Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Blood Brother

Eagle Harbor, Washington

A finely dressed man is walking along the harbor docks.

"Hello Quinton."

He turns around and finds Benny.

"Benny. No, it can't be. You-"

"I get the confusion. You of all people knew I was...really, truly dead. Afterall, you held down my legs didn't you? When the old man told Sorento to saw off my head. Where is he?"

"Are you serious? Did you really think I'd tell you where he is?"

"Well, I guess I was kind of hoping you would." Benny says, waving a machete.

"On the otherhand, I might show you where he is. After me and my boys take off your hands and feet." Quinton states, as two large men walk up behind Benny.

"Well don't go through all that trouble on my account."

"Please. You go and crawl your way out of God's ass for another ride on the merry-go-round. The old man's gonna wanna see this for himself."

"Well, they might be able to kill me. And that's alright. 'Cause if they do, I know exactly where I'm going and who I'll see when I get there."

Just then Quinton transforms and Benny cuts off his head, then turns and faces the other two men behind him, getting ready to fight them.

Enid, Oregon

Sam, Dean and I have been trying to track down Kevin once again. We've been checking all the hotel and such he's been checking into, but no such luck. We tracked him down once again to another motel and we sneak our way into the room he was supposedly in. Sam turns the light on as soon as we walk in and there's no sign of Kevin.

"Great. Not here." I sigh.

"Well that is twice that he's burned us. Shame on you." Dean says to Sam.

"No no no no, I'm the one who said he set us up."

"No you said I wonder if Kevin is setting us up and then you started in with the techno babble, that was like two states ago."

"Yeah well whatever. Either way that's another room billed to one of Kevin's false credit IDs. And the motel ran his number TODAY."

"As like he actually checked in?" Dean asks.


"Kid's like Rain man. He's like a crappy little credit card counting, criminal prodigy rain man." Dean says, stating some other things before grabbing three beers out of the mini fridge, handing one to me and Sam.

"Well he was in Advanced Placement."

"Shut up. When's that little idiot gonna stop running from us?"

"I don't know Dean. I mean you did try to kill his mother."

"Tis true." I state.

"I was trying to kill Crowley okay? Who happened to be wearing Kevin's mother at the time. Well there's a difference!"

"Apparently not to Kevin. Oh I know, maybe because...oh yeah, it's his mother." Sam states, as Dean's phone rings.

"Hold that thought. No actually, you know what, don't hold that thought. Hello? Hello. Uh hang on there's not enough bars." Dean states and then leaves the room, going outside.


"Heyyy...Dean. You got a minute? I messed up buddy."

"What did you do?"

"Hehe, no man, not like that."

In the meantime, Sam comes out of the bathroom and looks out the window at Dean, still on the phone.

"What's he doing?" I ask.

"Still on the phone. Who do you think he could be talking to?" Sam asks.

"I really don't know." I shrug.

"You took on how many? What're you crazy?" Dean asks.

"Hey, see the thing is, my legs ain't working so good. There's a...a fuel barge not too far from here. I'm pretty sure I can make it at a slow crawl. Just kind of hoping maybe I could ask you for one more favor?"

It's only a few minutes after that when Dean comes back into the hotel room.

"I've got to go." He states, packing his bags.

"What? Go? Go where?" I ask.

"And...and...what exactly is that supposed to mean, you've got to go?"

"Which words are giving you trouble?"

"We're on a case. Remember Dean? The Winchester holy grail, shut the gates of hell forever case?"

"Sure are. But in order to close the gates of hell, we need our prophet. Am I right? So step one, find Kevin Tran. Well he ain't here. But he wanted us to be, which means we're possibly as far away from him as he could possibly put us. So Step two, find Kevin Tran." Dean then packs some more stuff, before grabbing his bags and heading out. Sam and I quickly follow.

"Wait...Dean. Seriously?"

"Hey, the trail is dead, but the room is paid for. You two got some research to do and I've got some personal crap I've got to take care of, that's all."

"What does that mean, personal?"

"Did you have a stroke? Vocabulary? Personal. As in my own, grown up, personal, I don't know crap."

"Damn it-"

"What? Sam. Last I counted, you took a year off from a job. I need a day." Dean states, getting into the car and starting it up.

"Wait." I stop him, going around to the driver's side.

"I can't come with you obviously, but don't I at least get a kiss goodbye until you come back?\ Please?" I give him the eyes that get him every time.

"Would I ever deny my own girlfriend a kiss." He gives me his famous smirk.

I grin before leaning into the window and pressing my lips to his. He makes the kiss linger a bit before pulling away.

"I'll miss you. Even though I know you'll be back."

"I know. Sammy, keep her safe."

"I can take care of myself, but thanks Dean." I tell him, before backing up from the car, allowing him to drive away. Sam and I then head back into the motel room.

Flashback - Purgatory

Dean's in the middle of a fight with another monster and he kills him. Benny's whistling to get attention to others, and they kill two others coming after them.

Sam and I are back in the motel room. He sits down at the laptop while I head into the bathroom to change for bed, calling it an early night.

"I'm calling it a night Sam. See you in the morning." I tell him before climbing into the bed Dean and I were gonna share, going to sleep.

"Alright, night Brooke."

"Night Sam."

The next morning, Sam went out and got us coffee and such for breakfast, he sat down and did more research on Kevin and then was checking up on Amelia. I didn't want to say anything about it, so I kept quiet, doing my own research on my own computer. Then we hear a strange noise coming from the bathroom. Sam gets up and investigates. He turns the light on to see the fan on the ceiling rattling.


Sam walks into this building with the dog he hit, but got saved and kept.

"Everett, hey buddy. You still on duty?"


"How's your dad?"

"It's been kind of rough on the new regimen. Can't keep anything down."

"That sucks. Listen um...I'm gonna stay another week, but I need you run it on this card, 'cause I just cancelled the one you have on file."

"Okay, sure. Figured you'd move on by now."

"Right, well I'm kind of between jobs-" Sam stops when the AC goes wonky. "-plus uh...the dog has a surgery follow up on Tuesday."

"Yeah, you really messed up that dog."

"Right uh..thanks for that." Sam replies and the AC starts acting up again.

"Uh..yeah it's all that thing does. Piss, moan and eat up money we ain't got."

"You got any tools?"

"Hell, if you can fix it, you don't need to go out and look for a job. You got one here."

Back to reality and Sam is in the bathroom, tightening the thing that holds the fan in the ceiling. He gets down from the chair and turns the switch on and the fan makes no noise. In the meantime, Dean has pulled up to this old boatyard/harbor. He finds Benny's truck and parks next to it, searching the truck for something. He then goes into the back and finds a bag, and a cooler, deciding to grab the cooler and he opens it to reveal bags of blood.

"Benny?!" He calls out.

He finds this underground area and heads down, spotting Benny sitting there.

"Benny? Not looking good."

"Hehe up yours."

He then opens the cooler of blood packs, giving him some to get his strength back. After he drinks, they head up to this office like area and Benny cleans himself up in the bathroom.

"Wow. You uh...look okay."

"Getting there."

"Dude you were double hamstrung."

"Yeah well a little rest, half a cooler full of AB negative, most wounds short of amputation will mend up."

"Uh huh."

"I'll be myself before you know it. Thank you brother." Benny holds out his hand and Dean shakes it.

"Benny what's going on?"

"Oh you're work here is done Dean. You already saved the day. You know I got my and you got...what'd you call it? Family business?"

"Benny. What's going on?"

"You and that whole friend thing man."

Flashback - Purgatory

Dean just got finished killing another monster, when Castiel walked up and killed one before walking towards Dean and Benny.

"Well I've got to admit Dean, the angel has his strong points but holy hell he ain't a magnet."

"Well before we found Cas, you said it was my humanity that was drawing too much attention."

"Yeah that too."

"Well I think we're clear for the moment. Does present a curious curl in the metaphysics doesn't it? If you murder a monster in monster heaven, where does it go?"

"And this is the crazy aunt I want to take on the road?"

"I am not your aunt."

"What? Really?"

"I have no possible relationship to your sibling offspring."

"Now you're kidding me."

"Oh you two are killing me."

"I have to agree with the vampire Dean. The risk of crossing Purgatory with a serif, it's...less than strategic. Certainly when we have no reason to believe that I can pass through the door that you're headed for."

"You see you're an intact, living human being, stuck in Purgatory's craw. This dimension wants to spit you out, and that's exactly what's gonna power our escape pod. Now I'm pretty sure I can squeeze through too because afterall, you take away the fangs and the fun, and I was born human too. But..."

"...I don't think it'll work for me." Cas finishes for Benny.

"You hear what he's telling you Dean? Your buddy is saying-"

"Listen to me you undead, blood junkie. I'm the one with the mojo, I'm the one with the plan. Cas, we're gonna shove your ass back through the eye of that needle, if it kills all three of us."

"Obviously I'm less than comfortable right now."

Present Day

"Well it's good to know you're still dumb as ever." Benny states.

"Yeah well, some things never change. Now why are you getting into machete fights with your own kind?"

"Quinton. What I came for. We were in the same nest. I'm hunting the vampire that turned me."

"Now don't get me wrong, I'm down with the hunting but uh...why?"

"Kill him, before he kills me...again."

Sam and I are still at the motel. I'm inside ordering some food for us, while he's outside, sitting in one of the porch chairs on his laptop.

"Hey Sam, want the usual pizza?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

"Gotcha. Yeah we'll have-" My voice gets distant as I head back inside, but leave the door open.


Sam's busy fixing the hotel ice machine, the dog he now owns, laying on the ground next to him. He turns it on and it works.

"Awesome. Uh if you're still on the clock, lady in 118 says the sink's backed up."

Sam puts the cover back on the ice machine and heads over to room 118 to fix the sink. As he's fixing it, who other than Amelia walks in.

"What the hell. What're you doing here? I knew there was something off about you. With your creepy army navy and your side-"

"Stop stop. Um...I'm fixing your sink."


End Flashback.

"Quinton and I went way back. One of the old man's favorites next to me turns out."

"Listen to this. Age of Aquarius two, 0800 and there's some numbers all crossed out. Some weird names here too. The Big Mermaid, Solitaire, it's all crossed out. Cept this one. The Lucky Myra."

"Yachts. Names of yachts. Lucky Myra, Age Of Aquarius Two. Look at this one. See You Later spelled SEAM. Come on."

"So then these are launch times. Then what, destinations?"

"Mmhmm. Cept none of them never get there. The Lucky Myra left yesterday afternoon, I guarantee it's already been hit."

"What do you mean hit?"

"Boarded and burned and buried at sea. My nest, that's how we fed. And we always fed. We kept a tight little fleet, maybe a half dozen boats. I must've circled the America's 10 times. A few of us would act as strayers and patrol the harbors, looking for the right sized target. Fat, rich, yachts. Take down the boat's name and destination, radio it to the crew on the water. Then we just let the ocean swallow up all our sins."

"Vampire pirates. That's what you guys are. Vampirates."

"You know all the years we ran together, I can't believe nobody ever thought of that."

"What do you mean? It's like the third thing you say."

"No it isn't."

"Alright so your maker's set up to feed around here right? What're we looking for?"

"He likes to live in style. Usually rents legitimately. Always remote, always coastal."

"So an island maybe? Have a cable bill here. Quinton's got the NFL package. Prentiss Island. Heard of it?"

"Oh yeah."

They then leave and get into the car and head off down the road.

"Why did your maker kill you?"

"When you get turned, it's like you're reborn into a vampire nest. Your maker, he means everything to you. I mean, you better start believing he's god. Now your maker happens to believe the same thing." Benny explains, taking out a blood packet and starts to drink.

"I can see where that can be a pickle. You really have to do that? I mean, right now?"

"I'm sorry brother. I'm better but I'm still on the mend."


"Anyway, our father, he was a jealous god. Kept family together but kept us apart from the rest of the world. Always at sea. I always did what was best for the nest, till I met her. Andrea. Andrea Comos. Beautiful. I mean words don't even cut it you know? Greek heiress."

"Come on."

"She was sailing a 42 foot stoop in the Canary Islands. Now I should've called her boat's destination into my crew, but instead, I joined her on it."

"Seriously. Was Fabio on the cover of that paper bag?"

"My life changed when she entered it Dean. Everything I've been or done up to that point just...seemed to vanish. Into what we had become together. I mean, we found it man. Eventually we settled in Louisiana. And one night we were coming home and...the old man he was just...there. Quinton, Sorento, my oldest nest mates. It was only that night I understood what a crime it was to him. They pinned me down, and the beheaded me. The last thing I saw was the old man tearing out Andrea's throat."

"Well that's what payback's all about, am I right?"

"Docks are up ahead. Should be able to find a dingy to use."

Once they get to the docks, they find a boat and take it to the island, docking it, tying it down. Benny tosses Dean the bags and then they make their way up to the house that's on the island.

"We're close." Benny states as they walk through the woods.

Dean stops to finish texting, and he's texting Sam to tell him and myself where the is.

"Remind you of anything?" Benny asks.

Dean then deletes the text before even sending it and puts his phone away. Then he and Benny take out their special weapons that kill vampires.

"It's weird, being back."

"Sure as hell is."

"I mean, what do you do with it all. All them...all everything. Hell I don't even know if this world is real. If I'm real."

"Hey listen to me. I see what happens down that rabbit hole. Okay? We're real. Benny this is real. It's the only way to play this game, get me?"

They then reach the house and sneak in, trying not to make noise and get caught. Benny looks around until he spots the piano.

"Time to move Benny." Dean whispers.

"The old man's harpsichord."

"Benny." Dean whispers again.

Benny however spots a picture and can't take his eyes off of it when he picks it up.

"No. No no."

Just then a door opens upstairs and a woman walks down the stairs.



Just then he gets knocked down from behind and hit a few times. Dean's in hiding watching and hearing it all go down.

"Idiot." He mutters to himself.

So Benny's been captured and handcuffed to a chair, while Dean's in hiding trying to figure out what to do.

"Gonna make me do this all over again aren't you?"

"Hello Sorento. He turned you." Benny says to Andrea and she nods.

Dean however is upstairs, roaming the hallway. That's when his phone vibrates. Sam is trying to call him. But when he doesn't answer and ignores the call, Sam tells me and I sigh.

"I just wanna know if he's okay."

"I know. I'm sure he's fine. You know him and ignoring calls."


"I'm busy right now." Dean says to himself.

He then sees a shadow of a man and hides quick into a room off to the side.

This is Dean's other, other cell so you know what to do.

Sam is still looking up stuff on Amelia, in deep thought.


"So that's what you do? You stalk helpless woman and you break into their hotel room and you fix their plumbing? Why are you fixing my sink?"

"Well, because somebody jammed about 800 limes down the drain, blew out the disposal."

"Oh, right. Don't touch the produce. I thought you were leaving town."

"I am. I'm not helping out with maintenance at the hotel. You know, while Everett's dad is sick?"

"Who's Everett?"

"How long have you been here?"

"3 months, why?"

"Well you know usually when someone moves into a town, they actually know move into the town."

"I did."

"A motel is not actually part of the town that it's in. It's not..part of..anywhere."

"Well I haven't found a place yet. Why am I explaining myself to you? You're a drifter. Or a handyman."

"I think I should just go."

"Yeah, I think you should go."

Just then Sam's phone rings and it can only be one person...Dean.

"Is it Dean?" I ask, moving from the bed, sitting next to Sam.

"Yeah." He nods as he answers.


"Okay what?"


"Why did you call me?"

"Why are you whispering?"

"It's kind of hard to explain. I'm sure I'm in the middle of cleaning out a vampire's nest and it's sort of gone a little sideways on me."

"Vampire's nest?!" I exclaim.

"What?! Are you an idiot Dean?! You know better than to go into a vamp nest alone!"

"No damn it. I'm not alone. I've got back up. Guy's been tracking the nest for a while."

"What guy? Garth?"

"What? No. You don't know him. He's a...friend."

"A friend. Dean you don't have any. All your friends are dead."

"That's not what I called to talk about!"

Meanwhile with Benny and Andrea and the other vamps, he's still handcuffed and guarded.

"Sorento go. Tell the old man it's true."

"He listens to you?"

"It's been a long time. Our father's come to trust my judgment over Sorento's. I answer only to him."

"Well sleeping with god has got to have some perks."

She walks up and hits him across the face with her fist.

"Yes it does. Make sure the old man has everything he needs." Andrea states and the other two men leave the room, leaving her and Benny alone. She then takes the chance to kiss him and kiss him longingly.

"Benny. I heard you were back. I don't know, somehow I knew it was true. I had to believe it. To hope."

"Andrea what happened? The old man said he was gonna bleed you dry."

"I don't know, he changed his mind. Blacked out and when I woke up, I was drinking from his wrist."

"I'm sorry. All this is because of me, I'm sorry."

"No. It's not your fault. You never hid anything from me Benny. I chose you."

"But why'd you stay? With them. With him. Why?"

"You remember what it's like at first. First everything resets. Life is blood. That's all. And whoever gives it to you."

"I know. It's complicated. Every damn thing is complicated."

She then pulls out a knife from her back, that was stuffed into her pants.

"Doesn't have to be."


"Benny I can't kill him. None of us can. But you, you came back from the grave. You're proof that he's not all powerful, not god. He's scared of me Benny I know it."

"You understand that I came back to burn his operation to the ground. To stop the killing."

"Do what you came for and we can be together." She states, standing back up and backing away just as a door opens and shuts, Sorento coming into the room.

"He wants Benny brought to him."

"I get the seperate lives thing, but this is a hunting thing. And we need to find that line-"

"God stop talking. I texted you my 20."

"Yeah I got it, look we're on our way. And listen if you handle it, great. I'll buy your friend the first round, but Dean listen to me. Dean. Dean are you there? Dean. Dean! You kidding me?!"

Just then one of the vampires finds Dean's phone. He picks it up as Sam's talking and when he turns around, Dean cuts his head off. Bad news, he kind of smashed Dean's phone.

"Oh man, come on."

"Damn it." Sam exclaims, throwing his phone.

Dean in the meantime takes the vampire he beheaded and starts to drag him down the hall. He looks to his right and there's another one. Benny in the meantime is brought up to the "old man" aka "father".

"Hello father."

"Benny, I have no words."

"Now I know that ain't true."

"Can you help us understand. I know you don't owe us anything. But how? How are you here, standing in front of me?"

"I found a way back."

"From hell?"

"Right next door as far as I could tell."

"Next door, what's that?"

"Oh I think I'll just have to show you."

"I know it won't change anything. But I regretted having you killed. When it was all done, I wailed when I saw you in all those pieces. Didn't I Sorento? Didn't I wail at the ugliest baby in the world?"

"Yes father. That's when you decided to turn his cow."

"Poor So-So was bitter because your cow outranks him now."

"Why didn't you let her die? She meant nothing to you."

"But she meant everything to you. If that's all I could salvage from my wayward son, the woman he defied his maker for, I wanted someone to remember you by."

Dean in the meantime has dragged both vampires he killed around the corner. Two others come after him and they get killed as well.

Flashback - Purgatory

"What the hell do you know about the bayou life? You're a vampire."

"Yup. And I think we both know which one of our kinds kills more humans."

"Statistically speaking that'd be your-"

"Yes thank you Cas."

"I get it. You're worried what I might do, when we make it topside. I'll start eating your little piggies. I already told you man, by the time I got iced, I was strictly on blood transfusions. Donated blood. Not donated to me, I'll give you that, but I paid good black market scratch for it."

"So what is that, like the vampire's own diet?"

"Look, all I'm saying is I started seeing something in humanity okay? Something that shouldn't be taken. I drink blood, I don't drink people."

"And why the hell should I believe you?"

"What does it matter what you believe. You got your head so far up your ass Dean, you don't realize we're already done for. Angel knows it. We are never gonna make it with him next to us, glowing like a beacon."

"Do I need to remind you of our deal? Of what you committed to?"

"He is gonna get us killed."

"We may get to test that theory."

"More monsters?"


"Why don't you blip out of here?"

"They're too close. I can't. Run."

Dean is walking the halls again upstairs until he comes to some stairs. Sam and I check out of the hotel room and he goes to break into a car and steal it.



"Are you forgetting something?" I ask, leaning up against my car, my keys in hand.

"I'm driving. Get in."

We then pull out of the parking lot and head off to find Dean.


"No no no. Dog. Dog. Ohh Dog don't bother the angry lady. Uh...hey sorry."

"Dog? That's what you're calling him? Well it's accurate. Is Dog taking his antibiotics?"

"Uh yes he is. He's doing...much better, thank you. You know, um...I have to say, um...I've seen a lot of stitches in my time and you've got really good hands."

"Thank you."

"So you think I'm creepy?"

"I think it's creepy you buy all your clothing at Army Surplus. White supremacists do that."

"Yeah, but I'm not."

"Drifting, serial killers do that. You come from nowhere, and appear to be going nowhere. And you've quote, seen a lot of stitches, it's all pretty solid creepy."

"You have no idea where you're going either do you?"

"No. Not really."

"And that's because you have no one? I mean at all right? I mean, that's why you' in this place."

"I used to...have someone I mean. But, that's over now. It's gone. You know what that's like don't you?"

So Sam and I are still on our way to find Dean and Sam tries to call him again, not knowing that his phone smashed.

This is Dean's other, other...

Sam hangs up and tosses his phone.

"I suppose you coming back from the dead well...that's the definition of mutiny isn't it? All of this has me feeling so...tired."

"You should've let me go."

"But Benny, I don't let things go."

"Really? You live so long, how is it you have so little hmm? Nothing but a beat up old harpsichord and a nest of hyenas."

"I have the sea. And I have Andrea."

"No. You don't have her. Least that much I know." Benny states, holding up the handcuffs that have now been taken off of him.

"Ahhh that dumb bitch." Sorento states and goes to cut Benny's head off. Benny moves and fights him off.

"Where the hell did you learn to fight like that?"

"I had a lot of practice." Benny retorts and beheads Sorento.

"You just gonna sit there?"

"You're right. I've been here so so long Benny. Seen all the outcomes, all the patterns, a trillion times. It all means so little. This universe is a pyramid of despair. Nothing else."

"Little dark."

"I am evil afterall. At least I've had that much to keep me cold at night. You never had that did you? Everything had to be thought about. Considered."

"You know what Socrates said about a life, unconsidered."

"Yes. But what we have on us, Benny that's not life. That's what you still don't get. That's why it's always been so hard for you. My poor Benjamin."

Benny then takes him and throws him into the glass nearby on a shelf.

"Get up."

"This is the one last thing I can take from you."

"No. No damn it. You try and kill me, you try and kill me again."

"This is my story nat. It ends the way I choose. Not you."

Benny has had enough and lifts him up from the ground.

"Well at least I can finally show you something new old man. A whole new world."

A while later, Benny returns to Andrew with the bloody knife.

"The old man is dead. Let's go."

"Where Benny?"

"What're you talking about? Anywhere. You're not leaving here are you? And you never would."

"We have everything we need right here. The operation is still perfect. We can ride the high seas, plunder together. We can have the life we've always wanted."

"What I wanted was to leave a burning crater behind. I wanted to put your memory to rest."

"But I'm not a memory. Benny I'm right here."

"What I loved, it ain't here anymore. It was snuffed out a long time ago by monsters like me. Like what you've become."

"You think you're better than me now?"

"No, I think we're all damned."

She then starts to turn and Dean comes up behind her and stabs her, followed by cutting her head off. They leave the mansion and head back to the boat, ready to leave.

"Why'd you do it Dean?"

"Do what?"

"Resurrect me. You could've drained my soul."

"What're you talking about? Hey you good?"

"Man, I don't know what I am."

He climbs into the boat, while Dean has another flashback.

Dean, Cas and Benny are running for their lives because of the Leviathan. But one catches up to them and goes after Dean.

"Oh great."

Castiel goes to run but another Leviathan stops him. Dean stops and kills the one coming after him and Cas is almost a goner, but Benny cuts the head off of the other one and helps Cas up.

So Dean and Benny reach the dock where Sam and I are waiting. They dock the boat and climb out. Benny gets out next and greets Sam.

"I'm Benny." He states and shakes Sam's hand. "Heard a lot about you Sam."

Just then Sam's expression changes and we see him going after his knife in his side pocket. I give that a look of what the hell is going on. Sam scowls at Dean and Dean shakes his head 'no', and Sam retracts his hand.

"I can see you two have a lot to talk about." Benny states as he walks away.

"Nice to meet you too young lady. Brooke I presume."

"Um yeah. Nice to meet you too Benny." I shake his hand.

"You take care of this one Dean. Wouldn't want anything to happen to her like what happened to my Andrea."

As he walks away, Sam gives Dean the same scowl and Dean instantly knew that Sam knew he was a vampire.

"He's vampire isn't he Dean?"

"What? A vampire? You've been off with a vampire this whole time. Dean that's dangerous!"

"Would you two relax? We just took out a nest of vampires. He killed his own kind."

"Dean it's vampires we're talking about here. This was the personal day?"

"Sammy relax. I'm fine. Now let's hit the road." Dean simply states as he walks past us to head up to his car.

Sam gives me a look and I just shrug. Then we too head up to the cars and we all head off onto the road.