Status: Active

All About Us

SummerSlam Kickoff Party 2012

After a long week, it's finally the start of SummerSlam weekend. It's Friday and tonight is the kickoff party for SummerSlam. The Axxess stuff doesn't start until tomorrow, so it was going to be an easy day. Justin and Vi are currently sleeping in their room until the sound of her alarm starts to go off. She groans, rolling away from him to shut the alarm off. Once that's off, she stays laying on her stomach, too lazy to move.

"Too early." She mumbles.

Justin rolls on his side, so he is laying next to her. He drapes his arm over her back, kissing her shoulder.

"How come these things have to be so early?" She groans with her face still in the pillow.

"....have to make sure....they have time for....all the people they have..." He mutters, clearly awake.

"They should have more people working then. I hate getting up early and waiting for hours."

"But it's worth it..."

"It is. I love seeing your reaction every time."

"I know you do."

"It gets better every time too." She giggles softly.

"The outfits get better every time."

"They seem to." She grins. "I think you will like this session too."


"Mhm." She nods. "That part is a surprise though." She rolls over so she's facing him.

"Oh darn."

“Patience love. Patience.” She runs her hand over his face before leaning in to give him kiss. When she goes to pull away, he does not let her, holding the kiss for longer.

"Now that's a good morning kiss." He grins, when he finally pulls away.

"Gets better every morning."

"I make sure of that."

"You're the best, that's why."

"So are you."

"I love you." She smiles at him.

"I love you too." He gives her a quick kiss.

"Think we should get up though. Don't wanna be late." She tries to roll away from him.

"Right." He nods.

She manages to get out of bed before he can keep her there any longer. He groans as she walks over to her bag to get some clothes for the day. Once she has those, she heads to the bathroom to get ready. Since she does not have to do much, she just changes her clothes and leaves her hair down since it will be done at the photo shoot. She leaves her makeup off and just adds some Vanilla Birthday Cake lip gloss before heading back into the room. When she comes back out, she sees Justin is all ready for the day. She walks over to her bag to set her clothes down, when she feels arms go around her waist from behind.

"Already starting?"

"Can't help it." He nuzzles her neck.

"You never can." She chuckles.

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really. I get the same way with you too." She turns in his arms.

"Vanilla?" He tries to go for her lips.

"Yes. I know it's your favorite." She grins.

"It has to stay on though." She adds.

"Awww." He pouts. "Not even a little taste?"

"You know what happens when you get a little taste."

"They all just taste so good though."

"Of course they do, but we don't want you taking all of it off just yet."

"You could always bring it with you."

"It won't kill you to wait."

"Alright..." He sighs. "...just more fun for later."


"I do think we should go before we're late." She adds.

"Can't have you be late."

"No we can't." She slides from his arms, to grab her flip flops. After sliding them on, she turns to him. "Ready." She states, holding out her hand. He grins and grabs it, lacing his fingers with hers and then they both leave the room, heading to the elevator and heading down to the lobby. Once there, they head out of the car and get into it, before heading off to where the photo shoot is being held.

Once there, they walk in to see not that many people there.

"Hmm...guess I'm the only one today." She looks around as they are finishing up the current session.

She soon meets one of her wardrobe people and is taken to the back. She gives Justin a quick kiss before going to the back. The first outfit they have her try on is a black dress, resting just off her shoulders with a butterfly design on the front. She's given black heels to go with it, before being taken to hair and makeup. As soon as she sits, they start to curl her hair and add some black eyeshadow. After that was all done, she heads back out to where Justin was waiting. When Justin sees her, he stops what he's doing and stares.

"Justy?" She laughs as she walks over since he has not moved. "You alright there?"

"Huh?" He snaps out of it.

"I lost you for a second." She shakes her head giggling. "Going to be able to make it though this one?"

"I can try."

"As long as you can do that, you will be fine for the others."

"I can do it." He nods.

"Good." She says as the photographer calls her over. "Looks like they're ready for me." She gives him a quick kiss before going over and being told what is going to happen. Justin makes his way over so he is able to see a bit better. She's told how to stand, which was a few front facing shots, before she slightly turned to the right with my hand resting on my shoulder. When she turns around for the back shots, she looks over my shoulder with her left hand resting just under her shoulder. She can't help but to laugh at the way Justin is looking at her. He bites his lip, never taking his eyes off her the whole time. She's then told to turn around for more shots from the left side this time, before a few more front facing ones are taken. Once that was all done, she walks over to look at the pictures. She waves for Justin to come over for a look as well. He walks up behind behind resting his hands on her hips with his chin on her shoulder.

"I love them all."

"Of course you do, but they can't use all of them."

"I know. Unfortunately."

"I can give you a copy of the file when I'm done." The photographer suggests.

Justin nods excitedly.

"I think that would be good." She chuckles at his enthusiasm.

"It would." Justin agrees.

"As soon as we are done, I'll get them ready for you."

"Thank you." Justin answers before she could.

"You goof." She laughs, tilting her head to look at him.

"Your goof." He grins.

"Always will be too." She kisses him quickly.

"Always." He repeats.

Just then she gets called to go get ready for the next set. She sighs, not wanting to leave just yet. He rubs her back, kissing the top of her head before walking her to the back. She's taken back to wardrobe again, this time they have her in a leopard print bikini type, one pieces suit and jeans shorts with fishnet type stockings. The top has two pieces of fabric going down the ring, leaving the rest of her stomach and back exposed. They give her black boots to go with it before taking her back to hair and makeup. Her hair is done in slightly tighter girls this time and her makeup is light green/grayish in color. After they are done, she takes one last look in the mirror knowing this outfit will kill Justin for sure. She then starts to head back out to where he was waiting with a smirk on his face.

"I so hope you get to keep that."

"We'll find out when the shoot is over, but by the look on your face I'm sure you'll talk them into letting me keep it."

"Most likely."

"Try not to stare to much during this one." She laughs.

"You know that'll be hard..."

"Oh I know it will be." She grins.

"I think you should go over there before you don't make it there."

"I'm going." She shakes her head, then makes her way back over to the set.

This one was some of the same shots as the first one, only for the front poses, she hooked the fabric going down the front under her thumbs and pulled it forward a bit. The next shots were the same, but with her hands on my hips. For the next few, she puts her hands over her head with her hips to the side. She had to hold back any laughs from seeing Justin shift in his spot since she had to look serious for these few shots. The last few shots, were just side shots with her thumbs looped though the belt buckles, tugging the waist for the shorts forward. Once they were all done, she couldn't help but laugh at the look on Justin's face. This time when she walks to the photographer, Justin was right there behind her, running his fingers over all the exposed skin there was for him to touch.

"...behave..." She mutters.

"...trying..." He groans.

"...later..." She says for him to hear before turning her attention back to the computer.

Even though Justin liked all the pictures like the last set, he helped to pick out the ones that were the best.

"Very nice choices." She pecks his cheek.

"Thank you."

"Now I have to go get ready for the next one."

"Awww, do I have to let you go?"

"For now...yes."


"You'll survive." She gives him a quick kiss.

She pulls away before he has a chance to respond since she knows what will happen. As she walks away, he slaps her butt, making her jump and squeal a little. She looks over her shoulder to see a smirk on his face. She bites her lip as she once again heads to the back. The set was going to be for her attire before the last one. She gets changed into her pink attire, then heads to hair and makeup. Her hair was left curly for this set as well, only her eyes were changed to a light shade of pink. After that was all done, she then headed back out to Justin.

"My favorite gear of yours."

"Because all the pink." She grins.


"Well just stand there and enjoy."

"Oh, I will."

"Of course you will." She laughs heading back over to the set once again.

The first few shots, she's standing with her hands on her hips, looking serious for the camera. She does a few side shots with her hand on her chin. Another pose was where she held a fist up and had a serious look on my face no matter how hard she wants to laugh at Justin's expressions. She was then told to sit on the floor with her left leg bent and her right leg crossed under it with her hand on her knee. After a few shots of that pose, she then went to my knees. She glanced over at Justin, who's eyes went wide as she did a few front and side poses while on her knees. When those were done, she stood up for a few head shot photos before that set was finished.

"I'm so glad that was in your ring gear, and you actually own it." Justin remarks, when they both look over the pictures.

"I know how much you love it. I got it in different colors too."


"Mhm." She nods. "You get to see them all soon too." She grins.

"I can't wait."

"I bet you can't, mister touchy." She giggles as he lets his hands wander over the exposed skin. "Just behave."

"I'm trying."

"It's hard...I know." She kisses his cheek.

"Very hard."

"Well I got a sneak peek at what's next..."


"You're gonna have to wait...just try not to go to crazy."

"I'll try."

"Try to prepare while I'm getting ready." She gives him a quick kiss and goes to pull away.

"I will."

"I'll be back." She smiles as she heads to the changing area for the last outfit of the day.

This set was going to be a swimsuit shoot. She heads back to the room where she's given a tube top bikini set that is blue with white stripes. She slides on the white flip flops and white robe that were in the room as well. Once that was done, she heads to hair and makeup. They changed her eyeshadow to a white glittery shade and blowing out the curls a bit in her hair to make it wavy. She cleans off her lip gloss to add a coconut flavored one. After that was all done, she headed back out to Justin while they got things set up outside on the beach that was behind the building.



"I know what that means." He grins.

"And what does that mean...hmmm?"

"Outside shots."

"You're right...on the beach to be exact."

"I think I might die now."

"And you have not even see the swimsuit I have on either." She chuckles.

"I'm still gonna die, I know it."

"I have a feeling you will." She smirks. Just then they tell us they are ready. "Looks like it's time."

"I'm as prepared as I can be."

"Well let's go then." She giggles, taking his hand and heading outside.

Once on the beach, she's told to stand just at the shoreline. She undos her robe, looking over at Justin the whole time. After getting it open, she sees his eyes widen a bit until she pulls it the rest of the way off. His jaw drops and he has to stop himself from coming over to her. She tosses the robe to the side, keeping her eyes on him. The first few shots were of her were on my knees with her hands in the sand. There were a few where she picked up the sand and let it slowly fall through her fingers. At one point, she can't help but to laugh at how close Justin moved to the photographer to get a closer look. After those were done, she was told to stand up for a few shots of her in front of the water. She then headed into the water for some in water shots. She stole a glance at Justin, whose eyes were locked on her the whole time while he licked his lips. When everything was done, she made her way out of the water and to her robe to put that on only to have Justin stop her.

"Don't put it on."

"You just want to be all touchy, don't you?"


"As long as you can control yourself, you can."


"Go ahead." She chuckles as they head over to the photographer to look at the pictures. Justin of course has his hands around her touching everything he can, but behaving at the same time.

Just like the other photos, they pick out the best ones despite him liking them all. The photographer gets them all ready on a disk while she heads back inside to get changed. She puts back on my normal clothes before she's given all the clothes from the photo shoot. After getting them in my hand, she heads back out to Justin who grins upon seeing the bags.

"You get to keep them all."

"I got them all."

"I'm happy."

"I can tell." She giggles. "Maybe I'll let you pick one out for me to wear for you later." She smirks.

"I hope so."

"You did behave today so..."

" I can pick something?"

"You can."


"Just as soon as we get back."

"Which won't take long."

"Take it easy. I know we're not far from the hotel, but no need to rush." She says as they head out to the car.

"I know."

"Going to be a long day, isn't it?" She giggles as he eagerly leads her to the car.

"Just a bit."

"Oh boy."

"Blame the photo shoot."

"I already am."

"Now how did I know that?" He chuckles.

"Because you know me that well."

"Just like you know me that well."

"I do, which is why I know today is going to be long."

"Maybe even after the party tonight."

"I'm gonna be sore for a few days, aren't I?"


"Good thing everything is easy this weekend."

"I know right?"

"Just the signings. No match for me this time." She sighs.

"You never know that. You know how they add things last minute. I don't even think Scar has a match either."

"I know...Hunter did say he was bringing back the women's title, he just did not say when."

"I think that's a good idea. With just the Divas title, all everyone gets is one feud that lasts a few months, leaving every other Diva on the backburner."

"Exactly. That's why I suggested it and he surprisingly went with it."

"That is shocking that he would go with it." Justin nods.

"It was. I was shocked when he called back and told me."

"Well hopefully it happens soon."

"I'm sure we'll find out."

"Of course."

They finally reach the car and she puts all her bags in the back. Justin opens her door for her, giving her a quick kiss, until he gets a taste of the lip gloss. She pulls away before he can go to crazy, making him groan. She giggles as she sits in the car and he heads over to the other side. He gets into the drivers side and puts his seatbelt on, before pulling out of the parking lot and going back to the hotel. Once there, she gets her bags from the back as they head to their room. Justin puts his arm around her, trying to be all affectionate on the way to the room.

"We're not eve in the room yet." She giggles.

"You got to me that much today."

"I did? Oops." She giggles.

"Oh suuure. You knew what you were doing."

"I was told to pose like that. There was nothing I could do." She shrugs innocently.

"But you did it better than what they described for the poses."

"That was just for you."

"And I love you for it."

"That was just for you."

"And I love you for it."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"No. I love you more." She pokes his chest.

"I think I love you more."

"Is that a challenge?"


"Well then..." She walks over to him, shifting her bags to one hand in favor of putting her hand on his chest. "...bring it on." She whispers in his ear, nipping gently while her hand runs down his chest and along the waist of his pants. Then before he could do anything, she moves away to head the rest of the way to the room with a smirk on her face.*

"You're so in for it now." He calls with a groan.

"Can't do much from over there." She calls from their room door.

"Not for long."

She looks down the hall to see him making his way quickly to the room. She squeals as she tries to get the door open, right before he gets there. She's able to get in the room and set her bags down just as he walks in the room with a smirk on his face.

"Now you're in for it."

"Am I?" She tries to dash away from him.

"You are."

"Sorry..." She plays innocent.

"I don't think that's gonna work this time." He chuckles.

"Oh darn."

"Between the shoots and what you just did...."

"You're gonna get me back for all that, I know."

"Yes I am."

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh is right."

He starts to walk toward her making her walk backwards. She keeps going until her back is against the wall. He smirks at her, putting his hands on either side of her on the wall.

"You have no escape now."

"Looks that way." She bites her lip.

"Or you just don't want to escape."

"Maybe I don't." She moves her hands to his chest and starts to move them down.

Before she could even blink, his lips were then pressed against hers in an eager kiss. It takes a bit for her to respond, but when she does, she loses all focus on what she was doing. Her hands stop on his waist, resting there for now. She then slips her fingers under his shirt and since his indents were exposed to her fingers, she presses her fingers into them. He growls into the kiss making it rougher. She smirks into the kiss, pressing her fingers down once again. That makes an even louder growl come from him. He tenses as she goes to do it again, only for him to move her hands, pinning them to the wall. She lets out a soft whine into the kiss.


"Awww." She whines. "It's see...your reaction..."

"I think you've seen enough of my reaction."

She whines softly, giving in to him for now. He focuses more on the kiss, pressing his body against hers, so that she couldn't move as much as before. She relaxes her body into his, kissing him back just as roughly. He slowly moves from her lips, making his way down her jawline to my neck. Just then, he helps to lift her up and she wraps her arms around his waist, bodies still pressed together. She starts to play with the bottom of his shirt as he moves farther down her neck. She moves my head to the side, giving him more access as she loses all focus on what she was doing. Then she starts to inch his shirt up more and more, wanting it off as soon as possible. He moves from her neck giving her just enough time to lift his shirt over his head before he moves back to nipping at her neck. Her arms wrap around him and when he hits the sensitive spot, she can't help but dig her nails into his back. She bites her lip, burying her face into his side to muffle any noises that may come. He works on the spot until a small, but coverable mark starts to form that only he can see.

" and...the marks..." She muffles against his chest.

"You love me anyway."

"Of course I do." She lays light kisses on his chest.

"I think we need to move to the bed." He grins.

"You're call since I can't really move right now."

"Now you can." He lets go of your hands.

"Well..." She runs her hands down his chest. "...lets go." She presses her fingers into his indents once more before dashing to the bed.

"Oh you're in for it now."

"Get over here then and show me." She plays with the bottom of her shirt teasing him.

In an instant, he's away from where he was standing and on the bed with her.

"Eager much." She giggles since he took her shirt off himself and let his hands wander all over.

"Your fault."


"Uh huh..suure."

"I'm going to pay for all of that now, right?"

"You know it."

He then presses his lips to hers in a much more eager kiss than before. Her hands make their way to his hair as she sighs into the kiss. He lets his hands wander over all the skin he can for now. She tugs at his hair as he lightly moves his fingers down her side, making her shiver. After moving his hands down her sides, he rests his hands at the top of her bottoms. He glides his fingers along her skin while moving from her lips, kissing all the skin he can reach. Her grip on his hair gets tighter and she can't help but to squirm underneath him at the torture from the light kisses and touches.

"I think these need to come off now..."

"Mhm." She nods, humming lightly.

He grins and starts to move them. She lifts her hips up so it's easier for him to pull them down. After he tosses them to the floor, he slowly runs his hands back up her legs, pressing a bit harder when he gets to her thighs. She lets out a soft moan into the kiss, gripping his hair tighter.

"I can't....take....much more...." She's able to mumble into the kiss. \


"Justy..." She whines.

"Just a little bit longer..."

She lets out another whine only to have him squeeze on her thighs more, turning her whine into a moan. She's eager, with all the torture he's giving her, so she moves her hands from his hair, and down to the pants he was still wearing. She starts to fumble with the button since she's to focused on the kiss. Finally getting them undone, she tugs them down as far as she could get them. She moves her hands back to the waist of his boxers, lightly moving her fingers over the top of his indents. She feels him tense and grins into the kiss because that's the reaction she was looking for. His hold on her thigh gets higher in retaliation as he kisses her harder. She does it once more, getting the same reaction again. He takes her bottom lip between his teeth and starts to suck on it gently. She arches her back into him, moving her hands up his sides to his neck so she's able to pull him closer to her. While he's doing that, he starts to look for the blankets with his free hand. It takes a while for him to find it considering how distracted he was, but he finally does find it and begins to pull it over the both of them.

Ted and I, in the meantime have just finished having lunch before deciding what we wanted to do until the the party later.

"Do we need to go shopping for an outfit for tonight for you? Or do you already have something picked out? I don't mind going shopping with you. You know me and loving everything you try on." Ted suggests.

"I might have something I could wear. I could try on the ones I have so we don't have to go to any stores."

"As long as I see you try stuff on, I'll be good."

"Oh you will...don't worry."

"So we can go do that now, if you want." I add.

"I'm ready." He says eagerly.

"Good thing we chose a place close to the hotel. You'd be driving like crazy to get back."

"I probably would be." He chuckles, tugging me out the door.

"Slow down, slow down." I laugh.

"Can't help it. I love seeing the dresses you try on."

"I know, I know."

"So you see why I'm in a hurry."

"Yes, I do."

We finally make it to the elevator and Ted keeps pressing the button for the doors to open. I shake my head with a laugh, moving his hand in favor of lacing my fingers with his.

"Pressing the button repeatedly will not make the elevator come down any faster."

"It needs to hurry." He groans, bouncing around in his spot.

"You need to be patient."

"I'm trying, but it's hard."

"Hmm...." I trail off.

I let go of his hand and move to stand in front of him. I then put both hands on the sides of his face and pull him close, pressing my lips to his. He kisses back almost instantly, wrapping his arms around me so that I'm as close as I could get to him. After a bit there was a ding and the elevator doors open. I pull away from Ted with a smirk on my face of knowing my distraction worked. I walk onto the elevator, turning to see him still standing in the hall a bit dazed.

"You coming?"

"Huh?" He shakes his head. "Yeah." He steps into the elevator, reaching out for me and pulling me close. Once the doors close again, he starts to be all touchy.

"Ted....elevator cameras....remember?"

He groans, resting his hands on my hips for now.

"You'll live."


"And I'm not even doing anything."

"You never have to."

"You just relax."

"One more kiss might help."

"One quick one."

He grins, pressing his lips to mine. I pull away shortly after just as the doors open once again.

"Let's go touchy." I laugh.


I lace my fingers with his once again and pull him out of the elevator and to our room. Once there, Ted gets his key out and opens the door allowing me to go in first. I walk in and go to my bags as he walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Dress time." He excitedly says sitting on the bed.

"Yes." I laugh at his excitement.

"Yay." He cheers.

"I'll be back with dress number one."

"I can't wait." He grins.

I take all the dresses into the bathroom with me, and get changed into the first one which is a leopard print, one shoulder, semi-long sleeved dress. I smooth out the dress before making my way back out to Ted. Once he sees me, his jaw drops.

" amazing." He looks me up and down.

"You know me and the animal print." I laugh.

"I do." His eyes wander. "You look hot in it too."

"Of course you would think so."

"I don't think...I know."

"You always say that too."

"Because it's true."

"Ready for the next dress?"


"Even though I don't want you to take that one off, I'm ready." He adds.

"Of course you don't." I chuckle.

I head back into the bathroom and take that dress off, grabbing the 2nd one and putting that on before walking out. This one was also one shouldered and black, but there were cut outs in the fabric where it revealed pink underneath.

"Uh...Scar..." Ted's jaw drops again. " speechless." He manages to say.

"Again." I laugh.

"But this one..." He trails off, touch where the slits are. "...shows more." He runs his fingers over them.

"Just the pink fabric underneath though."

"Still...I love it."

"You love everything."

"Because it all looks so good on you."

"Two more dresses before you help me pick."

"You're killing me already." He groans.


"We might show up late..."

"Nothing wrong with being fashionably late."

"No there's not."

"Well I should put on dress number 3 before you get too touchy."

"You should."

I move away from him and back into the bathroom where I get changed into a dark, dark red, like burgundy red, with a glitter design down the front and back, the sides being stretchy to help the dress fit better. After that was on, I walked back out to Ted again. The second he saw me, his eyes got wide.



"I-I..." He tries to talk. "...I love it." He gets out. "So damn sexy." He bites his lip looking me up and down.

"Can we just stop with this and I can pick that one?" He suggests.

"I do have one last never know." I shrug. "You might like that one better."

"But I love that one."

"How about I try on the last one even though I know what one you are going to pick?"


"You'll live."

"I'll try."

"I'll be quick this time."


I then head back into the bathroom to try on the last dress I picked out. That is one shouldered, but it's a long sleeved one, with metallic dots and blue. I walk out for the last time to show off the dress. Ted just stares, eyes wider than the last dress.

"I think that is the one..."

"Thought you wanted the red one." I giggle.

"I did until I saw this one." He looks be up and down more. "This one brings out your amazing eyes more."

"And I think it's more suitable for the party anyway." I add.

"It is. Will go with what I'm wearing too."

"What're you wearing?" I ask.

"Something blue..." He pauses. "...and something else you love." He smirks.

"Well then, the day better speed on by so I can see that."

"I know how we can make it go quick." He reaches out, pulling me on his lap.

"I'm still wearing the dress you know..."

"That can be taken care of..." He searches for the zipper.

"Hate to burst your bubble but, there's no zipper. The dress has to be pulled off entirely."

"...I off..." He groans, kissing my bare shoulder.

"Patience. Why don't I get changed back into my normal clothes?"

"How about not?"

"Hmmm how about you come into the bathroom with me, I let you take the dress off, you can be as touchy as you want, before I put my normal clothes back on?"


"Well let's go then....touchy. You're clearly not letting me go so you'll have to carry me."

"We're going." He stands up, quickly walking into the bathroom, setting my on my feet when we get there.

He closes the door to the bathroom then, and turns back around to face me. He grins before running his fingers over the skin of my exposed arm while tugging at the sleeve on the other arm. Goosebumps start to form on my exposed arm from his fingers and I help him with the sleeve on my other arm. As he tugs on it, I pull my arm out more and more each time. As soon as my arm is out of the sleeve, he starts to inch the dress down until it falls to the floor. I step out of the dress only for him. to lift me up and sit me on the counter. He lets his eyes wander a bit before moving down to kiss all the exposed skin he can reach. I wrap and arm around his shoulders and hold him close as he continues, making quiet noises here and there. He makes his way over my collarbone the to my neck, only leaving light kisses because of the party later. When he gets to the one spot on my neck, I arch my back into him causing him to smirk against my skin. He works on the spot for a bit getting a few more noises out of me. He pulls away, before any marks could form, making his way to my lips. When he does make it to my lips, I move my hand that was resting on the back of his shoulder to the back of his head, holding him there as he kissed me, not wanting him to stop just yet. His arms go around me, pulling me as close to him as I could get. I did have to break the kiss eventually for air, so I did so and leaned my forehead against his as I caught my breath.

" about...we go the room?"

"...after I...get my normal...clothes back on..."

"Awww." He pouts. "I like what you have on now."

"You made a deal though. I let you be as touchy as you wanted, before I put my clothes back on."

"Do you really have too?" He whines.

"You really wanna relax for the rest of the day with me wearing next to nothing?"

"I never said anything about relaxing..." He smirks.

"You've drove me crazy with the dresses..." He adds.

"Oops." I giggle.

"I think I should return the favor."

"Uh oh..." I chuckle. "...we can't be that late tonight."

"I know."

"Which is why were are going..." He scoops me off the counter. ""

I reach down and open the door and he walks back out into the room, carrying me once again. As soon as he reaches the bed, he lays me down so he is hovering me with my legs still around his waist. He leans down, crashing his lips to mine, while his hands wander up and down my thighs. I respond to every little thing he does with a muffled noise against his lips, and it only makes me kiss back even more eagerly. He smirks against my lips, running his fingers more lightly over my skin making me shiver from the touch. That earns a muffled whine noise from me so he squeezes down when I least expect it. That earns him a moan even though it's muffle against his lips. He smirks even more when he hears it, knowing that he's driving me crazy like I drove him crazy not too long ago. He does that a few more times before moving his hands to my hips, resting them there for now. Of course that doesn't stop his fingers from drawing patterns on my skin as they rest there, and I squirm a bit under his touch.



"" He presses a bit harder to keep from tickling.

That causes me to pull from his lips, bite my own and turn my head to the side as the tickling feeling goes away and a totally different feeling takes over. He takes that chance to go for my neck since my head is turned. Lightly nipping at my skin, he moves his tongue after each nip. Hearing more noises come form me, he works on that spot, not caring about leaving marks. Once he feels a small mark, that only he can see, is forming, he pulls away with a smirk.

"You..and the marks. I'm able to cover it right?"

"Yes. I'm the only one that will know about it."

"Okay good."

" more talking..."

"You have too many clothes on." I say before I can't say no more.

"You're right." He sits up a bit so he is able to remove his shirt.

"Those too." I point to his pants.

"They'll come off..." He say, reaching for the blanket to pull over us.

"After you get that over us..."

He nods pulling the blanket over us while I work on getting his pants off. Once I get them most of the way, he gets the rest and not too long after that, we get lost in the moment and end up doing what he hinted at earlier. The day seemed to pass by very quickly with everything that was going on. Justin and Vi were currently getting ready. Well, she was trying to get ready since Justin was still being all touchy.

"Justy..." She giggles from his touches. "...I need to get ready."

"I can't help it."

"You had enough fun today. I think you should save the rest for later."


"I'll do my hair and makeup first so you can be all touchy."


"Good." She nods.

She starts to work on her makeup first, since that will not take too long. Justin makes it a bit hard to focus with all the touching and light kisses, but she manages to get that done. After that was done, she starts to curl her hair. She glances at him in the mirror to see his eyes get a bit wide at the curls. As she finished one side, he move to the other, leaving light kisses on the back of her neck and shoulder. After she was all done, she set the curler down and unplugged it so it could cool.

"Alright..." She looked at him in the mirror. " have to let go now."

He pouts, but reluctantly lets her go.

"Don't you want to see the dress I picked out?"

"Yes I do."

"I can't get it if you are on me. After I get it on, you can be all touchy again."

"Alright." He nods.

She just gives him a quick kiss before going over to get her dress. Her dress was a Bandeau style with light gray and pink colors. She slips on the dress, getting the zipper up fairly easily. Once it was on, she turns to Justin and does a spin for him.


"Like it?"

"Love it."

"I can tell." She bites her lip since he went right back to being all touchy. "Good thing you got ready first." She runs her hands over the vest of his suit.


"Otherwise we would be really late."


She can't help to bite her lip at the sight of him in a suit. "Damn, you look so sexy in this suit." She runs her hand down his tie, pulling him closer to her. She brushes her lips over his just hovering them there.

"So you've told me many times before." He smirks.

"It's the truth. You look better every time."

"So do you."

"Like you say everyday." She blushes slightly.

"Because it's true."

She blushes more, trying to hide her face in his chest.

"Uh hiding."

"Can't help it." She mumbles.

"I know."

"Love you." He kisses the top of her head.

"Love you too."

"Shall we get going now?"

"Yeah...I just need my shoes."

"Okay." He nods.

She walks over to her shoes, slipping them on. She grabs her clutch from the bed before walking back over to him.

"All set to go."

"Mhm." She nods, walking over to him.

She laces her fingers with his and then heads out of the room to the elevator. Once the elevator reaches the lobby, they head out to the car. Justin opens her door for her, giving her a kiss before she gets in. He then goes over to the drivers side and gets in. After he buckles his seat belt, he starts the car and they head to the party.

"Tonight should be fun."

"It really should." She nods. "Can't wait to just have a good time."

"Of course, after all the red carpet stuff."

"That's always fun. Getting to show off all the outfits and the interviews."

"I couldn't agree more."

"All in all, tonight is going to be an amazing one."

"Yes it is."

"Even better that I get to spend it with you." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Neither would I."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She kisses his cheek before resting her head back on his shoulder. It doesn't take long to get there, and they pull up to the valet to park the car for them. Justin puts his arm around her waist as they get to walk down along the line of reporters and photographers. They go through the photographers first, before heading to do the interviews. They get asked various questions about their relationship and what they are looking forward to during the weekend. They talk about the events over the weekend and everything before walking to the area where Natalya is interview people so she can interview them as well.

"Hey Nattie." She smiles, walking over to her.

"Hey." She smiles back and hugs her.

"Exciting. You get your own interview show again."


"Anyone interesting yet?"

"Not yet. Still early though."


They talk with her for a little bit more, before walking away to enjoy the party. After walking in, they find a table to sit at. Justin pulls his chair closer to her so he is able to be all cuddly. They sit there for a bit just waiting for more people to arrive.


"That's because I can be." He grins.

"Yes you can." She leans back into him.

"Love the setup here."

"They did do a really good job. Everything goes so well."

"Something new every year, but still looks great."

"It does. I really like how they have the dance floor set up too."

"It is pretty cool."

"Good size too. Won't have to worry about being near people we don't like."


"Speaking of that...he has not stopped staring since we got here." She rolls her eyes.

"Ignore him.."

"I have been. I can feel his eyes though. It's different then when you look at me."

"I'm never leaving your side....all night."

"Good." She moves closer to him. "I just wish Hunter did not take the restraining order off him. He is just going to start again.

"Maybe you should beat him in a match, like how Lita beat him on the 1,000 episode of Raw. He'll never live it down if he's beat twice by a girl."

"You know...that's not a bad idea."

"Wait for him to do another open challenge....then surprise him."

"Oh I will." She smirks. "He will be so embarrassed, he will probably go into hiding." She laughs. "Maybe after he sees that I can kick his ass he will leave me alone for good." She adds.

"Let's hope so."

Since she can still feel Heath's eyes on her, she shifts so she's facing Justin. She pulls him closer by the tie, crashing her lips to his. Since she caught him off guard, it takes him a while to kiss back. Once he does, he kisses back roughly. She keeps the kiss going until she doesn't feel Heath watching. She slows the kiss down, pulling away with a smirk on her face.

"He's not watching anymore."

"He better not be. I'll do that all night if I have to."

"I don't mind."

"Of course you don't."

"I love it when I get to kiss you."

"I love when you kiss me."

"It's addicting, I know."

"Way too addicting."

"Very true."

"Love you."

"Love you too."


"Always and forever." She snuggles into his side more.

Then when they look up, they see Ted and I walk into the party area. Vi gets out attention and waves us over to their table. We head over, greet them, and then sit at the table with them.

"I see you both made it." Vi teases.

"Almost didn't."


"Only because of a little bit of trying on dresses and showing him and letting him pick what to wear tonight."

"That will do it." Vi chuckles. "I'm lucky we made it. The photo shoot this morning did."


"The outfits..." Justin grins.

"One being a swim suit and on the beach." Vi adds.

"Ohhh, I see now." I laugh.

"I'll have to show you the pictures later. Lets just say, Justy almost lost all control there."

"Uh oh."

"Got her back though." Justin smirks.

"Justy..." She blushes.

"Well of course you did."

"This dress is not helping either..." He runs his hands over her bare shoulders.

"Later." She kisses his cheek.

"Well my dress isn't helping Ted much either so..."

"No it's not." He grins. "Might be an early night for us." He adds with a smirk.

"Us too." Justin agrees.

"After all we did today...after making you both go crazy..."

"You're in for it." They say in union.

"Oh boy."

"Going to be a long night."

"Just like this afternoon."

"Maybe even longer."

"Just keep in mind the busy weekend."

"We know. Have to keep you both on your toes."

"Same goes for you two."

"We find that out everyday."

"Yes you do."

"I say we go dnace before we never make it out there." Vi suggests.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Justin chuckles.

"It's really not, just thought we could get some dancing in..." She smirks.

"We can do that."

"Lets go then." She stands up, taking his hand. "You two coming?"

"In a little bit."

“Alright.” She nods. “Don't have to much fun.” She teases, pulling Justin on the dance floor.

"Try telling him that." I point to Ted.

"No promises." He grins.

"Of course not."

"Can't help's the dress."

"I can only imagine what it'd be like if you had picked the red one."

"We probably wouldn't have made it out the door."

"Probably not."

"We're lucky we're even here right now."

"I know, we would still be back at the hotel and be having a longer night than ever before."

"A much longer one."

"I do think we should actually get some sleep tonight though to some extent. I do have a signing to do tomorrow."

"Awww." He pouts. "I'll go easy on you then."

"Don't have any signings Sunday though so tomorrow night...."

"Deal." He grins. "Tomorrow is going to be a long night."

"I figured. Just keep any marks coverable just in case I'm put into a last minute match for the show."

"Can't promise anything, but I'm sure no one will see them if I do."

"Because you make them only noticeable to you."


"Ready to go dance now?"


"After you." He adds.

I then stand up, taking Ted's hand as we head out to find a spot to dance. The current song was an upbeat one and of course Ted had to be a dork with his dancing to start. I can't help but to laugh and shake my head.

"You're such a dork."

"You love me anyway."

"I do."

"But you know wanna join in with the crazy dancing..." He grins.

"Oh I will." I smirk.

"You haven't seen crazy dancing until you've seen mine." I add.

"Can't wait to see it."

"That'll have to wait though....the song's over."

"I'm sure I'll see it."

"At some point."


We all dance for a few more songs or so, before deciding to take a break, walk around and talk to people. We see a few people that we're friends with and talk to them for a bit before we decide to get something to eat and drink. Once we have that, we head back to the table.

"This party is pretty awesome, don't you agree?

"It really is. They did a good job with this one."

"They did." I nod.

"I don't think anything can top the wrestlemania party though."

"No, now that was the greatest party ever."

"Especially being in Miami. Now that was just amazing in itself."

"Yes, loved it there."

"The weather is the best. Warm all year long there."

"Can't get any better than that."

"Can't get any better than that."

"No you can't."

"Can't wait to go back."

"Neither can I. Just hope we get to go there soon."

"I'm sure we will."

"It will be even better next time to. We know where everything is now."


We finish eating while talking amongst each other. They then start to put out some deserts on one of the tables and our eyes light up.

"I see chocolate." Vi grins excitedly.

"Oooh where?"

"Over there." She points to the table they have set up.

"Oooh, let's go."

"Already there." Vi gets up, heading for the table.

"I'm coming." I state, getting up and heading for the table myself.

"Be careful." The guys call.

"We will." We call back.

"So many things to choose from." I say as we reach the table.

"I know..." Vi looks at all the choices.

"...ooohhhh....chocolate cheesecake." She takes a slice for her and Justin.

"That looks good."

"It does. Can't wait to try it."

I also grab a couple slices of cheesecake for me and Ted, but it's a White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake. Once we have what we wanted, we head back to the table and sit next to the guys. Before Vi could sit, Justin pulled her down on his lap.

"Miss me that much?" She giggles.


"I'm back now and not leaving this table unless it's with you."


"We got cake...cheesecake to be exact." I say.

"It definitely looks good."

"Everything over there looked good, but this looked the best."

"So did this." I add.

"Here...try it." You put some on a fork for Ted to try.

"Before you eat your own piece."

"You just want to feed me."

"You do the same to me."

"It's fun." He grins.

"Awww." Vi teases.

"Of course it is. Now try it."

He leans forward, taking the piece of cake off the fork.



"Good." I grin.

"Now you try." He takes a fork to give me some.

"Awww that's cute." Vi teases more.

"Oh hush."

"Neeevvvverrrr." She sings.

"It's good." I agree with him after I take the piece off of the fork.

"Good choice."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." He kisses me quick.

"Now time for you to try." Vi takes some of what she got for Justin to try.

He grins and takes it off of the fork, eating it.

"That's amazing."

"Better then it looks, I'm assuming."

"Oh yeah."

"Here..." He takes a fork putting some on for her. " try."

She leans forward to take a bit. Her eyes close as she moans at the flavor. "Mmmm...amazing."

"Like I said." He chuckles.

"Might have to go get more of that."

"I'm sure there's plenty of it, so sure."

"I'm so getting more then."

"Of course."

"You know how I love my chocolate."

"Yes, I know."

"Think they'll notice if the whole dish goes missing?" She jokes.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"I'll think of a way to get more to take with us."

"Can probably ask."

"I could do that."

"And that is something you would do." Justin chuckles.

"What can I say?" She shrugs. "I gotta have my chocolate."

"We all do at times."


"Maybe you should get the recipe and make it yourself."

" that is a good idea. I'll have to do that before we leave."

"You know me and my good ideas."

"Mhm. One of the many reasons I love you so much."

"Love you too."

She gives him a quick kiss before we go back to eating what we got. Her and Justin feed each other, stealing kisses in between bites while Ted and I do the same. Shortly after that, we all were done with the slices of cake we had. "Now that was good."

"Really good."

"I don't think I ever tasted something that good...ever."

"I know right?"

"I doubt anything can top that."

"I agree with you there."

"How about we go dance before we leave?"

"Good idea."

We all get up and head to the dance floor for a spot to dance. We stay close by each other as we start to dance to the upbeat song that is on. Vi stands in front of Justin a bit, moving her hips to the music while running her hands through her hair.

"You're killing me Vi..."

"Then come over here and dance with me." She motions for him with her finger before spinning around with her hands still in her hair.

He smirks and comes closer to her. She turns her back to him. He comes up, rests his hands on her hips with his chin on her shoulder. She moves her hand to hook it around his neck. They dance closely together to the music until he starts to kiss her neck. She turns around so she's facing him with her arms around his neck. She shakes her head, telling him to wait, making him groan in protest. She moves her hands from his neck, down his chest as she moves around him slowly, running her hand over his stomach, sides, and back before standing in front of him again.


"You love it." She grins, moving her hands up and down his chest.

"So much."

"It'a all for you." She leans up, nipping at his ear before pulling away quickly. She looks at him with a smirk as she moves her hips once again, but more slowly this time.

She hears him inwardly groan at the torture. He goes to reach for her, but she moves back just out of his reach with a smirk on her face. She licks her lips with a smirk, continuing to torture him more.



"You know what..."

"I do." She grins. "But it's fun."

"Just remember what happens the more you do that..."

"....long night?"


"Well then..." She trails off, spinning around with her hands in her hair once again. Once she gets to where she's facing him again, he's right there to catch her. She squeals in surprise since he caught her off guard.

"Got you."

"So you do."

"Not getting away from me now."

"This time, I don't want to." She wraps her arms around his neck. "I've tortured you enough."


"People were starting to stare too and ruin my fun." She rolls her eyes, semi pouting.

"They're just nosey."

"They can be all they want. That was all just for you...only you."

"Of course it was."

"I have something else just for you when we get back too." She smirks.


"Mhm." She nods.

"Can't wait."

"As soon as you're ready to go, you can see it."

"Alright." He nods.

She keeps her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips as they move to the beat of the music, dancing close together. They stay like that for the next few songs before heading back to the table.

"I think that after we rest for a bit, we can head back."

"That sounds good." She leans into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Tonight has been fun. And then we're in for a fun two days, including the show."

"Right. Axxess is always fun. Getting to meet all the fans, then the actual show."

"We can hope you get a match at the show Sunday."

"That would make things really exciting. You'll get to see me in my gear."

"Which is why I'm hoping you get a match. I wanna see."

"We'll just have to wait and see....even though you can see me in it whenever you want..."


"Might not last long, but you will still get to see it."


She keeps her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. He keeps his arms around her, his hand running over the skin of her shoulder. She shivers a bit, getting goosebumps so she does the one thing that she can do to get him back. She runs her hands up his chest while nipping at his neck, then running her fingers along the collar of his shirt.

"Maybe...we should"

"Maybe we should." She grins.

"Can we?"

"Yes, we can."


"Just want to say bye to Scar and Ted first."


They gather up what they brought then head to find me and Ted. Once they let us know they're leaving, Justin hurries her out to the car.

"Slow down Mr. Eager." She giggles.

"Can't help it."

"True. You're not the only eager one right now."

"Of course not."

"Good thing we are not far from the hotel either."

"That's a very good thing."

"Would give me more time to do this..." She moves, taking her hand from him moving it to the back of his neck and lightly running her fingers over the nape of his neck.

"You know what that does to me."

"I do." She smirks. "All to well."

"Which is why I do it." She adds.

"You know I'm going to get you back, right?"

"Oh I know. Just bring it." She challenges with a smirk.

"I take that as a challenge."

"Maybe it is just that."

"Sounds like it."

"We'll find out when we get back, now won't we?"

"Yes we will."

Once they reach the car, Justin opens her door for her. After she's in, he goes over to the driver's side. When he gets buckled in, he starts to head back to the hotel. The whole ride back, she keeps running her fingers through his hair, still letting him focus on the road, but enough to torture him.


"Having my fun while I can."

"Of course."

She leans over toward him, nipping at his ear lobe a bit. He takes a sharp breath as he tenses in his seat. Before she can do anything else, they arrive at the hotel. Once he parks the car, she gets out before they could come over and she dashes to the hotel.

"Oh you're so in for it now."

"Have to catch me first." She calls as she heads into the lobby.

"Oh I will!"

She looks over her shoulder to see him coming as quickly as he can. She squeals as she hurries to the elevator, trying to put the button to get it to open. She looks behind her again to see him getting even closer and you keep pressing the button to open the doors. Just as the doors open and she steps into the elevator, Justin makes it there, stepping in himself. He tries to catch his breath while she looks at him with a grin.

"Almost didn't make it."

"Oops." She giggles, biting her lip innocently.

"Uh huh...suuure."

"I honestly didn't mean for that to happen."

"Uh huh..."

"Honestly..." She gives her best innocent look. "...forgive me?" She gives my best puppy dog eyes.

"Not the eyes..."

"You know you want to." She keeps that look going as she walks over to him. She runs her hands down his chest to the waist of his pants just as the doors open on our floor. She moves her hands quickly and hurries to their room.


"Innocent." She giggles.


"You love me anyway."

"I do."

"Better hurry or no surprise for you." She calls as she gets to the room and opens the door.

"I'm coming."

She sees him coming down the hall and quickly heads into the room to grab what she plans on showing him. She makes it into the bathroom just as he walks into the room.

"I know where you are."

"I know. Get ready for bed and I'll be out in a minute."


She takes the time to get out of her dress, hanging it up on the door for now. She then slips on the deep pink bay doll she chose for him, with the bottom and it's see through from the lace fabric. once she has that on, she cleans off her makeup, leaving her hair curly from the party. She applies some of the Vanilla Birthday Cake lip gloss from earlier. After that was all done, she peeked through the door to see Justin in his boxers sitting on the bed. She opens the door fully, leaning against the door frame, facing him.

"Yoo hoo."

"Justy...are you still with me?" She chuckles, moving from the door frame over to him.


"You're staring..." She lifts his chin once she gets over to him. " are going to catch flies." She moves her hand to his cheek, brushing her lips over his.

"My bad."

"What do you say we go to bed now?" She fakes a yawn, teasing him.


"Sure you're not too tired?" She drags her fingers down his chest to the waist of his boxers. Since his indents are exposed, she can't help but to run her fingers over them. He tenses a bit with a slight growl. She runs her fingers over them again, pressing down before trying to dash away.

"Oh no you don't." Justin says mid-growl, holding her in place.

"You know I can do more sitting here right?" She runs her arms up his chest while moving on his lap.

"I know."

"So..." She leans down, starting to nip at his neck. "...had enough yet?"

"I don't think so."

"Hmmm..." She mumbles against his neck, nipping more at his skin while she moves her hands back down his chest again.

"Still not...enough."

"Well then..." She starts to suck at his neck, dragging her tongue along as she sucks and nips. Once her hands get to the waist of his boxers again, she slips her fingers under, lightly running her fingers over his indents. She feels him shift a bit, then she presses down, still sucking at his neck. This causes his grip on her to get tighter. She smirks against his skin still sucking and nipping at his skin while she lets her fingers move across his indents lightly.

"Okay...I think...I've had...enough..."

"I don't think you have..." She shifts on his lap, running her nails over his abs.

He ends up resting his forehead against her shoulder as she continues. She keeps her hands where they are for now, slowly moving away, down his neck. She moves to his chest, kissing along with skin with her tongue traveling with each kiss. She lets her fingers move along his abls, tracing patterns lightly as she goes. He moves his head from her shoulder, going for her lips only for her to move, continuing to the other side of his neck, repeating what she did to the other side. He groans in frustration because he wants to kiss her lips.

“Patience love...”

"You know I have none in this kind of situation."

"I know...having my fun before you have yours." She whispers in his ear, nipping at his ear lobe. She keeps it between her teeth for a bit before sucking at it making him growl as his grip on her hips get tighter.

"Might come sooner than you think."

"...bring it on..." She challenges, moving from his ear to his jaw, stopping right at his lips. "...your move..." She brushes her lips against his.

He kisses back more eager than before, to the point where she's going to have bruised lips after everything is over. She moves her hands around his neck, pulling him as close as she can while trying to match his amount of passion in the kiss. He then moves her mid-kiss so that she's no longer sitting on his lap, and he's hovering over her. She squeals into the kiss at the sudden movement, but then focuses back on the kiss. Her hands find their way to his hair as he starts to let his hands wander. While he lets them wander, he moves from her lips, starting to move down her jawline.*

"My turn now." He smirks as he goes along.

"Uh huh..." She nods slightly, biting her lip as his hands lightly move up her thighs.

"I think you know what's happening tonight..."

"...I do..."

"...then you know what needs to come off..."



"Go ahead..."

He smirks against her skin as he moves his hands higher, tugging on her clothes. She shifts under him so that he is able to lift the top up and over her head. His lips go right back to hers after he tosses it to the floor. She starts to kiss back just as eager as he is. Instead of her hands in his hair, she moves them to his back, lightly moving her nails over his skin. He then starts to work on getting her bottoms off at the same time. She moves her hips, helping him with the bottoms. Once they are off, he tosses them to the side, letting his hands roam over all the neck skin her can touch. She goes for his lips only for him to move to her neck. He starts out with light nips at first before starting to suck at the skin. She moves her head to the side as she digs her nails into his shoulders. She waits until he stops on her neck to move her hands to get his boxers off. But of course she gets him to pull the blanket over the both of them. As son as the blanket is over them, the rest of whatever they have on came off and it was indeed a long night.

Ted and I stayed at the party for a bit longer before deciding to head back to the hotel ourselves.

"That was a fun party."

"It was."

"Great way to start the weekend."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Going to be a long one too."

"Very long."

"All the signings and everything tomorrow..."

"I know..."

"So we are going to bed early tonight."


We then arrive at the hotel where Ted finds a place to park. Once he shuts the car off, he gets outs and comes over to my side, helping me out. I thank him and we head back inside. On the way up to the room, I lean into his side just resting my head on his chest.

"Someone's tired."

"It was all that dancing we did."

"That would do it." He nods.

"Mhm." I nod with a yawn.

"Want me to carry you?"

"I think I can make it..."

"You sure?"

"Yeah..." I yawn again. "...on second thought...maybe you should."

"I thought so." He chuckles, picking me up before the elevator doors open.

My arms go around him with my head nuzzling his neck. The elevator chimes and the doors open, Ted walking out and heading down to our room. When he reaches the room, he gets the door open, using his foot to open it the rest of the way. After he walks in, he lays me down on the bed.

"Want me to pick something for you?"

"....go ahead....I know you'll enjoy that..." I mumble.

"Of course I will." He grins, giving me a quick kiss.

Then he heads over to my bags, searching through them for something for me to wear. Once he finds something, he comes back over to the bed. Since I'm almost asleep, he decides to help me get changed before he gets changed himself. Then he moves me so that I'm under the blankets, before climbing into bed himself. I move closer to him so I'm laying on his chest with his arms around me.

"Night Scar." He says quietly.

"...night Ted..." I mumble.

He starts to run his hand through my hair and it does not take long for me to drift off to sleep. Noticing I'm asleep, he smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head. He watches me a bit longer before going to sleep himself.