Status: Active

He's a Fighter

SummerSlam Axxess Day One

Saturday came awfully quick and it was day one of Axxess. Mike and Alex had a tag team match against Percy and MVP, I had a signing, Charity had a signing. Stef had the day off, her signing was going to be tomorrow before the show. Since Axxess didn't start until the afternoon, we all took advantage of the morning and slept in. At Mike's condo, he had woken up before Stef. He looked at the clock and it read 11am. Just another hour and Axxess would be starting. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and moves from the bed, going into his closet to find clothes for the day. He lets her sleep in a bit more as he heads into the bathroom to change. He changed into jeans and a black, collared t-shirt. He walks back into the room to put shoes on and that's when Stef stirs.

"Afternoon." Mike says.

"Afternoon?" Stef questions.

"It's after 11am. Axxess starts in about an hour. I wanted to let you sleep. You looked so peaceful."

"Aww, well thank you. So do you have a signing?"

"Not a signing exactly, but I do have a little thing where fans can take pictures with me and the briefcase."

"Ooh that sounds like fun. And of course I'm gonna be there with you."

"Well of course. And all this is before my match so we won't have to worry about it."

"Good. I should probably get up then right?"

"Probably would be a good idea. We can stop somewhere on the way if you're hungry."

"Yeah, sounds good." She says before moving from the bed and going into the closet for something to wear herself. Once she finds something, she heads into the bathroom to change and get ready for the day. After she's done in the bathroom, she comes back into the bedroom.

"Someone looks beautiful." Mike compliments.

"Miiiike." She blushes.

"What? It's the truth."

"You're always so sweet."

"Because that's who I am. Ready to go?"

"Just a few more things." She says, going over and grabbing a pair of shoes and putting those on before grabbing anything else she needed. On the way out, he grabbed his keys for the house and the car, following Stef out the door as he locked it and out to the car. He opened her door for her and waited for her to be settled in before shutting the door and going around to the driver's side, starting the car up when he got in. The hotel wasn't too far from the event which was outside of the Staples Center anyway. They pull into the parking lot of the Staples Center, and proceed to head into the event. It doesn't start for a while, but people are still lined up to head in. Walking by to get to where their booth was set up for the pictures with the fans, they greeted everyone waiting before heading to where they needed to be.

"This is gonna be fun." Stef bounces on her feet.

"Just imagine when I have to walk around in my ring gear for this." He chuckles.

"Must be awkward."

"Just a little. But Alex and I, we're gonna crush MVP and Percy Watson."

"Yes you are."

Charity Jon were already awake and getting ready. Charity getting ready for her signing today, Jon just getting ready because he's going to walk the grounds since he's not a WWE Superstar ever since getting kicked off of NXT.

"It's gonna suck not being there with you to sign autographs."

"I know, but we'll meet up after and we can do whatever you want. There's tons of things going on today."

"True. How long is the signing?"

"About an hour or two. They don't last very long."

"Okay good. You know I'm gonna keep trying to get here."

"I know. Even if they never sign you, I'll always be there for you."

"And I know you will. That's all that matters."

"That's right." She grins, kissing him briefly. "Now are you ready to have fun?"

"Of course." He grins, lacing his fingers with hers as they grab what they need and leave the hotel, to head to their car. After getting into the car, they head off to Axxess. When they get there, all the people are starting to file in.

"Isn't it amazing?" Charity asks.


"Well my signing starts soon, I should get to the booth. Walk me?"

"Of course." He nods, getting out of the car, meeting her around in front of the car and they head in and to her booth. Along the way, fans greet them, along with the fans waiting in line to meet her.

"Alright. So you have fun roaming around, you can text me whenever."

"I plan on it. Have fun meeting everyone." He grins, kissing her briefly, which earns a few 'awwws' from the crowd. They can't help but laugh a bit before he walks away to roam the grounds while she sits and does the autograph signing.

Alex and I were the last two to leave. I was finishing up in the bathroom while he was getting his gear bag together.

"I'm so glad you get to be at the signing with me. Honestly I was worried you wouldn't' be considering the fact you're only on NXT and not an official WWE Superstar." I say from the bathroom as I finish up with my makeup.

"I know. It surprised me. But I'm glad I'm with you too."

"It's better than walking around the grounds."


Then I come out from the bathroom in what I chose to wear. It was a red lace tube top with a black belt, and skinny jeans. My jewelry was to match along with my makeup, and my heels.

"I think I just died and went to heaven." Alex jokes.

"Oops." I giggle as I start getting what I need all set.

"You always know what to wear to get to me."

"Yes I do." I say as I grab a pair of sunglasses and put them on my head for now. "Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup, got everything I need." He nods. "After you." He adds.

I grab what I needed and headed out of the room before him. I wait outside of the door for him as he walks out into the hallway, then we head to the elevators, heading down to the lobby and then out to our car. I choose to drive this time, getting into the drivers side as Alex gets into the passenger side. Once we're settled in, I start the car and we head off the Axxess.

"Air conditioning or windows open?" I ask Alex.

"Windows." He nods.

I nod too and we put our windows down and I open the moon roof as well. I don't have to worry about my hair, because I kept it flat and I can always brush it out if it gets too messy from being blown around. It isn't long until we pull up to the event. I make sure to close every window before we both get out. Alex leaves his gear bag in the car for now, and is going to come back for it before his match.

"Alright, let's go find our booth." I say as I drop the sunglasses over my eyes to shield them from the brightness of the sun. We finally find our booth and take our seats. Pictures and blank papers with a WWE border were placed on the table, along with waters for us both. We only had a few minutes before the signings start and we had to do was wait for people to start lining up. More and more people started to show up to Axxess, lining up for the autographs booths and everything.

"Think you'll make it through the next couple hours with the crazy fangirls?" I ask Alex quietly, with an amused look on my face.

"I'm sure I will." He chuckles.

Once it got closer to the time the signing was going to start, they let people step up onto the platform. We greet each fan and sign things for them. Whether it be pictures, whatever. We would also take pictures and talk to the fans a bit.

"You two are the cutest couple ever." One fan gushes.

"Aww thank you."

"I hope you make it into the WWE so we can see more of you two." She says to Alex.

"I'm rooting for him to win NXT. But I'm sure he'll make it in even if he doesn't win."

"Something will happen for sure."

"Thanks for coming and enjoy your day."

The line really died down for us, they just kept coming and lining up.

"Looks like we're gonna be busy this afternoon."

"Well people just love us."

"They do." I laugh.

The signing over with Charity went the same way as ours, people keep lining up for her as well, getting things signed, having conversations with the fans and taking pictures. Over at the booth with Mike and Stef, they too were having conversations with the fans, Mike even having some fun with the younger kids as well. The few hours seemed to pass by quick and soon it was time for him and Alex to get ready for their match against Percy and MVP. Stef and I go back to the cars with Mike and Alex to get their ring gear. Then we head into the Staples Center so that they could get to the locker rooms to change. That left Stef and I standing outside of the locker room to talk to each other while we waited.

"So how was your Axxess thing? What'd you and Mike end up doing?"

"Oh this little thing where fans got to take pictures with him and both the title and the briefcase."

"Oooh fun. Alex and I had a regular signing. I've been waiting for this match all day though."

"Oh I know right?"

It isn't long until the door opens and both Mike and Alex walk out next.

"Yellow? That's something new on you." I say to Alex.

"Trying out a new color." He shrugs.

"I like it." I grin.

"Well thank you." He kisses me quick.

"Just stick to the black ones on NXT alright?" I laugh.


Mike though had his purple gear on.

"Purple. I love it." Stef grins.

"I know you do."

"Now just one thing. It's sunny out, I'm sure you put sunblock on right?" She asks.

"Well duh, I'm not dumb. I don't wanna be sun burnt for SummerSlam."

"Good answer. Now are we all ready to go?"

"Yup. I just got a quick interview on the way to the ring area."

"Alright, well we'll meet you there then." I say to Mike and Stef.

She nods, Alex and I head out first, the fans of course lining the sides of where we came out, heading to the ring area. We get to the area behind the curtain where Percy and MVP were already waiting. We were just waiting on Mike and Stef.

"You two so got this match won. Despite how the crowd reacts, Stef and I are out there for you...always."

"Oh Mike and I know that. Don't worry."

"Good. As long as you know that." I lean up and kiss him quick.

Percy and MVP were the first ones to go out while we waited for Mike. Once Mike and Stef heard MVP's music that's when they had to go and they headed to the curtain area.

"Sorry we're a but late. The interviewer just had so many questions."

"That's alright. Percy and MVP just went out."

"Yeah, we could hear."

As soon as MVP's music faded, they played Mike's.

"Well here we go."

Stef laces her fingers with Mike's, standing in front of Alex and I, which we're holding hands as well. Mike goes out and we follow, most boo us, some cheer. Mike and Alex let us go in favor of getting into the ring. The downside to this ring, it was in the wide open so the sun was beating down on us. Thank god we all were protected from the sun with the sunblock. It starts off with Mike and MVP and they go for a bit of time before MVP tags in Percy.

"Get him Mike!"

Mike takes control of the match before tagging in Alex.

"Go Alex go!" I cheer as he keeps knocking Percy down.

It was a decent match, but unfortunately in the end, MVP and Percy ended up winning.

"Damn." I head over and help Alex out of the ring, and Stef does the same for Mike.

She hands Mike his title and briefcase, and I hand Alex back his vest and we walk backwards to the curtain, glaring at Percy and MVP, before disappearing through it and behind it.

"Don't worry. Matches like these don't count. You two are still better than them on the show. How about we get you back so you can change and we can enjoy the rest of the day?" Stef suggests.

"That's not a bad idea." Mike nods.

They put their arms around our shoulders and we head back to the building so they can go to the locker room to change and we can enjoy the rest of our day.

Meanwhile with Charity, her signing had ended a while ago and she texts Jon to see where he is. He text back, telling her and she heads that way.

"Heyy, you survive?" She greets him, hugging him.

"Yeah, I just stood in the crowd and watched Mike and Alex face Percy and MVP."

"Yeah? How was that?"

"It was great. Great match between them."

"Who won?"

"Percy and MVP."

"Oh darn. Well this is all for fun anyway. So how about we go have our fun huh?"

"Yeah." He nods, kissing her quick, and they walk away from the ring to engage in the fun activities all around the grounds.

We all hang around, interacting with the fans, doing interviews as people find us and this goes well into sundown. Axxess starts to die down, everything getting shut down and people start to leave. We hang around until everyone is basically gone and that's when we all head towards the cars.

"So, how was everyone's day?" I ask as we all reach our cars.

"It was fun. I can't wait until tomorrow."

"I know right? More Axxess stuff and then the show itself. I believe we're facing the Bella Twins right?" I ask Stef.

"Yup. What about you Char?"

"Maryse. Should be a good match."

"And we're going to make sure The Bellas don't do Twin Magic and try to cheat." Mike comments.

"Of course, because the match should be fair."

"To make it even more fair, one of you should be the ref."

"Right, but we'll make sure you two win the match. It's what we do remember?"

"Yes, we remember. So are we all ready to head back now?" I ask.

"Yup. Another long day and night tomorrow."

"Oh yeah. More Axxess stuff and then the show."

"We'll all see everyone tomorrow."

We all say our goodbyes and good-nights before getting into our cars and then heading back to the hotel for the night, Stef and Mike heading back home, to get a good night's sleep considering all that's happening tomorrow.