Status: Active

All About Us

WrestleMania Axxess Day Two

The next morning and Charity ended up sleeping in because of the long day yesterday, Cody letting her sleep in as long as she wanted. He was already up and dressed for the day, sitting on the bed next to her as she sleeps. She shifts in her sleep and reaches for him, snuggling into his side. She settles back down once she feels him as he moves his hand round to her back playing with her hair. Then he leans down and kisses the top of her head, before resuming playing with her hair. She slowly starts to stir just laying there letting him play with her hair. She flutters her eyes open and smiles as she looks up at him.

"Morning Codes." She yawns a bit.

"Morning Char."

"I see you are dressed already." She say lifting her head. "How late did I sleep?"

"Pretty late. But that's okay, we're not due for Axxess for about another couple hours."

"Didn't think I was that tired, but thanks for letting me sleep." She leans up and kisses him briefly before laying in his chest.

"You're welcome, you needed it."

"Guess I did." She chuckles. "So..what are we doing before Axxess?"

"Probably lunch. It is around that time."

"That sounds good. Now just to get up and get ready."

"No rush or anything."

"Good." She snuggles into him. "I don't wanna move right now."

"I figured as much."

"Too comfy."

"And warm." She adds.


Cody then wraps his arms around he and pulls her closer to him and kisses the top of her head.

"Love you Char."

"Love you too Codes."

"Whenever you want to get up, let me know."

"Okay. I am good with laying here for a little bit longer."

"Alright." He nods.

She then settles down lays on his chest for a bit longer. She begins to run her fingers over the skin of his chest as he plays with her hair. After laying there for about a half hour she decides to get up and get ready. She gives Cody a kiss before grabbing her clothes for the day and heading to the bathroom, doing her routine. After doing her routine, she steps out of the bathroom, ready to go.

"Ready if you are Codes."

"I'm all set to go."

They grab whatever they need and head out. Lacing their fingers together they make their way to the elevator and out to the car. Getting in they head for something to eat before going on to Axxess. Justin and Vi however are both already ip and dressed for the day, getting their things together for when they have to head to Axxess. She was putting the last few things in her bag when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist. After putting everything in her bag, she leans back into Justin. "Amazing." He whispers, kissing her shoulder.

"As you always tell me."

"It's the truth. Never going to stop telling you."

"And you always look matter what you wear."

"I try." Justin smiles a cheesy smile. "Never as good as you."

"I think we're equal."

"If you think think that, then I agree with you."


She then turns around in his arms so she's facing him, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands rest on her waist. She leans up and kisses him briefly. When she goes to pull away, Justin does not let her and holds the kiss for longer. He runs his fingers over the skin of her lower back causing goosebumps. He chuckles as he feels the goosebumps form along her skin.

"...we'" She mumbles against his lips.

"Awwww." He pouts.

"If we had more time, you know I would not care."

"Darn time."

"I know...We will have more time later."

"Good. Looking forward to it."

"You always do."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

"Another kiss before we leave?"

"I can not say not to that."

He grins before leaning in and kissing her once more. After pulling away, they gather what they need and head out lacing their fingers together as they walk to the elevator. Once in the elevator, he lets her hand go in favor of wrapping an arm around her shoulders and holding her close. She wraps her arm around his waist enjoying the moment. He kisses the top of her head as the doors open. They then walk through the lobby and out to the car.

"After you." He says, opening her door for her.

"Thank you." She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome." He smiles back as he shuts her door and gets into the driver's side.

Once Justin gets in, he starts the car and begins to head to Axxess. In the meantime, I'm in the bathroom getting ready for Axxess myself, Ted's in the room itself and he's watching his Spanish. I finish my routine and walk out to see Ted starting at the TV, puzzled. "Spanish huh?"

"I sound so awesome...but weird."

"Weird, but in a good, sexy kinda way."

"And I've heard you speak Spanish in your normal voice, so that says something."

"I might have to do that for you more often then."


"I'll surprise you then."

"Will you now?" I ask, grabbing shoes to finish getting ready.

"I am full of surprises, as you know."

"I know."

Ted then gets up and walks over to the bed. He sits down next to me wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "Cuddly."

"Always am."

"Now let's enjoy the rest of the Spanish." He adds.

"Alright." I chuckle as we sit back on the bed to watch the movie. Ted keeps his arm around me as I lean into him.

Also during the movie I can't help but notice that he's having way too much fun with the style of my shirt, with my shoulders being exposed.

"Having fun?" I giggle.


"I can tell." I chuckle.

"How did I not know about this shirt?"

"I just got it." I say slowly and innocently.

"Or you've just been hiding it from me."

"Why would I do that?"

"To torture me."


"That's so the reason."

"Now that you know about it you can have all the fun you want with it."

"Yes I can."

Ted keeps playing with my shirt, leaning down and kissing my shoulder since it is exposed, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

"So you don't want to listen to your awesome yet weird Spanish voice?"

"I can still hear it." Ted murmurs.


"Your goof."

"That I love."

"I love you too."

"Just watch what you do, we do have Axxess to go to after the movie."

"I'll be good."


Ted keeps busy with pressing light kisses to my shoulders and neck as he runs his hands over my skin. He was too occupied with that, he did not notice the movie had ended.

"Ted....the movie's over." I giggle.

"Aw." He pouts.

"More later. Remember, all we have is Axxess to do, then we have the night to ourselves."

"Yes." Ted cheers. "Got plans already."

"Uh oh."

"You did it with that shirt."

"My bad."

"Amongst other things."

"Like what?"

"Everything." Ted looks me over.


"I love it though."

"Of course you do."

Ted leans in and gives me a soft kiss. "We should go before plans change." Ted grins.

"And we all know how fast plans can change."

"Yes we do."

"Well let's go then."

We both get up from the bed then gather everything we need. Once we have everything we head out, lacing our fingers together and walk to the elevator. Getting in, we go to the lobby before heading to the car. We get to the building where Axxess is and along our way we first pass by Vi and Justin.

"Hey you two." Justin says.


"What's up?"

"Not much...just got done watching Ted's Spanish."

"Ooohh...Interesting." Vi says.

"It was very....interesting."

"How did he sound?"

"I think you know." I grin.


"Of course he thinks it's awesome but weird."

"Of course." She laughs. "Now I wanna see what it sounds like."

"Yes, you have to see what it sounds like. His Spanish voice is so much deeper than his own."

"Now I can see why it was weird."

"Yeah, I like his normal voiced Spanish better."

"I don't blame you."

"But yes, very entertaining before we got here."

"Sounds like it." She says.

"Well we have to get to our booth, so we'll see you later."

"Alright. See you later."

We say bye before moving on, heading to our booth. Once we get there, we sit and wait for the fans to start coming through.

"So after this...." I trail off, starting to ask.

".....a short photo shoot session with the fans." He answers for me.

"Ah. Then that is it, right?"

"Yup. The shoot with the fans shouldn't take too long."


"You can take pictures with them too if you want."

"Oh I know. That would be fun, getting to know them more."


Soon the fans start coming over. We sign pictures for them occasionally taking pictures here and there. It's basically the same thing for all of us, the autographs, the pictures, etc. Vi, me and Charity went walking around while the guys did the photos with the fans.

"What a busy day so far."

"But at least tomorrow is the Hall Of Fame."

"Right. Another busy day, but it is going to be fun too."


"Lets just hope we all make it out of the room." Charity chuckles.


"I think they are going to go crazy."

"We all know Ted's reaction already."

"That's for sure."

"I say we have a salon trip tomorrow before we get ready?" Vi suggests.

"Oooh yeah."

"Try to relax before everything later in the day."

"I think they are going to die when they see us."

"Oh yes."

"Should be night."

"It's gonna be a long night."

"Yes it is."

"Maybe head back now before they start to worry?"

"That would be good."

After looking at the last thing, we turn around and head back. We walk back over to the guys to see them looking around for us. Once they spot us they walk over toward us.

"They you girls are." Cody says as they all walk over to us and wrap their arms around us.

"We went for a little walk."'

'"Ah. Still got worried though."

"We weren't far."

"We could not see where you were with all the people here."

"We have our phones you know."

"I was about to call you too." Cody says to Charity.

"Well we came back just in time then."

"Yes you did."

"Figured you'd want to take photos with the fans as well. Some were asking about you three."

"Aw. That is sweet." Vi says.

"Well we are here now." I add.

"And here come some fans."

We greet them as they walk over, taking pictures with them all. They tell us how cute we all are together and we thank them before they leave.

"How long are we here for?"

"Another few hours."

"How about we go explore more?" Charity suggests.

"Sounds good."

Instead of holding our hands, the guys put an arm around our shoulder to hold us close as we put ours around their waist. We walk around checking out all the activities they have set up.

"The last day we get to see all this stuff."

"It went by too quick."

"Way too quick."

"It was a fun week though. All the fans and everything was great."

"More fun stuff the next two days. But not as fun as this."


"Dresses tomorrow."


"Yes." The guys cheer.

"Still no hints?" Justin asks.

"Nope." Vi giggles as he pulls her closer.


"Patience" She kisses his cheek.

"Same for you Codes." Charity chuckles at the curious look on his face.

"Ted already knows my dress. Isn't he lucky." I laugh.

"Yes he is." Cody says and Justin nods.

"Not my fault he couldn't wait."

"Suuure." They say.

"Hey, he likes red. He couldn't wait."

"Of course he couldn't."

"That's right." He nods.

"I can not wait to see what you are going to wear." Cody grins pulling Charity closer.

"Same with you." Justin says, pulling Vi close to him.

"Of course."

We walk around for a bit more, talking to some of the other superstars and divas that we see. The rest of the hours we had to spend there went by quickly and we were able to leave now.

"Now to go back and relax."


"Can not wait to get back."

"Me neither."

We all walk out to ours cars, saying our goodbyes as we reach them.

"See you girls tomorrow." I say as Ted and I head to our car.

"See you then." Vi and Charity call.

"So Vi, Charity and I are kind of having a girls day tomorrow...."


"Yeah like hair and stuff."

"Going to be a long day without you, but I will try to manage."

"As long as you try."

"Might go out myself." Ted smirked.

"You can do that...keep yourself busy."


"It could be like mine. They said it would be a while before I go heel."

"Might get you something too."

"Aw. You don't have to."

"But I want to."

"I know and it is sweet. Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"You deserve it."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"You are to good to me." I smile.

"Again, because you deserve it."

"Aw Ted." I blush as we reach the car.

“Love you."

"Love you too." Ted kisses me quick before opening my door. "After you."

"Thank you." I say, before getting into the car.

"Your welcome." Ted smiles, closing my door. He heads over to the other side getting in. Starting the car he starts to drive back to the hotel.

We all leave at different times, getting back to the hotel at different times. Since Ted and I left first, we got to the hotel and up to our room first. As we walk in I take my shoes off, placing them over by my bag. Turing around I see Ted looking at me with a grin.

"Uh oh....I know that grin all too well."

"You should, now come here." Ted points his finger motioning me over.

"Uh...I don't know about that." I laugh.

"Do I have to come get you?"


"You know you will be in for it if I do." Ted smirks.

"Oooh, I'm so scared." I say jokingly.

"Sure you are." Ted chuckles as he starts to slowly walk toward me.

I just smile and stay where I am. Ted takes his time acting like he is not going to do anything. At the last second he wraps his arms around me, surprising me.

"Eeep." I squeak.

"Got you." Ted chuckles as he kisses my neck.

"So you did."

"Now..." Ted trails off kissing my neck more as he plays with my shirt.

"...this needs to come off." He mumbles against my neck.

"Hmmm...I don't know about that."

"Aw." Ted whines.

"I think you're doing perfectly fine without it coming off."

"For now."

"When we go to bed tonight the shirt will be coming off, so I can change."

"That is too far away."

"I think I have something that will hold you over until then....."

"...oh?" Ted raises a brow.

"Mmhmm." I say, pulling back so that his face is no longer in my neck and then I lean forward and kiss him hard.

It takes a moment for him to respond, but when he does he pulls me closer and kisses me back just as hard. I only pull away when I need air to breathe, and we lean our foreheads against each other's. "Will that hold you over until tonight?"

"Uh huh." Ted nods.

"Thought so."

"How about we order some dinner?"

"Sounds good."

Not wanting to let go just yet, Ted walks us over to the side of the bed. He sits down and pulls me on his lap as he calls down for room service. I giggle and I mouth 'cuddly' as he's giving the order for room service on the phone. Ted grins as he finishes ordering. Once he hangs up he kisses my cheek. "Always."

"Just didn't want to let me go."


"You're gonna have to when the food gets here though."

"I know." Ted frowns. "We got time until then."

"I know."

Ted continues to be all cuddly, touching anywhere he can as he places light kisses to my shoulders. I sigh in content and lean into his touches. Ted keeps up with the touching and light kisses until there is a knock on the door. He reluctantly gets up to answer the door. He takes the food after paying. He brings it in, setting it on the table. He of course gets everything, telling me that I can stay sitting there on the bed. I nod as he gets everything ready. He then brings over a plate for me before going to get his. Once he is done he sits on the bed next to me. In the meantime, Vi and Justin have just gotten back to their room and she instantly gets comfortable and takes her shoes off before falling back on the bed.

She sprawls out to stretch as Justin takes off his shoes. He looks over at her and grins. He walks over to the bed, laying next to her and putting his arm over her stomach as his fingers run up and down her side.

"Another long day done."

"Finally." She sighs, leaning into him.

"Tomorrow will kind of long too. Girls day with Scar and Charity." She adds.

"Ah." Justin says pulling her closer. "It will be a long day without you."

"You can still text me, don't worry."

"You know I will."

"Maybe I'll send a picture of my hair once it's done, to you."

"Oooohh....I would love that."

"And maybe I'll get you something." He adds.

"Aw. You know you do not have to."

"But I love you and I want to."

"I appreciate it, and I love you too." She kisses him briefly.

"I do have an idea of what to get you, I know you'll love it."

"Anything you get me I love."

"Well this will always remind you of me, I hope I can find what I'm picturing."

"I am sure you will. You never stop until you find what you want."


She moves closer to Justin and snuggles into his side more, sighing in content as he kisses her head.

"I don't wanna move." She mumbles.

"And you don't have to."


"Order dinner and just relax here?"

"That would be perfect."

"Just let me go enough to call them."

She slowly lets him go enough so he can call to order. As he is telling them what they want, she lays on her side, sliding her fingers under his shirt, dragging her nails across his lower back lightly. He manages to finish giving the order before getting too distracted. After hanging up the phone, he turns around and grabs her hand, pinning it to the bed as he hovers over her.

"I got you now."

"You do." She bites her lip. "Now what?"

He pretends to think about it for a bit, before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. she closes her eyes as she starts to kiss back. She moves her free hand to his shoulder only to have that one pinned to the bed as well. She whines into the kiss as Justin starts to deepen it. He just chuckles and continues to kiss her. She starts to relax, taking in the moment. She squeezes his hands as he starts to slow the kiss. But of course, room service has to come at the wrong time, knocking on the door and forcing Justin to pull away.


"We can cuddle when we go to bed."


He lets her go and kisses her quickly before getting up and answering the door for the food. He pays before bringing the food into the room. He sets it on the table, getting things ready before bringing a plate over for her, then going to get his. After getting his plate he sits on the bed next to her as they eat. Cody and Charity however, stopped somewhere and got something to eat, bringing it back to the hotel, and going up to their room to eat it. Once in their room they set the food on the table so they can take off their shoes, Charity taking off her jewerly putting it with her bag. When they are all set they sit down and begin to eat.

"I can't wait to change and relax for the night."

"After we are done we can do that since there is nothing else going on tonight."

"Good it was a long day."

"Yes it was. A few more, then things will be a bit slower."


"Oh, I am having a girls day with Scar and Vi tomorrow." She adds.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. Hair...nails...stuff like that."

"Sounds like fun."

"It should be."

"Maybe I'll send you some pictures." She adds.

"I would love that." Cody grins.

"Only thing have to behave tonight."

"Awww." He pouts. "It will be hard, but I will."

"I'm giving you this one night to behave yourself, since I know you won't tomorrow night."

"I shall behave for tonight then and save it all for tomorrow night."

"You do that."

Cody chuckles as they continue to eat talking here and there. Once they are done, they clean everything up then walk over to the bed laying down to relax for a bit before changing. All of us had gotten changed for bed at different times. All the guys behaved themselves once we all went to bed, because we knew they all would be all over us after tomorrow night.