Status: Active

All About Us

Shopping and Karaoke

We're in Johnson City, Tennessee for the show tomorrow night. Today we have a day off, to rest from last night's show and such. I've been up for a while and watched Ted as he slept. At one point he starts to mumble incoherently in his sleep and I hold back my laughter. His arm that was around me, pulls me closer to him as he nuzzles his face into my neck more. I realize that if I wanted to move at all, it was not going to be possible, because his hold on me was tight. He starts to mumble more in his sleep and all I can get out of it is my name. I look at him trying to figure out what he could be dreaming of. The only thing I can figure out is that it is about me, clearly because of him mumbling my name. All I know is that it must be a good one if he hasn't woken up yet. I decide to let him sleep for a bit longer before waking him. Once his mumbling stops and he settles down, I decide to wake him up.

"Ted..." I say, lightly shaking him.

He just mumbles more, snuggling more into me.

"Ted...wake up..."


"Still too tired?"

"...good dream..."

"I had a feeling it was."

"You heard me?" He opens his eyes halfway.

"I was awake while you were still sleeping."

" much did you hear?"

"Just my name."

"That's all you need to know." He smirks, nipping my neck lightly.


“Everything else is confidential.”

"No fair."

"Maybe one day you will find out."

"One day?"

"Okay...:" He chuckles. "...maybe later you will..."

"That's better."

"If not now." He grins.

"Well, I'm sorry for waking you from the oh so secret, yet enjoyable dream."

"I don't mind. I still get to see your beautiful face either way."

"You're too sweet."

"Because I love you."

"And I love you too."

"What did you want to do today?"

"Oh, I don't know. Was too preoccupied watching you sleep to think of anything."

"Of course you were." He chuckles. "How about I take you shopping?"

"You have fun when you take me shopping."

"I do. I just love seeing all the stuff you try on."

"And you end up buying me close to everything."

"You deserve everything."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true." He leans up giving me a kiss.

"I know."

"Get some breakfast first too."

"Sounds good."

"When did you want to go?" He snuggles into me more.

"Whenever you want to go."

"In a bit. I'm good here for now."

"Kind of figured."

"Don't want to let go yet."



"Like a giant bear

"Your personal bear too."

"Yes and I love it."

"Glad to hear that."

"But you may want to loosen your grip on me just a bit....can't move really."

"Oops." He lets me go so I can move.

"It's ok. You just kind of grabbed me in your sleep, that's all."

"Guess the dream was more real than I thought."

"You were being cuddly in the dream?"

"Among other things..."

"Like what?"

"Without doing into detail, it was something that happened last night..."

"...ohhh, I see why it was such a good dream then." I smirk.


"Although a dream never compares to the real thing."

"Honestly, it was not even close."

"Even though you were enjoying it....Mr. Mumbles." I giggle.

"I was. It was you after all." He grins.

"You don't need a cold shower after all of that do you?" I tease.

"Only if you join..."

"Well....we do both need a shower in general after last night."

"I think we should do that then..." He smirks as his fingers start to wander.

"I just need a shirt to put on for now....unless I wrap this blanket around myself as we head into the bathroom."

"How about I just carry you like you are now?"

"You would enjoy that."

"I would." He smirks looking me over.

"Oh, alright, go ahead."

He cheers to himself as he shifts on the bed so he is able to pick me up. I wrap my arms around his neck as he stands from the bed walking to the bathroom. The whole way there he lets his fingers move all over the skin he can reach, not taking his eyes off me. He then sets me down once we're in the bathroom, and gets the water started so it can warm up. After getting the water started, he turns back to face me. He walks toward me causing me to walk backwards. Since there is not much space to move, I end up bumping into the counter. He then lifts me up on the counter letting his hand move up and down my thighs.

"Someone's eager this morning."

"Blame the dream." He brushes his lips over him, hovering them for a bit.

"More like blame your guy brain." I snicker.

"Can't help that you make me feel that way." He trails across my jawline to my neck.

"Of course...not."

He keeps his lips on my skin as he trails down my leaving light kisses. His one hand goes to my back while he leaves his other on my thigh just moving his fingers lightly over my skin. He moves his fingers of the hand on my back, along my spine, sending a shiver down it. He chuckles into the kiss as I arch my back into him. Soon enough, the bathroom starts to fill up with the steam from the shower.

"I think it's warmed up...."

"Hmmm..." He pulls away slightly. "...we will finish this..." He smirks, picking me up off the counter and carrying me into the shower. Once in there, he goes right for my neck.

" marks....have enough...." I mumble.

"...I won't..." He mumbles against my skin as he lightly nips against it.

I go to respond, but he nips my skin gently again and I yet again arch into him. He smirks against my skin as he grazes over my soft spot. I dig my nails into his back as he starts to slowly move his tongue over it, teasing me a bit. When I least expect it, he goes after the spot. Not having time to muffle any noise that were to come, the came out loud and clear as he kept nipping at the spot. Pulling away before there would be a mark, he made his way back to my lips. He then moved us so that we were under the running water, and he kept the kiss going before we do the usual routine when we shower together. Once we got done helping each other, I shut the water off while he got towels for us. He hands me my towel while he puts his on. We both then walk out into the room, going into our things for clothes. I decide to get dressed in the room since I can feel Ted staring at me.

"You're staring."

"I love what I see."

"And I love what I see." I look at him innocently.

"Mmm..." He bites his lip. "...we may not be leaving for a bit..." He gets that look in his eye.

"Uh oh..."

" get to me that way."

"Just like you get to me that way too."


"But I really think we should get dressed."

"Only if we must." He pouts.

"As much as I would for us to stay like this all day....."

" would be good for us to get out."


"So get dressed you."

"You first." He leans back on the bed. "I like the view right now." He looks me over licking his lips.

"I can either make this very easy for you or very hard." I smirk.

"You know what will happen if you take to long..."

"I know..."

"I can make things just as hard for you too." He smirks.

"Oh I know that too..."

"Then you better hurry before I lose all control again."

"Going as fast as I can."

"I could help you with that..."

"If you help me...I know what will happen."

"You're right."

"Then I think I can get dressed on my own."

"Alright. Just know you're killing me here." He groans.


He groans more as I drop my towel too get my things on. I take my time, but not to long. His groan gets louder once I slip my shirt on. I shake my head trying not to laugh as I get my pants on next.

"And look...even better for you since my shoulder and stuff is exposed." I grin.

"Today is going to be hard."


"I think I'll manage..."

"I think you can." I nod.

"More fun later."

"Of course."

I then move into the bathroom to work on my hair and makeup. While I'm in there, Ted decides to start to get dressed himself. I get everything done, the add my jewelry last. Once I'm all done, I walk out too see Ted standing there with jeans on and no shirt just yet. I have to put a hand on the bathroom door frame to support myself and to keep myself standing.

"Oh good god." I say to myself.

Since he does not know I'm standing there, he puts his shirt on, it being light blue in color, and I inwardly groan as he does that. It takes me a while, but I eventually shake the thoughts from my head and walk out of the doorway. I walk over to my bags and put my clothes away.

"How much did you see?" He chuckles from the look on my face.

" shirt and just the jeans."

"That explains why you are so dazed."

"Well how was I supposed to know you weren't dressed completely yet? Not that I can complain."

"That was my plan all along. I know how long it takes you so I waited for the right time to get dressed."

"So you knew I was standing there..."

"I did."

"And here I thought you didn't."

"I knew the whole time." He grins.


"You love it."

"I do."

"You were right. I do love the shirt." He starts to move his hands over my exposed shoulder.

"I just know you that well."

"Yes you do." He leans down kissing my shoulder, placing his one hand on my waist.

"Basically everything I have, you love so..."

"Everything looks that good on you."


"Are you ready to head out?"


"After you."

I grab my bag and I walk ahead of him, heading out the door first. He grabs anything that he might need before meeting me at the door. I lace our fingers together as we head out the door to the elevator then down to find a place to eat. In the meantime, Justin and Vi are still laying in bed themselves. But she's sleeping and Justin's watching her. She was still in a deep sleep, not wanting to wake up just yet. He smiles down at her while he runs his fingers through her hair. She shifts a bit in her sleep, then settles back down moving closer to him. He smiles to himself and wraps his arm around her, holding her close. Feeling his arms around her puts her at ease again. She starts to drift off again, feeling calm and safe again. She falls asleep for another hour or two, and when she wakes up, she opens her eyes to see Justin watching her.

"Morning." She yawns, snuggling into him more.


"How long you been awake?"

"A few hours now."

"Been watching me the whole time?"


"You looked so beautiful that I could not look away."

"Awe Justy..." She blushes. "...already."

"Yes. Never to early to see you do that."

"...Justy..." She buries her face in his chest, letting her hair fall over her face.

"Uh hiding."

"Can't help it." She mumbles.

"I know."

He moves the hair from her face so he can get a better look at her. She tilts her head up so she's looking at him and moves up so she's closer to his face. Taking his one hand, he cups her face while his other hand stays on her back. He leans down, pressing his lips to hers. Her hands go around his neck to his hair as she lets her eyes fall shut, just enjoying the wake up call for now. She runs her fingers through his hair a bit and the hand that's on her back, he moves every so often. She starts to move her one hand from his hair down his chest, but before she could get very far, he rolled them over so he was hovering over her. The hand that was cupping her face, took her hand from his chest, pinning it to the bed. He lets his other hand move from her back to her thigh as he inches up. She pulls him close to her, kissing him harder the higher his hand goes. When he gets high enough, he stops and squeezes gently. She makes soft noises into the kiss as she grips in his hair, getting even tighter while she squeezes down on his other since it's pinning hers to the bed still. He smirks into the kiss before stopping to nip at her bottom lip. She lets out a soft moan as he does that. Her body gets more tense as she moves her hand to his neck, gently running her nails across his skin. That makes him let out the usual growl, while still nipping at her lip. The more he nips on her lip, the more she moves her fingers over his neck, making him growl more. He also squeezes her thigh again in retaliation. More noises come from her, but she loves hearing his reaction so she does it one last time. That growl is even louder than the others. She smirks slightly at his reaction this time, since that is what she was going for. She then moves her hand back to his hair, letting her fingers run all through it. He goes back to kissing you normally, making sure to make this one linger before pulling away. She keeps her eyes closed as she tries to catch her breath.

"Love you." He leans his forehead against hers.


"Good...wake up call?"

"The best ever."

"I'm glad."

"What's the plan for today?" She asks after calming down a bit.

"Well we have a day off so we can do anything you want."

"Hmmm..." She thinks. "How about shopping? There are a few things I want to pick up." She suggests. "We could go to your favorite store too..."

"Oooh. I like that idea."

"When don't you?" She laughs. "You always go crazy in that store."

"I do."

"But that would require you to let me go, which you don't seem to want to do." She looks from him to her hand that is still pinned, then back to him.

"Not ready to let go yet."

"Neither am I." She pulls him down closer, giving him a quick peck. Her arm stays resting around his neck for now as he lays his head on her shoulder. She keeps running her fingers through his hair while he lets go of her hand in favor of resting it on her side. Her now free hand goes to his shoulder where it rests for now.

"Alright, we should grab breakfast before going shopping."

"Mkay." She kisses the top of his head. He then shifts so he is sitting, allowing her to get up. They head over to their bags for things to wear. After finding something, she decides to just change in the room since he would follow her to the bathroom. the whole time she changes, she feels his eyes on her. After sliding her pink shirt with a grayish butterfly design, she slips on a pair of gray skinny jeans. She turns towards Justin, just in time to see him slip his shirt on. She bites her lip a bit before gathering her makeup and heading into the bathroom. It does not take long for Justin to appear in the mirror with that smirk on his face.

"What?" She giggles as she tries to focus on her makeup.

"Just watching."

"Like what you see, hmm?"


"You never fail to amaze me with your beauty." He adds.

"Justy..." She blushes. "...I don't even do anything special either."

"You don't have to."

"You always say that." She smiles as she starts to curl her hair.

"Because it's true."

She can't help but to smile while blushing more. She continues to add more loose curls to her hair as he watches her. When she's all done, she unplugs everything and turns to him.

"What do you think?" She bites her lip, moving her hair over her shoulder.

"Love it."

"Of course you do." She grins as he walks over, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Mike." He pulls her closer to him.

"All yours." She rests her hands on his shoulders.

"You should curl it more often."

"Just for you I will."



"But you love me."

"I do. Now and forever."

"Forever." He repeats.

She looks up at him, her eyes never leaving his. She moves her arms around his neck and pulls him down for a quick kiss. She goes to pull away, but once he got a taste of her lip gloss, he held the kiss a bit longer.

"I think we should go now..." She says after pulling away. "'ll get more later."


"You know what will happen if I let you continue..."

"Right right."

"Like I said...later." She brushes her lips over his before sliding out of his arms.

Then they both grab what they need before heading out the door for breakfast. He puts his arm over her shoulder while she leans into his side with her arms around his waist. They wait for the elevator to open and while they do, she senses someone watching. She hugs Justin's side tighter as he kisses the top of her head. Soon the doors open and they step in, taking it to the lobby. Once there, they head out and decide to walk somewhere since it's nice. She looks over her shoulder still with the feeling that someone is following us.

"No one's around Vi, don't worry."

"I can't help feeling that he is around somewhere."

"I know..."

"He knows to stay away, but I don't think he cares. Hunter can't do anything if it's not at an event."


"But I have you here and I know nothing will happen."


They soon find a place to eat, deciding to go in. Once in, they are taken to a table and given menus. Justin sits next to her in the booth, keeping his arm around her as they decide what to order. They order the drinks first like always and then once those get to the table they order their food.

"What did you want to do later?" She asks, taking a sip of her drink.

"Hmmm....I don't know."

"Well, I did see this little karaoke club I wanted to check out..."

"Oh really. That sounds like it could be fun."

"Since you have never heard me sing, I figured this would be your chance too."

"I would love that."

"We can even invite Ted and Scar to come. I know she loves to sing too."


"Maybe pick out a new dress for tonight too..."


"Mhm." She nods, giggling at the look on his face. "Just don't buy the whole store."

"I'll try not to."

"One for tonight and maybe a few others. That's it. I have to many as it is." She laughs.

"You can never have too many dresses."

"No, but I'm running out of room for my other clothes."


"I could send some stuff home to make room for more dresses if you want..."

"Ony if you want to."

"I could. I know how you love when I wear dresses."

"I do."

"For you, I'll do it." She kisses him quick.

"Yay." He grins.

"Love you."

"Love you too." She kisses the top of her head as their food arrives.

"Oh that looks so good."

"That's why I had to get it. Sounded amazing."

"Same with mine."

"I'll give you some of mine, if I get yours."


She then gets some on her fork while he does the same. they turn to each other, taking a bite of the food.

"Mmm..." She moans at the flavor. "...yours is amazing."

"Likewise about yours."

"Take as much as you want." She gives him a quick kiss before turning back around.

They get back to eating, stealing each other's food here and there. Once they're done, Justin pays the bill and they head back to the hotel to get the car before heading to the mall. That feeling of being followed was gone for now, thankfully. So she was able to head to the mall in peace. Once they get there, Justin finds a place to park. After shutting the car off, he gets out, then comes to her side. She gets out and locks fingers with his as they head inside.

"How about you start to look for dresses and I'll meet you there?"

"You sure?" She says a bit uneasy.

"I'm sure. I have something I need to do." He pecks her lips. She looks at him confused before heading off to the nearest dress store.

She finds one and walks inside, browsing the racks and such. Finding a few that she liked, she grabs those before spotting the perfect one for tonight. It being pink in color which Justin will love. She's too busy admiring it to notice someone walk up to her.

"There's my gorgeous girl." She hears the southern accent of Heath.

"What the hell do you want?!" She growls, rolling her eyes.

"We go through this every time. You know what I want."

"You're not getting it. Just leave me alone!" She goes to walk away, only for him to grab her arm. "Get off!" She growls.

"Keep your voice down." He leans in close. "People will stare."

"I want them to!" She raises her voice. "You were told to leave me alone, now get away!" She says the last part loud.

"We're not at work sweetie." He smirks.

"Then I'll call the police and have you arrested." She threatens.

"What are mall cops going to do hmm?"

"Get you away from me long enough for Justin to come."

"Yeah, I don't think so."

"You better believe it. He is not that far away."

"I'll be gone before he can even get here."

"Then go. He's walking through the door now." She lies, hoping it will get him to leave.

"Nice try." He looks over his shoulder. "Time for us to go." He starts to pull her toward the door.

"Let go." She tries getting his hand off her arm.

"Excuse me miss?" A voice comes from behind them, making him stop. Thankfully it was a worker from the store. "Would you like to try those on?" They ask.

"No." Heath says.

"Actually..." She pulls her arm away from him. "...I'd love to." She walks behind the worker, smirking at a pissed Heath. "Nice try." She mouths to him as the worker leads her to the fitting rooms.

"Thank you so much for that." She sighs once Heath is out of sight.

"It's no problem. So what is he, like a crazy ex or something that's not over you? If you don't mind me asking anyway."

"That's alright. He's just someone who wishes he was my ex. He has this crazy obsession with me and will not let it go no matter how many times I turn him down."


"I know." She sighs. "I really appreciate you coming over when you did." She smiles. "Could I try these on please?"

"Of course."

He then opens one of the doors for her and she steps in.

"Oh...if a guy with dark hair comes in looking for me, that's my boyfriend. Just let him know I'm here?"

"Will do."

She smiles and nods her thanks before turning back into the dressing room and closing the door. Taking a few deep breaths, she tries to shake off what happened. Hanging up the dresses, she bites her lip trying to decide what to try first. She decides on a spaghetti strap white dress with purple flowers and a purple bow in the front. It has purple lace going along the bottom trim. Just as she smooths it out, the voice of Justin enters the store. She unlocks the door of the dressing room she's in and she walks out, seeing Justin heading her way.

"There you are." She sighs once she reaches him.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah..." She chews her lip, not looking at him right away.


"Okay..." She sighs. "'s not..." She tries to blink the tears away but fails.

"What happened?"

She takes a deep breath, trying to be strong. "....Heath..." She mumbles, still looking down.

"Tell me everything." He says after his body shakes with anger from hearing that Heath showed up.

"Well...I was looking at dresses and he just walked up to me. Same thing happened...him saying he wants me...I told him he was told to leave me alone, but he said we were not at work. I then told him I was going to call the cops, but that did not phase him...when I tried to walk away, he grabbed my arm and tired to take me out of the store...before he could, that worker..." She points to the man who helped. “...came over and helped me get way from him by bringing me back here.” She begins to tear up more, the more she talks about.

"Oh Vi....I should've have left you alone. I just wanted to get you a gift. If I had known he was gonna show here of all the places, I would've waited and gotten the gift later."

"That's didn't know..." She pauses. " got me a gift?" She looks up at him. "You didn't have to do that." She smiles slightly.

"I wanted to. I think I'll give it to you now. Help you feel better."

"Only if you want, even though you being here makes me feel better." She wipes the tears from her face.

"You deserve it now." He nods, reaching into the small bag he had in his hand and he takes out a small box, handing it to her.

She looks at the small box in her hand. Looking from the box to him, he nods for her to open it. After opening it, she gasps and puts her free hand over her mouth. Inside the box is a silver infinity ring. She takes it out and admires it closely.

"Look inside." He says. What she sees brings tears to her eyes. 'Now and Forever' is what it reads, just like this morning.

"Oh Justy..." She breathes in awe. " it! Thank you!" She throws her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she presses her lips to his.

He smiles into the kiss and she leans her forehead against his after she pulls away.

"I knew you would."

"You're amazing."

"Here..." He steps back a bit. "...allow me." He takes the ring and slides it on her finger. She smiles wide as he does, then holds her hand in front of her, just admiring it more.

"Perfect." She smiles.

"Just like you."

"Awwww." She blushes. Before she could think of hiding, he lifts her chin.

"No hiding either."

"I know." She smiles still. "I love much."

"I love you much."

He pulls her to him, just holding her for a bit longer. She sighs in content with his arms around her. After a bit, she pulls back for him to see the dress she has on.

"What do you think of this dress?" She twirls around so he gets the whole view.

"I love it."

"If you love this one, you might like the others too. I got three more to try on."


"Mhm." She nods. "Even found one that would be perfect for tonight too."

"Well what are you waiting for then?"

"Nothing..." She smiles innocently. "...going." She laughs after seeing how eager he is. She then heads back in and tries on the next one, which is a pink one. She walks out and spins so he can see the whole dress. All he does is nod with wide eyes. The next one she tried on was a one shoulder black dress. she does the same thing for him, getting the same reaction from him. She then heads back in for the final dress, that one being pink too. It had a waterfall neckline at the front and chain detailing around the straps and back. Elastic in the waist and the sides of the skirt which creates a ruched effect. After smoothing it out a bit, she steps out of the room.

"Last one." She does one final spin.

"You've left me speechless."

"So I have." She smirks. "Think I should get it?" She walks over to the mirror to get a better look. She instantly knows this is the dress for tonight, he just does not know it yet.


"I have a feeling this is one I'll be wearing a lot." She laughs as she sees him looking her over in the mirror.

"I would hope so."

"You would love that, wouldn't you?" She turns to face him. He walks over to her, letting his fingers wander over all the exposed skin he could reach, which was a lot.

"I would...very much."

"Then I'll wear it as much as I can." She brushes her lips over his. "You'll have to wait and see though." She pulls away then heads back to the dressing room to change.


"Maybe sooner than you think." She calls from behind the door.

"Can't wait."

She smirks to herself since she knows she'll be wearing it later. "Think you can manage?" She chuckles once she steps out of the room all changed in her regular clothes.

"I think so."

"I would hope so." She giggles. "We still have your favorite store to go to."

His eyes get wide. "After I pay for these..." She lifts up the dresses.

"Right, of course."

"Lets get these paid for so we can go to your store."

He nods and follows her. He of course pays for all the dresses and then they walk out of the store, bags in hand. She holds onto the bags in favor of him putting his arm over her shoulder. They walk for a bit before reaching his favorite store. Once they reach the entrance, his eyes get wide and he gets more excited.

"Go ahead." She laughs at his excitement. He kisses her quick before dashing off into the store. "Goof." She shakes her head as she walks in as well.

He does his own searching while she does her own as well. She decides to check out some of the new scents and lip glosses that came out. While she was doing that, Justin came over with an arm full of stuff.

"Really babe?" She giggles as he drops it in the bag she's holding.

"Not done yet." He takes off before she could stop him.

"Easy Justy." She calls after him.

"Don't worry."

She keeps looking around more before deciding to go find him. When she finds him, his hands are full once again.

"The whole stote..." She chuckles. "...again."

"Everything smells so good."

"It does. New fragrances...which I got."


"Mhm." She nods. "I do think we should go before you go really crazy in here."


"Another time my love." She rubs his cheek.

"Holding you to that."

"You always do." She kisses him quick before they head to the register to pay.

"I'm choosing the gloss you wear tonight." He grins.

"Oh boy." She giggles. "You're going to have fun with that."

"Yes I will."

"You always do when you pick."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"I thought so."

They set everything on the counter and of course Justin pays again despite her telling him she would. Once that was all done, they got the bags and headed out of the store.

"Where to now?"

"Well it's after lunch, so how about we get something to eat?"


They head off to a place to eat and on the way there, she sends me a message to see if Ted and I want to join them tonight. It does not take long for me to reply saying we would like to go. Once finding a place to eat, Justin and Vi get seated and look over what to order. Almost a few minutes or so later, Ted and I show up where Vi and Justin are.

"Hey guys." Vi waves to us from their table.


"Having fun?" Vi asks as she motions for us to join them. Justin moves to the other side of the booth next to her.


"I can tell from all the bags." She laughs. "Go crazy again Ted?"

"That obvious huh?"

"Yes." She chuckles. "Just about the same as Justy."

"You wouldn't believe all the lipglosses and everything he got for me." She adds.

"That much huh?" I laugh.

"Mhm." Vi nods.

"So many kinds...had to get them all." Justin grins.

"Oh of course."

"So, excited about tonight?"

"Very excited."

"Should be a good time. First time Justy gets to hear me sing."

"Oh, she's amazing." I tell him.

"I'm sure she is." He pulls her close. "Can't wait to hear."

What about you? Are you going to sing?" She asks me.

"I might." She smirks.

"You really should. You're just as good."

"No one besides you has heard me sing either."

"Nope and I think it's time Ted heard you sing."

"I agree." He nods.

"Well tonight you get to."

I give Ted a quick kiss just as the waiter comes over. We order our drinks before deciding what to get. When our drinks come, we then order what we have chosen. We all talk amongst each other as we wait for the food. Shortly after we order the foods arrives and we all began to eat. We both steal food from Justin and Ted as they do the same with us.

"So, what're we doing after this?"

"Good question." Vi laughs.

"Nothing wrong with staying in the mall until it closes."

"Good point."

"That means more time for you both to go crazy." I say about the guys.

"Nothing wrong with that."

"You both just love to spoil us."

"We do."

"We love you both that much."

"Awwww." We both say.

"And it's true."

"We love you both very much too."

"We know."

Once we were finished eating, Ted and Justin split the bill before helping us with all of our bags.

"I call the pet store next."

"Aww. Me too. I want to see all the puppies."

"Let's go."

We head in the direction of the pet store then walk in after getting there. Vi and Justin head to the puppies. Ted and I head to where you can hold and play with the animals and such.

" cute." I say once we get over there and see the kittens.

Since we are in one of the things where they give you the animals, one of the kittens walks over and starts being all cute.

"I think that one likes you." I smile as one of the kittens rubs against Ted's leg.

"It looks like it." He chuckles.

I lean down to pick it up.

"Hello to you too." I giggle as it starts to sniff me.

"I like it likes you too."

"So it seems." I scratch behind it's ear.

"Just wait until the dogs.

"I already know they like me....thanks to Riggs."

"I miss when he was a puppy, so cute."

"I do too, but maybe one day I'll get another puppy."

"Oh, Riggs would have so much fun with another buddy around."

"He would." Ted laughs. "He goes crazy at the park with other dogs.

"Well of course he does."

While we are with the kittens, Vi and Justin are already over looking at the puppies.

"Look how cute they are." Vi gushes as they pet a few that were out.

"We should get one someday."

"Really?" She looks a him. "I have always wanted one."

"Next time we get to go home.....we can look around local pet stores."

"You mean it?" She looks at him with hopeful eyes. "I would love that."

"I mean it."

"Awwww." She leans over, kissing him quick. "You're the best." She smiles after pulling away. "Love you."

"I love you too. We can even bring it on the road with us if you wanted, so it's not alone while we're gone."

"That's a great idea. Just have to decided on what kind to get. Obviously a small one that will not get to big."


"How about one like this?" She points to a Shetland Sheepdog, or Mini Collie. "Always wanted one of those."

"We'll see what the store back home has. But I like your choices."

"Yay!" She cheers. "I really hope we can find one."

"Let's hope so."

"Seems like this one likes you." Vi says since the one puppy has not stopped sniffing Justin's pant leg.

"What can I say....dogs love me." He chuckles.

"You're just that lovable."

"Yes I am."

"Just one thing..." She tilts her head. "...if we get a dog no teaching it to howl at every full moon." She tries not to laugh.

"If we got a husky, I think we would have to worry about me teaching it to do that."

"Just like the one at yours mom's." She laughs.


"I was wondering who taught who what." She chuckles.

"You'd be surprised."

"Let me taught him?"


"Maybe?" She laughs. "I think you did Mister Werewolf." She pokes his side.

"You'll never find out." He grins.

"Mhhm...whatever you say." She leans into his side.

"I'll find out....eventually."

"You just might." He puts his arm around her as she leans down to pet the puppy they are watching. once it sees her, it starts barking happily and jumping. She smiles while kneeling on her knees to pet it better. It jumps on the side of the cage trying to get out while licking her face. Justin smiles at how adorable it looks before kneeling down himself.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing."

"Look at soft and fluffy." Vi ruffles its ears talking in a baby voice.

Justin watches with a smile on his face.

"Hello to you too." Vi laughs as it licks her face. She starts to scratch behinds its ear making it wag its tail more.

"It's very happy."

"He is." She smiles, looking from the puppy to Justin.

"I think he wants your attention though." She laughs.

"Looks that way." He chuckles since the puppy made his way over to him. It licks Justin's face too while he scratches under his chin.

"Awww..." Vi gushes. " adorable."

Just then even more come over for the attention.

"Looks like you attract them all Justy..."

"What can I say..." He shrugs with a chuckle. "...they love me."

"I can tell."

"Wish we could take them all." She adds with a sigh.

"I know."

"There are a lot of people here so I'm sure they'll all get a good home."


Soon more people start to gather around the puppies along with Ted and I.

"Awww, they's so cute." I remark.

"I really think we should get another one soon." Ted mentions.

"You think so?"

"I do." He nods. "It'll give Riggs someone to play with while we are gone. I think he would enjoy that."

"He would." I nod.

"Maybe one about his size, not much bigger though."

"Well grow into his size anyway."


"I like that idea."

"We'll look for one next time we have off. Maybe get one then."

"Sounds good."

We then head over to an opening to get a better view of the puppies they had out and also so we could pet a few before leaving the store.

"If we could, I would stay in there all day."

"We can stay as long as you want to."

"I do want to walk around more though."

"What do want to see next?"

"Candy store."

"You and the candy." Ted laughs.

"Yes, me and the candy."

"Well you can as much as you want and whatever you want."

"As you always let me."

"I know how much you like it."

"And how much of a sugar high I get from it."

"Right. This time, I'm limiting how much you can have."

"Same goes for you." Justin tells Vi.

"I know. Can't help my sweet tooth though."

"I don't think anyone can."

"Not really."

"But come on, let's go find it and go inside." She declares.

"We're coming." We all laugh.

We go find the map of the mall and find the candy store, then we head in the direction that it is. Once we get there, we pull the guys in looking at all the rows of candy there are.

"I think we can stay in here all day."


"Hard to choose what to get."

"I'm thinking a little but of everything."

"Oooh yeah."

We then get a few bags to put the candy in before we go off in different directions, getting whatever we like. We also get suggestions from Ted and Justin on what to get. After walking around the store and getting a few bags of all our favorites, we decide that we had enough. The guys took our bags to the register to pay.

"Always being the nice ones to buy everything for us."

"No matter how much we insist on paying either."


"I think we should do something for them."

"Oooh like what?"

"Def something nice. Maybe a day at the golf course. We pay, let them have a guy day ane we have girl time?"

"You always have great ideas."

"Why thank you."

"We should do that."

"We should. Not tell them either until the night before."

"Right, keep it a secret."

"Starting they come."

"We know nothing." I laugh.

"What do you mean?" Vi plays it off.

"Haha exactly."

Just then the guys walk up with the candy in hand.

"What are you two giggling about?" Ted asks after handing me, my bag.

"Oh, nothing."

"Suuure." Justin says unconvinced. "Vi..."

"It's nothing, I swear." She holds her hand over her heart.

"Just girl stuff."

"Mhm." Vi nods in agreement.


"It's true. I don't think you want to know."

"No, I don't think so either." I add.

They look at each other then back at us.

"We believe you." They pulls us into a hug.


"So, where to now?"

Justin and Ted look at each other before looking back at us.

"Gamestop." I state with a laugh. "Men and their video games."

"Right?" Vi laughs.

"Come on." They start to pulls us toward the store.

"Okay okay, in a rush are we?"

"Yessss." They whine.

"The new army game came out and I want to get one." Ted acts like a four year old.

"You mean Call of Duty?" I laugh at him acting like a child.

"Yes and I want to get one before they sell out."

"Alright let's go Mr. Four Year old."

"Yay!!!" He cheers.

Then he literally drags me out of the candy store.

"Wow." Vi laughs. "He must really want that game."

"It looks like it." Justin chuckles.

"Come on." She starts to walk. "Lets go get you a game."

He nods and follows. They walk in to see Ted with the game in his hand, holding it tight. They make their way over to the section Justin wants to look at then browse for a bit.

"Hmmm...." Justin says, while browsing the games.

"What you thinking of getting? I can help you look?"

"Anything that has adventure in it of some sorts and yes you can help."

"How about this one?" She picks up L.A. Noire.

"Well I have seen the trailers for the game and I did find it interesting." He nods.

"It does. Was thinking of picking it up for you if you didn't get it."

"Well thank you."

"Anything for my little darewolf." She grins kissing his cheek.

Then they head to the register to pay for the game. It's not too long after that, that Ted and I head there too.

"I think we should go back to the hotel and try out our games." Ted suggests when we all walk out of the store.

"That's a good idea." Justin agrees.

"To the cars!" Ted declares.

"Excited much?" I giggle.


"Alright, I'm coming."

We all exit the mall and go to our cars. Then we head off in the direction of the hotel. Once at the hotel, the guys help us with all our bags. We manage to fit in the same elevator then ride it to our floor. After the doors open, we say our goodbyes until later then head to our rooms. As soon as we get into our room, Ted goes to his things and grabs his gaming system and sets it up to the TV in the room. I set all the bags down next to my things before walking to the bed and plopping down on it. Once he gets the game all set up, he sits down on the bed next to me.

"Long day."

"It was." He nods.

"Don't be surprised if I pass out here on the bed."

"Go ahead. You need a nap anyway if we are going out later."

"I wanna watch you play the game first for a bit."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure. I love this game."

"One day we'll have to play together." He suggests as he starts the game.

"I agree."

"The next free time we get, we we'll play."

"Sounds good."

He leans over, giving me a quick kiss before he starts the game since it is already set up and ready. I smile and watch as he plays. He gets really into the game at one point to where he starts yelling at the TV. I can't help but to laugh at how crazy he is being.

"It's not going to yell back Ted." I say, still laughing.

"I know, but it keeps getting in my way." He grunts, moving around like that is helping.

"Moving around won't help either."

"It's a....reflex."

"Suuuuure." I snicker.

He then falls silent, trying to focus on the game while I sit there and watch intently.

"Love you." I remark, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Love you too."

Then I rest my head on his shoulder as I watch. He plays for sometime and I'm trying my best to stay awake to watch him. After about the third yawn, Ted pauses the game and turns to me.

"I think it is time for you to nap."

"I'm fine...honestly."

"That's the third time you yawned in the past ten minutes." He looks at me unconvinced. "Come on. I'll lay with you."

"But the game..."

"Can be finished later." He sets the controller down. "We have a long night ahead and you had a long day. You need rest."


"You can watch later. Right now...sleep." He climbs on the bed, helping me up to the pillows.

"Oh, alright."

Once he gets settled into his spot, he pulls me down so I'm laying on him. He pulls the blanket over us so we will not get chilly. His on hand rests on my hip while he lets the other run up and down my arm.

"Get some rest." He kisses the top of my head.

I nod, snuggle into him more and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep. Ted smiles down at me once he sees I'm asleep. He moves some hair off my face, pecking my cheek lightly. He leans his head against mine and decides to get some sleep too. Meanwhile, Justin and Vi made it back to their room and she had just set all her bags down with her things when Justin wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Well hello." She giggles, leaning back into him.

"Hi." He says back.

"Starting already with being touchy?"

"Can't help myself."

"You never can." She chuckles, turning in his arms. She moves her arms around his neck with her hands running through his hair.

"Well that's because I love being touchy with you."

"I love when you're that way." She rubs her nose over his.

"Shows me how much you love me."

"And I do love you, a lot."

"You show it everyday. That's why I love you so much." She gives him a quick kiss. When she goes to pull away, he holds her there for a bit longer, not wanting to let go just yet. She sighs happily into the kiss and lets him have his fun for now. His hands move from resting on her waist to the back of her thighs. He lifts her up causing her to wraps her legs around his waist. He then starts to walk over to the bed, laying her down when he gets there, never letting go of the kiss. Her legs stay around his waist with her hands, running through his hair, while he lets his hands run up her thighs. She makes a few noises into the kiss. He starts to kiss a bit more roughly and she knows it is because of what happened at the mall. She kisses him back just as rough and soon he starts to slow the kiss.

"Mine." He says after pulling away.

"Yours." She smiles, still having her eyes closed. "I'm not going anywhere." She pulls him closer to her.


"I'll make sure of that too." He adds.

"I know you will. I trust you."

"I know you trust me." He nods.

"I always will." She pulls him down, giving him another kiss, but not as long. "Do you want to play your new game for a bit?" She asks, after pulling away.


"Of course." She smiles. "Gotta let me go though." She giggles.

"Only for now. More later." He grins.

"Holding you to that."

"You always do."

"Mhm." She nods. He leans down, giving her one last kiss before moving and going to get his game system.

Then she moves to the bed and sits as she watches him. Once he has everything set up, he sits on the edge of the bed. She scoots up closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder as he starts the game. After playing for a while, he starts to get frustrated and he mumbles to himself. She can't help but laugh at his frustration.

"Justy...relax." She tries not to giggle while rubbing his shoulders. "It's just a game. You'll get it soon."

"I keep getting the same spot."

"How about you do a different way?" She suggests. "I have a feeling you will get past it this time."

"I'll try that."

"Good luck." She kisses his cheek for luck.

He starts to play the game again and when he gets to that spot, he waits a bit and is able to get past that part with not trouble at all.

"See?" She smiles. "I told you, you could do it."

"Thank you for the suggestion."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Feel free to suggest anything to help, any time."

"Don't worry..." She giggles, then grins. "...I will."

After a little bit longer, she can't help but yawn since it has been a long day so far. She tries her best to hide it from Justin, but since she has her head on his shoulder, he feels it.

"I felt that." He chuckles.

"You felt nothing." She jokingly plays it off.

"Uh huh...sure."

"Lay with me?"

"Of course." He nods, shutting the game off and then the system with the controller.

While he was doing that, she moved up to the pillows after taking off the jeans she was wearing to be more comfortable. Once he was done, he walked over to the bed and laid next to her. She instantly moved closer to him, snuggling in close to his side.

"Much better." She mumbles.

"Not quite." He pulls her closer so she's laying on his chest.

"Now that's better." She snuggles down into him.

"Yes it is." He agrees.

"Love you." She says sleepily.

"Love you too."

Her eyes start to close, but she keeps fighting the feeling to go to sleep. Everything that happened earlier keeps coming back when she tries to close her eyes and she feels like Justin will not be there when she gets up. She shivers a bit and moves closer to him.

"I'm not going anywhere....promise."

"I know...just..." She sniffs. " got to me this time."

"I know....just remember I'm here...I'm not going anywhere."

"I'll remember." She shifts so she has a better hold on him. He holds her tightly to her and she feels safe like always. He kisses the top of her head, then moves his one hand so he can rub her back. the soothing motion of his hand starts to put her to sleep even though she fights. He starts to whisper sweet little things to her and soon she's calm enough to let herself fall asleep. Once he notices she's asleep he smiles down at her. He stays awake for a bit, just watching her sleep. She smiles in her sleep and he knows that she's finally peaceful. He moves some hair off her face that had fallen so he can rub her cheek. He kisses it softly before resting his head on hers and going to sleep himself.

The rest of the day seems to pass by quickly as we all sleep. Before we know it, we were being woken up by Ted and Justin to get ready to go for karaoke at the club.

"Vi...wake up." Justin shakes her gently.

" uh..." She mumbles into his chest.

"It's time to get ready to go."

"Already?" She slowly opens her eyes.


"I guess I should get up then...."

"You should." He nods.

"I have a feeling you're going to like what I picked out." She smirks.

"Oh I'm sure I will."

"Just keep in mind we do have to leave the room tonight."

"Right right, I know."

"You have all night to be as touchy as you want." She smirks, leaning up to give him a kiss.


"You goof." She shakes her head with a laugh as she slides off him.

"Love you too."

She blows him a kiss as she slides off the bed. She then goes over to the bags from earlier, taking them all in the bathroom with her. once in there, she takes out the pink dress he loved so much. She then strips out of her clothes before she slides the dress on. After that's on, she work on her makeup before moving onto her hair. Since he loves when her hair is curled, she decides to do that for tonight as well. "Did you pick out the lip gloss yet?" She calls when she's just about done.


"Alright." She calls back. "I'm coming out now."


She takes one last look in the mirror, moving her hair off her shoulders. After opening the door, she steps out into the room waiting for Justin's reaction.

"Well?" She asks, biting her lip.

"The...the dress....the dress I love."

"I told you, you would be seeing it soon."

"I'm glad you chose it."

"I can tell." She giggles since his eyes have not left her since she walked out.

"You're gonna be distracting all night."

"Oops." She giggles. "Want me to change?" She turns to the bathroom, stepping back into it.

"No no no, don't change."

"You really like this dress, don't you?" She looks up at him as he pulls her back into the room.

"I do."

"That's why I chose it." She bites her lip as she gets a good look at him. "You're going to be distracting to night too." She looks him over. "I love when you wear that shade of blue." She runs her hands over his chest.

"I know, it's why I chose it."

"You always know how to get me." She gives him a quick kiss. "So, what gloss did you pick?"

"This one...." He says, handing her the tube.

"You and the sweet tasting ones." She takes the tube from him. She can tell that he's is anxious for her ot put it on so she moves her hands so she's able to put it on right then. He closes his eyes as he gets a whiff of the scent.

"Might have to bring that with you...."

"Kind of figured that." She chucks since he is already trying to get to her lips.

"Uh uh...for now it stays on."

"Awww." He puts with a whine.

"You'll survive."

"I don't tempting."

"You picked it out so it's your fault."

"...true..." He gives her his pouty face.

"Oh no. Not that." She looks away. "Not getting me that easy."


"Justy..." She sighs. "...we need to leave..." She finally looks back at him. Once she looks at him, she locks eyes with him and she instantly wants to give in. "...only if you promise to be quick."

"One quick kiss to get a taste of it...promise."

"Just a taste is all you get."

"I can deal with that." He nods.

Before she could respond, he pressed his lips against hers. Her hands rested on his shoulders for now as he started to kiss a bit more eagerly once he got a taste of the lip gloss. When she felt he had enough, she started to pull away.

" more...later..." She says as he gives her little kisses.


"I can have all you want later."


"I promise."

"Alright, I can wait."

"Good." She smiles. "Are you ready to go now?"

"Yup, I'm all set."

"Alright lover boy. Lets go."

She laces her fingers with his after making sure they had everything they needed, and then leave the room, heading to the elevator. Once they were in the lobby, they made their way out to the car. Justin of course opened her door for her. She kissed his cheek before getting in. After she was in, he went to his side and go tin. He put on his seat belt before starting the car and heading to the club. Ted and I in the meantime were getting ready ourselves. I was just finishing up in the bathroom as he was waiting out in the room itself. After making sure everything looked perfect, I walked out into the room.

"Scar...t-that dress..." Ted tries to find the right words. "...looks incredible one you."

"Why thank you."

"Going to be hard to watch anything else but you tonight."

"Well that's a good thing, I suppose."

"A very good thing."

"As if my outfits don't make it hard for you to pay attention to anything but me as it is anyway..."

"'re all I ever see."

"Well except in your matches. That's the only time you have to take your attention away from me."

"I do, but not totally. You're what keeps me going through them."

"As long as I'm not a total distraction during them."

"You're not. I look at you for the strength to keep going."

"That makes me happy."

"It makes me happy that you're happy."


"I do smell something really good though." He walks closer to me.

"Marshmallows right?"

"Mhm." I nod with a grin.

"Another scent which

I can tell you love now." I add.

"I really do." He takes in the scent trying to get a taste already.

"You get one little taste."

"Yesss." He cheers, wasting no time in pressing his lips against mine.

Before he could get too much, I have to pull away to stop him before he goes crazy. He keeps trying to lean in not wanting to stop just yet.

"Uh uh." I giggle. "No more for a while."

"Awww." He pouts. "It's tastes to good."

"I know it does..."

"Bringing that with you."

"Kind of figured."

"Tonight is going to be tough..." He bites his lip looking me over. "...the way you look...smell...taste..."

"I went all out, I know."

"That you did." He slowly as his eyes still wander.

"Maybe we should go before we don't end up leaving."

"We should."

"Gonna have to let me go first."

"If I must." He slowly lets me go.

"You can be cuddly and touchy all night."

"I was planning on it."

"Of course you were."

I then go over to get my purse while he makes sure to get everything else. Once we had everything, we linked arms and headed out the door. Once in the elevator, we head down to the lobby, and then out to the car where he opens my door for me. I thank him before he shuts the door and gets into the driver's side, starting the car and we leave. It did not take to long to arrive at the club since it was down the street. After parking the car, we head in to find Vi and Justin. We spot them and head over to where they were sitting.

"Hey!" They greet as Ted and I walk up. Ted pulls out my chair for me before sitting next to me at the table.

"We almost didn't make it here." I laugh.

"You too?" Vi laughs. "Justy had to much fun with the lip gloss he picked out."

"Not to mention the dress." Justin adds.

"Same with us." I laugh.

"Exactly." Vi laughs. "Justy almost lost it in the store today when I tried this on."

"Oh boy."

"I didn't want her to take it off."

"Of course not."

"Reason why I chose to wear it tonight."

"That's the opposite with me. Ted did not know about this dress at all. I kept it a secret."

"How you did that, I will never know." Ted gives me a quick kiss then rubbing his lips together to savor the lip gloss for now.

"I have my ways."

"I'll figure them out one of these days."


"We have ours ways of keeping things from you both." Vi adds with a grin.

Just then a waitress walks up asking us what we would like to drink. We all tell her what we would like and before she walks away, she asks for Vi then hands her a folded up piece of paper.

"What's that?" Justin asks.

"I don't know..." She warily says as she opens it. Once she opens it, she hands it right to Justin and looks around the club.

"He just doesn't get it..." She mumbles.

"That's it." Justin rips up the paper, throwing it on the floor as he stands up. Before Vi can stop him, he is gone.

"Ted...go with him please?" Vi asks worried.

"Of course." He nods. "You two stay safe." He adds, kissing my cheek before getting up and going in the direction Justin went.

"He does not know when to quit." Vi sighs. "First the mall and then now with telling me he loves the dress. He just needs to stop."

"He does. Maybe getting a restraining order for outside of work?"

"That's what Justy said to do. Looks like that's what I'm going to have to do."

"I would most likely suggest that." I add.

"I'll do that in the morning. I just hope he stops with the letters. They are really creepy."

"Well he's a creepy person right now."

"He is. He needs to get over this obsession and move on to a girl who actually wants him."


"I am not letting him ruin this night. He has ruined to many good days for me and he is not going to anymore."

"Positive thinking...that's good."

"I'm done letting him get to me. After tomorrow there will be nothing more he can do."


Just then Ted and Justin come back to the table. Since Vi had her back to them she did not know they were back. Justin put his hand on her shoulder making her jump a bit, thinking it was Heath.

"Don't's me." Justin reassures you.

"Thank god." She sighs in relief from his voice. "Did you find him?" She asks.

"No." He sighs angrily.

"We searched the entire club. He must've left when he saw us leave the table."

"Lets hope he did." Vi leans into Justin as his arms go around her. Just then her phone goes off. She reaches over to pick up then reads the text that just went through. "H-he's still h-here." She hands her phone to Justin as his hold on her gets tighter.

"I'm so getting that restraining order tomorrow." She mumbles.

"Good. 'Cause then he can easily be arrested for being in the same building as you."

"Exactly. The only thing is, is work. If he is there and has a match and I don't, then I can't go."

"Well it's only until he stops his crap."

"Hopefully after getting that paper tomorrow he will start."

"Let's hope."

Vi leans back in him more while he has a firm hold on her. She sighs in content until her phone goes off again. She groans, rolling her eyes not bothering to look at her phone. Justin lifts her chin and gives her a soft kiss, making sure to hold it for a bit since he knows Heath his watching. He keeps the kiss going until she pulls away breathless.

"Justy...public..." She leans her head on his, leaving her eyes closed still.

"I know..."

"Sending him a message..I know." She smiles at him. "Remember...more later." She says so only he can hear.

"I remember." He nods.

" about we all enjoy the rest of the night." Vi perks up a bit.

"Did you get your song in yet?" Vi asks me.


"Is it the one I'm thinking of?" Vi grins.

"You know me all too well."

"Yes I do." She laughs.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Yes. Just after we got here."

"Good. Can't wait to hear it."

"I just can't wait to her you sing." Justin adds kissing her cheek.

"Oh I know."

"Won't have to wait long. Looks like they are starting." She adds.

"Ooh yay."

The DJ gets on the mic welcoming everyone to the club and introducing what is going to be going on for the night. He goes on to say it is their annual karaoke night at the club and introduces the the first person who will be singing. We all sit there listening as she starts to sing the song. She was good, but missed a few of the notes.

"Not bad."

"Not at all."

"Next up is Violet." The DJ says.

"Well here I go.." She says, getting up.

"Knock 'em dead." I grin.

"Oh I will." Vi smirks as she walks to the stage.

Once on stage, she takes the mic and looks right over at Justin.

“This song is for the most amazing person in the world. My boyfriend, Justin. I love you with all my heart.” She blows him a kiss.

"Awwwww." I grin.

Justin just smiles wide as the music of You're Still The One by Shania Twain starts to play.

“I knew she was going to pick this one.” I say to Ted.

Once the she starts to sing, Justin can not take his eyes off of her. She moves her hair off her shoulders as she starts to sing along to the music. Putting as much feeling and emotion into the song that she can, she hits all the notes perfectly. Her eyes stay locked on Justin's as she sings the song to him and only him. When the song ends, everyone stands up and claps for her. There where even some whistles coming from the crowd at how amazing she sounded. Once everything was done, she did a bow then left the stage, coming back to the table.

"Vi.....that was...amazing."

"Thank you." She blushes slightly. "Every word is true.

"I believe it." He smiles.

"That's how much I love -you-."

"I love you just as much."

She gives him a quick kiss then goes to sit on her chair only to have him pull her on his lap. She giggles as his arms go around her securely as she leans back into him. They announce the next few people to go then soon they take a short break. We all sit there and talk while sipping our drinks. Once the break is over, they start things back up again.

"Next up we have Scarlet." The DJ says.

"Well looks like it's my turn."

"Go show then everything you got." Vi grins as I get up from the table.

"Oh I will."

I then head over to the stage, walking onto it before taking the mic. I do a shout out to Ted like Vi did to Justin before the music starts of When You Say My Name by Jessie James and I instantly start singing the song.

"That was sweet." Vi smiles.

Ted is so captivated by your voice, that he can not take his eyes off of you the whole time you are singing. You put all your feeling into the song that you can. You lock eyes with Ted and look at him the whole time you sing the song. Once the song was done, the music faded out to the end. I put the mic back, walking off the stage to clapping from everyone, before making it back to the table.


"Thanks. It's been a while since I've sang like that."

"You should do it more often. I love it."

"How did I know you were going to pick that song hmm?" You grin.

"A lucky guess?" I shrug inoccently.


"Are you two singing at all?" I ask Ted and Justin.

"I am." Justin nods.

"So am I." Ted nods as well.

"Ooh. This should be fun."

"I for one can't wait."

"Are you going to act like you did on RAW Ted?" Vi jokes.

"Oh way back then? Nah, that was just for entertainment purposes. I have a better song than that one." He chuckles.

"I would hope, even though it would be funny."

"What made it hilarious was Maryse's dancing. Talk about a train wreck."

"Oh god." Vi faceplams. "She was just horrible. I was embarrassed just watching her." She laughs.

"Thank god she's gone now."

"I would not be able to take her if she was still here. She was annoying all the time."

"And not to mention....." I trail off. "....a gold digger." I sing.

"She almost made me go broke from all the stuff she wanted and never used." Ted shakes his head.

"I feel bad for the poor soul she's with now."

"She probably left him because he went broke from buying her useless stuff she will never use."

"Oh god, don't get me started on that." Ted adds.

"Don't worry. This night is not about her, it's all about having a good time."


They announce the next person who will be singing and we all sit there and watch. This person did not too good, but we all clapped for their courage to get up there and sing. When they were done they announced who was next. "Can we have Justin up here? You're next." The DJ says.

"Oooh, go, I wanna hear." Riss tells him.

“I'm going.” He chuckles before kissing her quickly. He makes his way to the stage, walking up and taking the mic. “This song is for the best person that I have ever met. I love her so much.” He looks right at Vi. “This is for you Vi.” He adds as the music for You're Like Coming Home by Lonestar starts to play.

“Awwww.” Vi bites her lip, fanning her eyes as they tear up.

Justin starts to sing the song, looking at Vi the whole time he is singing. He gets all the words right while putting as much passion into the song as he can. Once the songs ends, he puts the mic back and walks back to the table.

“Justy!” Vi jumps in his arms when he gets back to the table. “That was amazing!” She kisses him briefly. “I love you too.” She adds after pulling away.


"Every word is true. Whenever I'm with you, it's like being home."

"Awww Justy." She tears up. "I feel at home with you too."

"Nothing can come between us. Nothing and no one."

"You and only you." She repeats.

"You're the only girl I want and that ring proves it." He takes her left hand and turns the ring he gave her.

"And I'm never taking this off....unless necessary."

"I didn't think you would."

"You didn't show me the ring. I wanna see." I add.

"Oops." She giggles. She then walks over to me so I am able to see the ring better.

"And look what it says..."

She takes off the ring so I am able to see the encryption 'Now and Forever'.


"I told him this morning that I love him now and forever then at the mall he gave me the ring with the same saying on it."

"I repeat.....awwwwww."

"He really is all I could have asked for, if not more."

"Which is why you two belong together."

"I'm glad you think so. Not many people think we do..."

"You know, it doesn't matter what they think. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

"And I'm as happy as I can ever be. Keeps getting better everyday."

"That's good."

"Vi..." Justin starts to whine. She looks over her shoulder to see him pouting. " coming back?" He acts sad.

"Coming." She giggles shaking her head. Instead of him pulling her on his lap, she just sits there since she will end up there at some point.

"I was only over there for two minutes. Miss me that much?"

"Yes I did."

"Well, I'm don't have to move for the rest of the night." She leans back into him as his arms slid tighter around her waist.

"Good. Because I wasn't planning on letting you move until we leave."

"I can tell just by how you are holding me."

"Of course." He grins.

She tilts her head up giving him a quick kiss as they announce who is going up next.

"Ted, you're up." The DJ says.

"I think you're going to like what I picked out." He says, kissing me quickly before getting up.

"There's no doubt in my mind I won't."

Then he walks away from the table and over to the stage. Once on the stage, he takes the mic and looks right at me.

“This goes out to the most beautiful girl I know. I love you Scar.”


When the music starts, I am shocked he chose my favorite song, Honey Bee by Blake Shelton. The entire time he sings the song, his eyes never leave me nor do mine leave him. He sings with so much love, I can not help but to tear up. When the song ends, he heads back over to the table.

"I love you too Ted."

"You are both perfect for each other." Vi comments.

"Just like you and Justin."

"True." She grins.

"How did you know that was my favorite song?" I ask Ted.

"Oh, well I hear you listening to a lot, so I just kind of figured it was one of your favorites."

"It really is. Such a beautiful song."

"Just like you." He kiss me quick.

"Always the charmer."

"Only for you."

"Of course."

He sits down in his chair, pulling me close to him. So close that I just decide to move to his lap. He wraps his arms around me and sighs happily as he nuzzles my neck.

"Now I can be touchy." He mumbles.

"Yes you can. Do not have to move until we leave."

"Kind of figured."

I lean back into him as he lets his hands wander for now. The DJ gets back on the mic and introduces more people that will be singing. We watch as a few more people go and stay for a few more hours before Vi and I start to yawn.

"Oh, looks like a certain two people are getting tired."

"Tired? Me? Never!" Vi plays it off singing the last part.

"Then what was that yawn?"

"I didn't yawn..."


"Just really relaxed right now."

"To the point where you yawned."

"Mhm." She nods, fighting another yawn.

"I saw that one too."

"I'm not going to win this time, am I?"

"I don't think so."

"Alright." She sighs.

He moves her from his lap and she stands, followed by him. She leans into him for support while he gathers their things.

"You guys heading out too?" Vi asks.

"Yeah..." I say mid-yawn.

"Alright, lets get you back." Ted slides me off his lap so he can stand.

We too gather our things and follow Vi and Justin out. Half way to the car, they both pick us up since we are walking a bit slow. Before getting in the cars, we say bye to each other in case we do not see each other at the hotel.

"I...could've walked..." I mumble.

"You were starting to stumble." He says as he places me in the car.

"Oh, I was fine..."

"I did not want you to fall in those heels though. Can't chance you getting hurt at all."

"I could've taken them off."

"You could have, but so many things could have happened."

"Like what?"

"Glass, rocks, you could have stepped on them and cut your foot. I could go on."


"Just thinking about your safety." He kisses me quick before making sure I'm buckled in.

"I know."

He then gets out of the car, closing my door before going to his side. Once he gets in, he puts his seat belt on before starting the car and heading back to the hotel. I was sleeping by the time we got back, so he had no choice but to carry me inside. He makes his way up to the room and gets his key out. He is able to get the door open, using his foot to push it open. Once inside, he uses his foot to close the door. He walks over to the bed, laying me down gently. Since he does not want to wake me yet, he gets ready for bed before deciding to just get me changed himself. I mumble in protest as he moves me, because I was comfortable.

"Just getting you out of this dress." He softly says.

I just make a quiet noise as he gets the dress unzipped in the back, after sitting me up so that he could do so. He then moves the straps over my shoulders and down my arms, removing them and then moving the dress lower to get it off. Once he gets the dress off, he sets it to the side so he can pull the covers down. He moves me up to the pillows, just leaving me my under things for now. He puts the dress with my things before he walks back to the bed. After he climbs in, I lazily reach for him. He guides me over to him and I snuggle into his chest while he wraps his arms around me.

He kisses the top of my head, holding me close to him. He smiles down at me, just watching me for a bit before he goes to sleep himself. Meanwhile Justin and Vi have gotten back to our room and she's barely awake. She dozed off a bit in the car, so he carried her up to their room. After they got in the room, he set her down and she slowly made her way over to her things to find something to wear.

“I wish you did not have to take that dress off.” He pouts.

“I can't sleep in it Justy.” She giggles slightly.

"Wish you could."

"I know. I'll wear it again." She turns to face him to see he's staring.

"As much as you want it to stay on, would you like to help take it off?"


"Of course." She walks over to him so he can help with taking it off.

He grins and begins to help her take the dress off, being touchy along the way. Once the dress falls to the floor, he looks at her with that look in his eye and a smirk on his face.

"Uh oh.." She bites her lip. "I know that look..."

"You're sleeping just like that tonight."

"I had a feeling I was not going to need to change."

"I never get tired of look at you like this."

"You never will either."

"The way it should be." He pulls her into him, letting his fingers wander over all the exposed skin. She wraps her arms around his neck while he starts to nuzzle her neck. The same thing always happens when he does that. She feels his lips brush over the skin of her neck before he presses light kisses for now.

"You'll get more in the morning...."

"Awwww." She whines. "Now I'm awake."

"I can help you fall asleep...remember?"

"I remember."

"We'll get to sleep in tomorrow." He smirks.

"You read my mind."

"I tend to do that a lot."

"Mhm. I love when you do." She runs her hand down his shirt. Can you read it again?" She looks up at him as she plays with the bottom of his shirt.

"Oh yeah." He grins, moving back from you a bit and removing his shirt.

"Now that's better." She looks him up and down, letting her hands wander over his chest.

"Let me guess, pants too right?" He chuckles.

"Hmm, I'll let you get those."

"My pleasure." She grins, moving both of her hands slowly down his chest to the waist of his jeans. She gets his belt undone before working on the button. As she does that, she lays light kisses along his chest making him groan. After she got the button undone, she pulls them down, letting them fall to the floor. She starts to move her hands up his chest again, but no before moving her fingers over his indents lightly. But before she could let him respond, she retracts her fingers and dashes over to the bed and gets under the blankets with an innocent look on her face.

"You're so in for it." He says after coming out of his daze.

"I did nothing." She mumbles from under the blankets.

"It's now going to be a long night for you Vi." He smirks.

"Uh..." She peeks from under the blankets to see him slowly walking to the bed with a smirk. She squeals and pulls the covers over her face again. When she peeks out from behind the covers, he is right there next to her on the bed with that look in his eyes.

"Yup...going to be a long night..."

"Oh yeah." He nods.

Before she knew it, his lips were on hers and he was hovering over her. She moved her arms around his neck, kissing back just as hard as he was kissing her. He moves from her lips, trailing down her jawline to her neck. She moves her head to the side giving him better access while she lets her fingers move through his hair. Just as he hits the spot on her neck, he starts playing with the little clothing that she does have on, wanting it off and she knows what's coming next if he gets it off. She arches her back into him so he is able to reach the back of her bra. He gets the hook undone and smirks against her skin. After tossing that to the floor, he goes after the spot on her neck causing her to let out a moan the was loud and clear since she was not expecting it. He stays on the spot for a bit until be feels a good size mark will form since the others had faded. Despite all the noises she makes, he keeps going. When he feels he left a good sized one, he pulls away to look to see one starting to form. Without warning, he leans back down going over all the exposed skin that he can reach. Her hands stay in his hair as she tries to catch my breath, but he is making it very hard.

"I think....the rest come off...." He mumbles.

"...come then..."

"Don't have to ask me twice." He smirks against her skin.

She shifts a bit so he is able to move the blankets and join her under them. He lets his hands wander a bit before he takes off the rest of what she has on and she works on his boxers. Just like he said, it was a very long night.