Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Talk the Talk Challenge

Back to NXT and we're back down south for it tonight. We're all currently at the arena, waiting for the show to start taping, before SmackDown does. We're all waiting by the curtain. The pros would be going out first of course, followed by the rookies. It's only a matter of minutes before the show begins and the pros are called out.

"Coming out with me right?" Alex asks.

"Of course. But I will sitting with Stef and Mike. I know how crowded the ring can get."

"Right. Just as long as you're out there in some way, I'm happy."

"Of course." I nod.

"Same goes for me." Charity tells Jon. "I'll sit with Mark, obviously."

"Right." Jon nods.

When we hear the show start, we all either listen or watch the monitors. They replay in a video package of the challenge from last week, the Keg Carry. Going through each person to carry it, and who dropped it and even Kaval who dropped out of the challenge. That was followed by the elimination, where it came down to Titus and Husky and Titus goes home. Zack's face is shown and he's shocked that his rookie is gone. The NXT intro then goes off to start the show officially. That's followed by the usual pyro, and the introduction, and going to Striker in the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT!"

"He's always so happy about it."

"Nerd." Alex chuckles.

"Be nice...even though he is a big nerd."

"Now there are seven rookies remaining, all with a dream to become the WWE's next breakout star. And the winner will earn a championship match live on pay-per-view. As we learned last week with the NXT poll, it is very important what you the WWE Universe think of our rookies. But that's only half the story. Please join me in welcoming the other half, the WWE pros!"

"John Morrison!"

"Dashing Cody Rhodes!"

"The world's strongest man, Mark Henry!"

"Zack Ryder!"

"Montel Vontavious Porter, the MVP!"

"The United States Champion, the Miz and Stefanie!" Striker announces as Mike and Stef go out next.

"The Co-Women's Champions, LayCool!"

"Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston!"

Matt waits until they are all seated to continue.

"Rookies thank you very very much for waiting. Pros, thank you for joining us. Before we get started, I'd like to get some insight from the Pros' panel. 50 percent of the vote belongs to the Universe and 50 percent of the vote belongs to the pros. Zack Ryder, what're your thoughts on how the NXT poll came down last week?"

"I-I just don't get it. I mean, who voted Titus as last? Was it you? Did you people vote Titus as last? Bro are you serious? Titus O'Neil had it all. He had me as his pro, he had the dog bark, and he had all the potential in the world. Titus O'Neil was robbed and you all know it."

"Thank you Zack Ryder. John Morrison, what would you have done different with the pro's poll?"

"First of all I think it's really cool that the WWE Universe gets to have some input into who they want to see be the biggest star, come out of NXT Season 2. I do agree with Zack though, I don't think Titus should've been voted off. If-if it was up to me, I think I would've voted off the Miz."

"Meh-meh-meh-meh-meh-meh." Mike mocks a laugh and Stef rolls her eyes at John.

"Thank you John Morrison. It is now time to meet the seven rookies who fate lay in the hands of the Universe and the pros. Please join me in welcoming, the NXT rookies!"

Alex and I are the first two, to go out.

"Accompanied by Kalena, Alex Riley!"

I give him a quick kiss before heading over to sit with Stef and Mike. Alex comes over himself, but leads LayCool out of their seats, stealing one of their clipboards and heading down to the ring. I can't help but laugh a bit.

"Accompanied By Charity, Lucky Cannon!"

Charity and him go out and she does the same thing, giving him a quick kiss before heading over to sit with Mark.

"Husky Harris!"

"Michael McGillicutty!"

"Eli Cottonwood!"


Stef, Charity and I all give LayCool looks as they get up, hopping around and cheering for Kaval.

"Showtime Percy Watson!"

"Okay gentlemen, I can tell by looking at you, I can feel that the competition is really start to get to all of you. You know where you stand in the eyes of the WWE Universe as well as the WWE pros. Husky Harris, with Titus O'Neil being eliminated last week, a lot of people say that the heat is on you to avoid being eliminated next. What does Husky Harris need to do, to stay in this competition?"

"You of all people Matt Striker should know how dangerous I am. Tell me, do you think I'm seventh? Do you think I'm seventh? Is there anything that you could do about it? Is there anything that any of them could do about it? I don't think so."

"Alex Riley, last week I noticed a stunned look on your face when you saw the NXT poll. I'm only assuming you thought you should've been ranked higher. What're your thoughts?"

"He should've been ranked higher...duh." I mutter.

"You know Matt the votes are in, the rankings have been established and Alex Riley is number four? What is this some kind of joke? I thought you people were looking for champions. My boss Vince McMahon, a guy I have a lot of respect for, gives you the opportunity to choose the future of his company and what do you do? You put it in the hands of a guy who isn't tall enough to ride the bumper cars at Six Flags!"

I can't help but snicker at the comment. Striker goes to take the mic away from Alex.

"I'm not finished, I'm not-" Striker takes the mic away anyway.

"Rude." I shake my head.

"Kaval, you had a very impressive showing in the NXT poll. And a lot of people say it was a fluke. Answer your critics."

"Alex Riley if you think that was a fluke, why don't you listen to all the members of the WWE Universe?"

"Psh." I scoff.

"Gentlemen, as we know, it takes extreme physicality to be a WWE Superstar. But it also takes charisma. It takes a mentality to verbalize what you're feeling and most importantly, you have to connect with the WWE Universe. You've walked the walk, with the keg carry challenge. Lucky Cannon you won that last week. You were immune from elimination. You've walked the walk, now it's time to talk the talk. With something called the Talk the Talk challenge! Each rookie will be given a topic. You will have 10 seconds to think and 30 seconds to speak. Guys I encourage you. Be creative, be original. Do what you have to do, to stand out from the pack, but most importantly, connect with the audience. Because tonight your judges are the live crowd here in Atlanta! Okay, Percy Watson please come to the podium, take the microphone. Percy, your topic is...before that, let me just add a little something to this. Whomever wins the Talk the Talk challenge, will have a great opportunity next week to show their true personality. Because the winner of the challenge tonight...will get to host their very own talk show next week, right here on NXT."

"Ooooh talk show. Alex come've got this."

"Okay, Percy Watson, your topic....glasses. You have 10 seconds to think about it, are you ready?"

"I am ready. Aha."

"30 seconds begins now, go."

"Well look here. I wanna talk about, not just glasses in general, but these glasses I'm wearing right now baby, you know what I'm saying? I wear these glasses because I feel like you feel like you have to have the vision to know where you're going, you know what I'm saying? You have to be able to see what you want out of life, is that not correct? You need to know how to go get it, you know what I'm saying? So I put these on so I can have the vision baby, just like all of ya'll in the WWE Universe. Hey, are you all ready for the Showtime baby? That's what I'm talking about baby, yeah baby! Hey look here, I got two words for ya'. Oh yeah!"


"Okay, remember what you thought about Percy Watson, because we're coming back to you. Kaval, please step to the podium. Kaval, your chicken. Think about it. 30 seconds begin now, go."

"My subject is chicken. Something that just cannot exist here in the WWE. I may be the smallest competitor, but I have the biggest heart. I am in no relation to the subject at hand, I am not a chicken. Because I know....I can't succeed without you the WWE Universe. And together we will ride all the way to the end to become the winner of NXT season 2."

"Yawn." Charity remarks.

"Okay, some would say it was a little patronizing, but let's not discount that. Please step aside. Big Eli Cottonwood. Eli, your mustache. You have 10 seconds. Ready, go."

"Mustache? Oh boy." I shake my head.

"What is a mustache? Haha. It's a little bit of hair growing over the..upper lip. I don't have one. Nobody else here has one. But you know what? A mustache is for a real man. See of all these people here, I have the best mustache of them all. A couple more days, I'll have a nice, thick mustache. But none of these...." The buzzer sounds.

"...boys right here. Will ever have one."

"What the f-" I facepalm.

Mike's cracking up, along with Stef and Charity. Mostly everyone is cracking up. John is hiding behind his clipboard embarrassed and cracking up.

"Michael McGillicutty approach the podium. Michael you have 10 seconds to think about the topic of breath, and 30 seconds to tell the world. Ready, go."

"You know everybody knows my background, where I come from. It was shown at the very beginning of NXT. I'm the grandson of a legend. I'm the son of a WWE Hall of Famer. My name is Michael McGillicutty, and by the end of NXT, I'm gonna take your breath away."


"Alright, Michael McGillicutty. Husky Harris approach the podium. Okay...your topic is doorknob. 10 seconds to think about it. 30 seconds begin right now."

"Doorknob. Well, I used a doorknob to get in here....huh? Like Mr. McGillicutty here, my father was also a professional wrestler. And here I am, on the grandest stage of them all and you people voted me seventh? Well you don't deserve to hear me talk and that's it."

"On a scale of one to ten....I give him a 3."

"Um...the topic was doorknob. Lucky Cannon please approach the podium. Lucky you have 10 seconds on the topic of...deodorant. Are you ready? 30 seconds begins....right now go."

"Alright the basic function of deodorant is easy right? Keep you from smelling and sweating alright? That's easy enough. But, anyone that's got some bad odor and they stink, they need deodorant. But in turn, stay with me here, in turn...deodorant has no function without that smelly individual. Stay with me now, stay with me. I'm like that deodorant, and the WWE is like that smelly guy. You see I, need the WWE and the WWE needs me. And all I want to know is, I'm getting lucky, who's getting lucky with me?!"

"Odd topic, but I know who's getting lucky with him." Charity mutters with a smirk..

"Okay. Please put the mic back. Alex Riley I'll take your clipboard here, thanks a lot. Alex, your pigeon."

"Excuse me?"



"You have 10 seconds to think about it. 30 seconds begins now go."

"You know there's a lot of animals out there that I've come in contact with in my life. I'm dealing with a lot of animals right here. He got the subject of chicken. Well I am the rooster in this hen house! And I am sitting here, with nothing first I started with seven dorks. Now in this competition, when it comes to Alex Riley, it's just six pigeons. Hahahahaha."

Stef, Mike and I are cracking up a bit and Mike makes sure to put down a good note about that.

"Okay. WWE Universe, it is now time to hear your voice. What did you think of Showtime Percy Watson?"

The crowd cheers awfully loud for him.


"Okay, Kaval!"

There's some cheers, but not like Percy.


"Eli Cottonwood."

Just boos.

"Michael McGillicutty."

More boos.

"Husky Harris."

Even more boos.

"Lucky Cannon."

He got some cheers, still not enough as Percy.

"Or Alex Riley."

Some cheered and some booed.

"Well the Universe has spoken like they will throughout this entire competition. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the Talk the Talk Challenge....Showtime Percy Watson!"

"Boooooo." I say outloud.

"Oh come on." Charity adds.

"Alex should've won."

"Jon should've won."

Alex and them then leave the ring and head up the ramp. Except for McGillicutty and Percy I get up from my chair after telling Mike and Stef I'd see them later. Charity does the same as she waits for Jon to reach the top of the stage, and we head to the back to just hang out. Alex and I just hang out until it's time for Mike's match because Alex is going to be ringside for him. In the meantime, MVP and Kofi went down to the ring for the first match involving obviously Percy and McGillicutty.

"Either one of you should've won that challenge. I can see either one of you have a talk show next week."

"Right? Both of our things were good, but no they choose Percy."

"Still a winner in my eyes."

"Same here. Just at least this challenge wasn't for immunity. That we know of."


"So catering?"


As we all head to catering the match is getting ready to start. Kofi and MVP are up on the side of the ring, and the bell rings after Jamie introduces both Percy and McGillicutty.

"So who do you think will win this one?" Stef asks Mike.

"I call Percy. He may be weird but his in ring skills are good."

"McGillicutty for me."

"Well...we'll just have to wait and see."

The match starts and they circle before locking up. McGillicutty gets Percy into a headlock, and in order to get out of it, he pushes McGilliutty into the ropes and sends him flying into the other side. He comes back and Percy drops so he has to jump over him, coming off the ropes again and Percy jumps clear over him, followed by a dropkick and a takedown. They get to their feet and McGillicutty gets out of the hold. More rope action and jumping over each other, before a dropkick is delivered by McGillicutty. He goes for the cover, and a kick out at two. The pros of course, including Mike and Stef make notes on their clipboards. Percy's in the corner now, and goes for a cover once out of the corner. Percy kicks out again. Percy's put into a chinlock, not giving up. He gets to his feet and gets out of the hold, by elbowing McGillicutty in the gut. Against the ropes again and Percy gets clubbed in the back by McGillicutty. He goes for the cover, kickout at one. He picks Percy up and delivers a side backbreaker, followed by another pin attempt, kickout at one. Another chinlock and Percy gets to his feet and out of the hold like before. Percy blocks a punch and hits McGillicutty in the face instead. That's followed by a dropkick and a toss. Thrown against the ropes, Percy bends over and McGillicutty jumps over and attempts a rollup. Using both feet to help keep the shoulders down, the ref counts to three and get the pin.

"Oh look, my prediction was right." Stef points out. "Time to make notes about the strong and not so strong points of the match for both of them." She adds, getting to writing notes on the clipboard.

Mike chuckles and does the same with his clipboard, writing down notes of the strongest points and weakest points of McGillicutty and Percy, also with what he was impressed with. Once he was done, he nudged Stef, because his match which was against Kaval was coming up next. Once McGillicutty, Percy, MVP and Kofi all left the ring area...Kofi and MVP went back to their seats while Percy and McGillicutty went to the back. Alex and I also had to make our way to the curtain because we were going out to be ringside along with Stef for this match. Mike and Stef get up and place their clipboards down on their chairs before they hit Mike's music and Alex and I come out to follow Stef and Mike down the ramp. We all got into the ring before Stef, Alex and myself stepped out and stood on the outside of the ropes while Mike was inside the ring. That's when they hit LayCool's music and Kaval came out while Michelle and Layla put their clipboards down and joined Kaval in walking down the ramp. Stef and I got down just to be safe, while Alex remained on the side of the ring apron.

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Mike and Kaval circle each other before Kaval kicks him in the leg.

"Come on Mike!" Stef cheers from ringside as Mike shakes off where Kaval kicked him.

He does it again, kicking Mike on the inside of his leg. Mike shakes that off before he and Kaval lock up. Mike pushes him into the corner, but Kaval turns around and puts Mike into the corner. The ref counts to three, and struggles to get Kaval off him.

"Come on, get him off ref!" Stef yells.

Kaval backs up...reluctantly, but goes right back towards Mike, only to get hit with a boot to the face. Stef, Alex and I cheer for him, while LayCool yells at him for what he did.

"Come on Kaval!" Michelle encourages.

Alex laughs and hops down for a moment to mock Kaval.

"You alright?" He says while laughing, before getting back up onto the apron.

Mike drives a knee into Kaval's back. He does that before going over and driving his arms into his shoulders. Mike then goes against the ropes and comes back, kicking Kaval in the face again.

"That's how you do it!" Stef claps.

He goes for the cover, but Kaval kicks out at two.

"That's alright, that's alright. You've got him Mike!"

Mike then gets Kaval in the ropes, the middle rope to be exact and he holds his leg to the back of Kaval's head, applying the pressure on the neck and Mike lets go at the count of three. Mike starts taunting him, only for Kaval to fight back. Mike fights back however. In the corner he beats him down so that he's sitting in the corner. He holds his foot against his neck, the ref counting and he lets go at four.

"There you go." Alex says and Mike starts mocking the WWE Universe and they all boo him.

"Psh...haters." I roll my eyes.

Mike waits until Kaval gets up and sets himself up for the corner clothesline.

"Here it comes...." Stef says as he runs. "....boom!" She adds when he hits it.

Mike goes for the cover, but Kaval kicks out at two. Mike gets him into a crossface submission, but Kaval gets to his feet with the encouragement of LayCool and the WWE Universe. He stomps on Mike's foot a few times to get him to let go of him, and it works. But Mike quickly comes back with a knee to the gut. He goes for a suplex, but Kaval counters it into a pin attempt.

"No no no!"

Mike thankfully kicks out at two. He quickly gets up and kicks Kaval in the gut, before throwing him straight out of the ring. Alex goes over to where he fell and laughs, before saying that he should've been number one in the poll last week. Eventually Kaval got back into the ring and he had ducked a move from Mike and went for a rollup, but let go and stomped with both feet on Mike's chest. Stef covers her mouth with her hands in shock.

"Get up!" She, Alex and myself yell to Mike.

The ref starts counting and Mike gets to his feet first. He then tries to get the best of Kaval, but he fights back and succeeds with fighting back. He kicks him in the gut before kicking him in the head, making Mike stumble back into the corner. He does a cartwheel before roundhouse kicking Mike in the head, making him fall forward. Kaval goes for the cover, but Mike kicks out. That's when Kaval climbs to the top in the corner. Mike gets up quickly and climbs up to the top himself. He goes for a superplex, but Kaval counters. Kaval sets up to jump, but Mike moves and takes Kaval's feet out from under him, making him fall onto the corner and back into the ring.

"Come on Mike! You've got it now!"

Mike then sets him up for the Skull Crushing Finale and hits it.

"Go go go! Cover him!"

Mike covers him and the ref counts to three, Mike wins the match. We all get into the ring to congratulate Mike on his win. After the ref raises his hand in victory, Stef greets him with a huge hug. We all laugh at Kaval walking away with LayCool after recovering.

"It's too easy." Alex comments.

"Bye." I wave mockingly before hooking my arm with Alex's.

Once they were gone, we all got out of the ring ourselves. Alex and I headed back up the ramp and backstage while Mike and Stef went back to their seats to watch the remaining of the show, critiquing whatever matches were left for tonight.

"Great job in the match." Stef mutters before kissing him on the cheek.

"I had you there for luck. My good luck charm." He grins, kissing her back on the cheek.

"Always. So we sticking around for the SmackDown taping?"

"Of course."

"May make an appearance. Depends on who pisses me off or not."

"That's my girl." Mike chuckles.

The next match comes up after video packages. Cody gets up from his seat, placing his clipboard down as Husky comes out to his music and they head down the ramp to the ring. They're set to face Jon and Mark, since Mark had gotten up and headed backstage to meet Jon. Mark's music hit and all three walk out, heading down to the ring.

"Alright who do you think will win this one?" Mike asks.

"Jon and Mark for sure."

"I'll have to go with Cody and Husky."

"Again...we'll see."

The bell rings once everyone was set and it starts off with John and Husky.

"Come on Lucky!" Charity cheers from ringside.

They circle and lock up before Jon twists Husky's arm, applying pressure until Husky gets out of it. Jon comes back with a takedown right after however. Husky gets to his feet and Jon gets over to Mark, tagging him in. Husky gets out of the hold, pushing Jon away as he scurries back into his corner, tagging Cody in. Stef and Mike both make notes about that on their clipboards.

"Psh, scaredy cat." Charity scoffs.

Cody comes in to face Mark and they circle each other, before Cody elbows Mark in the face....doesn't phase him. He goes to do it again, but Mark blocks it and headbutts him. He then picks Cody up and holds him in the air over his head, before dropping him. Mark stands over Cody before screaming and before he could land on him, Cody rolls out of the way. He then tags Husky in and they double team before Husky goes for a cover, Mark kicks out. Husky tags Cody back in and he picks up where Husky left off. He tags Husky back in, and he keeps the control on his side. That quickly changes when husky turns around to be hit with a vicious clothesline from Mark. Charity, Stef and Mike all wince. Jon encourages and reaches for a tag. Husky tags Cody and Mark tags Jon in. Jon takes control, going for the cover, but Husky breaks it up. Mark distracts the ref for a bit and then hits Jon with the Cross Rhodes. He covers Jon and the ref calls the pin. Charity sighs. Mark gets into the ring and Charity slides in and they check on Jon.

"You okay?" She asks as Jon gets to a sitting position on his knees.

"A little dizzy. Help me out?"

"Of course." She nods and helps him get to his feet and to the ropes.

She helps him up and they go to the back so Jon could get changed for the night since NXT was over. Once they all made it to the back, the rest of the pros walked to the back, handing in their clipboards. They too head to the locker room so that Mike could change back into his regular clothes. Alex and I were already in there and relaxing while they set up for SmackDown. First Jon and Charity walk in, Jon heading into the changing area to change back into his clothes.

"Hey, sorry for Jon's loss. Hopefully this won't affect how the fans and pros vote."

"It's okay, and I hope not." She says, sitting down on the couch.

Next to come in was Mike and Stef, Mike too heading into the changing area to get changed back into his clothes.

"Now to wait for SmackDown. If anything interesting happens we feel the need to get involved in, I think we should. We barely do anything right now due to this whole NXT thing."

"I know, and I like that idea. We'll have to wait and see if anything worth getting involved in happens."

"Just as long as you're safe about it, I don't want you getting hurt." Alex says.

"Don't worry. You know me, I'm tough."

"Yes I know, but I still worry."

"That's how much he cares about you." Stef adds.

"Oh I know."

Soon enough, Jon comes out and sits next to Charity. Mike comes out a few moments after and sits next to Stef. We sit and relax, talking amongst each other while we wait for them to set SmackDown up and tape the Superstars matches before the show can even start.