Status: Active

He's a Fighter

A New United States Champion

Back to the beginning of the week and we're all going to be backstage for Raw tonight. Since Charity, Stef and myself are helping Alex and Jon with NXT, and with me and Charity helping Jon and Alex with FCW stuff, we'll only be competing on Raw or SmackDown occasionally. So we're all currently backstage of Raw, all of us in the locker room with Mike and Stef.

"So, I have a United States Championship match tonight." Mike says.

"Really? One on one or..."

"Fatal Four-way."

"So only a 25% chance of winning..."

"Yes, but you know me, I always prove people wrong."

"That's true."

"We all know you can win Mike. You've had it once before, you can get it again."

"Oh I know."

The show soon starts and they show what happened last Monday in the main event of the night, and then Nexus attacking and destroying everything in their path, leaving John Cena and everyone else ringside laid out. The screen fades out and fades back in to Wade in the middle of the ring, a mic in hand. The crowd booing and then chanting 'you suck'.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Wade Barrett. I am the Season One winner of NXT. And the reason I'm in this ring right now is because the general manager of Raw earlier today demanded that I...come here and apologize for my actions last week."

"He's so not going to apologize."


"Why would he?"

"But what I want to do right now, I want to invite down the rest of the NXT athletes so we can do this properly. Gentlemen."

The rest of them come through the crowd. Sheffield and Tarver from one section, Darren and Justin from another section, and Heath and Otunga from another section. They all climb over the barriers and get into the ring. Jerry and Michael Cole both take their headsets off and leave ringside, along with other attendants and Justin Roberts.

"Heath Slater, please apologize."

"Absolutely not. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"Justin Gabriel, please apologize."

"Never. I still have goosebumps from what we did last week."

"Skip Sheffield, apologize."

"No apologies, no regrets."

"Michael Tarver are you feeling apologetic?"

"The look of fear on everyone's eyes last week, lived on the sweetest of all of my dreams. Why would I apologize if there's no one in the WWE who can make me?"

"Darren Young, please apologize to the world."

"Not a chance. I had the time of my life last week."

"David Otunga you're the final one. Please save us all, just apologize."

"Apologize? For what? After the way we were treated? Shoot, they need to apologize to us. You know what I'm saying?"

"No I don't know what you're saying. And yes you do need to apologize, we don't need to apologize to you." I scoff.


"Well well well it looks like it's unanimous. You see the problem with NXT was, we were treated like dirt. We were treated like animals. And when you treat people like animals, sooner or later they're going to start to behave like animals."

"Says you."

"Now we were made to change in a locker room no bigger than a broom cupboard. We were made to compete in ridiculous challenges. We were at the mercy of over-zealous WWE pros."

"Who are supposed to guide you...duh."

"And then worst of all, we had WWE management. Who saw fit to change the rules on us at a moment's notice. Who eliminated us...on a whim. And who to be quite honest, tried to make an international joke out of all of us. Well last time I looked, jokes were meant to be funny. And I didn't see anyone laughing after Raw last week. Because we destroyed this ring, we beat the living daylights out of the WWE Champion, and we impressed everybody who was watching us."

"Not us."

"So let me assure everyone right now..." Wade's cut off by Bret Hart's music.

"Someone's in trouble." I sing.

"You guys look pretty proud of yourselves. Where I come from, eight guys on one doesn't make you tough. To me that makes you more cowards than anything else. Last week you attacked John Cena, you attacked CM Punk, and you beat up the Straight Edge Society. You beat up a bunch of security, you roughed up a ring announcer, roughed up a time keeper, and you manhandled a hall of famer."

"You know it's funny you should say that, 'cause we had another member. A member by the name of Daniel Bryan. And strangely enough, he felt exactly the same way as you did, he actually had some remorse."

"Can you blame him?"

"So let me assure you right now, you will never ever see Daniel Bryan here ever again. Now what's your point Hart?"

"Well my point is, despite everything, John Cena will be in the championship pay-per-view for the Fatal Four-Way next Sunday whether you like it or not!"

"John Cena eh? John Cena. This has nothing to do with John Cena. You see this has nothing to do with the people in this arena. This is between us and WWE management. You see, the truth be told, aside from some overzealous NXT pros, we haven't got a problem with a single person in the WWE locker room."

"Then why attack John Cena, CM Punk and the SES last week?"

"You know the simple fact is this, we can stay out here all night arguing. But I think we need to get down to business. And the way I see it right now, the business is this. I've got a WWE contract. I've got a WWE title opportunity at a pay-per-view of my choosing. But this group of men behind me, they've got some demands of their own."

"Oh yeah? Well what would those be?"

"Like Wade Barrett, we ALL want guaranteed WWE contracts. We want our own private dressing rooms, no more changing in closets and hallways, and of course we want first class travel accommodations all the way around. Now if you fail to comply with even one of our demands, hahaha well last week Hart, was just the beginning." Otunga explains.

"Now then, before you say another word, let me remind you of this. Two weeks ago Mr. McMahon informed you that as general manager of Raw, you would have some very very difficult decisions to make. I assure you right now, this one, this isn't a difficult decision, this one's easy. Because what I have behind me is a group of men, who are highly polished young athletes. These men could be the future of this company. They're dressed, they're here, they're ready to fight. All they need is a contract. You could change history by giving them that contract."

"He's not gonna do it."


"Well you know, you're right about that. It is my job to go out there to search and find new, fresh talent. But with that in mind, my answer for you is no."

"Told you."

"I'm not gonna sign any of you guys. As far as I'm concerned-"

"Well let me assure you, you are making a very very big mistake here."

"You are the one that's making a mistake my friend. You already made a mistake when you attacked Cena on Raw last week. You made the biggest mistake of your life. I'm not gonna sign any of you guys. The truth is, on account of your actions, you are no longer the new superstar, next breakout star for WWE anymore. No more, you can forget the idea of having a championship match at any pay-per-view of your choice. It's not gonna happen anymore. And you wanna know why? Because you're fired!"

"Dun dun dun."

"Now as for the rest of you guys, you can get the hell out of that ring right now or you leave me no choice but to call the police and have you physically removed for trespassing. So get out! You're all through, you're done! Whether you like it or not."

"Wah wah wahh."

They all can't believe what's happened, even Wade is in shock because he thought that would never happen. The screen fades out on their surprised faces.

"I thought Vince was the only person who had the power to fire people."

"He does, which is why this doesn't seem legit."

Mike gets up and heads into the changing area to get ready for his match since it was the first match of the night. Stef, Alex, Charity and Jon all talk amongst each other. Mike comes back out as soon as the commercial break was over, and then he and Stef both left to head to the curtain. We watch the replay of the confrontation between Wade, Bret and the NXT athletes.

"Well you got to love the look on the faces of Wade Barrett and all of those NXTrs. I mean, you know I'm a firm believe in youth must be served, but you can't bully your way into the WWE. You've got to earn respect, not the way these guys went about it. And not only is Wade Barrett fired, he's not gonna be around, but all the rest of those guys aren't getting contracts as well so we're rid of all of them."

"And hopefully now general manager Bret Hart can focus on the task at hand and that is the first of it's kind Fatal Four-Way pay-per-view Sunday and the WWE Championship match. It's Fatal Four-Way rules, so the first man to gain pinfall or submission will become champion, John Cena only has a 25% chance of retaining his title."

"You know what's a better way to describe a Fatal Four-Way match? Let's have one right now." Jerry adds, before the bell rings.

"The following contest is a Fatal Four-Way match and it is for the United States Championship!"

Truth's music plays first, of course 'cause he's the champion.

"He's annoying." Charity comments.

"And you can't understand his raps." I add.

"Charlotte, North Carolina! What's up!"

Next, Morrison came out.

"Introducing the challenger. First from Los Angeles, California. Weighing 224 pounds, John Morrison!"

Then, Zack Ryder came out.

"From Long Island, New York. Weighing 214 pounds, Zack Ryder."

And then last was Mike, with Stef.

"And from Cleveland, Ohio. Accompanied to the ring by Stefanie, weighing 231 pounds, The Miz!"

Mike lets go of Stefanie and she walks around the ring to sit on commentary to be safe for this match. The bell rings and Mike goes after Truth and Zack focuses on Morrison. Morrison however, throws Zack out of the ring before going after Mike, making him roll out of the ring. That leaves the two friends to go against each other.

"Now keep in mind the two superstars in the ring are great friends King. They hang out together, spend a lot of time together, but right now they're enemies because it's every man for himself." Cole explains.

Truth then goes for the roll up but Zack quickly gets back in and breaks it up. Zack then goes after Truth and Mike grabs his legs and trips him from the outside, Truth kicking him away. Morrison then tries to roll up Zack, but Zack kicks out. It's now Zack and Morrison while Mike and Truth go at each other outside the ring. Zack sees them going at each other and launches himself over the top rope. But they see him clearly and they both move out of the way, Zack landing on the ground and hard. Mike takes out Truth with a boot to the face and then climbs up onto the ring, only to get hit in the face by Morrison. He takes Mike out by using the ropes to launch himself and grab Mike sending him falling to the outside. During the break, it was all Mike and Morrison going at each other. Coming back from the break, Morrison kicked Mike in the face, knocking him down. Morrison going for the pin attempt.

"Come on Mike!" Stef yells.

Mike kicks out at two while Zack is seen getting into the ring now. Morrison goes for another cover, but Mike kicks out at two once more.

"He seriously thinks if he couldn't pin him that one time he would do it again? Idiot." I roll my eyes.

Zack has climbed to the top turnbuckle in the corner, but Morrison turned around just in time to hit him. He climbed to the top, going for a superplex, but Zack blocks it. Truth gets involved and delivers it himself to both Morrison and Zack, also knocking Mike down at the same time since he had gotten up and was in the way. Truth goes for the cover on Mike, but he kicks out at two. He does it to Zack and Morrison, getting the same result. Mike then rolls Truth up quickly, Truth kicking out at two. Truth and Mike go at it in the corner, until Zack gets involved and now it's Truth and Zack and then Truth and John. Then it goes back to Truth and Zack. Truth hitting Zack with a scissors kick, and Mike breaks up the three count for the pin attempt. Mike then makes Truth go over the top rope and onto the floor after he comes after him. He then kicks John out of the ring and gets set up for his corner clothesline, before he hits it on Zack. But John grabs him and pulls him out of the ring and clotheslines him hard to the ground. Stef decides to get up to check on him, making sure he's okay while the action between Truth and Zack goes on in the ring.

"Come on Mike, you've got to get back in this thing."

Going for a pin on Zack, Morrison slides in and saves the matchup. With the help of Stef, Mike was able to get back up and into the ring, but he was thrown back out due to Truth and Morrison. Stef rushes over to check on him again, trying to get him to get back into the match. Another cover on Morrison by Truth and Zack breaks it up. Zack and Truth are going at it, Zack hitting the Rough Ryder, until Morrison breaks up the cover. He hits Starship Pain on Truth and with the help of Stef again, Mike was able to get back into the match and he threw Morrison out of the ring, taking advantage of the situation and stealing the win, to become the new United States Champion. Stef cheers happily, Mike just as happy as she is, as all of us are. She slides into the ring and hugs him tightly. She kisses him before she raises his hand in victory. The screen fades to the matchup that's set between Randy and Sheamus. Then backstage, Randy is getting his things together.

"Excuse me Randy. Randy can we get an update on the status of your shoulder, considering you'll be competing tonight and this Sunday at the Fatal Four-Way event?"

"Josh, anything can happen in the Fatal Four-Way match. I think that was just proven out there tonight. But I'm predicting that this Sunday another title will be changing hands. And as far as any questions regarding my shoulder, just wait, watch and see what happens tonight when I face Sheamus."

"Randy, I've got to ask. What's you're reaction to what took place last week on Monday Night Raw as we went off the air, and what transpired here earlier tonight?"

"You know Josh, part of me...has got to respect what the NXT group did. If anyone knows anything about making an impact, about doing something sick and twisted to get noticed, to make a point, it's me. But an even bigger part of me thinks that they're nothing but a bunch of punks. Now if you're asking for my opinion, I think they either deserved to be fired or they deserve to have their brains beaten in. And considering that Barrett only got fired, I think they got off lucky."

"Randy's always the violent one isn't he?"

"Mmhmm. But hey that's what people love about him."

Since it was a break, it gave time for Mike to come back. Once he walked inside, I was the first to get up and hug him.

"Congratulations! 2-time United States Champion."

"Thanks Lena."

Then Alex gets up and he and Mike do the man hug thing.

"I talked to Stef and we're gonna go back to LA for the week, take a break and celebrate my win tomorrow night, so I won't be on NXT to coach you, unfortunately."

"I understand, afterall I do have Lena to coach me if you're not there for whatever reason."

"Right. You make sure you coach him well Lena."

"I will Mike. I learned from the best didn't I?"


Next to congratulate Mike was Charity and Jon. Mike went in to change before coming back out to relax and watch the rest of the show with us. After the break, there was a skyline view of the city before going to some behind the scenes footage of him appearing on Royal Pains this week. Then Mark Feuerstein is seen backstage, talking with the Bella Twins.

"Oh my gosh, Mark Feuerstein." They say in unison.

"We love you on Royal Pains."

"And oh my gosh, flirts much?" I roll my eyes.

"Aw thanks guys. Well this Thursday night at ten o'clock, on USA, Royal Pains has none other than The Big Show."

And of course the Bellas do bad acting, trying to act all surprised and excited.

"They need to get acting lessons....or dye their hair blonde like Maryse."

"That's right, and you know I'm looking at you guys, you're so cute, you would be great on Royal Pains. I play a private physician for hire to the rich and not so rich in the Hamptons and my practice is called Hank-Med. I was thinking you guys could be the Hank-Med Twins. You can say if you're in pain, we'll soothe you. If you don't use Hank-Med, we'll dropkick you."

And more flirting goes on until the Bellas give a disgusted look when Ted walks into the room.

"Is the disgusted look necessary?"

"I know right?"

"Hey Mark."

"Hey Ted. How're you doing?"

"Good. So know, there possibly could be a brand new of your choice obviously, waiting for you in the parking lot after the show. make me co-guest host tonight."

"Wow, that's really nice Ted. Well unlike some people in this room, I have integrity. The answer is no Ted DiBiase, no way."



"...I'm not asking."

"You think I'm scared of you Ted? You think I'm scared of you-...okay I'm a little scared of you. You're a big guy, you got big pecs right there. But look, I love the fact that I'm guest hosting Raw tonight and while I would love to let you co-guest host" He trails off and Big Show appears in the room behind Virgil.


"The fact of the matter is, there is no chance that I'm gonna let you do that. You spoiled little daddy's boy. Wah wah, I'm Ted DiBiase and I want to co-guest host Raw with Mark Feuerstein. Not gonna happen. I was a wrestler in high school pal. New York state champ. They called me Main Event Mark...don't make me show you why Ted DiBiase, don't make me show you why. And what's up with you sidekick, pipe up."

"Virgil, handle this."

"Ahem." Show interrupts.

"What're you doing Teddy?"

"What do you want man?"

"You looking for trouble?"

"How do you like me now Ted?" Mark mocks and we all laugh.

"Let me give you a little trouble. Main Event Mark and The Big Show vs Virgil and Ted DiBiase in a tag team match. What do you think? You game for that?"

"You and him?"


"Me and you?"



"See you out there."

"I'll see you on the mat Ted DiBiase."

We all laugh again.

"Main Event Mark?" Show asks, once Ted and Virgil leave.

"Alright so I wrestled a little, but I was an ice skater."

"An ice skater?"

"Yeah. I ice skated. You want to see a little bit?"


"Alright, I did a little sashee, a little sashee, a little pirouette and then hup." Mark explains, demonstrating before jumping into Show's arms.

"Nice, that was good."


"Oh...hi Bella Twins."


"I can...break dance too."

"Cool...uh, bye Mark."

"Ooooh burn."

"I'll see you in the Hamptons."

"You see what you did there? Next time you catch me. Much more impressive."

"Good plan."



Then John Cena is walking through the backstage area, heading to the ring to react to last week's actions of the NXT athletes. The break was quick and he comes out, and clearly hurting.

"That was so not right last week."


"And he's not too happy."

Again they replay what happened in the opening segment of the show before John grabbed a mic to talk.

"I was given the night off tonight, I would like to thank Bret Hart for having my best interests in mind. But quite frankly after what happened to me last week, I firmly believe that it's my best interest to stand in this ring right now and handle things the only way I know how. I'd also like to thank Bret Hart for not caving into the ridiculous demands made by this new group of...quite frankly this group of radicals. The man such as their should never be put up to negotiation."


"There's a portion of me that admires what those young men did last week. I'm reminded of an old saying that desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures. This group was desperate and in the final hour they believe they needed to make a statement, and to make a statement they needed a target. Nobody wears a bigger target than the WWE Champion. Quite frankly, I'm used to it."

"Because everyone goes after him." I nod.

"Yeah...take Sheamus for example."

"Just as long as he stays away from you Mike, I think I'm good." Stef comments.

"True, but Truth will be looking for that rematch so I'm a target too."


"Their plan was almost brilliant. Almost...brilliant, because their genius was blinded by thei ignorance. You see this group's problem was with WWE management...WWE management. How did they decide to solve it, by taking Monday Night Raw away from you the WWE Universe. That is a very bad move gentlemen, you just made yourself 5 million new enemies. And what did they do next, they destroyed a WWE ring, that is considered sacred ground! Which simply means that every WWE superstar now wants their head on a plate."

"Maybe not everyone."

"Wade Barrett was fired tonight. A very bold decision, but a decision that will not fix this problem. Ladies and gentlemen consider this. If this group was lawless enough to stop a broadcast of Monday Night Raw, quite frankly getting arrested for misdemeanor is the least of their worries."


"They've been thrown out of the arena tonight and I know they're not here, but I am. I am still here standing in this ring and I hope...I hope and pray that they're watching. Because I am going to the Fatal Four-Way to defend my WWE Championship, I will be on the Raw after the Fatal Four-Way. And I will stand in this very ring, each and every night and demand them to come out and finish this! Gentlemen if you're listening, all of you are fired, you no longer work for the company, they have nothing to lose. And all I have is my word, and my word is, that I will not press charges. You see..." John trails off and there's the NXT athletes making their way through the crowd to John Cena.

"Uh oh."

" see you people, you people thought I was a target? You thought I was a target?! You make a target out of me?! Do you know what these gentlemen did last week? They took the target off my back, and you put it on your head!"

They hop over the barrier and then Jerry leaves commentary and joins John in the ring to help. Then there's Evan and Regal and Truth and Santino.

"You want to make a statement?! Make it right now! Make it! Come on!"

The NXT athletes storm the ring and chaos breaks out. Mark Henry has now entered the match, then Randy. They all take out Nexus, followed bu Edge spearing Wade outside the ring. Sheamus then slides into the ring with a steel pipe and the NXT athletes flee and are chased out of the arena.

"Buh bye."

After that break, there was a Undertaker promo for his dvd set and they replay what just happened before the break. Sheamus is then stopped backstage by Josh.

"Excuse me Sheamus. Why did you just come to the aid of John Cena?"

"If you think I'm gonna let a bunch of NXT rookies ruin my WWE Championship match at Fatal Four-Way, fella you've got another thing coming. Besides if anyone's gonna take out John Cena, it's gonna be me."

"Well Mr. Grumpy Pants."

That goes to a replay of last week's Diva's match, which we were a part of for once. It was a Diva Battle Royal and unfortunately we got eliminated and in the end Maryse had won. Then Eve's music hit and she walked out first being the Diva's champion for her tag team match. Gail comes out next as her tag team partner. Then the news was announced that Eve, Gail Kim, Maryse and Alicia would be fighting for the title Sunday. Alicia was out first, followed by Maryse.

"She irritates me."

It starts off with Eve and Maryse and they instantly go at it. Eve takes control until Alicia takes advantage and gets involved. Maryse delivers a spinning back kick, going for the pin, but Eve kicks out. Maryse tags Alicia in and they double team Eve. Alicia goes for the pin, but Eve kicks out. Alicia with the Northern Lights Suplex. Alicia has total control over this match until Eve tries to get out of it, and Alicia drags her by the hair, tagging in Maryse. She tags in Alicia shortly after and Eve just can't catch a break. Alicia cheap shots Gail, and while the ref was distracted with Gail, Alicia accidentally kicked Maryse, and Eve took advantage and pinned Alicia for the win after hitting her finisher.

"Eh. I could do a better match." I roll my eyes.

Then backstage, Mark and Show are getting ready for the match with Ted and Virgil which is up next.

"Good luck Ted and Virgil. This can't be good."

"You'd be surprised."

The break was soon over...again.

"The following is a tag team match set for onefall!"

Big Show comes out first, going down to the ring. Mark comes out next and gets into the ring. Next out is Ted and Virgil to his music. It starts off with Show and Ted and it's doesn't go well that's for sure. Big Show seems to be having fun with this, slapping Ted's chest for the 2nd time. Ted eventually tags in Virgil and he doesn't want to do it, until Show palms his head and throws him into the ring. Virgil tries to leave and Mark throws him back in. It's not going good for Virgil and in the end it was a pin by Mark that got him and Show the win.

"Ted's not happy."

"Not really."

Ted grabs the Million Dollar Title and goes to leave but turns back around, taking bill from his boot and shoving it in Virgil's mouth. He goes to leave again before going back and taking it back, wiping it off and stuffing it in his trunks before leaving finally. After the break, Santino and William Regal were already in the ring and ready to fight.

"And now please welcome your very special guest referee for this match..."

And Vladimir's music goes off.

"...Vladimir Kozlov!"

"Ooooh, this should be interesting."

The bell rings and Santino does spin kicks and misses Regal, resulting and Regal knocking him down. For now it does not look good for Santino. But Santino rolls Regal up and wins the match with a quick three count from Vladimir. That's when Bret Hart comes out.

"Hey, I want you three guys to come up here and stand on stage with me. I've asked every single WWE Superstar to come here and stand on the stage, because I refuse to let history repeat itself again. Not on my watch. Come up here on the stage."

"You have to go?" Stef asks Mike.

"Yeah." He nods, getting up.

"Alright, well be careful, you know what the NXT athletes can do."

"I will." He nods before kissing her quickly and then heading out the door.

Shortly after that we see almost every WWE superstar come out onto the stage, including Mike. Up next is going to be the tag team match, John and Randy vs Edge and Sheamus.

"Well that is a great idea. Have everyone guarding the ramp. The NXTrs can't take them all on. There's more Superstars than NXTrs."

"Right. See if they decide to mess with the main event this time."

It was finally time for the main event, the commercial break being over. Everyone was still on the stage, making a barrier. Edge is the first one to come out, and everyone steps aside to let him through. Sheamus was the next one out.

"And his partner from Dublin, Ireland. Weighing 272 pounds. The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!"

"Whitey." I snicker.

Next out, Randy Orton.

"And their opponents, first from St. Louis Missouri. Weighing 245 pounds, Randy, Orton!"

And finally John Cena.

"And his tag team partner, from West Newbury Massachusetts. Weighing 240 pounds. He is the WWE Champion, John Cena!"

He does his usual entrance by running down to the ring and sliding in.

"Just think, these four will be facing each other Sunday. Every man for himself."


The bell rings and it starts off with John and Sheamus. They circle each other, the crowd chanting 'Cena'. They lock up and Sheamus gets him in a headlock. John gets Sheamus to his knees, and twists his arm behind his back, and eventually getting him in a reverse chin lock. Sheamus gets to the ropes, John having to let go. They circle again before John dodges a kick from Sheamus. John laugh about it, shaking his head. They lock hands before John gets Sheamus into a full nelson, but Sheamus struggles and gets a foot outside the ropes, holding on, forcing John to let go. Circling each other again, John twists his arm and goes over to Randy, tagging him in. Randy takes control, taking Sheamus down, keeping him down on the apron, arms wrapped around his neck. Pushed into the corner, he has to let go and Sheamus take control. Taking Randy out of the corner, he goes over and tags Edge in. Now Edge is in control, only for short time since Randy reverses and hits him with a back breaking before getting into Viper Mode. He goes for the RKO, but Edge pushes him away and rolls out of the ring, scared for his life.

"Aww someone's scared." I laugh.

During the break since we were able to see everything, it came to John and Edge going at it, Edge taking control of the match, until John fired back. He hits him with the Fisherman's Suplex before going for a pin attempt, Edge kicking out at two. John goes for the AA, Edge counters, and misses a clothesline. Edge is in John's corner and keeps the moves going until Edge rolls out. The ref starts to count, Edge gets back into the ring at 2. John goes to get him but Edge drops him on the top rope, before rolling back in. He drags John over to his corner and tags in Sheamus, the crowd chanting 'Cena'. Sheamus goes into the cover, John kicks out at two. Randy is reaching for a tag, but Sheamus hits John in the jaw with a running high knee. Pressure on the back of the neck, using the ropes, the ref counts to 4 before Sheamus lets go. The ref gets distracted and Edge gets involved, holding John by the throat in the corner. Sheamus tags Edge back in and he keeps the control on his side. Edge hits John with a headbutt, before John blocks a suplex and delivers one of his own. Edge tags in Sheamus, and gets John before he could tag in Randy. It's not looking good for John at this point, but we know he always comes back. Sheamus hits John across the chest with his arm and since the ref is distracted, Edge gets involved outside the ring. Sheamus throws John into the barrier as the ref starts counting, hitting 4. He then throws John back into the ring, going for the pin count and John kicks out at two.


Sheamus stalks John and once he gets up, he clotheslines him. Another cover and another kickout at two. After a potential submission move, John gets to his feet and powers his way out of the situation, only for Sheamus to take control again.

"Come on John!"

John gets to his feet, with Sheamus wrapped around him.

"Oh my god."

John keeps trying getting to the corner to tag in Randy, fingertips away. He was almost there until he drops to his knees and moves away. Sheamus drags him over and tags Edge in now. John gets Edge on his shoulders for the AA, but Edge counters. Edge gets set up for the spear as John's in the opposite corner. Edge goes for the spear, but John moves and Edge goes face first into the turnbuckle. Edge tags in Sheamus and John tags in Randy.

"Haha someone's in trouble."

"Yup, here's the DDT off the second rope.....and.....boom!"

"Viper Mode again. Get him Randy!"

Edge however gets into the ring to stop Randy, but suffers an RKO instead. Randy's distracted and gets hit with an axhandle to the skull.


Sheamus picks him up plants him with an Irish Curse back breaker. He goes for the cover, Randy powers out at two. John is reaching for the tag, but he can't get to him. The crowd starts chanting 'RKO', and Randy gets to his feet, getting separation from Sheamus. But no good and Sheamus goes for the cover again, Randy kicks out at two once more. He drags Randy over and tags in Edge. Randy's now isolated, John screaming for Randy to get up. The crowd starts chanting 'Randy' now and he starts battling out, hitting Sheamus with cheap shots before Edge hits Randy with a drop toehold. Again the crowd chants 'RKO' to get Randy motivated. Edge helps him up and hits Randy to the point where he falls back against the ropes. Into the ropes and Randy kicks Edge in the shoulder with the boot, followed by a clothesline. Both Randy and Edge are down. John starts screaming for Randy to tag him and he does, John hitting Edge with the shoulderblocks. But the lights go out and backstage the NXT athletes are back, destroying the backstage area. Skip and Wade are then seen dragging Bret Hart and throwing him into a limo, ordering the limo to go. It backs up full speed and crashing into another limo, before moving forward and backing up again, crashing into another car. It does it again to another car. It stops and they open the door, yelling at Bret for their contracts, before shutting the door and the limo goes dangerously fast backwards and slams into a car. Wade demands an answer about the contracts on Sunday, leaving Bret barely even moving.

" god."

"I hope he's okay."

"Natalya's got to be worried sick."

"Are you gonna be okay here until Mike gets back?" I ask Stef as Alex and I get up.

"Oh yeah, I'll be fine. He's not far away."

"Have a nice vacation week in LA." I say, heading over and hugging her.

"I will, thanks."

"Tell us everything....unless we say no." Charity adds, hugging her too.

"Will do. You two have fun on NXT tomorrow night."

"We will, bye Stef."

She says goodbye to us, before Alex, Jon, Charity and myself leave. We pass Mike on the way out, and say bye to him before heading out to our cars. We each get into our own and head back to the hotel.