Status: Active

All About Us

SummerSlam 2012

It's finally Sunday and it's the show tonight. We were getting worried that there wouldn't be a match for either Stef or I tonight. But yesterday we got the greatest news. There would be a Divas match. And it wasn't going to be just any match. It was going to be a battle royal for the title that is being brought back...the Women's Championship. It was the last day of Axxess and I was in the room getting ready along with Ted.

"I still can't believe they are bringing back the title." I say from the bathroom.

"Gives more of you a chance to feud over it. Just one title wasn't enough."

"No it was not. I'm just glad Hunter and Vince agreed to bring it back. Things are going to get better around here."

"They got better the day you and Vi were signed."

"That is what we wanted to happen. It was dull and we came to spice it up a bit."

"And you've done a great job so far."

"We plan on getting better to. Making the matches worth watching."

"Which you already do now."


"Wish I had a match tonight, but I'll enjoy watching yours."

"I wish you did too, but you still need more time before you come back."

"Right. I'll be in a pay-per-view eventually."

"I'm sure you will be."

"So, Axxess all day until we're needed at the arena."

"Yup. Another long day." Ted nods. "Hopefully we have something to celebrate tonight after the show too."

"Oh, I know you would absolutely love that. Especially if you're being all cuddly and touchy now."

"I would." He kisses my neck. "You'll see just how much more too."

"I can only imagine."

"Might be longer night tonight than the others."

"If I win anyways."

"You will win. I can feel it."

"You and your feelings."

"Just like yours." He kisses me quick.

"Suppose we should get up now. All the Axxess stuff starts in a couple hours."

"That would be a good idea."

"Wich means you have to let me go for now."


"I know, I know."

"Too comfy." He resists letting me go.

"Of course you are."

"Don't want to let go." He nuzzles my neck.

"Well, we do have time...."

"Then we are taking advantage of it."

"Kind of figured."

"You were right." He pulls me close, not wanting to let go.

"Of course I was right."

"You always are." He kisses the top of he head, letting his hands wander.

"Oh, I know that."

"Right now, I just want some extra time with you before tonight."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"There never is."

"But I do have something picked out to wear today and tonight, that I know you'll like..."

"Oh?" He raises a brow. "Looks like we might get up sooner than later."

"Mmhmm, picked it out last night."

"I know it has to be good if you picked it out already."

"Of course you would think so."

"I know so."

"Well you can only find out if we get up now."

"I'm okay with that."

"So gonna let me go?"

"Yeah..." He sighs. "...only because I want to see what you picked out."

"You can be all cuddly after though."

"Already planned on it."

"I figured as much."

"Well...what are you waiting for?"

"You haven't let me go yet."

"Right." He lets me go. "Now you can get that outfit on."

"Yes I can. I'll try not to take too long." I kiss him quickly and move from the bed.

"Holding you to that."

"I know."

I then head over to my things to get the outfit I picked out. I head into the bathroom after, doing all that I need to do in there, putting the outfit on. After doing all my makeup and hair, I head back out into the room. I put my clothes with my clothes with my bag then turn to see Ted dressed already. Once he sees me, his eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "...Scar..." He stutters. "...that is...incredible." He breaks into a grin.

"You look amazing in new favorite."

"Good to know."

"I'm going to have fun with this one." He walks over to me, running his fingers over the exposed skin.

"That was my plan."

"Never fails."

"And I don't even have shoes on yet."

"Doesn't matter. Still amazing."

"Of course."

"Should get those on so we are not late." I add.

"Right, even though it's not for another hour."

"True, but knowing you right now, we will need all the extra time we can get."

"That's true." He smirks.

I walk over to my things, getting shoes and putting them on. Then we make sure we have what we need before leaving the room to head to Axxess. Meanwhile, Justin and Vi are in their room, still laying in bed, him not wanting to get up yet no matter how much she tries to convince him. "Justy...we have to get ready..."


"As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day...we can't keep the fans waiting."


"You can be as affectionate as you want after we get ready." She gives him a quick kiss. "Plus...I'm wearing a dress today..."

"A dress?" He perks up.

"Mhm." She nods. "A pink one." She adds with a grin.

"I wanna see."

"Then you have to let me get up so I can put it on."

"Alright.." He says, letting her go.

She gives him a quick kiss before moving from the bed and going to her things. She gets her dress she chose then heads into the bathroom. Since she did not have that much to take off, she slips on her dress before starting on her makeup. Once that was done, she started curling her hair. After loosely curling her hair, she shuts the curler off and sets it to the side. When everything was done and looked perfect, she made her way back into the room to grab all her jewelry. As she's putting that on, she can feel Justin staring.

"I know you're staring..." She smirks.

"Can't help myself."

"You like this one?" She spins around for him.


"Well then..." She walks over to him. "...maybe I should get more like this..."

"Yes, you should." He nods.

"Looks like more shopping then."

"Oh yes."

"We'll pick a day or I can get them online. Either way I will get more just for you."

"Love that idea."

"You always love when I shop for dresses." She chuckles. "I'm surprised I do not have more of them."

"Well you will now."

"Oh boy." She laughs. "You are not going to know what to do when it gets more dresses."

"I'll figure something out."

"Do I even want to know?" She raises a brow.

"You'll find out eventually."

"I'm sure I will." She runs her hand through his hair. "I really love this shirt on you..." She adds, biting her lip.

"I knew you would."

"Love the color...makes you look more sexy then you already are."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." She give shim a quick kiss. She goes to pull away only for him to hold her in place a bit longer. After a bit, she's able to pull away.

"Don't want to start something we can't finish." She says after pulling away.


"If all goes well tonight, maybe I'll have another surprise for you."


"Mhm." She nods. "I have something you have not seen yet..."

"I can't wait."

"I know you can' never can." She grins.

"That's your fault most of the time. Everything looks great on you."

"I don't even try either." She blushes slightly.

"You don't have to try."

"So you say all the time."

"Because it's true."

"Of course." She smiles up at him. "Love you." She gives him a quick kiss.

"Love you too."

"I think we should leave before we are late."


They make sure they have everything that they need, such as their gear bags and everything before heading out of the room and down to the car. Once all of their stuff is in the back, they get in and head off to the signings.

"I'm hoping we have the same signing together today."

"Me too. Yesterday was tough, but at least I was with someone I actually liked."

"That was the good thing."

"A really good thing." She rests her head on his shoulder. "Don't they have you signing with Tyson though?" She looks up at him.

"Probably. Us being a tag team and all."

"So we'll most likely be split again today." She frowns a bit.

"We'll just have to wait and find out when we get there."

"You're right." She takes a breath. "Lets hope for the best."

"Right." He nods.

It does not take too long to get there and once they arrive, Justin parks the car. He comes over to her side of the car, helping her out. She wraps her arm around his waist and his rests on her shoulder as they head to where the signings are being held. They go to find out what booth they're gonna be at, and if they're going to be signing together. She looks oer the seating arrangements and groans.

"Looks like we are not sitting together today." She sighs.

"Well who are you with?" He asks.

"I'm with..." She looks at the name again. "...Heath..." She says lowly in shock.

"Great..." He mumbles.

"I'm not happy about this at all." She scoffs. "I really wish there was a way of changing it."

"I wish there was too."

"I bet he had something to do with it. I just knew there was a reason he actually stopped bothering me."

"I hope my booth is at least semi close so I can keep my eye on him."

"I hope so too." She moves closer to his side. "I think I can handle him this time."

"As long as you're sure."

"Not totally, but I can't let him know he gets to me."


"I'm just glad there are more people around so he can not try what he did last time."

"Thank god for that."

"Yes. Thank god." She mumbles, still leaning into his side as they make their way over to the booths.

"Well I don't see him anywhere...yet."

"He'll show up. Once he finds out he is with me he will be here in an instant."

"Let's hope he's late."

"We can only hope." She says, just as there is a voice behind them.

"Well well well." She rolls her eyes at his voice. "Looks like we meet again." They turn to see HEath grinning.

"Not by choice." She scoffs.

"And it's only for a couple hours." Justin adds.

"It's going to be the best few hours of her life too." Heath smirks.

"Psh. In your dreams."

"That's right." He grins.

"Just get over yourself. I'll never leave Justin to be with you. I love him, not you. Grow up and deal with it."

"We'll see about that." He states, before walking away.

"God he gives me the creeps." She shudders after he walks away.

"Because he is a creep."

"Too much for his own good." She holds onto Justin for as long as she can before they have to head their seperate ways.

"Alright, it's only a few hours..."

"I know..." She sighs, biting her lip. "...kiss?" She looks up at him through her eyelashes.

"Of course." He grins.

He moves his hands from her arms to her face, cupping it as he gives her a soft kiss. His fingers run through her hair while he gives her a lingering kiss that will get them through the signing and also let Heath know she's not going anywhere.

"That should help you get through the signing....I hope."

"Mmmm...I have a feeling it will."

"Good. That's what I was going for."

"Works every time." She says in content. Just then Justin gets called for his signing. "Guess we should go now."


"See you in a few hours." She reluctantly pulls away from him.

"See you in a few hours." He repeats.

She slowly makes her way over to the booth she's signing at. When she turns around, she sees Justin still watching as he makes his way over to his booth. She blows him a kiss before sitting down and moving her chair as far from Heath as she could.

"Why so far?"

"I want to be as far away from you as possible."

"Move away any more and you'll be off the platform this table's on."

"Anything is better then sitting close to you."

"But you have to stay on the platform for the signing."

"I'm still on it." She rolls her eyes.

"Here..." He pulls her chair over. "...that's better." He grins.

"No it's not." She clenches her teeth, putting on a smile for the fans. She tries moving her chair, but he grabs her leg.

"You better remove that hand before I break it." She growls.

"Try and stop me."

"I will." She goes to move his hand only for him to move it higher, his hold getting tighter. "Get off." She growls again.

"I would just relax."

"Not with your hand there. All I have to do is get Justin's attention and you will regret it."

"I don't think he will be a problem." He smirks.

"Why is that? Hmmm?" She raises a brow.

"You'll keep quite...unless you want something to happen to him."

When he says that, she gasps as she looks over at Justin biting her lip.

"If I were you, I would just sit back and don't worry about a thing." He whispers to her.

"You wouldn't dare do anything to him."

"Try me."

"You're an ass. You'd risk everything just to get me. That's just insane."

"I would do anything to get you, but you will have no proof I did anything." He smirks.

"Like I're an ass." She yanks his hand off her leg.

"By the way..." He looks we over. " the dress." He licks his lips looking at her.

"Too bad for you, I wore this for Justin and only Justin." She smirks sweetly.

"Not stopping me from looking."

"You know what." She says, fed up. "Look all you want, but you are never going to get a chance."

"We'll see about that." He mutters as the signing continues.

They keep signing things the fans bring up along with taking pictures with them. During the pictures, he uses that chance to put his hand on her waist, getting a little too close. As they sit down, he keeps trying to touch her leg no matter how many times she pushes him away. Finally after a long few hours, the signing is over. She goes to get up to head over to Justin when Heath grabs her wrist.

"Remember what I said." He firmly whispers to her.

"Yeah...whatever." She pulls her hand away to leave the platform.

Along the way to get to Justin, she stops to sign more things with fans and take pictures. While doing that, Justin happens to walk over. He slides his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. All the fans around them gush, taking pictures of them, some wanting pictures with them. They agree and take a few pictures with them before heading off to something else. The whole time they walk around, she clings to him while keeping an eye out for Heath.

"Something wrong?" Justin asks.

"No..." She lies. "Just looking to see where Scar and Ted are."

"Oh, ok. Just wondering."

"Plus, I just missed you. That was a long few hours."

"It was." He nods.

"How about after we leave here, we get something to eat before heading to the arena?" She suggests.

"Sure, sounds good."

She just nods, leaning more into him. She tries her best to relax but what Heath did and said keeps playing her her mind. She wants to tell Justin, but she doesn't want anything to happen to him. She's so deep in thought, she does not realize that they had walked back to the car.

"Vi?" He says as he opens her door for her.

"Huh?" She shakes her head. "Oh...thank you." She fakes a smile, giving him a quick kiss before getting in the car.

"You're welcome." He replies, shutting the door and walking around to the driver's side. He gets in the car, putting his seat belt on before starting the car. She's looking out the window, not paying much attention until she feels him take her hands in his. She jumps slightly until she sees that it's him. He takes her hand to his lips, giving it a kiss as he starts the car. She smiles at him, moving over so she can rest her head on his shoulder. He grins before pulling out of the parking spot and heading off to find a place to eat. After finding a place to eat, he pulls in and finds a place to park. Once he's parked, they head in and get seated right away. After they sit down and order, she stays quiet most of the time they are eating. When they are finished, Justin pays the bill and they headed back out to the car, heading to the arena. As they arrive, they see me and Ted getting ready to walk in.

"Hey!" She greets as she and Justin get out of the car.

"Heyy!" I greet back.

"Ready for tonight?" She asks excitedly.

"Oh you know it."

"After tonight, one of us will have that title."

"Can't wait to see which one of us."

"We'll find out in a couple of hours. It's what...the fourth match of the night?"

"I believe so."

"Looks like we have time to relax...that is after you have your match."

"Which is good."

"We know how you both like the extra time we get."

"We do."

"How about we head in there and not waste anymore time?"

"Let's go."

"We're coming." We giggle as the drag us inside.

"You know, I just realized something. There's one person I have to look out for tonight." I remark.

"Who might that be?"

"Ted knows who I'm talking about. The one person he didn't want me running into months ago while he was off on his injury and I did, because he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. Lesnar."

"That guy is a creep. Just the way he looks at you..." Vi shudders.

"I've been able to avoid him when he's been around, thankfully. I totally forgot about his match against Triple H tonight.

"You know...I did too."

"He is not going to try anything with me here. I will not let him have that chance." Ted holds me tighter.

"Same for you." Justin says to Vi.

"I still wish you could be out there for the battle royal." I tell Ted.

"I do too. I want nothing more than to be out there supporting you."

"You're lucky Justin can come out with you." I say to Vi.

"I am, but how about for tonight we go out together. Justin can stay back here and keep Ted company."

"I can deal with that." He nods.

"What do you say Scar? It sure would be a surprise for everyone."

"It would be. I'm up for it."

"Good. We'll tell the tech guys when we get there that we are going out together."

"Sounds good."

"'s our stop." She says as we reach her and Justin's locker room. "I'll see you later."

"Of course. See you later."

Justin and Vi head into their locker room while Ted and I head the rest of the way to ours.

"Tonight should be exciting."

"It should. You're one step closer to having a title."

"So is Vi."

"You both are, but you can't blame me for wanting you to have it."

"Right. Of course not."

"Well here we are." Ted says as we reach our locker room.

We head inside and set our bags down before walking over to the couch. Before I could even sit, he has me on his lap.

"You would."

"I would." He grins. "I didn't get enough time to do this today."

"Well now you have the rest of the afternoon."

"I plan on taking advantage of the time too." He smirks as his hands start to wander.

"Of course."

He mumbles a response back in favor of nipping at my neck lightly. His hands rest on my thighs for now while he lays light kisses on my neck, being sure not to leave any marks for the match. He kept up the affection and before we knew it, the show was getting ready to start.

"Show's about to start already."

"Oh darn..."

"...time went by to fast."

"Well it kind of does when we do what we did."

"I does." He nods.

"Not that I'm complaining."

"Of course you're not."

"You're lucky I don't have to get ready yet."

"Very lucky." He holds me tighter.

"Excuse me!!!!" Vickie interrupts Cole and Jerry.

"Oh god no."

"Try not to focus on her."

"She's just annoying, and louder than everyone."

"I know..." Ted kisses behind my ear. "...just try...for me." He whispers, leaving light kisses along my jaw.

"I guess I can."


"I said excuse me! Allow me to introduce to you the one superstar in the WWE that shines brighter than any leading man in Hollywood history. He is my client, he is Mr. Money in the Bank, and he is the show off, Dolph Ziggler!"

"Who should be on his own, not with you." I mumble.

"Like she would let that happen. She steals the show more than him."

"Ain't that the truth."

"She needs to go."

"But we all know she's not gonna go anywhere."


They replay the Money in the Bank match from last month where Dolph had won, before going back to the ring. Dolph's music fades out and the lights go out, Chris appearing on the stage like he always does, but with taped up ribs.

"Hmm, the taped up ribs are gonna be a major factor in this."

"That's the first thing Dolph will go after too."

"Well it's the most logical thing to go after. Take advantage of an opponent's injury."

"Exactly." He nods. "I do not see how Chris will pull this off."

"You'd be surprised.""With Chris, you usually are."

"But I do want that jacket."

"Because of the sparkles...I know." He chuckles.

"Yes." I laugh.

"We'll see." He grins.

Jericho tries to lock up but Dolph rolls out of the ring, then Jericho goes after him but Dolph runs around the ring to get away. Jericho catches him with an elbow on the way back in, then he follows with a shoulder block and a chop to the chest. He sets up for a suplex but Dolph floats over, then he attacks Jericho's ribs and gets a near fall pin attempt. Dolph sends him off the ropes but Jericho holds on and backdrops Dolph outside, then Jericho psyches the crowd up and dives outside. Dolph rolls away and Jericho crashes on the floor, then Dolph rolls him in and kicks him before choking him on the ropes. The ref calls for a break so Dolph dropkicks him and hits Jericho's ribs, then he puts him in a side headlock but Jericho breaks it and chops him near the corner. Dolph hits Jericho's ribs again then drops him with a neck breaker for two, then he punches him in the face and sends him into the ropes. Jericho counters with a roll through pin attempt, then he pulls himself up in the corner and he avoids a corner splash by Dolph. Jericho tries to get going on offense but Dolph goes right back to the ribs, then Jericho counters a corner whip with a boot to the head. He goes up top and hits an axe handle smash, but Dolph throws him into the corner and catches him with a leg drop bulldog for two. Jericho takes Dolph down and goes for Walls of Jericho, then Dolph shifts his hips to break it but Jericho catches him off guard with an enziguiri. Jericho runs at him in the corner but Dolph dives away and Jericho hits the turnbuckles, then Dolph puts him in a sleeper hold but Jericho slams him in the corner to break the hold. Dolph goes up top but Jericho cuts him off, then he punches him ten times and follows it up with a jumping hurricanrana for a two count. Jericho gets up but Dolph surprises him with a DDT, then they slug it out until Jericho elbows Dolph and takes him down with a bulldog. Jericho goes for a Lionsault but Dolph gets his knees up, then he jumps up and hits a Zig Zag but Jericho kicks out and Dolph can't believe it. Jericho surprises Dolph with a Codebreaker, then Dolph rolls out of the ring so Jericho rolls him back in the ring and Vickie tries to grab his foot. Dolph tries to steal a pin but Jericho kicks out, then he throws Dolph into the ring post and gets him to tap out to the Walls of Jericho.

"That was one hell of a match. I though dolph was going to win, but Chris came through."

"Injured ribs and all."

"He really is the best in the world at what he does."

"Yeah and Punk says the same exact thing...about himself."

"Punk has nothing on Chris. He has not proven it yet."

"Poor Vickie...she was crying. Oh too bad. About time she doesn't cheat for him."

"For once a fair match. Now she can go cry in the back. I'm sure no one will really care."

"I know I won't."

"I don't know who would."

After both men leave the ring and head backstage, it's a quick break before coming back to the show. They replay last Monday the conflict between Lesnar and Shawn, breaking his arm when Triple H came down to the ring.

"Unbelievable. Isn't this supposed to be family entertainment? That's not family friendly at all."

"It's suppose to, but Vince thinks that is what gets the ratings."

Lesnar is then backstage with Heyman, ready to be interviewed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Brock Lesnar." Striker introduces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I am the advocate for the most destructive, the most dominant, the most decorated athlete in the history of WWE, Brock Lesnar. Now earlier this evening, my client's opponent Triple H used his influence to convince a referee to use his...discretion. My client's opponent Triple H said and I repeat this to you verbatim, this is a fight...a fight to the finish. The key word there is finish because tonight Brock Lesnar will finish Triple H and break the spirit of WWE."

"Highly doubt that...well the spirit of the company anyway."


"I'm just glad I'm not roaming around backstage right now."

"As long as he is around, you will not be unless you're with me, Justin, or someone else I trust."

"I don't want him hurting any of you though. The last thing any of you need is a broken arm."

"Hopefully none of us will have to face him and have that happen."


"Triple H, this is a fight you cannot win." Brock simply states.

"And if you ain't down with that, we have two words for you. Tap...out."

The screen fades on Brock's face to the stage where Daniel's screaming 'No!' as he goes down to the ring.

"I wish he would just shut up." Vi rolls her eyes.

"Maybe after tonight when Kane beats him, we will not have to listen to him anymore."

"Oh I hope so."

"Maybe he will get choke slammed into next year. That would shut him up." Justin chuckles.

"I'd love to see that."

"I bet you would." He nips at her neck lightly.

"Remember, no marks before the match."

"I remember..." He groans. "...those will be saved for later." He smirks.

"I would hope so."

"They will be. I'll control myself...for now."


"Going to be hard though..." He moves his fingers up her arms lightly, causing goosebumps to form.

"Justy..." She shivers. "...the show."

"...I know..."

" can be as affectionate as you want, but no marks."


He lets his hands move over all the skin he can reach, which is a lot due to her spaghetti strap dress she's wearing. She leans back into his touch as he presses light kisses from her shoulder to her neck, then back again, repeating the process for as long as he can.

"I'm so totally relaxed right now."

"Good. That was my plan." He grins.

"I'm glad the match isn't for a while. I don't want to move right now."

"I don't want you to move right now." He holds her tighter. "Been waiting for this all day."

"Mmmm, I bet you were.

"I I'm good. I got you and that is all I need."

"I feel the same way."

"Love you."

"Love you too." She kisses him quick.

"I love you more."

"Nooo...I love -you- more."

"I think I love you more."

"I know I love you more." She runs her hand over his cheek. "Do I have to show you how much I love you?" She smirks, brushing her lips over his.

"You show it everyday, I know."

"So do you." She gives him a slow kiss. "We love each other equally." She says after pulling away.

"That's very true."

"Always will be." She rests her head on his shoulder, sighing in content.


"Forever." She repeats.

The end of the match came a while later. Daniel lets the YES! chants get to him again, then he goes up top for a diving headbutt but Kane catches him on the way down and stands up and chokeslams him. Kane calls for a Tombstone and screams at Daniel to get up, then he lifts him up but Daniel rolls through and steals it with a small package rollup. Kane freaks out about losing the match and he rips off his elbow pads and heads backstage, then he screams at a bunch of people backstage and opens a door. Josh Mathews tries to get a few words with him about the match, but Kane screams at him and asks where Daniel is. Josh tells him he already left, then Kane screams and throws him over a table before knocking over some trash cans down the hallway.

"That was uncalled for. Josh did nothing to him. He did not deserve that." Vi shakes her head.

"That's why you avoid an angry Kane."

"Exactly. Glad I'm not out there walking around right now. He scares me."

"He scares a lot of people."

"I'm just glad I've never had to be around him." She shudders at the thought.

"Don't worry. You'll never have to be either."

"Good." She moves closer to him, snuggling into his touch.

It's another quick break with an ad before going to the next match, which was the Intercontinental Championship match where Rey faces Mike.

"I really don't see how this match is fair. Rey hasn't done anything to deserve a title match."

"No he has not. There are others who deserve a shot before he does."

"Must be nice to just come back and instantly get a title shot."

"Right. If they do it for him they should do it for everyone."

"Exactly. But hey Rey looks like batman." Justin chuckles.

"He does." She chuckles.

"Very creative though."

"It is." She nods. "I think it would look better on you." She smirks.

"Of course you would think so."

"Just the though of you in all that leather..." She trails off, biting her lip at the thought. " hot."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You would." She chuckles, kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Yes...yes I would."

"Going to kill me, aren't you?"


"Oh boy."

"You'll never see it coming."

"Knowing you...I won't."

"You know me so well."

"I do. Just like you know me."

In the end, Rey counters with a roll through for a two count, then they both get up slowly but Mike launches Rey headfirst into the turnbuckles, then he hits Skull Crushing Finale to retain.

"Thank god Mike won. Rey doesn't deserve that title yet."

"No he doesn't."

"I think you should have a title shot before Rey does. You've worked so hard to get one. He has not."

"I know."

"Hopefully You'll get one soon."

"Hopefully." He agrees.

"I'm going to have to move...have to get ready for the match soon."


"I won't be long." She assures him. "'s your favorite gear of mine."

"Well that changes my attitude." He grins.

"I figured it would." She grins. "You just have to let me go so I can put it on for you."

"Right. My bad." He chuckles, letting her go.

"I'll be right back." She kisses him quick, lightly running her nails over the back of his neck. Before he has time to react, she rushes into the changing area giggling. She grabs her gear bag and gets her attire out. It doesn't take her long to change and once she's done, she walks back into the room.

"'re distracting."

"Oops." She giggles. "My bad." She walks over to him, sitting on his lap. Once she sits, his hands start to wander all over.

"Remember...nothing until after the match."

"I know..." He sighs. "...just can't help myself...I love this attire on you." He grins.

"I know you do."

"I'll's going to be hard, but I will do my best." He kisses behind her ear.


She leans back into his touch, letting him have his fun while he can. Then appearing on the screen was Eve and Teddy Long coming out of AJ's office.

"You know Eve, I think AJ is doing a great job as general manager of RAW. I talked to some of the Raw superstars and they all love her. Especially the way she runs RAW."

"She sure is amazing."

"Yes she is."

Then Punk is outside her office and rolls his eyes before entering.

"What's with the look on your face? Okay cute. Uh...I brought this the past...I feel like I need to reiterate it. But putting the champion in a match where he can lose his title, without being the one defeated is unfair. And I can only speculate the reason you're doing this to me is because you got down on one knee and you proposed in front of the world, and I said no. And humiliated you right?"

"You wish." She rolls her eyes. "Get over yourself."

"I get it, you're being your quirky, unstable self. That's cool. Hey. Alright look. Now you're disrespecting me just like my opponents are disrespecting me. Just like most of the uninformed public is disrespecting me. But I want you to know, tonight, I will successfully defend my WWE Championship. And prove once again that I am the best in the world. And then tomorrow night you and everybody else, well you'll be forced to show me some respect won't you?"

He then leaves the room from not wanting to deal with a zoned out AJ.

"He thinks that will get him respect?" Vi scoffs. "He has to earn it not demand it."

"Apparently he doesn't see it that way."

"The he will not get respect. Not from me anyway."


"I hope he loses tonight." She mumbles.

Back to ringside where Cole and Jerry talked briefly about Punk, before going into a video package that highlight's the memorable moments of the Women's Championship, followed by individual promo videos for the divas competing.

"I hope I get that title."

"I hope so too."

"That will be a major accomplishment in my career. Everything I worked for will be proven with that title."

"It will." He nods.

"Even if I don't win, there's the Divas title too. I do know who I don't want to win and if I don't, I'll make sure Scar gets it."

"And I'm sure she'd do the same for you."

"I know she will."

"Should probably get going huh? With that video package, it means the match is up next."

"Yeah, we should." She sighs, moving from his lap.

"No one will ever expect you or Scar to be in the match."

"They won't. Going to be a surprise to everyone. We go out last and since we are going together they will not expect it to be both of us."

"It'll be priceless...especially Eve. I would love to get that on video." She laughs.

"Well I do have recording capabilities on my phone." Justin states.

"That's true, but I thought you were staying back with Ted this time?"

"Well I'm sure the cameras out there will catch her face when one of you win. I can take it right off of the monitor to my phone."

"Good idea. I want to remember that moment forever." She snickers.

"And you shall."

She leans up kissing his cheek just as we reach the curtain. When they get there, they see Ted and I waiting with most of the Divas going out already. All that was left was Natalya and Kaitlyn.

"So, you think they know?" Vi asks once they walk up to us.

"They have no idea."

"Perfect." She grins, rubbing her hands together. "This is going to be easy."

"Imagine if it came down to just you and me?"

"I never thought about that..." She bites her lip. " would sure be one hell of a fight...not meaningful though."

"We can only hope that doesn't happen, or hope that neither one of us has a heel turn."

"I don't think either of us will turn...if it comes down to just us, we will come up with something."

"Right, of course."

The tech waves us over since everyone else is already in the ring. We give Ted and Justin a quick kiss before my theme hits and we walk out, posing at the top of the ramp as the crowd goes wild at seeing us. We grin at each other before high fiving and heading down the ramp. After slapping hands with the fans, we reach the ring and go to opposite sides, climbing up and into the the ring. Once the music fades, that's when they ring the bell to start the match. All the Divas go after each other and it turns into khaos. We work together to get as many Divas as we can out of the ring. At one point, Vi's about to send someone over the rope and almost go over until I come over and eliminate that Diva, saving her from going over.

"You're not getting rid of that fast. You're gonna last as long as you can."

"Thanks. Same goes for you."

"Look out." I state as another comes at us. We work together and send her over the ropes, eliminating her.

"That was close."

We get back into the action, getting most of the Divas out of the ring. After getting most eliminated, it came down to Vi, me, Eve and Kelly. Eve was going after Vi while Kelly and I were fighting. I try to get Kelly over the ropes, while Eve sends Vi over at the same time. Vi falls to the floor, holding her back a bit since she landed hard. I finally get Kelly over the ropes, but Eve comes over and starts to lift me over.

"Oh, I don't think so." Vi huffs, getting up and walking over to where we both are. She pulls at Eve's leg long enough for her to get distracted and let me go. She starts to yell at her and I take advantage, starting to lift her over. Vi puts her knee on the ropes, pulling it down, causing Eve to fall to the floor and I get the win.

Right at the moment when the bell rang and I was announced the winner, it didn't hit me as hard for the time being that I had won. But once the title was brought into the ring by a ref and handed it to me, it finally hit me and I had all kinds of emotions.

"You did it!" Vi gets into the ring, giving me a hug after my hand is raised.

"With your help."

"I was not letting Eve get that title. No way in hell."

"And there's no way she's getting the Divas either. You'll make sure of that whenever a number one contender is chosen to face Layla."

"I sure will. She is not worthy of any title."

"No. Not like she needs the Divas championship again anyways."

"Nope." She shakes her head. "Let's go get your name on this." She points to the title.

"After the little attack I'll receive when we get backstage, through that curtain."

"Of course." She chuckles. "I think he's waited long enough."

"I think he has." I laugh. I raise the title up one last time before we exit the ring and head up the ramp to the back.

Almost instantly, like I had said, I was attacked by Ted. "I'm so proud of you!" He picks me up, spinning me around.

"Well if it wasn't for Vi, I probably would've been eliminated, but I know you are. I had that feeling before coming back here."

"Well I'm glad she helped you." He grins, setting me down. "Thank you for that Vi."

"Anytime." She nods.

"I also have another sense...of what's to come when we get back to the hotel."

"You're feeling is right." He smirks.

"Oooohhhh." She teases.

"Shush you."

"Neeevvveerrrrr." She sings.

"I got Eve's reaction on video." Justin grins.

"Perfect. I want to see it."

"Here..." He says, playing the video and we crowd around to see her reaction.

"Oh that is priceless." She laughs.

"Aww...she's crying." I fake sympathy.

"Poor poor little hoeski...NOT."

"That's all she'll ever be. An ass kissing little hoeski. Nothing more and probably much less."

"Now, I think I need to get my name on this title, that's mine now."

"You do." We nod.

"I'll go with you." Vi says.

"We'll all go."

"Good idea."

We then leave the curtain and head to where the names get put on titles. Once there, me and Ted head in while Justin and Vi wait outside the door for us to come out. While they are waiting, she keeps trying to stretch her back out since it still hurts a bit from the match.

"Need help?" Justin asks.

"Please?" She groans.

"Of course."

He moves behind her and starts to rub any of the sore spots she has. He hits a few spots that make her wince so he works on them for a bit before moving to the other spots. After a few minutes, she starts to feel a bit better.

"Mmm...thank you." She leans into his touch.

"Anything for you. You took a hard hit out there. Eve is vicious."

"She is and that hurt like hell. I was going on pure adrenaline."

"I know you didn't win, but I'm proud of how long you lasted in the match."

"Thank you." She tilts her head giving him a quick kiss. "Scar helped a lot too. I was almost out if it was not for her."

"I saw. It's a good thing to work together in situations like that."

"It is. That's the reason why her and I are so good out there."

"Well that just leaves you for the Divas title."

"I plan on bring that title home where it belongs. I mean, I like Layla and all, but I want that title."


"Just have to wait for a chance to get it. Hopefully there will be another battle royal or something to get that chance."

"Lets hope so."

She leans back into him more, trying to relax as he rubs her shoulders trying to ease some of the soreness. After a while, Ted and I come back out with my name on the title.


"I wanna see." Vi moves from Justin, walking over to us. "Now that looks better." She mentions after seeing my name on it.

"It sure does."

"Now it's perfect."

"Yes it is."

"I think we should go and get ready to head back." Ted says to me with a smirk.

"Now how did I know you wanted to leave this early huh?"

"Because you know me all too well."

"It's a good thing I have this recording back at the hotel. I don't wanna miss the rest of the show."

"It's a very good thing."

"So yeah, let's head back so I can change and we can get ready to go."

"We're there." Ted starts to pull me down the hall.

"Don't have too much fun champ." She teases as we both head down the hall.

"Can't make any promises!" Ted calls.

Vi laughs shaking her head as Justin and her start to head back to their locker room. Ted and I make it to our locker room and he hurries me inside.

"Okay okay...pushy." I laugh.

He does not respond, but presses his lips mine in an intense kiss. Before I realize what is going on, he has my back against the wall with his hands on my hips and lips still on mine. After a bit I start to respond, my arms finding their way around his neck. He keeps the kiss going for a bit longer before slowing the kiss down and pulling from my lips.

"We'll finish later." He rests his forehead against mine.

"I would think so. Because we can't really do things other than this in here."

"I know...that was just a preview of things to come."

"I kind of figured that."

"Now go get ready so we can get out of here."

"Have to let me go first."

"Right." He lets go, giving me a quick kiss.

I then walk past him and go in to change. It doesn't take me that long to change and once I'm done, I walk out then put my gear back in my bag.

"All ready to go?"

"Been ready." He nods anxiously.

"Of course."

"Lets goooo." He starts to pull me out of the room.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

He leads me down the halls trying to get to the car quickly. On the way, I'm stopped by a few Divas and superstars saying congratulations on winning. I thank them as we both head out to the car. I get my things in the back before getting in the car. He's already in the driver's side, anxious to leave. Once I'm in and buckled, he starts the car and heads for the hotel. It doesn't take too long to get there and once we reach the hotel, I get my bag out of the back and head inside. After reaching our room, we walk inside and I drop my bag by my things.

"Now..." he walks over to me. "...where were we?" He pulls me to him, moving some hair from my face. He looks at me for a moment before pressing his lips back to mine once again. I take no time at all to kiss him back, and my arms once again go around his neck and rest there as I hold him even closer. He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed. Once there, he sits down with me on his lap, while letting his hands roam from my waist to my thighs. He pulls from my lips to trail across my jawline and to my neck. I tilt my head to the side, giving him better access. He lightly nips at my skin as he brushes over my sensitive spot. That causes me to tug on his hair instead of making any noise for now. He nips a bit more roughly at my skin while squeezing my thighs, intent on getting a response out of me. As much as he wants a response, I resist as much as I can. Since he is determined to get a reaction out of me, he starts to use his tongue as he hovers over the spot on my neck. I'm trying so hard to resist, but now that he's stepped it up a bit, it's even harder. Not able to fight it anymore, I do make a noise, and I don't have time to muffle it into his shoulder so it's loud and clear to him. He smirks against my skin as he continues to work on the spot until there is a good sized mark, but also coverable. Once he feels there is one forming, he pulls away to see one forming. Smirking, he moves back to my lips. My arms move from around his neck, my hands making their way down his chest, abs and then stop at the bottom of his shirt where I start to play with it. He pulls away just long enough for me to pull it over his head. Once that is off, his lips go right back to mine. Since he's busy with my lips, I take the chance to have my fun at the same time. My nails run across his abs lightly. A growl comes from him as he kisses more roughly. I manage to smirk into the kiss and since I got that reaction out of him, I do it some more...purposely. This time a much louder growl comes from him. He shifts from sitting and next thing I know, he has me pinned to the bed.

"I can't touch you no more?" I fake a pout.

"Nope. You had your fun for now."

"You're no fun."

He lets go of one hand in favor of tugging at my shirt.

"I can deal with one hand being free."

"Good." He lifts my shirt up, wanting it off.

"You do know you have to let go of the other hand in order to get the shirt off right?" I giggle.

"I know..." He lets go of my hand, slowly moving his hand down my arm then my side.

"Of course you have to take your time..."

"All the more fun for me." He grins.

"And the more torture for me."

"Mhm. You love it though."

"I do."

"Now..." He pulls on my shirt. "...this needs to come off."

"Of course." I state, sitting up so he can take the shirt off.

He pulls it over my head and his hands start to roam over all the newly exposed skin. I shiver a bit as I start to feel goosebumps form after his fingers move across my skin. He moves his hands to my hips, resting them there for now as he leans down kissing all the skin he can reach. Soon his hands start to fumble with the button of my pants.

"Oh so all my clothes come off first I see."

"Yes." He grins.


He wastes no time in getting my pants undone before tugging them down. He pulls them off then moves his hands slowly up my legs, kissing up my stomach as he goes. Once he's close enough to move to my lips, I wait until he's done before pulling him up to my lips and kissing him hard. His one hand rests on my side, while the other goes to my hair. He kisses me back just as hard, hard enough that we both will have bruised lips when everything is done.

"Bruised lips."

"Most likely."

"But you're not done yet....I know it."

"Far from done."

"Well then...I think we need to continue..."

"We shall." He grins, pressing his lips to mine once again.

From there, he grabs the blankets to pull over us to continue to celebrate my win from tonight. Justin and Vi were in their locker room watching the rest of the show. She was laying on her stomach with her head in his lap while he was holding some ice on her back to ease the soreness a bit more.

"Feeling better?"

"A little. The ice is helping some."

"That's good."

"Can't wait to get back." She groans, shifting a bit. "Thinking about a hot bath or a dip in the jacuzzi."

"We can do that."

"I think that will help out a lot. Just as soon as the show is over..." She winces as a sharp pain goes through her lower back.

He instantly moves the ice to that spot, to ease it.

"Thanks." She bites her lip, taking a deep breath.

"Anything to help you feel better."

"You're the best." She smiles slightly. "I do need to get changed though." She slowly tries to push herself up.

"You need any help?"

"I think I'll be fine..." She slowly gets to her knees. She goes to stand back up, but stumbles back down.

"...maybe I could use some help." She winces, holding her back.

"I'll carry you in."

"Alright." She holds out her arms as he stands up.

He carefully picks her up then carries her into the changing area. She starts to get off what she can while he gets her clothes for her to change into.

"Got your clothes."

"Thank you...again." She laughs slightly. "I just need help with my shoes."

"I've got it."

While he takes her shoes off, she carefully slips on her dress over her head. "Can you help with the zipper?"

"Of course." He grins, zipping the dress.

After he gets that done, he moves his fingers over her shoulders trying to ease the pain. He kisses he shoulder lightly, moving up her neck to her jaw before giving her a quick kiss.

"You have to get me going?" She leans back into him.

"You love it."

"There's no denying that I don't." She grins.

"But I know that you'll be taking it easy tonight, we don't need you hurting yourself even more. So that means no doing what we normally do. Just for tonight unfortunately."

"Right. I need to be in the best shape I can be if I want the Divas title. Tomorrow is another day."


"Do we really need to stay for the whole show?" She looks up at him. "I hear that jacuzzi calling my name."

"We can leave when you want."

"I want to leave now. I don't think I will make it te rest of the night."

"We can go now then."


She goes to stand up, but he stops me. She gives him a look before he scoops her up carefully in his arms. He walks back out into the room to get her bag before they head out to the car.

"No walking for you."

"Well aren't you just a sweet little thing." She kisses his jaw.

"I love you too."

She smiles, resting her head on his shoulder. When they reach the car, he sets her down, making sure she's leaning against the car so he can open the door. Once he has that open, he helps her in the car, then with the seat belt. She gives him a quick kiss before he closes her door, putting her bag in the back. He then gets in the car and once he is buckled, he heads to the hotel. Once they get to the hotel, he comes around to her side. He gets her bag first and sets that on the hood of the car, before opening her door and helping her out, followed by picking her up to carry her inside. She wraps her arms around his neck, laying her head back on his shoulder as he makes his way into the hotel and through the lobby. Once the doors open, he steps in and hits the button for their floor. When the doors open again, he makes his way to their room. He reaches their door and opens it with the card, walking in. He carefully sets her down on the bed where it's comfortable.

"I could get used to that."

"You know I love carrying you."

"I know you do." She grins. "I have a feeling you'll be carrying me for a few days."

"Most likely."

"Now how did I know that?" She chuckles.

"Because you know me that well."

"I do." She nods. "Now, I think it's time to get in that jacuzzi and relax."

"Yes." He nods.

He walks over to her, picking up carefully before heading over to the jacuzzi.

"Just let me get this started."


He sets her down so he can do that. As he is getting that ready, she reaches back to unzip her dress. She's able to get the zipper down without any trouble, then she lets her dress fall to the floor, carefully stepping out of it. After he gets the jacuzzi turned on and waiting a few minutes, he tests the water himself and it's the perfect temperature. He motions for her to get in, him helping her get in. She slowly sits down in front of one of he jets, letting it hit the sore spot on her back. After he gets his clothes off, he climbs in since she's all settled and wraps his arm around her neck while she lays her head on his chest. "This feels so good." She sighs.

"Good. It's supposed to."

"This was a great idea. I'm starting to feel better already."

"That's great."

"Just hope I can stay awake long enough."

"If you fall asleep, I'll carry you out, dry you off and put you in bed."

"You always do." She relaxes more. "Love you." She tilts her head giving him a quick kiss.

"Love you too.

They go back to relaxing and enjoying the soothing motion of the jets. Justin moves his hand from her shoulder, rubbing some of the sore spots that are still there. With his help and the jets, all the spots go away and she starts to feel herself starting to doze off. She tries to fight the feeling, but ends up closing her eyes and going to sleep on his shoulder. Once he notices a change in her breathing, he looks down to see her asleep. He smiles to himself before carefully moving her into his arms, carrying her out of the jacuzzi. He gets a few towels to dry her off before taking her over to the bed. Once he has her dry enough, he pulls the covers down gently laying her down. She rolls over, reaching out for him and groans once she don't feel him.

"I'll be right back...promise."

"Mmmhmmm..." She nods sleepily.

He heads out to shut the jacuzzi off before coming back in. He walks over to the bed, pulls the covers down and climbing on the bed. He pulls her over to him carefully and once she feels his skin, she snuggles right into him. He kisses the top of her head as she settles back down, drifting back off to sleep.

"Night Vi." He whispers.

She mumbles a response back, then she's out. He looks down at her smiling, moving some hair from her face, leaning down giving her a kiss. He stays up for a bit longer just watching her as she sleeps before he goes to sleep himself.