Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Hunteri Heroici

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

A man on his cellphone is sitting in a park, clearly waiting for somebody, that's when that person walks up.


"Olivia. After last time, I didn't think you would come."

"I wasn't going to, but..."

"...but glad you did."

"So am I."

Just as soon as he takes her hands in his, there's this thumping sound, like the beating of a heart.

"Do you hear that?"


"The thumping noise. that you?"

"You can hear that?"

Just then he starts to gasp in pain.

"Gary? Gary. Gary what is it?"

He rips open his shirt and his heart is beating right out of his chest, ready to burst.

"Gary. Gary. Ahhhhh!"

And then his chest is ripped open the heart jumping right out of his chest.

Present Day

We're all at a gas station, filling up for whatever long ride we have. Dean is inside getting us some drinks, Cas is looking in the local newspaper, and Sam's on the phone to Mrs. Tran.

"Right. Uh..just call us whenever you find something. Yeah. Yeah of course. Right. No I uh...yeah. Hey you know what? Uh...Dean's here, he really wants to talk to you." Sam states as Dean comes back, opening the beers for us and handing Sam and I one, before Sam holds out the phone for Dean to take.

"Ms. Tran, yeah hi. I uh-" Dean hangs up. "Tunnel. What's going on in Tran land?"

"Well Garth finally got them to his house boat, but Kevin's having a lot of trouble reading their half of the tablet. So far bits and pieces, nothing about boarding up hell."

"Garth has a safe house boat?"

"Dude, I don't even ask questions anymore."

"I don't either."

Dean then heads over to Cas to see what's going on.

"What's the word Cas?"

"It's a shortened version of my name."

"Yes it is. I mean what's the word on the word? Tablet chatter on angel radio?"

"I couldn't say. I turned that off."

"Really?" I ask.

"You can do that?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. It's a certain matter of blocking out sub-frequencies. I can draw you a diagram."

"No that's-we're good. Why'd you flip the switch?"

"Because it's a direct link to heaven. And I don't want anything to do with that place. Not anymore."

"So what now? Move to Vermont, open up a charming B&B?"

"No. I still want-I still need to help people. So, I'm gonna become a hunter."

That's when I almost choke on the chips I was eating.

"You serious?"


"Yeah. I could be your 4th wheel."

"You know that's not a good thing right?"

"Of course it is. A 4th wheel adds an extra grip, greater stability, I even found a case. Oklahoma City, a man's heat jumped 10 feet out of his chest. Sounds like our kind of thing right?"

"He's got a point." Sam states.

"It is our sort of thing." I nod.

"Excellent. I'll see you there."

"Wait. Cas, Cas! You wanna play cowboys and bloodsuckers that's fine. But you're gonna stick with us okay. None of this zapping around crap. Capiche?"

"Yeah. I capiche."

"Alright then." Dean states, walking around to the driver's side, and I start to head to my car.

"Can I at least sit in the front seat?"

"No." Dean and Sam say in unison. I snicker as I get into my car.

First we find a local motel to book a room so that we could change into our suits and such to do some investigating. Once we're all set, we go back out to the cars and head to the coroner's.

"Coroner said his heart was ejected from his body. Got some air too. Found it in the sandbox."


"Any idea what happened detective?"

"A lot of people are thinking drugs Agent Nash. An assload of drugs."

"There are no narcotics in that man's system, his molecules are all wrong." Cas loudly whispers to Dean and I.

"But you don't think that huh?"

"Never seen anything do that." The detective says as she uncovers his to see a heart shaped hole in the man's chest.

"Ew." I make a face.

"Wow and who called this in?"

"A friend of his. Named Olivia Copal. She saw the whole thing." She states before her phones rings. "Ah crap. I have to take this. Here's everything we got, knock yourself out." She adds, handing Sam the file.


"Listen, if you see anything weird, anything out of the box, you can just call."

"Whatever you say Scully."

"I can't sense any EMF or sulfur. His material health is excellent. Hmm...." Cas trails off as he sniffs the dead body.

"Cas..." I give him a weird look.

"..he did recently suffer from a...mild....bladder infection."

"Cas stop smelling the dead guy." Dean states.

"Why? Now I know everything about that man."

"Did you know he was having an affair?" Sam asks.


"Strike one sherlock." Dean states with amusement.

"Dean." I lightly hit him in the arm.

"According to Olivia, they would meet at the park every Thursday at 12:45, walk to the Moonlight Diner where she always ordered the Ceaser Salad, dressing on the side. They would chat about everything and they'd be back on the road by 1:30."

"You don't think she's telling the truth."

"Too much details. Sounds rehearsed."

"Plus, we drove past the Moonlight Diner on the way into town. It's attached to the Moonlight Motel."

"Okay, well let's say Gary here is on the prowl, but he's playing it safe because....dude's married. Doesn't want anyone to see his ride parked in front of a by the hour flea bag-"

"-so he stashes his car at the park across the street, meets Olivia there."

"His wife probably found out about it and broke her heart."

"Sounds witchy."

"Yes it does. Heh. guy was living a lie and it came back to bite him in the ticker. Nice job on that bladder infection." Dean states as he, I and Cas start to leave.

Sam Flashback

He's just moved into a new apartment with Amelia and the dog and he was unpacking a box of books and such. That's when he spots a photo album of Amelia and her husband. Sam goes to look through it, but she comes into the room.

"He said he'd be here by five."

"Uh just, deep breath. It's gonna be okay."

"I know, it's just this house, you, he's gonna think we're moving too fast. Are we moving too fast?"

"We're making up for lost time." Sam states before kissing her. He breaks the kiss when there's a knock on the door.

"Don't talk politics. Don't say anything bad about the Cowboys, and whatever you do, don't use the words moist or irregardless."

"There goes my opener." Sam jokes.

She smiles before opening the door.

"Hi dad."

"Ohhh Munchkin."

"Okay, embarrassing."

"Well it is my job kiddo. So who's this handsome fella? Yeah, he's a good boy." Her father states, going over to the dog. "How you doing there, you're beautiful."

"That good boy belongs to this good boy. Stan Thompson, this is Sam Winchester."

"Heard a lot about you." Her father states, shaking Sam's hand.

"Not all bad I hope."

"So this is a nice place. Lawn could use a mow."

"Sam found it. I've been so busy lately, he's had to move us in by himself pretty much."

"Job almost well done."

"Do you want a drink dad? We have beer, iced tea-"

"Anything cold would be fantastic. Thank you sweetheart."

"Mr. Thompson um..I just...I know this must be weird. You haven't seen Amelia in months and now she's living with a guy you've never met-"

"She said you went to Stanford."

"I did."

"It's a good school."

"It is."

"So what do you do now?"

"I work at a motel in town."

"Ah, balancing the books."

"Uh no. Maintenance mostly."

"Ah. Well that makes sense. 'Cause I've got to say Sam, you look like a real fixer upper to me."

Present Day

Cas, Dean, Sam and I decided that we would go question the man's wife. We get her address and head there. She lets us in and we get comfortable.

"I don't understand. Gary had a heart attack. Why would the FBI-"

"Parks are government property. Just got a few questions for you." Dean states.

"I've got this." I add, going to sit down across from her, but Cas comes over and stops me.

"I'll uh...I'll handle this, I've done research. I can crack her."

"Alright." I back away.

"Now, Ms. Freely. I don't wanna bother you, I really don't. But I do have just one question for you. Why did you kill your husband?!"

"Agent Stills, a word please."

"What? I was being bad cop."

"You were being bad everything."

"Please forgive our partner, he's um...he's going through some stuff." Sam states as we both sit down.

"Listen to Sam." Dean tells Cas.

"Is there anyway Gary might've had secrets? Something he was hiding?"

"Hiding? Like what?"

Before Sam could answer, there was a knock on the door and they let themselves in.

"Deb." The girl calls.

"Olivia." She states and the two women hug.

"I'm sorry, what did you think Gary was hiding?"

"That he was sleeping with her." Cas plain out states.


"I know." Mrs. Freely states.

"See..wait what?" I ask in shock.

"You know."

"Gary and I...we...had an arrangement. He was seeing Olivia and I was spending some time with our neighbor PJ."

"I'll uh...put this in the kitchen." Olivia states about the dish of food in her hands.

"I'll come with you."

"Friggen suburbs man." Dean states.

"So she's not a witch."

"She's the best wife ever."

I make a face and hit Dean in the chest and give him a look.

"Then what killed her husband?"

In another part of town, a man is ready to plunge to his death. He's on top of a building, walking to the edge and ready to jump. He takes a step into the air but he doesn't fall, he's floating in midair.

"It's a a miracle. God wants me to live. Ahahahaha!"

And with that he falls, plunging to his death onto a car below. As we're leaving the wife's home, we get a call from the agent we were with at the coroner's.

"What? That is weird. Yeah, we'll be right there. Thanks."

"Okay so apparently things have gotten weirder."

So once we get there, we go onto the roof where we meet the agent.

"Looks like suicide."

"It was. Guy left a note. He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when it crashed and burned last year."

"So why call us?"

"Because I have two witnesses that said he floated in midair for a good 10 seconds. Then he looked down and splat. Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking sounds like something straight out of a-"


"You said you wanted weird."


"She's right you know. The whole heart jumping out of the guy's chest, the delayed fall. That's straight up Bugs Bunny."

"So we're looking for some sort of insect rabbit hybrid? How do we kill it?"

"I've never even heard of something like that. I don't know." I give Cas a confused look .

"We don't. Cas that's a character. Like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck."

"They're little animated movies. You know where the coyote chases the roadrunner and then the anvil gets dropped on his head."

"Is that supposed to be funny?"

"No. It's hilarious."

"So what now?" I ask.

"I say we go back to the motel, do a little research until we can figure out what or who is causing these cartoon deaths."


So we exit the rooftop area, heading back through the building and down to our cars.

"Brooke, you think I can ride with you. If that's okay." Cas asks.

"Um sure Cas. Beats driving alone." I nod, as we reach the cars. I get into the driver's side and he gets into the passenger side. Once Dean starts the Impala and drives off, I follow.

The drive back to the motel for the most part was silent, until Cas broke the silence.

"You really love him."

"Come again?"

"Dean. You love him."

"Oh..uh yeah. I do. I actually don't think I realized how much I loved him until he was gone and sent to Purgatory. When he came back, I just couldn't believe it. Now I think our relationship is stronger than ever. Although he can be a pain in the ass sometimes and he says the wrong things, and gets into messy situations. I can go on. But-"

"-through everything, you still love him. You want him to propose one day..."

"Cas can you stay out of my thoughts?"

"Sorry. But basically your mind is just yelling it out."

"It'd be nice. I just don't know if he's ready to settle down and stuff, in that way. I mean I get it, he likes the whole having a girlfriend thing and I love being that but...."

" day you want to be his wife."

"Well yeah."

"Don't worry Brooke, I know that in good time all that will happen. God does have a way of making things happen to the right people."

I think about that and all I can do is smile a bit as I look head on at the Impala. Soon we pull into the motel. I park next to Dean and we all get out and head into the room that Sam booked for us, and we start the research. Well we do the research. Cas' research is watching the cartoons.

"I understand. The bird represents God, the coyote is man, endless chasing the divine yet never able to catch him. It''s hilarious."

"I have no idea what we're hunting. Maybe some crazy god who watched too much Robot Chicken. Is there a link between Heartbreak Hotel and Free Falling?"

"Not that I can find."

"Me neither." I shake my head.

"Yeah well I'm gonna call it. Cas you gonna book a room or what?"

"No I'll stay here."

"Oh okay. Yeah, we'll have a slumber party and braid Sam's hair. Where are you gonna sleep?"

"I don't sleep."

"Okay well I need my four hours and the time with Brooke."

"I'll watch over you two."

"" I trail off.

"...that's not gonna happen." Dean adds.

Just then Cas gets up, his fingers on his temple.

"Something's coming across the police band."

"You can hear that?" Sam asks.

"It's all waves. A bank has been robbed. It sounds looney."

"Define looney."

We then pack everything up and get ready to head back out. When we get to the bank we see a 1 ton anvil amongst a mess of guts and blood and other stuff.


"That's looney alright."

"Agents. I was just about to give you a ring. Gotta ask, do you chase the crazy or does the crazy chase you?"

"Depends on the day."

"Who's the pancake?"

"Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here-"

"A robbery?"

"Looks like the black hole was trying to jimmy open a safe deposit box when Mr. Rent-A-Cop found him and well you know how that story ends."

"Black hole?"

"Our name for the burglar that's been running ragged. He's a pro. No fingerprints, never any sign of a forced entry, just a pair of those every time." She motions to the black circle on the wall. "Like he's signing his work. Perp's never done anything like this before though. Obviously."

"Do you mind if I take a look at your files on those other break ins?"

"No skin off my nose. I'm headed to the station now if you want a ride."


"Hey, can you lift this?" Dean asks Cas.

He just gives him a look and lifts it, moving it, revealing an 'x' on the floor.

"X marks the spot. Well whoever's doing this is playing by cartoon rules."

"Animation doesn't have rules."

"Sure it does. In ToonTown a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky. And if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall, you can stroll right through it."

"Very true. But I'm sure none of these holes are accessible now."

"So this is how the thief got in."

"And out, and cracked the vault."

"Then why isn't it working now?"

"I got no clue."

"Back to the drawing board?" I ask.


"This seems like it's going nowhere."

"We'll get somewhere."

So the three of us head back to the motel to do more research. I'm looking through books, Dean's searching on the computer and Cas is looking through Dean's father's journal.

"Your father..beautiful handwriting."

"How're you feeling Cas?"


"Well I just..I know that when...I got puked out of Purgatory, it took me a few weeks to...find my sea legs."

"I'm fine."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're back. I'm freaking thrilled. It's just this whole...mysterious resurrection thing...always has one mother of a downside."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Take a trip upstairs."

"To heaven?"

"Yeah poke around, see if the guard squad can tell you how you got out."


"Look man I hate those flying assmonkeys just as much as you do but-"

"Dean! I said no!"

I look up from my reading but stay silent, looking at Dean before looking back into the books. Dean closes the laptop and walks over, sitting on the opposite bed across from Cas.

"Talk to me."

"Dean I...when I was...bad, when I had all those things...the Leviathans writhing inside me, I caused a lot of suffering on earth. But I devastated heaven. I vaporized thousands of my own kind and...I can't go back."

"Cause if you do, the angels will kill you."

"Because if I see what heaven's become, what I...what I made of it, I'm afraid I might kill myself."

Just then, Sam walks in.

"Hey. Got something."

"Oh good. What you got?" I ask.

"So this black hole guy, before he tried the bank, he robbed a house. Across from the park where Gary blew a gasket."

"So you think the house heist and Gary's corpse are connected?" Dean asks.

"According to the file, they pretty much happened at the exact same time. Here, check this out. Okay, here's the house and Gary died across the street here. And that building from this morning, right there. Black Hole hit there too."

"Let me guess. Where what's his name took a swan dive. Alright I'll bite. What about the others?"

"Well those are the places that stuff got stolen, but nobody got dead. Take away the graffiti and these just look like normal smash and grabs. But I made a few phone calls, talked to a few people who were nearby, neighbors and whatnot. And they reported a whole lot of crazy."


"Like a jogger bumping his head and sporting a 4 inch lump. Or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies. Basically for 50 yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. But it doesn't last long. I mean 5...10 minutes in each place."

"About the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out."

"Exactly. But whatever power he's using, it's not targeted. I mean, it's kind of like an area of effect. I mean, picture him in a bubble of weird. Anything touches it, gets...Daffy."

"So this animaniac can step through walls, can toss an anvil?"

"Yeah, but he's warping reality to do it. So if someone happens to be nearby, meaning the girl of his dreams-"

"-his heart makes a break for it. Okay so smashing the Rent-A-Cop, that was on purpose but, the rest of them. What's that, just collateral weird?"


"So we're looking for a thief."

"Yes." I state.

"And the deposit box he was after. Now the house, the office, every place he's hit, belonged to someone living at the Sunset Fields retirement home."

"So you think our guy's there."

"It's worth a shot."

"Alright well let's gear up. It's wabbit season."

I snicker, packing the books up, putting my jacket back on.

"I don't think you pronounced that correctly."

I can't help but laugh quietly again. Dean gets ready and grabs his keys and we all head out to the Impala to head to the retirement home. Figured we'd be coming back so I didn't take my car this time. Plus I like riding with Dean.

"Come on it's not that bad." Sam states when Dean tries to avoid a man with a walker and oxygen mask.

"Come on. You can't tell me this joint doesn't give you the heebs and or jeebs."

"Dean, they're elderly-"

"Hi can I help you?" A man asks as he walks up.

"Yeah, Agent Crosby, FBI."

"Sorry, I'm Dr. Dwight Mahoney. I run Sunset Fields."

"We need to question your residents." Cas states.

"Please." I add.

"Well why..about what?"

"Grand larsony mostly." Sam answers.

"Of course. By all means ask away. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

"Appreciate it."

"Thank you." I add.

"Alright, let's do this. No flirting you two." Dean says about Cas and Sam as we both walk off, and I can't help but laugh.

"You were so pretty Charles." An old woman says to Cas before we get to ask her any questions.

"Charles?" I question.

Then a female nurse walks by and gives Dean a flirty look. I quickly notice it and give her the death glare, and her expression changes.

"That's not my name." Cas states.

"Oh! You look so much like my third husband."

"Awww." I gush.

"We're here to talk about the robbery ma'am." Dean changes the subject.


"Mmhmm. The one the police talked to you about a few days ago. Someone broke into your old house and stole a pack of bare bonds and uh..some jewelry you stashed in your floorboards."

"Oh my diamonds, yes. I hid them there. I'm sorry Charles, I didn't trust you. You were quite the bounder."

"Did you tell anyone where they were Mrs. Tate?"

"I don't think so. But then again, I get a little fuzzy sometimes."

"Well have you noticed anything strange lately? Cold spots, smells, stuff like that?" I ask.

"Well, there's the cat."

"Cat?" Dean questions, turning around to see it.

"He talks sometimes."

"Talks?" I look at Dean and Cas.

"Really hates that mouse."

"I'll interrogate the cat." Cas states, getting up and heading over there.

While we're still with her, Cas is interrogating the cat and Sam and watching as a male nurse takes the tray of food away from an elderly man who's just staring off into space.

"Creepy right? A lot of these people, they just...tune out and live in their own heads. It's like maybe the real world is too much for them, and they just run and hide you know?"

Sam Flashback

"Soup's on." Amelia states, coming over to the table. "And semi-edible." She adds, placing the bowl down that's filled with spaghetti and hot dogs.

"Haha, you remembered."

"Dad was in the Army, so we moved around a lot when I was a kid. Having spaghetti and hot dogs the first night in a new house was sort of a tradition." Amelia explains.

"Alright, got it. Uh, my father was in the Marines."

"Jar head huh?"

"That's right. Second battalion, first Marines, echo company."

"Always thought they were a little puffed up myself. But hey, what do I know? Just an old grunt."

"You're mild grunt."

"Sam, tells me you've never served."


"See I find that hard to believe, 'cause I gotta say Sam, you got the look."

"The look?"

"A lot of guys get when they've been through the meat grinder. The one that lets you know they've seen a lot of crap they can't forget. Second their feet hit solid ground they start running and they don't stop. Not till they find something to hold onto."

"You think that's what i'm doing here? Just holding on?"

"I think the two of you are holding on to each other, yeah. 'Cause I know she's scared. After what happened to Don, I don't blame her for taking off. Needing to run away and hide, I know why she did it. Question is, what're you running from Sam?"

Present Day

"Hey what do you got?" Dean asks as we walk up.

"Hey um...nothing. No hex bags, no EMF, you two?"

"Psh nada. Half the folks we talked to don't even remember being robbed."

"Well they're elderly, why would they remember?"

"Dean remember a guy named Fred Jones, he was a contact of dad's, lived outside of Salt Lake?"

"Yeah. Guy gave me my first beer. I don't think I was even double digits."

"Right, me too. Um...he was psychic right?"

"Psychokinetic. Why?"

"Cause he's in room 114."

"Cas, let's go."

"I've almost cracked him." Cas says about the cat.

"Now!" Dean demands as we all head to room 114.

"Hey, I'm not through with you." Cas tells the cat.

"Dumb ass." The cat responds as soon as Cas walks away.

When we get to room 114, Fred is watching cartoons.

"Mr. Jones? Hey it's Sam Winchester."


Dean reaches up and turns off the TV.

"Fred." He claps his hands. "Hey."

"So you really think this one man is causing all of these shenanigans?" Cas asks.

"Well if he is, he'd be surrounded by a circle of crazy right? Hang on." Dean says, turning around and grabbing a book. He then hits himself in the head and looks up at the sky like he sees birds. He then shakes it off and is back to normal. "Bingo."

"But how?"

"Fred's got juice. I mean, I've seen a guy who's psychokinetic move things with his mind, but get him worked up, he can reshape reality."

"Yeah so where's his off switch?"

"I don't know. I'm not even certain he knows we're here."

"Do we kill him?" Cas asks.


"Excuse me agents. Did he just threaten to murder one of my patients?"


" four...OUT...NOW."

"Yes sir." I reply and we get escorted out.

"Real friggen smooth." Dean states in aggravation.

"Well we don't have to leave him. I can teleport-"

"Fred's radioactive Cas. You zap him, no telling what will happen."

"So we'll circle back tonight, get Fred nice and clean, you go invisible girl and keep an eye on him you hear me?"

And with that, when we turn, he's gone.


We head back to the motel for the night to get our sleep. While we were gone, there was a party for Mrs. Tate and a candle is lit. Fred is using his psychokinesis to change the TV channels until he reaches cartoons. And it's mimicking the party. When the stick of dynamite explodes in the cartoon, the candle on the cake becomes the dynamite and explodes as well, and cake goes everywhere. We didn't know about it until we got the message from Cas to meet him there.

"Oh, you got my message, good."

"What the hell happened?" Dean and I say in unison.

"There was a pastry mishap."

"Okay and?"

"And the frosting reached near supersonic speeds oddly-"

"Hey hey, Fred's gone."


"Oh fan-freaking-tastic, way to take your eye off the ball."

"You're not supposed to be here." The female nurse wheels Mrs. Tate up as she tells us.

"Oh trust me sweetheart, you've got bigger fish-"

"Charles, she's wearing my diamonds."

"Her diamonds...." I look around to see where, spotting the bracelet.

"The bracelet-" I start to say as she goes to wheel her away.

"Wait." Cas stops her.

"What's wrong?"

"This is Mrs. Tate's bracelet. Where did you get it?"

"Answer the question."

"My boyfriend gave it to me."

"Who's your boyfriend?" I ask.

"He works here with me. He's not here right now. He's at home."

"Where?" I demand an answer.

She tells us and we head right over there, when we get there, we go in to find the place a mess. We have our guns ready at all time to shoot anyone who tries to come after us.

"Hey, bare bonds. Maybe these belong to Sheila Tate."

"So this man is our thief."

"Yeah. Guys." Sam states and he walks into the kitchen since he sees a body.

We rush over and spot the guy from the retirement home laying on the floor, badly beaten. Dean turns on the kitchen light and moves the table.

"Cas." Dean states.

"Stay still, move your hands."

And with that he heals him.

"How did you?"

"Guy eats his Wheaties. Come on." Dean and Sam get him up and onto a nearby chair.

"What did you just do to me!"

"Hey! Listen to me, where is Fred Jones?"

"I-he he took him."


"Dr. Mahoney. That guy is evil man okay? He's using Mr. Jones."


"Look, all Fred does it watch cartoons, but he is magic okay. A few weeks ago I slammed my foot in his door, I smashed it flat and I mean flat. And when I shook the thing, it popped back up like something out of a cartoon or whatever."

"Yeah yeah yeah, we know."

"So I told Dr. Mahoney and he started doing experiments. He just wanted to see what he could do."

"So what about the robberies?"

"Oh Mahoney's been scamming off of the people for years. A lot of those folks got stuff stashed away off the books, like-so Mahoney was tracking the loot and then we would take Fred for a drive."

"Right, use his bubble to rip people off. How'd you end up gut shot?"

"Well Mahoney, after he handled that guard, he started freaking out and then you showed up and then the cake blew in the day room and then he lost it."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I mean he's on his way back to the bank right now for one last score. Doc's blowing town. I mean he said Fred's a loose end and to kill him. I like Fred and I said if he hurt the guy I'd go to the cops. And I didn't even know he had a gun."


With that we leave him be and exit the apartment.

"Do you think Mr. Jones knows what's happening?"

"Not a clue."

"Yeah, seems like dude's living in a dream world." Dean replies as we all get into the car and then we head off.

Sam Flashback

"I am trying to help. I'll tell you, if Don could see you-"

"Don't. Just don't."

"You can't-you need to come home."

"Is that why you're here? To drag me back? This is my life."

"This won't last. You are living in a dream world."

"I like it here. I like this house. I like Sam."

"Sam is a mess."

"I'm a mess. But when I'm with Sam, I'm happy dad. And haven't been happy in a really long time. So please just...let us be messes together. Give us a chance."

Her dad comes into the kitchen to help Sam with the dishes.

"I'll dry. Is that your car outside? The Impala?"

"Yeah, it was my dad's."

"Guy had good taste. For a jar head."

Present Day

We have reached an alley way near the bank where we spotted one of those black hole entrances. If Fred's around, then we're gonna get in no problem.

"Alright, Jones has got to be close. Brooke and I will hit the bank, you two see if you can find him."

Sam and Cas do that while Dean and I approach the black hole. Dean puts his fingers through it and it seems to work. He does it again with his arm and it works.

"Oh ho ho ho, awesome."

Cas and Sam look for Mr. Jones, looking in any of the cars on the street.

"You feel that Sam? The power."

They then find a van and there he is sitting in the back, watching cartoons.

"Fred. Hey, Fred. Hey buddy, hey. Hey, Fred? Listen to me. Can you hear me? Fred! If we can just talk to him. Hang in buddy. Wake up, wake up."

Just then Cas touches him and a light emits and they disappear. Next thing they know, they're in a cartoon world...Fred's mind.

"Cas, uh...where are we?"

"Inside Mr. Jones' mind. You said you wanted to talk to him."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Fred, Fred, um...hey it's me...I'm uh..Sam. Sam Winchester?"

"John's boy?"

"That's right."

"The scrawny one? It's been 3, 4 years since I've seen you-"

"More like 20. Uh...listen, Fred. I'm gonna need you to focus."

"How did you-why are you here Sam?"

Meanwhile in the bank, Dr. Mahoney is busy stealing from all the safe boxes.

"He's in there. In"

We walk in and point our guns at him.

"What's up doc?"

"No no no no no. You're lying!"

"This is happening Mr. Jones. They're using you."

"This is what? Some kind of psychic copper top? You plug me in and the whole world goes wacky? It doesn't work that way."

"How would you know? No offense but it seems to me you've been spending more time in there than you have...out there."

"You wanna know what's the worst thing that can happen to a guy, who's got a mind like I got? Losing it."

Dean and I still have our guns pointed at Dr. Mahoney.

"You let me walk and half of this is yours."

Dean contemplates the decision but declines.

"Think I'm gonna pass. Not really into stealing from sweet old ladies."

"I'm not stealing from them, I'm stealing from their children. Little bastards think they can drop their folks off at a home and visit twice a year maybe? I took care of all these old geezers, I think I deserve-"

"I don't care!"

"Fine. Have it your way."

He then shoves Dean against the boxes, grabs his bag and runs.

"Dean! He's running!"

Dean goes to shoot, but a flag comes out that says 'bang'.

"Damn it. This is no good." I state, putting my gun away.

"Welcome to the fun house." Mahoney states, making a run for it, and we follow.

"Cartoons, I always loved them as a kid. They always made me They were.."

"...something to hold onto."


Dean does run faster than me and right as he grabs him, they freeze like in the cartoons and then tackles him to the ground. They both get up and the doctor takes out a frying pan and hits Dean in the face with it, his face making a dent in it.

"Oooh." I cringe as Dean falls to the ground. "You idiots bringing guns to a gag fight."

"Give up. I've been dealing with the crazy for months."

"Give up my ass." I grumble, running towards him. I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck, choking him.

"Yeah well I did bring this." Dean holds up a big marker. "And X marks the spot. Brooke get jump off, now!" Dean screams just as an anvil is falling out of the sky. I quickly jump off, letting him go and run away from the impact site. Dr. Mahoney dodges the anvil himself and so does Dean.

"I need you to stop this. Take control."

"It's too hard!"

"Look. It can be nice living in a dream world. It can be great, I know that. And you can hide and you can pretend all the crap out there doesn't exist, but you can't do it forever. Because eventually whatever it is you're running from, it'll find you. It'll come along and it'll punch you in the gut and then...then you gotta wake up. Because if you don't, then trying to keep that dream alive, will destroy you. It'll destroy everything."

Just then everything gets bright and they leave Fred's mind. Dr. Mahoney tries to escape, trying to go through one of the black holes he drew, but he crashes into the wall.

"Looks like somebody turned off the boob tube."

"Good. Means I can use this."

"And I can use this." I point my own gun at him. "Shoot him, I shoot you."

"NO!" A voice screams and we turn to see Fred, Sam and Cas, and Mahoney points his gun at Fred, while I keep my gun pointed at Mahoney.

"You are never going to hurt anyone again!"

And just then with his powers he makes Mahoney turn the gun on himself and shoot himself.

"Well that's all folks." Dean says, and I put my gun away.

"My god."

"Fred. You good?"

"Now I'm good. In a month, year, nobody gets sharper with age. I'm gonna lose control again and somebody's gonna get hurt...again. Gotta make it stop."

"There might be a way. The procedure will be painful and when it's over I'm not sure how much of you will be left."

"Well, what're you waiting for?"

"Let's get you back to the retirement home Mr. Jones." I suggest.

"And who are you? I don't think I've met you."

"Oh, I'm Brooke sir. Dean's girlfriend."

"Well I'll be. You got a pretty one son. Make sure you take care of her."

"Thanks Fred, I will." Dean smiles a bit.

"Well let's get going then shall we?"

We all nod and head out of the bank and into the car where stop at the motel first to get my car and then by the time we got to the retirement home, it was daylight and we walked Mr. Jones in, sat him in a wheel chair where he was staring out the window in peace.

"Is he he okay?"

"He's listening to Ode To Joy. He's happy."

"Alright, well let's blow this termite terrace. Cas you get to ride shotgun, you done good."

"Thanks, but I uh...I can't come. I uh-"

"Hello Castiel, and no."


"I can see what you're thinking, and I won't allow it."

"You don't understand. I have been trying to pretend I can escape what I did in heaven. But I can't. All that pain that I caused, I have to make things right."

"And you are. By doing what you're told. Bottom line, unless I ring my bell, you stay out of heaven Castiel."

"Well then what should I do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"You-you what Cas? Why can't you come with us?"

"I um...I wanna stay with Mr. Jones. Someone to watch over him for a few days just to be safe."

"Okay and then what?"

"Then I'm not sure. But I know I can't run anymore."

Sam Flashback

"So Amy's playing the Sugarplum Fairy. Right right. And this is her big moment you understand and she waddles up onto the stage-"


"What? You were a chubby kid. It was adorable. Anyway, she waddles up onto the stage and she is dragging two feet of toilet paper behind her. You remember that? Officially the end of her career. You want one of these?"


He opens a bottle of beer for Sam and himself.

"My brother used to do that."



"He a good guy?"

"Yeah...yeah. He was. The best. I uh...I lost him and I ran."

"I'm sorry to hear about that."

"What? Are you sure? Oh god."

"Amelia? Baby? Are you okay?"

"It's Don. He's alive."

Present Day

"Sam you with us?" Dean asks as he and I walk away.

Cas is left there with Mr. Jones, staring out the window like him.