Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Obstacle Course Challenge

Another week of NXT. Tonight is another challenge, but we weren't told what the challenge was...of course. The whole morning was the usual every Tuesday...the gym, Mike did media being US champion and Mr. Money in the Bank. Stef, Charity and myself all went shopping for outfits for tonight. We had to be at the arena early, so I kept on what I chose to wear this morning and packed my clothes and such for tonight in my bag. We all met at the arena and found the locker room we would be sharing like always.

"I wonder what the challenge is for tonight."

"I do too. Only a few more hours or so before they start piling in and set up and the show starts. You know it's sad Mark isn't here this week, but I'll be your pro for tonight." Charity reassures Jon.

"I was counting on it." He grins. "Which means you sit up with the rest of the pros."


The rest of the time seemed to pass by awfully quickly. The guys let us go into the changing area to get changed into our outfits for the night, before they went in to get into their ring gear...except for Mike. He changed into a nice shirt and pants, he wasn't competing tonight so he got to dress nice...and Stef loved it. Once we were all ready, we all headed out to the hallway, walking to the curtain to wait with the rest of the pros and rookies. While we wait, earlier today, Matt Striker is demonstrating the Obstacle Course Challenge, which is revealed to be challenge for this week.

"That's the challenge? You so got this Alex." I encourage him.

"Almost like football practice in college." He chuckles.

"Exactly. So this is a no brainer for you." I grin.

After the NXT intro and then the pyro, Cole and Josh introduced the show. MVP's already out in the ring, couches and everything set up for him and his music goes off.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP!"

"Once again, MVP is in the ring. So that can only mean one thing. Big things poppin', little things stoppin'. Now normally...normally, I'd have the champagne flowing and I'd be ready to set the party off but tonight, acting a little serious because I have an issue I need to address with my guest. So without further ado, NXT rookie Showtime Percy Watson."

He comes out to the NXT theme music, going down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans before entering the ring, picking up a mic and standing before a not so happy MVP.

"Let's just cut to the chase. What you did last week, or what you attempted to do, it didn't take courage, it didn't take guts, it didn't take spirit. But it did take initiative. I ain't gonna lie to ya', I wanted to smash them glasses right on yo' face. But, as I thought about it, I realized you and I are actually a lot alike. You see the uh...the MVP that debuted on SmackDown just a few years ago, he would've done the same exact thing. But I've come a long way since then and I've learned a lot. The question is, did you learn anything?"

"Well 'P, you know I have man. And first and foremost, I've got to say baby, I respect you man. I really do admire you man. You taught me a lot. I really do respect you 'P, I gotta say that. But I feel like man, I think that go getter mentality in me like last week just...just took over. And I went about this whole thing the wrong way. And for that I sincerely apologize."

"Alright. So you learned a lesson?"

"Of course I have."

"Your apology's sincere?"


"Water under the bridge." MVP states and they do the man hug thing.

"Now that we got that out of the way, let's hit the club and make it rain baby."

"Oh yeah!"

"That's what I'm talking 'bout. Is it Showtime?"

"It's Show-" Percy's cut off by Striker's entrance music.

"Hang on a second guys. Hang on. Listen, with the NXT poll coming next week, there will be an elimination."

"Uh oh."

"So why don't you take a minute and tell the world, why Percy Watson should be ranked number one next week. MVP."

"Percy Watson, if you want to be a Superstar here in the WWE, you have to be the complete package."

"Which is what you are." I mutter to Alex.

"You have to have the athleticism, you have to have the appearance, you have to have the verbal skills and you have to have charisma."

"Check, check, check and check." I grin.

"Percy Watson has all of those things. Now, you can ask me but I think we should ask the WWE Universe. Is Percy Watson the next NXT breakout superstar?"

"Oh yeah!"

There's an even mix of boos and cheers.

"Yo time baby. You tell them why you should be the next NXT breakout....WWE Breakout Superstar."

"Well I'll tell you why baby. Because I'm a heavy hitter, a go getter, and I am not a quitter baby, you know what I'm saying? I have worked hard, each and every day of my life to get to where I am right now."


"Hey Little Rock baby look. I know what it's like to have to fight, scratch, and claw to keep and get everything you got. You know what I'm saying baby?"

"Fo sho."

"That's what I'm talking about. So uh look here. If you with me baby, let me hear you say..."

"...thank you Percy we appreciate it very much, you certainly stated your case as to why you should be number one next week-" Striker cuts Percy off, but gets cut off by Cody's music.

"Alright, now that you're done admiring yourself. Cody Rhodes, Husky Harris, the same question to you guys. With 60 seconds, why should Husky Harris be number one next week?"

"Well Husky Harris could certainly use some grooming advice like most of you people but, Husky Harris-" Cody stops as the crowd boos.

"...don't time that, don't time that. Husky Harris would be a great representative for all of you. I mean look at him. He's 300 pounds. Ma'm how much do you weight, you look like you weigh about 300 pounds. But can you run a 49/40 like he can? I don't think so. This is an army tank....with a Ferrari engine."

"The WWE has been full of bodybuilders and six packs only for the last couple years. I am not that, I don't sing and dance, I'm not a miniature...a miniature All I am is real."

"Real fat." MVP states.

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud, but I do shake with laughter as I lean on Alex for support. Stef and Charity are doing the same to Mike and Jon, trying to stifle their laughter.

"Well you guys are going to get a chance to show how real you are. Because you're in action next, right here on NXT!"

Cody's music plays again and they head down to the ring. there was a break so that they could clear the ring.

"Ohh that was a good promo."

"I know we shouldn'e be laughing, but that was just too funny."

"Agreed. Miniature midget ninja...what the hell is that?" Charity laughs.


It didn't take them long to clear the ring. Mike, Stef and Charity went out with the rest of the pros as they went to sit on the stage, clipboards in hand to take notes on the match at hand. It starts off with Percy and Husky. Percy gets the crowd going right after the bell rings. They circle and lock up, but Husky knees him in the gut and smacks him. He rips Percy's glasses off before kneeing him again. Thrown into the ropes and Percy hits him with a shoulder block. Husky gets up and strides towards Percy only to get hit with a hip toss and grabs a hold of his arm. The pros of course making notes about how the match is going so far. Husky gets up however, but Percy twists his arm, bringing him back down to the canvas, MVP coaching as he goes. He gets over to his corner and MVP tags himself in, picking up where Percy left off. He throws him into two corners and gets whipped into the opposite, only for MVP to jump over him, bounce off the ropes and hits a flying clothesline. He goes for the cover and gets a one count.

Back in his corner, Percy tags himself in. He throws Husky into the ropes, only for Husky to reverse it and send him into them, but when he comes back, he hits Husky with yet another shoulder block and goes for the cover. Another one count for the team of Percy and MVP. He helps him up and twists his arm again and goes for a move, but Husky counters and gets out of the hold. He pushes him into his corner and Cody tags himself in. Husky holds Percy while Cody punches him in the face. Out of the corner and Cody hits him across the back, and then in the face. He pushes him into another corner and continues the attack. He throws him into the opposite corner, but Percy uses toe ropes to launch himself up and over Cody as he goes into the corner. Cody turns around, getting taken down by Percy and the focus being on his arm like he did with Husky. Cody gets up fairly quick however and gets Percy back into his corner, Husky tagging himself back in.

Cody holds him while Husky punches him in the gut. Out of the corner and going off the ropes, Husky drops, Percy hops over him, turning around and hitting him with a standing dropkick. Husky rolls out of the ring to recover. Charity, Mike and Stef all make notes on their clipboard of Percy's athleticism in the match. Percy then leaves the ring to go after Husky out on the floor. Husky fires back with a vicious slap to the face and Percy spears him to the floor, brawling with him. Cody and MVP come over to break up the scuffle between their rookies. But MVP hits Cody with a cheap shot.

"Oooh." I wince.

After a bit however, it came to Cody and Percy in the ring and Percy has taken control of the match....for a bit anyways until Cody hit him with a cheap shot. Cody lifts him and drops him and taunts MVP before tagging in Husky. However the ref didn't see it so Cody is still the legal man in the match. Sent back into his corner, Cody tags Husky in legally this time and the ref sees it. Husky backs up, does a football style pose before running full speed and just basically running into Percy who was in the corner. Husky goes for the cover, but gets a two count. Husky continues to wear Percy down, now in a potential submission. Percy gets to his feet and manages to get out of the hold, only to get hit with a vicious clothesline by Husky. He goes for the cover, Percy kicks out. Husky hits Percy with an elbow, Percy ends up kicking Husky away, tags in MVP and Husky tags in Cody. Cody keeps getting knocked down by MVP, MVP fired up. He hits Husky with a cheap shot and goes for 'Ballin' and hits it. Husky tries getting involved, but MVP stops him. That Cody the advantage and he hit MVP with the Beautiful Disaster kick. He tags Husky in and he finishes it off, pinning MVP to get the win for him and Cody.

"Here are your winners, Husky Harris and Dashing Cody Rhodes!"

The pros, of course make more notes about how the match ended. Cole and Josh talk about the challenge tonight, before going to a video package of what the pros think about McGillicutty, including Stef, Charity and myself because we have our opinions too. Then they show that up next that Alex would be facing Jon. We go out during the break, Charity joins Jon and they get into the ring. Alex, Mike, Stef and myself are the last ones out and in the ring.

"Again, Charity and I are pitted against each other." I mutter to Stef.


They then show what happened to Mark on Monday, which is why he's not here tonight.

"I can't believe them." Charity shake her head. "Poor Mark."

"I know." Jon shakes his head as well.

"Okay Lucky Cannon, unfortunately your pro Mark Henry couldn't be here tonight due to the injuries he sustained last night on Monday Night Raw. But I'd like to give you the same opportunity. 60 seconds to tell the Universe why you should be number one next week in the NXT elimination poll."

"I'm not gonna waste anyone's time out here pleading my case or trying to convince you that I'm the best, or deserve more than anyone. Because that's all a matter of opinion. But what I am gonna do, is I'm gonna let you know that for over a month now, I have been having the time of my life coming out here each and every week doing my best to entertain each and every one of you. Man this is like a dream and I don't want it to end. So for allowing me into your world, for giving me this journey, I just want to say...thank you."

"The Miz and Alex Riley. 60 seconds, why should Alex Riley be number one next week Mr. Money in the Bank?"

Striker goes to hand the microphone to Mike, but Alex takes it instead, saying that he'll answer that.

"You know losers always whine about their best. And it's no secret that I don't like you and you don't like me. But this competition isn't about our relationship, this competition is about this company and who should run it. Now I know you care about the WWE, 'cause I see you in these arenas, and I see you watching back home. So if you do care, if you do care, do the right thing, and vote for Alex Riley." Alex ends, handing the mic off to Mike.

"Got my vote every week." I grin, lacing my fingers with Alex's.

"The WWE Universe has no idea what they want. Voting Kaval and Percy Watson one and two? Only I know what you want. You want to know why you should vote for Alex Riley, it's simple. Because the future WWE Champion told you to." Mike states before Striker takes the mic away.

"Alright gentlemen good luck, 'cause your match begins right now!" Striker finishes, leaving the ring.

Alex takes off his vest and hands it to me before kissing me quickly. Mike holds the ropes for me and Stef and lets us out first before he gets out and we stand ringside to watch. Charity leaves as well, standing ringside also. The bell rings to star the match. They stand across from each other before Alex immediately kicks Jon in the stomach and punches him in the head.

"Come on Lucky!" Charity cheers.

He hits him again, so he stumbles into the corner and Alex sends him into the opposite corner. Alex runs full speed at Jon, only for him to move and Alex's face to bounce off the turnbuckle.

"There you go!" Charity cheers.

"Come on Alex!" Stef and I yell.

Jon starts to fight back, only for Alex to duck his arm and send him up and over, Jon landing behind him on both feet, followed by Jon hitting Alex with clotheslines. Back against the ropes and when Alex comes back, Jon kicks him in the face with his boot. He goes for the cover, but Alex kicks out.

"Oh thank god. Come on Alex!"

"Keep on him Lucky!"

Jon climbs to the top of the corner and he jumps, hoping to hit Alex with a cross body, but Alex moves and Jon misses.

"No!" Charity screams as she looks on.

Alex then stalks him, goes over and gets him on his shoulders, followed by hitting him with You're Dismissed, his finisher. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

"Here is your winner...Alex Riley!"

Charity stands there with her hands on her head with a look of disbelief.

Stef, Mike and myself get into the ring to celebrate with Alex on his win. I hand him back his vest. Alex puts it back on while Mike teases an attack on Jon with the briefcase. We all leave the ring now, Mike handing the title over to Alex and he says that he'll soon be a US champ. Mike then shrugs and rushes into the ring, attacking Jon with the briefcase. He sets the case down before picking Jon up by the hair and setting him up for the Skull Crushing Finale, planting him head first into the case. Refs rush into the ring and so does Charity. She gives Mike an evil glare as he walks away with us up the ramp.

"I think you're in trouble Mike." I mutter.

"Was that even planned? Did she know about that?" Stef asks as we head backstage.

" oh."

"Yeah, I think you're going to get a slap when she finds you."

"Stef?" He looks at her, hoping she'll save him when Charity comes and finds him.

"Sorry babe. I don't really agree with what you did out there either. I can't save you this time. But I'll have the ice ready to soothe the sting from her slap. That's the least I can do."

The refs help Jon to the back and to the trainers we haven't gone back to the locker room because the Obstacle Course Challenge is next. Charity spots Mike and an evil glare is shot his way and she storms over.

"Mike!" She screams.

"Uh oh. You're on your own Mike." I state as we all step back.

He swallows hard as he sees the look on her face.

"Uh....Charity...I can explain."

"Really? How? Why'd you do that to Jon? Why?"

"I was making a statement as Money in the Bank winner."

"That was a statement? You had to plant him head first into the briefcase?! You know his history! I don't want him to go there again! You couldn't just walk away and be a man could you?"

"...sorry?" He flinches as she raises her hand to slap him across the face.

She stops herself though. "The refs said he'll be okay on the way back here. You're lucky Mike." She grumbles as she heads off to the trainers to check on him.

"She's mad at you."

"No duh."

"I say give her the rest of the night to calm down. Jon's okay so she can't be too mad at you. I still love you." Stef says, cuddling into his side.

"I love you too. I just hope she's not mad at me forever."

"She won't be. Let her cool off. She'll come back to her senses."

He nods and we stand around and wait until Mike and Stef have to go back out for the Obstacle Course. They play a promo for Kofi and a promo for this whole thing between Nexus and John Cena. Mike and Stef, Charity and myself went out onto the stage with the other pros. Once that was over, Morrison and Eli were on the stage along with LayCool and Kaval.

"Alright with our elimination coming next week, we'd like to hear from John Morrison and Eli Cottonwood. 60 seconds, why should Eli Cottonwood be number one in the NXT Elimination poll?"

"Last week after NXT I was flying home from Louisville, sitting in the airport having a breakfast burrito, when the whole NXT roster walked by. Percy, Husky, Riley, Eli, the rest of them. The kids stopped eating and one of them asked 'Mom, who is that?', talking about Eli. Who is that? They didn't know anybody on NXT, they didn't care, but for some reason, they wanted to watch Eli. Eli keeps improving and learning, I think he could be the long term investment that's worth more than anybody else on NXT Season 2." Morrison finishes before handing the mic off to Eli.

"Matt Striker, I haev one question for you. Who are you gonna vote for?" Eli asks, holding the mic to him.

"It's not up-"

"I said, who are you gonna vote for?" He asks again, getting extremely close to Striker.

"I'll-I'll vote for you."

"That's what I thought. Who else on NXT is as intimidating and causes as much fear as me?"

"Okay, thank you Eli. I'm sorry your time is up. Team LayCool, Why is Kaval the WWE's next breakout star?"

"Oh Kaval should be number one for a lot of reasons." Michelle starts.

"He has the passion."

"He has the heart."'

"He has the skills."

"And he has the smarts. And you know one thing he has that nobody else up here has Matt..."

"Us." They say in unison.

"Which, that makes him almost..."

"...flawless." They say in unison again.

"Kaval why are you the WWE's next breakout star?"

"Thank you ladies. You should vote for me, because I have the confidence in my abilities to go toe to toe with the greats here in the WWE. If you'd like to see me go against Evan Bourne, Randy Orton, or Rey Mysterio, I have the ability, but now you all have the power to make all of this come true."

"Okay the abilities will be on display because our rookie challenge the obstacle course is coming up next!"

John and LayCool sit back down as we wait.

"This should be interesting."

"Very." Stef nods.

McGillicutty comes out first and Kofi stands next to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the Obstacle Course Challenge! The rookie that completes the course in the quickest time will earn immunity from elimination next week. Now before we begin, Michael McGillicutty you will go first but I'd like hear from your pro Kofi Kingston. Why is Michael McGillicutty the WWE's next breakout star?"

"You look at Michael McGillicutty, he's not the biggest, he's not the strongest, but I can guarantee you this. He is the hungriest. There is nobody in this entire competition that is as hungry as Michael McGillicutty. He is the son of a WWE Hall Of Famer, he was born to do this! And most importantly, he has the support of all of you. Who will from this point forward, be known, as the McGilli-Buddies."

"The what? Oh my god." I facepalm.

"Stupid." Mike chuckles.

"Oh lord." Stef shakes her head.

"McGilli-Buddies, I like that man, that's cool. That's right, I will win NXT. And the reason why is, I'm have the most talented pro and I'm the most talented rookie. I am undefeated here, 4 and 0, a perfect record. So WWE Universe, you need to make the perfect choice and vote for me, Michael McGillicutty."

"Alright, now there is one very important rule to the Obstacle Course Challenge. If you fail on any particular obstacle, you must go back and complete that obstacle. Remember, you're looking to earn immunity. On your mark, get set, go!"

Michael runs down and does the tires no problem, and the barriers and the push ups and he basically jumps half of the balance beam, but they count it. He takes the equipment box and pushes it up the ramp the best he can and across the finish line getting a time of 26.7.

"Cheater." I shake my head.

"26.7 seconds, the time to beat, Michael McGillicutty. Let's bring out, our next rookie!"

Alex was the next rookie who walks out.

"Wooooo!" I cheer.

"There he is, Alex Riley. On your mark, get set, go!"

Alex runs down and does the tires no problem, and the barriers. He slides into the box where the pushups have to be done. Once he was done with those he slips a little going to the balance beam. He gets on that and falls halfway and the ref stops him, Striker telling him that he has to go back and do it again.

"What?! Did he not see McGillicutty jump halfway across the balance beam earlier?!?!"

He goes back on the balance beam and makes it all the way and blames the ref for him losing basically. It doesn't really matter now because Alex is way over the time to beat. I sigh.

"What the hell. They screwed him out of this challenge."

He pushes the crate up and over the finish line, his time being 40.3 seconds.

"Ugh, screw jobs."

"Alright gotta wonder if you would've had the time to beat."

Alex storms down the ramp and starts to argue with the ref, telling him that it's the ref's fault that he basically lost the challenge. Alex kicks the crate as he walks up angry that he was cost the challenge due to a bad call on the ref's hands.

"Let's bring out our next rookie. Eli Cottonwood. On your mark, get set, go!"

Eli runs and does the tires no problem, he literally jumps over the first barrier, while climbing over the other two. He gets to the box, but his feet are outside it so the pushups don't count. Eli didn't do enough pushups, he moved onto the balance beam and continues to the ramp. He doesn't even do it right.

"Eli Cottonwood has been disqualified. Let's bring out our next rookie."

"Oops." Stef snickers.

"Remember guys, this is for immunity from elimination next week. Lucky Cannon."

"He looks like he's much better." I mutter to Charity.

"He is and I'm glad. Oh and Mike? I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's okay. You were mad, totally understandable. I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted."

"On your mark, get set go!"

Lucky too has no problems with the tires, or the barriers. He moves to the box and does the pushups like their nothing. He moves to the balance beam and does that. He pushes the crate over the finish line.

"Oooooh. Michael McGillicutty still has the time to beat. Let's bring out our next rookie."

"Damn. So close."

"Kaval. On your mark, get set, go!"

He does the tires no problem, then hops over the first barrier, basically all the barriers. He goes to the box and does the pushups, goes to the beam and stumbles a bit but gets to the crate and pushes it.

"Ohhhhh. Let's keep it moving, bring out the next rookie."

"Ohh too bad." Charity laughs.

"Showtime Percy Watson. On your mark, get set, go!"

Same as all the others, no problem with the tires or the barriers, or the pushups. He gets to the balance beam and takes his time, going to the crate and pushes it. Not eve coming close.

"Michael McGillicutty still has the time to beat. We got one more rookie. Husky Harris. Ready, set, go!"

He runs down and almost trips on the tires, hops over the first barrier, and the second barrier, but backs up and literally runs into the third, knocking it down. He goes to the box and does pushups, taking his time and does the beam.

"He sooooo lost."

He just walks and pushes the crate.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow at noon eastern on, the voting opens and you along with the WWE pros get to decide who's the WWE's next breakout star. Michael McGillicutty is immune from elimination. And next week, somebody's going home!"

All the pros get up and walk over to the rookies. The first thing I do is hug Alex, because I agree with him that it's the ref's fault. Even Mike and Stef agree. Charity goes over to Jon and hugs him as well, telling him he did great and did his best.

"Come on, we can go back, get you changed and head back to the hotel where you can rest. I know your head hurts and you probably got a headache coming on."

"Yeah, I do and good idea."

He and Charity head to the back first and to the locker room so he could change. Soon the rookies and pros start heading to the back themselves. By the time we got to the locker room, Charity and Jon were gone. I stood outside the locker room with Stef and Mike as I waited for Alex to change.

"Didn't win this challenge, but I have a feeling he's going to make it to the finale. There's that certain something about him that the fans like to want to keep him around. I mean he has some fans out there, just like you Mike. Even if he doesn't win, he's got everything, he'll make it onto the roster."

"You know I'll make that happen." Mike nods.

"Of course you will."

"He may or may not have something up his sleeve." Stef giggles.

"Oh I'm sure he does. Mr. Sneaky over here."

"You'll see. Let's get through NXT first okay?"

"Deal." I nod.

With that the door opened and Alex walked out in a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, gym bag in hand.

"Ready to go?" He asks, kissing me briefly.

"Mmhmm. Just waiting on you."

I keep an arm around his waist, while one of his arms are around my shoulders. Mike and Stef lace hands as we all head out of the arena to head back to the hotel for the night, since we're not staying for SmackDown this week. We get to our cars and say our goodbyes, before individually pull out of the parking lot, taking the long voyage back to the comfort of our own hotel rooms.