Status: Active

All About Us

Superstars & SmackDown Tapings Part 1

It was well into the morning and Vi was still sleeping, but Justin was wide awake. He decided to watch her sleep, but started to play with her hair. After doing that for a while, he started to run his fingers up and down her arm. It takes a while, but she starts to shift in her spot. She mumbles incoherently, snuggling into him more not wanting to wake up yet. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her, pressing his lips to her shoulder. She slowly starts to open her eyes, but doesn't let him see. He keeps kissing along her shoulder until he gets to a spot that makes her twitch.

"You're awake." He grins.


"Good morning."

"Morning." She yawns, then looks up at him with a smile.

"Sleep okay?"

"Like a baby."

"I could tell."

"How about you? How did you sleep?"


"Good. Here I thought I wore you out last night." She grins.

"I thought so too."

"Seems like it was the other way around." She chuckles.

"Seems so."

"I'm not complaining though. Last night was amazing." She smirks.

"It was."

"I'm going to need a hot shower before we do anything today."

"Want me to join you?"

"You know I always do."

"I promise to behave this time."

"Good. I have a few things I want to check out today."


"Yeah. I was thinking the Franklin Institute. There are a few exhibits I want to check out, go see the Liberty Bell, and maybe get one of those cheese steaks. I heard Pat's has the best."

"Sounds like fun. I'd love to go."

"Figured you would." She chuckles. "I was think of asking Scar and Ted if they wanted to come too."

"Of course. I'm sure they'd love to come too."

"I'll text her in a bit. I don't want to move right now."


"I'm too comfy."

"Of course you are."

"You're just that comfy and..." She snuggles into him more. "...warm."

"That's how I always am." He chuckles.

"I'll never understand how you are either."

"It's a gift."

"A good gift that I love." She sighs in content.


"I may need some convincing to get up now..."

"I'm good for that." He grins.

"I know you are." She hides a smirk.

"Why don't you move so I can convince you to get up?"

"Awww." She whines. "I guess I can..." She slowly moves off his chest.

"Don't worry. I know how to convince you this me."

"I always trust you."

"Good." He nods and he moves with her as she moves off his chest, so he's hovering over her. Her one hand goes to his hair, running through it while the other rests on his cheek, her fingers playing with his facial hair.

"Having fun?"


"Well let's make things more fun then hmm?"

"You're on." She smirks.

He then instantly presses his lips to hers, but in a soft kiss to start. Her hands stay where they are for now as she kisses him light back into the kiss. He starts to increase the intensity of the kiss over time, and she kisses him back with just as much intensity to match. Soon his hands start to wander where they feel like causing her to shift a bit under him. The hand that was on his cheek goes to his hair, pulling him closer to her while she tugs at it lightly. He smirks into the kiss and nips at her bottom lip a few times between the rough kisses. A soft moan comes from her when he does that, her fingers gripping his hair more tightly. She moves her legs, wrapping them around his waist so he is as close to her as he can get. His hands move from where they are currently, to her thighs and he syncs the squeezing of her thighs with the nips to her bottom lip. That gets more noises from her and all she can do is tug at his hair for now. He does that for a bit longer before kissing her normally. She takes that chance to move one hand from his hair, slowly moving it down his chest and abs before pressing one of his indents. Like always, that gets a growl to come from him against her lips. She smirks the best she can, pressing her fingers down one more time before he takes that hand, lacing his fingers with it as he pins it to the bed. She whines softly with him kissing her harder than before. She starts to move her other hand since she had that one free, and he knows what she's going to do so he grabs that before she even had the chance to move it down to his abs and indents and pins that to the bed as well. That makes her whine even more, arching her back into him, wanting her hands free. He doesn't give in just yet, and just keeps with the torture, trying to convince her to get up.

After realizing he's not going to let go, she relaxes her hands against the bed. He smirks, pulling from her lips, kissing all the skin he can which was a lot. He makes sure to take his time before returning to her lips. once he does, she kisses him hard, much harder than before, pulling him down with her legs. Once again she struggles to get free and he tries to not give in even more, but he realizes she's waited long enough and soon lets her hands go. When he lets them go, they go right to the back of his neck, holding him in place. The kiss starts to get more heated the more they tease each other. She feels him then start to slow the kiss down and she whines in protest as he does so. He presses light lingering kisses against her lips before he pulls away completely.


"Enough convincing?"

"Uh huh." She slowly nods.

"I thought so."

"Shower time then." She grins.

"And since I just had my fun, I will behave."

"You can, but I can't promise I won't."

"We'll just have to see."

"That we will." She smirks. He moves from hovering over her then gets off the bed. She lays there for a bit just staring, enjoying the view.

"Coming?" He chuckles.

"I am. Just enjoying the view right now." She smirks.

"Of course you are." She starts for a bit longer before deciding to move from the bed. She only moves to the edge, sitting there, giving him her pouty face.

"Carry you?"

"Pwease?" She holds her arms out.

"I can never deny that face."

"No you can't." She still fake pouts as he walks over, picking her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and then walks into the bathroom. He sets her down on the counter of the sink like always and does the usual in the shower. He walks back over to her, just staring while they wait for the water to heat up.

"Like what you see?" She smirks.

"I really do."

"Makes it hard to behave, huh?" She smirks, running her nails down his chest.

"It really does."

"Good to know." She moves her hands down to his indents, pressing her fingers into them then hopping off the counter and heading for the shower with a smirk.


"You love it."

"I do."

"How well I know." She smirks. "Now, are you going to join me or do I have to do everything myself?" She steps into the shower.

"You had me distracted. I'm coming."

"I always seem to do that to you." She giggles.

"Yes you do."

She moves under the water so he can get in. He smirks at her, biting his lip, trying so hard to behave himself. She reaches her hand out and moves it slowly up his chest to his shoulders. She lets her one hand rest there while the other plays with his facial hair again. She gives him a look before moving closer to him, pressing her lips to his in a teasing kiss to see if he really can control himself. He does kiss back, and tries to control himself the best he can, and surprisingly he sticks to what he said, aside from the little touches here and there. But for the most part, he behaved. They pull away from the kiss so they can do their normal routine. They get that done by helping each other with the areas they can't reach and their hair. Once they're done, he gets towels for them. She wraps her towel around her before she steps out, him putting one on before then. They then walk back in the room, her going over to get her phone. Once she grabs her phone, she sends me a text, asking me if Ted and I want to join her and Justin in all the things she wanted to do today. While she waits for a reply, she goes through her things for something to wear. She finds a shirt that she knows he will like. After that, she gets jeans and other things she might need. She starts to get dressed when her phone goes off again. She stops what she's doing to see that I said we both would like to come. She sets her phone down then turns to see Justin staring since she's only in her under things. "Staring." She sings.

"I can't help it."

"I know I look good." She smirks. "Not to mention I'm wearing your favorite."

"I can see."

"Just testing you to see how much you can take." She grins, walking back to her things and pulling on her jeans.

"I'm staying strong, that's for sure."

"I can see that. We'll see how long you last." She puts on her tank, then her over shirt that says 'Love Is A Drug' on the front. She watches as he reads the shirt, waiting for his reaction. "I like your beard."

"Believe me, I know."

"A very addicting one too."


"I say while we're waiting for Scar and Ted, we should get something to eat." She suggests as she gets her jewelry together.

"Good idea." He nods.

"All I have to do is my hair and makeup then I'll be ready." She says as she heads to the bathroom.

"Alright. I'll finish up out here."

"Okay." She nods, heading into the bathroom. Once she's in there, she does her makeup first, adding lip gloss and body mist then starts to work on her hair. She decided to loosely curl her hair since she would be doing it later for the show. Just as she's doing the last few pieces, she sees Justin appear in the mirror. "Couldn't wait?" She giggles, finishing up and turning off the curler.


"You never seem able to wait too long." She chuckles.

"I just like watching."

"No problem with that. I don't mind."

"Oh I know. Because I do it all the time."

"You do. Just like I always watch you."


"But, I'm all done now." She moves a few curls over her shoulder before turning to face him.

"I love it."

"You always do." She blushes.

"Of course."

"Love you."

"Love you too." She gives him a quick kiss before pulling away quickly and heading to get her shoes from the room. He leaves the bathroom and leans against the door frame as he watches again. She gets her boots that she chose to wear, pulling them on. Once they're on, she stands back up. "Alright, I think I'm ready."

"Me too." He nods. They get a few things they might need for the day then head out of the room hand in hand. Halfway down the hall, he puts his arm over her shoulder, holding her close to his side. She leans into him, her arms around him as they head to the elevators then find somewhere to eat.

"Hotel restaurant or one in town?" Justin asks.

" in town. I hear they have great food here."

"After you."

Since it was a pretty nice morning, they decided to walk around until they find a place. Once they find one that looks good, they head inside, getting seated quickly. They do the usual, look over the menus for drinks and food, ordering the drinks once they've decided on those. When those are brought to the table, they order what they decided on.

"Today should be interesting."

"But fun."

"Of course. It's always fun doing new things."


"I really want to see the Titanic exhibit. I've always been interested in all that."

"It does sound interesting."

"Seeing all the old artifacts and china that they used. It'll feel like we're actually there on the ship."

"I can't wait."

"Me either. I'm really excited to see it."

"You and me both."

"I can tell. There might be a few things there you might like too."

"I'm sure I will."

"The one thing I'm looking forward to, other than the exhibits, is the cheese steak I hear they are amazing here."

"We're just gonna have to find out then won't we?"

"Yes. I'm saving all my appetite for it. I've been dying to get one."

"Well if you do happen to love it, we'll make sure to get one before we leave for the next city."

"Really?" She smiles big. "You're the best!" She gives him a quick kiss.

"I know I am." He chuckles.

"You're way to good to me." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"Because you deserve it."

"So you always tell me." I blush.

"It's true."

"I really am the luckiest girl ever."

"Yes you are."

"And I couldn't be happier."

"Neither could I."

"It's going to be that way forever and ever too."

"Yes it will be."

He steals a kiss just as their food gets to the table. Once it's placed in front of them, they begin to eat. Ted and I in the meantime are still in bed, but awake. I just didn't want to move, feeling extra lazy at the moment. He shifts in his spot, pulling me closer to him since I moved to answer my phone.

"Who was that?" He sleepily asks.

"Vi. She asked if we wanted to join her and Justin to the Titanic exhibit thing and such. I said we'd go."

"Oh. That sounds like fun. You did talk about wanting to see that too."


"Did she say what time they wanted to meet up?"

"Well she did say they were getting breakfast I'd give it about a half hour maybe?"

"Sounds good." He nods. "We get to stay like this for a bit longer."

"I can't complain."

"Neither can I."

"Was I too far away from you? Is that why you pulled me closer?" I laugh.

"Yes you were."

"Poor you."

"I'm better now." He grins.


"Can't help it. You're the one who moved away."

"I had to answer my phone."

"I know, but still..." He pouts.

"I know, I know."

"Lets make the most of the time we have before we have to get up."

"Of course."

"But before we do, I have good news."

"Oh?" I turn in his arms so I'm facing him.

"I have another match tonight. For Superstars."

"Really?!" I squeal. "That's great! Finally back in action." I give him a kiss.

"Working my way to being on TV."

"That's the best part. This is a great start too."

"It is." He nods. "Especially since I'm facing JTG and he's really no competition."

"No he's not. You soo got the match won already."

"And you'll be there cheering me on. Like always."

"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You always know how to start the day off perfectly." I add.

"I'm good like that."

"Yes you are."


"But now we can make the most of the time we have left before having to get up."


"What did you have in mind hmm?"

"Oh I don't know..." He trails off, his hands wandering all over.

"I think you do know with how touchy you're being."

"That obvious, huh." He chuckles.

"Just a bit yeah." I nod.


"I just know you that well."

"You do." He grins, lifting my chin then pressing his lips to mine. I gladly kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer. His hands move down to my waist allowing him to pull me on top of him as he shifts to his back. One hand rests there while the other runs up and down my leg. As his hand does that, it's in a very light touch, which ends up leaving behind goosebumps and I can't help but to shiver just a bit. He smirks against my lips, doing it one more time, getting the same reaction. That causes me to kiss him harder, making him lose focus on what he was doing. I only make that last a little bit longer before pulling away from his lips and kissing all the other spots along his skin that I know gets to him. He makes a few noises, his hand gripping on my waist. I smirk against his skin, knowing that my plan is working. The more I tease him, the more his grip tightens on my waist.

"You can get me back later for all this. I want to have my fun."

"...I will..."

"Thought so."

"Big time."

"I'm expecting it." I say in his ear.

"You better be."

"Why else would I be doing this?" I grin, before pressing another kiss to his neck.

"To torture me."

"That too."


"So are you."


"Just leaving you more to get me back for later."

"I so will too."

"Got tons of time to plan." I say, moving away from his neck and sitting up a bit, looking down at him.

"Already starting too."

"Oh boy."

"You're so going to be in for it." He smirks.

"Bring it on."

"Oh I will."

I grin and press my lips to his one last time for a few moments before pulling away. He whines not wanting to pull away yet. "I know, I know. But that half hour, went by quick. We're gonna have to meet Vi and Justin very soon.*


"Will it make you feel better if you pick out my clothes again?"

"I do love picking out your clothes." He perks up a bit.

"How well I know."

"You're coming with me though." He grins, shifting so he's able to pick me up as he gets off the bed. I cling to him, my arms around his neck as he walks over to my things. He sets me down once there, then starts to look for something he likes. It takes him a bit, but he finds something he likes, showing it to me.


"I was hoping it was." He hands me the clothes.

"Probably would help you feel better even more if I got dressed out here wouldn't it?"

"It would." He nods vigorously.

"Well to get a better view you may want to back up." I laugh.

He nods, stepping back, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest as he watches. I shake my head amusedly before starting to change my clothes, making sure to take my time just for him. He bites his lip trying to hold himself back from doing anything. He groans slightly when I put my jeans and top on.

"I heard that." I laugh.

"I was enjoying the view."

"I know you were. But I had to put both on eventually."


"But you enjoyed it while it did last."

"I did." He nods.

"Now you can get dressed, while I finish getting ready."


"Unless you need a few minutes to get over what you saw." I give him a look.

"I think I'll be good enough to get changed."

"If you say so." I nod, grabbing a pair of boots and sitting on the edge of the bed to put those on. He goes over to his things, picking something out then getting changed, but slowly just to tease me. Once he feels I've seen enough for now, he finishes with putting his shirt on.


"All apart of my plan now." He smirks.

"Of course it is."

"I still have all day to get you back though."

"That's true."

"You'll never see it coming either." He grins.

"I never do."

"No you don't. I'm just that good at hiding it."

"Extremely good."


"Your mind, always coming up with things."

"It is. I'm very creative like that."

"I can be creative too."

"I know you can. I see it everyday."

"Yes you do."

"How about we head out before we never leave?"

"That would be a good idea."

"After you."

"Oh of course." I laugh, grabbing what I would need before heading out ahead of him.

He follows right behind, staring as he does so. Once out the door, he laces his fingers with mine as we both head to the elevator.

"So all we have to do is wait in the lobby. I'm sure they went to breakfast and they'll be back."

"Alright." He nods. "Don't you want to get something to eat? You've got too be hungry."

"I've got that covered. Got breakfast bars in my bag. I'm always prepared."

"Yes you are. Just as long as that'll be good enough for you."

"It will be, don't worry. It'll get me through to lunch."

"If you say so."

"Will you feel better if we go next door to the cafe and get something then?"

"Maybe a bit."

"Then we'll do that. I know you care about me, I appreciate it."

"I do care about you, very much. You don't have to get anything big, just something more than what you have."

"Right. What would I do without you?"

"I have no idea." He chuckles. "You'll never have to find out either."

"No I won't."

"Let's head there now so we don't miss them when they come back."

I nod and we head out of the lobby doors and right next door to the cafe that was there. We only have to wait a little bit, before we get a quick breakfast. After getting what we wanted, we head back next door to the hotel to wait for you and Justin. It's not too long after we both get back to the hotel that Justin and her show up.

"Heyy." She greets as they walk up.


"Have you been waiting long?"

"No, not really."

"I was hoping to be back sooner, but you know how he gets." She gives Justin a look.

"Yes, I know." I laugh.

"Are we ready? I don't want to give him the chance to head for the room." She chuckles.

"Yeah, we're all set to go."

"Alright." She nods. "Who's car? Ours or yours? Parking is not that good here so one car would be better."

"Right. What do you think?" I ask Ted.

"We can take our car. I know the city pretty good."

"Alright, well let's go then."

Ted puts an arm over my shoulders just like Justin is doing with Vi. We all head out to the car, Justin and her getting in the back and Ted and I get in the front. she goes to put her seat belt on, but Justin pulls her to the middle. She shakes her head, putting that seat belt on as Ted and I get settled in the front.

"Someone's grabby back there." I laugh.

"Yes, yes I am." He grins.

"He's been like this all day." She chuckles.

"Any reason why?" I ask as Ted pulls out of the parking lot.

"Any reason why?" I ask as Ted pulls out of the parking lot.

"Well, I may have teased him a bit to much this morning. Trying to see how long he can control himself for."


"I'm doing good so far too."

"You are." She gives him a quick kiss. "You might get a surprise later too." She smirks slightly.

"Which is why I'm behaving."

"Of course it is." She chuckles.

"So where are we off to first?" Ted asks, since everything was your idea.

"I was thinking the Franklin Institute first. Look around there for a few hours then get some lunch."

He nods and starts to head for that. We all make small talk to pass the time during the ride. It takes a bit longer to get there because of the traffic. Once we get there, Ted finds a place to park and we start to head inside. When we get inside, the first exhibit we go to is the Titanic exhibit. "I can't wait to see everything." Vi excitedly bounces in Justin's arms.

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"I've been wanting to see this for a long time. Now I finally get to."

"Definitely something to see at least once if you can." I nod.

"Exactly and now we get to."

"I can't wait to see the huge piece of ice they have that simulates the iceberg the ship hit."

"Right? That's going to be amazing."

We pay for our tickets into the exhibit, and once we have them, we head in. As we walk, we look at some of the other little things they have before we head to the main part of the exhibit. From there we split up to walk around and look at everything.

"It's amazing how they get all this in here then back out again. Eveything's so big."

"Probably takes a while that for sure. So much stuff."

"I would think so. I give them credit. They do an amazing job. Everything looks so real."

"Especially that block of ice..." I point out the simulated iceberg once I spot it.

"That is huge."

"I wonder if it's cold..."

"I don't know. Try to touch it and see."

"You touch it."

"Are we even allowed to?" He chuckles.

"I don't know. I've heard people have touched it, so I guess it's alright."

"How about we touch it at the same time?" He suggests.


We both reach out to touch it at the same time. "That's freezing." I say when I retract my hand.

"It is. I didn't think it would be."

"No. But then again if it wasn't, however they're doing would have melted."


"Who knows how they keep it cold like that, but that's cool."

"What's cool?" Vi asks as she and Justin walk up.

"Go touch that ice block that simulates the iceberg."

"Okay." She nods, taking Justin's hand and walking over. They reach out to touch it then bring their hands back. "Wow." She shivers. "That's actually cold."

"I know right?"

"I wonder how they do that? I'm surprised it hasn't melted."

"Exactly. That's what I was saying."

"It's interesting, that's for sure."

"Very interesting."

"I think they have something over there about it." Vi pointes out a stand that has something written on it.

"Looks like it." I nod and we head over to read it.

We read over how they transport it from place to place. "Dry ice. Figures."

"That explains it."

"The things they come up with. I'll never understand it."

"I know right?"

"Did you get to see all the china and antiques from the ship yet?" She asks.

"Oh not yet."

"You're going to love it. It's like you really there on the ship. Really amazing."

"Well we're gonna have to head there next then."

"I think we're going to check out some of the other things they have from the ship."

"Alright." I nod.

Ted and I head over in that direction while Justin and Vi walk around until they find the staircase from the movie. "Wow." She says in awe.

"It's amazing they can replicate this stuff."

"It really is. All the time and hard's looks amazing."

"It really does."

They start to walk over, going up the stairs just admiring all the details. "This must have been an amazing view when the ship was built.

"They should make another boat, but just make it this museum. Replicating everything."

"They really should. I would love to see that."

"I think everyone would."

"I really hope they consider it."

"Me too." He nods.

"It just so pretty and romantic, I hate to leave."

"I know right?"

"I have an idea...I'll stand up here and be Rose and you go down and be Jack. Just like from the movie. I've always wanted to do that part of the movie."

"Aww." He grins. "Well of course I'll do that."

"Yayy!" She cheers. "Thank you." She smiles big, giving him a kiss.

"If only we had someone to take a picture of the moment."

"We can ask someone if they can." She looks around. "How about one of the workers over there?" She points at an employee.

"Good thinking." He nods and heads over to the worker and asks them to take a picture of what she wanted to do. After telling them what they wanted, they agree and get in position. As soon as Justin starts walking over and she comes down the stairs, they start taking pictures. She stands at the top, smiling down at Justin while he smiles back up and her. She heads down the stairs as he heads up, them meeting in the middle just like the movie. Once he reaches her, he does something she was not expecting. He takes her hands, pulling her to him, giving her a short, but passionate kiss. They keep their hands linked until he pulls away.

“” She says breathless. All he does is grin, and the worker hands back the camera to him. He thanks him before turning back to face her.

"Just like the movie?" He grins.

"Yes, but better."

"That's what I was going for."

"You did it perfectly."


"Now we have the pictures to always remember it by too." She smiles as they look through the pictures.

"Yes we do."

"I see a few I really like and oohhh...I want this one on my phone." She says, seeing a perfect shot of them looking at each other on the stairs.

"It is a perfect picture."

"I also want to have it printed and framed. I think it will look really good back at home in the living room."

"It really will. I agree."

"We'll have to do that when we get the chance. I want to get them all printed. Send one to your mom too. I think she'll really like that."

"Oh I know she will."

"Then we'll do that. Send it to her as a Christmas gift maybe? Make her a little album of them and some of the others we took over the year."

"I love that idea."

"I was hoping you would. I'm just full of great ideas." She grins.

"Yes you are, just like I am."

"You are. I love all your ideas." She kisses him quick.

"As I love all of your ideas."

"That's why we're perfect for each other."

"Yes, yes we are."

"Love you." She kisses him quick, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding him close.

"Love you too, so much." His arms go around her waist, holding her close to him. They stay like that for a bit longer before deciding to walk around for a bit longer. By the time we're all done looking around, we all head out to the car to head somewhere for lunch. Vi tells Ted about the place she was thinking about and look up directions on her phone. Once she finds them, she tells him which way to go. He nods and goes that way, following the directions she gives him until we get there. He finds a place to park and we all get out and head over, getting in line.

"Today has been really amazing so far."

"It has. The exhibit was tons of fun."

"Justy even acted out my favorite scene with me. We got a bunch of pictures too."


"He made it even more special than I thought it would be." She blushes slightly, leaning into him.

"Awwwwwwww." I repeat.

"Only the best for her." He grins, kissing her cheek.

"Of course."

"What about you? What else did you guys check out?"

"As much as we could. I think about as much as you did."

"Ah. There really was a lot to see."

"There was."

"I'm pretty sure we saw everything though."

"Oh I'm sure."

"All in all, this day has been prefect so far."

"Yes it has."

"Now it's time for something I've been looking forward to for a while."

"Cheese steak." We all say at once.

"I haven't mentioned it that much, have I?" She chuckles.

"You have." I laugh.

"Oops." She laughs. "I'm just really excited to try one."


"Yayy. We're moving." She gets excited as the line starts to move.

"Oh guess who's back in the ring in a one on one match tonight?" I grin.

"Who? Anyone we know?" She jokes, knowing it's Ted.


"It's not gonna be on SmackDown, but it is for Superstars."

"It's about damn time they have you back in the ring. Took them long enough."

"I know right? That Battle Royal before Night Of Champions was very short lived for him. It wasn't fair. Well now it is fair." I agree.

"It is. Who you facing?" Vi asks Ted.

"JTG. It's so gonna be an easy match."

"Oh yeah. You already have it won. He's no competition for you at all. You so got this."

"Because let's face it..JTG is just not relevant anymore."

"No he's not. Perfect person to face on your first night back in the ring."


"You got anything tonight?" She looks up at Justin.

"Not really much. Just Tyson and I are just two of the people who are going to be around the ring for the main event tonight."

"Oh? It sucks that you're not in a match, but tonight should be an easy night."

"It should be, but unfortunately that means sticking around for the whole night."

"I don't mind. We'll just have to behave more tonight...or should I say you have to behave more." She giggles, poking his side.

"Why, do you have a match?"

"I do." She nods. "Against Layla with Eve on commentary."

"Maybe I should be out there too just in case she tries something." I remark, as we move up in the line.

"That's not a bad idea. you know she's always up to something."

"She is. Knowing her, she'll get involved and cost you the match."

"Most likely, but with you out there, she won't have the chance to do that."

"Oh not at all. She tries anything and she's going down...hard."

"She'll so regret even thinking about causing a distraction."

"Exactly." Soon the line starts to move and we get closer and closer to the front of the line. The closer we get the more excited Vi gets. Justin tries rubbing her shoulders to calm her down, but nothing's working. Finally we get to the front and place our orders. While they make them, we're able to watch them. "They look so good."

"That and they smell amazing."

"Bet they taste even better."

"I'm sure they do and we get to find out." She smiles big as they're handed to us since they're done. We pay for them and then go find a place to sit so we can eat them. Once we sit, we take them out of the wrappers and start to eat them. "Oh my..." She says after the first bite. "...this is...amazing."

"Better than you thought?"

"Way better. The best I've ever had and I've had a lot."

"Well looks like we're stopping here every time we're in town."

"Definitely. This is my new favorite place to eat."

"I kind of figured." I laugh.

"Just so good."

"Very good." I nod. All she does is nod, taking another bite of her sandwich. It was so good that she actually stopped talking the whole time she was eating it. "It's definitely that good. She stopped talking."

"I think that's a new record." Justin chuckles.

She just waves her hand at him as she continues eating. He laughs, kissing her cheek before continuing to eat himself. She ends up finishing her sandwich before any of us, because it was just that good. She sits there while we all eat, moving closer to Justin and eyeing his sandwich. "She's eyeing your sandwich." Ted chuckles.

"I know." He grins. "She thinks she's getting some, but she's not." He smirks.

"Awwww." She pouts.

"Remember what I said. Before we leave for the next city, we'll make sure to get you another one."

"I know, but all I want is a bite." She whines. "You got different stuff on yours." She gives him the eyes. "Oh, alright." She just smiles, taking a bite as he holds it for her. "Wow...I think yours was better than mine."

"That's because I got something different on mine."

"True." She nods. "One more bite?" She gives him the face again. "Pwease?"

"One more." He nods and she grins, taking another bite. "Alright. I'm good now." She lays her head against his shoulder.

"Good." We all continue to eat while she sits there sipping on the soda she got. It's not too long after that, when we're all finished. We get up, throwing their trash away then head back to the car. "Oh, that was filling."

"Right? I could go for another though."

"You might be able to, but I can't."

"I think you're cut off for now. One is enough for you." Justin chuckles.


"We'll get another before we leave tomorrow. Sound good?"

"I suppose." She fake pouts.

"You'll survive."

"I'm sure I will. You'll make sure of that."

"Yes I will."

"Figured you would." She chuckles as they reach the car. "I don't know about you two, but I'm ready for a nap."

"I could use one too."

"Best to get rested up before tonight I suppose."

"Right, exactly." She nods.

"Plus, I do think someone wants to be all snuggly." I give Ted a look.

"You would be correct." He grins.

"Don't have too much fun." Vi nudges me.

"I'm not promising anything." Ted smirks.


"Stop encouraging him." I swat at her.

"I swear I'm not doing anything."

"Uh huh. Sure you're not."

"Honest." she says as we reach the car and then get in.

"I'll make sure she doesn't do anything." Justin says, pulling her closer to him.

"Uh oh..." She bites her lip, looking up at him. "...sorry?" She gives him the face.

"We'll see."

"I'll be good. I promise."


We all get settled into out spots then Ted starts to head back to the hotel. There wasn't too much traffic going back and when we reach the hotel, he parks the car in the spot we left from and we all get out, heading inside. Since we were both pretty tired, we lean against the guys for support, trying to stay awake. We make our way to the elevators, stepping in once the doors open. "Are you two going to be able to walk?" Justin asks.

"I think I can make it." I say.

"Hm?" She lifts her head off his shoulder.

"She's not gonna make it." Ted remarks.

"I should be fine..."

"You look more tired than me."

"It must have been all the excitement." She yawns.

"I think so."

"I think I should carry you." Justin says since she almost fell.

"I'll be alright..."

"You almost fell..."

"Alright...if you insist." She gives in.

"I do." He nods, picking her up. Her arms go around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder. It's not long after that, that she's out.

"She fell asleep before we even reached our floor." I say when we finally do reach it.

"She must have been more tired than she thought." Ted chuckles.

"Sometimes we're just unsure of ourselves. It happens."

"True, but she's just stubborn."


"True." He nods. "But, I think I should get her to bed."

"That would be a good idea."

"We'll see you both later." He says when he reaches their room.

"Later." Justin walks in their room while Ted and I head the rest of the way to our room. After the door shuts, he walks over to the bed, laying her down. She rolls over, mumbling something as she reaches out for him. "In a minute." He says, taking off her boots before taking his shoes off, and then he climbs onto the bed next to her. She instantly moves closer to him, snuggling into him as he wraps his arms around her. She sighs in content, mumbling a few things. "You just sleep. I'll be here."

"...mkay..." She nods, relaxing, going back to sleep. He grins and leans down, kissing the top of her head, watching her sleep for a bit before deciding to doze off himself. Ted and I have gotten back to our room and I had just got done taking all my jewelry off after getting my boots off. I yawn and stretch before falling back onto the bed.

"I have a feeling you're not going to last long either."

"Doesn't feel like I will. I'm comfortable so..."

"You look like it, but..." He pulls me closer to him.

"...I bet you're even more comfortable now."

"Aren't I always?"

"Yes." He grins.

"I thought so."

"Now, I think you should get some sleep. You need it."

"I do."

"Figured as much."

"But no more talking. Sleep." He adds.

I nod, laying my head on his chest. He does the usual, running his fingers through my hair to help me go to sleep quicker. As soon as my breathing changes, he knows I'm sleeping. He smiles to himself, continuing to run his fingers through my hair as he sits there for a bit before falling asleep himself.