Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Raw After SummerSlam

The day ended up being a very long one, what with media and everything. But it's now around showtime and we're all sitting backstage waiting. The good thing about tonight was that Alex would be involved on Raw tonight, so he was dressed in his ring gear and vest and everything. Stef and I though had a tag team match. We were tagging with Maryse to face Gail, Eve and Melina. So all in all it was a good night planned. Out of all of us, we were the only two who had a match. Charity and Jon decided to go home for a few days, seeing as Jon wasn't needed for NXT this week since being kicked off.

"So, what are you two doing tonight anyway?"

"Oh just a little interview backstage, what happens before that...well that's a surprise."

"Love surprises."

"We know you do."

"I'm just glad you're gonna be on Raw tonight."

"So am I."

It doesn't take long for the show to start and it starts as it normally does. Cole and Jerry tak briefly about the main event last night before Nexus had walked out to the ring to start the show.

"Who lost at SummerSlam last night? Oh yeah, you guys." I snicker.

"And they're getting booed out of the building." Alex adds.

"They say that, that doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger." Wade starts

"Still getting booed out of the building."

"Now Team WWE narrowly escaped with a victory last night. But The Nexus, we defeated six of the best that Monday Night Raw had to offer."

"More booing."

"And as you can see, rumors of our demise had been greatly exaggerated, because we are still here. We are still united, and we are still ready to dominate the WWE."


"You see, everybody was so concerned with what would happen if The Nexus were victorious at SummerSlam, that nobody paid any mind to what would happen if we tasted defeat."

"Like what, throw a hissy fit? I think we know." I roll my eyes.

"Now unfortunately we did taste defeat and as a result, there are consequences to be faced. And those consequences are very very severe for the roster of Monday Night Raw. Because there will be more suffering, more destruction and chaos, more pain and misery for anybody who gets in our way. See last night, that was just temporary. And mark my words, from now on, no-" Wade gets cut off by John's music.

"I must say I'm impressed. No no no, it's because, it's because Wade Barrett, he talks such a big game. I mean, he has to, he's the fearless leader of Nexus. He's got the resolve of Winston Churchill, and he's as tough as Snooki from the Jersey Shore."

"Ohhhh." I laugh.

"You see-" John stops and laughs himself. "Wade I only say that because last night you tapped out."


"You tapped out-" John starts to say and the crowd follows. "Apparently all these people say SummerSlam too. Well what happened was, you tapped out, you caused Team Nexus to lose at SummerSlam. And now you're out here trying to talk about, the loss will make us bigger, it will make us stronger. Wade it's a lie. Right now you're really thinking to hell with Stalone, Willis and Austin, the Nexus are the Expendables!"

"Not even close." I scoff.

"And after that surprise last night, I bet you are kicking yourself directly in the fish and chips thinking, why did I get rid of Daniel Bryan?"

"I doubt that."

"You see because when Daniel Bryan joined Team WWE last night at SummerSlam, he eliminated half of the Nexus by himself. For weeks now the Nexus has been viewed as a group, an indestructible group. And after SummerSlam, one thing was made clear, you are human, you can be beat. So tonight, tonight we're gonna do something we've never done before. Instead of looking at you guys as a group, we're gonna look at you as individuals. And Wade, you may want to pay close attention, because you may find some flaws and see where you went wrong. We'll take David Otunga."

"Oh boy."

"You see, David happens to be nothing more than a below average male escort who clings to someone's arm on the red carpet."


"So proud of you Dave, you've come so far. And Tarver, well, to be quite honest Tarver looks like some sort of MMA bank robber who works late nights as a male stripper."

At that point I bust up laughing, covering my mouth with my hand to contain myself.

"Thse trunks get any smaller we're gonna change the rating of this show. And is that that Heath Slater? Or the chick from Wendy's?!" John says and a picture is shown of Heath with pigtails.

"Oh my god." Stef burts out in laughter.

"I'll let you be the judge on that one. This must be Monday Night Raw, we just got a Wendy's chant. That leads me to Darren Young. Ths one hits...this one hits a little bit close to the chest. You see because the very existence of Darren Young has proved my mother true of all these years. I thought she was lying, but she actually did have a lusty affair with Buckwheat."

At this point, Stef and I are leaning on Mike and Alex as we're laughing uncontrollably.

"Then there's Justin Gabriel. I don't know much about Justin Gabriel except he has an alternative way of thinking. For those of you who didn't get it, I will be at the late show to explain. Skip, you look like that was over you head. You didn't get it? Wait no, wait wait wait wait wait, don't even say a word. You see, you're easy. I took a mind reading course in college, I can read your thoughts. Right now you are thinking...meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow heater jugboat tugboat.." He then blows a raspberry at the end.

"Ohhh he's a riot."

"Like I said Wade, The Nexus is nothing more than human. The feat you have instilled in the locker room is gone. The psychological edge that you are some sort of indestructible force working for a higher power, see ya, bye! You lost last night Wade and Staples Center SummerSlam will forever be known as the place that Nexus was historyyyyyy!"

"Cena you don't know what you're talking about!" Darren interrupts.

"No! No no by product of a gallon of brandy and my mother's celebrity crush, YOU don't know what you're talking about. You see, you tapped out too. As a matter of fact you gave up in under a minute."

"Ooooh burn."

"You want to cut to the chase? Your name shouldn't be Darren Young, your name should be the Weakest Link."

"Another burn."

Nexus then starts arguing amongst each other in the ring, before the general manager interrupts.

"Can I have your attention please, I've received an email from the General Manager. And I quote. Nexus may claim they are stronger than ever. But those words are going to be put to a test. We are going to continue SummerSlam tonight. Each member of Nexus will compete against members of Team WWE in a series of matches this evening. Outside interference by Nexus members will be met with swift and appropriate consequences."

"No no no. Now that's not a form of punishment, THAT after last night is an opportunity for redemption. It's also a chance for us to examine The Nexus."

The crowd then all chants 'You Tapped Out'.

"Apparently Wade, you're gonna need a whole lot of redemption after last night 'cause all these people know that you tapped out."

"Thank you very much for that interjection. It is a chance for us to examine The Nexus and see if there are indeed any weak links here. And believe me if there are weak links, they will weeded out. 'Cause let me tell you this right now. If anybody in the Nexus is not victorious tonight, they'll be exiled from the group. And one way or another, by the end of tonight, The Nexus will be stronger than ever."

"Shoot, that's fine by us Wade, but just know that also applies to you. If you lose your match tonight, any one of us will be more than happy to take over." David adds.

Then the GM chimes in again.

"Regis Philbin with the emails Cole, what is it now?"

"I've received another email from the general manger."

"Wow, did you figure that out all by yourself?" Stef rolls her eyes.

"One last thing Nexus. You can choose amongst yourself who faces which member of Team WWE, except for Wade Barrett. Mr. Barrett will compete next against his former mentor from NXT, Chris Jericho!"

"Ugh, it's gonna be all about The Nexus tonight. Great. Besides our tag team match, but still."

"I know. They shouldn't have a whole show focusing on them."


"But hey, that's the GM's call, not ours."


"I think we have to sit through 4 of those matches before we even get to ours."

"Ugh really?"


"Can we just like skip our match and go back home and to the hotel for the night?"

"I wish we could."

It isn't long until the show came back on the air. Cole and Jerry talked about getting mobile notifications sent to your phone for updates on WWE and such. The cameras go to Wade in the ring and then Chris comes out. The bell rings and the crowd is chanting Y2J and Chris goes right after Wade, not holding back. He hits him with a suplex and Nexus is seen in their locker room looking on. After connecting with a dropkick, Wade crawls to the outside. Chris jumps to the top and kicks Wade in the face, knocking Wade off the side of the apron. Chris follows him out to the floor and continues the attack there, before throwing him back into the ring. He climbs to the top of the corner, only for Wade to get back up and kick him off. He follows Chris out of the ring and he slams him into the side of the ring and takes some shots at him before throwing him back into the ring and follows him. He helps Chris to his feet and he throws him into the corner, and he bounces off hard. Chris gets to his feet and starts to fight back, getting Wade near the opposite corner, but Wade fires back himself, getting Chris in the ropes, holding him there. He lets go before 5 and then gets him in a submission, Chris not giving up just yet. Chris goes to get out of the hold, but Wade doesn't let him. Wade throws him into the corner and runs toward him, only to be met with a boot to the face. Chris hopped up to the top and hit Wade with a missile dropkick, going for the cover. Wade kicks out at two.

Both men get to their feet and they exchange punches. Wade reverses an Irish Whip into the ropes, Chris comes back and hits Wade with a shoulder block. He does it again before hitting a running bulldog on Wade. He doesn't go for the cover, but instead he stalks him and drops him, going for the Walls of Jericho. But Wade counters and gets Chris onto his shoulders for Wasteland. Wade gets down however and gets Wade in Walls of Jericho. Wade however was close to the ropes so he grabbed the bottom one to get out of the submission. Both men get up and Wade hits him with a boot to the face. Wade picks Chris up and bounces him off the top rope, but Chris lands on his feet behind Wade and hits him with an enziguri to the back of the head. He doesn't go for the pin, but instead goes for the Codebreaker. Wade catches him and gets him on his shoulders again and hits Wasteland. He covers him for the win.

"Ugh. Why do I have a feeling it's not going to be a good night for Team WWE?"

"Because it won't. Maybe the exception will be Darren Young seeing as John pointed out that he was the weakest link last night."

"True. So maybe that little comment is gonna get to him and he'll lose tonight."

"Oh god I hope so. One less Nexus member, the better."

It isn't long until Raw is back on the air and Justin Roberts was in the ring and he introduces the show's guest hosts for tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's hosts for Monday Night Raw, are the stars of the new film Going The Distance, which opens September 3rd. Please welcome Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day and Justin Long!"

They all talk over one another, saying hello and everything to everyone.

"Thank you for having us."


"Monday Night Raw! Come on."

"Here we go Raw."

"It's Monday."

"Just get on with it." I roll my eyes.

"These three are BORING." Stef sighs.

Finally they finish with their ridiculous banter and they introduce Tyson, David and Natalya.

"Oh thank god."

But then the GM chimes in.

"Oh lord what now?"

"I have received another email from the General Manager. And I quote. From this moment forward the Unified Tag Team Titles will officially be known as...the WWE Tag Team Championships. And here to present the new Championship titles, WWE Hall Of Famer, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!"

"They look like giant pennies." I remark as Bret comes out with the new titles.

"Penny titles is more like it, rather than WWE Tag Team titles." Stef adds, Mike and Alex nodding in agreement, and snickering.

"But at least no one has to carry around two titles belts at the same time with being a tag team."


"Yeah, Bret Hart. The Nexus have chosen your opponent for the evening." The voice of Wade is heard and he's seen on the tron with the rest of the group in their locker room. "Justin Gabriel."

"Bret, you may have experienced a lot of different things in your career. But you will experience one more thing. My 450 Splash."

"Oooh scary. Not."

After a while, the next commercial break was over and Cole and Jerry talk about last night and how Daniel was chosen over Mike to be on Team WWE for the Team WWE vs Nexus match. As they're talking, out next for the Nexus was Tarver.

"Wouldn't it be hilarious if Daniel was his opponent?"

"So the little ungrateful nerd can get his ass handed to him? Sure." Mike agrees.

And of course his opponent is Daniel.

"Prepare to lose, Mr. Generic Rock Music."

"Such a nerd." Alex remarks.

"Vegan nerd."

"Yes, a vegan nerd."

The bell rings and they lock up, Daniel getting put into the corner, and he starts to fight back until Tarver keeps going at his ribs in the corner. Daniel comes back with a couple kicks, and Tarver is back with the fists. Daniel however comes back and goes for the cover, Tarver kicking out at two. Daniel then starts to work on the arm, before going for the cover again, Tarver kicking out. Daniel starts with the kicks to the chest, until Tarver gets into the corner and he continues with the kicks. Daniel goes to throw him into the corner, but Tarver counters and Daniel goes into it and hops off of it and crawls under and through Tarver's legs and dropkicks him into the corner. Daniel goes to the outside and the top and hits Tarver with a missile dropkick.

"Oh come on this is ridiculous." I sigh. "Isn't this ridiculous Alex?" I ask, turning to look at him, but not finding him.

"Alex?" I ask, looking around and not even finding Mike. "They're gone."

"I think I found them." Stef points to the TV monitor to see Mike and Alex running out and down to the ring and they start to cause a distraction.

Daniel gets rolled up and pinned by Tarver.

"Bahaha, cost him the match. That's our guys."

But then Daniel gets up and charges, hitting Mike with a suicide dive through the ropes and goes on the attack.

"Come on Ref, get him off!"

Alex comes to the aid and pulls Daniel off of him, and in return gets attacked himself. Daniel goes back over to Mike and wails on him. But Tarver and Alex work together and pull Daniel off of him again. They hold him back and Mike gets up, spearing Daniel into the barricade.

"Serves you right."

Mike's the one to crawl over him and wail on him. Alex grabs the Money in the Bank briefcase and sets it down. Mike grabs Daniel and brings him over in front of the case. He sets him up and hits him with the Skull Crushing Finale on the briefcase.

"Welcome back." Mike says coldly to Daniel to a crowd full of boos.

"This is what a real star looks like, not an NXT washup."

Daniel is left lifeless on the floor as Mike and Alex head back up the ramp.

"Huh Daniel? Good thing they picked you. Good thing they picked you hero." Mike comments before the screen changes to the matchup which would be Justin against Bret later tonight.

"Mike sure showed him. That's what he gets."

"I know right? And Alex is right, Daniel is an NXT washup."

"Major washup. I mean he didn't even listen to Mike at all on NXT, period. Look where that got him."


"I wonder where they are. Shouldn't take that long to get from the curtain to here."

We wait for a while, before the show comes back on the air. They replay what happened during Daniel's match where Mike and Alex got involved and Mike laid Daniel out. The cameras then catch him and Alex heading away from the curtain and to us, but they get stopped by Josh Matthews.

"Excuse me Miz, Alex. Miz, obviously there's a history between you and Daniel Bryan, but do you care to explain your actions out there from just now?"

"He doesn't need to explain his actions." Stef scoffs.

"Explain my actions? From the moment Daniel Bryan arrived at NXT Season One as MY rookie, the WWE Universe heckled me. They said that he was better than me, that Daniel Bryan should be my pro. Then last night at SummerSlam, every single Superstar begged me to be on Team WWE. Only for me to go out there and what happened? They put me on the back burner in favor of Daniel Bryan, how dare everyone?! You all think he's so special? Huh? Everyone thinks Daniel Bryan is so special, well how special is he now? You want someone that's special? You want the next WWE breakout star? Then look no further than Alex Riley."

"Look Josh, tired, boring old Daniel...." Alex trails off, yawning. "...Bryan? Alright, never appreciated The Miz. And I'm not some overrated, underdeveloped nerd that's lucky enough to even have a job here in the grown man's company the WWE. Okay, what I am, is the next winner of NXT and I owe it all to my pro The Miz. Let's get out of here."

"Miz, Alex, thanks guys very much."

Then backstage in the Nexus locker room, everyone was talking amongst themselves, until Darren comes forward.

"Fellas, I got something to say. I've decided who I'm facing tonight. I want John Cena."


"Yeah. Last month he brutally attacked me. Tonight, I'm taking him out."

"Tonight is all about redemption. I mean last month John Cena beat you within an inch of yo life man. You know the consequences, and you're still stepping up. Man I respect that."

Everyone pats him on the back in support of that.

"Yeah good luck troll."

"Who's the troll?" Alex asks as he and Mike walk up.

"Darren Young."

"He is a troll now that you think about it."

"So are you two done for the night?"

"We are. So I suppose we can go get changed out of everything."

"And our match is coming up soon so I think we should go get ready."

"Right. So let's head towards the locker rooms. Meet you by yours or will you meet us by ours?" Stef asks.

"We'll meet you two by yours."

"Alright. Meet you there." I nod, getting a kiss from Alex and Stef gets one from Mike.

They head off in the direction of the Superstar locker room, and we head off in the direction of the Divas locker room. Tonight Stef and I decided to match with colors and it was blue. While we're getting ready, the next Nexus match was up next, Justin being in the ring now. Before the match could start, the GM chimed in.

"Uh oh, this can't be good."

"I have received another email from the General Manager. And I quote. Justin I'm sorry. But Bret Hart will not be competing against you tonight. I don't like Bret Hart. I've never liked Bret Hart. I don't care what anyone in the audience or watching at home thinks. I have decided to make this last minute substitution. And your new opponent is on his way to the ring right now."

It isn't long before the music that plays is Randy's.

"Oooooh, someone's gonna get a beat down. Think he can beat him?"

"Who knows. Wade and Tarver have won so far."

"True. Wanna stay and watch the match or go meet Mike and Alex at the Superstars locker room?" I ask.

"Let's go meet them. I'd rather focus on our match than focus on watching another Nexus match."

So that's what we do, we don't really focus on the match, we just happen to hear things here and there as we head to the Superstar locker room. By the time we got to the locker room it was the end of the match and Justin had won by Randy getting counted out, thanks to an interruption by Sheamus. But however Randy got back into the ring and hit Justin with an RKO anyway. He then gets out of the ring and gets a chair, and he attacks Sheamus. After Randy went to the back it was a commercial break. And at that time, Mike and Alex both exit the locker room.

"Some match huh?"

"We didn't really pay attention, but we heard everything. Randy lost it on Sheamus we heard?"

"Oh yeah. Just kept hitting him with chair shot after chair shot, then an RKO."

"Well that's what Sheamus gets for being disqualified last night."


"But anyways, one more Nexus match before our tag match finally."

"Well let's hope this one isn't as long as the others. I suppose waiting by the curtain until the match is over is for the best right?"

"Yeah, I would think so."

"So you're both ready to go, yeah." Mike nods.

We all nod and then head that way. When we get there, the show comes back from the break and in the ring is Skip and David, ready for their tag team match up now. As we wait, who other than Morrison, is the first one to pass us and head out as the first opponent. Then Truth passes by as his tag team partner.

"I wish he would stop that stupid hip hop."

In the end of a hard fought match, Skip blasted Morrison with a clothesline to pick up the win for him and Otunga.

"Well like that match wasn't predictable. We all knew he was gonna take him out just like that."

"It's a shame really." Mike shakes his head.

The cameras then switch to backstage to see Gail, Melina and Eve heading to the curtain for the tag match we all have. Maryse had already walked up prior so she was standing there with the rest of us.

"So who's music are we going out together with? Oh wait, I shouldn't ask should I?" I motion over to Maryse. "Should let it be her music so we can stay behind her as she walks ahead.

"Yeah that's the better idea." Stef nods.

So once we agree on that, Eve, Gail and Melina walk up ready to go themselves.

"Well wish us luck." Stef says to Mike as Melina's music goes off, signalling the end of the commercial break and the show is back on the air.

"You won't need it, because you're great as it is." He grins, kissing her briefly.

"Of course."

I get a kiss from Alex too and as soon as they're done out in the ring, the tech people play Maryse's music and the three of us walk out. Stef and I of course staying back together so we could talk to each other while we went down to the ring. We do the usual, before getting into the ring. When we're all set in there, it starts off with Maryse and Gail. Maryse just taunting Gail by shoving her and pushing her around. Gail swings at her with her nails and Maryse backs up before charing at her, only to suffer a drop toe hold so her face bounces off the apron. Gail then grabs her by the hair and does it again a few more times, before screaming 'gold digger' at her. Maryse sends Gail into the corner, only for her to jump up and hit Maryse with a cross body and goes for the cover, Maryse kicking out at two. Gail puts Maryse on the top and leaves her hanging upside down. She tags in Melina and Gail holds Maryse while Melina backs up into the corner and charges at her, hitting Maryse in the gut with her knee. She helps Maryse up and ends up getting pushed into our corner. The ref is distracted with Maryse and Melina takes a cheap shot at me and Stef. But Maryse comes back and kicks Melina in the back of the head. She goes for the cover, but Melina kicks out. She grabs Melina and tags in Stef, who throws her into the ropes and then hits her with a dropkick. Melina tries to go for the tag on her team, but Stef wasn't having it. She flips her and drives her knee into the spine of her and grabs her arms, pulling them back, applying pressure when she can. With the crowd's help, Melina gets out of the hold and to her feet. She goes and tags in Eve, and Stef comes over and tags in me. I miss a clothesline and end up getting hit with a couple dropkicks. She then picks me up and drops me. Eve comes off the ropes and does her flip thing and lands on me. She goes for the cover, but Stef comes in and breaks it up. Melina comes in and takes care of Stef and they roll to the outside fighting. Maryse comes in and goes to hit Eve with the French Kiss, but Gail comes in and takes her out. They too go to the outside so it's only Eve and myself.

I grab Eve by the hair and knee her hard in the stomach, before throwing her onto her back by her hair, and hard if I may add. I help her up and send her into the corner hard too. I charge at her only for her to kick me in the back of the head. But it wasn't hard enough to knock me out for the rest of the match. She climbs to the top turnbuckle to go for her moonsault, but I move at the time she does. I climb up behind her and deliver a superplex to her and cover her. The ref counts to three and I win the match for the team. My hand gets raised in victory only before Stef and Maryse get into the ring. I hug Stef before all of our hands are raised in victory, and after our hands are let go, we leave the ring to head to the back. When we reach the back, I'm engulfed in a hug.

"Oof, I see you're happy about the win Alex." I laugh.

"Of course I am. You pinned Eve to win. You won the match for the team, so of course I'm happy. I don't get to see you win too often. It's always a happy time for me."

Mike too engulfs Stef in a hug, proud that she helped me get the win by stopping Eve's pin attempt earlier.

"Proud of you too."

"Of course." She smiles, hugging him back.

We then head back to the locker room so that we can get changed out of our ring gear since we're not needed the rest of the night. We missed the backstage interview with Edge, but apparently get got attacked by Heath Slater. There was a quick break and Steg and I had got dressed back into our other clothes and just in time since the show came back on the air, showing a special guest in the crowd, Joe Manganiello from True Blood. While the camera was focused on him, the Nexus music was playing and Heath was in the ring, his opponent being Edge since he did challenge him to a match.

"I can say right now since Nexus has been winning all night, Heath's going to win this." Stef remarks.


The match starts and Edge is all over Heath, getting him back for the cowardly attack from behind. Edge backs off before 5, but goes back on the attack. Into the corner Heath goes and bounces off hard. Edge does another corner attack before throwing him into the other and hitting him with a clothesline when he bounces off. He climbs to the top now, but Heath takes advantage and hits Edge with a baseball slide dropkick out of the ring. He continues the attack on the outside, throwing him into the barrier before getting back into the ring. He goes for the cover, but Edge kicks out. The match went on until Heath and Edge were outside. He goes for the spear on the outside, and Heath slides back into the ring quickly, Edge losing just seconds after due to count out. But Edge gets back into the ring and when Heath is done celebrating, he gets hit with a spear anyway.

"Hah. Serves him right."

They then highlight the matchup tonight where John and Darren face off against each other. That's obviously going to be the main event because of it being John afterall. We've decided to find a spot backstage and sit as we watch the show come back on the air and Khali is backstage with one of the guest hosts, Justin Long.

"Okay, so that makes sense. That's why you haven't done the kiss cam in a long time right? 'Cause I've got to say, I've missed the kiss cam. I love the look on the girls' faces when they're not expecting it. But you've got the girlfriend now, so you want to be faithful, you want to be good."

Khali responds, but no one can understand him, besides Ranjin.

"Say that again?"

"Justin, Great Khali says his girlfriend lives in India and he's never had a long distance relationship before. So he's hoping that maybe you can help him out, give him some pointers."

"Oh yeah, Khali, definitely. In fact, Going the Distance is all about long distance relationships. So I'd love to shed some light on your situation. So what's going on so..."

"Well you know what? I've got a picture of her right here."

"Wow. She's...she's interesting looking. She looks very nice, she looks like a nice lady. I've got to say Khali, I don't think I'm the person-"

"Whoa what're you holding there bud? Is that a human being?"

"Ahhhhh...haha! What the hell?"

"Guys, this is Khali's girlfriend okay?"

"Oh. Oh yeah? Doesn't matter, he can't speak English."

They all start talking over one another until Ranjin leaves the room, leaving them on their own.

"Guys, guys. Just because Khali doesn't speak English, doesn't mean he doesn't understand it okay?"

"Does he understand it?"


Khali snatches the picture and scares off the other two guest hosts.

"Listen Khali, I am really sorry about them okay? But, you're better than them, because you understand the beauty's on the inside. And that just means you're the stronger, better per-"

"-yeah...she's butt ugly."


"No she's not. She's got a few..."

Khali then calls in none other than the Bella Twins.

"Hey Khali." They say in unison.

"Wow you're looking strong tonight."

And then they leave the room. After that, they show a video package of the SummerSlam events. That led to the last commercial break of the night before the big main event match. If Darren loses this, he's kicked out of Nexus. The Nexus comes out on the stage after John comes out. Darren was already in the ring waiting though. The match was long and hard fought, but despite the valiant effort by Darren, John locked in the STF that forced Darren to tap out and get exiled from the Nexus.

"Ooooh he lost. He really is the Weakest Link isn't he?"

"Looks like it and the group is not happy."

The group walks down to the ring and stood on the ring apron, making it look like they were ready to attack John. But they let him leave before they assaulted Darren, the assault that ended with Wade laying Darren out with Wasteland. And the show ends on Nexus in the ring.

"You are the weakest link...goodbye."

That makes Mike, Alex and Stef snicker.

"Well the show's over. We ready to get out of here?" Stef asks.

"Yup. We've got everything. I'm ready to go." I nod.

"Us too." Mike and Alex nod.

"Busy night of NXT tomorrow. Got to get all the rest we can get."

"Of course."

We all make sure we have all our things, before heading in the direction of the doors. When we walk outside, we head to the cars. Alex and I get in one to head to the hotel while Mike and Stef get into theirs to head home.