Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Second Poll and Elimination

"So who do you think is going home tonight?" I ask.

"I don't know, I really hope it's not Jon."

"And I hope it's not Alex."

"You know Eli's been slacking lately, he's not exactly a fan favorite, so maybe he'll get sent home?"

"Maybe. He's not really useful. He's the like The Great Khali. He's tall but has a limited move set."


"And John's his pro." Mike scoffs.

"Mike be nice." Stef lightly smacks his arm.

"What? It's true. John won't ever get to the places I've been. Like I've always said....he's the Jannetty and always will be. I'm the bigger superstar than him."

"Yes, so we've heard a million times. But be nice. He's not that bad. Do you forget that we're friends with Melina, therefore we're friends with John since they're dating?"

Just then he goes quiet.

"That's what I thought."

Soon Alex and Jon come out, ready for the show. Then we all head out of the locker room and to the curtain where we had to wait. Only because Stef and Mike had to go out after the pyros went off to sit on the stage with the rest of the pros. It came to be that time and the show had started like always. Once the pyros went off and were cleared from the stage, Mike and Stef along with the other pros went out on the stage and sat in their seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your NXT rookies!" Striker announces like always.

"Showtime Percy Watson."

"Accompanied by Kalena, Alex Riley."

"Michael McGillicutty."


"Husy Harris."

"Eli Cottonwood."

"Accompanied by Charity, Lucky Cannon."

"Gentlemen, after tonight only six rookies will remain. One step closer to your dream becoming the WWE's next breakout star. Whomever is ranked last in the NXT poll, will have their dreams dashed. But let's not forget, the NXT poll is a partnership between you the WWE Universe, who have been voting all week on, and the other half, the vote comes from the WWE pros. Gentlemen thank you for being here, we know it's a big night for you. Most of you are going to have an opportunity to prove yourself physically later tonight. But right now all of you are gonna have an opportunity to prove yourself verbally. Now normally when allow you to speak, we give you a topic or a question to answer, but that's not the case tonight. Tonight we're gonna find out what's inside each and every one of you. You have a minute to talk about anything you want except why you should not be eliminated. Your job is to impress the WWE Universe, impress the WWE pros, impress everyone. Lucky Cannon, you will tell us your topic, then you have one minute to impress the world. Go."

"My topic is friends. You see, growing up I didn't have a whole lot of friends. Only one that I can even think of right now. His name was nobody. You see when I did well in school and sports, nobody seemed to care."

The crowd is all boos.

"Oh shut up." Charity mutters to herself about the crowd.

"When I was hurt, and I was down, nobody really cared about me. But you see, now that I'm this close to being in the WWE, it seems like everybody cares. When I'm in this ring, and I'm fired up, and I'm going for that pin, everybody cheers. Or when I'm getting kicked or hurt, it seems like everybody...everybody's concerned. You see I've lost a childhood friend. But I'll never forget that thanks to nobody, I've become a somebody."

"Thank you Lucky Cannon, please pass the microphone. Eli Cottonwood please step forward. You've got one minute, go."

"My eyes. There's something I can do that nobody else in this ring can do. There's something I can do, that nobody in this arena can do. And there's something I can do that nobody in the WW Universe can do as well. I can look in the eyes of a giant. I can look in the eyes of the WWE Heavyweight Champion. And lastly, I can look in the eyes of the Deadman himself, The Undertaker."


"Thank you Eli Cottonwood. Please give the microphone....Husky Harris what is your topic?"

"My topic is Husky."

"Husky?" I mutter.

"Husky is the topic. You have one minute, go."

"Have you ever heard the term looks like Tarzan, hits like Jane? Oh, well I look at all my NXT competition and I just see a bunch of big bodies and abs and tans. And then I start thinking to myself, well...they all look like Tarzan but they fight like Jane."

"Whoa excuse me?" I say outloud.

"He did not just say Jon fights like a girl." Charity adds, outloud of course.

"He said Alex fights like a girl. Ohhh, so writing a bad comment on that down." Stef says, writing on her clipboard.

"But me, I'm different now. I'm big, I'm bad, I'm mean, I'm real. You want to see how real I am, you can just ask Mr. MVP up there how he felt about last week's. You see, because I do not look like Tarzan and fight like Jane, I just look like Husky and I fight like an army tank with a Ferrari engine."

"Psh, jealous ass."

"Alright Husky, please give the microphone to Kaval. Kaval what's your topic?"

"My topic is dreams."

"Dreams? You have one minute, go."

"Have you ever had a dream?"

"No, I've had nightmares." Charity scoffs.

"Have you ever had one you inspire to so much that it hurts? I had a dream, growing up in Brooklyn, New York. I had a dream to perform on a great stage. The greatest stage of them all actually."

LayCool stands there on the stage, mouths open wide with big smiles on their faces.

"Oh my god, sit the fuck down!" Stef screams.

"I had people telling me I didn't belong. I had people telling me, I didn't have what it took. Did you get angry when someone told you that? 'Cause I did, and when I did, I competed for over a decade as Low-Ki, and proved that it wasn't the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight he will bring. And that will allow me to become the next breakout star."

"Michael McGillicutty, what is your topic?"

"Hey don't worry man, I'll get to that later alright?"

"Michael, what's your topic?"

"Just don't worry about it."

"Alright man, you've got 60 seconds, go for it."

"Last week I won the obstacle course challenge, proving again that I am the man to beat here on NXT. And also last week, a video package was put together where the WWE pros had to comment on my progress so far. And everybody up there was all good, it was all good. Except for one. Miz, did you call me mediocre?"

"Yes I did." Mike states with an amused look on his face and Stef snickers.

"And yes you are." He adds, with the same amused look and Stef laughs harder.

"Heh, I'm 4 and 0, I'm undefeated, and I'm a whole lot better than mediocre. So how bout this. How bout I you that you're the one who's mediocre, and I'm the one...who is awesome."

"Psh, please." Stef scoffs.

"How about you get a WWE Raw or SmackDown contract and then you can talk to me. Until then, you can be a rookie and you can be a wannabe."

"Amen to that."

"Okay, Alex Riley. What is your topic Alex?"

"My topic is Starbucks."

"Okay then." I laugh to myself.

"Starbucks, you have a minute, go."

"Now let's face it. If this was up to the WWE pros, or anybody with an education, I would've won this contest and will win this contest by a country mile! But since it's left up to the democracy of dorks out there, I have to take into account that you might be slightly entertained by a guy who thinks he's trying out for a Morgan Freeman part, as the voice of god."

I cover my mouth with my hand and laugh quietly.

"Or a poor...poor...poor imitation of Eddie Murphy. Now unlike some people on this show, I refuse to change who I am to cater to the WWE Universe. Because if this is in fact the WWE Universe I'm standing in, in the NXT galaxy, I might as well be the sun. Because everything on this show, revolves around Alex Riley and there are no other stars to be found, just a bunch of starbucks employees."

"Alright, Alex please give the mic to Showtime Percy Watson. Percy what is your topic?"

"I guess my topic will be having a good time."

"The topic is having a good time. You've got 60 seconds to do it, go."

"Hey look here, people are always asking me, hey Percy man, you always seem to be talking about enjoying yourself, chilling, relaxing and simply partying. And you know what I say to that? Oh yeah, absolutely right baby, you know what I'm saying. 'Cause look here, the way I see it baby, life is hard baby. Life is extremely hard, and I've worked hard each and every day of my life to get to where I am, you know what I'm saying? And you've got to keep working hard to obtain things, and my motto is this. Work hard, play harder. If you with me on that, let me hear you say oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about baby, look here. Life is short too, you know what I'm saying? Life is real short. You've got to keep doing yo thang, shaking and grooving, you know what I'm saying? So best believe baby, if you got the dime, best believe I've got the good time baby. Let me hear you say, uh uh oh yeah! Come and get yourself percified baby, that's what I'm talking about."

"Thank you rookies. Tonight someone will be eliminated, and someone is one steps closer to their dream of becoming the WWE's next breakout star. Josh, Michael, what do you got?"

As we head to the back, they show a video package about the pros talking about Percy.

"Alright, I've got to get ready for my match." Charity tells Jon as we get backstage.

"Who are you facing?"


"Ohh ok. Want me to be out there with you?" He asks.

"Don't have to ask me twice. Of course I do. Just wait here, and I'll be right out." She kisses Jon's cheek before heading inside to change.

Once she was changed, she came back out and she and Jon both headed to the curtain where the rest of the rookies were waiting, including Alex and myself. After a few moments they hit Charity's music and she comes out with Jon first. After getting to the ring and doing her in-ring routine, they hit Alicia's music hits and she walks out with the title of course. She poses on the ropes and kisses the title, before handing it off to the ref and he hands it off to a ringside attendant.

"Come on Char, you've got this!" Jon cheers.

The bell rings and they lock up instantly. The strength between them was equal, but Alicia got Charity into the ropes. Charity pushes off, still locked with her. Alicia however gets out of it and flips Charity, holding her down by the throat, somewhat still locked up with her.

"Come on Char!"

Charity gets to her feet and pushes Alicia into the corner, but not getting the completely. She then gets out of the tie up, throwing Alicia halfway across the ring. Alicia glares at her, but Charity gives her a mocking grin. They lock up again as Alicia storms towards her and grabs her, but Charity gets her in a side headlock. Alicia pushes her into the ropes and Charity comes back with a huge and painful clothesline. She goes for the cover, Alicia kicks out. They're both back on their feet and Charity grabs her legs and drops her, before going for a Jack Knife cover, but Alicia kicks out again. Charity follows that up with a couple of dropkicks, the final one sending Alicia into the corner. Charity goes over and kicks her in the chest a few times, before helping her up and setting her up on top. She climbs and then helps Alicia to a standing position just like her on the top. She wraps her arm around her neck and grabs Alicia's bottoms, before delivering a superplex off the top rope. She goes for the cover after a few seconds, but Alicia still seems to kick out.

"Ref, that was three. Count! 1-2-3!" Jon yells.

Alicia then rolls out of the ring and Charity is hot on her trail, following her. Alicia comes back with an elbow to the face, so Charity just grabs her and spears her into the side of the ring before sliding back in. She grabs Alicia by the hair and drags her back into the ring herself. Alicia starts crawling, trying to get to her feet. Charity won't have it. She helps her up herself instead and delivers a neckbreaker. She then sets her up for a painful submission and after some resisting, Alicia finally taps out, Charity winning.

"Here is your winniner, Charity!"

She stands up and the ref holds her hand up in victory. Jon slides into the ring and engulfs her in a hug.

"Knew you could do it." He grins before kissing her briefly.

After their celebration, they leave the ring and head up the ramp to the back. Of course there were a few moments after they got backstage where MVP's music was set off. He and Percy go out for a match.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Miami Florida, weighing 240 pounds. Showtime Percy Watson!"

There was a quick break where they advertised SummerSlam real quick with a video package. Zack had went out during the break to face Percy.

"Go Zack!" Charity cheers.

The bell rings and Zack complains about MVP being out there with Percy. They circle and almost lock up, but Zack clubs Percy over the back with his arm. He gets him in a quick side facelock until Percy gets out of it by sending Zack into the ropes. Zack comes back and hits Percy with a shoulder block. He comes off the ropes, jumps over Percy who has rolled over onto his stomach. Zack comes back and Percy leap frog jumps over him and hits him with a shoulder block himself. Zack grabs Percy's legs and drops him before delivering repeated right hand punches. Zack then throws him into the corner and repeatedly kicks him. He backs up and hits him with a kick to the side of the head through the ropes. He goes for the cover, but Percy kicks out. He hits Percy with a knee and covers him again, Percy still kicking out. Zack gets him in a potential submission, and Percy gets to his feet and out of the hold, hitting Zack with a right hand. Zack however trips Percy and sends him face first into the corner. Zack backs up again and goes to kick him in the side of the head through the ropes, but Percy moves. After Zack gets up, Percy hits him with a standing dropkick two times before getting reversed into the ropes, but Percy comes back with a clothesline. Zack rolls out of the ring, but stays outside the ropes. Percy goes over and Zack drops down, making Percy hit the top rope on his neck. Zack slides back in, backs up near the corner and goes for the Rough Ryder, but Percy counters. Percy capitalizes and hits Zack with a DDT, face first.

"Oh no...come on Zack."

Percy does his finisher and pins Zack, being the first rookie to pin a pro on NXT.

"Here is your winner, Showtime Percy Watson!"

Stef and Mike, along with the other pros make notes on their clipboards of Percy's win over a pro, Zack Ryder. Mike is impressed going 'wow'. They replay the highlights of the match before MVP and Percy leave the ring.

"Impressive." Stef states.

There's a quick break before going back to Cole and Josh ringside. They replay last week's Obstacle Course with a video package, showing that McGillicutty had won the challenge, being immune this week. During that, McGillicutty was in the ring, along with Eli Cottonwood.

"This should be interesting."

The bell rings and McGillicutty gets backed into a corner, but fights back. That doesn't last long however, since Eli starts throwing him around. He hits him with a side suplex and goes for the cover, McGillicutty kicking out. With every hit, we all wince. After a clothesline, Eli goes for another cover, but McGillicutty kicks out. After a bit, McGillicutty starts to fight back, but Eli hits him with an inverted atomic drop. McGillicutty gets him caught in the ropes and goes after the injured leg. He dropkicks him in the face and she stalks him before hitting him with a swinging neck breaker. He covers him and wins the match.

Stef nods and writes down her thoughts on the clipboard, same with Mike.

"As you know, later tonight we will announce our next NXT poll determined by 50% by you the WWE Universe, and 50% by our WWE pros. So let's hear from our pros one more time to get their insight about NXT rookie Kaval."

"You know, who honestly cares about Kaval? I've had a grudge against him since he almost caused you to get a concussion down in FCW. I will never forget him doing that to you." I cross my arms as I watch the video package. "Just thank god for padded barriers here."

Then Kaval is backstage with LayCool and they're complaining about how he's not wearing the shirt they gave him. Husky walks by and purposely bumps into Kaval.

"Hey. Do you have a problem?"

"I'm sorry small fry, I didn't see you standing there. But can you blame me? You're just not very noticeable."

"He was noticeable enough to be number one, where were you?!" Michelle retorts and then she and Layla start screaming at him.

"Whoa! How precious. You let your girlfriends do all your talking for you?"

"No, you're sadly mistaken. All the talking that I need to do is in that ring."

"Ooooh. I really hope that's true. You bring that into the ring, I might just have some fun with you yet."

"Know what Husky, you're right. Tonight, we're gonna have a lot of fun." He smirks before walking away.

"That's real talk."

"Real talk."

"See ya."

"See ya."

"I hate when they repeat each other." Charity grumbles. "I mean we get it the first time for crying out loud."

"But at least there's one more match before the poll and elimination."


Up next was the match and since it was a break, LayCool and Kaval went out during the break to the ring. They were just getting to the ring and Jamie introduced him. The bell rings and the match starts. Kaval uses his agility to evade Husky. But Husky starts to throw him around like a rag doll. However Kaval comes back with all the high flying moves and kicks, even after the cover he goes for. Husky just turns Kaval inside out with a clothesline. He goes for the cover, but Kaval kicks out.

"Hmm I wanna say Husky will win, but Kaval and pull out a surprise at any time."


Another kickout from Kaval and then Layla and Michelle get knocked off the apron thanks to Husky and Kaval is distracted so Husky takes advantage of that. He does end up pinning him and winning.

"Oh look I was right with my original prediction."

The ref goes over to check on LayCool, and they tell him what happened and she just shrugs because it's too late and he can't do anything. Stef and Mike write on their clipboards.

"Okay, we hope that LayCool is okay. But in the meantime, the rookies have started to make their case. It's now up to you the WWE Universe and you, our WWE pros. Please gather up, tally up your votes. When we come back, someone's dream will die, someone will be eliminated from NXT next."

Stef and Mike get up and converse with everyone about their tallies and comments during the break and video package of Nexus and John Cena's team. Once all the tallies were gathered up, they were given to Striker and the votes were calculated. Now all there is to do is wait to see who is where and who stays and who goes. All the rookies however have made their way down to the ring to get ready for the poll. Alex let me be down there with him this time.

"If a fight breaks out, I'm getting you to safety first." Alex mutters and I nod.

"I trust you." I say quietly and kiss his cheek, lacing my fingers with his as we wait.

After a review of the matches for SummerSlam, it was time for the poll and elimination.

"Ladies and gentlemen these are the faces of seven rookies with dreams of becoming the WWE's next breakout star. But only one rookie can win NXT and earn a championship match live on Pay-Per-View. But on the flipside, whichever rookie and ranked last in the NXT poll, will be eliminated tonight. Now we stand on the brink of the unknown, but one thing that we do know is that one rookie is safe from elimination. The rookie that won last week's obstacle course challenge, Michael McGillicutty has earned immunity, you are safe."

"Psh, for cheating." I mutter.

"But for the rest of you, the time is upon us. Let's see the new NXT poll."

"I may squeeze your hand hard, so be prepared." I mutter to Alex and he nods.

We watch the tron and ranked first is McGillicutty...of course. Ranked second, Kaval.

"Really?" I sigh, but squeeze Alex's hand as we wait for the next spot to be revealed.

Ranked third was Alex.

"Oh thank god." I breathe a sigh of relief.

"There you go. That's a little better. That's a little better, that's a little better. Just a little bit. It's gonna be one soon." Alex states.

Ranked 4th, Percy Watson. Ranked 5th, Lucky.

"Woooooo!" Charity cheers from up on the stage. "Another week! Yes!"

That left Husky and Eli.

"Okay. Husky Harris please step forward. Eli Cottonwood please step forward. For one of you, you'll remain safe and your dream of becoming the WWE's next breakout star will continue. But for the other, you will be eliminated. Let's see who's going home."

The drumroll sounds and after some wait, ranked sixth was Husky and last was Eli.


"Eli Cottonwood, you have been eliminated. But I'd like to give you an opportunity. Do you have anything you want to say to the WWE Universe? This is your time, go right ahead."

Eli takes the mic, but he says nothing and goes right over to attack Husky. Alex quickly gets me out of the way while he jumps up onto the ring. Alex then jumps on Eli, trying to get involved and stop him. Jon tried getting involved and stopping him but he couldn't. He then grabs one arm and McGillicutty grabs the other and Alex jumps on top of him again. Husky and McGillicutty have left him alone now. Alex onces again jumps onto his back to stop his craziness, but he gets thrown to the floor. And now it's just Jon and Eli going at it, before he tosses him away as well. Eli finally leaves, and he shoves Morrison before going to the back. Once he was gone, I made my way back over to Alex and I knew he was alright because he wasn't holding anything, he wasn't in any visible pain. I walk up and wrap my arms around his waist, cuddling into his side.

"Okay, hang on a second. Husky Harris, you were this close to being eliminated. Let me ask you something. Is there something about your personality or your in-ring skill that you think maybe is not connecting with the WWE Universe. And if so, what're you gonna do to fix it before it's too late?"

"This is all I have to say. They've seen the warpath that I've been on for the past couple weeks. If that ain't stepping up, then I don't know what is and I don't know if it exists. This is MY competition, MY dream, I deserve this!"

"Number one is Michael McGillicutty, you didn't even need the immunity tonight. What's number one feel like and what're you gonna do to stay there?"

"Well ever since I began this competition, I said I'm gonna win it. I'm 5 and 0, I'm on the right path. And trust me, when it's all said and done, my record will be whatever and 0. And I'll go on to become a world champion."

"Alright, let's hear it from some more rookies. Alex Riley, were you concerned when huge Eli Cottonwood jumped you?"

"I was absolutely not concerned. I may have been concerned for Kalena, my girlfriend. But for myself, I was not concerned. I'm a much better athlete than Eli Cottonwood would ever dream of being. And Matt, to be perfectly honest with you, at number three I'm not really worried, because I know, I'm better than these two. So in the next six weeks, or however long it takes, I'll I got is two spots to climb and believe me gentlemen, I will be climbing to number one." Alex states before shoving the mic into McGillicutty's hands.

That's when he gets in Alex's face, and Alex pushes me back so I'm safe and out of the way yet again. Mike yells for Alex to do something, hit him maybe. Alex shoves him instead.

"Hey Miz, whoa hang on guys..." Striker trails off as McGillicutty and Alex go at it.

Jon comes over and pulls Alex off of McGillicutty and then Eli comes back out and goes after him and a fight ensues...even after the show ends. Refs come out to break up the action, telling Eli to leave.

"Alex are you okay?" I ask him, looking him over.

"I'm fine." He nods.

"Thanks again for getting me to safety."

"I can't let you get hurt. It's the least I can do."

I nod. "I still thank you. Make it an early night?" I ask.


"Alright, let's get you changed and we can head back to the hotel for the night."

He nods again and we make our way back up the ramp, following Mike and Stef to the back. Charity had come down to the ring to check on Jon who was attacked by Eli.

"Jon?" She says in concern.

"I'll be okay." He nods.

"Oh thank god."

"Come on, let's get me changed and make it an early night. It's been a long one and I'm exhausted."

"I kind of figured as much. Need help getting to the back?"


"Of course."

He puts an arm around her shoulders and leans into her for support as they head up the ramp.

"You know, I don't understand why you were ranked so low. The fans love you. You were so close to being gone and I almost had a heart attack." Charity starts ranting.

"I know, but it's not just them, it's the pros out there on the stage watching every week. I guess I haven't made much of an impression."

"Well screw the pros....except Mike of course....I know you're good enough to be a WWE Superstar."

"And that means a lot coming from you Char."

"I know, and it's the truth."

"I wish others would see that as the truth." He sighs. "What if I don't make it? I'll be thrust back into FCW."

"You don't make it, that's fine. You can still come on the road with me, I can still come down and see your matches. We'll keep an eye on WWE and see if they'll bring you back for another chance. We can do anything and everything in our power to try and get you here. Think positive, and less negative."

"Right." He nods, as they reach the locker room.

They walk in and Jon heads into the changing area to get ready to leave. Mike and Stef left right after the show ended. Alex just came out of the changing area just as Jon walked in.

"You two have a good night." I tell Charity.


We all say our goodbyes before Alex and I leave the room to head back to the hotel to relax for the night. It's not too long after that when Jon comes out from changing. He and Charity both gather their things and they too leave to head back.