Status: Active

All About Us

Friday Night SmackDown: January 27, 2012

We're in the next city for Smackdown tonight, in our own rooms....Ted and I in our own, Justin and Vi in their own and of course Charity and Cody in their own. I've just finished getting my hair and makeup done after I had changed. I walk out and dig through my things for jewelry and put that on before picking out shoes and sitting on the bed to put those on. Ted was finishing up getting ready as well. When he was done he walked over to the bed.

"How's the wrist?" I ask Ted, since he hurt it in a match at a house show over the weekend.

"It still hurts but, that's why it's heavily taped up."

"Well that is good." I say. "I can't believe he took it that far." I add, sighing.

"He didn't mean to Scar, you know that. It just happened. A broken wrist isn't keeping me down."

"I know that. It just sucks."

"You're not competing like that are you?"

"Actually, I do have a match tonight."

"Dare I ask against who?" I ask, standing up after finishing with my shoes.



"Yeah. He requested it."

I sigh. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Don't worry." Ted says, walking over and kissing my head.

"Tape isn't gonna protect your wrist that matter how heavily it's taped up."

"I know. I will see what the trainers say when we get there."

"Obviously if you're competing, they think it's not much a threat."

"Well will just check, so you do not have to worry."

"Well I'll still worry....cause it is Hunico. After all he did hurt your knee last week."

"Yea, but that was nothing. I am fine with that now."

"He'll use your wrist as a target...."

"That is to be expected, but all I can do is try to prevent it."

"Right." I say quietly.

"Just relax, everything will be fine." Ted says wrapping me in a hug.

"I'll try to." I mumble.

"I know it will be hard, but we will make the best of it."

"I know."

"Are we meeting Vi and Justin at the car or the arena?" Ted asks.


"Ah. So do you want to head out now or wait a bit?"

"Heading out now sounds good since I'm already ready."

Ok. Lets go." Ted says, and we make sure we have everything we need before heading out.

"What about you though? Are you in a match tonight?" He asks.

"Actually yes. I'm gonna be teaming with Nattie to take on Aksana and Tamina.

"That should be interesting."


"I know you are going to win."

"Yeah, no foolish roll ups from a weakling like Nattie gets done to her all the time....ridiculous."

"It is. Well she has you out there and it should be a good, fair match."


"Do you know when it is?"

"The 2nd to last match, after yours of course."

"So you will be able to see mine."

"Yes...and I know you're gonna object to this, but I'm coming out with you."

"I really do not like that idea, but I want you to promise to stay by commentary than that should be fine." Ted says hesitantly.

"You know I look out for my safety as much as you do. I'll stay by there."

"As long as you do that, then that will be fine."

"I promise."


We soon get to the arena, and as we pull up we see Charity and Cody getting out of their car to head inside themselves.

"Hey guys!" I say once Ted and I get out of the car.

"Hey!" Charity greets back.

"Ready for tonight?" I ask.

"Of course. Good luck in your match tonight by the way." She says.

"Thanks." I say. "Do you have anything tonight?" I add.

"Unfortunately no, because there's normally only one divas match...hence yours, maybe next week. Cody has a match though against Justin again."

"Ah. Hopefully next week. And again?"

"Yeah, again."

"Well good luck Cody."

"Thanks. Good luck to you too."


"And oh look, speaking of Justin...there he is with Vi." I say, as I see her and Justin pull in.

Justin and her pull in and park, getting out of the car. Once Justin grabs his bags, they walk over. "Hey all!" Vi says, cheerfully.

"Hey." We all greet back.

"How is everyone tonight?"

"We're good, you?" Charity asks.

"I am doing great." Vi smiles. "Ted, How is the wrist?" Vi asks, sounding concerned.

"Hurts a bit, but other than that okay."

"That is good. Been worried about ya."

"He's competing tonight." I say.

"WHAT?! That is just crazy. Ted you should not be in a match!"

"I went over this with him already."

"I bet you did. You should listen to her Ted." Vi shakes her head.

"He's cleared to compete....can't do anything. Hunico requested the match too."

"Well that is not right. Hunico is crazy."

"Crazy Mexican...who for some reason has a problem with Ted now...I don't know."

"Neither do I. Ted did nothing to him."

"Did you hear....Justin's facing Cody again."

"He is what?" Vi says shocked.

"I guess you didn't hear then."

"No!" Vi says. "Justin you did not tell me!" Vi turns to Justin.

"I found out while you were getting ready." Justin says.

"Still!" Vi says, getting upset.

"Vi...calm down...please?" Justin asks soothingly.

"I just wish I knew before."

"We're better to find out now rather than later."

"I know. I just wish I knew." Vi says low. "I am coming out with you for that match. Cody will not do anything." Vi adds.

"Not that I'd let him anyway." Charity adds in.

"I know you wouldn't" Vi smiles.

"Plus I respect you, whether I'm in character or not." Cody adds.

"I feel the same Cody. I am glad you feel that way."

"Well are we all ready to head inside?"

"All set." Everyone says. We all head inside and make our way to the lockers rooms.

After Vi and Justin get to his, she sits down while he puts his stuff down and gets changed since his match against Cody is the first one of the night, after the opening segment of the show. After Justin changes he comes to sit by her and wraps his arms around her. "Are you feeling better now?" Justin asks.

"Just a bit." She sighs.

"Everything will be fine."

"I hope so. You saw what he did to Ted though."

"It wasn't intentional."

"I know, but still. Things like that can happen." I sigh. "Just be careful." I add.

"I will be." He nods, kissing the top of her head.

"Good. I will make sure nothing happens too."

"Of course."

"I swear, if anything happens I will be so mad."

"I know."

"So it is the first mach?"

"Yes, after the opening segment."

"Good. Maybe we can leave early then?" She smirks.

"Hmmm....maybe." He grins.

"We never got to enjoy our time the other night."

"I know...."

"Maybe we can finish it, if you are not to tired."

"We'll see how I'm feeling after the match."

"If not we can just relax. As long as I am with you, I do not care what we do."

"Right." He nods.

Soon the show starts and again they replay what happened to AJ after Big Show plowed into her, sending her to the hospital. That led to Show coming out to the ring, once in the cameras show the arena.

"Poor Show. It was not his fault."

He walks out with a slight smile on his face, going down to the ring, grabbing a mic after he gets in.

"Uh...I have a lot to say, I don't know how I want to say it. Uh...I'm not really good at uh...I'll just go ahead and say it. I'm sorry. I've already said this to AJ in person, but I want to come out here publicly in front of you. I apologized to AJ and she forgave me immediately."

"Good for her."

"And I'm out here asking all of you to do the same. Problem is though, I'm having a little bit of trouble forgiving myself. Uh...that collision with AJ wasn't exactly an isolated incident. Even when I was young, I didn't even know my own strength. Growing up no matter how hard I tried, I still somehow, someway would end up hurting other kids."

"You did not know. You were a kid back then."

"I made it really hard, but you know...when I came to the WWE, I thought all that was behind me, I know that being a freak and it not being my fault was all behind me. It wasn't my fault, but here in the WWE I found a home, I found a place where I belonged."


"I love what I do. Believe me, I've been here 13 years, I love my job."

"That is dedication right there."

"After what happened with AJ, uh...I don't think I have the heart to go on with my career, I really don't."

"You better not do it! It was an accident!"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm...I'm very very honored and proud to be in the Triple Threat Match this Sunday at Royal Rumble. But regardless, I think after Sunday I'm really gonna have to...I'm gonna have to do some soul searching...." Show's cut off by Daniel's music.

"Oh god. Not him." Vi rolls her eyes.

He walks down the ramp and gets into the ring, with a not so pleased look on his face.

"You''re sorry? Man what a relief, that makes everything okay."

"Oh shut up! You are not better than him!"

"Daniel, listen...."

"No, YOU listen. You put a 95 pound woman in the hospital."

"Yeah, it was an accident Daniel. I didn't do it on purpose."

"I heard, I heard you went and apologized, and AJ accepted. But news flash genius, AJ was heavily medicated at the time. She doesn't even remember you visiting."

"So you say! I am sure she remembers everything!"

"But guess what? I remember. I remember everything. And I remember as a kid watching the WWE, thinking it was a place for athletes, not genetic freaks. And before you even mention Andre the Giant, don't you dare. Don't you even dare, because you are no Andre the Giant."

"Oh he did not go there!" Vi scowls.

"I think he did." Justin adds.

"He better watch himself."

"He's got you all fooled." Daniel says to the crowd, as they chant 'Big Show'.

"You're full of it. You have no plans on reassessing your career. That's just empty talk, like all those apologies. If you were truly serious, if you were really repentant about your sorry excuse for a life, you wouldn't be out here apologizing to AJ. You wouldn't be out here apologizing to me, you certainly wouldn't be out here apologizing to all these people. You would do the honorable thing, and just!"

"Apologize to you? I do not think so and you better not push him into making that decision. You are the one that needs to go!"

"That's right, do the honorable thing for once in your life and leave! Go climb back up whatever beanstalk you came from and stay there! You claim you can't help being the way you are?! That you can't do anything about it?! Well guess what, I can!" Daniel yells before slapping him across the face.

"You do not do that to The Big Show and get away with it."

Show turns around with an angry look in his eye.

"You're not a man, you're a monster!" Daniel yells again, slapping him once more.

That makes Show snap and he grabs Daniel by the throat, pushing him into one of the corners, yelling back at him before throwing him across the ring.

"See, I told you. Daniel you asked for it." Vi shakes her head

Then Mark Henry's music plays and he comes out, going down to the ring as well.

"Ugh. Not him too."

"Amidst this love fest going on out here, I felt compelled to come out here and remind you two, that it's a Triple Threat Steel Cage match on Sunday. And I don't care about your hurt feelings. And I don't care about your Napolean Complex. And I damn sure don't care about some little 95 pound girl in a training bra."

"Is he serious?!"

"You know what I'm capable of. I ain't gotta sweet talk ya'." Mark says to Show. "And you...get over here and stand in my face and talk to me. GET OVER HERE!" He says to Daniel, who cautiously makes his way over.

"I hope Mark gives it to him."

"After weasling your way out of MY Heavyweight championship last week, I'ma tear your skin off under general principle." He adds.

"Listen Mark...Mark, that was not my fault. Those lumberjacks, they piled in, they ruined our match. I was every bit of disappointed as you were." Daniel tries to explain and then Teddy Long's music hits and he comes out.

"I bet he is going to make a match. Either Show and Henry, or one of then against Bryan."

"Just a minute, just a minute playas. Now we're just days away from the Royal Rumble pay-per-view. So the question is, will Smackdown go into it with a whipper or a bang? Now tonight there's already one main event, Wade Barrett will face Randy Orton. So, the way I see it, now just two weeks ago Daniel Bryan faced the Big Show. Last week Daniel Bryan faced Mark Henry. So tonight I think it's only fair, that Mark Henry goes one on one with the Big Show!"

"I knew it. Something will happen."

Then after the segment was over, a video package about the rivalry between Wade and Randy plays during the break.

"Well should be getting to the curtain now."

"Alright." She says. They get up and head out of the room and make their way to the curtain, hands laced together. When they get there, Cody and Charity are already there.

"Hey guys." Vi says as we walk up.

"Heyy, ready for the match?"

"Of course I am." Justin says.

"I won't hurt him, I promise." Cody adds.

"I know. I trust you." She says.

Soon the break is over and the tech people plays Cody's music, signaling him and Charity to head out first. They do so, Cody doing his usual entrance and halfway down the ramp he strips the vest, handing it to Charity before both of them get into the ring. Once they are in the ring, Justin's music plays and we walk out. We walk down the ramp, slapping hands with some fans on the way. We get to the ring and climb up, Justin holding the ropes for me. Once I get in I wait as Justin does all his poses, howling and everything. When he is done he walks back over to me.

"That is hot!" I say about the howling.

"You would say that." He grins.

"Of course I would."

Then before the ref could ring the bell, Vi and Charity both get out of the ring and stand ringside. Cody kicks Justin in the stomach and goes for a backdrop, bust Justin counters and kicks him, then Cody comes back with an Alabama Slam. He twists Justin's arm around, then hits a Russian leg sweep, and then puts him in a headlock but Justin hits a monkey flip and a forearm shot off the ropes. Cody rolls outside and Justin knocks him down with a plancha, then gets back on the apron and goes for a springboard kick. Cody counters and almost rolls him up, then hits Beautiful Disaster and follows it with a Cross Rhodes for the win.

"Good job Codes!" Charity cheers and claps before climbing on the apron and getting in the ring with Cody.

"Justin, are you okay?" Vi asks concerned, once she gets over to where he is in the ring.

"Yeah...I'm fine."

"Good. Lets get you backstage." She says, helping Justin up and out of the ring. They head up the ramp and through the curtain, making it backstage. Then they head back to the locker room so that he can relax a bit before changing.

"Are you feeling up for staying a bit? I want to watch Scar's match." She says, still a bit concerned. "I can help you if you are sore." She adds.

"Yeah, we can stay a bit longer."

"As long as you are up to it."

"I'm fine don't worry."

"You know I can not help but to worry about you." She sighs.

"I know."

"Do you want to lay down for a bit or are you good?"

"I think laying down would be a good idea."

"Alright." She says, moving on the end of the couch so Justin can lay down. He lays down with his head in her lap as they watch the rest of the show.

Charity and Cody however are on their way back to his locker room now. "I was thinking...maybe a small celebration for my win out there..." He smirks.

"Oh I have something in mind already." Charity says, wearing a smirk of her own.

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because that is how I think."

"True...well let's head in so that we don't end up doing whatever is it you have planned out here."

"That is a good idea." Charity grins as they make their way to Cody's locker room. Once they get there and get inside, Charity stops short causing Cody to bump into her. She smirks then turns around and pushes Cody into the door. She immediately places her lips to his resting her hands on his chest and starts to kiss him hard. It takes a minute for Cody to respond, but when he does he starts to kiss her back. She runs her nails down his chest to his abs, and he grabs her waist and lifts her up, her wrapping her legs around his waist. He makes his was to the couch and sits down with her on his lap. She moved her hands up to his neck and was running her hands through his hair. They broke for air, but instead of her lips, Cody made his way down to her neck, nipping and kissing gently. She let out a soft moan as he hit her sensitive spot before moving back to her lips. This time it was her turn to let her plan out. She slowly made her way from his lips to his jaw, kissing and nipping gently, then making her way to his ear. She started to gently nip and suck on it and she could feel him tense up. She then made her way to his neck and did the same thing he did to her, lightly kissing and nipping at his neck, before moving back to his lips.

"Hmmm, I liked that mini celebration." He smirks after she pulls away.

"I have more planned for later too." She grins.

"Oh really? Looking forward to it."

"I am sure are you." She says, moving a bit on his lap.

He mentally curses and tries to keep her still. "You know I don't have much for clothing on right now....stay....still."

"Come on Codes." She grins, leaning down. "You know you like it." She whispers in his ear.


"Ruin my fun." She pouts.

"You know what that does to me. I don't want to be pitching a tent here....not right now."

"Fine." She pouts more. "But you are in for it when we get back for ruining my fun." She breaks into a grin.

"Already looking forward to it."

"I bet you are."

Now backstage Santino is talking to Teddy Long.

"No I was not."

"Teddy Long, as your assistant, I have now divised the perfect match. It's an extreme loser leaves town match, where the loser is forced to join a group of monkeys, go in a spaceship and blast off planet earth."

"Haha, monkeys. Santino is funny."

"What're you talking about? I'm not feeling nothing like that."

"Well what do you think, Toshi Yatsu?"

"It's out of this world."

"Oh god." Charity facepalms. "Those two are to much." She laughs.

"You think?"

"What a coin-ki-dink that Toshi Yatsu here, 'cause it allows me to introduce to you...the future tag team championship team of...SanToshi."

"SanToshi? What in the hell is that?!" Charity laughs harder.

"Obviously a mix between Santino and Yoshi Tatsu."








"I like YoshiTino myself." Charity says, cocking her head a bit.

The Drew comes in, stopping the hilarious argument for now.

"I heard you wanted to see me, and I got here as quick as I possibly could."

"Yeah, thank you Drew. You see just last week, has been like the past several weeks. I have told you that your career has been on thin ice. Even when you promised me that you could beat Santino Marella in a blindfold match. Even when you cheated you couldn't do it."

"That match was a joke anyway."

"Awkward." Santino sings, before he and Yoshi leave.

"Teddy, did you know that once, Babe Ruth had struck out 5 times in one game? Babe Ruth. See this is nothing more than a slump...and believe me I hate this..."

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, but listen. Did you know that Babe Ruth might've struck out on occasion. But more often than not, Babe Ruth knocked it out of the park playa. And that's exactly what I'm gonna need you to do for me tonight...against Sheamus. One more thing Drew...Babe...batter up, your match is next."

"I hope Drew wins. He is much better than this."

"True. I know cause we were Tag Team Champs." Cody agrees.

"Damn good ones too."


"He deserves this win, if he does not that is messed up."

During the break, Drew made his way to the ring and after the break, Sheamus had come out next. Sheamus whips Drew off the ropes and Drew hits him in the head a few times but Sheamus levels him with a clothesline, then whips him into the corner. Drew gets his feet up but Sheamus comes right back with a rolling fireman's carry, then Drew rolls to the apron and snaps Sheamus' head on the top rope. He rolls back in and punches Sheamus then hits a suplex, and puts him in an armlock and hits a snap suplex when Sheamus tries to get out of the hold. Sheamus psyches up and throws Drew in the corner and hits him a few times, then hits a powerslam and shakes off a right hand and hits him with a Brogue Kick for the win.

"Oh no! Poor Drew!" Charity sighs.

"Yet Teddy doesn't fire him yet."

"We can only hope he does not."

It was another break and they played a Sheamus promo during it, before showing statistics for the Royal Rumble, and then going to the next match of the night which was Santino and Yoshi vs Epico and Primo.

"This should be interesting."

"Rosa dresses like a whore." Charity scoffs.

"One of the many reasons they use her more than others." Cody shakes his head.

"Which is one of the reasons I hate."

"I know. A lot of us do." Cody says. "I am glad you are better than that." He adds.

"Trust me, I wouldn't want to be like her or Kelly for that matter, if I was the last diva on earth and the company depended on me."

"I do not blame you. It is not worth looking like that for anything."

The bell rings and the match begins. Santino takes Primo down with a hiptoss then spins on his back and does his trumpet dance, then snaps Primo's arm and holds him for Yoshi. He makes the tag and Yoshi chops him from the top rope, then he whips Primo off the ropes and Epico makes a blind tag and suplexes Yoshi from behind for two. Epico goes for a neckbreaker but Yoshi counters with a backslide for two, then Santino comes in and hiptosses him and hits a diving headbutt for two. Primo breaks it up and throws Yoshi outside, then Santino hits him with the Cobra but Epico surprises Santino with a Backstabber for the win.

"Well at least she did not get involved this time."

"Pshh, she would've had a wardrobe malfunction if she got involved." Cody scoffs.

"That would have been...something." Charity shudders at the thought.

"That would'nt be PG."

"They way she dresses is not PG"

"Yet they allow it."

"That is a shame. Gives us a bad image."

Mark Henry is shown warming up when Daniel Bryan comes up to him and Henry says he better have a good reason for being there. Bryan says the lumberjacks were all Teddy Long's idea, and so was the match tonight and it's all because Teddy wants Big Show as champion. He says tonight is the last time before Sunday they can make things right, and he knows Henry can beat Show but he needs to hurt him and teach him a lesson. Bryan says Henry is the guy who can do that to Show, then smacks him on the shoulder and says it is up to him but Henry gives him a dirty look as he walks away.

"He is up to something. I just know it."

"I have that same feeling."

"He is a cheater and a sneak. He will do anything to win."

"Any heel will do that."

"That is true."

Meanwhile with Ted and I in his locker room, he had to move me unfortunately to get ready for his match coming up after Wade's segment about Randy.

"About ready?" Ted asked, walking out after getting changed.

"I've been ready all night." I laugh.

"I know, but we need to head out now."

"Right. I know." I nod, getting up and walking over to him.

Ted takes my hand with his good one and laces out fingers together and we start to walk to the curtain. The whole time I am thinking about what could happen out there. "What's wrong?" Ted asks, as we reach the curtain.

"I can't help but worry about what could possibly go wrong."

"Try not to focus on that. I will be as careful as I can be out there." Ted says, moving his hand and rubbing my back soothingly.

"I know you will."

"So try not to worry." Ted kisses the top of my head.

Hunico and Camacho go out first, getting into the ring and a replay of Ted's match last week where he was was shown. Hunico is in the ring now, not looking too pleased with that result. They play Ted's music and I take a deep breath before taking Ted's hand again and going out with him. We walk down the ramp and Ted slaps hands with fans and members of the Posse before he gets in the ring. I kiss him quickly before going over to commentary.

"I have a bad feeling." I mumble to myself.

The bell rings and Ted moves quick as Hunico tries to figure out how to get to that broken wrist of his. Ted has control, suplexing Hunico with the goodarm before clotheslining him with that same arm, then hits him with a boot to the face and goes for the cover, getting a 2 count.

"Come on Ted! I know you can do it!" I cheer from commentary.

Ted helps pick him up and leans him against the ropes, hoping to send him into the opposite side, but Hunico latches onto the bad arm and attacks the wrist and then proceeds with jumping on it once he has Ted flat on the apron.

"I knew it!" I panic. "Ted, come on!" I try to get momentum going for him.

Ted makes it to his feet though, makes Hunico break his hold on the broken wrist. He ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes, clotheslining Hunico again with the good arm, but wincing in pain, holding his wrist. He tries going for Dream Street, but Hunico counters it and attacks his arm again.

"Come on! Leave his wrist alone!" I scream.

He finishes the match with dropping Ted with an inverted fireman's carry slam and makes the cover to pick up the win. After the bell rings I make my way quickly over to Ted, checking on him. "Ted! Are you alright?" I ask, panicking.

He didn't have time to respond since Hunico and Camacho go after him and attack him, Camacho following Ted as he rolls out of the ring. I have to back up of course, and stay out of the way. Camacho goes on the attack and then grabs his wrist, and holds it on the steel steps, followed by Hunico stomping on it.

"Leave him alone! You have done enough!" I yell from the edge of the ropes.

The ref finally gets them to back off and I rush over to Ted as the ref is checking him. He keeps wincing in pain, before hitting the padded barrier with his other hand in anger. The trainers come over to check his wrist out and I get out of the way so they can do their job. That's when I turn my attention to Hunico and Camacho. I storm over to them, mostly just Hunico and I give him the evil eyes before slapping him hard across the face.

"There was no need for that!" I spat, before walking back over to Ted.

I ask the trainer there what's wrong, and according to the amount of pain that Ted's in...he's gonna have to go to the hospital for further observation, possibly getting a cast on his arm if it's too severe. We make our way backstage, slowly and head to the trainers for some ice. Once we get the ice we go back to Ted's locker room.

"Have to go to the hospital after the show to get that checked out." I sigh.

"Better yet, after my match....are you sure you can hold till then?"

"I can manage. I will be fine until then." Ted winces a bit.

"Are you sure? I mean you can go to the hospital now, and I can meet you there after."

"I can wait. I want you to be there with me. I know you want to."

"Plus...I'm not missing your match Scar..."

"I know you do not want to miss it, but you need to get your wrist taken care of."

"I can me...." He says through his wincing.


"I am not missing your match. I have had worse injuries than this. I will be fine."

"I just hope worrying about you doesn't cost me and Nattie the match..." I say quietly as I go over to my bag and take out my ring gear so that I could go and change.


"Would it make you feel better if I went now?" Ted sighs.

"It would. I know you don't wanna miss my match, but your health is far more important than a match."

"Then I will go. As much as I do not want to miss it, I can not have you losing because you are worried about me." Ted says walking over to me. "I'll see if Justin will go with me and you and Vi can ride back together. Ok?" He adds, wrapping is good arm around me.

"That makes me feel better already."

"Good. You go get changed and I will go get Justin and see you back at the hotel. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I know you won't be too long at the hospital cause they'll just x-ray you and obviously you don't need surgery...they'll just give you a cast."

"Right. So I should be there when you get back, if not soon after that, depending on the wait."

"Right. Don't you have to get changed too? Or are you going to the hospital like that?"

"No, I am going to get changed first. Just forgot." Ted laughs a bit.

"You don't need help do you?"

"I will let you know if I do."

"Okay." I nod.

Ted grabs his clothes, using his good hand and goes to change. I wait for him to get changed, in case he needed any help. "Scar?" I heard Ted call.

"Coming!" I call back. "What is it do you need help with?"

"Just my shirt. Kinda hard to lift it with one hand."

"True." I nod, walking over and helping him with his shirt.

I go slow, careful not to hurt his wrist anymore than it is. Once it is on I stand back and look at him. "What?" Ted asks.

"I liked it better the other way." I grin.

"Of course you did."

"Can't help it."

"Now I'll just get changed and you can walk me to the curtain before you go find Justin and head to the hospital." I add.

"Sounds good."

I head out of the area he's in to go back into the locker room itself and change into my ring gear. Once I am changed I call for Ted and he comes out. We then head for the curtain, hands laced with his good one. When we get there I turn to him.

"Good luck out there." Ted says, kissing my head.

"Thank you."

"Even though you go not need it. I know you will do great out there." Ted smiles.

"I still appreciate it."

"No problem."

"Well here comes Nattie..." I say, seeing her walking towards us.

"I guess I should go find Justin now." Ted sighs.

"Yeah..." I sigh too.

"I will see you back at the hotel though." Ted says, wrapping his good arm around me pulling me into a hug.

"Right." I nod, hugging back.

Ted pulls away from the hug and reluctantly leaves. Nattie walks up as soon as he is gone.

"Hey." Nattie says, a bit concerned. "How is Ted?" She asks.

"He's going to the hospital."

"Hunico really hurt him that bad?!" Nattie says in shock and disgust.

"Yeah...the trainers looked him over and they said he has to have his wrist checked out further at hospital."

"Aw. He will be alright. Think positive." Nattie says, putting her hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"I know."

"Take it all out in the ring tonight."

"Right. I told him to go to the hospital, despite him wanting to see my match, cause I didn't want my worrying about him cost us the match tonight."

"Right. He should have went anyway. You would have understood if he missed it for this."

"Yeah, he's gonna have Justin take him and I'll just go back to the hotel with Vi."

"Ah. That is a good idea."

Then as we're standing there, Alex starts to walk past us, but stops before going out to the ring. "Scarlet, I'm sorry for what happened to Ted, but don't worry about him okay? He's a strong person, just like you."

"Thank you Alex. Thant means a lot. He is on his way to get it check out right now." I smile, my thanks telling him about Ted.

"Well, I hope what I do out there will cheer you up at least a bit. Let's just say I'm gonna try to start a little dance off with Brodus."

"Oh boy." I laugh. "I am sure it will, with you and your goofy dancing." I add still laughing a bit.

"Aha, I got you to laugh already."

"Yes you did. You are always good for that."

"Good luck out there." I add.

"Thanks." Alex says. "Good luck with your match too." He adds.

I thank him back before they play his music and he heads out during the break. He makes his was to the ring doing all his poses along the way. Once he is in the ring the break is over and Brodus' music hits. As Brodus is getting into the ring after walking out, Alex of course starts dancing to the beat of the song.

"What a goof." I laugh, shaking my head.

Even after Brodus' entrance, when the bell rings, Alex stops him and starts his mini dance off, which had be laughing. That didn't last long, cause when Brodus put his hand up, Alex put his up and that's when the match started officially. It ended how Brodus' matches always do with him squashing his opponents.

"Not cool." I shake my head. "That could have been better." I add.

"It's just the way they're using him..."

"I know. He deserves better. He is a good competitor."

It takes a bit, but Alex finally comes through the curtain and I told him that his dancing cheered me up definitely. Then that's when Nattie and I had to go out to the ring during the break, waiting for that break to be over Aksana and Tamina could come out.

"This should be interesting." Nattie says.

"Right. Has Aksana ever competed other than NXT?" I say.

"Don't think so." Nattie replies.

"Well her Smackdown debut won't be a happy one."

"No it will not."

Then finally Aksana comes out, with Tamina to her music, which was just not fit for an entrance theme. I just relax against the ropes like nothing's important, thoroughly bored as they get into the ring, doing all their in-ring poses and whatnot.

"Scar looks bored." Vi says to Justin

"She does." Justin replies. There was a knock on the door and Justin got up and answered it revealing Ted.

"What's up?" Justin asks, stepping aside letting Ted in.

"I need to get to to the hospital....Scar doesn't want to worry about me in her match. You think you can give me a ride?" He asks Justin.

"Sure. Just let me change and I will take you."

He heads to get changed and Ted comes over and sits next to Vi. "Well I'll get to see some of her match at least."

"That is good." Vi says. "You know you had us all worried tonight." She adds.

"....I know."

"Just do not do anything more to hurt yourself, alright." Vi chuckles.

"I'll try."

"That is all that we ask." Vi says, as Justin comes out from changing.

"Ready when you are Ted." Justin says walking over to Vi.

"I'm ready." Ted says getting up.

"See you later." Justin says, leaning down and kissing Vi quickly. Ted and Justin then head out and go to the hospital.

I'm currently in the ring first since the match started and Aksana thought she could go honestly go against me. She stood really no chance when I took complete control over the match.

"That is right. You are no match for Scar!"

I decided that I had enough with her and grabbed her by the hair and brought her over to my corner, tagging Nattie in. I hold her long enough for Nattie to hit her before I leave the ring.

"Nice one! Give it to her!"

But at one point, Aksana countered a move of Nattie's and rushes over to Tamina tagging her in. That's when Nattie's hit with multiple clotheslines and it's starting to look bad for her. Tamina doesn't see it, but after Nattie is thrown into the ropes near me, I tag myself in and climb to the top turnbuckle of our corner, waiting. Nattie wraps her arms around the ropes, holding herself there and then slides out of the ring. When Tamina turns around, I jump and hit her with a dropkick.

"Ooohhhh...She so did not see that coming!" Vi laughs.

Nattie has taken out Aksana outside the ring so she couldn't try to stop anything. Then she walked back around to our corner. I wait for Tamina to get up, and when she does I get her in position for Dream Street. I figured I'd do it, just for Ted...even though he's not watching. I successfully deliver it, and make my way over to Nattie, tagging her in and she goes over to Tamina and puts her in the Sharp Shooter, causing her to tap.

"Nice Scar!" Vi cheers. "YES!!!! Go Nattie!!!" vi says, jumping up and down clapping.

We get our hands raised in victory and the crowd cheers. We do a short celebration before leaving the ring and heading backstage.

"Great job out there!" Nattie says, once we are through the curtain.

"Same goes to you."

"It is always a pleasure working with you." Nattie says. "Ted would be proud with how you used his move out there." She adds.

"I did it for him...even though he couldn't watch."

"I am sure he will get to see and be proud of you."

"True...when they air all this Friday."

"See. So he will get to see your match." Nattie smiles.

"I think he would've liked to see it live but, his health is more important."

"Yes. That is true." Nattie says as we reach her locker room.

"Well I'm gonna head back to Ted's locker room and change, go get Vi, call Justin and see how Ted's doing and then head back to the hotel."

"Alright girl. Let me know how he is."

"I will."

We say 'goodbye' and I head back to Ted's locker room to change. I walk in and grab my clothes and change into them. Once I am all done, I put my attire in my bag and head for Justin's locker to get Vi. Once I get there I knock. "Hey!" Vi greets, after opening the door. "Ready?" She adds.

"Yup. Do we have to say bye to Charity and Cody?"

"No, they left early." She nudges me, laughing.

"Of course they did." I shake my head laughing.

"Let me get my bag and we can head out." Vi says.

"Kay. Hey on the way back can we call Justin and see how Ted's doing?"

"Of course we can. They took Ted's car, so you can call while I drive back."

"Alright." I nod.

Then she comes out with her bag, and we head to her and Justin's car. Once we get to the car I put my bags in the back while Vi starts the car. Once I am in the car I take my phone out calling Justin to see how Ted is.

"Hey's Ted?" I ask after he answers his phone.

"Hey just got out of X-ray and...well...he broke his wrist." Justin says, hesitating his words.

"Well I kind of figured that, it was broken to begin with, just worse now right?"

"Yea...going to need a stronger cast for it now."

"...alright, well thanks for the update."

"You are welcome. We should be back in about an hour."

"Ok, well we're on our way back to the hotel now."

"Ah. We will see you soon then. Ted says don't worry."

"I know, he told me all night. Tell him Nattie and I won the match too."

"You did? That is great. He will feel better hearing that."

"I did something special for him in the match that I'll tell him about it when you both get back."

"Alright. I will let him know."

"Alright, thanks Justin."

"Welcome." Justin says and we both say 'bye' and hang up. "How is Ted?" Vi asks once I hang up.

"Ted's wrist is broken more, he needs a stronger cast this time."

"Aw..Poor Ted." Vi sighs.

"Justin said that he said not to worry."

"Of course he would say that. I am sure he knows it is nothing major so he is trying to have you not get all worried."

"I know." I nod.

Then we pull into the parking lot of the hotel and park, getting our things as we get out and then head inside and up to our floor. "Alright, so I'll see you later." I say, as we stop at me and Ted's room. "Of course." Vi says, hugging me. "If you need anything while they are gone, I am right across the hall." She adds.

"Right, thanks."

"Anytime." Vi smiles. We both head into our rooms and get changed. Vi just lays there and watches TV while waiting for Justin to get back.

After changing, I don't go to bed just yet. I stay up, doing things on my computer to keep me occupied. I do not realize how much time has past until I hear the door open and see Ted walking through. I put my computer off to the side and get up, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around him in a hug. Ted hugs back with his good arm hold me as tight as he can. "It is alright Scar." Ted whispers, rubbing my back soothingly.

I nod, but I stay clinging to him.

Ted just keeps a hold of me and continues to rub my back. He places a kiss on the top of my head. "How about we go lay down?" Ted suggests.

"You need to change first." I point out.

"I know that. I will change and then we can lay down."

I nod and let him go, going back over to the bed and grabbing my computer, shutting it off before putting it away while he goes to change. Once my computer is away I climb on the bed and wait for Ted to come out. He comes out shortly after and sets his things in his bag and comes over to the bed. He climbs in under the blankets carefully next to me.

"So what was this special thing you did for me tonight exactly?"

"Oh, well you'll be able to see it Friday when they air the show, but just for you....I used your finisher on Tamina."

"You did now?" Ted grins. "Can't wait to see it then." He adds, still grinning.

"All my anger towards Hunico went into that tonight."

"That is one way to get it out."

"I am getting tired though, so I think we should sleep. Long night tonight."

"It sure was. That is a good idea."

"But first...." I trail off, leaning over and digging through my things next to the bed, taking out a sharpie. ".....I get to be the first one to sign the cast."

"I would not have it any other way."

I take the cap off the marker and sign it. I put the cap back on and put the marker away. "There."

"Perfect." Ted smiles, kissing my cheek.

"Now we can sleep."

"Good idea."

We both get more comfortable, and I reach over and turn the light off before snuggling closer to him, draping an arm across his waist, my head resting on his chest.

"Night." I reply.

Justin had just got back from taking Ted to the hospital and walked in his room. Vi looked over an ran up to Justin and hugged him tightly. "I am so glad you are back." Vi said in Justin's shoulder. "I missed you too."

"How about you change and we get into bed and have some cuddle time?" Vi suggests.

"I would love that."

"I would too."

He kisses her quickly before grabbing his things and going to change. She goes over to the bed and gets under the covers and waits for Justin to come out. When he's done, he walks to his bag, putting his things away and comes over to the bed. She instantly moves over to him and lays on his chest, him wrapping his arms around her. "Finally." She sighs in content

"Yes it has."

"If you fall asleep, that's okay."


That's when she yawns.

"I heard that."

"Heard what?"

"That yawn."

"Guess I got caught." I yawn again, trying to fight it.

"Yes you did."

"I guess that means we should go to sleep then." She sighs.

"Well you're clearly tired."

"Yea. I guess I am."

"Then let's go to sleep."


"Night." He says, after kissing her briefly.

She snuggles into Justin and he pulls her closer to him and starts to rub her back. That of course puts her right to sleep and soon after that Justin goes to sleep himself.