Status: Active

All About Us

We're So In For It Now

It's finally the weekend, and we all have it off. Sleeping in felt great, and that's exactly what Vi and Justin were doing. She started to shift a bit in her spot, being in the middle of a dream. When it got to a certain part of the dream, she opens her eyes to see she was still laying on a peacefully sleeping Justin. Not wanting to wake him, she lays her head back on his chest and snuggles into him, closing her eyes, trying to let him get more sleep. With the sound of his heartbeat, she ended up falling back asleep, even though she wasn't really tired. The sound was just soothing to her. She actually gets a bit more sleep with no dreams this time. She didn't realize how long she went back to sleep for until she slowly opens her eyes to see Justin smiling down at her with his one arm wrapped around her while his other runs down the side of her face.

"Well good morning."

"Morning." She smiles up at him as he leans down, giving her a soft kiss.

"How long have you been awake?" She asks.

"Not long. Maybe ten minutes or so."

"Have fun watching me?"

"I always have fun watching you. You're to beautiful for me not to watch."

"Awe Justy." She blushes, trying to hide her face. "Must you make me blush this early?" She adds.

"Yes." He chuckles.

"Always." She manages to look up at him. She lightly runs her fingers over his chest as she just looks into his eyes until there is a bang outside the door, making her snap her head up and Justin to look over at the door.

"W-what was that?" She asks a bit shaky.

"I don't know. You stay right here, I'll go check it out."

"Be careful." She bites her lip as she shifts so Justin can go see what made that noise.

"I will." He nods, getting up and heading over to the door, opening it.

After opening the door he looks both ways to find the halls empty. As he goes to walk back in the room he finds a note laying on the floor. He picks it then closes the the door before walking to the bed.

"What's that?" She asks curiously.

"A note.....for you." He hands it to her.

She opens the note, then throws it down after reading it and bites her lip as she gets tears in her eyes.

"Vi...what's wrong? What did it say? Who's it from?"

"I-I.." She stutters as he lip trembles. "I don't know...all it said was 'You'll be mine soon'."

He picks the note up, looking at the writing carefully, before ripping it up...mumbling things to himself.

"Now what's gonna happen?" She starts to shake as the tears fall from her eyes.

"You're never leaving my side....ever."

"What if they are working together? How are you going to stop both of them?"

"I can ask for help. You know how Tyson and I started to form the tag team before I got hurt....I'm sure he'd help. We've got Ted too. We've got a lot of people on our side."

"That's true, but now I'm afraid to do anything."

"Don't let his threats get to you. You're not going anywhere. You're with me, that's how it's going to be."

"He's sneaky, they both are." She trembles. "What if they have others helping them too." She thinks the worst. "I know one of them have been following us too."

"We just have to be careful, and aware of our surroundings then."

"Lets just hope they get over this soon." She wipes a few tears away. "I don't want to be with anyone else but you." She starts to cry again.

"You're not going to be with anyone else but me. You're not ever gonna be away from me."

"Good. I can't imagine being with anyone else." She sniffs. "You're too good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"As you always tell me." She smiles slightly.

"And I will continue to tell you."

"I'm sure you will."


"Awe Justy." She smiles, blushing slightly. "There you go with making me blush again." She adds.

"That's because I love you."

"I love you too." He pulls her to him, kissing her softly.

"So, what are the plans for today?"

"Hmmm...breakfast pick."


"How about we invite Ted and Scar to join?"

"I think that would be a great idea."

"Oh..another about the beach after?"

"I think you know my answer to that." He grins.

"Of course I do." She giggles. "Got a new swim suit too." She smirks.

"Now I definitely can't wait."

"I think you will like."

"Oh, I'll more than like it..."

"You'll love it?" She finishes for him.


"Well you'll see it when we get to the beach." She kisses his cheek.

"Make me wait."

"If you see it before, we might never leave this room."


"You'll live."

"I'll try."

"Will this help?" She leans up, cupping his face, giving him a thorough kiss.

".....that helps."

"I figured it would." She smiles.

"Do you want to call Ted or Scar or do you want me too?"

"I think you should. I don't think I can function correctly to be able to talk on the phone right now from that kiss."

"Oh Justy." She shakes her head, laughing as she grabs her phone.

"Your fault." He chuckles.

"Always is."

"Not my fault, you always drive me crazy."

"You always get me back for it."

"I do."

"How about I make that call and you start to get ready before we never leave this bed."

"Good idea."

He steals on last kiss before he moves from the bed to change. She looks through her phone and calls me to see if Ted and I want to meet up. I was still semi-sleeping, Ted was up but was in the bathroom, in the shower. I woke up completely when I heard my phone going off. Seeing who it was I picked it up right away, mumbling a hello into the phone.

"Hey!" Vi says happily. "Were you still sleeping?"

"Little bit."

"Ooooohhhh." She teases. "Well I was wondering if you and Ted wanted to get something to eat then spend the day at the beach with Justy and I?"

"Ooooohhhh." She teases. "Well I was wondering if you and Ted wanted to get something to eat then spend the day at the beach with Justy and I?"

"That does sound like a good idea."

"Cool I just have to get ready then we can meet. How about an hour or so?"

"Sounds good. Ted's in the shower now anyway, so....I think it'll take that long before we meet up with you and Justin."

"Sounds good. I'm gonna get one too." She said. "So, we'll see you in an hour."

"Yup, see you in an hour."

"See you then. Bye."

"Bye." I say back, before putting my phone back down on the table next to the bed.

"I've got to get up now..." I say to myself, but I refuse to move. I just lay there.

Shortly after laying there, I hear the water shut off meaning Ted was done in the shower. Hearing the door open I turn my head to see Ted walking out in only a towel as the water is still dripping from his hair and running down his chest. I bite my lip mumbling to myself as I try not to stare as he walks over to his bag. Shortly after laying there, I hear the water shut off meaning Ted was done in the shower. Hearing the door open I turn my head to see Ted walking out in only a towel as the water is still dripping from his hair and running down his chest. I bite my lips mumbling to myself as I try not to stare as he walks over to his bag.

"Scar?" Ted turns to not see me on the bed. He drops his shirt then walks over to the side of the bed. "Are you alright?" He chuckles as he helps me up, still in his towel.

"I'm fine." I nod. "Must've been moving a lot in my sleep." I lie.

"Are you sure?" Ted looks at me. "You seem pretty awake to me." He grins.

"Well wouldn't you be pretty awake if you hit the floor?"

"True." He laughs. He looks me over to make sure I'm alright and not bleeding. "You didn't hit your head did you?" He runs his hand over my head checking for any bumps.

"No." I shake my head.

"Good." He nods. "Can't have that now can we." He leans down giving me a kiss.

" we can't." I say after pulling away from the kiss.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Oh, we're meeting Vi and Justin in an hour. Breakfast and then the beach for the rest of the day."

"Breakfast sounds good...beach sounds even better. Haven't been there in awhile."

"But did you know all that if you were sleeping?" He finally realizes.

"Um....she told me last night?"

"Nice try." He chuckles. "I think I would remember that..."

"Okay so you caught me. I was sleeping but Vi called and woke me up. That was like a few minutes ago, before you got out of the shower."

"I see now." He grins. "You fell off the bed because you were 'distracted' right?"

"I tried reaching for my phone to un-distract me...."

"But it didn't work." Ted smirks.


"Maybe I should get changed in the bathroom from now on.."

"No, that's alright. You don't have to change in the bathroom for now on. You didn't know I was awake."

"Alright." He grins. "You know you liked it."

"Well duh."

"I think I should go get dressed so we won't be late."


Ted then heads over to his things as I follow, gathering my clothes for the day before heading into the bathroom. It doesn't take me particularly long to get ready, and I come back out once I'm ready. Ted looks at me with a smirk before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Beautiful." He pecks my lips.

"Wonder what your reaction will be to the swim suit." I smile.

"I think you know what it will be."

"It's a new one by the way."

"Oh?" He raises a brow. "When do I get to see it? Before we leave or...?"

"Sorry, you're gonna have to wait and be surprised."

"Awww." He pouts with puppy eyes.

"I think you'll live."

"I don't know..."

"Do I have to give you motivation?"


"Hmmm..." I pretend to think.

"...come on." Ted whines.


"You know how I am with that."

"I know."

"Please?" He softly says as he pulls me even closer to him.

"Well okay, but only because you asked so nicely." I grin, before taking his face in my hands and pressing my lips to his. I make sure to hold it long enough, but only until I start to feel him respond, that's when I pull away and lean my forehead against his.

"Mmm." Ted slowly opens his eyes.

"That help?"

"Yes it did."

"Good. Works every time."

"It does."

"Why do you think I do it?" I giggle.

"To kill me?" He chuckles.


"I have my ways too."

"Oh I know."

"You'll see later." He smirks, brushing his lips against mine.

"So what to do for the next half hour since we just wasted the first half?"

"Hmmm..." Ted trails off, moving my hair off my shoulder. "...I think you know." He leans down, brushing his lips over the skin of my neck.

"You know...what that ends up...leading to."

"" He says between nips.

"Unless you want me to jump you...." I trail off.

He nips one last time before moving to my lips. "Later." He grins after pulling away.


"Getting you back for that kiss."

"I was just helping you with the waiting until we come back from breakfast for the beach."

"Oh I know. Just giving you a preview of later too."

"Let me guess. Marks will be visible from what happens later?"

"You know me too well." He grins.

"I do. You didn't leave any marks with that preview did you?"


"Good. Because my hair's staying up all day, I'll have no way to hide any marks."

"I'll save them for later, I promise."

"Well they better be coverable, because it takes a while for them to go away, and who knows if I'm on TV for Raw or whatever."

"They'll be coverable."


"Should we start to head to the lobby now?"

"Yeah, we can head down there now."

He kisses me one last time before we gather the things that we will need before leaving the room, heading for the lobby. In the meantime, Vi and Justin were getting ready themselves. She was in the bathroom fixing her hair after getting her swim suit and dress on. She was just pulling her hair up when the door opened and Justin popped his head in.

"Almost done." She smiles at him through the mirror.

"Looking gorgeous as always." He grins.

"Why thank you." She turns after getting her hair up. "You look hot as always too." She looks him over, biting her lip.

"Only for you."

"Good." She walks over wrapping her arms around his neck. "Cause someone would be in a lot of pain."

"Oh I know."

She leans forward, pecking his lips. "I just need to get my shoes.."

"Already have them..." He holds them up.

"You're on top of it today, aren't you?" She takes them from him. "Or do you just want more time ot be all touchy?"

"Maybe both."

"You have all day to be touchy.." She runs her fingers through is hair. "..especially after you see my suit." She smirks.


"I do think we should go though.." She says after his hands start to wander. "..before you do something that causes us not to."


She uses one hand that is not in his hair to cup his face as she gives him a soft, lasting kiss.

"That help?"

"Yes." He nods.

" how about we go so we do not keep them waiting?"

"Yeah, let's go."

He lets her go so they can grab whatever they need before heading out. As they walk out of the room, she looks both ways to make sure no one is lurking around. Justin keeps his arm around her so she's close to his side as they get to the elevator. When the doors open, they step in and then head to the lobby. When they get to the lobby, they easily spot Ted and I waiting, sitting on one of the couches.

"Hey." Vi greets as they walk over.

"Are we all ready?" Justin asks.


Ted and I then stand up as we follow Vi and Justin out. We decide on taking Ted's car, this way we can leave the beach stuff in the car. We drive to a little place along the beach and decide to eat there. We walk in and get seated with Ted and I on one side and Vi and Justin on the other.

"Perfect place to eat."

"It is." Ted nods.

"After this we can go right back to the car and get our stuff before picking a spot on the beach."

"That's the reason I chose this place."

"Good choice."

"Thanks." Ted nods.

"Vi...everything alright?" She asks since she has been fairly quiet.

"Hmm..." She picks her head up from Justin's shoulder. "...yeah." She lowly says.

"You sure? You're awfully quiet."

"I guess.." She sighs. "...I don't know." Justin rubs her arm.

"It's the note isn't it?" Justin asks. She looks at him and slowly nods biting her lip. "I can't stop thinking about it."


"Yeah. You know about Slater and everything right?"


"Well...Curtis touched her before the match and was trying to flirt with her...then when we left, she said someone was watching us then there was a bang on the door this morning. When I went to look I found a really scared her." Justin explains as he holds Vi close to him.

"So you're thinking the note is either from him or Heath..."

"I think it's Slater." Justin gets tensed. "He's obsessed."

"Do I need to teach that chick from Wendy's a lesson? 'Cause I will."

"Only if he comes around...other than that it would be best not to get him angry."

"I think he has Curtis helping him." Vi mentions.

"I mean, why else would he all of a sudden start after all this time. We've been around him before." She adds.


"Neither of them are going to get to you." Justin rubs her arm, kissing the top of her head.

"If it helps, I will make sure they don't come near you either." Ted offers.

"That would be great." Vi smiles slightly as Justin nods.

"Thanks." Justin says.

Ted smiles and nods as the waiter comes to the table for our orders. We order drinks and our food at the same time since we decided to get both out of the way. We talk amongust each other until our drinks come. Shortly after our drinks, our food comes out. While eating, we talk amongst each other again. After we finish Justin and Ted pay the bill.

" the beach!" Vi declares.

"Finally!" The guys get excited as we walk to the car to gather our things

"I think they're a little too excited." I giggle.

"It would appear so." Vi giggles. "Told Justy I got a new swim suit and he had to wait to see it."

"I told Ted the same thing."

"This should be interesting."


"Come on!" The guys urge us, getting impatient.

"Patience you two."

"Them and patience." Vi shakes her head with a laugh.

We finally grab our things from the car and walk over to an impatient Justin and Ted. They take our hands and practically drag us to the beach where we find a spot near the water.

"Okay okay, slow down."

"I wanna see." Ted whines.

"Give me a minute."

Ted groans at having to wait as Justin keeps giving Vi his pouty face.

"You give me a minute or two myself."

"It's been forever though." Justin whines.

"To you it seems like it's been forever. It's only been an entire morning."

"Still..." He whines more.

"Let me get settled first."

We get theT towels all laid out and anything else set up that needed to be done.

"Ready?" Vi asks me with a grin.


We then start to take off what we had on over our suits, leaving both Justin and Ted speechless as the just stare.

"I think we killed them." I giggle.

"Think so..." Vi giggles. "..what do you think they would do if we left?" She whispers to me.

"I don't think we'd make it very far."

"We might...they are pretty out of it." We look to see them still staring with their jaws slightly dropped.

"Well let's try it...let me try to put my wrap on that goes over the bottom part of my swim suit." I say, picking up my red, mesh wrap and going to tie it around my waist to cover the bottom.

After putting that on, we start to slowly step back keeping our eyes on the guys. Once we are out of reach, they snap out of it.

"Heyy..." Ted calls.

"..get back here." Justin finishes.

"Uh oh..."

"" She finishes for me.

We then start to run toward the water only making it to the shoreline before they catch us from behind.

"You are both in trouble now." Ted and Justin look at each other then us.

"Oooh, we're so scared." I laugh.

"You think we're joking?" Justin says playful yet serious.

"We're oh so sorry for running."

"Sure...act all innocent now."

"I'm sure you know where you two are going now."

"The water?"

"You've guess correctly."

"Do we get a say?"

"After running away....not anymore."


"We said sorry." We both pout.

"Still going in."

"But..." We did not get to protest anymore since they picked us up and took us into the water.



"Maybe we shouldn't have run." I say to Vi.

"Not my best idea."

"No, it wasn't." Justin chuckles.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Yes...yes you are."

"Ooooohhh." I snicker.

"Oh shush." Vi blushes.

"Nope." I laugh.

"You went along with it though."

"How come you're not in trouble?"

"Oh trust me...she is..." Ted smirks.

"Ooohhh." Vi mocks me.

"I'm in more trouble, because I was already in trouble for what I did back in the hotel room."

"Uh oh. What did you do?"


"...evil stuff." Ted adds.

"Sounds like what Vi did." Justin looks at her with that look as she shrugs innocently.

"What can I say...couldn't help myself."

"You both never seem to be able to."

"Not our faults."


"I think it's time you two got wet."

"You drop us, we take you down with us."

They look at each other shrugging as they fall backwards into the water still holding us.

"That's cheating." We say when we all come back up to the surface.

"We were going in anyway, so why not at the same time."


"Not letting us go now are you?"


"Didn't think so." We both giggle as we lean back into them.

"Crap, you know what we forgot? Sunscreen."

"A little late now."

"If I burn....." I trail off. " won't be able to touch me." I say to Ted.

"Same goes for you." Vi says to Justin.


"On it." Ted says as they lead us out of the water and back to the towels.

"Allow me..." Ted offers to put sunscreen everywhere possible.

"Of course." I giggle.

"I got you." Justin tells Vi taking the sunscreen from her as well.

"Now how did I see that coming?"

"Happens everytime."


They take their time, making sure to get everywhere they possibly can. They also get very touchy because they can. We get relaxed and lean into their touch as they linger in certain places that they know gets us.

"Alright, all done."

"Now it's your turn."

We then grab the lotion and start to put it everywhere we can. Trying to get them back was hard since they kept moving our hands when we got to their sensitive spots. We manage to finish and we put the lotion away.

"Now what?"

"Back in the water."

"Sounds good to me."

Before we know it, we are picked up and being taken back to the water.

"Here we go again."

"Must you always do that to us?" Vi jokes.


They get us back in the water, setting us down on our feet this time.

"What no dropping us in?"

"Not this time."


The guys then take us off in different directions for a bit more alone time.

"Alone time?" She asks, even though she already knows that it is.

"Mhm." Justin nods running his fingers over her bare back. He then leans down nipping at the exposed skin on her shoulder.



"We're in public remember?"

"Darn." He pouts.

She lifts his face so it's in front of hers. "Later..." She gives him a soft kiss as his hands fall to her hips. "...I promise." She says after pulling away.

"Holding you to that promise."

"Of course." She smiles. "Have I ever let you down?"


"I don't plan on letting you down...ever."

She runs her nails along the back of his neck just under his hair line.

"You know....what that does to me...."

"...I do." She smirks.

She leans up, kissing his jaw, trailing to his ear, then nipping gently. "Preview for later." She whispers in his ear.

He grips her hips a bit tighter pulling her close to him. She wraps her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Later might come sooner than expected." He kissed near her temple.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"I'm in more trouble then before, aren't I?"


"By that look, I know I am."

"We'll see." He grins.

"We will." She enjoys the feelings of having his arms around her as they move around in the water.

"Some things may be left to surprise too, you never know."

"You're really going to think about this, aren't you?" She tilts her head to look at him.


"You'll find out later."

"Can't wait." She moves her fingers to his hair, gently running them through as she kisses his cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too." He smiles.

"This is just what we needed."

"It is." He nods.

"So calm, peaceful, and relaxing."

"Exactly how it was when I took you back home to South Africa with me for some of the time I was away. The mountains, how peaceful it was."

"Exactly. I wish we did not have to leave."

"It was so beautiful."

"We can go back again sometime. I know my mom would love to have you back. She absolutely loved you."

"Awe. She was really great. Treated me just like family. I would love to go back."

"One of those rare weeks we have off, we can go back."

"Now that I would love."

"Hopefully it's soon." She adds.

"I'll see what I can do."

"You're the best." She smiles, kissing his cheek.

"I know."

"Can you get anymore amazing?"

"You'd be surprised." He grins.

She smiles as she bites her lip. She lifts her head to look him in the eyes and before she knows it, his lips are on hers while he brings his hands to her face, cupping her cheek. He holds the kiss for a bit, then pulls away with a grin. She lays her head back on his shoulder while he puts his hands around her waist, holding her as close as he can.

"I love you so much."

"I love you very much."

"I think I love you more."

"Mmmm....I love you more."

"No, I think I love you more."

"Do I have to show you how much I love you?" She raises a brow, licking her lips.


"...well..." She hovers her lips over his neck as she runs her nails down his chest. She lets her fingers linger over his skin above the waist of his trunks while she nips at the skin on his neck. She lightly drags her nails over the seam of his shorts, then stops when she hears a growl, making her giggle against his neck.

"I think you get how much I love you now....huh?"

"Mhm." He nods trying to catch his breath.

"Maybe I'll show you more later."

"I...would love...that."

"I thought so."

"The things you do to me." He kisses along her jawline.

"You love it."

"No denying that."

"And there's no denying that I love the things you do to me either."

"No there is not." His runs his fingers up and down her back. "I love seeing your reactions to what I do to you." He adds.

"Justy." She blushes, trying to hide her face. "I can't help it." She mumbles against his chest. "You know how to get me."

"Oh I know, which makes it so much more fun."

"Of course it's fun for you."

"You love it."

"Yes, yes I do."

"I'm glad I'm back and I can do all those things again."

"I'm glad you're back. I missed it all way to much." I snuggle into him more.

"I'm back for good and I'm never leaving again."

"Good. The time you were gone was torture."

"It was torture for me too."

"Now we don't have to worry about that anymore."


"So glad you are with me."

"So am I."

"Never again am I going that long without you."

"And you won't have to."

She makes a noise of content as she wraps her arms around him tighter, while they enjoy all the time they missed when he was gone.

"I'll be sure to make up for all that time too." He mumbles.

"I'm sure you will." She softly says, getting more relaxed.

Ted and I in the meantime are floating around in the water, and I'm leaning back against his chest as he keeps his arms around my waist.

"Today has been really great." Ted says as he brushes his lips over my cheek.

"It really has." I nod.

"Tonight will be even better."

"Do I wanna know?"

"Just something special I have in mind."


"Mhm. Just the two of us. Something quiet and romantic."

"Now you've got me interested."

"You'll find out later. Only hint...a dress will be needed and that is all you get."


"But for now..." Ted trails off, kissing my cheek slowly making his way to my neck nipping at the skin lightly.

"....Ted, you know we're in public..."

"" He ignores brushing his lips over my skin.

"There's kids around...."

"...alright." He sighs kissing my cheek one last time before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I promise. When we're not here at the beach, you can do what you want."

"Holding you to that." He pecks my cheek.

"You always do."

"Yes I do." He grins. I feel his fingers starting to roam across my stomach making me lean into him more.


"Can't help it. I just love how you look in that suit."

"Of course."

"This is my new favorite one on you by the way."

"Looks like I'll have to wear it more often."

"Yes you do."

"I'll make sure I do."

"Best idea ever."

"You're welcome."

"I'm so glad we got to do this today."

"So am I."

"Just holding you is the best thing for me."


"Best part of the day for me."

"Best part of the day, every day."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He kisses me briefly.

"So, we're staying for the sunset right?"

"If that is what you want, then we can."

"I think we should, yeah." I nod.

"Then we will stay all day."


"As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Ted kisses my cheek.

"Oh I know."

"After that we can have our nice romantic night."

"Sounds good."

"Right now I just want to enjoy the time I have with you." Ted wraps his arms tighter around my waist.


"Yes I am."

"Always am." He adds.

I lean back into him more as I tilt my head giving him a quick kiss. After some time in the water, we decided to head back onto shore. Justin and Vi however decide to stay in the water for a bit longer.

"Looks like they really missed each other." Ted mentions as we sit on my towel, with me in between his legs.

"They did. Even though it wasn't as long as you're out of action, I knew what she was going through."

"That's true, but you also got to see me a lot more than she got to see him."


"How long do you think they are going to be in there?" Ted chuckles.

"Probably a long long time."

"You might be right." Ted rests his arms on my shoulders. "Gives us more alone time."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Not at all." Ted slowly said as he brushed his lips over my cheek.

"Plus, we can cuddle more onshore than in the water."

"We can, which is why I wanted to get you up here."

"Now, how did I know that?" I giggle.

"Because you know me that well."

"I do."

"Then you know what I would love to do right now."

"Of course I do."

"Too bad there are kids around...."

"I know...poor you."

"You're so tempting."


"You know how I get when you wear that color."

"I know that very well."

"You just love to torture me." He brushes his fingers over my stomach.

"Yes I's fun...for me."

"Yeah...for you."

" love it."

"Never said I didn't."

"I know, I'm just saying."

"Just more torture for you later."

"Looking forward to it."

"Although, you will never know when or what the distraction will be." He smirks.

"You're good for that....leaving things to surprise."

"That I am."


"Makes things more fun."

"Of course."

Meanwhile, Vi was still floating around in the water with Justin. She's just leaning against him as he has his arms wrapped around her, holding her close.

"Justy..." She looks up at him. "...I hate to do this, but I'm getting a bit thirsty."


"You can be all cuddly on beach."

"It's more easier to be all cuddly on the beach anyway." She adds.

"Mmmm...that's is true." Justin grins.

"Well let's go." She giggles.

He lets go of her and then they both walk out of the water and back onto the beach. She takes his hand as they make their way over to the towels.

"What would you like?" Justin asks as she sits on the towel.

"Water please?" She looks up at him.

"I'll be right back."

"You want anything?" Ted asks me.

"Hmm, Pink Lemonade."

"Alright. Be right back." Ted kisses my cheek before going to catch up with Justin.

"So staying for the sunset? Ted and I are."

"Ooohhh...that sounds like a good idea. I think we just might."

"Then Ted said he and I are having a romantic night. All he's telling me is that I have to wear a dress."


"I just wonder what it could be."

"Knowing him, he will have you thinking one thing and it will be totally different."

"That's true."

"All Justy said is that I'm in trouble for what I did."

"Uh oh."

"Plus what I did in the water too."

"Oh of course."

"Going to be another interesting night." She giggles.

I go to say something else when two guys walk over and sit down next to us on our towels.

"Uhhh...can we help you?" Vi moves away from the one sitting a bit to close to her.

"Why are two girls like you sitting here all alone? You shouldn't be sitting all alone."

"One, we're not alone. Two, you need to leave."

"Not alone.....anymore."

"Do you mind?!" Vi swats the one guys hands off her thigh.

"Oh don't be like that."

"I have no idea who you are, so you should not be touching me like that."

"Hands off!" I say to the other guy who's hand tried to slide around my waist.

"Come on. We are just trying to be friendly."

"And that's being friendly?"

"Just showing you girls what every man should."

"Excuse me?"

"Girls as sexy as you should be shown a little affection." They both start to get a bit more touchy.

"We get affection thank you and not from you two."

"From who? I don't see anyone."

"That's none of your business."

"I think you're lying." The one next to me smirks, trying to put his hands on me while the other tries going after Vi's neck.

The one next to me then tries to go to kiss me, I turn and slap him, pushing him away. Vi tries pushing the one by her away, only for him to hold her hands as he goes for her lips.

"What...are you....doing?" She stops him.

"Getting something I want."

"I don't think so." She says, pulling her hands away and getting up.

"Where are you going?" He gets up annoyed grabbing her hand stopping her from walking off.

"You don't ever....touch hear me?"

"What're you going to do about it?" He steps closer to her.

"Well I may do this....." She trails off before kneeing him in the jewels, making he fall to the sand, hunched over. "...don't ever touch me again." She says through her teeth.

"I suggest both of you"

"If we don't?"

"You'll have more than us to deal with."

"How come I don't believe you?" The one who is not on the ground smirks as he makes his way to Vi before taking her hand and pulling her to him.

"Let me go." She struggles.

"I don't think so...someone wants to see you."

"No." She simply says before spitting in his face.

"You're going to pay for that." He grits his teeth as he wipes the spit on his face tightening his grip on her hand.

"Oh hell no." I grumble, getting up and tying the wrap around my waist.

I then run despite the sand making it hard. Little do these guys know, we've got the strength to take them on. So what do I do? I tackle him to the ground which makes him let go of her. After steadying herself, Vi walks over to him and gives him a hard kick to his ribs making him gasp in pain.

"Tell whoever the hell it is, I am not going anywhere!" She kicks him again.

"Now take your little buddy over there and leave...NOW."

They look up at us shocked and angry before scurrying off down the beach.

"What happened?" Justin asks as he and Ted finally get back, passing the two guys who ran past them away from us.

"They were flirting and being all touchy..." Vi says.

"...even tried taking Vi." I said what she did not want to say. "Taught them not to mess with us though." I grin.

"Good, I thought we would have to beat someone up." Ted chuckles.

"Scar took care of that."

"Try to flirt and crap with us." I say, fixing my swim suit.

"Vi.." Justin walks over to her. "..are you alright?" He senses something is wrong.

"I am now that you are back." She wraps her arms around his waist while his goes around her shoulders. He knows she is not okay siunce he can feel tears on his chest.

"Maybe I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry. I should've brought you with me." He sighs.

"'s alright. Scar was there to help me..." She sniffs. "I think Heath sent them." She lowly says.

"He's a dead man." Justin growls.

"Now he has random people helping him. What are we going to do?" Her lip quivers as she looks at him with tears in her eyes.

"No matter what we try to do, he's always one step ahead of us. He must be spying on us. You know stay here with Ted and Scar, I'm going to go find him. And if I find him....ooooh he's going to be so in for it. I'm tired of his games. This has gone too far."

"Justin no. What if he has people with him? He could do something to you then what would we do? I would not have you with me and then we will get me for sure."

"He's gone too far Vi. I hate seeing you get upset because of him."

"I know it has, but I don't want anything to happen to you in the process. I don't know what I would do without you here."

"I don't know what I'd do without you either."

"Please just stay for now. If he is watching, we can give him something to watch."

"I'll stay."

"Thank you." She sighs in relief burying her face into his chest.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again."

"I will never be out of your sight. Never leaving your side."

Then he tugs her to sit back down with him on the towel. He wraps his around her tighter than before as she leans back on his chest, trying to relax a bit. "I almost forgot." She tilts her head to look up a him. "Scar and Ted are staying for the up for that?"

"Of course I am."

"Yay." A slight smile forms on her as she reaches up kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Sunset at the beach is always amazing."

"It is...more amazing when I'm with you."

He grins and kisses the top of her head. Ted and I sit down as well with him pulling right to where I was before he left. "Are you alright?"

"Oh I'm fine."

"They didn't hurt you, did they?"


"Good. Someone would be getting a worse beating."

"I think I handled it pretty well though."

"I have no doubts that you didn't. You're my tough girl."

"No one, messes with me."

"No they don't."Ted chuckles. "I'm just glad that you are alright." He kisses the top of my head.

"I slapped one of those guys because he tried to kiss me. Thought you should know."

"He did what?" Ted gets tense. "He better be glad he was gone before I got back."


"No one is allowed to do that but me."

"Well....what's stopping you right now?"

"Nothing..." Ted looks at me as I cup his face pulling him toward me. He presses his lips against mine letting his fingers trail over my stomach.

"...mmm, can't get too carried away....not yet...not here."

"...I know..."

"Touchy." I giggle.

"Mhm." Ted nips at my earlobe letting his fingers walking along my stomach.

"Are you trying to drive me crazy?"

"Maybe.." He grins.

"It's not gonna change my mind...about staying for the sunset you know."

"Figured as much." He chuckles. "More fun for later." He whispers to me.

"Always looking forward to it."

"I'm sure you are."

"I may have some tricks up my sleeve myself."

"Really now?" Ted raises a brow.


"Look like I'm going to have competition tonight."


"Definitely sleeping in tomorrow...I can tell now."

"Most likely."

I then relax into his touch as we all sit and enjoy what is left of the day. Vi can't help to scan the beach every so often for any sign of Heath or anyone who looks suspicious while Justin keeps his arms around her, stealing kisses here and there. Before we know it the day seemed to pass by awfully quick and we could see the hints of orange in the sky.

"Wow." Vi and I say in awe.

"So.." Vi start.

"..beautiful." I finish for her.

"Not as much as you two are."

"Awww." We say in union.

"Nothing can be more beautiful than you."


"It's the truth."

"You're too sweet."

"Only because we love you both."

"And we love you much."

"I can't believe the day's already over though."

"It went by too quick."

"The sooner that sun sets, the sooner we head back and get ready for our romantic night." Ted grins.

"Mmm...can't wait."

"Don't have too much fun." Vi giggles.

"We'll try." Ted grins.

"Same with you." I tease.

"I don't know how much trying we can do."

"Going to be a long night for all of us."

"No doubt."

"Looks like the sun is gone."


"That means we can get on to other things.."


"What do you say we head back now?"

"Good idea, I'll need to take a shower anyway." I nod.

"Me too." Vi says.

The guys nod as we stand up and start to gather our things before we head to the car. Vi and Justin get into the front while Ted and I get into the back, and then we head back to the hotel. It doesn't take that long, since we were a few blocks away. After parking the car, we all get our things out of the trunk then head inside the hotel and up to our rooms.

"Have fun." I say as we split up.

"You too."

Vi and Justin get to their room, and she drops her things before going over to her bags for clothes to put on after taking a shower. Once she has those, she makes her way to the bathroom, only to have Justin pull her to him.

"I'm just taking a shower." She giggles as he kisses her shoulder.

"Oh I know, I still can't help myself."

"Of course you can't." She giggles. "The sooner I get a shower, the sooner you can be more touchy."

"No rush or anything."

"I'll be a quick as I can." She pecks his lips.

"Take your time."

"Alright." She smiles as she pulls away from him. She then walks into the bathroom, checking the shower for anyone who could have snuck in. Finding no one, she then turns on the water then gets ready to get in.

She takes her time, but makes sure to not take too long. Justin sits out in the room, waiting patiently. Once she's done, she gets out and dries off before putting on the baby doll that she chose to wear. Drying her hair with the towel, she grabs her clothes from earlier and walks back into the room.

"Trying to kill me?" Justin says from the bed.

"Maybe." She smirks as she sets her clothes on her bag before turning to face him. "Are you trying to kill me?" She bites her lip seeing him with no shirt and his indents exposed.

"Maybe." He repeats.

"You so are." She stays where she is for a bit, making him wait.

"You love it."

"That I do." She lets her eyes wander as she bites her lip.

"Are you just going to stand there all night?" He chuckles.

"Thinking about it." She teases.

"Do I have to come over there and get you?"

"I don't know..." She moves to the side, farther away from him, trying to hide her smirk.

"I think I do."

"Uh oh." She mumbles at the look on his face.

"Uh oh is right."

She squeaks as she tries to climb over the bed before he can reach her.

"Uh uh, you can't get away from me that easy."

"I can try."

"You can try, yes."

She manages to get over the bed, but Justin moves so he is blocking between both beds.

"I've got you now."

"Uhhh.." She bites her lip, looking for a way out.

"There's no way out."

"Crap." She mutters to herself as he walks closer to her.

He smirks as he steps closer. "You're so in for it now."

"I was only having fun."

"You know why you're in for it....not because of this...."

"...the beach."


"I said sorry.." She pouts.

"I know, but I still want to have my fun."

"I'm sure you are going to teach me a lesson about doing that."

"Yes I am."

"Well..." She licks her lips. "...what're you waiting for?"


"Justy." She whines.

"Is it wrong that I want to torture you with taking my time?"


"Then have patience." He grins.

"I can try."

"As long as you try. Now....what to do first."

She stands there looking at him, trying to figure out what he is going to do first. The first thing he does is let his hands roam everywhere they can, making sure to make the touches light and slow, to torture her just a little bit for now. At one point, she can feel that his lips are close to hers, but she doesn't feel contact just yet. She makes a soft, whining noise as she tries to move closer to his lips.

"Not yet." He whispers in her ear.

"Uhh.." She groans.

Then she feels him press a kiss to her neck, but only one. She makes a noise of content as she lays her head on his shoulder for now, moving her hands to his waist. Her fingers involuntarily move to the indents that were exposed on him and she runs her nails across them. Justin lets out a deep growl before removing her hands, making her whine.

"In a little bit...." He mumbles.


"I know." He smirks.


"You love it."

"I do."

"Now I think you should go back to enjoying this...."


He grins before finally placing more kisses along her neck, starting to get into more of the torture of her. She tilts her head to give him more access while she muffles soft noises into his shoulder. She squeezes his hands as he gets closer to her sensitive spot while he grazes over it with his lips. Just as she thinks he's going to go right for it, he moves away from it, and trails kisses along her shoulder. She starts to calm down a bit as she starts to nip lightly at his neck while trailing her tongue over his skin after each nip. He stops what he's doing for the time being since he's more distracted with what she's doing to him. She smirks against his skin, since she knows he is distracted from what he was doing. She slowly makes her way up his neck before lightly nipping and sucking at his earlobe which makes him tense up a bit. She manages to move him so that both of them end up on one of the beds, with her on top on him, hands still holding onto his. Since he does not seem to let go, she starts to move from his ear, to his neck, before she ends up at his chest. She keeps nipping and using her tongue as she goes in hopes he will het her hands go. He struggles with deciding whether to let her go or not...but he finally gives in and lets her hands go. She smirks immediately, bringing her hands to his sides while she lightly runs her nails down his skin. He already gets impatient and brings her down to finally kiss him. She kisses back eagerly while she lets her hands move to his waist on his boxers again. She lightly runs her nais over his exposed indent again, making him growl while he kissed her more roughly. Then he manages to roll the two of them over so that he was hovering above her now.

"" She whines.

"You can still have fun. You can still reach the indents can't you?"

"Yeah.." She moves her fingers over them.

He tenses and presses his lips back to hers, roughly. Smirking at his reaction, she presses her thumbs into them while her other fingers graze over the skin of his hips. Not only does the kiss get even more intense, he lets out a growl into it as well. Keeping that up, she slips her fingers under the waist band as she tries to pull them down. Staying propped up with one hand, he takes his other and stops her, pulling away slightly from the kiss.

"You take your clothes off first."

"Awww." She whines, moving her hands to his hips, resting them there for now.

"At least some of it anyway."

"I'm surprised they are even still on."

"Taking my time....but I can't anymore."

"Go for it." She drags her nails up his side so she can slide them around his neck.

He grins before going back to her lips and his hands start to play with the straps on her shoulders. He slowly slides them off her shoulders while he moves from her lips to her neck. As he focuses on her neck, he keeps sliding the straps down her arms, as far as they can go. This time he goes right after her sensitive spot without holding back. Her hands go to his hair as she tugs on it while muffling a loud moan into his shoulder. Once he knows that a mark will be forming on the spot, he kind of motions for her to move so that he can cover the both of them with the blankets to further the de-clothing.

Meanwhile, I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting my dress on while Ted was getting ready in the room. It didn't take me particularly long to get my dress on, but it was going to take some time for my hair to dry. So I grabbed the hair dryer and started drying my hair while styling it the way I wanted. After that was all done I moved on to doing my makeup. Next was jewelry and lastly my shoes, since I had brought them into the bathroom with me. Once that was all done, I grabbed my clothes from the beach and headed out into the room to see Ted dressed in a tuxedo.

" look..amazing." Ted says as I walk to my bag.

"New dress." I state.

"Well I love it."

"I'm glad."

"Fit you perfectly..." Ted grins. "...and the hair...I love when you curl it." He tries playing with a few of the curls.

"Which is why I did it."

"Not only do I love it, but it makes you absolutely beautiful."

"Maybe I'll keep it curled for now on then...."

"I love the sound of that."

"You play with it more when it's curled." I giggle at him playing with a few.

"I can't help it." He chuckles. "It just looks so amazing."

"And it smells amazing that....cherries I smell?"


"I really love should use it more often."

"Stock up on cherry scented items."

"Yes. My new favorite scent."

" that I know it's driving you crazy...." I bite my lip.

"I see that're up to something."


"You're gonna kill me with that now, aren't you?"

"I just might."

"Oh you're so going to be in for it." He smirks.

"I take that as a challenge." I smirk right back.

"It's so on." Ted moves his hand to my face pulling me into a kiss.

I smirk into the kiss because not only does my lip gloss match the's also cherry flavored. Tasting the cherry flavor, Ted kisses back eagerly trying to get as much as it off that then can. I have to pull away because I don't want all the lip gloss gone. Even though I can re-apply it. But that's not the point.

"Awww." Ted whines after I pull away.

"You're taking all the gloss off my lips."

"It tastes so good..."

"....and it needs to be saved." I add.

"Alright." Ted pouts. "It's all coming off later though." He smirks.

"Well....I have a whole tube of it." I say, dangling the clear tube that shows the red of the gloss.

Ted's eyes light up seeing the tube and he tries to go back for my lips.

"Uh uh....I need to re-apply....then no more for you until later."

"Not fair." Ted grumbles.

"You'll live."

"I think I can manage." He kisses my cheek.

"Good...because I'm re-applying.....right front of you."

Ted licks his lips as he watches me re-apply the lip gloss. "I-I think we should go before there is a change of plans."

"Oh, what's the matter....can't handle watching me re-apply this?" I tease.

"I can, but..." Ted pauses. "...I may not be able to help myself this time."

"Oops." I giggle, putting the cap on and putting it away into my bag.

"Plus, I don't want to be out too late.."

"...and we need to be where I planned to take you soon."


"You'll love it. Trust me."

"I love everything, don't I?"

"Yes you do." Ted smiles. "One of the reasons why I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too."

"Are you all ready?"


Ted kisses my cheek before I grab my clutch. We then link our fingers after grabbing what we need then head out of the room and down to the car. When we get down to the car, like always, he opens my door for me and I thank him as I get in. He then goes over to the other side, getting in before starting the car. Leaving the spot, Ted then heads to where ever it is he is taking me. After about 30 minutes of driving, Ted pulls up to this little cozy looking restaurant that is set in the pier. I take my seatbelt off and wait, as Ted gets out and comes around, opening my door for me again, and taking my hand as he helps me out. We start to walk to the doors when Ted tells me to close my eyes. I do as he asks then feel him leading me into a cool space. We walk a bit before stopping.

"Open." He whispers in my ear from behind me.

I open my eyes to see no one else around expect for a few workers. There is a table set for two with candles and roses on it.

"Ted.....I don't know what to say...."

"You're welcome." He kisses my cheek before leading me over to our table.

"How did you plan all of this without me knowing?"

"I have my ways." He grins.


"Yes I am." He gives a cheesy smile. "You were actually out with Vi that day."


"Figured it was time we had another nice night out together. Don't get many chances to do so."

"Right. What with me being all busy. Even though you're back on the road with me, but still."

"All very true, but I love nights like this the best. Where it is just you and me, candlelight, no one else around. These are the nights I cherish the most."

"I couldn't agree more."

Ted reaches across the table for my hand. He lifts it to his lips giving it a soft kiss before lacing his fingers with mine. The waiter comes over and takes our drink orders and of course Ted orders the best wine that they have available. We then look over the menus for what to eat. When we both decide on something, we spend the rest of the time waiting for the drinks, talking. Soon our drinks arrive and we order what we had picked out. After that was done we sat there drinking while enjoying the each other's company.

"Anything planned for after this? Or are we going right back to the hotel?" I ask.

"I was thinking maybe a walk along the beach."

"I like the sound of that."

"I knew you would."

"Well you just know me so well, that's why."

"I do."

"Just like I know you so well."

"Love you." Ted reaches over and squeezes my hand.

"Love you too."

The waiter then comes out with our food and places it in front of us. We start to eat as we talk occasionally.

"You're too sweet." I say after he repeatedly compliments me on almost everything.

"No need to thank me for speaking the truth."

"But you know I thank you anyway."

"I know and I love hearing you say it."

"I know you do." I smile. "Thank you." I add.

"Anything for you."

Then he leans over the table and presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"Tonight has been just perfect."

"And it's not over just yet."

"Far from over." Ted smirks.

"You so have plans."

"I just might. You'll have to wait and see."

"Well even though I'll be curious, I can wait."

"You won't have to wait long."

"Oh boy."

Ted gives me his famous look just as the waiter comes back over. Ted pays the bill then walks over to my chair, helping me up before leading me out to the beach. We take our shoes off before stepping on the sand. Then Ted puts his arm around my waist as we walk.

"You always have these great ideas, and I love every one of them."

"I do them because I know how much you love them.""

"Especially the beach at night."

"Mhm." Ted kisses near my temple. "I love how you look in the breathtaking."

"There you go with being sweet again." I start to blush and try to hide my face.

"No hiding." Ted stops us and lifts my chin. "It's too beautiful to be hidden." He kisses me softly. "Especially when you blush."

"I'll be as read as a lobster."

"That doesn't matter to me. Makes you more beautiful." He kisses me again.

This one lasts longer than the one not too long ago. I move so that I can wrap my arms around his neck. His arms move to waist while he pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss more.

"Mmm...not here." I say, pulling from his lips. "It's too public out here, and I can tell where things are going."

"That is just a preview of things to come."

"I like that preview."

"More later." He brushes his lips against mine.

"Can't wait."

"I can't wait to get all that cherry off." Ted licks his lips from the lingering cherry flavor of my lip gloss.

"I bet." I giggle.

We both walk up and down the beach a few times. I lean into Ted as he keeps his arm around my shoulder. After walking up and down a few times we decide to head back to the car.

"And now the fun begins." He grins.

"Oh boy."

"You're gonna be in for it."

"I kinda figured." I giggle.

We get to the car and even before I could open my door, he had me back against the car, each hand on either side of me, blocking me from moving any farther.

"This is not getting us back any faster." I chuckle.

"I know...."

"One last kiss then we should go.."

"...the kiss couldn't wait until we got into the car?" I tease.

"No...the light is hitting you perfectly."


"For you...always." He leans down pressing his lips to mine.

He keeps the kiss short and sweet, before pulling away and moving his hands, allowing me to get into the passenger seat. Once I am in, he heads back over to his side. When he gets in, he starts to drive back to the hotel. Every time we had to stop at a red light, he took one hand off of the steering wheel and started to be very touchy with me. I stop his hand when he goes up too far, since we were still in public. He then focuses on the road as we arrive at the hotel.

"Were you trying to cause me to jump you at those stop lights?"


"Well I think you're in trouble....for causing that...when we get back up to the room."

"Oh we'll see about that." Ted smirks.

"Very shortly."

We then get out of the car and instead of letting me walk, Ted scoops me up to make things go faster.

"Someone's in a rush."

"Been waiting all day for this." Ted steps into the elevator after the doors open.

"Not gonna put me down yet...are you?"


"Figured as much."

The doors open once again, this time on our floor. Ted steps out still carrying me as he makes his way to the room. Once there, he manages to unlock the door before walking in.

"Before we start anything.....I'm trying to think of something cherry scented to drive you crazy before I'm in for it."

Ted's eyes light up since he knows what I am talking about. He sets me on my feet, but keeps his arms around my waist. I open my clutch and take out the gloss that I had to bring with me. I take the cap off and let the aroma of cherries fill the air around us. I can hear Ted taking in the scent while he walks his fingers along my stomach. I cover the gloss and put it away, tossing the clutch and my shoes away, giving him my undivided attention. "Now..." Ted leans close to my lips. "...where to start." He runs his fingers up my sides to my hair. He seems to be going to my lips, but decides to wait going for my neck instead lightly nipping and kissing at the skin.

He keeps going until he is sure there will be a few coverable marks before moving his hands to the zipper on my dress. He leaves his one hand there while he lets the go to my hair. He then moves from my neck to my cheek making his way to my ear, nipping and sucking at it gently. My hands that were resting on his back, on his shoulder blades, my fingers clench and my nails dig into his skin a bit as I tense. Ted chuckles at my reactions as he slowly starts moving us closer to the bed. The first thing I feel, is the back of my legs hit the side of the bed, but with Ted holding me, I stay standing. I move my hands under his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders. He lets me go so he can let the jacket fall to the floor. Trailing kisses along my cheek, he brushes his lips against mine as he takes in the cherry scent. He turns us around before sitting on the bed, not breaking the kiss and I end up straddling his lap. I slowly start to unbutton his shirt while he lets his hands roam all over my back, impatiently waiting to get the dress off. Once I get to the last button and get that free, he moves his arms in order for me to get the shirt off of him. After it's off, my hands roam almost instantly and his go right back to the back of my dress where they were.

I break the kiss in order to move to his neck so I can have my fun. I nip and kiss at his skin, keeping them light as my hands roam where ever they can reach. It turns out to be too much for him and he starts to already play with the zipper on the back of my dress, close to unzipping it at this point. I mumble for him to go ahead and he eagerly unzips my dress. He slowly moves the straps off my shoulders letting them fall down my arms. I mumble for him to go ahead and he eagerly unzips my dress. He slowly moves the strap off my shoulders letting them fall down my arms. He shifts so I am now laying on the bed and he can pull the rest of my dress off that way. While he does that, he kiss all the exposed skin that he can. I squirm from under him with every kiss he places, but it's a squirm of enjoyment. He slowly moves me up to the pillows while he hovers me. I start to work on getting his pants undone as he pulls the blankets over us before the rest of our clothing comes off.