Status: Active

All About Us

Autograph Session

It was pretty early in the morning and Justin was still sleeping. Violet was just laying there on his chest, looking up at him sleeping so peacefully. She was lightly running her hands up and down his abs in hopes that it would wake him up. She hit a spot and he twitched, causing her to giggle. He looked down at her as she tried to cover her face and hides her giggles.

"Well, good morning to you too."

"Morning." She giggles more and leans up, kissing him quickly.

"Oh...looks like you have some marks to cover up today." He says, noticing marks on her neck.

"You went a little crazy last night, didn't you."

"Just a bit."

"What am I going to do with you, huh?"

"You tell me."

"Hmmm...You know I can not punish you...You would get out if it anyway..You always do."

"That's right."

"That is because of the things you do to me." She says. "Pure torture." She adds.

"Right back at you."

"You know you love it though." She winks.

"No denying that."

"That's right." She smirks.

"So tell me...why must I cover up the marks today?" She asks.

"Autograph signing today."

"Nooooooo!!!! Can't we just stay here all day? I do not want to move!" She whines snuggling closer to Justin.

"Unfortunately no, but we do have a few hours until the signing."

"Yayyy!!! So more cuddling for a bit?" She looks up at Justin through her eyelashes.

"You know I can never say no."

She smiles and snuggles closer to Justin and lays her head on his chest, just listening to him breathe as he runs his hands up and down her back.

"Now aren't you glad we got our own room?"

"More than glad. I am ecstatic!Best idea ever."

"More privacy."

"Mhm...We should do this more often."

"Plan on it."

"I was hoping you would say that."

"Oh really?"

"Yea really. You know I love our alone time."

"And now we'll get it all the time."

"I am looking forward to it."

"Speaking of alone time however...I have a surprise for you for tonight."

"Ohhhh." She picks her head up to look at him. "What is it?" She asks.

"Not telling."

"Palease!" She whines, giving him her best puppy dog face.

"You have to wait, not spilling."

"Awe." She pouts.

"You'll live."

"Well...I think I might...If I get a kiss..."

"That'll hold you over?"

"No, but it might help."

He grins before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. When Justin goes to pull away, she lets out a soft whine.

"More later." He grins.

"You are going to be evil all day aren't you?" She fakes being upset.


"I know you are, but I can be evil too."

"Oh, I know."

"Just behave."

"I'll try my best."

"I know your best and it should be interesting today."

"Very interesting." He nods.

"Oh boy." She rolls her eyes. "So when do we have to be at the signing?" She asks.

"About noon."

"So we have about 3 hours..." She trails off thinking. "To stay in bed or go get something to eat." She says while moving her nails up Justin's chest.

"Could order breakfast from room service..."

"Hmmm...I like that idea..."

"Room service it is then."

Justin sits up and reaches over to the table and grabs the phone calling down for room service. Once he is done he hangs up and lays back down, pulling me back on him.

"About 15 minutes." He says.

"What to do until then..." She trails off, looking at Justin.

"I think you know."

"Oh I do.."

Even though he said that there'd be more later, she presses her lips back to his for another kiss to pass the 15 minutes by. Things were just getting heated when there was a knock on the door.

"Go away." Vi groans.

She slides off Justin and he went to answer the door, coming back with the food he had ordered.

"Here already?"

"You know how we lose track of time when that happens."

"I know."

Justin sets the food on the table and she climbs out of bed and walks over, taking a set. Justin hands her a plate and they both begin to eat, talking here and there. Then in the meantime in the room with Ted and I, I'm fast asleep, not waking up just yet. I'm having a great dream and just as I'm getting to the good part, when I start to feel some pressure against my lips. I slowly start to kiss back and when the lips move away I open my eyes.

"Morning." Ted whispers.

"Couldn't let me sleep huh?"

"No. I wanted a kiss."

"It couldn't wait? You interrupted my dream."

"Sorry." Ted pouts. "What dream?" He asks interested.

" know...just a...dream."

"Hmmm...Does it involve me?"

"You always ask that." I laugh.

"Well you never want to wake up from them, so they must involve me..."

" don't know that."

"Then who?"

"Ted, I didn't exactly say it wasn't about you."

"See...I knew you would tell me..."

"So....tell me the details." He adds.

"Nope." I giggle.

"Come on...Unless you want it to just be a dream."

"I'm okay with that."

"If you are sure."

"You're not getting it out of me."

"I will...At some point."

"Uh huh...suuuure."

"Oh, I have my ways." Ted grins.

"You think I don't know that?"

"I know you know you know that. That is how we got here, remember?"

"Let me try and guess what that dream was. Hmm, it wouldn't have anything to do with my movie would it?" He adds.

"Oh, I don't know." I say biting my bottom lip. "I mean, I haven't watched it in a while. Normally watching before I sleep does something....didn't watch it last night...." I start rambling.

"But, now you have the real thing to see before you go to bed."

"Oh shush." I say, hitting him playfully.

"You know it is true. You can't resist it."

"Yes, I know...I don't have to imagine anymore like I did when I got the movie when it came out. Since I was not where I am now with you."

"No more imagining. You can actually do those things now, with me." Ted grins.

"Besides the whole going to a tropical resort, and being invaded by terrorists, becoming a hostage and it turns into a rescue mission."

"Besides all that. You know what I meant."

"I know, I know."

"Well will have to do it one day....VERY soon."

"Do what exactly? My brain isn't awake enough to think."

"Beach." Is all Ted says.


"You are not the only one imagining that scene either."

"Who said I'm imagining it?" I tease.

"You did remember?"

"Ah, I didn't specify what exactly I used to imagine."

"Still you imagined what it would be like to be in the movie, so that must have included the beach scene."

"Alright, so it did involve that...not my fault."

"Not at all." Ted says, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to my lips.

"So how's the knee?" I ask, after he pulls away.

"Still a bit sore, but not as bad as last night."

"That's good to hear."

"It is, especially since we have an autograph signing today." Ted says.

"Right, you can walk just fine right?"

"Yeah, I was up walking around before I woke you up."

"Ah. That is really good then."

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about."

"I know, but I can not help to worry. It did not look good from where I was sitting."

"It tends to always look worse than it actually is."

"I know, still...I get worried, you know that." I sigh. Ted cups my face and presses a kiss to my lips.

"Just like I get worried when you get hurt."

"I know..It is hard to see someone you care about get hurt, even if it is nothing."


"What time is this autograph session that we are going to?"

"Noon, with Violet and Justin."

"Ah, so a few hours then? How about we get something to eat before we go? Room service?"

"It's like you read my mind."

"I tend to do that every now and then."

He calls room service while I yawn and sit up stretching. Ted looks over at me briefly as he's ordering the food. Once he's finishes, he hands up and turns back to me.

"About 20 minutes." He says after hanging up.

"Alright." I nod.

"How about some TV until the food gets here?" Ted suggests.

Ted picks up the remote and tuns the TV on, leaning against the headboard of the bed as I carefully scoot over next to him and lay back on his side, him wrapping his arm around me resting it on my stomach. I smile to myself before taking my hand and lacing my fingers with his. Ted smiles over at me and squeezes my hand.

"Perfect moment." He whispers.

I sigh happily. "Yeah."

Ted leans down and kisses my head and I snuggle closer to him and we watch some TV until the food arrives. The time seemed to pass by quickly and soon there was a knock on the door. Ted shifts me so he can get up and heads to the door, answering it and getting the food. After getting the food Ted sets it on the table and brings me over a plate so I do not have to get out if bed.

"I could've gotten up, it wouldn't have been a problem, but thank you." I say, taking the plate.

"You are welcome. You look comfy."

"I am...was more comfy before you got up."

"Sorry." Ted says, leaning down and kissing me quickly. He walks over and grabs himself a plate and then walks back over to the bed and sits next to me.

"It's okay."

"More time for that later." Ted says. "Also have a surprise after the signing too." He adds.

"Really? Any hints?" I ask, after eating a bit.



"You'll see after we get back."

"Make me wait..."

"You will manage. I'm sure."

"I'll try."

"Will this help?" Ted asks, leaning over and kissing me softly.

"A little." I reply once he pulls away.

"I was hoping it would." Ted grins.

"So autograph signing huh? Hmm, I think I have the perfect outfit for that." I smirk.

"What is it?" Ted asks, raising a brow.

"I'm not telling."

"Now who is being evil?" Ted pouts.

"You can hold out a few more hours, it won't kill you."

"Not too sure about that one."



"I think you can."

"I will try my best."

"Now, since I'm done eating...I'm going to take a shower...kill some time. And no you're not coming with me."

"Awww. No fair." Ted pouts.

"If you're lucky, I'll come out in the towel."

Ted's eyes get wide.

"Well then, hurry up!" Ted rushes me.

"Okay okay...jeez. Anxious are we?" I snicker.

"Of course I am!" Ted grins.

"It'll only be for a short time."

"You know how I get when you tell me that though."

" I?" I smirk, moving closer to him.

"" Ted trails off.

"It kills you doesn't it?" I ask, my nails dragging across his abs.

"" Ted says sucking in a deep breath, swallowing heavy.

"Good." I grin, before retracting my hands and quickly moving away, dashing into the bathroom before he could do anything.

"Evil!" Ted calls once I shut the door.

I just laugh before going over to the shower and turning it on, letting the water heat up. In the meantime in Charity and Cody's room, they too are both just waking up.

"Morning baby." Charity mumbles, still laying on Cody.

"Morning." He repeats.

"Mmmmm...last night was fun, wasn't it?" Charity smirks, tilting her head to look at Cody.

"It was." He nods.

"So what do we have today?"

"Well I was thinking a training session this morning."

"That can work. You know how I love our training sessions."

"Gets very distracting, we never finish them completely."

"No we do not, I don't think we ever will."

"I don't think so either."

"When did you want to go? It is still pretty early right?"

"Well we can stop somewhere and get something to eat, head to the gym, eat along the way or there and then change for the training session."

"How about we grab something on the way, then get something after?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright, but I do not want to move just yet." Charity whines.

"That's fine."

"Yayyy!" Charity cheers, as she snuggles in closer to Cody.

He chuckles, a hand moving to rest on her back as she snuggles into him. She begins to run her nails up and down his chest, making their way to his abs. She lingers there for a bit when she feels him shiver. He starts to move his hand up her back, starting to pull her closer to him. He then leans down and gives her a passionate yet breath taking kiss. After a moment they pull away.

"Yeah, get both of us distracted before training."

"Have to do something to pass the time."

"So you can leave more marks and bruises on me?" She smirks. "I know you left some last night."

"I did not." Cody says, trying to look innocent.

"Uh huh...sure Codes."

"Maybe I did." Cody shrugs. "You know you love it though."


"Hmm." Cody hums, brushing his lips over hers. He then moves his head to the side and starts to kiss her cheek, moving down to her neck. "Cody..." Charity starts. "No...more..." She hesitantly starts to say.

"Aww come on."

"You left enough marks..for now. Maybe later."

"I don't think it's enough."

"You always say that, but I say it is..for now."

"Ruin my fun..."

"You will have more fun later. Don't worry."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Good because I know you will get me back at some point today."

"Oh, you know it."

"I am so in for it."

"Oh, you have no idea."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"The things you do to me."

"You love it."

"There is NO denying that one."

"Of course not."

"But, I can be just as evil, you know?" Charity smirks.

"Oh I know."

"Maybe even twice as evil as you."


"Oh I think I am."

"We'll see about that."

"Yes we will." Charity smirks.

"Training session now?" Cody asks.

"We can do that."

They both get up and pack their gym bags for the training session, before getting changed for the day. Once they have everything they head out of the room and to the elevator, heading down to the lobby. Then they go out to the car, heading off to the gym. But they stop at a store first for some quick things to eat and some drinks before actually getting to the gym. Once they get the snacks and a few waters they get back in the car and head to the gym. Once they get there, they find a bench to sit at and start to snack on some of the power bars they had gotten.

"You ready to be taken down again Codes?" Charity laughs.

"That is not how I remember it." Cody chuckles.

"Because we stopped midway and got distracted."

"That was your fault."

"Oh sure, blame it all on me."

"I was not the who kicked my feet out from under me, then climbed on top. That was you."

"See...So this time you are going down."


"Yes you are."

"Bring it on."

"Consider it brought."

Charity gets up from the bench and climbs into the ring first, waiting for Cody. Cody walks over and climbs in the ring himself and they decide what they are going to start with.

"Okay, come on....give me your best shot." Cody challenges.

Charity smirks as she walks about Cody, putting her hand on his chest and dragging her hand around to his arm. She lingers behind him a bit before attempting Roddy Pipers Sleeper hold and getting it locked in place, only to have Cody counter it before it takes affect.

"I got you there." He chuckles, keeping her arm twisted behind her back.

"Not fair." She whines. She then gives him and elbow to the gut causing him to break his hold on her.

Then she bounces off the ropes and clotheslines him. He goes to get up when she bounces off the ropes again and jumps on him, landing with her legs across his mid section.

"Told you that you were doing down."

"Just wait." Cody says as he gets back up to his feet. He grabs her hand and pulls her as he steps forward, then sending her into the turnbuckle as he rushes to her pinning in the corner.

"Can't get away from me now."

"I could if I wanted to."

"So assuming by you not making an effort, you don't want to get away from me."

"Maybe I like the view?" Charity bites her lips.

"And maybe I like the view too." He smirks.

Charity brings her hand up and lays it on Cody's chest. She leaves it there for a moment before dragging her nails down his chest, across his abs, before stopping right above his waist line.

"Thought you were going to bring it?" She leans up and whispers in his ear.


"Well come on then." She teases, nipping at his neck slightly.

"Don't tempt me."

"What are you talking about?" She giggles, her lips hovering barely touching his skin.

"You know....exactly what...I'm..." He trails off, not able to take it anymore. He then turns her face to him and he presses his lips to hers, but hard.

She wraps her arms around his neck, his going around her waist and they get as close as they can get. Things start to get heated when he grabs her by the back of the thighs and picks her up, her legs wrapping around is waist. He then uses the corner to help hold her up, and when they do finally pull away from each other's lips, she stays the way she is.

"" She says catching her breath.

"Told you we always get distracted."

"We do. But we can not help it."

"Attempt training again?"

"We can try."

"We can try."

"Not to sure how far we will get." She adds.

It takes them a while, but the finally move away from each other and attempt their training session again. Violet and Justin however have passed the time and it is now time to get ready for the signing.

"Babe, I need to get dressed." Vi giggles, trying to get Justin's hands from around her waist.

"I just can't help myself."

"Well I need to get ready or we will be late."


"Later. Remember?"

"Yeah, I know...later."

"So let me go get ready before we are late."


"Here...Maybe this will help?" Vi says turning to face Justin giving him a soft kiss. "Better?" She asks after pulling away.

"....uh huh...."

"I will be right back out." vi giggles, grabbing what she needs and heading in the bathroom. She puts on her dress, then does her makeup, saving her hair for last. Once she was done with everything she walked back out to grab a pair of heels.

" look...amazing." Justin compliments.

"Thank you." Vi blushes. "Aren't you a charmer today?" She giggles, walking over to the bed and sitting, starting to put on her heels.

"You know I am."

"As you always are."

"You're looking pretty good yourself." She adds.

"Why thank you. Only the best for you."

"Of course."

"Are you about ready?"

"Yup...I'm all set."

"Alright. We are meeting Ted and Scarlet down at the car."

"Alright, well let's go."

Justin smiles and grabs her hand and they leave the room after getting what they need. They go to the elevator and go to the lobby. Once they are there they go outside and wait by the car for Ted and I. In me and Ted's room, I've just finished my shower and stepped out after wrapping a towel around me. Since I had left the clothes out in the room itself, I really had no choice but to leave the bathroom in the towel. So Ted is lucky this time.

"You look good, even in just a towel." Ted teases when I walk out.

"Well so do you." I reply.

"Not as good as you do." Ted grins.

"I beg to differ."

"Hmm...I do not know about that. I REALLY like what I am seeing."

"Oh I know you do."

"So you know what I am thinking then."

"Ted, you're a're not that hard to figure out."

"That is true."

"So yes, I know what your guy brain is thinking."

"So...?" Ted trails off, getting up and walking to me.

"Uh funny business."

"Come on." Ted whines. "You are killing me." He adds still whining.

"We'll be late. Plus Justin and Vi are meeting us down in the car."

"I know." Ted pouts.


"Oh you know that."

"Now if you don't mind, I'll be changing in the bathroom."

"...Alright..." Ted pouts.

"But you do get a kiss to hopefully hold you over until I come out."

"I think that would help..."

I grin before grabbing my clothes and such, and then I walk over to him, kissing him long enough to hold him over. Ted wraps his arms around my waist and I reluctantly pull away. "I am going to get ready now." I grin leaving Ted a bit dazed as I go in the bathroom and get ready. After getting dressed, I blow dry my hair and style it the way I want it. Then I move onto my make up, checking that once I'm done and leaving the bathroom so that I can find shoes to go with the outfit.

"....Amazing Scar...Simply Priceless..." Ted says almost speechless.

"Still saying that after all these years?" I giggle.

"Of course. That is because you are."

"Just like yourself."

"You always say that."

"Well you said that about yourself when you debuted years ago."

"That is because I am." Ted jokes.

"Of course you are."I nod, finding a pair of heels and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on.

"Today is going to be hard."

"Oops." I laugh.

"You do it to me every time."

"Cause it's fun."

"..For you.."

"Yes for me. But you get me back for it every time."

"Just like I will when we get back." Ted smirks.

"Oh boy."

"You know you love it."

"I do."

"Of course you do."

"Anyways...I'm all set to" I ask.

"I'm all ready."

I nod and get up, making sure that we have everything we need before leaving the room and heading down to the car where Vi and Justin are waiting.

"Hey you guys!" Vi greets with a smile.

"Hey." I greet back as Ted and I get into the back seat since Vi and Justin are in the front.

"You are looking smoking today Scar." Vi says. "LOVE that top!" She adds.

"Oh, why thank you."

"Anytime." She smiles. "So today should be fun."


Violet then turns on the radio and we listen to some music on the way. When we get there Justin parks the car and we get out and walk inside, hands linked with Ted and Justin's. We already seen a lot of fans waiting as we made our way in. We walked over to the table and sat down, getting ready for a long afternoon of signing. "How long are we here for? Couple hours?"

"Yea. About 3 or so. They gave out wrist bands. So like about 400 fans or so." Justin says.

"It's gonna be a long day."

"It is, but the time will pass by quickly."


"There are A LOT of people out there." Vi mentions, looking out the windows.

"Usually tends to be."

"This is going to be one crazy day."

"We'll make it."

"I am sure. As long as you are here." Vi say, leaning into Justin.

"Try not to be too distracting." I say to Ted. "I know you'll try."

"I will do my best, but it will be hard." Ted laughs, putting his hand on my thigh.

"Ted....." I say quietly. "...behave yourself."

"I'll try." Ted grins, gently squeezing my thigh.

"You're so lucky the fans aren't in here yet."

"Am I?"

"Oh boy Ted." Vi giggles.


"She is going to get you for that, you know that, right?"

"Planning on it." He grins.

"Just don't do anything here."

"Don't worry...we won't." I reply.

"Good...I do not want to see that.." Vi laughs.

"And we'll try not to do anything either." Justin adds with a smirk.

"Yes, nothing here." Vi kisses his cheek. "Later." She adds with a grin.

Soon the doors were opened for the fans and they started to line up.

"Here we go."

"Hand Ted....move the hand." I whisper.

"If I have to." Ted pouts, moving his hand.

"You can put it anywhere but where it was.....for now."

"Sounds good."

Instead of my thigh, his hand has moved to my knee. "Better." I mutter as the fans make their way over. We start to sign some picture and stuff that the fans had brought, answering questions as they are asked. A few fans even asked for pictures. Just like Ted, Justin started being all touchy with Vi.

"Justin...Not now.."

"Don't one can see."

"Still...I am getting distracted..."

"Then it's working." He grins.

"" Vi says, biting her lip.


"Payback." She whispers, taking in a sharp breath.

"Looking forward to it."

"You always do."

Then he stops for now, allowing her to focus again. We sign for a few more fans and take some pictures. After that two guys come up and we sign for them and they ask for a picture with me and Vi. We of course do so, them coming around to stand behind us to take the picture. "You're hot." The one fan says to me.

"You look smoking." His friend say to Vi.

"Aww, we're flattered."

"Yes, Thank you." Vi says as we smile for the picture.

As the picture is taken I feel and hand go on my side and I know it is not Ted so I jump and see Vi jump at the same time. I look at you and give you a look, and she does the same back to me. "Excuse me?!" Vi blurts, getting Justin and Ted's attention. That also gets the attention of everyone around as well

"What?!" Justin asks, looking at me. "He just touched me!" Vi says. Justin gets pissed. "Baby don't." Vi tries to calm him down. Ted looks over at me. I nod, telling him that the other guy touched me too.

Ted goes to get up but I pull him back down. I wave for security to come over and the fans are escorted out of the building. "I can't believe they did that!" Vi shudders. "I know...I mean where they did touch us, it was a little too close for comfort."

"I know...I only let Justin do that."


"They better not show up again." Justin hisses.

"I don't think they will."

"I hope not."

"Let's just get through this signing."

"Lets. I just want to leave after that."

We actually do make it through the signing without anymore incidents like that. After the last few people, we sit there for a while.

"That was eventful."


"Can not wait to get back to the hotel."

"Me neither."

"I just want to take a nap."

"And I'm actually not tired." I add.

"You probably got to sleep in."

"Not really."

"Uh oh." Vi giggles.


"What are we doing after this?"

"I don't know."

"I was thinking about something...Just you and me." Ted says, looking down at me.

"Ooooooh." Vi giggles.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked Ted.

"That is a surprise."

"No hints?"

"If I give you any hints, it'll give it away."

"Awww." She pouts.

"Not one tiny hint?"

"Sorry, but no." Ted says, leaning down and kissing my cheek.


"You will love it though." Ted smiles.

"Of course I will."

"What are we doing Justy?" Vi asks, turning to look at Justin.

"Well what I have planned isn't until much later tonight.."

"Which is?"

"...a surprise."

"Let me hints right?"


"No fun." She pouts.


"I am sure you will make it up to me."

"Oh I will."

"I know you will."

We finally decide to get up and leave, heading back to the hotel for the day. We get out to the car, Ted and I getting in the back and Vi and Justin getting in the front. Justin drives to the hotel and parks once we get there. We say bye and head to our rooms. "So what am I supposed to do for this surprise?" I ask.

"Wear something that you do not mind getting wet."

"Like a swim suit?"

"If you want to."

"Alright..." I say, going over to my things, picking out a swim suit and heading into the bathroom to change into it. Once I change I pull my hair up in a ponytail and grab what I need and head out of the bathroom. When I walk out I see Ted in what looks like swim trunks and a white t-shirt. I mumble something quietly before putting my other clothes back with my things. As I go to stand up I feel arms wrap around my waist.* "Well hello." I giggle as Ted kisses the back of my neck.

"You know, that's distracting..."

"I know." Ted mumbles against my skin, making his way, slowly to my neck.



"...the surprise?"


"You forgot already...I guess I'm that distracting."

"Yes you are. We should go before I change my mind."

"That'd be smart."

"Mhm." Ted says, grabbing my hand. We get everything that we need and head out of the room going to the elevator. Once we are in the elevator Ted hands me a blindfold. "Here. Put this on." Ted says with a smirk.

"A blindfold?"

"Yes. I want you to be surprised."

"And covering my eyes with your hands wasn't enough?"

"Nope. This is more...kinky." Ted grins.

"Oh my god..." I say, covering my face with one hand.

"You know you'll enjoy it."

I just shake my head amusedly, putting the blindfold on before the elevator stops. Once the elevator stops, Ted puts his arm around me to guide me to where he plans on taking me. Once we get there he stops, making me wait a bit before taking off the blindfold. "The pool?" I ask.

" one's here cause they're all busy and I made sure for us to have it to ourselves for a few hours."

"I like that idea. Good choice."

"And I made sure it was the outdoor's a nice day out."

"Yes it is. Perfect day for a swim." "I should've guessed though, when you said to wear anything I would want to get wet." I add.

"I was trying not to make it to obvious, but there was no other way to tell you what to wear."


We walk over to a table and set our things down. I take out the sunscreen and start to apply to the spots that I can reach. "Ted...Do you mind helping me?" I ask when I can not reach anymore. "Of course." Ted grins and walks over. Once he touched my back I tensed and let out a shiver, from the coolness of the sunscreen and from his touch. All I could do was bite my lip as he rubs the lotion on my back. "All done." He said when he was finished. Then I of course help get the spots that he can't reach on himself, after he's taken his shirt off. I bite my lip as I rub the lotion on his back. When I am done he turns around and I can not help but stare at him being shirtless. "Scar..." Ted says, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I say, snapping out of my daze. "You were kinda out of it for a minute there." Ted laughs.

"I blame you."

"Can't say I blame you. I mean look at this." Ted smirks, moving his hands down in front of his chest down to his abs.

"Do you really wanna distract me any more?"

"Maybe." Ted grins.

"Now who's being evil huh?"

"Just getting you back for this morning."

"Right right."

"So, do you want to go swim or do you want to stand here all day?" Ted chuckles.

"No, we can get in now." I laugh and turn around to head to the pool. I do not get to far before Ted comes up behind me and picks me up. Before I could say anything he had jumped in the pool, taking me with him. I come up, sputtering water. "A little warning would've been nice."

"That would not have been fun."

"The element of surprise." Ted says, moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap my arm arms around his neck and just stare into his eyes. "You're all about the element of surprise...I know."

"Yes I am." Ted says, trailing off and leaning down toward my neck, just letting his lips hover right about my skin. I wrap my legs around his waist and tighten my hold around his neck. "Ted..." I softly moan. "'re driving me crazy." I add.

"Am I?" He smirks against my skin.

"Yes, and you know it."

"Oh I know. You love every minute of it." He says before attaching his lips to my neck softly kissing and nipping gently. I rest my head on his shoulder as he gently nips at my neck. I let out a soft moan into his shoulder when he hits my sensitive spot. "Is this...going to be a...whole few hours....of payback?" I mumble into his shoulder once I'm able to talk normally.

"Maybe." He smirks against my skin.

"I want to at least swim around for part of the time."

"We can do that."

"You finished with the payback for now?"

"For now..."


Ted reluctantly pulls back and when his hold loosens I quickly swim away from him before he can change his mind. "Aha, I got away."

"I see that, but not for long." Ted grins, slowly moving toward me.

"Ahh, no!" I squeal, swimming away.

"You can't get too far." Ted calls.

"Unless I get out of the pool..."

"Not if I get you first..."

"Well I'm closer to the edge of the pool to get out."


I do end up climbing out, but I only side on the edge of the pool, my legs in the water. "You are coming back in here." Ted grins as he swims over to me.

"Am I now?"

"Yes you are."


"Do I need to convince you to?" Ted says as he reaches me.

"I think you've done enough convincing for one day."

"You know you enjoyed it."

"Yes, and I'll have a mark on my neck know how hard your marks are to cover up?"

"It is not that bad. I only left a small one this time."

"It better be small."

"Don't worry. This time I went easy."

"Well, I still don't wanna get back into the pool just yet."

"Go ahead a rest. I can wait." Ted says, leaning on the edge of the pool and resting his chin on his arms.

"No distractions though."

"It will be hard, but I promise."

In the meantime however, Charity and Cody have just finished the very distracting training session at the gym. After showering and changing, they decided to head for lunch before heading back to the hotel. They pull up to a restaurant and Cody parks the car and they get out and head inside. Once they are seated they look over the menu. Once the decide what they wait they order drinks and wait for them to come. " went..well." Charity giggles.

"It did, but we always got distracted."

"Oh of course not." He smirks.

"It was your fault this time."

"Couldn't help myself."

"You never can." Charity giggles.

"You never can either. But then again, I can't blame you."

"Of course not."

"You make it hard to resist sometimes." She adds.

"Well, you don't make it easy either."

"Oh, I know, that's what's so fun about it."

"Yeah, for you it's fun."

"Exactly." "You know I am getting you back when we get to the hotel, right?" She adds.

"Planning on it."

"You'll never know when it will happen or what it may be." She teases.

"I'll try to prepare myself." He chuckles.

"I don't think you'll be able to." She smirks.

"I can try."

"Yes you can."

Their drinks soon come and they order what they want to eat, talking while they wait again. Then that comes to the table and they talk occasionally while eating their food. Once they are done with their food Cody pays and they go back out to the car and head to the hotel. As soon as they get back to their room and walk in, Charity shuts the door and leans against it with a smirk on her face. "What are you up to?" Cody asks, once he turns and sees her.


"I know that look. You are up to something."

"You'll find out in due time Codes."

"I'm sure I will."

"Like I said, you won't know when it will happen or what will happen."

"Oh boy...I think I did it this time." Cody swallows hard.

"You have no idea."

"Oh man. What did I do." Cody says shaking his head.

"You know exactly what you did." She laughs, walking away from the door now.

"Oh I know. You just never get that look often."


They both change into something more comfortable and then climb on the bed. Charity lays on Cody's chest as he wraps his arms around her. As she is laying there she starts to move her nails along his chest, going down to his abs, stopping there. This causes him to tense a bit, and she feels it of course, giggling. She decides to lightly move her nails right over his abs lingering for a bit. "This...must be the payback..."


"It so is."

If that is what you think." She whispers, leaning down and kissing his chest, making her way up to his neck. She takes her time making her way up his neck, nipping in between kiss. She feels Cody tense again as he takes in a sharp breath. That's when she shifts and climbs onto his lap and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. His hands go to her hips, holding her in place before he brings a hand up to her neck, deepening the kiss more. But since she's the one dishing out the payback, she retracts her arms from around his neck and grabs both his hands and laces her fingers with his. "....uh uh....I'm gonna make this hard for you..."

"...evil..." Cody says, breathing heavy.

"Just paying you back after our training session."

"Still..." Cody trails off.

She just smirks, going back to kissing him, and not letting his hands go. She feels Cody shift under her, and starts to kiss him back hard. She then moves her lips away, just barely hovering his then starts to trail kisses down his cheek making her way to his ear. She starts to nip at first then goes to sucking on it, knowing that drives him crazy. Since it does drive him crazy, it gets to be a little too much for him and he manages to roll both of them over, him and her switching places. "Now who is in trouble?" He smirks not giving her time to answer as he leans down and goes right to kissing her neck. He avoids her soft spot, for now, just kissing and nipping gently around. She takes in a sharp breath and moans his name as he goes right for her sensitive spot. She digs her nails into his shoulder and muffles and moan into his neck. He smirks in triumph for getting her to react that way like always, pulling away from the spot and going back to her lips. He kisses her briefly before pulling away again, resting his forehead against hers.

"Every time." She breaths heavy trying to catch her breath.

"And now you'll have another mark to go with the rest from last night."

"I would not put it past you Codes."

"But don't worry, they're all not as bad as the last time."

"Lets hope not."

He then lets her go and moves, going back to his spot on the bed next to her. She scooches closer to him and he wraps his arms around her as she lays her head on his chest. "I have an idea, how about we make the rest of the day a movie day/night? We can order room service for something to eat for dinner and just relax?" Cody suggests.

"I like that idea. As long as I am with you it will be perfect."

"Right. And I thought you'd just want to relax after training today anyway."

"Yes. We did have an intense one...When we were actually not distracted."

"Right." He nods.

He then reaches over and get the remote, turning on the TV searching for a movie to watch. Once he finds one he puts the remote on the table again and snuggles into Charity. A few hours pass and the sun starts to set and it slowly starts getting darker. And it was getting a little bit cooler out, so being smart, I decided to get out of the pool and dry off, shivering a bit at the slight breeze that has now started to go through the air.

"You're cold." Ted says, walking up behind me and rubbing my arms to try and warm me up.

"Just a tad..."

"Here." Ted says, opening up his arms for me. I nod and walk over, balling my hands together and putting them on his chest. He starts to rub my back a bit until I am more dry and a bit warmer. "Better?" He asks after a few minutes.

"A bit, let's head back inside and up to the room, that'll help more."

"Yea, lets." Ted nods. We grab our things and head back inside. We get to the elevator and get off on our floor then head to our room. Once we are in there we hang up the towels and I got get some warm, dry clothes to change into.

"Much better." I say, brushing my hair from all the chlorine of the pool after taking the hair tie out.

"Good. Do not want you getting sick." Ted says, having changed himself.

"Well it wasn't really cold out, I mean I know it's winter and everything but surprisingly it wasn't too cold here."

"No, that is the good thing about this city. Very mild winters at times."

"So relaxing for the rest of the night seems like a good idea. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get tired soon...or soon enough anyway."

"I was thinking about suggesting that. Been a long day."

"We're on the same page then."

"Yes we are." Ted smiles. "How about we go get some rest then." He adds.

"Sounds good."

We both then walk over to the bed climbing in. Before pulling the covers up I scoot closer to Ted and he wraps an arm around me, pulling the blankets up with his other hand. He grabs the remote and turns the TV on and puts on a movie. Since the movie was just starting, and I wasn't paying attention at first, when I finally did pay attention I realized what movie was playing on tv.

"Really?" I laugh.

"You know it's your favorite." Ted grins.

"Well yeah, but really?"

"It was the first movie I came to. I can find another if you want."

"No no...that's okay, we can watch it."

"Are you sure?" Ted teases, picking up the remote.

"I'm sure."

"As long as you are sure." Ted chuckles.

"I'm 100% sure, don't worry about it."

"Alright then." Ted says, putting the remote back down.

"I just find it ironic we were talking about it earlier today and now it's on tv."

"Then again, you didn't know this, but I do have the movie with me so I could've watched it at any time."

"You do?" Ted raise a brow.


"Well that is good to know."

"Yeah...before I even got to know you it was the number one thing I brought with me on the road."

"Really now? Why is that?"

"'s one of my favorite movies."

"Any reasons?"

"" I say quietly.

"Me? Really?"

"Yeah...what can I say...I kind of had a little crush on you after I first saw the movie."

"Well I am glad that I made that impression on you."

"Oh I'm sure you made that impression on a lot of girls."

"I am sure, but that is all they cared about. The movie star part. They did not care for the real me."

"Well they never got to know the real you...I did cause of working with you."

"That is true. Whenever I would meet fans, that is what they thought. They only cared about what they saw in the movie."

"But with these parties you have with the fans, they get to know the real you."

"Yeah. Now they get to see the real me. Back then they did not give me the chance."

"And you're so much of a dork at those things."

"That is the real me. What can I say."

"Well I love your dorky side."

"I know you do." Ted kisses the top of my head. Then we turn our attention to the tv and watch the movie. Ted holds me close and I snuggle into him. There is one point in the movie that I lose focus and bite my lip. But once that was over, it took a while but my focus came back and I mentally cursed that the scene ended. We continued to watch the rest of the movie, not many more distractions coming. When it was over I felt my eyes starting to slowly close. I can't resist the urge to fall asleep much longer, my breathing changing as I drift off. Ted notices that I'm asleep and turns the TV off and just lays there playing with my hair. Before he goes to sleep himself he kisses the top of my head and pulls me closer to him and then soon goes to sleep himself.

With Vi and Justin, he had told her to change into something that she wouldn't care about getting wet, because it relates to the surprise he has. "Why am I wearing this?" Vi says, as she walks out of the bathroom after changing into her swimsuit. "You'll see."

"No hints?" Vi pouts.


"You're mean." Vi pouts, jokingly.

"You'll like this let's go."

"Alright." Vi says, grabbing everything that they need and heading out the room. As they walk to the elevator Justin puts his arm around Vi's shoulder. When the elevator reaches the lobby, he puts his hands over her eyes. "What is this about?"

"You'll see. Can't have you peeking at the surprise."

"Alright." Vi giggles as Justin starts to lead her forward. They walk a bit before stopping. "Are you ready?" Justin whispers in her ear. "Yes." She nods.

"Okay...1...2....3." He says, moving his hands from her eyes.

"Justin...WOW!" Vi gasps, when she sees they are at the pool, at night and it is empty.

"Figured we'd swim a bit for a couple hours."

"You know I love to swim. I love that idea." Vi turns around and kisses him quickly.

"Of course."

They then walk over and put their things down on a table. Vi can not help but to stare as Justin takes off is shirt. She bites her lip, before taking off her cover up that she had on over her suit. He jumps into the water first, then motions for her to do so as well. "Is it too cold?" She asks once she gets to the edge. "Not at all."

"If you say so." i say, dipping her foot in. Justin surprises her by grabbing her foot and pulling her in. She comes up spitting water out of her mouth. "That was not cool." She says once she reaches the surface.

"You were taking too long...what better way to get used to the water though right?"

"Mr. Impatient now aren't we and yes it is, but I wanted to see what it was like first."

"Well now you know."

"Yes I do." She smirks, moving father in the pool.

"After we're done here, I'm sure you're gonna be pretty tired so we can go back up to the room and go to bed."

"I am sure I will be. That is a good idea."

He nods and follows her around as she swims around the pool. She's just enjoying the soothing feeling of the water when she feels hands wrap around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. "Eeep." She squeals in surprise. Then they both start to just float around in the water. "This is nice." She sighs in content, resting her hands on Justin's.

"It is." He agrees.

"After a long busy day, a good swim is the bset form of relaxation."

"My thoughts exactly."

She leans back into Justin and rests her head on his shoulder as they float around a bit more. At one point she tries to stifle a yawn, but fails. "You're tired." Justin whispers. "No..." She lies.

"You yawned."

"Just once, but I am not tired yet. Just relaxed."

"I know you. The more relaxed you get, the more chances of you falling asleep."

"Maybe I should move around then."



"Come on....I'll even carry you back up."

"I don't wanna go yet." She whines.

"I can feel you falling asleep."


"'re hesitating with your words."

"Am not."

"Alright...let's go. We have a long day tomorrow anyway."


"Can't stay up too know that."

"I know..." She tries to hide another yawn.

"Now you're tired."

"I guess I am."

He starts to lead her in the direction of the pool stairs and then they both get out, to dry off before heading back upstairs. Once they were dry, they head upstairs. She was leaning into Justin as they walked up, since she was tired. Once they got in the room, they hung their towels up and got some dry clothes to change into. When she was done changing, she hung her suit up and walked out of the bathroom. Since she was feeling so tired, she immediately climbed into bed next to him and snuggled into his side. Justin wrapped his arms around her as she laid on his chest. "Night babe." Justin whispered. "Night Justy." She mumbled and fell asleep to Justin rubbing her back soothingly. Soon after that Justin went to sleep himself.