Status: Active

He's a Fighter

MDA SummerSlam Kickoff Party

We've been in LA for the whole week for SummerSlam Sunday. Tonight was the big kickoff party, tomorrow and Sunday is Axxess followed by the pay-per-view. I do have a signing scheduled for tomorrow, and that's before Alex's tag match with Mike against MVP and Percy. Pro and rookie vs pro and rookie. I'm glad my signing was scheduled for before so now I can be ringside for the match along with Stef. Jon may have been eliminated earlier this week, but he is accompanying Charity to Axxess. But since he's not a superstar or on NXT, while she has her signing, he can't really stick around, so he'll be walking around the grounds and she'll let him know when her signing is over. Things will be tough for them seeing as he didn't make it yet, but they'll pull through. But today was going to be a long day, Stef, Charity and myself have arranged a girl's day to get ready for the kickoff party tonight. We decided it wouldn't be until late in the morning, because we all would be pretty tired and would want to sleep in. I had told Alex last night before we went to bed to wake me up around the time when I had to meet Stef and Charity in the lobby for our girl's day out before the party, so I didn't bother setting an alarm.

I as sound asleep until he did start to wake me up. I groan in protest and turn over onto my stomach, burying my face in the pillow.

"Come on. You've got to meet Stef and Charity in the lobby in about 20."

"Mmph." I mumble into the pillow.

"Well I guess you don't want the proper good morning kiss goodbye before you leave then."

I move my head to the side and look at him through tired eyes.

"Alright. But help me get up?"

"Anything for you." He says as he moves from the bed and I roll back over so I'm laying on my back. I hold out my arms and he grabs them, helping me up. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, my feet hitting the floor. I stretch and then yawn before heading over to my things and digging through for something relatively cool to wear because we are in LA. After grabbing my clothes, I head into the bathroom to get changed. Once I was dressed for the day, I put my hair up in a ponytail before doing my makeup and such. I was all ready and walk out of the bathroom, finding a pair of flip flops and slipping into them.

"I believe I deserve that kiss now."

"I don't know..." He trails off, jokingly of course.

"Please?" I pout.

"You know I can't resist that pout. It's one of my weaknesses." He chuckles, moving from the bed and walking over to me.

"Yes I know." I grin, as he wraps his arms around me, pressing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as he holds me close, giving me both a good morning and goodbye kiss. When I feel that we've been going on for too long, I pull away. "Remember, I have somewhere to be in a few."

"I know. I'm gonna miss you."

"Aww, I'll be back tonight, just in time to get ready for the party."

"Still gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Remember, you can text me all you want. My phone's always on."

"Right." He nods, reluctantly letting me go.

When he does let me go, I grab my bag, making sure I have what I need in it. I kiss him quickly once more before heading out the door to meet Charity down in the lobby.

Stef in the meantime was already up and getting ready to go in the bedroom of Mike's condo, much to the protest of him.

"Do you really have to go now? I was enjoying our cuddle time."

"Yes, I do have to go. I have to find something to wear for tonight." She says as she's sitting on the side of the bed to put her shoes on.

"I do like the sound of you in something new for tonight, but I'm gonna miss you." He pouts.

"Oh Mike, I'm gonna miss you too. But it's going to be all worth it to find out what I'm wearing tonight."

"True. Are you going to give me a glimpse when you get it or are you gonna make me wait?"

"Hmm, I'll let you know what I find the right dress." She smirks, moving from the bed. "Well I should get going now, have to meet Charity and Kalena at the hotel." She says, grabbing last minute things like her phone and such.

"Awww, okay. Kiss first?" He asks.

"You know I would never forget that." She chuckles, walking around to his side of the bed and pressing her lips against his in a brief, but lingering kiss.

"Text me whenever." She says. "Love you."

"Love you too." He says back, before she grabs everything and heads out of the room grabbing her car keys and leaving to head to the hotel, which wasn't too far away.

The similar situation was going on in Charity and Jon's room. She was getting ready to go, even though he didn't want her to. It took some convincing but he let her go.

"Surprise me with what you're wearing tonight? I may not be a superstar right now, but I'm still going with you to the party. Everyone goes."

"Right, and of course I'll surprise you. You love my surprises."

"Yes, yes I do. So much. Especially when they're clothes that you'll be wearing, because you look good in anything."



"Of course. But now I've got to get going. I'll be back just in time to get ready for the party alright?"

"Yeah of course." He nods, getting out of bed and going over to her. "I think I deserve something before you go though."

"Yes, yes you do." She grins, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his, making the kiss long a good amount of time before pulling away.

"More where that came from tonight."

"Looking forward to it."

They both say their goodbyes and she heads out the door, meeting Stef and I in the lobby, since Stef met me there about 5 minutes ago.

"So, Mike didn't want you to go huh?" I ask Stef amusedly.

"No. That's what took me so long."

"I figured. Well it's all gonna be worth it to see his face tonight with whatever you choose to wear tonight."

"Oh I know." He nods, just as the elevator dings and Charity steps out. She greets us when she reaches us, and we all talk a bit before heading out to the car, Mike's car to be exact, since he let Stef take it today.

"So what's first? Outfit searching?"


We all pile into the car and Stef drives, all of us heading to the mall, because that's where we would be able to find the best stuff. When we get there and search for a dress store first. We split up and search for things, also helping each other with what to wear. We all decide to meet up by the dressing rooms to show each other. We hand off what we picked for one another and each head into a stall to change. After a few dresses, not liking them much, we come to the final dress each, and surprisingly we all like what we had on. Since Stef knew what Mike was wearing she mostly chose around to match with him. Charity and I stepped outside that box and chose differently from what Jon and Alex were wearing tonight. I had chosen a purple-ish mauve, one shouldered dress with a slit on the sleeve that went over my arm.

"Oh that is gorgeous." Stef compliments.

"You think?" I ask.

"I don't think. I know." She grins.

"Oh I can't wait until tonight. I'm so gonna kill him. And you two are gonna kill Mike and Jon with your dresses."

"Add the heels and they'll practically we drooling over all of us." Charity laughs.

I head back in to change out of my dress and back into my regular clothes. We head to the register and pay for our dresses before heading to a shoe store to find heels to go with our dresses. It didn't really take us long to find heels, since we all worked together, grabbing a few pairs and deciding between them. The next store we go to is a jewelry store for the usual. Earrings, necklaces, etc. I had chosen Diamond Chandalier earrings, a silver bead bracelets. I had the two other pieces of jewelry back at the hotel room that I was going to put on once I was ready. Once we all found what we wanted to wear, we pay for that as well. It was about lunch time when we got out of the store so we decided to go to the food court.

"So tonight should be fun. It's going to be even more fun with the guys. Considering Jon and Alex haven't been to a WWE party before."

"I know right? The dancing, mingling. It's a really nice venue too. The pool and everything."

"Yes. It can be romantic too if you think about it."

"Despite all the other people around."

"True. It's gonna be fun regardless."

"Ain't that the truth."

After we finish our lunch and texting the guys from time to time, we go to finish our shopping.

"So what now?" I ask when we exit the mall.

"Well we still have a few hours to kill. Nails and hair? That's basically the last two things we need to get done."

"Yeah sure." Stef nods, and we all head to the car and get in, driving to a local salon to get our hair done. My hair stayed mostly flat except for the ends which were curled. Since there was only one stylist open at the time, we went one by one which killed a lot of time. After about an hour or so, we head to get our nails done, and that took almost no time at all.

"We can finally head back and get ready."

"The party that kicks SummerSlam weekend off officially."

"And we're in LA, it can't get any better than this."

"No way."

When we get back, we all go up to the floor we all were on, but split up in different directions to our rooms. When I reach my room, I walk in to see Alex getting ready. Nice shirt and jeans. I couldn't help but stare.

"Well don't be dressing up on my account." I grin.

"Oh. You're back. I totally didn't see you there."

"Oops. My bad. You just know what I like don't you?"

"Wha-oh...yeah." He chuckles, finishing buttoning his shirt.

"Well I suppose I should start getting ready. I believe Mike and Stef will be here within the hour with the limo for you, me, Charity and Jon." I say reluctantly as I start to head for the bathroom to get ready with all my things.

"I can't get a peek at the dress?"

"Nope. You'll have to wait. If I had to wait for that..." I motion to his outfit. " can wait for the dress and everything."


"You'll live. I'll try not to be too long."

"Alright." He nods. "Love the hair by the way."

"I know you do." I smile, walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, allowing me to change in privacy. I put the dress on first of course, followed by my makeup. My jewelry is next and last is my hair. The finishing touches are done with the fragrance mist and the heels. I do one last look over making sure it's all perfect. Once I feel that it is, I leave everything in the bathroom, but open the door and stand in the doorway. I whistle to get his attention and he looks over, jaw almost dropping.


"And that's what I was going for. Making you speechless." I laugh.

"It worked..." He nods.

"Good. Now we still have some time left before Stef and Mike will be here. So wait here or the lobby?"

"Lobby's good. We wait here, we may never make it out." He looks me over.

"Good point." I say amusedly. "Lobby it is."

We make sure we have what we need before I lace my fingers with his and we head down to the lobby. Charity had just walked into her and Jon's room, the bathroom door was shut and the shower was going, so clearly he was in the shower. While she waited, she decided to get ready for the party in the room itself. By the time she was dressed, and finishing up with her hair, Jon came out of the bathroom.

"Well ain't that a sight to see when I come out of the bathroom." He smirks, leaning against the door frame.

"You're welcome." She giggles. "You like?" She does a spin for him.

"I love. That looks gorgeous on you."

She blushes and looks down to hide it.

"Aww you."

"Mee. And what have I said about hiding that beautiful face?"

"Sorry, force of habit."

"I know." He says, walking towards her and lifting her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. "It's what makes you beautiful."

"And there you go again."

"Can't help it."

"For the record, I love what you're wearing too." She grins, taking a look at his outfit.

"I picked out all your favorites."

"You did." She nods, smiling. "You ready to go then? We just have to wait for Mike and Stef to get here with the limo. Meeting Kalena and Alex in the lobby so we all can wait."

"Yeah. You have everything you need?"

"Yup. You?"

"Mmhmm. Let's go." He motions towards the door and they head out and down to the lobby.

Stef and Mike however are finishing up getting ready themselves at his place. She was in the bathroom while he was in the bedroom getting ready in a suit. His suit was basically all black, except for the tie which was purple. He's adjusting his suit as Stef comes out of the bathroom ready to go except for her shoes. She gets a glimpse of Mike and bites her lip. She grabs her shoes and sits on the bed to put them on. Once they're on she stands up.

"Ohh Miiike." She sings, getting his attention.

"Yeah?" He turns around to see her in a purple dress that's matching his tie at least. "Wow."

"You like?"

"Try love. That dress is amazing on you. And we match."

"Yeah, I felt like matching. You said you were wearing a hint of purple so I wanted to go with purple."

"It's a great color on you." He nods. "We'll definitely be the best dressed couple there."

"Hope so. We both have a great sense of fashion."

"We do." He nods before his phone starts going off. "One second." He holds his finger up and answers his phone. "Hello? Oh you are? Yeah we'll be right out. Thanks." He says hanging up. "Limo's here. Should get going now so we can go get the other 4 and head to the party."

"Right." Stef nods. "One thing first though." She says, walking over to him. She rests her hands on his shoulders before leaning up and pressing her lips to his in a soft, but short kiss.

"Wanted to get a kiss before we left. Now I'm ready to go."

He grins and nods, lacing his fingers with hers and they leave the bedroom and head out of the door, Mike locking it behind him and putting the keys in his pocket. They then head down to the limo and get inside, before heading off to the hotel to get Alex, Charity, Jon and I. We didn't have to wait long and my phone went off with a text from Stef saying that she and Mike are out front.

"Our limo's here." I say, standing up from where I was sitting. The other three get up and I lace my fingers with Alex's before we all head out of the lobby doors and out to the waiting limo, the door open and ready for us to get in. Once we all pile into the limo, the driver goes back to the front and it's off to the party. When we get there, we pull up to the entrance to the red carpet and there's tons of celebrities and paparazzi.


"Just stick close to us."


The driver gets out of the front and comes around, opening our door. Alex gets out first and the cameras start going off from the paparazzi. He stands off to the side and holds his hand out and I take it as he helps me out of the limo. I lace my fingers with his and we make our way down the red carpet first. Jon and Charity were the next ones to get out of the limo, being met with the millions of light flashes from cameras. Fans and paparazzi of course. They head down the red carpet next. Last was Mike and Stef, and they do the same, before the limo driver shuts the door and walks around to the drivers side and gets in, driving away. Mike and Stef make their way down the red carpet as well. We all make our way down, stopping to pose for the millions of cameras getting pictures. We all move at a slow pace, seeing as so many people wants us to move this way, move that way, look here, look there, look everywhere. Once we got past them, it was onto some interviews from local stations, and entertainment people.

Alex and I walk up to one interviewer and a camera and we're greeted.

"So this is your first SummerSlam Kickoff Party. What's it like being here?"

"Well I think it's amazing to be here. Especially to see all these celebrities here. And it's great to see everyone come together to support the MDA. That's what we're about, we support everything these charities do, and we do everything we can to help." I start off.

"Exactly. I mean it's great that we're able to help out these kids who love what we do, look up to us by doing things like this." Alex adds.

"Of course. Now let's talk about you for a minute Alex. You're currently on this show called WWE NXT where you have a pro guiding you. That pro happens to be The Miz, what's your relationship with him?"

"Oh well he's a great pro. I'm learning everything from him. Sure I may not be a fan favorite because I'm being paired with his on this season, but he's teaching me everything I could possibly know. And it helps I have Kalena there with me."

"If anything, I'm one of his biggest supporters and I can't wait until he's up on the main roster with me." I nod.

Jon and Charity did some interviews, but they wanted to get inside as quick as possible because they wanted to see what the inside looked like. Mike kind of hung back a bit doing interviews, while Alex and I went right through them with quick answers and such.

"This event is absolutely amazing. Not only because it's in my second home of Los Angeles, just to show that what WWE is all about. I mean we have so many charities that we work with all the time and it's just great to give back man. Just to see these kid's faces when they get to meet us or meet Cena or Triple H or even me. Believe it or not, kids actually get excited to meet me."

"Because they think you're delivering food or something."

"Maybe something like that. But it's absolutely incredible to give back and see the kid's faces. It's's heart touching."

With that they move on down the line where the crowd is diminishing and they come across TMZ.

"No, I don't wanna talk...I'm not talking to TMZ. I'm not talking to you, you know why? Because let's face it, let's face it. You had Cena go on, which Cena did an amazing job. I think Cena is better than Harvey! Cena was better than Harvey on the show. And I can see this happening on uh...on Monday where Harvey's standing there, Harvey's going 'listen uh, so we got Miz saying that Cena did better than Harvey'. And Harvey goes 'heh, well, let's draw a little picture. This is Cena, this is me'. Listen we get it, we get it. Put me on the show, it's gonna be a steal, no problem."

"Do something fun, do something super fun."

"No listen listen, you do something fun. How about this, we turn the camera on you and you do something. Don't tell me to do something fun. I'm a WWE Superstar. I'm the reason this party is happening. I'm the reason people are going to SummerSlam. So, you do something fun."

"What should I do? What can I do that's fun?"

"You're supposed to be interviewing me, I'm not supposed to be interviewing you. Why am I interviewing an interviewer? That's not supposed to happen. TMZ, get interviewers that can interview people."

"When are you winning the belt? When is the belt coming home to you?"

"Uh listen, it's a title. You can buy a belt at Target. I win titles. Listen kid, I win titles. And let's face it, I have the Money in the Bank briefcase, which allows me a WWE Championship match anytime anywhere. So, right now we have SummerSlam. Randy Orton and Sheamus for the WWE Championship. If something happens, where I have an opportunity to basically cash in my Money in the Bank briefcase, I'm gonna do it. So you heard it there first TMZ."

"Who are you taking on? Who do you want to take on?"

"Who do I want to take on? Whoever's on the ground. Whoever's on the ground hurt, and can barely get up. So then I can win like that. Because I am a person of opportunity. What?"

"Any Real World people that could wrestle you? Anybody? Tak, Ruby?"

"Wow, you're old school. You went Hawaii. You went Hawaii. Wow. You don't know Nathan? Come on, there you go. I got one. Lindsey? Puck's San Francisco. Listen, if we're gonna do the whole Real World thing, we can go all day. I don't know any of the new ones though. I don't watch it anymore. I love Real World, I love MTV, I love what they did for me. The only problem is like, I feel like it's gotten saturated. I feel like there's so many reality shows out there. I feel like I'm reason there's a Jersey Shore. Because Real World is the first reality show am I not correct? Besides Cops? And Jersey Shore came, basically derived from the same platform as The Real World. So you're welcome for the Situation, you're welcome for Snooki. You can thank me."

"Do you have better abs than the Situation?"

"Uh...I would say I have better abs and when I'm on the show for WWE, I have a better tan."


"And a better haircut."


"And better lines. And better women because they have things called 'grenades'. Like, I have never seen any of them have a pretty woman. Ever! Ever!"

"They're in South Beach and I don't think I saw any ugly girls and that's-"

"I KNOW! I know! They're in South Beach. Pick up something."

"Out of 50 girls I've seen, three of them were hot."

"I know! My god! I'm watching this show and going, 'no, no, and no, and no'. You're on a TV show, it's not that hard. Watch The Real World: Back To New York. Watch how it's done Situation and Pauly D. Watch how it's done, go back, look in the libraries of the Real World, check me out, that's how it's done to pick up a woman."

"I think the producers are putting the ugly women in there."

"I disagree. I disagree, I just think they have no game. I think that they go out there and they fist pump, and they wear t-shirts. T-shirts! You don't wear a t-shirt to a club! You wear a suit. You wear a tie. You wear something nice that women can go, 'look at that guy, he is dressed nice and sexy. I want to take that guy home'. You don't even have to go up to the women, the women come up to you. That is the way you play the game. Read The Game. Read The Game by Neil The Game by Neil Strauss, or just watch the library of The Miz on The Real World, or even in WWE. That's how you pick up women Situation, Pauly D, Vinny. I believe they call themselves MVP. Yes I do watch the show. I watch Jersey Shore, everyone likes to watch a carwreck, I'm sorry. We all do."

"Thank you very much-"

"There you go. Maybe now TMZ will pay be some attention. I swear to god every time I'd walk out they'd just go, 'pfft'. Pfft...pfft. What?! Am I the last one to get in? I'm always the last one out."

It isn't much longer before he and Stef head inside. They find Alex, Charity, Jon and myself, joining us at the table.

"Took you two long enough. What happened?" I joke.

"Oh he got caught up with talking with TMZ." Stef laughs.

"About what?"


"Ohh Mike. What're we gonna do with you?"

"Love me to death." He grins, sitting down.

"Exactly." Stef smiles, kissing him quickly.

"I'm gonna go get some food, coming with?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

"Desserts first?" Charity asks hopeful.

"Of course."


"Yes chocolate." I laugh as I kiss Alex's cheek and get up from the table.

"I can already tell this night's gonna be fun. Just wait until we're out on the floor dancing."

"Oh god, I know right?"

After we gather what we wanted for desserts, we head back to the table, sitting back down. We share the desserts with the guys before waiting a bit to go out onto the dance floor with them. After a bit of dancing, we walked around and talked with everyone else that was around. After socializing, Alex and I went back to dancing a bit along with everyone else. I did end up being one of the firsts getting tired.

"Someone's tired."

"Maybe a little."

"I'm thinking we get you back to the hotel and bed, we do have a long day tomorrow."

"We do. I have a signing and then you and Mike's tag team match. Thank god my signing was scheduled for before that."

"Right, so we definitely need to get you back."

"I think so. Just let me go tell Mike, Stef, Charity and Jon." I pull from Alex's arm to go tell him. I reach Stef and Mike first.

"Hey...we're heading off."

"So soon?"

"Yeah. Long day tomorrow. I've got a signing before the guys' tag team match."

"Oh ok. We'll see you tomorrow then."


Stef and I hug, while Alex and Mike do the man hug thing. We then make our way over to Charity and Jon and explain to them the same thing we did to Stef and Mike. We do the same, hugging them, before we heading out.

"Wait. How're we gonna get back? We all came in the limo."

"We'll just call a cab."

"Oh, right. I must be really tired."

"More than likely. I'll call the cab." He says, taking out his phone to call for a cab. I find a bench nearby and go to sit while we wait.

"Yeah...alright. Thanks." Alex says, hanging up.

"They'll be here in about 10 minutes." He says, coming over to the bench and sitting down next to me.

I nod. "So tonight was fun."

"It was. Tomorrow's going to be even more fun. You've got a signing, and then the tag team match I have with Mike."

"Which you will win, I know it."

"Of course. With you and Stef ringside for us, we can't lose."


Soon the taxi pulled up and we moved from the bench. Alex opened the door for me and I got in first, and he slid in next to me. He told the driver where to go and we're off. The other four are busy having fun dancing and such. Unlike us, they stay for the whole party, ending up leaving late like everyone else.

"Now that was a fun party." Stef says as she and Mike, along with Charity and Jon make their way to the front where the limo would be waiting to take them all back.

"It was." Charity nods. "Glad you could come along Jon."

"Well of course I would come. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I couldn't let you go all alone now could I?"

"Of course not."

The limo is right out front waiting, the driver holding the door open when all four of them approach the limo. One by one they pile into the limo and the driver shuts the door and goes around to the drivers seat and gets in, starting the limo and heading off. He first stops at the hotel to drop Charity and Jon off. They say their goodbyes to Mike and Stef before heading into the hotel and up to their room. Stef and Mike were dropped off last at his condo. He thanks the driver before he and Stef head inside for the night.