Status: Active

All About Us

Vi's Best Birthday Ever

I did manage to stay awake surprisingly. But before we knew it, it was time to get ready to go.

"I don't wanna move, I'm so comfortable."

"I know, I know. I am too."

"Suppose I should move now."

"As much as I don't want you too, I think we should."

"Gonna have to let me go then."

"If I must." He slowly lets me go, stealing a kiss.

"I shouldn't take long to get ready."

"Alright." He nods, getting up himself so he can get ready.

"Good news is though. My match isn't until the end so we have plenty of time to ourselves all night."

"You know how much I love alone time."

"I do."

"Hopefully there will be no interruptions."

"There shouldn't be."


"Alright. I will be back."

"Okay." He nods.

I head into the bathroom to change and he does the same out in the room itself. I do my normal routine, saving my hair and makeup for last. Once I'm done, I walk out to put shoes on.


"Like you always say."

"Because it's the truth."

"And I won't change out of this tonight until I need to."


"Even though I know you like the gear too."

"I do. Very much."

"So your choice. This or the gear when we get there."

"You know that's a hard choice..." He groans. "...I say this for a bit then attire."

"Alright." I nod.

"You ready?"


He makes sure to grab what he needs before he grabs my gear bag for me. He then walks over, putting his arm around my waist, us both heading out of the room to the elevators.

"Even though you don't have matches on Raw or SmackDown yet, it still means a lot that you still come and stay backstage. I don't know what I would do without you there with me."

"Are you kidding? It doesn't matter if I have a match or not. I'll always be there for you."

"Except for that whole time where you couldn't travel because of the injury."

"That's the only thing that will keep me from being with you on the road."

"Same here. Which I hope I don't get injured. I don't need that right now."

"No you don't and we'll do everything to make sure you won't."

"Especially tonight. Afterall, Eve almost hurt Vi to the point where she could've been injured. She won't hesitate to do that to me. She's got a little attitude problem."

"That she does, but Vi will be out there and so will Layla and I'm sure they won't give Eve the chance to touch you to where you could be injured."


We both reach the lobby then head out to the car. He puts my bag in the back then opens my door for me. I thank him as usual and then he gets into the drivers side and starts the car, then we head to the arena. Once there, he parks and we both head inside to our locker room. Meanwhile, Vi was currently int he bathroom getting ready. Her makeup and everything was done, she was just working on curling her hair.

"Can I come in and watch you finish?" Justin asks from outside the door.

"That's why I opened the door for you."

"Well I'm just making sure."

"You know I don't mind if you come in while I'm getting ready. I know you love to watch."

"But you know I love to ask."

"I know and that's sweet of you."

"Always thinking of you."

"You are." She smiles at him through the mirror. She sets the curler down on the counter, unplugging it. She runs her hands through her curls making them more fluffy.

"You know I love it when you do that to your hair."

"Mhm." She grins, scrunching the curls a bit before turning to face hm. "What do you think?"

"I love it."

"Not too much?" She turns to look in the mirror again. "It's not to short, is it?" She tugs the bottom of the dress down a bit.

"No...everything is perfect."

"Alright, good." She sighs in relief. "I really love this dress and don't want to change."

"And you don't have to. Because like I said, it's perfect."

"Your word is all I need." She turns around, giving him a quick kiss.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She adds.

"Why thank you." He grins. "It's all for you." He rests his hands on her waist.

"It better be."

"Always will be."

"Good." She brushes her lips over his.



"I love."

"That's why I wore it, but you'll get some later."


"Oh no...don't know what that does to me."

"I can't just get another little taste?"

"If you promise we won't be late."

"I promise. Just a little bit."

"Go ahead then." He grins and presses his lips back to hers, getting another taste of the raspberry. Once he gets a taste, he moves her closer to the counter, trying to get most of it off. She does everything she can to get him to stop, but nothing seems to work. She decided to just let him have his fun for now. He takes his time with getting it off, but keeps in mind of how much time they have before actually being late for the show. When he feels he got most of it off and there's still time left, he starts to pull away.

" all..."


"I have more...don't worry."

"Well of course you do."

"And what I put on stays on for most of the night."


"You'll survive." She rubs her lips together after re-applying. "Here..." She puts some on his lips with her finger. "...that should help you." She giggles.

"It makes me want more."

"Keep licking your lips and you should get through most of the night."

"I can try."

"As long as you do that." She pats his shoulder. "Now, think you'll be alright while I get my shoes?"

"I should be."

"Have to let me go unless you're going to carry me out there."

"Carrying sounds good."

"Of course it does." She chuckles as he picks her up, her arms going around his neck. He carries her out into the room, setting her down by her shoes. "Thanks love." She kisses his cheek.

"No problem."

"All I need is my jacket and title then I should be ready." He nods, after she gets her shoes on. Then she grabs her title and her jacket, all set to go.

"All set." She holds her hand, him lacing his fingers with hers. Then they head out the door, him letting her walk out first as he keeps his fingers laced with hers. Once she's out the door, he follows and he shuts the door. Then they head to the elevators and head down to the lobby, going out to the car. He opens her door for her then heads to the other side once she's in. When he gets in and is ready, he heads for the arena. "There's one thing I want to do before we go to our locker room."


"I want to go see Mike. today's his birthday too. I want to tell him in person."

"Oh of course. I'm sure he'll be around somewhere backstage."

"I'm sure he will." She nods.

"But yeah, we can do that."

"Okay." She nods. "Right after that we can go back to the room and have more alone time."

"Right. But remember it's your birthday, you can do what you want. Take as much time as you want."

"I know. We'll see what happens when we get there."

*He nods and it isn't long until you pull into the arena parking lot.*

Once he parks the car, they grab everything then get out. He laces his fingers with hers as they head inside. When they get inside, they start to look for Mike. At one point since they couldn't find him, they stopped and asked where he was and luckily the person knew where he was and told them where. They thank that person then headed int he direction where he was. Once they reached him, she tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Vi!" He greets once he turned around.

"Hey you." She grins. "Happy Birthday!" She gives him a hug.

"Happy Birthday to you too."

"Thank you." She smiles pulling from the hug.

"So any plans tonight for your birthday?" He asks.

"I do, but I have no idea what they are." She laughs. "What about you?"

"Well of course I have plans. You know how I celebrate birthdays."

"Let me guess...the club."

"For a few hours."

"That's you alright. always going big."

"I would invite you to come, but you already have plans."

"I think we can stay for one drink. What do you think Justy?" She looks up at him.

"One drink doesn't sound too bad."

"Alright." She nods. "So, we'll see you after the show then?"

"Yes you will. Oh before I forget....I can't go a birthday without getting you here." He says, taking out a box and handing it to her.

"Aw. You didn't have to get me anything." She says taking the box.

"I wanted to."

"That's really sweet of you." She smiles. She opens the box to see a charm, being a mini version of the Divas title, to go on a bracelet that he got her last year. "Mike..." She gasps. "...this is beautiful! I love it!" She gives him a hug.

"I had a feeling you would."

"You always out do yourself each year."

"I try."

"Oh and before I forget..." She goes into her bag. "" She hands him an envelope with tickets to his favorite football team in the next city we're in.

"Wonder what could be in here."

"Open and you'll find out silly." She laughs. He chuckles and opens the envelope to find the tickets. "How did..." He looks at them shocked.

"Oh I have my ways." She gins. "You're welcome." She adds.

"You really are the best." He gives her a hug.

"I know." She smirks. "So are you." She adds.

"You did learn from the best."

"Uh huh, sure did."

"Taught you mostly everything you know."

"Well maybe not everything."

"I said mostly...I know Justin here taught you a few things too."

"Oh, of course."

They talk to him for a bit longer about what the plans for the club are going to be and everything.

"Oh god...hide me." She pulls Mike in front of her and so she's in between him and Justin.

"What's wrong?"

"Heath and is posse are coming this way."

"Say no more. We'll hide you."

"Thank you." She lowly says as their voices get closer. It seems like they're going to keep walking, but they stop.

"Well well well." Heath smirks as they stop. "Where is she? I know she's round somewhere." He tries looking around them.

"Don't know who you're talking about."

"You know very well who I'm talking about. Violet. Now...where is she?"

"She's not here."

"So, you left her alone." He grins. "Looks like we have some business to tend to then."

"Why don't you check the Divas locker room. I'm sure you'll fit in there just fine."

She bites her lip trying to contain her laughter. "Why don't you go there.." Heath tries to come back. " know what. I don't need this. Let's go. She's here somewhere." Mike and Justin wait until they're gone to give her the all clear. She slowly comes out from behind them, sighing in relief. "Than god they're gone."

"Nice comment by the way." She adds.

"It's true. I wonder about him at times. He could really pass as a diva."

"He had longer hair back in FCW. Much longer than it is now." Justin chuckles.

"Oh god, I remember that." She laughs. "I actually thought he was a girl when I first me him. I called him Heather."

"Aha, that's a good one." Mike laughs.

"I thought so too, but he didn't like it much."

"Of course not. He doesn't even like Wendy."

"That name suits him better. He looks more like one."

"Yes he does."

"He'll get used to it."

"Well we're gonna get to the locker room before the show starts, but we will see you after the show."

"Alright." He nods. "You need anything, you call me." He gives her a hug.

"I will."

Then they walk away and head back in the direction of where their locker room is. Thankfully they make it there without running into anyone. Once there, they walk inside and she sets her bag down before she's dragged over to the couch. "In a rush babe?" She giggles.

"I wanna cuddle."

"Of course you do." She laughs as he pulls her down on his lap after he sits. "You have until Scar's match too."

"Which is all night right?"



"I can tell you're very happy about it too." She chuckles since his hands are wandering.

"I am."

"Careful. This dress tends to move very easily."

"I will be."

"I'm sure you will be." She gives him a look.


"Okay...I believe you." He grins and kisses her cheek, before they both turn their attention to the TV when the show starts to come on the air. The show soon starts like it always does, but without the Raw intro. John is the one to come out and open the show like he tends to do.

"Man I missed you guys, did you miss me? I was kind of expecting a mixed response but thank you very much, because I missed you too. Ah there they are. I missed all of you, the cheers, the boos, everything. One week off felt like a year. But it's very good to be back in this ring tonight. It was only when I could spend a week outside of the ring to realize what's actually going on in the WWE. Apparently the tag team champions have some sort of anger management issues. One of them is a demon, one of them is a goat, we call em' Team Hell No, we should call them team..." He makes a goat sound followed by 'no'.

"Oh John. He's too funny."

"This Antonio Cesaro guy, dumps his hot girlfriend, wins the US Championship, speaks seven languages but it was only until last week watching at home on HD, when I noticed he has unusually large nipples. Oh no no no, I'm...I'm not kidding. They're not areola, they're a set of are-ol-eyes. And they were staring right at me the whole time."

"He would be the one to point that out." Vi laughs.

"I also noticed the girls are out of control. Eve hates Layla, Scarlet and Violet. Scarlet, Violet and Layla hate Eve. AJ's lost her mind again."

"He's right about all that. We do hate Eve and AJ has really lost her mind again."

"But she hasn't lost her charm. AJ I'm kind of...throwing myself out there right now, but I'd...really like'd to take you on a date. If you like it, take it and run with it, if not, throw it right back at me. Maybe we can go to in and out for a hamburger. Or a cheeseburger. Or one of their famed double doubles. If you can't talk to me in person, then just tweet me back. All the kids are doing it now, don't worry about it. Speaking of kids, Vince McMahon is here tonight. Arnold Schwarzenegger's gonna tweet in, Larry King's here, Vince McMahon's giving a State of the Union address, we kick the show off with an one armed man, but none of that matters. Because of all the talking I can do here, I still don't have a voice. And as loud as this place is....they're just getting warmed up. As loud as this place is.....I feel sorry because you guys don't have a voice either."

"Aw...poor them."

"Once the voice of the voiceless is now the voice of the selfish. Every day that he holds that championship, he garners respect. But the choice for Hell In A Cell is not yours. It is not mine, it is his. And CM Punk, I just want to close this evening by asking you if you're the champ for 300 days, if you're the champ for 1,000 days, if you're the champ for 2,000 days, if you are the best in the world, what does it matter if the world does not want to watch?"

"True." Vi nods, agreeing with him.

"For your entire reign, people remember moments like Money in the Bank. People remember moments like Night of Champions and I truly believe that John Cena vs CM Punk at Hell In A Cell will be one of those moments. We have a very very vocal and loud audience tonight, which makes me feel good to be back at Raw. And I don't know if your champion can be swayed, but when CM Punk comes out here, I hope you tell him how you feel. I've already said with no arm, with one arm, with one leg, I will go to the cell to fight for the championship, because that is what I love to do and that is what I want to do."

"Hopefully he'll beat him."

"Punk will probably he always does."

"Most likely. Him and Heyman are no good together."


"CM Punk thinks some people are upset at him because he's a Paul Heyman guy. No, some people turn their nose up at Punk, because sometimes he is simply not a man. Just got a little serious didn't it? Punk, don't be a punk. Be a man, face me at Hell In a Cell, agree to define your legacy in the cell against John Cena! Thank you guys, I hope you enjoy the show tonight, thanks for letting me spend a little time with ya'. I certainly need it." He states before leaving the ring. As he goes up the ramp, out comes Ryback, who only passes by John going to the ring.

"Someone doesn't look happy."

"Don't wanna anger him....that's for sure."

"No...he's scary."

"Was a little less scary when I worked with him though."

"Yeah..back then he was like a puppy, but now...he's different."

"Oh I know right?"

"I don't know what happened, but I sure don't want to run into him now."

"No. Not at all."

"Let's hope we never have to."

They replay last Monday when Punk was yelling at JR for leaving the ring, and Ryback came out to confront Punk. Punk left of course. Ryback is in the ring, ready to go and out for his opponents were Primo and Epico, accompanied by Rosa.

"This is going to be boring." She fake yawns.

"And quick."

"That's for sure."

Despite the two-on-one advantage early on, the unreal strength of Ryback would dominate the former tag team champions as Ryback drops both Primo and Epico with Shell Shocked, pinning both of them to win.

"What a pointless match." She rolls her eyes. "We get it. He can beat two people at once. Whoop dee doo." She sarcastically says.

"He can beat anyone basically, we know that."

"Exactly. We don't need to see the same thing every week."

"No." And they change the screen to showing that Vince is going to make a State Of The WWE Address later tonight before the next break.

"Hmm...wonder what that's all about."

"Hmm could be anything really I think."

"Hopefully it's something interesting."

"We'll just have to wait and see."


After the break was over, out came Brodus, Cameron and Naomi for the next match of the night. Once the in-ring dancing was over, in slides R-Truth into the ring, and it looks like he's trying to catch his invisible child Little Jimmy. "I still think he's crazy." I remark.

"He's lost it." Ted chuckles.

Truth asks for a mic and he's handed one as he scolds 'Little Jimmy'. "I'm sorry Brodus. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Brodus, I'm sorry. We can fight anytime. Little Jimmy's going through some changes. No...puberty. You know what, we can fight anytime, but tonight....Little Jimmy wanna dance. you mind? Hit the music."

And then they get in on the act with the invisible child.

"Ohhhh." I facepalm, shaking my head.

"He would do something like that."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Stop the music. Brodus, Brodus! Stop the music." Vince says as he appears on the tron. "Brodus, I want you and the gang to dance on out of the ring, dance on up the ramp because it's time for Mr. McMahon's State of the WWE Address. Alright Brodus, go to work, hit that music." He states and the music goes off as everyone leaves the ring.

"Wow. Must really be important for him to do that."

"Well things are usually very important if he's around."

"That's true."

"Having fun?" I ask, when he starts to be touchy again.

"Always." He grins.

"And it's not even a dress this time."

"It doesn't matter. The top is enough for me this time."

"Especially since you had me take off the shrug I was wearing over it."


"Stuff like that never lasts long on me around you."

"No it doesn't." After the break, Vince came out and got into the ring, getting handed a mic. "The State of the WWE. We just saw two grown men out here with two lovely ladies by the name of The Funkadactyls. Got to be careful how you say that. And they're dancing with an imaginary child Little Jimmy. That's the state of the WWE. But there's room for that here, there's also room for...leprechauns, goat-faced vegans, big red monsters, masked luchadors, giants, there's room for all of it. I mean, let's face it, what you have here in WWE is...action, drama, pathos, humor, you name it. But the most important thing that we have here in WWE is action. You want to see the world's greatest athletes compete. You want to see champions taking on all-comers. You want to see the best against the best."

And before he could continue, who other than CM Punk would interrupt with Heyman.

"He just loves stealing the spotlight."

"He does."

"I don't know if you realize this, but um...first of all....first of all, that's an ugly t-shirt. Secondly, I'm giving the state of the WWE address and you come out here and disrespect me."

"Disrespect. Oh, step on your toes, I show you a little of disrespect? I'll tell you all about disrespect. Disrespect is me sitting in the back listening to you babble about what these people want to see. Disrespect is you talking about champions rising to the occasion and action and fighting and the best fighting the best, without mentioning my name. Let's face it. It was a shot against me right? You want to talk about me without mentioning my name. It was a shot at me because I won't step in the ring with John Cena at Hell In The Cell."

"Someone's full of themselves."

"Isn't he always?"

"Good point."

"Which is hilarious to me because it was the general manager that you put in charge of this very show, who left the decision up to me. It's my prerogative if I face John Cena at Hell In The Cell or not. And God knows I've given him shot after shot after shot, and the last shot in his hometown of Boston, he couldn't get the job done, and I walked out the WWE Champion. And yet listen to them. They boo, they boo. These people still disrespect me."

I shake my head in annoyance.

"Oh, and then there's the ironic ones who want to chant my name like if I need your help. And listen, if I wanted crap out of you, I'd scrape your tongue alright? So people in the back don't respect me, the people here don't respect me, begs the question Vince. Do you respect me?"

"Well I...I respect the fact that you've been champion for 323 days. That's astonishing, I respect that. But I don't respect the fact say you're a...Paul Heyman kind of guy. In all honesty Punk, I'm not a CM Punk guy."

"He's not the only one."

"You're not a CM Punk guy. I know that. I'm glad you found your famous grapefruits, and you can say that to my face in front of the world. But you should be a CM Punk guy. don't get it, you still don't. I'm the best in the world, I'm the WWE Champion. A year and a half ago, I said that I was just a spoke on the wheel. Fast forward to now, today, right now I'm not a spoke on the wheel, I am the wheel. Not only am I the greatest thing that ever happened to you in this company, I'm the best thing you got right now. You still want to sit here with that indignant look on your face and you dare disrespect me?"

"You're so not the best thing right now. You're just annoying."

"I second that."

Paul them pulls him back and speaks to him in his ear.

"No. No no no no no no no no. I'm crowding him now? Listen, I'm not gonna calm down. You should be kissing my feet. You should be on your knees right now. Like everybody around the world...should be showing me the respect that I deserve! You should be appreciating. We have Jim Ross appreciation night? Where's CM Punk appreciation night? These people don't care about Jim Ross, they don't care about Jerry Lawler. They want to appreciate me, just like you should be appreciating me. You know, maybe if I don't start getting the respect I deserve, I'll do what I did last year. I'll hop that rail and I'll quit, and you'll kiss my ass goodbye. Yeah yeah, that's right. I'll blow you a kiss, except this time I'm not gonna come back. And we'll see what that does to your state of the WWE."

"Please do. Then we won't have to listen to you every week."

"So uh...what you're saying is, you're the reason for our success? You're indispensable, that's what you're saying."

"Absolutely! I'm the reason these people are here! I'm the reason you have a jet! I'm the reason you still have money to fuel up that jet! I'm the best in the wooooorld! If not me, who then Vince huh? Who makes this place go around? Who makes it the billion dollar corporation that it is? You?"

"It's not me, it's not you. It's not any one individual. What makes this a success is a WWE Universe. And you have to listen to them like I do everyday. I listen to them at the arena, I listen to them on the street. I listen to them when they tweet, when they tout, and you know what they're all saying right about now? They're all saying that somebody needs to shut your mouth."


"I'd love to shut his mouth for him." I add.

"I would love to see you do that too."

"I'm so not afraid to."

"If you wouldn't get in trouble, I'd say go for it."

"And yet, you dare mention yourself as one of the greats, the best of the best, how dare you? You're nowhere near the caliber of an Andre the Giant, of a Shawn Michaels, of a Triple H, of a Bret Hart. You're nowhere near that, you're nowhere near a Stone Cold Steve Austin...."

"Whoa! How dare I? How dare you? You're right. I'm nothing like Stone Cold Steve Austin. CM Punk made it to the top through hard work, perseverance and never backing down from a challenge. And Steve Austin made it to the top through making shortcuts, from running away from fights, from being scared of people. No it's true. Take a look at Steve Austin's greatest accomplishment. What made him famous, what catapulted him to the top was beating up a clueless inept millionaire. And it's a good thing he did it back then because that clueless inept millionaire has become more clueless, more inept, and now he's a senior citizen."

"Damn...he's really asking for it."

"You mad? Huh? You mad? Does that upset you? Am I under your skin right now? Cause now you know how I feel. It's a slap in my face when I walk out here and these people treat me the way they do. It's a slap in my face when you come out here and treat me the way you've treated me. And you've been slapping me in the face for years." And with that, Punk literally slaps Vince in the face.

"He didn't." I do a double take.

"He did."

"And now that's a slap in your face." Punk simply states before dropping the mic and leaving.

"I'd like to slap Punk in the face myself."

"I don't blame you. I wish I could do the same."

"I oughta fire you. I oughta fire you, but right now firing's too good for you. I will fire you however if you don't fight me in this ring tonight! You may beat my ass, but by the end of the night, by the time this night is over, you're gonna learn something about respect!"

The screen fades to a commercial on Punk with a smile on his face, not worried at all.

"Yeah, he looks scared."

"Wanna bet the match doesn't happen and he weasels his way out of it?"

"That's what will most likely happen anyway."

"That had to be the longest thing ever of the night. He's a chatterbox. Blah blah blah blah blah."

"It was long, but I wasn't really paying attention."

"How well I know..." I give him a look.

"Can't help myself." He shrugs with an innocent smile.

"Of course not."

"You never can." I add, chuckling.

"You don't make it easy."


"Uh huh..."

"I do it because I love you."

"I love you too." I lean back against him, stealing a kiss. When I go to pull away, I suddenly can't because he holds me there for a few moments longer. He takes his time, making sure the kiss lasts as long as it can before pulling away. "You'll get an even longer one when you win tonight." He grins.

"Mmm...can't wait."

"And maybe a bit more when we get back to the hotel. Depending on how you're feeling after the match."

"Right. Hopefully nothing will happen and I'll be just fine."

"I hope so."

"Me too."

"Because you know I don't like to see you hurt in any way."

"I know. I feel the same way with you."

"That just shows how much we love each other."

"And that's a lot."

"Yes it is."

"Nothing's going to change that either."

"No, not at all."

Up next would be the Tag Team titles, Number One Contendership tournament and in the ring was Darren Young and Titus. Out for their opponents first was Rey and then Sin Cara.

"I don't see why any of them get a shot at the titles. They've done nothing to earn them."

"No, I agree with you there."

The match wasn't anything special, and in the end it was Rey hitting the 619 on Darren, following it up with the Bullet Splash to pick up the win for him and Sin Cara and they advance to the finals to face whoever wins the match when Cody and Damien face Zack and Santino.

"Of course they would win. No surprise there."

"I just wish the night would go by faster. I want my match done and over with so we can go back to the hotel."

"Trust me, you're not the only one."

"But it's not too many times that the Divas get the main event match."

"No and that is saying something. You don't know how proud of you I am for that."

"I have a pretty good idea."

"I'm sure you do."

"I'm just gonna show how we deserve the main event matches every once in a while."

"You really do deserve it. It's sad they don't give it to you very often."

"I know."

"It just makes me so mad how they treat all of you."

"Why do you think I got into this business? I wanna change that."

"You've been doing great so far. You and Vi both."

"I speak for both of us when I say, I don't care how long it takes, we're gonna change it."

"So far, it's better then it has been in a long time."

"Because of us."

"Exactly. I'm so glad you both came around. It would probably still be boring."

"What would you do without me?"

"I'd probably be lost." He chuckles.

"Poor you."

"I don't even want to think about life without you. It seems really depressing and lonely."


"You're here and that's all that matters. I'm never letting you go...ever." He holds me closer and tighter.

"You never have to."


Since we were distracted with talking to each other, we missed Punk's backstage segment, thank god. And now it's time for the next match of the night. They replay the slap that Punk gave Mr. McMahon, and then the challenge he threw out to Punk to face him or get fired. After that, Wade was the first one to come out for the match. Out next was Sheamus. Early in the match, Big Show, being the number one contender to the World Heavyweight title, would make his way to ringside. During the match, Tensai would rush out, then stomp away at Sheamus as Show watches with a smile. Sheamus would manage to fight back, hitting the Brogue Kick on Tensai and taking Wade out of the ring. Show however enters the ring and Sheamus attempts the Brogue Kick on him, but he catches the foot of Sheamus, sending him out of the ring on his head.

"Looks like he's going to need something else to beat him with."


"Too bad."

After the next break, AJ was backstage when Punk came into her office.

"Got a minute?"

"Can I help you?"

"Yes you can-"

"I mean don't you have a pretty big match you should be preparing for? Somewhere that's not here."

"Look, that's exactly what I want to talk to you about. You being the general manager of Raw, have you given any thought about me beating up an old man on your show? I thought about it. And I'm gonna break his arms, I'ma break his legs, I'ma break his hands, I'm gonna put him in a wheelchair okay? No one's gonna blame me. I'm just doing my job. But I'm imagining someone's gonna look to put fault on somebody. Like the Board of Directors? You know? They might be looking your way. But if what you want is for me to annihilate your boss on your show, I'm your guy."

"Highly doubt that's gonna happen." Vi scoffs.

"He's all talk. Nothing's going to happen."

"No, he'll chicken out of the match somehow."

"Like he always does."

"You know Punk, I know that you're too scared to fight John Cena, but is the so called best in the world scared to fight Mr. McMahon too?"

"No. No he's not. The best in the world, was just coming in here in an obvious misguided attempt to give you a chance to save your job. But now anything that happens, it's on your pretty little head."

"Wow...just wow."

"He's a real piece of work isn't he?"

"He really is. Something needs to be done with him."

"Well can't fire him. He'll just leave with that title."

"Which is wrong. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with that."

"No, he shouldn't. He thinks he has power over everyone."

"That's one thing he doesn't have. He just like the rest of us."

"Well he doesn't seem to think so."

"Psh. I'd love to set him straight."

"Wouldn't we all."

"If only we could."

Tyson was currently in the ring, ready for his match and who would be his opponent, but none other than Cesaro.

"Oh no. Poor Tyson."

"This can't be good."

"No it can't...wish we could help him or something."

"I wish we could too, just he didn't ask me to join him out there tonight."

"Maybe he didn't know who he was facing until the last minute."

"Makes sense."

"Well, hopefully this doesn't go to bad for him."

Tyson did put up a good fight, but Cesaro hit him with the Neutralizer to win unfortunately.

"Who can beat this guy? Honestly?"

"I don't think anyone can."

"I vow to beat him at least once." Justin adds. "I know I can do it, and he'll never see it coming."

"No he won't and I'll be right there with you when you do beat him too."

"And you can laugh in his face."

It wasn't too long until the show came back on the air and the most annoying voice ever rang out through the air. "Excuse me! I said excuse me! Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to introduce to you, my client Mr. Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler!"

"That skirt is cut a little to high in the front."

"I believe it is." Justin shudders.

"No one wants to see that."

"No...not at all." He hides his face in Vi's neck. "I'll tell you when the match is over so you don't have to see her." He mumbles against her neck, not wanting to look.

After he's out in the ring, Ricardo comes out and introduces Del Rio, being Dolph's partner for this match. After he's in the ring, Daniel comes out first, followed by Kane as they're Dolph and Del Rio's opponents. At the end of a chaotic match, it was Kane planting Dolph with as chokeslam to pick up the win for him and Daniel.

"'s can...look now." She stutters a bit since he was kissing her neck lightly.

"I think I'm having...more fun here..."

" later..."

"I know."

"I just know you..."

"...get out of control sometimes...."

"Mhm..." She nods. ", I still have the ones you left this morning." All he does is smirk against her skin, pleased with himself. "I felt that smirk..."

"No you didn't."

"Uh huh...suuure."

"What can I say, I'm pleased with myself."

"You always are when they're that big."

"But they were coverable."

"Barely." She laughs. "You're lucky I was able to cover them."

"I couldn't help myself this morning."

"I could tell. Not that I minded."

"Of course not."

"A great way to start off my birthday." She gives him a quick kiss only for him to hold her there for longer.

"You're welcome." He says when he pulls away.

" you." She rests her head against his. "Love you too."


"Forever." She repeats.

"Well good news, the show is half over."

“Good, 'cause I can't wait to see what you've got planned.”

"Oh you'll love it."

"I always love the thing you plan."

"Of course."

"I just wish I had an idea of what it is..."

"Not giving anything away."

"Awww." She pouts.

They once again replay the slap Punk gave Mr. McMahon, and the challenge he issued Punk. That's when JR is backstage with Mr. McMahon. And he was expressing his concern with him on the whole Punk situation. Mr. McMahon of course doesn't listen and tells JR that it doesn't matter what he thinks. After that out on the stage was Larry King and his wife.

"Thank you WWE Universe. I'm here with my lovely wife Shawn. And now I'm about to introduce my special guest for tonight-" He gets cut off by Mike coming out.

"I had a feeling he was going to do that." Vi chuckles.


"Larry, you don't need to introduce me. I am the most must see WWE superstar on Monday Night Raw. Wow, what an honor it is for you to be interviewing me. And if this goes well...if this goes well, I might just might come on your new show Larry King Now. But first things first, do you know what day it is? I'll tell you what day it is. Today is the greatest day of all days, it is my birthday. And Larry...and Larry, no no no no. I think it's time for you, and your lovely wife to lead this entire audience in singing Happy Birthday to me."

"He would." Vi laughs.

"No no no no, hey hey hey hey. I have it on good authority from my sources that nobody here, noody here cares if it's your birthday. And another thing, you know what I love about the WWE? Right? I love the WWE."

"It's as big as it gets."

"Ohh good ad-lib. I can do things here that I cannot do on my own show. So you know what I'm gonna do? I'm replacing a boring guest with a better guest. Let's hear it for my new guest, Kofi Kingston."

"Psh. Mike's way better than him."

"Kind of like a slap in the face to replace him the last minute."

"It is and on his birthday. How rude."

"Alright, tell me what you did today. What happened?"

"Man, today has been a great day. It's been fantastic. I've been doing all kinds of radio interviews, TV interviews, putting the good word out on the street. You know what the good word is Larry? Do you all know what the good word is? The good word is that WWE Raw is live right here in Sacramento baby!"

"Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? A Sacramento cheap pop? Nobody cares what you're doing in the morning. You know, I can't tell who's more irrelevant. A has-been talk show host or a never-was superstar. You know, thank god I'm on this stage. Because if I wasn't, then it'd be filled with amateurs. Yes I said amateurs, you wish you were a champion. And you wish that you were as good of a talk show host as I am when you were my age. You see this championship Larry? Do you see the championship? I've had more championships than you've had wives, and he has had main events."

"Oooohhh buuuuurn."

"Now it is time...sit your butt down. It is time for you to get your little show off of my stage. Before you suffer yet another divorce. Specifically a divorce, me divorcing your big head with your little body."

And just then Larry's wife stands up from her chair, and she splashes the water from her mug in his face.

"Hell no! That's just uncalled for!" Vi gets pissed. "I so wish I could go out her a thing or two."

"If only you could without getting in trouble."

"If Eve can go around doing it, I should be able to do the same."

"Right, but keep in mind that she goes around attacking all of you who are fellow employees. Shawn isn't. She's not like the rest of you. You could get in trouble."

"I suppose you're right..." She crosses her arms over her chest. "...still not right though." She mumbles.

"I know, I know."

She mumbles a few things in Celtic, still not happy about what happened. Mike starts to remove his suit jacket and that's when Kofi attacks him, throwing him off the stage and onto the concrete. Kofi removes his jacket and shirt and jumps and lands on him off the stage, continuing the fight to the back. "I don't think so. This is going to stop." She goes to get up.

"Vi...wait. The fight is obviously going to stop once they get to the back. Plus, you can't really help him because you're not a heel...remember?"

"'s not right."

"I know it's not."

"Just keep Kofi away from me for awhile...I'm not happy with him at all."

"Don't worry. You'll never see him."

"Good." She grumbles.

That led to another break and after that it was time for the 2nd match to determine who goes into the finals to earn the title shot against Kane and Daniel for the Tag Team Championships. "I really don't care about this. You're not in it, so I don't care right now."

"I think we both know who will win anyway. Definitely not Zack and Santino."

"That's a given." In the end, it was Cody hitting the Disaster Kick on Santino, pinning him to pick up the win for him and Damien. After the match however, Heath, Jinder and Drew would attack Santino, beating him down. "What's that all about? He did nothing to them!"

"Who the hell knows."

"He's probably just mad he couldn't find me so he's taking it out on him."

"Most likely."

"Oh well. He's not going to ruin today for me."

"No he's not."

"I don't want to see him right now." She turns, nuzzling his neck.

"I'll tell you when he's gone."

"Thank you." She mumbles against his neck.

Then Vince is backstage getting ready when Heyman comes into the office, apologizing for Punk's actions.

"Psh, kiss ass."

"Big time."

He then says that Punk is the voice of the voiceless, and to not let Punk do to him what Brock did to Triple H. "Like that'll happen."

"Psh. He wishes."

"Mhm." The screen faded to the backstage area where I was starting to make my way to the curtain for the match finally. "Oh look time for that already. I should get there."

"Awww." Justin whines. "Do you have too?"

"Afraid so love."

"I'll be right back though after the match." She adds.

" careful." He kisses her quick.

"I will." She gets up from his lap then heads for the door.

"Love you."

"Love you too."When she gets to the curtain, I was already waiting and so was Layla. She was going to go out during the break after she did, so we were just waiting for her. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay."

"Someone didn't want me to leave." She laughs.

"Awww poor him."

"I'm sure he'll survive."

"He will. So I'll see you out there."

"Yup." Vi says once her theme hits. And just as she goes out, Eve walks up and stands with Layla and I. And she tries to be her fake, cheery self with us. "Save it for someone who cares." I roll my eyes. Then it was getting close to the show coming back on the air and Layla goes out next to be on commentary with Vi. Once she gets greeted and sits, they hit my theme, me walking out.

As I'm heading to the ring, Cole asks both Vi and Layla what they think of the match and making some comments about how Eve's been acting as of late. "Honestly, Eve's been acting like a child lately. She's no woman. In fact, she's the farthest thing from that in my opinion."

"If she didn't act like such a child, maybe people would treat her differently."

"Exactly." Vi nods. "And the fact she thinks shes better than everyone. her own world she is."

"Then again she is in her own world most of the time."

"Very true." Vi laughs.

It isn't too much longer after that when Eve comes out, doing her usual fake routine with the fake smile and everything.

"She really needs to stop that wave. She's not a queen." Once the ref takes the title from me, shows it to both of us and then the crowd, he hands it off before motioning for the bell. It rings and I waste no time in going after Eve and she leans outside the ropes, so I have to back off. I do so and wait for her to get out of the ropes, and when she does, I shove her away by the face.

"She's going to get everything she deserves out there tonight. Especially after what she did to me last week."

"Speaking of that, I'd like to elaborate on that. Why do you think she did it?"

"She's just jealous that I have this title and she doesn't. All she is, is a sore loser who can't take a loss."

"And if she tries to pull a stunt like that tonight. It'll be the last thing she does."

"I don't think you'll do anything to her." Cole comments.

"Oh no?" Vi gives him a look. "Just watch and see."

I've gotten Eve away from the ropes and grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the ring a few times, doing that for Vi specially because of what Eve did to her last week.

"See? She messes with one of us, she gets us all."

I then proceed to help her get up, and then I pick her up and slam her down onto my knee and then proceed to stretch her across it. She tries to get out of it with first trying to get her foot up and kick me in the head. I retaliate with elbowing her stomach a few times and letting her fall off of my knee. I roll her back over and go for the cover, she kicks out at two.

"That was close. Scar's got this match. She's better than Eve in so many ways. For example, she doesn't run from her opponents."

She crawls over to the ropes and uses those to pull herself back up. I go over and grab her by the hair and pull her away, slamming her back onto the apron. I slide of of the ring and grab her feet, going to pull her out of the ring. But when I get her by the ropes, she hangs on and starts to squirm around, until she kicks me in the face and I stumble back, hitting the announce table, holding my face. "Scar, you alright?" Vi asks, then glares at Eve.

"I'm good." I nod as I shake my head a bit and start to walk towards Eve as she exits the ring. She beats me to it and comes straight for me, slamming me back first into the announce table. She smiles as she stands over me. She picks me up by the hair and then proceeds to slam me face first onto the announce table, before throwing me back into the ring. "Yeah, you better run. Don't make me get up again!" Vi yells to Eve since she took her headset off for a moment. When she gets back into the ring, she covers me for the pin, but I kick out, making sure to roll away from her.

"Smart girl. Roll away."

"She's not that smart." Cole mutters.

"You're really testing me tonight, aren't you Cole?" Vi says a bit annoyed. "You want me to come over there and show you how to talk to us?"

"I'd like to see you try. You can't touch me."

"You're really pushing it."

I roll outside the ropes and she turns, looking for me. When she sees me there, she storms over and grabs me by the hair, and I manage to counter and jump down from where I was, making her bounce off of the top rope. Of course that twitched my back a bit so pain shot through it, but I continued on and managed to roll back into the ring and covered her for another pin attempt, only for her to kick out.

"Ouch." I wince. "At least she's working through the pain."

"And that's what makes her the champion that she is." Layla adds.


I sigh in frustration, and lay back on the apron to see if I can help my back feel better. I don't stay there too long and then Eve and I both start to get to our feet. When we do, we exchange punches, until I knee her in the gut, making her fall to her knees. I come off the ropes and then kick her in the face. I don't go for the cover again, but instead help her up and get her into the corner before setting her on the top and climbing to the top myself.

"This is the reason she's the champion she is."

I drape her arm over my shoulder, grab a hold of her shorts and then deliver a superplex from the top rope. I quickly cover her the best I can, but at the last second she kicks out and I start getting really frustrated now, arguing with the ref about the count.

"That was so a three count! That ref needs to learn how to count!"

"Well clearly he's just doing his job, her shoulder was up before three."

"Yeah...says you."

"You obviously weren't watching the same thing I was watching. She clearly got the shoulder up."

"Whatever. Just go back to being annyoing."

I stop arguing with the ref and back up into the ropes, waiting for her to get up. There was only one way I was going to win, and I'm going for it now. When she does get up, I walk towards her and then go to kick her in the side of the head, but she ducks and rolls me up for the cover. I'm clearly not going to win the way I want, so I reverse the roll up into one of my own, in the end getting the three count. "Ha! In your face!" Vi glares at Cole. She takes her headset off then heads to the ring to congratulate me. But before she could, she saw Eve get up in an angry rage for losing and she attacks me from behind as my hand was raised in victory. Not only did she attack me from behind, but it was on my back where she had made sore earlier in the match and then she proceeded to put me in a submission where it put all the pressure and stress on my back, not showing signs of letting go.

"Oh hell no!" She grumbles, kicking off her shoes then sliding into the ring, going right after Eve. Layla follows right after, and just as they both get into the ring, she notices and lets me go, backing away from me as both of them glare at her. Vi goes over to her, pushing her backwards while Layla checks on mer. Eve pushes her back, only for her to push her hard making her fall through the ropes. Since she was hanging on, she used her feet to knock her to the ground. She smirks at her before going to check on me as well.

" alright?"

"I don't hurts."

"Need a trainer or can you walk?"

"I think I'll need help walking. Just until we get to the back. I know Ted will be there when we walk through the curtain. He'll most likely carry me to the trainers."

"Alright." She nods as Layla and her carefully help me up. Of course I can't help but to wince here and there when I move certain ways. After getting helped out of the ring, we all head to the back. As soon as we get behind the curtain, Ted's right there waiting. "I'll take her girls. Thank you."

"Make sure you let me know how she is." Vi says when he takes me from both of them, lifting me into his arms.

"I will, don't worry."

"Hope you're okay Scar. The nerve of her."

"Thanks. I should be fine." I wince a bit. Then he starts to carry me to the trainers, while Vi and Layla head off the other way. We both make it to the trainers and he sets me down carefully on the table they have there. "How bad does it hurt?" Ted asks concerned.

"Well only if I move a certain way."

"I swear...she's gone to far this time." He grits his teeth.

"Ted....relax...please? I know she's gone too far. She clearly doesn't care."

"No. Something needs to be done about her. First Vi, now you. This has got to end."

"Gonna have to take it easy this week, that's for sure."

"I'll do anything to help you feel better. You're d0oing nothing this week. I'm doing everything for


"I kind of figured."

"You won't have to lift a finger. I'll do it all."

"Of course." One of the trainers comes over to me and starts to check me out, asking me where it hurts and how much it hurts. I tell them everything and they proceed to check out where the pain was. I move the way it hurts, to show them as well. They look me over, determining it's a pulled muscle. I've given ice for now while they get me something for the pain. And of course I'm told to take it easy for the next week at least just to be safe. "Thank god it's nothing to serious." Ted sighs in relief.

"Came close though like Vi did."

"Yeah...thankfully you both were able to stop her before she really injured you both."

"I think I'm ready to get out of here." I say, after thanking the trainer for the pain meds.

"Say no more." He carefully picks me up then heads for the locker room so I can change. "Need help changing?" He asks when we walk into the locker room.

"That might be a good idea." He walks into the changing area of the room, and sets me down next to my things. He has me sit so he can unlace the boots and take them off. He carefully takes them off so he doesn't cause any more pain. Once he gets those off, he starts to help with my attire. Once that was off, he helped put my other clothes on. These ones were more comfortable, because I always pack a comfortable pair clothes just in case. "Now it's time to get you back to bed." He says, picking me up then my bag.

"Think we should let Vi know about me first?"

"Right." He nods. "We'll stop there on the way out."


He walks out into the room to make sure I have everything. Once that's done, he leaves the room, heading for Vi and Justin's room. "I'll knock." I say when we reach the door. He nods, moving closer so I'm able to reach it. After I knock, we hear her say to come in. "Scar!" She gets up from Justin's lap. "How are you?" She meets me and Ted in the room.

"Pulled muscle."

"Ouch." She winces. "Good thing it's nothing serious." She sighs in relief. "Wait...are you out? If you are...ohhhh....she's going to get it."

"No. Just have to take it easy for the next week."

"Oh thank goodness. I was going to go find her right now if you were hurt that serious."

"I'm sure Justin would've stopped you though."

"He already did. That's why I was were I was."

"I figured."

"She just went to far tonight...she's lucky she fell out of the ring and not in it."

"I know right?"

"I was so ready to teach her a lesson..."

"I know you were."

"All I know is, she better hope I don't see her for quite sometime."

"Same here."

"I do think you should go back and get rest now. I'm glad you alright and if you need anything, anything at all you call me. Both of you."

"You know I will."

"Good." She nods. "Take her back and you take real good care of her." She says to Ted. "I promise. I already told her that I was doing everything for her. She doesn't have to do a thing."

"That makes me feel a whole lot better."


We say our goodbyes then Ted leaves the room and heads to the car. "Thank god I pack comfortable clothes with me."

"Yes. Just shows how smart you are."

"I'm very smart."

"The smartest person I know."

"Of course I am."

"Another reason I love you so much."

"I love you too." Soon he reaches the car. He sets my bag on the roof so he's able to get me in the car. After opening the door, he carefully places me in the car. I thank him and I get my seatbelt, and he shuts the door. He opens the back door and puts my bag on the seat, before going around to the drivers side and getting in. When he's in and set, he starts to head back to the hotel. Since traffic was light, you got there quickly. Once there, he parks the car then gets out, helping me out then heading inside. We don't have to wait long for the elevator. When the doors open, he steps in and I hit the button for our floor. The elevator doors close and we make our way up, and when we reach the floor, we head to our room. When we get to our room, I open the door and he walks in, setting me on the bed when he gets there. "I'll get you clothes to change into then I'll help you change."

I nod, kicking off my shoes as I wait for him. He goes right over to my things, looking for something comfortable. Once he finds it, he makes his way back to the bed. He lets me stay sitting on the bed for now, and he helps with getting my shirt off, trying not to cause any un-needed pain. Once he gets that off, he helps put on the top that he picked out. After that was on, he carefully moved me so he could take off the bottoms I had on to put on the shorts he picked out. He gets those on, me wincing a bit. "Sorry..." He winces himself.

"It's okay."

He finishes getting me ready for bed then he pulls the covers down, helping me up to the pillows. He then goes over to my bag where I had put the pain meds, grabs those and a bottle of water that was in my bag and puts those on the nightstand for me. Just in case I needed them during the night at all when the first pill wore off. He gets ready for bed himself then climbs on the bed next to me. I get the light which was on my side, turning that off. He carefully pulls me closer, keeping his arm draped over my stomach. "Time for you to rest." He carefully kisses my head. I nod, leaning into him the best I could. He does what he can to make me more comfortable. The only thing he's able to do is run his fingers through my hair. It isn't long until I start to doze off, my breathing changing, letting him know I'm sleeping. He smiles at how peaceful I look and stays up watching me for a bit longer making sure I'm alright before he goes to sleep himself.

In the meantime, Vi and Justin were just packing up to leave the arena. "So getting ready here or the hotel to head to the club for a few drinks before my surprise?" Justin asks.

"I'm pretty much ready now. If you need to we can head to the hotel if you need to change."

"No, I think I'm pretty much ready myself. You think this okay?"

"It's perfect."

"Alright, good."

"Shall we?" She asks after getting her jacket on. She giggles when he groans. "We shall." He takes her hand, lacing his fingers with hers as he heads out of the locker room. They make it out to the car and put their things in the back set, before he holds her door open for her to get in first. She thanks him after she gets in and once she's in, he closes her door then heads to the other side. When he's in and ready, he heads for the club. When they get there, they park and then head inside. Once they get inside, they see mostly everyone from work there. Since the place is packed it takes them a while to find Mike and once they find him, they walk over to him. "Hey birthday boy!" She grins, talking over the music.

"Heyy!" He greets back over the music himself.

"I see you started without me." She fake pouts.

"Well I did leave early after the little incident with the water during my segment. I had to go back to the hotel and change into a new suit."

"I know. I'm just playing with you." She laughs, playfully nudging him. "I had to stay until the end anyway."

"Right. Scar's match right?"

"Mhm." She nods. "Good thing I stayed too."

"Why? What happened? She didn't lose the title did she?"

"Oh no. Nothing like that. Eve pulled her stunt again and attacked her after the match. She pulled a muscle in her back and is in a lot of pain, but doing good."

"Well at least she's alright. Was gonna ask why she's not here with you, but now I know why. That's okay."

"She wanted to come, trust me, but with what happened, she can't."

"Right, understandable. I know how it feels."

"Don't we all." She agrees. "Now, how about that drink."

"Be my guest." He nods.

She heads over to the bar to order her drink. The bartender comes right over and takes her order, trying to flirt. She pays no mind and once her drinks are done, she walks away. "Here you go." She hands Mike a drink along with Justin.

"Thanks. So tell me. How did you deal with Eve after the match? You beat her up didn't you?" Mike asks with an amused look.

"Well..." She looks innocent. " much as I could until she 'fell' out of the ring." She puts air quotes around 'fell'.

"Suuure...she fell." He chuckles. "I'll have to re-watch it later to see. But I can already tell...good job."

"Why thank you." She grins.

"But you know despite everything tonight, we both have the rest of the night to celebrate the birthdays."

"That we do and it's going to be...awesome."

"Stealing my line huh? I'll let it slide...cause it's your birthday too."

"Aw. Aren't I just special." She grins.

"Well it's your are special."

"Just like you are."

"Oh I know I am."

"Only you." She laughs, sipping at her drink a bit more.

"Yes, only me."

She shakes her head, laughing in amusement.

"You know how I do." He chuckles.

"All too well." She laughs.

"I always throw the best parties too."

"You do." She nods. "They're the best ones to go to."

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"You two should go have some fun, I'm sure I'll be all around the whole time."

"Alright. We'll see you around." She gives him a quick hug.

"Of course." He nods, hugging back. After breaking the hug, Justin and Vi find a spot to dance, only staying for a bit. After getting about a dance or two in, they decide to head out, but not before telling Mike that they would talk to him later. He tries to convince them to stay longer, but eventually they leave. Once out of the club, they head to the car, getting in. "Any hints on where we're going?"

"Nope. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you any hints now would it?"


"You know it's killing me to know."

"I know. But it'll be worth it."

"It always is."

"Because I know what you'll love."

"Of course you do." She kisses his cheek.

"And I know you'll love this."

"I know I will. You're surprises are the best."

"Oh, I know."

"Now, close your eyes." He adds since they're getting close. She giggles, covering her eyes.

"Don't open them until I say."

"I won't."

"Okay." He nods, continuing to driver further. "Alright, and we're here. You can open." She opens her eyes to see one of her favorite restaurants in San Jose. The setting was perfect, the moon reflecting off the lake that was behind it. "Justy..." She gasp in awe. "...y-you remembered."

"Of course I remembered."

"It's perfect." She tears up.

"I already knew it would be."

"I can't tell you enough, but you're the best."

"So you've told me many times before."

"I can't help it. You're just that good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"Like you tell me every time."

"'Cause it's the truth." She can't help but to smile and blushes a little when he parks the car. Once he parks, he gets out then comes to her side to help her. After she's out, they head inside where he gives his name. The host nods and they follow to a part that she's never been to before. "This is different." She says so Justin can hear.

"Special just for you."

"Of course." She chuckles as they're led into one of the private rooms. There's a table set up with candles and her favorite flowers all over the room. Light music was playing in the background, leaving her speechless. "You love it." He grins.

"Uh huh." She nods, taking everything in.


"Huh? Oh, yeah." She snaps back from her daze. "I already have everything planned out. All your favorites." He says once they sit. "Of course you do."

"How did you manage to set all this up without me knowing?"

"I've had this planned for months. All the other last minute stuff was done while you were out on commentary."

"Oh you would."

"I wanted tonight to be nothing but perfect for you."

"You're so good to me."

"I'll continue to be good to you. You deserve everything and more."


"For you...anything." He grins. "There's no stopping on how much I'm going to spoil you."

"Of course not."

"The night's only going to get better." He grins as one of the waiters comes over to pour them something to drink.

"I can't wait." Once the waiter leaves, they walk amongst themselves while sipping on wine Justin ordered, being her favorite. Soon the food came and was set on the table.

"Also my favorite."

"Mhm. Everything's going to be your favorite."

"I can tell."

"There's more too, but that's after we eat."

"Oh boy."

"You're getting the very best tonight."

"I kind of figured." He grins while they continue to eat. Occasionally they share what each of them have, everything being so good. They take their time just enjoying the time they have. "So, how is it?" He asks.

"Amazing...just like last time."


"So...what's next?"

"Well dessert of course."

"Let me guess...chocolate." She laughs.

"Of course. It is your favorite afterall."

"You know me far to well."

"Yes I do."

"Because I love you that much." He adds.

"I love you too." She smiles.The waiter comes back with dessert, it being a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream on top and nuts on over it.

"Oh my...that looks amazing." She licks her lips.

"Bet it tastes even better."

"Well, I'm about to find out." She picks up her spoon, scooping some up to find hot fudge in the middle. She takes a bit, her eyes falling shut, a slight moan slipping her lips.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Mhm." She nods.

"Gets better every time I assume."

"It does." She nods. "It's like heaven on a spoon." She scoops more onto her spoon. "Here." She leans over the table for him to try. He leans over the rest of the way and takes what's on the spoon, tasting for himself. "That is good. Now I know why you love it so much." He chuckles.

"This has to be the best dessert I've ever had."

"The best huh?"

"So far. I have yet to taste anything this amazing."

"That's because that's the only dessert you get if they have it in restaurants." He chuckles.

"It's just that amazing. If they have it then I have to get it."

"Of course." She takes her time eating since it tastes so good. She gives him some more as she eats. Before she knows it, it's all gone, she having finished it because it was so good. " more." She pouts.


"I would get another, but I'm all full now."

"Finally full." He chuckles.

"For now." She laughs.

"Yes for now."

"Anything else or are we heading back?"

"Oh, the night isn't over yet. You know I'm always full of surprises."

"Oh boy. What now?" She chuckles.

"You'll see."

"How much longer you going to make me wait...I'm dying to know."

"One more glass of wine first."

"Alright." He pours some in her glass, before he fills his. He moves a bit closer to her, holding her hand in his. She leans into him while slowly sipping at their wine.

"Alright, put your jacket on that you brought." He says when you finish.

"Okay..." She gives him an unsure look. She stands and pulls on her jacket and he does the same. He then goes behind her, covering her eyes. "I'll lead you." She nods, resting her hands on his wrists as he leads to where he wants to go. At one point he stops her. "Shoes should come off right about now, or they'll get ruined where I'm leading you."

"Where are you taking me?" She laughs while she slips off her shoes.

"You'll see."

"Whenever you let me." She chuckles.

"Don't worry. I will." He says as he helps her walk forward. As they start walking, she feels sand under her feet. She has a good idea where he's taking her, but not really sure."" She opens her eyes to see that he took her down to the lake. The way the moonlight was hitting the water was just breath taking. She stood there for a moment before being able to say anything. "'s...gorgeous..."

"Just like you."

"Justy..." She blushes.

"What? It's true."

"And I love for it you too." She kisses him quick.

"Love you too."

"Now, I have something else for you."

"There's even more?"


"Do I have to close my eyes again?" She chuckles.

"No, not this time."

"Alright, good."

" first..." He trails off, taking a couple of mini boxes out of his pocket. He takes the bigger of the two and opens it in front of her, revealing a necklace and earrings. "Oh my..." She gasps. "...they're...they're gorgeous."

"There's one more thing that goes with them." He says, handing her the bigger box to hold while he opens the smaller one revealing a matching ring. "J-Justy..." She tears up seeing the ring. "...this...I love it!" She gives him a passionate kiss, making it last as long as she could."I'm glad you love it."

"You want to put on the new ring or should I?

"I believe I should do the honors. What finger?"

"The same as the other." She holds up her left hand. He nods, taking the ring out of the box and putting it there. After he gets it on, she admires how it looks, the moonlight reflecting off it, making is sparkle.


"Just like you." She just smiles up at him as she leans back into him since he moved behind her while she was admiring the new ring. She gives him a quick kiss then looks out over the lake. "Perfect everything."

"I agree. Today has been perfect."

"Your birthday will always be perfect too."

"Knowing you, it will be." She lays her head against his shoulder.

"Yours is going to be perfect too."

"Of course it is." He rests his chin on her shoulder, leaving light, little kisses along her neck. "Eager." She giggles. "Maybe we should go back now?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"I would."

"I suppose we can head back now."

"After you."

"Like always." She laughs, moving from his arms, starting to head back. "Can't help myself."

"Uh huh. You just like the view." She grins, swaying her hips more, teasing him. "So very...very much." She makes sure to keep walking the way she is since her dress was a bit tight and she knows it was killing him. "That is so not staying on when we get back." He mumbles.

"What was that?"

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Suuuure." They get to the car and she gets in first before he does and he inwardly groans because he doesn't have the view anymore. So he goes over to the drivers side and gets in, starts the car and heads back to the hotel. They whole ride back, he was being as touchy as he could, getting even more touchy at red lights. She squirms a bit in her seat, biting her lip. Finally they get back to the hotel where he parks the car then they head inside and to their room. "Try to behave in the elevator. Yeah?"

"I'll do my best."

"As long as you try." The doors to the elevator open and they head in. He pulls her close to him, behaving the best he could. Once the doors open on their floor, she moves away from him then walk toward their room. "Oh, no fair...walking away from me like that."

"You're the one that's in a rush, not me."

"But you're not close to me."

"Then use your feet and come to me, silly." She says as she stops walking so he can catch up.

He leaves the elevator and heads towards her, finally. She waits for him to reach her and once her does, his arm goes around her so she can't get away. They head the rest of the way to their room, walking in and taking off their shoes. "You know what's coming off next?" He grins.

"Well...first my jewelry then...I think some of yours need to come off."


"You'll get to take the dress off...don't worry." She laughs, taking off her jewelry then setting it with her things. Once that's away, she walks over to him, tugging at his shirt. "This first." She starts by lifting it up slightly, letting her fingers lightly run over his skin above the waist of his jeans.


"For's fun for me." She smirks, slowly moving his shirt up, letting her fingers linger.

"Of course it is."

"You'll get your chance." She pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side while her fingers slowly move down his chest to his pants. To get to him even more, she lightly nips at the spots on his neck that she knew gets to him.

"I don't know how much more I can take."

"I'll take it easy on you..." She grins, starting to undo his pants. Once she gets them undone, she lets them fall to the floor, him stepping out of them. Just to mess with him more, she presses her fingers into one of his indents before trying to dash away. "Ohhhh...evil."

"Love you too."

"You know I love you."

"Even when I do that." She smirks.

"Yes, even when you do that."

"'s your move..."

"Finally." He grins. He walks over to where she moved to, his hand running up her sides, to her arms, the to the back of her dress. She shivers a bit since he kept his touches very light.

"This needs to come off now." He smirks.

"Go for it." He takes his time doing do, and starts to pull down the shoulder strap, over her shoulder in order to remove the rest of the dress. While he pulls it down, he uses that to his advantage and get as touchy as he can. Once he gets it down, she steps out of it, kicking it to the side. He slowly makes his way back up, kissing every inch of skin he can on his way causing her to bite her lip. He smirks against her skin, knowing what he's doing gets to her. He then starts to move her over to the bed. Once there, he lays her down not moving from what he was doing. After she lays down, his hands start to wander while he still kisses every inch of skin he can, intent of causing her as much torture as she caused him. Her hands go to his hair, lightly running through it. At times after pressing a kiss to her skin, he nips at the same spot lightly. That gets a few noises to come from her, but they're not as loud as he would like. She bites my lip hard, trying to keep any noises from coming. In some places he leaves small marks, marks that won't take too long to fade away. "...can't take...much more..."



"Just a few more marks." She nods her head, trying to steady her breathing while he continues. He starts to make his way up in the direction of her lips, since he was almost done. She starts to squirm under him, not being able to wait much longer. "...stay...still..."

"...can't..." She whines.

"Just a little longer." She whines more, moving her legs and hooking them around his waist. "Easier for me." He mumbles against her skin as he keeps getting closer to your lips. She hums lightly, pulling him closer to her. And finally he reaches her lips and she holds him even closer as she kisses back. He kisses back just as hard and roughly as she is, his hands wandering. His one hand rests on her hip for now while his other lightly runs up her side causing goosebumps and making her shiver. She holds him even closer, putting more passion and intensity into the kiss. With the hand on her hip, he starts to play with the bottoms of her underthings, getting even more eager. "...blanket..." She says between kisses. He smirks, reaching for the blanket then pulling it over them. Once that's done, the rest of what they have on comes off and he makes her birthday a really special one.