Status: Active

All About Us

Ted's In-Ring Return

A couple months have passed and next month is finally SummerSlam. So many things are going on. This Monday Raw is going three hours permanently, starting off with a huge 1,000th episode. But before we can get to that, we have to get through the house shows this weekend. Vi had decided it would be a good idea to hit the gym in the morning. She let Justin sleep in just until she got done getting ready for the gym. Once she was all changed, she made sure to add a fresh layer of lip gloss to her lips. She walked over to the bed and started to wake him up.

"Justy..." She shook him slightly. "...time to get up."

All he does is mumble incoherently in his sleep, before rolling over to his stomach. She shakes her head before moving onto the bed so she's hovering over him slightly. She leans down, pressing her lips to his. She only kisses him enough for him to get the tastes of vanilla from her lip gloss before she pulls away smirking. He makes a mumbled noise in disappointment.

"More after you get up."


"Well, I want to go to the gym for a bit. Either you can get up and come with me or I can go alone..." she moves from the bed to get her sneakers. "...with the lip gloss." She adds.

"Nooo....don't go alone with the lip gloss."

"Then you better get up. I'm leaving soon."

"How soon is soon?"

"Two minutes..." She lies, messing with him.


"If you take too long then I will." She teases.

"i'm up." He says, sitting up in bed.

"Good, because I'm ready to go." She stands from the bed, then walks over to get her bag.

He then quickly moves from bed, rummages around in his bags, before quickly heading into the bathroom to change.

"Slow down there." She laughs, shaking her head.

"I'm trying to get ready as fast I can, since you said you're leaving soon." He says from the bathroom.

"You do know I was kidding right?"

"You were?"

"Yes I was." She laughs. "I want to get there before to many people get there."

"Had me rush in here...."

"So I did." She grins innocently. "Gives you some extra time for what I promised you..."


"As soon as you are done you will get it."

"Almost done."

It does not take him much longer and soon he comes out of the bathroom. After putting his clothes with his bag, he walks over to her, pulling her close to him wanting his kiss.

"Ah ah ah...what flavor it is?" She smirks, making him wait a bit more.

"You're killing me here. Hmmm...."

"That's my job." She smirks, brushing her lips over his.


"You're right." She gives him a light, teasing kiss.

"Yess." He cheers.

Smirking, she hovers her lips over his, moving one hand to his hair while the other rests on his shoulder. She feels his grip on her hips tighten so she presses her lips to his. she was only going to give him a short kiss, but when she went to pull away, he would not let her. Instead he holds her tighter, lips not leaving hers, wanting to get all the lip gloss off. the way he was kissing her made her give in and let him have his way. Once he got it all off, she tried pulling away only for him to hold her there still.

"'" She manages to say.

"I know....kissing addicting..."

"..same..with you..."

"I would nonstop if I could."

"I would love nothing more than that."

"But unfortunately we can't...if you want to get to the gym that is."

"Darn..." She mutters. "...we can after..."

"We can." He agrees.

"Then how about we go so we can get back here sooner?"

"I like that idea."

"Just have to reapply then we can go." She pulls out the tube of lip gloss. She opens it and slowly puts it on so he can get the smell of it.

"You're killing me again."

"I am? Oops." She rubs her lips together.

"You know exactly what you're doing."

"Maybe I do." She smirks. "You love it though." She adds.

"I do."

"More after the gym. There is enough for that."


"I do think we should go...I can tell you're going to convince me to stay here."

"Very soon."

"Lets go lover." She gives him a quick kiss.

She grabs her bag and he grabs his, before they both head out of the room and to the elevators, stepping inside one of them and heading down to the lobby. Once they reach the lobby, they make their way to the gym at the hotel. when they get there, they set their bags down and then head off to the first thing whey wanted to do. She and Justin stay relatively close to one another, and she makes sure he has a clear view of what she's chosen to start with. Things were going really well at first, then after a bit, she started to get a bit distracted watching Justin with his shirt off. It gets to the point that she has to stop and start over.

"Never fails." She mutters to herself, biting her lip.

She has to look away in order to start over and she tries to fight the urge to look. She does manage to focus on what she was doing and finishes up the set she was working on before moving onto the next thing. Of course this too is also in direct view of Justin, so she can already tell it's going to be hard to focus at first. Staring at him for a bit, she bites her lip before getting started. Seeing him makes her push herself harder in her workout so she's able to get done quicker. Thankfully for her, just as she finishes, Justin moves to a different area, father from her. She groans a bit at not being able to see him that good, but pushes it out of her mind before heading to the treadmill to finish things off. After a few minutes or so on the treadmill, she feels arms go around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. "Having fun?" Justin asks.

"Of course." She starts to slow down the treadmill. "Even though you made it very hard for me to focus."

"Oops. My bad."

"You just had to be where I could see you."

"Not my fault, everything is relatively close."

"True." She turns to face him since the machine stopped. "This was too distracting anyway." She runs her hand down his chest.

"Of course."

"Too bad there are other people here."

"I know.."

"But..." She trails off. "...when you are done, we can head back and get a shower..."

"I like the sound of that."

She leans up, giving him a kiss, but pulls away before he can fully respond. "Let's go then." She whispers after pulling away just as she slips from his arms.


"I'm pretty much all done. I had to do stuff more than once from getting distracted...unless you are not done yet."

"No no, I think I'm pretty much done."

"Are you sure? I can stay and watch."

"I think the shower would be more fun."

"It does sound better..." She bites her lip.

"Let's go then."

"We have to get our bags first." She laughs at how eager he is.

"Let's go get them."

They walk over to where they set their bags down and then Justin practically drags her out of the gym.

"Slow down." She giggles, starting to walk slower.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles walking a bit slower. Justin is not having it so he just picks her up. She squeals in surprise and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Really?" She laughs.

"Yes, really."

"I was coming."

"You were moving too slow."

"I thought I was going just right."

"You weren't."

"Sorry?" She looks up at him innocently.

"Uh huh..."

"I can show you how sorry I am..."

"I know you can."

"" She brushes her lips over his once they reach their door.

During the kiss he takes the key card out and fumbles with it as he tries to unlock the door. She pulls away for a brief moment to help him with the door. Once it is open, he walks in and they drop their bags by the door. He goes back for her lips as he walks to the bathroom. And they both waste no time in removing each other's clothes as they go through the bathroom doorway.

"...have to...start the..water..."

"...go...ahead.." He says, pulling away just for her to do so.

She gets the water turned on and they wait for it to get to the right temperature before they step in. While they wait, his lips never leave hers while he lets his hands wander whenever he could touch while hers stay in his hair.

" our...clothes...."


"If we pull away, I can get it."

He sets her down so she's able to help him with his pants before he works on the rest of hers. Once all of their clothes are off, she steps into the shower.

"Are you coming?" She asks him.

"Yeah. Just taking in the view." He grins.

"Justy..." She blushes.

"What? It's true."

"Of course. I love my view too, but it would be better in here...with me."

"I'm coming...don't worry." He chuckles.

"Good. I'm getting lonely." She pouts.

"Well we can't have that." He says, getting into the shower now.

"Much better." She sighs, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Good." He smiles.

"I do think you missed some lip gloss though..."

"I believe I did." He grins.

Next thing she knows, he has his lips against hers in a rough kiss as he tries to get all the lip gloss off. He is determined to get it all and does not stop even when he does get it all off. Her one hand moves from his neck to his hair while she lets the other lightly run over his shoulders. He decides to have a little fun and ends up backing her up so her back is against one of the walls of the shower. Her hands stay around him while she hooks one leg around his. Since she can not do much, she decides to drag her nails across his back. That causes a noise to come from him as he reaches up and takes her hands, pinning them above her head. She lets out a soft whine at not being able to touch him.

"Don't worry. You won't be like this for long..."

"It's torture." She whines.

"I know..."

She whines in protest at not being able to touch him. He smirks against her lips in response for now, continuing to keep her from touching him for now. He does that for a bit before moving from her lips to her neck. She squeezes on his hands as he gets closer to her spot. He stops just before it, his lips hovering over it for now, wanting to torture her a bit more. Her grip on his hands get tighter as she takes in a sharp breath. The longer he hovers, the harder she bites down on her lip. He of course decides to tease her and he moves away from the spot on her neck, making his way back to her lips. Once there, she kisses him as hard as she can while trying to get her hands free. He kisses back and just as rough, still not letting her hands go.

"..uh uh...not yet..." He mumbles.


"You'll know when..."


" love it..."

" much..."

"Thought so."

She presses her lips back to his as good as she can since that is all she's able to do right now. Eventually he does let her go, he does it on his own accord and she instantly wraps her arms around him. She pulls him as close as he can get, picking up the kiss. He pulls away after a bit and goes right for her neck, not stopping this time. She had no time to even think about muffling any noise that came from her, so when he went after the spot, whatever noises she did make were loud and clear. He smirks against her skin at her reaction then decides to keep going. Her hold on him gets tighter the more he goes after the spot. Once they're done, he grabs them towels and they step out. Before she could even think about walking out, he has her picked up and carried into the room. When they get out there, he lays her down on the bed.

"Not letting me get clothes?"

"I'll pick them out." He grins.

"I have a feeling I know what you are picking too." She chuckles.

"I'm sure you do."

"Mhm." She nods.

"Well you're gonna have to wait and see."

"I know. You'll find something quick. I put them all on top for you." She grins.

"Of course you did. You always do."

"Maybe that is because there is always a surprise in there somewhere."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. No snooping or you will not get it either." She grins.

"No snooping....promise."

"Alright. Have fun then."

"Oh I will."

"Uh oh." She shakes her head as he looks through her bag. After a bit of searching he finds something that he likes and brings it over to the bed.

"You would pick that." She laughs seeing that he picked a pink baby doll outfit.

"Yes I would."

"Let me want to help put it on too, right?"

"Of course."

She shakes her head at how eager he looks to help oyt it on. She takes off her towel and tosses it to the floor. He sits there looking at her for a bit before snapping out of it and helping her put on the outfit while being all touchy.

"I think you had too much fun with that." She says once he finally pulls it down.


"You did." She chuckles. "It stays on too."

"Until the show tonight, and then it's back on for when we go to bed."

"I was actually thinking of wearing this to the show tonight." She teases.

"Seriously?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Seriously. Just wear a long coat and take it off in the locker room." She tries hard not to laugh.

"What if someone comes in?"

"New ring attire?" She shrugs.

"I don't think they'll fall for it."

"Darn. It was worth a try."

"Trust me, I would love nothing but for you to wear this to the arena, but if you're coming out with me for my match, I don't want the men in the crowd oogling you. This is for my eyes only."

"I would never do that. I would be to ashamed to go out there in this. You're the only one that gets to see me in this."


"But now it's time for you to get some close on mister." She keeps her eyes on him while biting her lip.

"Are you sure now?" He chuckles.

"Yes." She slightly nods. "Unless you want a repeat of what happened in the shower..."


"...Justy..." She tries to be stern. "I know that look..."

"...okay okay, I'll get dressed." He chuckles.

"Yes. Before things get out of hand again."

"And that's a bad thing?"


"Thought so."

"Either get changed or come back to bed."

"I'll get changed."

"Okay..." She sighs.

"Don't'll like what I'm changing into." He smirks.

"I always do."

"How well I know."

"That you do." She says slowly still staring at him.

"I can feel you staring."

"That's because I am."

"I can't blame you." He chuckles.

"It's getting harder to control myself the longer you take."

"Oh, I know."


"You love it."

"I much."

"Good." He grins, as he goes over to his things to find something to change into.

He takes his time deciding to torture her more since he knows she's staring. She groans at how hard it is to control herself while he just smirks. Finally he gets changed then comes over to the bed, laying next to her, pulling her close to him.

"Mmm...this is nice." She snuggles into him as his arms go around her.

"It is." He agrees.

"I say we lay here until we have to get ready." She suggests trying to hide a yawn.

"I love that idea."

"I had a feeling you would."

"I never pass up the chance to."

"Of course not."

"Hiding a yawn? Still tired from waking up this morning?"

"A bit, but I wanted to get the gym in early."


"Not to mention you wore me out in there too."


"Loved every minute of it though." She smirks, leaning up, kissing him quickly.

"You succeed...again."

"Of course I did."

"Like you always do." She lazily runs her fingers over his chest.

"That's what I'm best for."

"I agree with you there." She tries to hide another yawn.

"You can't hide those you know."

"I know, but I can try."

"Yes, nothing wrong with trying."

"No..." She yawns again. "...there's not."

"Alright you....I think you may need a morning nap."

" may be right..." She gets more relaxed as her eyes slowly close.



"I can tell."

"...mhm..." She slightly nods. He keeps running his one hand down her back while the other runs through her hair. Before she knows it, she's fast asleep. He lays there watching her for a bit, before setting the alarm on his phone. He rests back in his spot with his arms around her as he drifts to sleep after watching her for a bit.

Ted and I are still in our room, decided to sleep in for a least a few hours. I'm sleeping peacefully until I'm woken up by the sound of a phone going off. I realize that it's Ted's phone going off, and I mumble in my sleep.

"Ted....your phone."

"Hmm..." He grumbles shifting to grab his phone. Answering it, he sleepily answers it before perking up after hearing who was on the phone.

I only hear things here and there, because I'm going in and out of sleep.

"Alright sir. Thank you." Ted says after a bit of talking. He hangs up his phone and sets it back on the table before wrapping his arm back around me.

"....who was that?" I mumble, my eyes still closed.

"Vince..." Ted says causing me to open my eyes and tilt my head. "He said I am clear to come back."

"Really? When?"

"Tonight at the house show."

"No way."

"Yes way." He chuckles. "I have been getting stronger everyday and the trainers feel I am ready to come back."

I squeal and turn around so I'm facing him and hug him. He hugs me back just as tight as I am.

"I can tell someone is excited."

"Well of course I'm excited."

"Good, 'cause now I can finally go back out with you for your matches now that I'm back."

"And I can go back out with you for yours."

I can not wait for that. It's been too long."

"Far too long."

"We don't have to wait much longer. Tonight it starts again."

"I couldn't be happier."

"Neither could I." He leans down, giving me a kiss.

He makes this kiss last a bit longer, making it also a proper good morning kiss as well. I make a soft noise of content into the kiss, but whine when he pulls away.

"More later." He chuckles.

"Awww..." I pout.

"We have all day..."

"...I know."

"One more before we get up?"

"You know I can never turn you down."

I move up and bit farther so I'm able to wrap my arms around Ted's neck. Once I am there, he presses his lips to mine. He keeps his arms around me so I can not move while I keep my hands in his hair. This kiss is different. So much happiness is coming from the both of us, that it's making the kiss far more passionate than before. He starts to make the kiss deeper while he runs his hands up my back. Next thing I know is that I'm on the bed while he is hovering me, lips still pressed to mine with his hands going back to my hips. And since we already had a round one last night, I did end up grabbing his shirt that was close by and slept in that, so I really wasn't wearing much at the moment, which made it so much easier for him to be touchy and whatnot. Deciding to have some fun, he lightly move his fingers up and down my legs before gently squeezing on my thighs. He smirks into the kiss at my reaction deciding to lightly glide his fingers over my skin in a teasing motion.

"Teeeddd..." I whine into the kiss.


"You're teasing..."

"Am I?" He pulls from my lips for a moment.

"You are."

"Maybe I should stop?" He whispers in my ear before hovering my neck, his breath hot on my skin.

I shake my head, telling him no.

"Didn't think so..." He brushes his lips over my soft spot making me grip his hair tighter. He kisses everywhere around the spot before going right after it.

I can't help but arch up into him a bit, and I know I'm going to make some noise so I make sure to muffle it into his shoulder. Hearing my reaction does nothing but make him go after the spot more. Getting a few more noises from me, he pulls away after a bit and looks at the mark he caused. Moving to my lips, he gives me light, teasing kisses for now.

"If I wasn't awake before, I sure am now." I mutter.

"Like that wake up call?" He grins.

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I'll keep that in mind for tomorrow."

"Oh boy."

"I could always trying something different too."

"Like what?"

"Now, what fun would it be if I told you?"

"You've got a point."

"I do." He give me a lingering kiss. "How about we get up and go get some breakfast?"

"That sounds good. I'm gonna have to take a shower first....after last night afterall."

"Right." He moves so he is next to me. "Want some company?" He grins.

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

"Very much." He nods vigorously.

"Then I would love some company."

His grin gets bigger and he practically jumps out of bed. Since he thought I was moving to slow, he walks around the bed to pick me up in favor of carrying me in the bathroom.

"I can't walk?" I ask after squealing in surprise.

"Nope. Too slow."

"And I wasn't even moving at all yet when you picked me up."

"Exactly why I picked you up."

"Didn't really have a chance to move anyway. You moved too fast."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really." I laugh as he walks into the bathroom, setting me down so I'm sitting on the counter and then he goes to turn the water on.

After getting the water turned on, he walks back over to me while we wait for it to heat up.

"Yes?" I say as he approaches me.


"So demanding." I giggle.

"Only with something I want."

"How well I know."

"You do..." He moves closer. " I need to take it off?"


Before I know it, he has the shirt over my head and tossed on the floor.


"Yes, yes I am." He says slowly as his eyes wander.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

"No, but I like to anyway."

"Nothing gets better than what I see now."

"Of course not."

As much as he does not want to look away, he decides it is time to get in the shower since the water is ready. Instead of letting me, he lifts me up and sets me down in the shower before taking off what he wore to bed. Once that was done, he stepped in behind me and started to be all touchy.

"Remember you can be touchy as long as I can clean up from last night."

"No worries. I can help with that."

"I had a feeling you would."

We start to get each other cleaned up with the normal things that need to be done. Ted decides to have a bit of fun and our shower lasts a bit longer than I expected it to be. When he's finally done, he steps out first and wraps a towel around his waist and grabs one for me, deciding to put that around me just so that he could be touchy again. We do manage to make it out of the bathroom even though he made it a bit hard with his arms around my waist from behind.

"Let me guess. You wanna pick out what I'm wearing don't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because I know you that well."

"That you do." He kisses me before going to my bag.

I sit on the bed and watch him as he goes through my things. He picks out and beaded strap halter top with various blues and a flower pattern along with a pair of white skinny jeans to go with it.

"Anything for me to have exposed skin for you." I giggle as he walks over with the clothes.

"Of course." He grins. "Plus I really like when you wear that color too."

"I do think you should get dressed before I get more ideas and we never leave this room today."

"Really now?"

"Yes really." He moves closer starting to play with my towel.

"But we do need to leave it at least once and that's for tonight."

"That is the only time we will leave."

"But we're supposed to be going for breakfast."

"I suggest you get dressed before I change my mind."

"Okay then, I'll get dressed."

Ted gives me a quick kiss before going to get his clothes for the day. He stays where I can see him also so he is able to see me at the same time. Once I was dressed, I head into the bathroom to do my hair. It takes a bit of time for me to curl my hair the way I wanted to, but one that was done I got started on my makeup. As I was finishing up, Ted appeared in the mirror.

"Stunning as always." He grins walking over, pressing a kiss behind me ear.

"Only the best for you."

"Only for me." His hands snake around my waist.

"You get touchy now, we may never leave for breakfast. Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"I would love nothing more than that..."

"But we're already dressed to go."

"That's true..." He sighs. " to go before things get out of hand."

"Right." I nod.

He give me a quick kiss before we head out of the bathroom. I grab my jewelry, putting that one before I grab my shoes. Once that is all done, I walk over to Ted who is waiting by the door.

"After you." He says, opening it.

"Thank you." I smile kissing his cheek. He follows me out the door reaching for my hand. I lock my fingers with his as we make our way to the elevator.

Once in the elevator, we head down to the lobby, finding the hotel restaurant and walking in, being seated. We look over the menus deciding what we want. Once we decide we tell the waitress once she comes back. We talk for a bit until she brings our drinks back, then we order what we want.

"So what's the plan for today? Besides tonight."

"Not really sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Maybe like do something fun?"

"That sounds like a plan."

"I mean I'm sure you wanna put in a gym trip too considering tonight ."

"Yes. The gym is a must for tonight."

"Thought so."

"We can do that after we eat if you want."

"Would just have to head back up to the room for you to change."

"Or I could just workout in what I have on..."


"I'm sure you would love to see that." He grins.

"I would."

"So we can just head right to the gym when we are done."

"Sure, sounds good."

Soon our food arrives and we eat while we talk occasionally amongst each other. When we do finish, Ted pays the bill and we leave, heading right to the gym like he suggested. After we walk in, Ted heads to where he wants to start first as I follow him. The first thing he does is take off his shirt, handing it to me.

"Don't get too distracted now." He chuckles.

"A little to late for that." I bite my lip.


"You just had to wear jeans." I shake my head. "You had this planned all along, didn't you?"


"That look and the way you said it tell me you did."

"So I did." He grins.

"I knew it." I chuckle. "You know what that does to me."

"I do, but you love it."

"Can't argue there."

"You never do."

"Because I don't need to."

"Try not to stare too much." He chuckles giving me a quick kiss.

"You know how hard that is."

"All too well." He walks over to the weights before picking them up.

I choose to sit on the bench close by so that I'm not standing the whole time, and like always, he makes it hard to not stare too much. I bite my lip as he purposely lifts the weights up slow. He knows it is getting to me just by the smirk on his face.


"Meee..." He grins.

"Trying to kill me are you?"

"Why? Is it working?"

"Maybe a little."

"And I just started too."

"What can I get to me that easily."

"Just like you get to me."

"But we always get each other back for things like this."

"Why do I have a feeling you are planning something right now?"

"Because we're in a public place, there's a lot of people around, and I can't jump you right now..." I grin.

"Really now?" He raises a brow. "That hasn't stopped you before..."

"There's more people here than the last gym we went to."

"Darn..." He mutters along with a few other things.

"I think we'll both survive."

"I know I will, but I don't know about you."

"I think I'll manage."

"We'll see."

"You're not gonna make this easy for me are you?"

"Nope." He grins.

"Let's just hope I can get through everything you're going to do then."

"We'll find out." He continues, still going slow before finishing and moving on to the next thing.

He stayed relatively close so that I wouldn't have to move very far. Since he knows I'm watching, he decides to keep working on the weights. With each lift he does especially slow just to torture me more. I mumble incoherently, but still not able to really look away, since I'm mesmerized. He makes sure to take his time working, not only to kill me but to makes sure he is ready for tonight. It's the same routine no matter where he goes for workouts. He gets to the final workout of the day and I didn't realize how long I was staring, until he walked over and snapped me out of it.

"You doing alright over here?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm good."

"One more thing then we'll be good to go."

"Alright, sounds good."

He leans down giving a kiss before going to work on something for his ankle to make sure it is ready for tonight. Once he was done with that, he comes back over to me, and we head out of the gym. We go back to the room so that he is able to shower and everything from getting all sweaty. While he's in the shower, I'm laying back on the bed waiting, staring at the ceiling. It's not long before hew comes out of the bathroom. Thinking he was dressed, I look up to see he is only wearing a towel.

"Ohhh not again."

"I know how much you enjoy so I couldn't help myself."

"Torture I tell you."

"It's only torture if you do nothing about it."

"Well I would, but I don't want to get my clothes wet."

"I can help you with that..."

"...the clothes aren't coming off either....eager beaver." I laugh.

"Oh I know that..." He smirks before taking the towel off to finish drying himself off.

"Ohhh it's gonna be a long day."

"It sure is." He slowly says walking over to the bed where I am. leaning down, he hovers over me with his hands on either side of me on the bed and his lips inches from mine. He waits a moment before pressing his lips to mine.

" should....get dressed."

"Maybe I should." He pulls away, standing back up.

"Only because things can happen right now.....if you catch my drift."

"Oh I do...not that I would mind."

"Of course not, but you kind of wore me out last night. I don't think I'm ready for a round two just yet."

"You loved it."

"Yes I know I did."

"We'll save round two for later." He winks before slowly making his way to his bags.

"Ohhh of course we will."

"Might even sleep in even later tomorrow."

"Which you know I love to do...especially after nights like last night."

"Not as much as I do." He walks back to the bed after changing. He lays down next to me pulling me close to him, hands around my waist so I can not move.


"Yes, yours."

"Now you're not moving until we have to."

"Wasn't planning on moving."

"Good. I wasn't going to let you anyway." He holds me tighter.

"You never do when we have time like this."

"Because we never get enough of them. I want them to last as long as they can."

"You do make them last as long as you can."

"That's the plan." He kisses the top of my head.

"Like always."

"So, some TV or a nap?"

"Well I'm not really tired so TV sounds good."

"TV it is." He nods reaching for the remote. Once he has that, he turns on the TV for something to watch. When we decide on something, he puts the remote back down re-wrapping his arm around me.

Hours pass by and before we all now it, it was time to get our things ready to go. Vi was just finishing up the last few touches on her makeup in the bathroom before walking out to see Justin just about ready.

"So do you know who you're facing or...."

"I'm teaming with Sin Cara and we're facing Hunico and Camacho." Justin answers.

"Them again?" She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"I really don't trust them at all."

"Me neither but, gotta have the match."

"I know." She sighs, picking up her bag.

"I'll be there to cheer you on like always." She kisses him quick. She pulls away smirking as he rubs his lips together, tasting blueberry lip gloss. "Like that one?"

"I do."

"You'll get more late." She grins. "Knowing you, we'll be late."

"And we can't have that."

"No. not tonight since we both have a match."

"Oh? Who are you facing?"


"You can take her. That'll be a good match."

"She is tough, but I have done it before. Hopefully this will get me closer to the title."

"That would be amazing."

"Right? All my hard work will finally have paid off."

"Still wish they had more title for you girls. One title isn't enough for the whole roster. They should come up with another new title for all of you."

"I think they should bring back the women's title or give us a tag title. Maybe even both."

"Now that's a great idea."

"Just have to pitch the idea to Hunter and hopefully he'll be on board with it."

"We can hope."

"I'll give him a call in the morning if we do not see him tonight."

"Sounds good."

"You ready?"

"Yup, all set."

After getting everything they need, they head out of the room with arms around each other. They head to the elevator, taking that down to the lobby, then out to the car. Justin opens her door for her, after putting both their bags into the backseat. She thanks him and gets in, putting on her seatbelt and he shuts the door before going over to the drivers side and getting in. Once he gets his seatbelt on, he starts the car and they head to the arena. When they get there, they grab their bags and head inside. One the way to the locker room, she can not help but get the feeling someone is watching.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm getting that feeling again..." She looks over her shoulder. "...someone is watching."

Justin looks too, seeing no one.

"There's no one there..."

"There never is." She gets worried. Someone is messing with me, I just know it." She moves closer to his side, trying to fight tears.

"It's okay. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. No one is going to get you."

"I really hope not. Whoever it is needs to just leave me alone. I am perfectly happy where I am now." She says the last part loud enough for everyone to hear.

"As you should be."

"No one is ever going to change that. No matter how hard they try." She states as they reach the locker room.

They walk in, setting their things down. Justin decides to go get changed for his match while she waits to get changed after him. She was about to sit on the couch when there was a knock on the door. She debates on opening or not when the person says they have a delivery. She cracks the door to see a man with flowers. Smiling, she takes them and smells them as she walks back in the room. It was a bouquet of pink roses, her favorite. She waits until Justin comes back from changing before giving him a huge hug.

“Thank you so much Justy.” She smiles after pulling away. “They are beautiful.” She smells them again.

"Uh....where did those come from?"

"Someone delivered them...didn't you send them?"

"You know I would do something like that, but I didn't send them this time."

"No..." She frowns. "Maybe there is a card..." She looks through the flowers for a card. Sure enough she finds one. She reads it and bites her lip as tears form in her eyes. 'The time is getting near', is all the card says. She moves from Justin and throws the flowers in the trash.

"What does it say?"

She doesn't say anything. She just hands him the note, being too shaken up to talk.

"No no no no no. He is not getting anywhere near you."

"He is doing everything he can." She starts to break down. "It seems like he only does this on nights I have a match. Like he is trying to end me or something. This way, I will not compete good therefore I get released and not be around you making it easier for him to get to me somehow." She totally breaks down.

"You're not going to get released. You have talent, Hunter sees that. How about this...when you talk to him about more titles for the divas division, you let him know what Heath is doing. Maybe he can get him to back off or suffer severe consequences."

"It's worth a shot, even though I doubt that will stop him from doing anything when we are not here."

"Last resort is a restraining order."

"We might have to, but that means if I do not have a match I can not be here with you."

"Well let's just see what Hunter can do first."

"Alright." She sniffs, burying her face into his chest.

"How about after the show, we go out and I get you flowers, that come from me?"

"That would make me feel better. She smiles slightly not moving her face from his chest.

"I'm glad."

"You and your great ideas." She looks up at him finally. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I guess I should get ready." She sighs, not wanting to leave his arms just yet.

"That would be a good idea." He nods.

"I'll be back." She hesitantly says.

"Take your time."

"Alright." She leans up, kissing him quick. He pulls her closer, holding the kiss a bit longer before pulling away. She smiles before moving from his arms and grabbing her bag. She heads into the room to change, wanting to be quick, but she keeps hearing the littlest things that make her stop. She finally gets her attire on and quickly makes her way back out to Justin.

"My favorite color attire on you." He grins.

"Which is why I wear it as often as I can." She smirks as she sits on his lap.

"And I love you for it every day."

"I love you too." She kisses his cheek as he starts to let his fingers wander. "Uh oh...already with the touching.

"Can you blame me?"

"No." She bites her lip. "Not really."

"I have plenty of time to be touchy, before my match. I open the show tonight."

"Need some motivation for that match?" She smirks.

"Why do you think I'm being touchy hmm?" He chuckles.

"Oh I don't know...all the skin you can touch?"

"That too."

"You can never get enough." She giggles as she presses a kiss to her shoulder.


"I can tell." She shifts so she's facing him. She brushes her lips over his while she plays with the end of his hair.

"I love how I can play with your hair much more now."

"Since you let it grow, it's a lot easier for me to do so."

"So I've noticed."

"Just don't cut it anytime soon. Only a trim and that is it."

"Got it."

"You wouldn't be my werewolf with out it." She grins, lightly pecking his lips just teasing him with the small tastes of her lip gloss.

"Very true."

He keeps his hands on her waist, lightly running his fingers over the exposed skin making her whine.

"You're killing me here..."

"Oh I know."

"'re so...evil..." Her eyes close as her breathing picks up.

"You love it."

"So much." She rests her head on his shoulder. Since he is giving her a distraction, she decides to give him one too. She moves closer to his neck, lightly kissing and nipping at his skin.

"Now you're being evil..."

"Payback." She mumbles against his neck.

"Until I get called for my match...."

"I know." She slowly moves up his neck to his jaw. She moves along his jawline, stopping right before his lips.

"Don't stop."

"If you insist." She smirks, pressing her lips to his. When he starts to kiss back, she goes to pull away.


"What's stopping you from getting more?"

"Well..." He trails off, but then they hear outside the door, his name being called.

"Seriously?!" Vi groans, rolling her eyes.

"After the match?" He asks.


"Something to look forward to."

"Just stay focused out there. Can't have that getting you distracted or hurt."


She slides off his lap so he is able to stand. They head for the door, fingers locked together as they head to the curtain for his match. She glances around looking for any sign of Heath, but she doesn't make it noticeable to Justin. Sin Cara then shows up, followed by Hunico and Camacho. Vi rolls her eyes, moving closer to Justin since there is not much room and Hunico is a bit too close for comfort. Thankfully he and Camacho went out first, so once they were gone she was able to have more room. Once they finally get to the ring, Justin's music goes off and they head out. He does his poses at the top of the ramp before taking her hand as they walk to the ring, slapping hands with all the fans. Justin kisses her briefly before getting into the ring and she stays ringside to watch the match. As soon as Sin Cara got in the ring, the match had started.

The match was fast paced and full of high energy, which is expected with Justin and Sin Cara considering they're high fliers. There was plenty of double team moves and high flying maneuvers. Sin Cara and Justin hit a double team move on Hunico off the top rope for the win. Once Hunico and Camacho were out of the ring, she slides in going right for Justin.

"You did fantastic!" She gives him a kiss.

"You're my good luck charm." He smiles.

"That's what I'm here for." She returns his smile.

"Time to head back."

"Give you a little extra something for winning." She smirks as they make their way to the ropes. Justin holds the ropes for her before getting out himself.

"Can't wait."

"I can tell Mister eager." She giggles as he hurries up the ramp and backstage.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles again. Since he is so eager to get to the room, he picks her up to make things go faster. "Justy!" She squeals as he picks her up.

"Moving too slow."

"You always say that."

"Because that's what it seems like to me."

"Only when you're eager like you are now."

"Yes, I know."

They finally reach the locker and once they walk in, he closes the door and locks it. She shakes her head as he walks over to the couch.

"Had to lock it, didn't you?" She chuckles as he sits with her on his lap and his lips in her neck.

"Yes I did."

"Don't want any interruptions this time?"



He continues to focus on her neck while she runs her fingers through his hair.

"Have all the fun you want...." She pauses as he grazes her spot. "...but no marks...for now."


"I still have a match..."

"Coverable ones?"

"As long as they are...go ahead..."

"Yesss." He cheers quietly.

Before she can even respond, he has his lips back on her neck, not holding back this time. She arches her back into him while tugging on his hair the closer he gets to the spots on her neck. Every little noise she does, makes him nip at her skin. Her grip in his hair gets tighter the more he lightly nips at her skin. She decides to let one hand fall to his back, letting her fingers lightly trail over the skin of his back. He moves from her neck, up to behind her ear, then to her jawline, nipping still as he moves to her lips. Once there, he starts to kiss soft at first before making it a bit more rough. Both her hands wrap around his neck so she's able to pull him as close to her as he can get. He keeps the kiss going for as long as he can, making sure he gets all her lip gloss off. While he does that, he brings one hand to her hair while letting the other one wander over the exposed skin from her attire. When his fingers move along her skin, it forms goosebumps and she shivers from time to time.

"" She mumbles against his lips between kisses.


"...mmm..." She sighs in content as he starts to deepened the kiss more.

" much..."

" you...more..."

"...I think I love you..more..."

" more..."

"I think I'm proving that I love you more." He says, breaking the kiss for just a moment.

"You maybe, but if we were not here...I would be showing you how much I love you."

"Oh really."

"Yes really." She nods. "Just have to wait until we get back to the room..."

"I wish the night would hurry up then."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to pass the time."

"I think I already did."

"So you did." She brushes her lips over his, giving him a quick peck.

"This can keep me occupied all night."

"Of course it will. You just love doing all that."

"I do."

"I don't mind either." She lays her head on his shoulder while absentmindedly running her fingers over his chest.

"Of course not."

She keeps her head on his shoulder while he keeps his arms wrapped securely around her waist. They sit there for a bit until there is a knock at the door. They hear someone say that it is time for her match, so she slides from Justin's lap so they can head out. He locks fingers with hers as they walk. She notices he keeps looking down at her, particularly her neck.

"Are they that noticeable?"

"Just to me."

"As long as only you can see them." She squeezes his hand as they reach the curtain.

"I'm sure, I'm the only one who can see them."

"Because you know where to look."


They stand there for a bit while Natalya goes out to the ring. Once she is in the ring, Vi's theme goes off as Justin and her make their way out. She does a few poses at the top of the ramp before taking his hand and walking to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans on the way. Justin gives her a good luck kiss before she hops onto the apron to do all her poses there. Once she's done, she gets into the ring and waits for the bell. Since she does have respect for Natalya, she has no problem in showing sportsmanship and shakes her hand before the bell rings. They start off by circling each other before going toward each other, locking up. Natalya then goes behind her and locks her arms around her waist, applying pressure for now. She tries getting out of her grip by moving her hands. when that does not work, she starts to elbow her wherever she can reach. She's able to get out of her hold since she lets go. Vi hopes that coming off the ropes and attempting a clothesline would work, but Natalya beat her there and hit her with one of her own. She goes for a quick cover that she kicks out of at two. With the encouragement of Justin, she's able to slowly get back up. Natalya starts gloating about how quickly she took her down before the attempted pin. She's distracted and after she gets up, she charges towards her and spears her, throwing punches after she crawled on top of her. After giving her a few good shots, she eventually stops. She grabs her hair, pulling it and bringing her to her feet before kicking her in the ribs. She throws her across the ring into the ropes, then successfully delivers a clothesline once she comes back. She goes for a quick cover and almost gets there, but Natalya kicks out at two and a half. Justin keeps encouraging her to keep her going which gave her the strength to keep going. She focuses back on Natalya and once she stands up, Vi sets up for her finisher.

However when she gets her in it, she reverses and drops her and goes to put her in the SharpShooter. While rolling her on her stomach, Vi tries to wiggle out of the hold while moving her legs in attempt for her to lose her grop. Thankfully she was able to get out of it and spins so she goes halfway across the ring. She slowly gets up again, holding her lower back just as she starts to charge at her. Vi moves just in time causing her to run into the ring post, shoulder first. She goes right over to her and pulls her away giving her a neckbreaker, then a backbreaker, quickly pinning her after. Natalya kicks out yet again however and Vi gets frustrated.

"Vi, you know what to do!" Justin calls from ringside, giving her a look.

She glances over her shoulder at him, giving him a nod. She gets up and quickly goes to the top rope. Once there, she stands up and winks at Justin before doing his move. She goes for the pin once more, this time getting it. The ref takes her hand as she stands up, raising it in the air. She feels arms go around her waist and lips on hers. Knowing it's Justin, she wraps her arms around his neck. When he pulls away, he leans his forehead against hers.

"Knew you could do it."

"I had you cheering for me, of course I could do it."

"Well even if you didn't, you still would've won."

"True. I am that good." She grins.

"Yes you are."

"Thanks to you."

"And you're welcome for that."

All she can do is smile.

"Let's get out of here." She smirks walking over to the ropes.

He nods and holds the ropes open for her. She gets out of the ring first, before he does and they head to the back. Justin puts his arm around her waist as they walk back to the room. They make it back to the locker room just fine. Once they're in, she grabs her bag and heads in to change.

"Think you can manage while I get changed?" She chuckles since he has not let go, since they got in the room.

"I suppose so."

"You can do all the touching you want back at the hotel."

"Can't wait for that."

"You never can." She giggles. She gives him a quick kiss before heading into the changing area. It does not take her long to change and once she's done, she walks back out so he can change.

"I'll be quick." Justin says.

"I'm sure you will."

He heads in with his bag to change, and like he said, he didn't take too long. Since she already had her bag, they make sure they have everything before walking out to the car. He keeps his arm around her while she leans into his side. They make it out to the car, putting their things in the back. She can't help but to look around as she gets in the car. Once they are in, they put their seatbelts on. Justin starts to drive and like he said, he stopped off to get her some flowers that they're from him.

"Justy..." She looks at the bouquet of the light blue roses he got her. "...they're beautiful."

"Just remember..." He looks at her. "I'll love you until the last one dies." He grins.

Sure enough, she looks to find one of the followers are fake.

"Justy...I-" She starts to tear up.

"...I love you too."

He leans down, giving her a soft kiss.

"Now let's get back so I can give you a proper thank you."

"I like the sound of that."

He starts the car back up, then heads back for the hotel. Once at the hotel, Justin gets their bags since she's holding the flowers. She can't help but stare at them and smile. When they get to their room, she finds something to put the flowers in. After putting them in water, she stands there admiring them when she feels arms go around her waist as Justin kisses behind her ear.

"I love them."

"I can tell. You haven't stopped looking at them."

She turns in his arms so she's facing him.

"That's because you gave them to me."

"Because you deserved them."

"You always tell me that." She blushes, trying to hide against his neck.

"Because it's true."

"Justy..." She blushes more.

"Just being honest."

"That's why I love you." She lifts her head, giving him a light, teasing kiss while letting her fingers run across the nape of his neck.

"I love you too."

"I think it's time I show you just how much I love you." She smirks. She lightly brushes her lips over his while moving one hand to his hair, letting the other slip under the neckline of his shirt.

"Finally." He grins.

"You've been patient all night. You deserve it, but this does need to come off." She tugs at his shirt.

"Oh of course." He chuckles, taking it off.

"Mmmm..." She bites her lip. "...what to do first..." She trails off, running her hands down his chest. Leaning down, she hovers her lips over the skin of his chest as she moves to his neck. Still not placing her lips on his skin, she waits until she gets to his ear. "Killing you yet?" She whispers before nipping at his earlobe a bit.

"You....have no idea."

"Good." She smirks. "It's working." She moves her hands to the waist of his pants. She feels him tense a bit so she decides to lightly runs her fingers under them for now.

Almost immediately she feels him tense and she grins. She slowly starts to unbutton his pants as his hold around her waist gets tighter. she grins against his neck while lightly nipping at his skin. He starts to grumble at how slow she's moving.

"Patience." She mumbles against his neck.

"You know what I say about that."

"All too well." She chuckles as she gets his pants undone, letting them fall to the floor.

"Your clothes need to come off..." He mumbles.

"They will..." She smirks, guiding him to the bed.


"Soon...I'm not done yet..." She gently pushes him back on the bed. As he lays there looking up at her, she bites her lip thinking of her next move. Leaning down, she starts to kiss just above his waist of his pants making sure to graze over his indents before slowly moving up his stomach, leaving light kisses followed by her tongue. When she reaches his lips, she brushes over them and shifts so she's straddling him.

"...showing how much I love you."

"I'm about ready to show you how much I love you too."

"Almost done..." She moves down his neck, nipping as she goes. She feels him tense when she gets to a certain spot and stays there for a bit. When she feels his hold on her get tighter, she pulls back. "...all done."

"You're evil..."

"You love it." She brushes her lips over his while moving her hips on his lap.

He then reaches out and stops her from moving.

"What?" She smiles innocently.

"You know what that does..."

"So I do..."

"You're so in for it now..."

"I'm so scared." She jokes.

"You should be." He smirks.

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh's right."

Before she knew it, he had them rolled over so he was hovering over her.

"Justy!" She squeals in surprise.

"I told you." He chuckles.

"So you did." She chuckles back as she moves her hands to his hair, lightly running them through it.

"I think your clothes need to come off now."

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"I would."

"What's stopping you now?" She grins.

"Well I would have to move you in order to do so..."

She sits up just enough for him to take off her shirt.



She goes to pull him closer to her while she lets her hands fall to the back of his neck just lightly running them over his skin. He leans down and presses his lips to hers, while he trails his hands down to her bottoms. He decides to get her back for what she did to him by running his fingers lightly over her skin. She whines into the kiss as he starts to slowly get them undone. He doesn't take too long, and before she knows it, they're off.

"...eager..." She mumbles against his lips.

"Your fault."



"Just showing how much I love you." She grins.

"So am I."

"We're so sleeping in tomorrow aren't we?" She chuckles.

"You can count on it."

She looks up at him, biting her lip as she lets her one hand start to wander down his arm to his chest. Not wanting to stop there, she keeps going until she reaches his indent again. He takes a sharp breath as she lightly runs her finger over it.

"Oh yeah, definitely sleeping in tomorrow." He grins.

She giggles since that was the reaction she was going for. She keeps doing it until he starts to growl. He starts to go after he neck as he starts reaching around for the blanket to pull it over the both of them.

Ted and I are still at the show waiting for his match. We are just enjoying the little bit of time we have before we have to head out.

"So revenge against Jinder for injuring your ankle. I love it." I grin evilly.

"I have been waiting months to get him back. He'll never see it coming."

"Nope, he has no idea you're back. Which is the best part."

"No one know, except for you, Vi, and Justin. Going to surprise everyone tonight."

"Then the next step is getting back on TV."

"Right. Just don't know when with all the stuff for SummerSlam right now."

"Right, I can't wait for all that stuff though."

"Same. Going to be a very busy weekend."

"But fun."

"Of course." He nods. "Always is with the fans."

"But also fun for when we get time to ourselves."

"I always look forward to that." He grins.

"I'm sure you can't wait for the kickoff party. I have a dress in mind for that."

"Oh?" He raises a brow.


"Any hints?"

"I think it's better to leave it to surprise."

"Awww." He pouts.

"I still need to shop for it."

"Shopping?" Ted grins. "I'm up for it this time."

"Are you sure now?"

"Absolutely sure."

"You just want to go crazy with picking out possible dress choices." I laugh.


"Knowing you, you'd probably buy everything you liked."

"That's because everything looks good on you."

"Of course."

He gives me a soft kiss, pulling me closer to him.

"So when's your match?" He asks, after pulling away, but not letting me go just yet.

"Well since it's intermission right now and your match is up right after that, Cody's is after yours, mine is after his."

"So almost the last one." He frowns.


"Gives me more time to plan." He smirks.

"Uh oh."

"Lets just say we are going to sleep all day."

"We always tend to when you have way too much time to plan."

"You love every minute of it."

"I do."

Just as Ted was about to kiss me, there was a knock on the door meaning it was time for his match.

"Awww really? They have terrible timing."

"They really do." Ted sighs. He gives me a soft kiss, making sure it will hold me over for now.

"That should hold you over until after the match."

"It should." I leave my eyes closed for a bit.

"I think it's already working." He chuckles.

"Mhm." I slowly nod.

"Come on, can't be late for my own match."

"We can't have that." I open my eyes to look at him. I then slide off his lap so he was able to stand.

"No we can't." He says, before we head out the door.

He opens the door, allowing me to go first. I smile then grab his hand as we make our way to the curtain. As we head there, Jinder was already going out as we heard his music. While we wait, I lean up to give him a kiss for good luck. Once we heard his theme, we pulled away and walked out. They started going crazy once they heard his music and saw him walk out while Jinder was in shock. With a mic in hand, Ted cuts a promo, talking about this being his first match back from injury, also giving a shout out to the Iowa National Guardsmen at ringside. I'm all smiles as I nod at what he has to say. Once at the ring, he sets the mic down and gets into the ring, ready to start the match. During the match there was a series of USA chants. The match was a decent one, Ted gaining control in the end to the point where he got Jinder in the spot for Dream Street and he hit it, covering him for the win. After Jinder is out of the ring, I get in and celebrate with Ted. I give him a big hug before raising his hand in the air.

"Revenge....feels so great."

"I'm sure it does. I am so glad you got him back for taking you out."

After a bit of celebrating in the ring, we finally leave and head to the back. On the way back, a few other superstars and Divas come up to Ted to welcome him back. When they were all done, we got back to the room with just enough time for Ted to get changed.

"And now we have some time to relax before going back out there." I say once he comes out from changing.

"I can never say no to that." He grins, pulling me down on the couch with him.

"Always cuddly."

"I can't help it." He nuzzles my neck. "I love holding you."

"Especially when you have skin to touch." I finish for him.

"Especially then."

"Never fails."

"Nope." He kisses behind my ear while letting his fingers run over all the exposed skin he can reach.

"Already starting before we can even get back to the hotel aren't you?"

"Just giving you a bit of good luck for your match."

"Even though I know I won't need it, but thank you anyway."

"Anything for you."

"And you being there ringside is good luck in itself."

"I'm so glad I finally get to be there again."

"So am I. It was hard before without you being there for me."

"Well I'm here now."

"I know, and what kept me going through the matches was thinking about you."

"Good. It makes me feel better knowing that."

"Only lost a few matches here and there."

"Right. Depends on the competitor and all."

"Right right." I nod.

Before we knew it there was a knock on the door letting me know it was time to head out.

"Looks like we have to move."

"Awww." He whines. "That wasn't long enough."

"No, it wasn't."

"We'll make up for it at the hotel." He grins.

"Oh, I already know that."

"Lets go so we can get back even quicker."

"Good idea."

I slide off his lap so he is able to stand once again. He takes my hand, lacing out fingers together as we leave the room and head to the curtain.

"It's been a long night, and I can't wait to go back to the hotel."

"As soon as you are done, we are there."

"Well...once I change anyway."

"You know what I mean." He chuckles.

"Yes, I know." I laugh.

We finally make it to the curtain just in time to see Kaitlyn go out to her theme.

"Now this should be a good match."

"I know it's going to be. You're that amazing."

As soon as he music faded, they played mine. Ted and I wait a few seconds before finally heading out. I do a few poses at the top of the ramp before we head down, slapping the hands with fans as we go. I then get into the ring and do my in-ring routine there before meeting Kaitlyn in the middle of the ring. I shake hands with her before the bell rings to start the match. Between the two of us, it was a long, hard fought match. The control was back and forth but stayed steady with one person at a time. It was nearing the end and I had her weakened enough to try for my finisher. Once I had her set up, I hit it then went for the pin getting the three count. I stand up as my music plays and Ted gets in the ring as my hand is raised in the air. He lets go of my hand in favor of hugging me quick before I celebrate. Once I'm done celebrating, Ted and I leave the ring and head to the back.

"You did amazing out there." He says once we get behind the curtain. "I'm so glad I finally get to see that again."

"I'm also glad you get to."

"Feels so good to be back."

"It's great to have you back."

"Tonight feels like a celebration night." He smirks.

"I know that look...."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He tries to act innocent.


"You'll just have to wait and see..."

"I have a feeling it's going to be a long night."

"Lets just say, it's a good thing we have nothing planned for tomorrow."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right." He chuckles as we reach the locker and walk in.

"Now hurry and get changed..."

"I'm going." I laugh at his eagerness.

"Not fast enough."

I shake my head at how impatient he is before grabbing my things and heading into change. I tried to be as fast as I could, but when I walked out I knew it was not that fast for him.

"You took too long." He has the look on his face and I know i'm in for it.

"I tried...."

"...and failed." He grins walking up to me. He decides to start the torture now by giving me a passionate kiss, but pulling away before I could respond.


"'ll get the rest later. That was for taking too long."

"I didn't mean to take too long."

"It wasn't that long, but too long for me."

"You're very impatient."

"No, not really."

"Well, lets go before I lose all control right here."

"Can't let that happen can we?"

"No." He takes my hand. "Lets goooo."

"Okay okay, I'm coming." I giggle as he drags me out of the room.

We make our way out to the car fairly quickly. We put our bags in the back of the car then get in. Once we're all buckled in, Ted starts to drive to the hotel. It's not a long trip back and once we do get back, we grab our things and head inside. We walk into the lobby and press the button for the elevator, waiting for it to reach the lobby where we are. Ted can't stand still the whole time we wait. I laugh to myself while shaking my head. Soon the doors open and he rushes us in.

"Okay okay, slow down."

"I can't help it."

Even when we're in the elevator and heading up to our floor, he was being all touchy and everything.

"Easy....there's an elevator camera. Remember?"

"Let them look. They will not see anything..."


"I'll stop..." He pouts. "...for now."

Not too long after that the elevator stops and the doors open on our floor. Ted yet again drags me out of the elevator and down the hall to our room. He gets the door open while pulling me inside. Once inside, he tosses his bag to the side then takes mine doing the same. When they are out of the way he pulls me to him and lets his hands wander all over. He leans down, pressing his lips to mine in a rough yet eager kiss. He starts to walk me backwards, but it wasn't towards the bed right now. The next thing I know after a bit of making me walk backwards, was that my back was against the wall.

"" He mumbles against my lips while tugging on the bottom of my shirt.

"'s tied...behind my neck..."

He moves his hands to the back of my shirt to untie it. Once he gets that done, he breaks the kiss to pull it over my head and tossing it away. Instead of going for my lips, he goes right for my neck just lightly laying kisses up and down my neck. I turn my head to give him better access, my eyes instinctively close. My arms around around his neck and I unconsciously tug on the collar of his shirt. I feel him smirk against my neck as he starts to nip at my skin. The closer he gets to my spot the tighter my grip on his shirt gets. When he gets to my spot, he hovers his lips over it just lightly moving his tongue over it at first. Hearing a few noises come from me, he goes after it and does not stop until he is sure there will be a mark.

"It's coverable." He grins looking at it.

"Although....I don't think it would matter....if it was or not. Not much planned this week." I manage to get out.

"Really..." He trails off, leaning back down.

I however move my head so he can't get to the spot as easily as before and I take one of my hands to move his face and then I press my lips against his just as eagerly as before. Then I manage to push myself off the wall, turning around so that I can't be pressed against it anymore. Ted however, picks me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He leaves his hands on my hip as he walks over to the bed. Once he lays me down I take ahold of his shirt and lift it over his head, tossing it to the side.

"It was taking too long to get that off. Couldn't wait anymore..."

"It's off now." He chuckles. His hands start to wander all over while he kisses all the exposed skin that he can reach.

He moves his hands from my sides down to the jeans I was wearing, where he really wasted no time in wanting to get them off. After he gets them undone he pulls them off. Once they are out of the way, he hovers back over me while I try to get his off. He reaches for the blanket to pulls over us before the rest of what we have on comes off.