Status: Active

He's a Fighter

4th Of July

First of all, happy 4th. We're currently in Marietta, Georgia because Cody invited us down there for a 4th of July cookout and fireworks for later. Of course we all stayed at a hotel, because Cody didn't have enough room at his place for all of us to stay, but that's okay. I had gotten up pretty early, but no too early and I went into the bathroom to shower and change for the day, leaving Alex in bed. After the shower I decided to dress for the occasion today. So I wore a red, sparkle striped tank top and white capris. I did my hair next, leaving it down but making it wavy and curly. By the time I came out of the bathroom, Alex started to stir.

"Morning sleepyhead." I giggle, going over to my bags and grabbing my makeup, jewelry and such after slipping on blue flip flops.

".....morning." He says after stretching.

I slip of my jewelry which was hoop earrings, a hematite/Teal Fireball bracelet, a pink gold and brown serpent ring and a blue 4 leaf clover crystal necklace.

"Happy 4th."

"You know it was nice of Cody to invite us over his place. Only thing is, we're gonna have to leave real early tomorrow morning to get to where Raw is. Then fly to where NXT is the next day. Two flights in two days. Tiring."

"But we manage. You should be able to compete on Raw tomorrow. Weren't they talking about putting you in the championship picture?"

"They're thinking about it. Right now Eve, Maryse, Gail and Alicia are fighting for it. I heard Melina's coming back soon too, she's gonna want that back. She had to give it up because of injury, which isn't fair." I say, putting my makeup on. "I for one can't wait for her to get back. I miss her."

"But anyways, I wanna make something for this cookout. Cody said be there for like 10, help get everything set up, that gives me enough time to make something. Looks like we're gonna have to head to the store. I'm thinking a cake."

"You know how I love your cakes."

"Well this one is going to be topped with Strawberries and Blueberries. Traditional Flag Cake."

"Sounds good."

"Oh it is, you haven't tasted my flag cake yet. Haven't had the chance to make it for you. Should make two, depending on how many people are coming over. Obviously Cody's family, us, who knows."

"Two sounds fine, keep one in the fridge for when the first is gone."

"Exactly. What're you bringing?"

"Don't know yet. I'll find whatever in the store. So I suppose I should get up now then right?"

"Yes. Unless you don't want cake."

"I'm up." He says, getting out of bed. "I'll be as quick as I can." He adds, finding clothes and heading into the bathroom.

"Alright." I laugh.

In the meantime, Charity and Jon were already up and they were already at the store getting stuff to bring to the cookout. They got a few bags of chips, a couple things of soda, etc. Even sparklers for when it gets dark.

"Tonight is going to be so fun. Probably gonna have to work off all the food we eat too. We can do that tomorrow."


"So you think this is all we need?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm sure other people are bringing stuff, Cody's gonna have a lot of food if no one takes it home."

"True, but we'll be pigging out all day. Can't really avoid it at a cookout with good food."

"That is true." She nods.

They then head to the checkout, paying for their things, and then leaving to head to Cody's early. Might as well get there early and help set up. The drive from the store wasn't long, they parked out front and went up to the door, with all the food and such, ringing the doorbell. After a few seconds, the door opens revealing Cody.

"Charity, Jon...come in. You're just in time. I need help setting up outside."

"Sure thing Cody. Where should we put these?" She asks, as she and Jon hold up the bags of soda and chips.

"Put them on the counter for now, and help set up. Once everything's set up we can figure out where to put the food."

They nod and head into the kitchen and put the bags on the counter. They follow Cody out to the backyard where he had bags of stuff to set up.

"I never pegged you as the decorating type Cody."

"Haha, but there's things you don't know about me."

"That's for sure."

They all go around, setting things up, until the doorbell rings.

"Can one of you get that?" Cody asks, while he unfolds the table cloth that's going over the table where the food's gonna be.

"I will." Charity states and heads back inside and goes to answer the door.

When she opens the door, it's Mike and Stef.

"Heyy, just come in and put the food on the kitchen counter. Cody wants us to help set up first."

They nod and walk in, heading to the kitchen and putting their bags on the counter near the ones Charity and Jon brought. Then they all head out into the backyard to help Cody get everything set up. It's not long after that, when the doorbell rings again and Stef goes to answer it. It's me and Alex with tons of bags. Most of them being mine for the cake I'm making.

"I bring goods.....for cake." I hold up my bags.

"Oooh cake."

Alex and I walk in and head to the kitchen. We put our bags on the counter too and head out to the backyard to see what's going on, and everything looks like it's coming together.

"Hey Cody, I have a cake to make so I'll be using the kitchen."

"That's alright. Hey did you get my Reeses?"

"Right here." I laugh and toss them to him.

"You're awesome."

"I know." I reply before heading back into the house and into the kitchen so I could make the cake.

I work on the cake first because that's going to have to be made first anyway. I have all the ingredients, only because I didn't know what Cody had. I found all the measuring stuff as well and got to work. First I preheated the oven to 350 degrees. I tied my hair up for health reasons and greased and floured a baking pan. I then grabbed a large bowl, measured out the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, shortening, milk and vanilla. I then put that into the electric mixer bowl and beat it for 2 minutes on high speed, scraping the bowl occasionally. I then used the previous large bowl and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks formed. I folded 1/3 of the whites into the batter, then quickly folded in the remaining whites until no streaks remained. The batter then was poured into the pan, and the oven went off just in time. I put it into the oven and timed it for 35-40 minutes.

While that's cooking, I clean out the mixing bowl used for the mixer and started on the Fluffy Boiled Icing to top the cake. I measured out the sugar, water, corn syrup and salt, before pouring them into a saucepan. I stir it until it's blended. I then let it boil slowly without stirring it. In a large bowl I beat more egg whites with the mixer until they're stiff, but moist. One the syrup was done, I pour it slowly over the egg whites while they're being beat. I continue until the mixture is very fluffy, and holds it's shape. I add the vanilla and beat until blended.

"Smells good."

"I now right? Just one more cake after this and I should be done. Hey you think you can start slicing the strawberries in half for me please?" I ask Alex.

"Sure." He nods.

He does that while I wait for the cake. After waiting for almost forever, the oven went off and I grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the cake out, putting it on top of the stove. Thank god I bought a dish big enough for this cake. I go and grab that and once the cake cools, I take it out and place it on the dish. I then grab the icing and start to spread it generously over the cake. Once I get done with that, I grab the blueberries and start doing the corner of the cake where the stars would be on a flag, arranging them in a rectangle that's 5 inches wide and 4 inches tall. I then start filling in the space, putting the berries in rows so the icing in between looks like stars.

"Strawberries are done." Alex declares and brings the container of cut strawberries over to me.

"Okay good, because I finished with the blueberries. Wanna help put the strawberry halves on the cake?"

"Of course, anything to get it done faster right?"

"Right." I nod.

We then place the halves cut side down in rows, going across the cake horizontally. We start at the bottom because the bottom stripe of the flag is red. We press the berries down into the frosting so the stripes are not raised above the fluffy frosting.

"All done. Just have one more cake to make, just in case there's not enough. Get this one into the fridge please?" I ask.

"Sure." Alex nods and does so.

I then go through the whole process again to make a second cake, this time with Alex's help. We both clean up and wash any dishes we dirty before heading outside.

"Cakes are done. I have to say they do look amazing."

"And we're done setting up. With an hour to spare."

"Let's start bringing the snacks out and set those up."

We all head in and bring the bags out and several bowls, etc. We empty the contents of the chip bags into different bowls, put the soda out and cups

"So who has the fireworks?" I ask.

"Got that covered. Went out and bought a whole bunch today." Cody states.

"And we got sparklers." Charity adds.

"Oh okay. Everything's all set then."

So we all sit around and relax until people start to show up. Basically it was Cody's family and a few friends. I'm glad I made two cakes that's for sure. As soon as noontime came around, the 4th of July party had started. Mike and Stef were working the grill, the rest of us chatting away. Of course all we did was pig out, I mean you gotta live right?

"So back to work tomorrow." Stef sighs.

"Yup. But at least we got the holiday off."

"True. Don't get too many of them off. Usually we work through them because they're during the week when we have to work. We're lucky we have this Sunday off."

"I treasure these days off, because I get to spend even more time with you."

"Awww, Mike."

"Just telling you the truth."

"I know, it's just sweet, which I love when you're sweet."

"Believe me, I know. I wouldn't be anything less." He grins, leaning down and kissing her briefly.

"You know, I'd love to get into a scuffle with LayCool and end up in a match with them." I say to Alex as we sit in the chairs set up outside.

"That'd be funny. I'd love to see you kick their asses. Hell, even if it was you and Charity or you and Stefanie, you...Charity...and Stefanie, eve just Charity and Stefanie."

"I think three against two would be awesome. Since things are kind of occupied with the divas on Raw and SmackDown right now, NXT is the place to be for something like that. I'd more or less like to get into the championship picture, but that day will come eventually."

"And when it does, I hope I'm part of the WWE official roster to see it."

"I'm sure you will be. You have everything the WWE looks for in a superstar. The looks, the charisma, the're the total package. They'd be stupid not to sign you. I mean they signed me and my mic skills improved the day we started dating and got put into a storyline together down in FCW. Plus you're paired up with Mike, he has amazing mic skills. Your skills will only get better with him as your pro. I really hope you make it to the end, and hopefully win NXT. You'll get a guaranteed title opportunity at a pay-per-view. If you win, and you stick with Mike, you two can go after the Tag Team Championships. Most powerful heel tag team in the WWE."

"You like the sound of that don't you?"

"I do. And think about it. If I become champion and you become champion, we'll be the most powerful heel couple in the WWE, because we'd be title holders. And yes I'm saying heel because that's what you are. Can't really have face and heel onscreen relationships. Why do you think I'm the heel right now in WWE and that's how I act on NXT?"

"True. You make the perfect heel, just like myself."

"When you switch, I switch. Who knows when that'll happen, but I think a heel character suits you better. You do so well at playing the bad guy." I smirk

"I do, don't I?" He chuckles.

"Yes, you do. I love it."

"And I love you."

"Love you too." I smile, before leaning over and kissing him briefly.

"I can't wait for you to make it into the WWE like me Jon." Charity says as she and John sit in the grass in the yard.

"I know, I can't wait to be by your side each and every night you have a match."

"I would love nothing but that to happen. Hopefully the pros and the Universe keep you in until the end."

"I hope so. But even if I don't, that's not gonna stop me from coming with you everywhere. No way."

"Oh I already know that. That's why I love you."

"And I love you too." He says, kissing her briefly. "You know days like this I cherish with you. Normally on weekend we have the FCW shows. Not usually on Sundays, but it happens sometimes."

"Right. And sometimes we have WWE shows on Sundays, so if I'm needed it's hard to be without you. I'm glad I haven't been needed lately."

"Well that's because you're help coach me. I say once NXT is over, you'll be used more."

"I hope so. I hate not doing much right now. I mean you have Alicia, and Eve going after the title, Maryse is in that too. So there's not much room for other Divas title feuds. I'd like to get my hands on the Divas Championship or the Women's Championship. I hate how LayCool has it split in two, that was just stupid. I historic title held by the likes of Lita and Trish Stratus, treated like a piece of garbage. They should have more respect for it." Charity shakes her head.

"Unfortunately it can't be that way with them."

"Because they're idiots. Flawless? Please. Flawless my ass. If anything they're classless."

Jon chuckles. "I can't disagree with that."

"At least someone agrees with me." Charity adds, pressing her lips to his again in a short kiss.

Eventually the food was done, Mike and Stef stepped away from the grill after shutting it off once everyone got their food, including themselves. We all sat around and ate, mingling and talking with each other, the time flying by as we go. Before we knew it, the sun was starting to set, which meant once it was pitch black the fireworks would be getting set off. Cody goes into the house to get the fireworks, bringing them out and placing them on the ground.

"Alright, as soon as it gets dark enough, we're lighting the sky."

"Speaking of lighting....Charity, can I use some of those sparklers?"

"Yeah sure. For what?"

"My cakes. Well for one cake right now. I read that you can make it fun by sticking sparklers into the cake and lighting them. As soon as it gets dark enough, I'll go do that and bring the cake out."

"Did someone say cake?" Mike says.

I laugh. "Yes Mike. I made cake."

"I call dibs on the first piece."

"Of course." I shake my head amusedly.

"I can't believe it's the end of the day. Where did it go to?"

"Right? Back to work tomorrow....well for you anyway."

"Right. Even though I'm not used...much right now."

"But still, you still have to be there. Back to NXT Tuesday."

"Yup. Another challenge, that I hope you win. Wonder what this one's gonna be."

"Whatever it is, I know I can win it."

"Whatever is is, I know Jon can win it." Charity comments. "He did win the keg carry and earn immunity this week."

"Well, we're gonna have to wait and find out. I have no doubt that one of you will win."

The sun seemed to set awfully quick. It wasn't quite pitch black out yet, but dark enough for fireworks and my cake. So I move from Alex's lap on the ground and head inside to get the one of two cakes ready. Charity helps with the sparklers, and lights them when we're in the doorway. I then walk out with the cake.

"Cake!" I call as I walk out.

"Oooh cake." Mike says, getting up from the ground where he was with Stef.

"You're a dork." She laughs, following him shortly after.

The table was cleared for the cake and I carefully set it down.

"Wow, that looks REALLY good." Stef remarks.

We wait for the sparkers to die down before taking them out and putting them in a bottle of water to cool the hot stick down. I then cut the cake and give Mike the first slice since he wanted it. Then I allowed everyone else to cut their own pieces, after I got mine of course, that Alex and I were gonna share. Everyone got a piece as Cody was setting up for the fireworks. We all got settled to watch and eat, as he lit the first one and scurried away to get to safety. It went off and exploded into a bright red. There was a bucket next to the fireworks so, once that one was done, Cody grabbed it and threw it into the bucket of water to stop it from simmering. He then set up three in a row and lit one after the other, all three exploded one after the other in the sky.

"This is good cake." Alex says after he takes a bite.

"Thank you. I told you it would be."

"I know, and you've never lied."

"Never." I repeat, kissing him quickly to continue eating and looking up at the fireworks.

We went until about quiet hours for the town. That's when people started leaving, and before we knew it, it was just us seven. We all stayed behind to help Cody clean up and bring everything inside and put everything away. By the time we got done it was about midnight and we had to get going because we had an early morning flight.

"Looks like we're gonna have to get going....early morning flight."

"Awww, already?"

"Yeah, but hey we'll see you Tuesday Cody."

"But thanks for inviting us though. It was fun. Should do this every year if we can."


"Oh and since we never used the 2nd cake....feel free to keep it. Can't really take it with me you know?"

"Oh yeah, sure. It was good. A whole cake to myself, oh boy."

"You're welcome Cody." I laugh.

"You're going to be left with so much food." Stef laughs as well.

"Just leaves more for my cheat days."

"True. Then you go to the gym and work all of it off."


"Well we're gonna get going now. See you Tuesday Cody."

"Yeah, of course. Bye guys, thanks for coming."


With that we all leave and get into our respective cars and head off to the hotel that we were staying at. Along the way we see fireworks still being let off around town, and it's pretty to watch as we drive by. Even when we got to the hotel and into our bedrooms, we head fireworks all night. Oh the joys of the Fourth Of July. Oh well, back to work tomorrow.