Status: Active

All About Us

Costume Shopping

This morning we don't have anything planned. We have the morning off this week, so we could sleep in as late as we wanted to. I slept in, but by the time I had woken up, Ted wasn't there next to me. That's when I became aware of the shower going in the bathroom. I lay there for a bit, deciding on to get up or not. After a bit of thinking, I decide to get up to find clothes to wear for the day. Since I'm not completely awake, I take my time finding clothes. While I'm doing that, I don't even notice that the water stops running and shortly after that the door opens. Ted sees me by my things and makes his way over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Morning beautiful." He kisses my cheek.


"Still tired?" He chuckles.

"A little."

"No rush to do anything. We can go relax a bit more

"I know. I just felt like getting dressed."

"Alright." He nods. "How about breakfast when you're done?" He suggests.

"Good idea."

"You need help or are you good?"

"Well don't you need to get dressed? I can feel that the only thing you have on is the towel from after taking that shower."

"I do, but that can wait if you need my help."

"Of course."

"First thing...this comes off." He tugs at the shirt I had on from last night.

"Go ahead." He grins, lifting it up and over my head. It gets tosses to the side and he lets his hands wander for a bit. "Always touchy...even in the morning."

"Can't help it. It's hard to resist."


"Best view ever."

"Only for you."

"It better be."

"Don't worry."

"Good. I'm the only one that gets to see this."


He keeps being touchy for a bit longer before he allows himself to let me get dressed. "All done being touchy?"

"No, but I know you're getting cold."

"True. How you're not getting cold is beyond me." I laugh.

"I'm just used to it, I guess."

"Well as much as I like what I see right now, I think it would be a good idea for you to get dressed to. Before we never make it to breakfast."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." He smirks.

"Oh you."

"What?" He shrugs innocently. "There's always room service." He raise his eyebrows.

"We're gonna have to be at least somewhat dressed to have room service come here though." I say amusedly.

"You'll be in bed and I'll grab a robe."

"You're really trying to get this to happen aren't you?"


"I can tell you are by that look."

" I am, but you're not making it easy right now." He looks me up and down again.

"Well that's because I haven't gotten a chance to put any other clothes on."

"That was the whole point."

"You planned out this whole thing didn't you?"

He tries to keep an innocent look on his face, but fails.

"You so did. Well...seeing as we didn't do anything last night...." I trail off. He smirks, moving his hand behind my head, pulling me closer to him. Once I'm close enough, he presses his lips to mine with one hand on my hip. Like always, my arms find their way around his neck just as I start to kiss back. His hands move from where they are and he wastes no time in giving me a boost up then heading right for the bed. When he gets there, he places me on it without breaking the kiss for now. The only time he breaks it is to move along all the exposed skin he can reach. He makes sure to take his time, not only to torture me, but for his own benefit. Once he feels satisfied, he makes his way back to my lips. Since he did cause me that torture, once his lips met mine once again, I held him as close as he could possibly get, and since my hands were free, I let them wander this time. A slight growl comes from him when my fingers lightly move across one of his indents. That causes him to kiss me back harder while nipping at my lip between kisses

"You are...just crazy." I say once I get a chance to breathe.

"Just back..."

"But you know...that gets to me..."

"I do..." He smirks.

"What's your next move hmm?" I ask.

"Do you even have to ask?" He smirks.

"No, but I like to."

"I just might do this..." He moves his hand to my thigh, squeezing on it as he goes after my neck. Since it was without any warning, I had arched up into him and a loud moan ended up coming from me, and I wasn't able to muffle it or anything because of the lack of warning. He smirks against my neck, squeezing down on my thigh one more time, getting the same reaction. Since there's a show later, he only leaves a small mark. Once he feels one is forming, he pulls away with a grin on his face. He makes his way back to my lips, me kissing him back hard. My hands are still free so they wander more, except when they reach the top of the towel which is still around his waist. When they reach that, I tug on it a bit, but not enough to remove it. Knowing that I want the towel to come off, he reaches for the blanket before allowing me to do so. Once it's off, it gets tossed, not caring where it lands. And it continues when what I had left was getting tugged at to come off. In the meantime, Vi and Justin were still in bed, and she was cuddled up to him, with him having a tight grip on her so she couldn't really move. She looks up to see him sleeping peacefully so she lays there with her head on his chest, tracing patterns lightly on his chest. It isn't until a little while later when he finally starts to wake up.

"Wakie wakie." She says, giving him a quick kiss.

"How long have you been awake?" He says, yawning.

"About an hour or so."

"I liked watching you sleep." She adds.

"You always do."

"You just look so adorable when you sleep."

"As do you."

"Of course I do."

"Probably even more adorable than you say I look."

"Much more."

"Justy..." She hides her face. "...already with the blushing."

"You blush easily. It's cute."

"You just know the right things to say to make me blush."

"Yes I do."

"One of the many reason why I love you."

"I love you too."

"So, what's the plan for today? Any ideas?"

"I was thinking we could do anything that you wanted to do."

"I don't have any ideas as of right now." She chews her lip.

"Well that's okay. We have the whole day off before we're needed at the show so...we have plenty of time."

"I do have something special planned for after the show." He adds.


"Yes I do. It's your birthday afterall, I would never forget that. Which is why I'm letting you pick what we do today before the show. It's all about you today."

"Well aren't you just the sweetest." She kisses him briefly.

"Of course I am."

"How about breakfast first then maybe we can go costume shopping for the Halloween party at the end of the month?" She suggests.

"I love that idea." He grins.

"Just don't go to crazy. I'm only getting one costume."

"That doesn't mean you can't try on a lot though."

"I know. There are a few I saw I want to try one."

"And I'm sure I'll love it."

"I have a feeling you will."

"Must be that good then huh?"

"It really is." She grins.

"I can't wait to see it then."

"You'll see it soon. Scar wants to go too. We talked about it last night."

"Did you now?"

"Mhm. We've had this in mind for awhile."

"I see." He grins.

"That's later. Right now, the birthday girl wants to lay here with her man."

"And that you shall do."

"You're the best gift I could've asked for, you know that right?" She snuggles closer to him.

"Of course I know that."

"Good. I can officially say this is the best birthday ever then." She runs her hands over his chest, looking at him through her lashes.

"I try to make every year better than the last."

"Of course, but you know how you can make it better right now?" She gives him that look.

"Hmm...give me a hint?"

She looks up at him, pouting her lips. "Oh, I know." He chuckles, before pressing his lips to hers. She moves her hand from his chest to his cheek, making the kiss last as long as it can.

"Mmm..." She sighs happily.

"There's more where that came from too....all day." He smirks.

"I can't wait."

"Of course not."

"I do think I'm ready to get up now...that's if you're ready to let go." She giggles since he still has not let her go.

"May need a few more minutes." He chuckles.

"Take all the time you need."

"I plan on it."

"Like always." She chuckles. He holds her close to him, letting his hands wander for a bit. She shifts a bit since his touches are light. She bites her lip then starts to settle down once she gets used to his touches. "My touches getting to you?"

"Just a bit. They're extra light today."

"That's because the best is going to be saved for after the show tonight."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"You're going all out aren't you?"


"I won't be able to prepare this time I'm assuming."

"Probably not."

"I figured." She laughs.

"You can try to prepare, I know you'll do that at least."

"I'll try my best."

"Of course you will."

"Are you ready to let go now?"

"I suppose."

"You're not ready, are you?"

"No no, I am. I just like holding you, that's all."

"Aw. I love when you hold me too."

"Which is why I do it."

She smiles then bites her lip, leaning into him more. "But I suppose I'm ready to let you go so we can both get dressed for the day."

"You have all day to hold me...after we get dressed."

"Oh, I know."

"Lets go then." She brushes her lips over his, lightly running her hands down his chest before quickly getting up.


"You love it." She grins.

"I do."

"Does that mean I can do whatever I want today since it's my birthday?"

"What do you think?"

"I so can." She smirks.

"Yes you can."

"Oh today is going to be fun." She smirks evilly, in a playful way.

"I know that look."

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"Nope. No clue." She acts innocent as she searches for clothes in her bags making sure to sway her hips while she does so.

"Acting all innocent."

"Because I am."

"Sure you are."


"I think not."

"Okay. So I'm not, but it's my day to get away with anything I want to."


"I intend on taking full advantage too." She smirks, her clothes in hand.

"Of course you do."

"I think I'll start now too." She sets her clothes down and slowly starts to get changed in the room. "Oh, one thing. No touching while I get change either." She grins, knowing it's going to torture him.


"Oh you'll live. It's more fin for me." She slowly pulls her jeans up, taking her time to get her top on.

"It's torture."

"Just like it is for me, having you there in practically nothing at all."

"My bad."

"You knew what you were doing."


"Now who's the tease, hmm?" She puts her hands on her hips, holding her shirt in her hand.

"Well you did learn from the best afterall." He grins.

"That I did." She grins, running one hand through her hair while playing with her shirt in the other.

"You're killing me."

"Really now? What are you going to do about it?"

"You'll see."

"Oh I'm so scared."

"You should be."

"Still not scared."

"Just wait."

"Alright." She gives him a look, then decides to get a few more things ready before putting on her shirt.

"You look amazing."

"Only the best for you."


"Always." She giggles. "So, you going to get dressed or are you going to torture me more?"

"Well torturing you more would be fun...."

"Not helping..." She groans.

"I'll get dressed." He chuckles.

"How a bit?" She says then runs and jumps on the bed, on top of him.

"Hello to you too." He chuckles.

"Hi." She grins. "I'm not ready for you to get dressed right now." She walks her fingers up his chest.

"Of course not."

"I just want to have a bit of fun first." She smirks, her fingers lightly moving over his indents.

" know...what that me..." He says as he tenses.

"Oh I know...very well." She grins, brushing her lips over his before kissing across his jaw and down his neck. With every kiss he seems to tense more. His arms wrap around her and holds her close, his hands wandering at times. She does her best to stay still, but he makes it hard. she stays focused on what she's doing, moving from his neck to his chest then to the other side of his neck. He finally can't take any more and manages to roll the both of them over. "Awww." She pouts. "I was having fun."

"You can still have fun..."

"As long as you can take it." She pulls the band of his boxers back, then lets them go. Her hands then move to his back, grabbing his butt playfully. That causes him to let out a semi-loud growl and he presses his lips to hers. She smirks into the kiss, kissing him back just as hard and rough as he's kissing her. Her one hand stays around his neck while the other squeezes on his butt again. He growls into the kiss again, before taking her bottom lip between his teeth. He smirks this time and nips lightly on it. A few noises come from her since he knows what that does to her. She moves her hand from where it was, up his side making him think she's going for his hair, but at the last second moves it and presses into his indent again, but harder this time. "'re in for it now.." He says after having to let her lip go.

" on." She challenges.

"Oh I will." He grins, before leaning down again, but instead of her lips, he presses his to her neck. She moves her head to the side, biting down hard on her lip, her hand that was on his shoulder now is in his hair while the other falls to the mattress. He has a free hand so he takes that hand and moves it to her free hand and laces his fingers with hers as he takes his time kissing along her neck, totally avoiding the favorite spot there. She moans softly the more he avoids it, tugging on his hair. She squeezes down on his hand at the torture he's causing. At times she thinks he's going to reach the spot, but he pulls away from it, teasing her even more. When he does it the spot, it's totally off guard. Her back arches into him as she tenses up. She tries her hardest to hold back any noises that want to come and he knows that, so he nips harder at the spot finally getting the reaction he wanted, but muffled into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin and slowly pulls away from it, moving from there to her jawline and to her lips where he kisses her once before leaning his forehead against hers. "Happy birthday." He grins.

"Happy birthday...indeed..."

"More to come all day."

"Again...can't wait."

"I know."

"I do think you should get dressed now or I would have gotten dressed for nothing."


"That look says different, but we should save it for later 'cause I know you...we'll never leave this room."

" we won't." He laughs.

"So you should let me up lover boy before things get out of hand."

" bad." He says, letting her go and moving so she can get up. Once she gets off the bed, he smacks her butt. She turns to give him a look, but he's acting all innocent. "Oh you."


"Just wait until later." She smirks.

"Oh boy."

"The best is yet to come." She grins, heading for the bathroom.

"Can't wait."

"Trust me...neither can I." She walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind her while he gets dressed in the room itself. Instead of leaving her hair down, she pulls it up in a high ponytail then starts to work on her makeup. When she's just about done with that, she sees the door crack open through the mirror. "You can come in." She giggles. He grins and walks in, standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Beautiful." He kisses her shoulder.

"Like always." She blushes.


"Only for you." She kisses his cheek then puts her jewelry on, saving the ring he gave her for last like always since she likes to admire it for a bit.

"I'm glad you love that."

"I do, very much. It shows how much you love me." She smiles, spinning it on her finger a bit before putting it in place.

"Which is so very much."

"You so it everyday and I could not be anymore happy."

"Same here."

"Now all I need are my shoes and I'll be all done." He nods and lets her go so that she can leave the bathroom and get her shoes. She grabs a pair of heels and slips them on then sprays herself with body mist. Once that's on, she adds her lip gloss as the finishing touch.

"Now you look even more amazing."

"You would think so."

"Of course I would."

"Like everyday." She laughs, grabbing a jacket.

"Yes, everyday."

"Just the way I like it." She grins, walking over to him, giving him a quick kiss.

"Me too."

"Ready to go?"

"Mmhmm." She puts her jacket on and he grabs his. He then puts his arm over her shoulder as they head out of the room for breakfast. They head to the elevator, him giving little signs of affection here and there. Once in the elevators, they take that to the lobby where they see a few co-workers. They come say happy birthday to her and she thanks them. Right before the one she doesn't want to see walks up, they say 'bye' then leave the lobby. they then head out to the car and Justin does the usual with opening her door for her. She thanks him then he closes her door and goes to the other side. Once he's in, he starts to head somewhere for breakfast. "Since it's your birthday, you can choose where we go."

"Hmmm..." She takes out her phone and looks up places close by. " about Cafe San Jose? It's not too far from here."


She pulls up the directions on her phone and tells him which way to go. It doesn't take too long to get there since traffic was light. He parks the car then comes to open her door for her. She laces her fingers with his once she's out then they head inside. They're seated fairly quickly like always, and given menus and such as they sit. They look them over for a bit, everything sounding so good. After a bit, they decide then order their drinks and food at the same time when the waiter comes back to the table. "I plan on making this day very special for you." Justin grins.

"It's already started out great. I don't know how much more you can do."

"You'd be surprised."

"I usually am when you've had time to plan."

"Good point."

"You always have the best surprises. I always love them."

"And that makes me happy."

"I do aim to please." She grins, stealing a kiss.

"So do I."

"Like always."

"I know what you like, which makes the surprises better."

"I'm glad you do know what I like."

"Well of course I would know what you like. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't know."

"You're the best boyfriend ever. No one else can even compare."

"No they can't."

"I wouldn't want them to. You're the one I want and am staying with." She leans against his shoulder.

"That's right."

"Love you." He runs his hand over her cheek.

"Love you too." She looks up at him, him stealing a kiss. The food comes to the table, each plate being set down in front of them before the waiter walks away.

" looks even better than it sounded."

"It really does."

She takes a bite of her food first, it tasting amazing. "Mmmm..."


"Mhm." She nods, laughing since her mouth is full.

"Can I try?"

"Of course." She puts some on her fork then feeds it to him.

"Mmm, that is good."


"Now for yours." She adds, stealing some off his plate.

"That's good too."

"It really is." He nods. "Good choice love."

"Thank you."

They continue to eat, sharing the food at times, until they finish and wait for the bill to get to the table. Once the bill gets to the table, Justin pays then they head back out to the car. He helps her in, then goes around to the other side, getting in.

"So you think Scar and Ted are up yet to do the costume shopping?" Justin asks.

"I don't think so. I sent her a text inside before we left, but she hasn't answered yet."

"We'll give them a bit. Head back and relax for a bit?"

"Relax? Or do you want to be all touchy?" She giggles.


"Of course." She chuckles. "I'm up for it."

"Of course you are." He grins.

"I always am." It doesn't take long to get back to the hotel. When they get back, they park in their spot and then get out and head back inside. They make it to the room with no problem and once inside, she gets her shoes and most of her jewelry off before she's picked up and placed on the bed. "In a hurry are we?" She giggles.

"I want as much cuddle time as we can get before the other two are ready to go."

"Then you shall." She goes to pull him close. "Um, shoes first." She stops him since his were still on.

"Oops. Forgot about those."

"You're in too much of a rush, mister eager."

"My bad."

He slips his shoes off then climbs on the bed, pulling her close to him, sighing in content. "Better?" She asks, not being able to move much.


"Good." She shifts a bit, being able to move now. She moves so she's more on his chest, her fingers going to his hair.

"Better for you?"

"Much better." She runs her fingers through his hair, kissing his jaw.

"Just remember, we don't have much time." She reminds him since he's being extra touchy.

"I know, but that's why I'm acting the way I am."

"I suppose you can have some fun just as long as we don't get to carried away...not yet anyway."

"Hmm...well you could use another mark on your neck..." He gives her a look.

"The one from this morning not big enough for you?" She chuckles.

"Well that's on one side...the other side is bare."

"Oh go ahead you." She laughs. He grins and kisses her briefly first before making his way to the bare side of her neck just like earlier this morning. Her head moves to the side, him moving them so he's hovering over her a bit more, her on his back. She keeps her one hand in his hair while the other rests on his shoulder. " tonight..." He mumbles a response against her neck, telling her that he knows, and he continues his way to the spot on that side of her neck. The closer he gets to the spot, the more she tenses, biting down on her lip. She grips his shoulder while tugging at his hair. When he reaches it, he doesn't touch it right away. He hovers above it, letting his breath hit it for now. A few noises come from her, and her back arches into him more. She bites down hard on her lip, both her hands in his hair, tugging at it. He makes it seem like he's going to move away from the spot, but that's just to catch her offguard when he finally does press his lips to it. The moment he presses his lips to the spot, he breath hitches and she does anything and everything she can to contain the noises that want to come. He knows she's holding back so he starts to nip at the skin this time, doing everything he can to help her let those noises out. It soon gets to be too much for her and she gives in, letting the noises come out, which are loud, but muffled into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin and he keeps going until he has the feeling that a mark will be forming. When he pulls away and sees one slowly starting to form, he smirks again. He makes his way back to her lip and once he's there, she kisses him hard, holding him in place, hooking her legs around his. The only time they pull away is for air, and they rest their foreheads against each other.

"Now there's two marks." He grins.

"I can tell you're happy about that."

"I am....very happy."

"It's coverable, right?"


"I'll take your word for it, but your look says different."

"If you think my look says different, why don't you go check it out in the mirror for yourself?" He grins.

"I a bit."

"Alright." He nods.

"I'm going to let you have your time right now since we don't have much."


"And I know you don't want to let go right now, mister touchy." She giggles since his hands are wandering.

"No, not really."

"I didn't think so."

"How much time do you thing we roughly have?"

"I'd say probably another hour or so."

"An hour is long enough for me." He grins.

"Uh're up to something..."

"Oh yeah...more planning for tonight is part of it."

"Oh boy. That's never a good thing."


"I won't be able to prepare this time, will I?"

"Most likely not."

"I guess I'll just have to take what's coming to me then." She chuckles.

"Yes you will."

"Bring it on lover."

"Oh I can count on that."

"You always do. I never known you to back down from a challenge." She smirks.

"Never do, never will."

"Neither will I." She grins, moving her fingers over the back of his neck.

"I don't plan on you backing down. I know you don't."

"Nope. Never."

"Well seeing as I had all my fun, I suppose you can have yours for the next hour."

"Oh I plan on it." She smirks, moving the fingers of her one hand over the back of his neck while the other moves slowly down his chest to the waist of his pants, hovering there for a bit before slipping under the band and brushing over his indent. She feels him tense and that only gets her to brush over it even more. A slight growl comes from him causing him to squeeze on her thighs. She smirks, knowing it's getting to him then she starts to nip at his neck. At times when he can, he presses a kiss to her shoulder, but with her nipping at his neck, it makes it very difficult since he can't focus. She keeps going until she reaches the spot that gets to him. She takes her time, dragging her tongue over the skin around the spot. He tenses up more, then she starts to nip at the spot even more. In retaliation, since his hands were still resting on her thighs, he squeezes on them for a second time. She muffles a moan against his neck, staying on the spot a bit more before slowly making her way to his lips, her fingers pressing into his indent as she reaches them. That causes him to kiss her back hard and after a bit, she matches the intensity. She starts to lose focus on what she was doing, but manages to press her fingers down one last time before she retracts them, resting it on his hip.

"You're....evil..." He mumbles against her lips into the kiss the best he can.

"'s fun..."

"...for you..."


" in for it....later..."

"Counting on it."

His hands move from where they are on her thighs to her hips and then to sides. He than wraps his arms around her and holds her closer to him, not planning on letting go yet.

"I'm not going anywhere, am I?"

"Not until we have to leave."

"That's what I thought."

"Love you."

"Love you too." He shifts a bit so she's laying on his chest, but still has a good hold on her so she can't go anywhere. "There. Comfortable?"

"Yes. Much better."


Meanwhile Ted and I were just get dressed after our long morning of activities.

"The marks you left better be coverable for tonight."

"They are, trust me."

"Went a little crazy this morning."

"Oops." He chuckles.

"I'm not complaining though."

"I didn't think you were."

"Should probably text Vi and let her know we're almost ready to go."

"Think they're up yet?"

"They have to be." I say as I reach over and grab my phone, and I find the one text message that you sent me from the breakfast place. "Oops...looks like she texted me over an hour ago."

"I guess they're up then." He laughs.

"I would believe so."

"I think you should let them know we're about ready then."

"Right." I nod, doing so. I tell her that we'll meet them in the lobby in about 10 minutes. "Alright, done."

He nods. "Anything else you need to do or all you all set?"

"I believe I'm all set."

"Alright..." He does on last check of the room. "...after you."

"Like always." I laugh.

"I just like the view." He grins.

"Of course you do."

He does a cheesy smile before we both head out of the room then to the elevators, taking those to the lobby to wait for Justin and Vi.

"Probably gonna ask me why I didn't reply to her text from over an hour ago." I laugh.

"I have a feeling she'll know why."

"She always does."

Just then, Justin and Vi come out of the elevators then walk over to us.



"Sleep later this morning?" She asks.

"I guess you could say that."

"Uh huh." She gives me a look.

"He couldn't help himself."

"He's not the only me."


"You don't want to know." She chuckles.

"Hey, it's a special day for her. What can I say?" Justin grins, shrugging.

"That's right. Happy birthday." I grin.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"You're welcome."

"We ready?"


We all then head out to the parking lot, deciding to take one car. Ted chose to drive, so him and I get in the front while Justin and Vi get in the back. "Now this little shopping trip should be fun."

"Oh yes." She grins. "Going to be hard for the guys, but fun for us."

"But they're gonna go crazy finding ones for us to try on....aren't you?" I ask Ted.

"Me? Go crazy? Nooo."

"Uh huh...suuure."

"He's so going to go crazy." She laughs.

"Oh yeah."

"Just lke I'll be doing for you." Justin grins.

"Oh I already knew that."

"You always go all out when we go shopping." She adds.

"Ain't that the truth." We drive around for a bit before we find a big store with nothing but costumes. Ted finds a place to park then we all get out and head inside. Almost instantly Ted and Justin go off on their own, searching for us.

"And they're off." Vi laughs.

"That didn't take long."

"Not at all."

"Might as well do some searching ourselves. Can't leave it all to them afterall."

She nods then we head off, searching for something we might like. We find a couple that we like and we keep it to that many because we know that Ted and Justin would have way more for us. Once we have what we want, we head over to the dressing rooms to see both Ted and Justin there waiting for us with more than a few costumes to try on.

"You two went crazy."

"Crazy? You should have seen what we put back."

"Surprised you even put any back."

"That only because we couldn't hold anymore."

"Oh what're we going to do with you two?"

"Love us?"

"To pieces."

They both give us a cheesy smile at us, then hand us what they picked out. Then we head into the dressing rooms to start trying on the costumes. The first on Stef tries on happened to be a 'Wonder Woman' one that Justin picked out. Once she has everything on, she walks back out for his opinion. "Well?" She spins for him.

"I think you rendered him speechless. He's not saying anything." Ted snickers.

"He's the one who picked it out too." She laughs, snapping her fingers in his face.

"Huh?" He snaps out of it.

"And this is only the first one." She laughs. "What do you think?"

"Better than I imagined."

"That good, huh?"

"Uh huh."

"There's many more to come too." She kisses him quick then heads back in to change. Just as she goes in, I walk out. What I come out in is a kind of cat costume. Except it's more like normal clothes. Everything besides the top under the zip up hoodie was pink with black stripes. The second Ted sees me, he loses all focus. "You okay over there?" I laugh.

"I don't think he's with us right now." Justin chuckles.

"And he didn't even pick this out. I did."

"Looks like you did good too." Justin laughs, nudging Ted.

"Huh? What?" Ted jumps, looking around.

"Welcome back to Earth." I tease.

"Funny." He chuckles. "I love that."

"The look on your face could've told me that." I grin.

"I can't wait to see the others."

"Of course." I then head back in just as she comes out in another. It goes that way, them loving each one we come out in. It gets down to the last ones we have and she comes out in an Angel and Devil costume with angel wins and devil horns.

"" Justin says as he stares, not able to take his eyes off of her.

"I had a feeling you would." She smirks, spinning around slowly so he gets the whole view.

"You definitely should get that one."

"I take it this one is your favorite then."


"Then this is the one I'll get."

"Yesss." He cheers.

"Goof." She laughs, shaking her head.

"It suits you so well too."

"One reason why I picked it out."

"Should've known."

"Think I can go get changed now?"

"I think so...yeah."

"Alright." She gives him a look, then slowly walks back to the room.

"Still killing me."

"I don't think she can hear you." Ted chuckles.

"Oh, but she knows it."

"That's why she does it. Just like Scar."


"Speaking of Scar..." Justin adds, nodding in the direction of the rooms since I came out.

"Another one that I picked out." I say about the costume which was like the pink cat costume, but this was grey and blue and the hood with ears wasn't attached to the top, and it had pom poms attached to the hood as well.

" that..."

"So do I."

"You're so getting that one."

"I had a feeling you would say that."

"Of course you did."

"Just imagine...when we do the costume photo shoot at the end of the month for the site..."

"That's going to be fun." Ted says as he and Justin grin.

"What's going to be fun?" Vi asks after coming back out.

"Oh just us in our costumes for the site photo shoot they do every year."

"Oh yeah...that's is going to be fun."

"And maybe even if there's a costume match on one of the shows like they do sometimes."

"I think they'll both die if that happens."

"Big time." I give Ted a look.

"This one already did die when I came out in it." Vi says about Justin as she sits on the arm of the chair he's sitting in.


"I don't think he wanted me to take it off either." She gives him a look.

"I believe that." I laugh.

"What do you all say to lunch after we leave? I'm starving."

"Oh I am too." I nod.

"Once you're ready we can go."

I nod and head back in to change out of the costume and back into my regular clothes. Once I come out, we go and pay for the costumes before heading out to the car and getting in to head to lunch. We set the costumes in the trunk so they won't get ruined then get in the are. When we're all in, Ted heads to a nearby place for lunch. When we get there, we head inside and only have to wait a few minutes before being seated and doing the usual when we go out to eat. After we look over the menus, the waitress come back over to take our orders. Since she seems to focused on the guys, Vi has her hand in front of her face. "Uh, yeah. We'd like to order too." She points to me and herself.

"So rude." I mutter to her about the waitress.

"Yes, she really is rude." Vi glares are her just as she leaves the table.

"No tip for her."

"Most certainly not. She better watch herself when she comes back here."

"No kidding."

"Today was going good." She grumbles.

"Why must be always encounter people like her?"

"No clue, but I'm getting tired of it." She leans her head against Justin's shoulder.

"Well at least we only have a few hours or so to go before we'll be in the safety of the arena, and away from people like her."

"I so can't wait for that."

"But I do have to deal with Eve again tonight."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "Not her again." She says less than thrilled.

"My exact reaction. She's getting another title shot against me. Makes me wonder what she's doing to get all these shots."

"I don't think we even want to know." She shudders.

"No, not really."

"Think I should be out there in case she tries anything?"

"I was just gonna ask you that. Layla's already offered. I have a feeling the three of us are going to have a big problem with Eve. That's the last thing she needs right now is a problem with all three of us."

"Oh yeah. Especially after what she did to me. I so can't wait to get my hands on her."

"I don't blame you at all. I'd want to strangle her if I were you. Maybe you should hurt her a little bit before the match, make it easier on me to beat her." I give her an evil smirk.

"That's not a bad idea actually. I just might pay her a visit." She smirks evilly.

"She'll deserve it after what she did to you."

"I don't think she'll ever think about doing that again."

"We can hope anyway."

"Then she'll just keep seeing my bad side. I can deal with that."

"Too bad for her....NOT."

"Nope." She laughs.

"Messed with the wrong people. You know I'm surprised she hasn't given Justin or Ted looks just to mess with us."

"That's only a matter of time before she starts that."

"We can only hope she doesn't."

"She better hope. They will be the last guys she ever looks at."


Soon the waitress brings over our drinks orders and Vi leans against Justin more, growling slightly. To help her relax, he wraps an arm around her waist and holds her close to him, kissing her cheek. She closes her eyes, relaxing against him until she walks away from the table.

"Just remember. It's you I love...not her." He says to Vi quietly.

"I know..." She says lowly. "...I hate when people do that thought. Like, I'm right here."

"I know, I know."

She leans into him more, starting to calm down more.

"We can hope we don't have to stay here long."

"I don't think so." Ted says as she comes back with the food.

"Well that was fast." Vi mumbles against Justin's chest since she buried her face in it.

"Probably wants more time to flirt." I scoff.

Vi growls against his chest, him rubbing her back to calm her down. It works until she hears her start to talk, being all flirty again. "That's it." She mutters, picking her head up. "Listen here. The two girls here at the table..." She points to me and herself again. "...yeah, we're here with them. So you need to back the hell off before I go right to your manager and put in a complaint. You have no idea who we are so just back off!"

"And they're clearly not interested...." I trail off, getting a good look at her, and how trashy she looks in her uniform. "....the likes of you." I roll my eyes with a disgusted look.

"Now run along and go find someone else." Vi shoos her with her hand. She looks dumbfounded at first, but storms away from the table after, not happy at the outburst.

"Looks like we won't have to deal with her anymore." Ted says.

"Thank god."

"Lets just eat so we can get out of here. She totally ruined my mood."

We all nod in agreement and eat the food we ordered. We take our time eating, but don't eat to slow. Once we're finished, we ask for the check and another waitress brings it over. Ted and Justin split the bill then we get up and head back out to the car.

"Most likely want to spend the rest of the day until we need to leave relaxing right?" I ask Vi.

"It's like you read my mind."

"I'm just that good."

"You are and that's exactly what we're going to do."

"I think we are too."

"You would be right." Ted grins.

"Of course."

Once we reach the car, we get in where we were before. Justin pulls Vi close to him, her having to use the middle seat belt. He wraps his arms around her, whispering soothing words in her ear. It doesn't take long to get back, and when we do, we head inside and up to our floor. Once Justin and her get to their room, they say 'bye' to me and Ted then they head right inside. "Alright, shoes off and then we can relax." She kicks her shoes off then flops down on the bed. "" She mumbles into the pillow.

"I'm sure it does."

He walks over to the bed, laying down next to her, draping his arm over her waist, kissing the back of her neck.

"Feeling much better I'm hoping."

"Mhm." She nods.


"Now you're all mine." She turns her head so she's looking at him.

"Yes I am." He grins.

"Just the way I like it." She grins, running her hand over his cheek.

"And the way that it should be."

"Exactly." She kisses him quick.

"I love you and only you, and I will show you that every day."

"I love you too and you do so it, so much."

"Because you deserve to know how much."

"I'm sure I do." She sighs in content, moving closer to him.

"And it's a lot."

"Of course it is." She smiles, nuzzling his neck.

"Never letting go until we have to leave either."

"I don't want you to. I've been waiting for this all day."

"Even though this morning was fun not letting you go..." He grins.

"It was." She grins. "I'm guessing you want to continue that now."

"A little."

"A little?"

"Okay I do. And we have plenty of time."

"Time that we'll use."

"Yes we will."

She moves closer to him, snuggling into him as she shivers a bit from the slight chill in the room. "Cold?"

"A bit, yeah."

"I can solve that problem." He says, grabbing the blanket to cover the both of them as well as wrapping his arms around her and holding her close so that she's extra warm.

"Much better."

"Anything to help you be warmer." He kisses the top of her head.

"My warm cuddly werewolf. You're the best."

"So I've been told." He chuckles.

"Love you."

"Love you too."


"Always and forever."

"No one can change that."

"No one ever will."


He makes sure she's comfortable before he settles down. She rests her head on his chest while his one hand runs through her hair soothingly as she sighs in content. With him running his fingers through her hair in the soothing motion, she knew that it wouldn't be too long before she was going to fall asleep, because he uses that tactic all the time to help her do so. As much as she tries to fight it, her eyes start to get heavy and it gets harder for her to keep them open. Before she knows it, she's out. Once he feels that her breathing has changed, he looks down to see her passed out. He chuckles to himself before leaning down and kissing the top of her head again. He stays awake watching her sleep for a little bit longer before deciding to get some rest himself. Ted and I in the meantime, have been back in our room, laying on the bed getting some rest ourselves.

"Not tired?" He asks.

"No, not really. Despite the long morning we had." I nudge him.

"Oops." He chuckles. "It was worth it though." He kisses me quick.

"Always is."

"Oh yeah." He grins.

"But I do think once is enough for the day. I don't think I need to wake up even more sore tomorrow."

"We can't have that now. I should be good."


"The only thing I want to do right now is hold you and never let go...until we have to leave of course."

"Which isn't for another few hours or so."

"Even better." He holds me close.

"Yes, even better." I shiver a bit from the coolness in the room so he pulls the blanket over me, holding me even closer. "Warmer?"

"Yes, much. I hate cooler weather so much."

"Me too, but that means more time to cuddle."

"Very true."

"That's the only good thing about the cold."

"Especially when we're home."

"Yes and that's something we're going to have to so again soon."

"Definitely. When we have days off."

"I believe the next time will be around Thanksgiving."

"Okay good. I can't wait. Haven't been home in a long time now."

"Me either. It's going to be good to see everyone and get to sleep in our own bed again."

"Oh, I know."

"Maybe we can even get back there before then."

"I hope so."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Alright." I nod.

"Right now, it's time to rest. We had a busy morning and you have a busy night ahead of you."


"Watch TV or no?"

"TV is a good idea. Better than doing nothing."

He nods, reaching over for the remote, turning the TV on then looking for something watch. When we both agree on something, he sets the remote back down, and his arms go back around me, and I get as close to him as I can be. We both lay there just relaxing and enjoying the time we have before it's time to get ready for the show.