Status: Active

All About Us

Number One Contender

Beginning of the week again and back to another night of Raw. Vi and Justin were both getting ready to go. They both didn't really have to pack gear bags since neither one of them would be competing. She was in the bathroom putting the final touches on her makeup since her hair was already done from the morning. Once she was done, she walked back out into the room to get her shoes and jacket.

"Not being needed really tonight, gives us more alone time." Justin points out with a smirk.

"Mmm...I know how much you love alone time too."

"I really do."

"Just like I do." She walks over to him then slowly moves her hands up his chest as his move to rest on her hips. She rests her hands on his shoulders as she leans up, giving him a quick kiss. "The only time apart, is when I'm out for the Divas match. Then the whole night I'm yours." She adds.

"Awww." He pouts. "I was hoping to have you all night."

"You will...except for that one time. And don't worry, it's early on enough in the show so we get it over with."

"Yay." He cheers. "I can deal with that."


"Now all I have to do is get my shoes and jacket and I'll be ready." She adds as she tries to pull away.

"Not yet..." He holds her in place. He grins as he leans down, pressing his lips to hers. She tries to make the kiss short, but he moves his hand up holding her head in place. He then dips her, adding some passion to the kiss, still holding her in place. He doesn't pull away until after he brings her back up so she's standing upright again.

"" She says breathless. "...never gets old."

"I love doing that from time to time." He grins.

"I love when you do that." She returns his grin. "Now can I get ready or are you not satisfied enough?" She chuckles.

"I think I'm good....for now."

"As long as you're sure. I know how you can't get enough." She smirks.

"Oh I know. I can survive...until we get there."

"Alright." She chuckles as he lets her go. She walks over to her things making sure to sway her hips a bit more since she knows he's watching. After slipping her shoes on and grabbing the jacket she chose to wear. Once she has those on, she walks back over to him.

"You live to torture me don't you?"

"I do." She smirks. "I know how much you love it."

"So so much."

"I love how I can get to you like that."

"You just have a gift." He grins.

"I do, don't I?" She chuckles with a smirk.

"Yes, yes you do." He grins.

"Good to know." She grins. Now how about we leave before we never make it out of this room?"

"Maybe that's a good idea."

"You can have all the fun you want when get there, but no marks until after I come back from the match."

"I think I can handle that."

"If you say so."

"I can try at least."

"As long as you try." She gives him a quick, lingering kiss.

"I promise I will."

"Good. Now let's go before things get out of hand." She moves away from him, starting to walk to the door. She makes sure to do what she did earlier just to tease him. She giggles to herself when she hears him groan. "Coming?" She turns once she's at the door.

"....yeah...I'm coming..."

She holds out her hand for him and once he snaps out of his daze he walks over. They lace their fingers together as they head out to the elevators. Once there, he puts his arm around her waist, holding her closer to him. As the doors open, she looks up to see the last person she wanted to see. Heath. Luckily the doors close before he could get in with them. She wraps her arms around Justin and rests her head on his chest while he holds her tight. The elevator finally gets to the lobby then they head out to the car.

"You know what's funny? He got denied by a elevator." Justin chuckles, referring to Heath. "I so wanted to go...'ohhhh denied'."

"That was funny. If I could, I would give that elevator a hug." She laughs.

"We can thank the elevator when we get back later tonight." He chuckles.

"Sounds good." She laughs. He opens her door for her and she thanks him, getting in first and he closes her door before going around to the driver's side and getting in himself. Once he's in and ready, he starts to head for the arena.

"I can't wait until it's the night of the pay-per-view. You so have that title won already."

"You think so?" She bites her lip. "I mean, I know I can beat her, but she is really tough when it comes to the title."

"Yes, I do think so. It's going to be a good match."

"I know it's going to be good. Neither of us are going to hold anything back. I'm going to do whatever I can to get that title. Friends or not."

"I will be the new Divas champion. There's no doubt about that."

"I know you will be."

"As long as you're there cheering me on, I know I will."

"Always will be there cheering you on."

"Just like I'll always be there for you." She smiles as she kisses his cheek.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Neither would I." She contently sighs as she lays her head on his shoulder. "Love you."

"Love you too." They soon arrive at the arena and get out of the car, heading inside and to the locker room.

Ted and I in the meantime have just finished getting ready and were about to head out ourselves. I grab my light jacket and go to pull it on, but he stops me. "What?"

"Do you really have to put that on?"

"It is a little breezy outside."

"Awww." He pouts. "I barely got to have my fun."

"You have anymore fun, we won't make it out of here."

"I just really love this dress." He bites his lip as he looks me over.

"Oh I know you do."

"So you know why I don't want you to wear that jacket."

"Alright, I'll carry it. Will that make you happy?"

"Very." He grins. "But, if you do get cold you can put it on."

"I think I can deal with that."

"Alright." He nods. "You ready?"


"Shall we then?" He grins as he puts his arm over my shoulder so he can be all touchy.

"We shall."

He makes sure that we both have everything we need before we both head to the elevators.

"It's gonna be an easy night tonight. I'm only needed to see who will be facing me for my title at Night Of Champions." I say as we step into the elevator.

"So, an early night?" He smirks.

"Depending on when the match is. We'll have to see when we get there. I can tell you really want it to be an early night."

"I really do. So much."

"Hopefully it will be early in the show so we can leave right after." He adds.

"You so would want that."

"I would." He smirks. "It's the dress. I don't know if I can control myself tonight."


"No different from any other night, but that dress..." He bites his lip. " perfect on you."

"Good to know."

"If I could...I would have you right now."

"But you're gonna have to resist for a while. Eager."

"It's going to be hard, but well worth it later."

"I'm sure the shoes aren't helping that much either."

"No, not at all."

"My bad."


"You just like everything I own."

"Because it all looks so good on you."

"We both know that."

"So very well."

We reach the lobby and exit the elevator, heading out of the lobby and to the car. He opens my door for me, allowing me to get in first. Once I'm all set, he closes my door and goes around to the driver's side, getting in and starting the car, heading to the arena. It doesn't take long for us to get there and once we do, we both head to see when I'll have to be out for the battle royal for my opponent.

"Hmm..." I trail off, looking at the match ups listed. "...looks like it's the 7th match of the night. After Truth vs Daniel."

"So we get some alone time before you have to leave." He grins.

"Plenty of time."

"Then what are we waiting for?" He starts to tug me toward our locker room.

"Slow down...heels...remember..."

"Oops. Keep forgetting."

"Uh huh..."

"I would carry you, but I don't want anyone getting a show."

"Only I get to see that." He adds.

"That's right."

He does slow down a bit so I don't fall. Once we finally make it to the locker room, we both walk in and he starts being all touchy.


"Impatient." I chuckle.

"Your fault."

"Always seems to be."

"You are the one who picks out what to wear after all."

"I just have that good taste, plus I know what you like."

"Yes you do."

He lifts me up then starts walking over to the couch. I squeal and cling to him, and when he sits on the couch, he places me on his lap.

"So much better." He sighs as his hands start to wander all over.

"Of course it is....touchy."

"There's so much to touch." He runs his hands down my arms as he lays light kisses across my shoulder.

"And you get all the time you want until I'm needed."

"I'm going to take advantage of that too."

"I can tell."

He mumbles against my skin as he moves closer to my neck. He slowly moves up my neck to my ear, nipping at that for now. I lean into him, and since his hands had stopped wandering for now, resting on my waist, my hands moved and I laced my fingers with his. He squeezes my hands as he slowly moves from my ear to my neck, kissing lightly since he can't leave any marks right now.

"You are being evil."

"Just having some fun."

"And you know how much torture it is for me."

"I do." He smirks. "I would do more, but they might not be coverable."

"Oh I already know they won't be if you try."

"It's so hard to resist right now..." He groans, lightly moving to my shoulder.

"But you must try..."

"So much's so so hard."

"Trust me, I know."

"You just love to do this to me."


"You so do."

"It's fun."

"So is this." He nips a bit harder on my shoulder. That causes me to bite my lip and my hands tighten around his. Since he can't leave any marks, he move across my shoulder, then up my neck. He slowly makes his way across my jaw to my lips. I turn my head to make it easier and when he reaches my lips, I kiss him right back. He kisses back just as eagerly as I am. The kiss starts to heat up fairly quickly when I start to pull away.

"Can't get too carried matter how much we want to. Plus I think I'm gonna have to re-apply the lip gloss. You took all of it off."

"It tastes so good though."

"Peppermint Marshmallow."

"You love every single flavored one I have."

"They all taste so good."

"Of course they do."

"How about you put more on?"

"Promise to not take it all off again?"

"I promise."

"Alright. Hand me my bag please." I point to it on the other side of the couch, where I set it when we sat on the couch. He reaches over, picking it up and handing it to me. I thank him and dig through it, finally finding it. As soon as the cap comes off of the tube, the aroma of the gloss goes into the air and he almost goes crazy.

"Nu uh. You had enough."


"You said you were gonna leave it alone." I say while re-applying it.

"It just smells so good."

"I know it does. But you have to leave it alone."

"Alright..." He sulks.

"You'll survive."

"I'll try."


He tries to steal a few more kisses, but I make them very short. Soon the show begins and we both turn our attention to the show. It starts off with a video package of the whole thing with CM Punk and John Cena and then Jerry Lawler. Once that was over, the Raw intro goes off next. That's followed by the usual pyro and introduction from Cole and Jerry. As Cole is reading a tweet that Jerry had made, Jerry takes his headset off and leaves commentary and goes into the ring. He asks for a mic as soon as he gets into the ring.

"Wonder what that's all about?"

"Probably involving the whole Punk situation." Justin says.

"Ah. True."

"Now I know that this is not the way Monday Night Raw normally starts. But I got something that I really need to get off my chest. As we went off the air on the 1,000th edition of Raw, I made a remark that CM Punk later described as a derogatory remark. And I...I admitted that I may have mis-spoke. So, last week when CM Punk came out here and demanded I get in the ring and apologize to him, I thought out of respect for the WWE Championship it's no big deal. So I came in the ring, I apologized to CM Punk, after which I got kicked in the head from behind."

"That was so not right. He did not deserve that."

"No. Because he did apologize. Guess that wasn't enough. Or it didn't matter. Shouldn't have asked him to apologize then."

"If he wants respect, he doing it all wrong.""

"He doesn't know what respect is to demand it."

"So last week, I apologized to CM Punk, this week...I want an apology from CM Punk."

"I have a feeling this isn't going to go over very well."

"I have that same feeling."

"Just more bullshit from him."

"Pretty much."

The crowd starts to chant his name, and just when we think he's not coming out, he does. "You want a what?" Punk says, which is barely audible on the mic but the camera picks it up. "You want the WWE Champion to apologize for doing his job? On the 1,000th episode of Raw you said and I quote, CM Punk had just turned his back on the WWE Universe. Because I justifiably beat the crap out of The Rock, and I say justifiably because he showed me a gross lack of respect. And you somehow wanna sit in your little chair and paint be as a bad guy? I'm not a bad guy. And I didn't turn my back on anybody. You Jerry Lawler turned your back on the WWE Universe when you slandered it's beloved champion."

"Beloved champion. Psh. Yeah right."

"And it's because of your lack of respect that I kicked you in your stupid head okay? Don't get it twisted. I didn't attack you from behind, I didn't ambush you, I didn't kick you in the back of your head. You tried to leave my ring and you pushed me out of the way. And then you got socked in the head. That's what I do. I will put down anybody who shoes me res...disrespect. But as far as your apology goes, I'm a man, I'll apologize in front of the world. I am sorry Jerry Lawler. I'm sorry that all it takes to get into the WWE Hall Of Fame is to beat a bunch of nobodies from Memphis. To get into a slap fight with a Hollywood comedian. To act like a juvenile, infantile, 14 year old for your entire 23 year career here in the WWE. I'm sorry...that you're jealousy and lack of respect for me stems from never being WWE Champion yourself. And I'm sorry that when you finally got your big WrestleMania moment, you couldn't beat Michael Cole!"

"That's just wrong. Jerry is a legend and that match was a joke."

"Entertaining yes, but a joke."

"I'm sorry I'm raising my voice right now and I'm sorry that you've become the WWE's circus seal. Ready to regurgitate and repeat any stupid opinion that's barked into your ear. Most of all....I'm sorry....about the man you've become. Oh you upset? Did that upset you? Did I touch a nerve? You look like you wanna fight. You wanna fight me Jerry Lawler? You're're just a commentator. I'm the best in the world. And everybody here knows, because they paid to see me, that I would embarrass you. I would embarrass you."

"I sense a match or something happening."

"I came out here for an apology, not a fight."

"I know that. I hear the words. You're not asking for a fight, but I can see it on your face. I can tell in your body language. You're getting all tensed up. You want to bow up because you wanna fight, but honestly what do you think would happen if you fought me? I'm the WWE Champion. If I'm not the best in the world Jerry, then who is? Are you? Are you the best? You wanna find out? Cause I'll fight you. I'll promise you one thing's gonna happen at the end of tonight. You're gonna leave embarrassed. I'll leave it up to you how embarrassed you're gonna leave. You're either gonna leave embarrassed because I'm gonna beat you within an inch of your life, or you're gonna leave embarrassed because you wouldn't fight me. Decision's yours King. Think about it."

"Sure. Make it look like it's all Jerry's fault now." Vi scoffs.

Punk then proceeds to leave the ring, and he yells out 'respect' before heading back up the ramp, and he keeps yelling out 'respect' before he disappears.

"Hey Punk. I'll think about it!" Jerry states before leaving the ring and going back to commentary.

"If I was Jerry. I would not give Punk that satisfaction."

"Anything for the fans though."

"True, even though we all know what's going to happen."

"And it's not right."

"No it's not."

There was the first break of the night and once that was over, Swagger was already in the ring and ready to go for his match. His opponent was revealed to be Ryback.

"Swagger? Haven't seen him in awhile and I have a feeling we won't be seeing him for long either."

"Not after tonight, no."

"It was nice seeing him while we could." Vi jokes.

"Yup, buh bye Lispy."

"I would hate to be him right now."

After a decent match, in the end, it was Ryback hitting Shell Shocked on the former World Heavyweight Champion en route to picking up another impressive win.

"Ouch." Vi winces. "I sure hope you never have to do against him."

"I hope not."

"I'll probably be a nervous wreck that night."

"Well let's hope neither AJ or Booker do that to me."

"Hopefully not."

They advertise Triple H addressing his status in the WWE, and then a major match of the night, John vs Mike. Cole asks Jerry about facing Punk, and Jerry is just thinking about it before it's another commercial.

"I really hope that Hunter is okay. Things won't be the same without him around."

"I'm sure he's still gonna be around. Probably just tell everyone they want to hear."

"Right. It'll just be good to hear from him after what happened."

"It will be." He nods.

"Mike and John's match should be good too."

"Yes. We'll stay for that, seeing as I know you wanna see it."

"I do." She nods. "Thank you." She gives him a quick kiss.

"You're welcome." He grins.

And not too long after that, there was a knock on the door and she was being called for.

"Well looks like it's time for the match."

" have to go?" He pouts.

"Yes, but I'll be back after the match is over."

"Alright..." He slowly lets her go.

"I'm not gonna be that far away."

"I know...just be careful."

"I will. Don't worry."

She gives him a lingering kiss that will hold him over until she gets back. Once she pulls away, she heads out of the room and then to the curtain. When she gets there, she immediately goes out, because she was to go out during the commercial break. She makes her way over to commentary then sits next to Cole. Not too long after that, Natalya comes out first and the show comes back on the air mid-entrance, but while she was in the ring. Then Layla came out next. Of course Cole had to ask Vi questions, but mostly about what she thought of both Divas.

"Well, they are both very tough competitors. They have their own style which makes it challenging when facing either one of them. I've been in the ring with both of them and I have a great amount of respect for each one of them."

"Excuse me!" Vickie's voice rings out through the arena as she walks out onto the stage.

"Oh god." Vi rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me! This match needs to be over with very quickly! Because I have an important announcement to make. So hurry up! EXCUSE ME!!"

"No one cares! Just go in the back and wait your turn."

She walks up the steps and waits there for the match to be over with. The bell rings and they circle before Natalya grabs Layla around the waist and then trips her, keeping her on the mat. Vickie is being very impatient, wanting the match over with right then and now. Layla goes for the pin, but Natalya kicks out. Layla uses the ropes and hits Natalya with a cross body. She goes for the cover again, but Natalya kicks out. Layla does start to have fun and dance in the ring and such, until Natalya uses the ring apron to her advantage.

"So do you believe that you can win the Divas Championship from Layla at Night Of Champions?"

"Oh I know I can. Layla is tough and we've faced each other before, but I know this time I'll get the best of her and take that title home with me."

"And given the time frame between now and then, I have plenty of time to prepare." She adds.

"Right. I for one am looking forward to that match." Jerry comments.

"No one is going to keep me from competing in that match either. A lot of the other Divas probably dislike me right now, but their shot will come...eventually."

"There are a few who are not happy. You're going to have to keep your eye on everyone of them too."

Natalya tries getting Layla in the SharpShooter, but Layla counters and Natalya gets caught up in the ropes, hanging off the edge. Natalya gets back and Layla rolls Natalya up and goes for the cover, but that doesn't do it. The kick to the head does however, and when she covers her, she wins.

"That won't happen to me. I'll be prepared." Vi comments as she looks on as Layla celebrates in the ring with the title.

Vickie however interrupts the celebration.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! You're done now. Be gone. Thank you. And that goes for you too missy." She says to Layla before turning her attention to Vi. She takes off her headset as she stands up glaring at her. "I'll leave when I'm good and ready."

"Why are you still here? The match is over. You're no longer needed."

"Whatever." She throws her hand up at her.

"Excuse me, I have something to say! Last week, the Raw general manager AJ Lee decided to make a match against Chris Jericho and the next World Heavyweight Champion Dolph Ziggler. She added the stipulation that if Jericho lost, his WWE contract would be terminated. Which was fine with me until she added that if Ziggler lost, he would lose his Money in the Bank contract to Jericho! an abuse of power and blatantly unfair! EXCUSE ME! No one on the WWE roster has the guts to speak up to the new general manager except for me! If the WWE Board of Directors is watching, I'm not asking. I am begging that it is time to put Raw back in the hands of an adult, someone who fair like me! And not some mentally deranged, child!"

"She shouldn't have said that." I sing.

"Big mistake on her part."

"And she should talk about abusing power by the way. Does anyone remember her abusing power when she was GM multiple times on both shows?"

"Obviously she forgot about all that."

It isn't too long after that when AJ comes skipping out to the ring. After skipping around the ring, she gets into it, and stands before Vickie, taking the mic from her. It looks like she's going to say something, but instead she slaps Vickie across the face. She then tackles her and attacks her. Vickie flees, holding her face and runs to the back.

"Damn! That shut her up."

"But you wanna bet she's gonna go to the board about this?"

"Most likely. I wouldn't be surprised if she's on the phone with them now."

"Knowing her, she probably is."

"I'm sure we'll find out."

"Two matches down 4 more to go until I'm needed for the battle royal."

"So I get plenty of more time to be touchy."

"Yes you do."


While heading back to the locker room, Vi is mumbling to herself about how Vickie was so rude out there, demanding that she leave and head to the back because the match was over. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going until she bumped into someone. She looks up to see the one person that she was hoping not to see. She tries to push past him, but he grabs her arm, pulling her bag. "Get the hell away! I'm not in the mood!" She spits, trying to pull her arm from his grip.

"I don't think so. The elevator may have stopped me, but it can't stop me now."

"I'm going to tell you one time and one time only. Get off me now or you'll regret it." She grits her teeth.

"Like you're really going to do something here."

"Watch me." She goes to give him a low blow only to have him spin her around so her back is to him.

"I knew that was coming this time."

"You ass." She struggles to get away from him.

"I'm always going to be one step ahead of you now. I know your moves before you're going to do them."

"That's because you're nothing but a creep who watches everything I do."

"Ah but you don't know for how long. If only you knew."

"I don't want to know. Now let go of me!"

Just then she spotted AJ making her way down the hall in their direction. That's when a light bulb goes off in her head. "You know all of my moves huh? What about this one. AJ! He said you're crazy!"

"Slater!" She yells. "Get over here now!"

"Oh you're going to pay for this." He growls in her ear.

"We'll see. Now I think you should let me go and go see her, or else you'll be in more trouble."

"This isn't over."

"Whatever. Now get your filthy hands off of me."

He grumbles before letting her go and he makes his way over to AJ to suffer the consequences of something he did not say. She just grins evilly as she knows what will happen and she continues the rest of the way to the locker room. Just as she opens the door, she's met by Justin who was getting ready to leave.

"There you are. I was getting worried."

"Here I am." She half smiles, then goes quiet as she wraps her arms around him.

"You okay?"

"No...not really."

"Well come back in, we can talk about it."

She nods, letting go of him so she can close the door. He takes her hand and leads her back to the couch where she lays her head on his chest with her arms around his waist.

"Okay so let's talk about it."

" saw what Vickie did. I was not happy about that at all, then when I was coming back..I ran into..." She bites her lip. "...Slater." She says lowly.

"I knew I should've went with you. He didn't do anything did he? He didn't hurt you right?"

"It's alright and he grabbed my arm. Hurts a bit, but that's all."

She shifts a bit in his arms so she's able to take off the jacket she was wearing.

"Which arm?"

"Right one."

He carefully grabs it and examines it to see if she's hurt at all, or if there's anything visible like a bruise or whatever. "Well I see nothing, but it usually takes a day or so before bruises show up. If there's anything tomorrow, that's it..he's done."

"He was holding pretty tight. He even twisted it behind my back after I tried kicking him."

"We'll keep a close eye on your arm."

"Hopefully nothing will show. That's the last thing I need." She moves back to laying on his chest as his arms go tightly around her. She can't help but to tremble from time to time from thinking about what happened.

"Looks like I'll have to be with you always for now on again."

"Probably, even though that does not stop him. He said he's been watching for a long time." She quivers. "He's so obsessed it's creepy."

"Well we're staying in here for the rest of the night. He can't bother you in here."

"Good. I just want to be with you right now and no one else."

"And that's how it's going to be."

She buries her face in his chest as she moves closer to him. After the break, Cole brings up how AJ ordered Daniel to attend anger management classes. The first meeting was shown from last week.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to anger management. I'm Dr. Shelby. Now you're all here because you have anger management issues. And we're looking for ways for you to resolve them alright? I'm gonna guide you on a path of...yes?"

The camera pans over to Daniel who has raised his hand.

"I don't have anger management issues. I'm not like the rest of you losers okay? I'm fine. Couldn't be calmer."

"Yep. He's real calm."

"Okay. We're waiting for one more person in group today, but we're gonna go ahead and start without him. So let's remember back to last week, we talked about our anger color."

Just then the door opens and a kid with a goat mask walks into the room.

"No! No! No!" Daniel exclaims, throwing his binder on the ground, before walking over to the kid. "Which one of you did this? Huh? Do you think this is funny? I don't have a goat face, I am handsome! Did you set this up Dr.? You listen to me. You little brat. You take that goat mask off right now! Do you hear me?!"

"Now that's funny. Looks like it could be a younger version of him."

"This is my son Richard. He's a goat in his school play, Noah's Ark. Richard, this man is sick and needs help. Okay?"

Daniel walks away and sits back down in his chair.

"It's alright buddy."

"Don't touch me Harold."

"Someones needs anger management. Oh wait...that's what he's there for."

"Not sure how well that's gonna work." Justin chuckles.

"Doesn't seem to be working so far."

Going back to ringside, Cole brings up a tweet that Punk made about Jerry. That causes Jerry to stand up and take the headset off and he stands up on the table. "You know, CM Punk came out here and said...that I beat up a bunch of nobodies down in Memphis, Tennessee. Well let me tell you something Punk. Those nobodies that I beat up down in Memphis, Tennessee include names like Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Superstar Billy Graham, Bill Dundee...the list goes on. And I can tell you this Punk. I don't know how long you would've lasted down in Memphis, Tennessee pal. Now he also said that sometimes out here I act like a fun loving 14 year old. That may be true. He also said I've never been WWE Champion...that's true. He said I beat up a comedian down in Memphis. Well you know what, that comedian was one of the greatest comedians ever from Hollywood that I had a lot of respect for. His name was Andy Kaufman. Now the one thing you did say Punk about me is...that I am a WWE hall of famer. and you don't get in the WWE Hall of Fame unless you stand up when the time is right. Unless you summon the guts to stand up to somebody who's younger than you, someone who's in the prime of your life. Now, CM Punk, I know I'm not the best in the world. But I don't think you are either."

"I totally agree. Punk needs to stop with 'the best in the world' crap. He's far from it."

"So I've never backed down in a challenge in my life, and I am not gonna start tonight. So you wanna know Punk if I'll fight you? You're damn right I'll fight you tonight!" Jerry finishes, before leaving ringside and going to the back.

"That's going to be interesting."

"Very. Still don't think he should be competing."

"No he shouldn't. There are so many things that could go wrong."

"But they continue to let him compete."

"They just better hope he doesn't get seriously injured."

"That would not be good at all."

"No it wouldn't be."

"Let's just hope nothing does happen."

It's not too long after you were done talking about that, the show came back and it was time for the next match. John came out first, so they knew it was the match he had against Mike.

"Last match then we can go."

"Good. Then I can get you out of here and away from you know who."

"I can't wait."

"And I say time in the jacuzzi because I can feel that you're tensed and stressed out."

"I really am and that sounds perfect."

"I thought so." He grins.

"You and your amazing ideas." She leans up, giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm full of them."

"Yes you are and I love them...just like I love you."

"I love you too. So very much."

" you more."

"We love each other equally."

"Yes we do."

Once John makes his entrance, Mike was next to come out.

"Going to have to go with Mike to win on this one."

"I'll have to agree this time."

The bell rings and they circlebefore standing across from each other. They circle again before locking up and Mike gets John in a side headlock and takes him down to the mat, keeping the hold. The usual chants for John start and he starts to get to his feet and does. He gets out of the hold, Mike coming off the ropes and John gets him in a side headlock himself. Mike gets to his feet, and John goes against the ropes and Mike goes for a hip toss, but John blocks it and gets Mike in another side headlock. After a long match, in the end it was John hitting the AA on Mike, and pinning him to win the match.

"Of course John wins." Vi rolls her eyes.

"Well, suppose we can head out now. Wanna go tell Scar and Ted that we're leaving?"

"That would probably be a good idea." She nods.

"Here's your jacket." He grabs it and hands it to her.

"Thank you." She takes it then puts it on. "Alright, I'm ready."

She gets up first, followed by him. She makes sure she has everything they brought with them before leaving the room and going to find me and Ted's locker room. As they walk, he holds her close to him while her eyes look all around. After a bit of searching, they find out locker room and knock.

"Come in!" I call, only because Ted wasn't letting me go anytime soon.

"Hey you two. We just came by to let you know we're heading out early." Justin says after we walk in.

"Aw really?"

"...yeah..." She nods.

"Not a good night for her." Justin adds.


"I think it best if she's not here any longer tonight. She ran into...Wendy..." He says lowly, but she still tenses up. "..on the way back."

"Not him again."

"As if at the hotel wasn't bad enough." She mumbles.

"Unfortunately yes." Justin sighs. "He got denied by the elevator but still." He adds.

"Oh that's just a shame." I say sarcastically.

"He said that wasn't going to stop him."

"If we have to, we're gonna have to talk to AJ about this."

"We might and I know she not too happy with him right now either." Vi chuckles slightly.

"What did you do?" I ask, amused.

"Well, since he had me so I couldn't do anything, when I saw her coming I said really loud that he called her crazy."

"Hah. Wonder what the consequences were."

"I don't know, but she was pissed when I left."

"Uh oh..."

"He's so in for it." She chuckles evilly.

"Yes he is."

"Poor, poor Wendy." She mocks sarcasm.

"Yes, poor Wendy." I laugh.

"Alright. I think it's time to get you out of here." Justin says to her.

"I agree." She nods, hugging him tighter.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow. Bye."


Justin and she then walks out of our locker room and closes the door before they head out to the car.

"We'll be back at the hotel in no time."

"I can't wait. I want to get away from here right now."

"And we will." He says, opening her door for her. She thanks him as she gets in and once she's in, he closes the door then goes over to the other side. After he's in and ready, he starts to head for the hotel. As he's driving, she laces her fingers with his free hand and lays her head on his shoulder. He leans down and kisses the top of her head as they reach a red light, before leaning his head on hers. He keeps his head there until the light turns green, then picks his head back up to continue to drive. While he drives, he picks up their hands where their fingers were laced and he kisses her hand. She sighs in content as she smiles to herself. He keeps their fingers laced as they keep driving to the hotel. After a bit, they finally make it back. Once there, he parks the car and they get out. When they meet at the back of the car, his arm goes over her shoulder as hers goes around his waist. They head inside and to the elevators, only waiting a short time before the doors open and they step inside, heading up to their floor. Once on their floor, they head right to their room then walk in.

"Why don't you get changed, I'll get the jacuzzi ready." He suggests.

"Sounds good." She nods then gives him a kiss. He then goes to get everything ready while she got looking for something to wear. She searches her bag for one of his favorite swim suits then smirks when she finds the perfect one. She doesn't bother going to the bathroom and gets changed in the room. Once she's done, she sits on the bed until he has everything ready. Once he feels the water is the temperature it should be at to be comfortable, he comes back into the room.

"It's all set."

"So am I." She smirks as she stands up. "But you're not."

"Oh I know that."

"Want some help?" She walks over to him and starts to play with his shirt.

"If you insist." He grins.

"Oh I do." She smirks as she slowly lifts his shirt up, making sure her fingers lightly move over his skin.

"You know what that does to me."

"Mhm." She hums, lightly kissing his chest after tossing his shirt to the side. She keeps lightly kissing up his chest to his neck as she starts to work on getting his pants off. His eyes close as he leans into her, the torture getting to him already. She chuckles against his skin as she keeps kissing and nipping lightly. She makes her take her time while letting her fingers linger. A slight growl comes from him as he tenses. She decides he's had enough torture for now then gets his pants undone, letting them fall to the floor.

"Now you're ready." She smirks.

"Oh you're so going to get it." He smirks as he lifts her up. She squeals in surprise as she clings to him. "I'm oh so scared."

"You should be." He chuckles.

"Is the big bad wolf going to eat me?" She acts scared.

"Oh I would never eat you. But you do know what I love to do with my teeth after all." He winks.

"Oh boy." She giggles. "I'm in for it aren't I?"



"I think it's too late for that."

"Oh darn."

He then carries her outside and to the jacuzzi where he puts her down into the water. He leans back against the side as he climbs in himself. Once he's in, he pulls her over, moving her to his lap.

"There, much better."

"Mhm. Relaxing too."

"That's the whole idea."

"Well, I'm feeling better already." She leans her back against his chest as he starts to lightly kiss across her shoulder.

"That's great."

"Are you really starting already?" She chuckles. "We just got in here."

"Can't help myself."

"Of course you can't. I'm just that irresistible." She smirks.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Just like you are." She moves her hands slowly up his thighs.

"I try."

"You don't even have to."

"Only for you."


"What you're doing right now though, may lead to other things. You know I can't resist long."

"Oh I know that." She smirks. "You're not helping me either."

"I know."

"'" She bites her lip as he slowly and lightly starts to kiss and nip at her neck. She squeezes her hands down on his thighs making him nip a bit harder.


He starts to focus back on what he was doing until she squeezes down again, giggling to herself when a growl comes from him. He moves his hands from around her, taking her hands and lacing their fingers as he continues to slowly nip, keeping up the torture. A few noises come from her, but not loud enough for him just yet.

"Not stopping until I hear what I want to hear." He mumbles.

She bites harder on her lip as she shakes her head.

"Suit yourself then." He smirks.

He starts nipping harder, leaving little marks for now getting a few soft noises from her. Once he's done with those, he moves to his favorite spot just grazing over it, getting a bigger reaction out of her as she tenses up and moans a bit louder. He smirks, but is still not satisfied. He grazes the spot again before pressing his lips to it. She grips his hands tightly as she bites down harder on her lip trying to resist. The harder he nips and sucks at the spot, the harder it is for her to hold any noises back. Soon, any noises that come from her are loud and clear to him since they were not muffled at all. He grins and tarts to pull away from the spot. Once he sees a decent size mark starting to form, he makes his way to her lips, letting go of her hands. She turns around so she's straddling him then presses her lips to his in an eager kiss. His arms wrap around her waist and his hands wander where they are for now. Her hands go to his hair, tugging gently at it as she puts more passion into the kiss. Sitting in the jacuzzi didn't really last long because once the passion and intensity of the kiss picked up, Justin held her in place as he started to get up to get out of the jacuzzi.

"....have to...dry off..." She mumbles against his lips.

"...I'll do it..."

She mumbles a response against his lips as he tries to shut the jacuzzi off. They pull away so he can do that then his lips go right back to hers as he starts to head inside. The first place he goes to is the bathroom, so get can help dry her off and himself before going to the bed. He starts to take off her swim suit to help her dry quicker. He reaches for a towel, then smirks as he looks her over. As he dries her off, he kisses all the skin he can reach. Once she's dry, she helps him with his bottoms then starts to dry him off. Once he's dry, she drops the towel on the sink counter top, not needed it anymore. He wraps his arms around her once again and presses his lips to hers as he pulls her out of the bathroom and into the room, falling back on the bed when he gets there. She moves her legs so they're on either side of him as she rests her hands on his chest for now, never breaking the kiss. After resting her hands for a bit, she slowly starts to move them down when he rolls them over, taking her hands and pinning them to the bed. She whines softly as he starts to move them up to the pillows.

"Wanna try something new. See how you react when you can't touch me during it."

"That's going to be more torture than I can handle."

"We'll see." He smirks.

She whines softly again at the torture it's causing already. He does however let one hand go for a brief moment to make sure the blankets are over them before he even thinks of doing anything. Once he pulls the blankets over them, he laces his fingers with her hand again, then they have a very long and torturous night. Back at the arena, it was getting down to the end of the match between Daniel and Truth. Daniel was on the outside and arguing back and forth with a fan and ended getting himself counted out, losing the match.

"Well that was just stupid."

Daniel starts to throw a fit for losing the match, once Truth and Kofi leave.

"That's not channeling his anger." I laugh.

"No. Looks like those classes aren't working." Ted chuckles.

"Well it's only the first class anyway, but still."


"But that match is over, so I believe I'll be needed now."

"Awww." He whines. "I'm not done yet." He pouts.

"I know, but I do need to see who I'll be facing at the pay-per-view."

"I know..."

"We can only hope it's not too long. I can tell you won't be able to wait long."

"You're right about that."

"Gonna have to let me go now."

"Alright." He slowly lets me go. I move from his lap and stand, fixing my dress before grabbing the title.

"I'll be back." I give him a quick kiss.

"And then we call it an early night."

"How did I know that?"

"Because you know me."

"I do." She grins. "Now I think I should go before I'm late."

"Right." He nods.

I give him one last kiss to hold him over then leave the room and head to the curtain. This time I go out when the show comes back on the air, going out before all the other girls come out. You make your way over to commentary then sit down, putting on the headset you were given. I get introduced and I thank them for having me there. We talk a bit about how the title was brought back and how I was the one to win it, before everyone started to come out. Once all the girls were in the ring, the ref rang the bell.

"So, Scar. Tell us. Who do you think is going to win and who would you like to face for the title?" Cole asks me.

"Honestly every single one of the ladies in the ring are talented. I can't pick just one to be the one to win. I'd like to face any of them."

"Right, right. The word around the backstage area, so I've heard, is that Eve says she is going to win and take that title from you at Night of Champions. Your thoughts?"

"She can keep dreaming. I just got this and there is no way I'm losing it. She's just jealous because she's never been a Women's Champion. She's also a little ticked off because I cost her the shot at the Divas Championship, letting Violet get that shot instead."

"As we all saw. Is there any reason you did that?"

"Straight out, Eve's already held it what twice already? She doesn't need to hold it again. Time to give someone else a shot, someone new. Plus Violet is one of my close, personal friends. Friends help friends. She helped me to get this title, it's only fair I help her get her shot."

"That maybe true, but in my opinion I would rather see Eve with the title then Violet. What has Violet done that give her the chance to go for the title? In my mind, nothing at all. I think Violet should just step back and let someone with better talent go after the title." Cole rants.

"And there you go." I shake my head. "You know after all Eve's done, she doesn't deserve anything to be completely honest. Using Zack Ryder, plotting to use John Cena...both two other friends of mine, and sucking up to get to a higher level in her career."

"She did what she had to do. I'm sure you would've done the same thing. How do we know you didn't do that to get the title you have? Huh?"

"Because I've stayed true to one person my whole career. Don't believe me ask him yourself."

"Oh I will. I've had my suspicions about you."

"Cole will you shut up and leave the poor girl alone!?" Jerry interjects. "She is our guest out here so treat her with a little more respect then that."

"Thank you Jerry. At least someone respects the Divas around here."

"I for one do. I really enjoy seeing all you girls out here showing us what you've got. It's exciting."

"One of the few." I state as Aksana was one of the very first eliminated.

"Oh there goes Aksana. What a shame." Cole comments.

"She's not champion material yet anyway. She's got a ways to go."=

"That may be true, but she is a good competitor."

"She is, I will give her that."

Alicia and Rosa were working together for the moment, trying to eliminate Kaitlyn. Eve got Natalya out of the equation for the time being before going over and eliminating all three, leaving her and Natalya left in the ring.

"Eve and Natalya. Who's your pick?" Jerry asks.

"Easy. Eve." Cole simply says.

"He wasn't asking you idiot. We already know who your pick is."

He just grumbles to himself turning his attention back to the ring.

"Scar...who's your pick out of the two ladies in the ring?"

"Well I've faced Eve tons of times, I'd like to face Natalya for the title. She and I have that mutual respect for one another so no matter who's victorious in our matches, there's that respect."

"You both do put on one hell of match. I would love to see you both go after the title."

At one point, Natalya almost had the match won, thinking she eliminated Eve. When she turned around however, Eve was still in the match and when she went back over to her, the tables turned and Eve got the control back. All it took was a cheap shot and Natalya was eliminated.

"I told you it would be Eve! I told you!" Cole smugly brags as I glare at him.

Once the bell rang, Eve looked shocked that she won. After she celebrates in the ring, she goes over to the ropes by commentary, then starts to taunt me, motioning around her waist where the title will be. I take the headset off and place it back on the table, grabbing the title, and raising it in the air and giving her a look that says 'bring it on'. Eve smirks at me as she nods, pointing from the title to her waist again. I give her a mocking smile back, before leaving the ringside area. As I head up the ramp, I turn around raising the title high in the air before putting it back on my shoulder. I make sure to keep an eye on Eve as I head behind the curtain. After getting to the back, I head right back to the locker room. I was mumbling to myself when I walked in, so Ted got right up and walked over to me, pressing his lips to mine. He does end up catching me off guard, so it takes a bit to kiss him back. Once he feels me relax, he starts to pull away, resting his forehead against mine.

"Let me guess....that was because I was mumbling to myself."

"I knew you weren't happy so I had to calm you down somehow."

"Works every time."

"Exactly why I do it."

"Of course."

"Now that you're all about we get out of here?" He grins.

"Well we did agree that we would, so let's go."

"Yess." He cheers.

He goes and grabs everything we had brought with us, handing me my stuff, before basically rushing me out of the room.

"Ted..." I laugh. "...heels remember."

"I bad."

"You always do." you chuckle.

"Your fault."

"As always."

"Think you can slow down a bit until we're actually back at the hotel and in our own room?"

"I think I can." He starts to slow down.

"Okay good."

He walks at a pace that is good for me. We both reach the car and put our things in the back. Then we get into the car and he drives back to the hotel. On the way back, he tries to be as touchy as he can while he drives.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright. Don't want you too distracted."

"I'm good...for now."

"Okay, if you say so."

"We're almost there anyway."

"So we are."

Soon he pulls up to the hotel then parks the car. We grab our things from the back, and then head inside. We head through the lobby to the elevators and once we're on the elevator, he starts to be all touchy again.

"Seems like you don't want to wait."

"I've waited all night for this."

"I can tell."

"This won't stay on long once we get in the room either."

"I kind of figured."

"Good. Because I'm going to have my fun..." He says as the elevator dings. "" He smirks as he lifts me up, taking off toward the room. I squeal and cling to him as he walks faster than we would have been if he was not carrying me. He gets to the room in no time at all then gets the door open, walking in while still holding me. He shuts it with his foot and he doesn't bother locking it, because of course it locks when it shuts and the card is the only way to open it. We both drop our bags as he takes me over to the bed. He sets me down and his hands are resting on my legs until he kneels down by my feet. He moves his hands until he reaches one of my shoes and he starts to untie it from where it's tied around my ankle. Once he gets that one off, he does the same thing with the other. After those are off, he slowly runs his hands up my legs.

"Super touchy now."

"Because I can be."

"As much as you want."

"And that's going to be a lot." He moves his hands up my sides to the back of my dress.

"Only thing about this dress. There is no zipper. It just pulls off. I think that makes things a lot easier for you."

"It does." He smirks as he starts to tug it down.

"In a rush are we? I don't think it's fair that this comes off when you have all your clothes on."

"You can start while I do this."

"Jewelry first."

He stops what he's doing while he anxiously waits for me to take that off. After taking everything off, I place it on the table that was next to the bed. "All set now."

"Finally." He eagerly says as he starts to tug at my dress again.

While he does that, I decide to wait on trying to get his clothes off. My hands instead wander under his shirt and I do what I know gets to him, and that's drag my nails across his abs. He growls slightly as he tenses up. He finally gets my dress down far enough then he leans down starting to kiss all the skin he can reach. I grin and continue to drag my nails there for a bit longer before deciding to move his shirt up. The growls from him get deeper as he starts to nip harder at my skin. That stops me from keeping focus on what I was doing, one hand moving to wrap that arm around him to hold him close. He smirks since he knows it's getting to me, then starts to linger each kiss.

"You're keeping me from taking your shirt off...."

"Just having my fun."

"And I want to have fun too."

"Alight...I'll go easy...for now."

"Well I never said you had to go easy on me, I can still have my fun while you're having your fun."

"Sounds like a challenge."

"Maybe it is."

"Challenged accepted."

"But I do think the shirt needs to come off first at least."

"Be my guest."

I grin before moving my hand back to the bottom of his shirt. I then proceed to move it up and help pull it off. Once that's off, I toss it to the side then slowly move my hands down his chest to his pants.

"Hmm...what to do now?" I smirk.

"...Scar...killing me..." He groans.

"I know. You get to have fun, I get to have fun, and I'm having my fun."

"I'm going to have fun alright." He smirks, pressing his lips to the spot on my neck without any warning. I arch into him and my nails end up digging into his skin, as I know what he's going to do if I resist letting any noises come out. He nips and sucks as hard as he can, intent on getting what he wants out of me.

"" I manage to get out without anything else getting out.

"...yes..." He mumbles as he nips as hard as he can. I still try and resist letting anything out, but it soon gets too much for me and I let out a quiet noise for now. But that doesn't satisfy him so he continues with his tactic, and I can't hep but to get gradually louder. He smirks once he heads the reaction he was waiting for, then he slowly pulls away to see a good sized mark starting to form. His smirk gets bigger as he starts to move to my lips. I simply cannot wait after that, so I move the rest of the way, pressing my lips against his, and kissing him eagerly. My hands move from his sides to resting on his back as I hold him as close as he can get to me. His one hand goes around my back as he kisses back just as eagerly. His other hand moves down starting to pull my dress the rest of the way off. I have to move a bit in order for him to pull it off, and once he does get it off, he tosses it over where his shirt was, that I tossed. Since that was done, while one of my hands is running through his hair, the other moves to the waist of his pants, because that's the next piece of clothing of his that needs to come off since my dress is gone, and it needs to be even. I'm able to get them undone with no problem since he was just as eager as I was. He helps me pull them down before he steps out of them, then starts to move is both up to the pillows.

"So much better."

"Now we're even."

"Until we can't resist with the little things left."

"That won't be much longer."

"No it won't." I agree.

He presses his lips to mine again as his hands start to wander. As his hands wander, goosebumps are left behind, since he was touching lightly. He moves them from my sides and rests them on my hips, tracing patterns along the skin, but only briefly before he moves them down to my legs. He starts to tug at the rest of what I have on, wanting it off. His hand grabs the blanket since he knows what is going to happen next. I grin against his lips as he pulls the blanket over us.