Status: Active

He's a Fighter

NXT Season 2, Episode 2

Tuesday night, we have NXT and there's a SmackDown taping after that. NXT is earlier in the day so that SmackDown can be taped at night for Friday. I'm being Alex's pro for tonight, filling in for Mike, which I'm so excited to do. We all were currently at the arena early and getting ready for the show seeing as it was starting in an hour.

"Week two...feeling good?"

"Yeah, actually I'm feeling better than good. First of all because you're in that." Alex motions to my black and silver strapped dress.

"Only the best for you." I smile, kissing him briefly.

"Oh get a room you two." Jon jokes, coming into the locker room.

"We would if we didn't share a room with you." I joke back.

The hour seemed to pass by fast and it was soon time to get out to the curtain to go out to the ring.

"Vest, vest..where is my vest?" Alex says, looking for it.

"Right here." I say, holding it up. "What would you do without me?" I ask.

"Lose my mind. Thanks." He says, kissing me before taking the vest and putting it on.

Charity and Jon had already left themselves, and Alex and I left shortly after. We listen closely as the intro starts for all WWE TV programming, followed by a video package of the Season Premiere of NXT last week. The NXT intro then goes off next, followed by the usual pyros and such.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT! Now on the heels of what happened last week between the rookies and the pros, there are a lot of unanswered questions. So what better way to get answers than to bring everyone back out here. Please join me and welcoming your NXT rookies!"

"I'll see you shortly Alex." I smile, kissing him again before he heads further into the curtained area with everyone else.

"Alex Riley!" Striker announces as Alex goes out first.

"Eli Cottonwood!"

"Husky Harris!"


"Showtime Percy Watson!"

"Michael McGillicutty!"

"Lucky Cannon!"

"Titus O'Neil! And now please welcome your WWE pros!"

I go out first because I'm taking Mike's place for the night since he's not here.

"Taking The Miz's place for the night, Kalena!"

I smile as I the crowd cheers for me as I go down the ramp, and I slap the hands of a few fans, before Alex helps me into the ring, allowing Striker to go on.

"John Morrison!"

"Cody Rhodes!"

"The Co-Women's Champions, LayCool!"


"The Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston!"

"Mark Henry and Charity!"

"And Zack Ryder!"

Once everyone was in the ring, everything began.

"Okay, rookies I know that you have a lot of questions. And instead of having me stand out here and explain why the pros did to you what they did last week, why don't we hear from the pros themselves. MVP, please explain to the kids, why it went down the way it did." Striker explains, handing the mic to MVP.

"First things first fellas, I want you to relax. Just take it easy, you can get those angry expressions off your faces. Not that you don't have a right to wear them to some extent. But, we're not gonna have a confrontation. I'm not gonna finger-wag, we're not gonna beat you, we're not gonna scold you. What I'm gonna do is explain what happened last week. What we did last week was an initiation. See to wear the title of a WWE Superstar, that's a privilege man, that's an honor. And nobody standing on this side of the ring, is just gonna give it to you. Now I'd be lying if I told you that there wasn't an underlying message in what went down last week. Because to be honest, whether you think it's fair or not, you guys paid for the transgressions of your season one predecessors. And I know you might feel it's not fair, but believe me when I say in the long run it will make you stronger, it will make you better. We have to teach you. It's up to us to give you our knowledge and our experience. And we're gonna do that, but you guys, you gotta work hard to receive it. We'll work hard to teach you, but you guys have to work hard to learn. See this season right here, this class of NXT rookies, we're gonna do it the right way. Now, what I want to know, is if you guys are prepared to take that step. Are you guys ready to move forward, from this point, can we move forward? Can we let bygones be bygones? On behalf of all the WWE pros, are we cool?"

MVP steps forward, holding his hand out for Percy to shake and he does, nodding his head in approval. Then everyone does the same, except I hug Alex, making things cool between him and Mike.

"Okay, so we're all in a good place. Girls...okay." Matt says, breaking up LayCool and Kaval.

"We're all in a good place now guys. And now is really where the pressure's gonna increase. In two weeks time, these pros are going to vote. They're gonna evaluate you. But that's only 50%. The other 50% is gonna come from you, the WWE Universe, voting on! And based on those votes, in five weeks...there will be an elimination. Kaval, please step forward. Alex Riley, please step forward. Gentlemen, it's all about opportunity in the WWE, and tonight you have a huge opportunity. Because tonight, you are going to face...each other, one on one, next right here on NXT!"

LayCool goes over and is all excited, Alex and I both are giving them weird looks. I walk up and wrap my arms around his right one as the rest of the rookies and pros leave the ring. Alex and I were stuck in the ring, while it was time for LayCool to introduce Kaval's introduction video.

"Ugh, they disgust me. Want me commentary or ringside itself?"

"Well Kaval's dangerous..."

"I know....from what he did in FCW. I'll never forget that. Commentary it is then."

"Good choice."

"'Scuse us Alex and Kalena, just....before this match starts, we want you to take another look at our rookie. He's cute..."

"...he's cuddly..."

"'s Kaval!"

Up on the tron is his introduction video. Woo hoo, exciting. I take Alex's vest as the video ends and I give him a quick kiss before exiting the ring and heading to commentary, where LayCool exactly is. I decide to have a little fun and join in on the commentary.

"And an opportunity for Kaval and Alex Riley, to make first impressions here tonight. Their debut match is on NXT, we are joined at ringside by Alex's girlfriend who is also taking The Miz's place for tonight Kalena and Kaval's pros, the self-professed Co-Women's Champions Layla and Michelle McCool."

"Thanks guys, how do we look? Oh no no no, don't answer that. We're flawless."

They start rambling on about Josh and how Kaval is bigger than him and yada yada yada.

"By the way ladies, I would like to congratulate you two on becoming the first Divas to ever co-cheer, be pros on NXT."

"Thank you. Two is better than one right?"

"If I can interrupt. If you haven't noticed. Alex has three pros. Me, The Miz and Stefanie. Three is better than two." I retort.

"Yeah but are you and her Co-Women's Champions? I didn't think so."

"I'd watch that mouth of your McCool, or it'll be filled with my fist." I threaten.

"Okay, let's have things settle. The last thing we need is a fight here at ringside. Now what are you going to bring to Kaval as we see him in action for the first time here tonight?" Cole asks.

"We're gonna bring a whole lot of...flawless, that's what we're gonna bring. With his guidance, he is on the road to becoming flawless."

"Yes he is. He's a little serious though huh?"

"Yeah, we need to turn that frown upside down."

"Well Alex Riley..."

"Well girls..." Josh says at the same time as Cole.

"...loves to smile."

"And Alex Riley is dominating your guy's rookie Kaval right now." Josh adds.

"Just sit back and watch Josh. Give it a little second."

"It's all a trick you know? He's working hard you know? He has a brain behind that pretty face."

I just roll my eyes at their comments, because I know Alex is better than him. Kaval has Alex in the corner and kicks him in the chest and I wince. He goes for a quick cover, but Alex kicks out.

"Alex Riley, six foot two, 240 pounder from Georgetown, Virginia."

"This is the classic case of big man vs little man here. As you see the pros of NXT season 2 watching on from the stage. LayCool the self-professed Women's Champions as well as the girlfriend of Alex Riley, Kalena joining us here at commentary."

We watch as Kaval kicks and such at Alex, going for another cover, but Alex kicks out.

"Did you just say that Michelle taught him that?"

"She did."

"I was a teacher, so I teach him."

"Oh really?"

"We try to help him out, that's what we do. That's why we're gonna be such great pros on NXT."

"Maybe you can help Josh learn how to be a commentator."

"Doubt it."

Kaval now has his legs wrapped around Alex's neck.

"Come on Alex." I say outloud purposely.

After suffering a kick to the shoulder a while later, Alex comes back and drops Kaval on the top rope.

"Ohh, not his face."

"Oh that's gotta hurt. Noooo."

"Oh shut up you bunch of whiners. He's fine!" I snap at LayCool.

For a while it was quiet, and I'm glad. But they started back up shortly.

"Oooh and look at Alex Riley, planting Kaval."

"There you go."

Alex goes for the cover, but Kaval kicks out at two.

"Riley calls himself the Rare Breed."

"Alex Riley played quarterback at Boston College University. Alex Riley knows how to read his opponents, read the defense and Alex Riley has grounded Kaval so far in this contest." Josh explains.

"Boston College or Boston University."

"Boston College Cole." I answer for Josh.

"Well here's the difference between Alex Riley who went to BC, he's got a double major there. And your pro Kaval who actually wants to be a Simpson's character. That's his goal in life."

"Psh, some goal." I scoff.

"But you know what? His pro went to Florida State with a Master's Degree."

"Whoop Dee Doo." I roll my eyes.

"His other pro won the Diva's search..."

"....woo hoo, not impressive." I interrupt.

We continue to watch the match, but Kaval manages to take him down, multiple times. Then a potential submission move, breaking before five. Jumping from the top, going for a cover, Alex kicks out at two. A kick to the chest and the fight continues. Kaval catches Alex on the jaw. He goes to the top to jump, but when he does, Alex moves and then grabs him and hits him with 'You're Dismissed'. He goes for the cover, getting the 3 count. I smile widely and take the headset off my head, stick my tongue out at LayCool and get into the ring. I wait until he's standing and after the ref raises his hand in victory before I hug him tightly, despite him being sweaty from the match. Then I kiss him before raising his hand in victory myself. I lace my fingers with his as Matt Striker comes into the ring.

"Alex Riley, dude how are you still standing? Congratulations man. Some would say it's even more impressive, because your pro the Miz is not here tonight. How're you feeling right now man?"

"Yeah, you know Matt, my pro Miz had a big night last night. Winning the US Championship once again!

"Right now he's doing what he does best. He's partying in LA. He asked me if I would join, I politely declined and said I can take care of this all by myself! But of course, also with the help of my lovely girlfriend Kalena." He smiles, kissing me on the cheek.

"LayCool, your thoughts on this match and the rookies....I'll protect you. What're your thoughts?"

"Puh-lease." I roll my eyes.

"Well first off...." Layla trails off before clapping.

"...but real talk here. I mean, we're not used to losing Matt, but Kaval did a good job."

"I mean, Michelle it was his first match."

"It was your first match. And think about it, with LayCool's guidance Matt..."

"'re gonna be..."


"We can do this, we're gonna help him out."

"Okay let's hear from some of the pros. John Morrison. Your thoughts on these two rookies."

"Well first of all Alex, yeah Miz isn't here. Um...he's not partying in LA, he's actually at a lipo consult..."

"Another fat joke?" I mutter in disgust.

"Oooh, shouldn't have said that Morrison." Charity says as she watches from backstage.

"Yeah that is true. That is true." Kofi adds.

"I thought Alex, you did a good job at looking confident."

"You're damn right he's confident!" I yell.

" also took your time. Great kicks man, I thought you both did a very...very good job of making an impression today."

"Okay-" Striker goes to continue.

"What'd you guys think?" Morrison asks the crowd.

"Hey Za-Zack Ryder. Long Island Loud Mouth, what do you think of the rookies."

"Honestly I only care about my rookie Titus O'Neil, but that new ring announcer chick, she's pretty hot. Call me."

Backstage, Charity laughs a little and facepalms.

"Ohhhh Zack."

"That was completely irrelevant to the question." Jon adds.

"It was, but you gotta love Zack and his goofiness."

I too in the ring shake my head, my hand covering my face.

"Cole, Josh, what do you guys think?"

"Just saying we love Zack Ryder. I mean, uh...he had the best comment of the night best far..."

The NXT music goes off and we exit the ring to head back up the ramp to head backstage.

"Ooooh you so told LayCool off on commentary."

"I know right? I'm sick of them and they're so annoying."

"Tell me about it. Now the only match left is Jon's tag team match with Mark."

"Well we wish you luck with that and we'll be watching. I'm gonna get Alex back to the locker room to change."

"Alright, see you after the show for SmackDown."


Alex and I then head towards the locker room for him to change.

"Ready for your match?" Charity asks Jon.

"More than ever. I can't lose with Mark on my side and you there to cheer me on."

"As always."

After quick break, Cole and Josh were going over the matches for Fatal Four-Way this Sunday. Then there's security camera footage of Zack and Titus in the locker room. Another rookie introduction, Husky Harris was played for everyone to know a bit about him. But after that was time for the tag match. First going out was Kofi and Michael. Mark come up beside Charity and Jon, ready for the match. They soon play Mark's music and the three of them go out. Mark gets into the ring first, and Jon slaps a few fans' hands before kissing Charity quick and getting into the ring next. Charity stays ringside and it starts out with Mark and Kofi. Mark motions to McGillicutty, pro against rookie so Kofi tags him in. They circle and lock up, Mark shoving him away, tumbling into the corner.

"Not looking good for you McGillicutty." Charity snickers.

Mark smiles about it, and McGillicutty gets Mark around the neck, putting him in a headlock. Mark gets out of it and pushes him into the ropes and then shoulderblocks him hard. He then picks him up and lifts him over his head, before dropping him.

"Oooh." Charity winces. "Welcome to the WWE Michael."

Mark drags him to the corner and tags in Lucky. He grabs Michael now before picking him up and dropping him.

"Come on Lucky!" Charity cheers as he goes for the cover.

Unfortunately Michael kicks out.

"Damn. Don't worry, still early! You got this!"

Another headlock, by Lucky this time. Pushes against the ropes and Lucky suffers a hip toss suplex. Turning around and he's taken down quickly, twice by arm drag takedowns, until Michael puts him in a potention submission.

"Come on Lucky!" Charity hits the mat.

He gets up, but Michael drags him over to his corner, tagging Kofi in. While holding Lucky, Kofi climbs to the top and drops an elbow on his arm. Twisting his arm for a bit before Lucky reverses into his own twist of the hand on Kofi. Kofi counters and takes Lucky's left leg out from under him before hitting a big splash on him. He goes for the cover.


Lucky kicks out. Twisting the arm again, Kofi tags in McGillicutty. Still holding him, McGillicutty punches the held arm. Thrown into the ropes and Lucky is clotheslined before McGillicutty went for the cover, Lucky kicking out at one.

"Lucky, come on!" Charity yells, hitting the ring before clapping to get the crowd going for the motivation.

Lucky manages to get out of a potential submission, before suffering a kick to the shoulder before a dropkick, making him roll out of the ring. Then Kofi and McGillicutty work together and dropkick Mark off the side of the ring. Charity goes over to make sure Lucky is okay, glaring at Kofi and McGillicutty in the ring.

"Come on, you got this."

He nods and gets back into the ring to face McGillicutty. He currently has his arm twisted into a submission attempt, but Lucky isn't giving up. He gets to his feet and gets McGillicutty to let go before throwing him into the ropes. Missing a clothesline front and back, but delivers a big boot to the face.

"Yes! Take that McGillicutty!" Charity cheers.

Quick pin attempt, but McGillicutty kicks out.

"That's okay, stay on him!"

Another quick pin, and McGillicutty kicks out. Lucky takes him down, wrapping his arms around his neck, applying the pressure. McGillicutty gets up and Lucky makes his way over, tagging Mark in.

"Good job." Charity claps.

Mark hits McGillicutty with a headbutt, before throwing him into the corner. He runs at him, but McGillicutty moves out of the way at the last second. He comes back with punches, but suffers a club to the back. Back over in his corner, Lucky's tagged back in. Lucky takes him down, trying to get McGillicutty's shoulders down on the mat, but McGillicutty struggles. He gets up, hitting Lucky in the gut, eventually making him let go. But he's pushed into the ropes and comes back with a shoulderblock and covers McGillicutty for a pin attempt. McGillicutty kicks out. Back against the ropes, jumping over McGillicutty, bouncing off the other set of ropes and shoulderblocking him again, going for another pin attempt, McGillicutty kicking out. More bouncing off the ropes, McGillicutty jumping over him. Lucky comes back and shoulderblocks him again, going for a third pin attempt, McGillicutty kicking out. Another takedown, trying to get the shoulders down.

"Come on Lucky!"

Pushed into the corner, Lucky spears him once before going to send him into the opposite corner, only to be Irish Whipped into the corner himself. But Lucky jumps to the 2nd rope and goes for the cross body, but misses. Charity winces and looks away for a minute, before turning her attention back to the match. Lucky gets up, getting hit with a spinning neckbreaker from McGillicutty. He goes for the pin, the ref counting to three and he wins the match.

Charity sighs and leans her elbows on the apron, and runs her hands through her hair. She slides into the ring after Mark gets in to check on Lucky. With the help of Mark and Charity, Lucky is able to get up. Striker now gets into the ring to talk about the match, get the pros opinions.

"Whoa Kofi Kingston. Wow, what do you think of your rookie Michael McGillicutty?"

"Hey, the kid did alright for himself tonight did he not? I think..." Kofi trails off, as Mark shakes hands with McGillicutty.

"....I've gotten the chance to know Michael McGillicutty over the past few days. And this is a man with something to prove." Kofi continues as Lucky shakes hands with McGillicutty.

"Man on a mission. And tonight he definitely took a step in the right direction."

"Alright. Mark Henry. Your thoughts on your rookie Lucky Cannon."

"I think Lucky's got a lot of potential, and I think I got lucky being a pro to get him. He's got a long way to go but, I think he'll get there."

"Okay. Let's hear from some of the pros. Cody Rhodes, your thoughts on these rookies please."

"Lucky, you got a real dumb look on your face you know? I mean you do realize that you just lost. And not only did you shake Michael McGillicutty's hand, you....listen, the way this works is, the guys who win the matches, make more money than the...the losers. Which is what you are tonight, a loser. I mean, okay Lucky Cannon. You came from the CFL, you played arena footaball. What did somebody tell ya', hey kid you look good, you should be a wrestler? Hah. I'll tell you what you are. You're all style and you're no substance."

"Psh, jealous."

"Hey hey, listen. While you're running the kid down, hold up a minute. Now you act like you a lot better than him. Well let me tell you something. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. And if you think that you can get lucky, and get a win, then you face Lucky one on one." Mark interjects.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hang on hang on. This is getting good, haha." Striker says, getting out of the ring and running up the ramp to Cody.

"Cody...Cody don't walk away man, you're on NXT bro. Mark Henry just laid down the challenge. You vs Lucky Cannon, what do you say?"

"Don't let him punk you out Cody." Morrison states.

"I think if he's aptly named, he'd be lucky to last five minutes with me. You know what, you know what? I accept. But, you give me a week to get ready."

"Oh...okay, hang on hang on hang on. Given this week to get ready, what can we expect from Cody Rhodes?"

"Oh, what can we expect?" Cody says, before hitting Matt across the back, making him roll off the stage/ramp and onto the concrete floor. All the pros, Mark, Kofi, McGillicutty, Lucky and Charity get out of the ring, heading up the ramp in confusion of what Cody just did. Cody leaves to go backstage while Mark and everyone check on Matt to see if he's alright, helping him up. Charity, Mark and Lucky head backstage, heading to the locker room. Charity and Jon head to the locker room we all share with each other so that he could change and we could stick around for SmackDown which would be starting soon once the ring apron was changed around it for SmackDown and everything was set up for it.