Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active



It's after the case we were on, involving a werewolf. We got word of some threatening sounds at the house we went to that belonged to a couple of teenagers. We walk into the house, there's blood everywhere. We all split up, before meeting in the living room, calling it clear.

"It's clear." I state.

Dean goes over and takes the iPod off of the player, stopping the music from playing that was.

"Rest of the place is clear."

"Yup. ID on this one. Um..and no clue who is painted on the walls."

"Well whatever happened, looks like we missed it."

"Yeah. Great. Wait a second." Sam points to the computer nearby. We look over to the half open laptop that has a sticky note that says 'Play Me' hanging from it.

"What the hell?" Dean walks over and opens it, removing the sticky note.

We all sit and click the file that's on the middle of the screen. The words 'This should have never ended this way' come across the screen before video footage plays. It starts out with two teenage guys.

"Hey Christopher Nolan."


"Lens cap."

"Oh crap."

The lens cap is them removed and the setting of a cafe place is show.

"Strong word genius."

"Dude I have no idea what to make this movie about. I'm like AV club president, so you know it's gotta be good."

"Give me that." The 2nd guy with a red shirt takes the camera.

"I'll tell you what it's gonna be about. In a world where nothing is what it seems. One brave, shockingly handsome, veral young man and his faithful, learning disabled, robotic man servant. Must battle through waves of cybernetic ass hats in order to sexually liberate the women..."

"...give me that." The first guy takes the camera back. It then jumps to a view of a group of girls at a table.

"Oh please. I bet at least one of those girls would let you partake in their awkward guy experimental phase."

"What? These girls? Okay. Hash tag fails. Home schooled. Secretly in love with her roommates. Listens to country music. Oh dude.." He focuses in on the blonde in the plaid. "Oh crap. Dude take it...just take it." He says, handing the camera over.

"Were you just filming me?"

"No. I wouldn't do that."

"Does it have the new firmware?"

"Uh yes..yes it does."

"How's it handle?"

"You tell me." The guy in the red shirt trades cameras with the blonde girl.

"Oh, well your settings are way off."

"Oh I-I like the way the color is. You probably don't care about that."

"Yeah, so you weren't checking me out?"

"Well I do have a thing for beautiful women who respect their privacy."

"Smooth." I shake my head amusedly.

"Dick move on my part I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I have a thing for guys with cool cameras."

The footage then changes to the first teen sitting at the computers, probably editing more footage. And clearly in the back room beyond the doors, the girl and the 2nd guy are going at it, because she's giggling and soon comes out in one of his shirts.

"Okay, they're doing that after they first meet? Someone's a little easy." I sing.

The footage changes again to the next day.

"No no no look, it's a great movie but...of the two, I prefer Last Year at Marienbad you know?"

"Yeah it's a classic."

"How're you liking that lens?"

"It's good. Yeah, lighter for sure. You know Michael knows nothing about cameras right?"

"Yeah, but uh...I'm teaching him."

"You're teaching who?" The guy now known as Michael comes over to the table.

"Oh my boyfriend. He's uh...big, tall, and handsome."

"Sounds delish."

"Yeah, you should totally meet him."

Then they kiss.


Then the video cuts to another point.

"Let's see, five years from now, hopefully pass the bar exam. Practicing law, nothing corporate. Something uh...something green you know?"

"Green is good."


"Shut up."

There's another cut. The girl is now sitting behind the darker haired kid with a camera in her hand.

"Oh jeez uh...maybe like working for HBO? Or like Michael Moore? That'd be cool."

"Double hippie. I will be on a boat in the middle of the ocean. My beautiful girl by my side."

"Awww." I smile.

"Awww, sap."

"And you can come too."

"Nice. See what you just did there?"

"Lame." I scoff as they kiss once more.

The video jumps again to class where they are.

"Alright brains, let's get out pens and pencils out. It's time for notes. So let's turn our attention to our cruelly nicknamed friend Piggy. He uses his glasses to create fire. The sundial, he's also rational and inhabits rational thought on the island."

Again the video jumps and they're outside of the school.

"What'd I miss?"

"Just another pitch perfect lecture from professor Ledenski. Did you know Simon was a Christ figure?"

"Yeah. No. Please tell me you taped it."

"Come on, who loves you?"

"I wish I could quit you."

"Yeah right."

Just then someone runs right through them, the camera falls to the ground.

"Hey watch it ass hat."

"What'd you call me?"

"Come on, let's move. I wanna see it." His buddy pulls him away.

"Oh man." The darker haired kid picks up the camera.

Once again the video jumps and there's sirens. All three teens walking towards what seems to be an accident.

"Hey, can you shoot some of this for my movie?"

"Is that legal?"

"Who cares?"

They get to the caution tape and there's a body under a sheet, bloody.

"Hey...we were there checking that out." I state.

The camera is then panned over to the Impala...where we had arrived.

"They filmed us."

"Yeah, that's not good."

"So what, someone's got murdered on campus? You two live 2 blocks from here."

"Special agent Rose, and special agents Hudson."

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"

"Our jobs. Mind to tell us what's going on?"

"Whatever you say boss. Got a call from a woman that lives upstairs. Said she heard an attack, came down, found her neighbor here. Jacob Carter."

"Who'd he say?"

"Uh..Jacob Carter? I don't know."

"...sure is. She's not the most reliable type. She said she heard some kind of growl. Like there was a coyote down here."


"I didn't even look at the crowd to notice. Candid camera."

"So, the FBI is here. Your neighbor got murdered're totally cool."

"No, it's not that I'm cool. It's just that like...I mean...that it's good that the FBI are here right?"

"That is so annoyingly logical."

"Hey baby, listen." Michael plugs in an ipod and music plays.

"It's pretty. What is it?"

"It's the song that was playing when we first met."

"Aww that's sweet." I gush.

"Aww you are so disgustingly sweet." And they kiss again.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I gotta go."

"What-so you just phone the runway with our song and then you got to head out the door?"

"I promised I'd help him test the new cameras."

"Don't give me that crap. I know you two idiots are going to go shoot cut scenes for Jackass."

"We both know he doesn't have anyone else to do this with. Rain check."

"Whatever, you're dead to me." She says jokingly and they kiss once more.

It's now night time in the video footage and the other teen is climbing a tree nearby.

"Do something cool."

"Dude this tree is awesome. Maybe I could...maybe I could...get upside down and-"

"No, I said cool. This is stupid."

"Can you see me? Gonna try and get this cool? Cause man it feels pretty cool." He states, hanging upside down.

"It's like Dumb and Dumber 3."

"I agree." I nod.

Then we see us again on the video footage.

"There we are again, talking to that girl.

"Dude dude, turn around. It those FBI guys."

He gets helped out of the tree and they get closer to us to film, picking up our voices on the camera's audio.

"Well thank you guys for your help very much. Alright. There is not a cas-"

"There is a case. You're rusty. We just got to dig a little deeper. Come on." Dean states as he heads back to the car.

"I really think we do have a case here." I add, before following.

"Dude, so crazy."

"Is it just me or are you getting a workplace romance vibe from those three."

"Ew." I make a face. "All three of us...together? Ugh." I shudder.

"Let's go."

They then move onto the football field behind the bleachers, and behind the fence. From there they spot the guy who almost started a fight with them in the green shirt, making out and being super grabby with this girl. They move along the fence to get a better view. The girl starts to resist and then pushes him off and runs away. The kids hit the trash barrel and then are chased by the guy in the green shirt.

"Hey Bryan! Bryan! Meet me at Scott's mother's house-oh god. Oh come on, I paid her fair and square man!" He starts running to get away, turning the night vision on so we can see. "Thanks for a great night out Bry."

Just then there's a growl from behind him.

"Hello? Hello?! Scott cut it out man!"

Michael then starts running and drops the camera. He goes for it, but gets pulled away and we hear him screaming. The video switched to Bryan's camera and he's calling out for Michael. He finds him on the ground and he's bleeding, because he's been bit. Next thing we know, they're both back at the house, screaming for Kate, who we find out is the girl's name now.

"Oh my god! Baby! Baby. Baby."

"Oh my god."

"What is it? Is it bad? Bryan!"


"Is it bad?"

"The bite..the bite's gone."

That's when Dean and Sam and I all look at each other, before looking back at the computer screen.

"Did you dicks just punk me?" Kate asks.

"It's completely gone."

The next morning rolls around in the video and they look exhausted.

"I already talked to him, he said he's gonna be fine. You heard him. Literally not a scratch on the kid."

"If anything happens to Michael, I don't know what I would do."

Michael then wakes up and Bryan and Kate pretend they're asleep. Michael gets up to go to the bathroom and when he goes to shut the door, he tears it right off the hinges.


"Did you just pull that off?"


A quick cut and now Michael is holding Kate up with two hands, in the air.

"Now now one handed." Bryan says and Michael does so, holding Kate up with one hand.

"That is humanly impossible. He was a werewolf." I say quietly as we watch.

He then lets her go and catches her and they kiss.

"Maybe you got bit by an alien. That would explain the FBI." Kate suggests.

"Or maybe a mutant bit you."

"Am I a superhero now?"

The footage cuts and Bryan is setting up cameras everywhere.

"What're you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? Finally found my movie."

"What? Michael? Michael is not your movie. We don't even know what happened to him."

"Exactly. I'm gonna get Michael's origins story on camera."

The video then cuts to Michael at the table, spreading peanut butter on a bagel..

"Kind of creeping me out man. Seriously. Nothing super heroic to see here. Just a delicious bagel."

"Hey man, I have this idea. It's gonna sound really weird but, don't laugh okay?"

"No promises."

"I um...I really wanna be able to do what you do. So I think maybe we could go back out there, and get that thing to bite me and then we can both be superheroes."

"Stop. What're you serious?"

"Michael, you can't keep this to yourself."

"Keep what to myself? We don't even know what this thing is. Why the hell would you want it?"

"Michael, I don't want to be Piggy anymore man."

"You're not a pig man. Bryan listen to me. There's nothing wrong with you. You just gotta figure out what it is you want and go after it. I'm telling you, you don't want this."

"Right, because I don't want to be super strong. Or have a prayer of getting any ass this year. Or...please...please."

"No man! No."

Bryan drops the camera on the table and storms off. That's when the video cuts to him at the computers and there's a knock on the door.

"Not it." Michael and Kate say.

So Bryan has to get up and answer the door.

"Children." He mutters as he picks up one of the cameras and opens the door to reveal Dean, Sam and myself.

"Now I knew he had a camera, but I didn't know he was recording us." I make a face.

"Hi there. Special Agent Rose and special Agents Hudson. We want to ask you a few questions about the murder that occurred a few blocks from here? First off, did you know the victim Jacob Carter?" Sam asks.

"Um...not really, no."

"Do you remember anything unusual about that night?" Dean asks.

"Not that I recall."

"Nothing?" I ask.

"Not really."

"Right, well how about anyone in the neighborhood getting...bit? Humor me."

"No, I don't think so."

"Alright. Well no worries. How about this...if you hear anything strange, call us. No matter how late. Thanks."

"Thank you." Bryan says, closing the door as we depart.


"So, what do you think?"

"Well based on what we got so far, we could be dealing with another Mayan god."

"Ahhh, that's fantastic."

"That's the last thing we need to deal with."

"Campus dormitories?"

"Yeah." Dean states as we go back to the car.

The video cuts to Bryan behind the camera looking at the card Sam gave him, and Michael walks out of the bedroom from hiding.

"The FBI are looking for what bit you. Are an X-File?"

"No. Not an X-File. Listen." Kate states, playing back what she recorded of us when we left.

"I'm a golden god. I am a golden god! Haha wooooo!"

"You guys are ridiculous."

"He only wishes he was a god." I scoff.

Now it's night time. Kate is sound asleep and Michael has the camera. He gets up from bed and heads into the bathroom, walking up to the bathroom mirror.

"I am a golden god. I am a god."

He then zooms in on his face and his eyes change, and then he starts to change. His teeth grow razor sharp, and his nails grow razor sharp. He punches the mirror, and then goes back into the bedroom, running his nails across Kate's face. He then gets dressed and starts to eat like crazy and drink like crazy.

"Definitely a werewolf."

The footage then changes once again, but it's not Bryan or Michael. It's Scott...the bully.

"What's up PVC? It's Scotty P. Patrolling with the Oak Hill crew. Doug, Evan, Tucker. See some animal killed a local citizen. So we're out here tonight making sure these streets are safe, for all you fine honeys out there."

"Ugh. Gag much?" I make a face.

They all leave and head into the woods, walking along a path when Scott spots Michael and confronts him. Just then the bags of groceries drop and Michael runs.

"Why don't you come take your beating like a man?! You won't come out in play, I'll go visit that piece of yours. Kate? Yeah I'll go visit Kate and show her what a real man-"

Just then there's growling like how Michael was in the woods. Just then he comes out from the brush and attacks Scott. The video abruptly changes and Kate and Bryan are sitting on the couch.

"Are you afraid of him?" Bryan asks.

"At first yeah. I mean it was pretty scary. But then to be totally honest, it's actually been pretty hot."


Just then Michael is in the doorway, all bloody. Next thing we know, he's in the shower.

"Baby...just...can you tell us what happened?"

"It was Scott. He chased me and I think I killed him."


"Turn it off. OFF!" Kate demands the camera be turned off.

"He started talking about you and I saw red. The next thing I remember, I was running home."

"On the video, what were those things on your hands. Claw?"

"Did anybody see you?"

"Kate, you're not trying to justify-"

"We don't know what happened Bryan. What, he can't defend himself? Give me the camera." She gets angry and takes the camera from him.

Next cut footage, the crime scene in the woods...where we too were at and they recorded that as well.

"So what do we have here?" I ask.

"Name was Scott Parker. I think the same thing that got the Carter kid got Mr. Parker here."

"Same thing?"

"Look I'm only the local yolko, but this kid was shredded by an animal."

"Where's his heart?"

"Troman saw it up the way there. Eaten mostly."

"Show us."

Kate and Bryan are now back at the house.

"Bry wait." Kate tries to stop him as he goes to wake Michael up.

"Did you eat a human heart? Did you?"

"What're you talking about? What is he talking about?"

"Scott is dead. He was shredded and his heart's gone."

"That doesn't mean that Michael-"

"What do you think happened to him? Where's his heart Michael?"

"I don't remember what happened."

"Don't lie to me!"

"Hey Bryan! Calm down. Look I mean, there's got to be an explanation for this."


"It was...self defense."

"Eating a heart is self defense-Kate who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?" Bryan says, getting in her face.

"You need to back off." Michael gets in between the two.

"Why? You gonna eat my heart too?"

Michael then punches Bryan in the gut and he goes flying across the room and lands on the kitchen table, which breaks on impact.


Kate is then comforting Michael. He doesn't know what's happening to him and he's upset.

"You're Michael Wheeler, and you're mine okay? You hear me?"

We then see briefly in the mirror that Bryan was filming in the other room. Just then Kate walks by Bryan on the computer.

"We have to call the police."


"Kate how can you? You have to see what's really going on here. Whatever he is, it's not's not good for you."

"Michael didn't mean to hurt you."

"Obviously he did."

"You don't get it do you?!"

"What? What don't I understand?"

"You've never been in love. What we need are answers."

Then Kate and Michael are outside spying on someone. They're too far away so we couldn't really tell.

"I can't hear them."

"Seriously Kate, what're we doing?"

"What're we doing? Seriously?"

"Wait, Kate don't." Michael tries to stop her from going any further.

That's when we zoom in and we see Dean and myself talking to a coroner. We thank her for her time and walk back to the car, where we meet Sam.


"Not unless you want to put out an APB on Rocky Raccoon."

"Alright, the local police files are not online, so I had to dig through the county records. Um...ten years ago there was a similar unsolved murder."

"Death by claws and a lack of heart? So we're talking a...."

"No, not that time of claw."

"Awesome. Time to hit the books. Feed the monster."

"They know something. We gotta follow them. Michael. Come on. Michael."

Just then Bryan emerges with a camera.

"How'd you find us?"

"GPS in your phones. Duh."

"You know, you're starting to creep me out man."

"The feeling's mutual dude."

"What else can you hack into Bryan?" Kate asks.


Now there's security camera footage of us, doing our research at a little restaurant. But Bryan is also outside of it as well.

"Spying on us." I shake my head.

"Yeah the feed is looped into my laptop right now. Head in, make sure you're within spitting distance and we should be in business. Um...and don't get arrested."

"I'll do it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Give it to me." He motions for the camera.

He then puts a hat on and hides the camera in a bag, walking in and sitting nearby to where we were.


"Uh..a little left."

"Thank you very much." I thank the waitress as she brings us our food.

"Dude, two burgers?" Sam looks at Dean in disbelief.

"Hey, I didn't eat a big piece for a year okay. Clear eyes and clogged arteries. Case closed. Hey check this out. Werewolves that are turned up to 4 generations from pure blood. Think that means alpha? Are less feral and can transform before, during and after the lunar cycle. Boom."

"Let me see that. They don't black out during the transformation, they can control themselves. Some of them have been able to subsist off of animal hearts. what, we're hunting a werewolf with a pedigree?"

"Awesome. Let's hope he has his papers."

"Yeah and that silver can kill him. So what, best in show comes in years ago, ganks a poor woman , dust settles, everything's in the clear and he sets up shop?"

"Yeah, human heart stays for the co-eds."

"Then everything's wine and roses, animal tickers and gets the hankering for human again."

"Told you there was a case here. We just gotta find him and kill it."

Kate, Michael and Bryan are now in their house, watching the footage from there.

"I'm a werewolf. A werewolf."

"Michael. Come on baby, you need to calm down."

"Calm down? I'm a werewolf-"

He and Bryan then start to walk over each other.

"Shut up! Everybody shut up okay? First things first, those guys are not FBI. I'm pretty sure that FBI agents don't say awesome that much. You know, and they definitely don't hunt and kill college kids."

"Is there anything else?"

"Dude they just sat and talked about how they been apart for a year. You're probably right about that office romance thing."

"I'm screwed. I'm screwed."

"Kate, what're we supposed to do."

"Alright guys, you're missing the big picture. They don't know about you Michael. They're looking for whoever...whatever bit you in the first place. The pure blood. That gives us some time. Figure it out you know?"

"So what's the plan? Eat chicken hearts the rest of my life?"

"Michael, baby." Kate gets up and follows him into the bedroom. They talk in the bedroom while Bryan looks over the footage of Michael getting attacked. He freezes the frame and prints out the picture of what he saw.

"Hey guys. I think I found something."

Kate gets up and closes the bedroom door as she and Michael continue to argue.

"Wow, rude much?" I roll my eyes.

Bryan grabs the keys and the camera and sets off, leaving the house. He goes out into the woods, searching for anything that would help him figure out what he saw. He sees the pin that his professor was wearing in class that one day and then he heads to the office of his and sets up a hidden camera. He sits and waits as the professor comes into the office.

"A little early for office hours Bryan, what can I help you with?"

"I know what you are."

Then all of a sudden, Bryan is back at the house and Kate is packing up her stuff to leave.

"You don't have to worry, I took care of it."

"Took care of what?" Michael asks.

"Bryan, what did you do?"

The footage jumps back to him and the professor. He's holding up the pin that belonged to him.

"I know what you are."

"Yeah I'm your professor. And thanks I've been looking for that. Where'd you find it?"

"Where you left it. After you bit my friend."

"I'm sorry, what're you-"

"Stop stop stop. Stop trying to cover. Just listen to me real carefully. I'm filming all of this, and I have a hidden camera in here too. It's feeding back to my laptop at home. So if anything happens to me..."

"Nothing is going to happen to you Bryan. But you know, you need to calm down."

"I want you to turn me into a werewolf."

"Bryan I don't know where you-"

"You don't know? Really? How about I uh...cut with this." He states, pulling out a silver knife.

"Bryan listen-"

"This is made of silver you know."

"Look I'm not...please I'm not what you think I am."

"I don't care what you are, I just want you to turn me."

"I don't want to hurt you." He growls.

"You're not going to, because if you do, all this winds up on CNN."

They then sit down at the desk.

"So you stumbled on Carter, wolfed out and then what? Got a taste for hearts again?"

"You never lose the taste if you're stupid enough to have one. Once you have a human heart it's almost impossible to control the monster inside. But I did. Until last week when I uh...fell off the wagon as they say. You have no idea, no idea how hard it is. I've trained myself not to hurt anyone. I've trained myself to choke down those other hearts."

"Animal hearts."

"And I have been clean."

"Until last week."

"Then I saw Carter..alone and he was...he looked so weak. It's harder to cover things up nowadays. I knew a hunter would catch one of us sooner or later."

"They did, they're here. You did it to Patsy...Michael."

"Yes. The young man who sleeps through most of my lectures. I mean who would miss him?"


"Why are you doing this?"

"I wanna see what you guys see. Do what you do and I'm sick of being Piggy. I wanna be Ralph."

"We don't get to choose who we are."

"I did." Bryan states, removing the bandage to reveal a bite that just disappears.

"Oh my god."

"Bryan, what're you insane?"

"You're welcome. For saving your ass. Look, watch." Bryan says as he plays the footage from the hidden camera, where Sam, Dean and myself fight the professor, killing him in the end with silver bullets.

"Thank you." He states before he dies.

"Never killed a pure blood before."

"No?" I ask.

"No." He repeats.

"What was he looking at?" Sam asks when he goes over to the camera in the corner that was hidden. "What the hell?"

"See? Problem solved. They killed a pure blood, they're moving on, and we're in the clear. Just like you said."

"I never said k-"

"Kate I uh...I did this to protect you. I did what you couldn't."

"They saw the camera Bryan. You don't think they'll trace that back to you? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me. You told me that. I just finally figured out what I want. And now I'm going after it. You thought I was hiding behind this? I was hiding behind you. I am done living in your shadow. I've always lived in your shadow. But now, now we're equals. Anything you can do right?"

"What you think this is a game?! Do you have any idea what you've done to yourself?"

"Well you wouldn't bite me so-"

"Wait you asked him to? He asked you to bite him?"

"I didn't okay? I didn't want to hurt you. I would never hurt you Bryan. This thing inside of me, you don't want this."

"Oh well it's too late for that now."

"I remember attacking Scott. I remember ripping his beating heart out of his chest. I remember the look in his dead eyes when I bit into that heart Bryan. And above all I remember how sweet, how delicious it tasted and ever since I've tasted it, I've felt more powerful and more out of control."

"You're weak. You don't need someone like Michael, you need someone who can take care of you." Bryan tells Kate.

"I can take care of myself."

He then grabs her as he laughs.

"Let her go."

"Or what? You're gonna cry some more?"

He then transforms and starts a fight with Bryan. In the end, Bryan stabs him with a silver knife.

"Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die."

"I love you baby."

"I love you too." Was his last words before he died.

"Michael? Michael!!"

"Jealousy is a strong thing. Especially with werewolves I guess."

She takes the knife out of Michael and goes over to Bryan and starts to cut him with it, and he stops her.

"Kate listen to me. I love you. I love you. You'll understand, you just need to see what I see. After I bite you, you'll understand."

She stabs him or so it sounds and gets up to run. He however beats her to it and appears in front of her. She tries to run again, but he's there and grabs her and then bites her. She ends up in the bathroom, crying.

"Kate? Let me in. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. We can fix this, just let me in okay?"

She then starts freaking out and breaks everything, before calming down.

"Bryan?! Bryan I'm coming out. I see it now. I understand." She states, coming out of the bathroom.

"I told you it'd be alright."

"Yeah, it will be. Here."

She then transforms and kills Bryan, his blood being painted all over the walls. She goes over to Michael and cries before covering him with a sheet. Then she goes over to the computer.

"I didn't finish Bryan's movie to justify what happened. To be totally honest, I'm not really sure if I understand it at all. I just wanted you to know that Michael wasn't always a monster. None of us were. I'm leaving. And you'll never hear from me ever again. Look I know that there's another way. I can eat animal hearts. I've never hurt anyone. Nobody human anyway. I didn't choose this. Please...please give me a chance." For once we all are absolutely silent as we feel her pain.

"Okay, so. Uh...this...yeah is Michael." Dean lifts the sheet up a bit to look.

"And that's...."

"Bryan Wilcox Our friendly neighbor cameraman." Sam finishes.

"Who's painted all over the walls." I add.


"Alright so, what...she's got about a half day jump on us?"


"You alright?"


"Look, Kate's right. She hasn't hurt anybody...well anybody human at least."

"Yeah, she didn't choose this. Let's give her a shot."

"I agree Dean." I nod.


"Yeah, yeah."

"Look if Kate pops back up. I mean if she strays, then no questions asked. We do what we gotta do, we take her down." Sam says, taking the hard drive and the laptop.

"Sam, do I really say awesome a lot?"


"Not at all." I add, hiding a smile as I follow Sam to the door.

"Awesome." Dean states after looking at a picture of Kate.

Sam and I laugh inwardly, and leave. Dean plugs the iPod back in and we leave.