Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Southern Comfort

Kearney, Missouri

A man is in his garage, under his car, working on it, listening to the radio.

"Hey hun, just in time. Grab me a cold one would ya?"

"Why don't you have Sarah Alcott get it for you?!" She snaps at him.


She then kicks the jack out from under the car, the man getting trapped underneath. She gets into the car, starts it and pulls out of the garage, instantly killing him.

Present Day

The three of us were back to working on the Kevin business. We're stopped at a Rib Shack, Dean and I are hanging outside by the car, Sam's inside getting us drinks and food.

"What's up?" Sam asks, coming back out.

"Got a case on this police scanner. Sounds like our kind of thing."

"I wasn't even gone 10 minutes." Sam says in awe.

"Okay and that matters why?"

"I don't know Dean. How about because you haven't said a word to me since Prentiss Island? And now what? You want me to shut up and ride shotgun and act like nothing happened?"

"You want to talk about Benny? Fine, let's talk. Already had this conversation with Brooke, might as well have it with you."

"Okay. How about he's a vampire."

"He's also the reason I'm topside and not roasted when I was spit in Purgatory. Anything else?"

"Don't pretend I don't get it. I know you had to do what you had to do down there."

"I highly doubt you get anything about Purgatory."

"But you're out now. And Benny's still breathing. Why?"

"He's my friend Sam."

"And what about my friend, Amy. She was what? Because you sure as hell didn't have a problem ganking her."

"Well I guess people change don't they? We let that werewolf Kate go didn't we?"

"Yeah, she was different. You think Benny's different? Did he tell you he's not drinking a lot of blood or something? And you believe him. Wow. Okay, no, you're right. People do change."

"Yeah, I've got a vampire buddy and you turn your phone off for a year."

"Here we go again." I mumble to myself.

"Don't turn this on me."

"Look Benny slips up and some other hunter turns his lights out, so be it."

"But it's not gonna be you right?"

"You coming or not?" Dean retorts, getting into the car.

I sigh and go to my car and get in, starting that as I wait for Dean to pull out first. Sam gets in shortly after and once Dean pulls out, so do I and we make a rest stop so we can change into our FBI attire, because we were going to the crime scene to figure out what's happened. We reach the home and park. I'm sure Dean has some info on the victim and stuff, so I get out of the car and go over to his, leaning in the window.

"So what's the deal?" I ask.

"Guy's old lady comes home while he's working underneath his ride, puts the pedal to the metal, takes half his head off."

"Huh, odd."

"And that's it?"

"Yeah in a nutshell. I mean she says she blacked out, doesn't remember a damn thing."

"Well that sounds like insanity."


"So how does that make this our kind of thing?"

"Because Sam, Kevin's in the wind okay? You're sulking around like a unich in a whore house, and I can't help but ask myself when is decapitation not my thing?"

"He's got a point Sam." I state as I move out of the way as Dean gets out.

"I think you're forgetting something...detective." I grin.

"Of course...detective." He smirks.

He takes a look around before pressing his lips to mine. When we pull away, we head up to the crime scene.

"Whoa whoa." One of the police officers come jogging over and we show him our badges. "FBI."

"Yeah, happened to be in the neighborhood."

"First a Texas Ranger, now you guys?"

"Texas Ranger?"

"Yes sir. Right over there." He steps aside to reveal someone talking to someone else.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Wait, that's that Garth?"

"Let's go. Hey Chuck Norris."

"Sam? Dean? Brooke?" He hugs all of us.

"You guys have no idea how much I missed you."

"Excuse us please."

"Yeah we'll be right back."

"Texas Ranger Garth? Seriously? We're in Missouri."

"What? Come on I look like a funeral director in one of those." Garth motions to the suits. "Wow, I heard some chatter you three were back in the batters box, but I didn't believe it until now."

Then music goes off and Garth goes into his inside pockets and finds the one that's going off.

"You Earl, what you got? A revenant. Okay you'll need a casket and some silver spikes. Oh and don't get bit. No it won't turn you, but it will hurt like hell. Okay so once you got all that, nail that sucker in, bury him and throw away the key. Okay? Alright hasta."

"What're you doing?"

"My job hombre."

"Your job? Since when is giving advice your job?"

"Hold up. Are you the new Bobby?"

"You shut your mouth."


"You shut your mouth. What?"

"Bobby was gone, you three were MIA, it was a weird time. Somebody had to step in and take up the slack. Alright, let's just get back to work and we'll talk about this later alright?"

"Garth just tell us what to do?"

"I think so."

Then we head over to who Garth was talking to.

"Uh Scott Lou, these gentlemen and young lady are with the FBI. Mr. Lou's parents were involved in this...unfortunate situation."

"Sorry for your loss."

"Just a few questions Mr. Lou. any chance were your parents having...marital problems?"

"No. No more than anyone else."

"What about your mother's health? Any chance there was a seizure, stroke, anything that might help explain this?"

"I don't think so. They're checking her out at the hospital right now."

"What about stranger behavior."

"Stranger? How?"

"Hearing voices, seeing things, your mother mention anything like that?"

"My parents were married for 30 years. High school sweethearts. There's no good explanation for why this happened. No matter where you wanna look."

"Okay, well thank you Scott. We'll be in touch."

"Now what do we do?"

"Search the place for EMF, anything."

We then start to walk around the property, Sam has the EMF reader out, and it's picking nothing up.

"No EMF. No traces of sulfur anywhere. Just like I thought. Bust."

"Hold on there Sam, there's a lot of things to factor in here. Uh it happened last night so readings could be cold by now."

"Good point."

"An uh...even if there was any sulfur Barney Five and his crew probably contaminated the whole crime scene and any evidence that was here with it."

"Wow, he's on a roll."

"Yeah, that's one word for it."

"Uh guys? I think I found something." Garth says, lifting his foot up and there's this kind of green goo that he seemed to step in.

"Is that gum or is that ectoplasm?"

"Ectoplasm is usually black right?"

"Whatever it is, it's gross." I make a face.

Garth swipes some off his boot and tastes it. I make a face of disgust.

"Mmm. Definitely ectoplasm. So what're we thinking? Some kind of ghost right?"

"Has to be." I nod.

Then another phone goes off and he answers.

"Uh Ranger McCray here."

"One of those things ring 'Hammer', I'm throwing down." Dean states.

"Great...okay. Okay. Thanks doc. Asked the coroner to drop me a line incase the autopsy turned up anything...unusual. And guess what? Our dead guy had the word Alcott carved into his chest."


"With what?"

"Coroner's best guess, his wife Mary's fingernails."

"Ew. And ouch nonetheless. So what, go question her?"

"Good idea. Let's go."

We head to the cars and I follow behind Dean who follows behind Garth, We all then head to the hospital. When we walk in, we show the woman at the front desk our badges and then we ask to see Mary Lou. She tells us what room she's in and we head that way. There's a cop outside the door, so we show him our badges and he lets us inside.

"Mrs. Lou, can you tell us what happened?" Sam asks, after we introduce ourselves and tell her why we were there.

"I was at the store getting groceries, and the next thing I know my son Scott finds me in the driveway. And Chester was..."

I frown and move from Dean's side and go over to the bed, sitting down on it next to her and I provide some comfort for her. Seeing as I am the only other woman in the room right now and you know us women and our feelings.

"It's alright Mrs. Lou." I reassure her.

"Do you remember anything at all about what happened..uh...Chester...dying?"

"Not really. Bits and pieces I guess."

Garth starts to laugh and we all give him weird looks before Dean gives him a look and shakes his head.

"Such as?"

"I remember his screams. The smell of burnt rubber and...I remember feeling so angry. Just uncontrollable rage. Like I wasn't myself. After it was over, all that anger was...gone."

"Uh ma'am? Does the word Alcott mean anything to you?"

"What does she have to do with anything?"

"It's a she?"

"My husband Chester and I were going steady in high school for a few years already, when we had a big fight."

"What about?"

"Something stupid I'm sure. It was around prom so he took Sarah Alcott as his date instead of me."

"So this Sarah Alcott was a rival for your husband's affections?" Garth asks.

"Sarah had one night with him. Whereas I was with Chester for 37 years."

"Of course. Just one more question. Ms. Alcott still alive?" Sam asks.

"As far as I know, yes."

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Lou." Dean says as he, Sam and Garth begin to leave.

I grab her hand and give her a reassuring smile, before getting up and following. We leave the room and then the hospital, going back out to the cars.

"So let me get this straight. This poor guy goes to prom with some girl over 30 years ago and because of that now he's a pancake?"

"And if this is a ghost, maybe it's some sort of possession."

"What're you talking about? You heard her, Alcott's alive."

"Well we're definitely gonna want to go talk to her."

"Yeah sounds like a plan. Did we eat yet?"

"No, I don't think so." I say as I head over to my car.

We end up going to a bar, going over what we've come across and such, do a little research possibly. We get food and a round of beers as we do so.

"So Dean, give me the skinny. Where were you this past year?" Garth asks.

"Why don't we save what I did over my summer vacation for another time?"

"Ah come on."

"Alright. I was in Purgatory."

"Like uh..Purgatory, Purgatory?"

"No the one in Miami."

"Man, that's balls."

"That's not how you say balls."

"So how'd you get out?"

"What's up with all the uh...hillbilly hackies. These people know the Civil War's over right?" Dean totally avoids the subject at hand.

"Mmmm. That's a...touchy subject around these parts. See Missouri was a border state. So half the men were confederate, the other half were the union." Garth explains.

"How do you know all this?" Sam asks.

"Went to college."

"You went to college?"

"Yeah. College and then onto dental school."

"So you were a dentist." I state.

"Yeah, just for like a hot minute. Where'd you think I got my first case?"

"Let me guess. Toothfairy."

"Yeah. Man I felt terrible when I ganked that SOB."

"You killed the Toothfairy?"

"Yeah man. I mean not my proudest moment but it happened. Man this is good."

Meanwhile at a small store in town

Scott Lou pulls up to the small town store just as his phone goes off.

"Hey hun. No I'm driving Joe on the way to the hospital. I was gonna bring mom some stuff. Ah crap, Jeff's here. Don't worry I'll be fine. Okay. Love you."

He hangs up, takes some of his inhaler, and some money and heads inside. He's bleeding some sort of ooze from his ear as he walks in. He goes right over to the coffee pot and goes to pour himself some coffee, when Jeff comes up.

"Hey Scott, uh look..I heard about what happened with your folks. I'm really sorry. If there's anything, I mean anything that I can do, just ask man please."

"How about getting me my money back?" He retorts and proceeds to spill the hot coffee all over Jeff.

He then takes shovel from nearby and starts to hit him repeatedly until he's dead. He drops the shovel, looks up in to the mirror and sees a dead soldier, him clearly being possessed. Just mere minutes after that we get a call on the murder and head to the crime scene to figure out what happened.


"So first mom goes natural born killer and now the son? What do we got? Ghost with an oedipus complex? I don't know what that means."

"I'll check that out."

"Sussex. What is that, another name?"

"I don't know. Hey what'd the cops say?" Sam asks Garth when he walks back over after talking to the police officer.

"Aw come on." Garth says as he steps in that green ectoplasm again. "Not much. Scott insisted he wasn't in control of himself. Says all he remembers is a red hot rage."

"So what is this? Some kind of family curse?"

"Is that Bobby's hat?" Dean asks Garth.

"Dean...this isn't the time." I stop him.

"No it's alright Brooke. It sure is Dean. We worked a ruguru case a few years back. He left it in my car so I kept it as a-" Garth starts to explain as Dean snatches the hat from his head.

"-momento. What're you doing?"

"That's not how you wear it."

"Gentlemen, Miss, surveillance is up but something is all screwy with it."

We follow the police officer to where the footage can be played and when we watch it, we can't see Scott's face, just a bright, shining light that blocked it.

"Must be the camera."

"Yeah, thank you there deputy."

"You guys see the head? Ever see anything like that before?"

"Like that? No way."



"So I'm thinking we need to talk to Sarah Alcott. I found her. Although these days she goes by Sarah Brown." Garth cuts in.

"How bout this, I'll check her out, you three see if you can find out about Sussex." Sam suggests.

"Word." Garth approves.


"On it." I continue. "What're you taking for a car? If you want, you can drive my car. I'll get a ride with Dean."

"Thanks." He says and I toss him my keys, and he leaves the store.

"He's so lucky I don't drive a girly car." I laugh. "So check into a motel for research?" I ask.

"Yup." Dean nods and then we leave the store next, going out to the cars. Garth gets into his and I get into the Impala with Dean.

Sam is currently at Sarah's house, sitting on the front porch with her enjoying some iced tea while they talk.

"Now I know you didn't come all this way for my sweet tea agent."

"No. Um...actually I'm here about Chester Lou."

"Oh yes. So sad."

"It is. Is it true you and Chester...dated a ways back?"

"Well that is an odd question for the FBI isn't it?"

"You wouldn't believe the awkward questions I've had to ask people."

"Yeah, well...yes yes. Me and that old tom cat Chester, we went to prom together. That's about it."

"And that's all?"

"Well I wasn't exactly a good girl, if that's what you mean. And after that, I thought Chester and I were gonna be hot and heavy, but it just wasn't meant to be. And a week later, he eloped with Mary."

"Did you speak much to Mary or Chester after that?"

"Well I'd see them about you know. Picnics and such. But Mary kept Chester on a pretty short leash. Honestly I've moved on but it seems she never did."

"And why do you think that is?"

"Well I guess in her mind, I was a reminder of Chester's betrayal. So, if that's all..."

"Yes, thank you very much for your help."

Sam walks off the porch while she heads into the house.


It's late and Sam and Amelia are cuddling in bed, after having a few drinks and clearly doing other things.

"It's been a long time since I let myself go like that."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"You asked me if I lost someone. I did. My husband. He died in Afghanistan 8 months ago."

"It must've been um...I can't imagine.."

"Yeah. We were together forever. Or at least it seemed that way. Then one day Don just enlists. Didn't ask me. Just said something about wanting to do the right thing. The next thing I know, he's off overseas and I'm all alone. Got a couple letters. Some phone calls. And then a knock at the door. Just like that. And everywhere I looked, all could see was judgement and pity and just this constant reminder of Don everywhere. So I moved here. And became even more of a hot mess than I already was. And you hit a dog."

Sam snaps out of his dazed flashback and continues on his way. Garth, Dean and myself are checked into a motel, and we changed into more comfortable clothes before doing our research at the table in the small kitchen area. Dean is drinking one beer and Garth spots the full and capped bottle nearby. He reaches for it and grabs it, but Dean stops him from taking it away.

"Easy there flyaway. Last time you drank a beer, I had to pick you up off the floor."

I snicker.

"You're such an idgit."

"Idgit's supposed to be used angrily. Not happy okay? You gonna butcher it, don't say it at all."

"Whoa then, okay. None of my business but...this have anything to do with you and...Sam?"

"You got it right, it's none of your business."

"Okay, just seems that you guys are a little tense around each other."

"We're fine. Could we get back to work?"



"Alright. Just uh...just letting you know that I'm here for you. For anything. I know sometimes Bobby, he would-"

"You're not Bobby okay? You're never gonna be Bobby. So stop."

"Bobby belonged to all of us Dean. Not just you and Sam. I'm just taking what he showed me, and trying to do something with it that's all."

"Why don't you see i you can find something in that bourbon drenched book of his, we can get the hell out of dixie alright?"

"Yeah, I'm on it."

"Hey. Sussex is not a who, it's a what. It's a business that went belly up about a year ago. Look at this." Dean says as he turns the computer around for both Garth and I to see.

"So the guy that Scott brained, his old business partner. Ran the company into the ground."

"So Scott had a beef with Jeff."

"Looks like."

Then I grab Dean's phone and put it on speaker once I answer.

"You're on speaker Sam." I state.

"Sarah Alcott's clean. She looked past the fact the she and Chester knocked roots on prom night back in the day."

"Okay, so...Mary has a grudge against Sarah and Scott has a grudge against Jeff. Besides the fact that this is making my head hurt, what does this have to a ghost?"

"Guys, Bobby has it right here. Green goo equals a spectre."

"Which equals ghost right?"

"I think so." I nod.

"Mmmm yeah kind of. A spectre's an avenging ghost. It possesses you and finds out whatever betrayals you're feeling and forces you to act on them."

"Bobby say anything in there on how we hunt these things?" Sam asks.

I scootch over to Garth and help him look.

"Uh...the last spectre he encountered was shortly after someone was desecrated in a nearby mind typing something in for me please?" Garth asks me.

"Yeah sure." I nod and I type in 'grave, vandalism, Kearney.

"Here you go."

"Which there was a grave desecrated locally three days ago. It says here...oh. This could get awkward."


"Sam, meet us at the soldier cemetery, I can explain there."

"Yeah sure." He says, hanging up.

We all in the meantime, close our computers, put them away and go out to the cars. We then head to the local cemetery just for dead soldiers and such. When we get there, Sam's waiting with my car. As we walk in to a certain area, Garth explains to us what he had me pull up.

"The unknown soldier? You're kidding me right?"

"Mary Lou steamrolled her husband the day after this place was vandalized. Do the match."

"But I thought the unknown soldier was buried in Arlington."

"Yeah, this is the confederate tomb of the unknown soldier. See the idea was they take a faceless, nameless soldier they couldn't identify and they buried him here to commemorate all the soldiers who died."

"Did you learn that in college?"

"Nope. Civil War reenactments. Once a year, every year. Don't hate."

"Okay, what about the guard?"

"He's ceremonial. Gone by dusk."

"So then we do this tonight."


"Burning a confederate soldier's bones in a town full of rednecks? Suuure."

"Well you two can do what you want, Brooke and I are going to have some alone time before we all come back here." Dean says, whisking me away.

"Feel free to take my car again Sam." I laugh, as Dean whisks me away.

"Finally....some alone time." He says as he has be backed up into the side of the car, arms around me.

"Well unless you call in public alone time."

"It is, to me. Alone time is alone time. So we have a few hours to ourselves."

"True. So what do you suppose we do? Kind of awkward to be in a graveyard to have our alone don't you think? Not to mention disrespectful to the dead."

"Right. Go get something to eat? It is getting around that time."

"I'm in." I nod. "One thing first." I lean forward and press my lips against his in a lingering kiss.

After I pull away, I get into the car and wait for him. He snaps out of his daze and gets into the driver's side and then we head off to get something to eat before it gets dark and we head back to the graveyard to get into the tomb of the unknown soldier.

When it is dark, we head back to the tomb and break in, looking around.

"This doesn't look disturbed to me. What's the police report say?"

"Uh I think it was just some kids messing around. They uh...found some beer cans, some grafitti, oh and the casket was open when they got here, but they closed that back up."

"So what, if they never touched this, none of this would be happening?"

"Yeah according to Bobby."

"Alright well, let's get this party started. Sammy, wanna give me a hand?"

We all then work together to open the stone casket.

"Okay and go." Dean says and we lift it.

"Whoa, check out this hardware. Do you guys now how much this is worth?"

"Yeah, but why open it up if you're not gonna take anything?"

"I don't know. Maybe the cops showed up and they had to split fast."

"Sure this will work even on a spectre?" Garth questions.

"It's a ghost isn't it? Burn it's bones, ghost disappears."

Sam and Garth then work together, salting and soaking the bones.

"Alright alright alright. Uh, I kind of feeling like we should say something alright. Don't you? Just a little-"

"Sure. We won." Dean states, lighting a match and throwing it into the stone casket, burning the bones.

The next day in the police station, the deputy that was on the case that we're on was asked to file some documents. Just then Scott was in a nearby cell coughing asking for help. He asks for his inhaler from evidence and the deputy goes and gets it, but he suddenly changes and grabs a gun instead and shoots the sheriff. We immediately pick up on the murder.

"The deputy had some kind of beef with his boss."

"How can you be so sure?"

Dean points to the ectoplasm on the tape dispenser.

"What the hell."

"Maybe we torched the wrong redneck."

"Maybe not. Maybe an object was removed from the grave. Something the spectre's attaching itself to."

"Like Bobby's flask?"

"I don't know guys. You saw what I saw, those kids didn't take anything."

"Or they did."

"And the spectre hitched a ride with it."

"And whoever has the object gets possessed."

"Okay so who's got the object and more importantly, who do they got a grudge against?"

"Let's go talk to the deputy." I state and head in the direction of where he was being held.

We're all let in and go into this room where they question people.

"Alright we need you to focus deputy. A lot of lives depend on it. Tell me what happened after you shot the sheriff."

"I was on the ground. I think Carl tackled me and I asked him what happened."


"He didn't answer me. He just took my gun and walked away."

"Did he say where he was going?"

"I guess....I must've heard him. He said he was going to the hospital."

That's when we immediately leave the cell.

"You two find out what you can about the unknown soldier, we've got the hospital."

Currently at the hospital, Carl, the other deputy pulled up. He grabbed the gun and got out of the truck, looking at his reflection in the side mirror, seeing the confederate soldier. Sam and Garth have just arrived at the library, to find out info on the unknown soldier.

"Sam, if you ever need to talk, I just wanna let you know that I'm here. About anything. You know, life, Dean, you."

"I'm okay, thanks."

"I mean it just seems like you and Dean are talking but nobody's listening to each other. I had this cousin once, well he's gone now, but-"


Sam wakes up to Amelia getting ready to leave.


"Hey. Just lock up when you leave, I'm late."

"Wait what?"

"I just think it's better that neither of us get the wrong idea here."


"And I know I said a lot of things last night, and I know I can't ask you to forget them. But just...they..."


"Because I don't need your pity. I don't need you looking at me the way they that."

" think this is pity? Amelia I'm glad you told me about Don. It helps me understand."

"How messed up I am? You think I don't know that. You don't have to feel sorry for me Sam."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Yeah, well like I said I'm late, so..." She finishes, leaving.

"Hey you coming?" Garth breaks him out of his daze.

In the meantime, Dean and I arrive at the hospital, finding the truck, then proceed to head inside.

"You do know there's a reason why he's called the unknown soldier right?"

"Right. We were just hoping a theory or two had been floated around over the years. Something local maybe."

"There is one."

Currently in the hospital, the deputy shoots out a glass window inside and everyone goes running.

"Hey ump, you remember me? I stole second."

"Carl? What the hell are you doing? Why are you do-"

"Why am I gonna make mustard from your brain stem? I don't know. Why did you call me out ump?!"

"I'm sorry."

"There he is, get ready." Dean states as we move in closer.

Carl goes to shoot the man, but he has blanks.

"Looks like you're shooting blanks." Dean states, taking the gun out of his hands, hitting him with it and tossing it to the side.

"Hey, that tickled." Carl states, before punching Dean in the face, knocking him down.

"Hey asshole. You're messing with the wrong people." I hold my gun to his head. "Why don't you just leave that body huh?"

"I don't think so." He states, thinking fast and knocking the gun out of my hands and hitting me like he did Dean, and I go falling to the ground.

He focuses on Dean and picks him up by the throat.

"Corporal Collins of the Union shot and killed his brother Vance who fought for the confederacy. Local boys."

"Wait, so two boys fought on opposite sides of the Civil War?"

"Legend has it that Vance swore vengeance on his brother with his dying breath. Years later consumed by guilt no doubt, the corporal dug his brother up, buried him on the battlefield and brought him home."

"Are you suggesting this Vance guy is the unknown soldier?"

"That's one theory anyway."

"What's that?" Sam points to a necklace the guy in the picture was wearing.

"Carl, I know the spectre is turning you into what you are in there. So tell me where the object is and we'll send this joker home."

"I don't think so. There's unfinished business, thanks to you. Oh the spectre likes you."

"Oh yeah? Well why don't you tell him to come on out here and we'll make promise bracelets."

Carl just laughs and shoves Dean back, him tumbling over a nearby desk.

"Most of the soldiers were poor farmers so, the families would give them a penny on a string. It was for good luck. And if they ever got lost, they always had a penny for food and drink."

"A penny."

"Here, have a taste." Carl says, taking a penny out of his pocket.

"That's the object." I groan in pain as I try to get up. I'm too late as the penny is put into Dean's hand and he changes.

Carl changes back to his normal self, Dean however is the spectre.

"Dean?" I call, but he doesn't answer me. He gets up and heads for the door.

"Dean!" I call again. He just looks back at me and moves on.

"Shit." I mumble and dig out my phone and call Sam.


"Brooke what's wrong?"

"It's Dean. He's possessed by the spectre. Carl put some kind of coin in his hand and he changed. He left me at the hospital, come and get me?"

"Yeah. Hold tight. And you said a coin and he changed right?"

"Yeah why?"

"The cursed object is a penny. A penny that the soldiers were given for luck."

"Great." I sigh. "Well I'll be waiting here. Please hurry."

"We will. Come on Garth, we have to go pick Brooke up. Dean's possessed and left her at the hospital."

It took some time, but they finally arrived at the hospital. They picked me up and we headed back to the hotel. Sam tried calling Dean for the millionth time, and when we walked in it was ringing. We found Dean sitting on the bed a gun in his hand.

"Dean, what the hell. We went to the hospital, had to pick Brook up because you left her there. You won't answer your phone."

He then stood up and pointed the gun at Sam.

"You should've looked for me when I was in Purgatory."

Three Days Ago

A bunch of teens were partying in the tomb. They were drinking, and everything. Then one took the penny off of the soldier's neck, taking it home. He then exchange sit with money in the store. That penny then goes to Sarah who got possessed by it. Scott found the penny in her purse, and he got possessed. The penny ended up in evidence and the deputy got possessed. The penny fell and Carl found it after tackling the deputy and he became possessed. And now Dean has become possessed.

"Come on Dean, I know it's not you in there pulling the strings."

"Shut up."

Garth goes to reach for his gun.


"Dean this isn't you. Come on. It's me Brooke, your girlfriend. This is your brother and your good friend. Don't do this."

"Girlfriend? Is that why you didn't bother looking for me while I was in Purgatory either? You were off having the time of your life on dates with other guys."


"It's okay Brooke, it's not him talking remember that."

"You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it."

"That's not true."

"Really? Because everything you've ever done, since you climbed into my rise, has been to deceive me."

"What do you want me to say? That I made mistakes? I've made mistakes Dean."

"That's not Dean Sam."

"SHUT UP!!! Mistakes. Heh, well let's go through some of Sammy's greatest hits. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year letting me think you were dead when you were doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren't mistakes Sam, those are choices!"

"Alright. You said it. We've both played a little fast and loose."

"Yeah. Well I lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what? A girl? You left me to die for a girl?!"

That's when the fight ensues between the two, Sam intent on getting the penny off of him somehow so he becomes un-possessed.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Garth and I go to stop Dean.

"Brooke, Garth, don't."

"No, he won't kill us. His beef isn't with us. You're not gonna shoot us are you Dean?"


"Come on Dean. You do not wanna kill your brother. You've been protecting him your whole life, don't stop now."

"He left me to rot in Purgatory!"

"Alright alright, maybe he did. I don't know, I wasn't there. But I'm sure he had his reasons."

"Just like you had your reasons for Benny." Sam retorts.


"Benny's been more of a brother to me this past year, then you've ever been! That's right. Cas let me down, you let me down. The only person that hasn't let me down was Benny."

"Dean, I know you're angry. But you've got to fight this, don't do this. Don't kill Sam Dean, don't." I try and reason with him.

"Let it go. Come on Dean."

"Goodbye Sam."

Garth then stops him, punching him across the face. The penny then falls to the ground and out of Dean's hand.

"Ow! God!"

"Garth don't!" Sam exclaims when Garth picks the penny up.

"It's cool. It's all good. I'm cool."

"Dean?" I ask, walking cautiously over to him. "Are you back?"

"Yeah...what happened?"

I just wrap my arms around him, holding him tight.

"Come on, let me go melt this penny, give them some time alone." Garth tells Sam.

They leave the room to melt the penny and I never let go of Dean.

"You wanted to kill Sam Dean, you wanted to kill your own brother. You left me at the hospital. It was all just too crazy. I love you too much to let things get between us. But before we even do anything...clean that ectoplasm off of your ear."

"Yeah, that stuff is gross."

"So you do that, we can change and just relax for the night okay?"

"Yeah." He nods.

I give him a kiss before pulling away and going over to my things to change into more comfortable clothes. He heads into the bathroom to wash the ectoplasm off of his face. Once we all were set, we joined Garth outside.

"It took me forever to melt that penny but it's finally gone."

"How come that penny didn't jack you like everyone else? I mean, I can understand why it didn't affect the kid who took it, because he's young and innocent. But uh...everyone in some point in their life feels like they've been screwed."

"Not me man. I let all of that stuff go with the help of my yogi, my second genesis. And you should too. You can't change the past amigo. Now there's something I wanna say to you. Stop being an idgit. With Bobby dead, you and Sam are all each other has. And that's not so bad man. And you know what's coming next right?"

He then hugs him, and I snicker.

"Hey uh..." Dean trails off, taking out Bobby's hat and putting it on Garth's head. "Keep on truckin' Garth."


Just then his phone goes off, 'Hammer Time'.

"I gotta go. Yo Lamar, what do we got?" He asks, getting into his car. "Wendigo? You got a flare gun? No? What about a flame thrower? Hahahahaha, then you better get some sneakers buddy, 'cause you're gonna have to run. Alright."

His car then doesn't start.


I laugh, and then the car starts. He leaves and we head inside.


Sam is back at Amelia's apartment and knocks.

"Sam, I can't."

"I don't pity you. Okay? I don't. You and I, we're a lot of things. We're not to be pitied. Look I lost my brother Dean a few months ago. It felt like my world imploded and it came raining down on me and I ran. Just like you."

"Is that supposed to be a pep talk?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"See because, now I pity you."

"Well that really wasn't my point."

"Yeah well bells ring on that one so."

"So what now?"

"I don't know. You want to talk about it?"

"Last night?"

"No Dean you pervert."

"Yeah, yeah I'd like that. Do you wanna talk about Don? Hey, I'd like that too." Sam puts his hand on hers.

"Sammy!" Dean calls, telling Sam to hurry since we'll be going on the road soon.

"For the record, the girl, her name's Amelia. Amelia Richardson. She and I had a place together."

"Look man, I don't even remember what I said. But uh.."

"But what? You didn't mean it? Oh please. You and I both know you didn't need that penny to say those things."


"I told you from the jump where I was coming from. Why I didn't look for you. But you, you had secrets. You had Benny. And you got on your high and mighty and you've been kicking me ever since you got back. But that's over. So move on or I will."

"Okay. I hear you."

"Good. And hear this too. I just might be that hunter that runs into benny that day and ices him."

"Well I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come from it won't we?"

"Yeah. Yeah you keep saying that."