Status: Active

All About Us

Justin Returns

"I'm so glad you can walk around again and ride planes. It means a lot that you can be here, especially for my match on NXT with Vi tonight." I call to Ted since I let him get changed in the bathroom first.

"I'm just glad that I was able to make it." Ted calls, opening the door slightly.

"I can't wait until you're cleared to compete."

"Should only be a few more months." Ted says walking out of the bathroom.

"I hope so, and not longer than that. I mean you're walking you're ankle is fine. I guess they need to figure out how to bring you back."

"Most likely. The doctors are waiting until it is healed more. Only at about 85% right now."

"I've just missed having you with me on the road. I don't think you even know how much."

"I have a pretty good idea." Ted chuckles. "Just about as much as I miss you at home."


"It's true. Things are not the same without you around."

"I've said the same exact thing."

"Now things can be how they should be."


"You have no idea how much I have missed being with you."

"Well now you are back with me."

"And you are back with me." Ted sits on the bed, pulling me onto his lap.

"I couldn't ask for anything better."

"Me either." Ted leans in brushing his lips against mine with his hands wrapped around my waist.

"Mmm...must you have no shirt on?" I say, pulling away.

"Well..I was going to put one on, but got distracted by you."


"Not that I mind."

"Oh, of course not."

"But, you do have to get ready." Ted slowly says as he runs his fingers across my back.

" I really have to?"

"Up to you, unless you want to stay in the room all day." Ted gets that look in his eye.

"You'd like that all too much."

"I just might." Ted grins.

"Sounds tempting, but I am hungry and want breakfast so...I'll get ready."

"Awww." Ted pouts. "If you must." He slowly lets me go.

"After the NXT taping we can spend all the time we want in here."

"Now that I love the sound of."

"I knew you would."

"How could I not."

"Alright Mister you need get a shirt on while I'm getting ready myself."

"I will." He chuckles.

I slide off his lap and go over to my things, picking clothes out and heading into the bathroom to change. While I am getting ready Ted finishes himself. I take off my night clothes before putting on my clothes for the day. Once they are on I then start on my makeup before moving to my hair. When everything was perfectly how I wanted it, I grabbed my old clothes then headed back in to the room.

"Never cease to amaze me."

"I try."

"Alright, ready to go to breakfast?" I ask.

"All set."

"After you." He adds.

I grab what I need then head out the door with Ted behind me. Meanwhile, Vi's still sound asleep in her room. She was snuggled under the blankets with one of Justin's shirts since it helped her sleep while he was gone. While she was sleeping, she didn't hear the door open and close. She was totally out of it for the meantime. Justin walks in as he sets his bags down by the bed watching her sleep with a big smile on his face. He walks over to the side of the bed so he could lay next to her. As he was laying on his side facing her, he lighting ran his fingers over her cheek, then through her hair. Then he leans down and kisses the top of her head. She shifts slightly in her spot, not realizing it was Justin, since she had his shirt close to her face. He chuckles to himself as she mumbles something, bringing the shirt closer to her. He then proceeds to wrap his arms around her as he lays there with her.

"No..." She mumbles. "...get away." She whimpers, pushing him away still in a dream-like state.

"Vi?" He questions, getting concerned. "Vi, wake up."

"Justin!" She cries before jolting in her sleep. She opens her eyes to see someone in bed with her and gets startled at who it is. She blinks her eyes a few times to see it's Justin. "Justin?!" She happily says in a sleepy voice.


"When?! How?!" She blinks her eyes a few times in confusion, making him more clear. She breaks into a smile once she sees the grin on his face.

"I'm returning to the ring tonight."

"You are?!" She asks shocked, but concerned.

"I'm medically cleared to compete. And yes I am, on NXT tonight."

"That's great!" She says excited. "I have a match tonight too with Scar."

"Which I will be out there with you for."

"Good. I missed having you out there with me." She frowns a bit as she starts to play with his now longer hair. "By the way..I love the new hair. More to play with." She laughs as she slightly ruffles his hair.

"Of course you would say that. I decided to grow it out a bit...just for you."

"Aw." She smiles, still admiring his hair. "Well I absolutely love it."

"I knew you would."

"Of course." She smiles as she bites her lip. " I get a kiss?" She moves her hand from his hair down to his cheek.

"Well of course you do."

Justin leans closer to her as he moves his hand to her waist, pulling her closer to him. She moves her hand to the back of his neck as he presses his lips to hers. He starts off slow and soft at first, then starts to kiss more eagerly. Both of them could tell how much they missed each other from how the kiss was going. She shifts in her spot so that Justin was now hovering over her without moving his lips too far.

"" She mumbles in between kisses.

"...I...missed much...too..."

They kiss for a bit longer until they break for air. Justin leans his forehead against hers as he plays with her hair. She runs her hands across his back, resting on his shoulders.

"Not leaving the room until the show?" She runs her fingers over the fabric of his shirt.

"That's the plan."

"Missed me as much as I missed you I see." She giggles, lightly brushing her lips against his.

"Yes I did."

"The only thing that got me through was your shirt." She bites her lip, blushing slightly.


"Even though it was not the same as having you with me."


"But..." She runs her hand down his arms going to the bottom of his shirt, tugging at it. "..I think this needs to come off."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." She nods with a smirk.

"Well what's keeping you?"

"Nothing." She pulls his shirt up and over his head before tossing it to the side. She runs her fingers up his arms to his shoulders, just missing his touch.

"Back on the road with me, and I can't be any happier."

"It's going to be good to be with you again."

"I couldn't agree any more."

"So happy to have you back."

"I'm happy to have you back too."

"I missed this so much."

"So did I."

Justin runs his fingers over her face as she leans into his touch. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Then he decides to start kissing wherever he could reach. He makes his way down her neck as he starts to tug on the shirt that she's wearing.

"I think this needs to come off...."

"...your move."

"Gonna have to move a bit so I can remove it."

She shifts in her spot so he can slide it up, before lifting it over her head and tossing it to the side. "Oh how I missed you." Justin smirks as he looks her over.

"I know you are gonna show me too." She bites her lip.

"Yes I will."

"Looking forward to it."

"I've been looking forward to it, ever since I heard I could come back."

"I have been waiting ever since the day you left for this moment."

"Now that makes me happy."

"I am sure just as happy as I am right now."

"But enough talking..." She adds.

She reaches her hand around his neck and pulls him as close to her as he can get with her lips against his. His hands rest on her hips for the meantime. She moves her hands to his head, pulling him closer as she gently tugs on his hair. She manages to move and roll them both over so that she was over him this time. She kisses down his jaw, making her way to his ear as she lets her hands move down his chest. She decides to tease him a bit by gently nipping on his earlobe a bit. His grip on her hips tightens as she continues. She moves from nibbling to sucking on his ear as she lets her hands move down to the waist of his pants. Running her fingers lightly over his skin, she feels him tense as his grip gets more tighter. She smirks at the reaction she gets, moving from his ear down his neck, to his chest and to his abs. Moving her hands up his side, she kisses and nips at his skin, moving closer to the waist of his pants. She feels him tense more the closer she gets.

"Evil.." He mumbles.

"You love it." She smirks as she runs her nails down his sides going to his hips, running her fingers along the top of his exposed indent.

"" He manages to get out.

"I can tell." She chuckles. "You always have this's your fault." She adds.


"Oh, I know."

"You're so in for it."

"Kind of figured."

She then slowly starts to make her way back to his lips, hovering her lips above his skin as she goes. He soon can't take any more and pulls her up to him, his lips crashing against hers. Smiling into the kiss, she rests her hands on his shoulders as his wander all over. His hands finaly wander to the bottoms that she was currently wearing...he clearly wanted them off.

"...eager..." She mumbles against his lips as she moves her hips a bit.

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really."

"This is well deserved."

"Yes..yes it is."

"Well what're you waiting for?"

He keeps tugging until he gets her bottoms off before rolling them over so he is hovering over her.

"I believe it's your turn."

"Mhm." Justin smirks before he leans down, trailing kisses from her jaw to her neck.

"Take your time."

"I plan on it." He mumbles as he slowly nips at the skin on her neck.

"But your pants need to come off first, before we continue." She adds.

"Well...go ahead.

"You're gonna have to help you know."

"I know."

She wanders her hands once more to the waistline of his pants, before starting to tug them off and he helps when he has to. Once they are off and tossed to the side, Justin focuses his attention back to her neck lightly nipping around her sensitive spot, causing her to muffle a moan into his shoulder. He smirks because that's the reaction he was waiting for the whole time. She runs her hands up his side, then his arms before gripping onto his shoulders.

"I don't know how much I can take...." She mumbles.

"...I'm having my fun." Justin mumbles against my neck.

"And it's driving me crazy."

"Good." Justin brushes his lips over her sensitive spot before attaching her lips causing her to grip his shoulders more tightly as he gets a few more noises from her.

Once he knows that he's left a mark, but a coverable one of course because of tonight, he moves back to her lips. Mid-kiss, he reaches down and takes the blanket to pull over them both. Meanwhile Ted and I have just got done eating.

"So what's the plan until the show?"

"Whatever you want to do."

"Well, we can either take a walk or go back to the hotel."

"How about a walk, then back to the hotel?"

"Sounds good."

We head back to the car, and find a park we can walk around in because it makes things easier. After Ted parks the car we head on the path with our hands linked as we look at the scenery.

"I've missed this warm weather."

"It is nice, but before too long it is going to be too hot."

"Right, I know."

"That means I get to see you in a swim suit more." Ted grins.

"Yes, that's true. Lots of swimming when it gets too hot out."

"So looking forward to that."

"Well of course you are."

"I have missed it way to much."

"I can tell."

"That's not the only thing I missed."


"The thing I missed the most was you. I missed your laugh, smile, touch...everything."


"It's the truth."

"I know, but it's so sweet."

"Well I'm glad." Ted kisses the top of my head. "I always miss all that...even if you are gone for a minute." Ted puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

"Well I miss everything about you too."

"Let's just hope we never have to be apart for that long again."

"I hope not."

"Well now that I can travel more, we won't have that problem unless I have other things to do that you are not able to do with me."


"But that is then and right now we are together."

"Exactly, and it's much better."

We keep walking until we come to a bench that is over looking a small patch of water. We take a seat with Ted pulling me close to him as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"If only you could come out for my match with me for support. But I know you can't until you actually come back."

"I know. I would love nothing more that to come out. I miss being there with you."

"Only a matter of time."

"Hopefully not much longer."

"Depends on when WWE wants you to come back and what they have planned for you."

"That is true. We will think more about that when the time comes."

"It better be something good. That's all I have to say about that."

"I'm sure it can't be all that bad."

"You'd be surprised."

"Well, when it gets closer for me to come back, you come with me when I talk to Vince about it."

"I like that idea."

"I want you to be there anyway."

"Well it's important so why wouldn't I be there?"

"There is no reason you wouldn't be."

"Hopefully by then Laurinaitis is gone."

"Hopefully. That would be great."

"And after that, things can start to get better. So many people are out on injury because of his decisions for matches."

"He is making it worse for everyone. The match ups have not been the best."

"His definition of People Power, isn't what People Power really is."

"No it's not. More of what he wants than the people really."

"Exactly. He only cares about what he wants. He could care less what the fans want."

"He is to self-centered and power hungry to see that though."

"He'll get his eventually. Vince will realize that he's the reason why the ratings have been dropping each week. No one wants to see Mr. People Power."

"Right. The shows have been a joke with him in charge."

"I don't know how I've been able to deal with it."

"You're doing what you love to do and have those who care for you around and that is what is helping you get through it all."

"Even though he barely puts Divas in matches. Ever since Eve became his Executive Administrator. She like hates all of us."

"She is full of herself too. Her problem is, is that she is just jealous that you are all better than her."

"And we don't have to suck up to powerful people to get what we want. We earn what we get. She just gets it because she's a brown-noser."

"Exactly why you are better than she will ever be."

"I just can't wait until she has no one to suck up to. She'll go back to competing with the rest of us and I can kick her ass."

"I'm looking forward to that day too."

"You and me both."

"Speaking of matches, who are you and Vi going against tonight?"

"Tamina and Kaitlyn."

"Eh, you both got that match won already."

"Oh, I know."

"But after that we will have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"Mmhmm...what are your plans for after the taping hmm?"

"I think you have a good idea of what that might me." Ted smirks.

"Oh boy."


"No hints?"

"Well..." Ted leans down pressing his lips to mine. He holds the kiss a bit longer before pulling away. "...that's just the start."

"You're killing me already."


"You always know how to drive me crazy."

"That I do."

"No matter what."

"You do it to me too."

"Because it's fun."

"Of course."

After sitting there for a while, we decide to get up and start walking again. We talk about a different things as we look at all the different animals that are around. Once we were done walking through the park, coming out on the other side, we walk all the way around to get back to the car. When we get to the car, Ted opens my door for me before he goes to the drivers side. After he gets in, he drives to the hotel.

"Looks like we have just enough time to relax before the show."

"Oh good.

"How about be take a small nap?"

"I do like the sound of that."

"Well come on so we can snuggle."


"You love it though."

"Now let's go..." He adds, pulling me.

"Alright." I squeal as a giggle escapes my lips.

Almost immediately after we get our shoes off, he has me snuggled into him right as we're on the bed. Ted runs his fingers up and down my arm soothingly causing my eyes to get heavy the more he does it.


"It helps you relax which is why I do it."

"It never fails."


"But nap. I'll make sure you're up in plenty of time to get ready for the show."

"Mmm kay."

It doesn't take me long, and soon I'm out. Ted makes sure to set the alarm on his phone in case he too falls asleep. And after a while of watching me sleep, he does fall asleep. In Vi and Justin's, she is laying on his chest still asleep as he looks down at her with his arms still wrapped around her holding her close to him. He smiles to himself and leans down, kissing the top of her head. She shifts in her spot, snuggling in closer to him not wanting to move any farther. He chuckles a bit, holding her closer. She finally starts to stir, opening her eyes slightly as she looks up at him through her lashes with a smile.

"You were out for hours."

"Can you blame me." She chuckles.

"No, not really."

"It was all worth it though."

"It was."

"Too bad we have the show tonight. I don't want to move."

"I know, I know. Well you don't have to move right away."

"Good. I'm too comfy anyway."

"I thought so."

She starts to trace patterns on his chest as she lays there in content, the best she has felt in months. They decide to lay there for the rest of the time. But of course they o order food for dinner before the show and have to get clothes on. But besides that, they enjoy each other's company. After they had got done eating, she reluctantly made her way over to her things so she could get ready. She goes in the bathroom, slipping on her purple halter top sundress before applying her makeup and doing her hair. Once everything looked perfect, she went into the room to get her heels on for the night.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks and like always so do you."

"Only for you."

"Of course." She giggles. "I only dress like this for you too." She bite her lip blushing.

"Well I feel special."

"That's because you are."

"So are you."

She can't help but hide her face behind her hair as she blushes.

"You always know what to say." She smiles behind her hair.

"I'm good like that."

"Which is why I love you."

"I love you too."

"I wish we did not have to go." She stands up, going over to get her jewelry.

"I know. I'd stay in this room all night with you if we could."

"Luckily we just have NXT then we can leave early."

"Whenever my match is that is."

"Hopefully early."

"Well we'll just have to find out."


"You all ready to go?"

"Mhm." She leans up, giving him a quick kiss.

"After you."

She smiles as they grab their bags and whatever else they need. They then head out of the room to the elevator before making their way to the car. Ted and I had just finished getting ready ourselves. The only thing I had left was my shoes, which I sat on the bed to put on.

"Amazing." Ted says as he looks me over.

"I try."

"No matter what you look amazing whether you try or not."

"And I know, I don't have to try."

"That's right."

"See, I know what you're gonna say...all the time."

"Because you know me that well."

"Yes I do."

"Almost ready?"

"Mmhmm." I nod, getting my other shoe on.

After I stand we gather what we need before we head out and down to the car. We arrive at the arena after Vi and Justin, grabbing our things and getting out of the car. We then walk inside and head to our locker room so I could get ready.

"Shouldn't take me long to get ready." I tell Ted.

"I'll be here."

I nod, heading into the changing area to get changed. Like I said it does not take me that long to get ready and I soon walk out all ready.

"You're staring." I giggle.

"I can't help it."

"Of course not." I reply, sitting down next to him.

"I really missed being here."

"I can tell." I nod.

"When is your match?"

"The 2nd one of the night."

"Not too long. Then we can leave early possibly."

"Right. We'd be able to leave early. Don't know about Vi and Justin. Depending on his match."


In the meantime, Vi comes out from getting changed herself, after Justin of course.

"Okay so I got the schedule. There's a tag team match first. Hawkins and Reks vs The Usos, your tag team match is 2nd and mine is last." Justin says.

"So we have to stay here almost all night." She groans as she makes her way over to him.


"Can't this night just be over already?"

"I'm sure it'll just fly by."

"Now that you are back I am sure it will." She leans into his touch as he wraps his arm around her.

"I'm glad to be back here."

"I am so glad you are back too."

"I missed having you back her with me." She adds as she snuggles into his side.

"I missed being here with you, traveling.."

"What I missed the most was at night. It was so hard to sleep."


"It was hard. I missed holding you."

"Well, you don't have to miss that anymore."

"No and I could not be happier." Justin leans down giving her a soft kiss as he pulls her onto his lap.

He keeps his arms wrapped around her so that she could not move....not yet anyway. She moves her hand to his face, holding the kiss for a bit longer. She pulls away once he starts to get a bit more touchy. " it..for the..hotel.." She rests her forehead against his, catching her breath.

"....right....can't do anything here..."

She lightly brushes her lips against his. " much as we would like to.." She runs her nails down his chest. "..we can't." She whispers in his ear as she gently nips at it before pulling away.


"...later...if tonight goes good."

"Let's hope so."


"Well looks like the show is starting." Justin points to the screen.


The NXT intro video goes off, no pyros after. Starting off the show was a tag team match, first coming out, Reks and Hawkins. Out next was the Usos.

"They all bore me."

"Don't do much for me either."

Reks and one of the Jey start things off. After circling, they lock up, trying to get out of the hold. They do back up into the corner, breaking the hold. Jey moves out of the way, making Reks hit the top turnbuckle in the corner before slapping him across the back. Reks argues with the ref about what he just did, before going over to his corner to consult with Curt. Curt tells him to get back in the match and he does. They circle again, Reks grabbing Jey around the waist before taking him down. Jey gets up and takes control of the match from there. Reks gets up and gets out of his hold before tagging Curt in. Jey trips him and twists his arm. Tagging in Jimmy, they double team Curt, followed by a hip toss from Jimmy. Pushed into the corner, the ref counts and Curt backs up before sending Jimmy into the other corner, which doesn't work. Jimmy goes for the cover, but Curt kicks out. Jey's tagged back in and takes control of the match where Jimmy left off. He tags Jimmy back in, not allowing Curt to get to his corner. Another tag to Jey and they double team again. Going for a cover, Curt kicks out. He tries to get to Reks but Jey prevents it. Curt gets out of the arm hold, goes for another move, but Jey counters, superkicking Curt in the face. Jey goes up to the top, Reks pulls Curt out of the ring to safety. That doesn't work because Jey jumps on them both on the outside. Jimmy then gets involved and takes out Curt again. The match was long, but in the end it was Curt and Reks who won.

"Well, it's time for my match now."

"I'm coming with you. Unless you want my return to be a surprise and wait for my match."

" can come to the curtain, but I think your fans would be surprised when they hear your music go off."

"Right. So save it for my match then. I'll stay backstage."

"Even though I would love nothing more than for you to be out there with me."

"I know, but can't let the fans know early. Have to leave it a surprise until then."


They stand up and link their hands together as they walk to the curtain. Ted and I meet them there, him of course having to stay backstage too, but at least he has Justin. As we are waiting we see Tamina and Kaitlyn walk up glaring at us as they steal a look at Ted and Justin looking them over.

"Ohh, they did not just do that." I say once they walk farther into the curtained area and out of hearing range.

"They are so going to get it for that." Vi tenses.

"Relax..." Justin tries to soothe her.

"..just...the nerve.."

"Save it for the match...."

"I plan on it."

We waited as they played Kaitlyn's music first and she went out. Then they played Tamina's and she went out next.

"Ready to kick of ass out there?"


"Let's do this!" Vi says as soon as my music hits.

"Oh they are so in for it." I say after I go out and head down the ramp.

I make my way down slapping hands with all the fans. I stop short of the ring and glare at Kaitlyn and Tamina as I wait for Vi's music to go off. It does shortly after mine and she does the same thing I did. We make our way to the ring as we climb up not taking our eyes off of them. We go to get in their faces, but the ref backs us off.

"Watch what happens when you try to mess with our guys."

"You wanna go first?" I ask Vi.

"Sure." She nods.

I climb outside the ropes as the bell rings to start the match, Vi going up against Tamina to start. They glare at each other as they circle each other in the ring. They lock up before pushing each other. Vi gets Tamina backed into the ropes, but has to let go and she does. They circle again and lock up once more. This time Tamina pushes Vi into the corner, holding her there, before backing off. She then hits her across the chest with her arm, making Vi slide down into the corner. She does it again, before tagging Kaitlyn in. Vi is able to kick Tamina away, but Kaitlyn is the legal diva in this match. I drop down from where I am and pull Tamina out of the ring, climbing back up to watch Vi go after Kaitlyn.

"Come on Vi!" I slap the turnbuckle. "Take her down!"

After a while I reach for the tag, wanting into the match badly. She tags me in and I come in all fired up. Kaitlyn goes to clothesline me but I quickly slide underneath her and dropkick her in the back, sending her into the corner. I then use her back as a stepping stone and climb up to the top of the corner. I wait until she stands up to wrap my legs around her neck and I hold onto the top rope with both hands before moving away from them and sending her flying across the ring. I quickly pull her into the middle of the ring, covering her for the pin. She however kicks out at two.

"Give it to her Scar!" Vi encourages. "Show her who's boss."

She starts to crawl over to Tamina, but I don't let her. Sure I let her move a bit, but step over her and grab her by the hair before slamming her face into the apron. After that I go and hit Tamina with a cheap shot, sending her off the side of the ring, hitting the announce desk. I then drag Kaitlyn over to my corner and quickly tag Vi in. I let her finish the match. We double team her before Vi gets her into a submission hold where she has no choice but to tap. After she taps Vi pushes her down on to the mat as I get in the ring after the ref had rung the bell. We get our hands raised in victory as Kaitlyn slowly rolls out of the ring. We hug after celebrating, waiting for Tamina and Kaitlyn to leave before we do. We make our way up the ramp waving to the crowd before we get behind the curtain. Once we are back there we are instantly engulfed in a hug.

"You both did amazing out there."

"We always do."

"Taught them a lesson too."

"Yes we did."

"How are we head back so I can get changed for your match." Vi says to Justin.

"Right." He nods.

We all head back to our locker rooms saying goodbye before we part ways with each other.

"Looks like we can head back early." I say to Ted.

"Yes it does." He smirks at me as I get my clothes to change into.

"I know what that means...."

"Do you now?"

"Yes I do."

"The sooner you change, the sooner we can get to that."

"Right, but maybe I'll just be slow with changing and torture you. Ever think of that? Hmm?" I giggle.

"You do and you will be in for it when we get back to the hotel."

"Ooooh I'm so scared."

"I can torture you just the same."

"Oh I know..."

"Shall I start?" Ted lifts up the bottom of his shirt showing a bit of his abs.

"You do that and the shirt's coming off ahead of schedule."

"It is kind of hot in here." He slowly lifts it up farther as he smirks.

"Don't tempt me..."

Ted keeps lifting his shirt up more and more going slower that father up he gets.

"Okay I'm gonna go change now before I do something I can get in trouble for."

"I think that would be wise."

I head into the changing area to get out of my ring gear. It does not take me long, but I wait a few extra minutes just to torture Ted a bit. Once I feel I waited enough, I grab my things and head back out to my bag.

"You made me wait're so in for it now."

"Oh did I?" I shrug innocently. "Oops."

"Yeah sure, act all innocent now."

"I don't think I was that long."

"You were long enough."

"Sorry." I pout in my best baby voice.

"Ohh not the pout..."

" know what that does to me." Ted chuckles as I pout more batting my eyelashes.

"Alright, you're not in for it as much as you were going to be."

"But I am still in for it though, I know."

"Yes, you are."

"Well how about we head back now so we can get started?" I grin as I grab my bag laying it on my shoulder.

"You read my mind. Let's go."

I shake my head as I giggle. Ted grabs my hand lacing our fingers as we head out to the car fairly quickly. In the meantime, Justin had just come out from getting ready for his match which was coming up soon. She can't help but to stare as he walks over to the couch since it has been months of seeing him in his gear.

"You missed this....I know." He smirks.

"I did..." She bites her lip. "...too much." She runs her hand up his arm after he sits next to her.

"I figured as much. Well we got some time before I'll be called to the curtain.."

"Uh oh..I know that look."

He smirks before pulling you onto his lap.


"Yours." She brushes her lips over his cheek as she traces her fingers along the skin of his shoulder.

"Depending on how my match goes, you keep this up, you may be in for it again."

"Keep what up?" She nips at his cheek as she runs her hand down his chest.

"I think you know what."

"Want me to stop?" She pulls away a little and hovers her hand over his chest as she starts to scoot off his lap a bit, teasing him.


"If you say so..." She leans closer to him, putting her hand on his shoulder as she presses her lips to his for what was supposed to be a quick kiss.

Instead, he holds it for longer, not wanting to let go just yet. She moves her hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer, just missing these moments so much. He moves his hand down her back to her leg and starts to move to the bottom of her dress.

"..not here.." She mumbles against his lips.

"Darn....right. I forgot we were still in the locker room."

"Soon we will not be.."

"..then you can be as touchy as you want." She adds.

"Which I am sure will be a lot."

"Yes there will be."

"No sleep tonight I am guessing."

"Oh we'll get sleep...just not much."

"Oh boy."

"Maybe round two of this've tempted me enough."

"Sounds like a long night to me."


"Knowing you, it will be." She leans down and nips at his cheek.

"You know me all too well."

"That I do." She slowly says.

Before they could do anything else, there was a knock on the door, letting them know that it was time for Justin's match. Stealing one last kiss, she slides off his lap allowing him to stand before they lace their fingers and head to the curtain. Once they get to the curtain, mostly everyone is there. She stands facing Justin as he has his arm over her shoulder, when she feels something or someone touch her butt.

"Uhh..Justy?" She looks behind her. "You didn't just touch me did you?"

"My arm's around you, that's about it."

"Well someone just touched my butt."

She turns around to see Johnny Curtis smirking.

"Dude! What the hell!

"What?" Curtis smirks. "She hot." He winks being cocky.

"Ugh." Vi makes a face, disgusted. "Soooo not interested." She rolls her eyes.

"You could be." He grins trying to step closer.

"No thank you."

"Oh come on." He touches her waist, only to have her move so his hands drop.

"I said no!" She turns around, snapping at him.

"I suggest you back off now." Justin says to him.

"Unless you don't want to compete tonight." Vi mumbles.

Thankfully it was time for him to go out, but on his way out he made a kiss face while mouthing 'see you out there'. She turns to Justin and shudders.

"Don't worry. Stay by commentary and you'll be fine."

"I will, but if he comes near me...I see a lot of ice in his future."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Justin chuckles.

"Better not mess with me." She takes a breath. "He's just lucky you were here."

"Well at least he's stuck on NXT and isn't on SmackDown or Raw."

"Not yet anyway."

"Even when he does get on the shows...he's not coming near you again."

"That's right." She kisses the corner of his mouth. "My protector."


"Good." She smiles, giving him one last kiss just as his theme goes off.

She and Justin head out to an excited crowd. Slapping hands as they go down the ramp, they stop at the end and wait. Next to come out was Percy, followed by Derrick. Justin kissed Vi briefly before letting her walk over to commentary to be safe. She walks over, glaring at Curtis who keeps looking at her before she focuses on Justin.

"Come on babe. You got this." She encourages while clapping her hands.

It however starts off with JTG and Percy. Back and forth action before Percy takes control. He goes for a cover, but JTG kicks out. He picks him up and goes over to this corner, Justin tagging himself in.

"Yes!" Vi cheers as the crowd goes wild. "Show 'em what they missed!"

They work together, double teaming. Justin takes control where Percy left off, twisting JTG's arm, only to get hit away. JTG gets into his corner and tags Curtis in. Curtis picks up where JTG left off with the control. He sends Justin backwards, but just like Justin does he lands on his feet, stumbling backwards into the ropes, kicking Curtis away with his feet. He goes for an innovative way of pinning him, but Curtis kicks out.

"Damn! Almost!" Vi claps. "You'll get him." She encourages.

Justin with the arm again, and tags in Derrick when close to their corner. Derrick continues with the arm himself. Curtis gets to his feet, but Derrick hits him with a dropkick. He goes for the cover, but Curtis kicks out. He then misses hitting Curtis in the corner since he moved, and McGillicutty comes in since he was tagged. McGillicutty taking control of the match from what Curtis caused now. He goes for the cover, getting a nearfall. Derrick however trips McGillicutty, going for a cover himself, getting a two count. Curtis tries to get involved, but Justin rushes in and stops him. JTG comes in next, but Percy stops him. Derrick clotheslines McGillicutty out of the ring, him, Percy and Justin standing tall in the ring for now.

"Woo!" Vi cheers. "That's how it's done!"

McGillicutty eventually gets back into the ring, and has taken control of the match against Derrick. He goes for the cover, kickout at one. The crowd gets clapping and Derrick gets out of the hold, but gets hit with a dropkick. Another pin attempt failed by McGillicutty. He drags Derrick over and tags Curtis back in. He picks up where McGillicutty left off. Derrick tries to fight back, but it's no use. After a suplex, he goes for the cover, but he fails. He tags McGillicutty back in and Derrick can't catch a break. He drops the elbow before tagging Curtis back in once more. He climbs to the top, but misses. Derrick manages to get away and tags Percy in. He hits dropkicks and a clothesline, kicking McGillicutty off the side of the ring. He tries to get into the ring to confront Percy, but the ref stops him and gets distracted. That allows JTG to pull the top rope down, Percy falling to the floor.

"What the hell?" Vi scoffs. "Pay attention!" She throws her hands up.

Justin tries to explain to the ref what happened, but it's no use and Justin goes back to outside the ropes where he's supposed to be. Curtis tags in JTG and he goes after Percy outside the ring. He rams him back-first into the side of the ring before rolling him back in. Percy starts crawling for a tag, but JTG won't let him. He goes for a cover, Percy gets the shoulder up at two. Pushed into the heel corner, McGillicutty's tagged in once more. The ref gets distracted with him so that allows Curtis and JTG to take advantage of the situation and get a couple shots in themselves. JTG gets tagged back in, not letting Percy get away. Clapping ensues and Percy gets to his feet, making JTG let go of him, but he gets hit again and another pin attempt failed by JTG. He's pulled over to the corner again and Curtis is tagged in. Percy fights back, but it's not good enough. A pin attempt by Curtis, but Percy gets his shoulder up. Percy gets a slight advantage, crawling to his corner where he tags Justin in. At the same time, JTG is tagged in.

"Finish it Justy! Show them who is boss!"

Justin ducks JTG's arm, kicks him in the leg, then the chest, and then spins and kicks him in the jaw, sending him back into the ropes. Irish Whip reversed into the ropes, Justin comes back and rolls over JTG's back and spins and kicks him in the jaw again. In the corner, Justin hits him in the face with his arm before hitting him a few times. He then lifts and slams him down, going for the pin. McGillicutty comes in and breaks it up.

"Give it up already!"

Derrick comes in to take care of him. Percy helps by pulling him out of the ring, and Derrick sends Curtis out of the ring as well, before hitting the suicide dive on both Curtis and McGillicutty. Justin goes to use the ropes, but JTG had gotten up and tried to stop him. Justin elbowed him away, before climbing to the top of the nearby corner. He then jumps and kind of hits a Springboard DDT from the top. He goes for the cover and gets the three count.

"Ahhh." She squeals as she jumps up and down excitedly. She waits until everyone is gone before she gets in the ring with Justin and them.

She waits until they put him down from lifting him up on their shoulders. He turns to see her and he immediately hugs her first.

"Great job!" She says over the crowd so he can hear. "I knew you would so beat them."

"And that's what kept me going."

"That's what I'm here for." She kisses his cheek.

"Let's go." He says, leading her out of the ring.

She nods as they make their way to the ropes. Justin holds them for her then hops down after she's out. They walk back up the ramp waving to fans along the way. Then they head backstage and back to the locker room.

"Alright, won't take me long to get changed, should be ready to go soon."

"Alright. I'll be here....maybe." She teases.

"You better not be going anywhere..." He chuckles.

"We'll see..." She grins. "...better hurry."

"I'm on it." He says, quickly heading in.

"Goof." She laughs, shaking her head.

"Your goof." He says, peeking his head around the corner before disappearing back into the changing area.

"Always." She calls as she begins to gather up some of the things they had brought. She had just got her bag all packed and was getting Justin's ready when she felt arms go around her waist and lips on her neck. "That was awful quick." She leans back into his touch as he drops his gear in his bag.

"Couldn't take the chance of you not being here when I came out."

"Where would I go exactly?"

"I don't know, the car maybe?"

"Not with Wendy and Curtis around. I am not taking any chances anymore with those two."

"In that case, we should leave now before Curtis comes looking for you."

"Yes. I don't even want to think about him right now."

She grabs her bag and Justin grabs his, and then they both leave the room to head to the car. Luckily they make it to the car without seeing anyone. They put their bags in the back then walk around getting in the car. As she goes to sit, she notices someone staring over at them in the shadows, but it is hard to make out. She shakes the thought out of her head and gets in as Justin starts the car. The ride is fairly quiet, Vi can't really stop going back to who was watching from the shadows. She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not realize that they had arrived at the hotel until Justin touched her shoulder, bringing her back to reality.



"Something wrong?" He asks concerned.

"No." She lies, putting on a fake smile. "Just thinking about this morning..." She bites her lip. "...and tonight." She tries not to worry him until she finds out who it was she saw.

"Oh...well good. We're back, let's go."

"Coming Mister Eager." She giggles as she opens her door and gets out.

They both go to the back and grab their things. Justin locks the car before they both head inside. Justin puts his arm around her waist as she looks over her shoulder checking all the dark places. Not seeing anyone, she sighs in relief to herself as they make their way into the hotel. They then wait for the elevator before stepping in and heading to their floor. Once they reach their floor, they step out of the elevator and head to their room. After they make their way in, they set their bags down and Justin immediately puts his arms around her, kissing everywhere that he can as his hands roam all over. She reaches around his neck and runs her nails just under the neckline of his shirt. The first thing he does is back her up, so that her back is against the wall. She moves her hands to his shoulders as she starts to move her hands down to the bottom of his shirt, wanting that off. He pulls away so it can come off before going back to kissing all down her nack and shoulders, gently nipping as he goes. She moves her head to the side, muffling the noises that come into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin, and she knew that he was waiting for that response from her.

"...always..." She breathlessly says as he moves the straps down on her dress. "Uh uh...your pants first." She manages to say.

He groans a bit at having to wait, but she slowly moves her hands down his chest, to the waist of his pants. Getting them undone, they fall to the floor. She then runs her fingers against his exposed indent from the waist of his boxers causing him to growl and tighten his grip on me.

"You're making it harder to wait."

"Am I now?" She smirks.

"Very hard."

"Well..." She trails off as she leans in, nipping at his neck. "...go ahead." She gives in.

He grins before going back to the straps of her dress once again. Once they're off, he lets the dress fall to the floor before lifting her up so she has to wrap her legs around him. He makes his way to the bed, laying her down as he hovers over her. She whines a bit at how long he is taking, then he leans down trailing kisses up her stomach as she runs her fingers through his hair. When he reaches her lips, she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as he can get. She holds him there, her arms wrapped around him, without breaking the kiss. The only time they do break the kiss is to get air and he kisses along the skin of wherever he can reach so that they both can get the air that they need. She moves her hands to his back only to have him move them, pinning them to the bed. She whines at not being able to touch him.

"I want my fun first...then you can touch."

"Awww." She whines more.

"I won't take long....promise."

"Mkay." She nods, biting her lip.

He starts on her lips again, staying there for a bit, before moving to her neck, going right for that sensitive spot, but since there was already a mark there, he doesn't leave another one. Her hold on his hands gets tighter as she muffles a moan into his shoulder. After hearing that, he moves from her neck, to her shoulder before going to her stomach again.


"....almost....done...." He says between kisses.


He starts to make his way back up, and when he reaches her lips, he lets her go. She instantly wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her as he can get. Slowly she moves one hand down his side, making her way to the waist of his boxers once again. This time she tugs on the waist of them, eager to get them off. Justin chuckles against her lips at her eagerness as he helps her get them off. It doesn't take too long before whatever else she was wearing to come off and they had a repeat of this morning. Ted and I in the meantime have been back at the hotel for awhile now and he has been dying to get whatever I had on off.

"Patience..." I giggle.

"You know I have none when it comes to you."

"But you always manage to get some."

"Because it's all worth it." He grins.

"Of course it is."

"How much longer." He whines getting all pouty, mocking me from earlier.

"Just let me go change into something more comfortable okay?"

"Even though it will not be on long." Ted smirks.

"I figured as much."

"Go before you don't make it that far."

"Well in that find something more comfortable or not..." I pretend to think.

"Do I need to decide for you?" Ted walks over to me.


"Well..." Ted pulls me to him pressing his lips to mine as he starts to tug on the bottom of my shirt wanting it off.

For now, I grab his hands, lacing my fingers with his, the shirt not coming off right now. Ted mumbles against my lips as he walks forwards, making me walk backwards, toward the bed. My legs hit the bed first, but I don't fall back onto it. Ted then turns us around so his back is to the bed. He sits on the bed making me down down with him as I straddle his lap. I let his hands go at that point and they go right back to my shirt.

"...yours...first..." I mumble against his lips.




I reach down to the bottom of his shirt lifting it off and before I can toss his to the side, he already has mine up and over my head. "Someone's eager."

"Been waiting all night for this." Ted leans down nipping at the skin on my shoulder moving up to my neck.

"Ever since you came back on the road with me..."

"Mhm." He mumbles against my skin.

He then shifts so that we're on the bed now, him hovering above me. He moves from my neck to my collarbone as his hands move to the waist of my pants I have on.

"Not now..."

He mumbles against my skin as he lightly moves his fingers over the skin above my pants. Gently nipping at the skin on my stomach he slowly makes his way back up to my neck, nipping just below my sensitive spot. I wrap my arms around his neck as he lightly grazes over the spot with his lips. Grabbing his hair, I gently tug at it as I tense underneath him.


I feel him smirk against my skin as he goes for the spot making me muffle a moan into his shoulder. Once he left a coverable mark, he pulls away moving to my lips. I move my hands from his hair to his back as I drag my nails across his skin making him kiss me more roughly. Sliding my hands over his shoulders and down his chest, they make their way to his belt. After getting that undone, I start to fumble with the button. Once that was undone, I started to tug those off with his help.

“” Ted eagerly mumbles wanting my pants off.

Nodding, he quickly moves his hands down to my waist lightly grazing his fingers over my skin as he went. He starts to fumble with the button, making a triumphant noise when he got it undone. Slowly pulling them down, I moved to the waist of his boxers wanting them to come off too. Soon Ted got my pants off as he tossed them to the side along with his boxers. He pulled the covers over us for more privacy and we had a long night of fun.