Status: Active

All About Us

One Week Till Night Of Champions

It's back to the beginning of another week, just one more week until the pay-per-view. I had just finished getting ready in the bathroom, and sat on the bed as I was pulling my boots on.

"Do you have a match tonight?"

"I do."

His eyes light up at the thought of seeing me in my gear. "So I get to see you in your gear tonight." He grins.


"I so can't wait."

"And you can stick it to Cole on commentary about that little comment he made about me too. About acting like Eve to get where I am now. So disrespectful." I shake my head as I stand.

"He's just lucky I wasn't out there when he said. That really pissed me off. You're nothing like her."

"No. So be expecting for him to ask you all these questions. Come up with these ridiculous stories that he heard." I sigh, putting air quotes up when say that last word.

"I'll put him in his place. Don't you worry about that." He kisses me quick.

"Good. I'm tired of him disrespecting those he doesn't like."

"He'll learn to respect you whether he likes it or not."

"He better. Or I swear I won't hesitate to deck him in the face. I'm sure AJ will allow it."

"I don't think she'll mind at all." He chuckles.

"I'm facing Eve tonight anyway. Non-title."

"And you're going to win. No doubt about that and if Cole has something to say, I won't give him the chance."

"Even if I happen to lose? Cause you know he'll be bragging about how she won and blah blah blah."

"I'll kick him from under the table if I have to."

"That'll be funny." I laugh.

"He'll deserve it. No one talks about you like that. Not as long as I'm around."

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you too." He gives me a kiss, but holds it for longer this time.

"'s a good thing I'm not wearing anything like last week or we'd be having trouble leaving tonight." I say when I'm able to pull away.

"Very lucky." He chuckles. "'s always hard leaving the room with you at all."

"Never fails."

"You're that irresistible." He bites his lip. "I hate that I can't have you all to myself all the time."

"Oh poor you."

"Yes...poor me. It's so hard not keeping you locked up all for me."


"You're mine and I don't like sharing all."

"And you don't have to...unless when it pertains to work."

"That's the hard part. Knowing all those guys are looking at you the way only I should. It kills me."

"Ah, but neither of them are the one I go back to the hotel or home with at night. You are."

"True and that's what keeps me from going after each and everyone of those guys too. Just knowing I'm the one that gets to hold you gets me through it all."

"And we get to make them jealous....when we kiss in the middle of that ring." I smirk.

"My favorite part of it all." He smirks as well.

"Of course it is."

"I get to show them who gets you. Best feeling ever." He runs his fingers through my hair. "I love showing you off as mine."

"Just imagine how it'll be the day you propose and we're engaged. Ohhh, so many of them will be disappointed and so many of the girls that love you will be disappointed." I laugh.

"That will be one sad day for a lot of people, but not for us. It'll be the best day ever."

"Yes it will be."

He pulls me close to him as he runs his hand through my hair once more. His eyes never leave me as he leans down giving me a passionate kiss. He holds the kiss for as long as he can, making sure it will last until we make it to the arena. When he feels it's lasted long enough to help us make it to the arena, he pulls away. I grab my bag and we head out of the room and to the elevator, hand in hand. Once in the elevator, we take that down to the lobby then head out tot he car. As we head to the arena, he keeps his fingers laced with mine, as he drives. Once at the arena, we both head inside and go right to our locker room. With Vi and Justin, she was in the bathroom finishing the last few loose curls in her hair. She started to work on her makeup when Justin came, snaking his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder after kissing her cheek.

"I love to watch you put your makeup on." He grins.

"Even though I don't need. I know." She chuckles. "Have to look my best though."

"Of course."

"Almost done..." She says as she gets her Pina Colada lip gloss. "...just have to put this on." She takes the cap off then slowly puts it on her lips.

"Ohh that smells amazing."

"It does." She rubs her lips together. "It has to last even though I'm bringing it with me."


"I know how you get. You'll take it all off before we even leave." She giggles as he lightly kisses her shoulder. He starts to lightly nip across her shoulder blade since she's wearing a spaghetti strap dress. She bites her lip as he starts to move up her neck. "Justy..." She closes her eyes. "...I know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You know exactly what."

"Do I?"

"...yes." She bites harder on her lip, trying not to give in.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"You know what that does to me."

"So I do."

He slowly makes his way up her neck, leaving the kisses light for now. Once he gets to her ear, he starts to nip and suck on her earlobe. It gets to the point to where she can't take it and turns in his arms, pressing her lips to his in a hard kiss. And since she was leaning against the counter of the sink, he takes the opportunity to pick her up and set her on it. She wraps her arms around his neck while her legs go around his waist as she pulls him as close to her as he can get. His hands rest on her thighs, lightly squeezing when he feels necessary. That gets the same reaction out of her that it always does and he smirks against her lips. She suddenly realizes though that he's about done taking the lip gloss off, but by the time she pulls away to stop him, it's too late.

"...that's what you wanted..."

"That's what I wanted." He nods.

"Satisfied now?"


"Good." She grins. "Now, I have to put more on, then we can go."

"Right." he nods.

"Just have to let go silly."

"Oops. Right. My bad." He chuckles, letting go.

She shakes her head with a laugh as she hops down off the counter then re-applies her lip gloss. Once that's done, she takes his hands as they head back into the room so she can get her boots on. After those are on, she grabs both their bags. "Alright, I'm ready."

"You look amazing."

"As you always tell me." She blushes slightly.

"Because it's true."

"Always." She smiles. "Love you."

"Love you too." He give her a quick kiss.

Then they gather their things and they both head out and to the elevator. Once in the elevator, they head down to the lobby and then out to the car. He does the usual and opens her door for her as she gets in before he goes around to the drivers side and gets in, and then they head off to the arena. Once they arrive at the arena, they get out of the car then head inside to the locker room hand in hand.

"So do you have a match tonight?" Justin asks.

"I do." She nods. "Against Rosa." She makes a face.

"Oh that'll be an easy match."

"It should be. She's really weak, but she's also sneaky too."

"But you're sneakier." He grins.

"I am." She grins evilly. "I learned from the best."

"Yes you did."

"And I have your favorite attire tonight too." She smirks.

"You do?"

"Mhm." She nods. "My pink one."

"Now that makes me even more excited for your match." He grnis.

"I'm sure it does. You're always excited when I wear my ring gear."

"Very excited."

"Too bad you have to wait a bit. Still have time before I need to get ready."


"You want me to change now, don't you?"

"I do."

"Alright mister eager. I'll change." She laughs. "Only because you know I can't stand to see you pout."

"Works every time."

"Oh you little sneak."

"You love me though."

"Yes. Very much."

They reach the locker room and head inside. Justin goes and sits while she heads into the changing area to get changed into her ring gear. It doesn't take her long to change and once she's done, she heads back out into the room. After dropping her gear bag by the couch, she sits down on his lap since she knew he was going to pull her there anyway. As soon as she sits, his hands start to wander all over. "Starting already?" She giggles.

"Can't help it."

"It's all the skin you can touch."


"Touchy." She giggles.

"It's the gear. It helps." He grins.

"It always does."

"Always." He repeats.

"I have a feeling you're not going to let me go at all tonight."


"I didn't think so." She giggles as she leans into him.

"Well until your match anyway."

"Of course and you have plenty of time too."

The show starts with a video package of the stuff with Jerry and Punk from last week, and highlights of their match which ended up being a steel cage and then AJ announcing that Punk would be defending his title against John at the pay-per-view. Then his brutal attack on Jerry, and John running out to try and help, it only being too late by the time they got the cage up.

"That was really uncalled for. He could have seriously hurt Jerry."

"Nope. He has to earn it and that's not the way to earn it."

"Not at all."

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is Monday Night Raw live tonight in Chicago and a disturbing situation developing moments ago here. Uh it was just minutes before Raw and I was making my customary entrance to ringside here at the Allstate arena here in Chicago. Now normally I'd be interrupted by the music of Jerry The King Lawler. Well so far so good. Lawler's music would hit, but there was no sign of the King. Let's show you why." Cole states and backstage footage from just three minutes before the show, was showing Punk and Jerry in a backstage brawl, officials holding Punk and Jerry back, that is until Jerry charged and got kicked in the face by Punk.

"Wow...he's taking this a bit too far."

"I'm surprised we didn't hear any of that. Must not have been nearby."

"Looks like it was more by the entrance to the ramp then back this way."

"Would make sense seeing as he goes out after Cole does before the show."


The show then started officially and Justin Roberts introduced Sheamus to the ring.

"Well it looks like we're off to a jumpstart here in Chicago. You know every time I come here, the party never ends. But I'm here to tell ya', that the party is gonna end for one man. Alberto Del Rio."

"Alberto Dorito."

"More like a crunchy party snack."

"That's a good one."

"Why thank you."

"That's because at Night of Champions-" Sheamus is cut off by Punk's music.

"Ohh, here comes the party pooper."

"Like anyone even cares what he has to say."

The crowd of course is all for him, being Chicago and all, chanting his name and such.

"Sheamus, don't come here and try to talk to MY hometown. They can't relate to a guy like you. They can relate to a guy like me because I'm from here. How's everybody doing? What you saw a little bit earlier was me beating up Jerry Lawler."



"But what the cameras did not catch was Jerry attacking me from behind. See there's only on e king in Chicago. And when you come at the king, you best not miss. Jerry Lawler just got exactly what he deserved and he got it Chicago style."

"Why is it that I don't believe him?"

"Because he's a habitual liar."

"He is. I think he started that whole fight, not Jerry."

"Now that I believe."

"It's not bad enough that Jerry Lawler needs to attack me from behind. For weeks he's sat at his desk and he's attacked my integrity. And I think everybody here knows that's something you do not do. So last week in a cage, I decided to take it upon myself to teach Jerry a little bit of a lesson in respect. And class was in session until a little white knight decided to come and stick his nose where it didn't belong. That white knight's name is John Cena."

"John was doing what was right. Jerry needed the help."

"See I did to Jerry Lawler what he deserved because on the Raw 1000th episode, he famously stated that I turned my back on the WWE Universe. So I ask of the Universe. Did I turn my back on you?! John Cena you helped Jerry Lawler, and when you helped Jerry Lawler, you agree with Jerry Lawler. And when you agree with Jerry Lawler, that means you disagree with me. And if you disagree with me, that means you're disrespecting me. And where I come from, you do not disrespect the best in the world. And if you foolishly choose to disrespect the WWE Champion, for 288 days, well then John Cena, it's you who's turned your back on the WWE Universe."

"More like the other way around. You turned your back on everyone,"

"Well maybe not Chicago anyway."

"Of course. He would nver do that to his hometown." Vi rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"So rest assured-"

"Fella fella fella, honestly honestly honestly. Yes I know, I know we're in your hometown. But like you wanna talk about disrespect? You wanna talk about disrespect?"

"You're interrupting me."

"Well I thought this was gonna go on for a half an hour, thirty minutes which I don't have. But let me say this. You wanna talk about disrespect? You wanna come out here and say you're the best in the world? Well I'm the World Heavyweight Champion. And interrupted me. Come on man. That's like the crime The Rock committed. You said to everyone The Rock committing that massive crime, when he interrupted you. Remember that? You remember how you told everyone how The Rock disrespected you by interrupting you? Well here's the thing fella. At least The Rock had the guts to step in the ring.....unlike you who's all the way over there on the stage. So how about it fella? How about you come on down?"

"He's is right. To bad Punk is to chicken to go face him like a man."

"Sheamus I already beat up one goon tonight. I don't think tonight's your night. I have nothing to do with you. Yeah you're the World Heavyweight Champion. But guess what fella, that makes you at best, the second best in the world. Awwww. And comes with that a pecking order. And in that pecking order, you're right behind me, so shut your mouth."

"Shut my mouth? You want me to shut my mouth? Do me a favor will you? Why don't you turn around, because you're talking out of your arse, so I might as well be looking at it!"


"Burn." Justin chuckles.

"Sheamus is right though. I mean...Punk does look like one afterall."

"He acts like one too."

"Yes! A very big one at that.

"You know that's just the sort of disrespect I expect-" Punk gets cut off by AJ's music and her coming out.

"Someone's in trouble."

"No disrespect Punk and no disrespect Sheamus, but I have an announcement to make. Night of Champions is less than 2 weeks away. Which is giving me an idea for tonight's two main events. In one match, the challengers for both the World title and the WWE title will face each other. Which means Alberto Del Rio will face John Cena. And the other main going to be a champion vs champion match. Which means World champ Sheamus will face WWE champ CM Punk."

"Punk does not look to happy about that."

"Well that's too bad for him now isn't it?"

"He'll get over it."

She then proceeds to skip down the ramp and around the ring before going back up the ramp and to the back, leaving Sheamus and Punk talking smack to each other, and then Randy is shown heading to the curtain for his match which is next.

"This should be a good match."

"Whoever he's facing."

"Right, but it's usually always a good one when Randy's involved."

"That is true."

"I do wonder who he's facing though."

"We'll find out soon."


Just as the show came back, that awful, dreaded voice is back.

"Excuse me!"

"Oh god. My ears!"

"I've got it covered." Justin nods, covering her ears for her.

"Much better."

"Excuse me! I've got some personal issues with AJ, and I will discuss them with all of you later on tonight. But for right now, it is my pleasure...excuse me! It is my pleasure to introduce to you the man that will defeat Randy Orton, just as he defeated Chris Jericho. He is Mr. Money in the Bank, the resident show off, Dolph Ziggler!"

Justin uncovers her ears, since Vickie is done talking.

"Oh joy. Him too."

"It looks like he's Randy's opponent."

"Randy's so got this. Ken is going down."

"If Vickie doesn't get involved."

"True. Hopefully she'll be to scared to do anything."

They replay the match between Randy and Dolph from last Friday night on SmackDown when it aired, and talked about how Dolph demanded this match.

"He demanded the match? Well that was a mistake."

"I agree. Not smart on his part, but that much be from all the bleach he has in his hair."

"Killed all his brain cells."

"What few he had."

Randy has control of the match, and Vickie is screeching from ringside the whole entire match.

"I wish someone would put her out of her misery and shut her the hell up."

At one point, Dolph missed one of his moves and Randy hit him with his signature DDT from the middle rope. In the end, it was Dolph going counter for counter with Randy and finally getting a roll up, hooking the tights for added leverage to win the match.

"He stole that victory. What a cheater."

"Psh. Well at least Vickie didn't get involved."

"For once she she didn't. I'm very surprised at that."

"So when is your match exactly?" Justin asks.

"I was told...second to last."

"So we still got time." He grins.

"Tons of time."

"Perfect." He smirks as he starts to kiss all the exposed skin he can reach as he slowly moves to her neck.

"...Justy..." She bites her lip.

"Just taking advantage of all the time we have."

"I marks though...later."

"Oh....I know..."

He focuses back on what he was doing for now. She leans her head to the side just resting her hands on his arms for now. He makes sure to take his time as he moves along her neck, up to behind her ear and back down her neck again. He then moves to her jawline, moving to her lips. She presses her lips to his in an eager kiss as her arms go around his neck, making sure he is as close to her as he can get. His one hand stays around her waist as his other moves to her leg, moving it so he's able to shift so he's hovering her. Her legs go around his waist, holding him in place. He smirks against her lips and his hands move to her his where they stay for the time being, his fingers tracing patters along the exposed skin. She shivers as goosebumps start to form. She tugs on his hair as she starts to kiss him harder than before. He kisses back just as hard as she's kissing him. He stops tracing the patters on her skin in favor of gripping at her hips instead. That gets him a few soft noises from her. she moves her hands from his hair to his shoulders where she slips her fingers under the collar of his shirt and lightly moves her nails across his skin. This gets her a quiet growl form him, so she continues to do it, trying to get a much louder one. The more she does it, the louder his growls become. She smirks into the kiss, doing it one last time just loving his reaction. In retaliation, she bites her bottom lip gently with a smirk. She moans softly as she rests her hand on his shoulders, pulling him down even closer to her. He lets her lip go in favor of kissing her hard one last time, before slowly breaking the kiss. Once he pulls away, he rests his forehead against hers.

" you." She says, catching her breath.

"Love you too. So very much."

"Just imagine how much worse it would be if I had my trunks on...and only those." He grins.

"Then something would have happened that only does at the hotel."

"Oh just wait until the end of the month...full moon."

"That's going to be one wild night." She winks with a smirk.

"Always is."

"I wouldn't have it any other way either."

"Neither would I."

"Hopefully no show the day after. I have a feeling you're going to out do the last full moon. You always do."

"Well I try to."

"Maybe this time you'll have to keep up me with."


"You've got some competition."

"So I do." He grins.

"You love it."

"I so do."

"Of course you do."

"Maybe now we should sit up and continue watching the show?"

"Awww." She pouts. "If we have to."

"But you're sitting on my lap." He grins.

"Well alright then. As long as I don't have to move."

"Never. You'll never have to move."

"Good." She holds him tighter while he moves them back so they're sitting up. Then she turns around so she's leaning back against him and he wraps his arms around her waist. She lays her head against his as she lays her hands on his arms while they focus back on the show.

Coming back from the show, Mike has replaced Jerry on commentary and its back to anger management class.

"Oh boy. Another anger management class." I laugh.

"Wonder if they improved any over the past week." Ted chuckles.

"Hello everyone. Welcome back to anger management therapy. It's nice to see you all again. Everyone please find your seats and we'll get started. Okay. If you remember, last week at anger management therapy, I asked you to create an anger collage. So would you all please take out your anger collages now so we can share them with the group? Who would like to be first? Daniel? Would you like to show the group your anger collage?"

"Wanna see it? Fine. Here it is."

"That's great. How about you walk us through what's going on there Daniel."

"Okay. I say 'yes', people say 'yes'. I say 'no', people still say 'yes'. I say 'no' louder, people scream 'yes'. No! Yes! No! I can't take it anymore." Daniel says, ripping up the collage and whipping the paper.

"Someone still has issues."

"Thank you Daniel. That was great. Who else would like to share with the class? Kane? Would you like to share you anger collage with the class?"

Kane simply holds up a blank piece of paper, Daniel is cracking up.

"Kane, your anger collage is blank. This is supposed to be a reflection of how you feel inside. Is that how you feel inside Kane? Blank?"

"You wanna see how I feel inside?" Kane asks, getting up and walking over to the trash can in corner of the room, crumples the paper up and throws it in the trash can, then proceeds to light it on fire like how his fire comes from the ring posts as part of his entrance.

"I don't think these classes are working, but they sure are funny."

"Definitely a highlight of the night."

"Oh yes."

"Teacher's pet." Daniel states and Kane laughs.

"Okay. Let's talk about our families."

"Now you're a good read of people, how do you think Dr. Shelby is doing with all this?" Cole asks Mike now that the cameras are back ringside.

"That's a whole new take on anger management if I might say."

And then Sin Cara is seen backstage, and he meets up with Rey and they head to the curtain for their tag team match. As they're heading there, they replay Rey's mask with Cody on SmackDown last week, where Sin Cara came to the rescue and put a duplicate of his mask on Cody's head.

"Now that was funny."

"Still obsessed with the masks I see. I don't know what's worse. That or the paper bags he usee to do."

"I'm going to say the bags. Those were just degrading."

"Especially after he made you wear one a few times."

“I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed. That was worse than Maryse and she was a pain.”

"It was worth it though to see you get him back though, finally turning good guy. Clocking him from the crowd. Oh was he shocked."

"He so didn't see that coming. It felt really good to do that after what he did to me the week before."

"Plus, you had that angry look and feel to you and you know how I feel about that."

"Yes I do. Very well."

"Between the jeans, the shirt and the angry did not help." I laugh.

"I'll have to do that again sometime for you then." He smirks.

"Are you just trying to kill me?"

"Possibly." He grins.

"Oh you."

"You love me anyway."

"I do."

"Good." He kisses behind my ear, lingering there for a moment.

"And now you're being distracting."

"Mhm." He nods. "We got time." He mumble as he slowly nips at my earlobe. I go to say something else but I can't manage to get anything out. All I can do is relax into him since he already had me sitting on his lap like he always does. And I squeeze the hand of our fingers that were laced, clearly letting him know that what he was doing was getting to me already. He smirks as he slowly sucks on my ear, intent on getting a reaction out of me. When that doesn't work, he moves down my neck, lightly nipping as he grazes over the spot on my neck. I tense slightly and bite my lip to try and keep the reactions in. And he just makes it harder every second that goes by. Since he's so intent on getting a reaction out of me, he moves his free hand to my thigh, squeezing on that as he goes after the spot on my neck without warning. And that's all it takes because it's too much to handle to even hide anything. I stop biting my lip and I can't help the semi-loud moan that come from me, but not too loud, because I know where we are right now and people walking by in the hall would hear. He smirks against my neck satisfied then pulls away before any marks can form since my match is coming up. He makes his way to my lips as he moves me closer to him. He's taking far too long in getting to my lips, so I turn and sit sideways on his lap and press my lips to his eagerly. He grins into the kiss as he kisses me back just as eagerly as I'm kissing him. One of my arms go around his neck where my hand goes to his hair, my fingers running through it, gripping lightly at times and my other hand rests on his chest.

His one hand goes to my waist while his other moves to my hair, holding me in place. At one point, his fingers happen to slip under my shirt and he traces patterns along the skin. I shiver a bit as I feel goosebumps form along my skin, but get used to the feeling after some time. He does that a few more times before he starts to slow the kiss down, lightly kissing me. I quietly whine in protest at him stopping, resting my forehead against his once he pulls away.

"We'll finish later." He smirks.

"You are so evil..."

"Love you too." He chuckles, giving me one last longering kiss.

"And I think we missed the entire match too." He adds with amusement, as we see Rey and Sin Cara celebrating.

"Must not have been that interesting then." I chuckle.

After the celebration, they go back to the anger management class with Daniel and Kane.

"Okay. One of the reasons we have anger issues, is because we also have trust issues. So we're gonna work on that right now in an exercise I like to call Circle of Trust. So please move your chairs and let's create space in the center of the room. Okay? Do that now. For this exercise, I'm gonna ask Daniel and Kane to demonstrate for us. So gentlemen will you please stand? Your peers are encouraging you. Alright. Now gentlemen, let's both face in this direction. And Daniel, what I'd like you to do is just fall backwards."

"Wait, what do you want me to do?"

"Just fall backwards and Kane will catch you."

"I will?"

"He doesn't seem too convincing."

"Gentlemen, you need this exercise more than anybody. And I think if you do it successfully, you're gonna have a real breakthrough. Plus, I don't think you want to come back and try it again next week. So just take a deep breath and trust Kane and fall backwards."

"No! I It's okay. Kane, I trust you."

He takes a deep breath and then falls backwards and Kane catches him, but pushes him away afterwards.

"What do you know. He actually caught him."


"I was waiting for him to fall right down to the floor."

"I'm so proud of both of you, that I'm gonna move you onto phase two. Working together. So Kane and Daniel, I'm gonna have both of you catch Harold."

"What? Oh no no no." Harold protests.

"So just turn around and fall back."


He falls back but they don't catch him.

"Uh oh."

"Did you know I wasn't gonna catch him?" Daniel asks Kane.

"Did you know that I wasn't going to catch him?" Kane asks Daniel.

"I think I finally understand you Kane."

"Okay I think Harold needs medical attention."

"You think? Poor Harold."

It was now time for the Champion vs Champion match. Sheamus comes out ready to go, but Punk comes out in his street clothes.

"Ohh that's surprising." I roll my eyes.

"Maybe he think this will get him out of the match."

"Sweet home Chicago. See Sheamus, there's a lot you don't know about my city. The first being, they respect me and my decisions. This city really gets it. They understand that a WWE Champion against the World Heavyweight Champion is nothing more than a WrestleMania main event. They understand that CM Punk is nothing less than a main event wrestler. Listen to them. This place respects the fact that you don't just parade CM Punk out at the 8 o'clock hour and exploit the fact that he happens to be from Chicago. They respect that and they respect all my decisions and besides, it's Labor Day and a lot of people here have probably taken the day off from work. That's why I'm sure they're all gonna respect the fact that I'm doing the same thing." Punk says, dropping the mic and leaving.

"That's not going to goo over to well with AJ."


"Punk, you wanna talk about disrespect? That's exactly what you're showing to everybody in this arena by walking away. They want to see this match!"

Punk is caught walking through the backstage area to leave and gets stopped by AJ.

"Wait, what're you doing? You can't leave okay? You have a match."

"I can't leave?"


"Well check the deal bro, check my contract, I got personal days, today's one of them." He states, getting into a car and leaving the arena.

"Alright then. Guess he's done. Some champ he is."

"The only one to take a personal day during the show."

"Excuse me AJ? AJ, what're you gonna do about your main event?" Striker comes up, asking her.

"Who are you? I said who are you? Whoever you are, just do me a favor. Go tell Sheamus to stay in the ring. I will find him an opponent." She says all flustered and walks away.

"Wonder who she's going to find."

"Who knows. But I think I'm gonna get changed now for my match. It's after this one that's happening after the break."

"Ring gear?" He perks up. "Go go go!" He eagerly says.

"Okay okay okay. Pushy." I laugh as I get up.

"Can't help it. I love when you wear that."

"I know, and I'll try to not be too long."

"Good. I'll be waiting."

I kiss him quick before grabbing my bag and head in to get changed. I try to be as quick as I can and once I'm done, I head back out in the room and back to the couch.

"Told you I wouldn't be too long."

"You did and I'm glad you weren't." He grins, pulling me down on his lap as his hands start to wander.

"Almost forgot to tell you. I got some good news on when I officially return to TV. Well it technically won't be TV, but still."

"Yeah? When?"

"The pay-per-view pre-show. The big battle royal they have."

"Oh Ted!" I hug him tight. "That's great!"

"I'm so coming out with you for that."

"I was hoping you would anyway."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Just think if you win, you get a title shot later in the night against Cesaro."

"I'd come back then have a title match the same night. I like the sound of that."

"More like love. We can only hope you win."

"I'll do everything I can to win. I know with you out there, I'll do great."

"No matter what happens, I'm just happy you finally have a match at an event that's seen by everyone and not just a select crowd."

"I'm happy to finally be back. Been too long."

"Far too long. I miss going out there with you and now I can do that again."

"Yes you can and it's going to feel good going out there with you by my side again."

"That news just made my night now, thank you. I'm really happy."

"You're welcome. Anything to make you happy."

"Just being with you makes me happy. It's the little things that add to the happiness."

"Good. 'Cause when you're happy, I'm happy."

"And that's how it should be."

"That's how it's always going to be."

"Of course. So what'd I miss while I was changing? Much?"

"No not really. The match won't be worth watching."

"Why....oh I see. Swagger. Yeah he just kills a match." I say when I look at the screen to see Swagger being the one to face Sheamus.

"This should be a quick match."

"Think we should stay here or head out and wait at the curtain?"

"That would be a good idea."

"Gonna have to let me go first."

"Right. I always forget." He chuckles, letting go.

"Uh huh..."

"Okay. So I like holding you."

"More like love."

"Not your fault you look so damn good in everything."

"I can't help it, I know."

"No." He bites his lip. "I do think we should go before things happen...again."

"And then I'll be late, and we don't need that."

"Not at all."

"Alright, let's go touchy." I laugh, after standing up.

He stands up after me, lacing his fingers with mine as we both head out of the room. When we get there, we have to wait a bit, because the match isn't over yet and we're most likely going to have to sit through a commercial break.

"Guess we're a bit early."

"That's okay though."

"It just give me more time to have fun."

"While behaving. We're not exactly in privacy like we are in the room."

"I know." He grins as he rests his hands on my hips, letting his fingers lightly move around.

The current match was was soon over, with Swagger tapping out to Sheamus' new submission, the Texas Cloverleaf, Sheamus winning the match. After the match, Del Rio would use Ricardo as a distraction to try and attack Sheamus, but he would fight back, knocking Ricardo out of the way before hitting White Noise on Del Rio. When Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, Ricardo shoves Del Rio out of the way, taking the Brogue Kick himself.

"Ouch." I wince. "That had to hurt."

"His own fault though. Should've have gotten involved."

"True, but he'll do anything to protect Dorito."

"As most manager or whoever would do."


"But at least now all we have to wait for is the commercial to be over and it'll be my match."

"Yess." He cheers. "The sooner we go out there the sooner we can leave."

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to leave after it. Which I really didn't need to ask. I know what you would say anyway."

"There's no doubt we're leaving right after."

"Of course."

"You might not have time to change either."

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" I laugh, and at that time Eve comes walking by, obviously being the first to go out once the commercial break is over.

"Because you know me."

"Yes I do."

"Just focus out there. Don't let her get to you."

"I won't let her get to me. Don't worry. Even if she does her two faced act out there, act all nice before getting mean and nasty."

"I'm not worried. I know you will kick her ass and not believe her act."

They very quickly show the officials tending to Ricardo after the Brogue Kick, before starting the match, Eve's music going off and her going off. But just as she gets to the ring and gets into it, they hit my music and then Ted and I head out. As I walk down the ramp, I glare at Eve while holding the title over my shoulder. Once I get to the ring, I give Ted a quick kiss before jumping on the apron and doing my poses as I hold the title up high. Once I was done, they replay two things. First they replay the battle royal where I cost Eve the title shot, helping Vi win. Then they show the battle royal from last week where Eve had won, but we had that intense staredown. While they were showing that, Ted went over and sat down at commentary, joining Cole and Mike, putting on the headset.

"Ah Ted. How nice of you to join us." Cole says, trying to shake his hand.

"Yeah, I'm only out here for two reasons. One of them is to be here as support for Scarlet and the other is regarding some comments you made last week."

"She's one lucky girl to have you out here. Seems like she's come far with all your support." Cole tries avoiding the second subject by sucking up.

"That's not what you said last week." Ted remarks as the match gets underway.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I had nothing but good things to say about our current Women's Champion."

"Oh really? Is that why you said she stooped down to Eve's level to get to where she is right now? How about be get a confirmation on this? Miz, did you or did you not hear last week Cole accusing her of stooping down to Eve's level to get to where she is right now?"

"That's what I heard. I have to say, I don't agree with Cole on that. She is very talented and worked very hard to get to where she is now. She had no help, only support."

"See? So next time Cole, I would keep the accusations to yourself."

"Hey, in my defense, I was only going off what I heard. And who I heard it from is a very reliable source."

"And who is this reliable source?"

"That's none of your business. I'm not giving out my source. No."

"It is my business when it involves Scarlet..."

"Still not giving up my source. And speaking of Scarlet, looks like she's not doing so good." Cole mentions as Eve goes for the cover with me kicking out at 2. She gets up so she's standing as I try and get my strength back. She comes over and grabs my feet and that's when I start to struggle, until I manage to move and flip her over to the other side of the ring. I quickly move over and cover her, but she grabs the bottom rope so the pin attempt is broken up.

"Looks like she's doing just fine to me." Ted shoots back.

"For now." Cole remarks.

I go towards her, but the ref backs me up because she's still in the ropes. I keep trying to go to her, but I get stopped each time. She then rolls out of the ring and to the outside of the ropes. I storm over and grab her by the hair and pull her up so she's standing on the outside, but she counters and grabs my head and jumps down to the floor so I bounce off of the top rope.

"Man. These two are giving it all they've got. So much talent in one right, it's hard to tell whose going to win." Mike comments.

*Eve recovers outside the ring while I recover in the middle of the ring. But since Eve was still out of the ring, the ref did start the count. She starts the taunting and stuff on the outside before getting back in and pulling me over to the corner. Once I'm in the right spot, she starts to climb the corner. She gets to the top and looks behind her to make sure I'm not moving. Once she thinks

it's all clear she goes for her moonsault, but I move out of the way at the last second, Eve coming crashing down on her stomach.

"That's my girl! Keep it up!" Ted cheers. "That's why she's Women's Champion Cole. Right there."

I get to my feet and wait for her to get to hers and once she does I hit a couple dropkicks, the 2nd one knocking her out of the ring. I quickly follow and take the fight outside, hitting her against the barrier, making my way all the way around where I slam her face first onto the commentary table and spearing her back into the side of the ring, and then throwing her back into the ring.

"Looks like she's out to prove you wrong Cole." Mike says to Cole.

"I'm still not convinced." He rolls his eyes.

"You will be soon."

I start to approach her, but she starts to back up, trying to plead with me to do no more. I don't fall for it and pull her up by the hair and throw her across the ring. When she gets up, I hit her with a hard clothesline. I then crawl over her and start throwing punches left and right before the ref has to pull me off.

"These two are really going at it. This is turning out to be a main event type of match. I love it!" Mike compliments.

"At least someone does." Ted adds.

"What are you both talking about?! This is boring. It could be so much better!"

I back up into the corner, waiting for the right moment. She slowly gets to her feet and her back is turned. I then go up and deliver a vicious backstabber. I knew it was getting to the end of the match because she was putting up less of a fight than before. There was only one thing left to do. I don't do this very often, but Ted is sitting ringside, so I'm doing it just for him. I help her up and put her in the position, hitting her with his finisher, because I save it for special occasions. I cover her and make sure to stare right at Cole as the ref gets to three and I'm declared the winner.

"Take that Cole." Ted smugly says as he takes off his headset then heads to the ring.

After the ref raises my hand in victory, I'm handed my title while Ted climbs up the steps and gets in the ring. Once in the ring, he picks me up and spins me around. "You used my move." He grins.

"I use it on special occasions."

"Well, I'm honored." He grins giving me a kiss. "You should do it more often."

"Only for you. Whether you're watching or out here for me, I'll use it."

"I would like that very much."

"Now let's get out of here, before Cole starts making a scene and I knock him out for it."

"Good idea."

We go to leave, but unfortunately Cole starts to run his mouth, stopping us.

"He would wait until we decide to leave. Hold this." I hand Ted my title to hold for now, before getting out of the ring and approaching the table.

"Uh're in trouble now." Mike snickers.

He moves way off to the side just in case he gets caught in the crossfire. I cross my arms over my chest as I listen to Cole's rambling. The rest of it is just bad mouthing me, telling more lies about me from his reliable source. I simply had enough and slap the mic out of his hands. He stands there, frozen. The next thing I do is take his drink from the table and throw it in his face, before walking away.

"You asked for that one Cole." Mike tries not to laugh as Cole tries to clean off the coffee.

Ted meets me by the ramp and he hands me back my title before we head back up the ramp and to the back.

"That was totally hot!"

"Well I heard enough from him. Bad mouthing me was a bad move. And yes I know, my angry side is as much of a turn on as your angry side is to me."

"It really is." He grins. "Cole needs to keep his damn mouth shut. He knows nothing."


"I do believe it's time to get you out of here so you can relax." He winks.

"Well I do need to relax. Parts of me do hurt."

"We can save what we were planning for another night. Getting you rested comes first."

"Right. If Eve wasn't so hard on me then we could've done what we planned."

"True." He nods. "We have all the time in the world for that. There's no rush."

"Right." I nod. We both reach our locker room and we grab our bag to go change.

"Need any help?"

"I think I might."

"Alright." He grins as he follows me to the back. When we get there, he helps me with almost everything that I couldn't get off by myself from where I had been hurting. He takes advantage to be all touchy as he helps me get changed. Once I'm al dressed, he helps me with my bags.

"When we get back, I'll give you a massage."

"I do like the sound of that."

"I knew you would. Plus, it'll help you sleep."

"Always does."

"Good. That means it works."

"Because you know what you're doing."

"I do."

"Just like I know what I'm doing when I have to do the same thing to you."

"You've had a ton of practice that's why."

"That's true."

"Are we ready to go?"

"Yup, all set."

He takes my hand, lacing it with his as we both head out of the room. We head out of the arena and out to the car where he drives like always and we head back to the hotel for the night. Once at the hotel, he gets my bag out of the back then we both head up to our room. "I'll go change into something more comfortable. I think I'll be alright this time to change on my own."

"Alright." He nods. "I'll get the stuff ready once I change too."

I nod and go through my things for something to wear, before heading into the bathroom to change. Once in there, I do my routine before changing. When I walk back into the room, Ted has everything ready for me when I go to bed.

"You know, you're amazing." I remark.

"So I've been told." He grins. "Now come to bed so I can make you feel better."

I put my clothes with my things before going over to the bed and climbing onto it. Ted waits for me to get comfortable before putting some massage oil on his hands as he sits next to me. "This might be cold." He warns, rubbing his hands together to get the oil warm.

"Oh I know. I'm prepared."

"Alright. Just letting you know."

He slowly puts his hands on my back so I can get used to the feeling. Once he feels the oil is warm enough, he starts to rub my shoulders, making sure to get all the sore spots he finds.

"I can feel it working already."

"Good. You'll feel better in no time."

"And I'll be able to sleep much better than I would've without you doing this."

"Well, you feeling better is my main concern. I'll do anything to help you feel better."

"Just like I'll do anything to help you feel better."

"I know. You've done it in the past so now it's my turn to help you."

"Right." I nod.

He continues to rub my back, working on all the spots that I wince at. Once I start to relax, he slows down to gently rubbing my back. He does that for a bit longer before stopping. He reaches for the towel he set to the side so he can clean his hands off before laying in his spot next to me.

"I feel much better now. Thank you."

"Anything for you." He kisses the top of my head.

"You should get some rest now." He adds.

"I'm nice and relaxed now." I yawn.

"Good. Shouldn't be take too long for you to fall asleep."

"Not tonight."

I then move closer, snuggling into his side in content. His arms go around me as he holds me close to him. He kisses the top of my head then runs his fingers through my hair.

"Night. Love you." He whispers right before I go to sleep.

With Vi and Justin, it was getting closer to her match. It was coming to the end of the match between Cesaro and Santino, and in the end of that match, Cesaro won with the Neutralizer, retaining the United States Championship.

"I really can't stand him. I hope he loses that title soon so we don't have to see him anymore."

"I have a feeling he won't be losing it for a long time though."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "But, my match is soon and you know what that means..."

"...yes I do." He grins.

Tonight going to be a long one too?"


"Looking forward to it." She smirks, giving him a kiss.

"Of course you are."

"I do think we should head out now. My match is next."

"That would be a good idea."

"You're forgetting something...again." She giggles since he still has his arms around her.

"Oh right." He chuckles, letting her go.

"You can hold me all you want...after my match." She says as she slides off his lap.

"Already planning on it."

"Good. I love when your arms are around me."

"I love when my arms are around you too."

"That's my favorite place in the world to be."

"I'm happy to hear that."

"Love you." She kisses him quick as he leaves the room.

"Love you too."

He puts his arm over her shoulder while hers goes around his waist as they head to the curtain. When they get there, they only have to wait for a little bit until they're ready for them. While they were waiting, Rosa walks up with Epico and Primo. As they walk by, Vi notices her look at Justin in a way she should not be looking at him.

"Oh she better not think about it." She growls.

"Save it for the match."

"I will. She's so going to get it." She grits her teeth.

"She's in trouble for sure."

"For looking at you like that. Hell yeah she is."

"You won't have to worry about her though. She is not taking me away from you. I'm not into that anyway."

"I'm not worried. I know you're not going anywhere. Who knows where that's been anyway."

"I'd rather not find out." He shudders.

"Me either." She shoots Rosa a glare when she hears her say something to Epico in Spanish. A slight growl comes from her since she knows what she's saying and it happens to be about her.

"Oh yeah...she's going down....hard." She grumbles.

"Kick her ass and kick it good babe."

"I plan on it." Vi smirks evilly.

Their group music goes off and they all head out. Once they get to the ring after she does her little dance, Vi's music goes off and Justin and her head out. She does her poses at the top of the ramp before heading down, slapping hands with fans as she heads tot he ring. Once there, she jumps up, doing the rest of her poses. She leans out of the ring, giving Justin a quick kiss before turning her attention to Rosa glaring at her. Once the ref sees that both of them are ready, he signals for the bell and it rings, starting the match. Rosa starts trash talking Vi in Spanish, telling her she's no good and Justin can do way better than her. That sets Vi off and she rushes towards her, kicking her in the stomach then flipping her behind her. She then crawls over her and slams her face into the mat a few times before having to move. She drags her over near the corner. She grabs her feet and then falls backwards, making her go flying into the corner, hitting the top turnbuckle face first.

"You're doing good Vi. Keep it up. You got this." Justin cheers from the side of the ring.

And of course Primo and Epico try encouraging Rosa, in Spanish of course. She turns and slides down into the corner. Vi stands back up and goes over, grabbing Rosa's feet again as she hangs onto the top rope. Vi pulls her out before lifting and dropping her on her back. She quickly pulls her away from the corner and goes for the cover, but she kicks out at two.

"That's alright, that's alright. It's still early. Teach her a lesson." Justin encourages.

As soon as she gets back up, Vi backs up into the corner as she waits for Rosa to get to her feet. Once she does, which is very slowly, Vi charges at her and hits her with a vicious spear.

"You got it! Cover her!"

Vi goes for the cover, but Rosa kicks out at 2 1/2. She runs her hands through her hair, getting frustrated with her.

"Don't let her get to you Vi. Focus." Justin tells her.

And just then, Primo and Epico both have the nerve to jump up onto the side of the ring, trying to cause a distraction. It does cause a distraction, but Justin comes around and grabs both of them by their feet and pulls them down so they hit their faces off of the side of the ring. Rosa however comes to and comes up behind Vi, rolling her up. Vi reverses the roll up and gets her into her signature submission move. She has no choice but to tap out. After the bell rings, she keeps the hold on her for a bit longer making her suffer for what she did to her. She finally lets go then leans down to her ear. "Ever talk about me again or look at him like that again and things will be so much worse for you." She hisses in her ear before standing and getting her hand raised in victory. Justin slides into the ring once the ref lets her hand go, and he wraps his arms around her in a hug. Her arms go around his neck as he lifts her up, giving her a kiss.

"You were amazing." He grins after pulling from the kiss.

"I was." She smirks. "She got what was coming to her."

"Yes she did. No one should mess with you. Let this be a lesson."

"Exactly. Mess with me or my man and they will wish they never did."

"And you know that when you do get angry like that, it's a turn on for me." He says quietly.

"Oh I know." She smirks. "How about we get out of here then?" She runs her hands slowly down his chest before walking over to the ropes and climbing out. He quickly follows, catching up with her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they both head up the ramp and to the back. They make it to the locker room with no problem at all. Once in there, she goes to get her things to change, but he doesn't want to let her go.

"Justy..." She giggles. "...I have to change."

"I can help with that."

"Hmmm..." She pretends to think.

"Please?" He pouts.

"Again with the pout?" She chuckles. "Of course you can come help."

"The pout works everytime."

"You know I have a weak spot for that." She reaches down, picking up her bag. "I can't deny you anything."

"Yes, I know." He grins.

"You're so lucky I love you." She chuckles, giving him a quick kiss. "Now lets go so we can get out of here."

"I love you too." He says, heading into the changing area with her. Once in there, she gets everything ready as he starts to help her take off her gear. He takes the chance to be extra touchy, making sure to take his time. At times, he kisses her shoulder before she puts her jacket back on. As soon as she does, he whines in protest. "You can take it off once we get to the room." She pats his chest.

"I can try and last that long."

"I have a feeling it'll be off before we get to the car." She laughs.

"We'll have to find out won't we?"

"We will." She laughs since his look says something different. "Shall we go now?"

"Yes we shall."

After making sure they have everything they came with, they head out of the room then tot he car. He keeps his arm over her shoulder, playing with the jacket she's wearing. They're not even halfway down the hall when he has her jacket half off. She laughs to herself, moving from his side to take the jacket off. Once that's off, he pulls her to his side again as he lets his hands wander.

"Now how did I know that was gonna happen?" She laughs.

"Because you know me that well."

"That I do."

Once they get outside, they reach the car. He, like always opens her door for her to get in. He waits until she's seated and has her seatbelt on before closing her door and heading around to the driver's side where he gets in, buckling and starting the car and heading back to the hotel. The whole ride back to the hotel he was as touchy as he could be and since she had a dress on, that made it easier for him. She bites her lip as she tenses a bit at his teasing. After, what seemed like forever, they finally reached the hotel. After he parked, they got out then she got her bags and they headed inside the hotel.

"You just had to do that, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"You're so going to get it." She grins as they reach the elevators. They step in and she waits a bit before pushing him against the wall and giving him a slow, teasing kiss while running her hands slowly down his chest. She waits for the right moment then presses her finger into one of his indents right before the doors open. Once they open, she pulls away from him and dashes out toward the room.

"Oh you tease!" He calls to her, before dashing out of the elevator after her.

"Payback." She calls over her shoulder as she reaches the room. She gets the door open and hurries inside as she waits for him to catch up.

"You can't hide." He says as he reaches the door.

She tries to contain her giggles as she hides in the closer that's near the bathroom. She watches as he searches the whole room before going to check the bathroom.

"Oh where can you be?"

She stands as still as she can as he starts to come out of the bathroom.

"Hmmm..." He starts to think. "...only one place left..." He turns to the closet.

She moves back as far as she can go, but it's not far enough and his fingers brush over the fabric of her dress.


"Nooooo." She squeals as he reaches in and pulls her out of the closet.

"Yesss. I win." He chuckles.

"So you do." She laughs. "I suppose you want something for finding me, huh?"


"Oh what could that be..." She rails off, pretending to think.

"You know."

"Hmm...maybe I do, maybe I don't." She teases.

"I have to show you don't I?"

"I think you do."

"Hmm..." He starts to walk forwards, which ends up making her walk backwards. He keeps walking until her back touches the wall. Her arms stay around his neck as he leans down, pressing his lips to hers. His hands rest on her hips for now while hers run through his hair. She sighs contently into the kiss, relaxing into him more. It only takes a few minutes or so before he gives her a boost and she wraps her legs around him, as his hands rest on her thighs. As the kiss starts to get more intense, he starts to walk over to the bed, starting to pull at the zipper on her dress. He gets that down as they reach the bed. Once there, he sits down so she's straddling his lap.

"...your shirt first..." She mumbles against his lips as she moves her hands to the bottom of his shirt.

"All yours." He mumbles back.

She grins against his lips as she slowly lifts his shirt up, making sure her fingers linger. They break the kiss so she can pull his shirt over his head, then he presses his lips back to hers as she tosses his shirt across the room. She takes advantage of the newly exposed skin and she lets her hands wander all over. One of his hands move to her head and he holds her there for the kiss and his other hand travels along her side. She shifts on his lap as she shivers from his touch. His hand slowly moves up her side tot he top of her dress as he starts to tug it down. She moves so that he is able to get it down and off her shoulders.

"...gonna have to move for a get it off completely..." She mumbles.

"...hurry..." He pulls away from her lips. She moves from his lap, standing up, letting the dress fall to the floor. She steps out of it and tosses it where his shirt was before climbing back onto his lap. He grins as he looks her over. His hand wanders all over, finally resting on her thighs as he leans down, kissing all the newly exposed skin he can reach. She in retaliation lets her hands wander, especially in the places where she knows her touches get to him. She feels him tense up when she goes over his sensitive spots. A slight growl comes from him as she presses down on one of his indents. He squeezes down on her thighs as he starts to nip harder at her neck. That only makes her torture him even more with the teasing touches. The more she teases him, the harder he nips and sucks at her neck. It gets too much for her and she rests her hands on his hips, gripping them as he continues. She tries to contain any noises, but he squeezes her thigh causing her to moan loud. He smirks against her neck as starts to pull away to see a decent sized mark starting to form. Next thing she knows, he moved and they ended up by the pillows with him hovering over her. He presses his lips to hers as he reaches for the blanket. He pulls that over them and soon the rest of what they had on came off and the night got really long once again.