Status: Active

All About Us

Sin City SmackDown

Tonight is the Smackdown taping in Vegas, and I'm busy in the hotel room bathroom doing my makeup and hair since I was already dressed. Once I am all done I walk out to see that Violet is already set to head to the show.

"Looking good girl!" She says once I walk in the room.

"Same with you."

"Thanks." She says. "Tonight should be exciting. With the wheel deciding the matches and everything, who knows what can happen." She adds, getting a few last things ready.

"Oh yeah. So Ted and Justin waiting in the car? Heard the door shut while I was in the bathroom."

"Yea. Justin sent me a text and said he and Ted would be waiting for us there."

"Ah ok."

"Yea. So whenever you are ready we can head out."

"I'm all set now." I nod, grabbing my gear bag.

"Lets go kick some butt." Violet says grabbing her gear bag as well.

We grab what we need then head out to the elevator and down to the lobby. Once there we walk through and head out to the car to see Ted and Justin waiting for us. We get into the back seat since both Ted and Justin were in the front, and then we head off to the arena. Once we get there we grab our things and walk in, both Ted and Justin putting their arms around us. We head to the locker rooms and drop our things off and decide to walk around for a bit. As we're walking, we bump into Charity.

"Hey Charity!" Me and Violet say at the same time.

"Hey! How are you both tonight?" Charity asks, Cody by her side.

"Oh we're great."

"Better than ever." Violet says all cheerful.

"That's good. We were just heading to catering for bit, wanna join?" She asks.

"That sounds like a good idea. How about you Scar and Ted? Wanna come?"

"Of course. Nothing wrong with passing the time by until the show starts."

"Great!" Charity smiles.

We all head to catering and when we get there we find a table and sit down. Well the guys do, since they pulled us down on their laps instead.

"Can we ever sit in our own chairs?" Violet giggles, looking at Justin.

"Hmmm. I do not think so." Justin chuckles.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I laugh.

"Because it has not happened yet." Ted says. "Plus we just love you that much." Ted adds, kissing my cheek.

"Awwww." I say, turning my head and kissing his lips briefly.

"Awe, Look at you two. So cute." Violet says, then being pulled down into a kiss from Justin as well.

"She was saying." Charity says to me, laughing.

"Oh hush." Violet says when her and Justin pull apart. "I am sure you and Cody are the same way." She adds.

"Oh, you know we are." Cody answers for her.

"See. I knew it!"

"But, please.,.No details." Violet adds.

"Don't worry, you know I spare the details." Charity replies.

"I thank you for that."

"You're welcome."

"So...Anyone know if they are in a match tonight?" Justin speaks up.

"Against Hunico." Ted replies.

"Really? Not that damn Mexican." I add.

"Yea, but what can ya do." Ted shrugs.

"He started with me and I am going to finish it." He adds.

"And that's why I don't want you out there with me tonight." He continues. "He's dangerous."

"I know, but you know I like to be out there with you."

"If I stay on commentary, will you let me go out there with you?" I ask.

"I don't know." Ted thinks for a minute. "I guess that would be fine. As long as you stay there until the match is over." He finishes.


"Now that that is settled." Violet laughs. "What you got baby?" She asks Justin, turning a looking at him.

"Don't know just yet."

"Aw, I am sure you will have something." She says, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"What about you Cody?" Charity asks.

"Well I have segment with Teddy Long, and my match... it all depends on what the wheel lands on when it's spun."

"Ah, you do have a match, but you just do not know what kind it is."


"Wonder if we have anything tonight?" Violet says, playing with her nails.

"I guess we'll find out."

"Yes we will."

We hang around the catering area for a bit, before deciding to leave. Charity and Cody head off to his locker room so that he could get changed into his gear for his match tonight. Violet and Justin head off to his locker room so that he can get changed just in case he has a match, and that leaves me and Ted backstage together.

"When is your match?" I ask as we walk toward Ted's locker room.

"Way later in the night. After Sheamus and Wade."

"Ah, so we got some time then."

"Plenty of time."

"What to do till then.." I trail off.

"..well you know there's always the option of hanging out in my locker room." He replies.

"That does sound like a good idea." I smile, running my hand down his chest.

"Of course you would think so."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I wink at him.

He grins and opens the door, allowing me to go in first. Once we walk in and the door is shut, I turn around and wrap my arms around Ted's neck and his hand wraps around my waist and we share a very passionate kiss. We pull away after a bit and rest our foreheads together.

"Later." I say, breathless.

"You can so count on more later." He nods. "I am sure Vi would not mind spending the night with Justin tonight." He adds.

"Where? Remember the 4 of us share a room."

"We can get them to get another one for themselves."

"Hmm...Think I like that idea." I say. "I would not be surprised if he does not have one set up already for them." I laugh.

"I wouldn't be surprised either."

"So...How about we go sit for a bit and wait for the show?" I suggest, playing with Ted's hair since he still has his arms wrapped around me.

He nods and we go over to the couch that's in the locker room. And just like in catering, he doesn't let me sit down on my own, he pulls me down onto his lap.

"Every time." I giggle, once he pulls me down.

"Of course."

"That is what I love about you. Always so cuddly all the time." I smile, leaning over and kissing Ted's cheek, only to have him turn so I get his lips.

He wraps his arms around me more and pulls me closer to him.

"Sneak." I giggle one we pull away.

"You should know that about me by now."

"I do, but you just could not resist could you?"


"Of course not."

Meanwhile with Justin and Violet, they were in Justin's locker room and he walked out after changing into his gear.

"There is my sexy man." Violet grins as Justin walks over to her.

"My hot girl. What you doing?" Justin asks, wondering what she is looking at.

"My attire." Violet says, biting her lip.

"You know I love it." He grins.

"I know I do...I think you will like it even more."

"Well let's hope you're in a match tonight, so I can see it on you."

"If you want to wait till then."

"It'll be hard, but I think I can do it."

"If you're sure."

"I'm 100% sure. It'll be worth it to wait."

"Oh trust me, it will be."

"Always is." He grins.

"Glad you think so." Vi says, turning around in his arms.

She runs her hands over his chest, then resting them around his neck. He has his arms around her waist and he leans in and gives her a passionate kiss. He then picks her up and carries her over to the couch and sits down with her in his lap. When things get heated she pulls back.

"Not here. After the show." Vi says, trying to catch her breath.

"That a promise?" He smirks.


"Looking forward to it."

Once the show starts, what happened last week in Daniel Bryan's match against Big Show for the title with AJ getting plowed into by Big Show was shown.

"Poor AJ."

"I know. She should not have been out there. That is why I want you back here from now on."

"But you're not facing Big Show...he's not even here tonight."

"I know that, but anything can happen at anytime."

"You can stay back here with Scarlet, and Charity if she's around, okay?" He asks.

"I can do that. I mean Ted does not want Scar going out anyway. So we can keep each other company."

"Well I'm sure Ted's match is later in the night anyway."

"That is true. They won't mind if I hang with them, or I could hang with Charity too."

"Exactly." He nods.

"But I am going with you when you walk to the curtain."

"Depending on what I have going on."

"I will go with you even if it is a promo."

"Of course."

Daniel comes down to the ring after that's over and after the Smackdown into is over, to talk about what happened.

"Tonight's television show is aptly named Sin City Smackdown. And that's not just because we're eminating from Las Vegas, but that's because it's exactly what Big Show did to my girlfriend AJ last week."

"Psh. You should not have had her go out there in the first place."

"He committed a sin. Big Show is 441 pounds, the world's largest athlete. My girlfriend AJ, a mere 95 okay? And just like I said Monday on Raw, bowling over AJ was not an accident, it was intentional."

"You are the one who ran over to her. You could have went the other way." Vi scoffs.

"And Big Show, he was not sorry, he only pretended to be. And those tears?! Those tears....those were not tears of sorrow, those were crocodile tears. Because you see Big bitter. He is bitter because his World Heavyweight Championship reign was the shortest in history. A mere 45 seconds! After I cashed in my Money in the Bank contract, and beat him for the World Heavyweight Championship, he never lived that down."

"You do not know anything." Vi yells.

"He is a bitter, selfish, vengeful, freak!" Daniel adds, taking a long pause. "And because of that, my girlfriend AJ has suffered head trauma, a cervical sprain, and her career may very well be over."

"It will be because of you, not Show."

"All because she insisted on being with me at ringside. And why would she do that? Why would she put herself in harms way? Because she loves me."

"If you loved her, you would have told her to stay back, no matter how much she pleaded!"

"I have never had anyone say that to me before, she loves me. And I....I have a great admiration for her as well. Which is why Monday on Raw I dedicated my match to her. And I am going to do the same thing tonight. Because even though AJ is not here, in spirit....she will be in my corner. And as for the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry.....I am not afraid. Just like I am not intimidated that acro-magalic swine Big Show, who by the way isn't even here tonight. Big Show isn't here tonight and it's a damn good thing, because I can not be held responsible for what I would do to him."

"Will you shut up already?! Jeez!"

"Big Show, I am pleading with you, I am pleading with you. For once....once in your life do the right thing before I have to unleash my fury on you okay?! And before you inevitably hurt another innocent victim, Big Show do the decent the only thing and just quit!"

"He better not listen to him. Show is to good for that!"

His music hits shortly after and Cole goes ranting off and such. But what Cole is saying, is actually true for once. Then backstage, Alicia, Santino, Hornswoggle and Ezekiel are playing a Vegas game, while Aksana is dressed as a showgirl and is standing by the wheel with Teddy, being flirty as usual. Teddy explains what the wheel is and what it's used for, telling her about certain matches and. She suggests that she and him have a pillow fight match, and then someone clears their throat. The camera moves and it's Cody and Charity.

"Hey there is Charity!"

"I remember the wheel. My own brother Goldust, he spun the wheel...ended up in a...Vegas Showgirls match. Had an outfit just as...farcical as the one you're wearing Aksana. Point was one of those times I realized I am probably the last hope for the Rhodes' family."


"Good one Cody."

"Are you going to talk or spin?" Teddy asks, and Cody spins the wheel and it lands on 'Player's Choice'.

"Wonder who he is going to pick?"

He gets to pick his opponent for his match tonight, which happens to be next, and he points over to Ezekiel, Santino, Hornswaggle and Alicia, Ezekiel turning around.

"He is going to get beat bad f he picks Zeke."

"Not you....I pick him." Cody points again and the camera zooms in on Santino, but he points down to Hornswaggle, the camera moving to him.

"AGAIN?! I am sorry, but why Cody? He is helpless."

"I'm sure Charity will give him grief for that." Justin says.

"I know she will."

While it was a break and nothing was going on, on the monitor, after a while there came a knock on the locker room door.

"I'll get it." Justin says and gets up to answer the door. Violet is curious so she walks up behind Justin. "What's up?" Justin asks after opening the door, seeing a stagehand there.

"You have plans for tonight, according to this, you're going to come to the aid of Hornswoggle in the match coming up next, in result...making a match between you and Cody." The stagehand explains.

"Interesting." Justin says looking back a Violet.

"I will stay back, don't worry." Violet assures Justin. Justin nods and they head to the curtain.

Soon the show was back and Cody and Charity were the first ones out for his chosen match against Hornswoggle. Charity wasn't happy with it, because it's not fair for everyone to pick on the guy all the time. Cody removes his hooded vest, Charity taking it before they both get into the ring. He removes the title belt, handing that to Charity as well to hold. As soon as Hornswoggle comes out, she shakes her head before getting out of the ring. Hornswoggle didn't make it far before Cody went right after him, starting with shoving him to the ground.

"Cody!" Charity yells, trying to calm him before that match. "Calm down!" She adds.

Then he just starts picking on him, Hornswoggle defenseless until Justin runs out and goes right after Cody. A fight erupting between them, and Justin throwing Cody back into the ring, before going over and getting handed a mic.

"Come on Cody, that's the match you chose? Why don't you pick on somebody your own size? Why don't you pick on somebody like uh...I don't Or would you rather do...a Vegas showgirl match huh?" Justin jokes.

"He would like that." Violet laughs.

Cody agrees, telling the ref that it's a non-title match. Justin slides into the ring, the bell rings and the match starts. Cody with a kick and forearm followed by a chop in the corner. Justin with forearms and kicks in the corner. Justin with a drop kick to Cody and he goes to the apron. They lock up and Justin with an arm drag but Cody with the drop down uppercut and Cody with a drop kick of his own for a near fall. Cody with a gourdbuster and then he applies a reverse chin lock.

"Come on Justin!" Vi cheers hitting the wall.

"Get him Cody!" Charity yells hitting the apron.

Cody with a head butt and then he stomps on Justin's chest. Cody with a punch and he gets a near fall. Cody works on the arm and then he applies a rear chin lock. Justin with an elbow but Cody tries for a slam and Justin escapes and he hits an inverted DDT. Justin with a jumping round kick and then he goes up top for the 450 Splash but Cody rolls to the opposite side of the ring.

"Oh come on! You can do it Justin!" Vi cheers as loud as she can.

"That's it Cody. You got him. Keep going!" Charity encourages from the side.

Justin with an Irish whip but Cody sends him into the air and tries for the Alabama Slam but he waits too long and Justin hits a sunset flip for a near fall. Justin with a back slide for a near fall. Justin with a boot to Cody and then he goes to the apron for a springboard cross body and he gets a near fall.

"Cody, you need to keep him grounded!" Charity yells.

"That is my man! Go Justin! 450!!!" Vi cheers jumping up and down.

Justin tries for a monkey flip but Cody is able to counter and he drops Gabriel on the top rope. Cody hits the Cross Rhodes for the three count.

"Oh Justin.." Vi says in disappointment.

YES!!!!" Charity beams. she climbs in the ring with Cody and raises his hand, handing him his title. "You did great!" She says.

"It was all for you." Cody smirks at her.

They leave the ring shortly after, Cody kissing the IC title before the screen cuts to Mark Henry backstage by the wheel now.

"Mark, I brought you in here so you could spin the wheel, to see what type of match you're going to have tonight for the world title."

"I can't believe you're doing this. Sin City Smackdown? That's got to be the worse concept I ever heard."

"You going for that title again is the worst thing ever."

"It's your fault, that AJ got put in harms way." Mark says, blaming Teddy for AJ's injuries.

During that segment, Justin comes back to the locker room, looking a little beat up, but he's okay.

"Are you ok babe?!" Vi rushes to Justin concerned.

"Just a little sore, but I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? Can I help at all?"

"You know I always appreciate your help in feeling better after matches." He grins.

"Well lets go fix that. Come and sit."

He nods and walks over, sitting back down. Violet walks over and sits behind him and starts to rub his sore spots.

"Feeling better?" She asks, when she hears and moan come from him.

"I think that's clear." He chuckles.

"Well that is good. Want me to stop?" Vi smirks, easing up a bit.

"Not....just yet."

"Are you sure?" She teases a bit more.

"You stop now, you're gonna be so in for it when we get back to the hotel."

"Well then..." She trails off, moving her hands away a bit more.

"You really wanna be in for it don't you?"



" I do. Can you blame me?"

"No...not really."

"Well then..."

"...I'll let you relax for a bit before you decide to change." She adds.

"That sounds like a good idea."

Charity and Cody have just gotten back to his locker room, after getting backstage after his match had ended.

"That was awesome Codes. You were totally hot out there." Charity says grinning at Cody.

"You say that every week." He says with a smirk.

"I do, but it gets even hotter each week."

"As do you in your matches."

"Oh Cody...You would think that, but I try." Charity smirks.

"Oh, you don't need to try."

"Well thanks." She smiles walking up to him. "So are you going to change or are you going to torture me more?" She says as she runs her hand down his chest and abs.

"Well either way it's gonna torture you." He laughs.

"It always does and you know that."

"Hmmm....changing will torture you more."

"Well how you know now makes me want to do more things, but we can't here...."

"Not really."

"No...We can't..So...Go..Change..."

"Alright, alright...try not to stare...too much."

"You know I will." She smirks.

"Of course." He chuckles.

He goes over to his things to change while she goes to sit down. She keeps looking over her shoulder as he gets changed and bites her lip, getting thought. After he is done changing he sits by her on the couch and pulls her on his lap.

"Well hello." She giggles.

Cody just smirks and pulls her close to him in a passionate kiss, her arms going around his neck and his resting on her waist. It takes a while for them to pull apart, but they finally do.

"The for later." Cody grins.

"If we must." Charity says breathless.

"Don't want to get too carried away. We have a tendency to do that lately."

"I know we do...Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not really."

"Well...Saving it for later...I know." She pouts.

"You'll make it."

"One more kiss?"

"Well I can't say no to that." He grins, leaning in one more and kissing her.

After a bit he pulls away and she rests her head on his shoulder. "I think that will hold me until later."


After the break, a promo for Wade was shown before going to the next match of the night. A Tag Team Tornado match that involves Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendes and their opponents the Usos.

"You know she is going to get involved." Charity scoff.

"In some way or form." Cody agrees.

"God, I wish there was something I could do about her."

"You'll get that chance...eventually."

"I know. I just can not stand how she cheats for them all the time."

"I know."

Epico and Jey in control and then the Usos with a double back elbow and double elbow drop to Epico. Jey with a back breaker to Primo followed by a forearm from the turnbuckles by Jimmy and Jey gets a near fall. Jey punches Epico and then Primo sends Jimmy over the top rope to the floor.

"Ugh...I hope Jimmy and Jey kick their asses!"

Epico and Primo double team Jey and hit a double suplex and Epico gets a near fall. Primo gets a near fall. Primo chokes Jey in the ropes and Epico kicks Jey. Jey with an uppercut and Jimmy returns to the ring. Jimmy with a clothesline to Primo followed by a superkick to Epico. Jimmy punches Primo and then the Usos Irish whip Epico and Primo into the corner and they hit stereo splashes and Epico and Primo fall into the turnbuckles and then the Usos hit running double butt splashes into the corner.

"Come on boys! Beat those latinos!"

Jimmy and Primo fight to the floor and Rosa yells at Jimmy and she distracts Jimmy long enough to allow Primo to send Jimmy into the apron. Jey hits a superfly splash on Epico but Primo breaks it up and Primo hits the lungblower for the three count.

"There it is." Charity throws her hands up. "She ALWAYS has to do something to get them the win. They can not do it on their own."

"A lot of people can't do things on their own these days."

"Obviously not."

Still to come is the WHC title match between Daniel and Mark, and also Wade vs Sheamus is scheduled for tonight. That leaves a break before a video package about how dangerous our job is, giving people the message to not repeat what we do. After that, it was highlights of last year's Rumble match where Del Rio had won by elimination Santino. Now Aksana and Teddy are backstage, flirting again before Sheamus interrupts them.

"Why does she have to act like such a slut all the time? Like..get some class." Charity say. "Oh thank god for Sheamus!" She adds when she sees him appear.

They spin the wheel to find out what kind of match Sheamus and Wade are gonna have, and it finally stops on a tables match.

"Well that's alright with me. 'Cause as you crazy kids say, what happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas."

Sheamus walks away and the flirting resumes until the screen fades to the ring, Lillian introducing the match as a dance off, also introducing Brodus Clay first.

"A dance off?! Are you kidding me?! That is lame."

"They have to make the show entertaining."

"I know, but this? There better be some stripping involved."

"Really?" Cody asks.

"Well not that much...If it was you yeah...But I think it would be funny to see them do that."

After dancing their way into the ring, it's another break until Vickie comes strutting down to the ring.

"Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!!" She screams, getting into the ring. "Excuse me! Lady luck is on my shoulders tonight and I am Brodus Clay's opponent in this dance off."

"Oh God! Shut up already! I hope Brodus beats you!"

"And I'm going to show all of you, how I can shake my thing. I wiggle when I walk and I jiggle when I groove, and I can make it sizzle when I move."

"You sure do wiggle and jiggle. You are all over the place. You look like a bowl of jello walking down the hall."

"And that is fo' shizzle. Hit my music."

"Oh god!" Charity facepalms.

Cole is cracking up and the music starts, Vickie looking like she's having a seizure...or as Cole says it looks like that.

"Is she ok? I think the trainers should go check on her." Charity says cocking her head at the TV.

"I don't know, I think so." Cody laughs.

Then Brodus' music hits and the girls join in before Brodus.

"Looks like somebody lost."

"Awe. Poor Vickie."

The crowd of course cheers louder for Brodus when asked who should win, that's when Vickie flips.

"Are you kidding me?! No, I am the better dancer! I am the better dancer! Hit my music."

And again it looks like she's having a seizure.

"Give it up jello butt. You lost!" Charity yells at the TV.

The music stops and Regal's plays and he walks out.

"Ms. Guerrero, as an English gentlemen, I can't allow this to happen. Please ladies and gentlemen, don't laugh at this poor, unfortunate lady."

"She is unfortunate that is for sure."

"How dare you mock this buxom wench? Please...come with me." Regal says after getting into the ring and leading her out of it, then he leaves the ring, getting stopped by Brodus.

"Where do you think you're going sunshine? Let's see what you got. Or are you a funky chicken? Caw-caw, caw-caw. Funky chicken, caw-caw."

"Ohhh..This should be good."

Regal stops, and says to Brodus that he's not a chicken and gets back into the ring.

"Hit my music."

And immediately he starts dancing. It's actually better than Vickie's but more hilarious. The dancing ends abruptly when Brodus squashes him.

"That...was...hilarious!" Charity says through her giggles.

"Who knew he could dance like that?" Cody chuckles as well.

"My bad, somebody call his momma." Brodus says, before laughing.


"Definitely the highlight of the night."

"Yes it was."

In Ted's locker room, after the break was over and the Sheamus vs Wade match had started, he had shifted me so that he could get up and get ready for his match which would be coming up after this one. I carefully take out my pocket mirror and hold it up so that I can get a peek at Ted changing. Before he turns around I bring the mirror down and toss it to the side. Ted walks back over to the couch and pulls me back on his lap, re-wrapping his arms around my waist, mine going back around his neck.

"You know, it's so much harder to resist doing things to you right now."

"Is it really?"


"Well how about a preview of later?" Ted smirks, running his hand up my back and pulling me closer and pressing his lips to to mine in a passionate kiss. He slides his hand back down to my waist and we pull away.

"You are killing me."

"Am I?" Ted grins.

"Mmhmm, but I'm trying hard not to do anything, to cause you to be worked up before your match."

"Well, that was good..for now..."

We were so distracted with each other, that we didn't even realize that Wade vs Sheamus match was over, until there was a knock on the door from a stagehand, saying on the otherside that Ted's match is coming up next.

"Guess we lost track of time." I giggle.

"Just fix your hair before we go out there, don't want people thinking things you know?" I add, moving from his lap.

"Of course." Ted chuckles, running his hands through his hair. "How is that?" He asks when he is done.

"Perfect, now let's go."

Ted grabs my hand and we make our way to the curtain. Once we get there we see Hunico and Camacho. Ted stops short a bit and looks at me.

"You are staying back here, remember?"

"But you said it'd be okay if I sat at commentary, don't tell me you changed your mind last minute."

"I forgot. Just stay there until I tell you to come over."

"I distracted you that much you forgot huh?" I giggle.

"Yes you did. You do that to me at times."

"It's a gift, what can I say."

"A gift that I do not mind."

We walk the rest of the way until we're right near the curtain. Once they play his music we go out, I trail behind him as he slaps fans' hands and then hugs one of the people from the Posse Party today. He gets up onto the ring, waiting for me to make it to the ring myself. I walk up the steps and he holds the ropes for me to get in, before getting in himself. He does his pose in one of the corners, before Hunico's music plays.

"Wanna be gangsters." I mutter as I lean against the ropes for now.

Hunico comes out on his bike and is speaking in spanish.

"English please!" I roll my eyes.

Hunico gets into the ring, and we have to wait to see what kind of match Ted and him will be in. Teddy has the wheel spinning and it turns out to be a flag match. Ted has a look fo confusion on his face but then nods as the crowd chants 'USA'. Ted lets me stay in the ring with him as attendants come out with the flags and poles to set up for the match. But once they were set up, he had me get out of the ring and go sit commentary.

"Good luck babe!" I say, blowing Ted a kiss as I sit in a chair to watch the match.

I sit on Booker's side, cause I can't stand Cole. They greet me and offer me a headset so I can join in on the commentary myself. While they're getting everything else secured for the match, I watch on the monitor on the table a small interview earlier today that Ted did, talking about Hunico and Camacho, that I was there for obviously.

"He is going to give Hunico a run for his money tonight." I say.

The match starts and they circle each other, before Hunico kicks Ted and then hits him with blows to the back, until he goes down. He knocks him down again before picking him up and going for an Irish Whip, Ted reversing that into his own and picks him up and spins him a bit, before slamming him face-first onto the apron.

"That is my Ted! Get him!" I cheer, clapping my hands while smiling.

Ted stumbles a bit, climbing the corner to try and reach the US flag. Hunico comes to quickly and grabs Ted, sending him crashing to the apron.

"Ted!" I gasp, covering my mouth. I sigh in relief when I see Ted start to move again.

Hunico goes to his corner, starting to climb himself to retrieve the Mexican flag, but Ted gets up and stops him, getting Hunico on his shoulders and then walking away from the corner. Getting to the middle of the ring, Ted falls back, dropping Hunico onto the apron. But that also caused some pain on his part, cause he started rolling around and holding his lower back.

"Ted! Get up!" I yell, worry running through me.

Ted and Hunico both get up and when Ted charges at him, he lifts him up and sends him crashing outside the ring to the floor.

"Oh no!" I cry out. "Ted!"

Hunico rolls out and goes back to his corner, starting to climb. After some encouraging from me, Ted gets to his feet and rushes over, climbing up onto the side of the ring and then pushing Hunico off the top rope, landing on Camacho to break his fall.

"Come on Ted! You got this!" I cheer.

Ted gets back into the ring, but he's kind of favoring his left knee from the fall he had outside the ring, as he starts scooching closer to hs corner. He gets to his feet but falls back down, crawling and trying to get to the corner to get the flag. Hunico however manages to get into the ring and reach Ted as he's climbing, grabbing the bad leg, preventing him from going any further. Ted manages to kick him away and gets down from the corner. Hunico charges at him, but Ted lifts him up and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Then Ted gets him into position for Dream Street and delivers it successfully. He quickly gets to the corner, basically climbing on one leg, and he finally reaches the flag, grabbing it and winning the match.

"YES!!!! TED I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" I scream, clapping my hands as i watch him wave the flag from the top rope.

I wait for him to signal to me that it's alright to leave commentary, since Hunico was grabbed by Camacho and they started to leave. Once they were up the ramp Ted motioned for me to come over and climb in the ring. Once I did I hugged him and kissed him quickly.

"Great match, but your knee." I say worried.

"I'm fine..."

"Ted....your leg gave out in the match, we have to get it at least checked out."

"Alright. We can stop by the trainers room on the way back."

We then leave the ring, me getting out normally while he just rolls out. Then I help him get up the ramp and backstage as he limps all the way.

"You really seem to have hurt it bad." I say still concerned, since he is limping, barley able to walk on it.

"I landed on it wrong, we'll see what the trainer says."

"I hope that is all it is. We will see when we get there."

We make it to the trainer's alright, and one of them checks Ted's knee out. They say it's nothing serious, it'll just basically be sore and everything, possibly bruised and then give him a bag of ice to keep any swelling down if that should happen.

"See, I told you I would be fine." Ted says once we walk out of the trainers.

"Yeah, well you know how I get when these things happen."

"I know, but just know that I will always be fine." Ted says, putting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me to his side and kissing the side of my Ted. I sigh and lean into him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Instead of being in for it when we get back to the hotel, I'm taking care of you." I add.

"That is fine with me...There is always tomorrow....More time to plan.." Ted smirks. "And thank you." He adds.

"You're welcome. I'm always gonna take care of you when you get hurt."

"That is what I love about you. You are always there for me."

"Of course."

We make it back to Ted's locker room and we walk in. Ted goes to get changed, taking his time with his knee. After a bit he comes out dressed.

"Wanna just head back now?" I ask.

"We can do that. I want to rest the knee a bit and get it elevated."

"Good idea. I'll just call Vi and see if her and Justin can get another way back when they want to leave."

"Sounds good." Ted says, grabbing his bags.

I go through my bag and get my phone, calling Vi.

"Hello?" Vi giggles on the other end.

"Hey, it's me."

"Oh..Hey! Whats up?"

"Ted and I are gonna head back to the hotel early, after landing on his leg the wrong way, he wants to rest it and stuff. Can you get another ride back when you decide to leave?"

"Yea..We can get a ride with Charity and Cody..."

"You can? Okay, that's good."

"Yeah, and you won't have to worry about Justin and I coming into the room if you're both sleeping or something. He said he got us a separate room for ourselves."

"Ohhh did he?"

"Yea he did... apparently I did not give him a good massage after his match or something." Vi giggles.

"You know what you did!" Justin says in the background.

"You're in trouble aren't you?" I laugh.

"I think that I am." Vi squeals.

"What was that?" I ask confused.

"Justin." She says.

"Alright, well I won't keep him from doing whatever it is he's doing. So talk to you later?"

"Ok...I will talk to you later."

We both hang up, and I put my phone away.

"She said they'll get a ride with Cody and Charity."

"Good. Shall we get going then?"

"Yeah, the sooner you get that elevated, the better."

Right." Ted nods and we both head out. Once we get to the car we put our things in the back and I drive since Ted has a bad knee. The drive was pretty quick and once we got there we got our things and headed to our room. We walked in and set our bags down and Ted went right to the bed and put his knee up.

"Not changing for bed first?"

"I will. Just resting the knee for a bit. Still hurts."

"Here, don't forget the ice from the trainer's." I say, carefully placing it on his knee.

"Thank you." Ted says. "How about you go get changed then I will after that. I should be alright by then." He adds.

"You sure?"

"I am sure." He says. "Go get ready." He chuckles.

"Alright." I nod, going over to my suitcase and searching through until I find something to wear. Then I head into the bathroom to change, before coming out, putting my other clothes on top of my suitcase.

"Looking sexy there!" Ted whistles as I walk to my suitcase.

"Only you would say that about these clothes." I laugh.

"Because only I can say that."

"Right." I nod, walking over and sitting on the bed next to him.

"Hmmm...Now to get up and get changed." Ted trails off looking at me.

"Need help getting up or are you all set?" I ask.

"I am all set, but I like the view."

"Go get changed." I laugh, nudging him playfully.

"I'm going." Ted laughs, getting up and grabbing his clothes and walking to the bathroom. He takes one last look at me before heading in. I laugh to myself and lay back on the bed. Not to long after Ted comes back out in just his boxers and I can not help but to stare as he puts his clothes back on his suitcase.

I mentally curse because it's just so much torture for one night. Ted walks over to the bed, a smirk on his face as he pull the covers down and climbs in bed next to me. He makes sure to elevate his knee, the he looks over at me.


"Come here." Ted pouts holding his arm open.

I get under the covers myself before scooching over to him. Ted wraps his arms around me and I carefully lay on his chest, not wanting to move him to much. He starts to play with my hair and running his other hand up and down my arm as I run my nails up and down his abs.

"Tell me how are you gonna sleep like this?" I ask.

"I'll manage. Pretty comfortable right now."

"Well that's good."

"Trust me. I would have had you lay like this if it was not comfortable."


"So how about we just lay and get some rest, unless you are that tired."

"I'm not tired just yet."

"Then we can just lay here and relax."

"I like the sound of that."

"So do I." Ted breathes, hugging me closer to him.

Relaxing there ended up with me starting to doze off here and there.

"I think it is time for you to sleep." Ted whispers looking down at me.

"I'm fine, honestly."

"You keep dozing off."

"You're comfortable...that's why." I mumble.

"I know I am. Just close your eyes and go to sleep." Ted kisses my head.

"Alright." I reply, doing so.

"Night." Ted whispers softly, kissing my head once more.

I manage to mumble 'night' back, before completely passing out. Not to soon after I go to sleep Ted is out too.