Status: Active

He's a Fighter

Date Night

The weekend's here finally. It's Saturday and we're back down in Florida, only because the FCW events are always in Florida. Mike and Stef stayed up in New Hampshire until they had to go to the next city for a live event. Jon, Charity, Alex and myself were in Florida. We had a show last night in Plant City. Here's what happened in a nutshell. Wes Brisco defeated Jacob Novak, Big E. Langston defeated Rhys Ali, Brodus Clay and Donny Marlow defeated Eli Cottonwood and Kaval, Mason Ryan defeated Devin Allen, Jon and Titus defeated Derrick Bateman and Leo Kruger, McGillicutty defeated Rudy Parker, Aksana defeated Naomi and Tamina, and lastly Alex had defeated Johnny Curtis for the FCW Heavyweight Championship. So instead of a hotel, Alex had offered for Jon and Charity to stay with us at the house in Tampa that he has. Since it was a day off, we were all able to sleep in. I slept in for a bit, before stirring and stretching. I turn to see Alex still fast asleep and smile to myself since he looks so peaceful and adorable.

This time he did not have a grip on me, so I swing my legs over the bed and touch the soft, carpet. I sit up and stretch some more before getting up and going into the closet. Alex has his side which is filled with jerseys that he absolutely kills me with, and I have my side with all my clothes and such. Some are hanging up, like tank tops, t-shirts, etc. I search through what's hanging up and find a pink animal print tank top. I drape that over my arm before searching through what I have folded up on the shelf below. I decide on a pair of denim cuffed shorts. That's all I take with me from the closet, seeing as the rest I can do in the room itself in front of the wall length mirror. So I head into the bathroom and change, and then grab my brush that was in the drawer and brush my hair out.

I leave the bathroom and grab my makeup bag and jewelry box. I dig through my jewelry as quiet as I can, picking out what will match my outfit. I move onto my makeup next, doing that to match as well, spraying a bit of Victoria's Secret Fragrance Mist on myself named Pure Seduction. I then grab a hair tie and pull my hair back into a messy ponytail. Looking myself over in the mirror, I can't help but notice Alex stirring himself. I smile to myself as I see him open his eyes, in the mirror.

"Best part of the morning....all the time." I sense a smile in his voice.

"Good morning to you too."

"So I'm night."


"Yeah. Just you and me. We don't get too many with the schedule we have."

"True. I'm sure it'll be amazing."

"Isn't it always?"

"Of course it is. Now why don't you get up and stuff for the day."

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want to stay in bed all day, which is where you should be."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"


"Hmmm..." I trail off, walking over to him.

But before I could even say anything else, he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me down onto the bed and I squeal in surprise.

"I think I win." He chuckles.

"For now. You're lucky you have a comfy lap." I giggle.

"Only for you." He grins before leaning up and kissing me lightly.

" how about we move from the bed? I have plans for us today before your plans of a date night tonight."

"Can't let me have my moment can you?" He says jokingly.

"Alright alright, about 10 minutes. That's all I'm giving you before you have to get ready for the day Mister."

"That's all I need." He smirks before pressing his lips to mine once again.

Mid-kiss he goes to run his fingers through my hair, before realizing that my hair is tied up into a messy ponytail. So instead, he just rests that hand on the side of my face and I wrap my arms around his neck in response. At this point he had sat up in the bed so it was easier for us. I on the other hand can run my fingers through his hair because it's short enough and doesn't have to be tied up like mine on a 90 degree day, that's what it's going to be today by the way. Lost in the kiss, one of my arms stays around his neck, that hand resting on his shoulder and the other hand was moved so my fingers were in his hair. The sound of the door opening tore us apart though.

"Oops. Didn't mean to interrupt. I tried texting you, but apparently you were....busy." Charity says from the now open doorway. "There's breakfast waiting in the kitchen for us. Jon went out and got something since it's far too hot to use the stove and such."

"We'll be there in a bit." I nod. "Thanks."

She nods as well and then smirks before leaving the doorway, heading towards the kitchen. I turn to look at Alex and he looks back at me, with that look in his eye, he wasn't done.

"Alex....more later. We take too long, she'll come back. Plus I think it's been way more than 10 minutes. How about you get ready for the day and I'll meet you in the kitchen alright?"

"Alright, sounds good. One more kiss though?" He asks.

"How can I say no?" I giggle, leaning in and kissing him briefly.

I then slide off his lap and from the bed, fixing my clothes since they sort of got messed up from our little moment. I fix my hair as well, before heading out of the room and to the kitchen, leaving Alex to get changed.

"So have fun?" Charity laughs as I come out into the kitchen, sitting at the counter with her.

"Shut up." I reply, jokingly of course.

"I must've interrupted something though."

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. We were just...."

"....making out? I know. Ooooooh."

"Shush you." I blush.

"Oh look she's blushing." She teases and instantly I try to hide my face.

"What did you do now Charity?" Alex asks, chuckling as he walks into the kitchen himself.

"Oh you know, the usual teasing."

"Right. Kalena you don't have to hide, you know I love it when you blush."

I reply, but since my face is in my arms, everything's muffled.

"What was that?"

"I know you do, I can't help it."

"I know, but it's cute and I love it. It's what makes you...well you."

"Awwww, always the sweet one, aren't you Alex?"

"I try."

"Which you don't need to." I add.

We all sat down at the counter, Jon handing us our breakfast that he got us. He got us each something, and he knows what we all like so he got those. We eat and talk occasionally, talking about what we wanted to do for the day. The guys wanted to go to the gym, so Charity and I decided to have a day to ourselves, shopping and such. Maybe get new outfits for the shows coming up and stuff. So after breakfast, we all grab what we needed before getting into seperate cars. Alex and Jon in one so they could go to the gym, and then me and Charity in another so we could have a day to ourselves.

In the meantime, Stef has just woken up, hearing the shower running in the bathroom in the hotel room. She had to scold herself for the thoughts she was getting in her mind, hearing that water run. But somehow the thoughts would come and go. She had to repeatedly shake them from her mind, in case Mike was planning on coming out soon. That's when she heard the water stop, so she pushed all those thoughts from her mind. Then she noticed that Mike forgot his clothes. He must've thought she would still be sleeping by the time he was done in the shower. Pretty soon the door to the bathroom opened and Mike walked out with only the towel around him as he walked over to his clothes. Stef couldn't help but stare, but she had to quickly close her eyes as he turned around to head back into the bathroom to change.

Once she heard the door close, she opened her eyes back up. The image she just saw before her, the thoughts, the little beads of water dripping down parts of his neck and back from his wet body and hair. She lays there for a pretty decent amount of time recalling the image she saw before her. The opening of the bathroom door, pulled her from her thoughts.

"Oh, you're up. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Oh no, not at all. Don't worry about it."


"So what's the plan for today?" She asks.

"Got some media to do. Interviews, radio shows. Then a signing from noon to two."

"Ah, busy day I see."

"Yup. You're always welcome to come along."

"Well duh, of course I'll come along."

"Well then you should get ready to go. I'll be leaving in a few."

"Alright." She nods and moves from the bed, going through her suitcase for clothes, before heading into the bathroom to change into what she had picked out.

It didn't take her long, and soon she walked out all ready to go. All she had to do was grab what she needed.

"Alright, all set to go."

"One thing first..." Mike trails off and she gives him a look.

He moves closer before leaning down and his lips brush against hers in a brief kiss.

"Can't forget a good morning kiss." He says, grinning after pulling away.

" course not."

Then he laces his fingers with hers and they leave the room, off to the first place for media. In the first interview, it was basically promoting the shows...Raw, NXT, SmackDown and any upcoming Pay-Per-Views. Also they talked about Mike winning the United States Championship and asking how he's going to mold Alex into a future WWE superstar. Basically all the media was like that. Some of the same questions, some reworded, some new. Mike and Stef had time for a break before heading to the signing. So they stopped off somewhere for lunch before heading there.

"So I'm thinking, since we have no shows tonight, maybe we can have a date night."


"Yeah. Just you and me. But what I plan for us will be a surprise for you."

"Well I love surprises, so that'll be no problem."

"I thought so. So it's a yes then?"

"Yes." She nods, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

The waitress comes over and they order their food, since they already had their drinks. They talk to each other while waiting for their food, and when it does get to the table, they eat and occasionally talk from here to there. Once they were both done, Mike paid the bill and they left.

"So the rest of the afternoon is open, nothing job related scheduled. What would you like to do until our date tonight?"

"I suppose we could go swimming, I mean it is summer weather afterall."

"Swimming it is." He nods as they get back into the car and head back to the hotel.

Back with me and Charity.

"So what do you think Alex has planned for your date tonight?" She asks.

"Oh I don't know. He usually surprises me. Makes it harder to pick out clothes to wear. Wish he would give me a hint or something. That'd make it easier."

"Hmm...well let's pick something that works for many things alright?"


So walking through the mall we look for stores that we could go into to find something for me to wear tonight.

We pick out numerous dresses that aren't too dressy, but perfect for whatever he has planned. It took some time to try the dresses on and it finally came to the end. The only dress left was a red one with ruffles down the bottom and black trimming. The straps were also black with a hint of sparkle.

"That's the one." Charity simply states.


"Oh yes. He'll go crazy, I know it. It makes you look amazing too. We're so shopping for jewelry and such."

"Yes, that's essential. Will we make it back in time?"

"Oh yeah. Jon and I are going on a date ourselves. More of a fun date. Go-karting."

"Oooh fun. Gonna turn into some friendly competition I assume."

"Of course. Now change out of that dress so that we can go pay for it and get the essentials."

"Right." I nod, heading back into the dressing room and changing out of the dress, carrying it out with me once I'm changed back into my regular clothes.

I pay for the dress and we find a jewelry store. Basically finding stuff to match the dress. The rest of the stuff we didn't need to find because I had most of it at home. Stuff like shoes and such. And I was leaving my hair to do at home too.

"So what time are you going to Go-Karts?" I ask.

"It's an outdoor track and it's lighted so we were gonna leave and get something to eat when the sun was setting, before heading there. So I'd say around 6-ish."

"Ah, well let's head back now before they start missing us a little too much."

"Yeah, let's."

So we leave the mall and head back home, and it wasn't really far so it wasn't a long drive. We pull into the driveway and park, heading inside.

"We're home." I call, walking in with all my bags.

We walk into the kitchen to not find Alex or Jon. So next I check is the living room. There they are playing video games.

"Typical men." I say to Charity quietly. "Watch this...." I add, placing my bags on the floor.

I then go up behind the couch, standing behind Alex. I smirk before sliding my arms around his neck from behind, kissing behind his ear gently. See I know what this does to him, and I see instant results. He almost melts in my arms. This also resulted in him losing to Jon in the game.

"Ohhh you lo-...what did you do to him?" Jon goes to say to Alex, before asking me with a weird look on his face.

"It's my little trick that works every time. Clearly you two were too involved in the game to hear me call to you that we were back."

I then retract my arms and stand upright once again.

"Welcome back home...." Alex manages to say, opening his eyes and tilting his head back to look at me.

"I've got bags."

" bags?" He asks.

"Mmhmm....for our date night tonight."

"And let me guess...all this is a surprise right?"

"You guessed right. Just like the date is a surprise. But you can go back to your game, I have to go hide everything from you." I say, grabbing my bags and heading towards the bedroom.

"I missed you too." Charity says, leaning down and kissing Jon for a brief moment.

"You get anything?" Jon asks.

"Just little things. Now let me in on the game, I wanna kick Alex's butt." She says, hopping over the couch and grabbing the controller from Jon's hands. "It's my turn to kick your butt."

"Oh, bring it on."

She starts a new game since Jon had the 1st player controller, and they play. I hang my dress up in the closet, put the bag with the jewelry in it, in the closet as well. I close the doors and shut the light off, heading out of the bedroom and back out into the living room. I walk out to see Charity and Alex furiously trying to beat each other in the video game, and it led to physical stuff. They pushing and nudging each other, trying to mess the other up. I shake my head and laugh quietly before going into the kitchen to get something to drink. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and head back out into the living room to watch the very entertaining scene between Charity and Alex and the video game. I sit down on the opposite couch and watch, laughing to myself as they yell and everything at each other. We break for lunch and order some pizza and such. The rest of the was just Charity and Alex trying to get even with each other in the video game. I had fallen asleep on the other couch watching, because it was just going on forever. Before I knew it, hours had passed and I was being shaken awake.

"Kale....Kale wake up." I hear Charity's voice.

"Hmmm...." I mutter in my sleep.

"Jon and I are leaving for the Go-Karts. Alex said you should get ready for your date with him."

"Already?" I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Mmhmm. Get your butt up and go get ready."

I stretch and groan, before getting up. It takes me a while, but I make it to the bedroom. Not without saying goodbye to her and Jon of course. I then head into the bedroom to change into the dress I had gotten today. I change into that first before doing my hair. I take my time, making sure everything is perfect. That leaves my makeup next, followed by my jewelry. I head out of the bathroom and sit on the bed to put my shoes on. I get up and stand in front of the mirror that was in the room, taking one last look at myself. That's when I hear Alex calling my name.

"Kalena! Ready for our date?!"

"Yeah! Be there in a sec!"

After one more once over, I head out of the bedroom. But I look down to see different colored rose petals covering the hallway, making a trail through the kitchen, through the living room and out into the backyard. I see a table set up in the yard, rose petals all around the table and chairs. I can't help but be speechless. I walk farther out into the yard to admire what has been set up.

"I knew you'd love it." I hear from behind me.

I turn to see Alex with a grin on his face.

"I do."

"And you look amazing, as always. Now..." He trails off, walking towards me.

He laces his fingers with mine, before leading me over to the table more. He lets my hand go and pulls the chair out for me to sit. I do and he goes to sit in his own.

"So I decided on a romantic night at home. Better than going out if I say so myself, and..." He says, uncovering the plate in front of me.

"....I even made the dinner."

"You're amazing. This is definitely going to be a date to remember....beside our first one of course."

I then stand and lean over the table and kiss him briefly. He uncovers his plate as well and we eat in candlelight and under the moonlight. In the meantime, Charity and Jon have just finished eating dinner and made their way to the nearest Go-Kart place. Jon pays for them both and they have to wait a while before the next session starts.

"So who do you think will win this?" Jon asks.

"Oh hands down me of course."

"Oh, you really think so?"

"Oh I don't think, I know."

"We'll see about that. Loser buys ice cream."

"You're on. Let's see if you can get lucky this time." She laughs.

The current Go-Kart session ends and the people who were in the karts got out and had left since they were there for a good amount of time before Jon and Charity got there. They're given helmets and they choose a kart. From there they have to wait for others to get into the other karts.

"Prepare to eat my dust!" Charity yells to Jon.

"No, you can prepare to eat my dust!" He yells back.

The friendly banter goes back and forth until they're given the okay to go. They all start the karts and start the race. Charity was in the lead for a while, before Jon came up out of nowhere and passed her. He drove by laughing and waved hi and then bye.

"Oh hell no." She says trying to catch up.

It takes a while but Jon starts to slow down and Charity passes him, sticking her tongue out and then laughing. This goes on for all laps. They pass each other, but in the end it was Charity who had won. Once it was okay to get out of the kart, she does a victory dance.

"I won, I won, I won. You lost, you lost, you lost." She sings, dancing.

"Not my fault, I got cut off." Jon replies.

"Oh yeah suuuure. Ice cream's on you now."

"Doesn't really matter. I was gonna pay whether I won or not."

"Well I knew that, I just thought it would help our friendly competition."

"Right. Wanna go another round?" Jon asks.

"Oh, you're on." She says, as they get back into their karts for another round of laps.

Stefanie and Mike were currently getting ready for their date night as well.

"So everything's still a surprise?" She calls from the bathroom.

"Yes, everything's still a surprise. And the date will be split into two parts."

"Two parts?"


She comes out of the bathroom all ready to go.

"Well I'm sure it'll be great no matter what."

"It will be." He nods.

She grabs what she needs before Mike lets her walk out ahead of him. They then head down to the lobby and out to the car, where he holds her door for her, before going around tot he driver's side and then they both head off to part one of the date. After some driving, they pull up to what looks like a fancy restaurant.

"Welcome to part one of our date....dinner...and I made sure to make it special." He says as they park and he gets out of the car, going to her side of the car and opening her door for her, helping her out.

After she thanks him, they head inside and Mike gives his name before they're led through the restaurant and brought outside. Their table was the only one out there, seeing that it's reserved for people when needed. Mike holds out her chair for her and she sits before he goes around to his chair and sits.

"This is just for us? And on the beach?" She asks.

"Mmhmm." He nods. "Surprise."

"It's an amazing surprise. Can't wait for part two."

"Oh you'll love it, trust me." He grins, before they start looking through the menus for what to have for dinner.

They choose drinks first and look through the menus some more before deciding what they want. The drinks get to the table and they order what they want to eat.

"So were you planning this for a while or did you just think of it today?" Stef asks.

"I've been planning it since Monday night."

"So a while."

"Mmhmm. I wanted time to plan to make sure everything was perfect."

"Aww Mike. Nothing has to be completely perfect. Just the fact that you take me out once in a while is good enough. Perfect or not. As long as I'm with you, everything is perfect."

"That's good to hear. Everything's perfect when I'm with you too. I couldn't ask for anything more." He smiles, leaning across the table and taking her hand before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips.

Right when they pull away, the food had reached the table. Each plate is set down in front of them, before the waiter walks away to let them enjoy their food, with the sounds of waves crashing along the beach and the moonlight above.

"You couldn't have picked a more perfect place to be Mike, I love it, it's amazing."

"Not more amazing than you." He smiles.


"Just speaking the truth."

"I know, you always speak the truth, that's what I love about you."

They continue to eat under the moon and the starts, next to the beach. After they were done eating dinner, they order dessert and talk amongst one another. Back at home with me and Alex, we've just finished dinner ourselves. He grabbed a blanket and laid it out on the grass for us to sit/lay on. I had to take off my shoes of course and I laid down next to Alex on the blanket, my head resting on his chest.

"You are amazing. We need more romantic nights in like this. Whenever we can come home, we should do this."

"Already planning on it. I want you to always know how much I love you."


"Speaking the truth. I know I say I love you all the time, but it's even better when I show it."

"I know you love me whether you show it or just say it. This tonight, I loved. I can't wait to have more nights like this. And what a perfect night too. The moon's out, it's quiet except for the crickets but it's nice."

"Whenever you feel tired, feel free to fall asleep. Or let me, know. I'll carry you inside."

I nod and get more comfortable, wrapping one of my arms around his waist and snuggling into him more. It doesn't take long before the comforting sound of his heartbeat starts to put me to sleep. I try to fight it the best I can, but soon sleep takes me over. Alex notices my sleeping form and smiles a bit before leaning down and kissing the top of my head. He slowly sits up, holding me, trying not to wake me. He gets me onto his lap so he can be able to carry inside. He holds me as he gets to his feet to carry me inside. I make a small noise as he stands, walking towards the house.

"Shhh, I'm bringing you inside."

"Shoes...." I mumble.

"I'll get them after for you."

I just nod and snuggle into him more as he carries me inside. Once inside and in the bedroom he sets me down so I'm standing. I'm leaning against him for support.

"You get changed for bed, I'll be right back okay?"

"Mmmm...." I mumble.

Instead of having me stand he sits be on the bed.

"Be ready by the time I get back okay?"

I nod, and he heads out to clean up from our date. I manage to get changed for bed and climb under the blankets. I grab a pillow and snuggle with it, until Alex gets back. When he does and sees me snuggling with the pillow, he can't help but chuckle to himself. He gets changed himself before climbing into bed as well. He gently moves the pillow from my arms and wraps them around himself instead. Almost instantly I'm snuggled back into him, arms tight around him. He reaches over and turns out the light before wrapping his arms around me.

"Goodnight Kalena." He says softly before kissing the top of my head and falling sleep shortly after.

Charity and Jon have just left the ice cream place, heading back to the house. Alex made sure to leave the door unlocked for them since they didn't have a spare key with them when they went out.

"Shhh, we have to be quiet, I think they're sleeping." Charity whispers as she and Jon walk inside quietly. "Lock the door behind you."

The only thing Alex forgot to do...leave lights on for them. So they were trying to move around in the dark, using their cellphones for light. Jon goes to turn and ends up bumping into the couch.

"Oof!" He says as quiet as he can.

Charity looks back to see him just bouncing back from hitting the couch.

"Really? The couch?" She laughs a little loud.


"Not the one who bumped into the couch dude." She laughs again, making her way through the living room and into the kitchen.

The kitchen was easier to walk through, because of the moonlight shining in. They make it to the hallway, finding their room which was easy because they left the door open. They walk in, shut the door and before Charity could turn the light on, Jon tripped.

"What the hell?" Charity laughs at the sound he makes when he falls.

She then turns the light on to see John on the floor, a bag at his feet.

"You tripped over your own bag? Smooth Jon, smooth."

"I couldn't see it. Not my fault."

"Suuuure." She snickers. "Didn't want to wait for me to turn the light on? You wouldn't have tripped. And I thought I was the klutz in the dark." She continues to joke.

"Oh haha, laugh it up." He tries to be all serious, but they both start to break out into laughter.

"Ohhh....let's get ready for bed." She finally calms down and heads over to her things, picking clothes to change into before heading into the bathroom.

He gets ready in the room and climbs into bed before her.

"Don't trip coming out of the bathroom!" He calls.

"Shhhhh! Do you want to wake Alex and Kalena up? And second of all, I won't. The light's still on goof."

It isn't much longer before she's changed. She places her clothes with her stuff before walking over to the bed and climbing in under the blankets with him.

"Don't fall off the bed now."

"The same goes for you."

"If I go, I'm taking you with me."

"Let's make it the other way....I don't want to squish you."

"True. Fine. You fall off the bed, you'll drag me along."

"Deal." He smirks before leaning over and turning out the light.

"Goodnight Charity."

"Night clum...oops, I mean Jon." She laughs before snuggling into him and they both fall asleep.

Stefanie and Mike are still currently at dinner on their date. But they were waiting for the check.

"Almost time for part two..."

The wait comes and picks up the bill, before Mike gets up and grabs Stef's hand before leading her to the gate and stairs that's coming off of the deck where they're standing.

"I would advise taking your shoes off."

They both take their shoes off before opening the gate and walking down the steps.

"Part two is the beach isn't it?" Stef asks.

"Not just the beach, a walk along the beach."

"Awww Mike."

Getting to the bottom of the stairs and stepping into the sand, he grabs her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. She steps down into the sand and they make their way to the shoreline to walk along it.

"You've truly made this night amazing Mike. I think we both needed this badly. A day to ourselves, a date night, just you and me and no one else."

"My exact thoughts. You know the way the moonlight hits you, it makes you look even more beautiful than before."

"Stop..." She says, blushing.

"Never. Because it's true."

"You're making me turn red."

"It's cute."


"Okay okay, I'll stop. Love you."

"Love you too."

They continue walking along the shore, back and forth a few times until they feel that they're ready to head back.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, just one thing...." He trails off as he turns to face her.

He tucks a piece of stray hair behind her ear, before keeping that hand resting on her cheek. He then leans in and softly presses his lips to hers. She responds with wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he can get. His other other arm wraps around her waist, as he holds her as tight as he can. Since they were pretty close to the water, they didn't mind when the water came up on shore and moved around their feet before receding back into the ocean. The moon, the stars and the ocean, just made everything perfect, and Stef didn't want this moment to end. When Mike had pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers.

"I love you so much. Everything turned out just perfect tonight."

"It did. Thank you for the lovely dinner and walk on this gorgeous beach."

"Anything for you." He smiles, kissing her briefly once more. "Ready to head back?"

"I am now." She nods, lacing her fingers with his and they head back to the car.