Status: Active

All About Us

Beach Day

It's a few days after the SmackDown taping. We were all there, but not used for the show. But now we have a day off. I took advantage of the time to sleep in. Ted has been up for a while, but decided to let me sleep. He was just enjoying the time he has to look down at me and hold me while I was sleeping so peacefully. At one point I end up mumbling in my sleep, but it's incoherent. He chuckles to himself as he starts running his hand through my hair since he knows I'm about to wake up soon. That causes me to shift in my sleep, ending up snuggling closer to him.

"Scar..." He whispers. "...I know you're awake." He chuckles.


"Don't worry. We don't have to get up yet."


"Go back to sleep if you want. We got all day."

"Planning....on it..."

He stays quiet for now so I'm able to get more sleep. One of his hands stay in my hair as the other goes up and down my back. Before I know it, I'm sleeping once again. It's about a couple hours later when I wake up and I'm up for the day, not tired anymore.

"I see that extra sleep helped." He laughs.

"It did. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You've been up all this time?"

"Most of it. Dozed off for a bit when you went back to sleep."

"You could've gotten up and done stuff, instead of waiting for me to wake back up."

"Holding you was better than anything else I could think of."


"Plus, you look so peaceful that I did not want to disturb you."

"You say that all the time when you watch me sleep."

"Because it's true."

"Well I feel peaceful when I'm sleeping. Aside from rare nightmares but other than that, peaceful."

"If I could make them stop, I would. In a heartbeat."

"I know."

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"Well it is a day off so we could do anything."

"Hmmm..." He starts to think. "...the beach?" He suggests. "Haven't done that in awhile."

"And it'll start getting into the fall/winter season too."

"Exactly." He nods. "Better to do it now before it gets to cold."


"When did you want to go?"

"Well how about making a day of it?"

"Good idea." He grins. "Breakfast first though."

"Right, of course."

"Get ready in a bit?"

"Sounds good. We should invite Justin and Vi too."

"Another good idea."

"I'm full of them."

"One of the many reasons I love you." He kisses me quick.

"I love you too."

He pulls me closer to him in favor of giving me a proper good morning kiss. His arms wrap tightly around me, holding me in place while he keeps the kiss going for as long as he can. When I go to pull away, after a while, he pulls me back, not done yet. He keeps it going for a bit longer before starting to slow the kiss down.

"Best part of the morning."

"Gets better every time."

"It really does."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Let me text Vi and let her know we're planning a beach day. That way she'll get the text when she wakes up, and I'm not the one waking her up. She's probably taking advantage of this time off too." I say as I turn and reach over to grab my phone off of the night stand.

Ted nods as I send her a the text. She doesn't respond right away since she's still sleeping. It takes her a few minutes for her to reply back saying they'll go.

"She said they'll come."


"I think I'm ready to go to breakfast now."

"Alright. Even though I don't want to let you go right now."

"You can pick out everything I wear, right down to the swim suit..." I grin.

"Lets go." He perks up.

"Works every time."

"I love when I get to pick what you wear." He grins.

"Which is why I let you more often now."

"Good. Thank you." He grins, kissing me quick before rushing over to my bags.

I laugh as I sit up and watch him search through my bags. He takes him time looking for something he likes. He looks at every suit I have before picking out the one he likes best.

"This one." He grins, holding it up for me to see.

"I knew you would pick that."

"I've never seen it on you yet so I'm anxious to see."

"Well you'll get to see at the beach. Because until then, clothes will be covering it up."

"Darn." He frowns. "I think I can wait until then if you wear..." He picks out clothes to go over it. "....this." He smirks, holding up the clothes.

"Good choice."

"I always do when it comes to your clothes."

"Well that's because most of the time, you come shopping with me and pick out mostly everything."

"Only because you look good in everything."

"Of course."

"Oh the images I'm getting already..."

"Maybe I should just go get into those clothes and swim suit so you won't have to imagine it."


"I'll try not to take too long." I laugh as I get out of the bed and walk over, taking the clothes and swim suit from him.

I head into the bathroom to get ready for the day. It of course takes me longer to get ready, but not too long. I get the swim suit on, and the clothes over it, and I can hear Ted outside of the door, waiting anxiously.

"I can hear you outside the door." I say amusedly as I brush my hair out, leaving it down.

"You're taking too long." He whines.

"It's just my hair, you can come in if you want. I'm dressed."

He opens the door without waiting any longer. Once he is in there, his arms go right around my waist as he kisses my shoulder.

"Always cuddly."

"Mhm." He mumbles against my shoulder.

"And I know it's tempting, but try and resist leaving marks right now."

"Fine..." He groans. "...more for later." He smirks.

"Expecting it. Because if you started now, we'd probably never make breakfast. That's how you get sometimes."

"You're right about that."

"Are you gonna be alright while I put the lip gloss on?"


"Are you sure?"

"Not really, but I can try."

"As long as you try."

"Going to be hard, but I will try."

"Alright, well it's with my things out in the room. We have to move."


"Sorry, didn't think to grab it before coming in here. Unless...."

"Got it." He smirks, picking me up.

I squeal as he picks me up, even though I was expecting it. He carries me out of the bathroom and back out into the room, over to my things. He sets me down gently in front of my bags still holding around my waist. I take out another bag that holds all the makeup I have and I start going through the lip glosses.

"That one." He points to his favorite one.

"I knew you'd pick that one."

"You just know me so well."

"I do."

"Do I get to taste it now or do I have to wait?"

"Hmmm..." I start to think.

"Pleeeaassseee." He pouts.

"Well you can't taste it if it's not on me now can you?"


"Put it on." He adds anxiously.

"Alright, alright." I laugh, as I put the bag down and turn in his arms so I'm facing him.

As soon as I open the top, he inwardly groans wanting to get a taste of it.


"What is that exactly?" He jokes, clearly not having any.

"Something you clearly don't have right now."

"No I don't."

"You're just so cute when you have no patience." I grin, before putting just enough lip gloss on for him to take off.

"So you think. That's probably why you make me have none."


"It so is."

"It's true."

"So getting you back for that." He smirks as he starts to walk forward causing me to walk backwards until my back reaches the wall.

"Kind of expecting that."

"Good." His smirks gets bigger as he leans down just hovering above my lips.

"Well, what're you waiting for?"

"Nothing..." He says before pressing his lips to mine. He takes his time just getting a taste of the lip gloss then starts to kiss more roughly after getting some. Since the tube of gloss was still in one hand and the cap was in the other, all I could do was wrap my arms around his neck. He keeps one hand on my waist, holding me in place while the other runs up my side to my back so he can pull me closer to him. He does pull me close, but a bit after that, I have to stop him because otherwise he wasn't going to anytime soon. "Mmm....remember..breakfast."

"...I remember..."

"..can't have you losing all control, can we?"

"Not right now, no."

"Plus the lip gloss isn't capped."

"Can't have it coming out on accident."

"No...because then there would be no more left."

"That wouldn't be good at all."

"Well...for you anyway."


"So...breakfast now?"

"Sure." He moves back so I'm able to move.

I re-apply the gloss that was taken off and put it in the bag which I had packed while in the bathroom for the beach, with everything we need for it, after we have breakfast.

"All set?"


"After you gorgeous."

"Just so you can stare." I laugh.

"I like the view." He grins.


"Shall we?"

"We shall."

He opens the door for me, allowing me to go first so he has time to stare. Once in the hallway, he links hands with me and we both head to the elevators then down to the lobby to head to breakfast. With Vi and Justin, she was just barely awake since after texting me back, she went back to sleep. Just was starting to stir himself since she moved away from him after putting her phone back down. He reaches over, gently pulling her closer to him and she snuggles right back into him, mumbling to herself.

"...morning..." He mumbles, eyes still closed.

"...morning..." She mumbles, moving closer to him.

"Why'd you move away from me earlier?"

"Scar sent me a text..." She yawns.

"...she wanted to know if we wanted to go to the beach today."

"Oh? What'd you say?"

"I say we would...that is if you want to..."

"Well we should take advantage of the warm weather while we can."

"I figured you would want to."

"You just know me that well."

"Yes I do." She leans up, kissing him quick then laying her head on his shoulder.

"We can meet them there whenever you feel like going."

"In a bit...too comfy right now."

"I thought so." He chuckles.

"I just love my pillow."

"Of course."

"Once we do get up, I say we get breakfast."

"Good idea."

"Here's an about you pick out the suit I wear?"


"Yes really." She chuckles.

"I like that idea."

"You always do when it comes to that."

"I do." He nods.

"How about you go do that since I know you're anxious too and I'll stay here until you're done?"

"Alright." He grins.

She slides off him so he can go do that. While he is looking for the suit he wants, she closes her eyes trying to get a bit more sleep before she gets up. She gets comfortable again and doesn't realize she actually dozed off. When Justin found a suit he wanted her to wear, he turns to face her, only finding that she's fallen back asleep. He chuckles to himself as he walks over to the bed, sitting down trying to wake her. "...uhhh..." She groans, not wanting to get up.

"I wanna show you what I picked out."

"Mkay." She slowly opens her eyes and shifts to her side.

"You so would pick that." She smiles.

"I loved it on you the day of the photo shoot and I'll love it even more again." He grins.

"Of course."

"Now get up so I can see you in it again."

"Relax." She giggles at his eagerness. "I'll get up in a minute silly."

"I will be wearing other clothes over it afterall." You add.

"I know..."

"Since you know what will happen if I don't." She pokes his chest.


"Just save it all for later." She smirks.

"I can try."

"As long as you try, even though I know I make it hard."

"You do."

"I just so fun to see your reaction." She walks her fingers up his arm to his neck. She pulls him down so he is inches from her while she brushes her lips over his.


"Mhm..." She lightly kisses him while running her fingers through his hair. "...I think I should get dressed now." She pulls back slightly after teasing him a bit.

"Maybe you should....before you don't end up getting dressed at all."

"'d like that to much."

"I would."

"Of course." She giggles. "I'll go get dressed then you can have your good morning kiss. Alright with you?"

"I can wait that long....yeah, it's alright with me."

"Alright lover. I'll be back." She slides away from him, then gets off the bed with her clothes.

"I'll be here."

She blows him a kiss before heading in the bathroom. Since she only has on his shirt, it did not take long to put on her swimsuit and other clothes. She starts to loosely curl her hair before doing her makeup lightly. The last thing she has to do was add lip gloss and after that was on, she headed back out into the room where he was already dressed himself.

"Awww." She pouts. "I missed it?"


"That's alright...I'll get to see later."

"Yes you will."

"Now..." She walks over to him. "...I think I owe you something..."

"Yes, yes you do." He grins.

“Then come here.” She smirks, motioning him with her finger. He keeps the grin and walks towards her. Once he was close enough, she wraps her arms around his neck while pressing her lips to his. As soon as he gets a taste of the berry lip gloss she has on, he starts to go crazy. since he did not feel she was close enough, he moves his hands to the back of her thighs, giving her a boost. She wraps her legs around his waist as he starts to walk them towards the wall. Next thing she knows, she reaches the wall, her back leaning against is. He presses his body as close to hers as he can get while one hand stays on her thigh and the other moves to her head, holding her in place. She lets her hands run through his hair for now as he starts to make the kiss a bit more rough. At times she feels him nip at her bottom lip, and he does it a few more times before pulling away slowly, moving to her neck.

"...coverable..." She mumbles as she moves her head to the side.

"..I know.."

"...go for it..." She moves her hands to the back of his neck, lightly moving her fingers over his skin. He kisses along her neck for now, just making it kisses, especially when he goes over one sensitive spot on her neck. He does it to the other side as well. She tenses up each time he goes over the spots on her neck. Just when she think he is done, he goes after the spot without warning. Like always, she can't help the noises that come from her, and they're loud enough for him to hear. He smirks against her skin at her reaction and nips a bit harder getting the same reaction from her. Her fingers dig into the back of his shirt the more he goes after the spot. He of course only goes after it to make a small mark that's coverable. Once he feels one is starting to form, he pulls back to look. A smirk appears on his face when he sees one starting to form. He then starts to slowly kiss along her jaw to her lips. Once his lips are on hers, she pulls him close, kissing him hard. The only time they break the kiss is for air, and she rests her forehead against his.

"...satisfied now?


"I'm sure you would love that every morning."

"Oh yeah."

"Maybe you will get that..."


" will."


"Like I would ever deny you anything."

"Good point."

"I do think we should start to head out. We can't be to late now."


"Gonna put me down or carry me all day?" She laughs since he has not let her go yet.

"I do love carrying you..."

"Carrying me it is then." She chuckles. "Just have to get the bag I packed..."

"Where is it?"

"Over on the chair."

He carries her over there and helps her reach down and grab the bag.

"Looks like we're ready."

"Mmhmm. Now let's go."

"And we're off." She laughs as he heads to the door.

"I'll put you down when we get to the lobby for breakfast."

"Sounds good to me." She nods, then rests her head on his shoulder. He makes sure to grab the key before they head out of the room. She puts the key in the bag she packed as they head to the elevators. Then they head down to the lobby for breakfast. Once in the lobby, he sets her down on her feet. She kisses his cheek as he puts his arm over her shoulders. She leans into his side as they walk into the restaurant. They don't have to wait too long and soon they're seated. They look over the menus after ordering their drinks. Soon they decide what they want, and wait for the waitress to come back. Once she does, they order what they want.

"Uh...that's all we need." Vi looks at the waitress, after she stays a bit too long, obviously staring at Justin.

She nods and finally leaves to get the orders made.

"...slut..." Vi mutters annoyed.

"Some of them just don't know how to lay off." Justin shakes his head.

"No and if this one tries it again, she will feel my wrath. No one looks at you like that but me."

"I know."

Vi mumbles a few things to herself as she passes by the table a few times. She tries not to make it obvious, but she keeps looking at him with a smirk on her face. She starts to tense up as a slight growl comes from her. Justin puts his arm around her, pulling her closer to him, whispers sweet things to help her calm down. It works for a bit and just as she starts to relax, she comes back over to the table.

"Great..." She rolls her eyes. "'s back."

"Just tip for her." Justin mutters.

"You got that right."

She comes to the table and places their plates down in front of them, before asking if there's anything else they need.

"...for you to leave..." She mumbles.

"No. That's all." Justin says as nice as he could.

"Alright, well let me know if you change your mind." She says all flirty before leaving.

"Oh she is so lucky I'm not on the end..." Vi starts to shake from the waitress throwing herself at him.

"Relax." He says, trying to calm her down.

"If she stops then I will."

"You have nothing to worry about."

"Oh I know that. It just irritates me she keeps trying."

"I know it does."

"Hopefully she doesn't come back at all."

"Well she may have to, just to give us the bill. Remember?"

"True...but that better be it."


He manages to calm her down to enjoy their meal. They occasionally feed each other what they got, being all cute and affectionate as they eat. Before they even know it, they are done and the bill is already on the table.

"Looks like we won't be seeing her."


Justin pays the bill and they both get up and leave, so they don't have to see the waitress again.

"Now that, that's over...time for some fun." She grins.

"Yes." His grin is bigger than hers.

They reach the car and get in then head to the beach.

"And the next task will be finding Ted and Scar."

"I'll text her when we get close and if she does not answer we will have to just find them on our own."


She sends me a quick text and after a bit of waiting, she gets no answer.

"Guess they're in the water or something."

"Either that, or...." Justin trails off with an amused look on his face.

"Justy..." She playfully hits his arm. "I doubt she would let him do that there...or would she..." She trails off.

"They's sneak off somewhere, I'm sure." He chuckles.

"If he's anything like you then I can believe it."


"I'm sure we'll find them once we get there."


They soon arrive at the beach and he finds a place to park. After he parks, she grabs her bag from the back while he opens her door for her. She thanks him and gives him a quick kiss before they link hands and head onto the beach. They walk along the beach, searching for any sign of me and Ted. They don't see us until I run past me, Ted following behind me.

"Looks like someone is in trouble already." Vi snickers.

"Hey, what'd she do this time?" She asks Ted before he has the chance to run past them.

"The usual." He says quickly before going after me.

"Yup. She's in trouble." Vi laughs.

"And he's gaining on her too."

"Yeah I know."

"We can never seem to win with you two." Vi shakes her head as they head in the direction we went. When they reach us, Ted has caught me.


"Sorry." She chuckles. "If I do, I'll be in trouble."

"We'll be right back." Ted states as he starts to head for the water.

While we both head out there, Justin and Vi get set up on the beach.

"You're so in for it now." Ted says as he reaches the water.

"No no no no no no no. I'm sorry."

"Nice try, but it's too late for that."


"Don't think pouting is going to work either." He chuckles.

"But you can't resist it."

"I can't, but I'm not letting you get off that easy this time."

"Oh darn."

He gets me out into the water, just far enough from the shore, then gives me that famous look of his.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I would." He smirks pretending to let go.

"You drop me, I'm taking you down with me."

"Is that so?"

"Oh yeah."

"Hmm...not if I..." He trails off then starts to tickle me.

"Ahhh! No!" I squirm in his arms.

He keeps tickling me until my hold around his neck gets looser. Once my arms fall from his neck, he slowly lets go of me. I then prepare myself as I start to fall, holding my breath, pinching my nose so no water goes up it, and I close my eyes. After that, within seconds, I go under. When I come back to the surface, I spit the water out of my mouth and look for Ted who seemed to disappear.

"Oh you are so in trouble when I find you."

I hear some splashing behind me and when I turn around, Ted is standing there with a grin on his face.

"You are so in trouble."

"Am I now?" He raises a brow while walking closer to me.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Let me have it then." He challenges with a smirk as his arms go around my waist.

"Hmm what I was thinking of doing is kind of hard to do with you so close, holding me."

"Oh no." He holds me tighter. I don't think so."

"Looks like I have to rethink my way of getting you back then."

"Maybe you do..." He steps back a bit, fingers resting on my hips.

"Hmmm, well I do know how to drive you crazy...." I trail off, thinking.

"You already are." He looks me over.

"Well besides the swimsuit silly."

"Everything you do drives me crazy."

"How well I know."

He groans, biting his lip as his eyes keep travelling over me.

"All the temptations, I know."

"Way too many."


"Every time."

"And I don't even try."

"You never have to."

"Good to know."

He starts to move closer to me, but I stop him.

"Try to resist the temptations. We are out in public afterall."

"Doing my best." He groans. "All the more trouble you will be tonight."

"Oh boy."

"Another long night." He smirks.

"When aren't the nights long with you?"


"Always something that causes it."

"You just get to me like that."


"Do I get to old you yet? I'm dying over here." He whines.

"Just a little bit longer, have to let me do what I'm planning."


"Patience." I reach out and move my fingers from his abs, up, but very slowly.

He tenses a bit as a slight growl comes from him.

"See? I know how to get to you."

"Mmhmm..." He slowly nods.

My hands go around his neck and I help pull him closer to me. To get to him some more, my nails run across the back of his neck. He tenses more as another growl comes from him only louder this time.

"...killing me..."

"I know."

"You're so in for it later..."

"Expecting it."


"This is the best way of getting back at you." I grin.

"It seems that way." He moves his hands from my waist to my stomach allowing his fingers to run over the hem of my bottoms.

"Don't be getting any ideas right now. Touchy."

"You know me too well."

"Yes I do."

"Then you know what I want right now."

"Well is anything stopping you?"

"Nope..nothing..." He hooks his finger under the waist of my bottoms, pulling me even closer to him. Once I'm close enough, he presses his lips to mine in a hard, eager kiss. I can't help but hum in content into the kiss, my hands finding their way to his hair on instinct. His hands move from my stomach to my waist in favor of holding me close. His other hand moves to my head, holding me in place.

"Ooooooh." Vi points us out from where she and Justin were sitting on the beach.

"Seems like she got to him more than we thought."

"Well you two do happen to do that to us from time to time."

"We don't even try or do anything either." She looks around innocently.

"You don't have to."

"That's what you keep telling us."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is." She stretches, sitting up only to have him pull her back down. "I'm not moving am I?" She giggles.


"Not even to go in the water?" She starts to move her hands down his chest to his abs slowly.

"Well that's the exception."

"That's where I was going to go. I'm hot."

"Yes you are." He smirks.

"Oh Justy..." She shakes her head. " would think that."

"I don't think, I know. It's a fact."

She blushes slightly, letting her hands move down to the waist of his trunks as she lightly moves her fingers. "So..." She trails off when she feels him tense. "...water now?" She brushes over his indent, hearing a growl come from him.

"....Have no I?"

"You can stay here..."

"No no, that's not as fun."

"Then let's go." She leans up giving him a kiss. Before he has a chance to respond, she gets up and dashes towards the water.

"Ohhh, you're in trouble now."

"Have to catch me first." She calls over her shoulder.

"Oh you can count on that!"

She looks over her shoulder to see him already up and coming after her. She squeals as she reaches the water only to be slowed down. When she's out far enough, she looks over her shoulder to see him catching up.

"I'm gonna get you."



She keeps trying to run faster, but the water is making it hard. Before she knows it, she feels his arms go around her waist and she stops moving.

"I've got you."

"Darn. Thought I could get away this time."


"You're lucky the water slowed me down." She turns in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yes I am lucky."

"Now that you've got me...what's your plan this time?" She grins as she runs her nails over the back of his neck.

"You'll see."

"Oh boy...I really did it this time."



"Not this time."

"A girl can try."

"Yes, yes you can."

His hands start to wander all over since we are in the water. She tenses up as his hands slip under the waist of her bottoms slightly. She grips his hair tightly and since she's so closer to him, she starts to nip at his neck slightly.

"Torture already."

"Mhm." She mumbles against his neck. "Before you can get to me." She adds.

"You're just making it harder on yourself..."

"Bring it on."

"You got it." He smirks. He moves his hands to the back of her thighs, giving her a boost so she wraps her legs around his waist. She tries to stay focused on his neck, but he makes that hard by running his hands up her legs to her inner thigh, squeezing on it.


"You asked for it..." He mumbles, continuing to nip at her shoulder.


"Not this time."

"Aww." She pouts.

"You know what I can do with that lip if it's out..." He nips around his favorite spot on her neck.

"...I...know..." She says, still pouting.

He slowly makes his way up her neck to her jaw, trailing kisses across it. Since her lip was still out, he took it between his teeth, sucking and nipping at it. That absolutely drives her crazy, and once he stops, she takes full advantage and presses her lips to his in a rough kiss. He kisses back just as rough while moving his hands from her thighs and up her back, pulling her closer. Her hands find their way to his hair as she gently tugs at it while holding her in place. After a while, she feels him start to slow the kiss down, only leaving lingering kisses before he comes to a complete stop.

" you." She rests her forehead against his.

"Love you too."

"Love you more."

"I love you more."

"No, I love you more."

"Oh no...I love you way more."

"We love each other equally more."

"That we do."

"So very much."

"Mhm." She hums as she lays her head on his shoulder just snuggling into him as her hands run thought his hair.

He then starts to float around in the water, while holding her. He lets his hands wander since no one can see and she has to stop him a few times.

"Justy..." She bites her lip hard. "...we're still in public..."

"I know."

"Then you know hat can't happen matter how much you tempt me."

"But it's fun to tempt you."

"For you it is...makes it so hard for know I can't resist you."

"I know that very well."

"Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?"



"You know it."

"All to well." She nips at his neck, getting him back for the torture he's causing her. "I think we should get out before you go to crazy."

"Thought you were hot though and wanted to be in the water?"


"You just want to stay in so you can keep being all touchy."

"Guilty." He nods.

"All the time, even though you can touch whenever you want."

"I know."

"All mine."

"Just like you're all mine."

"That's right, you are. No one can change that."

"No one ever will. I love you and no one can or will ever change that either."

"No they won't."

She gives him a quick kiss only to have him hold it a bit longer. After he finally pulls away, she lays hear head on his shoulder while his arms wrap securely around her as they relax in the water.

"Awww cute." I grin, looking over to see Vi and Justin.

"They are. I'm just glad they can finally relax and not have to worry about anything."

"Exactly. They need it, and not the drama."

"That's for sure. I'm just glad no one has tried that with you."

"Oh, I'm glad too."

"I think most of the guys are scared to mess with you since you are so tough. I know I was intimidated at first when I saw you."

"Oh really?"

"Really." He chuckles. "I saw how you were when guys hit on you and I was afraid to make a move. That's one of the things that attracted me to you."

"Good to know. Well you should know I turned all those other guys down because I had my sights set on you."

"Did you now?" He looks at me. "If I knew that, I would have made my move sooner."

"But it's understandable why you waited."

"True, but I have you now and that's all that matters." He kisses me quick.

"And I couldn't be happier."

"Neither could I." He holds me close.

"Things couldn't be more perfect than they are now."

"No and they will only get better."

"Already started to."

"Good. That's how it should be."

"Just can't wait until you go back on TV competing. It's only a matter of time."

"I can't either. Hopefully it'll be soon...just don't know how soon."

"Whenever they decide."


"They're taking too long to decide."

"I know. They're probably waiting for the current feuds to cool down a bit before deciding who to have me go against."


"Who really knows. They take forever with these things. I'm sure I'll hear something soon."

"I hope so."

"Me too, but for now...lets enjoy the day and not worry about that."


"You know...I saw a volleyball net over there. Maybe when Justin and Vi get out we could play a game?" Ted suggests.

"Hmm, it can be you and Justin against me and here, see who wins.

"You know who will win." He grins.

"Yes, us girls."

"Think again. Us guys will win."

"Uh huh..suuure."

"You girls are not beating us this time. No way." He chuckles.

"We'll see."

"Yes we will since they are coming back now."

"You two are going down." I say to Ted confidently.

"Uh oh." Vi chuckles as she and Justin reach where we both are. "Who's going down and why?"

"Ted suggested volleyball. And then I suggested you and me face him and Justin, see who wins."

"Oh that sounds fun. Then I have to agree with you. They guys are going down."

"See? I told you."

"I don't think so. You girls better be ready, you're so going down."


"How about we go find out then?"


Ted helps me up before we all head over to where the volleyball nets are set up.

"This is gonna be fun."

"It so is." She rubs her hands together. "Do they know we used to play?" She whispers to me.

"I don't think so."

"They have no clue how hard this is going to be for them then."

"Just like last time."

"Oh yeah." I grin.

"Hope you two are ready to lose."

"We're ready to win. You both better be ready to lose."

"We'll just see who wins and who loses."

"That we will."

"Now who wants to go first?"

"Ladies first."

"Alright. You serve or I serve?" I ask her.

"You can. You got a wicked serve."

I nod and back up to serve the ball. Once I serve the ball, it goes high and over the net to the other side. Ted gets to the ball sending it back over when Vi hit it back. We keep doing that a few times until they both go for the ball at the same time and miss it.

"Oops." I snicker.

"Yeah yeah yeah." They laugh.

"Girls one, guys zero."

"For now."

"We're gonna remain in the lead too."

"So you think."

"I don't think, I know."

"So confident. Bring it on then."

"You asked for it."

The ball gets served again and like before we went back and forth. Since she was closer to the net, she decided to do a bit of distracting. Once I hit the ball, she started to move her hips a bit seeing as the ball was heading for Justin. While he was too busy staring, the ball went and bounced off his head causing him to snap out of his daze.

"Oh did I cause that? I'm so sorry." She grins.

"Focus Justin. Focus." Ted encourages.

"But she...she distracted me. It's not my fault."

"I did no such thing." She looks around innocently. "I was just warming up."

"Sure you were."

"I was. I had no intent of you missing that ball."

"Uh huh."

"It's the truth."

"We're still in the lead." I grin.

"Thanks to that distraction. You won't be for long."

"Bring it."

Once again the ball gets served. It goes back and forth for a while with the guys getting a few points and us as well. We were still in the lead and it all came down to one final serve.

"Last one, whoever gets this wins the game."

"That is so going to be us." Justin says as they both grin.

"No, that's gonna be us."

"So you've been saying, but we've got a plan."


"You'll see." They smirk.

"I suppose we will."

For the last time, the ball gets served again. We go back and forth, sending it over the net. The guys try to distract us with flexing only for it to backfire as she spikes the ball, them missing it.

"Ohhhh who won? We did."

"You said it would work." Justin says to Ted jokingly.

"It usually does." He shrugs.

"Not this time."I laugh.

"We're just that good." She smirks.

"Better than you think."

"Now why do I have a feeling you both played before?"


"That's for us to know and you both to find out...eventually."


"Oh we'll find out alright." They look at each other before going under the net and slowly making their way to us.

"Uh..." Vi looks at me. "!"

We then start to run away from them, trying our best to go as fast as we can. Vi doesn't get too far until Justin catches her, wrapping his arms around her and taking her over to the blankets. I get a bit farther away than she did until Ted catches me, bringing me back to the towels as well.

"You got us."

"We did."

"Now, are you going to tell us or do we have to get it out of you?"


"I know someone who will tell." Justin gives her his famous look as he moves his hands u her leg to her thigh.

"Uh uh." She shakes her head biting her lip hard.

"I think you will."

She shakes her head again, trying her hardest not to spill.

"You know you want to."

"" She squeaks.

"Nope, she can't." Ted chuckles.

"I'm not spilling..."

"Are you sure now?" He asks, his breath on her neck.

"...uh huh..." She slowly nods.

"I don't believe you."

"..not saying it..."

"You can't resist much longer, I can feel it."

"I can try."

"But you will give in."


"Yes you will."


"Then this doesn't stop."

She groans slightly as he starts to nip at her neck, making it more harder for her to resist telling him.

"Fight it....fight it..." I encourage her.

"It's so...hard..."

"Trust me I know, try your hardest."

"...trying to..." She bites down hard on her lip.

"Don't encourage her..." Ted tries to stop me.

"Or what?"

"I think you know."

"Uh oh..."

"Mmhmm, so I would suggest you don't encourage her."

"Sorry Vi."

"It's tried..."

"You'll tell me soon." Justin smirks as his hand gets higher.

" won't..." She takes a sharp breath while still biting hard on her lip.

"Suit yourself...this won't I said."

"Scar...I can't...much longer..."

"I can't do anything. I'm sorry."

"...have to tell..."


"...must be strong..."

I go to respond, but Ted covers my mouth with his hand.

"No way out now." Justin whispers as he nips at her ear.

"...not fair..."

"Then tell me."

"...fine..." She finally gives in. Justin stops all the torture for now, so she's able to talk. "First..." She catches her breath. "...I tried Scar and seconds...we played before." She mumbles.

"Aha I thought so."

"Does that mean were in trouble?"

"I don't know, what do you think Ted?" Justin asks him.

"Hmm...I don't...yeah they are." He chuckles with a grin.

"Uh oh."

"Like I'm not in enough already." She tries to calm herself down.


"You're so evil..." She turns looking at Justin.

"But you love me."

"I do...very much." She grins, pressing her lips to his in a hard, eager kiss.

"Ooooooh." I tease.

She waves her hand at me, staying focused on the kiss.

"Let them have their moment." Ted says to me.

"Right." I nod. "I know you have something have that look..."

"What look?" He says innocently.

"The one you get when you're up to something."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Sneak." I add.

"You love it." He holds me close to him as his hands move up my leg to my thigh, his breath hot on my neck.

"Remember...we're in public."

"I know..." He pulls an extra towel over, draping it over my legs. "...there." He grins.


"Why thank you." He smirks.

"You're very welcome."

"Now I can continue." His smirk gets bigger as his hand goes higher.

"You're making me want to jump you right now..."

"Trust me...I know." He leans down, lightly nipping at my neck. My breath hitches and I tense at the feeling. His hand stops right at my upper thigh and he lightly moves his fingers over my skin as he slowly nips up my shoulder to my neck. Instinctively, my arms move to wrap around his neck and I pull him closer. He brushes his lips over mine, knowing the torture he is causing. Finally I can't take it anymore and press my lips to his. I sigh in content against his lips and my fingers of one hand find their way to his hair and they run through it. He keeps the kiss going for as kong as he can then starts to slow down. When I feel him start to pull away, I whine quietly, not wanting it to end.

"...more...later..." He says between kisses.


"Getting a bit too much for here."

"Your fault."

"Usually is, although you aren't helping me right now."


"Happens every time I see you."

"How well I know."

"Mhm." He nods. "So, tell me..." He says after a bit. "...think they will stop for air or no?" He nods it head at Vi and Justin.

"Well they're gonna have to at some point."

"Maybe, but I don't think they will." He chuckles.

"If they wanna faint from lack of oxygen."

"We can hear you." She groans after pulling from his lips quick.

"Our bad."

"It's fine..." She gives him one last kiss. ...someone was getting a bit to touchy over here anyway."


"Oh shush." She chuckles. "I bet Ted was doing the same too."

"Guilty as charged."

"Oooohhhh. I knew it!"

"His hands have yet to move from where they are too."

"So that's why the towel is there."



"I don't think he plans on moving them you?"

"Nope. I know I'm not going anywhere either, right Justy."

"No you're not." He grins holding Vi in place.

"We're both stuck here." I laugh.

"I have a feeling we are."

"Until they wanna go in the water again or something."


"Which I have a feeling won't be for a long time."

"Your feeling is right." Ted says as he glances at Justin. They both nod then get up heading to the water with us in their arms.

"You just had to say something." She laughs.

"It was going to happen anyway...we just didn't know when."


"We'll see you both in a bit." Justin smirks as they head into the water away from me and Ted.

"After we all just got out of the water, we're going back in."

"That's what happens when you get to us." He grins as they get out far enough, away from the shore.

"I can see that."

"Now...where were we..." He trails off lightly kissing her.

"...killing me..." She grans, wanting to kiss him.

"I know." He smirks, letting his hands wander only to stop on her upper thigh.

"...Justy..." She moans, biting her lip hard.

"And my hands are staying here."

"You want me to lose control and jump you, don't you?"

"I know you're saving it until the days ends and we're back at the hotel."

"I'm trying so hard to, but you're not making it easy for me..."

"Oh, I know."

"I'm so going to get you back." She starts to shift on his lap slightly.

"No moving..."


"We don't want things to happen...."

"" She stops moving, for now. She takes the time that she has to lightly move her nails across the back of his neck. He tenses up causing her to smirk so she does it again over the spot where she knows it gets to him. This time a deep growl comes from him as he squeezes down on her thighs making a few noises come from her.

"That's for the nails."

"I'm not going to win this time, am I?"

"Maybe not."

"Damn." She moves her nails again not realizing it.

That causes him to squeeze down on your thighs again. She moans softly letting her hands rest on his shoulders for now. Since she was so close to him, she decided to try and torture him back by lightly nipping and sucking at his neck.

"Now you're being torture..."

"That's the plan." She smirks, slowly moving down his neck.


"Love you too." She mumbles against his neck.

"You know I love you."

"I do...very well." She moves to his jawline while she moves her hands down his chest to his abs then stopping at the waist of his trunks, letting her fingers linger.

"Vi..." He tenses.

"Hm?" She smirks, stopping right before his lips.

"You know what that does to me."

"I do." She smirks. "Just like what you're doing to me." She lightly kisses the corner of his mouth, just teasing him.

"You may just make things even harder for yourself later."

"You know I like it when it's rough."

"Just like how it is every full moon."

"Those are some great nights..."

"Very great." He smirks.

"Just like tonight will be." She smirks, giving him a teasing kiss.

"And next Friday. Next Friday is the next full moon."

"So looking forward to that."

"Of course you are."

"Mhm." She nods, moving her hands to his hair, lightly running her fingers through it. He then starts to press lingering kisses everywhere he could reach on her skin. She sighs in content as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"So much skin....I'll be able to get the rest later."

"You will. Even though I know you want it now." She grins.

"I do, but we're in public."

"All the more torture for you so it looks like I win afterall."

"This time."

"Until we get back, I know." She leans up, giving him a proper kiss this time.

He kisses back eagerly and wraps his arms around her, holding her even closer than before. Her arms stay around his neck and her hands stay in his hair so she's able to hold him in place. She kisses him back just as eagerly. She shifts on his lap so she can tighten her legs around his waist which causes him to make the kiss more rough than it was before. Once again, he goes until they both need to breathe. He rests his forehead against hers just so they both can catch their breath. Once they catch their breath, she pulls him back to her in another hard, rough kiss. She keeps it going until she feels he's had enough, but when she goes to pull away, he moves one hand from her thigh, to the back of her head holding her in place. He's clearly not had enough yet, so she kisses him back for as long as he keeps her. He keeps the kiss going for a bit longer before he decides to start to slow down. She whines softly as he goes from kissing hard to leaving little kisses before stopping.

"More later."

"There better be." She tries catching her breath from the intensity of the kiss.

"I promise."

"Good." She rests her head on his shoulder trying to calm down. "Love you."

"Love you much."

"We show it every day."

"We do and it's not going to stop either."


"I'm so lucky I'm with've been nothing but good to me since the first day."

"Because you deserve it."

"As you tell me every time."

"Because it's true."

"Mmm..." She wraps herself around him tighter not wanting to let him go at all.

"Always will be."

"You don't know how happy that makes me."

"I have a pretty good idea."

"I'm sure you do."

"I really hope we spend the rest of our lives together."

"As far as I'm concerned, we are going to. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"I know."

"I love you so much." She holds him tighter and closer to her.

"I love you so much more."

"I love you so much that there are not even enough words to express how I feel."

"Well you don't need words. You show me every day and that's good enough for me."

"Just like how you show me everyday too."

"Because you deserve to be shown how much love I have for you."

"Awww Justy..." She tears up a bit, biting her lip.

"Hope those are happy tears."

"They are." She nods smiling. "You just make me that happy. I'm so lucky to have you."

"If anyone's lucky, I am to have you."

"'re going to make me cry even more. You're just to sweet."

"That's how I am around you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way either." She gives him a soft kiss.

"Neither would I."

"My life is complete." She softly says as she snuggles into him more.

"So is mine. It was completed the day you came into my life."

"That really was the best day of my life. I just knew, I was going to be nothing but happy with you."

"I hoped for the best that day and the best I got."

"That you did, just like I got the best."

"The very best."

"There is nothing or no one better than you."


Since her head was on his shoulder, he too the chance to lightly kiss from her shoulder then up her neck.

"Mmm..." She sighs in content from his touch.

"I know all the spots to kiss." He chuckles.

"Yes you do." She slowly says as her fingers run through his hair.

"And you know the spots to get on me as well. So I know you'll get me back later when you really can."

"Got that right." She smirks. "Going to get you good."

"Looking forward to it."

"You always do." She nips at the spot on his neck, making sure to linger after each nip she does.

"Getting a headstart?"

"Mhm." She mumbles as she nips a bit harder this time.

"Are you sure you're not a werewolf like me?" He chuckles.

"Maybe I am..." She grins.

"That would explain your craziness every full moon." He grins.

"Oops." She giggles. "That obvious?"


"My bad." She chuckles. "You love it though." She starts to nip and suck at the spot on his neck, knowing it drives him crazy.

"" He lets out a quiet growl.

She chuckles against his skin at his reaction and does it again getting a louder growl from him this time.

"Oh you are so in for it tonight."

"Which is why I'm getting in all my fun now." She goes from nipping to sucking at his neck.

"The fun you can get away with in public.."

"Exactly." She moves from his neck up to his ear. She takes his earlobe between her teeth lightly nipping and sucking on it.

That drives him absolutely crazy and he tenses more than before and another growl comes from him. It was loud, but not too loud. She does it a bit longer before kissing him down his jaw and then across to his lips. He wastes no time in kissing back, holding her as close as she can get. Her hands stay in his hair for now, holding him just as close. He starts to make the kiss more rough when she moves her hands from his hair to the back of his neck. She holds him in place, making sure he doesn't pull away just yet, because she wasn't done yet. She keeps the kiss going for a bit longer, until he starts to get extra touchy once again. She starts to slow the kiss down, leaving light, linger kisses until she stops.

"Can never get tired of kissing you."

"It's addicting...I know."


"You can kiss me whenever you want and for how ever long you want...these..." She points to her lips. "...are all yours."

"Yes, yes they are."

"Forever and always."

"Forever and always." He repeats.

"Now...lets save the rest for the hotel...can't have anything happening here..."


"That will be for your eyes one else."

"I would hope so."

"What I have on is all others get. You're the only one I want seeing what is under all this."

"Oh, I know that."

"That's how it will always be." She finally calms down and lays against him again.

"Yes it will be."

He pulls her close to him, making sure his arms are securely around her. Her arms get tighter around his neck as she sighs in content at having his arms around her. I in the meantime managed to get away from Ted and started to swim away and he started to come after me.

"I'm so going to get you." He calls, not to far behind me.

"Oooh so scared." I laugh.

"Laugh now because when I get you, you're so in for it."

"Is that supposed to scare me or something?"

"Just you wait."

"Uh huh...suuure."

He picks up speed and when I look over my shoulder, he is right behind me.

"Eeep!" I squeal, trying to swim faster.

"Don't think so." He grins, reaching out and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Ahhh, no!" I laugh.

"Yesss." He chuckles, pulling me close to him.

"And I thought I was faster."

"If it wasn't for the water, you just might have gotten away...for now."

"But now there's not getting away from me." He adds.

"I can tell just by how you're holding me."

"If you're going anywhere in this water, it's with me."

"Figured that much."

"Touchy." I add.

"There's so much to touch."

"But you can only touch so much that you can get away with."

"Out here...if we go in the water I can touch where ever I want." He grins heading over to the water.

"You would."

"Yes I would."


"Anything to get my hands on you."

"Of course."

He gets into the water making sure to hold me close to him. Once he gets out far enough, he starts to lightly kiss up my shoulder to my neck. Since he was holding me from behind, one hand moves to rest on the back of his neck and I lean my head back to rest on his shoulder. He starts to make the kisses more lingering the farther up my neck he goes. Once he grazes over the spot on my neck, he feels me tense as he smirks. He hovers over the spot for a bit, just letting his breath hit it for now.

"...taking too long..."


"Now I have none."

"Now you know what you do to me." He chuckles.

"I already know without you having to do this to me."

"Good." He smirks, hovering a bit longer.

When I least expect it, he attaches his lips to the spot. Almost instantly my hand tug on his hair and my other hand squeezes his hands that were holding me. He smirks at my reaction, nipping and sucking at the spot. He keeps until he gets a few noises out of me, then goes from nipping to kissing lightly. At that point, I can relax a bit and I do so in his arms.

"You might have another mark." He smirks.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Because you knew it was coming."

"Coverable or no?"

"This one, yes. The ones later, no."

"Some bruises might not be coverable either." He adds.

"Oh boy. Tonight is going to be longer then ever."

"Yes, yes it will be."

"No time to prepare either I'm assuming."

"Not really."

"Then I'm as ready as I can be."


"You're not moving either. Staying right here." He adds.

"I figured as much."

"I'm not done with you yet." He grins as his hands start to wander over the top of my bottoms. He slips his finger just under the top letting his touches linger.

"You're just asking to get jumped, aren't you?"

"Maybe..." He starts to nip at the skin on my shoulder.

"Well...your tactics are working."

"Good." He smirks as he moves up my neck to my ear. Once there, he takes my earlobe between his teeth, lightly nipping and sucking on it while he moves his other hand to my thigh, keeping his other hand where it was. Finally not able to take anymore, I turn around, causing his hands to move and hop up and wrap my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck as I pull myself closer. And then I press my lips to his eagerly. He kisses back just as eagerly making sure to wrap his arms around me not only to hold me in place, but to hold me as close as he can.

"You'll get jumped....even worse later...." I mumble into the kiss.


"You have no idea how much though."

"If it's how bad I want you then I have a good idea."

"And how bad do you want me exactly?"

"This bad..." He starts to tug at my bottoms.

"And I know it's killing you we can't here."

"It really is." He groans.

"The day is almost over, don't worry."

"Not fast enough..."

"That's how the day is sometimes."

"Why can we go now?" He whines.

"I wanna stay for the sunset."

"I might be able to last that long."

"Let's hope so."

"You're not making it easy for me."


"You never do."

"Neither do you." I bite my lip.

"I'm just that good." He smirks.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Love you." He kisses me quick, making it linger.

" you too."

"And yes I do know how much."

"You better."

"Don't worry, I always will."

"Exactly how it should be."

"Just like you'll always know how much I love you."

"You show it everyday. I can and will not ever forget."

"I would hope so."

"Don't worry. I know...very well."


"I'll find out later just how much too." He grins.

"Just like you do when any night is like tonight."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I can just imagine what the holidays are gonna be like."

"You're going to get nothing but the best. Anything and everything you want."

"Well of course."

"I mean it. You want something, I'll get it. No matter what it takes or how much. You will have it."

"Oh I know. How much something costs has never been an issue."

"Never will be for you."

"Of course because you spoil me."

"Because you deserve to be spoiled."

"As you say all the time."

"It's the truth."

"I know."

"Good." He gives me a quick kiss.

I then rest my head against his shoulder as he continues to hold me. He leans his head on mine as we both float around in the water enjoying the time we have. After a while, we head back to shore. I unwrap myself from around him before we do so. Once we head back to the towels, we see Vi and Justin already there. After Ted sits down, he pulls me down with him so I'm laying against him between his legs.

"Aww isn't that cute." Vi grins.

"Just like you two other there."

"We try." Justin chuckles.

"I don't think any of us have to. We just are."

"Very true."

"You both staying for the sunset?" She asks me.


"Cool. We are too."

"Ted didn't originally want to, but I convinced him."

"Ooohhh." She teases.

"He's just really anxious to get back."

"So is Justy, but that took a lot of convincing for us not to leave hours ago."

"Oh I know right? Ted was not making it easy for me out there in the water."

"Him too?" She laughs. "Justy was doing the same here, but I got him back for it." She smirks.

"I'll be getting Ted back for it....later."


"He can only blame himself."

"Right? But, let me guess, he said it was your fault."


"Always." She shakes her head laughing.

"When is it not our fault right?"

"Exactly. We can never win."


"Of course not."

"But for now, we get to relax."

"That's right...for now."

"Providing the touchiness."

"Right? Has not stopped all day." She giggles as Justin runs his fingers over her legs.


We talk or a bit longer just passing the time until it's time for the sun to go down.

"Almost time to head back." Ted says excitedly.

"Yes." I laugh at his eagerness. "Almost."

"Just have to wait for the sun to take its time setting."

"It needs to hurry up."

"You can't rush the sun."

"I know...just have no patience right now."

"That's obvious."

"Your fault."


"It does look beautiful." She comments about the colors in the sky.

"It really does."

"Are you even looking at it?" She glances up at Justin.

"I can see it....out of the corner of my eyes."

"I knew you weren't watching it. I can feel your eyes on me." She blushes.

"Of course you can."

"Best feeling in the world."

"I would hope so."

"Trust me. It really is." She leans back into him more as his arm tightens around her.

"I'm glad."

"Good." She smiles. "That makes me happy."

"I live to make you happy."

"Awww...Justy..." She bites her lip. " sweet." She kisses his cheek.


"Love you." She kisses him quick.

"Love you too."

The time still is passing by quite slowly and the sun is just inching it's way down as it sets and I can tell Ted is getting more impatient, the more the minutes go by. Soon the sun sets and it starts to get darker as the colors start to fade in the sky.

"I think it's time to go now."

"Yes, we can go now."

"Alright, we will see you guys tomorrow." Ted basically rushes us.

"Byee." Vi waves as we both head off the beach after getting our things.

"He's in a rush." She laughs.

"Can't say I blame him." He chuckles.

"We should get going too."

"Lets go." He eagerly says.

They both grab all their things and make their way back to the car themselves. Ted and I in the meantime have just gotten back to the hotel and to our room.

"Okay, I think I need to take a quick shower....all the salt from the ocean you know?"

"True." He nods. "Want company?" He grins.

"You would love that."

"I would...very much."


"Please?" He puts on his best pouty face.

"How can I say no?"

"You really can't."

"True. Well...what're you waiting for?" I grin, moving towards the bathroom.

Before I know it, he dashes toward me, picking me up and taking me into the bathroom.

"In a rush are we?"

"You were moving too slow."

"Oh, sorry." I snicker.

"Oh, you'll be sorry alright." He smirks.



"Now you stay here while I get everything ready." He adds as he places me on the counter.

"Alright." I nod.

"Not like I would be able to go anywhere anyway."


"Thought so."

He gets the shower ready, waiting for it to get to the right temperature before helping me off the counter.

"Now, I believe something needs to come off." He smirks.

"Go ahead." I chuckle. "I know you want to do it."

"So so much." He plays with one of the straps of the top of my swim suit.

"Have fun then."

"Oh, I will."

He grins as he starts to slowly pull the straps down on my arms.

"Remember it's tied in the back too."

"Got it." He moves his hands to the back getting it untied.

That makes it easier for him to pull it off and toss it to the side, not worrying about where it lands. Next he starts to tug my bottoms down as I start to pull his down. Once we were undressed, we step into the shower, which I know is going to be longer than normal. He can't help but to be all touchy. We both manage to get everything done along with a few other things. After a good amount of time, I turn off the shower before we both get out. He hands me a towel after grabbing one for himself. I wrap mine around myself and Ted wraps his around himself.

"You know that's not staying on too long right?"

"Yes I know." I laugh.

"Once your dry, bye towel."

"Right. Of course."

"Which should be very soon."

"Knowing you, it will be."

"Mhm." He grins.

"But you're pretty distracting yourself right now."

"I can tell." He chuckles since my eyes have not stopped looking him over.

"Never get tired of this view."

"I never get tired of mine either."

"It's only every other day you get to see this."

"I still love it, no matter how you're dressed."

"Uh huh.." I say as I'm still distracted.

"Still distracted?" He chuckles.

"Huh? Oh, oops. Can't help myself."

"Of course you can't."

"You're a bit too far away, if I say so myself."

"Say no more." He smirks, moving closer to me. "Better?" He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Much better."

"Good." He starts to run his hands over all the skin he can touch. "I think you're dry now."

"I feel dry." I nod.

"You know what that means then..."

"...well let's go then. The towels I believe should be coming off out there."

He says nothing, but lifts me up then takes me out to the room. Once there, he lays me on the bed then just takes in the view. I look up at him and bite my lip with a slight smile.

"Get ready for a long night." He smirks as he leans down closer to me.

"I think I already am."

"Good because it" He presses his lips to mine in a hard kiss as his hands wander all over. His hands move to the top of the towel and right to the spot where I have it tucked inside to keep it held around me. My hands at that same time move down his chest and to his abs and tug a bit on the top of the towel that he's wearing. He starts to move us both up to the pillows while he pulls my towel off not wanting to wait any longer. I end up pulling his towel off and we crawl under the blankets for the long night he had ahead for the both of us.

Meanwhile, Justin and Vi have just gotten back to the hotel themselves, and made it up to their room. Once they were inside, she set her bags down and headed towards the bathroom.

"Shower?" He asks.


"Join you?"

"Of course. I was just going to get it ready."

"Great." He smirks.

"You can come now if you want."

"Don't have to tell me twice." He grins, following.

They walk into the bathroom and as she starts the water, he comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You're tempting though."

"I know I am." She smirks. "So are you."

"Good to know."

"I think we can get in now..."

"After you."

She slowly takes off her swimsuit just to torture him more. He inwardly groans at how slow she's going. Once that's off, she steps in the shower, waiting for him.*

"Well are you coming in or not?"

"I am. Just admiring my current view." He smirks as he starts to take off his trunks.

"Mmhmm...of course."

"Now I'm ready." He grins as he steps in with her, hands going right to her waist as he kisses her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll let you do what you need to before we have fun."

"You better or there will be no fun for you at all." She teases with a smirk.

"Don't worry."

"Alright. I trust you."


She turns under the water, but so she's facing him. He of course has to be all touchy, but she manages to hold him off until she gets everything done she needed to.

"Aha fun time now."

"Go for it." She licks her lips.

He pulls her to him and instantly presses his lips to hers. Her arms go around his neck as she kisses him back just as eagerly. He reaches down, giving her a boost and she wraps her legs around his waist. He then turns and presses her against the wall of the shower, still under the running water. She pulls him closer to her as the kiss starts to get more rough. He pulls away after a bit, trailing light kisses down her jawline. She rests her head against the wall, giving him more access to any skin he can reach.

"Towels so won't be needed....once we're done. Only to dry off...that's it." He mumbles against her skin.


"...wouldn't last long anyway...if you had one on.."

"Of course not...mister eager..."

"Your fault."


"..too late..for that.."

"...darn..." She takes a sharp breath as he brushes over a few sensitive spots.

"Getting you back for today."

"I see're really killing me..."

"Good." He smirks.

He starts to focus back on all the skin he has been wanting all day. He starts to leave light kisses along her shoulder then starts to nip the closer he gets to her collarbone and neck. She tenses up, tightening her legs around his waist while trying to pull him closer to her. He only leaves the torture for in the shower, when he feels he's done enough for now, he leaves only lingering kisses along her skin, before coming to a stop, and then reaching over to shut the water off.

" much...torture..."

"Oh...not done quite yet. We just can't stay in the shower all night."


"I'll let you dry off before things continue out in the room." He gives her a look.

"Sure you can wait that long?" She teases.

"It's worth a shot."

"I wish you luck then." She smirks. "Just have to put me down so I can get dry."

"Right right. Almost forgot." He chuckles.

"Suurrre." She chuckles.

He kisses her once before helping her down. She grabs towels so that they are able to dry off. To torture him more, she makes sure to take her time while doing so.

"Ohhh you're so in for it."

"More than before?"


"Hmm..." She bites her lip. "...maybe I should do it even slower..."

"You do that, you won't be drying off anymore."

"Well..." She looks at him and drops her towel. "...looks like I'm done."

"So am I."

"Then what is stopping you from getting what you want?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"Come and get it." She smirks. He smirks back and wraps his arms around her after moving closer to her. Next thing she knows, she's being walked out of the bathroom. Her arms go around his neck as she steadies herself from falling. Once they're out of the bathroom, he presses his lips to hers once again while lifting up once more. He heads over to the bed and places her down onto it without breaking the kiss. Her legs stay around his waist as he hovers over her. He lets his hands wander down her sides to her thighs as he pulls away from the kiss only to move down toward her neck. She moans slightly at not being able to kiss him.


"...that left in...the shower..."

"Just a few more minutes."

"...uh..." She whines.

"One mark before the night gets longer than expected."


He only hovers above the spot once he gets to it. He pays attention to her reaction while he hovers above it, and without any warning he presses his lips to it. She grips onto his hair tightly as she arches her back into him. A few noises come from her and they're loud and clear to him since she had no time muffle them. This time the mark is bigger than before, and it's less coverable. He smirks against her skin, realizing that.

" big?" She tries to catch her breath.

"Not coverable this time..."

" would."

"I would." He agrees.

"Good thing I have no photo shoots."

"Or shows."

"Exactly." She nods. "Nothing is going to be coverable...I can tell."

"No, not this time."

"Oh boy." She bites her lip. "I love it that way." She smirks.

"How well I know."

"Mhm." She nods, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and sucking on it.

"I think we should get this long night started."

"We really should."

He moves towards the pillows with her and makes sure to grab the blankets just as they both were comfortable, and that's where the night became longer than they both expected.