Status: Active

He's a Fighter

SmackDown Taping For July 9, 2010

"You know what I wanna find out? The matches for tonight. Who's coming with?"

"I will." Charity offers.

"Me too." Stef adds.

"You three be careful okay?" Mike says.

"We will. Don't worry."

All three of us get up and leave the room, heading to where they post the matches for each show.

" there's a Triple Threat Money In The Bank Qualifier...Dolph vs MVP vs Chavo. Curt and Vance vs Christian and Matt Hardy. Drew vs Kofi. Cody vs JTG and Swagger vs Big Show."

"Looks like we won't have to interfere in anything."


"Well let's head to catering and get a few things before heading back to the room."

We all nod before heading that way, grabbing a few snacks and waters for us and the guys. Then we head back to the room, just as they were taping Superstars out in the ring. We knew because they were airing it on TV at the arena for us backstage and we could hear it walking through the halls. We get back to the room and sit next to our respective men on the couches, handing them what we got them with our stuff. Then we sit and relax as we wait for the Superstars taping to be over, before they set up for SmackDown and get the show started.

The usual WWE intro goes off, followed by a video package with Swagger and Big Show from two weeks ago.

"Swagger's out of control."

"Lispy you mean."

"Yes." I laugh. "But yeah, he's out of control. Show couldn't even stand."

"Poor Show."

Then they showed last week with Rey vs Swagger and he was suffering the same fate as Show two weeks ago. That's followed by the SmackDowin intro, and the pyro. They advertise the rematch between Show and Swagger tonight, before Drew's music is going off and he's in the ring. But before he could even say anything, Teddy Long's music goes off and he comes out next and gets into the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the general manager of SmackDown, Theodore Long!" Tony Chimel announces.

"What...what're you doing out here playa'? I mean the last time I saw you, you were being deported dawg."

"Yes, two weeks ago, my visa expired. But I'm here now and all my citizenship issues have been resolved. But, what hasn't been resolved, is the relationship between you and I Mr. Long."

"Oh it's Mr. Long now?"

"Yes sir. On my flight back home, I came to a realization. I realized, that I have wronged you in so many ways recently. And I know it's not too late. It's never too late to say...I'm sorry."

"Well Drew, it's never too early to're a liar player. Now it's obvious what's going on here Drew. You used to have Mr. McMahon in your back pocket. But now that Mr. McMahon is not here anymore, there will be no more special privileges for you playa'. For the first time since you debuted here on SmackDown, you are going to be on the same playing field as everybody else on the roster. You feel me?"

"I couldn't agree with you more Mr. Long. But I didn't just come out here to apologize. I also came out here to let you know, that I am personally nominating you as a candidate for the WWE Hall Of Fame Class, 2011. WrestleMania 27 is going to be a huge week for Atlanta Mr. Long. And imagine it sir. Receiving your Hall Of Fame ring, in your hometown, while Drew McIntyre main events as the World Heavyweight Champion."

"Yeah...not gonna happen." I roll my eyes.

"He can keep dreaming." Charity scoffs.

"Well...well one thing you got right, WrestleMania 27 will be a big week in Hotlanta! And you know what, I would love nothing more than to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame. And yes you could be World champion, but the only way that could happen, is that you would have to win the SmackDown Money In The Bank Ladder match. And honestly, I think that if you were in it, you could win."

"Thank you very much Mr. Long."

"Well Drew, there's just one little thing I'd like for you to for me. It's to get down on your knees and beg for it."

"You can't be serious. Come on Teddy."

"That's kind of degrading don't you think?"

"Yes. Anytime someone has to get down on their knees and beg for something, is degrading."

"You seem like you're not familiar with that. You seem like you've got a problem with it. Well you know what? Let me show you exactly how it's done. Take a look."

The screen then changes to three weeks ago where Drew made Teddy get down on his knees.

"Now Drew, if you want to be the chosen one so bad, then get down on your knees playa'."

The crowd then starts chanting 'On your knees'.

"Come on Drew, it's alright playa'."

Drew then drops to one knee before dropping to both.

"There you go. Now that wasn't so hard was it Drew? Now I want you to repeat after me. I want you to say, I am the most handsome."

"You're the most handsome..."





"Sharp dressed and intelligent."

"Sharp dressed and intelligent."

"You left out high class."

"High class."

"Alright. Now Drew, there's one other thing. I want you to say, that it is an honor and a privilege to have Teddy Long as your boss."

"I'm so honored and privileged to have Teddy Long as my boss."

"Thank you Drew. I appreciate that. You can get up now."

"Now Teddy, please tell me I'm in the Money In The Bank match now."

"I don't think so...not yet anyway." I remark.

"Not by a long shot playa'. Wait, just a minute Drew, calm down. What's the matter? Don't get hot. Now if you want a way in, you've got to earn your way in. So tonight, you're going to have to beat a man that you don't have much luck with. And that Kofi Kingston! Good luck." Teddy ends before his music goes off and he leaves the ring.

"Sucks for youuu."

"Poor Drew."

Then they show that up next will be the Triple Threat, Money In The Bank qualifying match. MVP vs Chavo vs Dolph. That leads to a break, we only see the video that urges no one int he Universe to copy what we do in the ring. After that the skyline view of Atlanta. Up next is the match. The MITB briefcase hanging above the ring, symbolizing the match at the PPV. Dolph comes out first, accompanied by Vickie.

"Her top is pretty. I'd wear that."

"That's about the only thing I like about her. She has good style....sometimes."

"She needs to get rid of that hair that looks like it got attacked by a bird though."

Chavo comes out next as opponent number one. Vickie in the meantime, Vicke goes over to commentary and joins the table. MVP comes out next as opponent number two. Vickie of course talks....ugh.

"Todd thinks that this is more of a handicap match than a triple threat match, your thoughts?" Striker asks Vickie.

"Why would you think that? Are you doubting my position as official consultant?"

"I'm not. But I'm just watching what we're seeing now. Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler teaming up on MVP, it's supposed to be every man for himself isn't it?"

"It is, but in these cases this happens...duh."

So right now, a Todd has clearly stated, Dolph and Chavo teamed up against MVP, pushing both of their feet into his throat, letting go almost a moment after.

"Well, I mean it is."

MVP starts fighting back, kicking Dolph away and then Chavo.

"Matt, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but it's obvious here that Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero are in cahoots, this is basically a handicap match, they're trying to get Dolph Ziggler to Money In The Bank." Todd states.

"Basically." I nod.

"Vickie?" Striker asks.

"How dare you?"

"I apologize, I'm just saying what I-"

"It's every...Todd, it's every man for himself."

Chavo and Dolph are working together again on MVP, and they both deliver a suplex. Dolph goes for the cover, but MVP kicks out.

"Matt maybe you can provide some expertise. Why haven't Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler exchanged any sort of offense at all?"

"Um...because Dolph is her 'boyfriend' and Chavo is her nephew. They'll work together to make sure Dolph wins..duh." Stef clearly states.

"Perhaps they realize that MVP is a direct to their gold. Perhaps maybe they can try to incapacitate MVP and then go after the opportunity."

MVP now has a hold of the ropes. Chavo is the first to run at him and MVP lifts him up and over, sending him to the outside. The same thing happens to Dolph as well. After that, Dolph had gotten back into the ring and the fight continued. MVP was going for the pin, but Dolph kicks out at two. Dolph starts fighting back once he gets to his feet, Chavo is no where to be seen at this point. MVP fights back but as soon as he goes against the ropes, Chavo pops up and trips him. He starts going after him now and now they double team again.

"Hang on a second. Chavo is Vickie's nephew and Dolph Ziggler is your um..."

" man?"

"I was gonna say business partner, but whatever you want to say. As a true cougar. Who do you think the female members of the WWE Universe would like to see at Money In The Bank?"

"Dolph. He has magic."

Chavo and Dolph continue to work together with MVP. Chavo holds MVP as Dolph climbs the corner. He goes tot he second turnbuckle, to the top turnbuckle. That's when MVP gets out of the hold and pushes Chavo into the corner, making Dolph fall. MVP then hits Chavo with a vicious clothesline.

"Oooh." I say and all the guys wince.

MVP then goes to Dolph, climbing to the top, hitting Dolph with a SuperPlex. All three men are down...until Chavo gets up. He looks between Dolph and MVP, seeing both down. Then he looks up. He then covers MVP, but MVP kicks out. He makes a face and Vickie gets up from commentary, yelling at him. He then goes for another cover, MVP kicks out. They start arguing and Dolph hits him from behind, going after him.

"No teaming up anymore I see."

Chavo starts fighting back, Vickie yelling from ringside. He then goes after MVP but, ends up getting taken down. Dolph gets taken down as well with a powerful clothesline. He continues to take control of the match, throwing Dolph out of the ring, leaving him to deal with Chavo and Chavo only. Then he goes for his signature, which gets interrupted by Dolph, but he gets Dolph and continues. He then goes for the cover and the ref starts counting but Vickie pulls the ref out, stopping the count. This causes a distraction and Dolph comes in applying the sleeper hold and MVP is unable to compete, Dolph wins.

"That should've been an immediate kick out from ringside....official consultant or not. But whatever."

So now it's Kane, Christian, Kofi, Show, Dolph, Cody and Matt in the Money In The Bank match at the ppv. Dolph and Vickie leave the ring, heading to the back. Then they again highlight the rematch between Show and Swagger tonight, showing the footage of what happened between them. It's only a few minutes before the next thing. It was another Alberto Del Rio promo, obviously a new Superstar coming to SmackDown.

"I bet that's not his real house."

"WWE set probably."

"This promo bores me." I fake a yawn before snuggling into Alex.

It's finally over and that leads to backstage where Rey's in the trainers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm in the trainers room with the current world champion Rey Mysterio and WWE's resident physician Michael Sampson. Last week here on Friday Night SmackDown, Rey Mysterio suffered a very severe ankle injury when the former champion Jack Swagger refused to release his anke lock submission hold. Dr. Sampson, what's your medical diagnosis and prognosis for Rey's ankle?"

He then explains what happened and what he needs to do.

"Thanks doc. Rey let me ask you, do you feel that this ankle injury is going to hinder your chances of defending your world championship?"

"I do feel a lot of pain Josh. There's a lot of throb-" The camera then quickly pans over and there's Swagger in the room with a not so pleased look on his face.

"Oh god, here we go..."


Swagger then grabs hold of Rey's ankle and puts him into the ankle lock, dragging him out of the trainers room and into the hall. He then starts dragging him through the hall, Swagger not letting go. But he finally does and he drops him knee first onto the floor. He then causes more damage, throwing him into something that was laying against the wall. He then literally drags him through the hallway. When it looks like he's done, he applies the ankle lock again, dragging him through the curtain and out into the crowd.

"And why don't the referees come out and stop him?"

"Who the hell knows."

That's when the crowd starts screaming and Big Show comes out, Swagger lets go and backs away. That allows the trainers to check on Rey. Big Show as well comes to his side. Clearly he's in immense pain because he's telling them not to touch his ankle.

"Unbelievable." Stef shakes her head.

"He'll be out of action for a while now because of that."

"Unfortunately. Probably will have to give up the world title too."

"Which isn't right at all. Swagger is out of control and I hope that one day he gets his."

"I really hope so." I agree.

"Just as long as he stays away from you guys. Or shit's gonna hit the fan."

"Yeah, we won't be happy."

Once Rey was carried backstage by Big Show, the next match was on. Christian came out first. After him, it was Matt, being his tag team partner.

"Don't know how this is going to work out considering what happened last week."

"Yeah you can cut the tension with a knife. You can see how things are between them right now."

Out next was Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins.

"Rooting for Christian and Matt."

"Right? Vance Archer....boring."

It starts off with Matt and Curt, the fans behind Matt all the way. They lock up and Matt gets Curt in a headlock. Curt gets out of it the usual way, countering moves that Curt tries to do. He twists his arm before flipping him over. Twisting it again, Curt gets out of it, pushing Matt into his corner, tagging Archer in. They double team and Vance goes for the cover. Matt kicks out. In the ropes, Vance backs up when told. The ref distracted and Curt takes advantage. Another cover by Archer and Matt kicks out. Archer taunts Matt and Matt comes back with a punch. In the corner, Archer runs at Matt but, he kicks him away. He climbs to the top before delivering a DDT. Matt gets to his feet first and goes to tag Christian in, but Christian grabs a hold of his arm and jumps down, making Matt tumble out of the ring.

"And there it is....the tension."

Christian then heads to the back, leaving Matt to fend for himself.

"Well this is the end." I say as Vance his his finisher.

Curt tags in and hits the elbow on Matt, covering him and getting the win for him and Archer.

"Well boo."

"And looks like Drew's up next." Charity points out at the upcoming match.

"Do you think Drew can pull it off?" Stef asks as Drew's music goes off and he goes out....after everyone from the previous match goes to the back.

"Who knows. He might surprise us all."

"True. This match does nothing for Kofi though, because he's already in the match. Why not put him against someone else and winner gets to be in the Money In The Bank match?"

"Because that's too logical and easy for them to do."

"Kofi then comes out next, ready to go."

Once everything was set, the bell rings and the match starts. They circle like most do and Kofi goes for an early rollup. Drew kicks out at two. He scrambles over to the ropes, looking at Kofi win anger, frustration and shock.

"Almost got him there."

They lock up and Kofi gets pushed into the corner. Drew breaks before five, and Kofi goes after him after missing his fist. Down on the apron for only a few moments and Drew gets to a vertical base. He throws Kofi into the ropes, and Kofi comes back and slides underneath him and hits a different version of a crossbody, going for the pin. Drew kicks out at two. Drew comes back though, throwing Kofi back onto the apron and goes for the cover, Kofi kicking out.

"Drew's got a mean streak about him. Anger management maybe?"

"Possibly. There are a lot of people I can think of that need anger management around here."

He goes for another cover which was just useless if you ask me. He then gets him in a chinlock, keeping Kofi down. Kofi eventually gets to his feet and gets out of the hold, only to get clubbed across the back. Another cover, and another kickout. He grabs Kofi by the hair before sending him into the ropes. Kofi ends up countering into a Monkey Flip. Kofi goes for the cover, Drew kicks out. Drew fights back, getting Kofi in the corner, before letting Kofi move. Kofi only gets one hit in before Drew fires back. Another cover, but Kofi kicks out at two. Drew starts to get frustrated, and Drew hits him with a neckbreaker. He goes for yet another cover, but Kofi kicks out again. He gets even more frustrated and out of nowhere, Kofi gets him with a backslide pin attempt, Drew kicks out. Drew starts to fight back even more, wanting to win this match. Back into the corner, Drew sends him into the other corner, only for Kofi to move and kick him in the head. Drew however knocks Kofi off of the top rope, going for the cover, and Kofi kicks out.

"I'm thoroughly boared with this match though."

Drew has Kofi in a submission hold, but Kofi says no to giving up. He gets to his feet eventually, before countering. The match however does go on for a bit, but in the end Drew suprises everyone and wins the match, earning his spot in the Money In The Bank match.

"Well would you look at that."


"Now all eight spots are filled for the match at the ppv."

Drew and Kofi leave the ring, and video from last week involving Kane, Punk and Serena was show. That's followed by Rosa working out backstage, when Punk and Luke Gallows walk by, but stopping and giving her a weird look. Punk shakes his head before he and Gallows continue walking to the ring to address the Serena issue.

"Ugh another Del Rio promo? You know I think we get it by now, he's coming to the WWE." I roll my eyes as another promo comes across the screen.

Punk is however, getting into the ring, ready to address what happened last week.

"Last week, all of you people saw a side of the SES that you were never supposed to see. And it's all because of one person. So Serena, if you have even one shred of dignity left, get out here right now."

It takes a few moments before she comes out.

"You know...her career probably would go pretty far if she went off on her own, showed her skills."

"Right? Even though being associated with Punk will get you places. I mean look at what the guy's accomplished."


"This has been...this has been the hardest week of my life. Punk, you mean mean way more to me than just leader. Y-okay you are everything to me. You are my world. Last week I made a terrible terrible mistake...when I allowed myself to get drunk. And I made a mistake when I defied you. You have to know why I did it, you have to know why I did what I did last week. I did it for you, I did it to save you and protect you. Kane is a monster, he's crazy, he's out of control. If I hadn't saved you, I don't know what would've happened to you. You think I could've let that happen? I had to put a stop to that."

"I would've done the same thing. Can't have Punk getting hurt." Charity agrees.

"Punk please. Please...please...forgive me."

"Serena you're the most pathetic person I've ever seen in my life. He's not gonna forgive you. It makes me sick to think I ever considered you a sister in our straight edge society. And when we found you in the bar that night, I wanted to kick you out of the SES and let you wallow in the horribleness of your addiction. But it's not up to me. It's Punk's decision, and he made me see the bigger picture. You see, you were supposed to be setting an example for women all around the world, that they too could lead the straight edge lifestyle. But ruined it." Gallows remarks.

"Luke, I'm sorry...I'm sorry. How many times can I possibly say-"

"You're sorry? You're sorry? If you're sorry, you'll leave the SES forever."

That's when Punk takes the mic from him.

"Oooh, not the right thing to say."

"The only good thing you've said so far tonight, is that it's not your decision. It's mine." He says as he turns to Gallows. "And I forgive her."


Gallows however is in utter disbelief and leaves the ring.

"Punk, I can never explain what you've done for me. But please, I promise...I promise...I will never fail you again."

"You better not."

Punk then holds his arm out and she hugs him. Gallows is on the stage, shaking his head still in disbelief.

"Too bad Gallows. Like you said and like Punk said, you DON'T make the decisions, PUNK does."

"I just can't believe he was Festus....Festus talks! Le gasp!" I laugh.

Once they were gone from the ring, Cody came out for his match against JTG.

"I for one am going for Cody in this match."

After his entrance, JTG comes out.

"I really don't think JTG is relevant anymore without Shad."


"At least when Cryme Tyme was still around, things were entertaining."

"I remember that. Stealing people's stuff and selling it to the crowd. Good times, good times."

The bell rings to start the match. They circle before locking up and JTG tosses him a couple times and Cody tries to get away. Cody gest to the ropes so JTG has no choice but to let go. The ref counts to two and JTG backs away. They lock up for a quick second before JTG twists Cody's arm behind his back. Cody backs him up into the corner, making him let go and elbowing him in the side of the head. JTG dodges Cody's fist and hits him a couple times before spearing him in the corner once. He climbs to the 2nd rope, but Cody moves and pulls JTG off of the turnbuckle and down onto the apron. Cody's taken control, anger taking over. Cody gets him into a submission, but JTG gets to his feet and out of the hold. Cody rights back only once before JTG gets the better of him.

"Come on Cody. You can beat this chucklehead." Charity mutters.

Cody's taken control of this match, he grabs JTG's leg and then hits him with the Cross Rhodes, winning the match.

"Yes! Take that JTG!" Charity cheers.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, Kelly Kelly."

"Ugh not the whore." Charity scoffs.

"Seriously? Do we have to see her?" I roll my eyes.

"Unfortunately." Stef mutters.

"Now Kelly you've defeated both members of the self-proclaimed co-WWE Women's champions, Michelle McCool and Layla, LayCool. But one week from this Sunday at Money In The Bank, you have the opportunity to become a champion for the first time in your WWE career. It's certainly an exciting time when you challenge the official WWE Women's Champion Layla."

"You know Josh, I'm so excited. It's my first-"

"Smelly Kelly, Smelly Kelly. Yeah buh-bye. Wow, you must be so excited. Your first title match. Have you been doing any extra training like Rosa? The only way you can beat me is if I pass out from this bad smell." Layla says, taking a can of air freshener out, but Kelly slaps it away.

That's when Kelly grabs Layla by the throat and starts yelling at her. And of course Michelle has to come up and hit her from behind and a fight ensues. After beating her up a bit, they leave and leave her laying on the ground and crying. The refs come over to check on her and then Tiffany does.

"Psh, nice fake tears. Bad actress." I scoff.

"Right? And he crying doesn't even make me feel bad. I don't exactly like LayCool myself, but I don't like Kelly either."

Then they replay what Swagger did to Rey earlier tonight, obviously to hype the match between Show and Swagger. But that's when Show is backstage, not too happy with what happened earlier tonight.

"Big Show after what transpired here earlier tonight with Rey Mysterio, and after what Jack Swagger did to you-"

"I'm well aware of what Jack Swagger did to me two weeks ago. I was the first one to wind up in that ankle lock. I've never felt pain like that before. It's Jack Swagger's thing. He wants to hurt people. He wants to make them suffer. Rey's suffering right now. I know how Rey's feeling. I know how bad he hurts. Jack Swagger put that ankle lock on me. That's the closest I think I've ever came to feeling my bones break. But that was two weeks ago, and I'm a giant, and I heal fast. 'Cause tonight, I'm 100%. Jack wants to make people suffer. He wants to put fear in people's minds. I think tonight, I think tonight I put some fear in Jack Swagger. I think tonight, I make Jack Swagger suffer."

"You should. What he's been doing is uncalled for."

Jack however comes out next to the ring to a bunch of boos and he could care less.

"Your ass is going to be handed to you Swagger. Enjoy the glory now."

Big Show comes out next, ready to fight.

"Get him Show. Give it to him."

They both get ready for the match and the bell rings. Swagger instantly goes after the ankle, but Show knows it's coming and pushes him away. He tries again, but Show clubs him across the back. Swagger again goes after the leg but it does little damage. In the corner, Show punches him in the gut. In another corner, he gets in his face before slapping him across the chest.

"Ooooh." We all say in unison and wince.

Show holds him in the corner before letting go. He holds him there before slapping him again.

"And again." I wince.

"He's made him angry."


Show them slaps him across the chest again, making him fall to the apron. He then puts his foot to his throat, holding it there for a bit. Thrown into the corner, he runs and hits him before hitting him with a shoulder block and he rolls out of the ring. Swagger gets up and goes to pull him into the ring, but Swagger stops him. So now Swagger goes after the ankle, hitting it across the steel ring post. He goes for the ankle lock, but Show reverses it and kicks Swagger out of the ring. Swagger gets back in and he's knocked back out.

"Get him!"

Show gets out and they fight outside the ring, and it's a total beat down because of Show's anger. However the ref is counting still, Show not caring. The ref gets to 10, the match is over, no contest. Show stalks over to Swagger who tries crawling away, but there's nowhere to go.

"He's got you now Swagger."

Swagger however kicks Show in the leg, and keeps going after the ankle. I sigh.

"Are you serious?"

Swagger leaves the stage and goes back through the curtain from earlier in the night. When he gets backstage however, Kane has a hold of him, telling him that they need to talk.

"Looks like he thinks Swagger is behind putting Taker in a vegetative state."

"Awww poor baby, he's scared."

"His face! Bahahahaha!"

Mike, Jon and Alex are all snickering.

"Payback for what he's done."


And with that the show ends.

"Ohhhh that was hilarious. Serves him right."

"Looks like the show is over. Well besides a dark match they always have. Think we can head back to the hotel now?" I ask Alex.

"Of course. Long week ahead, should get some rest."

"I'm with you there." Stef says, yawning.

"Me three." Charity yawns as well.

With that being said, we all grab our things and head out of the room. We head out to the parking lot and get into our respective cars before heading off back to the hotel.