Status: Active

He's a Fighter

SmackDown Taping For June 18, 2010

Now we get to all sit back and relax, to watch the SmackDown taping. While we were waiting for SmackDown to get all set up after NXT had ended, we all went down to catering and grabbed some snacks and whatever, heading back to the room for the night until the end of the show.

"SmackDown...haven't been here in a while."

"Right? It almost feels weird you know?"


When it came time, the show had started, for the taping anyway. They replay what happened last week with Kane, trying to find out who's responsible for Undertaker being in a vegetative state.

"Crazy. I think he did it, being jealous."


The SmackDown theme then goes off with the intro video and then the pyros. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker introduce the show, advertising the tag match tonight. Show and Rey vs Swagger and Punk. Then Drew vs Teddy and if Teddy doesn't compete, he'll be fired. Punk's music goes off first as he goes out alone.

"Tell me what the point of the mask is."

"I have no idea."

"This Sunday at the Fatal Four-Way PPV, I win my 4th Heavyweight Championship. Which will in turn then make me four time, straight edge, World Heavyweight Champion. Nobody in the history of the WWE has ever accomplished that. Now the only thing that would make that much more sweeter, is if the Phenom of the WWE, the Undertaker, was here to see it. See I know a lot of you probably flunked out of high school, and it's been a very long time since your last history lesson. And inbetween that time since your last history lesson, you've all killed billions of billions of brain cells smoking your drugs, and eating your pills, and drinking your beer. But I must remind you, I am the only man in the history of the WWE to make the Undertaker tap out. Now if it wasn't for the Phenom's current vegetative state, I would make him tap out again at Fatal Four-Way. Which brings me to why I'm out here. I actually want to talk about the Undertaker's vegetative state. 'Cause I know a lot of you are familiar with 'vegetative state', looking at you right now. But just as I am not responsible for the vegetation I see before me, myself nor any member of my straight edge society are responsible for the Undertaker's current vegetative state. Now that doesn't make it any less hilarious to me. I'm glad he's in a vegetative state. I wish I could claim I was the man to do that. The fact is I'm not. I wish I could've seen the look on his face, the flicker in his eye as he was beaten to his point of no return."

"Of course you wish that."

"So when the perpetrator or perpetrators of the Undertaker's state of vegetation are come to light, I will be the first man to stand in line and shake their hand. 'Cause I got to be honest with you people, this...this Universe, Friday Night SmackDown, Raw, NXT, the entire WWE landscape, has been so much better without the Undertaker."

Then the lights flicker and Punk gets a little freaked out, before they go out completely. And there standing before him is the Undertaker and Punk freaks out even more.

"The Undertaker is back!" Striker exclaims.

"And CM Punk now has stepped right into it."

"I told you there's no way to keep him down."

"That can't be him." I give a confused look.

"He's flesh and blood all right Punk." Striker states as Punk touches him to make sure he's real.

Punk laughs, turns him around and he removes his hand and wig, revealing himself to be Luke Gallows.

"I knew it."

"It's Luke Gallows." Todd states the obvious. "The first disciple of the Straight Edge Society."

Punk and Gallows then laugh at everyone in the crowd because they fell for it. They then start chanting 'you suck' and Punk crushes the hat, and kicks the coat out of the ring before pyros go off and Kane storms to the ring. But Jack Swagger comes out from behind and attacks him from behind. "Who's that in the jeans, hoodie and worker's boots?"

"Who knows."

The attack on Kane continues in the ring, before Rey comes out to the rescue along with Show. But even Rey and Show go after Kane, for the attacks on them as of late. Rey leaves the ring warily since Show is staring at him. Then Show leans over Kane, telling him that he had nothing to do with what happened to Undertaker, and that nothing is going to stop him from becoming the next World Heavyweight Champion.

"Anger issues."

"Someone needs anger management for sure."

That left time for a break, before advertising Fatal Four Way for Sunday. Then they did a video package of NXT from last week, the chaos the went on at the end of the show with the pros attacking the rookies, and then from earlier tonight. All this being for the aired show on Friday. We get a chance to watch highlights of Alex vs Kaval, minus all the commentary. I grin as I see Alex's win. We also get to see highlights of Jon's match, we cringe when he loses. We roll our eyes with Cody putting Jon down and attacking Striker. After that, footage from 2009 when Vince introduced Drew McIntyre as the new superstar on SmackDown.

Out next was MVP for the first match of the night.

"The following is a tag team match scheduled for onefall. From Miami, Florida. Weighing 248 pounds, MVP!"

His partner comes out next, that being Christian.

"His partner from Toronto, Canada. Weighing 227 pounds, Christian!"

And their opponents, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer.

"And their opponents at a combined weight of 486 pounds, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer!"

Curt and Archer strategize before it starts off with Christian and Curt. The bell rings and Curt does some trash talking before shoving Christian and Christian comes back with a slap to the face.

"Ohhh." I snicker.

Christian trips him and then twists his arm. Over to his corner, he tags MVP in. Christian holds him while MVP hits him and Christian gets some shots in before he steps outside the ropes. MVP wastes no time, going for a cover, but Curt kicks out and that's where he recovers. He gets MVP into his corner and starts trash talking and shoves him in the chest, earning a slap to the face again, but by MVP this time. He goes after Curt along with cheap shots to Archer, before driving Curt's face into his knee. He goes over to Archer and kicks him off the side of the ring, and then sends Curt flying over the top rope and to the floor himself. MVP and Christian then use the top rope to launch themselves over and landing on Curt and Archer below, working together. MVP throws Curt back into the ring, but since the ref is distracted with Christian, Archer takes advantage of the distraction and starts going after MVP and preventing him from getting into the ring as of now. He throws him into the steel steps and Curt goes out of the ring to get him. It's still Curt and MVP, but now in the ring. Curt goes for the cover, but MVP kicks out. Back in his corner, Curt tags Archer in. So Archer takes control of the match for now. A cover by Archer and MVP kicks out at one. More work on the already injured left arm, until MVP moves. But Archer cheap shots Christian and goes after MVP. He fights back however, but it's no good since he's back in the corner and Curt is tagged back in. MVP gets up and counters, crawling over to Christian. Curt catches him, but MVP pushes him away with his feet and makes the tag. Christian comes in and cleans house, firing away on Curt. Big knee to the jaw of Archer and Curt tries throwing Christian over the top rope. Christian climbs to the top and hits him with a cross body. Archer comes in to break up the pin, but MVP comes in and throws him out. After Curt throws MVP into the steel ring post, Christian goes for the Killswitch on Curt. But Archer comes in and delivers is own neckbreaker. Curt delivers the elbow from the top rope and he picks up the win for him and Archer.

"Eh." I respond.

However they aren't done and MVP tries to fight off Archer and Curt himself, but it's no use.

"Woo hoo for you two." I roll my eyes.

"He'll be irrelevant soon enough. Archer anyway."

Then LayCool was backstage with Kaval. Talking about makeovers, before Rosa interrupts them.

"Uh...English please?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you guys for like ever. I know I can be famous and flawless too. But picture this...LayCool-Losa."

"Um...LayCool...yeah. Rosa...never."

"Oh by the way, the Joker called, he wants his makeup back."

"Seriously though..."

"...real talk."

"When's the last time you won a match Rosa? Oh I'll help you. Was it on SmackDown? It was on Raw. No no no, I got it Lay, I got it. It was on Superstars."


"I mean you can trust us."

"You can trust us, we're champs."

"We're BFF champs. But seriously Rosa you need to like totally need to re-evaluate your career, and...whatever this is."

"Plus if you're gonna fit in anywhere around here, you're gonna need some training girlfriend."

"A lot of training."

"A lot of training."

"Like...super duper training."

Then they mock her as she's crying and walking away.

"What're you still doing here?" Layla asks Kaval.

"You need to get on this."

"Turn that frown..."

"...upside down."

"Ugh I'd be sad too if they were my pros."

Another video plays from 2010, about Drew losing his first match to Kane back in March. But his loss had been wiped clean so he is still undefeated.

"Of course, he gets special treatment from the boss."

"Kiss up."

"It's gonna be a long night."

"That's for sure."

Now backstage is Vickie and Chavo, glad to have the Guerreros back together.

"You and me back together, there's nothing we can't do."

"Oh my gosh, you look so good." Vickie says, turning and there's Dolph in short jeans shorts and a tool belt.

"What the hell?"

"I don't wanna know."

"Thanks for buying me these jeans Vickie but..."

"Hey, turn around. Very nice."

"Yeah about these, they're a little tight and I don't think I should be wearing these."

"Vickie what I was talking about..."

"Chavo, go get ready for your match."

"I don't have a match."

"Yes you do, it's next, go get ready, now."

"Alright, I think we've gone a little too far here. I look ridiculous, and what's the deal with the tool belt? That doesn't even make any sense..."

"Wait wait wait. I have a project for you. Look I got this picture of me blown up for my office wall." Vickie interrupts and there's a picture of her and Dolph on the stage.

"And I was wondering if you could help me hang it up?"

"Uh....yeah that'd be great."

As Dolph is hanging the picture up and Vickie is enjoying the view, Chris Masters comes in.

"Hey Vickie, so uh...I was thinking about this match and uh..." He trails off, looking at what she's looking at. He looks between her and Dolph before raising his eyebrows and leaving.

"Awkward." Charity laughs.

"Uh, just a bit."

"That's gross." Alex makes a face.

Yet another video is shown. A fight between Matt Hardy and Drew from last month and being stripped of the title and then fired because he wouldn't knock it off. Out next was JTG for his match.

"Tell me how he's relevant still. He lost his flair since Shad left."

"Who knows. At least he's somewhat entertaining."

His opponent however was Chavo.

"Guess he does have a match. Eh."

The bell rings, starting the match. They circle and Chavo stops the ref, pretending to make it look like he had to lace his boots, but he continued with the match. JTG however took control of the match, until Chavo took control. He fixes the laces on his boots for the meantime before hitting him with an uppercut. JTG gets to his feet after a potential submission, fighting out of it. Chavo however gains the momentum, using the ropes to launch himself over, ending up hitting JTG's legs. JTG takes control of the match now, planting him face first. A quick cover and Chavo kicks out. Eventually Chavo gets beat by JTG...JTG getting the pin.

"Nice hair dude." I laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, he is the Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Kingston. Kofi this Sunday at Fatal Four Way you'll be defending your Intercontinental Championship against Drew McIntyre. Now are you at all concerned that the deck may be stacked against you, considering the relationship that Drew seemingly has with Mr. McMahon."

"Deck stacked against me or not, I can be sure of one thing. This Sunday, it's gonna be a fight. I've been fighting all my life. I'm a young dude, I still got a lot of fight left in me. A fight will not be a problem. What I do have a problem with is what's gonna happen later tonight. The Chairman has put Teddy Long and Drew McIntyre in a match. You know, Teddy is not an in-ring competitor. Let's be honest, Teddy is not a trained fighter. Nothing good can come from having Teddy Long in a match with Drew McIntyre. I'll tell you what is good though. And what will be, is this Sunday, when I walk into Fatal Four way and walk out the Intercontinental Champion."

"That's true. Teddy shouldn't be in that ring, he's not one of us...technically.

"Exactly, it's not really fair, but hey you have to obey the boss."

Another Drew video was shown that was more current from last month where he was given the IC title, and then up next Teddy will face Drew and if he doesn't he'l be fired.

"We can only hope he goes through with it to stay on SmackDown."

Yet another video of Drew is shown, but it's from this month, back last week, the confrontation between Drew and Kofi which is what led up to this Sunday's match. So it's finally time for Drew vs Teddy, with Drew coming out first.

"He takes forever to get to the ring."

"Yeah, I can take a bathroom break and he'd probably still not be at the ring yet."

"You could take a walk around the arena backstage and he still wouldn't be there." Alex jokes.

It takes a while, but Teddy's music plays, but he never comes out.

"Teddy, just like I told you last week, if you don't come out here and face me, per Mr.'re fired."

Teddy's music plays again, and he comes out this time.

"Now I don't care if you're out here in a suit Teddy. I am still gonna tear you apart. But, before I do, to ensure there's no shenanigans from Kofi Kingston or Matt Hardy, I have enlisted my own private security force. Now referee, I want you to check him to make sure he has no foreign objects. Come on Teddy, here's your big chance. Hit me."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Come on Teddy, I'm right here. You're lively hood is on the line. Your manhood is on the line. Hit me. Or do you want to be fired? Teddy, I know there's a lot of your family members watching. And I know a lot of them are unemployed. Do you wanna wind up like them? Teddy, this industry is all you know. Without it, you're nothing. Now the only way you might get out of this, is doing exactly what I tell you. I'm giving you an opportunity to save yourself and I want you to get down on your knees! Get down or I will put you down."

"Now isn't that degrading." I shake my head as Teddy does so.

"Think of your family's future Teddy. Do exactly what I told you. Get down on both knees. Put that knee down now! Now Teddy, I haven't won just yet. I want to hear you say the words, I am the chosen one. Now say it! Say it, or your family's gonna go hungry Teddy. Say it!"

"Drew, you're the chosen one."


"I didn't tell you, you could stand up Teddy. I am in charge here. Now get back down on your knees. Get on your knees Teddy, now! Now, I want you to lay down on your back in the middle of this ring. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your lovely wife."

He starts crawling to the middle of the ring, and he lays down on his back.

"You are pathetic. Ring the bell!"

The bell rings.

"Now count to three."

Drew puts his foot on Teddy, the ref counting to three, and Drew wins.


Teddy gets up and crying, but Drew grabs him to stop him from moving any further. He turns around slowly only to almost get attacked by Drew, but Kofi comes out and tries to fight through Drew's security. They hold him back and Drew attacks him. Then comes Matt through the crowd and the security try to pull him off. Drew takes his aggression to Matt, kicking him in the head as well. In the ring they go and Drew delivers his finisher to him. Kofi too suffers the same fate.

"He's crazy."

"Just a tad."

"So what's going on for the rest of the week except for Sunday, the pay-per-view?" I ask Alex.

"We got an FCW event in Deland, Florida on Thursday."

"Ooh? You have a match?"

"I do, I'm defending the Heavyweight title against Johnny Curtis."


"What about you Jon?" Charity asks.

"I'm facing Big E. Langston."


"And then we have the pay-per-view Sunday to be at and see."

LayCool's music hit and they came out, Layla being the one in the next match.

"Co-Women's champions....what a joke."

"Tell me about it. Only one champion is needed."

Next out is Kelly with Tiffany.

"Ugh, whore." Charity comments.

"And can the shorts get any shorter?" I make a face.

The bell rings and they lock up, Layla getting her in a headlock before letting go and elbowing her in the head, before going against the ropes and shoulderblocking her. Layla goes for the pin, Kelly kicking out. Twisting the arm of Kelly and she uses the ropes to get out of it. The she does her signature, jumping on her and slamming her head into the apron. Then she dropkicks her out of the ring. Layla however drops Kelly on the 2nd rope, she slides in and goes for the cover but Kelly kicks out. Layla gives Kelly a head scissors, but Kelly counters and Kelly hits a double leg jackknife, but things go downhill for Layla.

"And here comes the backflip."

"Nope, Layla moved."

Kelly kicked Layla and Michelle provided a distraction, and that allowed Layla to kick Kelly in the gut, making her fall to the apron. Tiffany however ran around and took out Michelle, before checking on Kelly. Layla kicks Tiffany, but Kelly however hits the K2 leg drop and wins the match.

"Woo." Charity says sarcastically.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time. He is the World Heavyweight Champion, Jack Swagger. Jack later on tonight you'll team up with CM Punk to take on Rey Mysterio and The Big Show. However this Sunday, those three men will be challenging you for your World Heavyweight Championship where it's every man for himself in a Fatal Four-Way match."

"Josh this reminds me of a time when I was 4 years old. I was about to compete in my first ever Oklahoma State, Track and Field championship. As I'm warming up for my first event, my daddy comes up to me. He sits me down, looks me in the eye, and he said, son...these kids are twice your age, but that's no excuse. No one remembers silver. I want you to go out there, reach for the starts, go for the gold, become unforgettable and make sure everyone in this arena knows exactly who you are. Well Josh that was great advice. I went on to win 4 gold medals that day. I'm a winner Josh. I always have been, I always will be. It's just what I do. So how fitting is it that this Sunday, is Father's Day. So I'm gonna dedicate my victory at Fatal Four Way to my Daddy. CM Punk, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, in time those names will be forgotten. However the two time, two time, all American American, Mr. Know One On The Corner, the man who never settles, the World Heavyweight Champion Swagger Jack Swagger. That's a name you'll never forget."

"Was he just trying to act cool?"

"Um....I think so."


"He's a mega loser."

Vickie comes out next with her 'excuse me'.


"Excuse me!"


"It is with great honor, to introduce to you a man with such soft silky hair that you could just stroll your fingers through. And abs....I said excuse me!"

"And I said....NO!"

"All of you need to pay your respect to the most amazing man to have ever walked this planet. Please welcome Dolph Ziggler."

Out next was Chris Masters as Dolph's opponent.

"Should be entertaining."

The bell rings and Dolph suffers a vicious shoulderblock. Dolph drops Chris onto the top rope, before sliding back into the ring, throwing punches repeatedly on Chris. Chris manages to get up and reverse the hold Dolph has on him. Dolph misses with the dropkick and gets thrown face first onto the top turnbuckle. Dolph is not doing good right now. Chris calls for the Masterlock, but Dolph slides out of it, only to suffer a sideslam. Chris goes for the pin, Dolph kicks out. Dolph manages to lock in the sleeperhold and Chris drops to his knees. But he gets out of it and goes for the Masterlock, locking it in, but Dolph gets to the ropes, Chris having to let go. Dolph hits the knee followed up by the ZigZag, earning the win, getting the three count.

"Well that was a short match."

"No kidding."

"Well looks like the main event is up next, about time. I can't wait to get back to the hotel and rest."

"You both look like you could use some rest. We got events all week in Florida up till the pay-per-view. You know we can leave now so you can get rest."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

"I agree." Charity nods.

"It's settled then."

We all grab our things and instead of sticking around for the main event, we leave and head back to the hotel so we can get rest before we head out to Florida tomorrow for the next FCW show.