Status: Active

All About Us

Special Guest Referee

The following morning, I had gotten up early, managing to not wake Ted up as I did so. I quietly went over to my things and got some clothes before heading into the bathroom to change. It doesn't take me very long, and I put my shoes on as well. I grab what I need before heading out for a morning jog around. I find a quiet park nearby and decide to jog around there for a bit. I take breaks at times, until I take a look at the time and decide to head back. I take my time getting back to the hotel, not in a hurry. Once I get there, I walk through the lobby then head up to the room. Ted was just finishing up getting changed, only being in his jeans when you walked in. Since he didn't know I was there, he took his time putting his shirt on. I close the door, but quietly as I take in the view before me. I stop the music from playing, taking the ear buds out of my ear and leaning back against the door as I continue to stare. He does a few more things before he puts his shirt on, giving me a good amount of time to stare. After he gets his shirt on, he turns to go to the bathroom and that's when he sees me. "Oh hi." He jumps a bit. "How long have you been there?"

"...long enough..."

"So you saw?" He grins.

"Uh huh.."

"I thought I felt eyes on me."

"That was me."

"I had a feeling it was." He walks over to me. "How was your jog?" He gives me a quick kiss.

"It was good."

"So I'm guessing no gym this morning then?"

"Well I got word that I don't have a match tonight so I really don't need to go. But if you want to still go that's fine."

"No no. That's alright. We can do something else. I'm good."

"Alright. But you will be seeing me in something completely different tonight."


"Yeah. Vi's going to be facing Eve tonight in a non-title match and there's going to be a special guest referee."

"Who could that be?" He acts like he doesn't know, joking with me.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Oh. You mean you." He chuckles. "How stupid of me."

"Yes me."

"Silly me." He laughs again. "So, you in a referee uniform..." He bites his lip at the thought.

"First time ever."

" I get a preview of this uniform?" He grins.

"If I had it with me. But it's going to be in our locker room when we get to the arena."

"Awww." He pouts. "How about we go there and get it?"

"You didn't let me finish. Just to get my approval, AJ sent me a picture."

"I wanna see." He perks up.

"Of course you do." I laugh, taking my phone out and going through my messages, coming to the one AJ sent me with the picture of the uniform.

"Ooohhh...I love that." His eyes go wide once he sees the picture. "You're going to look great in it."

"As I do in everything."

"Yes, yes you do."

"You know all that needs to happen now is for you to be in a ref uniform."

"I think I can work something out." He grins.

"I would say you should ref one of my matches, but I think I'd be too distracted if you did that."

"You would and that's not something we need."

"Although I think I could put that aside and be focused."

"Well, it's always something we could keep in mind and talk to AJ or Booker about."


"I do think you should get a shower so we can go get something to eat. I know you must be hungry."

"Just a bit yeah." I nod.

"You go get ready and I'll pick something out for you to wear."

"Alright." I nod, going to my bag only to get stuff to use in the shower before heading into the bathroom to get the shower ready.

I go in doing my normal routine while he gets things ready in the room.

"Alright, shower is ready. Have my clothes?"

"Mhm." He nods, walking over, handing me my clothes. "Want some company?" He smirks trying to peek around the door.

"Kind of defeats the purpose of you getting dressed doesn't it?" I laugh.

"Yeah, but if I knew you went for a jog, I would have waited to get dressed."

"Oops. My bad."

" that a yes?"

"Well....I am using a scented shampoo...watermelon..."

"I'm definitely coming then."

"No 'ifs, ands, or buts' about it right?" I laugh.

"Nope. I'm coming in no matter what."

"I figured."

I step aside so he can walk in. Once he walks in, he stares for a bit since I was already ready to get in the shower.

"Yes, I know. I'm all ready for the shower."

"...uh huh..." He slowly nods.

"I was in here so I figured why not."

"Wish I could've helped with all that." He pouts.

"Poor you."

"I'll get to do that later though."


"Would you like to help me?"

"You know I always love to."

"Of course you do."

"At least it's easy to get off."

"Anything to make it quicker for you."

"Of course." I say, playing with the bottom of his shirt.

He lifts his arms up, letting me know that I can take his shirt off. Once that's over his head and tossed to the side, I start to work on his pants.

"But you know, if this is gonna happen, you have to behave...this one time. You can have all the fun you want later."

"I guess I'll have to try to resist."

"Yes you will."


"Hey you can be just as evil."

"True." He smirks.

"Now, let's go." I say, once his pants and everything is off and tosses to the side with his shirt. He grins, following me over to the shower while being as touchy as he can, still behaving himself. We get under the water and do the usual routine, and I hand him the bottle of shampoo, letting him wash my hair this time. "Since you love the scent so much."

"I really do." He smells the shampoo as he lathers it into my hair.

"Try not to go too crazy with it."

"I'm trying, but it just smells so good."

"Well you're in luck because the shower gel is watermelon too and you'll have an excuse to be touchy."

"I'm so going to enjoy this." He grins.

"I can tell already with how you're treating my hair." I laugh, as I lean into his touch.

"You only deserve the best."


He makes sure tog et all of my hair washed before gently guiding me under the water. Once all the soap is out, I hand him the body wash and loofah. He puts the soap on that and then starts to move it all over making sure to take his time so he can be extra touchy. Of course I can't help but to lean into his touch during that as well. Once he got everything, I rinse it all off under the water like I did my hair. Once we're done, I step out of the way so he can get under the water. Just like he did to me, I take my time doing everything to him. We end up staying in the shower longer than planned, but eventually we get out before the water turns cold, wrapping the towels around us.

"I had a feeling you were going to have that shower last as long as possible."

"My bad." He chuckles.

"I just couldn't help myself." He adds.

"I know, I know."

"Hey, you had your fun in there too." He winks at me.

"Well I couldn't let you have all the fun."

"Of course you couldn't." He chuckles as we both head back into the room.

"Aren't you forgetting your clothes?" I laugh as he doesn't bring them out of the bathroom.

"Oops." He goes to get them. "I was to distracted."

"Uh huh. I was distracted too, but I still grabbed mine."

"Oh hush." He laughs jokingly.

"Nope." I give him an innocent look.

"You know what I can do to get you back, don't you?"

"Yes I know."

"Good." He chuckles.

"Now I think we both should get dressed before we end up not going to breakfast."

"That would be a good idea."

We manage to get dressed after the towels come off. I don't bother to dry my hair or put makeup on, because I don't need to.

“Absolutely gorgeous.” Ted says once he turns around after getting dressed.

"Well you did pick this all out afterall."

"I did." He nods.

"Maybe I'll let you pick out what I wear tonight."

"Because I have such good taste." He grins.

"Yes you do."

"Only because you have the best clothes."

"I know."

"Just about ready?"

"Yup. Just need my shoes on and then I'll be all set."

"Aright." He nods, putting his shoes on as well.

Once I have mine on, I grab what I need before being ready. When I'm ready, he takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine as we both head out of the room and to the elevator. Once there, we take that down to the lobby then head out to the car.

"So anything else planned for after breakfast?"

"Not that I can think of right now, but we can decide while we eat."


"We got all day. We could even just go back to the room and relax if you want."

"You would love that, wouldn't you?"

"I always love the time I get with you alone."

"Although we always get at least some form of alone time every day."

"We do and those are the times I cherish the most."

"Of course."

We both reach the car, him opening my door for me. Once I'm in and settled, he heads over to the other side. When he's ready, he starts the car then heads to find a place to eat. In the meantime, Vi and Justin were still sleeping peacefully. It wasn't long until the alarm she had set started to go off. She rolled away from him carefully, trying not to wake him as she shut the alarm off. She buries her face into the pillow, not wanting to get up just yet. Justin rolls over onto his side and his arm drapes across her waist. She stays laying where she is, but keeps her eyes open since she has to get up soon. He starts to mutter things in his sleep, and she starts to laugh at him, staying quiet to listen some more. Some of the things she can't make out, but she hears him say her name and that he loves her. She smiles to herself, carefully rolling over to face him. She lets him sleep for a bit more, just listening to him talk in his native language and English. He starts to calm down, then moves closer to her. She reaches her hand up, running it through his hair.

"Justy..." She whispers. "...time to wake up." She kisses his lips softly. He doesn't respond right away, it takes him a few moments before she feels him start to kiss back. Once she feels that he's awake enough, she starts to pull away. "Have to get up or we'll be late."

"Photo shoot. Remember?" She adds.

"...I know..." He grumbles.

"I don't want to get up anymore than you do, but after, we can come back and do this again."

"Yayy." He says sleepily.

"Goof." she shakes her head. "Come on. We have to get ready." She slowly moves away from him.

"Alright." He nods, reluctantly moving himself.

They then get up and sleepily get clothes to wear. She just grabs a pair of sweats and babby t-shirt since she would not have to get dressed up. She throws her hair up in a messy bun, not doing her makeup since that will all be done at the shoot. She grabs a pair of Ugg boots then sits on the bed to put them on. As she does that, she watches as he slowly gets changed from still being sleepy.

"Do you need any help?"

"Maybe a little."

"I'm on it."

She gets up from the bed and walks over to him. She helps him with his shirt, getting it over his head. She then helps him with his pants once he has them pulled up. He then goes to fix his hair while she gets his shoes. "Got your shoes for you." She says as he comes out of the bathroom.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it love."

He takes his shoes from her and sits down on the bed to put them on. "Still tired babe?"

"A little bit."

"Need help waking up?" She grin.

"If you insist."

"Oh I do." She smirks, moving from where she was sitting. She walk over to where he was on the bed then sits on his lap. She runs her hand over his cheek, pressing her lips to his. Since his shoes were on, his hand were free, he wraps his arms around her and holds her close as he kisses back. Her one hand stays on his cheek, the other resting on his shoulder. She intended to pull away once he was awake enough, but he held her in place, holding the kiss for as long as he could. He only pulls away when he feels he should, which is after a few moments.

"I think you're awake enough now."

"I believe so."

"You'll get more when we get back. We'll be late if I let you continue."


We should get going now though." She carefully moves from his lap. "It shouldn't take too long." She adds.

"Depends on what they have you wear and how many outfits."

"I know it's two of my attires and a dress."

"Well that shouldn't take long at all then."

"Nope. Not at all."

"Well, what're we waiting for then?"

"Since you're awake, nothing right now." She chuckles, extending her arm to help him up.

He takes her hand, and then they make sure they have what they need before heading out to the elevators. Once there, they take them down to the lobby before heading out to the car. When they get to the car, he opens her door and once she's in he goes over to the other side, getting all set himself. As soon as he's ready, he starts to head for the photo shoot, stopping off for coffee first. After getting that, they head the rest of the way to the shoot, pulling into the parking lot and finding a spot, pulling into it. They then get out of the car and head inside, hand in hand.

"This coffee was a great idea." She says feeling a bit more awake.

"I knew it would be."

"You always have the best ideas."

"As do you."

"I did learn from the best so of course I do." She smirks up at him.

"Yes you did." He grins.

"It doesn't look like there are many people here this time. Might be just us." She notices once they walk in and only the photographer and makeup people are there.

"Well that's good. Get done quicker."

"A very good thing." She nods. "We can get back to bed quicker."

"Yes, I love the sound of that."

"I knew you would." She kisses his cheek. They walk farther into the room and she's called right to the back. "Well looks like I have to go now.

"I'll be here waiting. Can't wait to see what you come out in first."

"I have a feeling you'll love it." She smirks, giving him a quick kiss before heading to the back. Once in the back, she heads right to the changing area to put on her pink attire that he loves so much. After she gets that on, she she heads to hair and makeup where they give her loose curls and does her makeup to match. Once they're all done, she grabs her title and heads back out to an anxious Justin. "Well?" She asks, doing a spin for him.

"You couldn't look any better than you do right now."

"Charmer." She blushes.

"You know I always am."

"That I do. THat's all you are, all the time." She smiles.


"Violet." She hears her name then looks to see the photographer motioning her over.

"Looks like I'm needed."

"I'll be watching."

"Try not to die to much on me." She laughs as she heads over to the set.

"I'll try."

"That's good enough." She chuckles as she steps in front of the camera. He walks over so that he could have a closer view. She stands in front of the camera as the photographer takes a few test shots before he's ready. Once he's ready, they start off with the basics. A few shots of the title on her shoulder and her holding it down by her waist. She keeps her legs slightly apart for the shots then holds the title over her head. The next one is with her back slightly turned and her head facing the camera from the left. She holds the title in the air with one leg bent and the other straight to support her weight. As she's doing each pose, she makes sure to sway her hips a bit just for Justin.

His eyes never leave her and at times he even looks her up and down, eyes traveling slowly as he takes in the view before him, while groaning quietly to himself. She glances over at him, laughing to herself then looking back at the camera with the same smile. A few more shots get taken before she's done with that session and joins the photographer to look at the pictures. As she walks over, she motions for Justin to come over as well. He quickly comes over, standing behind her with his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looks at the computer screen.

"I see a few that I like." She says as they look through the pictures. "Wait." She stops the photographer. "Go back?" She asks him. He goes back a few pictures. "That one. I want that one to be on my profile." She says about the one where she has the title by her waist, the pose being perfect. "What do you think Justy?"

"I love it. Good choice."

"Thanks." She kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome."

They look at a few more before the photographer gets set up for the next session. She gives Justin a quick kiss before heading back to change into her other attire.

"I can get copies of all these, right?" Justin asks once she's gone.

"Oh of course."

"Perfect." He grins.

She's currently in the back getting into her purple sparkly attire. They keep her hair the same in the loose curls only changing her makeup to a light shade of purple. Once they're done, she once again heads back out to Justin.

"Oh Justy..." She sings, making him turn around. Once he sees her, his eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "Flies babe, flies." She laughs, walking over and lifting his chin up.

"You look.....I have no words."

"You never do when I wear this." She grins. "Just try to be good. I got a peek at the dress..." She bites her lip. "'re going to love it."

"Now I'm even more excited for it."

"I'm excited to show it to you." She winks.

"It must be that good then."

"Oh it is."

"Violet. We're ready." She gets called again.

"And here I go again." She chuckles. "Title please?" She holds her arm out since he held it while she got changed.

"Of course." He grins, handing it back to her.

"Be right back...again." She laughs, giving him a kiss.

"I'll be right back in my spot watching."

She smiles to herself as she steps back in front of the camera. Since this is the first shoot with her new attire, she does all the basic poses. She starts off with close up shots before the full body ones. For those, she put her hands on her hips and bends on leg to the side then repeating with the other. This time while he watches, he can't help but to bite his lip a bit, eyes still glued to her like before. The next shots are of her sitting on the floor, legs bent with her hand resting on her knee. She leans back on her other, arching her back a bit before putting both hands on the side of her, turning so she's on her hip with one leg crossed over the other. He mumbles some things to himself, just completely in a trance as he watches. She steals a glance over at him, laughing as she sees his expression. She moves to her knees then slowly starts to take off the mini jacket that was with her attire. Once it gets to her elbows, she stands up then picks up her title for some shots with that in her new gear. He feels that he's not close enough so he inches closer, as close as he could get at least. As he kept watching, he started to drift off into thought, but still paying attention. The next few poses are just like before, but with the title in hand this time. She puts the title on her shoulder as a few closeups are done. Once they're done, she does a few of her kissing the title and with her hand on it while she looks at it, admiring it. A few more get taken in some of the poses she did in her other attire before she's all done. She motions for Justin as she walks over to the photographer.

"Hmm, I really love those..." He points a few out.

"Me too." She nods. "Nice choices babe."

"I love them all actually, but I know only some are chosen."

"True, but I'm sure I'll get copies of them all."


"How about, you look these over while I go get changed again?"

"Alright." He nods.

She gives him another quick kiss and her title before she heads back to change into the last outfit of the day. Once back there, she takes off her attire then puts on the black and silver strapless dress that stops about mid-thigh. She puts on ankle length heel boots. They keep her hair the same, doing a light silver eyeshadow with a bit of black over it. When she's all done, she heads back out to Justin once again. "Justy..." She gets his attention. "'s the dress."

He turns to look and his jaw almost drops, but he stops himself. "You...I'm speechless."

"I had a feeling you would be." She smirks, slowly walking over to him.

"I usually do get to keep the outfits so..."

"That makes me happy."

"Of course it does." I chuckle.

"Because I love this dress. A lot."

"I can tell...touchy." She giggles.

"Can you blame me for being touchy?"

"No, not really."

"Thought so."

"I do have to go back over there though."

"I can wait to continue to be touchy. It's worth it."

"I'll be back soon so you won't have long to wait." She pecks his lips then slips out of his grip.

"Okay good."

She walks back over to the set for the final time. The first set of poses she does are with her legs slightly apart and her hands on her hips. She turns her waist to either side, getting a few side shots done as well. As Justin's eyes travel from her legs up slowly, a smirk forms on his face, clearly loving what he's seeing. She then moves one hand to the back of her head, her other on her hip as she does a few more side poses with one leg bent and the other straight. The next pose, she stood facing the camera with her hands crossed above her heads with her legs slightly apart. He almost has to steady himself against the wall, since he almost fell over. She looks over to see him lean against the wall and chuckle. The next pose consisted of her leaning forward a bit with one hand on her lower back and the other hand hanging down over her stomach next to her right leg. She does a few shots like that before standing back up and getting handed her title. They take a few shots of her with the title, some with it over her shoulder, by her waist, and above her head. Once those are all done, she heads back over to take a look at the pictures, motioning for Justin to come over. While you're both looking at the pictures, he secretly starts to be more touchy. She leans into him, trying her best to not move around so much so it's obvious. "There are a few nice ones there. I think we did good."

"Yes you did."

"Now...that was the last session of the day. Time to go change so we can get out of here."


"Yes, finally." She laughs. "I'm going to change and be right back."

He nods, taking her title again as she heads back to get changed. When she gets back there, they tell her she gets to keep the dress and shoes she wore. She thanks them, then gets her other clothes and puts them in a bag, not bothering to change again. She gets her attire and puts that in a bag as well then heads back out to Justin.

"You got to keep it." He grins.

"Mmmhmmm." She nods. "Didn't bother to change. There really was no point."

"Of course not."

"Now you can be as touchy as you want to be."

"I plan on it."

"Figured that." She chuckles.

They walk over to the photographer, thanking him for a wonderful session. Before they leave, he gives them copies of all the pictures and tells her they'll be on the site within a week. She takes the packet with the pictures, thanking him again then Justin and her head out to the car. "Hmm...I got all the pictures. That's a first." She gives Justin a look.

"I wanted them all."

"By the feel of the packet, it appears you got them all too."

"That makes me happy."

"Want me to drive back so you can look at them?" She offers.


"Of course. Anything for you." She gets into the drivers side while he gets into the passenger side, after she puts her things in the backseat. Once they're both in and ready, she starts the car, then heads back to the hotel while he looks at all the pictures from the shoot. "Like what you see?" She grins.

"I love."

"I did my best poses just for you too."

"I kind of figure that." He grins.

"Makes up for what you didn't get to see before we left."

"Yes, yes it does."

"When we get back, you can decide how long I keep it on too."

"I think you know that answer to that."

"Not long then." She laughs as she pulls into the parking lot, finding a place to park.


"Think you can make it to the room before you start trying to take it off?"

"I can try."

"As long as you do that, you'll be fine."

"I will."

"Good. Lets head up then." She shuts the car off then gets out.

He puts all the pictures away while she gets her things out of the back. Once he's done, he gets out, walking over to her and putting his arm around her waist as they walk into the hotel. They reach the elevators and wait for one of them to open. When one does, they step onto it and head up to their floor. The whole time they were in the elevator, he was as touchy as he could be. He had her backed up against the wall, hands on her waist as he kissed across her shoulders to her neck. Before he could do anything, he doors opened on their floor.

"You know, one of these days someone's going to see more than they should." She bites her lip as they walk out.


"You have to control yourself in there." She laughs.

"Can't help myself sometimes." He grins.

She shakes her head as they head to their room and since she was too busy looking at him, she didn't see someone walk out of one of the rooms. They accidentally bump into them and when they look up, Justin holds her close to his side as they try to hurry away, but Heath stops us.

"Not time to talk. We have things to do." She smirks.

“Now move!”

They quickly move away and head the rest of their way to the room, Heath watching with a look on his face. "I swear he has the worst timing. It's like he knows where I'll be all the time." She shudders as Justin opens the door.

"Don't worry about him."

"As long as he keeps his distance I will." She says as they walk into the room. She takes her shoes off then sits on the bed.

"I can help you forget all about him."

" always do."

"Yes I do."

"Why don't you show me then?" She smirks, shifting on the bed so she's sitting on her knees.

"Patience." He chuckles.

"You know how I am with that. It's not something I do well with."

"Yes, I know."

"Justy..." She whines.

"Yes?" He grins.

"I want you." She bounces on the bed, biting her lip.

"How bad?"

"Really really bad."

"Hmm....good enough." He smirks, making his way over to the bed.

Once he reaches her, she wraps her arms around his neck while his hands rest on her hips for now. She goes to kiss his lips, but he turns his head, causing her to whine. "Not just yet."

"Awwww." She whines again.

"You'll get there...eventually."


"You are when you can be too."

"True, but you're really killing me this time."

"Then I'm doing my job."

"You are." She slowly nods, lightly moving her fingers over the back of his neck.

"You know what that does to me."

"I do." She smirks, doing it again making sure to go over the spot that gets to him easily.

"That dress won't be staying on for much longer, if you continue."

"I'm surprised it's even still on."

"Trust me, I've been waiting for the right moment."

"Hope that moment is soon." She pulls him closer, nipping at his earlobe.

"It's coming very soon...."

"Good." She mumbles, moving from his ear, nipping at his neck lightly.

"You're making it harder to resist anyway."

"That's the plan." She smirks, moving her hands down his chest to the bottom of his shirt, tugging at it.

"Okay, I can't wait anymore...."

"I win." She whispers, lifting his shirt over his head then running her hands up his arms while kissing his chest.

"This time..."

"...mhm..." She mumbles, lightly nipping at his chest, making her way to his lips. When she reaches his lips, he wastes no time in kissing her back eagerly.

Her hands move to his shoulders, pulling him as close to her as he can get while she kisses him back just as eagerly. His hands move from her waists and starts to wander. He can't help but to start to tug on the dress, giving her the hint that he wants to take it off already. She mumbles into the kiss, letting him know he can as she moves his hand to the back where the zipper is. He smirks as he slowly starts to pull it down. Once he has the zipper down all the way, that's when he starts to pull the dress down slowly as well. She shifts on her knees a bit, helping him to get the dress down. While he's pulling the dress down, he lightly lingers his fingers over her skin making her shiver as goosebumps start to form. Once he gets it down far enough, she stands up, letting the dress fall to the floor, all without breaking the kiss. She steps out of it and that allows him to give her a boost and she wraps her arms his neck while her legs go around his waist. He turns so he's sitting on the bed and she's on his lap. His hands start to wander from her hips, where they were resting, to her thighs. She arches her back into him with a few soft noises that are muffled by the kiss since he's lightly running his fingers over them for now. Since she's a bit distracted, she stays as focused on the kiss as she can. He then moves so that she's laying back against the pillows, the kiss still not being broken yet. His hands resume wandering as they leave more goosebumps behind. She shivers at his touch as her legs get tighter around his waist and she pulls him down close to her. From there her hands wander themselves and she figures out a way to distract him so that she can flip the both of them over. It takes her a bit before she's able to move her hands down his chest to his pants. He tenses up as she runs her fingers along the band of them. She slips her fingers underneath, pressing them into his indents. A growl comes from him and that's when she takes the chance to roll them over so she's hovering him.

"I win...again..." She mumbles against his lips.

"...for now..." He mumbles, squeezing her thighs making her moan. Then to add more torture along with squeezing her thighs, he moves his lips from hers to her neck. She moves her head to the side, making it easier for him. Her head rests on his shoulder while her hands wander over his chest and abs for now. He really wastes no time in pressing his lips to the spot on her neck and as he does that, he squeezes her thighs again and that causes her to respond with a muffled moan into his shoulder, followed by nipping lightly at it. He keeps going until there is a good sized mark that he's happy with. Once he feels one is forming, he pulls away smirking at what he did. Her ands had stopped for the moment since she was so distracted with what he was doing and as he made his way back to her lips, she was able to move them to his pants, starting to fumble with the button letting him know she wants them off. He moves the both of them, sitting up with her in his lap. she moves in order to be able to work on the button more and tug them down as far as I could. He helps her get them the rest of the way off before rolling them over so he's hovering her again. Her hands wander up and down his chest as he looks her over, taking in the view he loves so much.

"I love this view...every time."

"It's all for you too...only you."

"I know."

"Good." She pulls him down, pressing her lips to his, not being able to wait anymore. She's the one to grab the blanket this time, after the rest of what they both had on came off. Ted and I in the meantime have been back from breakfast and were laying on the bed relaxing for a bit.

"Can never get enough of this."

"No and that's why I make sure we can do it when we have the time."

"Right, of course."

"I wouldn't mind staying like this all day."

"Me neither, but we have the show tonight."

"I know. We can stay like this until we have to leave."

"Good idea. Order room service for lunch."

"It's like you read my mind." He grins.

"I'm just that good."

"One of the reasons I fell in love with you." He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too."

"How about we watch a movie?" He suggests. "Unless there's something else you want to do?"

"A movie sounds good."

"Aright." He reaches over for the remote. Once he has that he searches for a movie to watch.

"Ooh that one." I point it out.

"Nice choice. This is a good movie." He says as he sets the remote down.

"Yes, I know."

He nods, pulling me closer to him. His one hand stays on my upper arm while the other rests on my leg. He looks down at me from time to time just smiling to himself. "I know you keep looking from time to time." I say amusedly, eyes still locked on the TV screen.

"I can't help it. You're just so beautiful right now."

"Aren't I always though?"

"Yes. All the time."


We both turn our attention back to the movie or so I think he does. He still keeps his eyes on me, looking at the TV from the corner of his eye. "I feel you staring. You may think I don't, but I do." I laugh.

"As long as I'm the one looking, that's all that matters." He kisses my head. "I just can't get over how good you look today."

"Well just wait until tonight then."

"I don't think you can get anymore gorgeous than you are right now."

"Always have to be the charmer."

"Always for you."

"Wouldn't want it any other way."

"You'll never have it any other way either."

"Of course."

This time when I look at the TV again, his eyes go to it as well. By the time the movie had ended, it was getting close to lunch time, so he gets up to get the room service menu for us to look at. We both decide on what we want then he calls the order in. Once it's ordered, he comes back over to the bed, sitting next to me. "You can pick the next movie." He hands me the remote.

"Alright." I nod, taking the remote then looking for a movie.

I actually end up finding one of my favorites, and I put the remote down when I put it to the channel. Not too long after that, room service knocked on the door. Ted got up and let them in. They brought the food into the room, Ted giving the guy a tip before he leaves. When he does, Ted brings that cart over to the bed so I don't have to move.

"Aren't you sweet."

"Always am for you." He kisses my cheek.

He hands me my plate before grabbing his and sitting back down on the bed next to me. We eat and continue to watch the movie. After we were done with lunch, he put everything back on the cart and pushed it back over near the door. He then comes back over to the bed once again so we can continue the rest of the day until we needed to leave relaxing. The day seemed to pass with everything we all did and soon it was time to get ready to leave.

"Are you done yet?" Ted asks impatiently from out in the room.

"Patience." I laugh, as I'm finishing up.

"That's not a word I know right now."

"I'm almost done."

"I've been waiting for forever." He groans.

"It takes time to look this good you know."

"You always look good no matter how long you take."

"Well I'm coming out very shortly."

"Good because I'm dying out here."

I finish up with my hair since that was the last thing I needed to do, and then I slip my shoes on since I brought those into the bathroom with me. After that I open the door and shut the light off, finally walking out. "Damn..." He says to himself as he looks me up and down. " look better than I imagined."

"Well that's because you didn't see what I picked out."

"No..." He's still speechless. " that I see it...I love." He grins.

"I thought you would."

"So so much."

"Well enjoy it while you can, I'm changing into my ref uniform when we get there. Vi's match is pretty early."

"Right." He nods. "I can't wait to see you in that."

"Oh I know."

"Are you ready? I wanna get there to see the uniform."

"I've been ready." I laugh.

"What are we waiting for then. Lets go." He grins, taking my hand and heading for the door anxiously.

"Slow down."

"Sorry. Just really excited."

"I know you are. I'm in heels, I can't go that fast."

"I can help with that." He grins, scooping me up in his arms.

"Oh you would."

"Anything to get there quicker."

"Of course."

He reaches the elevators and I reach down, hitting the button. Once the doors open, he steps in still holding me. As soon as the doors shut, he takes advantage and starts nipping at my shoulder since it's exposed because of my top. "Let's try and not put on a show for security..."

"Awwww." He pouts. "I wanna have fun though."

"You can...within limits."

"I'll try to behave." He mumbles, lightly nipping up my shoulder.

"That's all I ask."

He keeps lightly kissing along my shoulder until the doors open. He groan quietly, lifting his head so he can walk out of the elevator. "Don't worry. You'll have more time for that when we get to the arena and even more time after Vi's match."

"Mmm...looking forward to it." He grins as he heads to the car.

"I know you are."

"I always do."

Like always he opens my door for me and I get in. He makes sure I'm set before he shuts the door and goes around to the other side and getting in. Once he's in and set, he starts the car then heads for the arena. With Justin and Vi, she was in the bathroom after drying her hair since they got a shower after what happened earlier. She was already dressed just waiting for her hair to dry so she could style it. While that was drying, she started to work on her makeup getting that out of the way. Once her way was dry, she started to style it the way she wanted which was a bun with little braids intertwine through it. As she was finishing up, she say Justin appear in the mirror.

"Someone looks beautiful." He grins.

"Don't I always?" She smirks at him through the mirror.

"Yes, yes you do."

"It's all for you too." She blows him a kiss.

"Yes, I know."

"And I'm all done." She declares once her hair is perfect. "What ya think?" She asks as she does a spin for him.


"Exactly what I was going for." She grins, walking over giving him a kiss.

"You'll always be stunning to me."

"That's what I hoping for." She makes sure to blow the scent of her lip gloss at him before slipping away to get her shoes.



"I love it."

"After I get my shoes on, maybe you can have some."


"Do I ever deny you?"

"No you don't."

"Well then..." She grins after getting her shoes on. "...come over here then." She rubs her lips together, motioning him over with her finger. He gives her that look and doesn't waste any time in walking over to her, eager to taste the lip gloss. She rests her hands on his chest as his hand goes to her waist, pulling her right to him as he presses his lips to hers. She lets him get a taste before she starts to kiss back. Once she feels he's had enough, I start to pull away only for him to move his hand to her head, holding her in place. He gets more than just a bit of the lip gloss. Like always he ends up getting it all, pulling away satisfied. "Every time." She chuckles. "Now I have to put more on."

"My bad."

"Like always." She laughs, moving from his arms then walking to her bag to put more lip gloss on. "Now..." She rubs her lips together. "...this has to stay on for most of the night."


"You'll live until we get there at least."

"Do you have a match tonight?"

"I do. Against Eve." She makes a face.

"Oh you so got that match won."

"I know that for sure. She's not beating the night after I won the title. No way in hell."

"Oh no, not at all."

"She can try all she wants. I'm not giving that up this soon."

"No and it's a non-title match anyway right?"

"Yes, but you know if she happens to beat me, which I doubt, she'll demand a title match right away."


"Do you have anything tonight?" She asks as she picks up her bag.

"Yes I do. Against Wade."

"Well, I'm really happy you have a match, but Wade..." She bites her lip. "...he's been fierce since he came back."

"I know. And I know that since I've worked with him tons of times before, I know what he's capable of. But I will try to be as careful as I can be."

"Good 'cause I really don't like the match tonight."

"I know you don't."

"I get that you know what he can do, but still...he's got some new moves since he was out. Like that elbow. That I do not like at all."

"No one likes it."

"I can see why too. I was just hoping you never have to face him again."

"We can always hope for that."

"Hopefully tonight will be the last time you face him for a long time."

"Let's hope so."

"...yeah..." She mumbles. "But, I'm all ready if you are."

"I'm all set." He nods, grabbing his bag. She smiles slightly, reaching for his hand. He takes hers as they head out of the room to the elevators. On the way, he let go of her hand to put his arm over her shoulders. Her arm went around his waist as she leans into his side the whole way to the car. When they reach the car, he opens her door for her after they put both of their things in the back. She thanks him and gets into the car, and he waits until she's all set before going around to the driver's side and getting in himself. Once he's ready, he starts to head for the arena, moving his one hand and lacing it with hers making sure to hold it tightly as he kisses the back of her hand. She rests her head on the back of her seat and smiles over at him.

"Will always love you."

"I'll always love you too."

It isn't long until they pull into the parking lot of the arena. Justin parks and they get out, going into the backseat and grabbing their bags, before heading inside. They make it to their locker room with no trouble at all. Once they walk inside, they drop their bags by the door then walk over to the couch. When they get there, she sees a bouquet of flowers with a card. She picks up the card and reads it while Justin wraps his arm around her waist with his chin on her shoulder.

"To my gorgeous Divas Champion. I'm so proud of you for wining last night and I will forever love you." She reads out loud, going 'awww' as she looks up at Justin. She then reads the rest. “You and I are perfect for each other and we'll be together forever. Love you always, Heath." Her smile fades once she reads who it's actually from and she throws the card down in disgust. “The nerve of him...” She growls.

"He really doesn't know when to stop."

"He really knows how to ruin my night." She sighs. "It was all going good until now too."

"Well watch this...I think I hear him out in the hall." Justin grumbles. He then opens the door and Heath's there. "Hey Heath." Justin gets his attention, and when he turns Justin throws the flowers at him. "Take your flowers back, they're not wanted." Before Heath could respond, Justin slams the door in his face.

"That's why you're the best." She chuckles as he walks back over to her.

"I honestly hope I hurt him too."

"Hopefully. They were roses afterall. Maybe one of the thorns got him in the eye or something." She chuckles.

"Serves him right."

"Exactly." She nods. "I don't want flowers unless they are from you." She brushes her lips over his giving him a light peck.

"And I'll be sure to get you real special ones."

"You always do. Just getting them from you makes them special."

"Of course."

"When's your match?" She asks.

"Fifth one of the night. You?"


"So you need to get changed then." He grins.

"I do soon."

"I vote for you to now."

"You would." She laughs. "I'll change now, just for you."


"Just have to let go so I can change, silly."

"Oops. My bad." He chuckles, letting you go.

She kisses his cheek before she walks over to her bag. After getting that, she heads to the changing area. "You coming?" She asks before heading in.

"Huh? Oh yeah."

"Spacey." She shakes her head with a laugh as she heads in with him following.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles.

"Uh huh. Suure."

"You love it though." She smirks as she gets her attire out of her bag.

"I do."

"Always." She laughs as she starts to get undressed. She gets her top off and her attire top on before putting the bottoms on. She glances over at Justin who's staring while biting his lip. "Hmmm...would you like to help?" She grins.

"Can I?"

"Of course. I haven't denied you yet and I never will."

He grins and walks over to her to help. He starts by being all touchy since more skin is exposed due to her attire top being on. She shivers at his touch as he starts to under her pants. He starts to slowly pull them down, taking advantage and nipping at the skin he can reach. Her hands rest on his shoulders, then she steps out of her pants once he has them down. She then grabs the bottoms of her attire and starts to pull them on, Justin helping get them on the rest of the way. After that's all on, he starts to get more touchy as he stares at her. She reaches over, grabbing her title then draping it over her arm. "Ready to go sit out there?" I asks since his eyes have not left her yet.

"Uh huh."

"Lets go then." She chuckles, running her fingers down his chest before slipping from his grip and heading into the room.

"I'm coming."

She makes it out before he does and she sits on the couch looking innocent with her title on her lap. "Acting so innocent."

"Because I am."


"What did I do?" She pouts.

"You know what you did."

"Maybe I do..." She grins. "...maybe I don't." She shrugs.

"You so do."

"Okay." She chuckles. "So I do. What are you going to do about it, hmm?"

"Well...." He trails off, sitting down next to her and before she knows it, she's pulled over onto his lap and his arms go tightly around her.

"Ooohhh I'm so scared." She jokes.

"Well you're not moving until your match. All mine."

"I'm always all yours." She kisses his cheek. "So this is my only punishment for what I did?"

"For now."

"Uh oh."

"I'm plotting as we speak."

"That's never a good thing..." She looks for a way out. "...any chance you'll forgive me?"

"I'll take it under consideration."

"I promise to behave for the rest of the night no matter how hard it gets."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I don't think I'm off the hook though." She giggles since his hands are wandering over all the skin he can touch.

"Not exactly."

"I knew it! I could tell by the look on your face I was still in trouble."

"We'll see how things go. We can leave after my match since we won't be needed after that. We'll see how things go up to that point." He grins.

"Alright, but you know how I get when you're in your gear..." She bites her lip.

"Yes I do know."

"I'm so not getting put of trouble tonight." She chuckles.

"We'll see."

"Oh. Almost forgot...I got a new theme too." She grins.


"Mhm." She nods. "It's a surprise, but I have a feeling you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"I really hope so." She winks.

Meanwhile, Ted and I have been in our locker room for a bit and I had just finished getting changed into the ref uniform, and I walk out of the changing area and back out into the main area of the locker room. Ted looks up from what he was doing and stares at me as I walk over to the couch, unable to form words.

"You okay?" I laugh.


"You can barely talk."


"I'll give you a moment to compose yourself."

All he does is nod while still staring, eyes never leaving me.

"The show's starting." I say as glance at the TV.

"I-I'm good."

"You sure now?"

"Ummm..." He reaches over, pulling me onto his lap. " I'm sure." He grins, as his arms go around me and his hands wander.


"There's so much to touch."

"Yes, I know."

"I'm taking full advantage too." He grins.

"I can see that."

"It looks better than I imagined."

"Everything usually does."


The show starts off with the show intro, pyro and introduction from Cole. Then Punk's music goes off, but it's not Punk who comes out, it's Heyman.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And last night I felt like, well each and every one of you, because last night at Night Of Champions, I got to witness history. I got to witness history in the most enormous fashion as I got to see CM Punk successfully defend the WWE Championship against John Cena. No no no, you're right, I admit it. The ending of the match is embroiled in controversy. And everyone is talking about it. So in the interest of clarity, I have asked the referee from last night's championship contest, the esteemed Mr. Chad Patton, to come out right here in this very ring, right now and defend his decision to the entire WWE audience. Mr. Patton, if you will please sir."

"Oh boy. What's he up to?"

He comes out to the ring and gets into it, standing before Heyman.

"Mr. Patton, I think you for coming out here tonight. You know, I understand that you are deep in the middle of this controversy. And if you will please sir, look up here. You will see a still photo of the final moments of that match, and clearly Mr. Patton both men's shoulders are down and you count both men down 1-2-3. Now everyone has been on your case, 'cause everyone loves to be a critic. And there's no bigger critic than John Cena. He was all over your case last night for that decision. But Mr. Patton, you didn't make the wrong decision, as a matter of fact sir, you made the right decision didn't you?"

"No. I don't think so."

"I agree."

"Yes I did."

"Yes. Yes you did. And both CM Punk and I commend you for that decision sir. We admire you for having the integrity of making that decision and for admitting it in front of the entire WWE Universe. But there's more evidence on your behalf sir. To vindicate you sir. There was a fan that took footage last night. Video footage on what I believe to be a camera phone. And he posted this footage on YouTube. Now very suspiciously that video was taken down earlier today and I think we all know that John Cena had that video taken down. But if you would please sir take a look at this footage."

"Not good video quality."

"It could be about anything really."

"Now what more needs to be seen? Mr. Patton, that match was clearly a tie and the tie goes to the champion. That match was a draw and the draw goes to the champion. Which means for the the 303rd consecutive day, your WWE Champion is CM Punk. And that is exactly what CM Punk is talking about. CM Punk is now worthy of your respect. And you still refuse to give it to you. Last night CM Punk walked into Boston, Massachusetts-" Heyman gets cut off by John coming out.

"This is going to be good."

"Mr. Cena, just in the interest of clarity-"

"Paul shut up. This is probably gonna turn you upside down here, but I actually agree with you. Chad Patton made the right call last night. As for me taking dow-" John stops and just laughs at the fact that people are chanting that he sucks. "You can listen to them, they even know my technical skills. As far as me taking down somebody's YouTube video, I have trouble turning on my phone. That wasn't me. Chad Patton is a known official, a respected official, I know him on a first name basis, I've known him for a while. I know he would have no biased towards me. So I want to clear something up. Yes we had a conversation after the match was over, but it wasn't about his decision. It was about the finality of his decision. For anyone who saw Night Of Champions last night, it was epic. It was a battle, I have my ankle taped tonight because it's as big as a football, and John Cena vs CM Punk truely built up to a...a match of WrestleMania proportions. And when Chad Patton explained that the match was a draw, I had a conversation with you Chad that, that's pretty much like ending the SuperBowl in a tie. I'm sure you, I'm sure me, I'm sure all of you wanted to see who could actually win that epic match last night."

"True. I was really hoping John won, not a draw."

"I honestly thought he had it won."

"So did I, until the ref said it was Punk who won."

"Chad I asked you last night, and I'll ask you tonight. Is a draw how you wanted to see that match end? And Paul, you know, we have our issues but you are a CM Punk supporter, you always have been. And in his whole, entire career, through his unbelievable journey he has always been clamoring for respect. So last night, retaining the championship in a tie? Do you think CM Punk earned the respect that he's been seeking?"


"I second that. He didn't get any respect. Not from me."

"Well since you value my opinion so much, I will be happy to answer you. In one simple word. Yes."

"I think I owe that series of 'no's' to Daniel Bryan. But I think these people also agree with me. Your and CM Punk's definition of respect is a lot different than my own. Respect isn't earned by a shadow of a doubt. Respect isn't certainly earned by hitting someone with the championship after you retain and not win a match in a tie. Respect is earned by leaving no doubt. Respect is earned by beating anyone...beating anyone on any given night. So you can stand in this ring and say best in the world! Respect is being able to hold your head high after a definitive decision. Chad, you made the right call but I'm with them. I wanna find out who the winner's gonna be. And I'll even do it with one leg. I say tonight we re-live Night of Champions. I'm here, we got a ref, all we need is CM Punk and we do this rematch right here tonight."

"Punk'll chicken out of it."

"No doubt."

"Uh...I'm sure CM Punk will be very happy to tell you straight to your face what he thinks of your challenge. And I'm telling you, he'll tell you straight to your face...when he gets here tonight. But hearing it from me is the same as hearing it from CM Punk. Because I am the voice of the voice of the voiceless."

"And I was trying to be patient with you-" John gets cut off by Del Rio.

"Ugh. What does Dorito want?"

"Probably complain."

"John Cena, stop crying about last night. You had your chance and you lost. On the otherhand, I never had a first shot by the SmackDown general manager Booker T. The Brogue Kick was banned two weeks ago. And suddenly from nowhere, it was reinstated right before my title match? Listen Cena, unlike you, I was not completely ready for my opponent at Night of Champions. That's why if someone deserves a rematch, it's a man who never lies, Alberto Del Rio." And right after that is when AJ came out.

"Hmm...I sense a tag match."

"Speaking on behalf of Booker T, maybe you both deserve second chances. So tonight, I'm gonna take the two main events from last night and combine them to make...a super main event. Yes tonight WWE Champion CM Punk will team up with Alberto Del Rio to take on the team of World Heavyweight Champ Sheamus...and...wait for it...John Cena. And who knows. The winner of the match could go a great way in determining if there's going to be a rematch and who will be in it." She says before leaving, making sure to skip around the ring first and Heyman's not happy and he tries following her, but can't.

"Looks like someone was right." I grin.

"It seems so." Ted chuckles.

"I knew John wasn't getting a re-match and neither was Dorito. It was the only other way to make them semi happy."

"And they can suck it up and deal with it."


"Oh and we won't have to stay for the whole night. I believe Justin has a match and I wanna be here for that, so we can leave after that." I add.

"Alright." He nods.

"I know you would want to end up leaving early anyway."

"It's like you read my mind."

"I just know you very well."

"You do." He grins.

"I think Vi's going to be surprised by me being the ref. She doesn't know yet."

"I'm surprised you kept it from her. You usually tell her everything."

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"She'll be surprised alright."

"And I'll make sure she wins too."

"I didn't think you would let Eve win."

"No, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn't win."

"Of course. Vi doesn't deserve to lose the night after winning the title either."

"No she doesn't."

"I'm sure she'll give Eve everything she's got anyway."

"Oh of course she will."

"With your help, it'll be even easier for her to beat on Eve too."

"I can't wait."

"It should be coming up soon too."

"After this one...which is just a waste of time if you ask me." I refer to Sin Cara and Rey facing Primo and Epico.

"I think we can make the most of the time then..." He grins, giving me his look.

"I know that look."

"I believe you do." He smirks, slipping his fingers under the bottom of my shirt.

"At least I won't have to worry about my lip gloss this time. It's not flavored. Poor you."

"I know, but your perfume makes up for it all the time."

"What can I say? I like to have one thing or the other, or even both."

"It still drives me crazy."

"And it's fun to drive you crazy."

"But, I love getting you back for it too." He smirks, lightly nipping at my shoulder.

"As I love getting you back for getting me back."

"Just so much fun."

"Well maybe I should move then huh?" I grin, turning around in his lap so that I'm facing him.

"That's much better." He smirks, placing his hands on my hips.

"I thought so." He pulls me closer to him, pressing his lips to mine, one of his hands moving from my hip to the back of my head, holding me in place. He makes sure to do so without ruining my hairstyle. But that didn't mean that I couldn't messing his hair up like I always do. I pull myself closer, one arm resting around his neck while my other hand moves through his hair. His hand moves to my back so he doesn't mess up my hair since he wants to touch it. That allows him to hold me as close as I can get while he deepens the kiss. I take the chance and move my free hand the best I can down his sides. When I get to the bottom of his shirt, I know I'm close so my fingers slip beneath his shirt and waist of his pants to press into his indent. A muffled growl comes from him as he shifts a bit on the couch. That causes him to kiss me back more roughly. I smirk the best I can into the kiss, and since I'm having fun I do it again, getting the same reaction, louder, but only for me to hear. In retaliation, he takes my bottom lip between his teeth, nipping at it, while he moves my hand and laces his fingers with mine. Since he is starting to get to me, and his fingers are laced with mine to prevent me from having my fun, I end up squeezing his hand and tugging lightly on his hair as I hold back any noises right now. Since he knows he's getting to her, he moves his fingers on the hand that's resting on my hip lightly over the skin above my shorts.

"Teasing...." I manage to say, even though he's still nipping at my lip.

"...payback." He mumbles, letting go of my lip.

"And I didn't even do that much...."

"You did enough..."

"..I really don't think I did..."

"...fine." He lets my hand go. "No more of that though."


He keeps his hand laced with mine, pressing his lips back to mine. After staying there for a bit, he slowly pulls away and starts to trail along my jaw to my neck. On instinct, I tilt my head to the side for him to get better access. He smirks against my skin, slowly nipping after each light kiss he leaves. He already knows not to leave marks at this time because of the match soon, so he nips lightly in order not to leave any. Once he feels satisfied with the amount of torture he caused by all the noises I made, he slowly makes his way back to my lips. He continues there for a bit longer, and then decides to slowly pull away. I whine in protest so he pecs my lips a few more times before stopping and resting his forehead against mine.

"Stopping so soon."

"The match is over."

"Oh, already?"

"Mhm. It didn't seem that long with what we did."

"No, it really didn't."

"Never does." He chuckles. "Should we head out now or wait a bit?"

"I say wait a bit. Don't wanna give it away that I'm the ref."

"Right, of course."

"But I think I should move right?"

"Carefully." He chuckles.

"Oh that won't be a problem at all." I laugh as I let him go and move from his lap.

"I really wish you didn't have to move though." He pouts.

"Oh, I know."

"After this match, you won't be moving for the rest of the night."

"Until we leave."


We make sure to wait long enough before deciding to leave. We were heading to the curtain as we hear Vi's music going off and that meant she was heading to the ring first.

"You're right, I do love your theme." Justin says so she can hear with a grin.

"Told ya." She smirks.

"Don't change it for a while."

"I don't plan on it."


She gives him a quick kiss before hopping up onto the apron. She does her poses before getting to the ring and doing her poses while holding the title high in the air. Justin gets in the ring and waits for her to finish her poses. When she's done, she stands next to him in the ring, with her title over her shoulder. Her music fades and Eve's goes off next, her coming out with that fake smile on her face as she always does. Vi rolls her eyes as she makes her way to the ring, doing her 'queen' wave. She scoffs as she glares are her. She gets on the ropes, doing her poses before getting into the ring. She then starts asking where the referee is, because there is no ref out in the ring like there normally is. Vi shrugs, not knowing anything. It's complete silence except for the crowd. Eve goes to get a mic, but that's when my music goes off. Both of them looking confused as to why I'm even coming out. "Why is Scar coming out?" Vi says loud enough for Justin to hear.

"I don't know." Justin shakes his head.

They watch as I come out in a ref uniform and a smirk appears on Vi's face while Eve screams obviously unhappy. "Perfect." Vi rubs her hands together. "Eve's going down." She smirks evilly. When I reach the ring, I kiss Ted quickly before getting into the ring and he goes around to stand with Justin. Vi walks over, handing her title to Justin while Eve starts yelling at me to get out of 'her' ring. Vi turns around just in time to see her raise her hand to me to push me. Vi rushes over, pushing her away making her fall on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry." Vi says sarcastically.

"Are you going to do anything about that?!" Eve yells at me once she gets up. "Yeah, I am." I turn like I'm going to say something to Vi. "Ring the bell!" I yell, waving my hand then smirking at Eve who is pissed.

"You've got a match to do now. I suggest you pay attention."

"I can take her with my eyes closed." She gloats right before Vi lunges at her, taking her down to the mat, throwing punches. Of course for now, I'm being fair, so when she doesn't stop, I start counting to five. She stops before I hit that number. That's when Eve starts to crawl towards the ropes to walk away from this match. "Oh hell no!" Vi storms over, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her into the middle of the ring.

"You're not walking out of this match! Take it like the woman you say you are!" She screams at her, throwing her into the corner, then running at her and hip checking her. She then steps back a bit and charges at her again, hitting her with a dropkick to the gut. She slides down to a sitting position, and Vi holds her foot to her throat. I let her go longer than she's supposed to before I start telling her to back off and get her out of the corner. She drops her foot giving her a bit of space for now. After Eve composes herself, that's when she gets up in an angry huff and starts to get in my face, concerning the fact that I didn't tell you to back off right away. "I'm the ref. I made the right call. Now back to the match!"

She just glares at me and fakes pushing me, before walking around me and going over to Vi, nly to be met with a superkick to the face. Vi quickly covers her, and I did what I had to do. I counted the pin really fast, naming Vi the winner. She quickly gets up then I raise her hand in victory. Justin gets in the ring, giving her the title with a kiss, then she goes on the ropes doing her poses with the title high in the air. I stand back with a satisfied look on my face. I look down at Eve, before getting down to her level and give her a mocking sad look. Vi hops down from the ropes and comes over to where I am and we hug. "We should leave a lasting impression on her. How about I do Ted's finisher on her and you do Justin's since we both know how to do them so well?" I smirk evilly. "Teach her not to mess with us."

"Best idea ever." Vi grins. She backs away so I can grab Eve and help her up. When she's on her feet, I get her into position and hit her with Ted's finisher since I use that in my moveset from time to time. I give Vi the signal to go to the top turnbuckle. She hands the title to Justin for him to hold and then starts to climb. I drag Eve's lifeless body over to the corner for her. She gets to the top turnbuckle and gets in position. She winks over at Justin before she stands up, focusing on her target. Once she's ready, she jumps off, perfectly executing Justin's finisher and hitting her right in the midsection. Then when she stands back up, we raise each other's hands once more before getting out of the ring. Ted walking around to meet us and Justin getting out of the ring himself. Justin hands her the title and she raises it in the air again with her free hand since her other is around his waist. We watch as Eve slowly starts to recover, the medics looking at her.

"We did good." I say to Vi.

"We did." She nods. "And man did it feel good too."

"It so did."

"Maybe now she'll think twice before messing with us again."

"Let's hope so. Although, she does love looking for trouble. So who knows."

"Well, if she comes looking for trouble my way, she's gonna get what she got tonight only worse."

"I'm right there with you."

"I kinda figured that."

"Maybe we should head back to our rooms before she comes through that curtain and tries to start a fight, because I know she will just for that little attack after the match."

"Of course she would. And someone needs to get ready for their match." She pats Justin's arm.

"Who's he facing?"



"I know." She sighs. "I'm not happy about it either." She chews her lip.

"Well let's hope this is the last time for a long time."

"I've been praying all night that it will be."

"Do you want us out there with you, just in case?"

"Actually, that would be a good idea." Justin speaks up. "Who knows what he might do during or after the match."

"Right. We'll be happy be out there. If it's alright with you. I know you wanted the rest of the time before we left to be alone but..." I look up at Ted.

"No no. That's alright. I would feel better knowing Vi was safe out there too."

I nod. "So when's the match so we can meet you here?"

"The fifth match of the night. Four more away."

"Alright. That gives me plenty of time to change out of this."

"Right. I wanna change too."

"So we'll all meet back here then."

"Sounds like a plan." She nods. We then split up and go to our rooms, to change and wait until Justin's match comes up. "It felt so good to take out all my anger on her out there." She grins as Justin and her sit on the couch after changing.

"And being able to do it without breaking the rules technically."

"Yes. She so had all that coming to her. That's what she gets for underestimating the other Divas."

"Exactly." She stays quiet just leaning into his side while playing with the ring he got her. "You really love that ring." He grins.

"I do." She smiles. "It reminds me how much you love me."

"Which is a whole lot."

"I know. You show it to me all the time too." She leans up, kissing his cheek.

"Because I like to."

"You always know how to make me happy." She snuggle back into him, his arms around her.

"Because you deserve to be happy."

"So you tell me all the time."

"It's true."

"Love you."

"Love you too, so much." He kisses her cheek.

"You know how hard it is for me to resist all the temptations right now?" She bites her lip.

"Trust me, I know." He grins.

"That's the whole reason I'm sitting next to you and not on you right now."

"Oh darn."

"Unless you want me to misbehave..."

"Well we don't want anything happening before my match which will delay us from going out there...."


"But after the match and when we go back you can have all the fun you want. Providing what happens in the match anyway."

"Right." She lowly says, nodding her head.

"I suppose a little fun won't hurt right now."

"Are you sure?"

"Well if anything happens in the match, depending on what it is exactly. I don't want that to take away from having fun at all. Don't want to go through the whole night without doing at least something. Plus, I can tell you can't resist much longer."

"I really can't..."

"And we have time."

"We do." I grin.

"So I say we go for it."

Before she even has the chance to move, he pulls her onto his lap. Her hands instantly start to run up and down his chest since he had no shirt on. "Much better."

"I can see that." He chuckles since her hands have not stopped moving.

"Touchy." He adds.

"You know I can't help it."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"Your fault for never wearing a shirt."

"Well I would if I had one of my own like everyone else does."

"Hmm...we'll have to come up with something, but for now...I'm happy with how you are now."


"Now...what to do first..." She trails off, letting her fingers walk up his chest. She starts off by leaning down, pressing light kisses to his shoulder as she slowly moves across to his neck.

"....looks like you know...what to do first..." He mumbles.

"Mhm." She mumbles with a smirk, moving to the crook of his neck, nipping lightly since she knows what that does to him. Since his hands were resting on her hips, after she does that, he tenses and then his grip tightens a bit. She stays focused on the spot for a bit longer until a slight growl comes from him. After hearing what she wanted to hear, she slowly moves up his neck, using her tongue after each nip just to torture him more. His hands start to wander from where they were, slowly though because he's too distracted by what she's doing. He slips his fingers under her shirt and they move along the skin of her back and along her spine. She shivers a bit, starting to lose focus on what she's doing. She does manage to stay focused on what she's doing and she runs her hands down his chest to the waist of his trunks, slowly moving my fingers along the skin there. She moves to his lips just as she slips her fingers under, pressing one of his indents. She feels him tense again and this time he manages to move her to his lips, pressing his against hers in a hard kiss in retaliation. She kisses him back just as hard, pressing her fingers down one more time since she's starting to get a bit distracted from the intensity of the kiss. He ends up moving the both of them so that she's laying back on the couch, her legs wrapped around him and him hovering over her. Her hands move to his neck, wrapping around it, pulling him down as close to her as he can get. One hand runs through his hair while the other rests on his back for now. It's his turn now and he pulls from her lips to slowly make his way to her neck, smirking as he goes. She moves her head to the side, biting her lip to contain any noises that may come since he's already got her to that point. Her hand tugs at his hair while the other grips his shoulder. He knows she's holding back on noises, so he does everything he can possibly think of to make that much harder and harder for her to do. A few little squeaks come from her, but that's not good enough for him. His hands move to her thighs just as he goes after the spot on her neck. She holds back as much as she can, but it gets to be to much for her and all the noises that come are loud and clear to him. He smirks against her neck hearing what he wanted to hear. Even after the fact, he keeps going, not wanting to stop just yet. Her legs get tighter around his waist while her nails dig into his back and she tugs at his hair more. The more he stays on the spot, the more noises that keep coming from her. But since she will be going out with him for his match, he makes sure to not leave a mark. Once he's done with that side, he moves onto the other side of her neck, doing the same thing.

She moves her head to the other side so it's easier for him. He doesn't go as rough on this side, but more gently. She starts to hum in content as he goes along her skin, her hand making patterns on his back. Once he's done on that side, he moves back to her jawline and back to her lips. She pulls him down in a rough, eager kiss making sure to make it last as long as it can go for. He ends up taking her bottom lip between his teeth mid-kiss and smirks before lightly nipping at it. That gets a few more moans out of her, both her hands now tugging at his hair due to the torture. He doesn't let go for a while, intent on creating as much torture as he can. Once he feels she's had enough, he lets her lip go and goes back to kissing her like before. Once he's back to kissing her normal, she kisses him back even harder than before with much more eagerness. The only time they pull away is for air, which they have done for the moment. After getting enough air, he presses his lips to hers for a bit longer before starting to slow down making her whine in protest.

"I know....I know..."

"...a bit longer..."

"...that's why I slowed it down..."


"...I'll stop...when you feel like it..."


"...we're gonna have to stop sometime..."

"...awww..." She whines. "...I don't want to."

"I know you don't."

"You just make me forget about everything expect for us and I love that."

"I'm happy I can do that." He grins.

"It's a gift you have."

"How well I know."

"Another amazing thing that makes me love you even more."

"I love you too."

"I really wish we could stay like this for the rest of the night."

"I do too."

"So that means we have to move now, right?" She sighs.

"Well there's only one more match left before mine so technically we don't have to..."

"Yayy." She perks up ab it, holding him close to her.

"How about we switch around...I don't wanna end up squishing you." He chuckles.

"Even though I won't mind, we can do that." She chuckles. He shifts, still holding onto her as he lays on the couch with her on his chest. "Mmmm...perfect." She nuzzles his neck.

"I thought so." He grins.

"I can do more this way." She smirks, letting her hands move down his sides.

"Yes you can."

"As long as you can handle it."

"I'm sure I can."

"I take that as a challenge." She smirks, her hands moving to his hips, just hovering lightly for now.

"You know I'm watching you." He smirks.

"Oh I know." She drags her nails over his skin lightly as they move closer to his trunks. The closer she gets, the more she feels him tense up and she grins. She slips her fingers underneat them, lightly moving her fingers over his indents again.



"You're doing it again."

"You said you could handle it." She smirks.

"Looks like I can't."

"Alright...I'll stop then." She moves her hand up to his side, resting it there.

"Well I would've let you continue, but I think you know what would happen if you did."

"I do and that can't happen here."

"No, not really."

"I'm sure you'll get me back if nothing happens in your match."

"Of course."

"I do think we should get you calmed down a bit though." She chuckles.

"Then don't move." He chuckles himself.

"I'll do my best for now, but I'm going to have to so we can leave the room."


She then settles down, her head on his shoulder while he calms down. Her hands stay at his sides just resting there while they watch the current match. That match happened to be Dolph vs Santino. "Ugh. I don't want to watch this." She buries her face in his chest.

"Shouldn't take long though."

"Hopefully not."

During the match, a distraction by Vickie would allow Dolph to hit the Zig Zag on Santino. But he hits another one for good measure before pinning Santino and picking up the win. "I really can't stand when she does that and that second one was uncalled for."

"I know right?"

"Exactly." She rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I do believe we need to get you to the ramp."


"I'm going to have to move though."


"You wanna help me so nothing happens?"

"Of course."

When they get there, they already find me and Ted waiting.

"Thanks again for coming out." Justin say once we reach us.

"It's no problem."

"Did he get here yet?" She asks, looking around.

"Not yet."

"Good. Hopefully we go out before he gets here."

The commercial break is finally coming to and end, but at that time, I spot Wade walking up the hallway towards us. "Looks like we won't be going out there before him." Vi turns to see him coming then moves closer to Justin. "Damn it." She mutters.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." He mutters to her.

"Alright." She mumbles, her face buried in his chest. He reaches us and only takes one glance at all of us before his music goes off and he walks through the curtain, heading out first. "Oh thank god." Vi sighs in relief. He makes his way to the ring, getting in and doing everything he normally does. They then play Justin's and we all head out. She lets go of Justin in order for him to do his pose on the stage, before she re-laces her fingers with his and head down the ramp with Ted and I behind them. She gives Justin a quick kiss before he hops on the apron, doing the rest of his poses. She waits for me and Ted to walk down the ramp before we head to a safe place. As we're walking, she feels eyes on her and she looks up to see Wade smirking down at her. She rolls her eyes at him, not letting him know he creeps her out. Once they reach a safe spot, the ref rings the bell.

"He better not start being creepy like Heath's been." I mutter to her.

"I sure hope not. Probably just doing that to get to Justy."

The match had started and they circle each other before Justin kicks him in the leg to start. He bounces off the ropes, ducks a clothesline, comes off the other side of the ropes, slides between Wade's feet, and when Wade turns around he jumps up and wraps his legs around Wade's neck and goes for an early rollup pin attempt, only getting a one count.

"Come on Justy! Take him down! You can do it! Don't let him get to you!"

Justin quickly goes for another, but gets another one count. Justin quickly hops to the 2nd rope in the corner and jumps when Wade turns around. Wade ducks and gets out of the way, and then comes back with a swift kick to Justin's gut and that causes Justin to roll out of the ring.

"Justy!" Vi gasps, covering her mouth. She tries to run over to check on him, but I hold her back.

"Don't. Wade's coming." I point to him getting out of the ring.

She bites her lip, looking over at Justin helpless as she backs up to where she was.

After Wade gets out of the ring and goes over to Justin, grabbing him and kneeing him in the gut before throwing him back into the ring near the steel ring post. He takes his arm and leg and pulls him into the ring post, gut-first and hard. Vi winces, holding back the urge to do something. "Come on ref! Make him stop!"

Wade gets back into the ring and gets Justin in the corner, throwing punches to his gut. He takes him out of the corner and throws him into the opposite corner. Justin bounces off of it hard and Wade grabs him, dropping him on his knee with a vicious backbreaker. He follows that up with an elbow to the chest. He goes for the cover, but Justin kicks out at two. Vi covers her eyes, not being able to watch what's going on. "Come on Justy! You can beat him!" She encourages the best she can. Wade helps him up and punches him in the side, and does it two more times. He helps Justin up again and punches him in the face and goes for the cover, but Justin kicks out at two. Wade gets him into a painful submission. The crowd starts breaking out into a chant saying 'we want Nexus' in the meantime.

"That's never going to happen." I mutter.

"You can get out of it. Just stay focused!" She yells to him. She starts to hit the mat while chanting his name in hopes the fans will do that as well. Justin tries to get out of it and he does, kneeing Wade in the face. Wade storms over and Justin trips him and Wade falls face first onto the middle turnbuckle. Both men get up and Justin kicks Wade in the leg, followed by the chest, then his spin kick to the chest as well, trying to keep Wade off his feet. Justin goes over to him, only to be punched right in the ribs again.

"Come on baby. Keep him down. I believe in you. Do this for me."

Wade grabs him and picks Justin up, only for Justin to slide down behind him and counter the move, dropping Wade with an arm over the chest. Justin goes to the ropes, quickly looks behind him and hops up, hitting a springboard moonsault on Wade, going for the pin, but Wade kicks out at 2."Great move! Keep that up and you'll beat him! You've got time. More high flying!" Justin gets up and then Wade, and Justin hits Wade in the face a few times before kicking him in the leg again. He goes for a roundhouse kick, but Wade ducks, lifting Justin into the air and dropping him. Wade gets the elbow ready because he's fixing the elbowpad. He picks Justin up like he does all his opponents, pushes him away from him and then hits Justin in the head with the elbow, Justin just being knocked out cold. Wade drops down, covering him and gets the pin to win. Vi winces at the impact, biting her lip. Wade stands up, getting his hand raised and she takes that chance to slide into the ring. She's halfway in when she looks up to see him looking over at her again. He starts to slowly walk over to her, leaving her frozen in fear. I motion to Ted and he nods. We slide in the ring and we stand in front of her, keeping her protected. "And what do you think you're doing?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Shut up!" Wade barks at me. "Tonight's not the night anyway." He smirks over at Vi before leaving the ring.

"Oh he did not just yell at me to shut up."

"I think he did."

"We'll see what happens the next time I see him." I give him a death glare as he walks up the ramp.

"I'll deal with him." Ted says.

Since Wade is gone, she moved the rest of the way into the ring, past me and Ted, going to check on Justin. "Y-you alright?" She asks, knowing the answer since he's wincing in pain.

"Ow." He says, holding his head where Wade had hit him.

"Come on." She helps him sit. "Lets get you ice so we can get you to bed."

"And...aspirin. Before I get a throbbing headache."

"Of course. We'll get all that from the trainer." She slowly helps him to his feet. He nods and leans on her for support as she helps him stand. Ted and I follow them, Ted holding the ropes so they can get out and she can help Justin. They then head up the ramp and to the back.

"Thank you for helping me out there." She says to both me and Ted once we get backstage.

"We weren't going to let Wade do anything to you. We won't let him do anything at all from here on out, not if we can help it. He had no right yelling at me either."

"No he did not." She agrees.

"Wait." Justin stops. "What did he do?" He gets pissed.

"I'll tell you later." She chews her lip.

"You two just go get what he needs to feel better." I add.

"We will." She nods. "Thanks again." She hugs me then Ted with her free arm.

"You both should get rest when you head back to the hotel. You both need it."

"That's exactly what we're going to do too."

"Good. Well we'll let you get into the trainers to get him everything, we'll talk to you later."

"Alright. See you later." She nods, helping him the rest of the way to the trainers.

Ted and I head back to the locker room so we can grab our things and head back to the hotel. "The nerve of him..." I grumble, followed by mumbling quietly to myself about Wade as we head back.

"Hey now." Ted puts his arm over my shoulder. "You'll teach him to not talk to you that way."

"I know..."

"Do I need to calm you down when we get back?" He grins.


"Even though you're pretty hot when you're mad, I'll take your mind off of things tonight." He winks.

I can't help but smile a bit as we reach the room and head in to get our things. Since he did not have much, he was ready before I was and took the time to stare while he waited.

"You're staring." I say as I make sure everything is in my bag, including the title.

"Can't help it." He bites his lip. "You look amazing from this angle."

"Good to know." I zip my bag up.

"Not as good as this angle." He says once I face him.

"Every angle is amazing isn't it?"

"Amazing doesn't even cover it."

"Of course."

"Since you're ready, how about we head back now?"

"That's a good idea."

He walks over, lacing his fingers with mine before we both head out to the car. After putting our things in the backseat, I get into the passenger side and he gets into the drivers side and we head back to the hotel. It isn't a long drive and when we get there, we grab our things and head inside, getting onto one of the elevators and head up to our floor. When it reaches our floor, we both step out then head to our room. We both drop our bags then I flop down on the bed.

"Such a long night." I sigh.

"It really was." He agrees, walking over and laying on the bed next to me, his hand resting on my stomach as his fingers lightly move over my shirt.

"Well, from what time we spent there anyway."

"True, but a lot happened while we were there."

"Right. you want to pick out what I wear to bed tonight?"

"I think you know the answer." He grins.

"Oh I know. It's fun to ask."

"Always is." He chuckles kissing my cheek before getting up. He walks over to my bags, kneeling down in front of them. He takes his time searching for something then smirks once he finds what he wants. Once he has it, he gets up, showing it to me.

"You would."

"I love this one on you."

"Which is why I didn't make it so hard to find."

"You never do."

"Because I know it's your favorite and you'd get frustrated if you couldn't find it."

"You're exactly right."

"But you're cute when you're frustrated."

"Just like you are when you're the same way."

"Oh I know."

"Now go put that on before I do get frustrated." He chuckles.

"You don't want to help? Shocker." I hold back the urge to laugh.

"I do, but it won't even make it on you if I did help."

"Alright then." I say, standing up after I kick my shoes off and move from the bed. "I'll be back then." I add, heading towards the bathroom. I walk in, doing my normal routine while he gets changed out in the room. After I get changed, I head back out into the room to put my things away, but I don't see him in the room. "Ted?" I call out, looking around for him.

"Right here." He comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You scared me." I say after I jump a bit, but relax once I realize it's him.

"Sorry." He kisses my shoulder. "I just wanted to watch you walk out from the best spot in the room."

"And that was?"

"The wall by the bathroom."

"Oh you sneak."

"You love it." He grins, kissing across my shoulder to my neck.

"I do." I sigh in content.

He mumbles against my skin, staying focused on what he's doing. As he makes his way to my neck, he starts to slowly move toward the bed.

"Only thing though....this isn't coming off...not tonight. You tired me out last night, and the bruises I had to cover tonight at the least wait until they've faded a bit."


"I think you can handle that...can't you?"

"For tonight, yes."

I nod and once he reaches the bed, he picks me up and places me on it, and he climbs onto the bed and pulls the covers over us both, going back to kissing my skin. Meanwhile, Justin and Stef have just gotten back to their room and she had gotten him clothes to change into before getting ready for bed herself. He was taking his time, and she was done getting ready for bed before him. She climbed into bed and under the blankets, waiting for him.

"Need help?"

"I'm feeling a little better, but I'm still sore. Maybe some help would work. I'll come over there so you don't have to move from being comfortable." She nods, sitting up more to help him. He comes over by her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She helps him take off his shirt since that was giving him the most trouble. Once that's off, she tosses it over by their bags for now. He was able to get his pants of and his bed pants on. He went to get up, but she stopped him. "Here." She moves over to the other side. "Now you don't have to get up."

"Thanks." He says, moving into the spot she was just in carefully and getting under the blankets.

"Better?" She asks once he's comfortable.

"Better." He nods.

"Good. Now you should get some sleep."

"Right. You too."

"I will. Don't worry about me. I'm more worried about you."

"I know."

"You took on really hard hits in that match..." She chews her lip. " was really hard to watch."

"I'll definitely be feeling it much more in the morning."

"I know." She sighs. "Good thing they gave you something for pain."

"Right, which will wear off while I'm sleeping of course."

"True, but I left it on the nightstand with water in case you need if you wake up."

"Always one step ahead." He grins.

"I am. That's why you love me so much." She smirks.

"Yes I do."

She gives him a quick kiss before laying back down in her spot, giving him some extra space.

"I may grab your in my sleep you know. I've done it before when you've tried to give me space because of how bad I've hurt."

"I know. I just don't want you to be in pain. If you do it on your own, I don't mind."

"Get some sleep." She chuckles. "Love you."

"Love you too."

She moves her hand so it's lightly resting on his arm as she watches him for a bit. He's the first one to go to sleep even though he was fighting it. She smiles just seeing how peaceful he looks. She inches her way over to him, snuggling carefully against his arm. It takes her a bit longer to go to sleep, but once she does, she's out for the night.