Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Nexus Returns Home

"So, Alex and I team up tonight." Mike says as he's fixing his fauxhawk in the bathroom.

"Oh really? Against who?"

"Mark and Jon."

"Oh boy. You be careful out there tonight okay? Both of you. I'm sure Kale is going to tell Alex the same thing."

"Oh I'm sure." Mike says, coming out of the bathroom.

"So, how do I look?"

"Very awesome." She laughs. "Like always."

"I thought so. I just wanted a second opinion."

"Of course. You know what I also heard? Kale has a match on NXT tonight, against Kelly."

"Really? Well we all know how that's going to end won't we?"

"Yup. She's going to destroy her."

"Can't wait to see that."

"Me neither."

"Ready to go?"

"As ready as you are."

They both grab what they need before heading out the door. They head down to the lobby and out the door, to their car where they get in and head to the show. Charity and Jon follow shortly after, and then Alex and I follow after them.

"So you face Mike and Alex tonight huh?" Charity asks.

"Mmhmm. Gonna have to root against your best friend again."

"That's okay. May the best team win. But I hope it's yours. No offense to Mike and Alex or anything, but you're my boyfriend, I support you."

"And I support you." He grins, leaning over and kissing her quickly before putting his attention back on the road.

"So Kelly huh? You can take her." Alex says as we're on the road to the arena.

"Right? She screeches just once, I'll slap the scream out of her mouth she'll never want to scream again."

"That's my girl." Alex laughs, leaning over and kissing me quickly.

We all arrive at the arena, at different times, but we all head in together and head to the locker room. Alex, Mike and Jon head in to change while Charity, Stefanie and I all stay outside the door. We talk amongst each other while we wait, and it takes some time before the guys come out and are all ready, and we all walk down to the curtain. The show soon starts with a video package of what Nexus has done in the WWE.

"Don't worry, they're not getting near you." Alex rubs my shoulders reassuringly.

"Same here." Mike nods, talking to Stef.

"You too." Jon says to Charity.

"Even though I think we could take them. It's what...Justin Gabriel's girlfriend we have to look out for. She's just as tough as we are. We know because she got recruited by WWE from FCW around the same time we did." I remark.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT!" Striker announces.

"And right now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your WWE pros."

"The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry!"

"John Morrison!" Ashley announces as John walks gingerly out to his seat.

"Dashing Cody Rhodes!"

"Zack Ryder."


"Kofi Kingston!"

"And finally Stefanie and the United States Champion, The Miz!"

The rest of the pros have to keep Mark away from Mike after what happened last night on Raw between them. Mike of course keeps Stef behind him, and out of harms way.

"And ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Nexus."

They come up onto the stage from another area, Justin leading the way with his girlfriend Ali.

"Justin Gabriel and Alissa"

"Skip Sheffield."

"Heath Slater."

"David Otunga."

"Michael Tarver."

"Wade Barrett."

"Now I just want to say it's a real privilege to be here tonight. I mean what better way to celebrate last night's victory over John Cena, than to make a triumphant return to the show that gave us all our start. To the NXT Season 2 rookies, we'd like to wish you all the best, we're very much looking forward to seeing you in action tonight. And to the WWE pros, I really hope you're nothing thinking of instigating any trouble tonight. 'Cause we just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Thank you." Wade announces.

"Well with that said, let the show begin. Let's kick things off with our first match!"

That's when they hit Mike's music and Alex and I go out. He notices Nexus sitting there and keeps me close before we start heading down the ramp.

"The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first accompanied by Kalena and Stefanie, the team of Alex Riley and he is the United States Champion, The Miz!"

Stefanie and I get into the ring first, followed by Alex and Mike. They replay what happend on Raw last night and Mike just smirks. They hit Mark's music and Jon walks out with Charity.

"And their opponents, accompanied by Charity, the team of Lucky Cannon and he the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry!"

Mark storms towards Mike and we all get out of the ring. Mike hands off the title to Stefanie, and his shirt, and I'm holding Alex's vest. Jon takes his shirt off and tosses it. Mike tells Alex that he's going first, and he says some other things, strategizing with Alex. Alex gets into the ring, with Mark.

"You get in here!" Mark demands to Mike.

"He's not getting in. You've got to go through me first. I'm standing right here." Alex adds.

"It's his chance, it's his time to make an impression. Come on Riley." Mike encourages and the bell rings.

"I'm not so sure about this...." I chew my lip in concern.

They circle and instantly Mark goes for Mike, but he hops down and out of the way.

"Come on! Right here, right here!"

Alex and Mark circle before locking up and Mark shoves him halfway across the ring into the corner.

"You, in here now!" Mark demands to Mike again.

Alex gets up and cautiously goes back over to Mike so they can figure something out.

"Look...look. You're big, I know. I'm a rookie alright? Come on just a rookie. Now, I'm gonna be a pro soon, alright?" Alex says to Mark, holding out his hand to shake his with.

"Good sportsmanship." Mike states.

"I still don't know about this." I say, still concerned.

Alex thinks he has Mark where he wants him, but when he goes to kick him, Mark grabs her leg so he's on one foot and he clotheslines him down. I wince. Mark picks him up, and punches him back down to the apron. He picks him up again kicks him in the chest. I wince even more.

"Come on Riley!" Mike yells.

Mark helps Alex up again, and then throws him out of the ring, then yells at Mike to get into the ring to face him. I stay back when I see Mike storm over to Alex who's on the ground in pain. I know what's coming now, a little bit of tough love from him. They of course get in each other's faces and argue, until Alex gets back into the ring. He gets back in only to be attacked, and pushed into the corner, Mike having to hop down to avoid getting hit or anything. After clubbing Alex over the back a couple times, he grabs Alex's wrist and pulls him over for Mike to tag in, but Mike's refusing. Mark gets Alex into his corner and tags Jon in.

"Well at least it's not Mark anymore, I sigh in relief."

Jon picks up where Mark left off. That's when Mike yells for Alex to tag him in.

"Come on Alex!"

"Tag Mike in!" Stefanie yells.

Alex starts to come back and hits Jon with a shoulder block. He bounces off the ropes, only for Jon to get up and knock him back down. He gets up again and gets hit with a clothesline. He gets up once more and leans against the ropes, only for Jon to knock him out of the ring. Alex gets up and staggers a bit, but when he turns around Jon uses the ropes to launch himself over the top to land on Alex. However he was a bit too close to the steel steps and you could hear the impact when his face bounced off the steel. The ref gets out to check on him, Mark and Charity coming over to check as well, but the ref backs them up because the match is still going on. But since Charity wasn't the tag team partner, the ref allowed her to help check on him and get him to his feet to get back into the match.

"Come on Jon. You've got to get back into this match. We can deal with your head at the end. I am concerned about that though." She encourages.

He nods and she helps him back into the ring. Alex had tagged Mike in by now so it was Jon and Mike in the ring.

"Is he okay?" I ask Charity quietly.

"I think so. Just going to bring him to the trainers after this to be sure."

I nod and resume standing in my spot ringside. Mike's now in the ring with Jon, taking it to him the best he can. He has Jon in the corner, but the ref starts counting and at three he backs Mike up. Mike back up into the opposite corner and then runs, hitting Jon with his corner clothesline move, making him fall forward.

"Yes!" Stef cheers.

"Come on Lucky, kick out!" Charity screams when Mike goes for the cover and Jon kicks out.

Mike helps him up, grabbing him by the hair and Jon starts to fight back. But Mike fires back, and kicks him in the face. He goes for the cover, but Jon kicks out. Mike tags Alex in and they double team, before Mike leaves the ring and Alex kicks Jon in the back and getting him in a possible submission. But Jon gets to his feet and out of the hold, only to be hit with a hip toss by Alex. Alex goes for the cover and Jon kicks out. That's when Alex goes for a cheap shot on Mark and that wasn't such a good idea.

"Alex...." I say in concern and chew my lip nervously.

The ref stops Mark from getting in however thankfully and Alex pulls Jon over to his corner and tags Mike in. Mike gets in and continues the fight, before tagging Alex back in and they double team before Alex takes control. He goes for the cover, but Jon kicks out. Another reverse chinlock, but after one move, Jon hits him with a scoop slam. Alex and Jon both moving for the tag.

"Come on Lucky!" Charity encourages.

"Alex come on!" Stef and I encourage.

Alex gets to Mike first and Stef and I cheer. Mike grabs Jon's leg, trying to keep him away from Mark. But Jon uses his feet and shoves Mike away, and tags Mark him.

"Oh no." Stef says worried.

"Yes!" Charity cheers.

And with every hit, Stef and I wince. Especially when he's lifted into the air and dropped. Mike tags Alex in and that's not a good idea. Mark lifts Alex over the top rope and hits him with the World's Strongest Slam, pinning Alex for him and Jon to win.

"Here are your winners, Lucky Cannon and the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry!"

Stef goes over to Mike to check on him and Mark leaves the ring and I move out of the way. Stef and Mike move away and we all watch as Mark grabs the trashcan and Jon grabs it, bringing it into the ring. Mark then empties the can onto Alex, spilling trash all over him. Stef and Mike leave up the ramp and Jon, Charity and Mark are left in the ring. Charity shakes her head at what Mark did, because it was uncalled for. Alex did nothing to deserve that and he's a rookie for crying out loud. She slides into the ring and shoves Mark out of the way the best she can.

"MOVE!" She demands and drops down to her knees and starts to get the trash off of Alex. She motions for me to come in since it's safe and I do and I help with taking the trash off of him.

"You get him out of here, I'll deal with Mark okay?" She says to me.

I nod. "Be careful." I tell her.

"Trust me, he's not gonna do anything with Jon around, plus he wouldn't dare do anything anyway."


"Just get Alex out of here."

I nod again and help Alex out of the ring, and back up the ramp to head to the back.

"You!" Charity says, turning to Mark. "What was that for? Huh?! He didn't do anything to you! He's a rookie, he's learning! Not only do rookies have to respect the pros, but the pros have to respect the rookies! No need for that! Do it again and you're gonna have to deal with me Mark, I don't care how tough you think you are. Let's go Jon." She says the last party quietly to him before leaving the ring.

Jon follows shortly after, trying to calm down a fuming Charity. Mark returns to his spot on the stage while Jon and Charity are backstage.

"Char....calm down."

"No! He didn't have to do that to Alex. He already had the match won for you two, he didn't need to dump trash all over him! I'm sorry, but Alex is my friend and if a pro like Mark does that to a friend, I'm standing up for said friend."

"I know Char, I know."

"Oooh I am so pissed off."

She goes rambling on and on, not listening to Jon. That's when Jon grabs her face and crashes his lips down onto hers. He's the only one moving his lips for a while, until she starts to respond. They get lost in the kiss for a while, until Jon pulls away.



"Good. Now let's go back to the locker room okay?"

She nods and laces his fingers with hers before heading to the locker room.

"You okay Mike?" Stef asks when they return to their spots on the stage.

"I'm fine. More concerned about Alex though."

"I know I am too. But I'm sure Kale has everything taken care of. Impressed by what went down between Charity and Mark though. Not many divas had the courage to do that considering it is Mark."

"Right. I'm sure you'd do the same thing if it were me in that ring."

"True. It was uncalled for. Even though you did it to him on Monday, but still. So what do we have next?"

"Kalena's match and Percy's talk show. Don't know what else is going to happen considering Nexus is here."

"Right right. Can't wait to see Kalena's match." Stef smirks, thinking about the fact that I'm going to give Kelly a beating.

"Are you feeling up for going out with me for my match?" I ask Alex before grabbing my things to go in to get changed.

He winces in pain, holding his back before he responded. But I stopped him before he could say anything.

"The facial expression says it all. Alex, I know I love you being there for me, but you're hurt. Do me a favor and stay back here please?"


"No Alex. You stay here and relax, ease the pain away and watch from here. Do it for me. Please?"

"....alright..." He sighs.

"I love you." I say, walking over and giving him a quick peck.

"Love you too." He says back.

With that I head in to change, since it'll be some time before I have to head out for my match against Kelly. By the time I had finished getting ready ad laced my boots up, it was about time to leave.

"Alright, wish me luck. Even though I won't need it, it is Kelly afterall."

"True. Kiss?"

"You know I can't pass that up." I smile, walking over and leaning down, getting a kiss for luck.

"See you after the match."

He nods and lets me go, and I head out the door heading to the curtain. They hit my music first and I walk out, doing my pose on the stage/top of the ramp before heading down the ramp and getting into the ring. After doing my in-ring routine, I hope down from the ropes and wait as my music fades and they play Kelly's. I roll my eyes and go over to the corner and wait for her to finish getting to the ring.

She finally finished her in-ring routine and her music fades. The bell rings to start the match. She of course starts to pay more attention to the fans, showing them what they love. I roll my eyes and charge at her, spearing her to the apron before throwing punches left and right. The ref however pulls me off her, and I go right back after her, grabbing her by the hair and then wrapping an arm around her neck, delivering a neck breaker. I go for the cover, but Kelly kicks out. Kelly gets to her knees and I get up with her. I go around to stand behind her, and grab her arms, pulling them behind her and put my foot to the back of her head. I pull on her arms until the ref starts counting and I let go at 3, making Kelly's face bounce off the canvas. I then hover over her before sitting on her back and applying a crossface submission. The ref keeps asking Kelly if she wants to give up and she says no through her screaming in agony.

"Come on Kelly...tap!" I scream at her, as I apply more pressure.

She of course keeps saying no through her screaming in agony. She manages to make it over to the ropes and grabs them, I hold her there as long as I could before letting go. I back up willingly, but go back over to Kelly and grab her feet, only for her to kick me away. That makes me go flying across the ring, but I get right back up. That's only to keep getting hit with dropkicks and I get sent into the corner. Kelly does her signature, shaking her ass in people's faces. As she goes to the other corner to get ready for her cartwheel, backflip, I'm getting to a standing position. When she starts backflipping towards me, I kip up and kick her in the back, followed by hitting her with a running bulldog. I go for the cover again, only for her to kick out. I hit the canvas in frustration, arguing with the ref. There's only one surefire way I can win this. I go over to the ropes, and I wait for her to get to a standing position. When she does, I hop up to the top rope and I moonsault, purposely missing her, but I catch her in a headlock and deliver a vicious neck breaker. I cover her one final time, and the ref counts to three.

My theme blares through the arena, as I get to my feet and my hand is raised in victory.

"Here is your winner, Kalena!" Jamie Keys, the ring announcer for NXT announces.

I do my in-ring routine for when I win, before leaving the ring, mocking Kelly being hurt as I walk backwards up the ramp. I turn around to walk the rest of the way, grinning as Mike and Stef are cheering for me. I notice Nexus and give them a not so happy grin, because of the chaos they've caused, I don't like them. I disappear to the back and they play some video packages. I head back to the locker room after stopping by catering and grabbing a water. I'm immediately engulfed in a hug.

"I knew you could do it!" Alex says happily.

"Well someone's feeling better." I giggle.

"Staying here and resting helped." He grins. "But way to go...winner." He adds.

"Always. Now if you let me go, I can get back into my dress that I chose to wear for tonight."

"Aww, I have to let you go."

"Just for a little bit. I'll be quick. Promise."

"Alright. Holding you to that promise."

"I know." I giggle as he reluctantly lets me go and I head in to change back into my dress.

They briefly show the Nexus on stage, and then their match against John this week. That was showing while I changed. They show more video packages before going back to the ring where Percy was for his talk show that he earned for winning the Talk the Talk challenge last week.

"Just in time, we have to go to the curtain. Percy's gonna have us all come out. The rookies anyway. You wanna stay back here and watch or be on the stage with Stef?" Alex asks.

"Um...I'll be on the stage with Stef. I'm sure Charity's gonna do the same thing."

"Alright, let's go then."

I nod and we both head to the curtain where the rest of the rookies were waiting.

"Hey baby, get out yo seat and move your feet baby. Welcome to the Showtime Percy Watson Show baby! That's what I'm talking about. Hey, if you wanna have a good time with a sexy, star-studded, stallionaire like myself, let me hear you say....oh yeah! One more time baby uh uh, oh yeah! I love it baby, that's what I'm talking about. It's about to be shakin' and groovin' out here tonight. Hey look here, first things first. People always ask me since I won the NXT challenge last week, you know talk the talk, it's what I do. Hahahaha, anyway, yeah. I said, hey baby, who you gonna bring on your show, you know what I'm saying? And to me that's actually easy, you know what I'm saying? I think you all know this man. He is a good friend of mine, taught me everything I know since I've been in WWE. He is not only my neighbor in Miami, but my friend, my mentor, my pro, Mr. Montel Vontavious Porter, ya'll give it up for Mr. MVP baby yeah!"

He leaves the panel of pros and goes down to the ring and gets in and they both sit.

"Okay first things first, can I borrow $20?"

"You want to borrow $20."

"Just $20."

"Well, we'll talk about that later. You know what I'm saying? 'Cause you know how we get down."

"On a serious note, I really want to thank you man for so much, you know what I'm saying? You teach me everything since I've been here you know, and it's's not...I can't think of anything else I can say to you, but I really appreciate it. I learned so much from you, you are the man, I appreciate it."

"Hey man I appreciate that, but look...I give you all the advice in the world. But if you don't listen, and execute it in the ring, then it means absolutely nothing, you know what I'm saying? And you've got to give yourself...everybody give Percy a pat on the back, you know a round of applause for being the guy that's taking that advice and putting it to work. You know, you've been real good at seizing the moment so...hey man, and thank you for allowing me to be the first guest on the Showtime Percy Watson Show."

"Oh man, I wouldn't have it any other way playa', you know what I'm saying. And uh...I've been listening to you baby. You know how you always say you should seize the opportunity and grab the moment."


"Well uh...I think I'ma do that right now."

"Alright what you got, what's happening?"

That's when we all walk out, Charity and I leaving Jon and Alex to be over with Stef and Mike.

"Sorry it's got to be this way peep."

"Oh okay, I see...I gotta admit, you've disappointed me man, 'cause I thought we connected here. But if I haven't taught you anything, you should know that when I roll through a party, I never roll solo. You know what I'm saying? I brought a few party goers of my own." MVP says, and that's when Mike and the rest of the pros leave the stage and go down the ramp and gets into the ring.

"So if you wanna make it a party, let's make it a party."

"Uh oh." I state.

"This can't be good." Stef adds.

"Not really." Charity finishes.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hang on a second." Striker interrupts as he walks out. "It looks like the rookies are trying to test the pros. I say we see what the rookies have huh? So what do you say we clear the ring, and let's settle this with an Over the Top Rope Battle Royal right now?!"

"Oh boy."

"Hold your horses Matt Striker. I think you've all forgotten about the most important part, which is of course the Nexus." Wade states as he interrupts. "Now unfortunately Darren Young couldn't be with us tonight, but the six of us would love nothing more than to be involved in a Battle Royal because of course a Battle Royal gives us an opportunity to be in a match where it's every man for himself. And I promise you at the end of it all, there'll be one winner and that winner will be the same winner from NXT Season One. Me, Wade Barrett."

"Psh, yeah right." I scoff.

"What do you say we make this official? A 20-Man over the top rope Battle Royal next on NXT!"

"Well I say let's get this party started right!" MVP states.

Nexus heads down to the ring, the match starting soon once the ring is cleared. It takes a bit to clear it, but once it's cleared everyone is in the ring. They all are circling Mark, and the bell rings, Nexus clearing the ring while the pros and rookies go at each other. Everyone gangs up and eliminated Mark, and Nexus goes over and attacks him outside the ring, before throwing him into the steel post.

"Ouch." Stef winces.

Eli had gotten eliminated and Nexus swarms him, followed by Skip destroying him with a vicious clothesline.

"Ooh." Charity grimaces.

Morrison is almost eliminated but he slides back into the ring. MVP got eliminated and then Kofi and Morrison go after Nexus, a hit and run attack. Nexus eventually got into the ring to be in the match and chaos ensued from there. Percy had gotten eliminated along with McGillicutty and they head back up the ramp and to the back. Husky got eliminated and Alex was told to get out for some unknown reason.

"Why the hell was he told to get out? He wasn't eliminated!" I complain. "What gives them the right to just get into the ring and tell him to get out?"

Kaval was then eliminated, which eliminated all the rookies. Charity was backstage with Jon and he was getting ready to go. It was Morrison, Cody, Mike, Zack and Kofi against Nexus. They huddle up and Zack goes up against them first. He tells them that they're nothing and he shoves Tarver, but Mike eliminates Zack. Mike tries to reason with Nexus, but when he sees that they're not going for it, he hightails it and eliminates himself.

"He had to do what he had to do." Stef sighs.

"Alex, why the hell were you told to get out?" I ask when he reaches us.

"I don't know, I was just told to get out and eliminate myself."

"So not fair." I shake my head. "I'm going backstage with Alex."

"Well I'm going backstage with Mike. We can all head back to the hotel once they change."

I nod and we wait for Mike to get up to us and we all head to the back and to the locker room. Jon and Charity were already gone, and once Mike and Alex were done getting changed, we all left as well.