Status: Active

All About Us

Brock Lesnar's Return

It's the Monday after WrestleMania. The aftermath of last night will go onto Raw tonight. But we all sleep in this morning for a little bit. Justin's awake before Vi is. She rolls over a bit, opening her eyes slowly to see Justin sitting up on the bed looking at his arm. "Morning babe." She yawns. "How's the arm?"

"I haven't looked at it yet."

"Well let me see." She says, sitting up in the bed. "That doesn't look good." She says after looking at it. "We should get you to the doctor." She adds concerned.

"It's all bruised and red and everything. That can't be good."

"We're definitely taking you to the doctor before the show."

"Maybe sooner rather than later would be good though, to find out what exactly is wrong. I may need rest or something, you never know."

"That's to be expected, but I will feel better knowing what is wrong now."

"Let's get changed for the day and then we can go."

"Sounds good."

They both get up and go through their things for clothes to wear. She heads into the bathroom while he stays out in the room. She got dressed fairly quickly and once she was done, she headed out to see if Justin needed any help. As she walks out, she sees him having trouble with his shirt. "Need help babe?"


She nods as she walks over to help. Slowly helping him get it over his head, she then helps him with the sleeves.

"There ya go." She kisses his cheek.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

"I think it would be a good idea if you drove. Don't want to hurt my arm more than it is."

"Of course. That's not a problem."

She makes sure she has everything before opening the room door. "After you."

"Thank you." Justin kisses her cheek as he passes. They then make their way to the elevator before going to the lobby. Once there, they head out to the car. She opens his door for him and after he's in, she walks around, getting int he driver's side.

After starting the car, they pull out of the parking lot and head to the doctor's. Since it was not that far away, they made it there shortly after leaving. After parking the car, she got out making her way over to help Justin. Once he was out, they made their way inside to check in. Of course they had to wait, so after checking in, they both sit down in the waiting area.

"I hope we don't have to wait long. I really want to know how bad that is."

"Well they're not busy so we shouldn't have to wait long."

"Good. I hope we don't."

"Try not to worry okay?"

"It's hard not to." She sighs. "It just looks so bad."

"I know. We'll find out what's wrong if anything soon."

"Right." She sighs, leaning on his good shoulder.

Soon enough Justin's name is called. Vi stands up first so she's able to help him up. Carefully doing so, they then follow the nurse to the back where she leads them to a room. She then says that the doctor will be in, in a few minutes. Justin sits on the bed in there as she sits next to him on the chair. After a few minutes the doctor comes in and they explain why they're there. The doctor goes right to examining Justin's arm.

"From the looks of it and the bruise, I would say you hyperextended your arm when you fell."

"Will he need surgery?"

"Luckily no."

"Thank god." She sighs in relief.

"How long do you think he'll be out?"

"About six weeks or so."

"That's not that long." Vi says, also trying to convince herself.

"I suggest getting rest and not using that arm a whole lot for right now. Let the swelling go down. If you need to use that arm, use it with caution."

"Trust me, he will not be using it at all. I'll make sure he gets all the rest he needs."


"Anything else we need to know?"

"No, that's all you need to know."

"Alright, thank you for your time."

"You're welcome."

After the doctor leaves, She helps Justin as they make their way out to the car.

"At least you don't need surgery."


"When we get back, it's rest and ice for you."

"Of course."

They make it to the car and she helps Justin in once again. Walking to the driver's side, she gets in before heading to the hotel. Once they get there, they head back inside and up to their room. After making sure that Justin is comfortable on the bed, she heads to get him some ice. She makes it there and back with no problem, then climbs on the bed next to Justin, setting the ice carefully on his arm.

"Already starting to feel better, thank you."

"I'm glad and you're welcome."

"So I guess no show tonight right?"

"Have to make an appearance. Laurinaitis is making an announcement and wants everyone there."

"Ugh, why'd he have to win last night?"

"They think he will make the company better."


"What can we do though?" Justin shrugs.

"We'll just have to wait it out."

"For how long is the question."

"Hopefully not that long."

"Let's hope not."

"Right." Justin kisses the top of her head.

Justin moves his good arm behind her so she's able to snuggle into his side more.

"If you're still tired, you can sleep."

"I am a bit, but not much. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can right now."

"I know."

"It's going to be one long tour, I can tell already."

"Probably. Since I most likely won't be able to come to most shows."

"I know, which is why it's going to be so long."

"You'll make it through, I know you will."

"I'm sure I will."

"I can try to come to the shows when you're there."

"I would love that." She smiles at him. "As long as it doesn't get in the way of therapy for your arm."

"I can probably work something out."

"Really?" She asks hopeful.

"Yeah, I'll see what I can do."

"Awe Justy." She leans up, kissing him quick. "Now I have something to look forward to on the tour."

"Yes you do."

"That makes me feel much better."


"Do you want more ice?" She says, noticing the ice he had, melted.

"I think I'm all good for now."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Alright." She says as she shifts in her spot so she can take her shoes off. After taking them off, she sets them to the side and lays back down on the pillows. Then she snuggles into Justin's good side. She lays her hands on his chest, moving her fingers in circular motions as he runs his good hand up and down her arm.

"It's gonna be a long day."

"It already has been."

"I think I'm gonna nap...get all the rest I can get before tonight."

"Yeah. I think that sounds good."

"I'll be awake, making sure you don't do anything to your arm."

"Thank you." Justin leans down, giving her a kiss.

"You're welcome."

Justin then gets himself comfortable before pulling her closer to him. She rests her head on his chest as she lets him get the rest he needs. Ted and I are still in bed from sleeping in, and I'm not ready to wake up yet, so I shift in my sleep and snuggle closer to him. Since Ted is already awake he chuckles to himself holding me closer. He watches me sleep as I'm snuggled into him, and then starts to play with my hair. I shift again still not wanting to wake up. I make a quiet noise in content as I become more relaxed. Ted just looks on as I lay there peacefully.

"I'm awake you know." I mumble.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up."

"I've been awake for a few minutes now. I just didn't want to get up."


"You're far too comfortable."

"As you've told me before."

"Because it's true."

"Well I'm glad."

"Are you gonna be coming to Raw with me tonight or no? I have to be there unfortunately. Laurinaitis wants everyone there because he has an announcement."

"I actually have to head back home later today."


"I know. Got some interviews for do back there. Throwing the first pitch at another game."


"Yeah." He sighs. "Would rather be here with you."

"I know, I'd rather have you here with me too."

"It's something that I have to do....if only you could come back after tonight."

"I could probably for a couple days. Not the whole week. I'm not on the card for Raw tonight and I don't know about tomorrow yet for the SmackDown taping."

"Well I really hope you can. You got that tour coming up and it would be great to see you before you go."

"Right. I'll see what I can do after tonight."

"Let's hope you are able to."


"Did you want to go get something for breakfast or order in?"

"Hmmm, I say order in this time."

"Arlight." Ted nods as he reaches over for the phone.

"And you can order me whatever you want. I'm not picky."

"Don't worry, I know what you like."

I nod, and sit up before moving from the bed and heading to the bathroom to go to the bathroom. I do what I need to do in there and once I am finished I walk out to see Ted laying on the pillows. "About 10 minutes." He says.

I nod again before going back over to the bed, sitting in my spot. Ted pulls me closer to him so I am almost on top of him. "Hello to you too." I giggle.

"I was lonely."

"I was only in the bathroom for like not even a minute."

"Still...that's a long time."

"For you."

"Anytime away from you is too long for me."

"Well I'm here now."

"Where you're staying."

"Until the food gets here."


"There are a lot of things we can do with the amount of time we have until it does get here..."


"Do you really need to think about it?"

"No." Ted chuckled leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

I smile into the kiss and I move my hands to his, lacing my fingers with his as I kiss back. Ted shifts so that he his hovering over me as he deepens the kiss. That made time go by quicker and before we knew it, there was a knock on the door for the food.

"Perfect timing." I mumble sarcastically against his lips.

"More later....I promise."

"Holding you to that."

"I know." He chuckles, before kissing me quickly and then getting up to get the food.

After paying for the food he brings it over to the bed so we don't have to move too far. He hands me what he ordered for me and then grabs his, sitting back down in his spot next to me on the bed.

"So...when do you have to leave?" I ask after taking a bite of food.

"Sometime after noon."


"I know." He sighs.

"We can stay here until I leave if you want."

"We could. There are things we can do here at the hotel."


"I just want to spend as much time with you as I can."

"I would like nothing other than that."

"I thought so."

"What did you want to do? Pool?"

"Yeah, the pool sounds good."

"We can head down after we eat."

"Alright." I nod.

We finish eating before we clean everything up and start to get ready.

"Plan on killing me today with the swimsuit?" Ted asks.


"You so are."

"Just a bit."

"You always do."

"Because it's fun."

"For you."

"Yes for me."

"Like always."

"You always get me back though."

"You love it though."

"I do."

"Well how about we get ready now?"

"Yes, before you change your mind."

"I would never do that."


"Why wouldn't I want to see you in a swim suit?"

"Well you'd probably get too distracted by the swimsuit and not wanna leave the room. I know you."


"We'll find out once I change into what I picked out."

"I'm sure we will."

I head into the bathroom, grinning because I know what I picked out will kill him. I take off what I have on before putting on my swim suit. When I am done I walk out waiting to see his reaction. His back is turned for right now. So I stay in the bathroom doorway, leaning against the doorframe, waiting for him to turn around. When Ted turns around his eyes go wide as his jaw drops.

"I was waiting for that reaction."


"You're gonna catch flies with your mouth open like that." I snicker.

"Uh huh." He nods slowly.

"So you wanna catch flies then...goof."

"" He shakes his head, closing his mouth.

"That's what I thought."

"So...leave...before we don't?"

"Yes Ted."

We then gather what we need before heading to the pool. And of course the whole time heading down there, Ted can't help but be all touchy and grabby and such. We make it to the pool area, finding chairs to put on things on. Luckily there was an umbrella so we weren't in the sun that much. Taking out the sunscreen, I get all the places I can reach before Ted helps me with the rest. I have to stop him when he gets a little too touchy. "Okay I think you got everywhere."

"You're turn." I add.

He hands me the sunblock and I get the places that he can't reach. Once I'm done, I set it to the side and sit on the chair at the table.

"No cuddling?" Ted asks from the pool chair he decided to use.

"Oops." I giggle, moving over to where he is sitting.



"You're gonna be even more touchy aren't you?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

"You know me to well."

"Well of course I do."

"Then you know it will take some convincing for me to let you go."

"I expected that."

Ted then moves his fingers along my stomach.

"You're lucky that's relaxing. Normally it's a ticklish spot."

"Well we can't have you too relaxed."

"I can't help it if I become too relaxed."

"We might have to change that."

"That's why I'm hoping I get to go back home to your after tonight. We got the lake in the backyard, and it's peaceful and we have our privacy."

"Yes we do."

"If things go well I may just get a flight out tonight."

"One can only hope."

"I'll call you after the show is over and I'll be able to tell you then."

"I already can't wait."

"I can tell."

"Already dying to know."

"Of course you are."

"How about we get in the water now before it gets to late."

"Right, let's do that."

I then stand up so Ted is able to get up. After that we head to the water.

"Are you forgetting something?" I ask. "You can't swim with the boot on your foot for your ankle."

"Right." He sits back down, taking it off.

"How is it feeling anyway? Your ankle."

"Good. Been resting a lot as you know."


He then grabs my hand hand as he leads me to the pool. We reach the stairs and we walk into the water. Almost instantly Ted has his hands around my waist as we walk farther into the water.

"Not too cold is it?" He asks.

"Oh no, it's fine."


We spend a good amount of time in the water, and decided to get out and relax for a while.

"I wonder what Laurinaitis has to say tonight."

"Who knows. Probably something stupid."

"Most likely, I just hope he doesn't take forever to get to the point like always."


"Do you want to get something to eat after we get change or just stay in?"

"We can go get something."


"Ugh, I'm gonna have to talk to Laurinaitis about taking a few days off to be with you. I really don't want to talk to that man."

"Maybe have one of the girls go with you?"

"I could try it."

"I don't think they would mind."

"Well I know that."

"How about getting Cody or Justin to go too?"

"Depends on what Justin is doing after the announcement. He got hurt last night."

"Well if Vi has nothing, they'll probably just head to the hotel after it."

"We'll see."


"Should be an interesting night, that's for sure."

"The aftermath of WM. It sure looks like one."

"You know, everyone is talking about Brock Lesnar."

"I heard something about him possibly coming back."

"Honestly, do we really need him to come back?"

"No, but they think he will bring in more viewers."

"I don't like it."

"Neither do I. He's no good."


"I really don't like the idea of him coming back and me not being around either."

"Because you can't be there to protect from anything he may do...."


"I want to be there, but can't unfortunately."

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

"He better not come near you.."

"I don't see why he would."

"He is like that. He tries to get whatever he wants."

"And why would he want me?"

"He's Brock. He doesn't meed a reason to want someone. All he cares about is how they look."

"I'll try to steer clear of him if he shows up."


"If he does show up, it'll be a surprise. No one will know about it. If he really wanted to make it shock value, he'd like wait until it got close to the end of the show before showing up."

"Right and you will probably be gone by then."

"Right. If I get to leave early to come back home to you."

"Which I hope happens."

"We'll see what Laurinaitis says, since he's in charge of both shows, so everyone has to listen to him."

"Right." Ted nods. "How about we go get ready so we can eat before I have to leave."

"Sounds good."

We gather up everything we brought before making our way back to our room.

I change into comfortable clothes after taking a shower to get the chlorine out of my hair. After walking out, I grab my shoes then slip them on. The hours seemed to pass by quickly since it was almost time for the show. Charity and Cody had arrived at the arena a bit early. After parking the car, Cody got his things out of the back before wrapping his arm around Charity's waist as they walked.

"So my match isn't until close to the end of the night." Cody says.

"So we have to find something to do until then.."

"Right, because that's a lot of time."

"Oh I am sure we can think of something..." She smirks.

"We always do."

"Of course we do."

"I know you're still bummed about losing last night, but you'll get it back." She adds.

"I am sure I will."

Cody didn't need to get ready right away, but he and Charity did head to where we all had to be for the start of the show for Laurinaitis' announcement. They find seats and sit and wait. Vi and Justin are the next to arrive and they head right to where everyone has to be and they find a place to sit and wait. Then instead of me and Ted, because he had to go back home, I got a ride to the arena with Alex and after dropping his stuff off, we head to where we all had to be as well.

"I really hope he makes this quick."

"I want to go back to the hotel to make sure you rest." You add.

"That sounds really good." Justin kisses her cheek.

"I know Ted's not here and everything, and I know you're a little down about that. You think maybe coming out with me for my match tonight will help you feel better? And yes my first match in like 6 months on TV." Alex asks me.

"Sure. I would love to come and support you."

"I could also use a bit of support on my own. See I just want a few days where I'm home with Ted, but I obviously have to ask Laurinaitis for the days off." I add.

"I'll come with you if you want me to." Alex offers.

"That's why you're such a great friend to me. I'd appreciate you coming with me."

"I'll go then. Just let me know when you want to talk to him."

"Thank you."


"And you know what, it's about time you're back on TV. I was honestly starting to get worried."

"No need to worry. I was just needed on NXT for a bit."

"Well six months of no live TV time was concerning. But then again, everything was focused on The Rock for WrestleMania last night."

"It was, which is why most of us were on the other shows."

"Hopefully things will get better now that's all over with. But then again with Laurinaitis in charge, I don't think things will be any better at all."

"We can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst."

The show soon starts, first the usual WWE intro. The cameras are turned on and facing us while we're all talking amongst each other. We all stop talking when Otunga and Laurinaitis enter the room.

"Last night I made WrestleMania history when I earned the right to become the general manager of Raw and SmackDown. Arguably making me the most powerful person in WWE. A power I will not abuse. A power that I'm going to give back to the people and give the WWE Universe exactly what they want to see. For instance Santino Marella. Former team captain of Team Teddy, will defend his United States Championship against Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger in a Triple Threat Match."

We all look at each other shocked while some of us roll our eyes.

"Mr. Laurinaitis? Or is it John Laurinaitis? Or general manager John Laurinaitis?"

"I wasn't taking any questions until I'm finished."

That's when Punk walks into the room.

"This is actually more of a statement than it is a question, so I hope you don't mind me interrupting but uh...I speak for all the fans in the WWE Universe. As well as the vast majority of everybody sitting here today. And despite the fact that yes you are general manager of both Raw and SmackDown, we all consider you to still be...a giant toolbox."

We all snicker quietly at his comment.

"Punk I know you're a prankster. Always telling jokes."

"I like a good rib just like anybody else, but I'm...I wasn't joking."

"Well you know what Punk, I'm not joking either when I say you're gonna defend the WWE Championship tonight against the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Now that's a good use of power. That's giving the people what they want. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new era. And that era is People Power."


"His definition of People Power I'm sure isn't what People Power is."

"Probably not."

The show officially starts since we hear the Raw intro go off and such. We all stick around for a while, and see the Rock come out to start the show off.

"Longest entrance ever."


"Fourteen months ago. Hold on, The Rock is going somewhere with this. Thank you. Fourteen months ago, The Rock came back to the WWE. The Rock came back to the WWE, and we did it all. Birthday parties, history lessons, rock concerts. We electrified sold out arenas all across the country. But it wasn't until last night. Where The Rock stood before a history making, 78,000 at Sun Life Stadium. History making, record breaking crowd at Sun Life Stadium. Victorious at WrestleMania. That The Rock is able to stand here tonight, live in front of all of you, and truly say...finally The Rock has come back....home."

"Yeah...not for long. This will proably be the last we see of you."

"Yeah, probably going off to do more movies after tonight."

"Wouldn't doubt it."

"Just so you guys don't think I'm crazy, everytime I do this I'm just showing that I have goosebumps running up and down my body. That's what this means, thank you. There is one man, who The Rock has to thank. That man is John Cena. Last night at WrestleMania, John Cena brought it to The Rock like never before. Like like never before. John Cena after..after 2 AA's, after a big leg drop off the top rope that almost took The Rock's head off. After The Rock had the STF applied to him in the middle of the ring. While John Cena was applying the STF, The Rock was having a JHC moment. Which was jesus h.." He's cut on the rest.

"...get this guy off me." He finishes.

"John, at the end of the day, it was an honor that The Rock competed with you in the biggest match of all time."

"Sportsmanship....that's good."

"Yeah...for once."

"And John, win or lose, at the end of the day, the most important thing is what we did last night, which is we made history at WrestleMania and we did it for the fans. So The Rock wants to thank John Cena. The Rock wants to thank his friends who came from all around the world. His family who came to watch The Rock last night. But more importantly than that, more importantly than that, The Rock has to thank the people. The Rock has to thank, The Rock has to thank the people. Thank the no no no no. The millions! No no no, we are live Miami, let the world hear you. The Rock said thank the millions...of The Rock's fans. You see in 1995, The Rock was cut from the Canadiam Football League. Now do you have any idea how much you gotta suck to get cut from the Canadian Football League?"

"How much longer do we need to listen to him talk in third person? It's getting boring."

"Oh it could take forever."

"Let's hope not."

"And it is because of you, because of you The Rock can stand here today. The most electrifying man in all of entertainment. But damn it more importantly than that, I stand before you, your people's champion. And for those of you who think here tonight and around the world that this is the end, well The Rock says this, he guaran-damn-tees that this is just the beginning."

"Please, don't make us laugh. You will be gone after tonight."

Then a 'yes' chant breaks out and then a 'thank you rocky' chant breaks out.

"This is just the beginning. You see because The Rock ever since last night, after WrestleMania, The Rock has had this vision. He's had this vision in mind, see The Rock went out in Miami last night celebrating his victory. He was celebrating. He was celebrating and doing a little Salsa, doing a little merengue. Now there's a lot going on down here, The Rock had a vision. Okay stop dancing, okay I will. Listen, The Rock had a vision. And The Rock woke up, thank you for whistling. And that was a dude too."

" we care."



"Oh a John Cena fan, thank you. The Rock had this vision, he had this vision. And The Rock woke up this morning, telling some people about the vision. And they said, Rock that vision is impossible. But what they failed to realize is this. The Rock wipes a monkey's ass with the word impossible. Now would the people like to hear The Rock's vision? I said would the people like to hear...." He's cut off by another 'yes' chant.

"That vision is this. That The Rock one day will walk down that aisle as the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, one vision in mind, don't need no revamping. The Rock's gonna be....WWE Champion."

"That'll be the day."

"Team Bring It worldwide, thank you, I love you, that will come true one day. If you smeeeeeell what The Rock is cooking!" He finally ends.

"About time."

"Thank god that is over."

"Wanna go back to the hotel now?" Justin asks.

"We can. Get you some rest."

First she finds me with Alex and she tells me where she's gonna be, just so I don't worry. After telling me they are leaving they go find Charity and do the same. Once they are done, they head out to the car.

"To bed early with you. We can relax and watch the show in our room."

"We can try." Justin smirks.

" have to rest your arm, no funny business. I don't want you hurting yourself more than you are."

"I'll be careful...promise." He pouts.

"I know, I just don't think taking the risk is worth it though right now. It's swelled Justin and the bruising is almost the whole length of your arm. I want you to get better."

"I'll be hard, but I think I can manage."

"When it starts to get better, then we can do all the distracting and fun stuff. Right now since it's the day after the injury, let's not chance it okay?"

"Alright...all the better for later." Justin puts his good arm around her waist, leaning down and giving her a kiss.

"Exactly." You reply after he pulls away.

They then make it to the car and head to the hotel. Once at the hotel, they head up to their room and walk in.

"Need help taking your shirt off?" She asks.

"I could use a bit. Arm is a tad sore still."

"Alright, just get your good arm out and I'll help you."

Justin nods and does so. Once that is done, she walks over to help him. He winces a little bit when he moves his arm as she helps him get it through the sleeve, but other than that, she manages to help him get it off.

"Need any more help?" She asks.

"I think I've got it from here, thank you."

"You're welcome." She kisses him quick before getting her things and going to change.

Since she really didn't dress up, she didn't have to do much. She changed and once she came out of the bathroom, Justin was already in bed with Raw on the TV, waiting for her. Putting her things away, she walks over before laying carefully next to him.

"Much better."


They relax just in time to see the first match of the night, which was Santino vs Swagger and Ziggler for the US Championship.

"Ugh. This is pointless. You know Vickie will get involved."

"Of course."

"Excuse me!"

"Oh shut up!"

"Excuse me! One of my clients will become the next United States Champion. Will it be the All American American, Jack Swagger." She announces and Swagger comes out. "Or will it be the most physically fit athlete in the WWE, The Show Off, Dolph Ziggler." She adds and he comes out next.

"Psh. Lets hope not."

During the match, the partnership between Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger would fall apart, allowing Santino Marella to take advantage, hitting the Cobra Strike on Jack Swagger en route to picking up the win, retaining the United States Title.

"Thank god neither of them won."

"Right? That's the last thing we need."

"We don't need to hear her anymore than we do now."

After the match, Dolph & Swagger would attack Santino, but the United States Champion narrowly escapes and, with Dolph & Swagger in hot pursuit, Santino gets a new ally as “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay emerges. Dolph tries to take down Brodus, but he easily dispatches Dolph with a headbutt to the mid-section.

" for him."

Then Brodus' music hits and Cameron and Naomi come out dancing. Santino joins in with the three of them.

"Now that is how you celebrate."

The next break of the night comes after the screen fades out on the dancing.

"You know what I'll never forget? Your little dance off with Brodus on SmackDown." I tell Alex.

"That was really fun to do."

"You were hilarious."

"I try to be."

"Speaking of match is up next. Just let me go get changed first and we can head to the curtain alright?" Alex says once we reach the locker room.

"Sounds good." I nod.

He then heads into the locker room, leaving me in the hallway. Looking around to pass the time, I notice someone. I squint my eyes to get a better look and then my eyes go wide. I look around for the nearest place to hide, and thankfully I find a spot, and rush over, hiding. While waiting for him to pass, Alex happens to walk out of the locker room. He looks both ways before calling my name. "Scarlet?" He calls.

"Over here." I say, only loud enough so he can hear.

"Why are you hiding?" He chuckles as he walks over.

"Lesnar." I point in his direction, just mere minutes before he passes by, and I stay as still and as quiet as I can be, watching him carefully as he passes.

"Stay with me and you'll be fine." Alex says after he passes.

"Ted told me stay away from him.....for...reasons. He was afraid of him showing up early with the rumors circulating out there about him coming back."

"Looks like he was right." Alex says. "I won't let anything happen to you, don't worry."

"I know. Ted says all Brock cares about is looks and if he wants me, he'll do anything to get to me. Whoever brought him back is making a mistake."

"First of all, I wil not let him near you and second I think we all know who brought him back."

"Right. I'm gonna call Ted and let him know. Let's just get to the curtain before he comes back."

"Alright, lets go." Alex makes sure he is not around before we head to the curtain.

Then I take out my phone and call Ted, just hoping that he answers. After a few rings Ted picks up. "Hello?" I hear him ask.

"Ted....I hate to say this but you were right....about Lesnar. He's back and here early."

"I was afriad of this." Ted sighs. "Where are you now?"

"With Alex. I'm going out with him for his match. I think I'm gonna talk to Laurinaitis after the match and see if I can get the time off and fly straight out after talking with him. Alex is coming with me to talk to him for support."

"Good. I feel better that you are with him and lets hope Laurinaitis gives you the time off."

"But don't worry about Lesnar...he hasn't seen me at all yet. I hid before he could even see me."

"That's my girl. Just stay as far away from him as you can."

"I'll try."

"Lets just hope you don't see him anymore tonight."

"Alex will make sure I don't the best he can. But I've got to go, Alex is going out to the ring during this commercial break."

"Alright. Talk to you soon. Love you."

"Love you too."

I then hang up and wait for Alex's music to hit. Once it does we go out, and after Alex acts all goofy on the stage, we head down the ramp and get into the ring. Alex holds the ropes for me before doing his poses. Then all we had to do is wait for the break to be over. Once it was, his opponent came out. Lord Tensai.

"Who's this?" I ask curiously.

"He wrestled a few years back."

"Oh well, you've got this." I nod, patting him on the shoulder before getting out of the ring.

Alex nods as he waits for Tensai to get in the ring. After his long entrance, he's finally ready for the match. The bell rings and Alex is immediately knocked down with an elbow to the jaw. Alex tries fighting back, but gets knocked back down in the adjacent corner. Tensai then throws him into the opposite corner, before getting headbutted a few times, making Alex slide down to the mat. He picks Alex up and then locks his arms with Alex's before lifting him into the air upside down, kind of like how Kharma finished off the Divas she faced before she left on maternity leave. He then slams him down before backing up and coming off the ropes, hitting him with a couple elbows before just basically squashing Alex.

"Ohhh, come on."

"That was so not right."

Tensai gets set before picking Alex up by the head and elbowing him in the head a few times or so. Picking Alex up again he yells at Alex in Japanese before hitting him with a powerbomb, deeming him unfit to compete, Tensai wins. I let out a gasp at seeing how much pain Alex was in. Alex tries to get to his feet using the ropes, Tensai backed up into the corner opposite of him. I see him spit in his hand before raising it. I quickly slide into the ring and get between him and Alex, stopping Tensai in his tracks. They crowd does not really know how to act, since no one has ever done that before.

"Stop. You've beaten him already. Don't hurt him anymore."

Tensai just glares at me before slowly stepping back. He gets out of the ring next, and I watch him carefully as he and Sakamoto leave. Once they are gone, I turn my attention to Alex.

" was dangerous." Alex says between the jolts of pain going through him.

"I couldn't stand there and let him do that to you. You couldn't do anything to stop it and I didn't want you hurt more. I already don't have Ted around because of his ankle. I don't wanna not have one of my best friends around because of injury."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Thanks to me."

"Exactly...thank you."

"You're let's go."

Alex nods as he slowly gets up with my help.

"Will you be alright to come with me to go talk to Laurinaitis?" I ask as we head up the ramp after getting out of the ring.

"I should be alright. Just some ice first."

"Alright, let's go get that first."

We make our way farther backstage with no trouble. We get to the trainer and get some ice. It's coming out of the trainers where we kind of have trouble. Not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone. I look up to see and my face almost goes pale as a ghost.

"Oh no." I mumble.

I swallow hard as I'm looking at the face of Brock Lesnar. He says no words, only looks at me, taking in my image. I start to back away from him, wanting to get away as fast as possible.


"What's wrong?" Brock smirks.

After finally getting the ice bag where it felt the most comfortable, Alex notices what's going on. He forgot all about the pain as he rushed towards me and helped to hurry me away.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief once we are far enough away.

"Let's get you to Laurinaitis now. We need to get you out of here. Now that he's spotted can't be good."

"No, I just want to get this done and over with."

We then find Laurinaitis' office and Alex knocks for me.

"Come in." We hear from the other side.

We walk in and he's just getting off his phone.

"Hello Scarlet, Alex. How may I help you?"

"I'm actually here to ask for something." I reply.

"What would that be?"

"Well I wondering if I could have a few days off this week."

"Well I don't know about that. We do have that big European tour coming up and after what you did out there I want you to be on that tour."

"I understand that sir, which is why I'm only asking for a few days."

"I think I can give you a few days, but I want you on that tour." He pauses. "I will give you until Wednesday. However you need to be at the show on Thursday night, so leaving Wednesday would be best."

"Right, thank you."

"Now if that is all, I have some business I need to take care of."

I nod and then Alex and I leave the room.

"Well that went better than I expected." I say relieved. "Thank you for coming with me."

"You're welcome."

"Now, let's get you back to your locker room so you can rest." I say. "Then I have to call Ted and tell him the news."

"Right." Alex nods.

"I can drive you back after you get changed."

"You're not needed the rest of the night are you?" I ask.

"No, that was it."

"Then I can drive us both back. I can just get a taxi or something to the airport. Unless you wanna drive me."

"I can drive you, no problem."

"Good the quicker I'm home with Ted the better."


"I don't want to run into Brock again."

Alex opens up the locker room door.

"Well no one is in here right now, if you wanna come in and wait."

"I think that would be safer, thanks." I nod, walking in before him.

"As long as you're safe, that's all that matters."

"Right. Ted appreciates you looking out for me for him."

"Well you can tell him he is welcome when you talk to him."

"Which I'm going to do now."

"And I'm gonna go change."

I nod as he heads into the changing area. I take my phone out once again and call Ted.

"Hey sweetie." Ted says after picking up.

"Good news. I got time off. Laurinaitis says I have until Wednesday though. He definitely wants me on the tour for Thursday night. After what I did in Alex's match."

"I saw that and you had me worried the whole time. I really wish you didn't do could have gotten hurt bad. On you getting time off, I am surprised he gave it to you. Might be a few days, but I am ecstatic about it."

"I'm sorry I worried you, but I couldn't let him hurt Alex anymore. You're already out on injury, I can't have one of my best friends out too."

"I understand why you did it, but I was afraid something was going to happen to you."

"I know and um...I kind of...ran into Lesnar. It's not my fault, I bumped into him coming out of the trainer's with Alex. I didn't even see him."

"He didn't try anything did he?" Ted's voice gets tense.

"No. He just stayed quiet....looking at me."

"Lets hope that is the only time you will see him."

"I hope so. I called for Alex because he was right there, but he was trying to find the right place to put his ice bag. Then Brock finally spoke and smirked and asked me what was wrong."

I hear Ted take a deep breath and let it out sharply. "There has to be a way to keep him from you."

"Not come to Raw anymore until he's gone?"

"That is what is going to have to happen."

"We're part of SmackDown anyway. I don't need to show up to the Raw SuperShow unless I have to."

"Right. That is the best thing until he is gone."

"Let's hope it's soon."

"We can only hope." He sighs. "So, when do you get to leave?"

"I'm actually driving Alex and myself back to the hotel once he's done changing. Then I'm getting my stuff together and he's driving me to the airport. So within a couple hours or so."

"I can't wait for you to get here. I miss you already."

"I miss you too."

Just then Alex walks out all ready to go.

"Looks like Alex is ready to go. I'll text you when I'm on the plane okay?"

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too."

I then hang up once again before standing from the couch.

"Ready to go?"


He grabs his things and then we leave the locker room, heading to the parking lot and to the car. I get into the driver's side and then we head back to the hotel. Once there I make sure Alex gets to him room alright before heading to mine. We promise to meet up in the lobby when I'm all packed and ready to go. I gather up all the things I have before grabbing my key card and heading to the lobby. I turn in my keycard and sit down, waiting for Alex. It doesn't take long for him to walk out of the elevator. I spot him and get up from where I'm sitting. When he reaches me we head out of the lobby and to the car where we put my things in the back seat before getting into the car and he drives to the airport. The ride was fairly quick so we got there in no time. Once there I thanked him as he helped me get my things out of the back.

"So I'll see you Thursday?"

"Yes, I'll see you Thursday."

I then hug him before heading inside. I make it through everything with no problem before heading to the gate. I'm able to get onto the plane, them taking my bigger bags, while I take my carry on with me. After finding my seat, I take out my phone to text Ted. I tell him that I'm on the plane, waiting for it to fill up and take off. I get an excited text back as I shake my head giggling. The plane soon got filled up and was getting ready to take off. I told Ted that I would text him when I was landing so that he could come and get me. Once everyone was in their seat then plane started to take off. To pass the time, I figured I'd get some sleep. So I got comfortable, put my music in and drifted off to sleep.

Vi and Justin were watching the rest of RAW at their hotel. Vi was in shock of what had just happened. "I can't believe that happened. I really hope Charity is alright." Vi sounds worried.

"It didn't look good what Beth did to her."

"No it didn't. I actually heard something snap too."

"She'll be out for months."

"Probably. It's a shame too. She was a damn good diva too."

"But you know what? She'll come back stronger than ever."

"I know that. Especially with Cody's help."

"Right. He'll try to be home all the time to take care of her when he can."

"I am sure he will. It's going to be hard for him to be away from her for that long."

"First Ted, then me, now Charity. String of bad luck."

"We can never catch a break. Let's just hope you and Ted get back soon."


"I am going to miss you during this tour. I mean you did say you would try to come, but it's not going to be the same."

"I know."

"I just hope it goes by quick."

"I'm sure it will. I will call you everyday." Justin says as he rubs her arm. She smiles, then leans up giving him a kiss. She goes to pull away but he holds her there for a bit longer, not wanting to let her go just yet.

"I know you will."

"I hope so." She sighs.

"I will, don't worry."

"Are you going to be at the show tomorrow?"

"Are you going to be at the show tomorrow?"

"Depends, is that when the tour starts? If it is then I can try."

"No, for Smackdown."

"I should be able to."

"Good. One last night with you is what I will need."

"I thought so."

Justin pulls her as close as he can with his good arm. She looks up at him to be met with his lips once again. Holding her there for a bit, he slowly starts to pull away.

"Never gets old."

"No it doesn't."

"When I'm not able to be with you on tour, I'm gonna miss it."

"I'm gonna miss it too." She pouts.

"But let's not worry about that right now."

"No. I want to enjoy this time we have now."

"So do I."

She lays her head on his chest as he runs his hands through her hair. Meanwhile, Cody's with Charity in the trainer's getting checked out.

"Thankfully it's not a bad injury. The latest you'll be out, looking at this, is a couple months or so."

"It really hurt though. I heard something snap and that can never be good."

"Well I see no swelling right now. But in the case that you heard something snap, I would advise getting an x-ray, just in case."

"I think that is a good idea."

"For now, just keep that ice on it."

"I'm going to, it's helping a bit."

"We should go now."

"Your match though Cody."

"Damn." He mutters. "Want to wait or have someone go with you?"

"Who's around? I don't think Scar and Vi are around." about...Zack?" Cody says as he walks by.

"What's up bro?" Zack asks walking over.

"I need to get my arm checked out, get an x-ray. I would have Cody come with me but he still has his match to do. I need someone to go with me."

"So you need me to take you to the hospital?"


"Of course I will. Shouldn't take too long right? I can probably have you back before the match, just so you won't miss it."

"Hopefully it won't."

"And don't want you missing mine either. I have one too."

"Well we better go now then so we can get back."

"Right." He nods.

"Cody, try not to worry too much okay?" Charity asks.

"I'll always worry about you, but I will do my best." He says before kissing her.

"Focus on the match. If I'm not back in time, I wish you luck."

"I'll try. Let me know when you find out anything."

"I will."

Zack and Cody then help her up as she leans on Zack for support. They all leave, Zack and Charity heading in the direction of the parking lot and Cody heading into the direction of the locker room. Once at the car, Zack helps Charity get in and settled before going to the drivers side. When he is in he starts the car then heads to the hospital. After getting there, he parks and helps her inside and they reach the front desk, telling them what happened. They get a wheelchair for Charity before taking her right to X-ray. Zack sits out in the waiting area as she's brought in. It does not take long, about 20 minutes for everything to be done. They bring her out and take her to a room as Zack follows. Soon the doctor comes in and talks to her about the x-rays.

"Looks like you broke your ankle and strained your shoulder a bit." The doctor explains.

"Well I'll be out for months."

"Most likely. The shoulder should be fine in about 2 weeks, but the ankle will take a few months to heal then therapy. I am going to say about 8-10 months."

"Great." She sighs.

"I do want to put a cast on your foot for about 4 weeks. Stay off it for a few days. Other than that, I'll give you something for the pain and you should be just fine."


"So, here is your script and I would go put that ankle up."

"Of course. Thank you."

"So we can go now?" Zack asks.

"You're all set."

"Thank you." Zack nods before helping Charity off the ned in the room.

"That didn't take long."

"No, not at all. Maybe we can make it back intime for Cody's match."

"Hope so."

They make their way out to the car and Zack helps Charity once again. After getting the other side, he heads back for the arena. Going on when they walked back in was a in-ring segment between Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio.

"Oh I hope we didn't miss it."

"Actually we didn't. His match isn't until after this."

"Oh thank god."

"You can sit in the locker room with me and watch it if you want."

"That would be great. Thanks." She smiles.

"You're welcome."

They make their way to his locker room slowly. Once there he makes sure she is come in. Since no one was there he opened the door and helped her to the couch.

Daniel Bryan was then shown backstage with AJ, looking on at what just happened with Del Rio and Sheamus.

"This has to be very painful for you Daniel Bryan, knowing what just happened to Alberto Del Rio happened to you last night at WrestleMania. A 18 second loss to Sheamus, you've got to be really upset."

Daniel however says nothing.

"Daniel Bryan thank you very much for your time. Gentlemen, back to you at ringside."

After the break, pictures from WrestleMania were shown. Then MGK was in the crowd, being booed. That was before Cody's music hit and he went out for his match first. And he was not too happy either, being in character afterall.

"Boy he looks pissed. I wish I could be there with him now."

"I know. But your health comes first of course."


Kofi came out next as his opponent. Once he was done with his entrance and was ready, the bell rings, starting the match. They circle and Cody takes control early on, taking his frustrations out on Kofi. He runs into boots to the face before a cross body. Cody then hits him with a Disaster Kick and he goes for a submission but Show comes out.

"Oh no, this is not going to be good."

"Cody! Cody, Cody. What's up buddy? Hey look, I've got something I want to show you from WrestleMania. I just hope that uh...I just hope you don't find it embarrassing. Take a look."

And just like what Cody's been doing to Show, Show does the same thing, but it's last night's WrestleMania when Show knocked him out with the WMD.

"That is just not cool." Charity shakes her head.

Cody turns around after getting even more flustered and angry, and he gets hit with Trouble In Paradise, Kofi pinning him to win the match. Show bows a bit before heading backstage.

"Show better be lucky I am not out there."

"Woo woo woo, you know it."

"Oh Zack." Charity laughs.

"Just trying to lighten the mood. I know you're down about being injured."

"I know and you did. You always know how to make me laugh."

"I'm good like that. I've got to get ready for my match, but how about you go find Cody, let him know what's wrong and I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright, sounds good." She says as she stands. "Thanks again Zack." She smiles from the door.


She then opened the door and slowly made her way to find Cody. She heads in the direction of the curtain, knowing that Cody will come through and down the hall at any time. Using support from the crutch the doctor gave her she stands there until he appears from behind the curtain. Finally he does and once he sees her, he frowns a bit, seeing her on the crutch.

"I'll be fine Codes." She sighs. "In about 10 months or so."

"That'll feel like forever."

"I know." She frowns. "Broke my ankle and strained my shoulder. I am going to have to do therapy for months." She tears up.

"Hey....don't cry. I'll be there for you every step of the way." He reaches out and holds her face gently in his hands.

"I don't think I can take being away from you for that long."

"I'll come home every chance I get. That'll be a lot since I know you'll be there."

"I really hope so. It will be lonely there without you."

"I know."

"Lets get you back to the locker room so we can get you back to the hotel." Cody says as he puts his arm around her. They head to his locker room and he helps her sit once they are there before he goes to change. It does not take him long to change and soon he comes out and gathers his things.

"Can we just see Zack's match first? I don't wanna miss it."

"Sure." He sits next to her after making sure her ankle was elevated.

After the break more pics of WrestleMania last night were shown before Mark Henry was freaking out over his loss to Punk earlier tonight.

"What the hell you want A.W.?" Mark asks as Abraham Washington walks into the locker room.

"Mark Mark Mark, I told you before, it's not about what I want. It's about what you need brother. Now my name ain't Obama. But the whole world just saw what happened to you out there with CM Punk, and it's time for a change. It's about time you put some muscle with that hustle."

"What're you talking about?"

"What am I talking about Mark, I'm talking about me representing you, the World's Strongest Man standing next to the man with the master plan. You know what Mark? Here's my card. Take it. Think about it. I'm on your schedule."

Highlighting Taker's match with pics, Kane vs Randy and Team Johnny vs Team Teddy was next before Eve's music hit and she walked out with a mic in hand. The whole crowd chanting Hoeski.

"I'm surprised she can walked after what you and Vi did to her."

"She's hurting, I can tell."

"Everyone wants to have their WrestleMania moment. And last night, I got mine. I manipulated Zack Ryder. And poor Zack, it was just so easy."

"It sure was easy beating you up or are you afraid to admit that."

"But let's face it, it's easy for me to manipulate any man. Except one man. And he is the general manager of both Raw and SmackDown because powerful people cannot be manipulated."

"Psh. He is a loser."

"And if my actions last night helped him in any way, then so be it. Now, let's hear it for People Power." She finally ends.

"People power my ass."

Once she's gone, they replay what the Rock was talking about in the beginning of the show before another break. After that break more pics from WrestleMania were shown, before going to the next match. Mike is the one who goes out first. Once his music faded, Zack's went off next.

"Even though Mike is a good friend, I really hope Zack beats him tonight."

The match starts and Mike starts to mock him, but Zack fires back and hits him with an elbow, knocking him down. He climbs over him and starts hitting him with punches until the ref pulls him off. Mike rolls out of the ring and Zack goes after him and hits him against the barricade before throwing him back into the ring.

"Good job Zack! Keep it up bro!"

Zack gets up onto the side of the ring apron and Mike charges at him, but Zack headbutts him, making him stumble away. Back into the ring and Zack rolls Mike up for a pin attempt, but Mike kicks out at one. Zack goes at Mike in the corner, but Mike elbows him away. Zack fires back and kicks Mike down with his foot.

"He so has this!"

Zack kicks him repeatedly in the corner and backs up, going back and only being met by a boot to the face by Mike. Mike has now taken control of the back, applying a reverse chin lock. Zack gets to his feet and reverses, getting into the corner. Mike charges at him again and Zack jumps up and hits Mike in the face with his knees. Ducking a clothesline from Mike, Zack delivers a few of his own. Mike reverses an Irish Whip and Zack comes back and plants Mike face first into the ring apron, making him stumble back into a corner. Zack then hits Mike in the corner with a big right hand and he slides down to the apron. Zack backs up and signals for the Broski Boot and this time delivers it. He goes for the pin, but Mike kicks out at two.

"Oh come on!" Chairty throws her hands up. "He should be out from that!"

Zack tries to pull Mike away from the ropes, but Mike holds on. Zack has to let go and Mike gets up, only for Zack to kick him. Zack goes for a neckbreaker, but Mike reverses and sends Zack shoulder first into the steel ring post. He gets him out of the corner, sets him up for the Skull Crushing Finale and then gets the pin to win the match.

"Ouch. Poor Zack."


"That was not what I was hoping for."

"No....well ready to go now?"

"Yes I am."

He helps her get up and hands her the crutch. He grabs her bag and his and opens the door for her, allowing her to go out first. Then he heads off back to the hotel. Once there he puts the bags on his shoulder before helping Charity. Then he helps her inside and onto the elevator. They head up to their floor and he helps her to their room and inside. He drops the bags by the door then helps her over to the bed.

"I'll get your clothes, you just sit there." Cody tells her.

She nods as he does so. After finding something he walks back over to her. He helps her take off the top of her attire before helping with her pants. He then helps her put on both articles of clothing he picked out. Once she is all changed he then stands and takes off his shirt and pants leaving his boxers on to sleep in. After h's done, he makes sure Charity is all set before he lays down next to her, laying his hand across her stomach.

"Love you Char." He says as he gives her a kiss.

"Love you too Codes."

He then lays down next to her getting as close to her as he can. Soon they both drift off to sleep, it not being such a comfortable one for Charity.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just want to let my readers know, that the character of Charity will no longer be in the story. Not much you can do when one is injured anyway. So now if there's any Raw or SmackDown or PPV, and Cody's involved, he will be mentioned. I've been asked to not have Cody and Charity in the story anymore. So instead of there being three parts being written for each couple, it'll only focus on Scarlet/Ted and Violet/Justin.