Kevin and the tablet, I'm done. I mean that."

"No you don't."

"Dean the year that I took off, I've had something I've never had. A normal life. I got to see what that felt like. I want that. I had that."

"I think that's just how you feel right now."