Status: Active

All About Us

MRI, New Cast, Shoulder Surgery Decision

Ted and I decided to go back home so that he could get the rest he needed to heal his ankle. But I only get to stay for a few days at least. I was currently getting him settled on the couch so he could rest his ankle. "How is that?" I ask, after adjusting some pillows under his foot.

"Perfect, thank you."

"Ok, Now how about I go make something to eat?"

"Sounds good." He nods.

I nod and lean down and kiss him quick before going in the kitchen. I search for something to make and then make it. Once I am done I walk out and hand Ted his plate and go get drinks before getting mine. Once that is all set I walk out and sit on the chair opposite the couch.

"The few days I'm here, I'm taking care of you." I tell him.

"I appreciate that. Thank you."

"I do wanna get a different cast today though." He adds.

"Right. Well we can see if we can get that done."

"After the MRI of course."

"Yes. Get everything taken care of while we can."

"I hope it's not worse than a break."

"It does not feel like it but, we will see in a few hours."

"I just can't believe you didn't show any reaction to the injury during the match. You looked fine. Then again adrenaline masks pain sometimes."

"I did not feel it at the time either. It was like any other time."


"Then we will find out how long I am out for." Ted sighs.

"It shouldn't be too bad."

"Right. At least a few months."

"Depends on how bad it is, and if you need surgery or not."

"We can only hope it is not that bad."


"We will find out soon."

"Yeah." I nod.

Soon we finish eating and I take our things in the kitchen and clean them. After putting them away I walk back out and sit back in the chair, Ted looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I want you to come over here." Ted fake pouts.

"Too far away from you?"


I giggle before getting up from the chair and going over to him. Once I get close enough Ted pulls me down so I am laying half on his chest and half on the couch.

"Ah, much better." Ted sighs, holding me close.

"Yes, much better."

"Going to miss this."

"I know, I will too."

"Which is why we are going to do it as much as we can now."

"Of course."

"Not letting go anytime soon either."

"I figured as much."

I lay there and trace patterns on Ted's chest as he rubs my back. I sigh in content just enjoying the moment.

"So just a relaxing day today, that's the plan."

"Yes. Got nothing other than the doctor today."

"When I'm not here though, I do want you to take it easy."

"Oh I will don't worry about that."


"I know Riggs will give me a run for my money though." Ted chuckles.

"Oh I'm sure...crazy dog." I laugh.

"Right. Gotta love him though."

"Of course." I nod.

"I think he'll miss you more than me when you go." Ted chuckles.

"I don't know about that. He loves you just as much."

"But he loves you just as much as I do."

"I know that and I love you just as much as he does too."

"And I love you just as much."

"I love you more."

"I think I love you more."

"Hmm..I think I love you more."


"You know I do."

"I know."

"As long as you know that." Ted kisses the top of my head.

"I'll always know that."

"Good. I will keep telling and showing you how much I love you too."

"Of course you will."

"Never going to stop."

"Not expecting you to."

"Of course not."

I smile before kissing him and after I pull away, I snuggle back into him. Ted then pulls me closer to him and starts to run his fingers through my hair. Hours pass and before we know it, it's that time where he has to go get the MRI on his ankle. We just got to the doctor and after I park the car I go over and help Ted. We then make our way inside and he signs in and we sit and wait for him to be called. It wasn't a long wait, and once his name was called, I helped him up and through the door. After walking through the door we were lead to a room and walked in. I helped Ted sit on the bed and pulled the chair over and sat next to him. Ted reaches down and takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine.

"I hope it's good news." I sigh.

"Just try and think positive okay?"

"I'm trying. It's hard though."

"I know, try a little harder though."

"Okay." I say and take a deep breath. "A bit better now." I say.

"Good. I don't want you all worked up."

"I think I'll be alright."

"Okay, good."

"I just hope the doctor comes in soon. The wait is already killing me."

Soon enough after I said that, the doctor had walked in. "Wasn't that long." Ted chuckles.

"Nope." I laugh.

After the doctor shakes our hands and introduces himself he looks over his papers. Then as all doctors do, he asks questions before even starting the MRI.

"That was a process."

"He has to ask questions Scar..."

"I know but, I want to get this over with so we know how bad it is."

"I know, you just have to have patience."

"I do but when it comes to your health, you know how I tend to worry about that."

"Right...come here.." He motions.

I walk over to Ted and he wraps his good arm around me and holds me close. He kisses the top of my head and whispers sweet things, soothing me some. It seems to work and before we know it, it was time for the MRI. I lean up and give Ted a quick kiss before he is led to where they will be doing the MRI. I sit in the room and wait anxiously. It seems like I'm waiting forever, I try to keep myself occupied with my phone in the meantime. I look for any messages and missed calls and see and message from Charity asking how Ted is doing. I send her a quick reply giving her an update and what is going on now. Then I do the same thing and leave Vi a message, telling her what's happening. Before I could get anything back Ted was walking back in the room with the doctor. He walked back over and the doctor looked over the MRI results.

"Looks like it's not as bad as we all thought. You won't be needing surgery."

"That is good." I sigh in relief.

"But of course you will still need to wear the cast until it heals."

"I can handle that." Ted nods.

"Other than that, you're all set."

"When does he need to get the cast?" I ask the doctor before he leaves.

"As soon as possible."

"Today would be great. The sooner the better."

"Today it is then. I would rather it get now now rather than later."

"Then I gotta ask everyone on Twitter which should I get. I'm thinking either camo or orange." Ted adds.

"You would." I laugh. "I say go with orange." I add.

"Or wait...clever camo." I continue.

"Hmmm... Interesting. Lets see what the DiBiase Posse has to say."

"Right, well let's sit and wait and see what they say."

Ted then gets his phone out and sends out a tweet. We wait a few minutes since everyone replied quickly. "Looks like camo won." Ted chuckles.

"Well I can't say I blame them for picking camo. You look good in camo."

"You really think so?"

"Do I need to refer to your movie again?" I laugh.


"...that proves that you look good in camo." I add.

"I will have to wear it more for you then."

"Yes." I nod.

Soon a nurse comes in and Ted tells her the kind of cast he wants. She gets everything ready and once it is set she starts to wrap his foot and ankle.

"You know, while we're here, I think I may want to schedule a surgery afterall. Not on my ankle though of course." Ted says.

"Oh...your shoulder?"

"'s been bugging me for a year. I'm surprised I've been able to work through the old injuries on it."

"Right. Good to take care of it now before something worse happens to it."

"We can schedule the appointment before we leave." I add.

"Right." Ted nods.

After getting the new cast on, I help him out of the room and we get to the front desk so he can schedule the surgery for his shoulder. Ted asks the receptionist when the earliest appointment is and she tells him she can get him a spot in two days. He sets a time and everything. We thank her before walking out and heading slowly back to the car. I help Ted in the car and then walk to the driver side and get in. I then drive us back to Ted's place and help him back inside once we get there. I help him back over to the couch and do the same thing for him that I did this morning. After making sure Ted is as comfortable as possible I carefully lay next to him on the couch. He wraps his arm around me as I lay on his chest.

"So you shouldn't be out too long since you don't need surgery."

"No. Not as long as I thought. Still a few months though."

"Or so you think."

"Yeah. We will see what the doctors say after everything is done."

"I hate the idea of not being able to be here."

"I know you do. You can come down whenever there are no shows or you do not have anything to do on those nights."

"Right, I know."

"I will be looking forward to those visits too."

"So will I."

"I just want to enjoy the time we have right now." Ted holds me tighter and kisses my head.

"And we will."

"How about we watch a movie and just relax today?" Ted suggests.

"Sounds like a good idea." I nod.

I sit up and reach over to the table and grab the remote. As I am sitting there trying to find a movie I feel Ted's hand travel across my lower back. I shiver a bit at the touch and bite my lip as I find a movie. Once I find one I lay back down and snuggle into Ted again.

"You were distracting for a second there." I mumble.

"I did not know that." Ted smirks.

"Uh huh...sure."

"Guess I was not that distracting. You did find a movie just fine."

"Aha, so you admit to being distracting."

"Well..." Ted grins. "You make it hard not to do that." He adds.

"Hmm...I can be more distracting than you."

"Can you now?" Ted raise a brow.

"Uh huh.."

"We will see now, won't we?" Ted smirks before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I start to kiss back and he starts to move his hand down my side resting on my waist as he lightly moves his fingers over my skin. Ted starts to trail kisses down my jaw before making his way to my neck. He gently nips at my skin and avoids my soft spot. He moves to whatever skin he can reach before making his way to the spot. I tense a bit and tug at his hair and feel him smirk against my skin. He then goes after the spot and nips gently at it. I make a few soft noises that are muffled into his shoulder. Once he feels he left a small mark he moves back to my lips. "Preview of later." Ted smirks, pulling from my lips.

"Mmm..." I say, a bit dazed. "Just take it easy though." I add.

"I will."

"That is all I ask."

Meanwhile, Vi and Justin have just left breakfast, heading back to the hotel. Once back in their room, they walk over to the bed and cuddle for a bit.

"So..any plans for today?" She asks, looking up at Justin.

"Hmm, do you have any ideas?"

"I was thinking maybe we could check out the pool and swim for a bit."

"Sounds good."

"Maybe later I will have a surprise for you too." She smirks.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. A special one too."


"Everything is all picked out and no you can not see until later."


"I think you will live."

"I can try."

"Well..Will this help?" She says, before leaning up and pressing her lips to his.

All he can do is nod.

"The rest you will get later." She says after pulling away.

"Evil." He chuckles.

"You love it though." She smirks.

"I do."

"Of course you do." She laughs.

"So the pool now?"

"We can, before things get to distracting."

"Good idea."

She steals one quick kiss from Justin and goes over to her things and searches for a swimsuit. Once she finds what she needs, she heads over to the bathroom and changes real quick. She slips on her cover up before walking out and putting her things with her bag. Justin's changed as well, his things ready to go.

"All set?" She asks, turning and facing Justin.

"Yup." He nods.

They make sure they have everything they need before heading out. Justin laces his fingers with hers and they head down to the pool area. Surprisingly, it wasn't too crowded at all. Just a few people here and there. "Nice and quite today." She says as they find a few chairs and set their things down.

"All the better for us."

"Mhm." She giggles. She then takes her coverup off and sets it on the chair.

"I like the view." He chuckles.

"Not as much as I like mine."

"Oh of course."

"I must say, I really like that color on you." She says, looking him up and down. "Brings out your eyes...Very sexy." She bites her lip.

"The same goes for you."

"Charmer." She blushes.


She leans up and kisses the corner of his mouth, sliding her hands down his chest. Before he could respond, she walks over to the pool to test the water with her foot.

"I'm gonna get you for that."

"Are you now?"


"You have to catch me first."

"Don't test me." He grins.

"Oh I think I am."

"You think so huh?"

"Ok..I know I am." She smirks.

Justin makes the slightest movement and she dashes off. He sits there chuckling.

"Very funny!" She calls from the other end of the pool.

"I thought it was!"

"Haha." She says dryly. "Guess I am going in alone then." She adds teasingly.


"I think I am..." She slowly makes her way closer to the stairs. He moves from the chair to the point where he's standing.

She slowly keeps making her way over, watching Justin out of the corner of her eye with a smirk.

"No you don't!" He yells, dashing over to the pool and diving in before she could get in.

"Goof." She shakes her head.

"I beat you."

"Yes you did." She laughs. "But what if I do not want to go in now?" She adds.

"That wouldn't be fair."

"I know. I am kidding." She laughs and makes her way over to the stairs. She walks in and slowly gets farther in the water, getting used to it.

"It's not that bad is it?"

"A little chilly but, it is fine."


She makes her way over to Justin and wraps her arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist. She lays her head on his shoulder as she starts to get used to the water.


"Much." She sighs.

"That's good."

"Mhm." She lifts her head and kisses his cheek.

Then they both start to float around in the water. She's shifted so he back was to Justin and he had his arms around her waist resting on her stomach. He kisses her shoulder before making his way to her neck. "Justin...."


"Not here..."

"Just having some fun."

"I know."

"Behave if you want your surprise later." She adds.


"You can save it all for later."

"Good idea."

"All the more fun for you."


She giggles and leans up and kisses him quick before they go back to floating around the pool more before deciding to get out. They wrap the towels around themselves to dry off, before sitting back down on the chairs. As she goes to sit on her chair, Justin surprises her by pulling her down on his lap.

"So cuddly today." She giggles, leaning into him.

"I love being cuddly."

"Of course, not that I mind."

"Which is why I do it so much."

"One of the things I love about you. Always so cuddly."

"I love you too."

Justin leans over and kisses her cheek. She lays her head back on his shoulder and sighs in content as he runs his fingers up and down her arm. "Today has been nice."

"It has."

"Wish we had more days like this."

"Maybe after Mania, we can take a little vacation."

"Ooohh..I like the sound of that."

"I think we deserve it."

"I think we do too." She smiles. "Much needed alone time." She adds.


"Where did you want to go?"

"I don't know yet, but we have time to think about it."

"I am sure where ever it is, it will be nice." She says. "Mostly because you will be there." She adds with a grin.

"Of course."

"What do you want to do after this?"

"We should go out for ice cream."

"Ooohh..Sounds nice. I love ice cream!"

"I know." He chuckles.

"How about we go get changed and go?" She says excited.

"Don't wanna wait huh?"

"I do but, now I want ice cream."

"Haha, of course we can go get changed and go."

"Yay!" She cheers. She gives Justin a quick kiss before standing and gathering their things up.

He follows shortly after, and they head back inside and up to their room. Once they get inside, they set their bags down and get clothes to change into. She walks over to the bathroom after getting her clothes and Justin follows. She looks at him and giggles as they both start to get changed. Of course he kept making excuses to touch her any chance he got, but they manages to get dressed.

"Mister touchy today." She giggles, facing the mirror and doing her hair.


"Not that I mind."

"Of course not."

"I think I'm all set." She turns to face Justin, after fixing her makeup and hair.

"Me too." He nods.

Justin leans down and steals a kiss before they head out of the bathroom. They make sure they have everything they need before heading out and down to the car. Once in the car he starts it and begins to drive, reaching over and taking her hand and lacing their fingers together. They drive until they find an ice cream place and park. They get out of the car, Justin getting her door again and helping her out. She thanks him and kisses his cheek before putting her arm around his waist and his goes around her shoulders. Then they head inside and choose what they want to get.

"Oooohhh...Vanilla Cake Batter...That looks good!" She looks in amazement.

"It really does." He nods.

"I am getting that!"

"Alright." He chuckles, before picking out what he's getting.

Once they decide, they order what they want and wait. Once they are handed what they wanted, Justin pays and they find a table to sit at. Justin pulls his chair next to her and they start to eat.

"This taste better than it sounds." She says after taking a bite.

"Oh I bet."

"How's yours?"

"Really good."

"Is it?" She asks, before reaching over and trying some. "You're right, it is good." She adds after taking some.

"I think it's only fair I taste yours now."

"Of course." She smiles and gives him some of hers.

"That is good."

"Right? Like eating a vanilla cake."


"I think you have some right there." She giggles and points to the corner of his mouth.

"Really?" He asks, taking his hand and wiping where she pointed.

"Nope...Missed it." She giggles. "Let me help." She says and leans over and kisses the corner of his mouth. "Got it." She says, after pulling away.

"Of course." He chuckles.

"Not to mention you just look so kissable today."

"Why thank you."

"No problem."

They stay until they finish their ice cream, and they make their way back out to the car. After getting in, they head back to the hotel. Once there, they get out and head up to their room and Justin comes behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and kisses the back of her neck. She sighs and leans into his touch.

"You're all mine now."

"Yes I am and you are all mine now."

"All alone."

"Can not get any better than this."


They make their way over to the bed and lay down, Justin pulling her close to him and she lays her head on his chest and traces patterns with her nails. "So...what now?" She looks up at him.

"We can relax for the rest of the day, go out for dinner later, and then come back and relax for the night."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Maybe a little walk on the beach after dinner too."

"I really like that. You know how I love the beach."

"Which is why I suggested it."

"You are the best." She smiles and gives him a quick kiss. "Love you."

"I love you too."

She nuzzles into the side of Justin's neck and sighs in content. They relax and in the meantime, Cody and Charity have gone to the beach for the day. They are currently laying on their towels taking a break from the water. Charity is laying on her stomach and Cody is laying next to her with his hand draped over her lower back.

"This was a good idea." She says.

"Figured we could use a nice relaxing day."

"Right. Good idea Codes."

"Plus I get to see you in a swim suit." Cody grins. "It's hot." He adds.

"Only for you Codes." Charity laughs. "I get to see you in one too. Never get tired of seeing that." She adds, looking over at him as her eyes scan him.

"I know I know, I'm ridiculously good looking. No wait....dashing."

"Much more than dashing Codes. Try totally sexy."

"Dashingly sexy." He smiles.

"What ever helps you Codes." Charity laughs, patting his arm. "But, yes...You are dashingly sexy." She adds.

"Of course I am."

"Cocky much?" Charity chuckles. "I like that." she adds biting her lip.

"Oh I know you do."

"Such a turn on."

"For you, I know it is."

"As are many other things about you."

"Good to know."

Charity leans over and kisses Cody, running her hand down his chest. She pulls away before he can respond and dashes toward the water.

"Ohhh you tease!"

"You love it!" She calls over her shoulder.

He just grins before getting up and going after her. Charity looks behind her and sees Cody coming toward her. She squeals as she tries to run faster once she reaches the water. "Noooo!"

"I am going to get you." Cody calls from behind her.

Once she was in the water, she got slowed down a bit allowing Cody to catch her.

"Got you." Cody grins.

"So you did."

"Yes and just so you know...I am going to get you for that."

"Looking forward to it."

"Of course you are." Cody chuckles and kisses her shoulder.

"Don't be too distracting right now."

"It is hard but, I can manage."

"You can be as distracting as you want, back at the hotel."

"Trust me...I plan on it."

"Of course."

"You started it."

"My bad."

"Not that I am complaining." Cody says as he leads them farther into the water, his hands around her waist.

"Oh of course not."

"I never could."

"Me neither."

They get out far enough and Charity leans into Cody as they just float around in the water, Cody stealing kisses from her. "I love you Char." He smiles.

"I love you too Codes."

"The best part of the day will come when the sun goes down."

"I can not wait for that."

"Going to be so beautiful." She adds.

"Of course."

"Not a beautiful as you are though." Cody adds kissing her cheek.

"Always the charmer Codes."

"For you, always."

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I don't either but, you will never have to find out."

"I'm never leaving."

"I am never leaving you. I would be lost without you."


"It is the truth. You are everything to me and I could not imagine what it would be like if you were not here with me."

"I feel the exact same way."

"We both will never have to find out either." Cody kisses her quick.


Charity leans into Cody more and they steal a few kisses from each other as the float around in the water some more. After a while they decide to leave the water and go back onto the beach to dry off some. Charity lays on the towel, propping herself up on her elbows and she glances over at Cody and bites her lower lip as the sun hits him right and the water he had missed makes his arm muscles glisten.

"I think you missed some Codes."

"Oops." Cody chuckles. He then takes the towel and dries off what he missed. "Did I get?" He asks after he is done.

"Yes." She giggles.

Cody smiles and leans down and gives her a kiss then lays down next to her.

"You look like you're ready for a nap." He chuckles.

"Alright." Charity stifles a yawn. "Maybe for a little bit." She adds.

"If you don't wake up in a bit, I'll wake you up."

"Thank you." she yawns again. "I want a kiss first." She adds.

"Oh of course." He smiles, leaning over and kissing her.

"Much better." Charity sighs one the pull away. She lays her head on her hands and closes her eyes as Cody runs his fingers up and down her back. Before she knows it she is sleeping as Cody watches her. He smiles to himself as he watches her sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile I had just got done making some dinner for Ted and I. I was getting everything set up on the plates so I could take it out to him. Once everything was ready I took a plate out for Ted and placed it on a tray set up next to him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I smile and go back to get some drinks and my plate. Once that was all set I took a seat next to Ted and we began to eat.

"So, I'm thinking after we eat, we relax and watch some tv, maybe more movies and then go to bed." I suggest.

"That sounds like a nice plan. We can do that."

"It's been a long day, I think you need it more than I do."

"It has. As long as you are with me, I do not care what we do."

"Oh, I know."

"When do you have to go back?"

"I was told Friday, they want me to be there for the house show. I guess they liked what I did to Eve on Superstars, they've set up a match between us again."

"Oh really?" Ted raises a brow. "Look at my girl go." Ted grins.

"I'm just hoping this takes me one step closer to getting a title shot."

"I am sure you will get your chance. Keep doing what you are doing and you will get your shot in no time."

"I wish you would get a shot at a title. I know you're injured but, it's been a while."

"I know. When I get back I am hoping to get things going again and get back in the running for one."

"I hope so."

"We will see once I am all healed and back in the ring."


We soon finish eating and I take our things into the kitchen and clean up and put things away. Once I am done I go back over to Ted and carefully lay next to him.

"I think you should cook more often." He grins.

"It was really that good, huh?"

"It was."

"I guess those cooking classes paid off then." I chuckle. "If you think that was good. You should have the desserts I make." I add.

"Ooooh. You will have to make some before you leave then."

"Already planning on it."

"Then I can not wait." Ted grins.

"I go crazy when I make desserts." I laugh.

"I am sure you do. Just like you did with dinner."

"What can I say, I don't do it too often."

"You should. You are really good at it."

"Kind of hard to do when we're on the road all the time."

"Right. I am sure you will have plenty of time to cook soon."


"How about you pick us out a movie to watch?" Ted suggests.

"Alright." I nod.

*I stand up and walk over to find a movies for us to watch. Once I find one I get everything all set up before going back over to Ted. He immediately wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"Don't tell me you're gonna be distracting so we can't focus on the movie." I laugh.

"Maybe." Ted grins.

"So why did you tell me to choose a movie if you were gonna distract me?"

"I was not planning on it, until I saw how amazing you looked over there."

"Suuurrre." I giggle.

"I will try my best not to but, you do make it hard."

"And I'm not even dressed for bed yet. I can't possibly imagine how you'll act once we're in the bedroom."

"Oh I think you know." Ted smirks.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"Let's just get through a couple movies first, before you even decide to do anything."

"I can try."

"That's all I ask."

Ted smiles and steals one last kiss before we turn our attention to the movie. He manages to keep focus on the movie only running his fingers up and down my arm. Once that movie was over, we only laid there and not moving. "Can you make it for one more movie or no?"

"I think I will be able to make it."

"Are you sure now?"

"I am sure."

"Alright." I say, getting up to go take the movie out and pick another one and set that up.

After setting up the movie I go back over and lay next to Ted again. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. He managed to behave himself during that movie as well. Once the movie was over we laid there for a bit before turning everything off. After everything was off we then made our way upstairs. It takes a bit because of his cast, but with my help he makes it up. We go into the bedroom and I help him over to the bed.

"Need any help with changing?" I ask.

"Maybe just a little."

"Alright." I nod and start to help him with taking his shirt off.

Once his shirt is off, he shifts a bit and starts to slide his pants down. He gets them as far as his knees and I help his pull the the rest of the way off. "You want shorts or are you gonna sleep like that?"

"I think sleeping like this would be fine."

"Alright...I will be back."

"Don't be too long."

"I won't, don't worry."

I then go and pick out something to wear before going in the bathroom to change. After I was finished I walked out and put my other clothes away. I saw Ted laying on the bed with his hands behind his head. Biting my lip I made my way over to the bed.

"Have I ever told you how good you look in my shirt?

"Not yet but, I am glad you like me in it."

"I don't like, I love."

"Of course you do." I giggle as I lay on the bed next to him only to have him pull me close to him. "Cuddly."

"Yes I am." Ted kisses my cheek. "Plus you wearing my shirt it a major turn on." He adds.

"Oh, of course."

"I do not know if it should stay on or come off."

"Conflicted are we?"

"Yes I am. I want to take it off but, you look too good in it."

"Good to know."

Ted then starts to run his hand down my side and plays with the bottom of the shirt before slipping his hand under and running his fingers over the skin of my stomach. "You just love being distracting don't you?"

"I do. You know how hard it is with you."

"Especially when you are wearing my shirt." He adds.

"Uh huh, sure."

"It's true." Ted grins, running his fingers along my skin.

"Are you trying to tempt me?"

"I don't know...Is it working?" Ted grins, kissing my jawline.

" should know what that does to me."

"Trust me...I know..." Ted trails to my neck, gently kissing and nipping along the way.


"You love it." Ted chuckles against my skin. He starts to move to my sensitive spot and I bite my lip. He knows that it's hard to keep any noises muffled, especially since my face is nowhere near his shoulder this time to do so. He brushes over my sensitive spot and makes his way back to my lips, his fingers making patterns on my skin. I can't take it anymore and I take matters into my own hands and make the process going back to my lips quicker and I move my head slightly when he gets closer and I press my lips to his. Ted then moves his hand around to my lower back and pulls me so I am laying on top of him as he kisses back hard. I wrap my arms around his neck the best I can, and hold myself closer as he continues. He then moves one hand to my hair and starts to run his fingers though it as his other hand is on my back keeping me as close to him as possible. I feel him start to play with the bottom of the shirt, but I shake my head, telling him no. Ted whines in the kiss and moves his hand back to my waist and rests it there.

"Not tonight." I say after pulling from the kiss for air. "You need to rest your ankle. The shirt comes off and that leads to other things. Things we can't do right now."

"Right." Ted pouts. "Save it for another night." He grins.

"Right. Now I may have bruised lips thank you." I giggle.

"It was worth it though. Been waiting all night to do that."

"I could tell."

"Now I think I am happy."

"You should be."

Ted steals on last kiss from me. "Now I know I am." Ted grins.


"How about we get some sleep before you get more distracted." I add.

"Good idea." He chuckles.

"You're gonna have to let me go first."

"Aw." I pout before moving my arms from around his neck. "Well the same goes for you. I can't really sleep this way, laying on top of you...especially with your cast."

"Right." Ted sighs and moves his arm so I am able to move next to him.

"How you're able to sleep with that, is just beyond me." I say about the cast.

"It is pretty hard but, I will manage."

"That's good"

"Mhm." Ted mumbles as he pulls me closer to his side, running his fingers up and down my back.

"Trying to help me go to sleep faster?"

"No but, I know how it relaxes you and it is keep me from being distracted."

"Very true."

"You do not have to go to sleep but, if you want to go right ahead."


I snuggle into Ted more and run my hands over his chest trying to keep my eyes open. Eventually sleep wins and my breathing changes and I'm out. Ted notices my breathing had changed and he leaned down and kissed me on my head. He says 'I love you' as he watches me for a bit, just playing with my hair. Soon he drifts off and is soon asleep himself. Meanwhile, Vi and Justin had just gotten back from having dinner. After walking in, she takes her shoes off and puts them by her bag as Justin walks behind her and snakes his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck.

"You looked gorgeous tonight." Justin says between kisses.

"Only for you."

"I love it every time."

"I know you do."

"Just like how I love you." Justin kisses my cheek.

"I love you too."

"Now since we are in for the night, how would you like to have that surprise?" She adds with a smirk as she turns in Justin's arms so she's facing him.

"I like the sound of that."

"You'll have to let me go so I can get everything ready." She giggles.

"Oh..right." He chuckles, letting her go.

she gives him one last kiss and goes in her bag and gets everything she needs. Once she has everything, she goes in the bathroom to get ready. She washes her face of her makeup to apply more to match he outfit. She takes her hair down and brushes it before putting it on two side braids. She changes into a white baby doll with black lace and puts on a crown necklace. To top off the outfit, she adds a tiara. She slips on a pair of black heels and giggles as she hears Justin getting impatient.

"You're so impatient." She giggles.

"I want you out here and you are taking to long." Justin whines.

"Patience is a virtue."

"I know, I know."

"Almost done."

"I do not know how much longer I can wait."

"Just a few more seconds."

After applying some lip gloss, she makes sure everything looks perfect before hanging her dress in the door and walking out. Once she walks into the room, Justin's jaw drops and his eyes go wide.

"Justin..." She giggles. "You still with me?" She adds, still giggling.


"Are you sure now?"

"....I think so."

"So, I am guessing you like it?"

" much.."

"Hmmm..." She says, turning to look in the mirror. "I think I need to go fix a few things." She adds, just to torture him more.

"No no no....everything's perfect."

"You sure? I think I could fix a few things."

"Don't make me get up from this bed and prevent you from going to fix anything."

"You might have to." She grins.

"Don't tempt me."

"I think I already did." She grins as she walks back towards the bathroom, teasing him more.

Before she knows it, he's moved from the bed and his arms are around her and he's pulled her extremely close to him.


"You love it."

"Not denying I do."

"The things you do to me."

"Only because I love you."

"I love you too."

She moves one hand up to his hair and runs her fingers through it as she moves her other down his chest, making her way to his abs, stopping before the waist of his shorts.

"You're killing me."

"Am I?"

"You are."

"Good to know." She smirks and moves her fingers under his shorts and presses his indents. She feels him tense and a faint noise comes from him. She giggles and presses one more time, before Justin moves her hand, not being able to take it anymore. "No more."

"Aw." She pouts. "Ruin my fun." She adds.

"I can't take it anymore, you're driving me crazy with that."

"I just know how to get you, don't I?"

"Yes you do."

She looks into his eyes before leaning up and brushing her lips over his. He wraps his arms around her tighter, holding her as close as he can. She then presses her lips to his and runs her nails across the back of his neck as he starts to kiss back hard. He then starts to back he up until she hits the wall. His hands start to wander and he starts to move from her lips. She whines once he does but, he makes up for it by nipping at the skin on her neck. She runs her fingers through his hair and gently tugs on it, the closer he gets to her sensitive spot. He stops however and then gives her a boost so that she can wrap her legs around his waist. She starts to nip at his neck as he makes his way over to the bed and sits so she's straddling him. She smirks against his skin at all the quiet noises that he's making. Justin then shifts, laying her on the bed and he hovers over her.

"You're so in for it now."

"Uh oh."

He removes the tiara before that gets ruined, then he removes the hells, and then goes back to her lips and kisses her. She grips his shoulders and moves her nails across his skin. His hands wander everywhere and he's very tempted to take that babydoll off of her. He start to play with the bottom of dress and starts to slide it up, wanting it off. She giggles into the kiss at his eagerness.

"...eager...." She manages to say between kisses.



"That's're not."


"It comes"

She sits up long enough for him to lift it over hear head and toss it to the floor before he presses his lips to hers again. From there things just get crazy. He takes the blanket on the bed and pulls it over the both of them before the rest of what they both were wearing had to come off. With Cody and Charity, she has been up for a bit and is leaning back on Cody as they watch the sun start to go down over the ocean.

"We're so going to bed once we get back, I'm exhausted."

"I agree. It has been a pretty busy day."

"Just wait until we get to Miami for WrestleMania stuff, now that's crazy."

"Oh I know. All the events and Axxess things we have to do."

"But it's all gonna be fun."

"Oh I am sure it will be."

"But the best part is that it's in Miami...warm weather."

"Oh yes. More days like this...hopefully."

"Hopefully Ted can join us for the WrestleMania week."

"He might actually be there for Axxess."

"I know someone who will be happy about that."

"She sure will be. Probably the first time in weeks after she comes back."

The sun soon sets and they gather everything and head back to the car, getting in and heading back to the hotel. Once they make their way to in their room they put everything away and gather clothes to wear for bed. After changing and climbing into bed, she immediately snuggles up to him.

"Now this is relaxing." She sighs.

"Very." He nods.

"This has been an amazing day. Thank you." She says, leaning up and kissing him quickly.

"You're welcome."

Charity then lays her head on Cody's chest, as he rubs her back gently. She sighs in content and snuggles in even closer to him. The soothing feeling eventually helps her fall asleep quicker since she's already tired. Cody notices that her breathing had changed and smiled at how peaceful she looked. He kissed the top of her head and whispered 'I love you' to her and soon drifted off to sleep himself.