Status: Active

All About Us

WrestleMania 28

It's the afternoon, and we all were finally up after sleeping in late because of our activities last night after getting back from the Hall Of Fame. We all left the hotel, with everything we needed, before heading to the stadium for the rest of the day. Once we get there, we all decide to walk around for a bit just looking at things.

"This is incredible." I say seeing the size of the stadium.

"I wonder how they have the stage set up."

"That is a good question."

"We shall see once we get in there." Ted says. "We have to find the suite I have for us anyway." He adds.

"Right." I nod.

"Ooohhh." Vi and Charity say.

"Oh shush."

"I think it is sweet." Vi smiles as Charity nods in agreement.

"Beats sitting in the hotel and watching it there."


"So, I can't wait for the tag team pre-show match tonight."

"Oh neither can I." Vi grins looking up at Justin.

"Hopefully bringing the title back where it belongs." Justin says.

"As long as you try your hardest, you're still a champion to me, whether you win or lose." She adds.

"Of course." Justin leans down kissing her. "As long as you are there to cheer me on, I know I will do just fine."

"I will be, you know that. And yes I will be safe."

"Good, that is all I care being safe."

"I know. I'll sit by commentary to be safe."

"As long as SHE does not get involved that is." She adds.

"But we all know you'll give her a beating if she does."

"I am just waiting for her to give me a reason to."

"You do what you have to."

"Trust me...I will."

"I'll laugh."

"She gets involved, it is not going to be pretty."

"And she acts like she's Puerto Rican, we all know she's really Canadian."

"Not so tough now, is she?" Charity laughs.

"Not really." I laugh too.

"Well let's go find that suite of ours." Ted says to me.

"Alright." I nod. "See you all later." I add as Ted and I head off. The rest of them say bye to us and then Ted brings me out onto the stage built for the show, revealing the wide open and huge stadium.

"" I look around in awe. "...amazing..."

"Wish I could be a part of all this, this year." Ted adds.

"I know." I sigh. "Your heath is more important right now. I would love nothing more than for you to be out there is year."

"But, there's more to look forward to for next year's WrestleMania."

"Right. You will be back and better than ever...hopefully with a title shot too."

"That's what I'm aiming for."

"Once you get back and are fully healed, we are going to make sure you get a title shot too."

"Oh I know."

"Hopefully a few more weeks until you are back."

"I hope so too."

"I miss you being there with is not the same."

"Which is why we have to enjoy the next few days while we can."

"I know I am going to."


"So where is this suite we are staying in?"

"Well we have to walk through the stands to get to it."

"Oh?" I look at him. "Must be a good one then."

"Oh, it is."

"Shall we go see or do you want to look around more?"

"We can go see the suite."

"Alright, plus I am sure you need to rest your ankle."


We then walk through the stands, taking our time. Once we reach the top we head to where the suites are. Finding the one Ted rented we walk in. "...this is amazing..." I say in awe of the view.

"You know me, I only get the best."

"Yes I do and yes you always do." I smile kissing him quick.

"Because you deserve the best."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Oh Ted..." I blush.

"So we can wait in here until everything starts...if you want."

"We can. I want to spend as much time with you as I can." I smile. "Plus you need to rest that ankle." I add.

"After you." He says, allowing me to walk in first.

"Thank you." I peck his cheek as I walk past. He follows after me, closing the door behind him. We walk over to one of the couches that are set up taking a seat. Ted puts his arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I snuggle into his side as I sigh in content.

"I'm already enjoying this."

"So am I, going to be like this all night too."

"Well of course it is."

"We do not have to go anywhere at all which makes it even better."


We sit there for a bit talking to each other as Ted is running his fingers up and down my arm, resting is other hand on my knee.


"For you, always."

Vi, Justin, Charity and Cody are still walking around, exploring the huge stadium. They are currently looking at the ring, trying to picture what it may look like once the show starts. "Just a few hours those seats will be filled with fans."

"I know..."

"I can't believe Mania is here already.."

"Yup...came so fast."

"That it did."

"Going to be amazing though."


"Lets hope Justin wins and Cody retains." Charity says.

"That would make this night even better." Vi adds.

"It would."

"Well you know we are going to do our best, even though it is great already with you both here." Cody says.


"It's the truth." Justin says. "You both make everything better."


Vi and Charity look at each other before leaning up and kissing their men. They hold the kiss for a bit until the guys get touchy. They pull away at the same time.

"...not here..." Vi says.

"...later you can be touchy..." Chairty adds.

"...we can deal with that."

"Good." They nod.

"I can not have you to distracted before your match." Vi says to Justin.


"You need to be focused tonight to mister." Charity says to Cody.

"I know, I know."

"As long as you are, that is all that matters."

"Same with you." Vi says to Justin.

"I know, I will be."


They then decide to walk over to the ramp area and check things out. Cody and Justin of course hold the ropes for Vi and Charity as they hop down. Walking up behind them, they rest their hands on the girls waist as they walk.

"This is gonna be amazing tonight." Vi says as they all take one last look of everything.

"It really is going to be."

"And then after tonight, everything starts all over again, leading up to next year's WrestleMania."

"Right. Wonder what will be the main focus next year."

"Who knows."

"We will find out soon enough though."


"Should we head to the back, or wander out here more?"

"I think we can head back."

They then start to head backstage, as the guys put their arms over the girls shoulders and the girls wrap around their waist. Once they get there, they see people running around getting things ready for the show. The hours seem to pass quickly and it's time for the pre-show portion of the show. Vi and Justin were making their way to the ramp for Justin's match. Once there they saw Tyson waiting to go out as well. They greeted him as they walked up, Vi leaning into Justin. They wait as the pre-show officially starts and short promos for the top two matches tonight are shown, and soon the match will start. The match is introduced, first the Usos go out. After they make it to the ring, they play Justin's music and then him, Tyson and Vi go out next. Justin and Tyson jump all pumped up as they walk to the ring. Once there, Vi kisses Justin quickly, wishing him luck, before heading over to commentary. After they were in the ring, Epico and Primo come out with Rosa.

"Ugh." Vi rolls her eyes as they make their way down to the ring. "Trashy." Vi says disgusted as Rosa does her dance on the side of the ring.

It starts off with one of the Usos, Primo, and Tyson. The bell rings and Primo immediately goes after Tyson and throws him out of the ring to focus on one of the Usos. But Tyson however holds on and prevents himself from falling out of the ring. He stumbles away and allows the two to go at it. Primo ends up falling out of the ring and then Tyson runs and kicks him in the head. Now it's Tyson and the Uso going at it. They both go for pin attempts, both only getting two counts. Tyson takes advantage, until Primo comes out of nowhere and takes him down. Primo tags in Epico and it's only him and the Uso, followed by another tag so it's back to Primo. Primo goes for the pin attempt, but Jey kicks out and Tyson breaks up the count at the same time. Primo takes Tyson down and goes for a pin, but Tyson kicks out. He goes back over to Jey Uso, dealing with him for the meantime.

"Come on Tyson! You can do this!" Vi cheers as she watches Rosa closely.

Primo climbs the corner, bringing Jey with him and wants to attempt a suplex off of the top rope. Tyson gets up, hope to the top rope himself and pulls them down himself. All three men are down, crawling for the tags. Primo tags in Epico and Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy takes advantage of the match and Tyson crawls over to Justin, slowly of course, but he does tag him in.

"Yes! Go get 'em Justy!"

Justin hops to the top rope and jumps, hoping to land on Jimmy, but he moves and Justin jumps over him. Going back over to him, only gets him a backbreaker onto the knee of Jimmy. He gets up and he's clotheslined before he's hip tossed. An Irish Whip into the ropes and after bending over, Jimmy grabs Justin and sends him into the ropes, and Jey comes in off of a tag and after Jimmy tosses Justin in the air, Jey slams him down, backfirst. He tries going for a cover, but Justin rolls away to avoid being pinned.

"Oh no." Vi gasps as she winces. "You can got it Justy, I know you can!"

Jey is tagged back in and they work together, hitting both Epico and Justin in the corners. Another tag and Jimmy covers Epico, Primo coming in and breaking things up. Jey picks Primo up and throws him out of the ring and he does it to Epico as well, making him land on his cousin. Jey them climbs to the top rope and jumps, landing on them both below. Tyson then goes after Jimmy on the outside of the ropes, only to be picked up and dropped on Jey. Jimmy is still standing so Justin gets up and knocks him off the side of the ring, before stepping out himself and hopping up to the top rope, but stops as he almost loses his balance and hops back into the ring. He does it again, this time successfully and then flips and lands on everyone outside the ring.

"Phew...that was close." Vi sighs.

Justin takes Epico and rolls him back into the ring, one of the Usos is starting to get up as well as Justin jumps up onto the side of the ring. He goes to do a 450 splash from the rope, but Epico lifts his legs up and Justin lands on them. One of the Usos takes advantage of the opportunity hitting a splash move of their own on Justin and goes for the cover. Epico breaks it up at two. He then hits the Uso brother with the backstabber and covers him, winning the match when the ref counts to three.

"Justin!" Vi panics. "Of course they would win again." She shakes her head as she makes her way over to where Justin is.

"You're holding your arm, what's wrong?"

"Landed wrong. I'll be fine."

"As long as your sure Justin."

"Lets see if ice helps it, if not I will get it checked out."

They make it backstage and after Primo, Epico and Rosa's celebrating, backstage Daniel is with AJ for an interview from Scott Stanford.

"Alright guys, Daniel talk about your strategy going in tonight against the Celtic Warrior."

"Strategy? I have gone through every opponent that's come my way. From the Big Show and Mark Henry at the Royal Rumble, to the top five Smackdown superstars inside the Elimination Chamber. I even pinned Sheamus this past Monday on Raw. So maybe, just maybe you should ask the number one contender what his strategy is for me. Wait, you know what, nevermind. Because just like this past Monday, Sheamus is going to make a mistake. And I am going to be there to capitalize on that, just like I always am. I am walking into my first WrestleMania as your World Heavyweight Champion. And I will be walking out still your World Heavyweight Champion."

"Keep telling yourself that and maybe it will happen."

"Isn't that right AJ? Now give me a good luck kiss."

"Barf." I say as they kiss.

"She can do much better than that."

"Actually, do that thing. Go on, do it." Daniel says, handing her the title. Then she walks around him, raising the title up and saying 'yes' repeatedly.

"That is just degrading and pathetic." I shake my head.

Once that was over, it was merely just minutes before the show would officially start.

"This is really exciting."

"And people are still coming in."

"I am sure, heard it was sold out again and this place is huge."

Eventually it does start and Lillian sings the America The Beautiful and the fly over happens. After promos and such, the first match of the night is for the World Heavyweight Championship.

"I really hope Sheamus wins. I can not stand to listen to Bryan anymore."

Sheamus comes out first and it almost looks like he blends in with the background behind him. He makes his way to the ring and once he was there, Daniel comes out with AJ and he says 'yes' almost 12 times as he goes down to the ring.

"Will he shut up already?!" I roll my eyes.

He finally gets into the ring, and AJ removes his coat before getting out of the ring. Of course he does the 'yes' thing again, before handing over the title for the ref to show the crowd. He hands it off and the bell rings. Daniel stops Sheamus and motions for AJ to get up on the ring. She does and they kiss, only for Daniel to turn around and get hit with the Brogue Kick and get pinned.

"What that..." I do a double take. "He won?" I say shocked. Ted is just snickering.

"That was quick, but funny. Serves him right."

"I think everyone will be laughing about that forever."

"I am sure they will be. I know I will."

"But wait, he'll blame AJ for it."

"He most likely will."

Daniel can't believe what happened, and Sheamus was busy celebrating. They replay in slow motion what happened with the kiss, and in regular motion the win. Sheamus leaves the ring and celebrates with the crowd before heading back up the ramp and backstage. Then they replay Sheamus mocking Daniel with the 'yes'. He stops at the top of the ramp, celebrating still.

"I hope he does not start that now."

Then backstage, it's team Laurinaitis talking amongst each other, until Mike comes in. "Guys, listen up guys. Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys hey! Listen up. We all know what's at stake tonight. Losing is not an option. And just like, I won the main event of WrestleMania last year, we will win tonight!"

He waits for a reaction, but they ignore him and go back to talking amongst themselves.

"Wow...I guess they do not have faith."

"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, the Executive Vice President Of Talent Relations, and soon to be general manager of both Raw and SmackDown, Mr. John Laurinaitis." Otunga introduces as he comes into the locker room.


"Team Johnny. Keep in mind that by winning the match tonight, you are creating a moment. That'll be etched into WrestleMania history. Like when Hulk Hogan bodyslammed Andre the Giant. Like Stone Cold Steve Austin refusing to submit to Bret Hart's Sharpshooter. You will become part of the elite. You will be known as the night that I, Mr. John Laurinaitis, became the general manager of both Raw and SmackDown."

Everyone cheers and agrees and they all leave the locker room.

"Lets hope they do not win. I do not want him in charge of both shows."

"I don't think anyone does."

"Let's just hope they do not win."


"Things will not be good around here if they win."

"No they won't."

"We will find out soon."

Another view of the stadium and a promo for a WrestleMania opportunity for next year's WM is played. Ted and I seeing it because of the tron screens out in the stadium itself. Once that was over, Kane's music hit and he walked out for his match against Randy.

"I really hope Randy puts an end to all this."

"It'd be a great birthday present to himself."

"That it would be. A win at mania on your birthday would be the best thing that could happen."

Randy comes out next and the match starts after a while. The match goes on for a while and there are very close calls between Randy and Kane both. During the match, Randy Orton went for the career-threatening punt to the skull, but Kane recovers, drilling Orton with a chokeslam, but Orton manages to kick out! Shortly after this, Randy Orton meets Kane on the top rope with sinister intentions, but Kane grabs Orton by the throat, hitting a chokeslam from the second rope on Orton en route to picking up the win

"Good match, but poor Randy. Would have been nice for him to win on his birthday and to beat Kane."

Then Santino is backstage with some captain.

"I'm not captain of the sea, but I am captain of Team Teddy. This is probably going to be one of the best WrestleManias ever Captain Keith, I mean Miami."

"I think it may get a little rough in here. Batten down the hatches." The captain says, handing something to Mick Foley.

"Aye aye."

"Santino cracks me up."

"Sailor Mick, did you know that Captain Keith and all the other captains of Deadliest Catch put it all on the line every time they go out to see?"


"Deadliest Catch is just like WWE, except on the ocean."


"Actually did you know that Discovery Channel wanted me to be on the season premiere of Deadliest Catch on Tuesday, April 10th? Except they haven't yet discovered me."

"Aye, did you know I be on a high protein, low carb diet. So I suggest we mateys, we tear into the beautiful batch of hearty king crab legs. Aye."

"Nobody talks like that. You guys know how to get into a crab leg and get the meat?"

"Captain Keith, this is not our first time rolling the dice at the crab table."

"Let's just say we have our own special method. Santino?"

"It goes like this....cobra!!!!" He exclaims and starts attacking the crab legs.

"That is one way to get it out of there." I laugh.

The Mick has Socko taking apart the crab legs too. The Captain Keith hits his plate of legs with an elbow. They keep destroying the legs and Ron Simmons is walking into the room in the background.

"Uh oh. This is gonna be funny."

"Anything with him is funny."

He looks at them funny and hesitates a bit.

"Damn!" He exclaims and Santino throws the crab legs.

"Oh classic Ron."

The screen fades to a break, promoting the National Guard and such. Going back to the ring, a special welcome is given to the troops. The Cody's music hits and he walks out with Charity, but he has new gear. He has a coat and new boots and new trunks.

"I bet Charity is loving that new gear of his."

"Probably teasing him about the coat, cause it looks like a dress."

"She probably is."

After getting to the ring, they get into the ring and during that, they play a promo about Show, before his embarrassing moments that Cody has shown everyone. Charity laughs as she shakes her head while hooking her arm with Cody's. They are both shown laughing in the ring as they wait for Show to come out. And he does come out as Cody raises the title in the air for everyone to see. He takes his time getting to the ring, Cody and Charity at this point have gotten out. The ref takes the title from Cody before he kisses Charity for luck and cautiously gets into the ring.

"This better go good." Charity mumbles.

He gets into the ring and when Show takes a step towards him, Cody rolls out of the ring quickly. But as soon as he gets out, Show gets out and Cody slides back in as Show chases him. He goes to get back into the ring himself, but Cody hits him with a dropkick to the gut. It does barely anything and Cody uses the ropes to launch himself over, but only to get caught by Show. Show lifts him up and throws him back into the ring, over the top rope.

Charity winces as she tries to encourage Cody.

Show gets into the ring, but Cody gets up right away and tries anything to slow him down. But it doesn't work since Show shoves him away, then gets him in the corner, before throwing him across the ring. He gets him in the other corner and slaps him hard on the chest, making him stumble away. In the other corner, he does it again.

"Ouch." Charity winces. "Come on Show, knock it off!" Charity yells.

Show clubs him over the back and then picks him up, and tosses him back down to the mat. In another corner and he punches him in the gut before slapping him in the chest a third time. He pushes him down into the corner so he's sitting and he backs up into him, his butt in Cody's face.

"That is just gross."

He backs off and picks Cody back up and sends him flying into the opposite corner. Show backs up and runs to him, Cody moving out of the way so Show hits the corner. Cody hits him with a dropkick, sending him back into the corner. Then he dropkicks Show's legs, taking him down. He starts hitting him, only to have Show push him away and then into the ropes. Cody comes back and dropkicks Show's legs out from under him, making him fall.

"There you go! Keep him down Codes!" Charity cheers.

Cody keeps on him, trying to keep Show down and off his feet. He covers him for the pin, but Show powers out at one, sending Cody across the ring. He goes right back on the attack, going after the hurt leg of Show. He wrenches his knee, putting the pressure on Show's knee and ankle. He stays on the attack, kicking and stomping when he can. Then he goes back to wrenching the knee.

"Keep on him Codes! You got this!"

Big Show manages to get the other leg up and pushes him away with his feet. Cody gets right back up and goes to kick Show in the head, but he catches Cody's leg and swats him down. That's followed by a clothesline and a club to the head. Thrown into a corner and Cody jumps up and kicks Show in the head, making him stumble away. Cody then climbs to the top rope, but show grabs him by the throat. But Cody grabs his arm and jumps down to the ground outside of the ring, making Show's arm bounce off the top rope. Charity bites her lip. "You gotta keep him down Codes."

Cody gets back into the ring and uses the ropes, hitting Show with the Disaster Kick, but Show is only dazed and not out. Cody goes to do it again, only to be speared by Show. Charity winces biting her lip. "Get up Codes!" She hits the apron.

Show then takes the straps off and screams, getting the right hand fist ready and when Cody stands up, Show hits him with the WMD and covers him, pinning him to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

"Crap!" Charity mumbles. She waits a few moments before getting in the ring to check on Cody. " alright? Come on, talk to me."

"I'll be fine." Cody mumbled obviously angry.

"Come on, you need ice before your face swells."

"Alright, lets head back."

She helps him out of the ring and they make the long trip back up the ramp to go backstage. Show is overcome with emotion as he celebrates on his win, before getting out of the ring. He goes over to his wife and kisses her before heading back towards the ramp and heads up it to head backstage. That fades to another break, the KMart WWE commercial with Sheamus playing.

"I still think they could have gotten someone better for you." I say looking over at Ted. "I mean it would've gave you something to do with your ankle the way it is." I add.

"Right, maybe I will be in the next one."


"We will see."

After that, they just showed the matchup between the divas. That of course highlights all the Divas, including various interviews from some of them. But since they showed that, the Divas match was next. First coming out to Eve's music was her and Beth.

"Um....I like Beth's gear but what's on her head?"

"I...ummm...don't know." Ted chuckles as he tilts hs head.

That was interrupted by Kelly on Extra with Maria, when Beth and Eve interrupt them and thus the match at WrestleMania being made. Once Eve's music ends, Kelly's plays and her and Maria come out.

"You know I don't know how Maria can compete when she has those two cracked ribs from Dancing With The Stars. She won't last long."

"True, but the doctors say she is getting better."

It starts off with Eve and Kelly. They circle before locking up and Eve pushes Kelly into the ropes before kneeing her in the gut. Against the ropes again and Kelly slides underneath Eve and grabs her hands and flips her. Then she does a innovative roll up, only getting the two count. Eve knees her in the gut again before elbowing her in the head and then slams her into the corner. She goes to clothesline her in the corner, but Kelly moves and then slams Eve's head into the turnbuckle repeatedly. Kelly backs up and then does her cartwheel move, only to have Eve reverse and kick her. Eve climbs to the top, going for the moonsault, but Kelly gets up and hits her, making her fall upside down, before falling to the mat.

"Serves you right, hoeski."

Ted just snickers. Kelly tags in Maria and they do a double butt in the face. With the ref distracted however, Beth hits Maria and she falls to the mat. Eve takes advantage of the situation, going after the ropes of course, and again when the ref is distracted, Beth takes another cheap shot. Eve starts pulling at her hair, and starts to stretch the ribs. Maria tries to get out, elbowing Eve in the face. Eve tags Beth in and Beth goes after the ribs as well. Beth does hair pulling before hitting Kelly with a cheap shot. The ref is distracted so Beth takes full advantage. She tags Eve back in and they both do damage to Maria's ribs. Eve then sets up for her booty popping before he moonsault, but mid-popping, Maria pushes her away with her feet, sending her out of the ring.


"That can't work all the time."

Maria makes it to the corner eventually and tags in Kelly just seconds after Beth rushes in after being tagged herself. She jumps on her and starts throwing punches before hitting Eve with a cheap shot. Then she does her scissors spin before hitting Beth with a neckbreaker. She climbs to the top rope and when Beth gets up, Kelly jumps and flips, rolling Beth up for a pin attempt. Eve gets in quickly to break the pin and throws Kelly into the corner. Beth grabs Kelly and sets her up for the Glam Slam, but when Kelly was in the air, Kelly countered it into a Bulldog. Kelly inches over to Maria and tags her in. Maria climbs to the 2nd rope, only for Beth to come and lifting her in the air. Kelly climbs in and helps Maria down and they both push her into Eve who goes flying off the ring before Maria rolls up Beth for the win.

"As much as I do not like Kelly, I am glad they beat that Hoeski."

Taken back to the locker room, there's Matt Striker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Michaels. We are now just moments away. As the guest referee inside Hell In A Cell, you must be filled with conflicted emotions. Shawn your thoughts?"

"This match is the end of an era. Something's coming to an end. It's either the end of the streak, which means the end of the Undertaker, or it's the end of the Game. Which means he couldn't do what I couldn't do. Facing the Undertaker ended my career. Isn't it ironic that I hold the power in the palm of my hand, to end an era."

"It actually is very ironic."

"Ladies and gentlemen, since August of 1987, Sunlife Stadium has hosted some extraordinary events. But tonight thanks to you the WWE Universe, you have set a brand new attendance record of 78, 363!" Justin Roberts announces in the ring.

"Wow...That is a lot of fans."

Fireworks then go off in celebration of the record attendance.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, WWE Hall Of Famer, good ol' JR, Jim Ross!"

"Oooohhh...Always good to see him back."

He comes down the ramp and joins Cole and Jerry for commentary. Cole is actually dignified and shakes his hand. The bell rings for the next match and it just so happens to be Triple H vs Undertaker. First to come out was Shawn, being the guest referee afterall.

"This is going to be a good, but long match. I give Shawn credit for doing this."

"It's gonna be hard for him definitely."

"Oh I know it will be."

Out next after Shawn was in the ring was Triple H and he had this pretty cool set up on the stage, with smoke and everything. Once he was in the ring, Taker came out, his new jacket having a hood and it had some sort of spikes on it. After making his way to the ring, and getting into it, he takes of his hood to reveal his new look, his hair being almost buzz cut.

"What the...he cut all his hair off?"

"He looks so different." I add.

"He does...must be some kind of statement."

During the course of the match, The Undertaker would bring the bottom half of the steel steps into the ring, but Undertaker would pay for it as Triple H plants Undertaker with a spinebuster on the steel! Triple H then closes in on Undertaker, but Undertaker catches Triple H in Hell’s Gate, but Triple H counters with a thunderous, modified powerbomb.


Shortly after this, Triple H would absolutely wear Undertaker out with countless steel chair shots to the point of Shawn Michaels stepping in and knocking the chair out of Triple H’s hands, pleading with his friend to just pin Undertaker and end it.

"He is not going to do it that easy."


However, the sadistic side of Triple H shows through as “The Game” grabs another steel chair, shoving Shawn Michaels out of the way before going back to work on Undertaker with the steel chair. When is stopped by Michaels again, Triple H shouts at Michaels to end the match or he will. However, The Undertaker repeatedly demands that Michaels does not end the match, leading to Triple H retrieving his trusty sledgehammer from underneath the ring.

"Uh oh..."

When Shawn Michaels tries to prevent Undertaker’s destruction by pleading with Triple H, Triple H tells Michaels to end it or he will, but the same cycle repeats itself as Undertaker tells Michaels not to end the match. Triple H then drills The Undertaker with a sledgehammer shot to the skull, but Undertaker manages to kick out. Triple H then raises the sledgehammer up, ready to deal the final blow to The Undertaker, but Shawn Michaels makes a desperation dive for the weapon, taking it from Triple H’s grasp and tossing it the outside of the ring.

"Smart move."

With The Undertaker nearly unresponsive and Triple H ordering him to end the match, Shawn Michaels nearly calls for the bell, but when Michaels goes to check on Undertaker, Undertaker grabs hold of the Special Referee, locking Michaels in the Hell’s Gate, leaving Undertaker open for another sledgehammer shot to the skull by Triple H. Triple H then raises the sledgehammer up again, but Undertaker counters with a low blow and, with Michaels down, Undertaker locks in the Hell’s Gate on Triple H, rendering “The Game” unconscious.

"Looks like the end, same way as last year."

"It really does."

A referee then rushes down, unlocking the Cell and taking over as the referee for the match as Undertaker drills Triple H with a chokeslam, but when Triple H manages to kick out, Undertaker takes it out on the referee, drilling the referee with a chokeslam Undertaker then goes for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Triple H fights out of it, shoving Undertaker right into Sweet Chin Music by Shawn Michaels.


"He's in trouble when Taker gets up."

"You may be right about that."

The dazed Undertaker then turns around into the Pedigree by Triple H, but Undertaker still manages to kick out. A conflicted Michaels then steps in between Triple H and The Undertaker, trying to protect a seemingly helpless Undertaker, but Triple H tosses Michaels to the outside of the ring. However, when Triple H approaches The Undertaker, “The Phenom” sits up before taking the fight to Triple H in an inhuman display of resolve, spiking Triple H in the center of the ring with the Tombstone Piledriver, but Triple H kicks out. As an emotionally ravaged Shawn Michaels looks on, Triple H and The Undertaker fight back to their feet as both men trade blows before Triple H catches Undertaker with the Pedigree, but Undertaker kicks out again! Both men then grasp their weapons of choice, a steel chair for Undertaker and a sledgehammer for Triple H with Undertaker getting to his feet first as Undertaker pays Triple H back for the earlier chair shots with several vicious shots of his own to the skull, back, and mid-section before Undertaker tries to pin Triple H, but Triple H kicks out as Michaels pleads with both men to stop.

"They are not going to stop."

"Nope, definitely going to be a repeat of last year."

Triple H then manages to get his sledgehammer, but Undertaker blocks the shot, taking the weapon from “The Game”. However, Triple H then shoves Undertaker back, daring Undertaker to finish him, giving Undertaker the signature crotch chop. Then, as Michaels turns his back, Undertaker blasts Triple H in the skull with a sledgehammer shot. The Undertaker would then spike Triple H with the Tombstone Piledriver, truly bringing an end to an era as Undertaker finally puts Triple H down for the three count, increasing his undefeated WrestleMania streak to 20-0.

"He did it. He is still undefeated...Amazing match though."

"And looks like this time, it's Triple H that'll need help leaving the ring."

Shawn extends his hand and helps Undertaker up and they sort of hug each other.


"Nice sign of respect between them."

He raises his hand in victory, before going to check on Triple H. Taker looks around at everyone in the stadium before doing his victory pose in the middle of the ring and the fireworks go off. After resting for a while, he goes over to Triple H and Shawn, helping Shawn pick him up and get to his feet.

"Now that is a great sign of respect right there."

They then help him get to the ropes and get out of the ring, helping him walk up the ramp and to the stage. At the top of the stage, they all engage in a group hug, before heading backstage.


The screen fades to a slim jim commercial for Tribute To The Troops. A view of the city is shown before highlights of last night's Hall Of Fame is shown.

"Good night."

Once that was over, Howard Finkel was in the ring for the usual introduction of the Hall Of Fame inductees. He welcomed them all in the following order, Mil Mascaras, representing Yokozuna was his children, Ron Simmons, The Four Horseman, Mike Tyson and finally Edge and they had to play his music of course.

"I'm going to miss that theme."

His music fades the Hall of Fame music plays before showing the inductees one last time, and then the promo for the next WrestleMania is shown again. And then Josh is backstage, outside of Flo Rida's room.

"In just a moment ladies and gentlemen, I'll be joined by multiplatinum recording artist and international superstar, Flo Rida. Flo Rida will be performing here tonight at WrestleMania, he's a lifelong WWE fan and a good friend of The Rock."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa." Heath says coming onto camera interrupting Josh.

"Ugh...Go away Wendy."

"You don't want to interview Florida. You want to interview a real rockstar. Me, the one man, southern rockband, Heath Slater baby, woooooow. Haha, heyyyyy, what's up Florida, man I'm a huge fan."

"It's not Florida, it's Flo Rida."

"That's what I meant. But anyway, picture this tonight, WrestleMania. You and me out there singing a duet. Hah, good huh?"

"No. No."

"Well what about I'm out there, I'm one of your DJs. You know, I'm spinning the records..."


"How about I'm a backup dancer, you know watch these moves, you ever seen anything like this?"


"Man, what is it I can do then?"

"Hold my mic."

"Ohhhhh, you may be a guest here...." Heath doesn't even get to finish his sentence, because Flo Rida shoves him into the wall.

" for you Wendy." I laugh.

"Vi's got to be loving that."

"I am sure she is."

Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks show up laughing at him and Heath can't believe what's happened. That leads to the next match which was Team Johnny vs Team Teddy, Brie Bella being on the stage, introducing Team Johnny first. "Representing Team Johnny! The Miz! Mark Henry! Drew McIntyre! Jack Swagger! Dolph Ziggler! And your team captain, David Otunga! And it now my extreme privilege to you, a company by standard bare, Vickie Guerrero, the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the Interim General Manager of Monday Night Raw, John Laurinaitis."

"Ugh...they better lose."

After he makes it to the ring, Nikki comes out next to introduce Team Teddy. "And representing Team Teddy. Kofi Kingston! The Great Khali! R-Truth! Zack Ryder!" And of course he comes out with the hoeski. "She had to go out there didn't she." I scoff


"She better not do anything to mess this up."

"Booker T! Team Captain, Santino Marella! And now alongside standard barrier Hornswaggle, accompanied by Aksana, the general manager of Friday Night Smackdown Teddy Long!"

"Go team Teddy!"

During the match, the majority of the Superstars in the match were down on the outside of the ring before Aksana and Vickie Guerrero get into an argument, which leads to Aksana tackling Vickie, pummeling Vickie until The Bella Twins break it up.

"Finally someone took care of her."

Shortly after this, Zack Ryder looked to have things in control as only he and The Miz remained in the ring, but Eve enters the ring and does the fist pump and the 'woo woo woo'. The ref tries to get her out of the ring and Zack gets distracted, this allows Mike to take advantage and hit Zack with the Skull Crushing Finale and winning the match. "What that hell was that called!?"

"That whore." I add.

"She could have gotten hurt."

Eve's in the ring, checking on Zack to make sure he's okay, while Team Teddy comes to. She can't believe what she just did. She keeps apologizing too. Zack gets to his feet and then he and Eve argue. Then what happens next was totally uncalled for. She knees him in the family jewels, before leaving the ring. "Oh she is going to pay for that!"

"Oh, I think Vi and Charity have that covered, believe me."

"I think you may be right."

After the replay of what just happened, they cut to Eve at the top of the stage and then just like Ted predicted, Vi and Charity both walked out and stood behind her with not so pleased looks on their places. Eve turns around with a smirk on her face until she sees Vi and Charity behind her. She tries to go around them, but they tackle her to the ground. They both make sure to attack her to the point where it'll take a while for her to get up. Once they were both satisfied with their work, they both left with their own smirks on their faces before heading backstage. "They really got her good, wish I could have helped."

"You'll get her next time."

"I am sure I will."

The screen fades, a promo for Extreme Rules, the next PPV at the end of the month. Then ringside A-Rod of the Yankees and ex-Diva Torrie Wilson are in attendance. Then of course Jerry and Cole talk about Extreme Rules, before showing all the stuff during WrestleMania week, Axxess and everything. "That was really fun."

"All over for another year."


Backstage Punk is warming up for his match when Team Johnny walks by him, Laurinaitis stopping by Punk. "Hey Punk. I know you saw what happened, I'm surprised you haven't jumped for joy. Everybody else seems to be. Or do you have something on your mind like maybe your championship match tonight with Jericho?"

"I'm a little busy."

"You look like you've been testy a little bit with what Chris has been talking about your family. You look kind of angry. You almost look like you want to go out there and beat him up. Let me tell you something, I don't want a brawl out there, I want a wrestling match. So here's what I'm gonna do to ensure it. If you lose your temper, and you get disqualified, you will also lose your WWE championship to Chris Jericho. Have a good match."

"That is just wrong."

Going back to the ring, the lights go out, and Chris is on the stage with a new sparkly and blinking light jacket. He makes his way to the ring and after he gets there and does his thing, Punk comes out, after a promo about him anyways. And then a promo about the feud between him and Chris. Knowing full well what the stipulation of the match is, Chris Jericho repeatedly tries to get CM Punk to lose his cool and get himself disqualified, almost driving Punk to use a steel chair on Jericho, but Punk manages to barely maintain his composure. At the end of a stellar match befitting the “best in the world”, it was CM Punk locking in the Anaconda Vise on Chris Jericho, making sure to position himself out of the way of Jericho’s knees, forcing Jericho to tap out to pick up the win and successfully retain the WWE Title. "I think he is going to have that title for awhile."

"He already has, who knows when they'll have him lose it."

"Probably not for a few weeks or so."

After Punk's celebration, it was more promos and such for next year's WrestleMania. Ringside the pilots who did the fly over earlier tonight, when Lillian was singing. Then Brodus' music plays with the voices of Naomi and Cameron, followed by them coming out. "The Funkasaurus is at WrestleMania! And we gonna do something special tonight. I want everybody to reach down in their pockets, and pull out they phones. 'Cause we gonna call somebody, and not just anybody, we gonna call our mommas."

"Some people are actually doing it." I laugh seeing some people on the screen with their phones.

Then Brodus of course calls his mother, and someone just dressed as her comes out and starts dancing, and then the Bridge Club comes out and starts dancing along too. "Anything for entertainment."

"No matter how lame it might be."

After a view of the city again, they show the trailer for Rock's new movie G.I. Joe. Going back to the ring, the time has come because next is John Cena vs The Rock. "This is going to be a long one. Hope John gets the win...he needs it."

"He really does."

"Lets hope for the best."

"You know, there's a party after this, and I already have a dress picked out, I think we should go." I add.

"Ooohhh..." Ted raise a brow. "...I think we are going to go now." He grins.

"I thought so." I giggle.

"Any hints on what you are wearing?"

"It's red."

"I can not wait to see it."

"Good, cause that's the only hint you're getting."

"Aww." Ted pouts. "Just the thought of seeing you in red makes it all better."

"Good, keep that in mind then, until the end of the show."

"Trust me...I will." Ted grins pulling me closer.

"Oh I know you will."

"Mhm." Ted kisses my cheek.

To bring forth an iconic main event, an iconic name in hip hop and pop culture, Sean “Diddy” Combs introduces MGK and Ester Dean as they perform “Invincible”, playing John Cena to the ring. Not to be outdone, multiplatinum performer and Miami’s own Flo Rida would perform two hit songs, “Good Feeling” and “Wild Ones”, playing The Rock to the ring.

"This is should be good."

After a year of waiting and anticipation, it was finally time for the clashing of generations, the colliding of two icons, the “Once in a Lifetime” Match as ten-time former WWE Champion John Cena goes one-on-one with “The Great One” The Rock! During the textbook back-and-forth match, John Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock, but The Rock kicks out. Rock then responds by planting Cena with the Rock Bottom, but Cena kicks out. After trying everything in his arsenal to try and defeat The Rock with no success, John Cena would take a page out of The Rock’s playbook, trying to go for the People’s Elbow, but Rock pops up, catching Cena with the Rock Bottom en route to picking up the win.

"Wow..." I trail off. "...I can't beleive that...great match though."

"He looks so disappointed."

"He does. It was a must win in his mind."

"I think it was a must win in all of our minds."

"It was...I'm sure he will get another shot and this will all be an after thought for him."

"Who knows. With Laurinaitis in charge....maybe not."

"Things are going to be changing around here that is for sure and not for the good I am guessing."

"I just hope things are just good for you when you finally come back."

"I am sure they will be. All we can do is hope he does not run the company into the ground first."

"If only you could give him a good punch in the face."

"I would like nothing more than to do that right now, trust me on that."

"I think we all would."

"One day, he will get what is coming to him."

"Ready to head back to the hotel so we can get ready for the party?"

"Ready if you are."

We get up and head out the door and out of the suite. I'm almost being rushed as we leave. "Relax." I laugh. "I can only go so fast."

"I wanna see the dress."

"I know you do and you will."

"You can't rush these things you know."

"I can try."

"You'll see it don't worry."

"I'm that excited to see you in it."

"I know."

We reach the parking lot as we head for the car. After getting in we head for the hotel. Once at the hotel, we park and head up to the room to get ready for the party. He gets ready in the room itself, while I take everything and go into the bathroom. I do my routine, putting the dress on first then makeup as I save my hair for last. After making sure everything looks perfect I walk out of the bathroom to grab my shoes. Ted was already dressed, sitting on the bed when I came out. His jaw drops as he eyes go wide. "...Sc-Scar..." Ted stutters. " look so amazing." He adds in awe.

"I knew you'd like it."

"I don't like it....I LOVE it." Ted looks me over.

I smile as I walk over with my shoes, sitting on the bed to put them on. Ted moves so he is closer to me as he wraps his arm around my waist kissing my shoulder. "If you start being distracting now, we may not end up leaving."

"Is that a bad thing?" Ted grins.

"Not really, but considering last night we already had our fun..."


"You know we do need breaks now and then."

"I know...don't have to have that much fun."

"You can be all touchy tonight and stuff, that's it."

"I am good with that."


I lean back, kissing Ted's cheek. I get my shoes on, then stand to fix my dress. I grab everything I need. "I'm ready if you are."

"Of course I'm ready."

Ted gets the things that he needs as we head out of the room, arms hooked together. We make our way to the elevator. We get to the lobby then head to the car. Once we are in, we then head to where the party is. Vi and Justin too are getting ready for the party, but she's kind of having second thoughts, because it looks like Justin's arm is really hurting him.

"Justy..." She says, walking to him. "...I think we should skip the party tonight. You should really get some rest."

"You say you're fine, but from how you can barely move the arm without pain..."

"...I think you should just rest it for now."

"There'll be other parties."

"You're right." Justin sighs. "There will be other parties, plus I think it would be a good idea to stay here." He adds.

"Like I said."

"I know you wanted to go though..." Justin sighs. " can still go if you want."

"It wouldn't be a party without you."

"True...even though there are other people there I am sure you want to see."

"I'll see them tomorrow."

"As long as you are sure you do not want to go." Justin says. "I would rather have you here with me anyway."

"It's okay. It's just one night. We'll see how the arm in is the morning, we'll go see the doctor just in case and we'll see what's wrong."

"Right. That is a must for tomorrow, it doesn't feel like anything is wrong, just stinging."

"Which still isn't good."

"The ice seemed to help it some while we were at the arena, I should put more on it for now then take what the trainers gave me for the pain until tomorrow."

"I'll go get the ice, you take what the trainers gave you for the pain."

"Alright just be careful." Justin kisses her quick.

"I will be."

Justin steals one last kiss before she grabs the bucket for ice. Heading to where the ice machine she she gets the ice. She gets the ice with no problem, making it back to the room. Setting the bucket down, she gets a bag to put the ice in. After it was all set, she walked over to the bed since Justin was laying down already. "Here you go babe." She helped him lay the ice on his arm. "Welcome." She leans down, pecking his lips. "I am gonna go get changed now...think you will be alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He nods.

Walking over to her bag, she gets the things she needs. She goes to the bathroom to clean off her makeup, leaving her hair as it is. Once she is done, she then walks out to put her things in her bag. After doing that she walks to the bed, carefully laying down. Since she was on his other side, the good side, she carefully snuggled into him. "Not hurting you, am I?" She looks up at him. "No, not at all."

"Alright." She sighs. "How is the arm feeling?"

"The ice is helping and what the trainers gave me for pain should be kicking in soon."

" had me really scared out there...I thought something was seriously wrong." She bites her lip.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You can't help when things happen...I understand that, but it just worries me."

"I know."

"I am just glad that you are here with me now and you are safe."

"So am I."

"I think we should get some sleep so the pain meds can work better."

"Right, sounds good."

Justin gets in a position that is comfortable for him as Vi shifts with him. He keeps his good arm around her, holding her as close as he can without it hurting him. "Night...Love you." She leans up kissing him.

"I love you too."

She lays her head back on his chest as he plays with her hair. She slowly drifts off, Justin following shortly after her. Meanwhile Charity and Cody are in their room getting ready themselves. She is finishing up her makeup in the bathroom as Cody anxiously waits for her to finish.

"Almost done?"

"Just about." She calls, putting the finishing touches on her make up. She puts everything away before walking out to grab her shoes.

"Do we have to go to the party?" Cody asks, once he sees her.

"That is why we got all dressed up, isn't it?" She chuckles.

"Well yeah."

"Plus you had your fun last night...there will be another night for that."

"Plenty of nights for that."

"Of course there will be." Charity says, sitting on the bed to put her shoes on. "I swear you're like the energizer bunny though Codes." She laughs.

"I can not help do that to me."

"Cody the Energizer Bunny. Has a nice ring to it."

"It does, doesn't it?" Cody grins.

"Well Mr. Energizer Bunny, we have a party to get to."

"Right. Before things get out of hand."


Cody stands up, holding out his hands for her. She takes them as he helps her stand. He pulls her close, stealing a kiss before they grab what they need before heading out. Ted and I had gotten to the party first, parked and walked in. After finding the table we were seated at, we walk over taking a seat. Of course Ted pulls me on his lap, not letting me sit in my own chair.


"Of course."

"Not that I can complain."

"Didn't think you would...just showing how much I love you right now."

"I love you too."

I lean back into Ted, kissing his cheek as we sit there waiting for more people to arrive. Soon Charity and Cody walk in as they come over to our table.

"Heyyy." She greets as they go to sit.

"Hey." We greet back.

"Looks like we got the same table."

"Guess so."

"Vi and Justin here yet?"

"You know what? She texted me not too long ago. I guess Justin hurt his arm in the pre-show match and he's resting."

"Ah, that fall did look pretty bad. She said something at the arena about it."

"I hope he's okay."

"I think she would have told us if something more was wrong."

"Right, but still."

"I am sure she is taking really good care of him. She was really worried about him after it happened."


"Did you guys enjoy the show?"

"We did."

"Really good show this year."

"It really was."

"Tonight should be fun too."

"Until we get tired."


"Probably won't take long, it's been a long day."

"Oh I hear you there, plus someone..." Charity looks over at Cody. "...did not not want to leave the room."

"Don't worry, Ted didn't want to leave either."

"Uh oh." Charity laughs.

"The dress did it."

"Same here."

"You both just like torturing us, don't you?" Cody says.

"It's fun."

"For you it is."

"Yes, for us."

"Like always."

"You know you love it."

"Of course we much."

"How well we know."

"That is because you know us so well."


We sit there as everyone arrives. There is some music playing as people talk and dance amongst each other. We sit there for a bit, just enjoying the relaxing moment.

"Okay you, let's go dance for a while before you become too relaxed." Cody says to Charity.

"A little to late for that, but lets go."

"Well I meant too relaxed to the point where you get tired."

"Oh.." Charity giggles with a blush. "Lets go dance before you change your mind."

"Right." He nods, and they both get up and head out onto the dance floor.

"I think we should go dance too." Ted says to me.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You're gonna have to let me go first though."

"Right." He chuckles as he unwraps his arms from around me.

I move from his lap and then he gets up from the chair, and we head out onto the dance floor ourselves. Once we make our way out there, Ted puts his hands on my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer as I rest my head on his chest.

"Tonight is ending just great."

"It is. Would not have it any other way."

"So I know we have Raw here tomorrow night. How much longer are you staying before you go home?"

"Probably have to head out early Tuesday morning."


"I know." Ted sighs. "Which is why we are going to make the most of the time we have until then."

"One more day to do that."

"It will be worth it. Spending all day in the room tomorrow."

"Ooh, fun."

"Going to make up for the time we will not see each other."

"You know if I can, I'll try to make it home."

"You know I would love that."

"Which is why I'm gonna try the best I can."

"I am sure you will be able to, unless you have to be at the shows I do not see why you could not get a few days away."


"We'll just have to wait and see."


Ted kisses my head as we dance closely, enjoying the time we have right now. Between the four of us, Charity was the first one to get tired first and Cody clearly saw it. "I think it is time to head back, you are getting tired." Cody tells Charity since she was laying her head on his chest not moving much. She just nods her head in response, and he picks her up to carry her to the car. He manages to get the door open while holding her, then he carefully sets her in the car. He helps her buckle up before going to the drivers side. Getting in, he gets ready then starts to head for the hotel. She did actually fall asleep on the ride back to the hotel. When they got there, Cody did the same thing but in reverse, unbuckling her and carrying her inside and to their room. He walks in then laying her on the bed. He goes over to her bag, getting something for her to change into.

" need to change." Cody tries waking her.

She's somewhat awake, so she holds her arm out for him to help her up so she can change. He takes her hands, helping her sit up. She takes off her jewelry setting that to the side. Cody helps her with the zipper of her dress, then she puts on what he gave her. Almost instantly after that, she climbs into bed and gets under the covers. Cody grabs her things, putting them away before changing himself. Once he is done he climbs into bed with her. She reaches out for him, so he pulls her closer to him. She snuggles into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. "Night Char...Love you." He kisses the top of her head.

She of course has fallen back asleep, so she didn't say anything back. Cody get more comfortable in his spot, just hold her in his arms. He moves a piece of hair from her face kissing her cheek one last time before going to sleep himself. Ted and I were dancing to a few more songs, before he sensed that I was getting tired as well. "You're getting tired, we should head back now." Ted says to me since I have not moved much.

"Alright." I nod.

Ted decided to make it easy for me, so he picked me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then made his way out to the car, opening the door fairly easy then gently placing me in the seat. After buckling me in he then went to the other side, getting in then heading to the hotel. We make it to our room walking inside. I walk over to my bag, setting my shoes down as I grab what I need to bed. After finding what I want, I decide to change right there. Once I was done I walked over to the bed, pulling the covers down and climbing in as I waited for Ted. He didn't take long to change himself and he climbs into bed next to me, shortly after. I move closer to him, snuggling into him. He wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"Love you Scar...night."

"Night Ted, love you too."

Right after saying that I drift off to sleep. Ted smiles down at me, falling asleep shortly after.