Status: Active

He's a Fighter

NXT Season 2 Premiere

After a long day of helping with training, it was finally time for NXT. Charity and I have been dating two FCW superstars, who have been called up for WWE's newest show called NXT. Charity is dating Jon, also known at this point as Lucky Cannon and I'm dating Alex Riley. We've been dating them ever since they came into FCW. Charity and I both are in the WWE now, since we were brought up to the main roster at the same time and were brought up earlier than expected. Alex and Jon were both happy for us of course. We both were happy for Jon and Alex for being recruited for WWE's show. We found out last week the pros for everyone. Alex would have Mike Mizanin aka The Miz and Jon would have Mark Henry. Also, Stefanie is Mike's girlfriend and they've been dating for a while themselves. I'm being allowed to go out with Alex for these things, and so is Stefanie, so if you look at it, Alex will have 3 coaches instead of one. So we're all currently at the arena, waiting backstage and ready to go for the show.

I'm hanging around with Charity and Stefanie while we wait for Jon and Alex to get ready.

"I can't believe they made it into the WWE...well not technically but still. It's only a matter of time before they're with us here. Too bad only one of them can win."

"The rest will get in somehow, I mean look at Nexus. They all were from Season 1 and they've got contracts."


First to come out of the locker room was Jon, followed by Alex. Since the show was set to start soon, we all headed to the curtain where all the pros and rookies were. We all watched on the monitor as the show started with highlights of what Nexus did on Raw last night, and then they went to the show intro with the pros and rookies shown. The pyros went off and the show officially started.

"Ladies and gentlemen, last night live on Monday Night Raw, the graduating class from the first season of NXT made a bombastic impact. Destroying and injuring everything and anything in their path. The question is now, will the second season of NXT choose to follow suit? We're all gonna find out together. Welcome to Season 2 of NXT! Now please join me in welcoming, your NXT season 2 WWE Pros!"

Mike's music hits and then he and Stefanie walk out. "Allow me to introduce to you WWE's next breakout star, my rookie Alex Riley!"

Alex comes out with me and she shake's Mike's hand. But both Mike and Alex kiss Stef and I before leaving us to walk down to the ring. See we didn't go with them because with all the rookies and pros in the ring, it'll become crowded once they all go out. So we headed backstage and John Morrison comes out next to introduce his rookie.

"Of all the rookies in NXT season 2, my rookie is definitely the tallest. Give it up for Eli Cottonwood!"

Cody was next and he wasn't too thrilled about his rookie at all. "....Husky Harris."


"It's the rookie you've all been waiting's Kaval!"

"The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry!"

"He's not the world's strongest rookie, but he's Lucky. Lucky Cannon!"

Charity walks out with him and of course he gives her a kiss as well before following Mark down the ramp and she heads backstage as well.

"The Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, get to your feet, make some noise for my rookie Michael McGillicutty."


"MVP is in the building, and so is my rookie Showtime Percy Watson."

"Zack Ryder!"

"Hey Zack Pack, here's my new pro, Titus O'Neil."

"Did he say pro? I thought he was the pro." Charity laughs.

"Gentlemen, why don't you spread out, let the camera get a good look at you, this is NXT. Last season the NXT rookies were evaluated by the WWE pros. This season, we're gonna even things up a little bit. Only 50% of the evaluation will fall into the responsibility of the WWE pros. The other 50%, will rest with you the WWE Universe. You will have an opportunity to go to and vote for or against whichever rookie you feel will become the WWE's next breakout star. Rookies pay attention. Season 2 is going to be very different than season 1. Season 2 will only be 12 weeks long, so the pressure is intense. In three weeks time, the WWE pros will cast their very first pro's poll, and you the WWE Universe will cast your first vote as well. Gentlemen, ladies, in six weeks time, we will have our first elimination as we get closer and closer to finding out who will follow Wade Barrett and become the WWE's next breakout star. Who will go on to earn a championship match live on pay-per-view?"



"Rookies, pros, your opportunity to impress begins right now because WWE pros and WWE rookies will be in action next on NXT!"

"I'll tell you what's next, me! I'm gonna rock this joint...." Husky interrupts.

Then chaos erupts in the ring.

"It's a good thing we aren't out there then."

After the break, since we are on TV after all, the first match of the night had begun and it was Zack and Titus vs Morrison and Eli. I'm backstage with Alex while Stef is sitting with Mike, helping him evaluate the rookies in the ring right now. Once Eli is tagged in, Zack tags out. It went to a break for those watching at home and coming back Zack had control of the match and had Morrison on the apron in a headlock. In the end, it was John and Eli who won.

"John Morrison, as a pro...give me a first hand opinion of your rookie Eli Cottonwood."

"Big man holds his own tonight, what'd you guys think of Eli Cottonwood tonight? I go with what the people say, a lot of people happy with him, some people not so happy, but everybody had an opinion. I think that's what matters."

"Let's hear it from some of the pros on the stage. How about...The Miz."

"As far as I'm concerned, you guys had an opportunity to impress the audience, to entertain us, to show us who you are as WWE superstars. As NXT rookies, do you really think that you impressed anyone tonight? I'm not entertained, you failed."

"Okay. I'm sure we're gonna hear more from you and perhaps Stefanie as the evening goes on. NXT continues with this..." Matt finishes and Morrison's music hits.

Then they show a video package on Alex, his NXT introduction basically. I can't help but smile while watching the whole thing as I stay snuggled into his side as we stand there.

"Such a dork." I laugh. "I remember that day too. We went to dinner like you said in the end of that and you told me all about that.

After that it was Husky and Cody vs MVP and Percy Watson. MVP tags in Percy and he does his clapping, and he faces Cody. They circle before locking up and Cody takes control of the match. Reversing and going off the ropes, to get shoulder blocked by Cody. They lock up again after Percy gets up and Cody twists his arm behind his back before wrapping his arms around his neck again. He's pushed into the corner and Cody turns, getting Percy in the corner. He keeps control of the match until Percy avoids a collision with Cody in the corner. Cody tags Husky in and he picks up where Cody left off. Cody tells him to tag him and he does, but the tag was illegal. Percy can't get a shot in, Cody still keeping the control of the match and it's a break for those watching at home. Cody was still in charge through the break and after we came back. He tags in Husky now and Percy doesn't stand a chance really. But at one point, Percy tags in MVP and then he and MVP win after Percy's finisher.

"Poor Cody. Could care less about Husky though." Charity comments.

"I know right?" I add.

Then Cody and MVP start to get in each other's faces.

"Uh oh."

"Guys hang on! Yes let's get your thoughts on your rookies. Cody, we'll start with you. Your thoughts on Husky Harris."

"Husky Harris looks awfully familiar. Not only do you look like someone in my own family, you look like every one of these people. But don't care to talk about Husky Harris, I want to talk about Showtime. You think you can mold this already great athlete into a WWE pro? Guess what, I'm gonna mold this right here into the next breakout star."

"Highly doubt that, but he can try."

"Thank you Cody, obviously frustrated. MVP, your thoughts on the rookies."

"Well Showtime said that he wanted to show me what he could do. I gave him an opportunity, he got himself into some trouble. But he worked his way out of it, good looking out on the call. So I believe Showtime Percy Watson is ready for prime time."

"I don't think so. He's not ready for it yet." I shake my head.

Then they play the video on Michael McGillicutty. It was a break and then Mike motioned to Alex that they had to head out to the ring. The same happened with Mark and Jon.

"Awww, you have to leave us again."

"Don't worry. I'll be back after, I promise. Maybe next week you can come out with us. I would like nothing better than to have you there by my side, trust me."

"Alex, let's"

"I gotta go, I'll be back." He says, kissing me briefly before getting whisked away by Mike.

"I was really hoping you'd have a match tonight Jon."

"I know, but maybe next week. You can cheer me on from ringside, okay?"

"Deal. Hurry back the best you can. We're going out celebrating tonight for making it halfway to the WWE."

"I'll try, and sounds good." He smiles, leaning down and kissing her before he too gets whisked away by Mark and they head out to the ring as well.

"Celebrating huh? Club?"

"Duh." Charity laughs.

"Good, I wont have to change my dress then, I can wear this."

"Which Alex is in love with, yes."

"We have to be the most luckiest girls alive. We're already in the WWE, and we're dating two guys who could possibly go all the way in this competition and make it where we are."

Charity nods and we turn our attention to the monitor when we see that the break is over and all the rookies and pros are in the ring. The rookies standing across the ring from their pros.

"We'd like to take a look now at the vicious and disturbing actions that occurred last night live on Monday night Raw."

Then we watched what happened during the main event with John Cena and CM Punk, when Wade Barrett came out as John was going for his signature move. Wade walks down to the ring as John gets Punk on his shoulders for the AA. He drops him and starts to ask Wade if he has a problem with him. Then the rest of the NXT Season 1 rookies attacking the SES and then they surround the ring before going after John. They take out the ref first, leaving only John in the ring. John tries to attack them, but there's more of them than there is of John. That leads to them attacking everyone ringside, destroying everything and everyone in their path.

"That was nuts last night. Are they even allowed to do that?"

"Obviously they aren't but they don't care and no one was able to stop them."

"Kaval, what're your thoughts on what you just saw? What did they do on Monday Night Raw? Your thoughts."

"Simply unbelievable. It is simply unbelievable that the first season of NXT would do such a thing, but that's how you make a statement here in the WWE."

"Psh." I scoff.

"Lucky Cannon...your thoughts."

"Obviously what they just did was cowardly. I mean eight on one, John Cena...beating up referees, announcers. But like Kaval said, if you wanna make a statement, that's how you do it."

"Well they are right afterall, they did make a statement."

"I horrible, and dangerous one."

"Husky Harris the same question."

"Well to be honest with ya, I don't really agree with everything they did but, I don't really care. Because I'm here to win NXT, and that's it."

"Psh, he should care. I hope they come after him and we'll see if he cares then or not."

"Alex Riley...your thoughts."




"Well that's great...I think you're done, thank you."

"....I think I'm allergic to you. Do you mind if..." Alex starts to say but Matt pushes him away.

"Rude much Striker?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"You know...Percy Watson, your thoughts?"

"Hey look here, I don't think that was appropriate behavior at all, you know what I'm saying? If you want to fight a man, you fight that man one on one, mano e mano, you know what I'm saying? That's what I think, that's just me though, you know what I'm saying. Exactly."

"He's got a point. Last night wasn't a fair fight."

"Eli Cottonwood."

"I think he deserved every bit of it."

"Oookay then."

"Titus O'Neil...your thoughts."

"My thoughts, my thoughts are I think that season 1 come out here and try that with one of us. My thoughts, my thoughts are if you gonna fight, make it a fight. And if you wanna win, make it a win. But I'll say this...Zack Ryder, if you push me in my chest like you did earlier, John Cena won't be the only one that has to answer."

"You don't talk to your pro like that. Zack's supposed to guide you, idiot."

"Apparently he don't care. I hope he's the first eliminated this season. Watching him is like watching grass grow....he's so boring."

"He's as dumb as a post."

"Okay okay, last guy Michael McGillicutty, you're thoughts."

"Hey, first of all answer the question. A win is a win and did you just sneeze in the microphone, what is that?"

"Hah to what he said to Titus and um he's allergic to nerds...duh." I scoff.

"NXT season 1 guys did make a huge impact, and that's all that matters in this business. That's the same kind of impact...."

"Thank you very much. Guys I got to tell you something. There's a prevailing concern in the locker room for the safety of the men and women that contribute each and every week to what we do here in the WWE. So with that said, on behalf of the WWE pros, on behalf of the locker room, on behalf of the veterans that paved the way so that we could be in this business, on behalf of everyone that was slaughtered last night live on Monday Night Raw, I would like to officially welcome the NXT the WWE. Welcome to NXT."

All the pros clap for them but then a brawl breaks out, Layla and Michelle starting it with Kaval and then getting out of the ring so they dont get hurt.

"I don't like this."

Mark hits Titus with the world's strongest slam.

"Dont care much about that. Too bad for you Titus."

"Well I guess that was the official welcome to NXT."

"Yeah....not sure how I feel about that though."

"We can only hope that next week will be better."


The first to come through the curtain where we were by was Alex. I of course immediately went over to him since he was hit by MVP with his finisher.

"You okay?" I ask in concern.

"I'll be fine." He winces in pain.

"No you'll need ice. And by the looks of it, we wont be celebrating you making it here. Let's get you ice, you can change and we'll head back to the hotel. We can celebrate another day this week. Looks like you'll be going to the club or something by yourself with Jon, Char."

"Maybe we'll skip it too, depending on how he's feeling. Plus it's not as fun without you there."

"Whatever you say." I nod, and then walk off with Alex to get ice.

Jon comes through the curtain last and Charity instantly knew that celebrating tonight wouldn't be the best idea.

"Alright Jon, it's ice for you, changing and back to the hotel. I was planning a night of celebrating but looks like you're hurt too bad to go out. You need some much needed rest okay?"

"I agree with you. Sounds like a plan." He agrees.

"We can celebrate another day this week, promise."

"I'm holding you to that promise." He grins, before leaning down and kissing her briefly.

"Of course you are. Let's go get you ice and you can get changed."

He nods and they head in that direction as well. Alex and I have made it to the locker room first and he kisses me briefly before heading in. Jon and Charity show up shortly after that and he kisses her again before heading into the locker room himself.

"So no celebrating tonight?" I ask her.

"Nah, we're gonna celebrate some other time this week."

"Same with us. All about resting after getting beat up by the pros tonight."


"You know, between Jon and Alex I think it'll be pretty close. I say Alex will make it all the way."

"Hey, don't count out Jon just yet. He's just as talented as Kevin."

"I know. May the best man win."

"You got it."

Alex and Jon both came out together and we all headed out to the parking lot and to our cars. We said our goodbyes and got into the cars. Alex and I left first, followed by Jon and Charity. After getting to the hotel, we parked and grabbed our things, getting out and heading inside. Alex and I had just walked inside and got onto the elevator when Charity and Jon pulled into the parking lot themselves. Alex and I make it up to our floor and we head to our room. He dropped his bag by the door once he walked in and walked over to the bed. That's when he fell back onto it and all I could do was giggle.


"Very much so."

"Don't worry. The sooner we get changed, the faster we can be cuddling under those blankets. I'm going to do so right now before you have any time to object." I laugh while taking my shoes off and heading over to my things and picking out clothes to wear to bed. I then head into the bathroom to change, leaving Alex to change out in the room himself. I walk out in shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, while Alex is in nothing but big deal. I find my eyes start to wander over him and I shake my head from the thoughts. After putting my dress and such with my stuff, I walk over to the bed and climb in under the covers next to Alex. Despite him being sore, he was able to turn the light off and then pull me into him.

"Thought you were sore?"

"Just a little. I'm not too sore to show you love."

"Of course not.

"First night of NXT. Many more to come."

"I plan to go all the way and win."

"I know. It all depends on the voting though. We can only hope you make it far."

"Well I've got a house show to do tomorrow. You're welcome to come along."

"You know I will." He smiles, kissing the top of my head. "Anything to support you."

"I thought so. That means a busy day tomorrow."

"Does that busy day include the gym?"

"Well duh silly. I do have a match tomorrow night, so I'll need to spend some time at the gym."

"I'm going with you."

"Of course you are. Let's get some sleep okay?"

"Of course." He nods.

I snuggle into him more, my head resting on his chest, and I soon fall asleep to his heartbeat. Charity and Jon had just gotten into their hotel room and they decided to get changed for bed themselves. After changing, they got right into bed and shut the lights off.

"So what's on the agenda for tomorrow?" Jon asks.

"House Show for Raw. Don't know quite yet if I have a match but they want everyone there."

"Well match or no match, I'm still gonna go with you."

"As you always have been doing. I appreciate it. What would I do without you?"

"Go crazy?"

"Pretty much."

"Long day ahead tomorrow. Should get all the sleep that we need."

"Right. Night Charity." He says, before leaning down and kissing her.

"Night Jon." She says back before snuggling into him and shortly they both fall asleep.