Status: Active

All About Us

Divas Battle Royal

It's the next day after SummerSlam and it's a busy day for us. We all have a Make-A-Wish event to go to, but that's later in the day. Justin and Vi are currently still sleeping after a relaxing night after the show. She's still sleeping, but the ringing of a phone wakes Justin up. He looks around before realizing that it's her phone. So he reaches over and grabs it, answering it.

"Vi..." He tries to wake her.

"...hmmm..." She shifts, not wanting to get up.

"Phone." He shakes her again. She rolls over onto her back as he hands her the phone.


"Violet. It's AJ. I have some good news for you."

"Oh, hi AJ. What's the news?"

"I'm giving you another shot at a title. We're having a Battle Royal for the number one contendership for the Divas Championship. Winner faces Layla at the next pay-per-view."

"Really? That's great news. When is this match going to happen?"

"Tonight on Raw."

"Amazing. Thank you so much for the opportunity, it really means a lot."

"You're welcome."

She then tells her what time the match will happen and everything she needs to know before hanging up. After hanging up, she rolls over to set her phone on the night stand. Justin rolls over behind her, draping his arm over her waist laying a light kiss to her shoulder.

"Good news."

"Very good news." There's going to be a Battle Royal for the Divas title tonight and I get to be a part of it."


"Yes. That's what AJ called for. Winner faces Layla at the next Pay-Per-View."

"That's great!"

"I'm excited. Now maybe I'll get a chance at having the title."

"That would be amazing."

"It really would." She shifts so she's laying on her back. "Everything will be paid off if I get that."

"And when you do get it, some well deserved celebrating." He winks.

"Oh boy." She giggles. "Going to be sore for a few days I assume?"

"Most likely."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She pulls him down, giving him a slow kiss.

"Me neither."

"Love you."

"Love you too." He kisses her quick, letting his hands wander.

"Touchy already I see."


"Anything to do with the lack of clothes?" She runs her hands through his hair while he kisses the skin he can reach.


"...I is..." she shifts as he brushes over a few spots on her neck.

"It's possible."

"It so is..." She bites her lip as his hand goes up her thigh. He keeps up the torture by just hovering his lips over the spot on her neck. She moans softly as his breath hits the spot, driving her more crazy.

He chuckles quietly and she can hear the smile in his voice.

"...torture..." She whines, tugging on his hair.

"You love it."

"I do."

He hovers a bit longer knowing it's getting to her. Before she has time to react, he goes after the spot, nipping and sucking roughly intent on leaving a mark. Since it was so sudden, she had no time to muffle the noise that cam from her so they were loud and clear to him. She arches her back into him, pulling on his hair. He grins against her skin, the reaction being what he was waiting for. He continues until he's sure that a mark is forming, but a coverable mark at the least because he keeps in mind of her match for tonight. Once he feels one is starting to form, he pulls away with a smirk seeing one start to form. He moves back to her lips slowly and once he's there, she pulls him as close to her as he can get, kissing him hard and eagerly. She keeps her hand rested on the back of his neck, holding him in place so that he couldn't move at all just yet. He moves his hand from her thigh to her hip just lightly running his fingers over her skin. She starts to slow the kiss down after a bit, pulling away for air.

"Bruised lips?" He chuckles.

"Most likely."

"Good. That was my goal."

"It always is." She grins. "Now...I think we should get up soon. I want to go to the gym before tonight." She adds.

"Good idea."

"You're going to have to let me go first."


"You can be all touchy after I change...promise." She gives him a quick kiss.


"Don't pout. You know I can't resist that."

"I know."

"Then you know how hard it for me to be strong right now." She slowly shifts from his arms.

"I do."

"The things you do to me." She chuckles. She tries to move from the bed, but he does not want to let go just yet. She grins, pressing her lips to his while running her hand down his chest. She stops right before thew aist of his boxers, making him tense. She presses her fingers into one of his indents causing him to let her go briefly. She takes the chance and moves from the bed quickly, with a smirk on her face.


"Love you too." She giggles. She heads over to her bags, getting out a pair of short pink workout shorts along with a pink sports bra. She gets those on, then gets her shoes out as well. She goes to the mirror, putting her hair in a side braid before going to the bed to put her shoes on. As she does so, she can feel Justin's eyes on her.

"I can feel you staring." She smirks.

"Can't help it."

"You never can." She gets her shoes on, then go to stand only to have Justin's arm snake around her waist, holding her in place.

"Can't help it in the gym either."

"Of course not. This is all for you anyway." She tilts her head, giving him a kiss. "Now go get dressed before I leave without you this time." She pokes his side.

"Can't have that."

"Nope. Now go." She chuckles. .

"I'm going, I'm going." He laughs.

He gets off the bed going to his things to change. While he changes, she gets her bag ready so she can change at the gym for the make a wish event later. Just as she finishes packing her bag and getting stuff for Justin, he's comes up behind, wrapping his arms around her waist all changed.

"I'm all set to go now."

"Me too."

"Got you clothes for later too." She adds as they get everything else they may need.


"For the make a wish even we have. Figure we change at the gym instead of come all that way back here."

"Good point."

"We'll have just enough time to get lunch after then we have to head over there."

"Sounds good."

After they have everything they need, he laces his hand with her as they head out the door. They make their way to the elevator then down to the car, heading to the gym. When they get to the gym, he finds a place to park. They both get out, grab their bags and head inside. As they head inside, there are not many people there but the few that are there look over at them seeming to know who they are. They smile and nod at them as they head over to where they want to start. While she's warming up, she notices a few of the guys looking for a bit longer than they should. She gets up from stretching and walks over to Justin, wrapping her arm around his neck and pulling him down for an intense kiss.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but...what was that for?" He grins, after they pull away, breathless.

"Just showing a few people, who like to stare, who I'm here with." She nods her head back to the guys who are staring.


"They've been staring since we walked in. Obviously seeing me with you was not enough for them."


"It worked. They're not looking anymore." She glances over her shoulder.


"Now to workout." She pulls away from him, heading over to the arm bar. She makes sure to stay in the same area as him just in case.

He stays where he is, since that's where he's working first. He makes sure he's in view of her, and she's in view of him. She can't help but to get a few glimpses of him in the mirror. She bites her lip, trying to remain focused on what she's doing. Since he knows she can see him, he goes slower making sure his muscles flex. She's too busy staring that she almost drops the bar she's holding, but catches it in time. To get him back, she changes the weights and puts the bat on her shoulders, making sure to go up and down as slow as she could. He too almost drops what he's holding and catches it in time before it falls. The back and forth torture continues until they both move onto something else. The next thing she does is some leg exercises. She starts with a few leg lifts, making sure to go as slow as she could since she knew he was watching.

"Killing me." He says loud enough for her to hear.

"I know." She smirks. "Just returning the favor."


They go back to working out before she decides to do a but more upper body work. She goes over to do some work on her arms and upper body. She sits down and grabs the handles on the machine and starts to pull on them, keeping a close eye on her surroundings. Justin decided to take a break, so he came over and sat on a bench nearby.

"Done already?" She asks between reps.

"Just taking a break."

"Ah." She nods. "Come over here to distract me more?" She jokes.


"Well, it's working." She winks.

"I can tell."

"A bit too much." She slows down before stopping what she was doing. She moves to the end of the bench so she's closer to where he's sitting. He reaches out, resting his hands on her lower thighs. "I think one more thing and I'm done for the day." She rests her head on his arm, trying to catch her breath.

"Alright." He nods.

"You go do what you need to and I'll be on the treadmill."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure. You'll be able to see me and I'll be able to see you." She assures him.


"Don't worry. I'll be fine." She gives him a quick kiss.

I trust you."

"Good. Then you know I'll take care of anyone who tries anything." She gives him a reassuring kiss.

"Of course."

"I'll be right over there." She nods her head over to the treadmills. She gives him another quick kiss before standing up and heading over. As she walks by, he slaps her butt, then acts all innocent.

"Oh, you're so in for it."

"Looking forward to it." He grins.

"Insatiable." She calls as she heads to the treadmill.

"You know it." He calls back. She blows him a kiss as she steps on the treadmill. She starts it up and starts to walk before breaking into a jog. He then gets up and heads off to the next thing he decides to do. They do that for awhile longer before deciding to to finish up for the day. Since they were both finished, they head into the locker rooms to change. She gave Justin his clothes before they headed in. She headed in, getting a quick shower before changing and getting her hair and makeup done. Once that was all done, she walked out to see Justin waiting for her.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you." She blushes slightly. "I must say. I did good with the clothes. I love that shade of blue on you."

"You know me so well."

"I do." She grins, playing with the collar of his shirt. "Just like you know me." She pulls him down, kissing him briefly.

"Mmm...I do."

"How about we head out? Don't want to give everyone here a show."

"Good idea."

He keeps his arm over her shoulder as they head out to the car. Once there, they put their things in the back before he opens her door. She thanks him then gets in before he heads over to the other side. After he's in, they head off to find a place for lunch. In the meantime, I've gotten up before Ted and grabbed some clothes to wear before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. I set the water to the temperature I like and wait for it to heat up. Once the water was ready, I stepped into the shower. I got mostly everything done, when I heard the door open.

"It's just me." Ted says as he walks in.

"Well of course. You're the only one who shares the room with me."

"I know. Just didn't want to scare you."

"Right. Well I'm almost done in here..."

"Awww. I was hoping to join you."

"You're just a little too late..."

"Darn." He pouts. "Next time I won't be late."

"Of course. But there is one thing you can do for me. Hand me the towel, please." I say as I shut the water off.

"Sure." He gets a towel before walking over to hand it to me. He waits a bit before handing it to me, just taking in the view.

"There's only so much heat the bathroom holds before it starts getting cold you know." I laugh.

"Oh...right." He snaps out of his daze, handing me the towel.

"Dazey." I snicker as I wrap the towel around myself.

"Your fault." He comes up behind me, letting his hands run over my arms as he leans down, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck.

"My fault that I just needed to take a shower..."

"You know what I mean." He chuckles.

"Yes I know."

"I think I should get dressed before we have a round 2 of last night." I add.

"That's a good idea."

"It requires letting me go..."

"Right." He slowly lets go.

"Just shoot...."

"Mmmhmmm...I remember." He smirks.

"Ring attire..."

"Killing me with the thoughts already..."


"You're just that anything you wear or don't wear."

"Good to know."

"I think you should get dressed now so we are not late to your shoot."

"I should." I nod.

He spins me around, walking back until I bump into the counter. He cups my face, giving me a soft, lingering kiss. After he pulls away, he goes back into the room allowing me to change and so he can change himself. After he shuts the door, I take my clothes and start to change. Once I was dressed, I dry my hair and just leave it the way it is when it's dried, since it's going to be done up for the photo shoot. When I'm done everything, I head back out into the room to get whatever else I might need.

"Gorgeous." Ted says once he sees me.

"Even in one of your shirts."

"Especially in my shirt." He grins.

"I thought so."

"Looks even better on you then it does me."

"Well I wouldn't say that."

"You should. It looks amazing on you."

"I think it looks more better on you."

"I beg to differ, but you know what looks good on me."

"I do."

"Well, I'm all ready when you are."

I grab my bag that has my ring attire in it and then take his hand and we leave. We take the eleavtor down to the lobby before heading to the car. Once there, I put my bag in the back before Ted opens my door for me. I give him a quick kiss getting in, then he heads over to the other side. When he's in and all ready, he starts to head to where the photo shoot will be.

"You keep thinking about the photo shoot." I giggle.

"Can you blame me? I get to see you in your attire and whatever else they have you in. I can't wait to see what else they have you in."

"Probably just the attire, but you love it anyway."

"I do, but not as much as I love you."


"That's the truth. No matter how much I love what you wear, I'll always love you more."

"One of the many reasons why I love you."

He lifts my hand, kissing it with a grin. "Love you more."

"Of course you do."

"Always will."

Soon we pull up to where the photo shoot was going to be. I grab my bag and get out of the car, Ted and I heading inside. Once we're inside, they take me right to the back for hair and makeup.

"I shall be back shortly."

"I'll be here." He kisses me quickly.

I then head to the back for my hair and makeup before getting into my gear. They do a few extra touches before I head back out to where Ted is waiting.


"Only for you."

"Just as it should be." He lets his hands wander all over.

"We have some time to ourselves before I'm needed..."

"I love the sound of that." He pulls me closer, his hands going where ever they feel skin.


"Because I can be." He grins. "This is all mine."

"Yes it is."

"Good." He firmly says, hands still moving all over. He leans down kissing you lightly, slowly moving across my jaw to my ear, nipping lightly at it.

"Watch marks....I just had the makeup done, covering the ones from last night."

"I know..." He mumbles. "...saving it for later."

"Good thing I have the night off from the show tonight then. Still wanna go and be backstage, but I have the night off."

"Right..." He says between kisses. "...thought you would."

"There's a Battle Royal for the number one contendership to face Layla for the title, and I hope Vi's in it and wins."

"I'm sure she'll win. She is a lot tougher than most of the other Divas in that match."

"She is." I nod.

"Good to be there to support her. I'm sure Eve will have something planned after what happened last night."


"Hopefully everything will go fine and you will both have titles...finally."

"I hope so."

"It's bound to happen. You both have the talent and deserve them. Now you have yours, all she needs is hers."


Soon I get called over for my session.

"Looks like I'm needed."

"Awww." He whines, not wanting to let go yet.

"I know. But this shouldn't take long. It's just one set of pictures of me with the title. For the website."

"Alright...I'll be watching."

"Of course."

He gives me a lingering kiss before letting me go over for my pictures. He follows a little bit before stopping where he was and stand there to watch. I make my way in front of the cameras as the photographer tells me what poses to do. The first of the poses were easy basically. The usual title resting on the shoulder thing and everything. Another pose was holding it in front of me, and the next couple were holding it in the air. One where I was looking at it and another where I was looking at the camera. The last three, I was laying on my side on the ground, the title resting on the ground in front of me, and then laying on my stomach, the title still on the ground. Ted looks on with wide eyes, getting lost in every move I make. They take a few more shots before I'm able to go over and look at all the shots they did take. I motion for ted to come over and he does so. He rests his chin on my shoulder as I look through them.

"They all look amazing."

"Of course they do." I grin."Too bad only a few are getting chosen. I love them all."

"I'm sure we'll end up getting copies."

"I really like that idea." He grins.

"You would."

"I would and I do. Can never get enough hot pictures of you."

"How well I know."

"That's my girl." He kisses behind my ear.

We help with picking out the ones that go on the site and the rest get printed out and given to us to keep. I thn head back so that I can change into my normal clothes. Once we're done, I walk back out to Ted.

"All done for the day?"


"I was just starting to enjoy myself too." He chuckles.

"I know. Let's hope they schedule another one real soon then."

"I'm sure they will." He smirks. "Might be sooner then we think." He winks.

"You're gonna arrange something...aren't you?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." He acts innocent. "You'll have to wait and see.""Sneak."

"You love me for it." He kisses the top of my head.

"I do."

"How about we go get something to eat? I know you've got to be hungry."

"I am. And then we can head over to the Make-A-Wish event."

"Right." He looks at his watch. "Looks like we have just enough time to get something quick."

"That's fine." I nod

We both head out to the car, me putting my bag in the back. He opens my door for me before going over to the other side and getting in. Once he is in and ready, he heads to find a place to eat. When we get there, we head inside and of course he brings the pictures in with us so he can look at them.

"I really like this one...a lot." He shows me one he seems to keep going back to.

"Well I think I know what you're gonna do with that. You're gonna frame it aren't you?"

"That obvious huh?"


"I can't help it. You just look that good."

"And where shall I ask is this picture going once it's framed?"

"I think you have a good idea on where."

"Above the fireplace or the bedroom?"

"This one...bedroom. I have another one in mind for the fireplace."

"Oh? Am I going to see which one it is?"

"My second favorite." He grins, showing me the picture.

"That would be."

"The rest are going through the house. I just have to show you off."

"Oh of course."

"My Champ. I'm so proud of you."

"I'm glad."

"You should be. Nothing but better than the best for you from now on."

"Wonder who it is that I'm gonna feud with."

"Hmm...probably find out tonight after the battle royal."

"Probably. Or it'll come sometime before the next pay-per-view."

"I'm sure there will be plenty of Divas wanting to feud with you after tonight."

"Right, because Vi so has that match and will go on to face Layla, so they don't have to wait forever at least, now that the first title has been brought back."

"Exactly. I'm sure they are already asking for a match against you. Just have to see who gets it first."


The waiter comes to the table soon after, taking our drink and food orders. We both order what we want and after he leaves, Ted pulls my chair closer to his in favor of draping his arm over my shoulder.

"You would."

"You were too far away."

"Oh of course I was."

"If I had my way, you would be even closer right now."

"Well we will be able to be even closer.....when we're at the arena for the show tonight."

"Mmmm...can't wait." He nips at my ear.

"Wearing a dress too. Can never be too sure when I'm needed or not at the last minute."

"Oh you're killing me already. You know I how get when you wear dresses."

"I know. And I think you'll die with this one."

"Like I haven't with the others. You do seem to surprise me every time."

"Which is a very good thing."

"A very good thing." He kisses my jaw. "Might be another long night tonight..."

"Almost every night is anyway."

"True." He smirks. "Might out do last night."

"You can try."

"I can and I will."

"Oh I know you will."

"You can count on that." He winks.

"Already preparing the best I can."

"I wish you luck with that."

"I'm gonna try at least."

"All you can do is try."


Shortly after our drinks arrive and our food comes after that. We both eat while talking occasionally. We both share food from each other's plate as we eat.

"What you got is good."

"Yours is too. Good choice."

"It sounded good, so I thought I'd get it."

“It tastes better than it sounds too.”

"It really does."

We both continue eating before getting the bill. Like always, Ted pays the bill and we both head back out to the car.

"Now time to meet Vi and Justin at the Make-A-Wish event."

"Right. This is going to be a good one. Going to see the children at the hospital is always a good cause."

"It is." I nod.

"We should be there soon. Not to far away."


Soon we arrive to where the event is. When we pull into the parking lot, we find Vi and Justin waiting. After parking, we both get out and make our way over to them.

"Hey." She greets. "How was the shoot?"


"I bet. They usually are."

"Well he wanted more sessions to be done, but I only had one."

"Of course. They always want more then what there is."

"He's having all the copies of the pictures put throughout the house, the next time we go there."

"That is so something you would do too." She says to Ted.

"Yes I would."

"Sounds like something Justin would do too."

"You know I would."

"Of course you would." She hugs his side.

"Even though that's what our place looks like right now." He chuckles.

"True. You have so many, I don't think you can fit anymore."

"That's true."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to get more or you'll have to take some down."

"He would." I laugh.

"As much as I don't want to, I might just do that."

"Anything to have the best pictures up."

"Of course."

"I think we should head inside though. Almost time to meet the kids."

"Right. We should head in."

We make our way inside, meeting the people in charge. They show us where we will be meeting the children and we wait outside the room while they introduce us. Once we are introduced, they open the door for us and we all walk in. The kids look at us in awe, not believing that we really are there. We stand in front of them smiling and waving before starting to talk to them. As we're talking with them, we're handed some toys and such that we can give out to them. We sign the packages they are in and give them to the kids who have big smiles on their faces. Then we all split up to individually talk to them. Justin and Vi talk to a few kids who look really anxious to meet them. When they walked over, they got really excited. They almost instantly hug them both.

"Awe. Aren't you all just so sweet." She smiles at them.

"I think I'm getting attacked over here." Justin chuckles.

"It's cute though." She giggles. "They really like you."

"It seems so."

"We do." One smiles up at him.

"You're the best." A little girl beams.

"We love you." They all say.

"Awwwww." Vi gushes.

"Well I love you all too."

The kids squeal, hugging him tighter. Once they calm down, they talk to them a bit more about what they want to do when they get out of the hospital. They give them kind, inspirational words while talking about what life as a wrestler is like. They all crowd around and listen, interested in hearing about our lives as wrestlers. They tell them that it takes hard work and dedication to be where they are. They also make sure to point out to never try anything unless they are being trained properly and there is supervision. They ask about when Vi's going to be Divas Champion and she tells them they will have to watch the show to find out what happens.

"I hope you get it."

"Thank you." She smiles. "I hope I get it too." She pats the little boy's head. "If I win, I'll dedicated the title match to you." She adds.

"Awww." Justin grins.

She blushes slightly, covering her face with her hand.

"Actually. It will be for all of you."

They all break out in a chorus of 'yays'. She smiles big as they all attack her with hugs.

"We love you!"

"I love you all too." She smiles glancing at Justin who has a big grin on his face.

"Now who's getting attacked?" He chuckles.

"Looks like it's me." She laughs. "I love it though."

"Of course." He grins.

"Seems like Ted and Scar are getting the same thing."

"The kids love all of us."

"They do." Vi nods. "It just feels so good to see them so happy and the smiles on their faces. Makes you feel out of this world amazing."

"It does."

The kids then start to tug on their hands wanting to show them all the things they have and pictures they have drawn. They gladly take their hands and follow them.

"Oh look, I think that's supposed to be you." Vi points out a picture to Justin.

"That is me." He grins. "Who drew this?" He looks around grinning.

The little girl who drew it steps forward shyly.

"You did this?" He kneels to her level. She nods shyly. "Well you did an amazing job. Mind if I take a picture of it?" She nods excitedly. Justin takes out his phone, taking a picture of it and sending it to Twitter. "I love this. Thank you." He gives her a kiss on the top of her head.

"All the drawings are cute."

"They really are. Looks like we have the next designer for WWE here."

"I think so." Vi agrees.

They look at a few other things she wants to show them before walking around to the others rooms to see some of the same things. We stayed with the group of kids for a while, before having to move onto the individual rooms of the kids that couldn't leave their rooms, because either they were really sick or something else. Ted and I visit one little boy who was in his bed with IVs everywhere. We learned that he had a form on cancer that made it hard for him to move around much.

"I feel so bad..."

"I know. The poor little guy. I just want to do whatever possible to help him."

"I do too."

He looks up from the magazine he was reading to see us both standing in the doorway. His eyes go wide and he gets a big smile on his face. We greet him as we walk father into the room, over to him.

"Hey there big guy." Ted smiles. "What you reading?" He grins seeing an article about him.

He gets a closer look as he walks closer to the bed.

"Ah, that's a great article."

"It is." The boys nods. "I have read it a few times already."

"Glad you like it."

"You gave great detail on what it takes to to do what you love. I look back to it whenever I'm down and it brings me right back up."

"I'm happy to hear that." Ted grins.

"You're my favorite wrestler." He gives a toothy grin. "Did Scarlet come with you? She's my favorite Diva."

"As a matter of fact she did."

"She did?!" He gets excited.

"Yes she did." He motions for me to walk over next to him.

He looks at me speechless not knowing what to say.

"I'm flattered that I'm your favorite."

"You're just so amazing. I really love your style." He beams. "Last night was the best night of my life when you won."


"I just knew they would get my letters about making you a champion. I just knew it."

"Well, I'm happy they listened to you."

"So am I."

"I actually brought it with me, if you'd want to see it up close and in person."

"I would love to see it!"

Since I had placed it down on a nearby table, I go over and grab it and bring it back over. He looks at the title wide eyed. He stares at it for a bit before reaching out to touch it, but retracts his hand. "Can I touch it?"

"Of course you can."

He smiles up at me, reaching out again to touch the title. His hands move over it getting the feel of the textures on it.

"Never thought I would see a title or touch one."

"Well now you have. And speaking of titles...." Ted trails off, moving from the side of the bed and going out of the room for a minute. He comes back with a replica title belt of the WWE Championship.

"Is that..." The boy looks at it in shock. "...for me?"

"It is." He grins.

"Oh thank you!" He takes it, holding it close to his chest. "This is the best thing anyone has gotten me!"

"You're very welcome. Now you can be a champion as well."

"I can! I can say that Ted DiBiase gave it to me too."

"Yes you can."

"That is why you are both my favorite. Your both so nice."

"We do love fans like you."

"I'm your biggest fan too. Can I get a picture with you both?"

"Of course."

He gets even more excited as one of the nurses gets a camera ready. I sit on the bed next to him while Ted stands on the side of the bed. Once we'rea ll ready, the nurse takes the picture. I go to move from the bed, but the boy holds onto my arm. I grin at him then lean over giving him a hug. He hugs back tightly not wanting to let go.

"Looks like I got some competition." Ted chuckles.

"Looks that way." I laugh.

"I'll let you get away with since you are so cool." Ted pats the boys shoulder gently.

The boy just smiles and keeps hugging me. I hug him back for a bit longer, before pulling away.

"If you were able to come tonight, I would invite you to the show."

"I really wish I could. I don't think the doctors will let me though." He frowns.

"I know. But you'll watch right?"

"Of course. I never miss a show."

"I may just have to sneak in an appearance just for you then."

"You would do that for me?"


"I'm going to get the nurses to tape it for me. Thank you!"

"Anything for one of my biggest fans."

"You're the best. I love you!"

"Aww. I love you too."

"Alright. You need your rest. They will come back to see you." A nurse say as she checks things over.

"Awww." He pouts.

"Tell you what, my promise to you, before we leave to go to the next town, I'll make sure we come back."

"I would love that very much!"

"Pinky promise."

He holds out his pinky, hooking it with mine.

"Pinky promise." He repeats.

"We'll see you later then."

"See you later. Thank you for coming to see me."

"You're welcome."

We hug him one last time before leaving the room.

"I wish he could be able to leave the room.

"Me too. Then he would be able to come tonight and see what it's really like."


"Hopefully one day we can make that happen for him."

"I hope so."

"It sure was a great feeling to see the smile on his face and the happiness in his eyes."

"It was."

We both head back to the room where we started at. Vi and Justin however, were just finishing up their visit in one of the rooms themselves.

"That heart breaking." Vi sighs, feeling for the children.

"It's alright to cry." Justin nods.

"It's just so sad not being able to do anything for them." She blinks away a few tears.

"I know." Justin frowns, wrapping her in his arms.

"They're so precious. They don't deserve any of this."

"They don't. But unfortunately it does happen to them."

"I know." She sighs. "That's the hard part. Just wish there was something more we could do for them."

"I do too."

"I wish we had more time with them. They're all really great kids."

"We could always come back."

"That's a good idea. I really like that."

"I knew you would."

"You and your amazing ideas." She kisses him quick.

"You love them."

"I do. Just as much as I love you."

"I love you too."

He kisses the top of her head while she hugs his side as they meet up with me and Ted.

"Hey." They greet.

"Hey." We greet back.

"How was your room visits?"

"They were good. Ted has some competition though." I chuckle.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." I nod. "He was so adorable. When I gave him a hug, he did not want to let go."


"He was so sweet. Poor little guy had to stay in bed. I wanted him to come to the show tonight, but he can't leave the bed." I frown.


"He was def the biggest fan I have seen so far."

"That's cute."

"It really is." I nod smiling.

"What about you?" I ask.

"We met a bunch of sweet kids. This one girl made an amazing picture of Justin. Looks just like him."

"Aww cute."

"It really was." Just brings the picture up on his phone. "Here it is." He shows me the picture.


"Some of the other kids had a few too. Of their favorites too. I was amazed at how good they were for their age."

"I bet."

"I can't wait to come back and see them."

"Me neither."

"We should come back before we leave for the next city. I'm sure the kids would love that."

"Well I had already made a promise I would come back."

"Awww." She gushes.

"I think Justin and I will come back with you."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Hopefully I have good news for the kids. They want me to get a title shot and maybe after tonight I'll have the news they want."

"I know you'll get it."

"I'm sure I will. They don't stand a chance against me." She smirks.

"No they don't."

"I can't wait to see the look on Eve's face when she loses again tonight. No matter if I win or not."

"I know right?"

"You so have to get a picture so I can see."

"Maybe I'll make a little trip to observe the match then." I smirk.

"Oh she would hate that." She grins. "Do it."

"I shall do that. Plus I do wanna scout out my first opponent for my title."

"Right. Could be anyone of those Divas in that ring tonight."


"Going to be an interesting night that's for sure."

"Oh yes."

"In more ways then one." Ted says as Justin grins.

"I'm sensing a plan from the tone of your voice."


"Uh huh..."

"Oooohhhh." Vi snickers.


"Nope." She laughs.

"Well looks like we have a few hours until we need to get to the arena."

"You know what that means." Both guys look at each other before looking at us with smirks.

"I think we know."

"Good." Ted grins.

"Back to the hotel." Justin declares.

"Of course."

They hurry us out to the cars, opening our doors for us. We say bye to each other before they close our doors. Once that is done, they get in and we head back to the hotel.

"In a rush are we?"

"Just a bit. Didn't have much time for this after we got up."

"Good point."

"Now we can."

"Of course."

Since we were not far from the hotel, we all arrived back at the same time. To save even more time, we all take the same elevator, but of course split up when we reach our floor to head to our rooms. Ted and I walked into our room and I put my bag away with my gear in it.

"Oh, before I forget....I may have a little surprise for you tonight..."

"Ohh?" He raises a brow.

"Mmhmm." No hints though.

"Awww." He pouts, giving his best puppy dog face.

"You'll find out tonight."

"I should be alright until then."

"Depending on when the Battle Royal is."

"Right, right."

"I wanna see if you'll figure it out when the time comes tonight." I grin.

"I just might." He grins.

"We'll see." I state as I go over to the bed and fall back on it, looking up at the ceiling.

"Mmmm...I have my ways..." He grins, walking over to the bed. He lays down next to me, draping his arm over my side, nuzzling my neck.

"You do."

"Mhm." he nods slowly, kissing up my neck to my ear, nipping at it gently.

"Are you just trying to make me jump you?"

"Possibly..." He mumbles, switching from nipping to sucking.

" are..."

"Is that bad?"


"Well then..." He smirks moving from my ear, lightly kissing across my jaw to my lips.

I turn my head when he's close enough and press my lips against his eagerly. Next I shift onto my side and pull him closer, my arms around his neck, holding him in place. His hand rests on my side, holding me even closer to him as he kisses back just as eagerly as I am. He manages to move us, and I'm back to laying on my back on the bed as he's laying on top of me, as he continues. His hands start to wander before he slips them under my shirt, wanting it to come off.

"...gonna have to move if you want that off..." I mutter, breaking the kiss for just a moment.

"...I know..." He moves just enough to pull the shirt over my head.

"Now you." I grin.

He takes my hands from his neck, moving them to the bottom of his shirt. I grin as I lift it over his head. Once that is off to the side, he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. I take advantage of all the skin of his that I can touch, making sure to run my nails across every inch that I can reach. He tenses up as a growl comes from him. His hands start to wander down my sides until he reaches my thighs. He waits a bit and then without warning he squeezes them. And since his lips were still pressed to mine, the noise I make is loud, but it's muffled. I also at the same time stop my hands from moving and my nails gently dig into his back. He smirks at my reaction, doing it again. Getting the same reaction, he moves his hands to the waist of my jeans. He only runs his fingers above the waistline for now, and I move a bit under him. But that's when he moves and starts to fumble with the button. It takes a bit of effort, but he gets it undone making a triumphant noise. He starts to tug them down as I move up to the pillows. Once he gets them off, he tosses them to the side like he did the shirt and since he had to break from my lips when I moved up to the pillows, he made his way back to me with a smirk on his face.

"Uh oh..." I bite my lip. "...I know that look."

He says nothing, keeping that smirk on his face as he keeps getting closer. His hands run down my sides as he leans down, kissing all the skin he can reach.

"I think your jeans need to come off...."

"Patience." He mumbles.

"I think you know I have none right now."

"I know...almost done..."

"...taking too long."

"Soon." He continues what he was doing before moving back to my lips. And to keep me from speeding up anything, he takes my hands and pins them to the pillows. I can't help but whine into the kiss. He mumbles into the kiss, kissing me back just as rough and eagerly as I am. After a while, he allows my hands to be free. I take that chance to move them to his jeans. I get them undone then start to tug them down. He helps get them off the rest of the way and those get tossed away as well. He reaches for the blanket, pulling it over us both before the rest of what we have on comes off.

Vi and Justin however have gotten to their room and when they turned to look at him, he had that look on his face.

"Uh oh..." She slowly started walking backwards. "...I know that look..."

"You sure do."

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" She fake pouts as her back hits the wall. He walks up to her, pinning her to the wall so she can't move.


"Well...if I'm already in trouble..." She moves her hands to his sides, slipping her fingers under his shirt lightly running her fingers over his skin with a smirk on her face.

"You're so in for it now."

"When am I not?" She grins, doing it again. "You make it fun to be in trouble." She leans up, nipping at his ear.

"I sure do."

"Mhm." She mumbles, kissing down his neck while lightly nipping at his skin. He moves his hands to her hips as she moves across his jaw, hovering over his lips. Not being able to take it anymore, he presses his lips to hers. She kisses him back just as rough as he is kissing her. Her hands rest on his sides for now while he starts to play with the bottom of her shirt. Without warning, he lifts it up, breaking the kiss and tossing it to the side. He smirks as he leans down, kissing all the new skin he can reach. Since her hands moved, they find their way to his hair lightly moving through it. He helps her gets boost and she wraps her legs around his waist. He keeps his hands on her thighs as he makes his way over to the bed. As he goes to sit down, he grabs her butt, making her arch her back into him. She starts to tug on his hair a bit more as he makes his way up her neck, leaving light kisses as he goes. He continues towards the bed, making sure to walk carefully in order to not trip or bump into anything. Once at the bed, his hands wander to the clasp of her bra.

"...uh huh..." She breaks the kiss. "...your shirt first..."

"Aww." He pouts.

"Your shirt then you can have fun."

"Alright." He nods, sitting up to take it off.

"Allow me..." She smirks, lifting his shirt over his head. Once it's off, she tosses it to the side letting her fingers move up and down her chest.

"You enjoy that."

"Mmm...I so do."

"As do I with your clothes."

"Of course." She leans down, kissing everywhere she can reach. " can continue..." I mumble between kisses.

"Gladly." He smirks.

While he works on unhooking my bra, she makes her way to his neck lightly nipping at his skin. That causes him to fumble with the clasp at times. He mumbles under his breath as it happens. She smirks against his skin as she keeps up what she was doing. Just as he get the claps undone, she goes after the spot on his neck that makes him crazy. She feels him tense as a growl comes from him. She keeps doing that, using my teeth in between nips. An even louder growl comes from him and he stops what he's doing as his whole body tenses for that moment. She stays there for a bit longer letting her finger move along the waist of his pants. She slowly starts to make her way to his lips. Once she reaches them, he kisses back rough and eagerly. In the midst of everything, she rolls the both og them over so that she's on top of him. His hands rest on her hips for now while she lets her hands wander over all the skin she can reach. He moves his hands, starting to fumble with the button on her pants. since she was not done having fun, she mvoes her hands down pressing her fingers into his indents. That halts his actions and he almost instantly pulls her into another kiss. She does it one more time getting a loud growl from him, much louder than the others. She smirks against his lips until he grabs her hands while rolling them over pinning her to the bed.

"Awww..." She pouts. "...that was fun."

"Now it's my turn again before things go where they're going to go."

"Oh boy..." She chuckles. "...remember...match later."

"Right, right."

"Have all the fun you want, but save the rest for later." She smirks.

"I take that as a challenge."

"Maybe it is..."

"Challenge accepted."

"Good. You just have to keep up with me now."

"I think I can."

"We'll find out."

"Yes we will." He smirks.

He looks her over, licking his lips trying to decide what to do. He grins as he leans down, kissing all the skin that he can reach. She squeezes on his hands since he still has them pinned, wanting them to be free.

"Uh uh...not yet."

She whines, still wanting her hands free.

"Not much longer now."

"I wanna touch you." She pout.

"I know. Patience."

"...I have none..." She groans as he starts nipping at her neck.

"I know that too."

She whines a bit more as he nips at her neck still keeping her hands pinned to the bed. Since she can't take it much more, she starts to move her hips under him.



"Just a little bit longer."

"...alright..." She bites her lip.

He keeps your hands restricted for a bit longer, before deciding to let them go. Once free, she wraps one arm around his neck pulling him as close as he can get while she lets the other run over all the skin she can reach. Her hand once again moves to the waist of his jeans, before the button, intent on getting them off. She fumbles with it since he is still nipping at her neck. She tries to focus on what she's doing then she finally gets it undone. She helps him get them off as far as she can reach. He has to get them off the rest of the way. After those are to the side, he presses his lips to hers while trying to get her pants off next. It takes him a bit since they are a bit tight. She wiggles her hips, helping him to get them off. He lets his hands wander a bit more before he reaches for the blanket. Once he has that, the rest of what they have on comes off. Hours pass and before we know it, it was time to start to get ready for the show. I was up before Ted and was in the bathroom getting ready. I had decided to take another shower because of the events just hours before now. After I'm done, I blow dry my hair before getting my dress on.

Once that was done, I moved onto my makeup before styling my hair. After that was all done, I walked back into the room to see Ted waking up.

"Sleepyhead." I remark with a grin.

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "You wore me out this time." He chuckles with a grin.


"Not that I'm complaining." He sits up on the bed to get a better look at me. When he does his eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "I-I love that dress." He stutters watching my every move.

"I told you that you would." I laugh as I go over to get shoes.

"My favorite as of now." He gets off the bed. "Too bad we have to leave soon." He comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes, too bad."

"Good thing I get you all to myself...until the battle royal, but still..." He nips at my shoulder.

"But that's basically most of the night and we can leave after that."

"I like the sound of that."

"Of course you do."

"I do think you should get dressed now..."

"Too distracting?" He smirks.

"That and I may be too distracting to you."

"True." He chuckles. "I'll go change."

"Good choice."

"I'll be right back." He kisses me quickly.

"Alright." I nod.

He heads off to change while I get what I need. I make sure I have everything set to go, and I sit on the bed and wait for him to finish in the bathroom. He comes out shortly after all ready to go.

"All set?"

"All set." He repeats.

"Then shall we?" I get up from the bed.

"After you."

I thank him and I head out the door first, and he follows. We both head to the elevator, taking that to the lobby. Once there, we make our way out to the car. He opens my door, then goes over to the other side. Once he's in, we head off to the arena. Of course the whole ride, he's touchy, especially when we have to stop at a red light. He keeps his hand resting on my thigh the rest of the drive, lightly moving his fingers over my skin.


"Because I can be."

"Yes you can."

"All mine." He squeezes your thigh gently.

"You know what that does to me..."

"I do." He smirks.

"And yes, all yours."


Shortly after that we arrive at the arena. Ted parks the car then goes over to my door, opening it for me. He puts his arm around my waist as we both head inside. Meanwhile, Justin and Vi have got got done getting dressed and he was being extra affectionate.

"Someone is affecionate today." She giggles.

"I love being affectionate."

"I love when you are." She tilts her head to kiss him.

"I know you are." He says before pressing his lips to hers.

He tries to keep the kiss going after getting a taste of her cherry lip gloss.

"Uh uh..." I pull away. "...that stays on."

"I know what happens when you get a taste of it and we can't be late. Not tonight anyway."


"How about I bring it with me and you can have more when we get there?"


"Anything for you." She kisses him quick.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Ready to go?"


He slowly lets her go so they can get their things. After they have everything, they link hands as they walk to the elevator.

"I can't wait until your match."

"Neither can I. I hope it's not to far into the show."

"Right, but we can leave right after."

"Of course you would want to leave right after." She chuckles.

"The sooner the better."

"Exactly." She nods. "I also have something special for you tonight." She adds with a smirk.


"Mhmm." She nods. "You'll see when we get back."

"I'll try to survive that long."

"As long as you try, but until then you get to see me in my gear..." She grins.

"Can't wait." He smirks.

"You never can."

"Well it's new gear so of course I'm excited."

"It is and I have a feeling you're going to love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"You always love it."

"I do."

She leans up kissing his cheek as they reach the car. They put their bags in the back before he opens her door for her. Once she's in, he goes over to the other side. After he gets in, they head to the arena. When they get there, they grab their things from the back and then head inside, to the locker room.

" change into my gear now or to wait..."

"Well I don't mind waiting...."

"You want me to put it on now, don't you?"


"You so do." She laughs.

"So I do."

"Alright....I'll go change." She picks her gear bag up, giving him a quick kiss.

"I'll be here."

"I know you will." She grins as she heads into the changing room. She sets her bag down, then gets out her new light purple sparkly attire. She takes off what she had on and slips on her attire. She makes sure her hair and makeup look good before grabbing her boots. She slides those on, lacing them up then heading back out to Justin.

"Well..." She spins for him. "...what do you think?"


"I guess you like it." She giggles.


"Glad you love it. I get too wear it for all the special events."

"Great." He smirks.

"Uh oh..." She steps back a bit. "...I know that smirk..."


She looks away around him until he quickly comes up to her, picking her up and taking her to the couch. "Really?" She giggles. "I wasn't going anywhere." She looks innocent.

"Uh huh...suuure."

"Honestly." She tries to be serious, but her voice cracks.


"Sorry?" She pouts, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

"Not the eyes."

"Is it working?"

"A little."

"How about now?" She sticks out her lip.

"You know what I can do to that lip."

"I do."

"Do I have to do that?"

"" She retracts her lip.

"I thought so." He grins.

"As much as I want you to...we can save that for later." She smirks.

"Yes we can."

"For now, Mister touchy...we have a show to watch."

"Right." Her nods.

She leans back into him while he runs his hands over all the skin he can reach. She sighs in content as they watch the start of the show. The show starts off with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, Brock's music hitting and he walks out with Heyman in tow.

"He won. He does not need to be here anymore."

"Especially after what he did to Hunter." Vi shakes her head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies...I'm talking right now."

"No one cares."

"He obviously thinks we do."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I understand how you feel because last night at SummerSlam when Brock Lesnar faced Triple H, it was a most uncomfortable match to watch. Not only because of Triple H's legendary ability to withstand punishment, despite know, I sat at that very desk doing a far better job than those two announcers 11 years ago. And I watched Triple H's quadricep get ripped completely from the bone. The man suffered a completely torn quadricep and yet Triple H finished that fight. What a warrior Triple H was. I mean this man continued in the fight despite an injury like that. A torn quad couldn't stop Triple H. But Brock Lesnar could. Because ladies and gentlemen last night at SummerSlam, Brock Lesnar defeated Triple H and forced Triple H to tap out."

"He only tapped because Brock broke his arm you ass."

"Now for those of you who don't know what that means, tapping out means that Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit. Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his own family, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his company, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his friends, Brock Lesnar forced Triple H to quit on his fans, Brock Lesnar forced Triple to quit on each and every one of you!"

"He has not let me down. Still as strong as ever to me."

"Even if he does make some pretty dumb decisions at times."

"True, but that hapens at times."

"Brock Lesnar made Triple H suffer. Brock Lesnar stripped Triple H of his dignity. Brock Lesnar took away Triple H's manhood, because this man, this athlete, forced Triple H down to the canvas and left Triple H a beaten, battered shell of a former man. And I don't feel sorry for Triple H, and neither should any single one of you. Because this was a fight that Triple H picked. And it's not just a fight with Brock Lesnar that Triple H picked, which he couldn't win, but this very fight. Because wasn't it Triple H that called the referee into his locker room and said hey, let the rules be bent. Let the rules be broken. I want this to be a fight to the finish. And that's exactly what it was, except it wasn't the finish Triple H was looking for. So at this time, on behalf of my client, I would like to call that referee Scott Armstrong down to this ring, because my client Brock Lesnar Mr. Armstrong, would like to address you."

"Oh no..." She chews her lip.

"Would someone please send Mr Armstrong down to the ring at this time. Brock Lesnar is awaiting his arrival. Mr. Referee, you're being paged at this time by Brock Lesnar."

He does come out, but is extra hesitant as he gets down to the ring.

"Please. Please sir. Mr. Armstrong, please. It's live television. Come into the ring. My client does not bite. He may do everything else, but bite is not one of them Mr. Armstrong. Brock Lesnar would like to speak with you."

He gets to the ring and is still hesitant to get into it.

"Please. I just want to be sure here that you are the referee from last night Mr. Armstrong. Triple H did tell you to let the rules be bent. Triple H did tell you to let the rules be broken. Triple H did tell you to let this, despite whatever's going on, be a fight to the finish. Even if someone was getting hurt. Even if it was my client getting hurt, that you should let this be a fight to the finish. Mr. Armstrong, last night I had two words for Triple H, they were tap out. Tonight my client has two words for you."

"This is not looking good..."

Lesnar is handed the mic and he backs Scott into the corner. He pats his head, then his shoulder.

"Good job."

"Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, last night not only did Brock Lesnar end the career of Triple H, Brock Lesnar has jeopardized the future of the entire WWE. Because by taking Triple H down and tapping him out, I hear by anoint Brock Lesnar the new King of Kings. The master of the Brocktagon and the conqueror of the WWE Universe. Which means, and here's the best part, that each and every one of you are now the loyal subjects to the lord and master of the WWE Universe. The conqueror himself, my client Brock Lesnar!!!"

"Psh. I'm not one of his subjects. He can forget that." Vi scoffs.

"No and you don't have to answer to him."

"I sure don't and I won't. No matter what either of them say."

As soon as Brock went backstage, the screen faded to the first break of the night. But coming back, they show a tout video from Punk talking about winning at SummerSlam last night. After that, Kofi and Truth come out for the first match of the night.

"This should be semi interesting."

"Depending on their opponents."

"That's true."

After them, their partner for the six-man tag team match was Sin Cara. Their opponents first was Cody, and then Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.

"Okay...this is going to be an interesting match."

For the third match in a row, Cody's obsession with Sin Cara's mask would cost him the match, when he goes for the mask, Sin Cara counters with a roll-up to pick up the win for his team.

"He needs to stop worrying about that mask and focus on competing more."

"He does."

"Just pathetic."

They move from the ring and advertise a tag team match. Kane and Zack will be facing Mike and Daniel tonight, ordered by AJ.

"I'm not sure how I feel about Zack with Kane. Not after their past."

"Yeah, that can't end well."

"Not at all."

Then Striker was backstage, ready to interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Raw's general manager, Ms. AJ Lee. AJ, CM Punk has touted that he would like-" Striker stops when Otunga walks into the view of the camera, standing next to AJ.

"'s the man who rolls around in baby oil all day."

"And has like what 10 thermoses of coffee a day?"

"I bet it's water most of the time. He couldn't handle all that caffeine."

"I'm back. David Otunga at your service. Now while I was gone filming my movie The Hive starring myself and Halle Berry, you know that's academy award winning actress Halle Berry."

"Oh that one. That Halle Berry."

"That one. Well during that time, I found out you became the general manager of Raw. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"AJ it occurred to me you might be in the need for some legal council. Now not just any legal council. Harvard educated legal council. Now I'm the man for that. You see I'll file a lawsuit in a blink of an eye if anybody calls you crazy. You need to be protected. Taken care of. Insulated from any and all potential liability."

"Uh oh...he said the 'C' word."

"What did you just say?"

"Oh no, I was just saying you need to be protected. Insulated from-"

"Say it again."

"Calm down. I'm just here to offer my services."

"You want to offer your services?"


"Then offer your services in the ring tonight. Against an opponent of my choosing."

"Someone's in trouble." Vi sings.

Justin chuckles.

"Okay." Otunga nods and walks away.

"Okay. Okay then. Okay."

"Very impressive. I'm sorry, the original question. CM Punk touted earlier that he was expecting you to show him proper respect by allowing CM Punk to choose a number one contender to his WWE Championship. And we'd like to get your thoughts?"

"Well I kinda like it. CM Punk can choose anyone he wants. Pending my approval." She simply states before skipping away.

"Looks like he has no choice."


"Sucks for him."

After the next break, they talk about Khloe Kardashian being the Social Media Ambassador. Just as they finish, Ryback comes out for the next match, and it's going to be the typical squash match against nobodies.

"I just think this is a waste of airtime." I remark.

"It really is."

Ryback goes for his finisher, but Jinder comes through the crowd and ambushes him.

"I still have resentment for him after what he did to you." I grumble.

"I don't blame you. Good thing out feud is done with."

"For now."


Ryback takes care of Jinder Mahal, before going back after the two local nobodies. Then backstage, Chris was backstage on his phone, when Ziggler came up to him.

"I've been looking all over for you Chris. You finally won the big one. Congratulations you got one win. You know how it is in this business. What've you done for me lately? You need this. You need a rematch with me, let me prove it tonight. I can beat you. I can win the big one."

"Maybe you forgot who you're dealing with Dolph. I'm Chris Jericho. I'm the ayatollah of rock and rolla. I'm Y2J. And I'm a six time world champion. I know how to win the big one. Do you?"


Just then, AJ comes skipping into the room and around them before stopping.

"Hey guys. Just break it up for a second. Now I guess you both really want a rematch and as general manager it's my job to make things interesting. So let's give you what you want. A rematch. But I want to raise the stakes. So Jericho, if you lose, your contract is terminated."


"And Dolph. If you lose, your Money in the Bank contract, goes to Chris Jericho."

"Damn...she's not playing around with this job."

"No she's not. Which is why we should always be on her good side."


AJ then skips away. Dolph takes one look at the briefcase before dashing off after her. "Wait. AJ wait."

Del Rio is currently walking through the hallway to head to the ring, Ricardo tries to offer him a water, but he slaps it out of his hand and yells, before continuing down the hallway.

"Poor Ricardo. I would slap Dorito if I was him."

"But he doesn't have the guts to unfortunately."

"No, but I do."

"We both do."

"If he ever tries anything, that's the first thing I'll do too."

"And I'll just plain knock him out."

"That's why I love you." I kiss him quick.

"Love you too."

Just as the break was over, Del Rio was on his way to the ring, and he was pretty ticked off. "I should be standing in front of all of you the new World Heavyweight Champion by now. But it's not like that because last night, last night I got robbed. I got robbed by the referee and by the peasant Sheamus. You don't believe me? Well, believe this." He points to the tron and it shows a picture of Sheamus going for the pin, Del Rio's foot on the bottom rope. "See?! Right there. My foot was on the rope. They robbed me! And you think I'm gonna stay here and just take it? You think I'm gonna stay here and do nothing? Well no. I demand another World title match against Sheamus right now!"

"Awww poor baby. Deal with with it."

"He does get a rematch, but that's Booker's decision when."

"Exactly. He can not make those decisions himself."

"Though he thinks he can."

"Hopefully he gets denied."

It takes a bit, but it's AJ who comes skipping out. "Hola Berto. Now as you know, I have no authority over the whole World title scene. I mean, that's Booker T's deal on SmackDown. But since you were kind enough to come out here all dressed and ready to go, I can put you in a match right now that will give Booker T plenty to consider when it comes to the World title. So, say hello to your little friend. Your opponent this man." She states and it's Randy who's his opponent.

"He is going down. Randy will shut him up."

"Like always."

"This is going to be a good match. I can tell already."

Before the match could even start once both men were in the ring and ready, Sheamus came ou to simply observe the match and Del Rio is flipping out.

"Wow. He is such a child."

"Very much so."

During the match, Ricardo Rodriguez would attempt to interfere in the match, but Sheamus would get up from his seat, scaring Rodriguez away. However, the situation on the outside would distract Randy long enough for Del Rio to hit the Back Stabber, but Randy would get his foot on the bottom rope and Sheamus quickly alerts the ref to the foot on the rope. This would keep the match going as Randy would hit the RKO on Del Rio, picking up the win.

"See, if Ricardo did that last night then all would be fine."


"Seems he needs to learn how to do his job better."

They advertise Punk naming the number one contender for the WWE Championship, before showing a exclusive from after SummerSlam last night. Then they also show that Shawn Michaels is going to be live to talk about what Brock did to him and such.

"That's why Brock needs to go."

"We don't need that kind of violence here. This is more for kids and family. He is to hardcore."

"Always has been. He should go back to UFC where that stuff is more appropriate."

"Hopefully after tonight he does just that."

"I hope so. I really don't want anymore backstage run ins with him."

"We will do our best to avoid him. I'm here now and he won't do anything to you."


"Let's just hope this is his last night here."

We go back to paying attention to the screen and they show Cesaro speaking in five different languages and then beating Santino to become the US Champion. And then they show the tout from the ring. They then show all the SummerSlam stuff from the weekend. Once that was over, it was time for the next match and out first was Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi like always.

"Ugh. THey can do so much better then that."

"And can the shorts get any shorter?" I add.

"I really hope we don't find out."

"We've seen that with Kelly and Eve, I don't think we need to see it anymore."

"I hope not, even though you're the only one I'll be looking at."

"Well I would hope so."

"Always have and always will."

Once his entrance was over, they replay from two weeks ago the attack Sandow took out on him. And of course his opponent tonight was Damien Sandow again. In the end, it was Damien Sandow catching Brodus Clay off-guard with a roll-up, hooking the tights for added leverage to pick up the win over him. He was not done with Sandow however, since he hits the Funkasplash on Sandow after the match.

"That was a pointless match."

"Usually tends to be."

"Hope things pick up. Been boring so far."

"Right. Hopefully that battle royal comes up soon."

"It should be up soon."

"We can only hope, because I know you're anxious about the surprise I have for you."

"I really am."

"I wish they would hurry up." He adds.

"Patience." I giggle.

The next commercial break was over and it was time for the interview with Shawn. He says that he knows what is going through Triple H’s head right now, saying that all the thoughts of retirement are usually kept in private. He continues to say that you cannot prepare to face your own “professional mortality”, saying that he knows what Triple H is feeling and Triple H is a “warrior” as “The Game” always left it all in the ring. He says that he wanted to support his friend, but he became a “distraction” for Triple H, saying that he did not tell Triple H the truth last week as Triple H needed him to say that Triple H could not beat Brock Lesnar. He then says that it is never easy to tell a friend that he cannot succeed, saying that he has always been “proud” of Triple H. He then concludes by saying that he and the fans “love” Triple H before congratulating Triple H on a “job well done”

"That was sweet of him."

"Best friends gotta stick by each other's sides."


After the interview was over, it was time for the next match. Out first, Otunga...ready to find out who his opponent will be.

"This should be good." Vi laughs evilly.

"That's what he gets for using the 'C' word around AJ."

"Sucks to be him."

"It so does."

His opponent shortly is revealed to be Big Show...who isn't happy after losing last night in the triple threat match.

"Ahaha, it really sucks to be him now."

“Especially when he is in a bad mood. This is not going to go well for him.”

"Nope, but it's going to be hilarious."


The match isn't very long and Big Show wins with the KO punch. While he heads to the back, they show the backstage footage of Big Show after he lost the match last night, extremely pissed. Up next however is the tag team match; Zack and Kane vs Mike and Daniel.

"Finally an interesting match."

"This should be, but you know what's after this, right?" Justin grins.

"Yes, and when I win, after the match we can head back to the hotel."

“Definitely going to have something to celebrate.”


"Good thing we can sleep in for a bit tomorrow."

"I know right?"

"Mhm. You're going to need it."

"Kind of figured."

"I wish the match was right now so we could get out of here."

"I know."

"At least I can still be all touchy." He smirks as his hands wander all over.

"For now."

"I can deal with that."


As his hands wander, he starts nipping at her neck lightly.

"Justy.." She giggles. "...I wanna see Mike win this."

"Don't mind me...."

"...trying not to..." She moves her head to the side.

Kane comes out first, followed by Zack who was super excited at first, but had a worried look on his face as soon as he saw Kane in the ring.

"Poor Zack. I would be scared too."

He got into the ring, the worried look on his face still. His music faded and Daniel's goes off next and he comes out, screaming 'No' while the crowd screams 'Yes'. He takes a sign that says that and rips it up as he goes to the ring, still screaming 'No'.

"I wish he would shut up with that." Vi rolls her eyes.

"I'm beginning to hate that word now."

"So am I."

His stops and they play Mike's music, and he comes out next. Daniel then gets into a shouting match with a fan, and Mike breaks it up and makes Daniel get into the ring. But once the bell rings, Daniel quickly tags Mike in and gets out of the ring.

"Wow...what a coward. Leave Mike with Kane." Vi shakes her head.

A while into the match, after inadvertently colliding with Mike, Mike would refuse to tag Daniel in, and then walks out on this tag team partner, leaving Daniel to fend for himself.

"I don't blame Mike at all for leaving. Daniel deserves to fight on his own."

After Daniel slaps Kane, he flees, which enrages Kane and he attacks his own tag team partner....Zack, laying him out with a chokeslam. He then goes on a rampage outside of the ring, ripping the announce table to shreds and putting his hands on a crew member before setting his sights back on Zack, spiking him with the Tombstone Piledriver in the center of the ring.

"That was just uncalled for! Zack did nothing wrong."

"Anger issues, big time."

"Something needs to be done about him." She shakes her head. "But, we are going to have to move..."

"Oh yeah, that's right."

"Once this is over then we get to leave..."

"Yes." He grins.

"So let's get going." She gives him a quick kiss then slides off his lap.

He nods and gets up from the couch. She laces her fingers with his and heads out the door and to the curtain to join the rest of the divas who will be there. They wait for a bit while some of the Divas go out and that is when they see Ted and I walk up.


"Heyy." She greets back. "Sitting ringside for the match I see."

"Mmhmm. Wanna scope out my future competition."

"Good idea." Vi nods. "I heard Eve talking and she said if she loses tonight, she's coming after you."

"Well then. I wish her luck."

"She's going to need it. Both tonight and when she faces you because she sure is not winning tonight."


After all the divas have gone out, they hit Vi's theme.

"See you out there." She says as Justin and Vi head through the curtain. It was still the commercial break when they went out, but just as she got into the ring, the commercial break ended and the show came back on.

"So staying back here or going out there with me?" I ask Ted.

"I think you know the answer to that." He grins.

"Coming with me."

"Of course."

"Well then get ready for the surprise...."

"Can't wait."

Just as Vi's music faded, they hit my new music and I wait a few seconds before starting to head out to the ring.

"I'm in love with your theme."

"I thought you would be." She mutters to him.

We both make our way over to commentary where I sit down with Ted next to me. Just like Layla I don't have a headset on, I'm just there to observe the match. We both watch all the Divas in the ring for our possible opponents. Most of them are focusing on us, but that's when Tamina backs up from the group to the middle of the ring. That's when the match officially starts. Tamina was dealing with Alicia and Rosa. Aksana was dealing with Natalya before going over to Rosa. Then Tamina. Kaitlyn was going after Natalya and Eve was going after Vi.

"So far, this is a good match." I say to Layla.

"It is." She nods. "Many good competitors in the ring."

Everyone stops to see Aksana and Rosa rolling around in the ring, before rolling out onto the floor and eliminating themselves. That left Alicia and Tamina going at each other. Kaitlyn switched her attention to Eve and Vi switched her attention to Natalya. Layla and I both sit there, watching the match intently. Natalya fights Vi off and goes over, pulling Kaitlyn off of Eve. Tamina and Natalya try to eliminate Kaitlyn, but they can't. They work together again and double suplex her. Alicia comes over and goes after Natalya, and then she and Tamina fight back and try to eliminate her. It doesn't work and Tamina and Natalya work together again. But Alicia fights back and almost eliminates them both. Kaitlyn and Vi work together to go after Eve. Tamina and Natalya work together, only for Alicia to move and she gets eliminated. Tamina eliminates Alicia and Kaitlyn eliminates Tamina. Vi comes up behind Kaitlyn and quickly eliminates her. So now it's down to Eve and Vi.

"That was very smart of Vi to do." Layla comments.

"Exactly. She is a tough opponent."

"She doesn't want Eve to win either. I'm 100 percent sure that she wants to be the one to face you for the title." I add.

"I can see that. I can already tell she is going to be tough if she wins."

We watch as Eve goes right after Vi, trying to get her onto her shoulders to bring her over to the ropes to eliminate her. But Vi counters and sends Eve into the ropes and when Eve comes back, she hits her with a clothesline that knocks her into next week. Vi then gets Eve onto her shoulders and starts to walk towards the ropes. She goes to drop her over the top rope, but Eve struggles and gets down. Eve slaps her across the face, making her stumble away, and that makes her mad. Before Eve had the chance to get back into the ring, Vi superkicks her in the face and she falls to the floor. The bell rings and Vi's theme plays through the arena. She's still in shock of what happened untnil Justin gets in the ring and spins her around.

"I told you could do it."

"Yes you did." She smiles. "I just can't believe I won."

"Well believe it." He grins.

"Might take a while, but I will." She grins as she waves to all the fans who are cheering.

He grins and raises her hand in victory. She takes a quick glance over at me to see Eve starting to approach her. "Uh oh."

"What?" Just turns to see what I'm loking at. "Oh..."

"This is not going to end well." She steps away from him and leaves the ring to get ready if she's needed.

I stand so I'm at Eve's level, and it begins with a stare down.

"I'm coming after that." Eve firmly says after a few tense moments while pointing to my title on my shoulder.

"So I've heard."

"Then you're ready to lose that already." She smirks.

"More like you're ready to be embarrassed....again."

"I think not." She scoffs. "More like the other way around." She glares before pushing me. That ends up making me go right back down into the chair and she turns around to walk away and laughs. I growl and get up, storming over and grabbing her by the hair and pulling back. I throw her into the barricade, making her fall to the floor. Vi rushes over and starts kicking her in the sides as she screams, begging us to stop.

"You have no idea what you just got yourself into." I say with a growl before standing back up, and grabbing my shoes which I had kicked off in order to attack Eve. Eve goes to stand up, but Vi pushes her head, making her fall back down. She has a few words with her before going back over to Justin.

"I love it when you beat someone up." He chuckles.

"I know, I'm just that much hotter." She smirks. "You'll see me do it more if she keeps it up too."

"Great." He grins.

"How about we head back so I can change and we can leave?"

"Good idea."

She laces her fingers with his as they head back up the curtain followed by me and Ted. We all go to our lockers rooms and when Justin and Vi get to ours, she grabs her things and head to change. It doesn't take her long to change and once she does, she heads back to him.


"Well lets go then." He grins, taking her hand and rushing out of the room.

"Justy..." She giggles at his eagerness. "...slow down. I can only go so fast in heels."

"In that case....." He trails off, stopping for only minute and picks her up.

She squeals at his sudden movement, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You so would." She chuckles.

"I would."


"Love you too."

She gives him a quick kiss before she starts to move across his jaw to his ear. She lightly nips at his ear while she moves him fingers lightly over the back of his neck.



"Torture and we're not even at the hotel yet."

"That's the plan." She smirks.

"Don't wanna wait?"

"I do...just getting all my fun in while I can."

"I can't focus..."

"Oops." She giggles. "I'll stop...for now."

"You can resume when we get to the hotel." He smirks.

"You can count on that."

"Of course."

They finally reach the car when he opens her door, setting her inside. She tosses her bag in the back while he hurries over to the other side. Once he gets in, he starts the car, then heads to the hotel.

"No rush or anything."

"That's easy for you to say."

"Yes it is easy for me to say." She laughs.

"You're in for a long night." He smirks.

"Bring it." She challenges with a smirk of her own.

"You know how long the nights get when you say that."

"I do...all to well." She rests her hand on his leg, squeezing a bit.

"Especially with doing that."

"Like I said..." She move her hand up a bit higher. "...having all my fun while I can."

"Even though we have all night."

"We do, but I have a feeling you're going to have more fun then me."


"We'll see when you see your surprise."


"Mhm." She nods. "I have something special planned for you."

"Oh boy."

"You'll see in a bit." She grins as they pull up to the hotel.

"I can't wait."

"I'm sure you can't." She grins as he parks the car. She reaches behind the seat to grab her bag as he gets out and comes over to her side. After he opens her door, he picks her up again to save time getting to the room. She wraps her arms around his neck again as he closes the door with his foot. Once that's done, he heads into the hotel, then to the elevators.

"Never gonna let me down are you?"


"Well until we get to the room anyway." He adds.

"Anything to get us there quicker."


Soon the doors open and he steps in, hitting the button for their floor. As they ride up, she takes advantage and starts to run her fingers over the back of his neck again, lightly nipping at his neck.

"Getting you back for all this."

"Sooo looking forward to it." She mumbles against his neck.

"Of course you are."

"Just really excited about tonight. It's finally getting to me."

"It takes a while to sink in." He nods.

"How well I know." She says as the doors open.

*And then he steps out of the elevator, making his way to their room. Once there, he gets the door open before walking in. After we get in the room, he sets her back down. Before they can do anything, she goes over to her things and gets out what she planned for him. When she has what she needs, she heads to the bathroom.

"You get ready and I'll be out shortly."

"Alright." He nods.

She walks in the bathroom making sure to close the door so he can not peek. She changes out of her clothes then puts on the Maroon sheer babydoll & g-string that was parted in the center that she picked out for him. She fixes her curls a bit in her hair making them more full before setting her clothes on the counter and walking out of the bathroom.

"Ready for the surprise?"

"Of course I..." He starts to say until he looks up to see her. His eyes go wide and his jaw drops. She slowly walks over to him, then sits on his lap so she's straddling him. "Flies love." She chuckles.

" like your surprise?"


"Well good." She grins. "Now you know why I had my fun already."

"Uh huh..."

He starts to let his hands wander under the fabric by her sides, making her shift a bit on his lap. She runs her hands down his chest slowly making their way to the waist of his boxers. She slowly leans closer to him, brushing her lips over his. "Now it's your turn." She smirks.


"Have fun."

"I will."

He looks her over, deciding what to do first. His hands wander up her sides a bit making her move closer to him. Since she's so close to him, he decides to start nipping at her neck. He wastes no time in going after the spot and he does it without warning. Her fingers press into his sides as the noises that come from her are loud and clear to him since she had no time to hide them. He smirks as he continues, getting the reaction he wanted. The more he does it, the more noises come from her. Once he feels that a nice sized mark will form, he pulls away to see it forming.

"My goal has been accomplished."

" it coverable?" She says between breaths as he grins. "You would."

"I would."

"You're lucky I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Now I know you can't be done..."

"Nope. You're getting a proper celebration for winning tonight."

"Mmmm...lets go then." She smirks.

"Say no more." He grins, before pressing his lips to hers and moving her so that she's under him this time. She wraps her legs around his waist while moving her hands to his shoulders so she can pull him as close as he can get. He lets his hands wander down her side to her thighs, lightly moving his fingers over them. When his fingers move down her side that sends a shiver up her spine and goosebumps form. He chuckles slightly, moving his hand back down her side, squeezing her thigh. That makes her arch her back into him, kissing him back more roughly. He then starts to play with the fabric of the signs of wanting to take it off. She nods her head to let him know he can take it off. He smirks as he pulls away so he can pull it over her head. After tossing it to the side, he looks down at her with a smirk before leaning down kissing all the newly exposed skin. Her hands go to his hair, gently tugging at it between running her fingers through it.

"You's not fair that mostly all my clothes are off and you still have some on."

"You're going to have to fix that..."

"...blanket first..." She points out.

He reaches for the blanket to pull over them and once that was done, the rest of what they had on, came off for a long night of celebrating. Ted and I in the meantime have been in the room for a while now. It took him a while to let me go in order for me to get ready for bed. But he finally gave in and let me go when I said I would be wearing his shirt again like earlier today. Once I got done changing, I made my way back out to the room to set my dress with my bag. Ted was already dressed and waiting for me in bed.

"You're staring."

"Can't help just look so good in that shirt." He grins.

"Good thing it's one of my favorites then."

"Very good thing." He motions me over with his finger.

"Thank god it's not cold weather yet." I say, grinning as I walk over.

"Oh I'll think of a way for you to still wear it."

"Of course you will."

"Anything to see you in my shirt."

"Oh, I know."

"Now come here." He pulls the blanket up for me to get in. I grin, climbing into the bed and under the blanket. As soon as I lay down, his arms are around me, holding me close to him.


"Mhm." He nods. "I love holding you."

"I love to be held by you."

"Good to know."

"I feel safe."

"That's how you should feel." He holds me tighter. "As long as you're with me, you will be safe." He kisses the top of my head.

"And of course I know that."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Suppose we should go to bed now.."

"We could...if you want to."

"Well it has been a long day. I was yawning on the way back tonight. Almost fell asleep in the car."

"Then to sleep it is."

"But first...." I trail off before shifting slightly and leaning up, pressing my lips to his in a kiss. He gladly kisses me back while pulling me close to him, holding the kiss for as long as he can. When we do finally pull away, I snuggle back down into his side.

"Night Scar." He whispers as he runs his hand through my hair.

"Night." I mumble since I'm starting to get more comfortable.