Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Six Nights Before SummerSlam

Since we are six nights away from SummerSlam, we traveled to California for the show tonight. We're in Sacramento, which is good, because we can stay at Mike's place. But since there was only one guest room, Charity and Jon are staying at the hotel where all our co-workers stay. But currently, we're all at the arena, getting ready for the show which starts in about 10 minutes. Stef and I have a match tonight, it's a Divas Summer Spectacular 8-Women tag match. She and I will be facing Eve and Gail, Maryse and Jillian and the Bella Twins. The catch this match...we have to wear bathing suits. I chose something more suitable. The bottoms of my suit are shorts so I'm not revealing a lot like most of the girls would.

"So you both have matches tonight?" I ask Mike and Alex.

"Yep. My match is first against Evan.." Mike replies.

"And I'm in a six man tag. Teaming with Husky and McGillicutty." Alex adds.

"Facing Kaval, me and Percy." Jon finishes.

"Finally competing on Raw. First taste of how competing on the show feels."

"I know. I can't wait."

Mike was ready to go and he and Stef heading out of the room and to the curtain as the show started. Alex and Jon were already set to go for tonight. Stef and I didn't need to get into our bathing suits until later. We sit there and watch as the pyros now go off to officially start the show.

"We are at our final stop on the road to Sunday's SummerSlam. Monday Night Raw is live tonight in California's capital city of Sacramento. In the ARCO Arena. Michael Cole, Jerry 'The King' Lawler at ringside and what a main event here tonight." Cole starts off.

"Oh it's a historic night here on Raw as two of the most popular superstars in WWE history team together for the very first time. John Cena partners with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart to take on Chris Jericho and Edge. But the added explosive element, Nexus are gonna be Lumberjacks." Jerry adds.

Shortly after that, they play Bret's music.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome WWE Hall of Famer, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!" Justin Roberts announces.

"Hello Sacramento! You know for the past two weeks, I've been back home in Calgary training like an absolute lunatic, getting ready for SummerSlam! Just to see everything fall apart. Yeah I'm a little disappointed, that would be an understatement. One week ago, Edge and Chris Jericho decided to quit Team WWE. But three weeks ago, I put my reputation on the line when I went to see my good friend John Cena. And I vouched for both of those guys. I told him, I said they got the experience. They know, they're gonna understand, they're gonna see the big picture. They're gonna know that Nexus..that their momentum needs to be stopped and it needs to be stopped right now. Well I guess I was wrong. But you know, it's not too late. That's why I want to take this opportunity right now to ask Chris Jericho and Edge to come down here and face me, face to face. See if we can put this machine back together again."

"I think it's a lost cause. They clearly want no involvement, even though they're needed."

After some hesitation, Chris' music goes off and walks out solo.

"Well I wasn't expecting him to come out by himself. Wonder what he has to say."

"Probably nothing good."

"More than likely."

"Well I can't speak for Edge Bret, but I'm here, so dazzle me. Impress me. Tell me that I'm the best in the world at what I do. Yeah. Blow me away with your-"

"Shut up, shut up. That's not what I came here for. I don't got time for that kind of crap. Look, it's put up time. This is your chance to be a man. This is your time to step up to the plate. Change things. I went to John Cena, I put my reputation on the line. Just for you guys to join the team. So I'm asking you right now. If you don't join Team WWE, you think you're hurting us? You're not hurting us. You're hurting yourselves. Listen. It's obvious Nexus doesn't want anything to do with you. And it's obvious that all the superstars on Raw that you turned your backs on, they don't want nothing to do with you. Let's face it, if you look at it, Nexus walks out of SummerSlam with their hands raised as the victors, you're only hurting yourself. You'll be like men without countries. You'll be outcasts, you've turned your back on everybody and you'll have nowhere to go. You're gonna be dogs without bones."

"You know, I think we get it. Enough metaphors."

"So this is your chance. You step up, join Team WWE and make things right. Do the honorable thing!"

"He's not honorable, so why would he?"

"I'll ask you right now to your face. Will you consider and rejoin Team WWE right now?! Or are you gonna disappoint all your fans from all over the world? Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and know you quit. You walked out. You turned your back. You broke your word. This is your chance to do right."

"Again....we get it."

"Bret, you've said some things that really made me think, the way you put things that way. And my answer is....still no."

"Of course."

"I had you figured out years ago Hart. You're a phony. You're a hypocrite just like all of them. Oh yeah. You're not concerned about beating Nexus. You're just concerned about getting the worst beating of your career tonight, right here at the hands of Edge and myself. You're worried about getting speared, you're worried about submitting to the Walls of Jericho. You're a frightened man Bret, you're desperate. I can see it in your eyes. You're scared. Uh huh. And even worse, you know that you can't be Nexus at SummerSlam without me, without Edge. You can't replace us. Nobody can replace us. Not in this company, not in this business. And once again in the WWE, Bret Hart is screwed."

"Someone sounds jealous."

"I made it very clear last week. I am not interested in teaming with John Cena, and I'm even less interested in teaming with you. All I care about tonight, is dismantling the mighty Bret Hart, right here."

Just when he stopped, that's when Edge's music goes off and he comes out finally.

"Chris, what's the matter with you man? This is Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. We grew up idolizing him. He's the reason that we got into this business Chris. You trained in his father's dungeon, I grew up in Toronto, I had his poster on my wall. I shoveled driveways every winter to save up money so I could go down to Maple Leaf Gardens. I could sit there and hope...hope that Bret put those sunglasses on my head. So Bret, I don't know about Jericho but you can count me in."

Chris looks at them both before leaving. Edge shakes Bret's hand, but tries to kick him. Bret catches his leg and drops him, setting up for the Sharpshooter. That's when Chris comes back in and attacks, with a thumb to the eye. He and Edge then leave the ring. Just as they back up the ramp, Natalya comes running out and climbs into the ring, clearly upset.

"Something's got to be wrong if she's upset. Oh no."

Then we see Nexus backstage, beating the hell out of Tyson and David Hart Smith.

"It's not your day is it Bret? Looks like you forgot about the Hart Dynasty being your replacements."

Nexus leaves the backstage area, while Bret and Natalya run backstage to the aid of David and Tyson.

"This Nexus thing is really getting out of control. What if they attack you next Mike?" Stef chews her lip in worry. "I mean you know how they are. Remember on the one episode of NXT where they came back? They almost attacked you, after you tried to reason with them. They'll really stop at nothing to hurt people, and I don't want to see you hurt."

"I know. I can promise you this. I will try to keep clear of them the best I can. I can't promise I'll succeed, but I will try and not get hurt. Alright?"

"Well I suppose so. Makes me feel better knowing you'll try. Best to focus on your match up next though."


As soon as the commercial break was over for those watching at home, WWE trainers are by David and Tyson's side. Bret gets up and grabs a chair.

"What're you doing?" Natalya asks.

"I'm gonna take things into my own hands." Bret states and goes to leave, but John stops him.

"Hey, whoa. I know I know, calm down. Calm down. this is exactly what Nexus wants us to do. I know what just happened. You walk out that door, you'll walk right out into their hands. They're gonna pick all of us apart one by one. We need to find out who's on the team, who's not on the team. I got to go talk to the Great Khali. Please please, stay here and take care of your family. I got this. Please."

Bret nods and goes over to Natalya, Tyson and David while John leaves. The cameras go back to the ring where they hit Mike's music. He walks out with Stef by his side. He stops at the top of the ramp, title around his waist and he raises the Money in the Bank briefcase, before locking his arm with Stef's and they both walk down the ramp together.

"This bout is set for one fall. Being accompanied by Stefanie, making his way to the ring from Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing 231 pounds, he is the United States Champion, The Miz!"

He lets her go so he could do his ring entrance. She walks up the steps and he holds the ropes open for her. Once she's in the ring, he walks to the middle and raises the briefcase once more. He then moves towards the ropes and his music fades as he hands Stef the briefcase and title to Stef, kissing her before she gets out of the ring.

"And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing 183 pounds, Evan Bourne!"

Even gets into the ring and does his in-ring routine. The music fade, the lights come up and the bell rings to start the match. They lock up and Mike knees him in the gut, followed by a punch to the head. Evan fights back with a kick to the leg. That's followed by another one, and Mike comes back with an elbow to the ribs and a boot to the face. He picks him up and kicks him again. He hits him in the chest a few times before walking around. He goes back and holds him against the ropes. He goes for the cover, but Evan kicks out.

"Come on Mike!"

He then runs and kicks him in the side. He picks him up by the hair and flips him over, getting him in a headlock. Evan starts to struggle and he gets to his feet and kicks Mike in the leg a few times. Evan's in the corner and Mike backs up. He charges and hits Evan with his corner clothesline. He goes for the cover and Evan kicks out. Mike keeps at him, locking in a face lock. Evan gets to his feet however and out of the hold. Mike comes back with a knee to the gut and then lifts him up into the air. Evan starts to knee him in the head and that's when Mike lets go. Mike goes back over, but only to get kicked into the corner by Evan. Then he does this top rope, flipping, pinning combo, and Mike thankfully kicks out. Stef breathes a sigh of relief. Evan goes to help Mike up and he does get up, only to hit Evan with a vicious clothesline that turns him inside out. Mike gets ready, taunting him and then setting him up, hitting Skull Crushing Finale and gets the pin.

"The winner of this match, the United States Champion, The Miz!" Justin Roberts declares.

Stef cheers before getting into the ring and raising his hand in victory, followed by hugging him.

"Sorry Ev." She says to herself.

Mike then walks over and demands a mic and he's handed one. Stef hands him the briefcase and his title. He puts the title over his left shoulder, holding the mic in that hand and the briefcase in the other.

"I don't care if it's Sheamus or Randy Orton that wins the title this Sunday. When I am ready to cash in my contract, I will be the WWE Champion! Because I'm The Miz, and I'm, aweeeesooooome!"

They hit his music, and he remains int he ring for a bit, before he and Stef head over to the ropes and he lets her go first, him in tow. The cameras change to backstage and John is talking to Khali. They then advertise the big main event tonight where Nexus are lumberjacks. That cues the next break.

"Poor Ev. Always put up against people much stronger than him."

"I know right? Can't help but feel bad for the guy."

After the break, Melina's music hit and she came out first, the first divas match of the night. Once her music fades, Alicia Fox's music hits and she comes strutting out, with the Divas Championship.

"I can't wait until one of us get to go for that title."

She hands the title off and he music fades. The bell rings to start the match. They stare each other down before circling and Alicia catches Melina by the waist and slams her into the far corner. After hitting her in the face, she pulls her away from the corner and sends her halfway across the ring. She then goes up and kicks her in the side. Melina rolls outside the ropes and fights back with a spear to the gut. She then slides back into the ring, under the bottom rope and through Alicia's legs, pulling her down so her back comes in contact with Melina's knees. Melina goes and hits her in the face, followed by a cover. She then starts wailing on her, before Alicia fights her off. She then charges at Melina and Melina bends backwards and elbows Alicia in the face when he comes back up. Then she sends Alicia face first into the canvas. Alicia rolls out of the ring and Melina backs up before going outside the ring and runs into a clothesline by Alicia. Melina is still outside the ring while Alicia is inside. She helps Melina get in by the hair and covers her, Melina kicks out. Alicia grabs the hair and slams her down onto the canvas. Once again she has the hair, and does a series of moves, followed by a back breaker. She goes for the cover, but Melina kicks out.

Melina gets to her feet and Alicia still throws her down to the canvas. She then starts choking Melina, and drills her knee into her spin. Melina tries to fight back but can't. Then she gets Melina in a potential submission over her shoulder. However Melina battles out, does her primal scream and the Last Call Sunset Bomb, pinning Alicia for the win.

"Good for her. First match back and she pins Alicia, who's the current champion."

Then Khali was backstage with Josh.

"The Great Khali, I understand your brother Ranjin isn't here tonight to translate for you but after that conversation that you had with John Cena, is your affiliation to Team WWE or The Nexus?"


"Great Khali, thank you. It's great that the WWE has you on their team as we prepare for SummerSl-" Khali takes the mic right out of Josh's hands and speaks in his own language.

"Khali your interpreter Ranjin isn't here, I...I apologize, but I don't know what you just said. Can you tell us in English?"

"Wade Barrett, you and me tonight."

"Khali thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen there you have it. The Great Khali has challenged Wade Barrett to a one on one match, tonight on Monday Night Raw."

"Oh boy."

"That can go either really well for Khali or really bad."

"Probably really bad because Nexus will most likely be ringside."


After the break, we see what was said during the break, where the GM had said that Alicia will defend the title against Melina at SummerSlam.

"Good. Melina deserves it."

Then they advertise me and Stef's match for tonight where we will be facing The Bellas, Eve and Gail, and Maryse and Jillian. They also show that Sheamus is going to be calling our Randy.

"...the audacity to try and put me in the SharpShooter, trying to tell us what to do, where does he get off? What's the matter? What's going on?"

"What you and Hart said out there, I mean, he could be right Edge. If Nexus doesn't win at SummerSlam, it's because we're not on the team, that's obvious. But if Nexus goes and takes over Raw, we're gonna be ostracized."

"So what're you saying. We go crawling back to Cena?"

"No no no. Just saying we might have bit off more than we can chew this time. I think we might've screwed ourselves."

"Chris, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, DX, Mr. McMahon, The Alliance, you name any huge name in this industry over the last decade and what has happened? You and I, we survived them all. We're still here. And we'll survive whatever Nexus does."

"Yeah. We're more than just survivors Edge. We're architects. We're generals. We make things happen around here. So I say tonight we take out Cena, we take out Bret Hart. Because without those two, there's no match at SummerSlam. And with no match at SummerSlam, we're in the clear. What do you say?"

"Good thinking. I like it."

Then the cameras switch to Truth and Morrison backstage.

"Out of this right here, we can't control anything. All we can do is hold up our part."

"I understand that, but are we holding up our part?"

"I've got your back."

"Oh you've got my back?"


"I've got your back, that's a solid. But bro we need two replacements and we need them quick."

"Where are we gonna find two-"

"You saw what happened with-"

"You need replacements? I got your replacements. And you don't need two. All you need is one. And this match I got now, consider this, my audition." Mark Henry states before heading to the ring.

Nexus however is backstage in their locker room watching. Wade motions for the group to go and they do so.

"Uh oh, that's can't be good."

"No, not really."

"So I wonder who Mark's facing."

"Good question. Obviously it's someone he thinks he can beat if he thinks he can be the only replacement for Edge and Chris on Team WWE."

"I know right? I hope it's not someone we really support."

After the break it was time for that said match, and out first was Ted.

"Oh no, not Ted."

"Mark's gonna destroy him, that's not fair."

"No, it's not. And you know what else isn't fair? Us seeing Maryse with him. Gold digger." I scoff.

"Not to mention the skimpy dresses she wears. This is family entertainment."

Mark comes out and just as Mark gets down to the ring, Heath and Justin and everyone else from the Nexus attack him.

"Oh thank god. Ted won't get hurt."

"But he doesn't get a match. I would've much more liked to see Ted at least compete."


Nexus disappears through the crowd, and the refs and trainers come running out to assist Mark.

"Poor Mark. He's not moving."

Then Sheamus is seen walking through the halls backstage, and we find out that up next he's going to be calling out Randy, who's the number one contender for his WWE Championship.

"Should be entertaining. Knowing that it's Randy he's calling out."

"I don't think Mark's gonna be able to coach tomorrow night." Jon frowns.

"I can take his place for the night if he can't make it." Charity reassures him.

"I know, I can't help but be concerned. Do you mind if I meet them at the trainer's?"

"Oh no, go ahead. I know, he's your pro, you're concerned. Would you like me to go with you?"

"If you want."

"I'm coming. We'll see you guys later." Charity states, standing up with Jon before they head out the door to head to the trainer's to wait for when Mark gets brought back.

"I really hope he's okay."

"He'll probably take a week off, depending on what they find what's wrong."

So Jon and Charity make it to the trainers room, but Mark hasn't been brought back yet.

"I hope nothing seriously wrong happened."

"Let's hope not. For you he's the best pro you could have."

After a while, Sheamus' music is heard through the arena and he heads down to the ring, while Mark is just starting to be brought to the back.

"He's just now getting brought back? Must be bad." Charity frowns.

"After Raw went off the air last week, the entire WWE Universe was convinced I was scared to get in the ring with Randy Orton. Well the truth is, I was scared. I was scared of what I might do to him. And normally when a fella talks like that, he's usually talking out his arse, but not me. See I hurt people, and I've been hurting people since I stepped foot in the WWE. And that's why I'm the WWE Champion. But if there is anyone who doubts me, if there's anyone who thinks that Randy Orton's gonna swoop into SummerSlam and take me championship away, well I advise you watch the following very closely."

And with that, they play a promo video of Sheamus' power.

"So how many of you think I'm afraid of Randy Orton now huh?! That footage proves that I'm afraid of nobody in the WWE. I have ended careers in this ring. But right now, I'd like to call out Randy Orton, so I can tell him face to face...that Randy-" He's cut off by Randy's music and him immediately coming out to the ring.

"Ooooh someone's in trouble." Stef laughs.

"Oh Randy...I'm surprised you accepted my invitation."

"Before you tell me exactly what you were going to say, I have something to say to you. Now I believe that you are capable of hurting people. But if you're gonna stand there and tell me that you didn't get in the ring with me last week because you were afraid of what you might have done to me, well...I think that you are full of it. You had the opportunity to prove to all these people that you deserve to be taken seriously. And what did you do-"

"-taken seriously? Everybody takes me seriously fella."

"No we don't."

"You had the opportunity last week and you blew it, just like you're going to do this Sunday at SummerSlam."

Then the crowd starts to chant 'RKO'.

"Now you can make up all the excuses that you want to, show all the footage that you want to, but the fact Sheamus still remains the same. You have never beat me. And you never will."

"You're wrong! You're all wrong! Funny ting is Orton, Triple H and John Cena looked me right in the eye-"

"-I'm not Triple H. And I certainly am not John Cena."

"And you're not the WWE Champion neither. I am. And I will be after SummerSlam. And when I beat you Randy, that's it. Just like John Cena, you'll go back to the end of the line. And as long as I'm champion, you'll never get another title opportunity."

"I am gonna beat you Sunday at SummerSlam Sheamus. I am gonna beat you. Hear what I'm saying? have never beaten me. And you're not gonna beat me this Sunday. But if you want to redeem yourself for what you didn't do last week, well then all I gotta do something about it."

They get in a stare down while the crowd chants 'RKO', and then the GM chimes in.

"If I could have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager. And I quote. Sheamus, your title matches in the past have been barred with outside interference. Therefore if anyone interferes in the WWE Championship match this Sunday at SummerSlam, they will be suspended indefinitely. Furthermore, I agree with you Sheamus. If Randy Orton loses at SummerSlam, there will be no rematch. And he will go back to the end of the line. However, I also agree with Randy Orton. If Sheamus is not scared, then I encourage him to do something about it...right now!"

"Get him Randy, get him Randy."

Sheamus shakes his head and then backs away. And he almost goes for a cheap shot, faking Randy out. However when Sheamus goes to leave, Randy goes on the attack, but gets hit with an ax handle to the skull. Sheamus starts to get fired up and goes for the Brogue Kick, but Randy ducks and hits him with a backbreaker. Randy stares down at a defenseless Sheamus, before backing up into the opposite corner, going for the punt.

"Go go go go go!"

He goes to hit him, but stops himself and Sheamus backs himself into the corner, scared.

"Ooooh someone's scared."

Randy gets out of the ring and grabs the title, raising it in the air, getting Sheamus more angry. He throws it back into the ring and Sheamus takes it back, and he and Randy have a stare down until Randy leaves the ring, heading to the back, laughing evilly. He stops and turns to look at Sheamus with a smirk. At this point, Alex and I have made our way to the ring, along with Charity and Jon since there was a six man NXT tag match up next. While they were talking about the big tag team match tonight, we all headed out. It was Kaval, Percy, and Jon against McGillicutty, Husky and Alex. Charity and I of course were there ringside for Alex and Jon, but Sheamus too was ringside to watch the match just for the hell of it. Charity and I give Jon and Alex a kiss for luck. The match starts with McGillicutty and Percy, starting with a headlock by McGillicutty, and a shoulder block. Percy comes back with a shoulder block of his own and goes for the pin, McGillicutty kicking out. McGillicutty comes back with a dropkick and goes for the cover himself, but Percy kicks out.

McGillicutty comes over and Alex tags himself in and picks up where McGillicutty left off.

"Come on Alex, you've got this!" I cheer from outside the ring.

The ref backs him up and Alex argues with him. Alex goes for a pin, but Percy kicks out. Alex gets him in a chin lock and gets Percy on the canvas, and he struggles to get up. He finally does and gets out of the hold, but Alex fights back with an elbow to the back of the head. The tables turn however, when Percy ducks Alex's fist and Percy hits an enziguri kick to the head. I cringe and then Percy takes the chance to tag Kaval in.

"Oh no." I mutter, remembering the one time in FCW when Alex faced Kaval once before. Kaval picks up where Percy left off. Kaval gets Alex in the ropes in a submission and it's just downhill from there. Kaval goes for the pin, but McGillicutty breaks it up. Jon comes in and takes care of him. Alex goes to throw Kaval out of the ring, but he hands on and uses the ropes to launch himself over and rolls Alex up. Husky though tagged himself in so Alex was no longer the legal man. Kaval didn't know that so he continues to beat Alex up, stomping on his chest. Alex rolls out of the ring and I dash over to where he rolled out to check on him while Husky took Kaval down.

"Alex?" I ask as he's coughing.


And just like that, Husky wins the match for their team. And then Sheamus goes on a rampage. He takes out Jon, then he takes out McGillicutty.

"Alex...." I start, as Sheamus heads in our direction.

We all back away, and Sheamus decides to go after Kaval.

"Come on..." I pull Alex in the direction of the ramp.

After Sheamus takes out Kaval, he gets out of the ring and grabs a mic.

"That was a message to the general manager. To all of you and especially Randy Orton. I guarantee ya, by this time next week, I'll still be WWE Champion!" Sheamus declares before he heads to the back.

McGillicutty has headed to the back, Percy was checking on Kaval and Charity was helping Jon get to the back.

"He's out of control." Charity shakes her head. "Let's get you ice for your face." She suggests as they head to the back, heading to the trainers.

All Jon can do is nod while holding his face. Alex and I head back to the locker room, and after Jon and Charity are done at the trainer's they walk in themselves.

"How's the face?" I ask.

"It hurts, but nothing ice can't fix."

"True. Sheamus was out of control all because of what Randy did."

"I know. Well let's hope he gets his Sunday."


By the time we all were in the room, the next match was starting. Out first was R-Truth, followed by Morrison. They were in tag team action tonight against Zack and William Regal. In the end, it was John Morrison hitting Starship Pain en route to pinning Zack Ryder to pick up the win. They replay all the good parts of the match that were impressive, before they go talking about the matches for SummerSlam. Then the Bellas are seen heading to the ring. The big tag team elimination match was coming up.

"Well looks like we're gonna have to get ready." Stef states.

"Shouldn't take too long, but we're gonna have to leave right after getting ready."


"You'll live."

So Stef and I get up and head into the changing area and get changed into the swim suits we brought. When we were done, we give Mike and Alex a kiss before heading to the curtain to wait since we'd be going out after the commercial break when Raw's on the air. Maryse and Jillian went out first, and also in the ring was Santino and Kozlov, being the guest referees it seems. Out next was Eve and Gail, they come down the slide that was blown up in the middle of the ramp. Then the Bellas go out and down the slide. We head out next and climb to the top of the slide, and wait for one of our entrances to start. It's Stef's that goes off and we go down the slide next and get into the ring. The bell rings and it starts off with Maryse and Eve.

Maryse starts going after he with the hat and Eve throws it away before they go at each other. One of the Bellas tags herself in and goes after Maryse. Maryse tags Jillian in and they work together for a bit. Stef and I look at each other before I tag myself in.I come in and dropkick Jillian a few times before throwing her into the ropes and clotheslining her hard. I then help her to a sitting position and drive my knee into her spine. She starts to get up to her feet and gets out of the hold. Nikki comes in off the tag and keeps hitting me and hits me with as pinning headscissors. Nikki goes for the cover, but Eve breaks it up. Maryse comes in and goes after Eve, and Gail comes in, trapping Maryse in a pink floaty tube and then does her finisher. Stef comes in and dropkicks Gail halfway across the ring. Jillian comes over and lifts Stef onto her shoulders and in the meantime, kicks Eve out of the ring and drops Stef over the top rope onto her on the outside. I come up behind Jillian and deliver a backstabber. I then cover her for the pin, Santino calls the three count. The bell rings and my music goes off, Stef slides into the ring and hugs me, and Santino raises both our hands in victory. When we turn around however, there's Tamina. Stef and I back away and get out of the ring while Tamina approaches Santino. Santino tries to exit the ring, but Tamina steps in front of him, following him as he tries to leave. She doesn't let him and she gets right up against him before she lets him go. He goes to leave and she slaps him on the butt and smirks as he leaves.

Stef and I had left before he did and as soon as we get through the curtain, we're engulfed with hugs by Mike and Alex.

"We're so happy for you two!"

"Even you in particular." Alex grins. "You got the pin to win the match for you two."

"Took advantage of chaos. I wasn't gonna let any of the others win. Not particularly a fan of competing in my swim suit, but it was a one night thing."

"Right. I'd much rather be in my ring gear than swim suit." Stef agrees.

"But I do love it." He whispers in my ear.

"I know. Maybe I'll wear it again the next time we go to the beach or something."

"I'd like that."

"I thought so. Now let's head back so we can change and see the rest of the matches and such."


"Another time....another time I'll wear it. Promise."

"Alright." He nods and then we all head back to the locker room. When we get back, Stef and I head to the changing area and change back into our normal clothes. When walk back out, we see Charity and Jon back in the locker room. Stef and Mike however head out of the locker room, because Mike has a short little backstage segment and Stef's going to be joining him.

"See you after then." I say.


"So how are you?" I ask Jon.

"I'll survive. Have a major headache though. Should go away with the Advil."

"Well that's good. It was uncalled for what Sheamus did. Taking his anger out on you. Someone needs anger management."

"No kidding."

"So what'd we miss?" I ask as I sit back down next to Alex.

"Oh, Nexus attacked Khali backstage."

"Of course. So Wade won't have to face him tonight."

"Speak of the devil and his minions." Charity points to the screen as Nexus walks out to the ring.

"I see now what they did. Cowards." I scoff.

"I have just been informed that the Wade Barrett vs Great Khali matchup has now been cancelled."

"No shit."

"Now this Sunday, a new chapter in the history of the WWE is about to be written by The Nexus. You see the balance of power here on Monday Night Raw, is about to shit dramatically and permanently. Because we will defeat Team WWE, and when we do, we will achieve more than anybody around here could ever imagine." Wade starts.

"Raw has become our show! Bret Hart will join Ricky Steamboat and Mr. McMahon as our victims. And just like Mr. McMahon and the dragon, you will never see the Hitman ever again. So John Morrison, R-Truth, and especially you John Cena. We're not just gonna damage you physically, we're gonna break you mentally. To the point that you never....never recover." Skip adds.

"If anybody in the locker room is even considering joining Team WWE, I want you to think about what we did to The Hart Dynasty. Think about what we did to the world's strongest man. Think about what we did to The Great Khali. And then I want you to think about....whether you wanna be next. Because you're either Nexus.....or you're against us." Otunga continues.

And then John and Bret are walking through the backstage area, heading to the ring. John stops Bret and looks over to his right. The camera pans over to reveal Mike and Stef.

"What do you want?" John asks.

"Only to address the inevitable. Cena, Bret, your team's in trouble."

"Yeah." John nods.

"Yeah. Two of the members of your team quit, two potential members got ambushed, and one just got Nancy Carrigan in the hallway."

"Brilliant. Brilliant." John gives Mike an amused look.

"You need need help. And I figured it was just a matter of time before you came looking for me. Mr. Money in the Bank, the United States Champion."

"Yeah, what's your point?"

"What's my point? I wanna hear it. I wanna hear you ask me. Ask me to be on your team to help save Raw. I wanna hear it from your mouth."

"Fine. Are you in or out?" Bret asks.

"I wanna hear it from both of you."

"That's fair. Are you in or are you out?" John asks.

"Hmm. Wow. John Cena asking me for help."


"Times have changed in just one year haven't they?"


"The question was, am I in or out?"

"In or out?"

"Hmmm. I'll let you know Sunday."


Mike smirks, before he and Stef head back down the hallway.

"It's a shame we may actually need him. But right now we've got to take care of Chris Jericho and Edge."

And with that, they head to the ring for their tag team against Edge and Jericho, Nexus in the ring to be lumberjacks.

"So are we sticking around for this? Or no?"

"Well I wanna see what happens, so I'm sticking around."

"Feeling up to sticking around?" Charity asks Jon. "Or is the headache bothering you?"

"The headache is actually bothering me a bit. Think we can call it a semi-early night?"

"Of course. The sooner we get you to bed, the quicker you'll feel better. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Tell Stef and Mike we'll see them tomorrow too."

"Will do. Feel better Jon." I nod.


Jon and Charity get up and gather their things, before heading out of the room.

"I'll drive. Makes it easier on your head." Charity suggests.

"Right. Thanks for looking out for me."

"I'm your girlfriend, of course I'm going to look out for you. Just like you look out for me."

"Exactly." She kisses him briefly as they head outside.

They find their car and head over, putting their bags into the backseat before getting into the car themselves. Just like she said, Charity drives back to the hotel. Soon it was time for the main event tag team match, John and Bret vs Edge & Jericho, Nexus as lumberjacks. With all men in the ring, it was time for the match to start. It started off with John and Edge, the crowd behind him, chanting 'Cena'. They circle, but Edge takes advantage from the very beginning. Reversal into the corner, followed by John taking control back. Edge start to power out and gains control and throws John outside the ring and Nexus goes right on the attack before throwing him back into the ring.

"Of course."

Edge tags Chris in and he throws John out of the ring too, Nexus attacks him again and throws him back into the ring, after getting an individual shot in.

"Oh come on John."

Jericho throws John outside the ring again, and the assault happens again, before getting thrown back into the ring, after Heath gets a shot in.

"Oh what the hell."

The crowd starts to chant Cena and Chris goes to throw John out for a 4th time, but John reverses and sends Chris out of the ring. Nexus does not attack, they just circle and allow him to get back into the ring.

"That's not fair!"

John goes for the AA, but Chris rolls him up and goes for the Walls of Jericho. John reverses and misses a shoulder block. Wade comes after him, but John gets to him first and goes back into the ring. John ducks Jericho's fist and he ends up bumping into Wade who was on the side of the apron and he goes falling to the floor. John then knocks Chris out of the ring and Nexus circles him again and they attack.

"Just for getting Wade."

Edge tries getting involved but gets beaten down himself. Bret then grabs Gabriel by the hair, bringing him into the ring. Wade reaches in and pulls him out of the ring and to safety. They regroup and strategize with what they need to do to get ahead of them. The crowd chants 'Cena' and Nexus climbs up onto the side of the ring, ready to fight. Morrison and Truth run out to stand by John and Bret's side. Nexus then enters the ring as Edge looks back, along with Chris while they're on the ramp. They look at each other and go to head to the back, but then decide to turn back and stand aside John and the rest of them. And that's when a fight ensues.

"And here we go."

Wade and Skip retreat first, followed by David and every other member of Nexus, escaping through the crowd. They look like the cowards and John's team stands strong in the ring. And that's where the show ends.

"SummerSlam should be interesting."

"Oh yeah."

Mike and Stef are back by now, Mike heads in to get changed to head back to the hotel. Alex and I are all set to leave. We say our goodbyes to Mike and Stef, before leaving the room first. As we walk, I stifle a yawn.

"Someone's tired." Alex chuckles.

"Just a little."

"Well let's get you back to the hotel and get you to bed. Long day tomorrow before NXT."

"Right." I nod. "You're so good to me."

"Because I love you."

"Love you too."

We finally reach the doors leading out to the parking lot.

"I'll drive." He offers.

I nod and we walk over to the car. We get in after throwing our bags into the backseat and then it's off to the hotel for a good night's sleep. Mike and Stef left just as soon as Mike was ready to go. Stef and him both were just as equally tired. They too had a long day before NXT tomorrow. Media, gym, etc. The typical stuff. It was a bit late by the time we all got back to the hotel. We all wasted no time in getting ready for bed and climbing into them, falling asleep just moments after as soon as we were snuggled up to Mike and Alex.