Status: Active

He's a Fighter

SummerSlam 2010

It's finally Sunday and tonight is the biggest event of the Summer...SummerSlam. All day we were at Axxess doing surprise appearances and signings, sticking around for the matches and other fun events happening. It was a long day and we made a quick stop back at our hotel to grab our things. Mike was getting his gear from his place since he would be making his decision on joining Team WWE to face Nexus tonight. Alex didn't have a match, but he grabbed a nice shirt and jeans and such to look nice, which I love. Stef also grabbed her gear since she and I would be facing the Bella Twins tonight, and I did the same, grabbing my gear. Charity did the same with her gear, but John had brought some nice clothes for himself. Then we all got into our own cars and headed off to the arena. When we get there, we all arrive at different times. Alex and I were getting out of the car when Stef and Mike pulled in and parked. And once they got out of the car with their things, Jon and Charity pulled in as well. Alex and I head in first with our things and I follow him to the Superstar locker room so we can drop his things off so he can get changed later. Then we stop by the Divas locker room so I can drop off my things as well. After that, we walk around the backstage area as everyone is setting up and getting ready for the show tonight. Stef and Mike walk in and do the same as us, seeing as the show won't be starting for a while and they really don't need to get ready just yet. The same went for Charity and Jon as well.

The closer it got to showtime, we had no choice but to get ready. The guys went to the Superstar locker room while Stef, Charity and myself went to the Divas locker room. I was the first to walk in, followed by Charity, and then Stef.

"Heyy." I greet everyone.

"Heyy" Charity and Stef greet.

"Ready for tonight?" I ask.

"Of course."

"We're so beating The Twins." Stef remarks.

"And Maryse is going down." Charity adds.

"And I believe Melina's going to be Alicia tonight. So we're gonna rock this show." I say as I get my attire out of my bag.

Just as Charity, Stef and I are getting ready, who walks in, but the Bellas. They give me and Stef looks before going to get ready themselves. I give Stef a look and we roll our eyes. We pay no attention to them, but as we're getting ready we can hear their whispers and small talk. I hold back my choice words, saving all that I'm feeling for the match. Especially since they were talking about me and Stef's relationships with Mike and Alex. We wait until they leave so we can talk amongst each other again.

"Oh my god, can you believe them?" I huff, as I lace my boots up.

"They're obviously jealous, because Mike and Alex never chose them. And who would anyway right?"

"Good point." I laugh. "Oh it's gonna be fun beating them tonight."

Then we hear laughing and the door opens to reveal Maryse. She pays no mind to us and sets her eyes on Charity.

"Oh, it's you. J'espère que vous êtes prêt à perdre ce soir."

"When are you going to realize that none of us speak French Maryse?" Charity retorts, not looking at her as she gets changed.

"I said, I hope you're ready to lose tonight. But who am I kidding? You are ready to lose. You know...Tu es fou si vous pensez que vous pouvez me battre ce soir. Tu seras toujours un perdant, tout comme votre copain." She laughs, before going to her things to get ready herself.

"Whatever Maryse." Charity brushes everything off as she finishes up and laces her boots. "But I'll say the one thing I know how to say in french. Au Revoir." She states before leaving to be with Jon.

"We better go too, or we'll be victim to her French talk." I say as Stef and I finish getting ready and leave to go be with Mike and Alex backstage. We manage to find them fairly easy. Alex was dressed in the clothes he brought with him, Mike was in a suit for a change. A black suit with a blue shirt that really brought out his eyes.

"Oooh." I nudge Stef. "So a suit Mike?"

"Oh yeah. Got a backstage segment with Chris and Edge before I have to get into my ring gear for later."

"The blue brings out your eyes. You know how much I love that." Stef grins.

"Yes, I know. Which is why I chose to wear this." He smirks.

"You always know what I like."

"Always." He kisses her quick.

"So are we all hanging out here or..."

"Well I don't know about you two, but I was thinking Stef and I could go into the locker room."

"I like that idea." She nods.

"The backstage segment with Chris and Edge is gonna be in there anyway so..."

"Ohh, well then the locker room is a good idea then. I'll see you at the curtain for our match?" Stef asks me.

"Oh yeah. Alex and I will be roaming around backstage anyway so."

"Alright, well have fun."

"We will." I nod as she and Stef head off to the locker room.

"" I ask.

"Sure." Alex nods, we lace fingers and head that way. When we get there, we end up seeing Charity and Jon there as well and we greet them.



"Decided to stay here in catering until your match?"

"Yeah, not much to do when you're roaming around backstage really."


It wasn't long until the show had begun, a video package that shows the major matches that's going to be happening tonight.

"You know Team WWE better win."

"I know right? If Nexus wins who knows what that means."

After the usual intro and everything, it was time for the first match. Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Championship. Dolph came out first accompanied by Vickie, and then out came Kofi. The title is raises in the air for all to see, before handed off to the ringside attendant.

"Let's call it now for who wins."

"Dolph." Charity and Alex state.

"Kofi." Jon and I state.

The bell rings and Kofi goes right after Dolph, wasting little time. Dolph scampers away and Kofi knocks him out of the ring, Vickie going to his aid. Kofi then backs up and jumps through the ropes, Dolph moving so Kofi collides with the barrier and the floor.

"Oooh." We all cringe.

Dolph gets back into the ring, begging for the ref to count. Kofi gets the strength to get back into the ring and Dolph wastes no time in going after him. He goes for a couple early covers, but Kofi kicks out. Dolph gets him in headlock and Kofi gets out of it, only for Dolph to fight back, getting him on the ropes, having to let go before five. Kofi kicks him in the leg a few times, getting to his feet, fighting back the best he can. He then trips Kofi so he lands face first into the turnbuckle and the goes for a cover and Kofi kicks out. After hitting a snap mare, he goes for another cover, but Kofi kicks out. He then locks his hands under his chin in a reverse chin lock, Kofi refusing to give up. He keeps the hold for a while, the fan's encouragement not helping Kofi right now. A quick pin attempt and Kofi kicks out. He hits him with an elbow drop, and covers him, having him kick out. He goes for another lock around the chin, and this time with the fan's encouragement, he gets to his feet.

"There you go Kofi." I say as he starts fighting back.

Dolph throws him into the corner and when he runs at him, he moves so Dolph bounces off of the corner. Kofi now starts to fight back, hitting him repeatedly, hitting him with a standing dropkick. He comes off the ropes and jumps on him, unloading with punches on Dolph. He runs around him in a circle, before hitting him with the Boom Drop. He backs up into the corner and signals for the Trouble In Paradise, but Dolph moves towards the opposite corner. Kofi runs and hops up onto the 2nd ropes as Dolph quickly moves out of the way. Kofi jumps and hits Dolph with a Cross Body, but Dolph rolls them over and covers Kofi, getting a two count.

"Oh come on." Charity complains.

Kofi then rolls up Dolph, getting a two count. Dolph comes back with the leg drop to the back of the head, and rolls him over, covering him, getting a two count.

"He had him! Count faster!"

Kofi's in the corner now, and Dolph runs full speed at him, only for Kofi to move outside the ropes and kick him in the head. He climbs to the top and hits him with his fist. He signals for Trouble In Paradise. He misses and Dolph gets him in the Sleeper Hold, locked in tight.


And just then Nexus invades and attacks, the match getting called off in a DQ.

"Speak of the devils."

They circle Kofi after throwing Dolph out of the ring. He tries to fight his way out, but they attack him like a pack of dogs. Darren hits him with his finisher, followed by Wade with Wasteland.

"Now that was just a little taste of what we got in store for Team WWE tonight. You see, Team WWE is currently searching for seventh member. But let's be honest. It isn't gonna make a shred of difference to the end result tonight. Cause we are talking about a roster that is so divided, so fragmented with it's own self-importance, with it's own egos, that they won't be capable of getting together long enough to sign a birthday card, let alone form a cohesive unit capable of fighting us. Now the Nexus on the other hand, we are the most destructive force in the history of the WWE and there is a good reason for that. It's because we are united behind a common purpose. And we just want to let the WWE and the rest of the world know that you're either Nexus, or you're against us."

"I just really hope they attack either one of you." I say about Jon and Alex.

"Me too." Charity nods.

"Charity and Maryse to the curtain please. Charity and Maryse." We hear their names called.

"Oh well looks like it's your match now."

"Seems so. Wish me luck."


"Coming?" She asks Jon.

"Yeah." He nods and he follows her out of catering.

When they get there, Maryse was already waiting.

"Ready to lose Maryse?" Charity asks confidently.

"Moi? Perdre? Tu dois me faire marcher. Si quelqu'un perd, c'est toi. Je suis Maryse, et je ne perds jamais de bien ... perdants."

"Blah blah blah blah blah. That's all I hear. Oh, I think that's your music. You should get out there." Charity states as Maryse's music goes off.

Maryse grumbles in French and storms out, doing her usual routine heading to the ring.

"Ugh I wanna just rip all her hair off with that flip."

"I know." Jon states, just as her music fades and Charity's goes off.

"Good luck." Jon says, giving her a long, good luck kiss.

She smiles before heading out, going down the ramp to the ring, slapping the hands of fans as she goes. She gets into the ring and does her in-ring stuff before standing before Maryse. The ref signals for the bell and it goes off, both of then locking up. Maryse gets Charity in the ropes and she has to let go before five. She does and then reaches out and slaps Charity across the face. That angers Charity and she goes after her, Maryse scampering away and leaning outside the ropes so Charity has no choice but to back off. She steps outside of the ring and does her hair flip, only for Charity to storm over and grab her by the hair like she said she wanted to and she pulls her onto the middle rope and hits her with a DDT. She waits a bit before picking her up and throwing her into the corner, hitting her with punches and kicks and elbows. Maryse shoves her away and when she comes at her, Charity hits her with a standing dropkick. Maryse gets up after that though, and Charity grabs her by the hair and throws her across the ring. She runs at her when she gets up and hits her with a monkey flip. When they both get up, she hits her with a clothesline. Maryse them scrambles to the ropes and Charity tries to stop her, but Maryse slides out of the ring to recover. Charity will have none of that so she quickly gets out of the ring and slams her face first onto the announce table. She throws her back into the ring and then goes for a cover, but Maryse kicks out. Maryse starts to fight back and after a few counters, Charity comes and dropkicks Maryse in the face. She quickly goes for the cover, but Maryse kicks out. Charity has had enough, so she gets Maryse onto her shoulders and holds her there tight as she runs and then lands on her back. She then covers her again and this time it's successful.

"Here is your winner...Charity!" She's announced as the winner and her hand is raised in victory.

"Who's the loser now Maryse?" She scoffs, and she celebrates a bit before she exits the ring.

The screen for those watching backstage and at home fades to a break which is just advertising and such before hyping the next match.

"I knew you could do it." Jon grins as he holds her in his arms and spins her around.

"Knowing you were watching, of course I did my best."

"And it worked. Now let's go back to catering so you can relax, get a drink and we can enjoy the rest of the show."

"Good idea."

Meanwhile in the locker room, Stef was in there with Mike when Chris and Edge came in and sat on either side of him and the cameras came in for the backstage segment.

"Did you see the chaos of what Nexus just did? Did you see the beat down they just gave those guys out there huh? It almost pains me to say this, but Miz we need you on our team tonight. You're the only guy on this roster with the talent and the uniqueness that you have. You're the US Champion and we need you tonight." Chris explains, while Edge was chewing on a Slim Jim.

"Yeah, because I mean, you're the Money in the Bank winner, I get that. I can appreciate that if anybody can. Tonight is not about cashing that in. Tonight is about seizing the ultimate opportunity. You know what I'm saying?"

"I mean think about this Miz. If you accept our offer, you could become a legend in this town. I mean Los Angeles, California. Hollywood! Home of the blockbuster. If you accept our offer tonight, this could be the biggest blockbuster announcement in history. Bigger than Avatar."

"Listen guys guys guys guys. I uh...I appreciate you guys coming to me, I appreciate you need my help. But I have a lot of things on my plate right now. I'm not sure I wanna make Nexus a priority. But I'll let you know." Mike says, starting to walk out, motioning for Stef to follow.

"It'll be bigger than the Titanic. What do you think he's gonna do?"

Mike then comes back and steals Edge's Slim Jim, smirks and walks away finally, with Stef in tow and a smile on her face.

"I think we got him."

Once the cameras switched to the ring for the next match, Mike and Stef resumed their spots where they were sitting before and Chris and Edge leave. When Mike and Stef look over at the TV screen, the next match was for the Divas Championship. Alicia coming out first, followed by Melina.

"Alicia gets on my nerves. On screen I know, I have to work with her considering she's a heel, but offscreen, I hate her. Now Melina, that's someone I can get along with."

"Her ring gear is interesting."

"That's what I love. She always has the most interesting and fun ring attire."

After her poses, she removes the major parts of her gear as the title is raised into the air for all to see. The bell rings to start the match. They stare each other down for some time before circling each other and locking up. Melina pushes Alicia into the corner and has to let go before five. They circle again before locking up once more and Alicia gets her into a side headlock. She then takes her down, keeping her arms around her neck in the side headlock, holding her to the apron. Melina gets to her feet and pushes Alicia into the ropes and Alicia lets her go at 3. She then shoves her away, and Melina slaps her in the face. She goes to send her into the ropes, but Alicia counters and sends her there instead. When she comes back she grabs Alicia's legs, wrapping her feet around her right ankle and grabs a hold of her hair and pulling her up so he midsection stretches. She then puts her free foot to the back of her head and lets her hair go, making her nose bounce off the apron. Alicia gets up, only to get speared into the corner and then gets laid across the middle rope. Melina climbs to the top before dropping her knees to her midsection. Alicia tries to get out of the match saying she can't see, the ref having Melina keep backing up. Alicia tried to take advantage of the fake out, but Melina grabs her and makes her hit her face again off the apron.

"That's what you get Alicia."

Melina goes for the cover, gets a two count. She throws a couple elbows and goes to send Alicia into the corner, but she counters and Melina goes there instead. She moves right out of the way as soon as Alicia storms at her and she jumps down behind her, coming down the wrong way on her right foot and she's limping, but she's still going to continue. Alicia goes for a clothesline, but Melina bends backwards and then hits Alicia with her elbow, and kicks her in the chest. Alicia rolls out of the ring and Melina goes after her, only to end up into the ring post and then Alicia kicks her in the arm. She gets back into the ring, grabs Melina by the hair and takes control of the match from here, going after the arm she hurt with the ring post.

"Come on Mel."

Melina gets to her knees and feet with the help of the crowd and gets sent into the corner, moving before Alicia could hit her. She moves out of the corner and then rolls Alicia up, kickout at two. She hits her with a few punches only for Alicia to shove her back into the ropes. But when she comes back, Alicia gets hit with a standing dropkick. Melina does the primal scream before jumping on Alicia against the ropes. She then plants her face into the apron and covers her for the three count.

"Yayyyyy!" Stef cheers. "She won it back. I'm so happy for her."

"That'll be you someday." Mike grins. "And I can't wait for that day."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new Divas Champion, Melina!" Josh Matthews announces in the ring. "Melina, it was nearly one year ago that you had to vacate the Divas Championship. Now here we are at SummerSlam and once again you're the Divas Champion. How does it feel to win the championship-" Josh gets cut off by LayCool's music.

"Oh those bitches. Ruining a moment really?"



"Wow." They say in unison.

"What a moment Melina, I mean, you must be so proud of yourself. And has anyone told you how good you look Melina, because girl you look good."

"Not." They say in unison.

"I mean we look good, we always look good, but then again we are...."


"You know 'Chelle, we run off every SmackDown Diva. Tonight we had no competition."

"Uh uh."

"So, Melina, we wanted to come out here and share in your oh so special moment!"

"You're welcome."

"So welcome."

"They love us 'Chelle, they love us." Layla states as they both get into the ring. "Well..."

"...real talk."

"Now this people, this is a moment you want to capture. You got three champions in the ring, count em'."

"One, two, three."

"And look at you, you've got goosebumps all over."

"Uh 'Chelle, cellulite."

"I don't know what cellulite is."

"It's gross."

"Okay, but I do have my phone. I've got my phone so we've got to Twitter this."

"Picture time, hold on. Picture time."

"Get with her Lay. Come on, two champs together. Yeah yeah yeah. Say cheese. Ready one-" Michelle says but Melina shoves Layla away.

"Hah, go Mel."

"Oh, you don't like Layla Melina? You want to take one with me? Let's take one together. Ready? One-" She starts to say, but Melina goes to knock the phone out of her hand and in results, Michelle falls.

And from there it's an attack on Layla and then Michelle. Layla grabs Melin's feet and holds her as Michelle kicks her in the face and then they both attack her, Alicia gets a shot in before Michelle takes her out, and Layla throws Melina out of the ring.

"Bitches." Stef mutters.

LayCool's music hits and Michelle gets one last shot in, hitting Melina in the head which was against the announce desk so her head bounces off. They collect their split title, Layla tosses the Divas Championship into the ring before they both walk back up the ramp.

"That was so uncalled for. If I wasn't a heel I would've went out and attacked them both."

"I know." Mike nods.

The screen faded to a Night Of Champion's promo, before leading to another video package highlighting everything that's been going on between CM Punk, the SES and Big Show. The SES makes their way to the ring along with CM Punk who's wearing a shirt that reads, "I Broke Big Show's Hand!". Show makes his way to the ring, and he has a big smile on his face, despite having a heavily bandaged hand.

"I don't know how much use that hand will be in the match tonight. He uses it, it's gonna hurt."

"I'm sure he'll find a way to win without using that."

When the bell rings, Show has the trainer who is ringside cut the bandages off his hand, revealing that it's fine.

"Doesn't look hurt or injured or broke to me."


Mercury attempts to start things off with Show, but gets thrown around like a rag doll. Gallows comes in now and it's the same deal, being thrown around like a rag doll. Punk tries to regroup with them on the outside and then Gallows and Mercury return to the ring for a double-team attack, but to no avail. Show fights them off and begins to manhandle them. He beats them down and throws them back to the outside to the floor. Show has complete control of this match as expected, until Punk gets into the ring. But he suffers the same fate. A big and loud chop to the chest and Punk rolls to the floor to get away. But Show follows him and Punk hits Show in the throat and attempts to stomp on his hand. Show ends up hitting the ringside steps with his hand, while attempting to hit Punk with a big punch, and it hurt him. SES use the advantage to triple team Big Show and soften him up. They get back into the ring and Gallows goes to work on Show's hands, followed by a splash on him. Mercury and Gallows come off of the top rope with elbow drops, as Punk follows behind them with a leg drop of his own. Big Show finally makes it to his feet and comes back, clearing house. He stacks Mercury and Gallows on top of each other and goes for a pin. Punk however has fled the match, leaving Gallows and Mercury to be sacrificial lambs. Show ends up pinning both men and wins the match.

"Oooh their leader turned on them. So sad. Not. I'm actually happy that Big Show won."

"Right. Hey I'm gonna go get changed alright? I'm gonna be responding to Chris and Edge's offer very shortly."

"Oh yeah sure. I'm coming out with you when I do that."

"Of course." She kisses his cheek as he heads into the changing area to get ready.

Meanwhile, there's a backstage segment that comes up next and Kane is there next to an open casket.

"Tonight brother, the vengeance which has alluded us for so long will finally be ours. When I defeat Rey Mysterio, shut this casket lid, and end his very existence!" Kane exclaims, closing the lid of the casket. He looks up and the camera pans over to reveal Sheamus. " you want?"

"Relax big man. I just came to say that this casket here, is far too large for a little fella like Rey Mysterio. But it's the perfect size for Randy Orton. So how about you let me borrow this for my Championship match up next? Because just like St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, I'm gonna drive The Viper out of the WWE."


"Well that's too bad. Because if you and I are the same page, together we'd b unstoppable. I'll tell you what, you can keep your casket, but I'll take your nickname. Because people everywhere have been calling me, the real big red monster. So if you lose your match tonight, and you decide to go on one of those psychotic rampages, from one champion to another, stay out of my way."

Kane just laughs. "I like you. You've got guts. Most of which will be spilt out all over the floor if you ever interrupt me again!"

Sheamus just walks away.

"Someone's got anger issues." I sing.

"No kidding."

And after a bit of commentary from Jerry and Cole and Mike's music goes off, him walking out with Stef.

"So I guess the question is, should I join team WWE, or not? Hmm, it's a good question. What do you think? Do you think-" Mike stops to listen to the crowd. "Do you all think I should join Team WWE? Well it's a good thing a could care less about what you people think. Because the opinion in the locker room is that I'm the missing link. I'm the missing puzzle piece. I'm the missing link in the chain that will lead Team WWE to victory! You all saw it! Last Monday night on Raw, Bret Hart and John Cena both asked me to be on Team WWE. But what you didn't see, is what happened earlier today, when I arrived at Staples Center. John Cena came up to me, and he admitted that he's been wrong about what he's been saying about The Miz. John Cena got down on his knees and begged me to be a part of Team WWE. Saying without me, they can't do it! John Cena literally said, I am the only superstar that can see him. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, a hall of famer, said I was the real excellence of execution. That I am the best there is, was and ever will be. Chris Jericho gave me his band CD Fozzy. And I graciously accepted it, but then threw it in the trash. My former tag team partner John Morrison, finally said, he is the Jannetty of our former tag team and I am the Shawn Michaels only better. Edge gave me a year supply of Slim Jims. R-Truth wrote me a crappy rap. As you can see, everyone has admitted that they needed me on Team WWE, except all of you. The WWE Universe needs to realize I am the fastest rising star! That I am WWE's new H-no! I am WWE's only hope! I am the future. Look at me people. I am the future. This face. I am the United States Champion. I'm a future WWE Champion. You people need to realize that! But I guess we need to get to the big decision. What's it gonna be Miz? This decision is bigger than the Pepsi Challenge. It's bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger starring in Terminator 5. It is bigger...heh...than Lebron James' spectacle on ESPN. Which will ultimately lead to the Lakers losing the NBA Championship."

Stef laughs a bit at his goofiness after that.

"The question I going to join Team WWE? The" He trails off, taking a long pause. "....yes. I will join Team WWE and I will lead them to victory. The WWE Universe will not be talking, they will not be buzzing about The Nexus. No, they won't be looking up to their hero John Cena. No you will be saying, you will be admitting to what I have been saying all along. That I'm The Miz...and I' no no no no! You don't get to do my catchphrase! If any of you have anything to say to me, you raise your hand! And you wait, you wait to be called upon. Until then, I want absolute silence! Because I'm the Miz, and I'm.....aweeeeesoooooommmmee!"

Stef claps, before she and Mike leave the ring and head back up the ramp and to the back. After they're in the back, there's a video package hyping the match between Sheamus and Randy.

"Do you really think John's gonna let Mike make that last minute decision?" Charity asks Jon.

"I don't think so. Only considering the fact that it is last minute and John might have found someone much more suitable to be on Team WWE to face Nexus."

"True. So, call it here. Sheamus or Randy?"

"Oh Randy, without a doubt."

"I say Randy too."

Sheamus being the champion comes to the ring first, followed by Randy. Once both men were ready, the bell rings and they circle each other, repeatedly with Randy glaring him. They finally lock up and after trying to push Sheamus into the corner, Sheamus turns him around and Randy gets pushed into the corner, and he lets go before five. Sheamus taunts him and the stare down continues. The starting procedure happens all over again, with Randy getting pushed into the corner, the ref having to push him away. Sheamus taunts him again and Randy starts to fire back at him, getting him into the corner and stomping on him repeatedly. He walks over, only be kicked and punches, and then thrown into another corner, but Randy comes back at Sheamus with a hard clothesline. He helps Sheamus up by the arm and kicks it, followed by kicking him in the head. He then grabs his legs and stomps on his chest. He goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus kicks and punches him and then Randy blocks him and hits Sheamus with a clothesline again. Sheamus is leaning against the ropes so Randy goes and knocks him over the top rope and to the floor. Randy follows him out and hits him off the announce table, and then knocks him over the barricade, going out into the crowd himself, continuing the attack there while the ref counts. He throws Sheamus back over the barrier, getting him and himself back into the ring before the ref hits 10. Randy then proceeds to stomp on every limb, before hitting him with a knee. He goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two, crawling towards the ropes and Randy follows. He continues to stomp on Sheamus before grabbing his legs and falling back, making Sheamus hit the bottom rope before he rolls out of the ring to the floor, Randy following again.

Sheamus take control of the match this time, hitting Randy against the barricade. He then goes to throw Randy into the barricade, but Randy reverses and Sheamus hits the barricade hard. The ref starts to count, gets to four when Randy gets back into the ring which breaks the count. Randy gets back out and over to Sheamus, and goes to send him into the steel steps, but Sheamus reverses and sends Randy into them instead. He now gets back into the ring, while Randy tries to recover outside the ring. He gets to his feet and into the ring, but Sheamus stomps away repeatedly until the ref has to pull him off. He goes back over and throws punches. He covers him, but Randy kicks out at two. Sheamus helps him up and hits him with a hard clothesline. He does some taunting and goes for another cover, getting another two count. He then locks his fingers under Randy's chin, but Randy gets to his feet. Sheamus however stops him from fighting back, that is until Sheamus goes to suplex him, and Randy blocks him and suplexes Sheamus himself.

"There you go Randy."

Sheamus outside the ropes and Randy gets him set up, getting him on the second rope, but Sheamus moves and sends Randy over the top rope and onto the floor.

"Damn. Come on Randy, get up!"

The ref starts to count, but Sheamus gets out of the ring and strides over to Randy, continuing the attack on the outside. And that's when the ref officially starts the count. Sheamus then helps Randy up and shoves him into the barricade hard. He does it a 2nd time before both him and Randy get back into the ring. He goes for the cover, but Randy kicks out.


Sheamus stalks Randy like he's hs prey and Randy's getting to his feet, hanging onto the rope. Sheamus measures him up before hitting him with fists to the skull. He covers Randy and gets a two and 1/2 count. He then starts clubbing Randy's chest, but with the hold Sheamus has him in, he tries to get to his feet. This time it doesn't work and Sheamus gets Randy back down and holds him there for a bit, until Randy does start to get up with the crowd's encouragement and battles back the best he can, until Sheamus trips him and he hits his face off of the middle turnbuckle. Sheamus then wraps his arm around his neck and drops him across his knee. He goes for back to back pin attempts, but it's too much. Randy starts to fight back until Sheamus hits him with an Irish Hammer.

"Come on Randy, get up."

Sheamus helps Randy to a sitting position, and Sheamus gets him in a potential submission hold, but Randy does not give up. Randy gets to his feet and tries to get out of the hold, and he does, dropping Sheamus on his back. Randy then crawls over to the corner and pulls himself back to his feet, as Sheamus does as well. Sheamus runs towards him and Randy moves, then hits Sheamus with his signature backbreaker. He covers Sheamus, but he kicks out. Both men get to their feet again and they go back and forth with punches and kicks, and Randy hits him with a couple of clotheslines, followed by the scoop slam, getting fired up. Sheamus crawls to the corner and Randy goes to send Sheamus into the corner, but Sheamus reverses, sends Randy into the corner they were already in, Randy moves and Sheamus goes shoulder first into the ring post. Randy then hits his head off of the top turnbuckle before climbing to the top, helping Sheamus to the top as well and Randy hits the superplex. he goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out.

"Oh come on, that was three!"

Sheamus crawls over to the ropes and Randy follows. He goes to send him into the ropes, but again Sheamus reverses and Randy goes into them. When he comes back, he ends up kicking Sheamus in the shoulder. He comes back for a clothesline, but Sheamus stops him and hits him with a backbreaker across the knee. He goes for the cover, but Randy kicks out. Sheamus leans back across the ropes and starts to taunt as Randy gets to his feet. When he does, Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Randy moves so Sheamus hits the top rope and falls out of the ring.

"Haha, serves you right."

The ref starts to count and Sheamus gets back into the ring, but Randy goes over and finally hits his DDT from the middle rope.

"There you go! Hearing the voices!"

He then goes to hit the RKO, but Sheamus counters and goes for the pin, but Randy kicks out.


Sheamus then hels Randy up to his knees at least. He then hels him to his feet and gets him up in the air, going for the Irish Curse. He goes for the RKO, but Sheamus stops him and then hits Randy with the Brogue Kick. He goes for the cover quickly, Randy kicks out.

"Come on Randy! You got this!"

Sheamus starts having a hissy fit, not believing how Randy could've survived that Brogue Kick.

"Temper tantrum much?"

Sheamus then rolls out of the ring and over to get a steel chair.

"You can't use that. What're you doing?"

Sheamus gets into the ring with the chair and fights with the ref for the chair. The ref ends up tumbling out of the ring, and the ref signals for the bell, so Randy wins by DQ, but doesn't win the title.

"Bullshit. I smell bullshit. Get him Randy!"

Randy starts to move to his feet as Sheamus taunts with the steel chair. He goes to hit him with the chair, but Randy hits him with a low blow.

"Bahahahaha, serves you right."

Randy then leans down and grabs the chair now and looks over at Sheamus who's in pure agony after getting that low blow. But Randy drops the chair and gets out of the ring, pulling Sheamus out onto the floor. He then rips apart the announce table, before helping Sheamus up and slamming him onto the table, before climbing up himself. He waits for Sheamus to get to his feet and when he does, he hits Sheamus with the RKO on the table.

"He deserves that too."

"Well he may have not won the title, but he won the match via DQ. That's still a win. We were right."

"Yes we were, and Sheamus deserved the beating he got too."

"Yes he did."

There's another promo for Night of Champions and while that was going, Stef, myself and The Bellas were called to the curtain.

"Well looks like it's time to head out there. Coming?"

"Of course. Mike I both won't let them try and cheat so..."

"Right. Well let's go." I say after getting up from the table.

When I do, Alex laces his fingers with mine and we head to the curtain. When we get there, The Bellas are already there, and so is Mike and Stef.

"Ready to win this thing?" I ask.

"Oh yeah."

"If anyone's going to be doing the winning, it's us." Nikki remarks.

"Yeah I highly doubt that." I retort.

Shortly after that, we chose to have Stef's music go off as her, Mike, Alex and myself all go out.

"Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Miz and Alex Riley, they are the team of Kalena and Stefanie!"

Of course being heels, the crowd mostly boos for us, but we could care less. We do our entrance into the ring and such before we step back and lean against the ropes as we wait for Brie and Nikki to come out. While we wait, Mike and Alex both give us a good luck kiss. Then their music goes off and they do their entrance. The bell rings and Stef decides to start things off with Nikki. They circle before locking up and Stef pushes her into the corner, kicking her repeatedly until the ref has to back her up. She then grabs her and pulls her out of the corner, wrapping an arm around her neck before planting her face first into the apron. She then scrambles over to Brie and tags her in and Stef hits her with a couple clotheslines, followed by a couple dropkicks. She then backs up and goes to kick her in the head, but Brie takes her feet out from under her, making her fall hard. Brie goes for the cover but Stef kicks out.

"Come on Stef!"

Stef at the last second goes to roll Brie up, but she kicks out. Stef then grabs her and delivers a DDT, like Mike's, making him proud. She goes for the cover now, but Brie kicks out. Stef comes over and tags me in and I climb to the top turnbuckle and wait for Brie to get up. When she does and turns around, I hit her with a missile dropkick that sends her across the ring. That's when Nikki tags herself in and comes after me. I duck and when she comes back, I hit her with a roundhouse kick. I go for the cover but Brie comes in quickly and breaks it up. She then takes me with all her strength and throws me out of the ring. Alex is immediately there checking on me. Stef comes in and takes out Brie and they fight to the outside as well.

"Come on, you can win this." Alex encourages as he helps me up and I get into the ring. Nikki however had recovered just fine and she walked over to me and grabbed me, putting me in position and hitting me with her and Brie's finisher. I get rolled over and covered, but I find the strength to fight out. Looking to my corner, I see Stef not there. So I crawl to the ropes and pull myself up, leaning against them as I recover. Nikki had been stalking me so at the right time she charged at me and I moved. She bounced off the ropes and I rolled her up for a quick cover in a way where she couldn't kick out so I got the three count and won.

"Here are your winners, Kalena and Stefanie!" We get announced as the winners as Stef gets back into the ring and our hands are raised in victory.

We then hug each other before Mike and Alex get into the ring and we hug them before they too raise our hands in victory, to the chorus of boos all around. We pay no mind to the boos, because that just make us even more proud of ourselves. We then start to make our way out of the ring and back up the ramp where we disappear backstage.

"I suppose we can go get changed out of our ring attire."

"I believe so."

"You two will have to wait outside of the locker room."

"We're okay with that." Mike nods.

We then start heading to the Divas locker room. After we walk in, we head to our things and start to change out of our attire. In the meantime it was time for the next match which was Rey vs Kane. We missed all the recaps which told the story leading up to tonight's match. We missed the entrances too. But as the match began, Kane goes after Rey and Rey quickly kicks Kane in the leg, moving out of the way. Kane gets Rey in the corner and begins pounding on him. He then throws Rey out of the ring, Rey landing on his feet, before getting back into the ring and Kane attempts to follow him back in. Rey slide kicks him, knocking him to the floor. Both of them make their way back into the ring, Kane attempts to pin Rey with a two count. The match continues with Rey able to get out of Kane's bear hug. With two failed 619 attempts, Rey is able to fight Kane off. Mid-match and Kane grabs a mic. He vows to make Rey pay for hurting The Undertaker. Rey opens the casket next to the ring, no one is inside. But after Kane attacks Rey by the casket, it gets opened and there lays the Undertaker.

"Oh boy, look at that."

"Oh shit."

Kane looks dumbfounded as Undertaker sits up in the casket. He enters the ring with Kane pointing at Rey. Undertaker walks up to Rey asking why he did it. He explains briefly, and Undertaker says he believes him before choking him and lifting him into the air. He puts Rey back on his feet and looks at Kane. He points to Kane and both grab each other around the neck. Kane overpowers Taker, getting him in the Tombstone Pile driver. Undertaker lays lifeless as Kane's pyro and music go off, with Kane string down at his brother.

"Well that didn't go as planned it seems."


"Well we should get back out to the guys before they get impatient."

"We should." I laugh as we grab our things and head out.

"Took too long."

"Sorry, got interested in the match. So back to catering?" I ask Alex.

"Yeah." He nods.

"What about you two?"

"We would, but I've got that big match up next."

"Oh right. Want me to take your bag Stef?"


I nod and take it. Then Alex and I head back to catering so we can watch the rest of the show from there. A video package that highlights what's happened between Nexus and John is shown hyping the match up next. The match is then announced and out first is The Nexus. Out next first for Team WWE is John. He's followed by Edge, Truth, Jericho, Morrison and then Bret. Lastly is Mike, but as he and Stef walk out, John's the one to stop them.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa, hold it. Hold up, wait. Wait a second. Miz, I got news for you. You're way way way too late. We realized how important this match is to WWE and we couldn't rely on somebody who was gonna make their decision the day of SummerSlam."

"You're kidding me right?" Stef says to Mike.

"So we all have gone out and found a seventh member of Team WWE. It's not you. As a matter of fact, it's somebody that hates The Nexus just as much as all of us. The seventh member of Team WWE is Daniel Bryan."

"What?!" Stef exclaims as Daniel storms down to the ring and the team storms the ring, knocking Nexus out of the ring early on before the match could start. Nexus regroups outside of the ring after the attack. Mike and Stef in the meantime head to the back, Mike not too pleased, as well as Stef.

"How can he just do that to you? And in favor of Daniel, are you kidding me? Ugh."

"Don't worry. When they lose, they'll realize they made a mistake picking Daniel over me. Let's just watch this downfall."

"For once I'm actually happy to watch a downfall."

Mike grins and they head to the locker room so he can change. In the meantime the match had officially started. It starts off with Daniel for Team WWE and Darren for Nexus. They fight each other, and Darren gets control early on until Daniel gains momentum shortly after. He repeatedly kicks Darren in the back and after being really quick, he gets Darren in the submission hold and Darren taps out. In next is Justin and Daniel tags in Chris and he keeps the control on Team WWE. He then tags in Truth and Justin just can't catch a break. Truth does his fancy moves before hitting him with a Stunner and goes for the pin, but Justin kicks out. Justin takes control with kicks and he takes Truth over to the Nexus corner and tags in Tarver. He doesn't let up and gets too fired up and caught up in the moment, Truth tags in Morrison and Tarver keeps going down. He gets thrown into the corner and hits Tarver with the Flash Kick and then Starship Pain. He covers him and Tarver is out. Team WWE has a 7 on 5 advantage, so Nexus hops down to regroup with a new strategy.

Skip is in next to face Morrison, and he just manhandles Morrison. Morrison never gives up though, and keeps going at him to no avail. He then slaps him across the face and keeps hitting him, only making him even more angry and Morrison is just failing right now. The crowd starts to try and encourage Morrison, but he can't get the control back for Team WWE. He delivers a suplex and Morrison is just in pain. He hits him with another suplex, before doing it a 3rd time. He goes for the cover, but Morrison kicks out. The crowd yet again tries to encourage him and it works fow now until Justin kicks him in the back of the head and Skip hits Morrison with a clothesline and in result ends up pinning him. So now it's a 6 to 5 advantage for Team WWE. Out Morrison goes and in comes Truth, doing all that he can, missing the scissors kick and Skip covers, eliminating him. The odds are now even, and now Chris comes into the ring, going at full power. Skip grabs Chris and tags in Wade. After a few shots, he tags in Otunga. After a few hits himself, he tags Wade back in. The crowd tries to encourage Chris to get out of the submission hold Wade has him in. He does get out, but Wade doesn't let him counter. That's until he gets into the corner and gets kicked in the face and when Chris jumps from the top rope and hits him.

Chris starts moving towards his corner and so does Wade. Chris tags in Bret and Heath gets tagged in from Wade. He rakes Heath's face against the top rope and never lets Heath get a shot in or time to recover. He hits him with an atomic drop and then a right hand. He then gets him in the Sharpshooter, but Heath tags in Skip. A chair was slid into the ring by Wade and Bret uses that to hit Skip. Only problem is, it's not a no DQ match, so the chair is illegal. Bret gets eliminated by DQ. He argues with the ref, but he still used the chair therefore he's eliminated. So he leaves and Chris comes in to deal with Skip. He stalks him before hitting him with the Codebreaker. He then tags in Edge and he hits Skip with the Spear. He covers him and eliminates him. It's once again even 4 to 4. Justin comes in to face Edge, but he met by a boot to the face and Edge keeps wailing on him in the corner. He then spears him into the other corner. Back into the other corner and he runs at him only for Justin to hit him with an elbow. Edge makes up with that and covers Justin, but he kicks out. Edge gets taken down with a heel kick and gets covered, kicking out. Justin tags in Heath now and he starts wailing on Edge, not stopping until the ref tells him to. The ref gets distracted and Wade takes a cheap shot to Edge, and Edge gets rolled out to the floor. Heath goes to follow and he's distracted for a second. Edge crawls and goes to the ring where Heath helps him in. He gets him in the Nexus corner and tags Wade in.

The ref gets distracted and Justin gets a cheap shot in by standing on Edge's throat. Edge is then hit with a back breaker, getting covered, but kicks out. Wade gets him in a side headlock but Edge gets out of it and hits him with a heel kick. They're on opposite sides for corners. Wade counters and hits Edge with a neck breaker. He goes over and tags in Otunga and helps him up. Edge blocks a move and counters. The crowd starts to encourage him to move to his corner and does, tagging in Chris. He hits Otunga with a running bulldog, followed by the lionsault. He drops him and then sets him up for Walls of Jericho and gets it, Otunga tapping. Heath comes and and Chris goes right after him, knocking him off the side of the ring apron, and then continues the fight outside the ring. He gets him back inside the ring and climbs to the top rope. He hits Heath with a flying elbow, and then accidentally knocks John off of the side of the ring. Heath gets him from behind and Jericho is eliminated, the odds are even now. John and Edge get into the ring together and fight over who should be next up. Edge shoves him and John just backs out of the ring. Edge gets distracted and eliminated as well. He then spears John off of the side of the ring, him and Chris taking out an attack on him before walking out.

Daniel goes and checks on John, making sure he's alright. Justin comes around and throws John back in the ring as the ref was distracted. Over to the Nexus corner and with the ref distracted, Nexus hits cheap shots. Heath tags in Wade, and they double team him, before Wade throws punches, knocking him down.

"Seems like they did need you. Their loss." Stef crosses her arms over her chest.

"That's right, their loss."

John blocks Wade, takes out Justin, but as he's trying to get back in it, Wade hits him with a clothesline. He goes for the cover, but John kicks out. He then goes over and tags Justin in, John can't catch a break or even go to tag Daniel in. John soon gets Justin on his shoulders, but he counters and drops John again. He goes for the cover, but John kicks out. Justin tags Wade back in as John's against the ropes and Wade throws the punches. He then starts to fight back with the crowd's encouragement, but Wade hits him with a side slam. Wade helps John up and goes for a suplex, but John blocks and hits him with one himself. John starts to crawl towards Daniel. Heath gets in and stops him before he could even get to him. Daniel then tries to get the crowd to encourage John to get up, but it doesn't really work right now. John comes off the corner and they both had the same idea and hit each other with a clothesline, both men going down. Daniel once again gets the crowd going. John starts to crawl towards his corner, but Wade grabs him so that leaves John on one foot. With hopping, he tags Daniel in and he's on fire. Heath goes out of the ring, but Daniel hits him with a suicide dive on the outside. He throws Heath into the ring and climbs to the top. He hits him with a missile dropkick, followed by a double dropkick to Wade and Justin. Heath rolls Daniel up, but he counters and makes Heath tap out. It's now even once again. Just then as Daniel was waiting for the next Nexus member to enter the ring, Mike runs out with the briefcase in hand and attacks Daniel with it while the ref was distracted. He quickly gets out of the ring and leaves, Wade pinning Daniel to eliminate him.

"Daniel deserves it." I scoff.

Wade goes around and throws John into the ring since he's the only member left. He tags in Justin now and John's not recovered enough to even fight back. John gets to his feet and moves out of the way and he has that power back out of nowhere, doing his signatures. He then hits him with the five knuckle shuffle, and gets Justin on his shoulders. Wade however tags in and John didn't realize it until Wade came in and wailed on him. Justin gets tagged back in and they double team him. Wade gets tagged back in and they double team him again. That happens for a while, keeping at John so he can't recover. Wade is tagged in and stays in for now. John gets to his feet and when he turns around, he gets kicked in the face and falls out of the ring. Justin and Wade follow, going around to him. Justin pulls up the floor, exposing the concrete underneath. Justin gets back into the ring and Wade grabs John and brings him over to the concrete and delivers a DDT onto it, hurting his back in the process though. He helps John up again and throws him back into the ring, following him. he drags John over to the corner, tags in Justin and he goes over to the corner and climbs to the top. He smirks and stands, going for the 450 Splash, but Justin moves and John pins Justin. It's now just down to John and Wade. John trips him and gets him in the STF, and Wade ends up tapping.

"Yes!" I cheer. "Take that Wade!"

"Ohhhhh. Well you got rid of Daniel, that's all that matters. He shouldn't have been given your spot tonight." Stef grumbles.

"I know, but what are we gonna do? Well, better get back to the locker room so I can change out of this so we can head home."

"Good idea." She nods and they head in that direction.

Charity and Jon had already headed back to the hotel for the night, and so have Alex and I. Stef and Mike headed home after he was all set to go. We all got a good night's sleep to be well-rested for tomorrow night's Raw.