Sequel: Fallen Angels
Status: Active


Citizen Fang

Carencro, Louisiana

"I sent Anthony home, so the kitchen is all yours. And be sure to lock up the door and set the alarm. Turn off the AC, check the burners, check the griddle..."

"...and clear off the cold table. I got it. Go on now." Benny states to the young waitress.

"Thank you Roy. Oh and uh don't forget to zero out the register-"

"-and match out the credit card machines? I know. Darlin' it's not my first rodeo alright?"

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hell of a girl that Elizabeth."

"Yeah. Yeah she really is. Refill?"

"Sure. You got desires?

"Nah. She's more like a little sister to me you know?"

"Sure you don't mind if I take a shot?"

"Hehe, she's all yours chief."

"Hey...please?" A guy in one of the booths taps his mug on the table for a refill of coffee. "Thanks."

A while later, it's closing time, and Benny locks up and everything. That's when he senses something and goes walking off into the woods. Little does he know, the last guy he refilled coffee for, was following him through those said woods, until he heard rustling and a scream. He takes out his knife and runs in the direction of where he heard the scream. He trips over something and finds out that it's a body of a dead man, two holes in his neck.

Present Day

Dean, Sam and I stopped at this little goof place where you order at the window. Dean of course went and got food for all of us and drinks. Sam however is on the phone again. I'm sitting in the backseat for now, so I can hear what's going on before going back into my car.

"Yeah. Are you certain? You sure? Okay great, just hang tight until you hear from me okay?"

"Who is it?" Dean whispers.

"Listen to me, I said hang tight." Sam states, hanging up.

Dean hands me my drink and food, and I thank him.

"We gotta get going."

"Can I at least finish my burger?"

"We got a vamp kill Dean."

"Vampire? Where?" I ask.

"Carencro, Louisiana."

"Huh. It's been a while since I've had some eh tu fe. Who's the source?" Dean asks.

"Martin Creaser."

"Sorry. For a minute there, I thought you said Martin Creaser. Crazy Martin from the looney bin?"

"Glendale Springs discharged him last month."

"And? Shouldn't he be assembling toys in a padded room? What's he doing back on the job?"

"I asked him."

"You what?"

"Look, he called me when he got out okay? Asked me if I had anything for him that might ease him back into the game. He seemed okay...mostly. So I said yes. I've had him tracking Benny for the past week."

"You put mostly okay Martin...on Benny. What is mostly okay, doing hunting at all?"

"Not hunting Dean. Tracking. Observe and report only. I was crystal clear about that."

"Wow, I can't believe that."

"Really Dean? You don't believe that? Because Benny's a vampire. And any hunter worth a soul isn't just going to let him walk around freely. So I had Martin keep tabs on him. And right now it's looking like I made the right call."

"I'm just gonna go back to my car." I say, before exiting the Impala.

"So Martin's saying Benny did this?"




"Benny's in Louisiana draining folks, we should look into it."

Dean starts the Impala, and I start my car and then we make the trip out to Louisiana. And we go find this Martin guy. We both park and almost instantly get out of the car, heading inside. Before Sam could even knock on the door, he opens it.

"You said look for an interruption? How about Vesuvius?" He motions inside and we walk in.

"Well well who's this beauty?"

I raise my eyebrow as he starts to look me over.

"Easy Martin. She's all mine." Dean gets defensive.

"Brooke." I introduce myself. "So what's going on?" I ask.

"I got into town about a week ago, up until ast night, nothing. He's been clean."

"Doing what?"

"Just minding his own business, working at the Gumbo Shack."

"Benny's working at the Gumbo Shack?"

"Yeah, slinging hash, pouring coffee, the whole bit. And he may be Benny to you, folks around here call him Roy."

"Martin, you sure you're running on a full charge?"

"Heh-yeah, yeah. A little shock there in the morning and then I'm ready to go."

"Tell us what happened last night."

"So I followed him home just like every night. He turned up a path, I hear a scream. And then boom, there he is. The old kook that was high balling at the joint, vamped."

"Did you actually see Benny kill the guy or not?"

"I saw enough."

"Well how can you be sure it was Benny if you didn't actually see him do it?"

"Because I saw Benny turn up the path, and then two seconds later I trip over a body with it's throat ripped. Look man, you ever hear of Occam's Razor? Keep it simple stupid, it's not that complicated."

"There's a lot of holes Martin."

"Holes? The holes we should be looking at are in the vic's neck."

"Does it sound like the Benny you know?"

"I don't know Benny."

"The Benny you know? Say what? Why am I getting the distinct impression that your brother is vouching for a vampire?" Martin asks Sam.

"Guys, let's not argue." Sam tries to calm everyone down.

"No one's arguing. But if this is Benny, and it's a big if."

"Oh it's him."

"I've got history with the guy okay? I'm not signing up for a witch hunt, I'm owe him more than that."

"What in god's great creation can a Winchester possibly owe a vampire? Am I hearing this right?"

"Look, until we get the facts, we stow the blood lust and we work this case right, or we're working seperately."

"Doing it right would be seperating his head from his shoulders."

"I just need some time Sammy. Just me and Brooke."

"Oh yeah and let the fang take another life, I don't think so."

"How much time do you need?"

"You're actually considering this?"

"Couple hours tops." Dean states.

"And what if it turns out to be Benny?"

"Then it's Benny and I'll deal with it!"

"Couple hours Dean. No more."

"We'll be in touch. Let's go Brooke."

I nod and follow him.

"Oh hey, look...hey...oh." Martin stammers as Dean and I disappear out the door.

"You're joking right? We're doing this as soon as he pulls away."

"No we're not Martin. We're gonna give him a little bit of time."

"Alright. Hey, it's your brother. Your call."

"Go on like this while it's staring at him right in the face."

"Yeah well sometimes it's hard to see things for what they are."


Sam is outside his new home with Amelia with the dog, playing fetch.

"Thought about what you're gonna say to him?"

"I've thought about it and thought about it, and I still don't know."

"Look, I'm sure you have a lot of people telling you what the right thing to do is here-"


"He's your husband Amelia. But I don't...I don't want to do the right thing. I mean this is the right thing. You and me. And maybe I'm going to hell for saying this, but I'm not ready to give this up."

"Neither am I. Would it bother you if I took just a few days to clear my head?"

"Um...of course. Uh...take whatever time you need."

Present Day

Dean and I found the Gumbo Shack, hoping to find Benny there.

"Looks like he's not here."

"Just wait." Dean states as we sit down at the counter and we're handed menus.

"Actually, I already know what I want."

"Let me guess Gumbo?"

"Hmm, it was gonna be the gumbo, until I saw...." He trails off, pointing to the pie. "...pie."

"Well, special's pecan."

"Of course it is. Let's do that. Two slices please."

She walks away to get the pie for us and Dean looks over and sees a picture of Benny.

"Hey..." Dean gets my attention. "...look." He points to the picture.



"Bad news." The woman says, coming back to us.

"You're out of Pecan. Story of my life. Uh, that's alright. Maybe you can make it up to me. We're actually looking for an old friend of ours. Heard he's kicking around these parts. His name's Roy."

"Well Roy works the night shift here. I mean if we're talking about the same Roy."

"Uh yeah, he putts around in a beat up camper that's like a rolling death trap."

"Yeah, I thought I was the only one who gave him trouble over that piece of junk."

"You wouldn't happen to know where he's parking that thing these days would you?"

"Well he was parking it out back but, just called to tell me he's gone up to Mill Creek for a few days."

"Okay. He say why?"

" I think. Really deserves a break. He's been working doubles for the last two weeks straight."

"Um..listen. I'll tell you what...." Dean starts, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, writing down our numbers.

"...if he pops up before I find him, do me a favor and just have him give us a buzz. Or, you could just drop the dime yourself."

"Sure thing. Dean...and Brooke."

"And you are?"


"Elizabeth. Alright. Take a rain check on that pie."


"It was nice meeting you." I nod, before following Dean out the door.

As we walk outside, Dean takes out his phone and tries to call Benny. It goes straight to voice mail.

"Benny, I got a body here in Carencro with two holes in it. And I just found out you went fishing. Do I need to tell you what this looks like?" Dean ends the call, putting his phone away.

It's not until much later when Benny gets the voice mail, but doesn't listen to it. He just sees a dead body and decides to bury it. It takes him a while, and he buries it in the morning. Dean and I got some rest before trekking out to find Benny.

"He's here, let's go find him."

I nod and we get out of the car and into the woods to find him.

"There he is."

Dean nods and we approach Benny.

"It's not me guys." Benny simply states before we even say anything.

"Which me are we talking about? Benny? Or Roy?"

"Just trying to blend in."

"Blend in? Who'd you plant Benny?"

"Victim number two. You're concerned about the missed calls. I didn't want to get you involved. Or your pretty little lady. Now, are we gonna talk a little bit or what?"

"We're all ears." Dean says as he takes the knife out from behind his back, putting it away and I nod in agreement.

"Rogue vamp. Came into the cafe a couple nights ago. Youngster, goes by the name of Desmond. He uh...he remembers me from the good ol' days."

"The good ol' days?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but I haven't always been this cute and cuddly. It's chasing a memory Dean. That's all. He's crewed up a new nest. He's hoping I can give him some cred. I told him no."

"Alright. So far so good. Let's get to the part about the blood."

"Didn't want to take no for an answer. Started rousing me out. Leaving dead bodies in my wake, till I sign up. Two bodies and two days. No amateur is gonna kick me out of my hometown, not this time."

"Hometown? You grew up here?"

"Born and bred. With Andrea gone and you hunting again, seemed like the right time for homecoming. You two being the only ones keeping my ducks in a row. I'm back to my old job at the cafe, I even found someone to hold myself accountable to. That kind of someone Dean. Family."

"Elizabeth." I state with a smile.

"My great granddaughter."


"Now hold it now, you didn't-"

"No. Does she know?"

"No. As far as she's concerned, I'm just another drifter. I'd like to keep it that way. It's been tough walking a line here. All those years in Purgatory, having not to deal with the hunger. But Elizabeth, she keeps me honest. I finally feel like I have a handle on things."

"Handle on things? Benny, you got two stiffs on your hands and two hunters on your ass."

"Please, your half-witted family at the cafe? I'll take my chances with him."

"He may be half-witted and he's with my brother and trust me, my brother is not someone you wanna mess with."

"I don't have time to worry about them Dean. So now I've got to do what I should've done two days ago. Which is put him back where he belongs."

"You know there's only one way to do that right? And that is for you to sit on the sideline while we convince Sam and Martin to go after Desmond. They see you out there, they don't care if you're gonna be collecting for the March of Dimes. They're gonna slice first and ask questions later. You know that."

"You really think they'll go for that?"

"It's worth a shot." I shrug.

"Alright, I'll let you two at least do that." Benny nods.

"Good. We'll be back. Promise." I nod.

He nods back and then Dean and I head back to the car. We then make our way back to Martin's apartment.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I really don't think Martin and Sam are gonna go for this."

"It's worth a shot Brooke. We have to try, for Benny's sake."

"Right, well let's get this over with." I state as we soon pull up in front of Martin's apartment. We head inside and to his door, knocking and he lets us in.

"Let me get this straight. I follow your boy down a friggen path, and trip over fresh vamp kill. And then you practically catch him in the act...of burying a second body, and you're both still taking his side?"

"Vampires pick people off in the outskirts of town okay? Not in the cafes that they work in, with their great grand kids. In fact killing any human, it's not his style."

"Not his style? Not his style?"

"Listen Dean, we came here on a dead body. You asked for some time and now there's another dead body. Are we just going on trust here?"

"Sam..." I trail off.

"Yes." Dean states.

"Okay, because we've killed for a lot less and you know how these things turn out for us."

"Yes I do. Too well. In fact, every relationship I've ever had has gone to crap at some point. For once I'm happy in a relationship with Brooke and it hasn't gone to crap, because we understand each other. But the one thing I can say about Benny, he has never let me down."

"Well good on you Dean. Must feel great finally finding people you can trust after all these years."

"All I'm saying is that Benny is innocent."

Sam looks at us, then Martin, then gets up.

"No. You're both too close to this."

"You're not gonna find him. And if you do, I'm gonna tell you this, you'll be lucky to get out alive and you..." He points at Marting. " go with him, you're a dead man. Period."

"These are innocent lives we're talking about Dean. And you're willing to risk that on Benny's word alone."

"Damn right I am." Dean states before turning around and gets hit in the head with the hand of the knife in Martin's hand.

"Dean! You son of a bitch." I growl and grab Martin by the throat and I push him into the wall.

"You can't do that to him! Do you want me to bodily injure you? Make you more wacky than you were before?!" I yell, my hand getting tighter on his throat. "I'll make sure you're in the looney bin forever!"

"Brooke! Let go!" Sam yells, rushing over and trying to pry my hand off.

"No Sam. He can't just go around attacking Dean like that. I won't stand for it."

"Let me deal with him. I'm the one who put him on this case. Now let go."

I look at Martin and back at Sam a few times before finally letting go.

"Fine." I grumble, going over to Dean and making sure he was okay.

"Martin what- what the hell was that?!"

"Dean....made his choice. Let's go do our job."

Sam just nods and Martin pulls out handcuffs.

"I'm sorry Brooke, we have to do this to you and Dean."

"What're you doing? You're, no no no! You leave Benny alone!"

They handcuff Dean to the heater no problem. I was the only problem since I was struggling.

"No! No! Let me go! Sam!"

"I'm sorry Brooke." He gives me the apologetic look as Martin handcuffs me to the heater as well.

"I thought you were better than this." I shake my head as Martin now gets his things together and Sam gets his jacket on.

Soon they leave and I sigh as I start to figure out how to get free.

"Glad your dad wasn't around to hear that. He'd have a mind to take you both out the woodshed, show you what's what. Half inclined to do it myself." Martin states and Sam just shoves him into the wall.

"Listen to me. I brought you into this. I can bring you out just easy. So the only thing that you're gonna be inclined to do is shut up and follow my lead." Sam states, taking his keys.

"Okay, if you say so." Martin mumbles.

They leave the building and head out to the car.

"Just saying, brother and his girlfriend choose a vampire over a brother and best friend? I know how I'd feel."


Sam's at the bar, clearing his head about the whole Amelia thing, when Don sits next to him.

"You are Sam right? Relax, I ain't here to fight."

"I heard about what happened to you. Rough deal."

"Yeah well I appreciate that. We got ourselves a situation here now don't we?"

"Yes we do."

"Truth is I can't blame either of you for what happened. Hell for days there, I thought I was a dead man. But when I do come back, and what I come back to is this, well it ain't no big mystery of me thinking, what's wrong with this picture?"


"-Sam, let me finish. I know part of her loves me. And now part of her loves you. But the only one that knows what's best for Amelia is Amelia. So when all of this is said and done, and she's made her decision, I'll respect it. And if you truly love her, you'll do the same."

Both men nod, and Don takes out some money for the drinks.

"He could use another."

Present Day

Dean finally has come to.

"Dean? Thank god you're okay."

"Brooke?" He asks, trying to move, to find out he's handcuffed to the heater.

"I'm handcuffed too. Sam and Martin took off to find Benny. I tried to stop them, but I got handcuffed to this thing like you. Ooh you're bleeding. If we can get out of here, I'm taking care of that for you before we go after Sam and Martin."

"What did I get hit with?" He groans, holding his head.

"The flat end of a handle of a knife. Should've seen me though. Once Martin did that, I had him by the throat against the wall. Just pissed me off so much for doing that to you."

He chuckles. "That's my girl." And then he leans over for a kiss and I grant him one. "Now what to use to get out of these handcuffs."

"Hmmm...." I look around until I find something. "Aha. Will this work?"

"We can try it." He says, taking the item from me and picking at the lock on his handcuffs.

"Come on." He says and soon enough it works.

He then works on my cuffs and gets me free as well.

"Now let's get to Benny before Sam and Martin do."

"First let me call him."

I nod, getting my jacket on.

"What'd they say?"

"They didn't go for it. They're on their way to you, I'd get scarce."

"No offense Dean, but your little brother doesn't exactly put chills up my spine."

"Benny listen to me. Do no underestimate my little brother okay?" Dean says as I work on cleaning the blood from his forehead. "He can and will kill you given the chance."

"Alright so what now?"

"I go find Desmond."

"You take me with."

"Hey I just told you, the best thing you can do is lay low." Dean states as he and I leave the apartment.

"That ain't gonna work this time bub. You take me with, or I don't tell you where he is."

"You know where he is?"

"He does?"

"He said he's not gonna stop the killing until I join his little nest. Two bodies is enough. I told him I'm in."


"Dean, this is my fight. Are you in or are you out?"

Hours pass and Sam and Martin find Benny's campsite, no Benny in sight.

"Something spooked him."

Sam's phone then buzzes and it's from Amelia and it says she needs help and he needs to come quick. That of course makes Sam leave, taking Martin's car and leaving the campsite, leaving Martin behind.

"Sam. Sam! Sam! Saaam!"

In the meantime, Dean and I pull up to where Benny told us to meet him. We stop and get out of the car, approaching him.

"This the place huh? So what's the plan?" Dean asks as he goes into the trunk of his car, taking out injection things. "I hang back while you guys do some trust falls and binge drinking?"

"Man, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a pretty low expectation about us vamps."

"Call it healthy skepticism."

"Now are you sure you wanna bring her along with us?" Benny asks about me.

"I'll be fine, trust me. I can hold my own."

We then make sure we're set and head inside, searching for any sign of Desmond. We split up, Dean and I in one direction, Benny in another. We turn when we sense someone walking behind us and we head in that directions. The suddenly Dean turns around and he gets into a fight with Desmond.

"Benny never told me he was bringing friends."

"Big talker are ya? I've been dealing with crazy all day."

Dean reaches for the injection in his pocket to stab Desmond with it, but ends up getting the injection crushed. Next think I know, I hear skin being cut with something sharp and I see Desmond licking his fingers/nails.

"You son of a bitch." I grumble, storming over with an injection needed in my hand and right as he goes to suck Dean's blood, I stab him with the needle.

He moves from Dean and turns around, lashing out at me and ends up slicing a cut on my neck.

He starts to move towards me, but Benny pulls him up and cuts his head off.

"Son of took you long enough."

"You lost a step friend. You need to lay off the junk food." Benny says as he helps Dean up.

"Dean are you okay?" I ask, and then I see his neck cut.

"I think...ahh." He winces when he feels the blood on his neck.

I take a cloth out of my pocket and hold it to my neck as I take one out for Dean and go over. Benny's behavior changes and he focuses on the blood on Dean's neck since it was exposed right now.

"Benny?" I ask.

"You okay?" Dean adds.

"I'm fine." He hesitates and walks away.

I hand Dean the cloth for his neck.


"Thanks. He didn't get you did he?"

"He did." I frown a bit and lift the cloth to reveal my cut neck. "But I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'll be okay. Thanks." He takes the cloth from me and puts it on his neck.

I nod and we head outside.

"My life here is over isn't it?" Benny asks.

"'Fraid so. Once word gets out, there'll be swingers that come for you. You can't take them all, it's impossible. Even if you could-"

"-we'd have a problem."

"Guys like us, we don't get a home. We don't get family."

"You got Sam and Brooke."

"Yeah. Benny you've got to go deep underground, where nobody knows who you are."

"Yeah. I got one last thing I gotta do."

In the meantime, Sam is still on his way to Amelia since he got that text. He calls her and there's no answer, her phone shut off.


Sam is packing a bag of his things, planning on leaving.

"What're you doing?" Amelia asks, standing in the doorway watching him pack the bag.

"I'm uh...I'm leaving."

"What? Don found you at the bar."


"He threatened you."

"Amelia, no he didn't threaten me. Look I'm just trying to do the right thing here."

"The right thing? This morning you and I were the right thing remember?"

"I know that you and Don deserve a chance okay, and I think you know that too. Just give him a chance, like you gave me. I mean, Amelia you saved me."

Present Day

By this time Dean, Benny and myself have gotten back to the diner. Benny was looking on at Elizabeth, taking over for his shift.

"Time to go Buddy." Dean states and shakes his hand.

"Thanks for not giving up on me brother."

"Don't give me a reason to."

Benny pats him on the back, before hugging me, before heading back to his truck to leave town.

"So what now? Leave town, get Sam?" I ask.

"Yeah. Let's just go back and get your car from Martin's."

"Right." I nod and we get into the car, heading back in the direction to Martin's place.

A while into the drive, Dean decides to call Martin, to tell him to back off because everything's been dealt with and resolved.

"Hey Dean."

"Look, I'm just calling to let you know that the situation is resolved. Benny was not lying, there was another vamp and we ganked him together."

"Oh that's good Dean."

"Shut up and listen to me. Benny's long gone, and he won't be coming back ever. So for your own sake, do not follow him. Are we clear?"

"You don't have to worry about me Dean. I'm long gone too."

"Oh and Martin?"


"Find a new line of work."

A while later after that, Benny is close to leaving town when his phone rings, and it says Elizabeth on the caller id, but it's not Elizabeth at all. It's Martin.

"Hey Liz. How's your shift going?"

"I'd say she's covering for you just fine Benny."

"Who is this?"

"I think you know who this is."

"How the hell did you get her phone?"

"You enjoy the cherry?" She asks, going to take the plate away, but Martin stops her by grabbing her wrist.

"Sorry. Not quite done yet."

"Um...did you reach your friend okay?"

"I did thanks. I can't believe I left my cell on the bus. My wife says I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. I'll just be another minute."

"Just take your time."

"Thank you. She's a nice girl. Takes kindly to strangers."

"You leave her alone, now."

"How far away are you?"

"An hour."

"You got 45 minutes. Miss, your cell phone."

Benny makes it there in just enough time, and all the lights are off. He walks in and sees her tied up on a chair.

"Lay down your arms, you unholy thing." Martin says as he appears from behind her, holding a knife to her throat.

"You got me here, now why don't you just let her go and walk away?"

"I don't think so."

"You realize I'm not asking."

"I realize that completely."

"Roy, what's going on?"

"It's okay Lizzie. He ain't gonna hurt you. Ain't that right? Come on now. I got no beef with you, you got no beef with me."

"I got plenty of beef with your kind."

"Alright that may be so, but not for anything to happen here. I did not kill those people."

"I heard. You and Dean had a little Purgatory reunion. Touching."

"Roy, please just tell me what's going on here."

"Please. I'm asking you. Do not do this. The bad guy is gone okay?"

"She doesn't know Benny."

"Roy? Who's Benny?"

"Who's Benny? Let's find out shall we?" Martin says as she cuts her neck.

"Look. See that? Dilated pupils. Hair standing. Signs of hunger! Tell her he won't feed off of his own flesh and blood."

"Flesh and blood?"

"Tell her Benny. Tell her how you're her long lost grand pappy. Tell her about all the dead you left behind. Tell her about the monster that you are!"

"What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want your head on a stake."

Benny just nods and puts his head down on the counter.

"Oh Roy, no."

"I'm sorry."

"Now I hope they're saving a special place for you, wherever you come from."


In the meantime, Sam pulls up in front of Amelia's house, but nothing seems wrong at all. He walks up and around the back, and looks in the window to Don and then her, as happy as can be. He puts his gun away and stares for a bit before leaving the getting back into the car. Dean and I however are on our way back to Martin's apartment to get my car since I left it there in favor of riding with him. He has the radio on and he starts singing along. I can't help but smile. And just then his phone rings.

"Yeah. Hold on." He states, turning the radio off.


"Elizabeth?" I give him a confused look.

"You told me to call you if I've seen...him."

"What do you mean? Roy? he there right now? Elizabeth what's going on?"

"Can you just come?"

And with that Dean hangs up and he does a hard u-turn and we speed back to the diner. We pull up and she's sitting there on the steps, all bloody. We get out and approach her and she just points inside. We check her for any bite marks and Dean gives her a rag to hold on her neck where she got cut by Martin.

"I'll stay out here." I tell Dean.

He nods and heads inside.

"It's gonna be alright."

Dean's inside and he sees tons of blood. When he gets close enough, he sees Martin, dead, in a pool of blood.

"Brooke!" Dean calls.

"I'll be right back okay? Stay right here." I reassure Elizabeth.

I get my gun ready and head inside, walking over to Dean. I reach him and see what he saw. I gasp loudly, covering my mouth with one hand.

"Oh my god." I muffle into my hand. "You think-"

"Yeah. I'll take care of him, you go back out to Elizabeth, bring her into the bathroom to get cleaned up."

I nod, putting my gun away and going back outside.

"Elizabeth? Come on. Let's get all this blood off you."

She nods hesitantly and I help her get up and we go inside. I make sure her eyes are covered so she doesn't see the dead body of Martin and all the blood. Dean takes Martin outside to get rid of the body.

"So you saw Ben....I mean Roy-"

"Yeah." She says quietly.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"I don't know. Probably not for a while."

I nod and finish cleaning her up.

"Why don't you go on home. Relax okay?"

"I will. Thank you."

I smile slightly and let her go on her way. Dean comes back inside a bit after.

"So we good?"

"We're good. Let's go get your car."

We then leave the diner and once again get back into the car and head back in the direction to Martin's place to get my car. Sam in the meantime is at the bar, after having seen Amelia, it was a lot for him to handle. He finally realizes something and calls Amelia's phone again after reading the text. That cues a phone to go off in the car, but it's not Dean's. He has me open the glove box and I hand him the phone.


"Sam I need your help, come quick. Nice one. Swapping Amelia's phone out with burners, sending out a distress signal. Got me good. When'd you do that."

"A while back in case I needed it. Looks like I made the right call. So did you see her?"

"Yeah. Yeah I saw her. She's doing just fine. But of course you know that."

"Actually I didn't. I did know it was the only way to get you to lay off."

"So? Is it done?"

"Yeah it's done."

"Any casualties?"


"Was it Benny?"

"He had it coming Sam. I'll tell you what happened."

"I know what happened Dean."

"Okay, you wanna listen to me or not?"

There's no response and Dean closes the phone and throws it on the floor.

"Damn it."

The rest of the ride was quiet. And in the bar, Sam pays for his drink and turns around, and there's Amelia.

"I knew that was you."