Status: Active

He's a Fighter

FCW Event: Melbourne, Florida

The next day and tonight is an FCW event in Melbourne, Florida. Autograph signing before the show featuring Mike, Christian aka Jay, Daniel Bryan, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Jamie Noble. So that means that Stef is gonna be there of course and then Justin's girlfriend Lacey. Charity and I of course are also going to be there for Jon and Alex since they both have matches tonight...unfortunately it's against each other. Christian and Mike were teaming up to face Daniel and Heath tonight and it should be a good show. I had woken up before Alex, but it took me some time because I didn't want to get up at the time. But when I did, I swung my legs over the side of the bed after removing the blankets and then I sluggishly walk over to my things with eyes half open. I grab what I need and head into the bathroom, to first take a shower.

I grab a towel and place that on the sink nearby before I turn the water on and let that run and warm up. I wait a while and feel the water, making sure the temperature is to my liking before undressing and then stepping into the shower. I take my time in the shower, taking my usual time before turning the water off, wringing my hair from the excess water and grabbing the towel nearby, wrapping it around myself before stepping out of the tub and onto the cold, hard surface of the bathroom floor. That's about the only thing that was cold, because it was slightly warm in the bathroom from the steam of the shower. I then start to get dressed into a pink and white swirl, burnout tank top and white shorts. I leave the makeup and such for after I dry my hair, so I left that stuff out in the room itself. Cleaning the bathroom mirror of the steam, I then plug in the blowdryer and dry my hair, which relatively doesn't take too long, and then I tie it up in a ponytail.

I hang the towel up over the shower rod, unplug the hairdryer and walk back out into the room. Alex is still sound asleep and I smile to myself, seeing how peaceful he looks. I go into my bags for jewelry and grab my makeup bag and head back into the bathroom to finish my normal routine. By the time I was finished, Alex was just waking up. I sat down at the table in the room and started to pain my nails, a sparkly reddish pink color. "Morning." I say, looking over him sitting up and stretching.

"Morning." He replies, half yawning. "What time is it?" He asks.

"About 9. Let you sleep in a bit. We can head to breakfast as soon as you're fully awake and dressed. Got a busy day today."

He nods and gets out of bed and stretches some more before coming over to me, standing behind me and leaning down, wrapping his arms around me before kissing my cheek.

"What're you gonna be wearing tonight for the show?" He asks curiously.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. I'm not spilling silly."

"Awww, not even a little hint?"

"A dress, that's all you're getting out of me."

"Hmm, will I like this dress?"

"More like love." I giggle.

"Mmm, can't wait." He grins, kissing my cheek again before going over to his things, grabbing clothes and going into the bathroom to change.

I allowed my nails to dry after I had finished and by the time they were done, Alex walked out of the bathroom changed for the day. A jersey and basketball shorts of course. He grabs a pair of his shoes and puts those on.

"Do you always have to be distracting?" I ask, with a small grin on my face.

He immediately knew what I was talking about and smirked back when he looked over at me. "Yes, yes I do. But you love it anyway."

"I do." I agree. "So facing Jon tonight I heard."

"Yeah, the one time you and Charity have to root against each other."

"Oh I'm sure there'll be times on NXT where we have to as well. You know I'm glad you're on NXT. It got lonely traveling without you."

"I know, but now we get all the time we need with each other. Well when you don't go on the WWE trips for their house shoes and such."

"Right, but that's why we keep in touch with texting and such. But with you needing all the training you can get from Mike, maybe they'll give me time off to help."

"You know, I'd love that."

"Of course you would."

"Anyways, ready to go?" He asks.

"Yup." I nod, slipping into my flip flops and grabbing my bag before following Alex out the door.

When we get down to the lobby, Charity and Jon are there along with Stefanie and Mike.

"Group breakfast?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, then we're all going to the gym afterwards. Then we'll have lunch and head to the arena for the show tonight. Of course after coming back here to change."

"Sounds like a plan...since I can't wait to see your dress."

"Of course."

So we walk over to the four of them, greeting them before leaving the hotel and getting into our own cars and leaving.

"So you're facing Alex tonight I heard." Charity says to Jon.

"Yup. It's gonna happen a lot, especially on NXT, gonna be hard for both you and Kalena because you both like cheering for us both."

"Yeah, but we expected this. It'll be fun, I'm sure of it. We know you both just play characters onscreen, we all do. So in character, I hope you win."

"As you always say."

"Because I love you."

"Love you too."

It only took us a few minutes to get to where we were going, since the breakfast diner was right down the street. We all find parking spots and get out of the cars when we park. We all head inside and find a table that we all can sit at. We all sit and look through the menus for drinks first, and once we order those we order what we want to eat.

"Long day today."

"Mmhmm. Tonight should be interesting."


Basically with breakfast we go through the usual routine, and when we were all done, the guys paid the bill and then we all headed out to the cars, our next stop being the gym for a few hours. Since Stef, Charity and myself don't have a match tonight, we're just gonna basically hang out with each other in the gym, and of course drool over the fact of our men working out right in front of us.

"You know it should be illegal to torture us like this."

"I know right?"

"Hey, we had to come along. Hey Kalena, may the best boyfriend win tonight."

"That's right. It's always hard when they pit Alex and Jon against each other. But on the otherhand it's amusing cause they're the best of friends."


"I think after this, depending on when we get out of here, we go to lunch, hang out for a bit before we head to the arena later tonight."

"Sounds good. Spend time with the guys or just the three of us."

"How about the six of us? We could go to the pool or something."

"I like that idea. We can torture them with swimsuits."

"Exactly. Try not to get them too wound up before the show though."


We spent the next few hours at the gym, just sitting around and talking amongst each other, occasionally looking over at our boyfriends, which ended up almost being a drool fest. But soon they went in to shower and when they came out, it was around lunch time so we all left and stopped somewhere for lunch. After that, letting our food settle, we headed back to the hotel where we each went to our rooms to get ready to go down to the pool for the rest of the time we had at the hotel before we head to where the event was taking place. We of course killed the guys with our suits and we spent the rest of the day down at the pool. Time seemed to fly by fast and we soon had to get ready for the FCW event. The dress that I had put on was a Black-Fushia vibrant Cheetah Print, halter dress. My makeup and nails matched the pink part, along with my jewelry. What was black was my shoes and those were put on last. When I walked out of the bathroom, I swear I almost killed Alex, because he wasn't speaking or moving.

"Earth to Spacey." I laugh, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

That was a bad move, because once he snapped out of it, I was grabbed and pulled into him.

"Grabby." I giggle.

"Your fault. Love that dress on you."

"Of course you do. Just don't get too distracted during your match."

"I'll try. But you know we better leave now before we don't end up leaving."

"As you alway say with all my dresses."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

So we grab what we need, before heading out and down to the car where we get in and head off to the event. We're not missing much because it's an autograph session first. Alex and I get there and when we walk in, we see that the autograph session with Mike and Stefanie, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and his girlfriend Lacey and Jamie Noble. Now this was at 7:30 and there was only a half hour until bell time. So Stef was with Mike at his table for the signing, while Charity and I went back to the locker room with Jon and Alex.

"Half hour, exciting."

"I know. I heard the first match involved Yoshi."

"Yeah that's what I heard too."

"All I know is that we're closing the show tonight."

"Really? Main eventing? That's awesome."

The half hour seemed to pass fairly quickly as we sat in the locker room talking amongst each other and Alex and Jon were getting ready. And we were right the first match of the night was Yoshi Tatsu vs Conrad Tanner.

Yoshi Tatsu is going for a pin here on Conrad Tanner. Yoshi Tatsu has Conrad Tanner's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! Yoshi Tatsu looks upset as Conrad Tanner kicks out of the pin. Conrad Tanner gets hit by Yoshi Tatsu with a Stalling Suplex. Conrad Tanner catches Yoshi Tatsu by surprise with a Forearm Club. Yoshi Tatsu takes down Conrad Tanner with that Dropkick. Conrad Tanner drops down and goes for the cover on Yoshi Tatsu. Conrad Tanner has Yoshi Tatsu's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Conrad Tanner looks upset as Yoshi Tatsu kicks out of the pin. Conrad Tanner tries to counter, but to no avail as Yoshi Tatsu hits the Roaring Elbow. Yoshi Tatsu tries for a Dropsault on Conrad Tanner and is successful. It looks like Conrad Tanner is going for a pin. Conrad Tanner has Yoshi Tatsu's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Yoshi Tatsu shoves Conrad Tanner off and breaks out of the pin. Conrad Tanner rolls up Yoshi Tatsu and tries for a pin. Conrad Tanner has Yoshi Tatsu's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Yoshi Tatsu shoots a shoulder up and gets out of Conrad Tanner's pin attempt. Yoshi Tatsu hits Conrad Tanner with that Roaring Elbow. Yoshi Tatsu measures up Conrad Tanner and hits the Dropkick. Yoshi Tatsu hits Conrad Tanner with that Shining Wizard. Yoshi Tatsu gets hit with a Forearm Club by Conrad Tanner. Yoshi Tatsu takes down Conrad Tanner with that Roaring Elbow. Yoshi Tatsu drops down and goes for the cover on Conrad Tanner. Yoshi Tatsu has Conrad Tanner's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! THREE! That's it! Yoshi Tatsu gets the three-count and the referee calls for the bell.

We sit backstage as we hear Yoshi's music goes off.

"Well looks like Yoshi won."


There was a brief break, allowing them to get backstage and a new ref to come out for the next match. The next match was Curt Hawkins, Vance Archer and Mason Ryan vs McGillicutty, Percy and Johnny Curtis. The crowd was way over for Percy Watson wanting him to dance. The heels won with some nice teamwork from Archer and Hawkins. Hawkins got the pin for the win and the match was just over 10 minutes. They leave the ring and another ref goes out for the divas match of the show. The team of Naomi and Aksana going against Tamina and Liviana.

Aksana gets hit by Tamina with a Jawbreaker. Aksana makes the tag and in comes Naomi. Naomi catches Tamina by surprise with a Snap Suplex. Naomi is going for a pin here on Tamina. Naomi has Tamina's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! Naomi can't keep Tamina down as Tamina is able to kick out. Naomi hits the Springboard Sunset Flip and then pins Tamina's shoulders to the mat. Naomi has Tamina's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Tamina shoots a shoulder up and gets out of Naomi's pin attempt. Naomi can't keep Tamina down as Tamina is able to kick out. Naomi takes down Tamina with that Snap Suplex. Naomi gets hit by Naomi with a Dropsault. Naomi catches Tamina by surprise with a Snap Suplex. Tamina walks towards the corner and attempts to make a tag, but Naomi catches Tamina off guard with that Snap Suplex. Naomi takes down Tamina with that Dropsault. Naomi hits Tamina with that Spinning Heel Kick. Tamina takes down Naomi with that Atomic Drop. Naomi tries for the Nightmare here. Liviana wants a tag, but it looks like Tamina might be out of it. Tamina gets hit with a Dropsault by Naomi. Tamina is hurting and Liviana itching for a tag. Naomi gets into it with Liviana the corner and is caught by surprise as Tamina hits the Superkick. Tamina gets hit by Tamina with an Enzuigiri. Naomi tries for the Nightmare but Tamina is fighting it off. Naomi tries once more and this time, hits the Nightmare! Tamina gets hit with a Spinning Heel Kick by Naomi. Naomi gets hit by Naomi with a Dropsault. Naomi does some damage to Tamina with that Dropsault. Naomi tries for a Dropkick on Tamina and is successful. Naomi tries for the Nightmare but Tamina is fighting it off. Naomi tries once more and this time, hits the Nightmare! Tamina is caught off-guard by the Night Falls as Naomi then goes for the cover. Naomi has Tamina's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! THREE! That's it! Naomi got the the three-count and picked up the victory for the team.

Next match of the night, Husky's brother Bo vs Donny Marlow. Bo measures up Donny and hits the Stomp. Bo has Donny's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Bo looks upset as Donny kicks out of the pin. Donny is going for a pin here on Bo. Donny has Bo's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Bo kicks out of the pin attempt. Donny tries to counter, but to no avail as Bo hits the Tarantula. Bo is going for a pin here on Donny. Bo has Donny's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! Donny kicks out of the pin attempt. Donny measures up Bo and hits the Tarantula. Donny attempts to take a breather, but Bo doesn't let up and instead hits Donny with a German Suplex. Bo hits Donny with that Elbow Drop. Bo takes down Donny with that Haymaker. Bo tries for a German Suplex on Donny and is successful. Donny tries to counter, but to no avail as Bo hits the Stomp. It looks like Bo is going for a pin. Bo has Donny's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! Bo can't keep Donny down as Donny is able to kick out. Bo tries to counter, but to no avail as Donny hits the Forearm Club. Bo takes down Donny with that Elbow Drop. Bo catches Donny by surprise with a Haymaker. Donny rolls up Bo and tries for a pin. Donny has Bo's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Bo gets a shoulder up and breaks out of the pin attempt! Donny goes for the cover on Bo and hooks the leg. Donny has Bo's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Donny looks upset as Bo kicks out of the pin. Bo gets hit by Bo with a Headbutt. Bo catches Donny by surprise with a Tarantula. Bo measures up Donny and hits the Elbow Drop. With Donny weakened, it looks like Bo might be getting ready to go for the Spear. Donny gets hit by Donny with a Tarantula. Donny tries to counter, but to no avail as Bo hits the Sambo Suplex. Bo sets Donny up and yes! Bo hits the Spear! Bo takes down Donny with that Haymaker. Donny attempts to take a breather, but Bo doesn't let up and instead hits Donny with a Haymaker. Bo does some damage to Donny with that Tarantula. Bo sets Donny up and yes! Bo hits the Spear! Bo tries for an Elbow Drop on Donny and is successful.Donny gets hit by Donny with a Samoan Drop. Bo takes down Donny with that Stomp. There it is! Bo hits Donny with the Spear! Donny attempts to take a breather, but Bo doesn't let up and instead hits Donny with a Elbow Drop. Bo measures up Donny and hits the Samoan Drop. Bo rolls up Donny and tries for a pin. Bo has Donny's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! THREE! That's it! That Samoan Drop proved too much for Donny.

Next up, Jamie Noble vs Tyler Reks. Jamie Noble hits the Tiger Bomb on Tyler Reks turns it into a pinning combination. Jamie Noble has Tyler Reks's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Jamie Noble can't keep Tyler Reks down as Tyler Reks is able to kick out. Jamie Noble hits the Northern Lights Suplex and catches Tyler Reks in a pin. Jamie Noble has Tyler Reks's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Tyler Reks gets a shoulder up and breaks out of the pin attempt! Jamie Noble rolls up Tyler Reks and tries for a pin. Jamie Noble has Tyler Reks's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Jamie Noble can't keep Tyler Reks down as Tyler Reks is able to kick out. Jamie Noble tries for a Leg Lariat on Tyler Reks and is successful. Jamie Noble gets hit with a Forearm Club by Tyler Reks. Jamie Noble hits Tyler Reks with that Leg Lariat. Jamie Noble rolls up Tyler Reks and tries for a pin. Jamie Noble has Tyler Reks's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! THREE! That's it! Jamie Noble got the the three-count and picked up the victory.

Dos Equis & Hunico vs The Uso Brothers. Hunico gets into it with Jey Uso in the corner and is caught by surprise as Jimmy Uso hits the European Uppercut. Jimmy Uso catches Hunico by surprise with a European Uppercut. Hunico drops down and goes for the cover on Jimmy Uso. Hunico has Jimmy Uso's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Jimmy Uso kicks out of the pin attempt. Hunico takes down Jimmy Uso with that Dropkick. Jimmy Uso hits Hunico with that Facecrusher. Jimmy Uso takes down Hunico with that Facecrusher. Hunico does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that DDT. Hunico catches Jimmy Uso by surprise with a Dropsault. Hunico is going for a pin here on Jimmy Uso. Hunico has Jimmy Uso's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! Jimmy Uso gets a shoulder up and breaks out of the pin attempt! Hunico reaches out and is able to make the tag to Dos Equis. Jimmy Uso gets hit with a Belly-To-Back Suplex by Epico. Jimmy Uso catches Dos Equis by surprise with a Backhand Chop. Dos Equis is setting Jimmy Uso up for the Backstabber. Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso by surprise with a Slide Kick. Jimmy Uso walks towards the corner and attempts to make a tag, but Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso off guard with that Belly-To-Back Suplex. Dos Equis does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that Backhand Chop. Dos Equis gets hit by Jimmy with an Alley-Us. Dos Equis gets into it with Jey Uso in the corner and is caught by surprise as Jimmy Uso hits the European Uppercut. Dos Equis hits Jimmy Uso with that Belly-To-Back Suplex. Jimmy Uso gets hit with a Belly-To-Back Suplex by Dos Equis. Jimmy Uso walks towards the corner and attempts to make a tag, but Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso off guard with that Belly-To-Back Suplex. Dos Equis sets up Jimmy Uso and hits the Backstabber perfectly.

Dos Equis does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that European Uppercut. Jimmy Uso gets hit with a Belly-To-Back Suplex by Dos Equis. Dos Equis does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that Slide Kick. Jimmy Uso walks towards the corner and attempts to make a tag, but Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso off guard with that European Uppercut. Jimmy Uso walks towards the corner and attempts to make a tag, but Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso off guard with that Backhand Chop. Jimmy Uso tries to counter, but to no avail as Dos Equis hits the European Uppercut. Jimmy Uso gets hit by Jimmy Uso with a Backhand Chop. Dos Equis hits Jimmy Uso with that German Suplex. Jimmy Uso gets into it with Hunico in the corner and is caught by surprise as Dos Equis hits the European Uppercut. Dos Equis hits Jimmy Uso with that Belly-To-Back Suplex. Jimmy Uso gets into it with Hunico in the corner and is caught by surprise as Dos Equis hits the German Suplex. Dos Equis catches Jimmy Uso by surprise with a Backhand Chop. Jimmy Uso gets into it with Hunico in the corner and is caught by surprise as Dos Equis hits the Belly-To-Back Suplex. Dos Equis makes the tag and in comes Hunico. Hunico does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that Flying Head Scissors. Hunico takes down Jimmy Uso with that Springboard Moonsault. Hunico tries for the La Mística but Jimmy Uso is fighting it off. Hunico tries once more and this time, hits the La Mística! Hunico does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that Dropkick. Jimmy Uso gets hit with a Flying Head Scissors by Hunico. Jimmy Uso gets hit with a DDT by Hunico. Hunico hits Jimmy Uso with that DDT. Jimmy Uso gets hit by Jimmy Uso with a DDT. We could see the La Mística here! There it is! Hunico hits Jimmy Uso with the La Mística! Hunico does some damage to Jimmy Uso with that Dropkick. There it is! Hunico hits Jimmy Uso with the La Mística! Jimmy Uso gets into it with Epico in the corner and is caught by surprise as Hunico hits the Flying Head Scissors. Hunico hits Jimmy Uso with that Springboard Moonsault. Hunico rolls up Jimmy Uso and tries for a pin. Hunico has Jimmy Uso's shoulders pinned to the mat and the referee starts the count. ONE! TWO! THREE! That's it! Hunico and Dos Equis pick up the win by pin-fall.

It finally came time for Alex vs Jon. The Usos and Hunico and Dos Equis were on their way back from the ring when an attendant came to get us. We nod and get up, heading to where we'll be going out. Charity and Jon go out first, followed by me and Alex. We stood waiting until the intermission. First Jon goes out with Charity and then it's Alex and I since Alex's the champion afterall.

Jon takes down Alex with a lariat. Alex tries to counter, but to no avail as Jon hits the Backhand Chop. Alex tries for a Headbutt on Jon and is successful. Jon gets hit by Alex with a spinebuster, followed by a STO. He then attempts to take a breather, but Alex doesn't let up and instead, hits Jon with a Hip Toss Neckbreaker. Alex attempts to take a breather, but Jon doesn't let up and hits Alex with a European Uppercut. Jon goes for the cover on Alex and hooks the leg, but he's unsuccessful. Alex measures up Jon once he gets up and hits him with a headbutt. Jon measures up Alex and hits him with a backhand chop. Alex strikes back with a forearm club. Alex attempts to take another breather, but Jon his Alex with another European Uppercut. Alex catches Jon offguard with another forearm club. He starts getting ready for his finisher, 'You're Dismissed'. He lifts Jon up but is unsuccessful. Jon knocks Alex down and goes for the quick cover, but Alex kicks out. Jon continues to try and keep Alex down, hitting him with a facebuster. Alex bounced back however and hits Jon with You're Dismissed. Alex goes for the pin and gets the win, Alex wins.

I cheer before sliding into the ring to celebrate with him after the ref handed him the title back and raised his hand in victory. First I hug him, before I kiss him quickly as Charity helps Jon to the back. After waiting some time, Alex and I too head to the back and head back to the locker room to wait to see if we're needed anymore. That gave a little break before the main event of the night came up. Christian came to the ring first and grabbed a mic to talk.

"Well first of all, I see FCW's updated their music catalog, since that was my music from six years ago, thank you. I'm sorry about the confusion with the business music being played but, I sort of switched that myself so, my peeps here in Melbourne...would rather see Captain Charisma first, before you had to look at him. Am I right? Anyways, I'm in a great mood being here in Melbourne but...tonight that's not really the case. Anyways, I guess you saw what happened this past Monday night on Raw. My NXT rookie Heath Miller....wait you're right, Heath Slater. Heath Slater took part in a...let's say a gang-style beat down against John Cena."

"Anyways, I haven't heard from Heath, I haven't talked to him, I don't know what's going on. But I'd like to call him out right now, I've got to get inside his head and see what he was thinking. So Heath if you're back there, I know you are, come out here, I want to talk to you face to face."

Heath comes out eventually, and gets into the ring to face Christian.

"Heath what's the deal man, I'm just gonna cut straight to it. What're you thinking? You didn't even bother to call and ask for my advice, talk to me about any of this. I give you my feedback, and you just....I don't...I can't even beging to describe what you did on Monday Night and how disrespectful that was. I want you to explain yourself to me right now to my face, before I do something that we might both regret. Explain yourself."

"Christian, no hard feelings, you taught me well, a little too well I think. And you know, honestly, we had a good thing going at the beginning. 4 and 0, I was dominating NXT. And then there was somebody that wouldn't want to show up, I would call. Yeah you were returning my phone calls, but they weren't the answers I was wanting. We came in 4th....4th place. I came here to set a statement. And Christian, tonight...tonight I'm going to make another statement."

And that's when Daniel Bryan came running out and he ambushed Christian. Heath joined in before Mike ran out and pulled Daniel and Heath off of Christian before getting attacked himself. Daniel and Heath take out Nexus armbands and put them on, before going back over to Mike and Christian. But they both got up and started fighting back against Heath and Daniel, and those two retreated.

"You know, usually Christian and I don't see eye to eye, but you know what? What you two did, what you two rookies did last Monday night, was disrespectful to the WWE Superstars, it was disrespectful to the WWE Universe...."

"You think we're scared? Well your actions have consequences. So uh...rookies, why don't you say that we have a pros vs rookies match? Time to make a statement, or we're gonna beat the consequences into you. Because we're the WWE pros, and we're....." Mike trails off and the crowd finishes for him with 'awesome'.

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Daniel and Heath were hesitant to get into the ring, before the crowd chanted 'chickens' and that's when they got up onto the side of the ring. Mike took off his shirt first and the girls went crazy, Mike handed it to Christian and he whipped it at Heath, taunting them both. It starts off with Christian and Daniel and Christian takes control of the match. Mid match however, the rest of Nexus comes out to the aid of Daniel and Heath. Basically Mike and Christian are sitting ducks, and they got attacked, including the ref who tried to act tough and help. They pick Mike up after beating him down and Daniel kicks him in the head. They go over to Christian before Heath hits the Killswitch on him. They then proceed to destroy the ringside area and the ring itself, like they did on Raw.

"Well sounds like everything's over with. Oh thank god that's not you two out there."

"Right, but poor Mike. Stef's got to be worried sick."

"Yeah, it did not sound good out there for him."

"I'm sure she's there by his side now, since Nexus is gone."

"Right. Well you two get changed and then we can go. Meet you by the cars?"

"Yeah, of course."

We nod and get up, grabbing what we brought before heading out of the room to head to the cars. When we get almost halfway there, we see Stef helping Mike backstage to the trainer's.

"He okay?" Charity asks.

"I think so. Bringing him to the trainer's to make sure."

"Alright, well keep us updated okay?"

"Yeah, will do." She nods.

We continue on our way to the cars and since they were locked we were waiting outside for Jon and Alex. It took some time, but they finally came out and shortly after that, Mike had come out with Stef.

"So?" We ask.

"He's okay. Sore, needs rest tonight and tomorrow. Nothing's seriously wrong, which is good."

"Thank god. Feel better Mike, we can't stand to see you hurt."

"Thanks, and I know."

Then we all say our goodbyes before getting into our seperate cars and making the long trip back to the hotel.