Status: Active

All About Us

Night Of Champions 2012

It's finally the day of the pay-per-view, Vi was too excited to fall back asleep once she woke up in the morning, knowing she had the big title match tonight. Justin was still fast asleep with his arms still around her. She was able to shift a bit so she was looking up at him. She smiled at how peaceful he looked and decided to let him sleep a bit longer before waking him up.

"Justy..." She tries waking him up.

He mumbles incoherently, holding her tighter.

"Wake up." She sings, starting to run her fingers over his chest.

"Five more minutes..."

"Fine." She chuckles. "That's all."


She laughs to herself, letting him get a few more minutes. After the time past, she tried waking him again. "Times up love." She runs her hand over his cheek, playing with the hair on his face.

"Seemed like a much shorter time than five minutes.."

"You didn't even go back to sleep, did you?"

"Not really."

"That's why it seemed so short." She laughs. "Hope it wasn't my fault."

"Oh no not at all."

"Alright." She smiles. "I'm just too excited about tonight."

"I can tell."

"I can't believe that tonight is the night. It seems like we just had the battle royal for this."

"Speaking of Battle Royals. Guess who's in the pre-show battle royal or a shot at the United States Championship?" He grins.

"Are you serious?!" She squeals. "Justy, that's amazing!" She squeaks, leaning up and giving him a kiss.

"Found out yesterday."

"Finally they did something right. Just think, if you win then we'll both have titles."

"And that would be amazing."

"Yes it would be." She grins. "Just thinking about it is making me...excited." She bites her lip.

"Well we can hope for the best tonight."

"I'm sure it will be." She nuzzles his neck.

"I know you're gonna win your match, that's for sure."

"I know that. I should just go get the title from Layla right now. That's how sure I am I've got this won."

"Well regardless if both of us win tonight or just one of us win tonight, it will call for celebration."

"Of course it will." She grins. "What kind did you have in mind?" She smirks, licking her lips.

"I think you know."

She blushes, hiding her face in his neck. "I do." She nods.

"I thought so."

"Do we really have to get up or can we stay here until the show?" She whines a bit, not wanting to move.

"Well I do wanna make a gym trip before we're needed at the arena later today."

"That's something I'll get up for."

"You always do."

"What can I say?" She shrugs. "I like seeing you in gym clothes."


"When did you want to go? Soon?"

"Whenever you feel like going."

"In a little bit. I'm too comfy right now."

"That's fine."

She snuggles into him more as his arms stay around her. They lay there for a bit longer before deciding to get up. Once she finds clothes to wear to the gym, she heads into the bathroom to change while Justin changes in the room itself. It doesn't take her long to change since she didn't have to really work on hair or makeup. She chose a simple pair of blue shorty shorts and a white tank top. She puts her hair up in a messy bun before going back out into the room. She almost stops dead in her tracks when she gets a glimpse of Justin and what he changed into.

"...damn..." She mumbles to herself, biting her lip. She shakes the thoughts out of her head since they need to go to the gym. She goes to set her clothes with her bag and when she passes him, she grabs his butt then acts all innocent.

"I know you did that."

"What?" She looks at him serious. "I didn't do anything."

"Uh huh."

"I swear." She holds her hands up. "I see that you're trying to kill me though." She bites her lip again as she looks him up and down.


"I think you are, but we really do need this gym trip."

"We do." He nods.

"There will be plenty of time for that later." She grins.

"Very true."

"One thing before we do go..." She trails off as she walks over to him. She puts her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him close to her as she presses her lips to his, kissing him hard. She only lets him respond to the kiss a bit before she pulls back, teasing him. "That should hold you over for now." She smirks.

"That was so mean."

"You get me back though."

"You bet I do." He smirks.

"Looking forward to it."

"You always are."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really." He chuckles.

"Thought so."

"I do think we should go before we never make it there." She adds.

"I agree."

She moves away from him then walks over to the bag she packed. She gets a few bottles of water and whatever else they might need.

"All set?"

"Mhm." She nods.

"After you."

"You just want to stare, don't you?" She laughs as she walks to the door.

"i just love the view." He grins, smacking her butt.

"Justy..." She squeals. " know what that does to me." She blushes.

"Yes, yes I do." He smirks.

"Later." She grabs his hand, pulling him next to her as they head out the door. "Now you're walking next to me."

"Oh darn."

"Unless you really want me to jump you in the hall and give everyone a show..."

"No one's really around..."

"Justy!" She whacks his chest. "You never know who's around."

"I'm kidding." He laughs.

"I never know with you. You surprise me at times." She chuckles.

"I do."

"One of the many reasons I love you." She leans up, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too."

They reach the elevator and he presses the button. Once inside, she lets go of his hand and he takes the chance to be all touchy. She tries telling him about the cameras, but he doesn't care. When the elevator reaches the lobby, they step off hand in hand then head to the hotel gym.

"Thank god for hotel gyms."

"They're the best. Don't have to look for one or go to far."


They head inside, deciding what they want to do first. Since they chose to start with different things, he gives her a quick kiss before going off on his own, but making sure she can still see him and he can still see her while she does what she chose. They both go to focusing on what they chose to start out with, but they do occasionally look over at each other. Sometimes when the other's not looking, sometimes when the other is looking. She decides to tease him a bit and go really slow. She makes sure to look over at his reaction only to see him almost drop what he's doing. She laughs to herself then goes back to what she was doing. He looks over at her and when she looks back at him, he mouths 'evil' with a laugh. All she does is nod at him with a smirk on her face. Once she was done with what she was doing first, she makes her way towards Justin, but she was just going to pass him to get to what she was going to do next. With his back to her, when she walks by, she quickly drags her nails down his spin, before quickly retracting her hand and walking away with a grin.

"Vi...." He groans lowly.


"I didn't do anything." She adds, turning around to face him.

"Suuuurrrre." He chuckles. "So some random girl just touched me like that?"

"You probably imagined it, because you know there's no way in hell I would let any girl touch you like that. Only I'm able to."

"That's true. You would kick ass if someone touched me that way, but you're probably right...I just imagined it." He says, unconvincingly.

"Yes, because I distracted you so much." She laughs.

"Just like you always do." He grins.

"Because you're so easily distracted."

"When it comes to you...yes I am." He bites his lip, trying to reach out and touch her.

"Ah ah ah..." She backs away, shaking her finger at him. " can touch me after we're done."


"You'll survive."

"I can try."

"You do that." She pats his shoulder. "I'm going to go over there..." She points to the next area she's going to. "...and if you behave then maybe I'll let you get a shower with me when we get back." She grins.

"Looks like I have to behave then."

"Yes it does." She smirks. "Good luck." She turns around, making sure to sway her hips a bit more just to torture him.

"You're not making it easy!" He calls to her.

"Love you too." She yells over her shoulder.

He laughs to himself before focusing on what he was doing while she headed to where she was going. They stay at the gym for about another hour or so before deciding to head back to the room.

"Get a good workout?" She asks, even though she knows the answer.

"When I wasn't looking at you, yes I did. You?"



"Now I think we should get up to the room." He smirks, putting his arm over her shoulder.

"We should." She nods.

He tugs her to the elevator, pressing the button. As they wait, he can't seem to stand still.

"Anxious?" She chuckles.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles.


"You love it." She teases, running her hands down his chest to the waist of his shorts. Sh runs her fingers along the waistband then pulls away just as the doors open.

"Coming?" She smirks as walking in.

"Coming." He snaps out of it, following her.

Once he steps in, the doors close. When they do close, he backs her against the wall and starts being all touchy.

"Justy..." She bites her lip as he nips at her neck. "...cameras."

"....I know..."

"...right..." She manages to say while he runs his hand up her leg, stopping at her thigh.

But before he could do anymore, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. He pulled away then walks out of the elevator like nothing ever happened.

"Oh, not that was mean!" She calls as she comes out of her daze.

He just chuckles and makes his way to the room. She calms herself down then jogs up to him. They get in the room and once their bags hit the floor, she pushes him against the wall, pressing her lips to his in a hard, eager kiss. It takes him quite a bit to respond seeing as she did catch him off guard. She lets him respond only to pull away before he can hold her there.

"...shower..." She smirks, heading into the bathroom.

"You read my mind."

He follows her in as she starts to get the water ready. As she's testing the water, he comes up behind her, resting his hands on her waist as he starts to inch her shorts down.

"Might as well take our clothes off as we wait."

"I was planning on it." He smirks.

Once he does get her shorts down, she steps out of them and then he works on her shirt. He lifts that over her head then she starts to pull at the shorts he had on. After they fall to the floor, he steps out of them, then starts to work on her undergarments. When everything is off, he lifts her up, placing her in the shower. She wraps her arms around his neck as he stands them under the water. He leans down and presses his lips back against hers for a bit, before having to do the usual shower stuff. Since he was being all touchy, she decided to give him her loofah so he could wash her up. When he was done, she did the same thing to him then they washed each other's hair. After that was all done, she shut the water off while he grabbed them towels. He wrapped a towel around her, while being touchy, before wrapping one around himself and then they both step out of the shower. He wraps his arms around her as they walk into the room.

"So, should I even pick out clothes right now?"

"I think you know the answer to that one."

"I didn't think so."

"Maybe in a few minutes or so, I'm enjoying the view."

"I like my view too." She grins as she turns in his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck, lightly brushing her lips over his.

"Of course you do."

"I would like it better if..." She runs her fingers down his chest, pulling at the towel, making it fall to the floor. " was on the floor."

"Well, maybe I would like it better if yours..." He trails off, pulling at her towel and making that fall too. "...was on the floor too."

"Now the view is much better." She grins, letting her hands wander.

"Maybe we're gonna have a pre-win celebration." He chuckles.

"Nothing wrong with that."

He presses his lips back to hers and he helps give her a boost and she wraps her legs around him as he carries her out into the room. He reaches the bed, pulls back the blankets and places her on the bed and climbs on himself without breaking the kiss as he stays hovering above her. He takes the blankets and pulls them over the both of then for the pre-win celebration. Meanwhile Ted and I have been up for a while, but I was just content on laying on him for now, not wanting to get up. "Too comfortable to move....still."

"That's alright. I don't want to move yet either."

"Of course not."

"I do want to go to the gym, but since there's one here, there's no rush to go."


"Since I'm in the match, I want to be as ready as I can be."

"Right." I nod.

"I know you want to go since you have that match with Eve tonight."

"Yes. Can never be too prepared when it involves her."

"Nope. She's sneaky."

"She's not gonna get the best of me and take my title away from me. I just got that, and I'm never letting it go."

"Oh I know she won't. No one's taking that from you."

"No one." I repeat.

"You're going to be the longest running Women's Champion there ever was and will be."

"That's the goal."

"It's going to happen too."

"But that would refer to past title holders of this generation. I don't think I would be able to hold this quite as long as the original title was held...almost 30 years. That's like impossible. But I wanna out-reign Michelle and Layla when they had it so..."

"True. I know you can do it. You'll definitely out-reign those two for sure."

"And it's not getting split in half like how they did. That was the most stupidest move ever. Breaking it into two parts so they both would have it."

"That was the stupidest thing ever. You're not going to share it with anyone so that will never happen."


We both lay there for a bit longer just enjoying the time we have to relax. After about an hour, he decides to get up and get ready for the gym, letting me lay there for a bit longer.

"You're not getting dressed in the bathroom are you?"

"Now why would I do that?" He chuckles. "I know how much you like to watch." He grins.

"So much."

"Of course." He laughs as he gets his clothes out. "Enjoy." He grins as he slowly starts to change.

"It's torture when you change that slow."

"I know." He smirks. "It's fun though."

"For you."

"Mhm." He nods. "You'll get me back, I just know it."

"I'm plotting as we speak."

"Of course you are."

"It may involve something I wear to bed tonight."


"Mmhm. We'll see."

"Can't wait."

"But I think you'll die alone from what I chose to wear tonight for the show. What I'll be wearing for a dress when I go out with you for that battle royal pre-show."

"Since it's a dress, I already know I will."

"Oh, but you do not know what this dress looks like."

"It doesn't matter. Just you in a dress is enough for me."

"So you can wait to see it, or do you wanna see it now? But not on me of course."

"Hmm..." He pretends to think. "" He grins.

"I thought so." I laugh, sliding out of bed and going into my bag and pulling out the dress.

"Oh it just had to be a red one."

"Well, just red in the middle."

"'s has red in it." He takes the dress, holding it up in front of me. "Oh're definitely going to look amazing."

"Like always."

"It's not going to last long once we get back either."

"I didn't think so."

"I'm getting thoughts already."

"Maybe I should put it away then."

"That might be a good idea."

I laugh as I take the dress back and put it back into my bag. "And you know we'll kind of be matching tonight. Wearing the red trunks tonight."

"Oh really now? How did we manage that one?" I laugh.

"We're just that good I guess."

"Yes we are."

"How about you get dressed now before I change my mind about the gym."

"That would be a good idea wouldn't it?"

"A very good idea." He holds my waist. "First..." He trails off, giving me a proper good morning kiss. He holds the kiss for a bit before pulling away.

"Almost forgot about that this morning."

"I didn't. You were just so comfortable, I didn't want to move you."

"I would've moved in favor of that. Trust me."

"I know, but I honestly didn't want to let you go."


"Like now." He holds me closer and tighter. "I don't want to let go...ever."

"But like you said...I should get dressed before you change your mind."

"True..." He slowly lets go.

"Once we're done in the gym though, you won't have to let me go until we have to leave."

"I don't plan on it either."

"Of course not."

He gives me one last kiss before he reluctantly lets me go. I head back over to my bags to pick out gym clothes. Once I have those, I head to the bathroom to change.

"You're really changing in there?"

"Mmhmm." I laugh a bit at his reaction.

"Aww...I got changed out here for you." He whines.

"So you did."

"Can you change out here?" He pouts.

"Oh, you know I can't resist the pout."

"Yess." He cheers.


"Love you too."

"And let me wanna help right?"


"Go ahead."

He grins as he eagerly starts to help me take off what I have on, taking the time to be all touchy as he helps. He got everything off of me, and he got even more touchy. I had to stop him so I could get my gym clothes on.

"Awww...I was having fun." He pouts.

"I know you were, but we wouldn't have ever made it to the gym with you."


"There'll be plenty of time for that later."

"Yes there will." He grins. "I'll make sure of that."

"Of course you will."

"Which means we should go now so we have that extra time."

"Right. Just let me finish getting ready." I say, getting my shoes on and making sure I have what I need in my bag. "Now I'm ready."

He grabs my hand, lacing my fingers with his as we both head out of the room and to the elevator. We head down to the lobby and when we step out of the elevator, we make our way to the hotel's gym.

"Where are you going first?" Ted asks as we both walk into the gym.

"Well I always start off easy with the treadmill so, I'll be there first."

"Alright. I'll be by the weights."

I nod and we head off in different directions. Him going over to the weights and me going over to the treadmills. He makes sure that he has a clear view of me and I have one of him as well. I put my music in before starting the treadmill, and once it's started I look ahead of me where he is, watching the whole time. Since he knows I'm watching, he starts to go really slow, causing his muscles to flex. I groan inwardly, and try too look away, but he makes it hard to, so I can't. He smirks as he does it again, going ever slower. Once he's done, he sets the bar back on the rack then blows me a kiss. All I do is grin and shake my head amusedly before mouthing 'evil'. He chuckles to himself as he watches me for a bit before moving onto the next thing. I keep my music in and when I feel like I've done enough on the treadmill, I move onto the next thing myself. Since I have my music in and I'm focusing on what I'm doing, I don't realize that he stopped what he was doing until he walked past me, grabbing my butt. I stop what I was doing and raise my eyebrow as I turn to watch him walk away, an amused look on my face.



"I may have to get you back for that."

"For what?" He acts innocent.

"You know what."

"Do I?"

"Yes, yes you do."

"Okay..." He chuckles. "...maybe I do."

"I thought so."

He takes a drink of water that he went to get then gives me a quick kiss before going to the next thing he wanted to do. I do a few more things before deciding to stop and I make my way over to where Ted was since he was still going. Now was the perfect time to put my plan in action. His back is towards me so it's even better. So I walk up behind him and wait a little bit before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. Since he was not expecting it, he almost drops what he's doing as he twitches slightly. Once he turns around, he sees me with an innocent look on my face.

"Hi." I grin.

"Hi." He grins back. "You're just testing me, aren't you?"


"Good thing I'm almost done then."

"A very good thing."

"As soon as I'm done here, we can leave."

"Good, because I'm done already."

"Alright." He nods as he finishes the last few reps he had to do. Once he was done, he set everything back then walked back over to me. "All done now."

I nod and we gather our things and leave the gym, heading back to the elevators and up to our floor, heading to our room once we reach it. We both walk in and set our bags down. As soon as Ted's hits the floor, he reaches out, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulls me back to him.

"Someone's grabby." I laugh.

"Yes they are." He grins as he starts to kiss down my neck.

"Getting me back for what I did down there."

"Mhm." He mumbles against my neck. I can't hep but tilt my head to the side like always to give him more access. He keeps going, avoiding the spot on my neck for now. He knows it's killing me since I keep squeezing on his arms. When he feels I've had enough torture, he presses his lips to the spot with no warning. Like always, I give him the reaction he likes to hear and it's muffled into his shoulder since I was leaning on him more, the more he continues. He only does it for a bit longer, not wanting to leave a mark for the show tonight. Once he's done, he moves up my neck to my lips. When he reaches my lips, I don't hesitate to kiss him back as my hands move so my arms can move to going around his neck and I pull him as close as he can get. He gives me a boose, my legs wrapping around his waist while he heads for the bed. He sits on the bed, with me sitting on his lap, and I move so that it's more comfortable, with me straddling his lap instead. The kiss starts to heat up quickly, him tugging at my shirt wanting it off. I break the kiss long enough for him to pull it off. "Let me guess, pre-match celebration for both of us."

"You guessed right." He smirks, pressing his lips to all the newly exposed skin he can reach.

In order to get to it better, he moves us so that I'm laying against the pillows and he's above me. His hands start to wander then stop at my shorts as he starts to tug them down. Once those are gone, he tosses them where he tossed the shirt earlier. "Going to have to take a shower before leaving for the show after this. I would say shower seperately, because otherwise I know where that'll be heading....again."


"Now I believe you have clothes to take off as well."

"Figured you would want to do it."

"You thought right."

I start to pull at them and with his help, I get them off, him tossing them to the side as well. He pulls at the blanket, then the rest of what we have on comes off for an early celebration. The rest of the day passed by quick for us. Before we knew it, it was time to start getting ready to leave for the show. That's what Vi was doing in the bathroom, doing the finishing touches on her outfit, hair and makeup. All that was left to do was put on her jewelry and once that was on, she walked back out into the room to get her shoes.

"I'm liking what I'm seeing." Justin remarks.

"You always do."

"Because you look great in everything."

"As you always tell me." She blushes slightly.

"Because it's true."

She blushes more as she gets her shoes, slipping them on. "I must say, I do love what I see." She bites her lip. "I love that color on you."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Only the best for you. Oh and the gear of choice for the battle royal tonight. The white and purple."

"You know that's my favorite one too."

"Yes, I know. Which is why I picked it."

"You're going to be killing me all night."

"Yes." He chuckles.

"You better hope my match is early enough because I have a feeling we'll be leaving early." She smirks.

"It's possible." He grins.

"Especially if I win tonight."

"Yes, especially that."

"Then I know we'll be leaving early."

"Yes, yes we will."

"I really hope you win tonight. We'll definitely have something to celebrate then."

"Win the battle royal and then win the title match."

"Oh yes. That would be amazing in so many ways."

"We can hope I get that far."

"Right. I'll be cheering for you the whole time."

"Of course."

"Just like I always do." She grins as she stands up. "I do believe I'm ready to go if you are."

"I'm all set to go." He nods.

She grabs a light jacket and her gear bag while he grabs his. He puts his arm over her shoulder, hers going around his waist. They leave the room and head to the elevator then to the car. They put their things in the back then get in and head to the arena. The traffic wasn't too bad with everyone trying to get to the arena. They make it there in plenty of time, parking, and then grabbing their things from the back and exiting the car. She laces her fingers with his as they head inside to their locker room. "I'm gonna go get ready. Shouldn't take me too long." He says once they walk in.

"I'll be waiting." She says as she heads to the couch after dropping her bag.

"Sure you don't wanna come watch?" He chuckles.

"Actually...I think I will." She grins, walking over to him.

"I knew you would want to."

"Of course I would." She laughs. "What was I thinking?" She jokes.

"Try not to jump me if you can." He smirks, as they both head into the changing area.

"I'll do my best."

"I'll try to not make it hard for you to resist."

"No matter what you do, it'll be hard for me." She smacks his butt as he enters the changing area.

"That's true."

"Just change." She laughs.

"I'm going, I'm going." He chuckles.

She bites her lip as he starts to take off his shirt, pushing back the urge to jump him. When he takes his pants off, he slowly puts on his attire making her bite her lip harder, groaning.

"You okay over there?" He gives her an amused look.

"...uh huh..." She slowly nods.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so..." She holds back the best she can.

"You seem out of it." He says when he gets a look at her when he turns around.

"I-I'm su-sure." She stutters.

"You're stuttering." he chuckles.

"Nuh uh..." She shakes her head.

"Maybe not now...but you were." He says as he works on his boots.

"Can't help it."

"I know."

"You're making it so hard to resist..."

"Believe me, I know."

He finishes lacing his boots then turns to her. "Come here." She smirks, motioning him over with her finger. He grins and does so, standing in front of her. She moves her hands so she's able to run her fingers up and down his chest. "Much better." She grins.

"I aim to please."

"You succeed every time too."

"Because I know what I'm doing."

"Yes you do...very well." She keeps her eyes on him.

"I've had tons of practice so of course I do it very well."

"How well I know." She smirks running her hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck.

"I know what you want." He grins.

"Just like..." She kisses her jaw. "...I know..." She moves closer to his lips. "...what you like." she brushes her lips over his. And since she did teas him a bit before her lips brushed over his, one of his hands move to the back of her head and holds her there as he begins to kiss back. Her one hand stays resting on his back as her other goes to his hair, pulling him closer to her. That makes him start to walk towards her more and she ends up backing up until she bumps into the wall. Since she has a dress on, he can't pick her up the way he wants to. He decides to let his hand wander from her waist to the knee, then slowly back up her leg. He slips his hand under her dress, squeezing her thigh. She moans into the kiss, kissing him back harder than before. He waits a bit before squeezing her thigh again, getting the same reaction, but much louder. She kisses him back eagerly and once she's calm enough, she lightly runs her nails across the back of his neck, getting a slight growl from him. She smirks against his lips and does it again, getting the same reaction, but much louder. Then she moves her other hand down to his abs and at the same time where she runs her nails across his neck, she runs her nails across his abs. This time the growl is very loud.

"...Vi..." He mumbles against her lips.


"...any more of that, and you know what will happen..."

"We're far enough away..."

"It won't be much longer before the pre-show starts. Have to be ready to go out there. If we end up doing what will end up happening if we continue, then I won't make the pre-show." He chuckles.

"I suppose you're right..." She pouts.

"But that just means it'll be even better for later."

"It always is when you do this to me."

"Yes it is."

"I think we should go sit in the room so you can calm down a bit." She giggles.

"I think that would be a good idea."

"Going to have to let go so I can move." She chuckles.

"Right." He nods, reluctantly letting her go.

"You can hold me once we get back out there." She says as she takes his hand, leading him back to the main part of the locker room. They both sit and almost instantly, his arms go around her, holding her. She leans into him, resting her hands on his arm. She tilts her head, kissing his cheek before resting her head against his shoulder. I in the meantime have finished getting ready and all I had to do was put my shoes on, which didn't take too long since I slipped right into them.

"That looks way better on you than I imagined."

"It doesn't show too much does it? You know how I feel about things like that."

"No, of course not."

"It's perfect." He adds.

"Okay good."

"I could do so many things right now, but we'll be late if I did."

"Good to know, and yes we would be."

"Are you about ready?"

"Yup, got everything."

He nods, grabbing his gear bag. Once he's got that, he puts his arm over my shoulder as we both head out of the room and to the elevator, taking that down to the lobby then to the car. Of course during the whole drive, he couldn't help being a bit touchy. He manage to behave enough until we got to the arena. We grab our bags and then head inside and to our locker room. "I'm going to go get changed first." He says as we both walk in. "You going to come?"

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

"I have a feeling you'll enjoy it more."

"You know me all too well."

"I do." He grins. "You coming?"

"Well of course I am."

We both head back to the changing area. Once there, he sets his bag down and gets his gear out. He starts to slowly take off his shirt since he knows it'll only torture me more.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask if I wanted to help." I bite my lip as I look on.

"I know what will happen if you do and we don't have time for that." He smirks.

"Oh darn."

"You'll get to take it off again later along with anything else you want."

"Like earlier today."

"Just like earlier." He repeats with a smirk.

"Well it'll be even better if both of us win tonight or just one of us."

"I know you're going to win. You've got that match won already."

"And you've got the hardest match. I think all that matters is if you last long. Which I know you'll do."

"I'll do my best, but you never know what can happen in one of those matches."

"Oh I know."

He starts to undo his pants, then stops, looking at me. "I know you want to, so go ahead." He chuckles.

"I thought you said, letting me help will cause things to happen that we don't have time for?" I laugh.

"I can do it if you don't want to..." He starts to undo them.

"No no. I'll do it. I can control myself this one time."

He chuckles as I move closer to him. I stand in front of him, getting close and hooking fingers in the belt loops of his jeans. I kiss him briefly before pulling away and inching his pants down as far as I could reach, letting him get them off the rest of the way. He steps out of them then slowly starts to put on his attire. I don't move much from where I'm standing in front of him. I just back up a bit, leaning against the wall as I look on.

"Doing alright over here?"


"Are you sure?" He looks at me from the corner of his eye as he laces up his boots.


"How come I don't believe you?" He chuckles.

"Because you know me."

"I do." He grins, turning to face me. "And I know it's killing you right now."

"I can't help it."

"You never can. I just know how to get to you."

"Yes you do."

"Just like you know how to get me..." He trails off, looking me up and down. " now." He leans close to me, lips inches from mine.

"I can tell."

"If only we had the time..."

"I know....and this teasing isn't helping."

"What teasing?" He acts innocent as he rests his hands on my hips, kissing along one side of my jaw.

"What you're doing now...."

"Just showing how much I love you..." He brushes his lips over mine, kissing along the other side of my jaw.

"I love you too."

He continues to kiss along my jaw before making his way back to my lips. Once there, he presses his lips to mine in a long, lingering kiss. I sigh in content into the kiss and I take his hands from my hips in favor of lacing all of our fingers together. He keeps the kiss going for as long as he can until we both need air then he starts to slow the kiss down, resting his head against my forehead.

"I think we have some time to rest before we need to go wait by the curtain with everyone else."

"That would be a good idea." He chuckles.

He lets go of one hand and keeps his other still holding onto mine, fingers laced. We then head back out into the main locker room area to rest for a bit before we'll be needed to be waiting with everyone else. Once I sit down, he pulls me close to his side, arms wrapped around me.

"Wasn't close enough?"


"I never am."

"No you're not." He agrees. "You would be closer, but now's not a good time."

"No, not really." I laugh.

"Lets just hope it's a long wait before we need to go out there."

"I don't know, we got some time. It is 7 now and the pre-show starts in a half hour."

"That should be enough time...I hope." He chuckles.

"We'll just see."

"Yes we will."

It was about a few minutes before 7:30 when we were asked for. We get up from the couch and head to the curtain where everyone was waiting. Of course everyone was lined up in the order they would go out so we got to our spot and stood there waiting.

"Good place to be going out at." I mention.

"It is. Looks like Justin has a good place to be going out at too."

"He does." I look ahead, spotting Vi and getting her attention.

"Oh look." She says to Justin. "Ted's in this too." She smiles, happy for him as she waves to the both of us. We wave back.

"It sure is." She feels him pull her close to him. She wraps her arms around him, laying her head on his chest since she knows the reason he did that.

Soon the pre-show starts with Striker and Stanford on commentary, talking about the pre-show match. Then they go to talking about the big matches of the night and showing the video package of Sheamus. After that, Josh as Booker T backstage for a quick interview.

"Booker first of all, thank you very much for your time. What is the status of your ongoing investigation into Sheamus' Brogue Kick?"

"You know Josh, I'm a six time world champion. I take the prestige associated with being champion very seriously. But as GM, I also take the safety and the well being of my young men and women on SmackDown very seriously, as well as my staff. Josh at this time, the only thing you need to know this time the Brogue Kick is banned."

"Booker thank you very much for your time. Gentlemen, back to you."

The next quick video package that aired was about Cesaro of course. That took up the time until the match. The first participant out was Brodus with Cameron and Naomi as they dance in the ring to start things off.

"I give them credit. I would never do that out there."

Once they were done, Epico, Primo and Rosa go out next.

"There goes the latina stripper." Vi snickers.

"Ewwww." Justin chuckles.

Then next they play Justin's music and Vi and him head out next. She lets him do his poses at the top of the ramp before lacing her fingers with his as they go to the ring. After them, Tensai comes out with Sakamoto. His music cut out and Tyson's went off and he came out next. After him it's McGillicutty, next is Zack, then Darren and Titus. Followed by them is Jinder. Vi makes a face when he comes out.

"Stupid towel head." She grumbles.

After him it's JTG, and then Drew...who takes forever to come out, walking fast to the ring. But after him, it's Ted and I can't help but smile the whole time we go out there. He makes his way to the ring quickly, making sure to stop right at it to give me a quick kiss and I walk around to stand with Vi.

"Heyy." She greets excitedly.

"Heyy." I greet back.

As soon as Ted's music stops, Heath's goes off next. Last is Santino. But I can tell Vi is a little tense after seeing Heath.

"It's okay. Don't worry about him."

"I'll try...if he stops staring.

Just as Santino's music fades, Heath finds himself in the middle of the group. And he tells each and every one of them that he's winning the match and for them to stay back. He then starts the guitar move and the dancing and the 'woo', and then everyone attacks. "Ooohhh!" We say. "Throw him out!" Vi yells. And it's like they listened, because just seconds after, he was the first one thrown out, before everyone went after each other.

"Haha!" Vi laughs. "Bye loser!"

"Now that's awesome." I laugh.

"Very." She nods. "Got what he deserved."

"He did." I nod.

And then we pay close attention to the match. Keeping both our eyes on Ted and Justin. Ted was find, Darren and JTG were attempting to eliminated Justin.

"No no no no!" Vi panics.

Tyson however makes the save and goes after Darren, leaving Justin and JTG going at it. Ted was going after Tensai and I really didn't think that was a good idea.

"Oh no. Why?"

"I have no idea..."

Tensai was against the ropes and he shoved Ted away. Ted came charging at him so Tensai lifted him up and sent him over the top rope to the floor.

"Damn!" I hit the barrier near us with my fist.

"What the hell?! That's way to early!"

"Not cool. Looks like I'm going to the back early. I hope Justin lasts long."

"Me too. Make sure he's alright."

"I will. Looks like the only celebrating we'll doing tonight is when I win my match. That's okay though. So I guess I'll see you later. And good luck in your match tonight."

"Thank you and see you later."

I hug her before walking around the ring to where Ted landed, making sure he was okay before helping him up. As we both head to the back, Vi keeps her eyes on the match, making sure Justin is still safe.

In the middle of everything, Primo was eliminated by Brodus.

"Adios amigo!" Vi smirks over at Rosa who was not happy.

Zack was working on Justin in the meantime, but couldn't eliminate him. And Brodus had eliminated Jinder, and then Epico. Vi laughs as she glances over at Rosa who's going off in Spanish. "Speak English and get out of here!" She yells to her.

But now, Tensai has turned his attention to Justin.

"No!" Vi tries to get Tensai's attention. "Leave him alone!"

And it was over just like that. Tensai literally threw him out of the ring and he landed on Epico, Primo and Jinder on the outside.

"Damn it!" Vi screams angrily. She then makes her way over to Justin, helping him get off everyone. "Are you alright?" She asks in concern because of how far Justin flew from being thrown into the group.

"I'll be fine." He winces. "Ice though."

"Definitely." She nods.

She helps him up from the pile, then they head up the ramp while he leans on her for support. As soon as they get backstage, they head right to the trainers for ice before heading back to the locker room. Once there, she sits on the couch and makes him lay down with his head on her lap so she can put the ice where it hurts.

"I can't believe he threw you that far."

"Me either. He is one strong guy."

"It looks like you and Ted both suffered his wrath."

"It would appear that way."

"He shouldn't have even been in that match to begin with. He doesn't deserve a shot at the title yet.

"No he does not. There are others that do before him."

In the end it came down to Zack, Darren, Titus and Tensai. Zack eliminates Titus first. And thanks to Tensai..who thought he eliminated Zack too, Darren was eliminated. And surprisingly, Zack eliminated Tensai, winning the match.

"Yes! Now that's someone who deserves a title shot."

"After he lost the title unfairly this year."


"Zack Ryder congratulations. Can you carry this momentum and win the United States Championship tonight against Antonio Cesaro?"

"Woo woo woo! You know it!"

"He so would." Vi laughs.

"Yes he would."

"I really hope he beats him. We don't need that representing our country."

"Ugh I know and then Aksana with him."

"Yeah...she needs to go. That's the only reason he got that title. If not for her, we would not even know who he was."

"She's just such a ditz. She should've kept her blonde hair."

"I think that's what did it. All the dye went to her head."

"And we thought she was bad on NXT. She's even worse now."

"How are you feeling? Any better?"

"I'm feeling much better."

"Good 'cause the ice is almost melted." She chuckles. "Want me to get more?"

"I think I'm good, but thank you anyway."

"You're welcome." She smiles as she starts to gently rub the spots that were sore.

After a quick advertisement of the WWE app, they talk about more of the matches. First, the Tag Team Championship match, Randy vs Dolph, Vi vs Layla, me vs Eve, the fatal four way for the IC title, and John vs Punk for the WWE title.

"Getting more excited by the second."

"I'm getting excited too."

"I still can't believe that I won that battle royal and I get to face Layla. It's all so surreal right now."

"Just wait until you're out there."

"That's when it'll hit me. Once I'm in the ring with her and I see the title."


"Only a matter of time now."

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I. I just wish it was sooner, but I'm glad it's not. You need rest if you're going out there with me."


"Rest up and I'll help you get changed when I change into my attire."

"Alright." He nods. She keeps rubbing his back, making sure to get all of his sore spots as they focus back on the show. The show opened up with Cole explaining what happened to Jerry during Monday's Raw. He states that Jerry had a heart attack during the live show and WWE Physician Dr. Michael Sampson performed CPR him for fifteen minutes, which in the end would save Jerry's life. He then gladly reports that Jerry will be released from the hospital this week, as he will be allowed to return home to Memphis.

"Thank god Jerry is alright. He had us all scared."

"And Punk's attacks prior didn't help."

"No they did not."

Cole then concludes, saying the fans will never believe who's joining him on commentary for the show, JBL. The opening match of the night would be the IC title Fatal Four Way match with Mike coming out, being the champion and all.

"Really? Really? Really? A Fatal Four Way match. This is Booker T's brilliant idea? This is a night that's supposed to be all about me. A champion! And yet I'm the only champion that has to defend my title against not one, not two, but three different challengers. So when Booker T's done investigating the Brogue Kick, he's gonna have another problem on his hands. Because I am filing an official complaint. And I will not stop until my voice is heard. Because I'm The Miz, and I-" Rey's music cuts him off.

"Mike's so got this."

"I agree."

"He's been in this situation before. He can handle it."

"That is true."

"Wish you were one of them out there though." She sighs.

"I'll get my chance one day."

"I know."

After Rey, Cody was next to come out, and following him was Sin Cara.

"Now tell me this. Why is Rey and Sin Cara in this match when they did nothing to get a title shot?"

"Honestly, I have no idea."

During the match, Sin Cara would present a duplicate mask with the intent of embarrassing Cody again, but Cody would fight back. Shortly after, Mike would lift Sin Cara up for a powerbomb, but Sin Cara would put the mask over Mike's head. Cody then goes for the Cross Rhodes, but with Mike blinded and masked, he backs into Cody and immediately grabs him, hitting the Skull crushing Finale to pin Cody and retain the title.

"That was a joke, but I knew he could do it."

"Plus...he's competed in a mask before, but I guess people don't remember that."

"Obviously not. They really need to stop underestimating him."

"They underestimate a lot of people."

"And they get proven wrong all the time."


They watch as Mike celebrates a bit more before thhey move onto the next thing. The next thing is backstage, Eve gets asked about her title match with me later tonight.

"This should be good." Vi rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"So Eve, your match tonight. What are your thoughts going in to tonight?"

"Oh I'm confident that I'm going to leave here the new Women's Champion. See that's the only title I never got to hold since they had parted ways with it. But now it's back and I couldn't be any happier, because it's going to be mine after tonight."

"You seem really positive that you're going to win tonight. What's going to happen if you don't win? Are you going to go after the Dvia's title again?"

"Well you know what they say. At first you don't succeed, try again. But the becoming a three time Divas Champion is in my very near future."

"Oh she thinks she can beat me if I get it? She can think again." Vi scoffs.

"Very true. You were one of the best Diva champions there was. Have you thought about having both titles?"

"No! Don't give her ideas!" Vi yells at the TV.

"You know, I never really thought about that. That's never been done before has it? Thank you for that idea Josh." She gives a satisfied and happy look before she walks away.

"He better hope I don't see him anytime soon." Vi grits her teeth.

"Or Scar. She can't be too happy about what he just did either."

"I have a feeling she's just a pissed as I am right now."

"I believe it."

"And there she is." She picks up her phone after getting a text from me. "Yup. She's pissed."

"See?" She shows him the text.

"I didn't think she knew those kind of words." He chuckles after reading it.

"Oh yeah. That's how you know she's really pissed. And that's not too often she gets like that."

"Just like you. I'm sure Ted will calm her down."

"Of course."

Meanwhile, Ted is doing just that. Trying to calm me down. "Giving her ideas." I grumble.

"He's an idiot. He has no idea what he's talking about. She's not even getting a title tonight. It's staying with you."

"That's right."

"You have nothing to worry about. Neither does Vi. She's not going to get the chance after tonight."

"No she's not."

"So there's nothing to worry about." He pulls me closer to him, running his fingers down my arm trying to calm me down.

"I know, it just irritates me."

"Try not to let it. She'll know and try to take advantage tonight."

"That's probably what she's thinking now, knowing I was watching, she probably purposely said all that to try and get to me."

"Knowing her, she would do something like that."

Then in hype for the next match, they show a video package all about the anger management that Daniel had to go through with Kane. That's followed by Daniel coming out first, and then Kane, followed by Kofi and Truth coming out, them being the ones to defend the tag team titles.

"I don't know if they'll stop aguring enough to actually have the match."

During the match, a miscue between Kane & Daniel leads to a physical disagreement between them. However, Kane & Daniel would remember the teachings of Dr. Shelby and they both hug it out to resolve the tension. Later, Kane tags himself into the match, sparking another argument with Daniel. Daniel holds Kane's foot on the top rope, preventing the hurrincanrana by Kofi. Kane then shoves Daniel and he shoves Kane off the top rope, and he lands on Kofi and gets the three count, earning the win for him and Daniel, becoming the new tag team champions.

"They actually did it. I'm surprised."

"Looks like their problems worked in their favor."

"They sure did...this time."

And then backstage, Teddy and Booker were talking about Kane and Daniel's win. Eve comes in and talks about how she'll show Booker how she can beat me and claim the Women's Championship.

"And there she goes gloating again."

"She's only doing it to get to you. She's not getting your title."

"Trying to suck up to the boss...her boss on SmackDown." I scoff.

"That's all she's good for...sucking up is all she knows how to do."

Then up next it was time for the United States Championship match, where Zack won the pre-show to earn the shot.

"You should've gotten this shot."

"I know. I did my best, but there's still a lot of time left."

"When and if they let you get a shot. You were lucky to even get in the battle royal."

"I was, but I'm sure they'll be plenty of other chances."

"I hope so."

"We'll just have to wait and see."


He takes advantage of the moment and starts to be all touchy, trying to distract me from Eve. While he does that, I pay attention to the screen, hoping that Zack will at least beat Cesaro. It was going good until Aksana caused a distraction, allowing Cesaro to take advantage, hitting the Neutralizer on Zack to pick up the win and retain the title.

"Tramp." I scoff.

"Hmm?" Ted looks up. "Yeah...she is."

"You've distracted yourself, haven't you?" I give him an amused look.


"Well enjoy it while you can. My match is coming up fast. It'll only be a matter of time before I have to change."


"I know I know. Which is why I said enjoy it now while you can."

"Oh I will." He grins.

"I know that grin..."

"So you do." He presses a kiss to my shoulder. "I won't leave any marks...yet."

"I know. Not until after the match."


"Are you sure you can wait that long?"

"No...but I can try."

"Yes you can."

He keeps up with the affection, trying his best not to leave marks.

"You're trying so hard not to leave marks, I know you want to leave them. Well I suppose if you make them small enough and coverable...."

"They will be." He smirks against my skin.

"You're welcome." I say, knowing he's thanking me for letting him leave marks.

He starts to lightly nip at the skin on my neck, making sure any mark she leaves will be small. When he gets done with that, he makes his way to my lips and I gladly turn my head and meet him the rest of the way. His one hand moves to my cheek, cupping my face while his other rests on my waist. He grins into the kiss, keeping it going for as long as he can. When he does pull away, we lean our foreheads against each other. "The distraction was a good idea."

"I knew it would be." He grins.

"Well you always know what to do."

"When it comes to you, I do."

"Because you know me so well."

"Just like you know me."

"Yes. That's how I know every little thing that gets to you."

"And you use that against me all the time too." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm." I grin.


"You're just as evil."

"Because I love you that much."

"I love you just as much."

He gives me a quick, but lingering kiss before pulling away and holding me close to him.

"I could be evil now, but you haven't changed out of your ring gear yet and we can't have things happening...especially since my match will be coming up and you'll be out there with me."

"True. That would not be good at all."

"No it wouldn't. Speaking of, are you going to change or stay in that when you're out there with me?"

"I'm going to change. Just waiting until you get changed."

"Want to do that now or wait?"

"Whenever you want to. I just don't want to let you go."

"In a few minutes then."

"Sounds good."

"Seeing as you're just so fascinated with the dress, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt."

"I really do love this dress on you."

"How well I know."

He runs his hands over the dress being so fascinated with the fabric and how it fits me so perfectly.

"Touchy." I giggle.

"That's because I can be right now."

"Yes, I know."

"I just love how this feels on you."

"Of course you do."

"Too bad you have to take it off soon."

"But it goes back on after the match...unless you get too distracted by my gear like always."

"Hmm...I think this time the dress wins."

"I figured." I laugh.

"Of course."

"Well it's definitely going to be a fun night for you. First the dress and then what I pick out to wear to bed later, even though I know it's not gonna last long."

"You guessed right."

"You'll love it anyway."

"I much."

"Excuse me!" Vickie interrupts our conversation as we hear her on the TV.

"Oh god." I roll my eyes. "Not her." I whine.

"Excuse me! On this night of champions, stand up and show your respect. I said stand up...and show your respect for the future World Heavyweight Champion. He is the resident show off and Mr. Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler!"

"I think it's about time he cashes that in. Can't wait forever."

"He does have a year. Might be waiting for someone he can actually beat to hold it."

"I'm gonna laugh if he ends up waiting too long and can't cash it in."

"That would be funny."

"But it looks like Randy is his opponent tonight." I point out as Randy's coming out now.

"I don't see this going to good for him."

"No. But I'm gonna take this chance and get ready for my match. It is up after this. Maybe this would be a good time for you to change too."

"Alright." He grins.

We both get up from where we were sitting and I grab my bag as we head into the changing area. Ted watches as you start to get changed before he changes himself. He gets dressed quickly so he has time to be all touchy while I get changed. He stays all touchy enough for me to finish, lacing my boots and then I was ready to go.

"This view never gets old." He grins, looking me over.

"How well I know."

"I can't get enough of it."

"Like you say every time."

"Because it's true."

"Of course. Ready to go back out and watch the rest of the match?"

"Since I get to hold you, yes I do."

"I know where this is going." I say before he hoists me over his shoulder, walking out into the main locker room area. He teasingly smacks my butt, grabbing it before he sits down, shifting me so I'm on his lap.

"Someone's in a mood now." I laugh.

"That how I get when I see you in your gear."

"Just try to control yourself until after the match, if you can."

"I'll try, but you're not making it that easy."


"Not your fault you look so damn good in everything."

"That's right, it's not my fault."

"Not at all..." His hands wander over all the newly exposed skin.

During the hard-fought match, the action spills to the outside of the ring where Randy plants Dolph with a DDT on the floor, but Dolph manages to avoid defeat. In the end, Randy came out of nowhere with a mid-air RKO on Dolph to pick up the in.

"And that's why he so dangerous in the ring. He comes out of nowhere with that RKO."

"Yes, something you know very well."

"All too well."

"But since the match is over, it looks like we're gonna have to get going."

"That means we can leave soon." He smirks.

"Well I wanna stay for Vi's match at least. This is really big for her."

"Right, of course. Almost forgot."

"I believe it's after mine so we won't have to wait long."

"Well that's a good thing."

"But let's get going."

He lets go of me so I'm able to get off his lap. Once I'm up, he stands, lacing his fingers with mine as I grab my title then we both head to the curtain. Of course when we get there, Eve's already waiting. I spot her and roll my eyes. Ted lets go of my hand so he's able to rub my shoulder, helping keep me calm and relaxed.

"I'm good. I'm calm." I say to him quietly.

"Good." He runs his hands down my arms to my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Cuddly." I smile, resting my hands on his, leaning back into him.

"I love being cuddly with you."

"I love it just as much as you do."

"I can tell, which is why I do it so much."

Soon they play my music first. Ted lets me go in favor of lacing his fingers with mine once again and we head out. I make sure to bump into Eve, and bump into her hard along the way. "Oops I'm sorry. Oh wait, I'm not. Next time don't stand in my way." I snap at her.

"You little-" Eve grits her teeth, but we walk out before she can finish. Ted and I are introduced and he lets me go for a brief moment so I can do my usual poses on the stage. We re-link our hands and head down the ramp. I get up onto the ring, doing my poses there before we both get into the ring. I do a few more poses before Eve's music hits. Ted stays in the ring with me until she gets in, and when I hand the title over to the ref who raises it for everyone to see. He hands it off and Ted kisses me quick before he exits the ring, standing ringside instead of commentary this time. Eve glares over at me, motioning to her waist where the title should be. She taunts me for a bit before the bell rings. She kind of gets lost in the taunting, doing her pageant queen wave to the crowd, smiling and everything. I raise an eyebrow, and go ahead, hitting her from behind. She falls to face, and she's close to the ropes so I grab her and place her throat-first on the bottom rope, stepping onto her back and using the top rope to hold myself there, and letting go before the ref hits '5'. "Doing good Scar." Ted claps. "You got her." He cheers.

I go back over and pick her up by the hair, pulling her into the middle of the ring. She however counters, getting out of my grip and turns, kicking me in the leg, making me go down to one knee. She then backs up against the ropes and dropkicks me in the face. She goes for the cover and the ref gets to 2, before I power out, holding my face from being kicked there. Ted winces. "You're alright, you're alright. Get her back for that." He encourages. She pulls me back into the middle of the ring and locks her legs around my waist, applying pressure when she can. And since I'm nowhere near the ropes, it's no use really reaching for them. While she has me in that hold, she starts messing with me while basically screaming at me, pulling my hair, pushing my head around, trying to cause as much pain as she can. "Come on Scar." Ted hits the matt. "You're stronger than her! Show her!"

It takes me a bit of time but with Ted's encouragement and the crowd's encouragement, I slowly get to my feet, with Eve on my back. I reach down and pry her legs from around my waist, but she locks them right back, applying a headlock now. Since my arms were free, I could fight back so I start to elbow her in the side of the head a few times, making her let go. I then manage to get her feet apart and then get her onto my shoulders. She fights out of it and gets down and turns me around, going for a clothesline. I duck and when she comes back I hit her with a roundhouse kick and she's out. I quickly drop and cover her, going for the pin. The ref counts to 3, the bell ringing and my theme plays through the arena. I get back to my feet, the ref handing me my title as he raises my hand. After the ref releases my hand I go over to Eve and push her out of the ring with my feet as I celebrate my successful title defense. Ted gets into the ring, going over to me, giving me the biggest hug he could.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"

"That's because you're good luck for me."

"I just got that kind of magic." He grins

"Yes you do." I kiss him briefly.

I celebrate a bit more before we both exit the ring and head up the ramp. On the way, I hold my title in the air. After that, Ted and I head to the back and to the locker room. Meanwhile, Vi had just finished getting her attire on as Justin finished getting changed himself. "Are you sure you feel up to going out there?" She asks as she fixes her attire.

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better than earlier." He nods.

"Alright. We should get going then."

"Right. You're gonna do great out there."

"I hope. I'm starting to get doubts now."

"Everyone has their doubts when it comes to their big moment like this. I believe in you."

"I know. As long as you're there, I have a feeling I'll do great."

"Good luck charm...always." He grins.

"Of course."

"You've got this." He keeps reassuring her.

"I think I do." She shakes her nerves out. "Let's do this."

"That's the attitude." He grins, opening the door for her.

"You just have that affect on me." She grins, lacing her fingers with his as they head out the door and down the hall. When they get there, Layla is already there waiting. Vi walks over to her, making small talk since they are friends. They hit her theme, with her going out during a break. Justin lets go of her hand so she can do her poses at the top of the ramp before they re-ink hands, heading to the ring. Once there, she does a few more poses before getting in the ring and standing next to him while they wait. They hit Layla's theme and she makes her way out and down the ramp. To get Vi ready for the match as they wait for Layla to get into the ring, he massages her shoulders. She leans back into him, getting more pumped and relaxed for the match. She finally gets to the ring and after doing her poses, she gives the ref the title. Justin kisses her quick before he gets out, standing ringside. The ref shows Vi the title, then Layla, before he raises it up for the crowd to see. He than hands it off to a ringside attendant and signals for the bell.

They shake hands as a sign of respect before circling each other, then locking up. Vi quickly gets her in a side headlock and holds it for as long as she can, until she makes her way to the ropes and pushes her off. She comes back and hits her with a shoulder block, knocking her off her feet.

"That's it! That's what you have to do!" Justin claps. "Keep it up Vi." He cheers.

She then comes off the ropes again, only for Layla to roll over onto her stomach, making Vi ho over her. She comes off the ropes once more, and she leap frogs over her and when she comes back again, she kicks Vi in the stomach. That's when Layla comes off the ropes and jumps over her, going for an early rollup pin attempt. Vi kicks out before the ref can get to the cont of 2. "Great job Vi! Keep going, you got this!"

They both stand across from each other and circle again before locking up. Vi gets her in another side headlock and take her down, holding her in the headlock on the canvas. "Doing good. Keep her down."

Layla counters and locks her legs around Vi's neck. After a bit, Vi starts to get out of it and manages to lift Layla up with her strength and she throws her down onto the canvas, following through with a bridge pin attempt.

"Yes! You got it!" Justin cheers. Unfortunately she's able to get her shoulders up at two and a half. "That's alright. Focus." When they both get up, she grabs Layla's hand and twists her arm, until she reverses and does the same to her. She takes her over to the corner and uses the ropes and hops off of them, sending her halfway across the ring. Justin winces a bit, but keeps on cheering for her. "Come on Vi. Get up. You're doing great."

Layla does start to get the crowd behind her, thinking that Vi's trying to take her time recovering in the corner. But little does she know, Vi takes less time to recover and when Layla turns around, she hits her with a spear. "Cover her!" Justin yells encouragement. She quickly covers her, the ref counting to three and the bell ringing. Once her theme plays, she gets to her knees in shock that she actually won. Justin is literally jumping up and down where he's standing. He goes over and grabs the title and quickly gets into the ring, hugging her tightly before handing it to her. She takes the title from him, raising it in the air crying tears of joy. She climbs up onto the ropes, holding the title high. She does that on each side of the ring before hopping down, meeting him in the middle of the ring.

"I told you that you could do it."

"You did and I actually have it now."

"And you know what that means."

"I do." She smirks. "Let's go get the name changed then we can get to that. But first..." She trails off, going over to Layla and helping her up. "Good match." She says as she gets to her feet.

"It was." She nods.

"Hope I wasn't too hard on you." She chuckles.

"Not at all." She laughs.

"Good." She nods. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you back in the ring soon."


They shake hands one more time before she goes back to Justin. She puts her title over her shoulder as they head for the ropes. They climb out of the ring and on the way up the ramp, she raises the title in the air once more. Once they get backstage, she's engulfed in another hug and spun around by Justin. He presses his lips to hers in a congratulatory kiss. Since he caught her off guard, she didn't have time to respond. He sets her down then pulls away. "Maybe I should win a title more often." She says almost breathless.

"Yes, yes you should."

"Not that I'm giving this one up anytime soon though."

"Of course not."

"I think it's time to get my name put on this though." She looks over at the title on her shoulder as she admires it.

"Yes, let's go do that."

He puts his arm around her as she moves the title to her hands so she can keep looking at it. On the way, she gets stopped by various superstars and some Divas for congratulations. She thanks them then they head to get her name on her title. "Now that looks better." She says after her name is put on. "Yes it does." He grins. "And Scar alert." He motions to me running down the hall towards them. I almost knock her off her feet after I tackle her with a hug, Justin steadying us. "Hello to you too." She laughs.

"I tried to stop her." Ted chuckles.

"That's alright. I was going to come see her before we left."

"You won, you won, you won!"

"I did! I still can't believe it."

"I'm so happy for you."

"I can see that." She laughs. "By the way...getting hard too breath." She chuckles.

"Oops. Sorry." I say, letting go.

"It's fine. You're just excited. I know I really am."

"I can tell."

"I can't stop looking at it. It's like I'm just watching it for someone. It doesn't feel like it's mine yet."

"Well it is."

"The name proves it." Justin points out.

"It does." She smiles big, running her fingers over the name plate. "It's finally mine."

"We're so going to rule this division now that you and I are both title holders of the only two titles for the division."

"We so are. It's only going to get better from this day on. We'll make sure of it."


"Good job in your match too. you really kicked her ass."

"That was the goal."

"I don't think she'll show up tomorrow with how bad you beat her." She chuckles.

"Oh she probably will, complaining, saying she wasn't prepared enough, making up crappy lies."

"Knowing her, she will. That's all she does is whine and complain."

"Who knows how long this feud will go on for. Can't say I'm complaining though, it's fun to kick her ass."

"It sure does look like fun. I just dare her to come after this." She adjusts the title on her shoulder.

"Who knows. She wants to be a three-time Divas Champion, as well as Women's Champion. She'll fight both of us if she has to."

"She can try all she wants, but she'll lose every time."

"Yes. The only time she has a chance of winning is in non-title matches."


"Well I can see someone can't stop being touchy." I motion to Justin who's getting impatient because he wants to head back to the room so Vi can change and so both of them can head back to the hotel.

"Nope." He grins.

"So, we'll see you later then." She goes to give me a hug.


"Byee." She says as Justin practically pulls her from me, rushing her to their locker room. "Really? That impatient?" She giggles.


"You just can't wait to celebrate can you?"

"Not really."

"I didn't think so." She laughs. "All I have to do is change then we can leave. Think you can last that long?"

"I think so."

"Good. Shouldn't take me to long." She says as they reach their locker room.

"Alright, good."

They walk in and she grabs her bag so she can change back into her dress. As she heads to the changing area, he follows her. "I think you should wait out here." She stops before going in.


"I think it would be faster, unless you can behave."

"I promise I'll behave, I just wanna watch."

"Alright then. Come on."

He grins and follows her into the changing area. The first thing she does is set her title somewhere safe before starting to take her attire off. Since she knows he's staring, she takes her time, then walks over to get her dress. She slowly puts that on before slipping back into her shoes. She puts her attire back into her bag and then grabs her title. "Have fun?" She grins, since he was still staring.


"I'm ready to go...that is if you're still with me." She laughs since he's still in a daze.

"I'm here....let's go."

She shakes her head amusedly as she starts to head out of the room with him following very close behind. Once he grabs his bag, he puts his arm around her as she does the same with him. They check to make sure they have everything before leaving the room and heading to the car. On the way there, she can't stop looking at her title.

"That's all yours."

"It is." She smiles. "I still can't believe I have it now."

"It'll probably take the next week to sink in."

"It might. Everything just seems so...dream like."

"I know the feeling."

"Just like when you won the Tag titles."

"Yes." He nods.

"I was so happy for you when you won. Not so much for the other person, but I was so happy you got a title."

"That was a good day."

"A very good day." She agrees. "I want it to happen again." She adds.

"Now that you're with Tyson. They should give you both a chance at the titles. Everyone thinks you're both the best in that division right now."

"They should. We'll see if they actually follow through and give us a shot."

"They better. You both deserve so much more than you're getting right now."

"I know. Can't really control it."

"Yeah..." She sighs. "...really sucks."

"I know. Gonna have to deal with it though."


"But let's forget about that for now. We have some celebrating to do on your account."

"I believe we do." She grins as they reach the car. They put their things in the back before getting into the car. Once he starts the car, he starts to head back to the hotel. When they get to the hotel, they get their things from the back then head inside and up to their room. The whole way there, he could not keep his hands to himself. He manages to behave long enough for them to make it to the room. When they walk in, they drop their bags by the door. She walks ahead while he leans back against the now closed door with that look in his eyes. She makes her way into the room, setting her title down then starts to take off her jewelry. As she starts to take out her earring, she turns to see him leaning against the wall. "Uh oh...I know that look..."

"...all too well." He grins.

"Well..." She sets her jewelry down. "...come over here then." She smirks, motioning him with her finger. He smirks, not wasting any time going over to her and he instantly presses his lips to hers. Her hands go right to his hair as she starts to kiss back just as hard and eager as he's kissing her. His hands find their way to the zipper of her dress as he starts to pull it down. Before she can even think of stopping him, her dress hits the floor. She slides her feet out of her shoes then her dress as he gives her a boost, her legs wrapping around her waist, his hands resting on her thighs. He doesn't head for the bed right away, he finds the nearest wall and presses her against it. His hands start to wander where ever they can reach. She moves her one hand to the back of his neck while her other stays in his hair, holding him as close as he can get. She then realizes that he still has all of his clothes on, so she moves her hands to the bottom of his shirt and starts to tug on it, giving him the signal that she wants it off. He shifts her a bit so she's about to lift his shirt off. They break the kiss so she's able to pull it over his head. Once she gets it over his head, she tosses it tot he side, not caring where it lands as her hands start to wander over all the new skin she can touch.

"...bed...." You mumble.


He moves her from the wall then carries her to the bed. When he gets there, he lays her down so he's hovering over her. He looks her over with a smirk on his face. "My sexy Divas champion."

"Mhm." She nods. "All yours." She smirks.

He leans down making sure to kiss all the skin he can reach. He then makes his way to her neck before she stops him. " shoot..." She reminds him. He grumbles against her neck, moving to other places where he can leave marks that will be covered easily. As his lips travel over her skin, she can't help but squirm a bit under him since it did give her a tickling sensation. His hands move to her lips, holding her still. She tries to move but then he starts to nip at her skin, causing her to tense up, gripping onto his shoulders. He moves back up to her lips and his hands move from her hips to her thighs. He waits until she's not paying attention to squeeze them lightly. She moans softly into the kiss, pulling him closer, kissing him more roughly. He does it one more time, getting the same reaction out of her, but louder. He smirks into the kiss and she takes that moment to run her nails across the back of his neck. That causes the usual reaction, which was a quiet growl to begin with. She does it again, getting the same reaction, but much louder this time. He starts to kiss harder than before making her lose focus on what she was doing. Her hands fall to his shoulders resting there for now before they slowly move down his chest to the waist of his pants.

"....go ahead..." He mumbles into the kiss.

"...was going to anyway..."

She slowly starts to undo his pants, making her touches linger. He tenses up a bit, gripping her thighs more. She bites her lip, a few noises coming from her as she starts to tug them down. She gets them down as far as she ca reach then moves her hands up and presses her fingers into both of his indents without warning. That causes him to tense and growl even louder than before. In retaliation he takes her bottom lip between his teeth, nipping at it lightly. She moans softly into the kiss as she stops what she's doing, her hands going to his sides for now. He does that for a bit longer before letting her lip go.

"Now I believe that's enough torture." He grins.

"I hope so..."

He then gets his pants off the rest of the way since he hasn't yet. "I believe you know what's next." He smirks.

"Uh huh..." She nods. "...blanket." She eagerly says.

"Got it." He replies, letting her go in order to grab it. He pulls the blanket over them, then the night of celebrating really begins.

Ted and I in the meantime walk into our room. I drop my bag with the rest of my things, take my shoes off and then work on taking my jewelry off. Ted comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck. "You did amazing tonight." He grins.

"So you told me after the match was over."

"I'm just so proud of you that I want you to know that."

"I already know you are."

"I plan on showing you how proud I am too." He smirks, his hands wandering now.

"Probably going to want to show me so much more after you see what I picked out to wear, even though it's not lasting long. It's just fun to see your reaction."

"You're's not lasting long at all."

"As you said earlier tonight."

"Because it's true."

"Oh I know, believe me."

"You know...the longer I wait, the less chance you have of putting it on..."

"Well maybe I should go put it on now then."

"I think you should."

"Gonna have to let me go first."

"I guess I can...for now." He slowly lets you go.

"I promise I won't take too long."


I go through my bag until I come to what I had picked out already. Once I grab that, I head into the bathroom to change. I do my normal routine of taking off my makeup before I take off my dress and hang it on the back of the door. I then put on the outfit I picked out. Once I have it on, I run my fingers through my hair a few times, before opening the door only enough to peek my head out. I bite my lip as I see Ted finishing up with getting changed. I watch for a bit before going out. Since his back is to me, he doesn't notice me. So I decide to lean against the doorway of the bathroom, waiting for him to turn around and notice. "Are you almost do-" He says as he turns, seeing me in the doorway. His eyes go wide and his jaw drops as his eyes scan me.

"I was waiting for you to notice." I laugh.

"H-how long y-you been t-there?" He stutters.

"A few minutes."

"...damn..." He mumbles. He licks his lips, finally regaining focus. He gives me his famous look as he starts to walk over toward me.

"Maybe I should win more often, and you get more surprises like this."

"You really should." He grins as he reaches me, wasting no time in giving me a boost. My arms wrap around his neck and my legs wrap around his waist, while his hands rest on my hips, his fingers moving along the fabric of the top of my outfit. He looks me over, biting his lip as he plays with the fabric a bit more. He then presses his lips to mine in a hard, eager kiss, his hands going to my hips for now. As I kiss back just as hard and eagerly, my nails of one hand drag across his neck lightly before they move to his hair, running through it. He twitches from the sensation on his neck which makes him kiss back harder. He moves from where he was standing in favor of pressing me against the wall so his hands can wander. When his hands do wander, he starts with my sides, bu under the fabric to get a better reaction from me. I muffle the noise into the kiss as I feel the goosebumps being left behind once his hands move. He smirks into the kiss, moving from my sides to my thighs. He rests them there for now, then when I least expect it, he squeezes gently on them getting the same reaction from me. Not satisfied yet, he does it again, but a bit harder getting a much louder moan from me. He grins against my lips, keeping his hands there as he moves away from the wall, carefully moving over to the bed, so he doesn't bump into anything, although if he did, I would end up feeling it first. Once he feels the bed touch his legs, he leans down placing me on the bed without breaking the kiss. He moves me up so I'm on the pillows as he starts to tug at the top I have on. To give him the signal to go ahead, one of my hands move and I press my fingers into one of the indents of his, which I know drives his crazy anyway.

A semi loud growl comes from him as he breaks the kiss, lifting the top over my head. Instead of going for my lips, he kisses all the newly exposed skin that he can reach making sure to take his time. And just so I can't do what I just did again, he laces his fingers with mine and holds my hands to the mattress. I struggle against his hands, but he's not letting go right now.

" more..." He mumbles.

" fair..."

"I'm having fun first."

"There's only so much more I can take."

"Then it's working." He smirks, making his way back to my lips.

"...mmhmm..." I mumble against his lips.

He keeps his lips against mine as he starts to work on my bottoms. Once he gets them off, he tosses them to the side, grabbing the blanket to pull over us both.