Status: Active

All About Us

Superstars & SmackDown Tapings Part 2

Since we all slept for most of the day, before we knew it, it was time to get up and ready for the show.

"I'm still a little tired, but I'll be okay." I say from the bathroom as I finish getting ready.

"Hopefully we'll get to leave early then you can get all te rest you need."

"Well I want to at least see Vi's match. I think after that we should be good to go."

"When's her match?"

"She told me second."

"That's not too bad then. I'm sure we can head out after that."

"I'll be out there for the match anyway so..."

"When you get back then."

"Right." I say, before shortly coming out of the bathroom, heading over to slip my shoes on.

"I don't think that dress could look any better." He smirks.

"That's because it's red...I know."

"Yes and just like every dress, it fits you all the right places."

"Well that's always good to know."

"It always is."

"I know it doesn't help you trying to resist either."

"No, but I'm doing good so far."

"Yes you are."

"Trying to save it all for later, 'cause we both one once I start, there's no stopping."


"I'm just about ready. What about you?" He says as he finishes packing his gear bag.

"I'm all set."

"As am I." He picks up his bag.

I nod, grabbing a light jacket to bring with me, and we head out of the room and to the elevators again. We take that to the lobby then head out to the car. We put our things in the back, him opening my door when everything is in. Once we're all set, he goes to the other side, gets in and then heads for the arena when he's ready. Meanwhile, Justin and Vi were finishing getting ready themselves. She was in the bathroom putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

"Done yet?" Justin asks from out in the room.

"Almost." I call back to him. Patience." She giggles.

"You know how I am with that."

"I know, but..." She pauses as she walks out. "'s worth the wait, isn't it?" She spins so he gets a view of the whole outfit.

" worth it." He says after a long pause.

"I take it you really like this one." She giggles since he's staring hard.

"I really do."

"I can tell. You haven't stop staring since I came out." She chuckles as she gets her shoes.

"Can you blame me?"

"No. I know I look good." She smirks.

"You look better than good."

"Is that so?" She grins. "How would you say I look?" She puts her hands on her hips.

"There's many words that describe how you look right now."

"How about on a scale of 1 to...10?"

"10....and over if that's possible."

"It's your scale. It can go as high or low as you want it too."

"Then 10 and over."

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." She laughs.

"Of course."

"Well I'm ready. Are you?" She says after grabbing her jacket.

"Yeah...I'm ready."

"You sure...spacey." She giggles.

"I'm sure."

"Alright. Lets go then." She grabs her bag then walks over to him.

"After you."

"Or course." She chuckles. She opens the door and starts to walk out, only to have him grab her butt as she walks out. "Oh you..." She bites her lip.

"Me..." He grins.

"You're so getting it later." She smirks.

"Oh I know."

"You just love to tease me."

"It's fun."

"For you it is."


"What am I doing to do with you?" She chuckles as they step into the elevator. "Love me to pieces."

"I already do." She kisses him quick.

"'d love me to pieces even more."

"Yes, I would."

"I already love you to pieces even more."

"You show it everyday too."

"Yes I do."

"And I love you just as much."

"As do I." He steals another kiss, letting his hand wander while they can. They reach the lobby and he whines when they have to leave. "You'll have plenty of time to touch later."

"I better."

"You me."


"We have to make it to the arena first...touchy."

"Right right." He lets go once they reach the car so they can put their things in the back. once that's done, he opens her door for her then shuts it after she's settled. He goes over to the other side, getting in. When he's settled, he starts to head to the arena, his hand resting on her leg. "Remember, behave."

"I'm're not making it easy."


"You know very well what you're doing, don't try to hide it."

"I'm not doing anything, honest."

"Suuurrre." He gives her a quick look. It isn't long until they pulled up to the arena and into the parking lot. They both grab their things from the back seat before getting out. Once out of the car, he comes to her side, putting his arm over her shoulders as she leans into him. they then head inside and find their locker room. Just as they get there, she hears that annoying voice she hates and they hurry inside. "Thank god we missed him."

"While he's around you're never leaving my side."

"I never want to either."

"You never will either."


"When's your match?" He asks.

"The second one."

"Then it seems like you should get ready early."

"Maybe I should." She grins.

"I think you should." He nods.

"Then I will." She nods. "You coming with?" She asks before going since she knew he'd want to.

"You know the answer to that one."

"I do." She laughs. "Figured I'd ask first."

"Of course." They head to the changing area so she's able to change for her match. The whole time she's changing, she can feel him staring so she decides to take her time when she gets her shoes and knee pads on. She slowly stands up, getting a groan from him. Smirking, she looks in the mirror, fixing her hair. "Enjoy?" She smirks at him in the mirror.

"So much."

"Good. If you behave, you get all this later." She moves her hands up and down her sides.

"I'll behave."

"Thought so." She grins, walking past him, but making sure to drag her nails across his chest.

"You're not making it easy." He groans.

"Am I suppose to?"

"Well you never do so..."

"That's my job." She smirks. "If you come over here, maybe I'll let you have a bit of fun..."

"Coming." He says, quickly coming over.

"I don't think I've ever seen you move that fast before." She laughs.

"You caused it."

"My bad." She giggles. since he pulled her onto his lap when he came to where she was sitting, he started to let his hands wander. She shifts a bit on his lap since he was keeping the touches extra light. "No...moving..." He places his hands on her hips to keep her still.

"It tickles."

"That's the best way I can behave."

"I'll try to relax." She leans back into him, closing her eyes to get used to his touch. He grins and continues with the extra light touches. She bites her lip, trying to calm her breathing. He leans down, kissing along her jaw slowly before reaching her lips. She turns her head to kiss him better, her arm moving up and hooking around his neck, her hand on his head to hold him in place. Just so that it's more comfortable, he allows her to move on his lap so she's facing him and she wraps both of her arms around his neck and pulls herself closer. She lets her fingers run through his hair while one of his rests on her hip and the other moves over the skin on her back. She shivers a bit, kissing him back a bit more roughly. She only lets him go so far along with the kiss before having to pull away, because he was starting to lose a bit of control. "Control love."

"You're making it so hard."

"I irresistible. I know."

"Yes, you really are."

"You can have all the fun you want after we leave. Promise."

"It's gonna be a long night."

"Longer then the others?" I chuckle.


"Oh boy. I really did it this time..."

"Yes you did."


"Too late now."

"Uh..." She tries to think. "...anything I can do to get out of this?"

"I don't think so."

"Darn. I'll have to take what's coming to me then." She grins.

"Yes you will."

"Bring it on." She challenges.

"Oh I will."

"I can tell we'll be sleeping in tomorrow just by the look on your face."

"You can plan on it." He grins.

"I always do." She grins, giving him a kiss before turning back around on his lap.

"Of course you do."

"Think you can behave so I can watch Ted's match?"

"I think so."

"Good. I think it's about time for it to start."

"I believe so. Seeing as it is a half hour until the SmackDown taping starts."

"Right. I bet Scar is getting excited."

"She seemed very excited when she mentioned it today."


"Just like you got excited for my first match back from my injury after WrestleMania."

"Yeah. It's hard not having you both around so it's really exciting when you are able to come back."

"I just hope that neither one of us will have to go through that with either one of you. I think we both know how lonely it gets without you two around."

"It really does. Very hard not having the one you love with you all the time. I was a mess when you were gone."

"I know you were."

"I just hope I never have to go through that again." She nuzzles his neck.

"I'll make sure it doesn't."

"I hope it doesn't."

Ted and I were the first ones to go out, and I kept up with him the best I could as we made it down to the ring. After getting into the ring, Ted does his poses and we wait as his music fades and JTG comes out next. After he's in the ring, I give Ted a kiss for luck before getting out of the ring in order for the match to start. The bell then rings to start the match, and they circle before going to lock up, but Ted grabs his leg and drops him, going for an early pin, getting a one count. Both of them get up and JTG shoves him away by the face.

"That's alright. It's still early. Come on Ted." I cheer. Ted storms towards him and JTG leans out of the ropes and the ref backs Ted up. But once JTG is out of the ropes, Ted goes right for him again, but is met by a kick to the gut. After coming off the ropes, JTG hits him with a shoulder block which knocks him down. JTG starts gloating and doesn't know that Ted's gotten back up quickly and is standing behind him. All I do is smirk evilly and when JTG turns around, he gets hit with a standing dropkick from Ted.

"Oh yeah! That's how it's done!" He then hits JTG with a hip toss and clotheslines him out of the ring. He waits until JTG gets up and when he does, Ted runs through the ropes and hits him with a suicide dive. He picks JTG and throws him back into the ring and gets in himself, going for a cover, getting a two. JTG stumbles into the corner and Ted follows and hits him with punches to the gut. He then climbs up to the 2nd ropes and throws punches, only getting three in as the crowd counts, before JTG moves and drops Ted onto the top ropes and then hits him with a clothesline right after. He goes for the cover, getting a 2 count. JTG then stomps on him a few times and goes for another pin, getting another two count. He follows that up with locking his hands and arms around him, applying a submission.

"Focus Ted. You can get out of it." Ted gets to his feet with my encouragement and the crowd's encouragement and gets out of the hold, only for JTG to fight back and counter with a neck breaker. He goes for the cover and gets a near fall. JTG gets up and goes back over to him and Ted grabs him, going for a roll up, getting a two count. They run at each other and JTG hits him with his knee and Ted goes flipping over and I can't help but cringe. JTG goes back over to him, grabbing his hand and hitting him with kicks and knees, going for another cover, getting a 2 count. . He then starts trash talking, slapping Ted in the head, but that's what makes Ted fire back, getting him into the corner. He goes to throw him into the opposite corner, but JTG counters and sends Ted into it hard as he hits his shoulder, bouncing off of it.

"Damn." I mutter. "Come on ref! Do something!" I yell. JTG goes for the cover again, but gets another two count. He then locks his legs around Ted's midsection and Ted starts to elbow JTG and gets out of the hold. Ted throws him into the ropes and when he comes back, JTG slaps him on the head and that just motivates him more so after JTG bounces off the ropes again, Ted does the same thing and hits him with a clothesline himself and that's where he is all fired up. He hits him with his knee and then a Spinebuster. He goes for the pin, but gets a 2 count. And now I'm getting frustrated. "Just give it up!" JTG's back in another corner and Ted goes running at him, only to be kicked in the face. JTG hops up to the top and then jumps when Ted turns around, only to be hit with another standing dropkick from Ted. Ted covers and JTG kicks out. Ted goes over to JTG who's by the ropes and when he does, he gets tripped and then rolled up, kicking out at the last second. JTG goes over to Ted who's by the ropes now and goes to throw him into the opposite side, but Ted counters and hits him with Dream Street. I'm basically frantically telling Ted to cover him and he does, getting the win. "Yesss!" I jump up and down. Once JTG was out of the way, I slide into the ring, raising his hand in victory.

After I let his hand go, I practically jump on him in a hug. "Someone's happy." He chuckles.


"I sense a celebration tonight." He grins.

"I think you can count on that." I grin, before pressing my lips to his in a quick, but lingering kiss. When I pull away, I pull from his arms and start back up towards the ropes, giving him a smirk. "You're going to get it." He says walking toward me.

"I'm so scared."

"Once we're in the back, you better be." He smirks.

"Oooh." I laugh before exiting the ring.

He chuckles to himself, following me out of the ring and up the ramp. As soon as we get through the curtain, his arms go right around me. "All mine now."

"Until Vi's match."

"Yes, until then."

"I'm getting carried back to the locker room aren't I?"

"You guessed it." He picks me up carefully.

"I thank you for the view ahead of time."

"You're welcome." He grins. "I like mine too."

"You're welcome too." He smirks, playfully smacking my butt getting a squeal out of me. He heads the rest of the way to the room, walking in and going right to the couch, sitting down with me on his lap.

"Not gonna change?" I laugh.

"Not right now. I know how much you like when I'm in my gear and you haven't been able to see it much."

"No, I really haven't."

"Now's your chance to have all the fun while you can."

"Oh I know..." I grin as my hands start to wander. He rests one hand on my thigh with the other on my back, holding me in place. "Going to have to try and control ourselves until after Vi's match though. Don't want to have to fix everything right before. We have a habit of doing that lately." I grin.

"We do." He nods. "You make it so hard to control myself."

"Oops." I say as my fingers press into one of his indents.

" now..." He groans, his grip on me tightening.

"Oh you mean this?" I do it again.

"...uh huh..."

"And what are you gonna do about it hmm?"

"This..." He moves his hand up my thigh, under my dress, squeezing down. That causes me to tense, my eyes close instinctively and I lean my forehead against his, but my hand doesn't move from where it is. I just lose focus on what I'm doing to him for a brief moment. A smirk appears on his face as he does it again, getting the same reaction from me. He waits a bit before pressing his lips to mine. Since we didn't want to get too out of control...yet...he kept the kiss soft and lingering. He pulls away with a smile on his face since I'm left breathless.

" you."

"Love you too." He grins.

"You know I love you."

"I know you do."

"Now I believe we have a show to watch. At least we'll get to leave early tonight." I say as I shift on his lap so I can see the TV better.

"The earlier the better."


The show soon starts, showing the usual intros and pyro, and introductions. They hype the main event tonight where Randy and Sheamus face Del Rio and Ziggler. The Lilian introduces Edge.

"It's good to see him back."

"It is. Appearances here and there."

"He looks likes he's doing better then before."

"Definitely. If he had kept wrestling, like he said, he'd be in a wheelchair."

"Right. It was best for him to leave when he did."

"Wow. That uh...that never gets old. Alright, there's a few reasons that I'm here. First of all, Philly is home of the Broad Street Bullies. And B, you know it was 18 months ago that I was forced into retirement. I've said it before, I've booed too. But know I kinda wondered, you know..what do I do now? This is all I've ever done, this is all I ever wanted to do."

"I think he should stick to acting for now. He's doing good with that."

"Here's the thing. I uh...I've been at home, and it's kind of like circle of life. I've been able to start watching WWE again as a fan. You know, not all of you guys, not as a performer, but to sit down and actually watch it and enjoy it. Now I've seen a lot of crazy things in my career. I've seen a lot of crazy things as a fan. But I've never...I've never quite seen anything like this.." He motions to the tron and then video plays of Daniel and Kane arguing over who the tag team champions were solely.

"That's just an embarrassment."

And then of course hugging it out, before they argue again. "Now, I know I've been away for a little while but can anyone explain to me how the devil's favorite demon and ol' goat boy were able to become BFFs. And more morally, how did they become tag team champions? I mean, I am a 12-time tag team champion, I know what it takes to become a tag-" He says, before Daniel's music cuts him off.

"He comes the whiney one." I roll my face.

"You mean goat face." Ted chuckles.

"Whiney goat face." I snicker.

"Ahem..ahem...ahem. I just want to correct you on your usage of pronouns. Because 'they', did not become the Tag Team Champions. I am the Tag Team Champions. Did you hear me? I'm the Tag Team Champions. I'm the Tag Team Champions! I'm the Tag Team Champions! I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Calm, calm down. Try decaf. Dude, this is what I'm talking about. This entire, this entire arena's trying to get a rise out of you and you, you're off in your own little world with this mantra, completely oblivious. did you pull this off?"

"Easily Edge. I'm in control of myself. I am an anchor. I am a rock. one with my emotions."

"I doubt that." I mutter.

"He needed anger management. That's not one with your emotions."

"No it's not and yes he does need it."

"Are you uh...are you kidding me?"

"No. And I can see how someone like you would be suspicious."

"'Scuse me?"

"Interesting choice of words. Excuse me. Dr. Shelby has been teaching us that our subconscious thoughts often emerge in the heat of the moment. Let me think. Who do the words 'excuse me' make me think of? Let me ask you a question Edge. Do you often think of your ex-wife? Do you think of the pain that you caused each other? 'Cause I have a theory. Your theme music explains it all. You think you know me. But does anyone really know you Edge? I mean, truly, deeply, know you. Deep down right here. I've got some advice for you Edge. Go back to acting. Go back to retirement. Because I am a redwood. There is nothing that you or any of these people can do to make me snap."

"He better watch out."

"Well played grasshopper. But my intention wasn't to make you snap. But now that you mention it, it does kind of sound like a challenge."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."










"You're right guys, this is fun!"

"Only Edge would do that." I laugh.

"NO! NO! NO!" And after that Kane comes out.

"You're both wrong. Because I am the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"I'm the Tag Team Champions!"

"Guys...guys...guys! Guys! Guys guys guys."

"Edge, you seem angry."

"Yeah. Take it easy man."

"You know, Dr. Shelby's got some great relaxation exercises, you could try it."

"Not angry, just annoyed." I roll my eyes.

"Wh..wh..wh...relaxation exercises, are you serious?! Oh...what...bllll. Okay, you guys have tortured each other for weeks. You've stole each other's girlfriends, you've beat each other up night after night after night after night. Okay. But here's the thing. I get...I get Daniel being at one with himself, his inner peace, he's a vegan, I get it. Deep breaths, all that good stuff. Good job, way to go buddy. But you! You are not Barney the big red dinosaur. You're the big red machine!"

"He's got a point. Seems like Kane's gone soft now."

" and I have done things to...okay. I stole your wife. And then you broke up my wedding with your ex-wife by tomb stoning a priest! I tortured your father, I threw pizza on his face, we've tortured each other okay? We've done horrible things to each other. I mean, do you remember any of that?"

"Yes. I do remember all of that. And I think that I need to rectify that situation right now."

"This ought to be good."

Edge takes his jacket off and everyone thinks he's going to fight, but Kane opens his arms for a hug, Edge looking at him weird. He hesitates and moves in closer, and when he does, Kane engulfs him in a hug and Edge is a little weirded out.

"No. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!"

"He would do that. Lame."

Kane and Edge them motion for Daniel to join the hug. He just nods and holds his arms out and just as he's about to hug them, Damien Sandow comes out and Daniel looks like he's gonna snap. "Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment. My name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you. For the past fortnight, this very serial has been plagued by the sophomoric and tasteless operetta of these two miscreants. The shame and humiliation emanating from betwixt those ropes as these combatants attempt to hug it out is a complete abomination!"

"I only understood half of what he said."

"Mr. Smarty Pants out there."

"Right? No one cares about your big words."

"I think he made us all feel stupider just hearing that."

"I think that's his goal. Make himself look good because he knows big words."

"And you, you halfwits, you're all lapping this up the way a parched street canine laps at a feces infested puddle, only proves how fast and far this enterprise has fallen! As your intellectual savior and martyr, I cannot-"

"-would you shut up! You know, I can sit here and watch these two argue and hug it out for the whole show. But 30 seconds of hearing you speak and I already had to swallow my own barf."

"He's not the only one."

"If you really want to do something about it, why don't you come in here and take one of these two on?"

"I am a thinking man, I do not resort to measures of physical means thank you."

"What do you guys think? Should he come down and face one of these two?"

"Their opinion doesn't count! Their opinion is of no consequence!"

"Okay okay. Should Damien Sandow fight Daniel Bryan? Or should he fight Kane?"


"Bryan, Kane. Yes, no. Yes, no. Yes, Kane? Daniel Bryan? Kane?"

"Stop it!"

"Daniel Bryan?"

"Stop it!"



"Daniel Bryan."

"No, stop it!"

"Kane. Daniel Bryan."

I can't help but laugh. Eventually the decision is Kane to face Damien, since it was per orders of Booker T.

"This should be good."

"Very good."

During the match, Daniel Bryan distracts Kane, allowing Damien to hit the straightjacket neckbreaker on Kane to pick up the win.

"Some partner he is."

"Well they do have problems as it is."

"Doesn't look like the doctor is helping at all."

Once both head to the back, Kane is on a rampage looking for Daniel.

"Where is Daniel Bryan?! Where is he?! Where is he?!?! Where's Daniel Bryan?! Where is he-" Kane stops and then there's Dr. Shelby. "Where's Daniel doc?"

"Now Kane, I know you're upset, but let's calm down."

"Calm down! Daniel cost me my match and he took my Tag Team Championship belt. And if he doesn't give it back, I will tear that beard off of his goat face, strand by strand!!!"

Just then the box near them opens and Daniel pops out.

"I do not have a goat face!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too."

"Do..not. You're a big red freak."

"Big red freak? Goat Face!"

"Big red freak!"

"Goat Face!"

"Big red freak!"

"Goat Face!"

"Big red freak!"

"THAT'S IT STOP IT!!!" Dr. Shelby screams, making them stop.

"Issues." Vi sings.

"That was hilarious though." Justin chuckles.

"It was." Vi laughs.

"Okay, guys, we've made a lot of progress. And I think we can solve this with a trust exercise. So Kane, Kane?"

"Yes, what?"

"Do you promise not to rip Daniel's beard off of his face if he gives back your Tag Team Championship?"


"Good. Daniel, would you like it if Kane did not rip your beard off your face?"



Daniel goes into the box and pulls out the title belts, handing Kane his.

"There is still the issue of Daniel purposely causing me to lose."

"Okay, Kane would it make you feel better if I talked to Booker T and Daniel also competes in a match tonight?"

"It might. It just might."


"I am the Tag Team Champions." Kane mocks before walking away and Daniel goes to retort, but Dr. Shelby stops him.

"They need all the help they can get."

"No kidding."

"I believe it's time for me to head out now." Vi states, since it's time for the 2nd match which was hers.

"Already?" He whines.

"Yes silly. We'll have more time for this later."

"I had just gotten comfortable though."

"So did I, but this should be quick and easy."


"Lets go before I'm late." She chuckes since he still has his arms around her.

"Good idea." He nods. He slowly lets her go so she's able to stand. She grabs her title, putting it over her shoulder while he stands. Once they're ready, he puts his hand around her waist as they make their way to the curtain. When she gets there, Layla is already waiting. But so is Eve, and so am I. "Hey Scar! Hey Lay!" She greets as she walks up, glaring at Eve.


"Hey." Layla greets.

"I just want you to know, no hard feelings out there." She holds her hand out to Layla.

"Oh of course." She nods, taking her hand and they shake.

"Ugh. Pathetic." Eve scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"At least we know what respect is, unlike you...hoeski." Vi retorts back.

"Ohh snap."

"You did not go there?! That's so old!"

"Yeah, I went there." She gives attitude. "What you going to do about it? Huh?"

"Oh that's right, nothing."

"Just you wait." She seethes.

"Oh, I'm so scared." She laughs.

"I believe that's your music. Better head out for the commentary." I point out about her music playing.

"Buh-bye." Vi mocks. She grumbles under her breath then heads out.

"And don't worry, I'm gonna make sure she doesn't interfere. This should be a fair match." I say to you and Layla.

"It should be and knowing her, she'll try to get involved somehow." Layla adds.

"Exactly. Sneaky little hoeski."

"She thinks she can get away with everything just because she's Booker T's assistant. Well I don't think so."

"I'll go to him myself and say something about her. She should not be allowed to do all this because she thinks she has power."

"I think that's a really good idea." I nod.

"If she tries anything tonight then I'm going straight to Booker after the match."

"We all should."

"Well, if she does anything out there, we all can go after the match is over."

"Exactly. And it looks like it's my turn to head out." I say as Eve's music fades and they play mine.

"See you out there." I nod and head out, making sure to hold my title high as I walk down the ramp to make my way to commentary. Since Vi got to choose when she went out, she let Layla go out first, also giving Justin more time to be touchy. Once she was in the ring, her music hit and Justin and Vi walked out. They stopped at the top of the ramp so she could do her poses with her title in the air. They then made their way to the ring, slapping hands with fans. She gives him a kiss before climbing on the apron, doing more of her poses. She ends by climbing on the second rope, holding her title high in the air, making sure to point at it while glaring at Eve.

"She thinks she's so much better than me just because she has that." Eve comments.

"You know actually she is, because you have yet to beat her." I retort.

"She's still not that good." Eve mutters.

"Says the one who hasn't been able to beat her one on one in a FAIR match."

"It's not my fault. I'm the one who has the in ring talent, she doesn't."

"Also says the one who chickens out of her matches half the time because you can't take a beating like a woman."

"I'm just too good to be in the ring with these people. I need some new competetion. Everyone here is boring." she fakes a yawn.

"More like you're boring."

"I'm boring? More like you're the boring one. No one even likes you!"

"I can sit here all day and bicker with you back and forth, but we have a match to watch thank you very much."

"No. Thank you." She smirks.

"You're not welcome." I give her a mocking smile as the bell rings. Layla and Vi slap hands as a sign of respect before locking up. They start off with Vi getting her into a side headlock and she struggles a bit, before pushing her over to the ropes, followed by pushing off so she has to come off the opposite side of the ropes. And when she comes back, she hits Layla with a clothesline.

"Boring." Eve fakes another yawn.

"You know, you may not want to watch this match, but others do. So why don't you just shut your mouth or get the hell out." I retort without even looking at her.

"I...ugh...I'm tell Booker about this." She scoffs crossing her arms over her chest.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, as I watch as Vi has Layla in a hold which she's struggling to get out of.

"That's how it's done. Keep it nice and tight." Justin encourages. With the fan's encouragement, Layla had started to get out of the hold and then she tripped Vi so that she fell. But she gets up quickly and when she does, she hops to and from the ropes and hits her with a cross body, her signature move and goes for a pin, but Vi turns her over and goes for the pin herself, Layla kicking out. "Very impressive. Not many people kick out of that."

"Oh please. That's nothing compared to what I can do." Eve scoffs.

"I've seen your moves honey. There's nothing special about them. I've seen cats with better moves than you."

Vi helps Layla up and sends her into the ropes. She goes for a clothesline, but she ducks. She comes back and jumps over Vi. She comes back again and goes for a roundhouse kick, but Vi quickly moves out of the way and goes for a rollup, but Layla kicks out again. "You're doing good. Keep it up. You can beat her." Justin cheers. She decides to climb to the top turnbuckle and she waits until she turns around to hit her with a missile dropkick, which sends her across the ring. She quickly runs over to the side Layla's on and climbs to the top again. She points to Justin and grins and he knows what she's going for. She hits Layla with Justin's finisher and pins her, getting the three count to win. Her theme goes off as she stands. She's about to take her title when Eve comes to the ring, hitting her from behind. She tries to get up, but Eve keeps hitting her form behind. I grumble and literally whip my headset once I take it off. I kick off my shoes so it's going to be easier for me to move and I quickly get into the ring, and I wait for Eve to get up to spear her the best I could in the dress I was wearing. Eve falls to the floor, holding her midsection. She lays there lifeless, then I use my foot to kick her out of the ring. Once she falls to the floor, I come over to check on Vi along with Justin since she was still down, holding the back of her head.

Layla comes over too, checking on Vi.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"I...ow...think so.

"I think you should get her to the trainers Justin."

"I was planning on it." He starts to help her up. She leans into him for support while Layla helps, me grabbing her title. Justin holds the ropes so Layla and Vi can get out and then he gets out, hopping off the apron. He helps her down and she leans into him, I head around the ring to grab my title and my shoes, and then return back to them and we all head to the back.

"If I see Eve...I swear..." I grumble.

"We'll get her back. How about about we talk to Booker while Vi's getting checked out?" Layla suggests.

"That's a good idea." I nod. Once they get to the trainers office, she's laid down on one of he beds in there so they can check her out. I hand Justin her title then tell him that Layla and I are going to talk to Booker so she doesn't get worried. He nods then comes back to her side. "Where did....Scar go?"

"She went with Layla to go talk to Booker."

"Oh man. I have to go with them." She starts to get up.

"No no no. You're getting checked out. Your health is more important right now."

"I'm fine. My head just hurts a little. I'll be alright. I need to talk to him."


"Alright..." She sighs, laying back down. "...I'll talk to him after."

"After we find out what he tells Layla and Scar. You may not need to talk to him."

"Right." She chews her lip. "I honestly think we can go. My head doesn't even hurt anymore."

"I can see in your eyes that it does."

"It's just bright in here..."

"We're not leaving until we get the clear Vi. If anything is wrong, anything serious, I don't know what I would do."

"It can't be that seroius. I'm still talking. We all know I'm fine if I can't stop talking." She chuckles, trying to cheer him up.

"I just want to be sure."

"I know you do." She motions for him to lean down with her finger. Once he leans down, she grabs his shirt, pulling him closer giving him a quick kiss.

"What would I do without you?"

"No clue, but you'll never have to find out."

"You'll never have to find out either."

"Good. I don't want to either."

Then one of the trainers comes over so that she can get checked over. He starts by checking her eyes for the right movement then checks all her reflexes. She then sits up slowly and he checks for any broken bones.

"Nothing is broken, your vision is fine. I see nothing wrong other than a headache. I'll give you something for it, but take it easy for the next few days." He explains.

"Alright. Thank you." She nods as he walks off to get her something. "See? I'm perfectly fine."

"That's a relief."

"You feel better now knowing that I'm fine?"

"Much better."

"Good." She slowly gets off the bed with his help. The trainer comes over with something for the pain then she's released to go. "Now to go find out what Scar and Layla found out." She says as she leans into his side. Justin nods and they head out of the trainers and off to find me and Layla. They head to Booker's office to see us both coming out. "What did he say?" She asks when they reach us.

"He agrees that she shouldn't be thinking she can get away with things like what she did to you, just because she has some authority with being his assistant."

"At least he agrees. Is he going to do something about her?"

"He is. For now she's under a warning. He is considering firing her as his assistant though."

"Good. She doesn't deserve to be that high up anyway."

"No, she doesn't."

"Hopefully by this time next week, she'll no longer be his assistant."

"Let's hope so."

"As much as I would love to let you all talk, I think I should be getting her back to the room. She needs rest." Justin says.

"Oh yeah of course, understandable."

"I'll be fine. Nothing's broken, just going to have a headache." Vi gets in before Justin starts to pull her away.

"Well that's good at least."

"It is." She cals from down the hall. He keeps her moving, not stopping for anything. "In a rush?"

"I just want to get you back."

"That's fine, but I wanted to tell Scar how I was so she didn't worry."

"You told her that you were fine, no broken bones, just a headache. I think she's relieved that it was nothing serious."

"True." She nods as they get to the room, walking in. " going to let me change or do I have to wait?"

"I'll let you change."

"Thank you." She smiles. "You coming with me?"

"Of course I am."

"Let me guess. You want to help, right?"

"Duh." He chuckles.

"Why do I even ask?" She playfully rolls her eyes with a laugh.

"I'm gonna get into my ring attire while I'm at it too."

"Torture..." She groans.

"Well I will need to have it on for the main event, being ringside afterall, and don't forget that shirt I've been wearing with it lately."

"I know...that kills me too..." She bites her lip.

"How well I know."

"Let the torture begin." She pulls him toward he changing area. Like always, he helps with getting her attire off. She gladly accepts his help since she's in a bit of pain right now. She gets her outfit on that she wore to the arena with his help, then he starts to get changed himself. She leans against the wall, biting down hard on her lip.

"Trying so hard to resist, I know." He chuckles.

"Oh so very hard." She inwardly groans.

"I would say you can do something about it when we finally head back to the hotel, but seeing as you've been instructed to take it easy for a few days, then I suppose that can wait. There are other little things we can still do though."

"Awww." She pouts. "Maybe I can talk to them and see what the mean exactly."

"It's only for one night."

"I suppose I can manage for one night..."

"I know you can."

"It's going to be hard, but I can do it."

"As long as you try."

"I'll do my best." She bites her lip as he puts his shirt on.


"You're just so tempting though..." She pushes herself off the wall, walking toward him.

"Well so are you when you decide to be." He grins.

"Isn't that like...all the time?" She grins.

"You've got a point."

"Exaclty." She runs her hand down his chest, brushing her lips over his before quickly moving away and going back over to the couch.


"Meeee." She grins.

"You know you won't be moving when I come out there right?"

"Uh...I have that feeling."

"Because it's gonna happen." He chuckles, walking out.

"Sorry? She pouts, giving him the eyes.

"Still not letting you go the rest of the night until I'm needed out there."

"No complaints here."

"Of course not."

"Maybe that will help me relax more. My head is starting to hurt more."

"Did you take the pain meds yet?"

"Not yet. I was trying to see if it would go away on it's own."

"I think you may just have to take them then."

"I will. I just need my water..." She looks around for it. "...where's my water?" She looks puzzled since there was one before they left.

"I have it...along with the pain meds." He holds up both.

"I'd lose my mind if it wasn't for you."

"Always keeping you on your toes."

"You are and I love you for that." She gives him a kiss as he hands her the water and meds.

"I know." He grins. He takes his spot next to her on the couch while she takes the pills. Once she's done with the water, he takes it, placing it on the table, next to the couch. Before she has time to think of moving, she's on his lap. "Awe. Was I too slow for you?" She giggles.

"Just a bit, yeah."

"I'll try to be faster next time, although I'm never fast enough for you."

"Not really."

"But, I'm here now and I'm not moving. Too comfy." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"That was the goal."

"It works every time. You've got that magic touch."

"So you tell me all the time."

"It's the truth."

"Yes, I know."

She sighs in content, nuzzling his neck as his arms stay around her. He kisses the top of her head, her eyes falling shut to relieve some of the pain. In the meantime, I had just gotten back to the locker room where Ted was waiting for me to get back. "Is Vi okay? That look brutal."

"She's okay."

"Good." He nods. "What took you so long to get back though?"

"Oh, Layla and I went and talked to Booker about Eve."

"Oh? What did he say?"

"He's gonna deal with her. She's getting a warning, but he's highly considering firing her as his assistant."

"It's about time something is getting done with her. She went way to far out there tonight."

"She did. She is so lucky Vi isn't seriously hurt. Or I would've bodily injured her by now."

"I surprised you didn't. You really kicked her ass out there."

"Well I'm tired of her thinking she can do what she wants just because she has some form of power, which she shouldn't even have."

"I understand where you're coming from. It's not right at all that she uses that to her advantage. At least something is finally going to be gone about it."

"I know, thank god."

"How about you come over here? You seem tense." He motions me over with his hand.

"Well you would too if one your friends were almost seriously hurt." I say as I walk over.

"I'm just as worried about her as you are. I known her as long as I've known you, but I know that Justin is taking good care of her right now and you, her best friend, kicked ass out there for her."


"She's going to be just fine. Try not to worry so much." He starts to rub my shoulders once I sit.

"I know, I know."

He keeps doing that until he feels that I'm relaxed enough. He then puts his arm around me, pulling me close to his side, kissing the top of my head. "I believe we can get out of here now. I think it's the best anyway, because if I see Eve I'm gonna go all crazy on her."

"We can't have that now. I'm ready when you are."

"Trust me, I'm ready to go."

"Arlight. Lets go then."

I nod and stand first, getting everything together that I had brought. Ted got up after me, making sure to get everything that he had brought. Once we both have everything, we then head out to the car, getting in after putting our stuff in the back. When we're both settled, he then heads back for the hotel. When we do get back, we grab our things and head inside, up to our floor and into our room once we reach it. With Justin and Vi, they were relaxing for a bit during the commercial. That commercial of course was after the ending of match that was right before which was Sheamus & Randy against Del Rio and Swagger. Up next after the break, was Cody vs Daniel, with Daniel being in the ring first and Cody comes out.

"I hope he doesn't start his chant. I really don't want to hear it right now."

"He'll say some point. I have a feeling."

"Great." She rolls her eyes. "Just after my headache goes away too."

During the match, Daniel tries to lock in the No Lock on Cody, but Kane would come out, distracting Daniel long enough for Cody to hit the Cross Rhodes on him to pick up the win.

"Thank god that wasn't long."

Kane heads to the back and Daniel follows shortly after angry. He's seen backstage looking for him. "Where is he?! Where's Kane?! Where's Kane?! Where is he?! Where is Kane. Where is he?" He finally finds him and he's laughing. "What was that?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"You know what? You're absolutely right. You didn't do anything wrong. You're completely innocent. Except for that little part where you royally screwed me over, when you set off your pyro, at the most important part of the entire match!"

"After what you did to me in my match with Sandow, consider us even."

"You know what? You're just bitter because I am the better singles competitor."

"Oh please."

"Meanwhile, you couldn't compete your way out of an arena basement."


"Which is exactly where you belong. A dark, dusty, damp basement, where you and your shiny hair, and all your other stuff can just sit there and wallow."

"You know where you belong?"

"Where do I belong?"

"You belong in a petting zoo-" Kane starts and they both get into an argument.

"A petting zoo." Vi laughs. "He nailed it! Someone call the zookeeper!"

"Someone let the goat out."

"They did and we found him. We need to get him back."

They stop arguing long enough to look off camera. "What are you two looking at?!" Daniel exclaims and the camera pans over to reveal Cody and Damien.

"Daniel, this spectacle here, just proves that the two of you as Tag Team Champions, it's a complete joke." Cody remarks.

"Looks like this tribial experiment is about to come to a combustable conclusion." Damien adds.

"Oh yeah? You think we're a joke?"

"You want to see something combust?"

"How about the two of us..."

"...versus the two of you..."

"...TONIGHT!" Daniel and Kane say in unison, and then Damien and Cody walk off.

"I think they're scared of me."

"They're scared of me."

"No, they're scared of me."

"No, they're scared of me."

"They are scared of me."

"They're scared of me."

"They're scared of me."

"They're scared of me. Look at me. They're scared of me."

"No, they're scared-yeah look at you."

And the arguing continues as the cameras go to Cole and Josh ringside.

"I have never been so thankful to hear Cole talk before."

"Oh, I know right?"

They then show a video package that highlights the drama between Punk and John and the WWE Championship, especially involving last night at Raw. Going back to ringside with Cole and Josh, they report that John got surgery to remove bone chips from his elbow. Then it was time for the next match and out first was Brodus with Cameron and Naomi. Out next was Heath.

"Someone's going to get crushed in this match." Justin chuckles.

"He so is." Vi grins. "He deserves it too."

Brodus starts out with dancing and Heath shows him how to dance and then the air guitar. Brodus manhandles Heath and he screams like a girl a few times in the match. "Haha. Not so tough now, is he?" Vi snickers.

But during the match, Jinder and Drew inexplicably rush the ring, attacking Brodus. Jinder and Drew are then joined by Heath as an apparent plan comes together between the three. The attack then concludes with the Future Shock DDT from Drew and the Camel Clutch by Jinder. "Oh hell no! That is just not right."

"I sense a new group forming."

"Me too and I don't like it one bit." She chews her lip.

"Don't worry, they won't get near you."

"I know, but there's more than just him now. You never know what they can do."

"Well until we figure out what's going on exactly, you're fine."

"Right." She nods, snuggling into him more.

Once everyone clears the ring and ringside area, Santino is out next for the next match of the night. After him is Antonio, accompanied by Aksana. "I really can't stand either one of them. She's just a tramp and he's...well...annoying."

"Santino is far more entertaining then both of them combined."

"Exactly. He's always good for a laugh, but also a good match too."

During the match, Aksana would get inadvertently knocked into the ring, which distracts the referee and keeps him from making the count for Cesaro. Moments later, Santino is able to catch Cesaro with a roll up to pick up a non-title win. "I don't think she was suppose to do that." Vi shakes her head. "Now she going to be in trouble." She fakes sympathy.

"And she's so pathetic. She didn't even fall hard enough to hurt herself, but she's acting like she did get hurt."

"The least she could do is act the part right. I think she needs to take acting lessons."

"Definitey needs acting lessons."

"Someone should give her a number. Oh, wait. No one has one because we all know how to act right."


"Hopefully he'll get so mad at her, he'll dump her on live TV. That I would love to see."

"Well he has a mic...let's see."

"This should be good." She grins.

"Aksana, there's something I'm thinking right now, in 5 different languages. In Swiss, Vi är klar! In French, Nous avons terminé! In German, Wir sind fertig! In Italian, Abbiamo finito! And In English, we're finished!"

"Haha! He actually did it!" I laugh. "Awe. Now she's going to cry. Poor baby. Not!"

"She can't even cry right."

"No she can't. She looks more like a retarted squirrel or something."

Cesaro heads to the back himself, Aksana gets helped to the back, playing injured really well. "Well main event time, you know what that means."

"We have to move." She pouts.


"I think I'll stay here just in case, unless you want me to walk you to the curtain?"

"I think staying here will be safer. Make sure to lock the door though after I leave. Just to be sure."

"I'll do that." She nods.

"Good. That helps me feel a whole lot better about leaving you back here alone."

"I'll be just fine. The door will be locked until you come back. I'll open it for no one."

"You make sure you stick by that."

"Cross my heart."

"Good." He nods, as you move from his lap so he can get up.

"Be careful out there."

"I'll try my best."

"Love you." She pulls him down for a quick kiss.

"Love you too." He smiles after pulling away. "I'll be back."

"I know." She nods. She walks over to the door with him so she can lock it once he leaves. As soon as he's out ther door, she makes sure it's shut good then locks it. She goes back over to the couch to sit for the match. He goes out during the break along with the others who are going to be ringside for the match. Cody and Damien are the first two to go out to the ring and they're in the ring waiting as Cody's music continues to play. The cameras go to Justin and Tyson, showing them talking to each other about the match. Once Cody's music fades, Daniels goes off and he walks out first. Vi smiles at seeing Justin, but she rolls her eyes as soon as Daniel's music goes off. "Goat boy." She mutters. Then Kane's pyro goes off, and his music, and he comes out next for the match, and gets into the ring. He walks over to Daniel and they fight over who should go first. They hand off the titles and the match starts off with Kane and Cody. During the match, Cody would get frustrated and attack Kane with a steel chair, bringing and end to the match. After the match, Kane and Daniel would get on the same page and instead of using the chair himself, Daniel would hand the chair over to Kane, who uses it on the mid-section of Cody, sending him from the ring.

"That was just a mess." Vi shakes her head. Daniel and Kane then take turns hitting Damien on the back with the steel chairs and they both smile at each other. That's when Kane turns in the direction of Tyson, Justin, Titus, Darren, and the Usos, dropping the chair. He then gets out of the ring as the teams try to retreat. Kane grabs the Usos first and throws them into the ring, Daniel hitting them with the chair. Titus then goes after Kane and Tyson and Justin follow, chaos breaking out. "Oh no!" Vi chews her lip. "He better not even think about it!" Kane then throws Titus and Darren into the ring, those two getting hit with chairs. Kane grabs Tyson and then Justin and throws them into the ring as well and they get hit by the chair in Daniel's hand too.

"Oh fuck." She winces. "I've had it!" She grumbles, getting up and walks to the door. She's about to open it when she remembered that she promised Justin she would stay in the room. As much as she wants to go out there, she got back and sits down, biting her lips as she watches on. No matter what, everyone gets hit again with the chairs. They finally stop however with everyone laid out. Kane collects the tag titles, handing Daniel his. They raise the chairs and the titles, Kane's pyro on the ring posts going off and his music going off. They then argue in the ring about who is soley the tag team champions, and that ends the show. She sits there, anxiously waiting for Justin to come back so she knows he's alright. After a bit of waiting, she gets up and goes and unlocks the door so she can see if he's coming down the hall. "Justy!" She calls, walking over to him fast. "Are you alright?"

"The ice is helping." He grimaces a bit.

"Lets get you changed so we can head back and get you to bed."

"I think I'm gonna need help."

"Of course. I'll be glad to help." She takes his arm, putting it around her shoulder as he leans into her. They then head back to the room so she can help him get changed. She takes the ice back from him and sets the down, and helps him change out of his ring gear and into the clothes he had on before. It takes a bit longer since he was still sore, but they get everything done. She motions for him to go sit while she gets everything together. Once his bag is ready, she walks out and grabs hers since that was already packed. "We're all set and I'll drive back so you can rest." She says once everything is ready.

"Sounds good." He nods.

"Need help getting up or are you good?"

"I should be good getting up." He says as he holds the ice back to his back and stands. She puts both bags on her shoulder so he's able to lean into her while they walk. After checking the room one last time, they head out to the car, put their things in the back, then she helps him in the car. Once he's in and settled, she goes over to the other side, gets in, then drives back to the hotel once she's ready. As she drives back, she reaches over and grabs his hand, lacing her fingers with his. He squeezes her hand, reassuringly so she knows he's fine. It doesn't take too long to get to the hotel and once they do, she parks the car. They then get out, her grabbing the bags from the back then they head inside, him leaning on her for support. "Definitely going to have to take some pain meds because the ice has melted."

"I'll get those for you as soon as we get to the room. You just get changed and lay down. I got everything covered."

He nods, kissing her cheek. She smiles up at him as they step onto the elevator, taking that to their floor. Once it reaches their floor, they head to their room, heading in. He heads right to his bag to get something to change into while she gets him his meds and a bottle of water. When she sees he's ready for bed, she walks over, handing it to him.

"Thank you." He says, taking the meds and water.

"You're welcome." She kisses his cheek. "You get in bed and I'll be right back." He nods, opening the water to take the meds. Once he does, he walks over to the bed and gets under the blankets, setting the water down on the side table and he waits for her. It doesn't take her too long to change since she just took one of his shirts for the night. While she's in there, she takes something for her head since it was starting to hurt again. Once that was all done, she took her clothes and put them with her bag then went over to the bed, climbing under the covers and laying next to him, but not too close since he was still hurt. "What are the odds that we both get hurt in one night?"

"Ones that are not in out favor."

"Well we should be feeling better before next week and let's hope we have better nights then."

"We better or I will not be to happy. I hate sleeping so far away from you every week."

"I know."

"This really sucks." She mutters, trying to get comfortable.

"But we'll get through it."

"I'm sure we will." She sighs finally getting comfortable.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I think I'll be alright if you want to lay your head on me at least."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She slowly moves closer to him, carefully laying her head on his chest, his one hand wrapping around her. "See? I'm fine."

"I know...I just worry about you when you're hurt like that."

"And I worry about you when you're hurt like you were tonight."

"That just shows how much we care for each other."

"Yes." He nods.

After a while, she can't help but to yawn no matter how much she keeps fighting it.

"I heard and felt that. You're tired."

"A bit. It's mostly the meds I took."

"Then I think you should sleep."

"I want to make sure you're alright first."

"I'm okay." He nods.

"I don't want you staying up to late. I want to make sure you go to sleep."

"I know. I'll only stay awake until you fall asleep."

"Not a minute later." She says more than asks.


"Alright." She smiles up at him then gets settled. He kisses the top of her head, his fingesr starting to run through her hair. She tries to fight it, but soon she's out like always. He notices a change in her breathing, kissing the top of her head one more time. "I love you so much." He whispers, hilding her as close as he can. He watches her for a bit longer before he goes to sleep himself. Ted and I were currently sitting in the hot tub, since he though it would help me relax more from earlier tonight.

"Feeling better?" He asks as he rubs my shoulders.


"Good. That was the goal."

"Right, of course."

"Whenever you want, we can get out. It's all up to you."

"I think I'm a little too comfortable right now."

"That's fine. I don't mind staying in here longer." He grins.

"Oh of course."

"This is just as good as your attire, if not better." He nips at my shoulder.

"Well you did choose the swim suit."

"I know. It just looks that good on you."

"You say that about every single one."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "You make each one of them look good."

"Can never have too many around you."

"No you can't."

"It's too bad I can't wear them too often since it's getting into cooler weather."

"True, but we'll find places so you can."

"Of course."

We both stay in there a bit longer just relaxing and enjoying the time we have. It gets to the point where he starts to get really touch, his fingers playing with my swimsuit. "Alright touchy, I think it's time we get out before you end up removing the swimsuit in here."

"That might be a good idea."

"Gonna have to let me go first."

"Only so you can get out." He lets me go. I then stand and get out first, grabbing one of the towels nearby and wrapping it around myself. He follows right behind, getting a twoel for himself. Once that's around him, his arms go around me.

"Still touchy."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"Then it's settled." He grins, picking me up. I squeal as he picks me up and carries me inside. He wastes no time in going right to the room. He gets there quickly then carries me to my things.

"Going to pick something out for me?" I giggle.

"If I do, it's not going to last to long."

"Well in that case maybe I shouldn't wear anything then."

"That's excatly what I was thinking." He smirks.

"Then why did you bring me over to my things?" I laugh.

"Just to give you the option."

"Uh huh."

"I do think someone has to much on though." He gives me that look.

"Unlike you who has only two things on."

"Less for you to take off."

"Very true." He starts to get impatient so he pulls my towel off, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes wander while he bites his lip. he runs his hands up my sides then around my back to take my top off. While he does that, he presses his lips to mine. I instinctively pull myself closer to him, arms going around his neck, and I kiss him back just as eagerly. Once my top is off, he tosses it to the side, hands wandering over all the new skin. He takes his time with that then gives me a boost, my legs going around his waist. He grins into the kiss, his hands going up and down my sides. They stop on my hips, holding me in place. His fingers start to play with my bottoms, wanting them off. "....I'm gonna have to move....first.."

"...I know..." He shifts so I can move.

"But your towel hasn't come off yet...."

"Almost forgot...go ahead." I grin and easily pull that off and toss that to the side. Before I have the chance to do anything, he rolls me over so he's hovering me.

"I think we can play the rolling around game all night." I laugh.

"We can, but I'll win." He smirks. "Hmm...will you now?" I ask with an amused look as I instantly poke one of his indents.

"...if we even get that far..." He groans.

"..oops.." I bite my lip.

"Uh huh. You're so in for it now."

"Bring it on."

"Oh I will." He smirks, pressing his lips to mine in a hard kiss. And then to prevent me from doing what I just did, he grabs both of my hands and pins them to the bed. I whine into the kiss as he does so. He mumbles against the kiss, not letting go of my hands. He keeps the kiss going before trailing from my lips to every ince of skin he can reach. Once he gets all of it, he makes his way back to my lips. "I think we should move towards the pillows..."

"Agreed." He moves us both up to the pillows. On the way, he lets go of one hand so he can grab the blanket. He pulls the blanket over us and he lets go of my other hand in order to be more touchy and so that we both could take off what was remaining on us for clothing.