Status: Active

He's a Fighter

About the Damn Business

Here we are for Raw tonight. Alex would be not be appearing, despite being Mike's rookie, but I'm sure Alex will get his appearance on Raw soon enough. Just having him with me is good enough. I have nothing planned for tonight, so I didn't need to pack any of my ring gear. I kept on what I wore today, and I just redid my makeup and hair.

"You know, no matter how many times you redo everything, you still look perfect." Alex says from outside the bathroom.

"I know, but my hair was a mess and my makeup needed touching up."

"I still think it looked perfect."

"Charmer." I say coming out of the bathroom. "I know I'm not scheduled for anything tonight but, I still like wearing makeup and looking prettier."

"Right." He nods. "I love you with or without makeup, plain as that."

"You're sweet."

"Always." He grins, walking over and kissing me softly.

"Mmm...let me get my flip flops on and grab my bag and we can go."

He nods, letting me go and I slip into my flip flops, grab my bag and make sure everything I need is in it.

"All set?"

"Mmhmm. Let's go." I smile, lacing my fingers with his and we leave our hotel room.

In Stef and Mike's room, he was getting his gear bag ready while she was in the bathroom getting ready for tonight herself. She too wore what she had on today, just touching up her makeup and fixing her hair. It doesn't take her too long and she walks out. Mike's back is facing her as he's packing his gear bag. She smiles and walks up behind him, wrapping her arms around him from behind and cuddling into his back.

"Well hello to you too." He chuckles, placing his hands on top of hers.

"Just showing my affection." She sighs in content.

"I appreciate it." He grins.

She continues to hold him as he finishes getting his stuff into his bag. When he finishes and zips it closed, he moves her hands and turns so he's facing her.

"Beautiful." He states. "Whatever I have planned tonight, you're going to look beautiful going out there with me. I'm just glad you're not a distraction in my matches." He chuckles.

"I'm surprised actually, I thought I would be a distraction." She smirks.

"That's what I originally thought. But I focus on the match and your encouragement."

"I'm glad." She smiles, leaning up and kissing him softly. "Ready to go Mr. Money in the Bank and US Champ?"

"Yup, all set." He grins at the names.

He grabs his bag and she grabs hers, before they wrap their arms around each other and leave. Charity and Jon had finished getting ready themselves. Jon of course didn't need to pack a gear bag or anything. He and Charity wore what they had on today.

"Night off huh?" He asks.

"Yeah. Not that I can complain, because that means more time with you."

"Can't get enough of that."

"Exactly. Love you." She says, kissing him briefly.

"Love you too Char." He replies, kissing her back.

They then grab what they need and head out of the room. We all get to the arena at different times and get to the locker room at different times. Mike went in and got ready for the night, so he wouldn't have to worry about it later. The show had soon started with a video package of what's going on between John and Nexus. The show then starts off with John himself.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, John Cena!!!!!"

"Thank you guys."

The crowd is mixed with boos and cheers, the normal.

"They certainly are right, everything's bigger in Texas. You know seven weeks ago, a group named The Nexus....without any warning at all, attacked and took over Monday Night Raw, destroying everything it it's path. Superstars, commentators, cameramen, hall of famers, even the Chairman of this company, nobody was safe. They did this for reasons only known to them. Point is, for the past seven weeks if Nexus wanted you hurt....they made sure you got hurt."

"Thankfully none of you guys." I say about Alex, Jon and Mike.

"Until last Monday. Finally the Raw superstars said we have had enough! Standing side by side in the ring, friends, enemies, it didn't matter. We stood in the ring with one common goal. At SummerSlam we face Nexus. At SummerSlam we beat Nexus. At SummerSlam we end Nexus!"

"Let's hope."

"They've been running Raw because people think they're invincible. We will defeat them at SummerSlam. And you will see that they are not invincible. And it's about time because the more they terrorize Raw, the more power they get. And with power, come influence. And the more influence they get, quite frankly...they're gonna take over this show."

"We can't let that happen." I shake my head.

"Then we'll all be in danger." Stef adds.

"No matter who you are." Charity continues.

"And if they do, that may be the very end of Monday Night Raw. I'm not saying this is gonna be easy. My team isn't exactly the super friends, I'm not exactly superman. I always see myself as more of an Aquaman. Jericho and Edge, they're not Batman and Robin. And even the thought of Great Khali walking around in Wonder Woman's outfit..."


"Disturbing image!"

" just wrong."

"Yes it is."

All the guys shudder at the image.

"I photoshopped it, it was very very disturbing."

"No kidding."

"But it doesn't matter guys. We don't have to be the Justice League. Every person on this team was chosen for a reason. And I promise you at SummerSlam, my team will hit the ring and Nexus will NO-" John's cut off by Jericho's music going off and he walks out.

"Goodie gumdrops." I roll my eyes.

He comes out and walks down the ramp, getting into the ring. He walks over and grabs a mic from one of the attendants ringside.

"Chris Jericho is on that SummerSlam team."

The crowd chants for him and he gives an evil look.

"I was...standing backstage and I was biding my time, counting the seconds, counting the minutes until you said what I knew eventually you would say. MY team. John Cena's team. Yeah, all week long people have been approaching me and saying, 'we're so excited that you're on John Cena's team and we're so happy you've finally seen the light and changed your ways'. I want to make something perfectly clear. To you and to all of these hypocrites here right now. I...did not get involved in this to be a part of Cena's team. I didn't get involved in this to bask in the glory of a hero, and I didn't get involved in this to shamelessly pander to a group of parasites. I got involved in this because of my personal problems with Nexus and more importantly with Wade Barrett, a man that I molded and shaped from the moment he first came into this company. A man who was indirectly influenced by me to start the Nexus faction in the first place. So see Cena, I know Barrett and Nexus better than you, therefore I'm more qualified than you, this is MY team, not your team!"

"Was he the one who formed it? No."


"This is-"

"Fine. Fine. Team is sold to Chris Jericho. You got us at a bargain price. It's your team Chris, do whatever you want, call us whatever you want. The Alabaster Soft Shoes or Jumbo and the Tugboat or Chris Jericho and the Mudville Six. The Lion Tamers, The Fozzy-A-Thon. It's yours, you know why? I don't care Chris, I just want to beat Nexus."

"Don't you dare patronize me, okay? Don't you ever patronize me, denegrate me with your sarcasm. Cena I wanna be honest and be very clear once again. This team lives or dies on my whims. You do what I say, you do what I want to do, you follow what I wanna be-" John then smacks the microphone out of his hand.


Chris just looks over to where the mic had landed with a surprised look on his face, somewhat scared if you ask me.

"Bahahaha his face!"

"Let's get this straight right now. It ain't about you. It's not about me. It's about this damn business, don't you get it? Nexus has taken over this company. Last week they got to you, they've been getting to me, they get to whatever they want, whenever they want! You don't like me, fine. You don't like them, fine. You love the business Chris. For whatever reason you keep coming out here, you love the damn business. That's why we're doing this alright?! Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?!"

Chris backs up and stays silent.

"You're a man and you know what, it's gutcheck time. It's time to throw the hail mary, it's the 4th quarter, we gotta do things we don't normally do. Guess what, we gotta coexist. Yes, you know Wade Barrett better than anyone. You know how he thinks. I'm saying it right now, Chris Jericho you are essential to this team."

"He speaks the truth." I nod.

Chris goes over to pick up the mic as chants of Y2J go through the crowd. He picks ut up and walks back over.

"First of all, don't ever knock this microphone out of my hand again."

"Oooh tough guy now."

"Second of all, I know how essential I am to this team Cena. I know better than anybody here that the only chance you have to beat Nexus at SummerSlam is if you have the best in the world standing beside you. Fighting beside you. I know that. But I know more than that Cena, 'cause you see I see the big picture. And Nexus isn't the only threat to this company. There's another threat, and his name is John Cena."

"He's delusional."

"Oh yeah. Because you're a lot more like Nexus than you think you are Cena. You walk around here interrupting whoever you want, doing what you want to do, saying what you want to say. The only difference is, you do it with the support of these drones. You do it with the support of these...these...these people that you dance around like a puppet on a string. So here's what's gonna happen, I'm gonna be very honest with you, I'm gonna warn you. At SummerSlam, as soon as the Nexus has been abolished, as soon as they're gone for good, I'm gonna take the next logical step and turn my sights on the other threat in the WWE. I'm gonna get rid of you...Cena. And either I'm gonna do it with the help of my team, or I'm gonna have to do it by myself. But I'm gonna do it. Do you understand, what I'm saying?"

"I'm standing right here, take your best shot."

Of course before Chris could do anything, the anonymous Raw GM chimes in and John whips his hat down.

"And it begins....again."

"Can I...can I have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager. And I quote. Cena, Jericho, your match against The Nexus at SummerSlam will now be an Elimination Match. The team that eliminates all the members of the opposing team first will be victorious. And in a preview of SummerSlam, The Nexus will face seven Raw Superstars in an elimination match tonight. Now your match at SummerSlam is all about teamwork. Tonight let's see how you John and you Chris function as a team, against opponents of my choosing. And if you're not down with that, I've got two words for you."

The Raw theme hits and Chris leaves the ring.

"Should be interesting."

After the break, they highlight Sheamus' match last week with Evan, followed by Mike's attack on Sheamus. He goes to cash the case in but Truth comes out and thwarts his plans. Mike waves it off and is attacked by Truth, but Mike fights back.

"You had that last week Mike. Truth has to ruin everything."

"Yes he does." Mike grumbles.

So Sheamus comes out, because he's going to be on commentary for the match. The first person in the match to come out, Randy.

"Wooo Randy."

"Wonder who he's facing."

"Looks like it's.....Jey Uso."

"He's going to get squashed. Good luck Jey. But going with Randy on this one." Charity comments.

"Me too." Stef agrees.

"Me three." I nod.

Randy basically destroys him as he glares at Sheamus occasionally. However, Jey comes back after Randy got distracted. Jey tries to take advantage and Randy gets back to a vertical base and fies back himself. He hits him with a few clotheslines before the scoop slam. Jimmy tries to get involved but Randy knocks him down. Suspended from the 2nd rope, Randy hits the DDT on Jey. He then gets into Viper mode before striking with an RKO and he covers Jey to win the match.

"Stef...come with me for a sec okay?" Mike asks.


He then gets up, carrying the briefcase, and they walk out of the room.

"Wait a're not thinking about cashing in tonight are you?"

"Sheamus is out there, and Randy will RKO him, I know it. I've got a second chance, I'm gonna take it."

"Alright, well be careful out there. Randy is still dangerous."

"I'll try my best."

"Well that was a no brainer."

Sheamus and Randy have a stare odd and Jimmy Uso comes from behind and attacks Randy.

"Bad move." Charity states as Randy then fires back.

Sheamus gets into the ring now and when Randy turns around, he moves and Jimmy gets hit with the Brogue Kick. Then Sheamus gets hit with the RKO.

"Well he taught him now didn't he? Never mess with Randy."

Mike then comes running out with a ref.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Miz is cashing in his Money in the Bank contract!"

The ref however has to wait for Sheamus to get to his feet before starting the match. Randy slides in and delivers an RKO to Mike before that can even happen. Stef was on the ramp watching and she covers her mouth with her hand. She then hurries down the ramp and to Mike's aid, helping him out of the ring after going over and grabbing the briefcase back.

"Come on Mike. Before he hits you with an RKO again."

He groans, holding the back of his neck and Stef gets back into the ring, them both glaring back at Randy for costing Mike the cash in like Truth did last week. Mike isn't 100% to leave the ring yet though. However, Edge is now shown backstage, talking to Ted and Maryse.

"You know on the one hand, I can't wait until SummerSlam. Can't wait to pay Nexus back for what they did, to get my hands on them. On the otherhand, I wish that you were on my team instead of the Great Khali."

"Yeah." Ted nods.

"I mean let's face it, Cena comes to me and he says he has this unstoppable unit. He lied. I mean the Great Khali? Seriously? Yeah the guy's massive, he's powerful, but he's also clumsy, uncoordinated and let's face it, he's not that bright."

"No." Ted agrees.

"Plus, we don't even understand him when he talks." Maryse says, before saying something in French.

"You mean, like you blondie?" I scoff.

"Listen, when I beat Morrison tonight, I'm sure that Cena will see the error of his ways and realize that neither Morrison or the Great Khali deserve to be kept around."

"Good, I like that. 'Cause otherwise, I'm gonna have to force Cena's hand and take Khali out myself."

"Good luck with that."

After the break there was a view of an attraction of the city, and Mike is arguing with Sheamus in the middle of the ring, of course Mike keeping Stef behind him just in case. Then the GM chimes in.

"Oh what now?" Stef says aggravated.

"May I have your attention please, I've received another manager from the....another email from the general manager."

"Smooth Cole, nice save." Charity scoffs.

"And I quote. I found the team that will challenge Chris Jericho and John Cena tonight. And it will be a team of Champions. The United States Champion The Miz and the WWE Champion, Sheamus. Good luck gentlemen."

"Are you kidding me?!" Stef exclaims before she sighs. "Come on Mike." She tugs at his arm to leave, and they do.

During the SummerSlam moment, Stef and Mike stop by the trainers for ice. They then head back to the locker room and when they sit down, he holds the ice to his head.

"Is he okay?" I ask.

"He'll be fine." Stef reassures. "Randy...I swear. He'll get his....just watch."

"Yeah, that wasn't cool what he did."

"But you can't blame the guy. He wants to be able to face Sheamus at SummerSlam, he doesn't want that jeopardized." Charity adds.

"But there was no need for what he did out there. He still could've faced Mike at SummerSlam instead. Either way he would have a WWE Championship match. Mike had it, but Randy had to come in and stop him."

Charity just shrugs. Then backstage, Edge is on the phone until Khali comes into the room screaming in his native language.

"I heard what you said earlier Edge, to Ted DiBiase about the Great Khali, that he's clumsy, uncoordinated and that he's not that bright. Yeah, I told him."

"What're you...what're you talking about? I never said those things...I never said those things. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Great Khali. Translate that."

Then Khali says more in his native language.

"The Great Khali says, you're obnoxious, your delusional, and you're a complete nincompoop. Because the Great Khali challenges you to a match...right now."

"You and!"

"Fine. And if I beat you, you're off the team. Translate that."

"Somehow I don't think Edge's going to win."


It wasn't long until the next break was over and Khali goes out for his match against Edge that he wanted. Then Cole announces that Jerry has left to go to the locker room because he's part of the tag team match against Nexus tonight. Edge comes out next and slides into the ring after stripping off his shirt. The bell rings and the match starts. Edge evades Khali and slaps him, and that was a mistake and Khali puts him into the corner and slaps him across the chest.

"Owww." Charity winces.

"Maybe we were right about this match. Edge can't catch a break."

Mid-match however, Nexus comes out, striding to the ring. Edge leaves and hightails it. Nexus circles the ring, before they climb up, and then get into the ring and circle him. However instead of attacking him, they step to the side and allow him to leave unharmed.

"They're letting him go?"


"I figured they would attack him like everyone else."

But the screen changes, advertising the tag team match between John and Chris and Mike and Sheamus. Backstage however, the 7 members who are taking on Nexus, are heading to the ring.

"Evannn!" Charity cheers, and laughs afterwards.

"You and cheering for Evan."

"What can I say...I love the guy."

Nexus was in the ring and ready to fight, except for Riss of course. Mark Henry's music plays and they all walk out. Tyson tells Natalya to head to the back to be safe, before continuing down the ramp and they get into the ring. It starts off with Tarver and Yoshi.

"Don't know how good Yoshi will do. Tarver's vicious. Yoshi does put up a fight, but it's short lived and Yoshi's eliminated."

"So called that one."

Now Evan goes in to take on Tarver.

"No Evan...why?"

Justin then gets tagged in and he goes after Evan. Evan quickly however tags in Jerry and he goes right to work on Justin. Justin manages to kick out and Wade pulls Justin out of harms way and they regroup. After regrouping, it's become Tyson and Heath in the ring now. Jerry however got eliminated during the commercial break.

"Team Raw isn't looking good."

Tyson tags in David Hart Smith and Heath's in trouble, as he drops him. He goes for the cover, but Heath kicks out. After a distraction after a cheap shot, Heath takes advantage and eliminates David. Goldust is the next in the ring to face Heath. He does manage to get to the Nexus corner and tags in David Otunga. With the assist of Darren Young, Otunga gets the upperhand. Goldust is now eliminated.

"What the hell."

However Mark Henry comes into the ring.

"Uh oh, Nexus is in trouble."

Heath tags himself back in and he suffers the same fate as Otugna. He goes back and tags in Darren Young. After getting taken down, he goes over and tags in Skip. After taking care of him, he pulls Justin into the ring and then slams into him in the corner, flattening him. Skip however hits Mark from behind with a clothesline and Mark's eliminated.

"Team Raw's in trouble."

"No kidding."

Skip tries to hit them both off the apron, but they work together and kick him at the same time. Tyson jumps and Skip hits him with a clothesline. Back over to the corner, he tags Darren in and he finishes it.

"Nooo.....Evan..." Charity frowns since he's the last one left and he's no match for Nexus.

"There you go Evan....keep at shots. Stay in the match."

"Nooo!" Charity yells as Wade gets him on his shoulders and hits him with Wasteland, thus pinning him and winning the match.

"Poor Evan." I frown.

They however start to pick a fight with him after the match like they always do when they hurt people.

"Can't anyone do something? Come on!" Charity winces as they all hit their vicious finishers on him.

"I guess not. No one wants to mess with Nexus. Not even the officials."

Charity sighs. "They really need to go."

"We agree Charity, we agree."

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you've just witnessed was an act of total domination. You see The Nexus, we've always been 100% behind a common purpose. But Cena's team, or Jericho's team if that's what we're calling them now. The cracks are already starting to show."


"And those cracks are caused by their own individual egos and agendas. And I assure you, come Summerslam, those cracks are gonna destroy the very foundation of that team."

"Cena, you have a team of individuals. Who unlike us don't have a singular focus. You see no member of your team is willing to sacrifice for the better-ment of the group, like we would do. Like we have done. What you are looking at right here, right now, is The Nexus. And we are unbreakable." Skip adds.

Then a cameraman comes into the locker room because Mike has a locker room segment with Sheamus coming up. We all have to get out of the camera's way of course.

"SummerSlam will be no different from what we just did here tonight. You know what, we will eliminate each member of our opposing team until there's only one person left, and John Cena you have no idea how much I hope that person is you. So we can...take our time and treat you like...a piece of meat. We'll kindly sink our teeth deep into your flesh until we rip you apart. And everyone here has had their fill. You know what, we will pounce and when we do, we're gonna put you out of your misery. Hah, and then for you mercifully, it'll be over. In more ways than one." Tarver ends.

"All I'm saying, John's team better win at SummerSlam."

Nexus leaves the ring and heads to the back. The segment that Mike has starts and he's sitting there, rubbing his temple, frustrated. He looks up and then stands face to face with Sheamus who had walked in just now.

"You have some neck on ya', don't ya' Miz? Huh? That's two weeks in a row now you've tried to cash in that Money in the Bank contract. When you believed me at me most vulnerable. Well let me explain something to ya'. Hey, look at me. It's never gonna happen. You're dreaming lad. There is no chance in the world that you can beat me. You think you can? Really? Well then you name the time, the place, and I promise ya', I'll leave ya' black and blue."

"Name the time and place. I don't know. How 'bout tonight? How 'bout...immediately after we face Cena and Jericho. After I win that match, I throw you back in that ring, and watch as Cena hits you with an Attitude Adjustment, and Jericho puts you in the Walls of Jericho. Then...when you're screaming for mercy, saying...'make the pain stop, I can't take it anymore fella'. I cash it in, hit the SKull Crushing Finale, and walk out of here the WWE Champion."

"I'm warning you keep pushing me, and I'll make you regret it." Sheamus says angrily and punches the briefcase out of Mike's hand.

They stare off, Sheamus breathing heavily before leaving. The camera fades on Mike's frustrated face, and we're in the clear. We go back to our chairs and Stef picks up the briefcase for Mike.

"Looks like another dent in your briefcase." She states, handing it back to him.

"You've got to be careful around him Mike, I honestly thought he was going to punch you." I state.

"Yeah, I mean he had us all wondering what was gonna happen. You know what I think he needs? Anger management. For an Irishman, he's awfully angry all the time." Charity adds.

"Am I still going to be out there with you?" Stef asks Mike.

"As much as I really don't want you out there because of Sheamus....just as long as you stay safe, you can."

"I promise, I'll be safe."

The next match of the night was a Divas match and out first was the Bella Twins. Brie would be competing with Nikki out there for support. Her opponent, Alicia, who was the current Divas Champion.

"I'd rather be competing." I sigh. "But unfortunately I'm not a face so I can't face Alicia, who's a heel."

"I know." Stef nods in agreement.

"I can at least." Charity adds.

Then during the match, Jillian comes out and gets involved. The match wasn't long and Brie fell victim to the scissors kick and lost the match. Jillian gets into the ring and gets a mic.

"Congratulations Alicia! Those twins finally got what they deserved. So Alicia, I have a gift for you. I'm gonna siiiiiing!"

"Oh god."

"Please don't."

"Cover your ears."

As soon as she starts singing, we all cover our ears. Alicia's not impressed and she hits her with the scissors kick as well.

"Oh thank god." I uncover my ears. "Someone finally shut her up."

"Her words." Alex shakes his head.

"She can make people's ears bleed with that god awful singing."

We all agree.

After the break, Truth was rapping ringside.

"San Antonio! What's up!"

Ted then comes out with Maryse on his arm.

"Gold digger." I sing. "Only with him for his money. She knows he's rich so she's taking complete advantage of it."

"Not to mention she's a whore."

"I know. She may be heel like you two, but I know you hate her just as much as I do."

Morrison comes out next. The bell rings and they lock up, John in the corner. The ref backs him up, Maryse distracts John and Ted takes complete advantage of it.

"Come on Ted. You can beat him."

He goes for the cover, but he kicks out.

"Damn. Let's go Ted."

Ted gloats, but John hits him in the mouth and takes advantage from there. After hitting Ted with a Flash Kick he goes to hit Starship Pain. But Maryse gets up onto the apron and causes a distraction. Ted then rolls John up, using the ropes for leverage and Truth knocks his feet away.


Ted hits a drop toe hold and John hits Truth. Ted gets out of the ring quickly to celebrate his win with Maryse.

"Hah! Take that JoMo." Stef cheers.

"Psh. Still the Jannety." Mike scoffs.

John and Truth argue, the egos getting in the way. John Cena is backstage watching the arguing and shakes his head, because he's starting to get worried.

"Don't blame him for getting worried. I mean he's got a team of men who aren't exactly friends with each other." Jon states.


After a quick break, there's a video package of what happened last week between Nexus and John Cena.

"Hey....we have to get going now. Randy's doing an interview after this and then it's the main event."

"Aww, ok."

"Kick ass Mike....forget about Whitey out there."

"I'll try my best."

"You stay safe Stef." Alex states.

"I will." She nods.

And with that, they leave the room.

"Before we actually head to the curtain...." Mike trails off.

"....yeah?" She asks.

Next thing she knows, she pushed up against the wall and his lips are on hers. It takes her a bit to respond, but when she does, she wraps her arms around his neck and holds him close, kissing back with as much passion that he's giving her. They pull away and he rests his forehead against hers, catching his breath.

"What....was that for? Not that....I'm complaining."

"I just wanted to....and....a bit of good luck." He grins.

"Let's hope it works."

He nods and pulls her away from the wall and they continue the rest of the way to the curtain. Meanwhile backstage, Randy's interview was up.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, The Viper, Randy Orton. Randy earlier tonight you prevented The Miz from cashing in his Money in the Bank contract. So does this mean at SummerSlam you'd rather face Sheamus instead of The Miz?"

"If you were paying attention Josh, you would've noticed that before I RKO'd The Miz, I did the same thing to Sheamus. I think the message that I sent tonight was very clear. The question of who will be champion walking into SummerSlam does not matter. Because who will walk out as Champion will be answered with an RKO."

With that being said, the cameras cut to the ring and Mike's music was the first to go off, him and Stef walking out.

"This is a tag team bout, scheduled for one fall! Approaching the ring first, accompanied by Stefanie, from Cleveland Ohio. Weighing 231 pounds, he is the United States Champion The Miz!"

Mike and Stef get up onto the ring and holds the ropes for her as she gets in, followed by himself. He stands in the middle of the ring and raises the Money in the Bank briefcase in the air, before stepping aside to wait for Sheamus...his tag team partner. Sheamus's music then hits.

"And his tag team partner, from Dublin Ireland. Weighing 272 pounds, he is the WWE Champion, The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!"

After staring Mike down, Sheamus enters the ring.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this match?" I ask.

"Because Sheamus is dangerous?"


Chris was the next one out.

"And introducing their opponents. First from Winnipeg, Mantoba, Canada. Weighing 226 pounds, Chris Jericho!"

Once he was in the ring, they hit John's music.

"And from West Newbury, Massachusetts. Weighing 240 pounds, John Cena!!!"

Stef gets out of the ring to safety and both teams argue about who's going first. Mike however goes after John, but John ducks him and immediately takes care of him.

"So I guess it's John and Mike starting things out."

"Looks like it."

So far, John hits him with everything he's got, following a bulldog. Mike rolls out to recover and Stef walks over to check on him, making sure he's okay.

"You got this okay? Focus." Stef tells him sternly.

He nods and slides back into the ring. He backs up and tags Sheamus, telling him to get into face John.

"That's alright. Do what you have to do Mike."

Sheamus has control of the back, until John gets to his feet and out of the side hold. After a shoulderblock, he hits a few right hands and backs Sheamus into the corner and Chris tags himself in, going after Sheamus himself. Sheamus counters and shifts the power into his hands...for only mere seconds. Soon enough, Sheamus gets knocked out of the ring and Mike goes over and complains to Sheamus about he's doing.

"Mike..." Stef says quietly. B

But soon, Chris tags in John and it's Sheams vs John. John's in the heel corner and Mike's tagged in. The crowd is chanting Cena and he comes back with a Fisherman Suplex. He covers Mike, Mike kicks out at two. John gets Mike in his corner and tags in Jericho. Stef winces at every hit Mike takes.

"Come on Mike!"

Chris goes up and over the top of Mike and, going for the Walls of Jericho. Mike struggles to get out of it, and Sheamus tries to get involved but Chris dropkicks him off the side of the apron by Stef and she just steps away. Mike however comes back with a boot to the face.

"There you go! Cover him!"

Mike kicks him in the gut and picks him up by the hair, getting him in his corner and tags Sheamus in. They double team until Mike gets out of the ring. The ref's distracted so Mike interferes. After a clothesline, Sheamus goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Chris starts to get to his feet and out of the hold that Sheamus has on him, but gets hit with a backbreaker. Sheamus goes for the cover, but Chris kicks out. Back and forth action until Mike tags himself in and he picks up where Mike left off. Mike gets him in the ropes and holds him there, using the ropes to his advantage. Mike covers him, but Chris grabs the ropes, stopping the pin. Chris kicks Mike in the chin, followed by a missile dropkick.

"Get up Mike!" Stef screams, hitting the canvas.

Mike tags Sheamus in and he prevents Chris from tagging John in. He gets him in a crossface submission, but Chris says no to tapping or giving up. Chris gets to a vertical base and gets out of the hold, only to get thrown back into the corner and Mike tagged back in. He keeps at him in the corner, but the ref has to pull him off. He argues with the ref and then goes for the corner clothesline, but Chris moves out of the way.

"Oh Mike." Stef winces.

Mike gets to Sheamus and Chris gets to John. John basically cleans house, hitting Sheamus with everything he's got, including the five knuckle shuffle. Mike distracts the ref and Chris hits John with a Codebreaker. Mike gets tagged in and he covers John for the victory.

"The winners of this match, the team of Sheamus and The Miz!"

"YES!" Stef cheers and she goes over and hugs Mike.

Mike sees Sheamus coming and they grab the briefcase and the title before moving away from him quickly. They leave the ring area and Chris gets back into the ring where John was. He then gets John in the Walls of Jericho. John reverses it into a STF. Khali then comes out and pulls John off of him, telling him to stop. Edge comes in and spears Edge. This causes a fight between the team. Including Morrison and Truth.

"The team's faling apart."

"No kidding."

"Who knows how they'll survive SummerSlam."

"They may surprise us."

"True, well Jon and I are gonna head back now. See you guys tomorrow for NXT?"

"Of course." I nod.

They grab what they need before heading out the door. As they were heading out, Mike and Stef were heading back in.

"Well now that you two are back, I think Alex and I can go now right?"

"Yeah of course. You didn't have to wait for us you know."

"I know, but it's the nice thing to do. Oh and great job out there Mike." I congratulate.

"Thank you. You know me...always doing my best and proving people wrong."

"Exactly. Well I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow for NXT then?"

"Yeah, of course." Stef nods.

"Alright, bye guys." I say when Alex and I get up.

They say their goodbyes before we head out of the room. Mike heads in to get changed, leaving Stef in the locker room itself for a bit. It doesn't take him too long and he once again comes out, but ready to go.

"All set?" She asks.

"Mmhmm. Long day tomorrow. We need the rest. Media before NXT."

"I can't wait."

They both grab their things before leaving the locker room themselves, and heading out to their car to head back to the hotel like the rest of us did.