Status: Active

All About Us

Hall Of Fame 2012

It is early the next morning and Ted and I are still in bed. He is letting me sleep in a bit before the busy day. I am laying on his chest as he is holding me close watching me sleep. After a few minutes or so I start to move a little, and I bury my face in his neck after having seen how bright it is in the room from the sun from opening my eyes only slightly.

"To bright?" Ted chuckles.

I make a noise in agreement.

"Take your time, no rush to get up." Ted says, cupping his hand around my eyes.

I nod, snuggling closer into him. Ted wraps his arms around me hold me closer to him.

"How long have you been up?" I ask.

"Not long, maybe 20 minutes or so."

"Couldn't sleep anymore?"

"Not really. The sun made it hard plus I was to busy watching you."

"As always."

"Can't help it."

"You're so peaceful when you're sleeping." He adds.

"Awwww." I blush. "That is because I am with you." I add.

I then press a kiss to his neck in response.

"When are you meeting the girls?" Ted asks as he runs his fingers over my arms.

"What time is it now?" I ask.

"Around 9."

"In an hour."

"That doesn't leave us much time to cuddle then." Ted frowns.

"You'll be fine."

Ted pulls me closer to him as he leans down pressing his lips to mine. He holds the kiss for a bit before pulling away resting his forehead on mine. "Now I will be."


I brush my lips over his, pecking his before getting up to grab my things for the day. Once I have everything I head in the bathroom to change. After getting dressed I do my routine before walking out to grab my shoes.

"Still wish you didn't have to go."

"I know, but I should not be gone that long. You can still text when you miss me."

"I know, already planning on doing that."

"Of course." I smile. "I will send you some pictures too."

"Oooh, of what?"

"My hair possibly...or just some before and after shots."

"Oooh, I like."

"Figured you would."

"That makes me feel a little better."


"Just think about the dress hanging up over there...." I motion towards the dress. "...and you'll make it through the day without me here."

"Just the thought of you in that dress will help me get me through the day."

"There you go." I grin.

"I can't wait for you to put it on."

"Of course you can't wait."

"You looked so good in it the first time, I want to see it for person."

"Oh I'm sure."

"You are going to be absolutely stunning."

"Aww, why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I for one can't wait for you to see me in the dress in person." I smile.

"You just want to torture me, don't you?" Ted chuckles.


"You so do."

"It's fun."

"For you."

"Yes for me, but you always get me back."

"I do and tonight will be no different."

"Uh oh."

"You are going to be in for it." Ted grins.

"Oh boy."

"Just be prepared."

"I can try."

"Yes you can." Ted grins.

"Love you."

"Love you too." Ted kisses me quick.

"Well I still have time before I have to leave."

"Well then..." Ted pulls me closer to him.

I squeak in response, not expecting it.

"More cuddle time." Ted wraps his arms around me holding me as close as he can.


"Your goof."

"Yes, my goof."

Ted kisses my cheek as I lean back into his touch. We stay like that until it is time for me to meet the girls.

"Well it looks like I have to go now."

"Time went by too quick."

"I know."

"The sooner I go the sooner I will be back." I add.


I lean up giving him a quick kiss before going and grabbing what I need. Once I have everything Ted follow me to the door. He holds my waist as he leans down giving me a long kiss. We say 'bye' to each other as I leave to meet Vi and Charity. I end up meeting them in the lobby of the hotel.

"There she is." Vi says once I step off the elevator.

"Took you long enough." Charity laughs.

"Ted did not want me to leave." I say once I walk up to them.


"Cody was the same way." Charity chuckles.

"So was Justin." Vi adds.

"All I had to do was remind Ted of my dress."

"Ooohhhh." They say.

"No wonder you were late."

"Yeah." I laugh.

"How about we get something to eat then get started." Vi suggests as we walk to the car.

"Sounds good."

We reach the car, Vi driving this time. I get in the passenger seat as Charity gets in the back. Once we are all in Vi drives to a place to eat. After parking we get out and head in getting seated quickly. We all decide on drinks first and order those before deciding what we want to eat, and order that when the drinks get to the table.

"So, what is the first thing on the list to do today?"

"I say our nails."

That is what I was thinking too." Charity agrees.

"Sounds like a plan." Vi nods.

"What color do you think I should get for my nails?" I ask.

"Well your dress is red, so how about a shade of that?"

"Ooh, good idea."

"I say a glittery red, one that shines in the light."

"Oooh I like it."

"I think Ted will like it even more."

"Oh we'll see when I send him a picture of it."

"It's red, he will love it."

"I can see him playing with my hands all night."

"Knowing him he will."

"I'm already in for it tonight because of the dress...."

"Ooohhh." Charity teases.

"Uh oh." Vi says.

"He behaved last night in order to get me tonight."

"I know I will be in for it...Justin behaved last night to."

"I think we are all in for it." Charity adds.

"We have to try and prepare for tonight then."

"We can do our best even though that is never enough with them."


"Tonight should be fun then." Charity says as we all giggle.

"Oh yes."

"Definitely hair down day tomorrow, I am sure."

"Yeah, no debating that."

"They are going to go crazy tonight."

"Just a tad." I laugh.

"Lets just hope they can last the whole ceremony tonight."

"Oh you know that'll be hard for them."

"Of course." Vi laughs.

"When is it not hard for them?" Charity chuckles.


We talk a bit more until our food comes. When it gets to the table we eat while talking here and there. Once we are done we all pay the bill then head back out to the car. After getting in we are off to get our nails done. I decide to take their suggestions and go with the red nails with a bit of sparkle to them. We all decide on what to get, Vi getting a shade of pink to match her dress with a black tripe design on it, while Charity gets colors to match her dress. We are all seated as they start to work on our nails. And of course the guys had to choose now to text us, when we can't answer them back because of our nails.

"Now they decide to text us." Vi laughs.

"And we can't answer them back."

"Poor them." Charity chuckles.

"We are almost done, they will manage."


They soon finish with our nails before we go over to dry them. After they are all dry, ew get our things then head to the car. We check our phones to see that the guys are missing us.

"Awww. They miss us already."

"Time to take a picture for Ted."

"I think they are all gonna want one."

"Yeah, they're all curious."

"Well lets not keep them waiting."

We all take turns taking pictures with each others phone before sending the pictures to the guys. And of course we get excited texts back in response.

"If they are excited about that, wait till they see our hair."

"Oh yeah."

"I sense a happy attack when we get back."

"Yeah, just a bit."

We all laugh as we drive to a place to get our hair done. We find a place, walking in. They do one of us at a time, the first being Charity.

"Tonight should be fun. Most looking forward to Edge being inducted."

"Same here. He deserves it. He has done so much over his career to night be inducted."

"And of course who better to induct him but Christian."

"Right. They could not have chose a better person to induct him."


"Cody is going to go crazy over your hair."

"Oh I know." Charity giggles.

"Are you going to make him wait?"

"Oh, that would kill him wouldn't it?"

"Yes it would...I think I will make him wait a bit more." She grins.

"He'll see it when you go back anyway."


Soon Charity was done and the next to go was Vi.

"You know I think we should make them all wait until we get back to see our hair."

"We should. That would just kill them even more."

"So it's a deal, we wait until we head back."


They work on styling Vi's hair the way she showed them. Once she was done I sat down as they started to style my hair.

"So Ted said he was getting me something today..."

"Ooohhh....let me guess...he gave you no hints, right?"


"Of course not."

"Cody said he was getting me something too."


"Again, no idea what he has planned."

"Same here with Justin."


"Looks like they all had the same idea."

"I'm sure we'll love whatever they get us."

"That is for sure, they always get us the best things."

"Because as they say, we deserve the best."

"Which is why we love them."

"Alright, what do you think?" I ask once my hair is finished.


"Love that style on you."

"So do I."

"Just wait until Ted sees it."

"He'll be all over me." I laugh.

"Oh you know he will."

"Just like Cody and Justin will be with us, I'm sure."

"But we'll have to prevent them from messing up our hair."

"There is one way to prevent that."

"Not let them touch it."

"Or tell them no fun later."


"Even though they make it hard for us."


After thanking everyone who helped with our hair, we made our way to the register to pay. After paying we walked back out to the car. Once in the car we made our way to the hotel.

"In just a few hours, we'll be on those buses and heading to the Hall Of Fame."

"I can't believe it is already here."

"Oh I know right?"

"Came up so quick." Charity says as we get out of the car heading into the hotel.

"Think we should tell them we're coming up?"

"Or we could surprise them?"

"Surprise them." We say at the same time.

"Prepare for a major happy attack then."

"Big time." I nod as we step onto the elevator.

"Lets just hope we are able to make the bus in time."

"Let's make sure we do make it on time."

"I am sure we will." Vi says as the elevator reaches our floor. We step out heading for our rooms.

We reach Charity and Cody's room first. "Well we wish you good luck Char."

"Thanks. I might need it." She laughs as she opens the door. "Codes?" She calls out, not seeing him in the room.

"In here." He says from the bathroom.

She walks over to the door, peeking her head. He turns to look at her doing a double take.

"You look amazing." He says in awe.

"And this is only my hair." She giggles.

"Well if it gets better than this, I can not wait." Cody walks to her giving her a kiss. He moves his hands to her hips pulling her closer to him as her hands rest on his chest.

"No messing the hair up, or no fun tonight."

"Awww." He whines. "I guess I have to try to behave tonight."

"Yes, behave yourself until we get back here tonight."

"I will do my best." Cody kisses her quick. "After you get changed, I have something for you." He grins.


"Yes." Cody smiles. "I know you are going to love it."

"Well of course I will."

Cody keeps looking her over, amazed with her hair. He goes to touch it and she playfully swats his hand away. "No touching." She playfully warns.

"Not even a little?"

"Maybe just the hanging pieces, but that is it."

"Yesss." He cheers, reaching out and touching the hanging pieces of her hair.

She giggles at his excitement leaning into his touch. "Now between the both of us, it'll take a while to get ready so we should get started now."

"I think that would be a good idea."

"You can finish in the bathroom, I'll get ready out here."

"Alright." Cody nods. She give him a quick kiss before going out to get her things ready. Since her hair was done all she had to do was makeup and put her dress on. She takes her clothes she wore over to her bag before grabbing her dress out of the closet. She slides that on then using a mirror in the room to do her make up. Once she is all set she grabs her shoes, sitting on the bed to put them on just as Cody walks out of the bathroom all ready himself. "Well don't you look dashing." She grins.

"Why thank you." Cody grins, looking her over. "You look absolutely ravishing."

"Thank you."

"You know how hard it is going to be for me tonight, don't you?"

"Yes I do."

Cody walks over to his bag, taking something out then walking over sitting next to Charity on the bed. "Are you ready for your surprise?"

"I've been ready all day."

"Alright...close your eyes."

She nods and does so. He then brings the box from behind his back as he opens the box. Inside is a Personalized Heart-Shaped Pendant with the words 'Our Love Grows Stronger' going around one side of the heart. Once he is ready he tells her to open her eyes. ""

"....Codes...." She says in awe of the necklace. "...I love it!" She leans over kissing him hard. "Thank you." She says after pulling away.

"I knew you would."

"It is beautiful." She says admiring it. "Help me put it on?"

"Of course." He grins. She turns so her back is to him as he puts the necklace around her neck. After hooking it, he rests his hands on her shoulders, leaning down placing a kiss on the back of her neck.

"Makes you look even more beautiful."

"Awww Codes." She blushes.

"It's the truth."

"I love you." She says turning to face him.

"I love you too."

"Should we head to the bus now?"

"We should. Better to get there now and get a seat rather than wait and not have a place to sit together."

"Right." She nods. They both get up, gathering whatever they need before leaving. Once they have everything they head out of the room, hands linked together as they make their way to the elevator. They ride the elevator down, the whole time Cody was being touchy. Charity giggled as they reached the lobby. They made their way through the lobby and to the bus finding a seat together.

Vi and I stop when we get to her door and I wish her luck with Justin. She thanks me, saying she'll need it before heading in. She walks in as Justin is getting his things ready for tonight. "I'm back."

He turns around and his jaw almost drops. "Vi, your's amazing."

"Thanks." She giggles. "I know how you love when I curl my hair."

"I do. So much."

"Which is why I do it as much as I can."

"Of course."

She then walks over to her bag to gather her things for the night. As she passes by Justin, he takes her arm and pulls her close to him. He rests one hand on her waist as he looks at her hair, reaching up to touch one of the long curls. She moves his hand away, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"No touching...not yet." She says after pulling away.


"After the show you can go as crazy as you want."

"Already planning on it."

"Of course you are."

"After you get ready, I have what I got you today, to give you."

"Ooh? I think I should get ready then."

"Yes, you should."

"One have to let go first."

"Oh, right." He chuckles, letting her go.

She kisses him quick before she gathers her things, heading into the bathroom to change since he's getting changed in the room. She grabs her dress from the closet as she walks in. Closing the door, she does her routine, putting the dress on first, followed by makeup. Once everything looks perfect, she heads back out, putting her clothes with her bag, grabbing her shoes. She walks over to the bed and sits down to put them on.

"Vi....words cannot describe how you look right now." Justin says when he gets a good look at her.

"Justy..." She blushes, looking down. "It is all for you."

He walks over to her and kneels down to her level, tilting her face up so she's looking at him. "And I love it."

"You are looking fine yourself." She bites her lip as she gets a good look at him.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." She leans up to kiss him.

"Ready for your gift?"

"Of course I am!" She smiles excitedly.

"Alright, close your eyes."

She does as he tells her and closes her eyes. Justin takes the box out of his jacket pocket, opening it. Inside is a silver howling wolf pendant. Once he is ready, he tells her to open her eyes. She opens her eyes staring in awe. "...Justy..." She gasps. "'s beautiful."

"And it was exactly what I was looking for today."

"I am glad you found it. It is perfect." She says as she admires the necklace.

"Help putting it on?"

"Please?" She turns around.

"Of course." He replies, putting the necklace around her neck and then clasping it. She looks down admiring the necklace more as Justin rests his hands on her arm, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Now you have something to remember me by."

"I do and it is just perfect." She turns and kisses him briefly.

"Ready to go so we can find a place to sit on the bus?"

"Yes." She nods.

Justin holds out his hand for her. She takes it, then they go gather what they need before linking hands and walking to the elevator. As they wait for the elevator, Justin puts his hand on her waist, as she leans into him. They then get on the elevator, heading to the lobby, then the bus, finding a seat. I make it to my room and walk in after unlocking the door with the keycard. I happen to walk in on a shirtless Ted in suit pants, basically only being half dressed. I bite my lip as I stare at him for a moment. Once I let go of the door it closes causing Ted to turn around. Once he sees me he comes right over, pressing his lips to mine.

"Finally you are back...and your hair...just...amazing." Ted says after pulling away, getting a good look at me.

"Thank you."

"I love it." He says, admiring the curls. He goes to run his hand through the long pieces when I stop him.

"Uh has to stay perfect."


"You can do all the touching after tonight."

"Yesss." Ted cheers.


"Your dork."

"Who's being distracting with no shirt on right now." I giggle.

"You just came in at the right time I guess."

"I guess so."

"You are distracting right now too."


"You will always be distracting to me no matter how you look though."


"How about you go get ready, then I can give you the surprise I got you today."


"Don't take too long..." Ted kisses me quick. "...I can not wait any longer to see you in the dress." He says after pulling away.

"I'll try not to take long."

"Well get going." Ted chuckles as he playfully pushes me toward my things.

"Okay okay, pushy."

"Told you I can not wait any longer...It is killing me."

"I can tell. You finish getting ready yourself mister."

"I will." Ted nods walking over to his things as I gather what I need before heading into the bathroom.

I slip into the dress first, before doing my makeup which doesn't take all that long. That leaves my shoes which are back out in the room with my things, so I walk out and grab them, sitting on the bed to put them on. Ted is just getting his jacket on when he turns to see me sitting on the bed. His jaw drops as he tries to say something. "...Scar..." Ted manages to say. "...that is better than the picture." He finishes as he walks over to me.

"You really think so?"

"I know so." He sits next to me as he runs his hands over my arms. "I love it." He whispers leaning near my ear.

"Now are you ready for your surprise?"

"Yes I am." I smile excitedly.

"Alright, close your eyes."

I do as he asks and close my eyes. That's when I feel him slip something onto my finger and at that point the only thing I know from the feel of it, is that it's a ring.

"Alright, open your eyes."

I do so and look at where the ring placed to see a Topaz stone and an Aquamarine stone with his name next to the Topaz and mine next to the Aquamarine, and that's when I realize it's our birthstones.

"...Ted..." I saw in awe. "It is perfect, I love it!" I lean over kissing him.

"I knew you would, but it's not just any ring..."


"It's a promise ring."

"Aw Ted." I blush. "Now I have something that will always remind me of you."

"And my promise to you, is to love you forever."

"I will love you forever too."

"And I will wear this always." I add.

"Now everyone will know how much I love you."

"Good, they should know. I can't wait for you to heal and be back in that ring again."

"I will be soon."

"I hope so. So, should be find seats on the bus before there are none left?"

"I think we should."

He helps me up after getting up from the bed himself. We grab what we need before heading out of the door, heading to the elevator, down to the lobby and out to the bus. We were lucky to find seats next to each. Once we sat down we waited for a few more people to get on then it was off to the Hall Of Fame. It took a while before we finally arrive and looking out the tinted windows, the walkway leading to the doors into the building, behind the fences were lines with fans. The bus pulled up before stopping and one by one we all got off the bus to walk in while greeting the fans.

"There are so many fans here."

"Probably waiting to go inside." Vi says as she and Justin walk behind us.


"More than likely." Charity adds.

"Right, right." Vi nods.

As we pass the fans, they of course cheer for us and we soon make it inside the building, where we have only about an hour before getting seated for the Hall Of Fame. We stay by the guys for a bit, since they were being all clingy before spotting a few people we wanted to talk to. We tell the guys that we want to go to them for a bit and then we'll be back. They let out a whine before reluctantly letting us go. We then walk over to where we see Mike, Alex, and Zack talking. As we walk over we greet them.

"Well don't you three look good." Vi says, getting their attention.

"Hey there." They smile, walking over and giving us all a hug.

"You are the ones that look good tonight." Mike winks, playfully.

"Aren't you the charmer tonight."

"I like to think I am all the time."

"Well isn't that how you got Lacey anyway?"

"Of course it is."

"Even though, liking him to begin with helped more." She adds, coming back over.

"That is always a good thing."

"Good thing you got him before someone else did."

"I know right?"

"He is a really great guy, funny too."

"Oh I know."

"So boys, who are the lucky ladies you asked to come?" Charity asks, looking at Zack and Alex.

"Brought my mom." Alex answers.

"Unfortunately I don't have a lucky lady. I brought my dad and Chiappetta." Zack adds.

"Aww, how sweet Alex." I say.

"That is fun enough. They can make anything a good time." Charity says.

"No Big O?" Charity laughs.

"Nah, he was busy."

"Too bad, things would have been interesting tonight if he was here."

"He'll be around for tomorrow night though."

"Looks like it is going to be a interesting night tomorrow, he is such a riot."

"We also wish you luck tomorrow night in the match."

"Thanks, it is going to be a tough match, but I believe I can pull a win for my team."

"An no offense Mike, we don't want Laurinaitis running both shows, so we're going with Team Teddy."

"Oh I see how it is." Mike acts hurt. "I am kidding, I understand."

We talk with them longer than expected, and soon the hour is up and everyone starts filing in to go to their seats. "Looks like the show is about to start." Alex says.

"Yeah, I think we should get back to the guys. They are probably worried about us." I say looking around.

"We'll talk to you later."

We say 'bye' to everyone, hugging them before we leave. We head in seperate directions to our seats finding they guys sitting there. After sitting for a while and after everyone's in their seats, including the WWE Universe, the Hall Of Fame starts. We watch on the tron as a little video package of pictures plays of the past Hall Of Famers. That goes until the show officially begins. Jerry comes out first to introduce the first inductor of the night.

"This should be interesting."

"Thank you, wow that's quite an ovation. Wish I could figure out who you have me confused with. Welcome everyone to the 2012 WWE Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony. Let's hear it for that, it's going to be great night. I guess when sometimes in our industry when several wrestlers ban together as a group, it's sometimes referred to....well sometimes referred to as a stable. And you know, that term has never been more applicable than it is to our next inductees."

And then we watch on the tron as a video package of the Four Horsemen play.

"Now that was a good group right there."

It's a long video, but we're all clapping at the end of it.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, our next presenter is a son of a plumber and he fought for the common man. But whenever he was around the Four Horsemen, all he did was fight. WWE Hall Of Famer, The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes."

"Heyyy. You did not tell me he was here." Charity says to Cody as they stand clapping for him.

"Surprise." He chuckles.

"Goof." She playfully nudges him.

We all sit before he goes to speak.

"John Lennon brought the Beatles over as a faction. There were four of them. They laid down the foundation for the music that we have today. And through the years our industry has seen different groups blaze up in a flame of glory and soon flicker out. Until the Four Horsemen rode that lightning bolt into this business called professional wrestling!"

"The groups we have now put a shame to what they created."

"They do."

"It's a great honor to present to you, to this 2012 class of the WWE Hall Of Fame, the Four Horsemen."

Of course two of them, one being Ric Flair are escorted out by one of the Bella Twins, but we all stand and clap for them, sitting shortly after.

"It was was a day about 25 years ago where 4 exceptional athletes held all of the major championships. These guys, they carried the gold, had all the bragging rights and somebody said that they should all go out for a TV interview together and I really believe that the sun and all the planets and the moons and all the stars were in perfect alignment that day because something truly magical happened, and the Four Horsemen were born."

"Best group of their time too."

"So I fast forward a quarter century to tonight and here we stand united, to accept the highest possible honor that we could receive and that's induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Natch come up here, tell them what's causing all this."

"They deserve this."

"You know I get emotional at these damn things, I've got to tell a funny story. Since I saw you all in '08, I've remarried, shocker right? Okay."

Some people laugh and Cody just cracks up.

"Wow..." Charity laughs.

"So, but I never got to tell anybody why I got remarried. The only woman that would ever talk to me to going into a hotel and calling her when I got back to the hotel was Tiffany. And I said jesus, well John Cena was looking at me and was like, are you gonna call your wife? And I said, I know this don't work. So I went upstairs and called her from the Hiat in Indianapolis, and uh...I said I'm gonna have a couple drinks with Cena. She said, are you ever gonna grow up? I said, what? I said, what'd you say to me? She said are you ever gonna grow up? I said, I don't know, I'm not thinking about it anytime soon, why? And then she tried to put the ace on me. She said, what do you have in common with someone 30 years younger than you? Woooow. I said, I don't know, but I'll tell you won't find out tonight. Bonk. And the cellphone was powered down."


"And I left the bar at 3 o'clock with John Cena. And that's because I'm a Horseman. Woooo! Woooo! Hell yeah."

"Only he would have a story like that."

"I have had the most wonderful career that any athlete of any sport could possibly have. God I've been doing this 40 years guys. But the 8 years or 9 years that this group ran together, good lord it was the best time of my life. And I can tell you this, the thing that made these guys special, that I'm putting myself int he same group, we could not wait to get to that arena. We just loved being the best at what we're doing.." He says, starting to tear up a bit.

"Aww...they looked like good times too."

"This is where it all started for me, right here in Miami. To be inducted with this group of guys, just something that I would never have imagined ever before in my life. I'll tell you, there is something that comes to mind, my father is a hall of famer and I believe I'm the first son of a hall of famer and to be in the hall of fame. Thank you."

"Well he deserves it, he was a great wrestler."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wake up every day with a little twinge in my back, little twinge in my neck, because of the bumps, the clotheslines, the over-the-top ropes onto the floor. And I'm not wanting anything in return for it. That's how much I thought of you guys. Each one of these gentlemen does the same thing, because you the WWE wrestling fans worldwide deserve every ounce of our energy, every ounce of our effort, every time we went to the ring. Thank you and god bless you."

"That was touching...I am going to cry by the end of the night if they are all like this." Charity says. "I know I will when Edge comes out." She adds.

"Thank you, thank you very much. You're gonna hear all night long, us recognizing our families. But the fact is, they, our families are part of your families. I don't know if you know that or not. We are all, every one of us, all the way up to the top intertwined. Every one of us, more than you will ever know. If you only knew the power that you possess, we live our lives every day not for the money, not for the notary, the notoriety, the glory, to get a good seat at a hotel or restaurant or whatever it may be. We live our lives to come through that curtain and entertain you. And there's no feeling better than coming back through that curtain. You don't have to ask anybody how it was, you know. You know exactly. Good or bad, you guys let us know and I applaud you for that. Now I'd like to end with just simple thought. People ask me all the time how you'd like to be remembered, and what would you like to be put on your epitaph, and I thought about it quite a bit and it's really just pretty simple. Be a nice thing to think, as much as I've chosen this wonderful industry and this wonderful path to spend my entire adult life with all of you. Would be nice to know that this business chose me as well. Thank you and good night."

"Well said." Charity says as everyone claps.

We all stand and applaud them as they hug on stage and their music plays, and they're led backstage. After them it was a few more inductees until the last two were left. Mike Tyson and Edge.

"And now it's time for a very special induction. It's an induction into the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall of Fame. Ladies and gentlemen, this bad man has won plenty of gold throughout his career, but he will forever be known as Iron."

And then a video package of Mike Tyson plays and we all watch.

"Well, our next presenters have two words for ya'. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a couple of pretty bad men themselves, Triple H and stronger than ever Shawn Michaels!"

"Woo...this is going to be funny."

"Mike Tyson, the undisputed World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. At one time the most ferocious, most intimidating man to ever step inside a boxing ring." Shawn starts.

"Mike Tyson had a huge impact on the WWE actually. Mike Tyson helped turn the tide in the war, the Monday Night Wars, when it was the WWE against WCW. Mike Tyson turned that tide for us. Whether it was his iconic encounter with Stone Cold Steve Austin, or the night that he joined D-Generation X. All the way through to WrestleMania 14, where he was the special guest enforcer. And then at the end of that, POW! He knocked Shawn Michaels, down goes Michaels, down goes Michaels, down goes Michaels. Oh my god, it was so funny. You got knocked out cold but..." Hunter adds, starting to crack up laughing, talking about Shawn.

"I like Shawn and all, but that was funny."

"We talked about this in the back alright? We said we were gonna come out here and make fun of Tyson. Remember, you were gonna do the squeaky, high-pitched voice and all that and you know. And then you know, you were gonna make fun of...." Shawn trails off, making a face.

"Oh these two."

"Why would I come out here and make fun of Mike Tyson. It'd be stupid. What I'm gonna stand here and then Mike's gonna come out here and then I'm gonna stand here in front of him. You don't do that, you don't make fun of Tyson. You know what happens, you stand in front of Tyson, POW! He knock me out, just like he knocked you out. He knocked you out cold, laying on the ground, ahahahahaha, hahahaha. He knocked you out, I cant take it, it was..." Hunter cracks up again.

"Hunter has a point."

"Can we just move on, alright? Let's just introduce Mike shall we?"

"Well I mean, why don't you do it, you're better than me at everything anyway."


"Oh Hunter." I shake my head laughing.

"That's what's bothering you isn't it?"

"I've got feelings man."

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is D-Generation X's pleasure to introduce to you..."

"...the baddest man on the planet, and now the baddest hall of famer on the planet..."

"...ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Mike tyson."

We all stand clapping as Mike walks onto the stage.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Wow, I can remember the great fights I used to watch as a little boy. Watching Bruno Samartino, watching most of his title defenses. I watched him fight Nickoli Volkov, I watched him fight The Sheik, I watched him fight Moondog Mane, I watched him fight Freddie Blasey, Lou Albano. You know I used to watch all of his title defenses in the great matches with the Valient Brothers and man it was just crazy. I guess being a part of all this is just"

Everyone applauds him, agreeing with him.

"You know I always wanted to be a wrestler before they turned it into the WWE, but I never had the opportunity. I guess I got arrested then....I got arrested and then I met Demott, but I'm still here though right? I'm still here, I still made it to here and I'm still heeere."

"Been through a lot, but yes he is still here."

"What i'm trying to convey, Mr. Patterson, it's very nice seeing you sir, really it is. Um, I owe a great deal of appreciation of the whole wrestling family, the WWE family and um...I'ma finish. My family's here, my children's here, I'm so happy my children....they didn't want to go to the boxing hall of fame. They hurt my feelings a little bit, that's okay, but they came here. You see they came to this one, they wanted to come to this one. That's okay, that's okay. Um, and another thing I wanted to say...and I love you with all my heart. I love you with all my heart, thank you very much, and I love you too Raina, mwah. Listen man, if I didn't do that WrestleMania stuff man, I would've lost my house, I was gonna be ohhh man. Ohhhhh, man."


"Goodnight guys, I'm sorry." He ends his speech, laughing up a storm, before disappearing backstage, and we all stand up and clap.

"Now time for the tears." Vi says once everyone sits down as we wait for Christian to come out and introduce Edge.

"I'll be here to wipe them away." Justin replies.

"Aw, of course you will." She smiles.

Jerry comes back out next for Edge's induction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our final inductee into the 2012 WWE Hal Of Fame."

And then a video package on Edge plays, with other superstar interviews, talking about him.

"He was amazing." Vi whispers as we all watch.

"Well as this is our final induction of the night, I'm sure no one will mind if this next presenter makes one more speech. Ladies and gentlemen, former World Heavyweight Champion Christian!"

We all stand and applaud as Christian makes his way out.

"WrestleMania week man, it's amazing. As a performer, this is without a doubt the best week of the year. And this year especially man, it's so crazy, it''s got me thinking a lot, kind of reminiscing on old times, thinking about the path, the road that Edge took to get to this point. I guess I can sum it up for you like this. You can take the boy out of OrangeVille District Secondary School, he can grow up, travel the world become one of the biggest superstars in this industry, win multiple heavyweight championships and headline WrestleMania, even star in a couple movies but....someday, maybe 20 years later, that boy will return home."

And then we see this video on the tron of Edge in a lobby somewhere, pretending like he's back in the ring again, acting like a little kid.

"Oh Edge...he is always so humorous." Vi says as we alll laugh at his goofiness.

"Actually that was a text message that Edge sent to me, probably about a month ago no lie. He's probably wishing right now that he didn't send it to me. You know I could stand here and talk about all of his accolades, but we already know that, we already know how great of a performer Edge was. He had a great mind for the business, we already know that. I want to kind of take you behind Edge the person and really let you know what it is that got him to this point. You see Edge grew up, his mom was a single mother. And at times she had to work....a couple jobs at a time to make ends meet. To pay the rent. And that day he looked at me and said, I have to make it in this business, I have to. The only thing that I want to do, is earn enough money to take care of my mom. To buy her a house and make sure she never has to worry, ever again."

"How sweet!"

"So please help me welcome, the newest member of the WWE Hall Of Fame, Class of 2012, the one and only Rated R Superstar, Edge."

We all stand and clap as his music goes off and he hugs Christian, trying not to cry. Then he takes out his phone and starts recording everyone, being a little kid again.

"Only Adam would do that." Vi chuckles.

"Alright alright, I know what you're probably thinking. You're probably saying to yourself, where the hell is Edge? But fear not dear wrestling fan, it is I, the Rated R...." He trails off and everyone finishes his sentence for him.

"...yes, Edge. Uh you know Christian and I have been best friends for 28 years. Um...we have been through so many things together. I mean, he's not just a friend, uh...he never changes and I honestly think to me, the thing that impresses me most about him, it's his morals and the fact that he is the best husband that I have ever met. It's true, it's so true. Uh...mind you look at his wife, that's why. Hey, I'm just saying she's pretty, but he's an awesome husband alright?"

We all gush and laugh.

"Um...I want to thank Beth. Um, for tiptoeing into my life and making it so, so much better. I love you."

"Awww." We all clap, getting a bit teary at the emotion he has.

"And I'd like to thank the best tag team partner I've ever had, and it's not Christian, it's my mom."

"That is the sweetest thing ever." Vi gushes, and we all clap getting more teary.

"She was my backbone and when I was 17 and said I was gonna start becoming a wrestler, she said do it, you can do it. Um, fast forward a bunch of years later and I thought the best look that I would ever see on her face was when I was able to buy her a home."

We all clap as we gush over his sweetness.

"Uh, but tonight the look on her face is even better. I love you." He says, trying not to cry again.

"He is gonna make me cry."

"Alright I made it through that. I thought...woo, I kind of made it through that. Listen uh, I want to thank all of you, the WWE Universe. You know, I've kind of lived by the motto, this one song I really like. Decide what to be and go be it. And I did, and now I'm a hall of famer."

We all clap and cheer for him more.

"I've already said thank you, probably better than I ever could the past. we go."

Then on the tron, it's an old clip of him dressed up like Elvis, moving like Elvis and goes 'thank you, thank you very much'.

"Oh Adam." We all cheer while chuckling.

"Thank you."

We all stand as they play the classic Hall Of Fame music, but Edge stops it.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, hold on hold on hold on. Is it just me or is everybody all sick of this music? Bear with me here, because that whole duh duh duh duh, and then everybody automatically stands up, I'm sick of it, I had to sit there so often and hear that. This is a party. I want to hear some rock n' roll, I wanna play that fooze again, and do this right. Hit it."

It of course plays and Edge is happy.

"Much better, thank you."

We stay standing and clap for him as he poses on the stage and stuff.

"That was so touching." Vi says trying not to cry.

Eventually he does head to the back and the Hall of Fame was over, everyone starting to file out.

"That was a good show. Adam had me in tears." Charity says as we head out to the bus.

"He did."

"I think that is an amazing way to end a fantastic career."

"It really is." I nod.

"Going to miss him being around." Vi adds as we get to the bus.

"You know I still think he'll be around, I mean look at Shawn."

"Right, lets hope. Will not be the same if he was not around."


We all reach the bus, getting on find seats. Once we find them we sit and the they guys are all touchy right as we sit down.


"Been waiting all night to do this."

"Of course you have."

"Just wait until we get back." Ted smirks.

"Uh oh."

"You are so in for it."

"Oh boy."

"I think we are all in for it." Vi chuckles as Justin's hands are wandering.

"I think so." Charity giggles as Cody is doing the same.

"It's gonna be a very interesting night."

"Oh I think it will be."

"Sleeping in tomorrow I'm guessing?"

"Yes, nothing but Mania tomorrow."

"Good, 'cause I have a feeling we're gonna be up all night."

"We just might be."

"Kind of figured."

"That is what I thought."

Soon everyone was on the bus and we headed back to the hotel. Once there, we get off the bus and head inside, getting onto the elevator and heading up to our floor. When we get to our floor they guys hurry us to our rooms and we say 'bye' to each other as we giggle at their eagerness. "Codes, slow down, I can only go so fast in heels you know." Charity laughs.

"Sorry." He chuckles, slowing down a bit.

"It's okay...we're at our room anyway."

Cody opens the door and they both head in. As soon as Charity takes her shoes and jewelry off, Cody has his hands wrapped around her waist, his lips on her neck. "Now why was I expecting this?" She giggles.

"Because you know me so well." Cody mumbles against her neck.

"I do."

"As you should by now."


Cody then picks up the kissing, moving slowly down her neck making his way to her shoulders as he lets his hands roam over her stomach for now. "Let's take this necklace off I gave you, so it doesn't get ruined in the process."

"Of course."

He helps her take it off and he goes and places it on the table where it can't be ruined. After placing it down he turns back to Charity with a grin on his face.

"Uh oh."

"Come here." Cody motions to her with his finger.

"I don't have a choice do I?"

"No you do not."

"Alright..." She says, walking over to him.

"Much better." He says looking her over once she reaches him.

"Of course you would think so."

"Always." He leans down pressing his lips to hers as he plays with the back of her dress.

He goes to unzip it but, she stops him. "Uh have more on than I do."

"Aww." Cody whines. Charity giggles as she moves her hands up his chest going under his jacket. She lifts it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He then presses his lips to hers as she starts to unbutton his shirt, going slow just to torture him more. He groans in protest over the torture into the kiss. She smirks into the kiss, taking her time. When she gets the last button done she slowly runs her hands up his chest, dragging her nails as she makes her way to his arms. She runs her hands up and starts to take his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor.

"" He asks, between kisses.


He smirks and his hands once again go to the back of her dress and to the zipper. He takes his time at first just to torture her now. She whines in the kiss as he gets the zipper all the way down, letting her dress fall to the floor. He then gives her a boost and she wraps her legs around her waist, not breaking the kiss, as he walks over to the bed, carrying her, breaking the kiss shortly after that and dropping her on the bed. He looks her over again before grinning and hovering over her. He makes her think he is going for her lips, but instead he goes for her neck, kissing and nipping at it as she holds his shoulders digging her nails in gently. He makes sure to leave marks, but ones that are easily coverable because they'll need to be if she's gonna be going out with him for his match tomorrow night.

"....Codes..." She muffles in his shoulder.

He smirks against her skin, and continues. She decides to have some fun of her own, so she runs her hands down his chest as she makes her way to the waist of his pants. She is able to slip her fingers under, pressing one of his indents, causing a growl to come from him. "Killing you aren't I?" She giggles.


"'s working then."

"You are in for it now."

"Bring it on."

"Oh it is on." Cody smirks, attaching his lips to her neck again nipping a bit harder this time as he runs his hands down her sides stopping at her waist as he runs his thumbs over the waist of her bottoms.

"...nothing else....of mine is...coming off, until your pants are off..."


"...your shoes...are still on."

Cody chuckles as he kicks them off. "Now they are off."

"Good." She says, working on getting his pants off now.

She gets them undone and starts tugging at them. Cody helps her get them off the rest of the way as he starts playing with her bottoms again eagerly. "Wait wait wait...blanket first."

Cody then grabs the blankets pulling it over them and the rest of what they have on comes off. Vi and Justin get to their room and he's fumbling with the keycard since he's in a rush. She giggles at his eagerness and trys to help him. "Relax...I am not going anywhere." She chuckles and tries to help him get the key in. With her help, he does and he rushes her inside.

"Easy Justy." She laughs as she's able to get her shoes off along with some of her jewelry before Justin walks over, pulling her close to him. He presses his lips to hers, hard as his hands wander down her sides, resting on her waist. During the kiss, she removes his suit jacket first. He starts to play with the back of her dress when she stops him. "...not...yet..."


" have...more on...than me..."

"I want it off though."

"You can wait a bit longer."

"If you say so."

"You will get me back for making you wait."


"Oh boy." She giggles as she starts to slowly unbutton his shirt, trailing kisses along his cheek as she makes his way to his neck, kissing and nipping lightly. He sighs in content before his head drops to rest on her shoulder. She takes her time undoing his shirt, but one she's done, she slowly runs her hands up his sides, dragging her nails as she goes. She reaches his shoulders as she brings her hands up to slide his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. She still doesn't let him help take her dress off. She wants him to be de-clothed before she is. She makes her way back to his lips as he whines at not being able to take her dress off yet. She moves her hands down his chest, dragging her nails slowly across his abs, getting a slight growl from him. He deepens the kiss as she makes her way to the waist of his pants, starting to work on getting those off. She gets those off with no trouble and she finally lets him have access to the dress.

"...go ahead..." She mumbles in the kiss as she feels his hands playing with the top of her dress. He helps her get it off and when it falls to the floor, she steps out of it and then he picks her up and carries her over to the bed, placing her on it. He then hovers over her with a smirk on his face as his eyes wander.

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh is right."

"I did it this time, didn't I?" She bites her lip.


"Oh boy."

"You've got that right."

Justin then leans down just brushing his lips against hers. She whines a bit as he moves along her cheek, still barely touching. He reaches her neck and she shivers at the breath on her neck. He continues to hover as she starts to shift under him. He moves his hands, holding her in place. "No moving." He mumbles into her neck.

"You're killing me."

"That's my plan."

She bites her lip as she whines.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Then he goes back to kissing along her skin, kissing any skin that he can reach, which happens to be a lot. She moves her hand to his hair, gently tugging at that as her other grips onto his shoulder. His hands however move to both her top and bottoms, wanting those removed now. She nods her head, telling him he can take them off. Once those are off, Justin grabs the blanket, covering them as she works on getting his bottoms off. Soon those were off and Justin fully covers them with the blanket.

Ted and I made it into our room with no problems, but he insisted that he'd help take everything off. From my shoes to my jewelry and ending with the dress. So after removing his suit jacket, he has me sit on the bed so he can take my shoes off for me. He kneels down in front of me, lifting my dress so he had better access to my shoes without ripping my dress. After he lifts it up he slowly runs his hands down my leg as he kiss the inner part of my leg. He makes his way to my shoes, removing them with no problem.

"Well aren't you Mr. Touchy." I giggle.

"Can't help it."

"Don't forget to take that walking boot off before we do anything."

"Right." Ted nods. After taking my shoes off he removes his boot before doing anything more.

"Hmm, should I let you take my dress off first, or no? That is the question roaming around in my mind." I say as I take the pins out of my hair that kept it up a little, and then run my fingers through it to flatten it a bit.

"I want that dress off." Ted says as he starts to play with it.

"Eager are we?"

"Yes I am...Been waiting all night for this moment."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

"Nothing..." He trails off pressing his lips to mine, kissing me hard. He moves his hands to the back of my dress, starting to pull the zipper down. I also start to work on his shirt at the same time, so we're both trying to get something off. I get his shirt undone the same time as he gets my dress fully unzipped. I pull his shirt off, tossing that to the floor. Ted lifts me up so he can slip off my dress. Once it's off, he puts me back on the bed and he gets the rest of his clothes off himself before joining me, and pressing his lips back to mine. He lets his hands wander as he slowly trails from my lips to my neck. He takes is time, brushing his lips over my sensitive spot causing me to dig my nails into his shoulders. He smirks at my reaction and at the last second he goes after the spot. Since it was unexpected, not only do I dig my nails into his shoulders again, I muffle the moan that comes from me into his neck. He works on the spot until there is a coverable mark. Once he is satisfied he makes his way back to my lips. I pull him down as close to me as I can, kissing him back just as eagerly. My hands move to his hair and I tug lightly as he then pulls the blankets over us.